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. - .. ., ' . · "' •- :- •;;-:., > '":": .:,,• '"( _, ·< " ' p '9-t"' i •• " . ,. . ., it an ro ress. . __ vor .. 4. ""· M.\ y ts. ym:\.. ltJ. . ---- --... \!.J ·_ !JBttLA'! ( i .:J::s::id;:U':WN"Jit I -- 1 ., -- " i '"! l . I - - -;- - The Effect of CUtrJare fin Char• JessfJ:,. OetJ Twenty The f J .• · · . . . actf!r nnd · · ur flerlJJJ•n )"iff Open Court , . "" Alanwgordo-. , . ,, . J on t8tb. · · ., ._ ' . . •• ('' h<t'i an untlttn11tecl it;; f•utwu" K.tJNa,.· murd\>r l'oJ. A. t;rcig. "' · ) . -·- .. --, .. llucJi(f.'• mt tlw .:hat<U'tt'r •. Per .. fl \"a•u.·. tl('t many 1riah•. tin• do. manager tif tltt' great l thl.l\TIIltlllg ,Jtuh:'\• < • ftnm • uu .. : nllv !'rttled 1a"'t S:tturtlay by' the tarhtnt wbkh H ·i; f'Wflo .. <••Ho Wtll. hl.'ar smnc;> i 11 ditions attd 'lurrounili11J:"' man\' uri sut•reme eourt aftirnlin:r ·:. builct near I.ta a \'tll.agt> ' on v t1u.• then altrilnile .. : thC'y !iiU"m ci!lim\ ol tht' lower court itt 'the frmn Ahunogurdn. w.ts in m .. umt., tn ab:.orb inlet tlt<>tr hc!ng «KllUe·t · nt the Ktate Mor- tlle ctty yesterday. $U_\'l'\ the Afbu· tht.> l•tflh thing akin to thee dunil.te •uul: rl!mn. It. wiiJ lw- querque Journal UcnWl' u,. wul ht> ntwned .b)' .!um. itt . cmdroummu. 'l"bnse hnru and, ttun the Jury on fir"t trial ldt nmc C\ll.'tting fur Cali•; Ott tf'rratcmal 'ltdr .tcotrell in Ill wihl and tixed ll<'r scuh•nre at li:wc ye:tt'i 1 furnia on • While! Armst.r;'!'R' ""· are gencrallv ; at!ft frons wlth'h •P'Jk'a led, here t'nt. Hrcig was in .:em rete u the of stscrllf of .taardy!lndsh!rl1 ttumut'h.'"-"• wllit<>(;wrtb th<> rc.>stdt f.fs;a( fifteen \'<'arr1 witb ft\ W'ltiltll'*"I.,tnl:•>Ju wdl l.W> those tmmgbt U{t in a ridt. w.trut acftft'•l to thr* •tt·il>inat 5NJ• M'S1 who is ftlt1sirfcdng t•tau!i for fc!r a hrartng. th<- aud genial tiimate uud .. u!ruund·': Jt>*>'lie "'<ts dt .. tl•c- 'i.tflitariurn. · Cnlv• · undulute lQt .!lbc.rJff of. l .. t!trotu lngs ate U"lUitUy ot a guihy uf killing Mr'1. nun ?el b nut tbi'i time togo ('?lit.\' "'on!#J gout;: natut(>. Tlte 1\ ·•:tl1' tbrt.'e .. ago at tlu• lat .. ·· J.nto an)' ••f the a ul a tU.lJOtaty or o?: upo!J . Standard. nt a ter s ut llHrac.l.,. 1'Ju.• !ot tmt Urc ·r•ro· tlu.• tho return'4. 1 ht• "':•· • datt•. tlle subject fol· ti Mm·r•!tnu-t:mnle wa .... thl' ,J ;oct to; . welt un.clrr wa .suuS wiU . d<'m.(! .ttl ''C<'n taken and wilt 1uw8: · ;, m;J'•L, ever • tried iut ·take definite sba 1 w-. 11 he •+• , .. In l:utd'l or the 5UU, the !I . 2\.!orrt-.ctll. }ll_flflll or tbe IUattagcnumt :rc tlJJ 1\ To Sflrvey F'ort6t Re:.etves. t'a_tlb dte ne\':C!I•nht's .\Vd('y .. Jn lo\'e waUpa &lUJ)('Uduus Sl.'nac anti wtll uu.. · =="" . ·: · hixurie!f of lite alnut<tt without'! Ohil Castt(•, a dl.'rk:. ift a · doubtt'diy bt>· fuUy e:arrii!tl out. ' A W•bbittgtou spcdal ··"" f .., mau is Sill'J'N1 uf t'Uergv.ll wh<'ti' al!lo witb rc'iulqbat. New ·Mutieo, u•rtu, Uoite1l State!\ gcoloJ:i\'al . { atuf :t a aUer,;wtU b:ave has that .. dl'uu l'l}feunmdNt fum. .Mass Rdcyt tltc tor tt!l! nr>et\!Uiarpn.:.the it will dWUl 0('4 wttll•i: .,t;OIIU:rt fought. U1 r.frs. 111 Wntfc!, :i'\Uf\'C.V UUll' of the f.rO\'Cttlttlfllt in ttim. Ue se.ttsumtqty M!s. IK!iug !dasbcd j[ forc-.t Thr.t ate tflt> t'ud.:tf! uf uaturC>, 'l ntrttetiaJist;i ttl :'hh a. ruorh11;e ·ocnera 1 P , •• . Mouttt Wa .. h.; nittt'r nnd wJtbutu amf1itiun." · beU11J r:ut'b;u1•1 . Offlc:e $!atufld. Um>li Ma!w· amt .p •• . bracing . • ' .. · •; Not!'tiittfe tb; .itwe .. tigadon ndrh·er.N.M: JJiutab: tltalt; · · '" Use l1ca1thy. boihv f'?' ;: M•!rtl!lOtJ "'bf'• at Iter three._· tbe alleged wrung·doitsgs em tbe j M?ut.; Lew•• .aud ·cJark, ;:uul muul. a•r: •. as-, part or cl'.'rtniunffidotl!l of tbe f.Hlst ·.,font._; Ar!zoua ; nut,orb u! a\i·well ,[ !!< that Mrs. lt;ul· askt:!d , otlkcwas begun,sotttt• twiJuwnths Mouut (,raba1n,, Wn:Juta, as puwer of funb. No oue is su .. ,,hcr mto the bouse, am! started a !'ago. bas tbere been the St:'ttsa- 'l'lle survt'J'tntm bf! ntrule Pt>ti,,r ntmw.t•h<"rie i:ttnttit'i.on.,; '•!t:arret t•• laa7e ;: timl that followed .. wnb a view to t.rom It afft'd<> aut,. ': hj C<tstldrotu Mtss ;; of August W. Madten from tbe Hlte rest!rvl's tb:t.tpan or the uncuusd!1us1y. ln\'e;stig-ationsiu, · • · of it('tterat' superinu.•ucf·) rilory 'l'iuitable for seltJemeut<t, . Usat.*puf'U.. are ablei!· MJS'i •s the i!ent offrf!e l•"rottt time. ratltcr than timbfor land. •r&ere to do lwst work the , :\f. fortuetly c1r• ;, to the last few weeks ···are at Jlr6ettt fifty-two rorest·re .. . ''there tH!en rumot'lf that Mr by,proc!amatiou or · • Iu Rarge fai:toru.>s. tt ts 11 t? 11e the (!1 .. 2Z'J.._.. · _that au UJt . . . . . wrtl . tnoutlt and uow ut Cab .. r: utg the tttve,ttgation, fJUt ftc hchl .. 845 acrt:s. It t'l likely tftat the .. . . . . . . .. . . ·. ,. · .. .. . ' !T . ... . .

it an ro ress. - Lincoln County • • . ' •• • • ., . • • • • • • • • • ---. ( all ki.-· rtMdit!J

Mar 27, 2021



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Page 1: it an ro ress. - Lincoln County • • . ' •• • • ., . • • • • • • • • • ---. ( all ki.-· rtMdit!J

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it an ro ress. • • •

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. __ vor .. u~m 4. ""· l'I).P~TA~. J4I~~:ot.;N rot~N'l'Y. 'NI~w ~n:xwo. M.\ y ts. ym:\.. ~.m~rneR ltJ. . --~- ---- ~--.·- --... e<·-»---~ --~-- ~-- \!.J ·_ -'sifE-\itt----Mi;l!$!!!!)p~ i&!£_,---Jtz~t.Jt!C!I.!!!!.'!i!_tZ_t_ !JBttLA'! ( i t~s:.!:tA1iftrig&~ff,if .:J::s::id;:U':WN"Jit I -- 1 ., -- " i '"! l . I - - -;- -

~ The Effect of CUtrJare fin Char• JessfJ:,. ~orrlwn OetJ Twenty The J_~ropot.ed ~nitarJum f J .• · · . . . actf!r nnd conduct~ · · v~•r•. ur flerlJJJ•n )"iff Open Court

• , . "" Alanwgordo-. • , . ,, . J on th~ t8tb. · · ., ._ ' . .

•• •

('' h<t'i an untlttn11tecl it;; 1:1.!c-~ f•utwu" K.tJNa,.· murd\>r l'oJ. A. ~: t;rcig. "' AJ.uuu~orur· · ) . -·-.. --, .. llucJi(f.'• mt tlw .:hat<U'tt'r •. Per .. fl \"a•u.·. tl('t many 1riah•. wa~ tin• do. manager tif tltt' great ,~;,ini- l u~mg thl.l\TIIltlllg Wl~tk, ,Jtuh:'\• < •

1>1011~ iali~ ftnm .tttmo!~pb(•fic • uu .. : nllv !'rttled 1a"'t S:tturtlay by' the tarhtnt wbkh H ·i; f'Wflo .. <••Ho ~,·Mtlh.u Wtll. hl.'ar smnc;> ~a-.eo: i 11 ditions attd 'lurrounili11J:"' man\' uri sut•reme eourt aftirnlin:r tb~ ch~" ·:. builct near I.ta r~uz. a \'tll.agt> ~i~ ' tamt~rR, 11111~ on ~~mula v t1u.• • then nlcnt~tl altrilnile .. : thC'y !iiU"m ci!lim\ ol tht' lower court itt 'the titH~s frmn Ahunogurdn. w.ts in ~Hllt m .. umt., ~~~~· t•~tt\:•!. ~tll't_r" tn ab:.orb inlet tlt<>tr hc!ng «KllUe·t ~:\'>c · nt the Ktate \'s.le~·M: Mor- tlle ctty yesterday. $U_\'l'\ the Afbu· .:u.~rl ~~~.r tht.> l•tflh JUCh!!t<~l· '~'~"• thing akin to thee dunil.te •uul: rl!mn. It. wiiJ lw- rrlm~tnher,••l querque Journal UcnWl' u,. 1!'~t wul ht> ntwned .b)' .!um. itt

. cmdroummu. 'l"bnse hnru and, ttun the Jury on tlt~ fir"t trial ldt th~ nmc C\ll.'tting fur Cali•; S.~Cirro. Ott tb~;> tf'rratcmal 'ltdr • .tcotrell in Ill ru~:g<!rl, wihl and bleak~ tixed ll<'r scuh•nre at li:wc ye:tt'i1 furnia on • lmsitlf.>!'!~"tri1l, While! ~l;c "'~:-e ~f Armst.r;'!'R' ""· O~ett!', ~ountry are gencrallv rug~..,1t, ; at!ft frons wlth'h ¥h~ •P'Jk'a led, here t'nt. Hrcig was in .:em rete nee~ u .w~h Ut~ the ullu.:~ of stscrllf of

.taardy!lndsh!rl1 ttumut'h.'"-"• wllit<>(;wrtb th<> rc.>stdt f.fs;a( fifteen \'<'arr1 witb Ar~bitet:tl!hai!J. ft\ W'ltiltll'*"I.,tnl:•>Ju eoun~y. wdl l.W> ~rourht those tmmgbt U{t in a ridt. w.trut w~rt! acftft'•l to thr* •tt·il>inat 5NJ• M'S1 who is ftlt1sirfcdng t•tau!i for ~' 1~1, fc!r a hrartng. ~lweu W~<i th<­aud genial tiimate uud .. u!ruund·': !~t~t·t>, Jt>*>'lie Murri~uu "'<ts dt .. tl•c- gr~at 'i.tflitariurn. · 'rtu~ Cnlv• · undulute lQt .!lbc.rJff of. l .. t!trotu lngs ate tlH.'~l·d~·c~ U"lUitUy ot a \~:•reel guihy uf killing Mr'1. nun ?el b nut r~~dY,~t tbi'i time togo ('?lit.\' "'on t~o cl~11~01'falJC hdt~t. g~·n~.>rou'!#J gout;: natut(>. Tlte 1\ ·•:tl1' tbrt.'e l'"'a~ .. ago at tlu• lat .. ·· J.nto an)' d!scu~!uon ••f the t11~tttiS a ul b~d a tU.lJOtaty or o?: upo!J . l;,•.,rrdn~ Standard. nt a n•rttnt~ ter s .laom~ ut 1~ llHrac.l.,. 1'Ju.• !ot t~u.~ ~atutarmm. tmt Urc ·r•ro· tlu.• ~~~~;~ 0~ tho return'4. 1 ht• "':•· • datt•. dt~cu~'i{'<J tlle subject a~ fol· ti Mm·r•!tnu-t:mnle ~a·•~· wa.... thl' ,J ;oct to; . welt un.clrr wa ~· .suuS wiU . d<'m.(! h,~14 .ttl ''C<'n taken and wilt 1uw8: • · ;, m;J'•L, ~NJ<;:tti~~at ever • tried iut "\cJ~JU ·take definite sba1w-. 1rtu~ 11 he ~Snlmu:t~d, •+• ~: ~ ,

.. In l:utd'l or the 5UU, ~1!er(! the !I ~itiJ'Ia"· • Jes~t(! . 2\.!orrt-.ctll. ~ltd }ll_flflll or tbe IUattagcnumt :rc tlJJ 1\ To Sflrvey F'ort6t Re:.etves. t'a_tlb offer~t dte ne\':C!I•nht's atld)iCi~ra .\Vd('y w~·re .. Jn lo\'e waUpa &lUJ)('Uduus Sl.'nac anti wtll uu.. · =="" . ·: · hixurie!f of lite alnut<tt without'! Ohil Castt(•, a dl.'rk:. ift a fitur~ · doubtt'diy bt>· fuUy e:arrii!tl out. ' A W•bbittgtou spcdal ~ns: ··"" f .., mau is Sill'J'N1 uf t'Uergv.ll wh<'ti' Mi~!l ~lorri-;ou wa~ al!lo witb lia~ rc'iulqbat. New ·Mutieo, u•rtu, Uoite1l State!\ gcoloJ:i\'al . { atuf le4.ld~ :t lotm~ ~~iMen~l'· !t;(i~f!fll1~'''fd~' ~Vitbi~ a w~ek aUer,;wtU b:ave thegrca~e~t sauitatiuttt~~urvev has lUJn~uuccd that ~1ur .. dl'uu l'l}feunmdNt ~·f fum. ~uuili\asbe tna.rru~d .Mass Rdcyt tltc tor tt!l! t~~·attUClll nr>et\!Uiarpn.:.the C~tntl1gti~ld.«l!ltqi)Q it will t.ff~ 'C~tjt,\..:l!V to~l!l dWUl 0('4 wttll•i: .,t;OIIU:rt fought. U1 r.frs. (!a~t!a's ~lfCCtiOll~ 111 tfl~ Wntfc!, :i'\Uf\'C.V UUll' of the f.rO\'Cttlttlfllt in ttim. Ue JuU~ se.ttsumtqty in~ !t,~use. M!s. Casti~ IK!iug !dasbcd ~ ~~: .~.:.. -~. ·=~ j[ forc-.t ft:,.~rv~.,. Thr.t ate tflt> t'ud.:tf! uf uaturC>, 'l ntrttetiaJist;i ttl aJu~mhte m,a!2u~r :'hh a. ruorh11;e ·ocnera1 P , •• . .· ~ Mouttt R.uuier~ Wa .. h.; nittt'r nnd wJtbutu amf1itiun." · ilattcll\h~s MortJ~ou beU11J r:ut'b;u1•1 . • ~t. Offlc:e $!atufld. ~ Um>li Ma!w· amt ~liunatu; .p •• ~·u14 . At~mtietall'. bracing dimatel) . • ' .. ~ · •; Not!'tiittfe tb; .itwe .. tigadon ndrh·er.N.M: JJiutab: tltalt; l~'l~t· · · '" Use tnu~~ l1ca1thy. boihv f'?' ;: .~lt!l:<t M•!rtl!lOtJ "'bf'• at Iter three._· tbe alleged wrung·doitsgs em tbe j ~n·ad. • M?ut.; Lew•• .aud ·cJark, ~tly ;:uul muul. •r&~ ~trong a•r: tr.tal~ al~egt<tl !~lf·tldcnee •. as-, part or cl'.'rtniunffidotl!l of tbe f.Hlst ·.,font._; ~7tlutd t~any~u, Ar!zoua ; nut,orb fur~~ u! ~lHua••ter a\i·well ,[ !!< rt~d that Mrs. Ca.~tle lt;ul· askt:!d , otlkcwas begun,sotttt• twiJuwnths Mouut (,raba1n,, Ar~~.; Wn:Juta, as puwer of funb. No oue is su .. ,,hcr mto the bouse, am! started a !'ago. bas tbere been the St:'ttsa- O~ta. 'l'lle survt'J'tntm bf! ntrule Pt>ti,,r ~u ntmw.t•h<"rie i:ttnttit'i.on.,; '•!t:arret :.'~tr aJ~t~cr ~~ul t•• laa7e ;: timl that followed .. llt~.'!Uspi:nsimt, wnb a view to ~liuduatiug t.rom It afft'd<> aut,. U1uu~1t o:.ntnettmc~ ': ~~rt !eccav~~ hj C<tstldrotu Mtss ;; of August W. Madten from tbe Hlte rest!rvl's tb:t.tpan or the u~r· uncuusd!1us1y. ln\'e;stig-ationsiu, Mor~t-.on. • · • · ··~~{~osition • of it('tterat' superinu.•ucf·) rilory 'l'iuitable for seltJemeut<t, . ~b.ools ~.hmv Usat.*puf'U .. are ablei!· MJS'i Moms~r'l •s the tfan~htcr i!ent offrf!e dt-liv~ry. l•"rottt time. ratltcr than timbfor land. •r&ere to do thf."~t lwst work ~'~Jt:tt. the , :\f. lfo~r~sort- fortuetly c1r• ;, to titu~.duriug the last few weeks ···are at Jlr6ettt fifty-two rorest·re .. !~~~~f~.'-" ~<d«!~,c~l!f! ~nt!_~fl'~r~l~~~t~ud~e art:.~dota<lo. • . ''there hav~ tH!en rumot'lf that Mr SC!fVCH~eatcd by,proc!amatiou or · • Iu Rarge fai:toru.>s. tt ts ~tate4l. 11 -<lhtt~a!lt~-w.t!f-:~:rza""!t'l-!a~t~ ~adu:n}va-. t? 11e li'ttJi)Vcd.f~CH•I· the .ru:e~rtl~nt* ?ttt~ra~mg (!1 .. 2Z'J.._.. · _that au UJt . . . . . wrtl re~ . tnoutlt and t~ uow Jnut~ ut Cab .. r: utg the tttve,ttgation, fJUt ftc hchl .. 845 acrt:s. It t'l likely tftat the

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Page 3: it an ro ress. - Lincoln County • • . ' •• • • ., . • • • • • • • • • ---. ( all ki.-· rtMdit!J

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'llleaaphill to puitttl iu the SOUtb, btll• : ' d d~ •• . g "eut ali il'Vut .. wdt. · I .

· Tka Southeastern UmHed; : . I . ..

·l ~vint J.causu City at 6:30 ~. : . i dailr. wi:l take you t~ Spriu&fit1d. lleaa• •· ,, ' . '

· · · · · 1 l phis Dirtuingbam, At .. llttl; Jac:lctclllville , · . · ali1l nil points•iu the &HitltHM. . .. · t

SIJIDI , ·. l!ot ~et~ltd Mormltt~ •t>PlY to . ;

· ·· ·· ·. · G. W. MARTIN· · t

~!!!~i~ii.. . . e&HKRAl.. WkSTJIEftN ACiUINT' ' . 1t0·6.1T:rH QT'.


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IJOrtl<' TltEN&W

ANJl.z. . .u'U~ U~~=~· EbiTlO~ ';:-~~~.:;.·~···tfrltt~lttt!t• · · · ·· •

.......... -A DICTIONARY

~ •••• ~~~~~j·~~l.n.u.,. •t P.NOL1~U. II Qfflf!liJih)'; f'lc;U•I1•

N•-w l"J•t•• Tln••uibout 25,000 New· Words

· P.laruu ••.t · Deihdtl•nt l'rq•:1t···1 llllllll* n.o tlill·"t't .

\'i~illll t•f ~W. '1'. UAIUUa, Pl. LtJ.,

Nil 11 I\ J14'l.elll. ~l" t'wli•·l i1m•lt ". ··inN

)\lch •ino11ft1f· uu. Qt.~ut• h••• 5t0t ...... ,....... .

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Page 4: it an ro ress. - Lincoln County • • . ' •• • • ., . • • • • • • • • • ---. ( all ki.-· rtMdit!J



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• all ki.- · rtMdit!J but ~onlitt· curabtt. Sdenc~ has JltO\'tl1 ca• ---. ( ~~ -~ ·u-e·cno crt'w WOc;~:-·lJy·--urc~u~t . . · . -he i con~Htutioi1al ·cu5-

.i, If . of Kodol I btfall to i•sprove at C!il~ and therefore nquite! con• · I Jl ol1ct. K()(tol tligest!l what 10u • slitutiouat treaUlttl1t. ·ttall's C1.•

V~\ :.,::: Jt:~:•d:~~~~ach s.:eet. ~~r~~t~~~& ~~:~~~:~~ Y,b~: tl 1 """:"'~~~·+• ""'-"'"'"" i~J tbe only cottstitutioual cure ott 1~· ~ Wa.trtat ltvtQ' eotthl. tbe Jllarket. lt•i!J, takett iaternaJ•

If ·troubled with · · 11 in dOlt! from. 10 drops to a r'---'---·,_ ,fi'iit't!ltambfl'lihl'l' Pain Jlihft A t~upoottfQl.;. lt'"~tt!l dii'tctly'nfti

trial. .lt Will Uol tt:Mit you & teat tll~ blood a.tld bUICtlOU$ flUtfatet if it dOH Ito l®d• '0tte appli .. of tbe aystean. · Tbet offer oue

· c1.Uou will ttliete t&t p~ia. lt buudred dotJatt for. 1t11 caM it altO cum taprat•• aed bruisu iu : fails to ~rt!. Stud for drcularil o-Mt•tkird tbt that rtctuired ~)', and tQthn~iab. ·

\ ·• ..,otlttrtttlttltfstt. C•t•, btatUI!t .. Addr~. F. J. CtttUUCY 4: eo •• ' .._.,... · ft11tWW.1 '{\llitllt1, plih it~~ tbe · Toledo, Ohio.

.we· &l:ld cbnt. trlan.tular and · Sold by Dtu«ci~t!l1Sc. . • otbtt twtllil'ip .are qttidd)' c1utd ·ll~ll'• Fa.•ilyl;ill• at• ttae bHt. '

, · · · .'b1 app1yla' ·. ~~· . EftfJ \eaJe , ·. Jlof* p;r.;;.;,· ~itutt .·r fH

wanaatiKl •. l~tte 2S •14 10 ttt. · iu]uttd by unr txertiH tbau by ~orMlt,~~!.<!~;.!J~,!!!..~t'1tftilt. . · Uttltt M1 tk t>ll1tk~• at ·

" Subtctibt r~r tb~ ProcrtM. the Fort Stantott Nt'litariwm.


.. i . - A I '

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Welch· & Titsworth; • •

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l<t\\\e\ See~ • ~p

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Welch & T·itsworth.·\ .

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ROBER.TS'. ' •

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Oen~ral - -·'· ~'""~~-··- ·----·" .

--~ . - ~' . ------ ---·-- " __ , _____ ..,_..__._~ ---".-'-'*' ,, ___ ~ ---

• ... lttadquartt~ (or tbe Celebrated

t•rown Br..nt'l



. PLOU R. .. .

Also Bran. Corn, .. Feed. Oats.

.. Q·


1·· '-y'

--- -~• '"'-'-'"'"~-~-~-•o".Z.=~""'-~•~ ;..~- =#;•-•>;~•. ~'"#@

. ' WJllt .. . E. T .. ·e· R·. 5' P; G. ·P ··.·. · .· .· . · .. ·.··. .




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Page 5: it an ro ress. - Lincoln County • • . ' •• • • ., . • • • • • • • • • ---. ( all ki.-· rtMdit!J

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Page 6: it an ro ress. - Lincoln County • • . ' •• • • ., . • • • • • • • • • ---. ( all ki.-· rtMdit!J




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. ' ~-·"'· • ..

• ·· FJ~StlEI(. BROTJ1.ERS. ,-· • ••

for Photographic Work ·. ,

of all kl~ds . • .: • • .. . f . i. peed : f Photography .$.: ;_

. " .. '.. '

and. ·Livery.· •

·· can ~t the Studio, Fourth .St. Hotel ••

• •

Cnnimcr~lal trade a sp~dalty •. G•>tul i~ig'i <Hill i•'ast 'l'cam~. 1'urrwut~ furnisllt'd ·un

H.•h.•graphi..: notke. All ~orrcspund('t_u:e ,_ t>romptly Ulll)Wcrcd. t;h'c us your onh•r.,, '

• '

' .

' ' '

• . . '

Sale .$table. (n Conn~ction •. .,. · . . . . . ~ ' . ·~ •

• •

' .

· ·Henry J>tarf.: '

• • • -' =·.-:-- . --- :t ~ -

TaRRITORIAt. BRBVITIHS. I r~~!Jt 'l'Ut!I~Jay .. morn,ingthe f!lll• • • • : "'=-=- . ,,chmtsts, \Mutermaker'i ancl help·

. Supcrt!ltend~~t Pa~'lcm;; .ba.~ r~-! ers in tbe railroad shoJI~ at Ala· ·• · !'ltgned Ins JIO!!Itlon w•pa tlte h. 1 • '! mogordo walktd uut on a strike•

no .. San Antonio street, El P~so, Texa5 •

& 'N, 1~ •• and. lta!'l been sucn•cde~l ~The reason fot t~tc strike i~ due t• ·. 'by Mr~ Worth~ late of the JlalU•,to tbe fad thatSUI>erint~rulento£ tquors more l.ncomotwe work"•. ! Motive Powtr t>.arsmt'i, or the g1 ,.

' . . N. IJ;u:<t bas filed tmit •gainst '' l,aso Northeastern, .. · discharged


Brandies; Wines and •

SOI.H A(.i£N'l' JlOH • '

AnbeU'll'r·Uu•,eJ! Hrewing Association, St. l~oub, Mo. .

his wife. Antonio Uaca, ip the, thr fort'matt. Jacob Mcer~rwilhout I~ I Paso court!l, for divorc-e on tbc l rea!lorlable cau!Jf, amt ~511 men grc~_IJUll& of abatu!ounu•ot. 1'lac! Jlltt on their and clrcw· tbeir time, 11ctition states tbat the two were, t.riug evcryttting U!,· It ifi be·

Mamtnu ?\hneral Water eontt)any, ~lanttou, Color~do. Italian·Swis!i .Agricultural Colony, Asti. ·cal.9l~iu~ Wirtr •

t~. U. Mumm & t~o., Rcim~ • · marriecl itJ I.inco1n county, N.M.,I litvc1l that tlte trouble will be

' in 1897, and that two years after· nulju'lted in a day or two bv tj!ilt• · ward" clcfcndant abandoned the sta.tiug the lorelllo~lt. •

t>laintiff. ' .

• P. A. Mumm, l•'raukfort, 0. 1\f., Ululle Wanes.

~ Landau l"ils, Uordau,. Cognac. S.crgnour~t l~"rercs; Uordaux ClatN'l. . 6

l>r. Alcxancter, t.~iudacl Juar<'z. Mex •• N~\ivc" ;tte ·

• Tbt first ttu"t comt'ai•v muter' .t\ st~dat froml~loJtlada. ·rex.. Branches at North Capitan and Capitan, N. M. an act {lil5'\('d . bv the :nth ll'gi~· ~~Says; u•rh~ cmun~ittte a_ppointecl ..... ---------·-.....o.· _....,......., . ..,. __________ ..._ ............ _

lative as!l«'lllbl .: or "aniz~cr lo mrrh,radro;uhur,.eymg cors•s in New M~xic! ·1a~t wc~k. Its bas rcturt ~·tl aud reJN>rt the p~o'l· nann• i'4 tltt' Unutezutiut 'l'rust , ''t'.'t'i ~uu fo~b t:<Juyd~tla gcthng company witb tltt' princt{Jll ollie~~ t ·~ . . • 1 e _<'ug.m~<-rs. wert' at Albuquertttte. 'l'h~ i!apitat i,ft'th nt as to the «!w~ta~ll\11111 nf stork ill fbctl at S2.ouu,ooct o£J tbe • >acl, bu~<otat.ed tba! 1• whida sum $1tHt.ono iu · cnsh lla~ ~ wa!l on th~ route. ~be. sttrH~) ..;.....--J 1 . · 1 1 • · ,,starh•• rom \"crmm aucl Js bt'atl· Jtl'n 1

1a •

10• • • .. .• ('tl for l• l,asn. v'ia Ro3wcll aud

l~ug(lne Howl.' II, ai(e«l 21 YMrs. i Alaruogo do. . • i was ahot ancl in•,t:tutly kindt ltV ,j • ,' , L,;;;;;;;;;;;;,: Unrr:~ Jon~s, a bartmd<-r. at Ala .. " Alfrt'd la:mftl", tlt!fure bciug atwgordo last l~"rida)•. huweU ,; takt'tt. frc n HatUa Pe tc> 'l'il'rta . was trying to force his way into ;Autar:11 to st;uut trial fo~tt~~ ... u ....

tJi e sa limn. Jrnl'S It as· two broUt•n tl('r. II ga\'e an a~COUdl or tb(" . <>r~ living in Cr~dsbacl, who l.'ltl" ! kUling • ( Jail~r l~Jiitado <:a lie· . · JllOtt.'d l>tstr.ict Attoi'liey w. n. tl gos. a. crting tl!at Jose 'l'~Jies. . .

' •

• .-- '

IN CONN~CTIOX. wrrn Ttu; .

• . • •

" .. •

. .

• •

• • •

U. ·Llewellyn to . reprtsent the ,1 who as hattgetl recently, tired. R. . . ·

~ri"'~ltt'r at the prtlitniuary exam• •. th a tal $lm~, a1.Utough be .him·~. . OC k tna.tton. .lf hadstruck t.aU('go~ wnb a- • ... _ .· .. .;; --

Work ha~ becll cmntnNtc d at revolver on the head... Hampe is Isla~d System_~-~--~~~-~.

• RCNS • • • - the Ute SaHli Fe at · Yl'~tsuf .. fr{)nl ~-----~-

• • .!

•uu~~ llte :Union •h~(:IOt wltidt wilt . . . ···· · ·· •:TIIE F ASTES'l' l{VER" to Ka'nsas City,-St. Loui$,-Chieago bt ~uilt by tbc Santali'e l~ent.raL tn the court of th e -ond d' • (Jr ~~emphis attd prittcipa.l points beyond. Call un agent for full . &dll the Dtuver an•t. Rio Grahde trict last week Judg~ e~:k r •s .. parttculars.. . A .N.- BD·OWN 0 P A El P . ¥

. lH)" _,New Mext 'IH ' ' e over ~. • 1"'1..: ' • • •• aso, I exas. tomp • .. ~ \: • _ • the tttotio_!t for a tu!w u:h•l ' C~.W .. ltOWARD, Agent, c'apitius. N. M.~ .. ·

board which has .. tu the ca~e of the t~rritor.r ,\fs_~L ____ .. -----~----~-·-··-.. ·-·-----·· . .. . -~··· ..... ·····-·":-~-·-··-··--··--"'--·· .. ·· · . . · g the , ·· . · · lfret1o Sattdc)\'al of; - · · · · · · · · · .. ·. · .· · · · .. . . . -~~ ...

. itl«!titl of the Hew tetvi~e ,rifie ?r~.Sl(n~lflV&l county •.. Thejudgm~llt'! 'J·A.' (. K' .··so· N" GAL'BRA"I"IH'. (' OMP'A .. :muakel1 hal fin~&Uy dtclaretl tn ;. of the court~ rendtred several, · · . · · . . . . (~vor of 1 wtapoH with a baneJ ~days •go, was that he was dis•; . . ' · . t . · · ·

. ·ouly24 ittchea in lenglh, u~ing. a:i qualifitd from holding otliee on! . , . · btcAt.Htt tN ·: ~ • . .lOcalitierbuUet. Th,e ~ew. ~un:tbe grourtcl that he doesnu~ OWtl: Lumber' Shingles Doors ettt'' · is a umadn.-blt wtapdu accorthHg! $500 worth of real estate tH the.. . .. • · ' · ' ' f . •

to the orduauce otlietf'$, for white~ new countj u required. by law.! · WlNDOW •. OLA.SS AN() FRUIT SOX I:$. . .. · it ia f()Ui' iHchtt tdtorttr thatt the~ The ~ourt 11lso refused . to · w:'th• , . . . . . .. . , ..... • . ·• ·. . • . . . ·

Krar, and. ou11 two inches lonrer!?oldJutlttmentht tl1e~atterpen<t• ·Plate :OJass_ A Spectalty. . · ~tbaa the carlli~~~. it i• tnOre. f)(}W•' ang. t~ _l1uting'l, •0L~h.e ca~ OH .· · .... P~ICES TO MEET. COMPB·tJTION . · . . errut tba~J. tithfr. '8itk • btgher ~ ap~al to tb~ tttfl6o'rtal '&ttpr~me. . . ,_, ... - ••

V\'l0\'it1 and tt••jf'\~tCJry. . .court. . . ~'Capftan, .. . • .. • New Mc~lc • ' . r

• ..

• • •

... • •

. . .,., .. ,

" - • • •

• . .

" . "


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