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“IT IS FINISHED” - John 19:30

IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Mar 26, 2015



Savannah Lamb
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Page 1: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

“IT IS FINISHED” - John 19:30

Page 2: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we say in the end is a real insight into what we were in life, what we stood for and indeed lived for. Generally, we die as we have lived.

Page 3: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

2. I read about a man who had been very successful in the restaurant business and had established many restaurants around the United States. When his life was almost over, as he was on his deathbed with his family gathered nearby, he gave his last whisper: "Slice the ham thin!"

Page 4: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

a.On Nov. 30, 1900, the last words of the famous writer Oscar Wilde were, "Either that wallpaper goes, or I do."

b. Sometimes, people know they are giving their last words. Before he was to be hanged for spying on the British, the last words of American patriot Nathan Hale were: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

Page 5: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

c. And at other times, people don't know when they will be giving their last words, such as John F. Kennedy, who said, "That's obvious!" This statement was made in response to Nellie Connally, the wife of Texas Governor John Connally, who had remarked to the president as they traveled by motorcade through Dallas, cheered by adoring throngs, "Mr. President, you certainly can't say that Dallas doesn't love you."

Seconds later his life was cut short by an assassin's bullets.

Page 6: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

3. George Washington, (1732-1799) "It is well, I die hard, but I am not afraid

to go.”

Daniel Webster, (1782-1852) "I still live."

John Quincy Adams, (1767-1848)

"This is the last of earth! I am content."

Page 7: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

4. And death is no respecter of persons, even for royalty. On her deathbed, Elizabeth I, Queen of England, said, "All my possessions for a moment of time." And Princess Diana, following that horrific car accident in a Paris tunnel, was heard to say, "My God, what happened?"

Page 8: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

5. History tells the story of the renowned atheist Voltaire, who was one of the most aggressive antagonists of Christianity. He wrote many things to undermine the church, and once said of Jesus Christ, "Curse the wretch. In 20 years, Christianity will be no more. My single hand will destroy the edifice it took 12 apostles to rear." Needless to say, Voltaire was less than successful. And on his deathbed, a nurse who attended him was reported to have said, "For all the wealth in Europe, I would not see another atheist die."

Page 9: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

The physician, waiting up with Voltaire at his death, said that he cried out with utter desperation, "I am abandoned by God and man. I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months of life. Then I shall go to hell and you will go with me, oh, Christ, oh, Jesus Christ!" (His printing press printed more Bibles than he ever destroyed by his words.)

Page 10: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

6. What a difference faith makes. The last words of Stephen, who was being stoned to death, were, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. ... Lord, do not charge them with this sin." (Acts 7:59-60)

Page 11: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

(Transition) Now let's consider the most famous and important "last words" ever uttered: the words of Jesus as He hung on the cross. I want to focus on one statement in particular, for in it we see Victory and not Defeat as sometimes believed by may.

Page 12: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Jesus made seven statements while hanging on the Cross;

“Father, Forgive them, for they know not what they do” Luke 23:34

… “today you shall be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:43

“Woman behold your son… Behold your mother” John 19:26,27

“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46

“I thirst” John 19:28 AND -----

“It Is Finished” John 19:3 Finally – Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit” -

Luke 23:46

Page 13: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Jesus had been taken to be crucified on the cross, and death by crucifixion was really death by suffocation. It was extremely hard even to breathe, much less speak. Add to this the fact that He had been brutally scourged. The process of scourging was barbaric. The prisoner was tied to a post with his hands over his head, his body taut. The whip had a short, wooden handle with several leather thongs attached, each tipped with sharp pieces of metal or bone. As the whip was brought down on the prisoner, his muscles would be lacerated, veins and arteries would be torn open, and even the kidneys, spleen, or other organs could be exposed and slashed.

Page 14: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Then there was the crucifixion itself, which would cause you to turn away in revulsion at the sight of it. There has never been a movie or painting I've seen that has even come close to depicting what really happened when Jesus died – that is, until Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." I don't know that any artist or filmmaker could ever capture all that happened on that day, but this film gives us a glimpse of the incredible suffering Jesus went through for us. Even Gibson has acknowledged that what actually happened to Jesus in His scourging and crucifixion was probably much worse than depicted in his film.

Page 15: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

The one statement we are interested in this Morning is found in John 19:30.

As we look at the last words of Jesus, then, what do they tell us about how Jesus dies? In verse 30, we read: ‘When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished”, and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.’

Page 16: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

II. What His Last Words Tell Us;A.With all the Agony of the Cross, we see the Glory of the Cross, the Glory of Christ, and the Glory of what He Accomplished.

Literally - In His “Last Words” WE SEE THE VICTORY not a Defeat. As some would believe or want us to believe.

Page 17: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

With all He suffered the only time He makes any referral to it is when He makes the statement “I Thirst” in John 19:28.

Page 18: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

B. He fulfilled ALL PROPHECY WHICH SPOKE OF HIM and his Mission.

C. He gave eternal Life to all by his Death … “since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him.” John 17:2

Page 19: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

D. He brought ALL the Words of God to us – “For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me.” John 17:8Jesus gave us the message from the

Father: That He came from the Father to give man eternal life, that that is the only truth, that God’s people through the drawing of the Father believed in Jesus.

Page 20: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

E. He came to Make Atonement/Reconcilation possible for all of Mankind Isaiah 59:1&2 - Romans 5:11.


I PETER 2:21 – 25 & 3:18

G. He came to call His People from Darkness and Lead them to Light, to bring mercy to those who had no hope of Mercy

I PETER 2:9-10

Page 21: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

H. He came to pay a DEBT WE (I) COULD NOT PAY - He became the APPEASMENT (PROPITIATION) of God’s Justice



Page 22: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

In the “old days” when a debt was paid it was “spindled” meaning that it was now paid

in full – it was finished. When Jesus was “nailed” to the Cross – His part was


Page 23: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Finished – Paid in Full

Page 24: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Hodge tells us in his book that the phrase used here by Christ “IT IS FINISHED” -“is One Greek word/phrase - tetelestai. This is the greatest single word ever said.

Page 25: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

"Tetelestai" doesn’t translate simply, we have to make a phrase out of it - "It is finished." But still some of its power is lost in the translation. In the Greek it implies that something has come to an end, it has been completed, perfected, accomplished in the full and that something has consequences that will endure on and on.

"Tetelestai." The most powerful single word of all of Jesus ministry. It was also his last word. It was the word that turned this apparent tragedy into a scene of Victory that shook the earth, split rocks, changed history, raised saints from the dead and tore away the temple curtain that kept people out of the Holy of Holies.

"Tetelestai" the most powerful word in history. Even more powerful than the words of creation in Genesis chapter 1 where God spoke and the universe came into existence. This word could not simply be spoken. The son of God had to die to speak it. peter wilkinson on 3 October, 2007

Page 26: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Was this a cry of defeat, of frustration? Was Jesus saying merely, that his earthly life was over, ending in defeat?

Page 27: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

When we hear the word, we realize how little we know. Only Jesus, with one word, could sum up the entire plan of redemption! It will take all of Eternity for us to grasp what our Salvation means! Jesus is the only one who fully did what God wants done! He said tetelestai. Jesus came to do God’s will. Man who is lost in sin, now has a Savior.”

Page 28: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.






Page 29: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

As noted earlier:For every person, there will come a last meal,

a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we say

in the end is a real insight into what we were in life, what we stood for and indeed

lived for. Generally, we die as we have lived.

Page 30: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

Jesus died as He had lived, completing his Mission here on the Earth for You and Me.

“It is Finished”


Page 31: IT IS FINISHED - John 19:30. For every person, there will come a last meal, a last breath and, of course, a last statement. And in many ways, what we.

What MUST You Do to Be Saved?

Hear The Word Of God Romans 10:17

Believe His Word Mark 16:16, John 8:24

Repent of your sins Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38

Confess your belief Romans 10:10, Acts 8:37

Be Baptized Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38 For the Remission of Your Sins

Acts 22:16 Galatians 3:26, 27

Live Faithfully Titus 2:11-14