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201Q2 District Governor’s Bullen Page 1 January 2019 Hello to you all I do hope everyone had a very happy Christmas. Here in Lucinda it was a perfect day aſter the previous day of rain. Even the temperatures were liveable aſter a steamy few days. Outside at the moment it is raining again and I expect the rain is on its way down as further north has had much rain. I was very saddened to hear of the tragic accident resulng in the loss of a very generous, gracious and friendly Lion, Lion Diane Bailey, just before Christmas. Her advice and friendship will be remembered always. Our thoughts are with husband Gordon and their family. On my behalf PDG Pat Lynch aended the Ingham High School, meeng with students who generously donated 64 giſt wrapped presents to the Winton Lions Club for distribuon to drought affected families in that area. Well done and thank you to all involved. Drought relief money and Lions cakes from Australian Lions District Governor Allan Hansen Lower Herbert Halifax Lions Club Issue 7 : January 2019 Official bullen of District 201Q2 Foundaon are gradually being dispersed to clubs for needy families. Unfortunately our member numbers are sll falling but hopefully that will change in the coming year. Unfortunately I am sll baling with travelling for any period of me and as soon as I can manage I hope to be able to visit clubs again. May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous, healthy and successful 2019. DG Allan Hansen Ph: 07 4777 8288 Mob: 0427 778 288 Email: [email protected] PS: As travelling days have not happened this month I will not write a report so will join with DG Allan in wishing the best life can offer to all in the new year. Lion Ellie Hansen Our Camp commiee are all sll trying to come to terms with the tragic death of one of our Camp managers, Lion Diane Bailey. Diane was such a bright and bubbly lady, doing whatever she could to help wherever she could. We are all going to miss her so much, but none more so than Gordon, so please keep Gordon and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful to everyone who has helped out during this difficult me. Marn Braddick Camp Kanga Chairman [email protected]

Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

Oct 17, 2020



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Page 1: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 1 January 2019

Hello to you all

I do hope everyone had a very happy Christmas. Here in Lucinda it was a perfect day after the previous day of rain. Even the temperatures were liveable after a steamy few days. Outside at the moment it is raining again and I expect the rain is on its way down as further north has had much rain.

I was very saddened to hear of the tragic accident resulting in the loss of a very generous, gracious and friendly Lion, Lion Diane Bailey, just before Christmas. Her advice and friendship will be remembered always. Our thoughts are with husband Gordon and their family.

On my behalf PDG Pat Lynch attended the Ingham High School, meeting with students who generously donated 64 gift wrapped presents to the Winton Lions Club for distribution to drought affected families in that area. Well done and thank you to all involved. Drought relief money and Lions cakes from Australian Lions

District Governor Allan Hansen

Lower Herbert Halifax Lions Club

Issue 7 : January 2019

Official bulletin of District 201Q2

Foundation are gradually being dispersed to clubs for needy families.

Unfortunately our member numbers are still falling but hopefully that will change in the coming year. Unfortunately I am still battling with travelling for any period of time and as soon as I can manage I hope to be able to visit clubs again.

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous, healthy and successful 2019.

DG Allan Hansen Ph: 07 4777 8288 ● Mob: 0427 778 288

Email: [email protected]

PS: As travelling days have not happened this month I will not write a report so will join with DG Allan in wishing the best life can offer to all in the new year.

Lion Ellie Hansen

Our Camp committee are all still trying to come to terms with the tragic death of one of our Camp managers, Lion Diane Bailey. Diane was such a bright and bubbly lady, doing whatever she could to help wherever she could.

We are all going to miss her so much, but none more so than Gordon, so please keep Gordon and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

We are so grateful to everyone who has helped out during this difficult time.

Martin Braddick ● Camp Kanga Chairman [email protected]

Page 2: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 2 January 2019

Hello Lions, Lionesses and Leos

2019 has started, the next six months of our current Lions year is upon us. Christmas seems to be arriving faster. I trust you all have had a happy, merry Christmas and celebrated the New Year in.

Our District Governor Allan has had some medical issues that have seen the cancellation of his DG visits for the rest of 2018. Allan is not going to the next Council of Governors meeting in Sydney in January 2019.

Most clubs are now busy selling our Lions Christmas Cakes and the Centenary tins/cakes are selling well; the reduced buying price has certainly helped the increased sales. Also the Australian Lions Foundation (ALF) have purchased a quantity of the centenary cakes through the Drought Appeal; this has meant that sixty-four (64) boxes of cakes (6 cakes in a box) are being distributed by clubs to people in the drought affected areas.

One of our Lions projects coming up early in the New Year is our Youth of the Year and the participation of students in our local high schools. This is one of the best projects that the Lions and Lioness clubs can be involved with; make sure your organising members have Blue Cards.

From the Cabinet Secretary’s desk ...

The MyLci membership reports are still coming in, at this time there are clubs that have not reported their membership for December, a very disappointing result when we need these reports. I am sending out a reminder to complete these reports before the end of the month. I have been busy assisting clubs with the MyLci site; if you are having a problem please let me know so that I can help.

Lions Clubs International use the December numbers for the 2019 first six month’s dues, this is the numbers the clubs will be billed for all our dues (LCI, Multiple District 201 and District 201Q2).

I will still be in Melbourne (home on the 9th January) when you receive the January edition of the Northern Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health.

See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson Cabinet Secretary 2018-19 District 201Q2 M: 0407 044 963 ● E: [email protected]

Lions, Lionesses and Returned Service Personnel gathered to say farewell to Lion Ralph Gradidge after 40 years service as a Lion and RSL Member.

Ralph began his Lions service in Townsville almost 40 years to the day he passed away, Ralph first came into Lions in 1978 when he Joined Townsville - Ross Valley.

He was a very enthusiastic member and although he had only been a Lion for a little over six months Ralph took on the role of President. His people skills and organisational ability ensured a great year for the Club.

Ralph was also a member of Cairns Trinity Bay, Tully, Tolga, Cairns Trinity Beach and Cairns Lions and has held many positions, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Bulletin Editor, Lion Tamer and Treasurer.

Valé Ralph Gradidge Ralph served on Cabinet as a Zone Chair and

Lioness Chair and was recognised for his services to Lions and the community with a Melvin Jones Fellowship and James D Richardson Honour Award.

Ralph transferred from Cairns Trinity Bay to Lions Club of Cairns on 25th November 2015 and attended

all dinner and business meetings unless he was sick, which was not often.

He volunteered for work at sausage sizzles and other projects and was an active Lion. Ralph was willing to take office at Club and District level and loved to attend Conventions and made every effort to do so.

His last Convention was the MD 2018 Convention at Townsville.

Ralph was a very likable person and always interested in other people and loved to talk and socialize, ready to

share a story or two, he continued to be an active member although his health slowed him down.

This year Ralph was elected as the Club President of the Lions Club of Cairns. The Lions Club of Cairns will miss his presence.

Ralph Gradidge 1934—2018

Page 3: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 3 January 2019

The Col Hills Memorial Shoot for a Cause is an annual event held by the Lions Club of Townsville Cleveland Bay in conjunction with the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia.

The aim is to raise funds to further research into various medical issues including cancer, diabetes, cord blood and blindness.

The recipients need to satisfy Lions that they have low administration costs and put the funds directly to the purpose before being considered a worthy cause.

Col Hills was a very active Lion for over 40 years before losing his battle with Lung Cancer. His no-nonsense hands-on approach inspired other members of our club to be better Lions. In recognition of his service the Charity shoot was named in his honour.

Cleveland Bay Lions support cancer research

Recently Col’s daughter Dy was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour. The outlook was not good, however she fought it and is now in good shape.

This was largely achieved by the efforts of Dr Charlie Teo a neurosurgeon in Sydney who is well known for taking on difficult cases and achieving a high success rate.

The club’s donation of the $6000 proceeds from the shoot will be sent to Dr Teo’s foundation to help fund ongoing research. It is something very close to Cleveland Bay Lions and we consider it very special being able to help this foundation.

Pictured below: Dy Hills accepts the $6,000 cheque, on behalf of the Foundation, from Cleveland Bay Lions Vice President David Bradshaw.

Page 4: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 4 January 2019

Mareeba Lions assist their local Men’s


Cairns Barrier Reef add to the Christmas cheer

Lions Club of Mareeba President Denis recently had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for $500.00 to the Mareeba Men’s Shed on behalf of the Club.

For the third year Cairns Barrier Reef Lions have assisted in the collection of food items and cash to assist St Vinnies in filling various hampers for the needy in Cairns over the Yuletide period. Help is provided to the aged, those house-bound, physically and/or mentally disadvantaged and single parents, so that they too can enjoy this special period. Over 320 hampers went out in 2017.

This year 323 food items were collected/donated to this annual appeal and so far $624 in cash and cheques. It is hoped that another $524 may come in before the end of the year. Those figures are a little down on last

year but the number of those in need slightly increased. Soft toys for children and movie tickets for teenagers are provided as well as food.

Lions Rosita Player and Norm McMullen assisted in the packaging of the hampers with the many volunteers that St. Vincent de Paul gets each year.

Lions clubs are made up of people that care and serve the communities in which they live and what a fine example this project is.

Pictured: (from left) Norm McMullen and Rosita Player assist two of the St Vinnies staff.

Page 5: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 5 January 2019

Public Relations Awareness and Membership Growth Roadshow 2019

Welcome Lions to another New Year of Service and Challenge as we all work towards providing needed service to the communities in which we live. And as we start this New Year, District Governor Allan has provided you, the Lions of our District, with resources, training and opportunities to assist you promote “Who the Lions Are and What we do” in your communities – all to assist us to re-energise ourselves with renewed enthusiasm and energy so that we can all help to rebuild membership and capability of our Clubs this year.

BY now your Zone Chairpersons will have briefed you on the proposed “Public Relations Awareness and Membership Growth Roadshow” that will roll out across our District from late January into March – 6 weeks in total where the District’s re-vamped Promotional Trailer will be staffed by enthusiastic Lions travelling and visiting as many of our clubs as possible during this period.

DG Allan has asked that priority be given to smaller, struggling and remote clubs, assisting those clubs with night time training opportunities in their own locations and followed up with a pro-active recruiting and promotion effort the following day before moving on to the next town.

And we will also be providing Collective “one day” trainings in Mackay, Cairns and Townsville as well as to those smaller individual clubs – all backed up with a Public Relations Campaign including articles in the Press, Radio, Face Book and other means.

The skills that will be taught, and the resources and brochures made available to every club, will also greatly assist you with your own promotion of your Club in your community on “Lions National Awareness Day” on the first Saturday of March 2019 (2nd March), when all clubs Australia wide are asked to pro-actively stage an event that will showcase how Lions are making a difference, together with a pro-active Membership Campaign. Your Global Action Team are ready to “Hit the Road” to

support you with all of this.

The Roadshow will commence on 29th January, travelling South as far as Sarina and including Training in Mackay on Sunday 3 Feb, returning to Townsville by Sunday 10th Feb for Training there on that day before heading West and visiting all clubs out to Mt Isa, before heading north where there will be support in Cairns on Sat 2nd March with training there also on Sunday 3rd March.

So ask yourself these simple questions:-

Could my Club benefit from having new members?

Could my Club benefit from having more younger members to assist us with our projects?

Could my club benefit from some new ideas for Service Projects, that will also bring in new members?

Could my Club benefit from some new ideas on how to run our “Gatherings” so that more of our members attend and enjoy Fun and Fellowship with their fellow Lions?

If you answered “YES” to just one of these questions, then this Roadshow and the Training offered is for “YOU”. Full details will be with your Zone Chairpersons and out to your clubs within the first week of January. And – for the Clubs in PNG – we have not forgotten you and will also make this training available to you during your round of Trainings later this year.

I look forward to seeing as many Lions as possible at these events, and remember it is up to everyone of us to work in Harmony so that we do raise awareness, rebuild membership and strengthen our Lions Clubs right here in District 201Q2.

Lion John Muller, District PR Chairperson Mob: 0407 114 687

Page 6: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 6 January 2019

Page 7: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 7 January 2019

Babinda Lions finish strongly in 2018 Lions were well and truly alive and kicking winners at

Babinda in the lead up to Christmas.

The last day of November started before 5am with all hands on deck catering for over 50 hungry cane farmers at their end of season breakfast seminar held by a cane marketing organisation.

Next day was the annual Christmas in Babinda family event where the Club operated a very well supported series of HAM RAFFLES within the event. Six families happily went away with smoked Christmas hams from the local town butcher and a good quantity of Lions centenary Christmas cakes went also.

It’s a public pre-Christmas street party which fully occupies the main street of the town with music, food, family oriented fun and enjoyment with a Christmas theme.

The main event for the period was the Club’s Christmas Dinner meeting with almost 100% attendance.

Cabinet secretary Garth Gleeson visited and inducted two special new members.

Sponsoring his son and son’s partner was Dante Baldi a 46 year Lion. Welcome to both and congratulations Dante who is now well into his 80’s and very active. David Baldi and his partner Bronwen Rowlands became members, completing the family membership of this club.

Babinda currently has four father and son memberships. Is that a record?

Pictured: (from top) Christmas hams and cakes ready to go … Lion Fred Lizzio makes a sale Induction of David Baldi and Bronwen Rowlands

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201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 8 January 2019

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201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 9 January 2019

Drought Relief Report from Townsville Castle Hill Lions

Mental Health at the Farmyard Gate

Continued on next page ...

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201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 10 January 2019

… continued from previous page

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201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 11 January 2019

Page 12: Issue 7 : January 2019 - Lions Clubs International Northern Lion.pdf · Lion; will keep clubs posted on DG Allan’s health. See you all next month Regards PDG Garth Gleeson abinet

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 12 January 2019

PLEASE NOTE the following changes to

contact details ...

Editor’s notes ... The Northern Lion is emailed to all Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs in District 201Q2, as well as to the District Governors of all other Australian Districts.

There is no monthly deadline, but please be aware that entries received very late in the month may be kept for the following issue if the length of the bulletin is more than about twenty pages.

This of course excludes any urgent or date-related information, which will always be included.

When you send photos, please ensure they are at no less than 200KB so that they don’t look fuzzy and out of focus.

Many thanks


Email: [email protected] Phone (H): 07 4091 2378 Phone (M): 0402 328 073 PO Box 1280 Atherton 4883

The Northern Lion is emailed out monthly to 76 Lions and Lions Branch Clubs, 13 Lioness and 6 Leo Clubs, District Officers, Zone Chairs, Development Teams, Health Groups and Project Chairs in the 201Q2 District, as well as to all other District Governors in Australia—who then pass it on to the clubs in their district.

There’s a great audience out there who will be very interested in what you are doing in your Club and how you are doing it. And it’s as easy as ...

Take a photo or two of your members at work or at play.

Attach your photo to an email and address the email to: [email protected]

Write a bit about the activity in the email and send it to me!

CATHEDRAL LEOS CLUB New email: [email protected] DISTRICT CONVENTION 2019 to be hosted by Lions Club of Mareeba with assistance from all Zone 2 Clubs Convention Chairperson: PDG Garth Gleeson Email: [email protected] Ph: 4095 0407 / Mob: 0407 044 963 Convention Secretary: Gilbert Teitzel Email: [email protected] Ph: 4092 8066 / Mob: 0428 737 343

DALRYMPLE REGIONAL LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

DIMBULAH LIONS CLUB New President: Brendan Goldsworthy Email: [email protected] Mob: 0409 725 752

LAE PNG LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

LOWER HERBERT HALIFAX LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

RICHMOND LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

TOWNSVILLE BARRIER REEF LIONS CLUB New meeting venue: The Avenues Tavern 270 Kern Brothers Drive, Kirwan 4817 New email: [email protected]

TOWNSVILLE NORTHERN SUBURBS LIONESS CLUB New venue, time and date: 2nd Wed, The Vale Hotel, Aitkenvale at midday