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INTW-YORK. TIIURSDAY, AfJGUST 27, 188a PB1CE TIIIIEE* CEJVTS >XLV_JS°J4Jf .republicansjn council. party leaders at saratoga. ' I.TT.lOO«-.TO»--T«.O.a. SAitATOOA, Aog. £j*r!2*I^813 ._o arrlve4 boro *a*M ^>^^ _,d not Ko be*non»v.alttoBenatorEvarW,auld«ato C on -X -^.rrinVltaaon'tLuaked tewnaya' reat on Mr. ENartaa u aaaaBeOM '°r -.netherornotMr. Evurta ^.^aa be buew Mr. Oovoruor Mr. Drpew mplled tbat io far aa ue Evart. would uot be a <<»»|dld*,6; _.-.» tbe Tborebaaboou a aood d.a of """""""' |WUsBn aCS^lS. --amf of tbo «-..-.«.« ____M iomin.tlo.iou ¦nuraUtoCo.mnerce.oxpro.aedbla £M o wltb tho OOMO mnunlttoe'. work. He rathor SSS lt w,.u.d Mta no aotion on tbo plan of ln- SZmmt roprra-nttun. Tbo roeoinu.ondft.lou of the S^rraMMl.tae.i.r wblcb bo wu.cb.drmiin.wa, for ono drT. -ul-foroa,.b5<K)vot4ir.Budo..0for BjaB BoetMO jLtTuWeeT fWplaaoa»otelBfBaa BueaCaeuoM. Z7~Z tbo BaaM 1.000 votoa and aaa. Bff. wlOiiauddUioaaidaMOBBa for aaeb Aaao.nbly dta- STa. T-^aBaaaoaaigiBBJBi aeoaiMal by tb. Mg trk't. lniawaaa. y MUlor tblllka M n'alU.otibitouuOlubof Now Yu.k. air fhfttti.oro.uit wiii Baooaaoalal aal be baaaa for tho laopiou byina Sute t»uvo,..oi, of tbe pte- roi-o.n- £_S byu-eaiirco. .>«*aMMB Baa.amtaal -roil... tbo 000 BYQliiiil IBaaaa. u . gaaal MaBatlB aaaa- JTted a. ,r.w.l.o.rbo,1ove.wm be tho oaar, OaMata }. . Kap..bu.-.B vtctory lu thia Otata. Lavl y al-aaa aaoaaaaaol BOa. II a- w.u paaaaM wltb tho wo-k uf tbo naat alegaOi »nd BaaefBl of rgHBiiBiair Cftirmun gaaaaa D. Warraq waa TatHOially ploftao.! tba. tbe artlon of the r gw^LStaTaMII MaaafeB MalMaal Baoav He m not boiievo mtbo atoaef MiiaaaaO lepeowtoltoa, imt lt ..miii. ln Ma op.uion. do no burui Mr. Wurroi. in tbr for u ih .rt trlp to Lake 10010 co.uia if will. OlMOIIiaaaa Ht.rlr._b. Jaiuea 8. h.....rt aiulMr. of Mr. W$» Zm\ aaaBaaanao for Govoruor. tiooarol E. A Ber- r,i, alao eggtoaaal gflool aaMifcrtlao wrtt Bm aetiu.1 Of UM OUtO Couuntuor, ttaugb be th.o-ht. an aarller dato abonld ha -.« bron ,ho_rn for the oonvontion. Waoe- woriboxprno-adaaB-alj aatl.fictmu wltt. tho outlook. an.' a_ro.d witb Mr. a/arrei. that tb. cafdMotee wUI bo aboven by .ho eoi.Yeai.oi. ono uul l-y ou) eion ur aet of bm. ot advaaaa. *toBa laaaiOaa aa neetwkM to aae- ct.. Mr Wudaw.rtb la ir.iuu-"'U mn tionrd bero M OaaOraOar, and bc la aaM to bo enti-Hy wBBOg to aorept tb-I pBtra oa .bc tlrkct. Now tliattbroouventton liaa Ucob oulied thore 1s au en iv. o.i uu.aaM ka tbo aubj.-. t of raMtMatae, A pgBBfr .f.t l.i.ilrr lu tbo puny, lu ai.awrr to ln- onlrlea ou tbia aiibr-ct tMtgbt, BaM: ¦ I .,n ln favor of Mr. Kvarta, Imt I o-i'.r.t, d tbat Be laao not waot to ue ft candidato aud 1 do..-' <\ luk ho .h.iiiiBo.Oiallaaraap%a» mmmi '. looBaa, Jud_o Amlrowai. agoo-l aaaa. MM be baa J.nt H*on elratrd un.ier paoaBao BBi aaiMaai '-a to aMartooa r«-"-»>"« aa tiucui.nof ApiMaia i*n.-h. ldonottbi..k.b»;d br a-Wrd to rraliin to accpl * notuination for lluvon.or. or thal tbo r*rty »,l Inetir tho rl.k of loalni? Vhat pbu-e on tho bet.i h. Judno Nuah Tiavla h-ia only a alu.rt Mcaa to aorve. Ile would raakr BJ. r.-olloul Cri'ornur. Ilc la a aTroii_te...|M-raiie.iiuui.. uiit u..t a fruhih.tlonlat Hla r,u,ui, utlun u.lKl.t luvlto 041 .aaur wUI..tho li.,'.... dr .Ur- ati.l d-u't tbink tbat «o want lo Invltr thr la^no. I be- "iryoUai Oounr-I W II. B-wurd. of Anbum. wmid iuaUo ;i ^<>od oaiilld.ilr. Ho hua boon u au<. ea.fol bu-i- _Smw4M) n.1"! br...ill.(rd a.t wont Intu ibo wur BM Ci.l..o'.tuUn_.u1lrr(».' He llfaa ln Ibo BOOM hia r.tiirrdlrd ln anil hie ro-en a publio a|diltod iimui aiKlatf"-! Ki'iml'll-un CuUk-roaarnan Ira Devenport«loa.>did«lo. Hlebialtb WoaMb. tba only ooratlon te cuialderod Ibrre. ( N. Itlta-, uf Wr ii-Vurk. w.mbl r oo niukra a"-d o.,, dnl.ilo. Tlun, aro iilroivof K"-0 ctidiflutea. If UM Uklaa LMUTM Club w....'"d brlna ruM » OBaMMMaa v,-h.. rat, .-..nio t* tho CoiiroiKion wtb thr aii).p,.rt of tbe MeW-1 ork and Brook- )vn ilolo_a»ra ula tioirviiiiliou woiild tic aaiured An tber orunilnnii Bru-ililuan wlio baa boon hlirhly hoiur.-d by 1.1- fin'.v a.,1,; ' I iblnk tbat IBO uomlnre abould bo a niiiii ... wrii k..,.*i. tlun lt wuiild not bo lir,r*i.rv to trll thr vutora who bo la ; and bo rbou.d l.r B n'¦ n wbo e.<i not br .-oiilru.lrit lii aiivtu-dy. Ho Obould li au Lo li-or iruin tho <-iiMr»fr ol lu.i lu^ l«ri, Inu.od f,.r hl« mMioy. To wln ho mnat bo n'tuiuat.d on hia ewa tu.r ta :.nd imt lu'.-Hiiao uf| lila namo or fcfranm ba bo* :,o"ti a., aaaaara a^ not to bare takrn any a.tivr ua.-t un t>io grool <| wblo.b hmn li.tereated tho luitr I'i ih. I:i»t I Ihink tbal ..udae Davia Jndjre tadtvwa. Mr Bawtpar or C. B. Bllaa woold nrovt aeoptrfblo oaiidhlaio. to tho pooplo of IMBtaM, Mr Hli- la tbo loaal k. own. but bo haa laken un aetivo ?ur< aa un advlarr lu {riinblli'.li .oiuinlrioe. Iu New- ork and haa brni oaMDOkoa in bla cunvb'tlon. and rtho'il in hla wtiboiit rven a.kma ur do- alriri.' uarlv hunora. I tblat -uinr aueh a man muat be cboaen toearry tbefliHte We wlll bavo no wulkovor. T.OCAL COMMRM8 ON THE BESULT. B! ii rOUCAlM OOATtOIOBi BBMOCBafg AMii.MS.'lKH .Tnt:nt OA-CUlATtOMO tTisp;. The few RepuhliciiiK who had roturni-d lo lowii yeat. rduy aBMOO ¦ unroalnilnid uf tho aetlon of tbo Btulr Coinultteo ¦ Oilna un Kepteuioor 22 a.. tbe date for Uoldiiu; tbe Stato C'onvi utlon. It wa. (leclarrU tbat any otber courao would bavo b.-rn nnwtae. It waa Mld that to flx a duto for hobiina it after thnt uf the Drroocratle Pute Convrn- tioii woiihl bn in cff.ol to fturnlt tnat the Koimbll'-au Jou Ur. woro afruld to Uko tbo lulllutivo, «o boldly for- ward, nauie a ilcket, aud l.aue b plutfunu of prlnelplra .. The Itepublicao party hua noror born afruld to aay Ju.t It iiji-.nia, and tboro la no noed for it to fultrr m,w." »ald a weil knowi Bipuhtliun yonti-rday. " All that i. IMOaaaaP »ow 1. to name a flrat-elaaa tlcket, imt forth a itoud pl.itfurtn of prlnclploa, uod work from now ntil SoyomtH-r to eiect tbo tlck«U Tho fttato cau ho <!.- ]H- ,.!,d ou to af Kopubllean if fiood at-.nae and u.I Jii(U?iiiot.t are dlapiayod ln mnkln* >ip the tlebot Thero ba. boon no wtropnlllnK. ao fur as I have anrn, for woak ur aOjailloaabtl i Hiuihi.tra. l bavo never a«en tbo party moro iiutto.i. aii 'br aaaaa preaaoa .aaaaaa.'' Tbroo wero tbo .ontlrooni. of all Krpubllo«i,a Wltb -rhu.u aropurter of Tur T'.ifu BB eonviriod. All w-io ritiiid-iii ibal thoiatH'o coulrt currloQ by the Keput^ liouna witb properefort Tbo |i.'»ta wi»~» tborotlichly aatonl.bod at tbo artlun of tbo Rop'itdlean Stale 'Juumlttoe. Ttiey fatl M auro tbat tb<- K.piii'liean ''otivruiluii would wutt oi tbi J>riiiiier_ta tbat H baa upart all thoir .'.ioulatioiii ln fact, Uiocoiiditionof ..hliu.'a'io.riactl.vcl.anred 11 lacor- tum thal i.boaetlon uf «be Prruoerai io "oovti.tlon wUjiio- pend l.ir_oly on tlat of »hoir ippuurrita. Tni» wa. ad Biitir^l yeaterday by .ovaral of «ne abrowdr.t Boail lt. tho Doinuerutic rauk. ln tbia < Ity. Mwurd f'ooper, lt waa (oiibUintly« xruvtrd i,y Uui.ort (>. Tbanpaea and hla frt'-nda, would be noinl'.u'rd wltboiit tbe votoa uf tbo K.nt-a Co.inty deloa.Mcn. Tbo tioinlnoe of tbe Ile- b«a inin who w"iild uratrallr.o aoinr uf >lr. 1'uoia»r'a .lrniiK»b. and M muy be dooni.-d neorMarv t.i.ako iinaih-rd maii^aai'io oi'y delHg.-ite'. ln no cu.o will .up|M>rt O.ur-uur niil. Tb. ourrlna ivook wlll be a bu.v onr lu polltloal rtrcl". ln bot'i par'ttw. It la dottuitrl) .r'tlod'ha'-'ohu Kolly wlll not ouiuo ba.litotownui.tll aftrr MM IVnoocratio btate'^invrn tlun. Hla brallb eim'lnuoa jto-Ki. Itotako. mi totanal ln htutnoa. and itolUVul tnattera, and la kopt advl-Oil by niull aud i.-b-irraph ->f the un.'.' Um of tbo oraniiualuui and what la taki'iK plueo. Ml« .ulvio la «ou/hl, and ln piouialn fullowed I.I Mat'ora atrlctly cuiueeied Wltb )'aii'i..any II. 11. Ho wlll burk <n tlme to bnvo a fooi fi.-al Ui »ay ln local pulll.oa Ix-foro tlin Novrmber olc<> iluu. iowa hi:pi;bijcan cowkntion. DksMoinf.h, Iowa, Auif. 96.Tbe RcpuMi- e.'u. Matr Conyratlou niet luro tbl. afl.roouo wttli o lar.e uttrndano... OOaaajB M. Prrbina, Kdltur of Ikr Moux Cily Joumal, wa. elorlod tcmporary ebulreouo Mr IYikina'i addroaaoiitltblnr tbo la.uoa of tho aBOrgOlgO Wa-loudly cbcerod, oapoeially ibr portloim oontraat'nir tho iiiBnrrnoea botoocn tbo Kepubluan aud LBMOeoratM ji.ull". lu lo'va mi tho >|,, ui of Ibo e.nitrol of tbo llqiior traltti'. A now Btuto Contral CuBiiultteo -a. 4-b<i.< u. and after porfrctuuc totnporary ortfauizatloii tbe convcotiou ailjoui u,-.l ti.'l to-morrow. TJfi. UIRITB REOOBURSDATION A FOROKRY. Nkw-Oklkanb, Aug. 20. .CoircHpoudfnce Oei wreu tbo Couinila.luiier of I'oiihIuii. and CouKro.<>inan IxmlnM. M.rtln developa tbe far.l tbat Dr Wllllain II III. '. iv aa ' ri_irnnii>KM.rKeou ou a reeutiiiiionil- .tlon purportliig to br from Mr. Ht.. Martui but wbli-.b turua aal M BB a fo.cery. Dr. Ulro under Indiettneut tor yiolation of a..0non o.ariH, Itovlard Stntuto. of tbo TJulteal rJiatoa, whlcb rrft-ra tu ibo rollootlou urpreaeuU- tlou of fraudulout ciuiiua ag.tu.t tbo tiaveruiuint. A THOUSAJfD VOLLARR RBWAUD OFFF.RKD. Pnti.ADKLPHiA, Aug. 26 (sperial)..H F. Deouoy, cblef of tbo detocuvo foroe of tbe I'onaaj Ivimlu Ba.lruwl, lu tbia elty, to-dny oBried a roward ol S..0OC for il.. arreat of the prraon or poraona wlio plae.-d lue expio.iive ou tbe ato.iinboat H. M. Kelton. ELOPBURST OF A HAItRKII) ifi V. Pkovidenck, Aug. 20 (.spefia/j.-Caiolina ln the ioui hcru parlof tbii _uto i. io OKioataUte ol ex aitouieut oror tbe elopeoMut of W. li. Okeli, au overaeer lo the ruiu, ulth Ilattle Wlleox, age alxteen, dunghter of Wllllam .3. Wilcoz, tbe Job teamatcr. Okell la twenty- one and marrted. Wlieu lt waa dlKOovered tiiat the palr bad aono, word ivua toleicraphed to Htonlngtoti and the pair were arreated on the bn..t. Mr. Wlleox toolt his daughter nome to-day aud Okell wai releaied. TUE QKEAT FLOODB IX CUISA. OVER TEN TH0U8AND PERSONB DROWNED. KNT1KI V1LI.AGF.S 6WKPT AWAY.MLLTlTLbKS H4 AVD BTARVINO. WAsniNGTON, Aupr. 26..Dctailn of tho do- itruotlon In (Janton, Chlna, and lt* vl.-.lnliy by the reccnt (rreat raiustoiui thero, huvo beeu recelvod ln tbla i'lty. The flood was the most serloue which haa vialted Cuuton ln thlrty yeara. More than ten thouaand peraona loat thrlr livea, and a far jrreater number are left ln a atarv- mirroiiflitlon. Entire rlllagea were enirulfed, and tho rtoe and ellk BBBfM ln the vlololty were aluioat ruiued. The prlce of rlco haa beeu ralaed IH p.r cent In oonee- quenco of ihe losa of the crop. The raln fell the latter part of Juue, fllltnjr and ovtirflowlnir al) tho rlvera. Many of tBe atreetaof Cauton were floo.led for over a wei-k. Atfx-NI Uty the water tiroke througb the elty wall. It ll reported that aeveral thouaand pooplo WBBB druwned thcre, The erabar.ktnent* or tlio rlvere were brokou In numcroua places and tho wator swopt, ncro** the aurrouiidinu oountry. earrylnjf everythlnf bcfore It. A fnrelener, who wns an cye wltneas of the BBBBM a of tho dcvaatatlon, reporta tlmt one atgBI lli" t.out lie BOaagbBg amhored near a bauiboo irrove. By inorninir Ihe WHter had rtaen to the topa of tln- bambooa. At otlit r polnU It roae aa bltrh ai forty feet In tlie niuht. Th." Ded from tlie vIIUkc* aud cain|ied on tho hlllsldci. At Kun In, a tnarket plnee, eltnated ne»r tlie embatikm.-nt or one of tho streama couuected with taa rlver which brlnga water frein tli" uorih rikI weat rlvera, tlio niujorlty of BM inh:.l.l:uiitt were drowne.l l.y tlio water breaklng thronuh tlie "in- Imukment. Bome earnpcd to ii pleeo of r1>-1ni; ln tlio ne1i:libi>rli.....I, luit Iho wattr eonttn.iid bartM .- gradually overioppeti IM elevatlon, Irawatag tlioa,. who itood iijinn it. Mvyaataaa Cbtaaaa arMaaaaa bt Ciiut.iu, liearlna of the ill'trois and antl'erihi; Bfl ln tbelraatlve Tlllutfes, taofe pBBBfl ¦..." on .i Mal wlth B vlew la proroedlng hoineto rondi-r wMl aasi.t iaafl they coiil.l. Oa the way the boat wm eap«!.'.i.l aM all la It were In Home places parenta tlrl tlieir ebil- dr.-u on tba braucht-a uf tre.a, wl.ilr tlo-v In-tlt.ii-d Miaiaiaa B* itieir paawtal aaf.-ty TM Iraaa aera maakai gp »>y the ntot* ami tMMart raadlag erh i ..r |k8 clul.lren w-:re illaooed ln Hi- luraiaa water*. Tlm l»B4y of a brldo nr.a-.ed ln her liri.lul BB8aa *aa foilti 1 flo;itln2 ln tli" nvar at Oe»iton. A larire tuh w.ia nl«o aaaa lt 4i,a pfikednpntid fou.ul tnrentaln ,. bul BB Wim ihciu was .. papar atatlna tMlf t. uaee, the Mr an of th.-lr l.lilli. II" I14.I lii-irut. .1 Ulia to a«ve tbe livea o: theli ngaprlna. rfce mitei ol tli>- l«-i;.-r frap tilii.-li theal.ove la t.ike-i aaya: "Tli" auffenna tkafl tiolii({ eti.inr tt hy ihuuiBudi ln H.ta provtaee UnBaply li r:r.B.| n .-. Cblldreu are to ili.-lr p .""lila Ikal thay nre hunirry, aml the ... l parrata ewa 01 lv reply, allk eyea; bllnde Te.ira. tiiHi tMy kave aotklna toaive tbrio. rMai flondi wlll.of eourw. l.ilite 011 eiila".il!lr«. ihe w«ti.r witl 1.. 10 aa aUarlal depuBli wbteb wlll l.ur- d'nihe ata*oat>bere wlth walarlau polatan. 1,,, 1.nle 11,e ..Mi .ai t-> laa the flll.-.t water, utii.'ii 111,-.- tl'.eu. all aorla of .11-1 TUE rMXXBTLVAMA PBMOOBATB. OOKBAD & D1T FOB 8TATE TBEA8UREB. .sami.d «y iiik iiai:i:i 111 <; 001 \ iNiio.N mr bi 1: cni g am> ri.A roaua, IIakimsiii u<. l't-iin., Au.'. 26..Tbfl P. nio- t-ratle" (ot.vt nt !.>:. B .11 "'..... d !" >.r.i( lUla Itioi 1,1. t «t 10::i0 o'cloek. tlie BuBbM Mlag p.'.i'l.. I. 01. r 400galaaatea fcataapaaaaal lt. P. Allagi of i.>.., w.taelecteil t*-111 jm.i ... y (liiiiruiHli Bf r.. .-tiiinutioti. On taktag BM Maar M apaM atf aaa gprty kafaa b i »1on of tl," BatJaaal Adtiil.nairatloa Bti'l *..l.l tl. ll liit.I B j.erfii-t rtgfcl l" prea,.,t ta IM utieranrea of Maaataaoa. Ho aaleglBod Piaaaiaat .iml an.i aaid tlmt the peoplo wi-.e uo* haTliig a lil^her, ttallcr au.l pnrct Aiuiliilatriitlioi tlian kaaa kti.wM for ¦ ay yaar. ihe fact a ji bBe aflk « »«* at pnUlle tniat waa lietnc earrled oul ln Htuto laaiiea. Iteferrlnjr to tM new Conatllutlon, ka BBkl uu al tlie irreat o,neatloiia wita tbo reiful.lion of ihe la«* Bjearggatflg iraal i-oiporaiuiia. It waa a d'it\ |a . tiiem wtUiiit tMboaadaot tboCoaatltotloBv Ua. tba Bepoblleani aith all"Wlii»; iM biai lo rrtoaln aa a BV ad u ttet erbaa tin-y im-i ..n t'Ppwrtnnitj t" ulun e tii tu. Oaaeaniat »... l.U:u> co.upliiu. ai. .1 f", hia iiiovc on ilu-.-..11 b reiiiiayivania Kailruaa, aud Ika ai...ker requ.aletl lhal Uu-in.v. nt..r I.i- li.liy iBderaed an-l ai.ataiiK'.i iu hi> auaraa. TM rarloai eomin wm tl.en appailnted, ait.-r wi.k-ii taa eoaveatlOB b*Bk ^ ,.,., ^a* 'intli 1 o'cl.'t-k. TM C'.nve.itloii ilid not i.-.a-i-i. ble "li tltii". bal wlirn aallMtaarBgr th. attoodaaaa waa aa bvraa bi i.i ihe ipnrtilne. ja.-nli . 'I iiriie*. of We Uni.r. «.-, penii.tioiit'.hiilriMitn.ainl the n« t.r \ 1..,. preat* Mtntl a:.d aricifiiutiea ^ a|.|<>iiil> il. Mr 111111. \ i,|.| tll.-.l >!l" tli"" 1'H.l (OJH '. Wkl I. tl"' |."..|.le al.<, alleorporalSoria wlthln the linnt., of tli" laa Tlie Ctmetl* tiitti.u »a a iii.n--.ire ln Ikal raaaeat la a dea.l letter due to tln- iltitniii.tnt party II baMoaea tlie Il.i.itiinitle p.rty 10 tnke tl 1* "i.ittei ln 'i.tii.l. Ile ttuaad wttu atroni; r.n.arka aaalaai tbi trauafarof tli» -...i»h IVim-j iv-itilii 011.I 10 'be I'-nuai Ivani.i II..11 road 4'oinpsuiv. and derlared tlie Aiioil" .111 ('oi.-trii"t|..ii 4 otnpaiiv n nivth nnd a Ir.iiul aml |M ,«nera aaadan inen TaawMta bbMbm of IM Coatk Poaaaylvaal.. BnllraM waa aaatMr Credli Boblller. i- hntb the Nsttlormi aud htale AtlinlDalrail'itia ainl ilo BOnneed Qii'iy. tde. KeiniblU-an .'.niilnlut. f..r -t.ti* Treaanrer. ua rorrupt. and lield tln! no plare n.-i <l>.. e!< aiilnj «ut luo.e Uian tlie Ireaaiiry Iiej.urtiiiriit af tM BBBta, Tlie l.'o.niDlttee 011 KeNolutlona rcjiortod tM nnUawlag platform 1 The Demoeracy of Penti.ylvanla ln ronrentl.m geelaia tlieir B.arty a|i),iovai «n,l au|.|.ort >>f tbe prlnctple* adopteat by IM iSklaaaa PBBBaatatla Ooaveotlon Jni) B, 1^-1. they favor .1. hotienl itltU eltlcient < n li .-.: 11. .-. ,, fair aitd Ju'at nrrtrtuB uf Ihe tarlft", an.i .1 tlioroiml. r.rot.n ot tli. BBalMdBwf u.linililiii,.ll"t. Wlllctl ol. aineal .i 1.¦ [.-1 ItepubUeaaralala atrlat aeaorrtaari »nli the taraM of the Cbloag pMfona.aaoii whith Oravat ci.velau.i waa il.cUd frr-Mo. t 4..1I Thuiuaa A. llenUiitika Vlce-l'rekl- d. nt nf tbe 1'i.lte.I Siiit. I. trrotid.- We coMially approve the IteinoT.-itle refortu ..I... 111 latrtllou uf I'MBldent 1 ui-.l bla (.i,ii,, ,. We IBOegnm M tt.alr iirhctal art> « *aanlBta .leiernnua tnm tu Tlnillci.t. tbe'. « iij.'.i. 4 lu, li ihe I'r.aidenl waa eleeli-d. Tu elid wo all.i 11. lila clear BM llnli- putable rliiht u orotBptly raaaori oMi.inia BrMMva jiro-tunt.-.l the pulilic aarvlce for parttaaB aM peraonui emla TM *Mroi*alirafonaafabaaa* aM laanblaata veatlKHtlona .ln 41IJ niatl. In 'he BBVatal llepat t.i.ent ¦ uf the ?".de.'a. i/overnni'ii. givcaaaaraooetbal iBm praaaal Admiulairatlon wli: *<'eiiri' foi the jonntri tbut ihur- ouel wgaalaailaii af Um .' ivil Bervlee aklek alBaBeat m hoi.r*., piuctlcal and vHlcient ailiiilnlatratlou uf tho (iovcri.tnent Ihird. 'I lie Artrnltilatratlon of OOTernor P4ttl»e:i, bl the Ut in ani Iio'.e-t ..xeeiiiit.n uf lavj aud tli* faltliful and rirfit: ua. ..flba rett. |>u»er lu the lntereal ef rersrut and econotitlcii ifov.-miiii ni .li.iii.i.-.t Ikc PBBpeulaM auaiBiBiid. th< eaaMeaai af tb* jte-iitie. w. warmiy np provt tlie actlui. uf tbe Oovemur and Iii- oltl. I.i) ai vl.era in then 'HortMo tiialntain und enroi.-e iMCM etltutlo.i, u, aortire a Juat aud buiioat appatBtaBaat 1 to iruard the int.-reata or the paapbji u> ae.-ur- eeoatotay am) honeatv ll. tk* ht.-ne (l.iveniiiirn!, nnd lolaforin lou<- exlatlua abuao aud ruutr.d li.i.jiiallll. n lu tha Bawa Puurth...Every leclilninte effort of lal.or to bttterit-. eundiuoii, eubanc* lll rewardt. ar.d prolnti ite rl»r!il«, th., ayinitntb; and aupport of the Demo Orallc party Tu. llitjmrt.itml.. e.illtr.'l. uf fu. el-ii pauipaf l.tbor li au cvll which ihould be reuiedled b) ju.lici.iui )u<lalallon Pilih.- Wtt faior tlioenforoemonf "f tbe c.inatltiitlnnnf I'uiiii.ylvaiila lu lta trrry ar'liie m.i vi.tioti; aud e*i». laiu duiii..tic ihe ia*ralatloa bj Iaw m Maaaaaaea iherr.wlih »f the-arrylnn i')!p.ratl...M .r be -lute, the eiiual.i4illui. uf tl.o'il :««'.. Minapitr .prutloiiuf /mbllt; tu,.11. y. t.. p..i>iie tite. only, au hone t laaaaffecaaat of the R'.nle Trraaury and rl<ld ciifureemeut of tho Iaw* |{uvrrnl04 lu filxth. -V, ti', aa ln fluKrant vlulatloti of the ("on- BtttuUwB, IM UtieBtl.t 10 'otiaoliilale '.be Huillh Feuu.ylvaula and 8eO0k OMM witti ibo i'ei,i.»yivui,i 1 IUIlroa<l 't'tnp.iuy and we heirtily BfrpfOVl the pruceerllntr .if tbo ('ouitin.n- wa.Jih tlii.i.i^b tbe iovernur and Attuiney-iieiiiiial ta i'Toteit ."il prt'ierve Ihe 1)«:.!" uf th* i*uplo uu.ler the ( A>tv»'i/i.--Tbe uoinlniitton of Matthew H. Quuy l.y the r.u» itepuhlleana fur ."tat< Trea-ure' U ui. Ii.-ull te the liitelllaeneeaud the liilejrrltj of the |.eii.»ia und BJ lii» det' ut they wlll fllly ribukt- lealalatlfi d< l.atn li.ry. afBi'tal ij-ollation. the preteiiMuni of .orporut* jtower, iii.iiai'of th> panliwilnj~ pawar aM tki araallaa oi new ollle.-a lo I,.ii4->1 Ilu paoph auu . ul out llien aub^tauea. / h//i«A. .Tbe Dewocrailo party la, aa it tlwaya 'ma beeu, .'I'poaed to iuui).tnary Wiirialutlun an.i nu.'t|.ial tax.itionlii any form, aud t la ln ravor of th* lari(e*t lib-rty .f prlTBta '.ou.iuol ?onclaten| wlth ihe imbllu welfare and he rlahU >r >lh<-ra aad Of rctfuut.n-' IM liauur trurtlt: and provldlna ajfaluat tlte B*lB ic'iltlug tberefroiu by ajudlclou* «n,l paeparly <ra.Ied Mceuae aysiem. Iu eomtuou with our patrluttc eouniry nf all aeetlona we Hie iieiitn of tiei.eiul (Irui.t und eMttafa ll." liietuory of Ibe uu.deat und hrroic chariieti r and bls (rreni dueda. Weajmpatbl/.e wlth bla bereaved wldow aad ililidini, au 1 wo truat tbut lila dylua* wlah r.,i . "biirmouT aml good wlll bctwcou tho ae« tioua" wlll be fnlly realiztd. Aaearhreaultition wasread It waa rocelved wlth|hearty upplnuae. Au ertort tu agagg tlm ivhuIii'Iuhh aerininn waadefealed and the plaitorm waaunuuiniuiialyiMtopied ua read. Noinlnatlo.ia MBbg ln order, Conra.I 11. Day waa nained by W. M. Httiail for HlateTnaaurerand aioondrd i>) BJ, a, Saaakfar. BkMBaaaMaiTBaaiaaaaaMB and were uppiaud.'.i al ultuoat n»ery eentente. 'i' waa no ..].- p.iMtion and Mr Puy wea nuiuiual.d by a.-< lamatlon. iueouiiventlun tbeu utljourned alue dle. A BORSB TMIMB AT UIK aVM OF THX. YouNtisTOWN, Ohio, Aiig. 26 (Sperial).. Baluh Tdoma*. ago tou, the aoo of reapactable parcuta. nd bOOap bolonirln* to Hurh K1n« and roluiubiana laat. ultfht. He hae been im- atole a horar a droye thom to blleaied. lu aucb trunaaottou. before. SMVGGUSO LIQUOR 1ST0 IOWJ. nOW CJIICAOO LEALKR8 BUPPI.Y a rnoniBtTioif STATK WITII WIIM1.Y, {ar TBLikUBAfU to uin TRinoyr. ] Chicago, Anp. 20.-Tb.rc a frrent demand Jnat now anootiR oMOBBla llquor dealer. for old irroccry boxea, hogehcad.a, *.uKur barrola aud tbe llke. A driler on Flfth-ave. waa icen to purrhaae half a doien empty koaaeaaala yoeterday. Thoy wore taken Into tho itore, nud nn bour lator taken out and haulcd away on a dray. Blta of itraw protrudod throuifh tbolr crocka, their top. were oarofully tnarkod "kU.*" and Uioy were not t<*> boavy for ono man to baudloeaally. Bol thoy untalnod not"clftai" only, aa cuuld be told by the broad atr.lle whioh lUhtrd up the dcalor'e faoo aa tho unaalnly thlnea were brlng hauhd away. '. You .nrely do not meun to wiy that you »hlp glaaaware over tho couutry," Int-r- roicatod a roportcr. '. Oh, no," be amwered, " not that. Yuti aoo, when Towa bocamoa probihition fltato the tnhnbltanta had to reaort to aoiuo now mothod of seourlii- lliiuor If wo were to ahlp ft hiirrnl of whl-kcytoan towa drulor witb- out havlna a pomilt to ebow tho rallroad eonipany lt wuul.l rofuar tu rarry lt l'utiir<iuetitly, to noc.uninoa.ite al) thu." ivhu Baaa no prruilt fut aollliiif ll'tnor. wo havo Hilupt-d Ihl- tiiotliu.l. To .omo wo .hlp n huraload mnrkoil «la<-i. Il la nearly all flllrd wlth atrnw, bul in thncrntrn I. a ncal llftlo ea.k of llqiiur. 08808 I'i' bnvo It aent aa thoii-h lt woro jrnoorloa, wMM 81*888 ro c.lvo lt ln old trtinta. b.i-kota. or oven aOMOO nn Inyoleo of elothlnir. Muny a tlnthtn* mcr.b.ut rrrelrea o raaft of liqimr ln hla bai of rlotaiog :.nd thoa nuirllv panaea 11 out lo aomo aeqaalBtaaea oj t.ikr. II to lii- boaae. It ia n,.:o oxpaaaiTa k. Mad it pnek-d. thr rnrlv.r ha-ni.t onlv to p.iv fur th" llqnur '.«' r',r paeklni a'-d ti.r 'r nk ur wbatover it i< ahtppod tn. ... ru.iar.iii.'ii o ur tbta, perocoollviaa In Oayrnp-rtBaw II al,1p|MHl Ui l.arrol. or on«ka to Ko.k I-I ml. P'. or Ibooa nt cuiiiu-il Hi.ifis h.ivu lt bmi i.i Omaba, -m «<> f..nh Thov Ihon jul it lu a buat a:.d 80*8? It ,i<: l "' ii.rr ai algbt." , "Haa tbeeuinrrntlew lu luwa bad nny depre* ai? ogbei aa Ma aol of iiijuor f..r aouoaaipttoa tn tbat ..On Ibo cnnir rv." an.woTod tbo iralor, "onrvitf. Inera aod. rbay oo i't pa«o in*-. eiiomh ". W, ,|. people fi",., aottlnc llquor If thoy tt. and PB" ,.uw lowana -r.-in tu W..111 it onrae lhan tiu-v dld &.''*_ tbe laa wua p»..ed. I. la n.ithinu to ti*. W-ar-l:-- t.. ».!1 It l.i u.o <-" "" ot. »"'! 'r H" >' a».il it - ti In'abiim boxrelt la nothlns lo ua. pnt lu-ar lu u.l imtotilyoui .... i-o.i. |naa thia, itharo ln fliha-.i ablp llquera lo a almllar roannr,-. fur lt and that la wb .t WO iii«- hor- lor." _-.«- AXOTBXB /;>'V iMlli: RXPLOR10B. HTonu ioi - ai rAto in- oiiii.*n-i r m -art: in a i>"*;:\- ITOBSa WOM BI D, (ar PBUB-BArU ro iiik rmuoan.) Pimi.uhi I'lii... Autr. 26..An expl aoooteg a no.-o »|n t-. ¦' . p..oo« uf Bitllbay an p.'iiv aiaaMag ihlrti ruir.-.i b-i twa .ni Ibraa a'etorB thia I tho |u|u..r 0)8*8 ..f .1 .-ii. - It. Ilu !,.,-,.. ,.: siiu ealB and Oallawfclll ita. i 'i < iplaMra I tba i..r«o imik wiu I..*-. aad u.o oaadwert foi.oii.e .;* tho wi.idu'.v !r. ui '. ' Ma .turo, ii '. ' !.,_,,i. au roln ¦¦ -ni i '-¦¦ l ta | BOaw battlea w«n ratfaaoaVta pawdar. Hm eaaaa.« diBJollMird th- wtodoaa N.i. l.HKI. A l:. BBJ 'ual baM tho Boara afeeoeoeeeaaaa thr ngaar at..:. hluwn fi ...ii .' .'. ,,;,p,,..|!,. i.ll, If uf M-" B**l -1 an.l » ntiiiih Of alu.koj- lu Ibo ¦¦ -' from i' on tho .^.-.... ' -. h -ii' iber >.f uen n l.uilni; lii' tuuiu wrra tbroWB Ih. ii iu.-'-. ,-¦ a.-rlu'.-lv bii'i. Mr. n.-U-n, i. anable to a.- enonifnrthe eipbHloai nr ,.. ? heilrv. in-tirr for tbe u.t waa roreoga, l*« illll h|in't.i'l hTil.'.n «h.l WltilOOBOd ". .oiin an.l a.-io ul otaar paraaaa wbo were la 'h<- b-irbuud at II if 0»o opinion that ibo oi| uar.1 waad :¦¦¦ i"1 'ba detooetliMt w . ibo daoiniotlan of alaan ttit] >, aew*»»y f< .: iobj » i au nt. I.alio. Iiii', |i .w.lor w.iuld U.vr tu be lat.-" .|i lOjMl .o .!".. WO ii // a i \i BOdT ort r.n RX1.''. a prro nii ara oi btito ^n^. t..,vs amt. TWO OOlOOtH ti) - DOO wiril iiiii.i l.ll i- COLTT. im- n -,.> ruo ruaon 'I'llui BABO l~i tBW PABB, N, V . -Og. Oaaaaal Laaaa, aaa M apeaerag tba weak aa tba rtver, w_. .ivou i. j.ili u'r iriit-iu tu -t.ivr |h|.,i,,| ).,.-'. Whiie tho party, naMbartag MMrty.waabalag rrapBoB, a aaal aaar tbo .bure aaaiaMlae Oaaoi Mra laaaa aad Ma and M-. o. 11 Mareh,efto waa ov.-r: ini'd and ib -v woro llirowu IBM thn watri. Tbay woir i.-.n.d witb llltlr 11IV | aftrrnoon tlicy Wlll 0 ,llon at ln^. thoiiiiniiKl BaOMOfO. B M.t«.'i. ? KII.LIMI ABD CBtA/BO WAI IA_U>J PiiM.ti.ii PRlAi Aog. 26'it'. The Bo* rloty fur tba I't'-v. ntiui if Oraalt] to Anlmali 'Ua ,.,,,,.r,,l M,ia BMialna 'kronifh A-.-ont l'..\ tha: li. ti.. vleltilt) uf l-'ruiit aad M ata. tlii-r. uro .1 nmuhrr of a.»',|fbtir huuaea wlicro l.r.ivoa iiirfrrliiu from di-.-iar aia lalty Mllad aad the aaal gaMiBly boaabl m i>> doali-rr to aoli for a trlfln to paot famllio.. Mr. 1'ui n'd that .n .iptown luiti iirr raraatly aoM .-. w qoartoMaf beaf that woro BlawaB a. hlack a< Ink whi'i, hr pun b IM d thom i.ul l.i .it- .- i.i p.....«. th. out.i,l« aol rraii.r. J '.o II. tiatiiral ruiol ui.i- tiu I" I ii l'h» llra.ih OtlU-.-l p'.U Ihl 'i.a'i." "I tbia "tl tbo '.um, i.a, wl.l, refueed biui powrr to appoiut tn Inapeolur afoattta _ A §1111 9VBBBD TO OEATtJ PBOBJOMBB JUBOTIOB, I'fiiii., Aii^. -.¦ IggaaoOfl. I-wt eyeiln_ a dainhtor of Sila. Kulp. of Oreaa i-"..". uko eftom. aaaplegel »t Juim itoir.n. a llutrl. waa tuinird ao bailly 'bat abo dlod tlila tuurulnu. U'hli" wrltlnif a OfttOf »lu- frll nalorn und upait a 0801 ">' laiup -hlih aet fliclo hor . lululi.jr. Hhr _0d tbe dior loekad »..d bioke tb. k«i lt hor BOOrta 10 BOI <uit Afior tho >lor. r Wi> n 08»l Ol rr ahr ruahed out, ill tbruiivb Ilu liuu«r tinlii borrlutbiiif waa rutirolj i,ui.u-u fruii hor builv Tho preiirirtor of 'b" Botol w i- i.vrraly luii nril lu irymif to 'atili hor 'o nztlnaulib tbe fla.ui-a otnoiAt i Bjroi i ot oiirorA. CatCAOOi Auif 96. ¦Crororoot PlereOi of f.ukola, uiil-'i'l boro roitor.l.i) uu hla waj to »'*-hlDC toO. "'- '"P 01 "U'-r for th» pwgaaa of Uli n^ t ln- .rn- aua rroantly taken M thr Torrltory. tt I. o i-mupl. t. .. .! volunil .oiia plo.r -jf work. Tbe pnpiiutlou ln reOMd iiiimi.i-r. ia 115,000, of abtoB H.miL DakaM aMaaa ..ii;i i)(H). Tbo loul ii.inihor of farma ln thr Trrrllurj.i iio.iDO, varjiiiK ln »"8 irotu 0,000 u-re. ii. Tli" rliiof liijn.t Ol iho I'oaaua la to ilrai,k'tbi u Ibo Tcril- lory'a olaiui to adial aMa .* a SUia. ABXXBt OF UtCMABX OABTBB, ALfAM BBLLMT. Si. Lobioj Aug. 20 igjpeetoD . Detoerrre Bli-bard v;«"ii, ir Uroenabitri;. I'oun., urrliod Ui 'bie -lly t/o-day. and atarta tbia rvoutlia for botno wlth illfb- ard ^art.T, altaa, Krlloy, n ihariro. Jurtor la WBatad ?or ^ar'totpntiui, n tba aarmokar MUlagiaai Marra/a vtiio, poaa., ta toptaaibar I'-'-.'i. Iba tr..iu:o aoaaifai ovtr'ibL paaoaaaMa »f uw« aaB iKiiiims uii/iats OWBOYOOTFtBO, Kkiimonii, Vii., Aiik- 2i\ i.sprcinl)..Um Boiirhona btro hav" bagae tb.'lr BalMaolBg tiiotlra at.d tbreatun to bojeott evcry bu.lnraa luaa wbo vulra a.uiuat taalr Ucket, A uieuioraudum jf ibeao boycutura wiii bc kegi_ TXLEOBJPBW yuiE.9. PUBEBAL "l" BX-A0»_!M8LYMAB B, V. OBAMBBBO. raaWTOB M J., Auit .'tl.- Tbe f-moraJ ol r.-aii-m- b'~Ba* JaojiBaiia l" caoobara touk oiace ln tbia city Ilili aaaialBg ar~ waa urnei) etuwdnA. KXTOBTI OB UONOK. ggW-BATOI A..«- '-'"..A' IM- Knijtbta of Honor fi-oiii Nowark, llo'ioii.'ii, l'i.««tr and uboi Vrw-Jaraoy < ttloai -atno to t.ia :lty by \ioal tluo uiornlni to ,'iiv B frateruul rlalt V) '.oe.ul lul.i-a. ' P l). Sluat, "I tbia Ity. Hupreme !>!<-> ulor of Mi.-..r.l.-r u Auu-.lca l 'Vtlliam H- Harria, of Merlden, tlrand Uic.ator lt Con- ii*. tm ul. und 01 hor pruiiiluout Kuli(hta uf II nor tu tli. fcuite waer b*re -o rriioli-r thr vtaltora Ci:.VTKNNIAl. ABBIVKBOABT OF A TOWN Hi-ri>..i i.-i u. M.iaa., Aua 90. -Tbe i'uwn of Itowe. ln PraaBilB OeuBty, toalgj/ eoJabraiad tbr 100M aaaiaar a il) uf lla lli"u. pu. .itluii. Tbe town baa h pupn.atloB of uliout f)«^> Tba x.-i'-.-«-a ..uii.latcd of au hlatoili-a) ad- ilr.-.a by i'i-Mi.i ui sii.i. llullard, uf Mrua«ba, Wla., a_d u iriMlllional otldriiaa by Porcy V llliknolL Tlii: BATIOBAL IWOUBABOB <ONVENTION. goeroa, Aaa.BO.Tta aaeaalduy'a aaeaMa of taoBoa ,,.,i coayeiiUou of dalaaato. raproaMitlag tbe Mutuul li, n.iit Inauranee (uuipanlea oi^nod ibla inornlda wiili Briildou. IMirlpaln tbe Thcro waaaii tntrrr.tnuf ,il-i ii..|..ti of tboquo.tion "Ought aot inoro lunaorvu- tii,. i'raetlrea to Pruv.ill in I.lfo InauruiiorV Thedoubi- Iill iiii-th",.- Kiuploy id by aomo. afimta wero condomuiU. nnd algthe an. akrn nr^rd a more conaeryatlya iiolley ln the uiaiter of arcurlna rtaka. TnH l'l.YMOUTH EPIDKMIC. Wii.KaaHAReK. I'i nn., Au». 20-Dr. M. B. Frenoh, noluo auraoon of I'nlladolphla, ln ^orapany wltb l>r. U II Taylor, of thli plaoo, viaited I'lymouth yeat.rday for tbo purpoae of cutherlog aomo di.ta relatlva to the raeriitepidrttiie. IJ* K <>. Hbahoapeare, In cenjuuetlou wlth thom wlll pn pare aa aobatutlyo trratl.e on tbe aiddi'iDlc, to be publlahed by BBeOuiu Uuard of HaalUi.. BETWEEN WIND AND WAVE DKTAIL8 OF THE STOKM AT CIIARLESTOV. SIIIPPlMO WRKCKKD, WHaRVKS DKMOMSIiED AND RO11F8 PTI1IPPKI) ovr. AcocsTA. Oa., Aug. 20..The storm in Chorlcston, 8. C., yeaterday wai a cyclone in the proper aense of the 1888a, eutlrely diffcrcut trom the uiual Augnst ¦tormi on the eoast or equinoctial gale«. Tlie wiud wns twenty-flve niiles an hour at 1:!10 In the monun^, I...aaaatag to tbirty-flvo, forty aud fifty niiloB, which wr.e rearlied ahout 8 a. m., tlnally runnlng up to eoveuty-iive or eight.v BafJoB an hour. The northern edgo of the cyclono touched Charlestnn and completed lta paaaagc ra lortr minutcs The atroeta of Charlcuton were not moro desolate at the end ot two hotire than atte. the boinbardmmt durinjr tho wai. The atoim bfgun propetly at dayllght from the aoutheast with I'i'-'l.ient gngti. Ai catly aa 0 o'clock the roof ot 8t. Miehael's '.'hurcli was stripped. At 7 a. m. the appar- atus In tho rool of tho Signal Oflflce, tho flagstaff aud tlie weather-vatio wero doiuoliahed. Tho laat oltacrva- tioti hetore ihe cliuiax of destructlon reconlod the wlnd at ality-eigltt uiilos an hour. The lire bells tolled at tnt. rval.a in.lleiting lireaka in the wii.-a. Tho aataf ia the rivor 88888 over tho gruntte wall on tho ILiiterT. l.rcaklnj fla^itonoa, wa«hiu« away raillnns, a'l.l tona of water W8BB hurled iu upon haudsotno lion ¦. 1, lirriikrag windowa and amashitig doora. The lu*t Baaa IM Bavttarywai lataaawaaia 1878L At h .'ei(,(k tim ilata rool al taa CoaatjCoartBaaao peeled At h.'.M ibo gilt ball aml wiattier-iaue iibitli a aaatary Bawracd 8t> lUahaal'oaasaakt.a Btck aad lii-t..ii" p. nit, wero btava *.>¦, The eutaai ..I tha e.veloti" *raa abont H e'elnek. BiarylBlag m i'i raiaa at tka wMrvaa, aaly aaheg retnarnlag hv tu'. \i <>¦. I.. n tbera wta a aeddaa lu'l. Mt aaaa .1 ani iiliuiiii; till 1 uilotk. when ,: itoi in tt 1 480 B ..-! "i.T, il..ii.lie,ia ti tMaiaadi <>f lollars arare cxpend. .1 on wMrvea tkJi *.;i^..n. pattlog iMm in ecder, IM Watef Iront nn CoopeT Kiver anllere'l MOSt aad IM >.mth<rn eVbarl tii,-1. i-!. TMCoi banrai wrarksd. Balf a duiaa yaekta, two |.il i iii .i "i Igiag macliii.e anuk at tbla I he -ti.nn. r' Iti .i Palaika, M Adgar'i abart, r .-I" ..ut tbe .t.iiit. niilr.nt damage, I.e'a wharl v ,- v.r,¦.¦!:, ,|. tu'l ti," pliotMal Mbaepei lodaaum. k* and yaehta saak. Poarptrraaad t'e- akodi oi tM atlaad wMrl wwe blowa >' »wa aad daoiageg, TM Cnttua Kxobaaga Mitdlag vaaataa d, Thl t- a re i.ijnieil. ..l.tit wh* ,l.iii. i-h.-.l Rrewa'a aaari aaa .1 bul tha ii; .. itaaojor R |aator »ag bol huit. i.iitn.-r I'l .rn. r araaataeri m at AaeuaiiMatlou lha daanaga ta tbo Cratral wkarf ws#eartuaa, Barkol wbarl waa baavily nlaaaagM ''" ! ompauy n.e: «itb |M I ptara aad fbi .>¦ "f tM IM bi Ig giora w ii ¦!. i ai ra .:. .1. IM \. !-.'..;".". h.irli Bfdbm Md ¦ t . .-I li'in u Ihe Mi - Ua "1 I." weat idrlfl Laa **¦* drltca aakote, aad IM .. nu iii I, ,"k I', l ' ". ".' ^i 'ii ¦i bi 14 Si ii PH ,.. weat . 1. nt ,,t L'aatla iv iv. Tbe iteauner Delaware, lr, i-t Ni w lork. la .i'l !'>;lit '*>t ..,.,- a learl aloi'.. .t »¦ <. .in .1. \ 1 iiiinf M <'«ti- ri .'. w.-i-, i. treoa a- rera blowa i.i.'l. ll..- .. itli Mrei i I .ik" w. if iiilt"! hBon oi brokea bulka, Kiver tberc wero l M to ah.p|tli Bdad ..II al.'nu IM nvar, r lld dowa. be < "ii .. nl "t tlouali lamaaedandoni , ag Ii doan, tio libt ....1mii ..... .,, .,,i r> .1 ....'. 1 ',.. i-li.-.i. Iii -t raa rlvra ra 18m ...., t, bottota. teiiini-.eii itaadbig IM .'.¦¦. i.i,,| v.iit. ii.le truea. ln .1 hoiiiea %crt b!o«n ilo. 11 ,,,,11,, at'l'il wltlloilt »eri,.Vl« Il:|.l.\ \ tM Bda r. a. lie.l a lietxht , ,| ii ... lhat iii.- >..inii li.itt. aa "f graal eoafuaioa 41,.I damage t.. .>. etraeta fluoded wati', aad it ifi . ti iii le erlj Boa r«ra . ln *rrr. at blgh ti.le. .. ....a - . ii aad tlie vharaaa ..i.n aith li oacroooa araeka, n-' aortb. ». t. mi aad eintraJ porthma .1 tM .1 witlt t; "Bl I tt . ir :.t. of Ihi eitj ¦.¦' '' "i Batledg -. ... .1 aith -all .i ii. Iton i,., t .!¦ -,. u .! Iral Mo-.r ,1 the "ita.l. I si nire llaptiat ri in-b, ine ot lae talleat in tl.lly, wa* blowa BM1 li.'l»'t"-r. . 11. l ir...t raila an.i all ag' poead tM - .ui. - .m .1 b ra bal aa "ne »»h r .,1 ll Will t.k. gt44> 000 tO tej,!,.".' tM 4'iipl.-. 'iw.ith L'boroh, Pttt-at., waa waiplecalTaa- rooled. H Pbillla Ktraal Bynagiigaa w,,. ulao ifed. TM < liur.'h II..iu- it- I.iwraa¦. ¦-1 >»aa ba.ll* danaged, an.i tM l-rarj In-tit-ite aamoted, I h" Trinjti Bethodtai EnUcopal Uhniet ln Haael-ai aad iii- taapelol IM Utiaoal wera aarooad ii<- in.liu boildina aaa i.»t BerMoalj damagad. H.e Chartaetoa Blgk lal >"i Bad iM Catbolk L'aotral gebonl aeradataagad iMafaaal Znu. Colorad 1'rra- l,\t rian 1 tnt 11 I- n ..ill."ii'-.t BM unroi.tnl au.! hadlv uie.k.ti TM apifaof ihe Oennan Lufheran I'hurcn wa* ilatnai{eil Atniit arailoalraUraad traoM aaa I>1 >wn aa, nnd Ireighl lepoti wera Mdly daaugfJ. IM daaMgati tbe *TortMaatara Badroad yardi aaaoaato le 88.000 rr., tloap* «"re )i|..«n ..iit ot tlie w .it< r a< r..a. tlie tr 1. U-. Wl bjbfalg tliirt. .ml lilt.v ton- e;,. ll. I'lie S.mth Carolina KaUway wli»rv,Ni aM laaaBeaaaatorabnaaea ».re unr.'..t".l aad luavily laaaagnd. «»u* buildiuff waa tarowaoa ii- dda aad laatad 100yarda tatv tM mii-li. Ihe track from tne itif.TMftion ol tlie Xurtb- aaatara ttaflroad ta the Kontk UarollaB liailway -...» 'loate.l al'. ilcul. and waa«.' in im. inu proporti.ti- M wh.t.i.-r loiin.latloni v.-re axaaaBd in the '.-...liiiu watata. TM kaa 10 tlieaaata Caa- olma Kuilr.u.l la e.iimated at 880.000 at tlna potut OtMr railroada bjeoettaral iMaaaada eaeh \; BoJiiraa'i lalaad mmv Maaaa aaradaMBgaa ta a graatM m baa aitaat TM 8ew Brlgbtoo Hatal had wtadowa blowa in aud aroaki rr '.u-ok'-n. but aitMtood ihe atorm brarelv Ihe .'a-ln.. waa Bftad eutir.'ly it- Itaaadattaai aml daaaad ta tM graaad, IM Htmaaaf Ontnf, atCMrleaton, m.ike. the foi- Iowidb roufh ...iiiuaie of th* loini, B/Barf property. ,.><. pii»:.t. itropertv. g300.000i cottoB piaBaaa. i^oiMMi ehtirehee. 83o 000; elty property [atraata ind imik., i:r..(i.Kt. railroada, 4>."..»,ih>(j a-hley Kiver llr1.1 ce, *>.o4X>, .bippliiM-. lUo.OOOi lumber mlli*. ...J't.OOO; aud inlac*:;ai.BOUB glOO.OOO; tu'.al. gl.l-'X- 'HH> si:as THBOWNOVEB 111:1; BaaOataVaTACK. gXPBBIBBCB »r THB WIU4AB iawukmk in tiii: CTl I.4)NK-A MATB 1>>HT OV KltllOAKD. [bv TBi.ruairu to tub tbibohb.] Savansaii, Aug. UO..NVitlier tiic Britiwh b.irkN. Moaher, reported bea.'he-l uear Tvl.eo I.liihl- ,,.,.,. bj lOHaidBT*! ITTl-uor tho llrltlsh hark (ath- arliiel-'halinen, aground BB Tyb«o Knoll wlth a oarKo -jf malioif.tiv, liavi, be.i. tl i.ited aa yet. and It ia that both wlll proye tutal wreoka. N'o iddltlonal Itotllos bave mmb aaaMd ag. Ti.o inaaMklp BUaaai u*r.-e, (rum laltltuori", due tt thli port y.?at*r lay lEoniltig, raacMd her doow at 4;:t" tala aaaralag '.'aptair. i*i»stor raporta tnat at i-*<> ..viook yester.lay mornlnic a terrlh'.a atOffBB BTBB raiflna. and I* liove-to wlth <he ihlp 1 head nut to *-n *t 0 I'lieBk, whau thoy 'uillorod IhemselTfi ta M ta tM vlelnlty Jf Marllir* Induitry LUht fihlp. l.f'. n inilea from tha entranee to the davaiiBab Kiver, Ihe -etael '.Ck-au M 'a'.or lie.vily. BBlBPlBg lurae uuantl- ties af water which ^nilrely aabaMfgad the deeka, ear- lue a amall boat from tbe danta, lireaklnaT It Ui imal^ BtaaMB el ilrewlnit tbe fmirnients over ihe ieek. 9to r-in ilned lu thla poaltlon tMat hroe houra, wlth her maln tall uudcr wator and iwo toet on ihe rall whou the wlnd iklBgll BMiaaly ta U10 northweat. bluwtuK a hiitrl.-uii"'. Ttiia rhrew the veaael In tne if the aaa Wta the wlnd d-twlng 1 fiirlmi ifale 8B one ilde ar-.d'.heseabreaklng nl over hei jii the ochor. earn tug; away all gear, taoklo. tuila, awtilnir and *11 i.-oa- artlclea on .ho apper deck forward, luiaahlna: In tbe front af tho pil.tb..uii and i-arrylnir away the blnuaJha IM iea fli Ikliih* the ahlp bruadalde and brouklu. Ir the poru 01 BM uiaii deck H waa necenary tu cat away th" porti ou UM "oi.naiiualdotofrea.he- trea tht lur. o tinautlty of wi *.t ablpped. Al tbla Jiincturf a inoieialun of hu«e wovea awept overhoartf ull tbe ,-bivo1 MtWjlMB deoks, and wlll. liBll.aire|.t.ine,ofthe trunk« of tt.r pa.aea- MH1 The ah. . li,bure,l ,c he.ivlly lhat It waa thiiahe woul.1 foun.let, iin.l a coiiHldarable portiou of 1.BmraMatalBg had to be Buwwa oTarMard ta lUhtou her. The paafeniferi wore panle atrtokeu, but wero «i«il Into ouiet by the fury of the atoriu At 7 oVl... k the te.-oiid effMor. Bubart H, u.iuer, ran aft toaTaar away tne upi.arda.-b iKirt jMMM^^BUM water on deck. He wae uoconipnuied by thi quaiter maiter. aud tbe, were worklna ... Biagaagirv^ whru a t.rribla aaa broke over hercarrylnu BteotMaaas ovoVbim d. "e q.Tarteru..*t.r oould not eaplalu bow ba iu."" eded lu eM-apmif. Mr. Klrwan, the flrat ofllder, waa luformed. and bTlaituedlat-ly ran aft, Ml ooald no .aa. or hear auythiua-nf tbe unfortunate ni'-in. raa» Mtil mate waa of ifcrman aaaaoat and Uvao^BaltlMora. Ba M^TwBa1^^ SK 2*^23 ,n- prevlouily bee* terrlbly lujurod about tbo head and ^^StaTraa-i mounta.u higb .ud pourad dnwn tho .moko-atack tn torrenta, pittttnc out tho flrea atid loavlua tba veaael at the uiercy of tbo elemeuto. Tue wutertn tbe cabln. wa. two feot doop, aad eyerytbing above and balow deck. wua completely lrrncbed At lOo'olock tbe wlud modoratod, atlll blowtnK from tbe uorthweat. Tbe Lawronce waa found to b»yn about aix fert of water ln tbo hold. The donkoy pumpa wero at onoe aet to work. and lt waa aoon fouud tbut tbey were gulnlng ud Iho water. At 7:30 laat nlgbf ahi euoceeded ln itartiug ber tiroa und getilng under way. ? A NARROW EJ3CAPE FROM DEATH BY LIGIITMNG. Wasiungton, Ang. 20 (tipecial)..Jamva F. Mcline, chlef clork Intbeofflee of Unlted *)tatea rreaa- uror Jordan, had a narrow osoapo irom deatb by light- ntng durlng tbo .overo atorrn ycatorday nfternoon. AfU'rleavlngtheTreasury at 4 o'clock. he wai ou hn way toblshotnoln Marylaud wbon he waa caugbt in theatorni auddrenched through by the raln. He waa completely onvelopod wlth ruboor, exoeptlng bta handi and face, but lt dld not protcet hlm from the water. On reachlng tbe top of a bigb blll a hoavy bolt of llghtnlng fell appamntly between tbo horae and tbe daahboard, and Mr. Mellne, who wua drlviug, waa atunncd. Tbo aervant who waa sltting hehlnd hitn saya tbat for a few arconda the bluo flamea of tbe electrlo fluid covered Mr. Meilno'a body, Jtimplng fr >m one ahouMer to the other, and playing about hla arms and chest on the aurface of tho rutibrr coat. He aaw ul.o tho eleotrletty come up liko blg blue bubide. under tiio ,-arriuire. It wa. about two botir. after Mr. MoUno roacbi.d bome before he wua aulHrletitly reroverod from tho .hock to bo abln to atand. and he .uffered groatly durln* tbe nlght. hia arna.itlon brtng aa tf tbuu.auda of iinedlea wi-re belug BtaaO luto bla body. Au attempt on tbo part or bie wtfo to rclleyo bim by batnlua bl» llmb. In inllk ao lu- foiiatnod iblaaouaatloii tbat abe had to dealat an«l ro- fra.ii from allowlngbri bauda tocome In contact with hta budy. Tbe liorae'a hlnd le.» were made atiff. Mr. Mollue waa at bta oftloe tbls inornluir, but be wa* atlll auff.-i-ing from a pri. kinc aoii.atiou ln bla tiogere. aud bud onl» partlal Baa of hia trft urin. It ia 80000000 tbat hla lUo wu4 aaved by tbo wot rubbor ooau o BNOW FAM.INO IB PSBBBTLTABXA. Wilke-Bakuk, PeBBUt Aog. 20..From carly ¦aralag yeeterday untll l.ite lu.t nlght there wa. a llaaiy Qqaapoai of rata ln tbia county. At Harvey'. Lakc, ten luile. frntn boro. anow foll thia inurnlug and t'oiiilnuod untll aooB wltb intervala. Ibo weatber ba.a taken a doclded i-huiuro and l. Nii hlUXD! B BY irilOLi.SALE. AN oi.O MAM IV TRZAI Kli \A BOTOO FB-HOBB ANf> Ctrra ms own thboat. Al JBTOf, T. x , Aog. 2<J..A tii.iu fio-rt John- t'y. BMaeeOaoatFiglaaa tbe detaila of a tra/edy wiiioii aeoarrel ..t pi.-Mo aa Tooaday. .. Al " Loofcte, bb ull inBdeal. Bai Boae aOaaoafl with an aaaatataal rmi". nnd tbi. bad baaa llatarblaa bta mind. Ou Tuoa- iv ii.'.Miuun Iio lafl tinino, MBbOOIbO. aa br sald, M 08 t j..:.i, Qroaa'a p io m l ¦¦. boaaea aaaoaaf money. Mr. (;i. mi iul BM fumliy woro aw.iy. Ho outorod tbo Baaaa nul tookOraaa*aOn aeatorrila aal raaaraal to tho of BM brathar, Becry LaokM Bo tben .uot anu klllad Barry aml hia wifo. a aatgabar, Jaba BMOatoom reOaapJaottbea. BMfaroolBMBaMaaMga wlth Ma* tu Mr. MabaaPa baaaa, aaaaa ho .uot and MlaM Mr. Tbere Btehattae araa MMafgti of. Hia hor«r IlkOfl »h.t, fuiinil, arm It 1, auppofod tbat Ba Jao BBJ0& Fraaa Baora LaoBM areal to Ma oaa boaaa aad saot aad aal OM tbroaa al Mra Moari Locki.-, of I.liino ("ouniy. wifo of bb. atrp-on wbo waa ..n u vlslt Ha i.i-u abot aad taaraMra. Ktuk-a, mfr uf tbl -'.Mr,- b" bnd Bllled I8C prevlou. lo tbe klllilla of Mra. Heun Loekle. Tbeo to kllled lua .imiglitrr. Mi»a I. «kle, and atf.-mpti-d to knl lu- wifo. but bla i'..rlrld_i» nii'.. i-xhauatrd ho euu.d not llr. anuthor abot aud .be d. iliivii,. f iihd tokiil birlueut bi.uwu tliruat, n ..nul. .! hn boroo aml atartel in u.o dOaottoa of Jaba- ty. Aftor rittlaa a fow -arda be oiot Tltoua. i, k. « I."". ba attaekad and wtu.u. be plung.-d .lutlii-tlinr wuii.ula. Tho munloroi thoi, ro Ir irmeted with.r, two m loa of Jubnaon Cltv Hr wai atlll allre tbia niureluc W.ib th.- eierattoa « .'I n uf tbe I.yuoh tbiulll n. .ir .I'llip-triol I. . IB. .-t luurihl." art ul iliiica.vcr rotiii mll' ui IBla hla.e. Bj Jg ae-MU -a aro laftorpbaaa -^. _________ TBE tlEB BXCOBSK bOggM is VABIOUI ri.Ari:^. FOBOOI Fiii.s Miiiti., Am>:. 'iii..Tho antiory .f <. .ii,|...ay v. Mlaaaaala ttata Vaaaao, » Urge tene- m..t ,..,nr,l bf J. K. ;>'ltrlrii aud a.-yrral BaBlauao Ingi a.ijuluinir werodo.troyol '¦'>' "r. tbia oiorulng. Tbo loaa ta .'aiim.ito.l at BMO.JOft raoT, O. T., Aag. 00..TbO anlyn Bulldlng, occupled by tbo A laiii. Ma.blnary ''oiupauy ; A. _harp, niati t'. Laaatag, pallara ataBan J. 0 BBaakf a ,, .....r maaofactun rn: nul G, B, Kilmrr, nuitoi, bule ib lUamrera, waa bamad tbia muruiug, luvolvlug a f ..-.-IIMI. m:i iMiti.i. III., ABg, -.1. -Thr i-i.-v.imr at tbl. plaro a.a uiir..od BkM ulKl.l- tOO lua. la 5>i.0U0; InaiirimO Tbe property aaa aaaaa ny seiiwar«Broib«r., ..uin nercbauu al ---t. Louia. Ifea tlie tw uf e.ndlary 'jK.Mi llaPil)''. Mlib.. Aug. 'Jfl..1_ K. Uathbuu'a farni- a.nitb uf Bor*. w.ii buriieU j.-alirday. Tbe los* U f; ,u ni; inauraaaa, gl. WO. ?- WAllMAXXB* BOLBA MBBT1MB. Prmoi bo, Aog. 26 foeetojO-.A BBoedagof thoVootoral I MlaawaoaaM atthoMaaOlooaa Ot tbO Muuonuali.'lii II.m." tu -day. Noarly all tbo uail aUlb. WOrO lOptOOOBtoO. oad lt wua docidod that tho prea- i ,.f prlooa iboaM rooiaia aaaltorel. Oeoorel w. II p ,..,.'!. uf BoltoTlIM i'. " Ba bavo deculed io oaatiaaowaa*wIM itotoedaaaM tbe uaiier.' ptoaaa ay. ataaaada a.aaaaaMaa tho naiier." Mr. LaaOBBa "f ITbBBttng aaM tbat thrre w.r.' no i. nehlnea now it work In tbal di.trtct. All tbr iii.-in.iai-iui-.-r- auy tbal th* '".¦ '¦'¦.- aro dalaa «""-i work omi rapldij aoqMr lu tbe art of koo|.lu_ uuil mrtililu-. lu rrimir. Ono n-illor o-oni io wurli ut M...oiibor_or'a lulll ln tiu. clty tbl* monilng. bai ,.t aaaa *..? por^uadod to do.iat Vtee- l'rr-nl,..,. Btophena ut Mio workor.' orn-uuizutlon. aald ihl-. wai thr llrn hroak li: my illatnct, and aliht.uirb u an, iii ni" WO fraio.l that otbora lullow Tbo.tril.- irle baa boon a long uu-.btif I tbli.k WO "Ul br vletort- u.ia | hrarroporta abuit .undroda of tnacbtnea l.riuit ourratrd lu the dlatriot* by feoil.ra aa far aa wo vuii loara oni> iaaaatyiBree luaeuiuoa out of s.ooi) aro H. ..peratlon."_ _ TIJKFTS IS AV AFFBJ/BBrg OFFICE. BAB Fban.'i.-'". AOf. 20..Tho Appraiser's iiffl, r lu thia etty. undi-r Ita furmor adinlnlatrntloii, will. lt la » il-l. be mivlo tne aubjoot of olfloUl invoailgatlun. It haa beou d'.acuverod lar»;e iiuaniltlos of opliim andotber vnluable utorobandlao bave 'n-en .yatematl- eiillv atuloii from t loature- hy pri-.un. OBVOBg admlttaneo totbem. viaiir of ihechargo. oroallaged to bo of tbo moat aorlona cbaracter aud lnoliide tbo un.lorvaluation of tnyiilooa. Tbo rbargea all date prtor to tlie appoint- tnriit uf tho proooal looaMboat, lhomaa Ur.-k. o L. vpaillillnit naponial ottlirr aent uere fruni W ,alitn_luii tucxiiui.uo into tiio iittalre jf tbia urttoe. baa Doeu for aum.. itineoiigagrdlndruiuiiilng up wltnra.oa and nro- uariiiKa ropocl »bleb he wlll plaoe hrfuro topoelol Oor- crnmotit agi'iit, wbo It la oxpoetod wlll arnvii arre from Waahln-lmi neil work. tt la alao InUnd.-d that the 'at> ter aliall anoelallv inveatlgate the ouatom. aud Cbiueae oortiloato buaMaaa. ._-, RUUORS OAVBB I BBB BB A RA\K. rnil.AOKl.ruiA, Aiu?- StV-TooBB WBBOfOB t.Mlay ou tbo fprtug ilunl.n Bank »t Twelfth and BpcVBg Oarden ata., a State 8000880. The preaident, PraaoMB Konnodv.doolared (hat *.bo run wa. dtio to uiullcioua rnuiore Ho .ald that the aurpiua of the huuk #aa about *'-«>.««*>. ri-d cun"tt atook li $a70.1»0. .inO ._r 'enoatui «1.050,9.7 Tbe run coutlnued unUl 3 0 n.. ap to wbu-h tlne ull louianda *m BMt. be nrriaure ,.n tbe Satik Mlh,-.»vy bat Pirat liai.d aild all ib.-oka drawu on ll for pro.oiitution to '.bo "earlUu 'tdoao. and he oflloors of'be Mr.t Natlona i"aM ibo .prlug Oaidcu-a depoalt thoro 1. umplo aud aaUafactory. _ ggv rBABiUr4__urfio wtxwt. Aug. 20 (SpeciaD..A ship- plng morobant annoiiucoa that the Ca-ubrian 8teaia»blp l-ompany ha.Je.ldod to run a flret of eteamora from flwauaoa, Biigland, to I'tilLidolplila. Tbe lepartur.-. wiil oe made e-ery threo weoke. Tho Moarl MJraooa wiil i-onat.t uf tin ooaetgaed to merohaut. tn tbls .-iiy, wbilo tbo outwurd fr.-Uht wlll to mostly gralu. OBJJtXA AXD CA3UAL TIES-BY TMZBQaUFB. HEQCF.L TO THE M'JCANAqHA DBAOTBB WlIh-BaBAKRE, AJ|?. 30. I'urlatiau t-'ouiirud. » oilno boar omployed by tbe Veat Ktiu Coal Uoiupany. ».. ar roatod to-tlay or. o cbarge of orlmln_l r.ciriigouae in ooii- uoctlon wlth tbr rocent dlsaater ut MaaaoaOOO. Ho gar< batl In the autr of f'2.0O0 AVALBSBOOBB WABDBB ASKEDTO BJBIOll. -b-BTOlL Aug *.«.-Ato ineeltng of Ihe (.ambrtugO llourd of 6vor«eora of tho Boo- laat nlghl tt waa voted a tho wardou. Wflllaui B Hough. of tur AliuBboiiae, ,Vm bla wtfo, un.t tho aaalataut F E. Bryant. be re- iiiiMlod to hanil ln tholr roalKnutluna on or Wtore oext 1 nday .bla la tbo n-.ult of c-ruol uud brutal treatmeut of tbe lamatra. TWO ALLEOED MURDEKEK8 ABUK^TED. Ciiioaoo. Au_. OB.-TbO polico ."'':tca,hl.W.uru"r Muikowaky an.. rhouiiuiug. la.t ulgbt. fur tho mura.r Of Mra. Agae. Klodtoua. wunh .orurrod1 threo day. ag... Tbo woiuan WB8 ovldoutlj mimlored for mouey, tbo trugoily oi curriu- tu the duytlme wbilo ibo waa alono ui tbo hou.e. BOUNTJ AKD OAOOEP BY BUROI.ARS. W00Niio.aKT. £ I-. A"* !f*__4__?__»S__;'^ watebmou at tho Blaekatoue Jiinotlon 8ta.loua of um 5rwY..rk aud New-i'.ngiand and Pro-.detice oud BWciltat Uallroada. waa gagged »nd bound by at mntulght laat nlght. aftrr whlcb tbo aafe ln tne PiovtdHoo and atailon wa. blown open and g_b t-beo. Au unauoceaaful aUempt waa made to opoa itoaaio la the Boa-Yort andXow-in.lanUitaUoo. FORGINO BRAZILIAN NOTEa BROTUER3 ARRESTKD FOR Ifil CRIMK. A G1GAXTIC SCIIEMI. 8AIO TO UtPI.iCATK B10I1 Of- rtCIALB IN BKAZIU [BY ri.l.KGHirilTOTHK TKIHL'V". ] St. L0LT8, Aug. 20..The outlmrr. nf a glgaiitic oounterfeitlna acbetun. the llke cf .-. '1'. ba.: aot enKHKod tho atteuttitn or 'b» Unlted st.,i .cl -rn a Oltioe for many yeara. leaked out here t f. iu Il| earl.v partof Juno the Unulilau Mlm* 1 raakaggggg recelved a cornmnnleation from hl.tijtcru; <t itatlng tbat a conaplraey bad lieen 'unne* BBi-.ttg aeveral Brazilian oilloiali of huh ataudin* au . ;au of Aiuert- cau cuunterfeiters for tbo purpuae of tloo.Hn. ' 1* Kmptre with aptinona Brazlltan billa. & genulne ptata liaen etulen from tho Brazilian Treaaury, aud n tra.ii ot tt could be foond. Tho Mluiater euhiuitted tbe iniit e. to tl." Uulted Statea autho.itlea, and rroui tb..t time uotil 1 .0 wceka ajfo tho couniry haa been looured lu aearou of the gan/r. Ten dayi ago a medlum alzed, lark co i.plexlnned man. witu a hlack muatache aud the upi'.-uiauce of a Brazillau, euterod tho pnuiiug and llthotn Bfggag eetab- llahmeutuf Auguat Oaai Jt 1 <>., 111 Pine , ear Third-et. aud auld l.e wauU-d a lurge ordcr for pi-intn x flll.-u. Tua plate aud d< ai.a furulai.e.l wua a Nailonul Trcaaurj uo'B, wnlcbaaa to prluted li, il;- i;:i.-.<l aiyle, n imper furulabed by the purcbaaer. Un BBSB bul waa a cuupuu, uu wbleb 4 clgar labei waa to bepnnt. .1. Ul Hiiu taaaaagbag aaojakay. tooi uo orderaud MfaaBBagg the worii made aildulonal platea tlie exi.ot eopy ot tha dofloTi furiilahed, nnd piluied $3'_'7,4MJ0 of ihe aluff ne- lore ihelr su-iploioni were aruuaeil. Tho ivcrlr wuo io CX- cellenl uud the Imitailou ao itood that they a.ia.KCted Cba ti nili aud luf.iriiied ihe Brazillau Uouaul aM (ho Uultitl btatea nutli<>rltlea. The pluie* were faltbfu! eopio-ofa iira/'.iliii utite of tbe va^ue uf 200 uiilret*. A luilmla ll w.u-tb in Unlte.l Statea mo-iey rlfty-tuitr aud a balf oc.'.ta, aud eucb blll wouid ci.ll for iflO'J lu Aiu n.-.iu uioner. :i.o(lO of cheui woiill auiount to ggtf .iHKi, a haud- aaaas -iui for tho prii.oipalo of the achcm« 8 poeket, if ll ha.1 beeu aueceaaful. Tho man who ordcred the prtntlnp, and f-irnlalied tbe plaie KBye tne uame of Lucioti A. Wbitc, uu.l >v»a «iayng at the Moacr. One week auo 110 wi a arreaiml at the hotel aud kept a clo-e priaouer iu L .¦. riKiiu, iwo L'uito.1 Statc-i Marekal* ulaiidiu*-.juard nw'it uiulilay. The prtnouer haa iu.uU> aeuuienal-tu. wnK a ia Ix-li-i.-d ta ba lalae ia an far ia W ntiirw ttt ui» wuk laratt** >u<i 10tMBBBuma wkMh aaa ou kaad. u<- atiiod t-.atini liouie wa* ut U'hltiiey. TeX.. but tba. M u*l liimi iti HraaD ataaa bla ynaifl* or at bBaBtfor«l<dia»aya*rfl paat Tue l.-ller purt tf Ihe O" u( a»ou 1. Ituriie uui bf ula a;n>eeit and appui'aliCi'. Ho -411'l llU retl. lo Texu*' an 1.0,lha ugo uud »eul tul»ru,i..a-. Whlle tneie he uict un* l.ane. w:n. cl.tlu." d I* bata IciioiMi i.Hu ln Brazll. ..mi pmpoied a pluii i" hi.n b/ m.lei thev couid 11:1k.- if-IO u -la.v aml ei|>eiiee» Ilo BaMd wi.Ht that wa-".. an.i l-aiitt eiplaln-al .... ptea ag liavliiK theae idKar> priiit. d an.i ua, d. 1.. »M>0 ti:ni .t.'too. anu attenipis were> to hu atka aaaB .i.'.io In New-VorB and Chleavo. bul nitu.. .1 liM.-ewa. I II,.il 1 thej Callle lo fcl LoUl. Ith l. c l"'Bllll V. Ulcb ., denenli.-d. The^reat'-r "I thla otMlBMIBBl wa. helievail by Ihe oin.laiato be tteUUuu- .'." * i'-'il uf lt knowu :o ln-ao. oiiijiue face o t.. -l.e w> tw tu bop.ltited 11. thiM'lty Tk# work uo tbe ..¦.. atasB ia .j ute ai l.n]K>ri:iut. waa to bo douc at Baa t." ma. Tbe urierl ..1 .Vi.lie luuu.'nt uu. tbi. 1^ .-.. m.i.I tba aalhornie.. iri iba tlforltlaa Breraaaoa !.i .ua.... II i.-.uo'i. lue re.ul waa a...>,u.-r atl/.ure uf aaveral h ia UaM Ikainaaf toUara' wortk of tbe eiufl ln .v . naa -. l"e BBbaBBM «a^ to ahlp Ihe bllla fioinhert ;>> ..«»¦ - an.i lo abii- t. e basfea of taa kllle fr.ia V'W- iirleamit.. thla rltv. vnieri'Iho w..rk w.mld Oa Oi.l-.i.d. Taea IM ebntr-laMl eoopoa wo.ikl Ua mit .." r. foreiri'tilatlon The 1 eto.-tlve. aru lu i*,-*-.., a i.f intonnatloii which ahona Ihul tb<-| 11'1 lfai« ::; .ua -. ,-u.e aie lirazili.tii ofMlala, aM avery < tl >.i u ¦!"» iii.ile l.y that lioiernineut to run tbeni -t.-w... Tu-laf Joaanb H Vtl.Ho. u luot er ul the prtaouer. wi. 1 ..-rv.tij« Bl VI wu, TeX.. ft»r eun.plli'lty lu t'te agal 1 mii 11 Wklta aaa Baaa lalaavaaingay raar c»na- .iNiu.iei.t ..1.1 BBtai " 1 ni not iBBp>Ba '.'' .. ¦traae- areaalua tho lau arbea l nntatiid iba Biatier prl B I Ulii-r«.|. 1 iiiuacl me plalel"., - I ii..n't.are hihjui lalUBa; I wlll aay 1 re.t-.ve4 li iint'er tho bapraaalBB "m' h » u a Miaaleaa 1 .>.>« BBJ ailv-i-iiMina puilMiee." .' Foui diiiiiioinla. 8BM at. a (fold waUb a.e. eltaln were ro.ind iu hi4 |m>mu'h.!uu wh"u arreaio.1. I'> rue'rli t'lere *,.* 11.1 luw a*alii4l counterteitiiiK ni'.n.y .: "tner uatloua. bol rmillBM paaaed reeently » lew It.aknr 11 B t, Uiay, piinlaauiile ly hu« uri1iniirt.out.ieut, to counier- felt uitinoj 01 i«>iid. of my mhnr "ountry. RATLROAiriS IBRKBTB, A SBBAT CONFEREXCE IN SARATOGA. rII1 1':. -Ii.KXTS Ol TIU VKW-TOKK CBfl im.. ruB PINNBVI.VAMA AND OI'HKK IMAUi PBB*BBT« Sakato'ia. Aug. 24)..Tho guthering ot proiiilneiit rallruad tueu nere to-nlfht hai BWak u. 1 BBM* M.l.T.ltie «|,eeul tior. ..ino..« New-YorB ilo !r>B>-« md niliera. >cor.e!i. Roiier'a. praildenl of U .'ean- lylvatiia Kallroa.l. aad .tee-proaldent 4)ro«n of t'.. 1 'ad havo l>eeu her«, for nme .tuya ea a raeatiuu. t.iuU'icay M. Oejiew. preallent uf the \i v-Yurk OMBMi, h.-re tlna .ft"rtiooi.. and luiraallataiy wou. out 101 a dniewiih W.lllaia II. V'.uiileritllt. J.iho N'ewrll. pr*«l- dei.t ot .ie Lak" 'iiuri- ivtd »l a l<> 01 (1 lt. a-hile aihert Keep. itr.-Kl-ut uf th- Cawaaa a: d Nwrikwaatara, Huia Bid.lle, preaideot of tha Boafc lalaad raaa, M. i- flyke.. vio. -,.-i»drnt 0, tiie. Nmthweetern, fr»ek lht.iaoo, .1., pi, ai.l-nt of tbo Peuneylvaola. J. Plerpout Mtf ^.it 1 iir.'Oior of thr New-York (?etitral rtad. a**B other railroadmeL na»eeii^a<e<1 rootui._.. w-re ruuiora about U.e tuited Ptate. Iloiel, wh.-re the rellltaad men ..r- iratiiereu, that a BaMaM waa tu be OuttaMered for tbe eunaolidatlou of the Nurtu- w.-it.rn and iho'Jmaha r,...da, t.ut iiutliina; cuil.1 be le.medrei:ar'liuiraiivthlnaof-hat ktii-l. A pr.ia.ln-at r.t.r'ad tiiat. a.l.l that there waa eon>e. Iai i1i.-tntn.nea lt the/a.hertur tho N,w-\ .rk teniral ai.d lVuuavivanla ottieial* were to e,,u-i.ler what at-tlon to n.ko on the L-kaI »ri>r*" Ut.if* be.un li. Petinavlvanl. by Attornay-Oe' .r.l ra* >. ly to prjvent the lvuitayl'-aniti run* from lU'iiulnaa c-i trol or tne rtoutfc Peunsylvatila aa aBT.-ci upou re^otiy lu the .etileinen.o' th* ennt.-it wlth the We«t ehore. Thera la to Iw a ineetlna-uf the Kxeeullve of tha Nurthw.atein roatl 011 Batnrday, hut a r.ien.bei deelared tbat au far aa he Wiiew tt woul I only doeUre a dlvi leud, uui he waa .pparently uol eertaln that other ruaiten woiiM not i>e Therr waa no mietlnn ->t any klnd t.'-uight. buwever. furtber than fnendly IlieuaaioB 11, the oorrtdora tnttween IM olHel il* already here. NOItTIIKUN I'A. IFIC AFF.« IRS. rhori' h likily to a aharp iMBtfgal g| tha gineral meetlnitof ibeNoithern I'BCtflo aaBBaadQBB> puuy, whleh oocura BBSl tnontb (^Brlea B. WrUht. of I'bila.leliibia.a diravtor of tho eompnoy reeently re- qu.Mte.l tbe proxic* of itockhoidarB for bliueelfand I'reanlent Harrta. tn bl» clrcjlar lettcr heexpreaaeil bla uppualtlon to the loaao of tho Oreiron lUilwaj aud Navitf.itlou Coinpany'* Hiiea which broujthl out a reply froraMr. Harrlalaf.voroflt. A we.k aso the dlratv tura aniHiluUd n eominltiee to iiiliolt proxica, conila.tng "p11,!?,,.,.i Mora-an. Bllllnaa A.vtia! IM- 1, out; B. *. Koleton and B. 1*. Cl.euey \aai.-r.lay Mr. MomtVtoal 'he 'ollowin* lettcr to I'realdent llarria : DBAB IIR l reeelva.1 tl.ll aiurtiln. a clrcula. la.tied friMBfaar .illceeuoiuaiinta for... .f pruxy tu .ny 11 a - l" a*ed aa one of nva. tu wbuae favor the pwilb ,beiB-.ed. Immediateiy ot. titdng: ...formetf of tna ... tion ..I vour B"-artt ir Ulrectori 01. Auku*i ^0 I autl. Ie o 1 . y inab.iity to aervo 01. the oommiltee, aud I uinit -her -fore aitainat tbe uae uf my name la 'h?"orni ..i" pmiv ahMk h«^ baaa dl.trtbuied ninoiiRtM llMffillrf Youriverytruly.^ ^^^ ^^ VA8A8B BK0ltOAMZA.noV. Theplan of reorgmiizatiou of Aa WtlkMaa 8t I>»ula and PaelBc Katlway haa rec -iv -I It* Unt m ajg. lUlfr prubably. an.i In a few <laya tbe boudnul.lcra wlll be iuvlte.1 to aaaent formally u> 11. J. Moir.l. of ,ri,i,» .1.* tba lornup >IBg8lllin' WUBh .." bi agrS-n r ln partioul.... j.y ln a'vordauce will. the vote of the kondooi. .-« be> . r. hr le.t U."«lon. Auotbe. meuibcr waa ».lded .0 ,'h ...irettLaiiia 00 n.uitte .. aud the bondboMera wera Lk,.V. ...ual repn-aeuunon iu Ibe board uf dlrea-iora. r Jiifna. ie* iciei-onaldereil of ao allxbt l.upur.aneo h "^e .uana.e.neJ.t tbat ib-y were aXnatM wlthout «. tat.uu Over #o.04K)..KH) af tbo bond. bave U-ou .la- paaBaalJuVaBf tbe pua aud. m -a^raM .uccom thaaa* aeat uf only «4.0O0.oO0 .nere I* roaa-Bad. MOMTHLY gTkTgJUtirr <>F BEADINO. 1>HILAI,KL1'UIA. AUIT. J*-TMB Bt,.t«me0t O the and Boadlng BaBraM aad 0 al aod So. ( mi-anle. for the BJMtt. ag July. I8g8. - 0888* parcd w.ti. ih. aaaa. .*» W«i *«»".' A ^-; E 1 earu.n«. of glBW- I . oMiajaa ta *U**B of ga4.H4A: .dacroaaelu uet earnlug. of *UM Tha .1.. tr Julv3i. lUfca. ** oomparrd wub tha elK-1.1 moitba tc JU.yji. «o .'..,',. .roM e»rm. * ,'eiii.if of the Baodlag roorganl/aii. u waeaaaa »»* A.. T. ¦ ri.ii.H.n tn ibe maiu iltlce of the rompany, Su' excent Mr. W fn ,-uuaeiuenoe ut tUe ahaence ./thal aeu leman ao meollu* wlll bo beld on Frldar MI1CELLANE0U9 KAILHAY INTKI.LIOENCE. Oswauo.N. Y., Aug. 20.-The R*aaia, Wat-r- town au-l OKMnihiira: Ba.lroad Cmpany have Uaaed th* nowly bullt dyraouao. Phienix and OawajB roal, .ml w '. iH'gln runiilu. BMtaa avor tt on Augu.t il PiiiLADKiJ-i.iA.AUBW.-Thealatement la dented tbat tbe Pennaviviinia Rallroad Company haa pl*oo-l a laraa torce of men ln tBait eeotlon of the lower partof tae elty known aa " The f*»i'k." to lnterfere wlth tho work ...... of UM BaltlmoreaaajhilailelpliU Kailroa.1Oom .»;*.*££ they ta lay thelr liueacroii tM P.nuayuaa.a kracka

I.TT.lOO«-.TO»--T«.O.a. £j*r!2*I^813 ^>^^ -^.rrinVltaaon ... › lccn › sn83030214 › 1885-08-27 › … · jLtTuWeeTZ7~Z-ul-foroa,.b5

Jun 28, 2020



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Page 1: I.TT.lOO«-.TO»--T«.O.a. £j*r!2*I^813 ^>^^ -^.rrinVltaaon ... › lccn › sn83030214 › 1885-08-27 › … · jLtTuWeeTZ7~Z-ul-foroa,.b5<K)vot4ir.Budo..0forfWplaaoa»otelBfBaa


.republicansjn leaders at saratoga.

' I.TT.lOO«-.TO»--T«.O.a.SAitATOOA, Aog. £j*r!2*I^813

._o arrlve4 boro *a*M^>^^ _,d not Kobe*non»v.alttoBenatorEvarW,auld«atoC on -X -^.rrinVltaaon'tLuakedtewnaya' reat on Mr. ENartaa uaaaaBeOM '°r

-.netherornotMr. Evurta ^.^aa be buew Mr.Oovoruor Mr. Drpew mplled tbat io far aa ue

Evart. would uot be a <<»»|dld*,6; _.-.» tbeTborebaaboou a aood d.a of """""""'


aCS^lS. --amf of tbo «-..-.«.«

____M iomin.tlo.iou ¦nuraUtoCo.mnerce.oxpro.aedbla£M o wltb tho OOMO mnunlttoe'. work. He rathor

SSS lt w,.u.d Mta no aotion on tbo plan of ln-

SZmmt roprra-nttun. Tbo roeoinu.ondft.lou of the

S^rraMMl.tae.i.r wblcb bo wu.cb.drmiin.wa, for ono

drT. -ul-foroa,.b5<K)vot4ir.Budo..0for BjaB BoetMO

jLtTuWeeT fWplaaoa»otelBfBaa BueaCaeuoM.Z7~Z tbo BaaM 1.000 votoa and aaa.

Bff. wlOiiauddUioaaidaMOBBa for aaeb Aaao.nbly dta-

STa. T-^aBaaaoaaigiBBJBi aeoaiMal by tb. Mgtrk't. lniawaaa. y

MUlor tblllkaM n'alU.otibitouuOlubof Now Yu.k. air

fhfttti.oro.uit wiii Baooaaoalal aal be baaaa for tho

laopiou byina Sute t»uvo,..oi, of tbe pte- roi-o.n-

£_S byu-eaiirco. .>«*aMMB Baa.amtaal-roil... tbo 000 BYQliiiil IBaaaa. u . gaaal MaBatlB aaaa-

JTted a. ,r.w.l.o.rbo,1ove.wm be tho oaar, OaMata}. . Kap..bu.-.B vtctory lu thia Otata. Lavl

y al-aaa aaoaaaaaol BOa. II a- w.u paaaaM wltb

tho wo-k uf tbo naat alegaOi »nd BaaefBl of

rgHBiiBiair Cftirmun gaaaaa D. Warraq waa

TatHOially ploftao.! tba. tbe artlon of the r

gw^LStaTaMII MaaafeB MalMaal Baoav He

m not boiievo mtbo atoaef MiiaaaaO lepeowtoltoa,imt lt ..miii. ln Ma op.uion. do no burui Mr. Wurroi. in tbr for u ih .rt trlp to Lake 10010 >»

co.uia if will. OlMOIIiaaaa Ht.rlr._b. Jaiuea 8. h.....rt

aiulMr. of Mr. W$»

Zm\ aaaBaaanao for Govoruor. tiooarol E. A Ber-

r,i, alao eggtoaaal gflool aaMifcrtlao wrtt Bmaetiu.1 Of UM OUtO Couuntuor, ttaugb be

th.o-ht. an aarller dato abonld ha -.« bron

,ho_rn for the oonvontion. Waoe-

woriboxprno-adaaB-alj aatl.fictmu wltt. tho outlook.

an.' a_ro.d witb Mr. a/arrei. that tb. cafdMotee wUI bo

aboven by .ho eoi.Yeai.oi. ono uul l-y ou) eion ur aet of

bm. ot advaaaa. *toBa laaaiOaa aa neetwkM to aae-

ct.. Mr Wudaw.rtb la ir.iuu-"'U mn tionrd bero M

OaaOraOar, and bc la aaM to bo enti-Hy wBBOg to aorepttb-I pBtra oa .bc tlrkct.Now tliattbroouventton liaa Ucob oulied thore 1s au

en iv. o.i uu.aaM ka tbo aubj.-. t of raMtMatae, A pgBBfr.f.t l.i.ilrr lu tbo puny, lu ai.awrr to ln-

onlrlea ou tbia aiibr-ct tMtgbt, BaM: ¦ I

.,n ln favor of Mr. Kvarta, Imt I o-i'.r.t, d tbat

Be laao not waot to ue ft candidato aud 1 do..-' <\ luk ho

.h.iiiiBo.Oiallaaraap%a» mmmi '. looBaa, Jud_o

Amlrowai. agoo-l aaaa. MM be baa J.nt H*on elratrd

un.ier paoaBao BBi aaiMaai '-a to aMartooa r«-"-»>"« aa

tiucui.nof ApiMaia i*n.-h. ldonottbi..k.b»;dbr a-Wrd to rraliin to accpl * notuination for lluvon.or.

or thal tbo r*rty »,l Inetir tho rl.k of

loalni? Vhat pbu-e on tho bet.i h. Judno Nuah

Tiavla h-ia only a alu.rt Mcaa to

aorve. Ile would raakr BJ. r.-olloul Cri'ornur. Ilc la a

aTroii_te...|M-raiie.iiuui.. uiit u..t a fruhih.tlonlat Hlar,u,ui, utlun u.lKl.t luvlto 041 .aaur wUI..tho li.,'.... dr .Ur-

ati.l d-u't tbink tbat «o want lo Invltr thr la^no. I be-"iryoUai Oounr-I W II. B-wurd. of Anbum. wmidiuaUo ;i ^<>od oaiilld.ilr. Ho hua boon u au<. ea.fol bu-i-_Smw4M) n.1"! br...ill.(rd a.t wont Intu ibo wur BMCi.l..o'.tuUn_.u1lrr(».' He llfaa ln Ibo BOOMhia r.tiirrdlrd ln anil hie ro-en a publio a|diltod iimui

aiKlatf"-! Ki'iml'll-un CuUk-roaarnan Ira«loa.>did«lo. Hlebialtb WoaMb. tbaonly ooratlon te N» cuialderod Ibrre. ( N. Itlta-, ufWr ii-Vurk. w.mbl r oo niukra a"-d o.,, dnl.ilo. Tlun,aro iilroivof K"-0 ctidiflutea. If UM Uklaa LMUTMClub w....'"d brlna ruM » OBaMMMaa v,-h.. rat, .-..nio t* tho

CoiiroiKion wtb thr aii).p,.rt of tbe MeW-1 ork and Brook-)vn ilolo_a»ra ula tioirviiiiliou woiild tic aaiuredAn tber orunilnnii Bru-ililuan wlio baa boon hlirhly

hoiur.-d by 1.1- fin'.v a.,1,; ' I iblnk tbat IBO uomlnreabould bo a niiiii ... wrii k..,.*i. tlun lt wuiild not bo

lir,r*i.rv to trll thr vutora who bo la ; and bo rbou.dl.r B n'¦ n wbo e.<i not br .-oiilru.lrit lii aiivtu-dy. HoObould li au Lo li-or iruin tho <-iiMr»fr ol lu.i lu^ l«ri,

Inu.od f,.r hl« mMioy. To wln ho mnat bo n'tuiuat.d on

hia ewa tu.r ta :.nd imt lu'.-Hiiao uf| lila namo or

fcfranm ba bo* :,o"ti a., aaaaara a^ not to bare takrn anya.tivr ua.-t un t>io grool <| wblo.b hmn li.tereatedtho luitr I'i ih. I:i»t I Ihink tbal ..udae DaviaJndjre tadtvwa. Mr Bawtpar or C. B. Bllaa wooldnrovt aeoptrfblo oaiidhlaio. to tho pooplo of IMBtaM,Mr Hli- la tbo loaal k. own. but bo haa laken un aetivo

?ur< aa un advlarr lu {riinblli'.li .oiuinlrioe. Iu New-ork and haa brni oaMDOkoa in bla cunvb'tlon. and

rtho'il in hla wtiboiit rven a.kma ur do-alriri.' uarlv hunora. I tblat -uinr aueh a man muat becboaen toearry tbefliHte We wlll bavo no wulkovor.


.Tnt:nt OA-CUlATtOMO tTisp;.

The few RepuhliciiiK who had roturni-d lolowii yeat. rduy aBMOO ¦ unroalnilnid uf

tho aetlon of tbo Btulr Coinultteo ¦ Oilna un Kepteuioor22 a.. tbe date for Uoldiiu; tbe Stato C'onvi utlon. It wa.

(leclarrU tbat any otber courao would bavo b.-rn

nnwtae. It waa Mld that to flx a dutofor hobiina it after thnt uf the Drroocratle Pute Convrn-

tioii woiihl bn in cff.ol to fturnlt tnat the Koimbll'-auJou Ur. woro afruld to Uko tbo lulllutivo, «o boldly for-

ward, nauie a ilcket, aud l.aue b plutfunu of prlnelplra.. The Itepublicao party hua noror born afruld to aay

Ju.t It iiji-.nia, and tboro la no noed for it to fultrr

m,w." »ald a weil knowi Bipuhtliun yonti-rday. " Allthat i. IMOaaaaP »ow 1. to name a flrat-elaaa tlcket, imt

forth a itoud pl.itfurtn of prlnclploa, uod work from now

ntil SoyomtH-r to eiect tbo tlck«U Tho fttato cau ho <!.-

]H- ,.!,d ou to af Kopubllean if fiood at-.nae and u.I

Jii(U?iiiot.t are dlapiayod ln mnkln* >ip the tlebotThero ba. boon no wtropnlllnK. ao fur as I have anrn,for woak ur aOjailloaabtl i Hiuihi.tra. l bavo never a«entbo party moro iiutto.i. aii 'br aaaaa preaaoa .aaaaaa.''Tbroo wero tbo .ontlrooni. of all Krpubllo«i,a Wltb

-rhu.u aropurter of Tur T'.ifu BB eonviriod. All w-io

ritiiid-iii ibal thoiatH'o coulrt b« currloQ by the Keput^liouna witb properefortTbo |i.'»ta wi»~» tborotlichly aatonl.bod at tbo

artlun of tbo Rop'itdlean Stale 'Juumlttoe. Ttiey fatl Mauro tbat tb<- K.piii'liean ''otivruiluii would wutt oi tbiJ>riiiiier_ta tbat H baa upart all thoir .'.ioulatioiii lnfact, Uiocoiiditionof ..hliu.'a'io.riactl.vcl.anred 11 lacor-tum thal i.boaetlon uf «be Prruoerai io "oovti.tlon wUjiio-pend l.ir_oly on tlat of »hoir ippuurrita. Tni» wa. adBiitir^l yeaterday by .ovaral of «ne abrowdr.t Boail lt.tho Doinuerutic rauk. ln tbia < Ity. Mwurd f'ooper, ltwaa (oiibUintly« xruvtrd i,y Uui.ort (>. Tbanpaea andhla frt'-nda, would be noinl'.u'rd wltboiit tbe votoa uftbo K.nt-a Co.inty deloa.Mcn. Tbo tioinlnoe of tbe b«a inin who w"iild uratrallr.o aoinr uf>lr. 1'uoia»r'a .lrniiK»b. and M muy be dooni.-d neorMarvt.i.ako iinaih-rd maii^aai'io oi'y delHg.-ite'. ln no cu.owill .up|M>rt O.ur-uur niil. Tb. ourrlna ivook wlll be a

bu.v onr lu polltloal rtrcl". ln bot'i par'ttw.It la dottuitrl) .r'tlod'ha'-'ohu Kolly wlll not ouiuo

ba.litotownui.tll aftrr MM IVnoocratio btate'^invrntlun. Hla brallb eim'lnuoa jto-Ki. Itotako. mi totanalln htutnoa. and itolUVul tnattera, and la kopt advl-Oil byniull aud i.-b-irraph ->f the un.'.' Um of tbo oraniiualuuiand what la taki'iK plueo. Ml« .ulvio la «ou/hl, and lnpiouialn fullowed I.I Mat'ora atrlctly cuiueeied Wltb)'aii'i..any II. 11. Ho wlll b» burk <n tlme to bnvo a fooifi.-al Ui »ay ln local pulll.oa Ix-foro tlin Novrmber olc<>iluu.

iowa hi:pi;bijcan cowkntion.DksMoinf.h, Iowa, Auif. 96.Tbe RcpuMi-

e.'u. Matr Conyratlou niet luro tbl. afl.roouo wttli o

lar.e uttrndano... OOaaajB M. Prrbina, Kdltur of Ikr Moux

Cily Joumal, wa. elorlod tcmporary ebulreouo Mr

IYikina'i addroaaoiitltblnr tbo la.uoa of tho aBOrgOlgOWa-loudly cbcerod, oapoeially ibr portloim oontraat'nirtho iiiBnrrnoea botoocn tbo Kepubluan aud LBMOeoratMji.ull". lu lo'va mi tho >|,, ui of Ibo e.nitrol of tbollqiior traltti'. A now Btuto Contral CuBiiultteo -a.4-b<i.< u. and after porfrctuuc totnporary ortfauizatloiitbe convcotiou ailjoui u,-.l ti.'l to-morrow.

TJfi. UIRITB REOOBURSDATION A FOROKRY.Nkw-Oklkanb, Aug. 20. .CoircHpoudfnce

Oei wreu tbo Couinila.luiier of I'oiihIuii. and CouKro.<>inanIxmlnM. M.rtln developa tbe far.l tbat Dr Wllllain IIIII. '. iv aa ' ri_irnnii>KM.rKeou ou a reeutiiiiionil-.tlon purportliig to br from Mr. Ht.. Martui but wbli-.bturua aal M BB a fo.cery. Dr. Ulro i« under Indiettneuttor yiolation of a..0non o.ariH, Itovlard Stntuto. of tboTJulteal rJiatoa, whlcb rrft-ra tu ibo rollootlou urpreaeuU-tlou of fraudulout ciuiiua ag.tu.t tbo tiaveruiuint.


Deouoy, cblef of tbo detocuvo foroe of tbe I'onaaj IvimluBa.lruwl, lu tbia elty, to-dny oBried a roward ol S..0OCfor il.. arreat of the prraon or poraona wlio plae.-d lueexpio.iive ou tbe ato.iinboat H. M. Kelton.


Pkovidenck, Aug. 20 (.spefia/j.-Caiolina lnthe ioui hcru parlof tbii _uto i. io OKioataUte ol exaitouieut oror tbe elopeoMut of W. li. Okeli, au overaeer

lo the ruiu, ulth Ilattle Wlleox, age alxteen, dunghter ofWllllam .3. Wilcoz, tbe Job teamatcr. Okell la twenty-one and marrted. Wlieu lt waa dlKOovered tiiat the palrbad aono, word ivua toleicraphed to Htonlngtoti and thepair were arreated on the bn..t. Mr. Wlleox toolt hisdaughter nome to-day aud Okell wai releaied.



WAsniNGTON, Aupr. 26..Dctailn of tho do-itruotlon In (Janton, Chlna, and lt* vl.-.lnliy by the reccnt

(rreat raiustoiui thero, huvo beeu recelvod ln tbla i'lty.The flood was the most serloue which haa vialted Cuuton

ln thlrty yeara. More than ten thouaand peraona loatthrlr livea, and a far jrreater number are left ln a atarv-

mirroiiflitlon. Entire rlllagea were enirulfed, and thortoe and ellk BBBfM ln the vlololty were aluioat ruiued.The prlce of rlco haa beeu ralaed IH p.r cent In oonee-

quenco of ihe losa of the crop. The raln fell the latter

part of Juue, fllltnjr and ovtirflowlnir al) tho rlvera.Many of tBe atreetaof Cauton were floo.led for over a

wei-k. Atfx-NI Uty the water tiroke througb the eltywall. It ll reported that aeveral thouaand pooplo WBBBdruwned thcre, The erabar.ktnent* or tlio rlvere were

brokou In numcroua places and tho wator swopt, ncro**

the aurrouiidinu oountry. earrylnjf everythlnf bcfore It.A fnrelener, who wns an cye wltneas of the BBBBM a of thodcvaatatlon, reporta tlmt one atgBI lli" t.out lie BOaagbBgamhored near a bauiboo irrove. By inorninir Ihe WHter

had rtaen to the topa of tln- bambooa. At otlit r polnU It

roae aa bltrh ai forty feet In tlie niuht. Th." from tlie vIIUkc* aud cain|ied on tho hlllsldci.AtKun In, a tnarket plnee,

eltnated ne»r tlie embatikm.-nt or one of tho streama

couuected with taa rlver which brlnga water frein tli"uorih rikI weat rlvera, tlio niujorlty of BM inh:.l.l:uiittwere drowne.l l.y tlio water breaklng thronuh tlie "in-

Imukment. Bome earnpcd to ii pleeo of r1>-1ni; ln

tlio ne1i:libi>rli.....I, luit Iho wattr eonttn.iid bartM .-

gradually overioppeti IM elevatlon, Irawatag tlioa,.who itood iijinn it. Mvyaataaa Cbtaaaa arMaaaaa btCiiut.iu, liearlna of the ill'trois and antl'erihi; Bflln tbelraatlve Tlllutfes, taofe pBBBfl ¦..." on .i Mal wlth Bvlew la proroedlng hoineto rondi-r wMl aasi.t iaafl theycoiil.l. Oa the way the boat wm eap«!.'.i.l aM all la Itwere In Home places parenta tlrl tlieir ebil-

dr.-u on tba braucht-a uf tre.a, wl.ilr tlo-v In-tlt.ii-d

Miaiaiaa B* itieir paawtal aaf.-ty TM Iraaa aera

maakai gp »>y the ntot* ami tMMart raadlag erh i ..r |k8clul.lren w-:re illaooed ln Hi- luraiaa water*.

Tlm l»B4y of a brldo nr.a-.ed ln herliri.lul BB8aa *aa foilti 1 flo;itln2 ln tli"nvar at Oe»iton. A larire tuh w.ia nl«o aaaalt 4i,a pfikednpntid fou.ul tnrentaln ,. bul BBWim ihciu was .. papar atatlna tMlf t. uaee, the Mr of th.-lr l.lilli. II" I14.I lii-irut. .1 to a«ve tbe livea o: theli ngaprlna. rfce mitei oltli>- l«-i;.-r frap tilii.-li theal.ove la t.ike-i aaya: "Tli"auffenna tkafl l« tiolii({ eti.inr tt hy ihuuiBudi ln H.taprovtaee UnBaply li r:r.B.| n .-. Cblldreu areto ili.-lr p .""lila Ikal thay nre hunirry, aml the ... l parrata ewa 01 lv reply, allk eyea; bllndeTe.ira. tiiHi tMy kave aotklna toaive tbrio. rMai flondiwlll.of eourw. l.ilite 011 eiila".il!lr«.ihe w«ti.r witl 1.. 10 aa aUarlal depuBli wbteb wlll l.ur-d'nihe ata*oat>bere wlth walarlau polatan. 1,,, 1.nle11,e ..Mi .ai t-> laa the flll.-.t water, utii.'ii 111,-.-tl'.eu. all aorla of .11-1

TUE rMXXBTLVAMA PBMOOBATB.OOKBAD & D1T FOB 8TATE TBEA8UREB..sami.d «y iiik iiai:i:i 111 <; 001 \ iNiio.N mr

bi 1: cni g am> ri.A roaua,

IIakimsiii u<. l't-iin., Au.'. 26..Tbfl P. nio-

t-ratle" (ot.vt nt !.>:. B .11 "'..... d !" >.r.i( lUla Itioi 1,1. t

«t 10::i0 o'cloek. tlie BuBbM Mlag p.'.i'l.. I. 01. r

400galaaatea fcataapaaaaal lt. P. Allagi of i.>..,

w.taelecteil t*-111 jm.i ... y (liiiiruiHli Bf r.. .-tiiinutioti. On

taktagBM MaarM apaM atf aaa gprty kafaa b i

»1on of tl," BatJaaal Adtiil.nairatloa Bti'l *..l.l tl. llliit.I B j.erfii-t rtgfcl l" prea,.,t ta IMutieranrea of Maaataaoa. Ho aaleglBod Piaaaiaat

.iml an.i aaid tlmt the peoplo wi-.e uo* haTliig a

lil^her, ttallcr au.l pnrct Aiuiliilatriitlioi tlian kaaakti.wM for ¦ ay yaar. ihe fact a ji bBe aflk « »«*

at pnUlle tniat waa lietnc earrled oul ln Htuto laaiiea.

Iteferrlnjr to tM new Conatllutlon, ka BBkl uu altlie irreat o,neatloiia wita tbo reiful.lion of ihe la«*

Bjearggatflg iraal i-oiporaiuiia. It waa a d'it\ |a .

tiiem wtUiiit tMboaadaot tboCoaatltotloBv Ua.tba Bepoblleani aith all"Wlii»; iM biai lo rrtoalnaa a BV ad u ttet erbaa tin-y im-i ..n t'Ppwrtnnitj t" ulun etii tu. Oaaeaniat »... l.U:u> co.upliiu. ai. .1 f",hia iiiovc on ilu-.-..11 b reiiiiayivania Kailruaa, aud Ikaai...ker requ.aletl lhal Uu-in.v. nt..r I.i- li.liy iBderaedan-l ai.ataiiK'.i iu hi> auaraa. TM rarloai eominwm tl.en appailnted, ait.-r wi.k-ii taa eoaveatlOB b*Bk ^

,.,., ^a* 'intli 1 o'cl.'t-k.TM C'.nve.itloii ilid not i.-.a-i-i. ble "li tltii". bal wlirn

aallMtaarBgr th. attoodaaaa waa aa bvraa bi i.i iheipnrtilne. ja.-nli . 'I iiriie*. of We Uni.r. «.-,

penii.tioiit'.hiilriMitn.ainl the n« t.r \ 1..,. preat*Mtntl a:.d aricifiiutiea ^ a|.|<>iiil> il. Mr 111111. \ i,|.|tll.-.l >!l" tli"" 1'H.l (OJH '. Wkl I. tl"' |."..|.le al.<,alleorporalSoria wlthln the linnt., of tli" laa Tlie Ctmetl*tiitti.u »a a iii.n--.ire ln Ikal raaaeat la a

dea.l letter due to tln- iltitniii.tnt party II baMoaeatlie Il.i.itiinitle p.rty 10 tnke tl 1* "i.ittei ln 'i.tii.l.Ile ttuaad wttu atroni; r.n.arka aaalaai tbi trauafaroftli» -...i»h IVim-j iv-itilii 011.I 10 'be I'-nuai Ivani.i II..11road 4'oinpsuiv. and derlared tlie Aiioil" .111 ('oi.-trii"t|..ii4 otnpaiiv n nivth nnd a Ir.iiul aml |M ,«nera aaadaninen TaawMta bbMbm of IM Coatk Poaaaylvaal..BnllraM waa aaatMr Credli Boblller. i-hntb the Nsttlormi aud htale AtlinlDalrail'itia ainl iloBOnneed Qii'iy. tde. KeiniblU-an .'.niilnlut. f..r -t.ti*Treaanrer. ua rorrupt. and lield tln! no plare n.-i <l>..e!< aiilnj «ut luo.e Uian tlie Ireaaiiry Iiej.urtiiiriit af tMBBBta,Tlie l.'o.niDlttee 011 KeNolutlona rcjiortod tM nnUawlag

platform 1

The Demoeracy of Penti.ylvanla ln ronrentl.m geelaiatlieir B.arty a|i),iovai «n,l au|.|.ort >>f tbe prlnctple*adopteat by IM iSklaaaa PBBBaatatla Ooaveotlon Jni) B,1^-1. they favor .1. hotienl itltU eltlcient < n li .-.: 11. .-. ,,

fair aitd Ju'at nrrtrtuB uf Ihe tarlft", an.i .1 tlioroiml. r.rot.not tli. BBalMdBwf u.linililiii,.ll"t. Wlllctl ol. aineal .i 1.¦ [.-1ItepubUeaaralala atrlat aeaorrtaari »nli the taraM ofthe Cbloag pMfona.aaoii whith Oravat ci.velau.i waail.cUd frr-Mo. t 4..1I Thuiuaa A. llenUiitika Vlce-l'rekl-d. nt nf tbe 1'i.lte.I Siiit. I.

trrotid.- We coMially approve the IteinoT.-itle refortu..I... 111 latrtllou uf I'MBldent 1 ui-.l bla (.i,ii,, ,.We IBOegnm M tt.alr iirhctal art> « *aanlBta .leiernnuatnm tu Tlnillci.t. tbe'. « iij.'.i. 4 lu, li ihe I'r.aidenlwaa eleeli-d. Tu elid wo all.i 11. lila clear BM llnli-putable rliiht u orotBptly raaaori oMi.inia BrMMvajiro-tunt.-.l the pulilic aarvlce for parttaaB aM peraonuiemla TM *Mroi*alirafonaafabaaa* aM laanblaataveatlKHtlona .ln 41IJ niatl. In 'he BBVatal llepat t.i.ent ¦ ufthe ?".de.'a. i/overnni'ii. givcaaaaraooetbal iBm praaaalAdmiulairatlon wli: *<'eiiri' foi the jonntri tbut ihur-ouel wgaalaailaii af Um .' ivil Bervlee aklek alBaBeatm hoi.r*., piuctlcal and vHlcient ailiiilnlatratlou uf tho(iovcri.tnent

Ihird. 'I lie Artrnltilatratlon of OOTernor P4ttl»e:i, blthe Ut in ani Iio'.e-t ..xeeiiiit.n uf lavj aud tli* faltlifuland rirfit: ua. ..flba rett. |>u»er lu the lntereal ef rersrutand econotitlcii ifov.-miiii ni .li.iii.i.-.t Ikc PBBpeulaMauaiBiBiid. th< eaaMeaai af tb* jte-iitie. w. warmiy npprovt tlie actlui. uf tbe Oovemur and Iii- oltl. I.i) aivl.era in then 'HortMo tiialntain und enroi.-e iMCMetltutlo.i, u, aortire a Juat aud buiioat appatBtaBaat 1 toiruard the int.-reata or the paapbji u> ae.-ur- eeoatotayam) honeatv ll. tk* ht.-ne (l.iveniiiirn!, nnd lolaforin lou<-exlatlua abuao aud ruutr.d li.i.jiiallll. n lu thaBawaPuurth...Every leclilninte effort of lal.or to bttterit-.

eundiuoii, eubanc* lll rewardt. ar.d prolnti ite rl»r!il«, th., ayinitntb; and aupport of the DemoOrallc party Tu. llitjmrt.itml.. e.illtr.'l. uffu. el-ii pauipaf l.tbor li au cvll which ihould be reuiedledb) ju.lici.iui )u<lalallonPilih.- Wtt faior tlioenforoemonf "f tbe c.inatltiitlnnnf

I'uiiii.ylvaiila lu lta trrry ar'liie m.i vi.tioti; aude*i». laiu duiii..tic ihe ia*ralatloa bj Iaw m Maaaaaaeaiherr.wlih »f the-arrylnn i')!p.ratl...M .r be -lute, theeiiual.i4illui. uf tl.o'il :««'.. Minapitr .prutloiiuf /mbllt;tu,.11. y. t.. p..i>iie tite. only, au hone t laaaaffecaaat ofthe R'.nle Trraaury and rl<ld ciifureemeut of tho Iaw*|{uvrrnl04 lu

filxth. -V, ti', aa ln fluKrant vlulatloti of the ("on-BtttuUwB, IM UtieBtl.t 10 'otiaoliilale '.be HuillhFeuu.ylvaula and 8eO0k OMM wittiibo i'ei,i.»yivui,i 1 IUIlroa<l 't'tnp.iuy and weheirtily BfrpfOVl the pruceerllntr .if tbo ('ouitin.n-wa.Jih tlii.i.i^b tbe iovernur and Attuiney-iieiiiiialta i'Toteit ."il prt'ierve Ihe 1)«:.!" uf th* i*uplo uu.lerthe (

A>tv»'i/i.--Tbe uoinlniitton of Matthew H. Quuy l.y ther.u» itepuhlleana fur ."tat< Trea-ure' U ui. Ii.-ull te theliitelllaeneeaud the liilejrrltj of the |.eii.»ia und BJ lii»det' ut they wlll fllly ribukt- lealalatlfi d< l.atn li.ry.afBi'tal ij-ollation. the preteiiMuni of .orporut* jtower,iii.iiai'of th> panliwilnj~ pawar aM tki araallaa oi newollle.-a lo I,.ii4->1 Ilu paoph auu . ul out llien aub^tauea.

/ h//i«A. .Tbe Dewocrailo party la, aa it tlwaya 'mabeeu, .'I'poaed to iuui).tnary Wiirialutlun an.i nu.'t|.ialtax.itionlii any form, aud t la ln ravor of th* lari(e*tlib-rty .f prlTBta '.ou.iuol ?onclaten| wlth ihe imblluwelfare and he rlahU >r >lh<-ra aad Of rctfuut.n-' IMliauur trurtlt: and provldlna ajfaluat tlte B*lB ic'iltlugtberefroiu by ajudlclou* «n,l paeparly <ra.Ied Mceuaeaysiem.

Iu eomtuou with our patrluttc eouniry nf all aeetlonawe Hie iieiitn of tiei.eiul (Irui.t und eMttafa ll."liietuory of Ibe uu.deat und hrroic chariieti r and bls(rreni dueda. Weajmpatbl/.e wlth bla bereaved wldowaad ililidini, au 1 wo truat tbut lila dylua* wlah r.,i. "biirmouT aml good wlll bctwcou tho ae« tioua" wlllbe fnlly realiztd.Aaearhreaultition wasread It waa rocelved wlth|hearty

upplnuae. Au ertort tu agagg tlm ivhuIii'Iuhh aerininn

waadefealed and the plaitorm waaunuuiniuiialyiMtopiedua read. Noinlnatlo.ia MBbg ln order, Conra.I 11. Day waa

nained by W. M. Httiail for HlateTnaaurerand aioondrdi>) BJ, a, Saaakfar. BkMBaaaMaiTBaaiaaaaaMB and were

uppiaud.'.i al ultuoat n»ery eentente. 'i' waa no ..].-p.iMtion and Mr Puy wea nuiuiual.d by a.-< lamatlon.iueouiiventlun tbeu utljourned alue dle.


YouNtisTOWN, Ohio, Aiig. 26 (Sperial)..Baluh Tdoma*. ago tou, the aoo of reapactable parcuta.

nd bOOap bolonirln* to Hurh K1n« androluiubiana laat. ultfht. He hae been im-atole a horar a

droye thom toblleaied. lu aucb trunaaottou. before.



{ar TBLikUBAfU to uin TRinoyr. ]Chicago, Anp. 20.-Tb.rc l» a frrent demand

Jnat now anootiR oMOBBla llquor dealer. for old irroccryboxea, hogehcad.a, *.uKur barrola aud tbe llke. A drileron Flfth-ave. waa icen to purrhaae half a doien emptykoaaeaaala yoeterday. Thoy wore taken Into tho itore,

nud nn bour lator taken out and haulcd away on a dray.Blta of itraw protrudod throuifh tbolr crocka, their top.were oarofully tnarkod "kU.*" and Uioy were not t<*>

boavy for ono man to baudloeaally. Bol thoy untalnodnot"clftai" only, aa cuuld be told by the broad atr.llewhioh lUhtrd up the dcalor'e faoo aa tho unaalnly thlneawere brlng hauhd away. '. You .nrely do not meun

to wiy that you »hlp glaaaware over tho couutry," Int-r-

roicatod a roportcr.'. Oh, no," be amwered, " not that. Yuti aoo, when

Towa bocamoa probihition fltato the tnhnbltanta had to

reaort to aoiuo now mothod of seourlii- lliiuor If wo

were to ahlp ft hiirrnl of whl-kcytoan towa drulor witb-

out havlna a pomilt to ebow tho rallroad eonipany lt

wuul.l rofuar tu rarry lt l'utiir<iuetitly, to noc.uninoa.iteal) thu." ivhu Baaa no prruilt fut aollliiif ll'tnor. wo

havo Hilupt-d Ihl- tiiotliu.l. To .omo wo .hlp n huraloadmnrkoil «la<-i. Il la nearly all flllrd wlth atrnw, bul in

thncrntrn I. a ncal llftlo ea.k of llqiiur. 08808 I'i'bnvo It aent aa thoii-h lt woro jrnoorloa, wMM 81*888 ro

c.lvo lt ln old trtinta. b.i-kota. or oven aOMOOnn Inyoleo of elothlnir. Muny a tlnthtn* mcr.b.utrrrelrea o raaft of liqimr ln hla bai of rlotaiog :.nd thoanuirllv panaea 11 out lo aomo aeqaalBtaaea oj t.ikr. IIto lii- boaae. It ia n,.:o oxpaaaiTa k. Mad it pnek-d. .«

thr rnrlv.r ha-ni.t onlv to p.iv fur th" llqnur '.«' r',r

paeklni a'-d ti.r 'r nk ur wbatover it i< ahtppod tn. ...

ru.iar.iii.'ii o ur tbta, perocoollviaa In Oayrnp-rtBawII al,1p|MHl Ui l.arrol. or on«ka to Ko.k I-I ml. P'. or

Ibooa nt cuiiiu-il Hi.ifis h.ivu lt bmi i.i Omaba, -m «<>

f..nh Thov Ihon jul it lu a buat a:.d 80*8? It ,i<: l "'

ii.rr ai algbt." ,

"Haa tbeeuinrrntlew lu luwa bad nny depre* ai?

ogbei aa Ma aol of iiijuor f..r aouoaaipttoa tn tbat

..On Ibo cnnir rv." an.woTod tbo iralor, "onrvitf.Inera aod. rbay oo i't pa«o in*-. eiiomh ".

W, ,|. people fi",., aottlnc llquor If thoy tt. and PB",.uw lowana -r.-in tu W..111 it onrae lhan tiu-v dld &.''*_tbe laa wua p»..ed. I. la n.ithinu to ti*. W-ar-l:--t.. ».!1 It l.i u.o <-" "" ot. »"'! 'r H" >' a».il it - ti

In'abiim boxrelt la nothlns lo ua. pnt lu-ar lu u.limtotilyoui .... i-o.i. |naa thia, itharo lnfliha-.i ablp llquera lo a almllar roannr,-.fur lt and that la wb .t WO iii«- hor- lor."



HTonu ioi - ai rAto in- oiiii.*n-i r m -art:

in a i>"*;:\- ITOBSa WOM BI D,

(ar PBUB-BArU ro iiik rmuoan.)Pimi.uhi I'lii... Autr. 26..An expl

aoooteg a no.-o »|n t-. ¦' . p..oo«uf Bitllbay an p.'iiv aiaaMag ihlrtiruir.-.i b-i twa .ni Ibraa a'etorB thiaItho |u|u..r 0)8*8 ..f .1 .-ii. - It. Ilu !,.,-,.. ,.: siiu ealB and

Oallawfclll ita. i 'i < iplaMra Itba i..r«o imik wiu I..*-. aad u.o oaadwert foi.oii.e .;*tho wi.idu'.v !r. ui '. ' Ma .turo, ii '. '

!.,_,,i. au roln ¦¦ -ni i '-¦¦ l ta |BOaw battlea w«n ratfaaoaVta pawdar. Hm eaaaa.«diBJollMird th- wtodoaa

N.i. l.HKI. A l:. BBJ 'ual

baM tho Boara afeeoeoeeeaaaa thr ngaar at..:.

hluwn fi ...ii .' .'.

,,;,p,,..|!,. i.ll, If uf M-" B**l -1

an.l » ntiiiih Of alu.koj- lu Ibo ¦¦ -'

from i'on tho .^.-.... ' -. h -ii'

iber >.f uen nl.uilni; lii' tuuiu wrra tbroWB Ih. ii iu.-'-.

,-¦ a.-rlu'.-lv bii'i. Mr. n.-U-n, i. anable to a.-

enonifnrthe eipbHloai nr ,.. ? for tbe u.t waa roreoga, l*«illll h|in't.i'l hTil.'.n «h.l WltilOOBOd ".

.oiin an.l a.-io ul otaar paraaaa wbo were la 'h<-b-irbuud at II if 0»o opinion that ibo oi|uar.1 waad :¦¦¦ i"1 'ba detooetliMt w ,« .

ibo daoiniotlan of alaan ttit] >, aew*»»y f< .: iobj » i

au nt. I.alio. Iiii', |i .w.lor w.iuld U.vr tu belat.-" .|i lOjMl

.o .!".. WO

ii // a i \i BOdT ort r.n RX1.''.

a prro nii ara oi btito ^n^. t..,vs amt.TWO OOlOOtH ti) - DOO wiril iiiii.i l.ll i- n -,.> ruo ruaon

'I'llui BABO l~i tBW PABB, N, V . -Og.Oaaaaal Laaaa, aaa M apeaerag tba weak aa tba rtver,w_. .ivou i. j.ili u'r iriit-iu tu -t.ivr |h|.,i,,| ).,.-'.Whiie tho party, naMbartag MMrty.waabalagrrapBoB, a aaal aaar tbo .bure aaaiaMlae OaaoiMra laaaa aad Ma and M-. o. 11 Mareh,eftowaa ov.-r: ini'd and ib -v woro llirowu IBM thn watri.

Tbay woir i.-.n.d witb llltlr 11IV |

aftrrnoon tlicy Wlll 0 ,llon at ln^.thoiiiiniiKl BaOMOfO. B M.t«.'i.


KII.LIMI ABD CBtA/BO WAI IA_U>JPiiM.ti.ii PRlAi Aog. 26'it'. The Bo*

rloty fur tba I't'-v. ntiui if Oraalt] to Anlmali 'Ua,.,,,,.r,,l M,ia BMialna 'kronifh A-.-ont l'..\ tha: li. ti..

vleltilt) uf l-'ruiit aad M ata. tlii-r. uro .1 nmuhrr of

a.»',|fbtir huuaea wlicro l.r.ivoa iiirfrrliiu from di-.-iar

aia lalty Mllad aad the aaal gaMiBly boaabl m i>>doali-rr to aoli for a trlfln to paot famllio.. Mr. 1'ui n'dthat .n .iptown luiti iirr raraatly aoM .-. w qoartoMafbeaf that woro BlawaB a. hlack a< Ink whi'i, hr pun b IM dthom i.ul l.i .it- .- i.i p.....«. th. out.i,l« aol rraii.r. J '.o

II. tiatiiral ruiol ui.i- tiu I" I -¦ ii l'h» llra.ihOtlU-.-l p'.U Ihl 'i.a'i." "I tbia "tl tbo '.um, i.a, wl.l,

refueed biui powrr to appoiut tn Inapeolurafoattta



PBOBJOMBB JUBOTIOB, I'fiiii., Aii^. -.¦

IggaaoOfl. I-wt eyeiln_ a dainhtor of Sila. Kulp. of

Oreaa i-"..". uko eftom. aaaplegel »t Juim itoir.n. a

llutrl. waa tuinird ao bailly 'bat abo dlod tlila tuurulnu.U'hli" wrltlnif a OfttOf »lu- frll nalorn und upait a 0801 ">'

laiup -hlih aet fliclo hor . lululi.jr. Hhr _0d tbe diorloekad »..d bioke tb. k«i lt hor BOOrta 10 BOI <uit Afiortho >lor. r Wi> n 08»l Ol rr ahr ruahed out, illtbruiivb Ilu liuu«r tinlii borrlutbiiif waa rutirolj i,ui.u-ufruii hor builv Tho preiirirtor of 'b" Botol w i- i.vrralyluii nril lu irymif to 'atili hor 'o nztlnaulib tbe fla.ui-a

otnoiAt i Bjroi i ot oiirorA.CatCAOOi Auif 96. ¦Crororoot PlereOi of

f.ukola, uiil-'i'l boro roitor.l.i) uu hla waj to »'*-hlDC

toO. "'- '"P 01 "U'-r for th» pwgaaa of Uli n^ t ln- .rn-

aua rroantly taken M thr Torrltory. tt I. o i-mupl. t. .. .!

volunil .oiia plo.r -jf work. Tbe pnpiiutlou ln reOMdiiiimi.i-r. ia 115,000, of abtoB H.miL DakaM aMaaa..ii;i i)(H). Tbo loul ii.inihor of farma ln thr Trrrllurj.iiio.iDO, varjiiiK ln »"8 irotu 0,000 u-re. ii. Tli"rliiof liijn.t Ol iho I'oaaua la to ilrai,k'tbi u Ibo Tcril-lory'a olaiui to adial aMa .* a SUia.

ABXXBt OF UtCMABX OABTBB, ALfAM BBLLMT.Si. Lobioj Aug. 20 igjpeetoD . Detoerrre

Bli-bard v;«"ii, ir Uroenabitri;. I'oun., urrliod Ui 'bie

-lly t/o-day. and atarta tbia rvoutlia for botno wlth illfb-ard ^art.T, altaa, Krlloy, n ihariro. Jurtor la WBatad?or ^ar'totpntiui, n tba aarmokar MUlagiaai Marra/avtiio, poaa., ta toptaaibar I'-'-.'i. Iba tr..iu:o aoaaifaiovtr'ibL paaoaaaMa »f uw« aaB

iKiiiims uii/iats OWBOYOOTFtBO,Kkiimonii, Vii., Aiik- 2i\ i.sprcinl)..Um

Boiirhona btro hav" bagae tb.'lr BalMaolBg tiiotlra at.dtbreatun to bojeott evcry bu.lnraa luaa wbo vulra

a.uiuat taalr Ucket, A uieuioraudum jf ibeao boycuturawiii bc kegi_


PUBEBAL "l" BX-A0»_!M8LYMAB B, V. OBAMBBBO.raaWTOB M J., Auit .'tl.- Tbe f-moraJ ol r.-aii-m-

b'~Ba* JaojiBaiia l" caoobara touk oiace ln tbia cityIlili aaaialBg ar~ waa urnei) etuwdnA.

KXTOBTI OB UONOK.ggW-BATOI A..«- '-'"..A' IM- Knijtbta of Honor

fi-oiii Nowark, llo'ioii.'ii, l'i.««tr and uboi Vrw-Jaraoy< ttloai -atno to t.ia :lty by \ioal tluo uiornlni to ,'iiv Bfrateruul rlalt V) '.oe.ul lul.i-a. ' P l). Sluat, "Itbia Ity. Hupreme !>!<-> ulor of Mi.-..r.l.-r u Auu-.lca l'Vtlliam H- Harria, of Merlden, tlrand Uic.ator lt Con-ii*. tm ul. und 01hor pruiiiluout Kuli(hta uf II nor tu tli.fcuite waer b*re -o rriioli-r thr vtaltora

Ci:.VTKNNIAl. ABBIVKBOABT OF A TOWNHi-ri>..i i.-i u. M.iaa., Aua 90. -Tbe i'uwn of Itowe. ln

PraaBilB OeuBty, toalgj/ eoJabraiad tbr 100M aaaiaara il) uf lla lli"u. pu. .itluii. Tbe town baa h pupn.atloB ofuliout f)«^> Tba x.-i'-.-«-a ..uii.latcd of au hlatoili-a) ad-ilr.-.a by i'i-Mi.i ui sii.i. llullard, uf Mrua«ba, Wla., a_du iriMlllional otldriiaa by Porcy V llliknolL

Tlii: BATIOBAL IWOUBABOB <ONVENTION.goeroa, Aaa.BO.Tta aaeaalduy'a aaeaMa of taoBoa

,,.,i coayeiiUou of dalaaato. raproaMitlag tbe Mutuulli, n.iit Inauranee (uuipanlea oi^nod ibla inornlda wiiliBriildou. IMirlpaln tbe Thcro waaaii tntrrr.tnuf,il-i ii..|..ti of tboquo.tion "Ought aot inoro lunaorvu-tii,. i'raetlrea to Pruv.ill in I.lfo InauruiiorV Thedoubi-Iill iiii-th",.- Kiuploy id by aomo. afimta wero condomuiU.nnd algthe an. akrn nr^rd a more conaeryatlya iiolley lnthe uiaiter of arcurlna rtaka.

TnH l'l.YMOUTH EPIDKMIC.Wii.KaaHAReK. I'i nn., Au». 20-Dr. M. B. Frenoh,

noluo auraoon of I'nlladolphla, ln ^orapany wltb l>r.U II Taylor, of thli plaoo, viaited I'lymouth yeat.rdayfor tbo purpoae of cutherlog aomo di.ta relatlva to the

raeriitepidrttiie. IJ* K <>. Hbahoapeare, In cenjuuetlouwlth thom wlll pn pare aa aobatutlyo trratl.e on tbe

aiddi'iDlc, to be publlahed by BBeOuiu Uuard of HaalUi..


RO11F8 PTI1IPPKI) ovr.AcocsTA. Oa., Aug. 20..The storm in Chorlcston,

8. C., yeaterday wai a cyclone in the proper aense ofthe 1888a, eutlrely diffcrcut trom the uiual Augnst¦tormi on the eoast or equinoctial gale«. Tlie wiudwns twenty-flve niiles an hour at 1:!10 In the monun^,I...aaaatag to tbirty-flvo, forty aud fifty niiloB, whichwr.e rearlied ahout 8 a. m., tlnally runnlng up to

eoveuty-iive or eight.v BafJoB an hour. The northernedgo of the cyclono touched Charlestnn and completedlta paaaagc ra lortr minutcs The atroeta of Charlcutonwere not moro desolate at the end ot two hotire thanatte. the boinbardmmt durinjr tho wai. The atoimbfgun propetly at dayllght from the aoutheast withI'i'-'l.ient gngti. Ai catly aa 0 o'clock the roof ot 8t.Miehael's '.'hurcli was stripped. At 7 a. m. the appar-atus In tho rool of tho Signal Oflflce, tho flagstaff audtlie weather-vatio wero doiuoliahed. Tho laat oltacrva-tioti hetore ihe cliuiax of destructlon reconlod the wlndat ality-eigltt uiilos an hour. The lire bells tolled attnt. rval.a in.lleiting lireaka in the wii.-a. Thoaataf ia the rivor 88888 over tho gruntte wall on thoILiiterT. l.rcaklnj fla^itonoa, wa«hiu« away raillnns,a'l.l tona of water W8BB hurled iu upon haudsotnolion ¦. 1, lirriikrag windowa and amashitig doora. Thelu*t Baaa IM Bavttarywai lataaawaaia 1878L Ath .'ei(,(k tim ilata rool al taa CoaatjCoartBaaaopeeled At h.'.M ibo gilt ball aml wiattier-iaueiibitli a aaatary Bawracd 8t> lUahaal'oaasaakt.aBtck aad lii-t..ii" p. nit, wero btava *.>¦, Theeutaai ..I tha e.veloti" *raa abont H e'elnek. BiarylBlagm i'i raiaa at tka wMrvaa, aaly aaheg retnarnlag hvtu'. \i '» <>¦. I.. n tbera wta a aeddaa lu'l. Mt aaaa

.1 ani iiliuiiii; till 1 uilotk. when,: itoi in tt 1 480 B ..-! "i.T,

il..ii.lie,ia ti tMaiaadi <>f lollars arare cxpend. .1 on

wMrvea tkJi *.;i^..n. pattlog iMm in ecder, IMWatef Iront nn CoopeT Kiver anllere'l MOSt aad IM>.mth<rn eVbarl tii,-1. i-!. TMCoi banrai wrarksd. Balf a duiaa yaekta, two|.il i iii .i "i Igiag macliii.e anuk at tbla

I he -ti.nn. r' Iti .i Palaika, M Adgar'i abart,r .-I" ..ut tbe .t.iiit. niilr.nt damage, I.e'a wharlv ,- v.r,¦.¦!:, ,|. tu'l ti," pliotMal Mbaepei lodaaum.

k* and yaehta saak. Poarptrraaadt'e- akodi oi tM atlaad wMrl wwe blowa >' »wa aaddaoiageg, TM Cnttua Kxobaaga Mitdlag vaaataa

d, Thl t- a re ..l.tit wh* ,l.iii. i-h.-.l Rrewa'a aaari aaa

.1 bul tha ii; .. itaaojor R |aator »ag bol huit.i.iitn.-r I'l .rn. r araaataeri m at AaeuaiiMatlou

lha daanaga ta tbo Cratral wkarf ws#eartuaa,Barkol wbarl waa baavily nlaaaagM ''"

! ompauy n.e: «itb|M I ptara aad fbi .>¦ "f tM

IM bi Iggiora w ii ¦!. i ai ra

.:. .1. IM \. !-.'..;".". h.irli Bfdbm Md ¦ t

. .-I li'in u Ihe Mi - Ua "1 I." weatidrlfl Laa **¦* drltca aakote, aad IM

.. nu iii I, ,"k I', l ' ". ".' ^i 'ii

¦i bi 14 Si ii PH ,.. weat. 1. nt ,,t L'aatla

iv iv. Tbe iteauner Delaware,lr, i-t Ni w lork. la .i'l !'>;lit '*>t

..,.,- a learl aloi'.. .t »¦ <.

.in .1. \ 1 iiiinf M <'«ti-ri .'. w.-i-,

i. treoa a- rera blowai.i.'l. ll..-

.. itli g« Mrei i I .ik" w. if iiilt"! hBonoi brokea bulka,

Kiver tberc wero l M toah.p|tli Bdad ..II al.'nu IM nvar,

r llddowa.

be < "ii .. nl "ttlouali lamaaedandoni

,ag Ii doan, tio libt....1mii..... .,, .,,i r> .1

....'. 1 ',..i-li.-.i. Iii -t :¦ raa rlvra ra 18m

...., t, bottota. teiiini-.eii itaadbig IM.'.¦¦. i.i,,| v.iit. ii.le truea. ln

.1 hoiiiea %crt b!o«n ilo. 11

,,,,11,, at'l'il wltlloilt »eri,.Vl« Il:|.l.\\ tM Bda r. a. lie.l a lietxht

, ,| ii ... lhat

iii.- >..inii li.itt. aa "f graal eoafuaioa41,.I damage t.. .>. etraeta fluoded

wati', aad it ifi . ti iii le erlj Boa r«ra. ln *rrr. i« at blgh ti.le.

.. ....a - . ii aad tlie vharaaa..i.n aith li oacroooa araeka, n-' aortb.

». t. mi aad eintraJ porthma .1 tM.1 witlt t; "Bl I tt . ir :.t.

of Ihi eitj ¦.¦' '' "i Batledg-. ... .1 aith -all .i ii. Iton

i,., t .!¦ -,. u .! Iral Mo-.r ,1the "ita.l. I si nire llaptiat

ri in-b, ine ot lae talleat in tl.lly, wa* blowaBM1 I» li.'l»'t"-r.

. 11. l ir...t raila an.iall ag' poead .» tM -

.« .ui. - .m .1 b ra bal aa "ne »»h

r .,1 ll Will t.k. gt44> 000 tO tej,!,.".' tM 4'iipl.-.'iw.ith L'boroh, Pttt-at., waa waiplecalTaa-

rooled. H Pbillla Ktraal Bynagiigaa w,,. ulaoifed. TM < liur.'h II..iu- it- I.iwraa¦. ¦-1 >»aa

ba.ll* danaged, an.i tM l-rarj In-tit-ite aamoted,I h" Trinjti Bethodtai EnUcopal Uhniet ln Haael-aiaad iii- taapelol IM Utiaoal wera aarooad ii<-in.liu boildina aaa i.»t BerMoalj damagad. H.eChartaetoa Blgk lal >"i Bad iM Catbolk L'aotralgebonl aeradataagad iMafaaal Znu. Colorad 1'rra-l,\t rian 1 tnt 11 I- n ..ill."ii'-.t BM unroi.tnl au.! hadlvuie.k.ti TM apifaof ihe Oennan Lufheran I'hurcnwa* ilatnai{eil

Atniit arailoalraUraad traoM aaa I>1 >wn aa, nndIreighl lepoti wera Mdly daaugfJ. IM daaMgatitbe *TortMaatara Badroad yardi aaaoaato le 88.000

rr., tloap* «"re )i|..«n ..iit ot tlie w .it< r a< r..a. tlietr 1. U-. Wl bjbfalg tliirt. .ml lilt.v ton- e;,. ll. I'lie S.mthCarolina KaUway wli»rv,Ni aM laaaBeaaaatorabnaaea».re unr.'..t".l aad luavily laaaagnd. «»u* buildiuffwaa tarowaoa ii- dda aad laatad 100yarda tatv tMmii-li. Ihe track from tne itif.TMftion ol tlie Xurtb-aaatara ttaflroad ta the Kontk UarollaB liailway

-...» 'loate.l al'. ilcul. and waa«.' in im.

inu proporti.ti- M wh.t.i.-r loiin.latloni v.-re axaaaBdin the '.-...liiiu watata. TM kaa 10 tlieaaata Caa-olma Kuilr.u.l la e.iimated at 880.000 at tlna potutOtMr railroada bjeoettaral iMaaaada eaeh

\; BoJiiraa'i lalaad mmv Maaaa aaradaMBgaa ta a

graatM m baa aitaat TM 8ew Brlgbtoo Hatal hadwtadowa blowa in aud aroaki rr '.u-ok'-n. but aitMtoodihe atorm brarelv Ihe .'a-ln.. waa Bftad eutir.' it- Itaaadattaai aml daaaad ta tM graaad,IM Htmaaaf Ontnf, atCMrleaton, m.ike. the foi-

Iowidb roufh ...iiiuaie of th* loini, B/Barf property.,.><. pii»:.t. itropertv. g300.000i cottoB piaBaaa.

i^oiMMi ehtirehee. 83o 000; elty property [atraata indimik., i:r..(i.Kt. railroada, 4>."..»,ih>(j a-hley Kiverllr1.1 ce, *>.o4X>, .bippliiM-. lUo.OOOi lumber mlli*....J't.OOO; aud inlac*:;ai.BOUB glOO.OOO; tu'.al. gl.l-'X-'HH>

si:as THBOWNOVEB 111:1; BaaOataVaTACK.gXPBBIBBCB »r THB WIU4AB iawukmk in tiii:


[bv TBi.ruairu to tub tbibohb.]Savansaii, Aug. UO..NVitlier tiic Britiwh

b.irkN. Moaher, reported bea.'he-l uear Tvl.eo I.liihl-,,.,.,. bj lOHaidBT*! ITTl-uor tho llrltlsh hark (ath-

arliiel-'halinen, aground BB Tyb«o Knoll wlth a oarKo -jf

malioif.tiv, liavi, be.i. tl i.ited aa yet. and It ia thatboth wlll proye tutal wreoka. N'o iddltlonal Itotllos bave

mmb aaaMd ag. Ti.o inaaMklp BUaaai u*r.-e,(rum laltltuori", due tt thli port y.?at*r lay lEoniltig,raacMd her doow at 4;:t" tala aaaralag '.'aptair. i*i»stor

raporta tnat at i-*<> ..viook yester.lay mornlnic a terrlh'.aatOffBB BTBB raiflna. and I* liove-to wlth <he ihlp 1 headnut to *-n *t 0 I'lieBk, whau thoy 'uillorod IhemselTfi

ta M ta tM vlelnlty Jf Marllir* Induitry LUht fihlp.l.f'. n inilea from tha entranee to the davaiiBab Kiver,Ihe -etael '.Ck-au M 'a'.or lie.vily. BBlBPlBg lurae uuantl-ties af water which ^nilrely aabaMfgad the deeka, ear-

lue a amall boat from tbe danta, lireaklnaT It Ui imal^BtaaMB el ilrewlnit tbe fmirnients over ihe ieek. 9to

r-in ilned lu thla poaltlon tMat hroe houra, wlth her

maln tall uudcr wator and iwo toet on ihe rall whou the

wlnd iklBgll BMiaaly ta U10 northweat. bluwtuK a

hiitrl.-uii"'. Ttiia rhrew the veaael In tne if the

aaa Wta the wlnd d-twlng 1 fiirlmi ifale 8B one ilde

ar-.d'.heseabreaklng nl over hei jii the ochor. earn tug;

away all gear, taoklo. tuila, awtilnir and *11 i.-oa- artlclea

on .ho apper deck forward, luiaahlna: In tbe front af tho

pil.tb..uii and i-arrylnir away the blnuaJha IM iea

fli Ikliih* the ahlp bruadalde and brouklu. Ir the poru 01

BM uiaii deck H waa necenary tu cat away th" porti ou

UM "oi.naiiualdotofrea.he- trea tht lur. o tinautlty of

wi *.t ablpped. Al tbla Jiincturf a inoieialun of hu«ewovea awept overhoartf ull tbe ,-bivo1 MtWjlMB deoks,and wlll. liBll.aire|.t.ine,ofthe trunk« of tt.r pa.aea-MH1 The ah. . li,bure,l ,c he.ivlly lhat It waa woul.1 foun.let, iin.l a coiiHldarable portiou of

1.BmraMatalBg had to be Buwwa oTarMard talUhtou her. The paafeniferi wore panle atrtokeu, butwero «i«il Into ouiet by the fury of the atoriu

At 7 oVl... k the te.-oiid effMor. Bubart H, u.iuer, ran afttoaTaar away tne upi.arda.-b iKirt jMMM^^BUMwater on deck. He wae uoconipnuied by thi quaitermaiter. aud tbe, were worklna ... Biagaagirv^whru a t.rribla aaa broke over hercarrylnu BteotMaaasovoVbim d. "e q.Tarteru..*t.r oould not eaplalu bowba iu."" eded lu eM-apmif. Mr. Klrwan, the flrat ofllder,waa luformed. and bTlaituedlat-ly ran aft, Ml ooald no

.aa. or hear auythiua-nf tbe unfortunate ni'-in. raa» Mtil

mate waa of ifcrman aaaaoat and Uvao^BaltlMora. Ba

M^TwBa1^^SK 2*^23 ,n-prevlouily bee* terrlbly lujurod about tbo head and

^^StaTraa-i mounta.u higb .ud pourad

dnwn tho .moko-atack tn torrenta, pittttnc out tho flreaatid loavlua tba veaael at the uiercy of tbo elemeuto. Tuewutertn tbe cabln. wa. two feot doop, aad eyerytbingabove and balow deck. wua completely lrrncbed AtlOo'olock tbe wlud modoratod, atlll blowtnK from tbeuorthweat. Tbe Lawronce waa found to b»yn about aixfert of water ln tbo hold. The donkoy pumpa wero atonoe aet to work. and lt waa aoon fouud tbut tbey were

gulnlng ud Iho water. At 7:30 laat nlgbf ahi euoceededln itartiug ber tiroa und getilng under way.


A NARROW EJ3CAPE FROM DEATH BY LIGIITMNG.Wasiungton, Ang. 20 (tipecial)..Jamva F.

Mcline, chlef clork Intbeofflee of Unlted *)tatea rreaa-uror Jordan, had a narrow osoapo irom deatb by light-ntng durlng tbo .overo atorrn ycatorday nfternoon.

AfU'rleavlngtheTreasury at 4 o'clock. he wai ou hn

way toblshotnoln Marylaud wbon he waa caugbt in

theatorni auddrenched through by the raln. He waa

completely onvelopod wlth ruboor, exoeptlng bta handiand face, but lt dld not protcet hlm from the water. Onreachlng tbe top of a bigb blll a hoavy bolt of llghtnlngfell appamntly between tbo horae and tbe daahboard,and Mr. Mellne, who wua drlviug, waa atunncd. Tbo

aervant who waa sltting hehlnd hitn saya tbat for a fewarconda the bluo flamea of tbe electrlo fluid covered Mr.Meilno'a body, Jtimplng fr >m one ahouMer to the other,and playing about hla arms and chest on the aurface oftho rutibrr coat. He aaw ul.o tho eleotrletty come upliko blg blue bubide. under tiio ,-arriuire. It wa.about two botir. after Mr. MoUno roacbi.d bome beforehe wua aulHrletitly reroverod from tho .hock to bo ablnto atand. and he .uffered groatly durln* tbe nlght. hiaarna.itlon brtng aa tf tbuu.auda of iinedlea wi-re belugBtaaO luto bla body. Au attempt on tbo part or biewtfo to rclleyo bim by batnlua bl» llmb. In inllk ao lu-foiiatnod iblaaouaatloii tbat abe had to dealat an«l ro-

fra.ii from allowlngbri bauda tocome In contact withhta budy. Tbe liorae'a hlnd le.» were made atiff. Mr.Mollue waa at bta oftloe tbls inornluir, but be wa* atlllauff.-i-ing from a pri. kinc aoii.atiou ln bla tiogere. audbud onl» partlal Baa of hia trft urin. It ia 80000000 tbathla lUo wu4 aaved by tbo wot rubbor ooau


BNOW FAM.INO IB PSBBBTLTABXA.Wilke-Bakuk, PeBBUt Aog. 20..From carly

¦aralag yeeterday untll l.ite lu.t nlght there wa. a

llaaiy Qqaapoai of rata ln tbia county. At Harvey'.Lakc, ten luile. frntn boro. anow foll thia inurnlug andt'oiiilnuod untll aooB wltb intervala. Ibo weatberba.a taken a doclded i-huiuro and l. Nii

hlUXD! B BY irilOLi.SALE.


Ctrra ms own thboat.

AlJBTOf, T. x , Aog. 2<J..A tii.iu fio-rt t'y. BMaeeOaoatFiglaaa tbe detaila of a tra/edywiiioii aeoarrel ..t pi.-Mo aa Tooaday. .. Al " Loofcte,bb ull inBdeal. Bai Boae aOaaoafl with an aaaatataalrmi". nnd tbi. bad baaa llatarblaa bta mind. Ou Tuoa-iv ii.'.Miuun Iio lafl tinino, MBbOOIbO. aa br sald, M 08

t j..:.i, Qroaa'a p iom l ¦¦. boaaea aaaoaaf money. Mr.(;i. mi iul BM fumliy woro aw.iy. Ho outorod tbo Baaaanul tookOraaa*aOn aeatorrila aal raaaraal to tho

of BM brathar, Becry LaokM Bo tben .uot anu

klllad Barry aml hia wifo. a aatgabar, Jaba BMOatoomreOaapJaottbea. BMfaroolBMBaMaaMga wlth Ma*tu Mr. MabaaPa baaaa, aaaaa ho .uot and MlaM Mr.

Tbere Btehattae araa MMafgti of. Hia hor«rIlkOfl »h.t, fuiinil, arm It 1, auppofod tbat Ba

Jao BBJ0& Fraaa Baora LaoBM areal to Ma oaa

boaaa aad saot aad aal OM tbroaa al Mra Moari Locki.-,of I.liino ("ouniy. wifo of bb. atrp-on wbo waa ..n u vlslt Ha i.i-u abot aad taaraMra. Ktuk-a, mfruf tbl -'.Mr,- b" bnd Bllled I8C prevlou. lo tbe klllilla ofMra. Heun Loekle. Tbeo to kllled lua .imiglitrr. Mi»aI. «kle, and atf.-mpti-d to knl lu- wifo. but bla i'..rlrld_i»nii'.. i-xhauatrd ho euu.d not llr. anuthor abot aud .be

d. iliivii,. f iihd tokiil birlueut bi.uwu tliruat,n ..nul. .! hn boroo aml atartel in u.o dOaottoa of Jaba-

ty. Aftor rittlaa a fow -arda be oiot Tltoua..« i, k. « I."". ba attaekad and wtu.u. be plung.-d.lutlii-tlinr wuii.ula. Tho munloroi thoi, ro Ir

irmeted with.r, two m loa of Jubnaon CltvHr wai atlll allre tbia niureluc W.ib th.- eierattoa «

.'I n uf tbe I.yuoh tbiulll n. .ir

.I'llip-triol I. . IB. .-t luurihl." artul iliiica.vcr rotiii mll' ui IBla hla.e. Bj Jg ae-MU

-a aro laftorpbaaa-^. _________


FOBOOI Fiii.s Miiiti., Am>:. 'iii..Tho antiory.f <. .ii,|...ay v. Mlaaaaala ttata Vaaaao, » Urge tene-

m..t ,..,nr,l bf J. K. ;>'ltrlrii aud a.-yrral BaBlauaoIngi a.ijuluinir werodo.troyol '¦'>' "r. tbia oiorulng.

Tbo loaa ta .'aiim.ito.l at BMO.JOftraoT, O. T., Aag. 00..TbO anlyn Bulldlng, occupled

by tbo A laiii. Ma.blnary ''oiupauy ; A. _harp,niati t'. Laaatag, pallara ataBan J. 0 BBaakf a

,, .....r maaofactun rn: nul G, B, Kilmrr, nuitoi, buleib lUamrera, waa bamad tbia muruiug, luvolvlug a

f ..-.-IIMI.m:i iMiti.i. III., ABg, -.1. -Thr i-i.-v.imr at tbl. plaro

a.a uiir..od BkM ulKl.l- tOO lua. la 5>i.0U0; InaiirimOTbe property aaa aaaaa ny seiiwar«Broib«r.,

..uin nercbauu al ---t. Louia. Ifea tlie tw ufe.ndlary'jK.Mi llaPil)''. Mlib.. Aug. 'Jfl..1_ K. Uathbuu'a farni-

a.nitb uf Bor*. w.ii buriieU j.-alirday. Tbe los* Uf; ,u ni; inauraaaa, gl. WO.


WAllMAXXB* BOLBA MBBT1MB.Prmoi bo, Aog. 26 foeetojO-.A BBoedagof

thoVootoral I MlaawaoaaM atthoMaaOlooaaOt tbO Muuonuali.'lii II.m." tu -day. Noarly all tbo uail

aUlb. WOrO lOptOOOBtoO. oad lt wua docidod that tho prea-i ,.f prlooa iboaM rooiaia aaaltorel. Oeoorel w.

II p ,..,.'!. uf BoltoTlIM i'. " Ba bavo deculed io

oaatiaaowaa*wIM itotoedaaaM tbe uaiier.' ptoaaaay. ataaaada a.aaaaaMaa t» tho naiier." Mr.

LaaOBBa "f ITbBBttng aaM tbat thrre w.r.' no i. nehlneanow it work In tbal di.trtct. All tbr iii.-in.iai-iui-.-r- auytbal th* '".¦ '¦'¦.- aro dalaa «""-i work omi rapldij aoqMrlu tbe art of koo|.lu_ uuil mrtililu-. lu rrimir. Onon-illor o-oni io wurli ut M...oiibor_or'a lulll ln tiu. cltytbl* monilng. bai ,.t aaaa *..? por^uadod to do.iat Vtee-l'rr-nl,..,. Btophena ut Mio workor.' orn-uuizutlon. aald

ihl-. wai thr llrn hroak li: my illatnct, and aliht.uirb u

an, iii ni" WO fraio.l that otbora lullow Tbo.tril.-irle baa boon a long uu-.btif I tbli.k WO "Ul br vletort-u.ia | hrarroporta abuit .undroda of tnacbtnea l.riuitourratrd lu the dlatriot* by feoil.ra aa far aa

wo vuii loara oni> iaaaatyiBree luaeuiuoa out of s.ooi)aro H. ..peratlon."_ _


BAB Fban.'i.-'". AOf. 20..Tho Appraiser'siiffl, r lu thia etty. undi-r Ita furmor adinlnlatrntloii, la » il-l. be mivlo tne aubjoot of olfloUl invoailgatlun.It haa beou d'.acuverod lar»;e iiuaniltlos of opliimandotber vnluable utorobandlao bave 'n-en .yatematl-eiillv atuloii from t loature- hy pri-.un. OBVOBg admlttaneo

totbem. viaiir of ihechargo. oroallaged to bo of tbo

moat aorlona cbaracter aud lnoliide tbo un.lorvaluationof tnyiilooa. Tbo rbargea all date prtor to tlie appoint-tnriit uf tho proooal looaMboat, lhomaa Ur.-k. o L.vpaillillnit naponial ottlirr aent uere fruni W ,alitn_luiitucxiiui.uo into tiio iittalre jf tbia urttoe. baa Doeu foraum.. itineoiigagrdlndruiuiiilng up wltnra.oa and nro-

uariiiKa ropocl »bleb he wlll plaoe hrfuro topoelol Oor-crnmotit agi'iit, wbo It la oxpoetod wlll arnvii arre fromWaahln-lmi neil work. tt la alao InUnd.-d that the 'at>ter aliall anoelallv inveatlgate the ouatom. aud Cbiueaeoortiloato buaMaaa.

._-, .»


rnil.AOKl.ruiA, Aiu?- StV-TooBB WBBOfOBt.Mlay ou tbo fprtug ilunl.n Bank »t Twelfth and

BpcVBg Oarden ata., a State 8000880. The preaident,PraaoMB Konnodv.doolared (hat *.bo run wa. dtio to

uiullcioua rnuiore Ho .ald that the aurpiua of the huuk

#aa about *'-«>.««*>. ri-d cun"tt atook li $a70.1»0. .inO

._r 'enoatui «1.050,9.7 Tbe run coutlnued unUl 30 n.. ap to wbu-h tlne ull louianda *m BMt. benrriaure ,.n tbe Satik Mlh,-.»vy bat Pirat Natlcu.illiai.d aild all ib.-oka drawu on ll for pro.oiitution to '.bo"earlUu 'tdoao. and he oflloors of'be Mr.t Natlonai"aM ibo .prlug Oaidcu-a depoalt thoro 1. umplo audaaUafactory. _

ggv rBABiUr4__urfio Aug. 20 (SpeciaD..A ship-

plng morobant annoiiucoa that the Ca-ubrian 8teaia»blpl-ompany ha.Je.ldod to run a flret of eteamora from

flwauaoa, Biigland, to I'tilLidolplila. Tbe lepartur.-.wiil oe made e-ery threo weoke. Tho Moarl MJraooawiil i-onat.t uf tin ooaetgaed to merohaut. tn tbls .-iiy,wbilo tbo outwurd fr.-Uht wlll to mostly gralu.


WlIh-BaBAKRE, AJ|?. 30. I'urlatiau t-'ouiirud. » oilnoboar omployed by tbe Veat Ktiu Coal Uoiupany. ».. ar

roatod to-tlay or. o cbarge of orlmln_l r.ciriigouae in ooii-

uoctlon wlth tbr rocent dlsaater ut MaaaoaOOO. Ho

gar< batl In the autr of f'2.0O0AVALBSBOOBB WABDBB ASKEDTO BJBIOll.-b-BTOlL Aug *.«.-Ato ineeltng of Ihe (.ambrtugO

llourd of 6vor«eora of tho Boo- laat nlghl tt waa voteda tho wardou. Wflllaui B Hough. of tur AliuBboiiae,

,Vm bla wtfo, un.t tho aaalataut F E. Bryant. be re-

iiiiMlod to hanil ln tholr roalKnutluna on or Wtore oext

1 nday .bla la tbo n-.ult of c-ruol uud brutal treatmeutof tbe lamatra.

TWO ALLEOED MURDEKEK8 ABUK^TED.Ciiioaoo. Au_. OB.-TbO polico ."'':tca,hl.W.uru"r

Muikowaky an.. rhouiiuiug. la.t ulgbt. fur tho mura.rOf Mra. Agae. Klodtoua. wunh .orurrod1 threo day. ag...Tbo woiuan WB8 ovldoutlj mimlored for mouey, tbo

trugoily oi curriu- tu the duytlme wbilo ibo waa alono ui


W00Niio.aKT. £ I-. A"* !f*__4__?__»S__;'^watebmou at tho Blaekatoue Jiinotlon 8ta.loua of um

5rwY..rk aud New-i'.ngiand and Pro-.detice oudBWciltat Uallroada. waa gagged »nd bound by burglo.roat mntulght laat nlght. aftrr whlcb tbo aafe ln tne

PiovtdHoo and atailon wa. blown open andg_b t-beo. Au unauoceaaful aUempt waa made to opoaitoaaio la the Boa-Yort andXow-in.lanUitaUoo.



[BY ri.l.KGHirilTOTHK TKIHL'V". ]St. L0LT8, Aug. 20..The outlmrr. nf a

glgaiitic oounterfeitlna acbetun. the llke cf .-. '1'. ba.: aotenKHKod tho atteuttitn or 'b» Unlted st.,i .cl -rn aOltioe for many yeara. leaked out here t f. iu Il|earl.v partof Juno the Unulilau Mlm* 1 raakagggggrecelved a cornmnnleation from hl.tijtcru; <t itatlngtbat a conaplraey bad lieen 'unne* BBi-.ttg aeveralBrazilian oilloiali of huh ataudin* au . ;au of Aiuert-cau cuunterfeiters for tbo purpuae of tloo.Hn. ' 1* Kmptrewith aptinona Brazlltan billa. & genulne ptata liaenetulen from tho Brazilian Treaaury, aud n tra.ii ot ttcould be foond. Tho Mluiater euhiuitted tbe iniit e. totl." Uulted Statea autho.itlea, and rroui tb..t time uotil1 .0 wceka ajfo tho couniry haa been looured lu aearou ofthe gan/r.Ten dayi ago a medlum alzed, lark co i.plexlnned

man. witu a hlack muatache aud the upi'.-uiauce of a

Brazillau, euterod tho pnuiiug and llthotn Bfggag eetab-llahmeutuf Auguat Oaai Jt 1 <>., 111 Pine , ear Third-et.aud auld l.e wauU-d a lurge ordcr for pi-intn x flll.-u. Tuaplate aud d< ai.a furulai.e.l wua a Nailonul Trcaaurj uo', wnlcbaaa to b« prluted li, il;- i;:i.-.<l aiyle, n

imper furulabed by the purcbaaer. Un BBSB bul waa a

cuupuu, uu wbleb 4 clgar labei waa to bepnnt. .1. UlHiiu taaaaagbag aaojakay. tooi uo orderaud MfaaBBaggthe worii made aildulonal platea tlie exi.ot eopy ot thadofloTi furiilahed, nnd piluied $3'_'7,4MJ0 of ihe aluff ne-

lore ihelr su-iploioni were aruuaeil. Tho ivcrlr wuo io CX-cellenl uud the Imitailou ao itood that they a.ia.KCted Cbati nili aud luf.iriiied ihe Brazillau Uouaul aM (ho Uultitlbtatea nutli<>rltlea. The pluie* were faltbfu! eopio-ofaiira/'.iliii utite of tbe va^ue uf 200 uiilret*. A luilmla llw.u-tb in Unlte.l Statea mo-iey rlfty-tuitr aud a balf oc.'.ta,aud eucb blll wouid ci.ll for iflO'J lu Aiu n.-.iu :i.o(lO of cheui woiill auiount to ggtf .iHKi, a haud-aaaas -iui for tho prii.oipalo of the achcm« 8 poeket, if llha.1 beeu aueceaaful.Tho man who ordcred the prtntlnp, and f-irnlalied tbe

plaie KBye tne uame of Lucioti A. Wbitc, uu.l >v»a «iayngat the Moacr. One week auo 110 wi a arreaiml atthe hotel aud kept a clo-e priaouer iu L .¦. riKiiu, iwoL'uito.1 Statc-i Marekal* ulaiidiu*-.juard nw'it uiulilay.The prtnouer haa iu.uU> aeuuienal-tu. wnK a ia Ix-li-i.-d

ta ba lalae ia an far ia W ntiirw ttt ui» wuk laratt** >u<i10tMBBBuma wkMh aaa ou kaad. u<- atiiod t-.atiniliouie wa* ut U'hltiiey. TeX.. but tba. M u*l liimi iti

HraaD ataaa bla ynaifl* or at bBaBtfor«l<dia»aya*rflpaat Tue l.-ller purt tf Ihe O" u( a»ou 1. Ituriie uui bfula a;n>eeit and appui'aliCi'. Ho -411'l llU retl. U.ailo Texu*' an 1.0,lha ugo uud »eul tul»ru,i..a-.Whlle tneie he uict un* l.ane. w:n. cl.tlu." d I* bataIciioiMi i.Hu ln Brazll. ..mi pmpoied a pluii i" hi.n b/m.lei thev couid 11:1k.- if-IO u -la.v aml ei|>eiiee» IloBaMd wi.Ht that wa-".. an.i l-aiitt eiplaln-al .... ptea agliavliiK theae idKar> priiit. d an.i ua, d. 1.. »M>0ti:ni .t.'too. anu attenipis were> to hu atka aaaB.i.'.io In New-VorB and Chleavo. bul nitu.. .1 liM.-ewa.I II,.il 1 thej Callle lo fcl LoUl. \» Ith l. c l"'Bllll V. Ulcb

., denenli.-d. The^reat'-r "I thla otMlBMIBBlwa. helievail by Ihe oin.laiato be tteUUuu- .'." * i'-'iluf lt 1» knowu :o ln-ao. oiiijiue face o t.. -l.e w> tw

tu bop.ltited 11. thiM'lty Tk# work uo tbe '¦ ..¦.. atasBia .j ute ai l.n]K>ri:iut. waa to bo douc at Baa t." ma.

Tbe urierl ..1 .Vi.lie luuu.'nt uu. tbi. 1^ .-.. m.i.I tbaaalhornie.. iri iba tlforltlaa Breraaaoa !.i .ua.... II i.-.uo'i.lue re.ul waa a...>,u.-r atl/.ure uf aaveral h ia UaMIkainaaf toUara' wortk of tbe eiufl ln .v . naa -.

l"e BBbaBBM «a^ to ahlp Ihe bllla fioinhert ;>> ..«»¦- an.i lo abii- t. e basfea of taa kllle fr.ia V'W-

iirleamit.. thla rltv. vnieri'Iho w..rk w.mld Oa Oi.l-.i.d.Taea IM ebntr-laMl eoopoa wo.ikl Ua mit ..".i.nir. foreiri'tilatlon The 1 eto.-tlve. aru lu i*,-*-.., a

i.f intonnatloii which ahona Ihul tb<-| 11'1 lfai« ::; .ua-. ,-u.e aie lirazili.tii ofMlala, aM avery < tl >.i u ¦!"»iii.ile l.y that lioiernineut to run tbeni -t.-w... Tu-lafJoaanb H Vtl.Ho. u luot er ul the prtaouer. wi. 1 ..-rv.tij«Bl VI wu, TeX.. ft»r eun.plli'lty lu t'te agal

1 mii 11 Wklta aaa Baaa lalaavaaingay raar c»na-

.iNiu.iei.t ..1.1 BBtai " 1 ni not iBBp>Ba '.'' .. ¦traae-areaalua tho lau arbea l nntatiid iba Biatier prl B I

Ulii-r«.|. 1 iiiuacl me plalel". ,- I ii..n't.are hihjui lalUBa; I wlll aay 1 re.t-.ve4

li iint'er tho bapraaalBB "m' h » u a Miaaleaa 1 .>.>« BBJailv-i-iiMina puilMiee." .'Foui diiiiiioinla. 8BM at. a (fold waUb a.e. eltaln were

ro.ind iu hi4 |m>mu'h.!uu wh"u arreaio.1. I'> rue'rli t'lere*,.* 11.1 luw a*alii4l counterteitiiiK ni'.n.y .: "tner

uatloua. bol rmillBM paaaed reeently » lew It.aknr 11 Bt, Uiay, piinlaauiile ly hu« uri1iniirt.out.ieut, to counier-felt uitinoj 01 i«>iid. of my mhnr "ountry.



PINNBVI.VAMA AND OI'HKK IMAUi PBB*BBT«Sakato'ia. Aug. 24)..Tho guthering ot

proiiilneiit rallruad tueu nere to-nlfht hai BWak u. 1 BBM*M.l.T.ltie «|,eeul tior. ..ino..« New-YorB ilo !r>B>-«

md niliera. >cor.e!i. Roiier'a. praildenl of U .'ean-

lylvatiia Kallroa.l. aad .tee-proaldent 4)ro«n of t'.. 1 'adhavo l>eeu her«, for nme .tuya ea a raeatiuu. t.iuU'icayM. Oejiew. preallent uf the \i v-Yurk OMBMi, tlna .ft"rtiooi.. and luiraallataiy wou. out 101 a

dniewiih W.lllaia II. V'.uiileritllt. J.iho N'ewrll. pr*«l-dei.t ot .ie Lak" 'iiuri- ivtd »l a l<> 01 (1 lt.a-hile aihert Keep. itr.-Kl-ut uf th- Cawaaa a: dNwrikwaatara, Huia Bid.lle, preaideot of thaBoafc lalaad raaa, M. i- flyke.. vio. -,.-i»drnt0, tiie. Nmthweetern, fr»ek lht.iaoo,.1., pi, ai.l-nt of tbo Peuneylvaola. J. Plerpout Mtf^.it 1 iir.'Oior of thr New-York (?etitral rtad. a**B otherrailroadmeL na»eeii^a<e<1 rootui._.. w-re ruuiora about U.e tuited Ptate. Iloiel,wh.-re the rellltaad men ..r- iratiiereu, that a BaMaM waa

tu be OuttaMered for tbe eunaolidatlou of the Nurtu-w.-it.rn and iho'Jmaha r,...da, t.ut iiutliina; cuil.1 bele.medrei:ar'liuiraiivthlnaof-hat ktii-l. A pr.ia.ln-atr.t.r'ad tiiat. a.l.l that there waa eon>e. Iai i1i.-tntn.nealt the/a.hertur tho N,w-\ .rk teniralai.d lVuuavivanla ottieial* were to e,,u-i.ler whatat-tlon to n.ko on the L-kaI »ri>r*" Ut.if* be.unli. Petinavlvanl. by Attornay-Oe' .r.l ra* >. ly to prjventthe lvuitayl'-aniti run* from lU'iiulnaa c-i trol or tnertoutfc Peunsylvatila aa aBT.-ci upou re^otiy lu the

.etileinen.o' th* ennt.-it wlth the We«t ehore. Therala to Iw a ineetlna-uf the Kxeeullve of thaNurthw.atein roatl 011 Batnrday, hut a r.ien.bei deelared

tbat au far aa he Wiiew tt woul I only doeUre a dlvi leud,uui he waa .pparently uol eertaln that other ruaitenwoiiM not i>e Therr waa no mietlnn ->t anyklnd t.'-uight. buwever. furtber than fnendly IlieuaaioB11, the oorrtdora tnttween IM olHel il* already here.


rhori' h likily to b« a aharp iMBtfgal g| thagineral meetlnitof ibeNoithern I'BCtflo aaBBaadQBB>puuy, whleh oocura BBSl tnontb (^Brlea B. WrUht. of

I'bila.leliibia.a diravtor of tho eompnoy reeently re-

qu.Mte.l tbe proxic* of itockhoidarB for bliueelfandI'reanlent Harrta. tn bl» clrcjlar lettcr heexpreaaeilbla uppualtlon to the loaao of tho Oreiron lUilwaj aud

Navitf.itlou Coinpany'* Hiiea which broujthl out a replyfroraMr. Harrlalaf.voroflt. A we.k aso the dlratvtura aniHiluUd n eominltiee to iiiliolt proxica, conila.tng

"p11,!?,,.,.i Mora-an. Bllllnaa A.vtia! IM-1, out; B. *. Koleton and B. 1*. Cl.euey \aai.-r.lay Mr.MomtVtoal 'he 'ollowin* lettcr to I'realdent llarria :

DBAB IIR l reeelva.1 tl.ll aiurtiln. a clrcula. la.tiedfriMBfaar .illceeuoiuaiinta for... .f pruxy tu .ny11 a - l" a*ed aa one of nva. tu wbuae favor the pwilb,beiB-.ed. Immediateiy ot. titdng: ...formetf of tna

... tion ..I vour B"-artt ir Ulrectori 01. Auku*i ^0 I autl.Ie o 1 . y inab.iity to aervo 01. the oommiltee, audI uinit -her -fore aitainat tbe uae uf my name la

'h?"orni ..i" pmiv ahMk h«^ baaa dl.trtbuied ninoiiRtMllMffillrf Youriverytruly.^ ^^^ ^^

VA8A8B BK0ltOAMZA.noV.Theplan of reorgmiizatiou of Aa WtlkMaa

8t I>»ula and PaelBc Katlway haa rec -iv -I It* Unt m ajg.lUlfr prubably. an.i In a few <laya tbe boudnul.lcra

wlll be iuvlte.1 to aaaent formally u> 11. J. Moir.l. of,ri,i,» .1.* tba lornup >IBg8lllin' WUBh.." bi agrS-n r ln partioul....

j.y ln a'vordauce will. the vote of the kondooi. .-« be>. r. hr le.t U."«lon. Auotbe. meuibcr waa ».lded .0,'h ...irettLaiiia 00 n.uitte .. aud the bondboMera wera

Lk,.V. ...ual repn-aeuunon iu Ibe board uf dlrea-iora.r Jiifna. ie* iciei-onaldereil of ao allxbt l.upur.aneoh "^e .uana.e.neJ.t tbat ib-y were aXnatM wlthout«. tat.uu Over #o.04K)..KH) af tbo bond. bave U-ou .la-

paaBaalJuVaBf tbe pua aud. m -a^raM .uccom thaaa*

aeat uf only «4.0O0.oO0 .nere I* roaa-Bad.


1>HILAI,KL1'UIA. AUIT. J*-TMB Bt,.t«me0t O

the and Boadlng BaBraM aad 0 al aod

So. ( mi-anle. for the BJMtt. ag July. I8g8. - 0888*

parcd w.ti. ih. aaaa. .*» i» W«i *«»".' A ^-;E1 earu.n«. of glBW- I . oMiajaa ta *U**Bof ga4.H4A: .dacroaaelu uet earnlug. of*UM Tha

.1.. tr Julv3i. lUfca. ** oomparrd wub thaelK-1.1 moitba tc JU.yji. «o .'..,',. .roM e»rm.

* ,'eiii.if of the Baodlag roorganl/aii. u waeaaaa »»*

A.. T. ¦ ri.ii.H.n tn ibe maiu iltlce of the rompany,Su' excent Mr. W

fn ,-uuaeiuenoe ut tUe ahaence ./thal aeu leman ao

meollu* wlll bo beld on Frldar

MI1CELLANE0U9 KAILHAY INTKI.LIOENCE.Oswauo.N. Y., Aug. 20.-The R*aaia, Wat-r-

town au-l OKMnihiira: Ba.lroad Cmpany have Uaaed

th* nowly bullt dyraouao. Phienix and OawajB roal, .mlw '. iH'gln runiilu. BMtaa avor tt on Augu.t il

PiiiLADKiJ-i.iA.AUBW.-Thealatement la dented tbat

tbe Pennaviviinia Rallroad Company haa pl*oo-l a laraa

torce of men ln tBait eeotlon of the lower partof tae eltyknown aa " The f*»i'k." to lnterfere wlth tho work ...... of

UM BaltlmoreaaajhilailelpliU Kailroa.1Oom .»;*.*££they ta lay thelr liueacroii tM P.nuayuaa.akracka