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IT 136 – Intro To Linux Class Details: M/W 7:15pm-9:15pm Room: 3183 [email protected]

IT 136 – Intro To Linux

Feb 24, 2016




Class Details: M/W 7:15pm-9:15pm Room: 3183 [email protected]. IT 136 – Intro To Linux. Me. Took community college courses to transfer into a 4-year college After graduation, did security programming at the Chicago Board of Trade (Java/C/C++/Bash) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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IT 136 – Intro To Linux

Class Details:M/W 7:15pm-9:15pm

Room: 3183

[email protected]

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Me• Took community college courses to transfer into

a 4-year college• After graduation, did security programming at the

Chicago Board of Trade (Java/C/C++/Bash)• Moved on to manage the Security Intrusion

Detection Systems for BlueCross BlueShield, moved internally into Linux/Unix administration

• Traded that in for hardware and Linux administration, been doing that for about six years now

• Moved out here four years ago with my wife for admin job (so email responses will not be instant)

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Syllabus• The short version: We’re all adults, you’re paying for this

time, I expect you to act as such; respect each other, me, and the class and we will get along

• I do take attendance (worth one assignment in total)• Class is split between lecture and in-class exercises• I start taking and don’t stop until the ‘practical’ exercises• If you need a drink/etc…, go for it; if you need a day or two

off, go for it – however:• I expect you to be responsible for any work/info you miss• I post notes/lectures/homework online and answer

questions, I cannot make you learn it

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For Experienced Users If you can write a Bash script within 48 hours that:

Has your name and today’s date as a comment Prints your username to STDOUT Checks if username is in sudoers file Starts a sleep(1000) command in the background Checks if Apache is installed via RPM Attempts to start Apache Runs regex against the Apache config file that checks

for the ‘default’ documentroot Redirects the output to a file in /tmp Kill the sleep(1000) command using job #

Come talk to me, this class is going to bore you

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First This class is challenging

Linux is a different perspective and interaction I add stuff that’s generally IT related

You will get new material every class Sometimes LOTS of new material I add new stuff on quizzes ie, if I tell you how to look up any command to

find out what it does, I will expect you to be able to do that with a new command that you haven’t seen before

You will need to study on your own, probably for about an hour per class

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Class Format I talk for about an hour introducing new material An in-class practical is issued for you to work

on the new material with me available as a resource

Homework is issued that is due before class starts the next class day

Tests and quizzes based off homework and ‘practical’ walkthroughs

Practicals have default usernames as well as most commands used

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Class Webpage Everything will be posted on the website for the

class Everyone will receive an email from me, this

email will contain the link to the class webpage Presentations, practicals, homework, additional

handouts, etc… will all be posted there for the duration of the course

This is where you can go if you miss a day and need to review what we went over that day

Assignments are to be emailed to me or in my hand by the time class starts

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Virtual Machines We use virtual machines (vm’s) – VMWare

Workstation (I like VirtualBox) hypervisors This is a program that simulates an entire

computer (or group of computers) It will react exactly as if it is a real computer

It uses files as ‘hard drives’ and VMWare mimics the hardware responses

Start up a VM, click inside, push ctrl and alt keys at the same time to get out

This is “the cloud” (for real)

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Your Three Best Friends

The book is not required It is a good intro/overview, and also contains

advanced topics, but is not necessary Your three best friends in this class are

Search engines The command line Reference books

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BF1: Search Engines

Useful When: you catch a keyword, or I ask you a general question

Ex1: “What is the Linux command to show the system’s IP address?” I would ask you this on a practical/homework/test

Ex2: “linux ip address” This is something you would put into a search

engine looking for the answer to ex1

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Aside 1 – Google’ing If I ask you “What is the command to show an

IP address in Linux?” Do NOT type that whole question in Google works on keywords, and how many

people link web pages to other pages with those keywords

Keywords? What about: Where are users directories located in CentOS?

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BF2: The Command Line When you’re on a system, you can use ‘manual’

pages to find out what a command does, what it needs, and how you can change its behavior with ‘flags’

Ex1: What does the ifconfig command do? Type man ifconfig to find out it displays the IP

address and interface info on a Linux system The shell will try to tell you if/where an error is

based on the error messages Pay attention to error keywords and our model

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BF3: Reference Materials

Primarily used when a concept is not understood or the internet is not available

When I'm incomprehensible I like coffee and speak quickly when over-

caffeinated I use Sobell’s book because the ‘on-system’

manual pages are done at ‘best effort’ Sobell consistently goes through and more

concisely and thoroughly explains commands, flags, options. This is the last part of the book.

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Own Study

I try to include a slide at the end of each lecture that highlights the topics we discussed today as well as the relevant sections in the book so that you can go into the book and materials to study on your own

You will need to study on your own Did I mention this class was challenging? I just found this one, tell me if you like it

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Hopefully You Already Know These terms Kernel, operating system, application,

hardware, hard drive, command, command line, folder, file, path, IP address, server, web server

If you can use your own words to describe those, you have a good base for this class

If you do not know what those are, please research them, I will talk about them like you already know them

Tonight’s homework and practical are baselines

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Your Questions While the book is not necessary, my goal is to

prepare you for a ‘corporate’ environment If you ask me a question, I will respond with “what

does Google say?” or “what does the book say?” or “what did you get when you tried it?”

I probably will send you back to try it yourself – it is the best way to learn it; if there's still a question after that, I will answer it

That is also probably more nice than what anyone would do in a corporate environment

To that end, assignments will get more vague as the semester goes on – that is intentional

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Failure Is extremely important A good boss said: “It’s okay to make mistakes; it’s

not okay to repeat them” IMPORTANT: Throughout the guided practicals

I leave off ‘sudo’ or general parts of commands This means commands partially work but also

partially fail It’s important to see what this does in a safe

environment so that when you err in a corporate environment (and it WILL happen), you can realize it and fix it

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Questions?• Questions on course layout?

• Ready to get into Linux?

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Intro to Linux• Linux is a “catch-all” term that covers programs

that use the Linux kernel• The Linux kernel is packaged by different

groups and released as different ‘flavors’ such as RedHat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Android, Slackware, Gentoo, Mandriva, Backtrack, and many more

• We will look at CentOS Linux through the command line

• The GUI is nice and makes life easier but also hides everything

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Operating System• Operating system is “a set of software that

manages computer hardware and provides common services for computer programs” (wikipedia)

• It’s what allows the hardware to run programs• Windows is an ‘overarching term’ that covers

several operating systems – 3.1, ‘95, NT, XP, 2k3, Vista, 7, 8, 2012

• Linux is similar – overarching term that covers RedHat, Ubuntu, SuSE, Slackware, Backtrack, CentOS, Debian, etc…

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Linux OS (Gnome)

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Linux OS (KDE)

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Linux OS (Unity/Weyland/Something?)

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Linux Command Linux (Us)

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Linux• Linux kernel is actually the ‘brains’ of the operating

system• Wikipedia: the kernel “is a bridge between

applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level”

• Hardware: chassis, cd/dvd, motherboard, processor, memory, harddrive, power supply, extras

• Application – program that runs on a computer (MS Word, InternetExplorer/Firefox, Outlook)

• Data processing – processor’s ‘adder’ gates

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What?• Example: Firefox (or IE, or Chrome)• Runs in a window with our Desktop behind it (in

our case – ‘current working directory’)• Behind the scenes: software making sure power

supply is providing power, fan is running• Also: saving files from the internet• Opening a socket on local system, initiating

handshake, receiving incoming info stream, translating stream to temp file, moving temp file to file name you saved it as, telling you file was saved

• The kernel handles all that so you don’t have to!

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Unix operating system was created at AT&T Linus Torvalds published his version (not directly

Unix derivative, but very close) in 1991 Requested others to help add to it; is now Linux Current corporate 'standards' are RHEL and SuSE Today we will talk about Linux, installations and 3

file channels Wednesday we will review this info; next week we

will start moving very quickly

History – Unix to Linux

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Linux has several versions, but we will be using CentOS

Android and Ubuntu are based off Debian CentOS and many others are based off RHEL or

RedHat Enterprise Linux CentOS and RHEL are “binary comaptible” –

meaning the binary (0’s and 1’s) level code matches, except where they said it was “RHEL” they switched to “CentOS” (& some specific apps)

If you have CentOS on a resume, you can also have RHEL


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Linux, pt2• CentOS has a nice graphical-user interface• We are not going to be using it• This class will be focused on the ‘command-line’• [student@it136centos58vm ~]$ • This is the command prompt, command line or

shell (all the same thing)• The above is the power in Linux• Above shows user, hostname, current directory,

and allows for input

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Major Paradigm Shift• Windows is all GUI – you are always in your

“Desktop” directory• Linux is ‘command line’ – all typing, you change

directories• No desktop – no clicking• You are in whatever directory you enter• Default login is ‘home directory’• Usually /home/<user>• In desktop – you can always click desktop icons• In command-line, moving to a new directory

changes where you are

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File Path• In this new paradigm, file paths are important• File Path: Where something is located on a

system• Linux has one ‘top level’ directory, everything else

is below that• Top level directory is /• All other directories exist ‘below’ this directory• This means all directories are connected, and you

can map a path from one point on the system to any other point (file/directory/resource/etc)

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Most medium to large sized companies will have a low-access user the whole group uses and then escalates to root (Admin)

Ours is student and the password is Pug3t$ound!

The shell will display[student@it136centos58vm ~]$ Today, we will go over VMWare and a Linux


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If you need to learn Linux, use it as your primary OS (Ubuntu almost always 'just works')

If you can't (shared/corp laptop), consider Cygwin

VM's (VMWare or VirtualBox) allow you to have a Windows installation if you need it, or allow you to have Linux inside your Windows installation

If you had not heard of those terms, do the homework/practical from today

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Questions and Installs

Homework and practical will review terms Don't forget to turn in your info sheet Questions?