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Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Sep 25, 2018



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Page 1: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Richard Casey, PhD


CSU Center for Bioinformatics

ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Page 2: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Compute Node Status

• Check whether interactive and batch compute nodes are up or down:

– xtprocadmin


12 0xc c0-0c0s3n0 compute up interactive

13 0xd c0-0c0s3n1 compute up interactive

14 0xe c0-0c0s3n2 compute up interactive

15 0xf c0-0c0s3n3 compute up interactive

16 0x10 c0-0c0s4n0 compute up interactive

17 0x11 c0-0c0s4n1 compute up interactive

18 0x12 c0-0c0s4n2 compute up interactive

42 0x2a c0-0c1s2n2 compute up batch

43 0x2b c0-0c1s2n3 compute up batch

44 0x2c c0-0c1s3n0 compute up batch

45 0x2d c0-0c1s3n1 compute up batch

61 0x3d c0-0c1s7n1 compute up batch

62 0x3e c0-0c1s7n2 compute up batch

63 0x3f c0-0c1s7n3 compute up batch

• Currently

• 960 batch compute cores

• 288 interactive compute cores

Naming convention:





i.e. Cabinet0-0,Cage0,Slot3,Node0

Page 3: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Compute Node Status

• Check the state of interactive and batch compute nodes and

whether they are already allocated to other user’s jobs:

– xtnodestat

Current Allocation Status at Tue Apr 19 08:15:02 2011


n3 -------B

n2 -------B

n1 --------

c1n0 --------

n3 SSSaa;--

n2 aa;--

n1 aa;--

c0n0 SSSaa;--



nonexistent node S service node (login, boot, lustrefs)

; free interactive compute node - free batch compute node

A allocated, but idle compute node ? suspect compute node

X down compute node Y down or admindown service node

Z admindown compute node

Available compute nodes: 4 interactive, 38 batch

Cabinet ID

Cage X:

Node X


Nodes Interactive Compute Nodes

Batch Compute Nodes



Allocated Batch Compute Nodes

Free Batch Compute Nodes

Allocated Interactive Compute Nodes

Free Interactive Compute Nodes

Page 4: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Batch Jobs

• Torque/PBS Batch Queue Management System

– For submission and management of jobs in batch queues

– Use for jobs with large resource requirements (long-running, # of cores, memory, etc.)

• List all available queues:

– qstat –Q (brief)

– qstat –Qf (full)

rcasey@cray2:~> qstat -Q

Queue Max Tot Ena Str Que Run Hld Wat Trn Ext T

---------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -

batch 0 0 yes yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 E

• Show the status of jobs in all queues:

– qstat (all queued jobs)

– qstat – u username (only queued jobs for “username”) – (Note: if there are no jobs running in any of the batch queues, this command will show nothing and just return the

Linux prompt).

rcasey@cray2:~/lustrefs/mpi_c> qstat

Job id Name User Time Use S Queue

------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----

1753.sdb mpic.job rcasey 0 R batch

Page 5: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Batch Jobs

• Common Job States

– Q: job is queued

– R: job is running

– E: job is exiting after having run

– C: job is completed after having run

• Submit a job to the default batch queue:

– qsub filename

– “filename” is the name of a file that contains batch queue commands

– Command line directives override batch script directives

– i.e. “qsub –N newname script”; “newname” overrides “-N name” in batch script

• Delete a job from the batch queues:

– qdel jobid

– “jobid” is the job ID number as displayed by the “qstat” command. You must

be the owner of the job in order to delete it.

Page 6: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Sample Batch Job Script


#PBS –N jobname

#PBS –j oe

#PBS –l mppwidth=24

#PBS –l walltime=1:00:00

#PBS –q batch



aprun –n 24 executable

• PBS directives: – -N: name of the job

– -j oe: combine standard output and standard error in single file

– -l mppwidth: specifies number of cores to allocate to job

– -l walltime: specifies maximum amount of wall clock time for job to run (hh:mm:ss);

default = 5 years

– -q: specify which queue to submit the job to

Page 7: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Sample Batch Job Script

• PBS_O_WORKDIR environment variable is generated by Torque/PBS.

Contains absolute path to directory from which you submitted your job.

Required for Torque/PBS to find your executable files.

• Linux commands can be included in batch job script

• The value set in aprun “-n” parameter should match value set in PBS

“mppwidth” directive

• i.e. #PBS –l mppwidth=24

• i.e. aprun –n 24 exe

• Request proper resources: • If “-n” or “mppwidth” > 960, job will be held in queued state for awhile and then deleted

• If “mppwidth” < “-n”, then error message “apsched: claim exceeds reservation's node-


• If “mppwidth” > “-n”, then OK

Page 8: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Overview

Performance analysis process consists of three basic steps:

• Instrument your program, to specify what kind of data you want to

collect under what conditions

• Execute your instrumented program, to generate and capture the

desired data

• Analyze the resulting data

Page 9: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Overview

CrayPat, Perftools

• Cray’s toolkit for instrumenting executables and producing data from runs

• Two basic types of analyses available:

• Sampling/Profiling: samples program counters at fixed intervals

• Tracing: traces function calls

• Type of analysis guided by build options and environment variables

• Profile/Trace function calls & loops

• Produce call graphs and execution profiles

• Adds some overhead to executable & increases runtime

Page 10: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Overview

CrayPat, Perftools

• Outputs data in binary format which can be converted to text

format, i.e. reports that contain statistical information

• CrayPat supports many languages + extensions • C, C++, Fortran, MPI, OpenMP

• Use of binary instrumentation means relatively low overhead and

no interference with compiler optimizations:

• Cray performance is dependent on compiler optimizations (loop

vectorization especially), so this is a necessity for CrayPat

• Sampling instrumentation results in some overhead (< 2-3 %)

• Logfiles from runs are generally compact

• Check “man craypat”, “pat_help”, and the Craydoc “Using Cray

Performance Analysis Tools” for more info

Page 11: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

• Load Cray, perftools, & craypat modules before compiling

– “module load PrgEnv-cray”

– “module load perftools”

– “module load xt-craypat”

• Compile code

– Use Cray compiler wrappers (cc, CC, ftn)

– Make sure object files (*.o) are retained • C: “cc -c exe.c”, then “cc –o exe exe.o”

• C++: “CC –c exe.c”, then “CC –o exe exe.o”

• Fortran: “ftn –c exe.f90”, then “ftn –o exe exe.o”

– If you use Makefiles, modify them to retain object files

Performance Analysis: Workflow

Page 12: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

• Generate instrumented executable

– “pat_build [options] exe”

– Creates an instrumented executable “exe+pat”

• Execute instrumented code

– “aprun –n 1 exe+pat”

– Creates file “exe+pat+PID.xf” (PID = process ID)

• Generate reports

– “pat_report [options] exe+pat+PID.xf”

– Outputs performance reports (“rpt” text file)

Performance Analysis: Workflow

Page 13: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

• pat_build

– By default, pat_build instruments code for sampling/profiling

– To instrument code for tracing, include one or several options:

• “-w”, “-u”, “-g”, “-O”, “-T”, “-t”

• i.e. “pat_build –w exe” (enable tracing)

• i.e. “pat_build –u exe” (trace user-defined functions only)

• i.e. “pat_build –g tracegroup exe” (enable tracegroups)

• i.e. “pat_build –O reports exe” (enable predefined reports)

• i.e. “pat_build –T funcname exe” (trace specific function by name)

• i.e. “pat_build –t funclist exe” (trace list of functions by name)

• Control instrumented program behavior and data collection

– 50+ optional runtime environment variables

– For example:

• To generate more detailed reports:

– “export PAT_RT_SUMMARY=0”

• To measure MPI load imbalance:

– “export PAT_RT_MPI_SYNC=1” for tracing

– “export PAT_RT_MPI_SYNC=0” for sampling

Performance Analysis: Workflow

Page 14: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

• Trace Groups

– Instrument code to trace all function references belonging to a specified


– 30+ trace groups

– “pat_build –g tracegroup exe”

– For example:

• To trace MPI calls, I/O calls, memory references:

– “pat_build –g mpi,io,heap exe”

Performance Analysis: Workflow

Trace Group Desc

mpi MPI calls

omp OpenMP calls

stdio Application I/O calls

sysio System I/O calls

io stdio and sysio

lustre Lustre file system calls

heap Memory references

Page 15: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Workflow

• Predefined reports

– 30+ predefined reports

– Use pat_report “-O” option

– For example,

• To show data by function name only:

– “pat_report –O profile exe+pat+PID.xf”

• To show calling tree:

– “pat_report –O calltree exe+pat+PID.xf”

• To show load balance across PE’s:

– “pat_report –O load_balance exe+pat+PID.xf”

Report Option Desc

profile Show function names only

calltree Show calling tree top-down

load_balance Show load balance across PE’s

heap_hiwater Show max memory usage

loops Show loop counts

read_stats, write_stats Show I/O statistics

Page 16: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

• Predefined Experiments

– Instrument code using preset environments

– 9 predefined experiments

– Choose experiment by setting PAT_RT_EXPERIMENT environment


– For example:

• To sample program counters at regular intervals:

– “export PAT_RT_EXPERIMENT=samp_pc_time” (default)

– Default sampling interval = 10,000 microseconds

– Change sampling interval with PAT_RT_INTERVAL, PAT_RT_INTERVAL_TIMER

• To trace function calls:

– “export PAT_RT_EXPERIMENT=trace”

– One of the pat_build trace options must be specified (“-g”, “-u”, “-t”, “-T”, “-O”, “-w”)

Performance Analysis: Workflow

Page 17: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

• Predefined Hardware Performance Counter Groups

– Build and instrument code as usual

– Set PAT_RT_HWPC env var (i.e. “export PAT_RT_HWPC=3”)

– 20 predefined groups available

• Summary

• L1, L2, L3 cache data accesses & misses

• Bandwidth info

• Hypertransport info

• Cycles stalled, resources idle/full

• Instructions and branches

• Instruction caches

• Cache hierarchy

• FP operations mix, vectorization, single-precision, double-precision

• Prefetches

– See “man hwpc” for full list and group numbers

– For summary data:

• “export PAT_RT_HWPC=0”

• Shows MFLOPS, MIPS, computational intensity (FP ops / mem access), etc.

Performance Analysis: Workflow

Page 18: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

#include <mpi.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#define N 10000

#define LOOPCNT 10000

void loop(float a[], float b[], float c[]);

void main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

int i, rank;

float a[N], b[N], c[N];

for (i=0; i < N; i++) { a[i] = i * 1.0; b[i] = i * 1.0 }



for (i=0; i<LOOPCNT; i++) { loop(a, b, c); }


if(rank==0) { for (i=0; i < N; i++) { printf("c[%d]= %f\n", i, c[i]);}}

void loop(float a[], float b[], float c[])

{ int i, numprocs;


for (i=0; i < N; i++) { c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; }


Performance Analysis: Reports

Page 19: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Reports

CrayPat/X: Version 5.1 Revision 3746 (xf 3586) 08/20/10 16:46:28

Number of PEs (MPI ranks): 6

Numbers of PEs per Node: 6 PEs on 1 Node

Numbers of Threads per PE: 1 thread on each of 6 PEs

Number of Cores per Socket: 12

Execution start time: Mon Apr 18 13:23:12 2011

System name, type, and speed: x86_64 1900 MHz

Table 2: Profile by Group, Function, and Line

Samp % | Samp | Imb. | Imb. |Group

| | Samp | Samp % | Function

| | | | Source

| | | | Line

| | | | PE='HIDE'

100.0% | 13 | -- | -- |Total


| 100.0% | 13 | -- | -- |USER

| | | | | subfunc

3 | | | | rcasey/perform/exe_c/exe.c


4||| 15.4% | 2 | 1.83 | 55.0% |line.45

4||| 84.6% | 11 | 2.33 | 21.5% |line.46 <= for loop in subfunc function


• Default profiling

• “cc –c exe.c”; “cc –o exe exe.o”;

“pat_build exe”; “pat_report *.xf > rpt”

Page 20: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Reports

Table 1: Profile by Function Group and Function

Samp % | Samp |Group

| | Function

100.0% | 2 |Total


| 50.0% | 1 |ETC

| | | vfprintf

| 50.0% | 1 |USER

| | | subfunc


• Profile function calls

• “pat_build exe”; “pat_report –O profile *.xf > rpt”

Page 21: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Reports

Table 1: Profile by Function Group and Function

Time % | Time | Calls |Group

| | | Function

100.0% | 0.086681 | 1004.0 |Total


| 100.0% | 0.086677 | 1002.0 |USER


|| 76.2% | 0.066092 | 1.0 |main

|| 23.7% | 0.020550 | 1000.0 |subfunc


• Profile user function calls

• “pat_build –u exe”; “pat_report *.xf > rpt”

Page 22: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Reports

Table 1: Profile by Function Group and Function

Time % | Time | Calls |Group

| | | Function

100.0% | 0.123657 | 12005.0 |Total


| 79.9% | 0.098813 | 10000.0 |STDIO

| | | | printf

| 20.1% | 0.024828 | 1002.0 |USER


|| 16.9% | 0.020847 | 1000.0 |subfunc

|| 3.2% | 0.003947 | 1.0 |main


100.0% | 0.086681 | 1004.0 |Total


| 100.0% | 0.086677 | 1002.0 |USER


|| 76.2% | 0.066092 | 1.0 |main

|| 23.7% | 0.020550 | 1000.0 |subfunc


Table 2: Load Balance with MPI Message Stats

Time % | Time |Group

100.0% | 0.126971 |Total


| 80.0% | 0.101597 |STDIO

| 19.8% | 0.025107 |USER


• Combine MPI calls, I/O calls, memory references

• “pat_build –g mpi,io,heap exe”; “pat_report *.xf > rpt”

Table 8: File Output Stats by Filename

Write | Write MB | Write | Writes | Write |File


Time | | Rate | | B/Call |

| | MB/sec | | |

0.100870 | 0.203452 | 2.016974 | 10000.000000 | 21.33 |Total



| 0.100870 | 0.203452 | 2.016974 | 10000.000000 | 21.33 |stdout


Table 9: Wall Clock Time, Memory High Water Mark

Process | Process |Total

Time | HiMem |

| (MBytes) |

0.145398 | 22.160 |Total


Page 23: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Reports

Table 1: Loop Stats from -hprofile_generate

Loop | Loop | Loop | Loop | Loop | Loop |Function=/.LOOP\.

U.B. | Hit | Trips | Trips | Trips | Notes |

Time | | Avg | Min | Max | |

100.0% | 1003 | 9991.0 | 1000 | 10000 | -- |Total


| 82.7% | 1 | 10000.0 | 10000 | 10000 | vector |

| 82.7% | 1 | 1000.0 | 1000 | 1000 | novec |

| 82.7% | 1 | 10000.0 | 10000 | 10000 | novec |

| 17.3% | 1000 | 10000.0 | 10000 | 10000 | vector |


100.0% | 0.086681 | 1004.0 |Total


| 100.0% | 0.086677 | 1002.0 |USER


|| 76.2% | 0.066092 | 1.0 |main

|| 23.7% | 0.020550 | 1000.0 |subfunc


• Loop statistics

• “cc –c –h profile_generate exe.c”; “cc –o exe exe.o”;

“pat_build exe”; “pat_report *.xf > rpt”

Page 24: ISTeC Cray - Academic Computing & Networking … · Richard Casey, PhD RMRCE CSU Center for Bioinformatics ISTeC Cray High-Performance Computing System

Performance Analysis: Reports

Table 1: File Output Stats by Filename

Write | Write MB | Write | Writes | Write |File Name

Time | | Rate | | B/Call |

| | MB/sec | | |

0.108173 | 0.203452 | 1.880805 | 10000.000000 | 21.33 |Total


| 0.108173 | 0.203452 | 1.880805 | 10000.000000 | 21.33 |stdout


• I/O statistics

• “pat_build –O write_stats exe”; “pat_report *.xf > rpt”