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Issue #7 - 1 Egyptian Girl by Lane Graciano Issue #7 CADENCEWEEKLY May 3, 2011

Issue #7

Mar 10, 2016



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Cadence - ACS's Literary Magazine. Run by Gabriella Mikiewicz. Supervisor: Lane Graciano. Submit your work to
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Page 1: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 1

Egyptian Girlby Lane Graciano

Issue #7



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Page 2: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 2

I just walk onto my burning hot bus.  I’m already warm from running laps in my gym class fourth period, but now its the bus.  I strut down the aisle and notice that its packed today with students of my very large high school.  Luckily I find an empty seat in row 13, my favorite row!  I sprawl out on my own seat, and stare at all my hot and sweaty classmates, as they talk to one another. The bus starts, as suddenly a girl I’ve never ever seen before hops onto the bus.  Literally, she hopped. Almost like a bunny rabbit.  Sweat was rolling off of her double chin, as I realized, she was heading straight for the empty seat next to me.  The girl seemed normal.  Well at least she dressed like a normal girl. She was wearing shorts and a bright blue tee.  She was actually really attractive, with light brown hair that made a perfect wave, that looked like my sister’s when she takes it right out of her braids.  I guess it would be alright if she sat next to me. The girl sits right plop down next to me, and I can already feel the temperature of our seat rise. Man! She sweats a lot! She turns around to me and says “Hola!! My name is Penelope Francis Geraldine Smith!  It’s really nice to meet you,” and she grabs my hand to shake it very violently, “And great to meet someone, you know, normal.  Well, sort of normal.  I guess normal.  Oh I don’t know!  I just met you any-who! Oh wait, what is your name?”  She kept babbling away, as I stared in disbelief as this “normal” looking girl, started to seem...well not so normal after all. “Ummmmmmmmmmmmm hey.  I’m Bobby....” “Oh okay!! HOWDY JOE!! You do seem a little bit un-normal.  That’s okay though!  Pardon me, but I’m going to read my favorit-est book ever!  This is like the billionth time I’ve read it, and it gets better each time!”  Penelope Francis whatever her name is replied to me.  She pulls out a humungous book, and boy do I mean humungous!  She flips the book upside down. UPSIDE DOWN!  Most people I know read their books the right way, but that’s just me.  I look at what she is reading, and I believe it is the Dictionary.  Yes, it is officially

the Dictionary!  I didn’t know that you could read a Dictionary, and especially one that’s upside down...  Suddenly, Penelope stands up, letting the Dictionary drop off her lap and flat onto the dirty floor of our bus.  She clears her throat.  I slowly duck my head under the seat, hoping nobody would see me and think I’m her boyfriend or something.  Oh boy would that be embarrassing!  “Does anybody know the channel for K381Z-D?” and a silence fills the bus.  I swear I can see the faces of everyone turn into a laugh.  All of a sudden, it seems the bus is going to roll over from the laughter.  “This is an important channel you know.  This is a low-power television station that provides over-the-air service in analog.  Since I just moved here, I do not know the channel.  This is my favorite TV channel in my home town.  Will anybody help me?”  It gets very quiet now, as the bus realizes that she is very serious.  “I will just get my boyfriend, Joe, who sits right here, to tell me!”  Everybody starts to laugh as I turn more red than a beet.    “I am SO NOT your boyfriend.  I just met you!” I whisper to her, as she silently sits back to our shared seat.  She pulls out a piece of loose leaf paper, and starts to scribble words on it.  She finally finishes, folds the paper into a little heart, and passes it right to me.  I read the first line and just want to barf all over the little crinkled paper.  It says: ‘Can we just pretend so I can make friends?  We are meant to be!’  Oh my gosh.  Why did she have to sit next me?  I keep reading on and realize this is a total love letter.  It says things like ‘I watched you outside eating lunch, and your gorgeous hair twinkled in the warm sunlight of the afternoon.’  I really think I am going to get sick.  I look up at Penelope and I see that she is picking her nose.  Oh my gosh.  I really do start to feel myself throwing up a little bit.  She suddenly feels the stare of my dark grey eyes, and stops, looks into my eyes, and tries to make a cute look.  It definitely does not work.  

The School BusA Guy’s Worst NightmareBy Anonymous







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Page 3: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 3

Penelope suddenly leans over me and sticks her head out the window.  She waves to a strange girl wearing a flowy skirt over baggy jeans.  “Hey PeneloPEE!  How you doing?” The strange girl yells to Penelope.  Both girls start laughing so hard, I was hoping that Penelope wouldn’t pee herself.  Penelope is still waving to this girl, and then right before we were about to pull away, she points to me and makes the ‘this is him’ face.  I’ve gotten that face before.  It’s the one girls make when they like a guy, and want to show him off to a friend without saying it out loud.  “This has got to...” I get interrupted by the vibrating of a cell phone and music blaring from a ugly brown and grey purse sitting on the lap of a weirdo sitting next to me.  ‘Oompa loompa doompadee doo, I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you, oompa loompa doompadah dee, if you are wise you’ll listen to me...’  She picks up her phone, before any more of the horrible music plays.  Penelope answers and starts talking to some Philip kid.  I think my so called “girlfriend,” is cheating on me.   Thanking the Lord, the bus halted to a stop.  “Bye, you!” Penelope yells to me, while still talking to this Philip dude.  She starts to skip down the little walkway of the bus, and her bags are jumping around with her.  She is about to get off the bus, when I give a huge sigh of relief.  I watch as she jumps off the bus and drops all her stuff on the grass in front of the bus stop.  I notice something funny about the car driving up to her.  Is that my mom?  And Ashton Kutcher?   Penelope runs back to the bus, and hops on, galloping to my seat.  She hands me a note, and sprints back towards the car.  I open the crumpled piece of paper.  ‘Get off of the bus.  You’ve been PUNK’D.’  “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” I scream as I gather my books off of the floor.  “MOM. You had better explain. NOW.”  I yell at her, as I get to midnight blue minivan.  







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Page 4: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 4

Maroon 5 ConcertLucy Mierzejewska







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Thursday, April 21st 2011. Dubai. World Trade Centers. 9 P.M. A burly man spills a drink on this burlesque type lady, who is either too gone to notice, or too excited to care. The whole room is waiting the moment where the lights will turn off and the bad will take the stage. After a couple of seconds, it could be called one of those moments, the lights turn off and there is that ever deafening quietness. Stage lights turn on and there is the band, standing in all their glory with the main man who is going to lead the show and who is going to steal all the girls’ hearts. I mean how can you not looking like that, with that voice, singing those lyrics; it’s an equation that cannot fail. The audience unifies into one high pitched scream, welcoming the band.

Maroon 5 is in Dubai.

My friends and I all look at each other with the same apprehensive look; we know it’s going to be a concert that is going to be rooted into our memories forever (or at least a very long time). We listen to the music, sing along with our not so talented voices and just have a good time. The sweat and theheat that is radiating from everyone around us doesn’t bother us while we sway to the rhythmic beat of “Misery”.

On the way home we are still pumped from the concert, excitedly we chipper about how good Adam Levine looked and how much we loved that they decided to play some of their old songs as well as some from their new album. In a couple of moments the conversation slows as our peepers start to close. My last thought…It’s 2 A.M. In the car. Abu Dhabi. Friday, April 22nd 2011. And I just got to see one of the most amazing bands ever.

Lucy Mierzejewska

Lucy Mierzejewska

Lucy MierzejewskaLucy Mierzejewska

Page 5: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 5

What makes l i fe preferable to death? Throughout time humans have been taught to enjoy life as a means of the escape from death. However, when has it ever been solidified that we cannot enjoy the process of death as a means of the escape from life?

I cannot say I am acquainted with someone who has committed the act; however I can say that I have seen the aftermath of such suicides. In 2004, a student named Ritwik at ACS commit suicide by jumping off the three-story building where the junior hallway is located. After being rushed to the hospital, after being put on life support, he passed away on January 10th. My sister was in his grade which consisted of solely forty students at the time and she described how deeply regretful she felt that no one knew of his terrifying thoughts and that no one was bothered enough to find out. Ritwik’s sister also commit suicide in fifth grade and from there, he could’ve been described as generally depressed. Being in fourth grade at the time, I can honestly say that the thought of his act tore my friends and I apart; we became severely scared of the word “suicide” and never visited the feeling again. However, suicide is apparent and I visited the word, the feeling, a few days ago while browsing for universities. I, for fun, typed in “Harvard University students” only to find that one of the pages that came up was titled “Suicide Note”. A student named Mitchell Heisman published his 1,940 page novel, Suicide Note, and subsequently shot himself on the steps of the Memorial Church in Harvard Yard. The idea amazed me, it terrified me; a blast of feelings erupted inside me! However, after reading summaries of the novel, I began to realize how simply brainwashed I am, how all of humanity is. “There is a very popular opinion that choosing life is inherently superior to choosing death. This belief that life is inherently preferable to death is one of the most widespread superstitions. This bias constitutes one of the most obstinate mythologies of the human species.” – Mitchell Heisman

It is almost a reflex to believe that life is preferable to death and that if placed on a spectrum, life would be the more desirable choice. But why? I’m meagerly involved in my own religion so I cannot say that this is why I prefer life over death. But I can say that

through living my life, I have experienced and learned the darker, almost brutal connotation to the word “death”. However, who’s to say that this is true? We do not have the ability to experience the process of death and live to tell of the feeling or the story, so who really knows? For less than religious people, their influence originates in media, literature, through simple living humans do generally believe that life is preferable, life is livable. Horror films and novels have caused us to imagine the terrifying murders committed by psycho serial killers and thus view death as negative. Yet, as suicide is a different form of death, can it even be defined as murder? True believers in Islam would believe that life is better than death due to their holy book, the Qur’an. It states that if one was to commit suicide, they would experience a gruesome Hell no matter what the reason was for taking his or her life. Christianity says that it is never our place to take our life or another’s, that life belongs to God. In general, it is known that sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life. Already, just from religion, it is part of the norm to believe that life is better than death. But if we were to subtract religion from this aspect and contemplate the effect of one’s belief on their opinion, the entire world would be altered. Of course without religion, several other effects would take place, but in relation to the factor of which is preferable between life and death, who would really know? Perhaps we view life as better than death because all we truly know is life, and as humans, we trust what we know from our own experiences more than what we are not aware of from not experiencing. We have no scientific evidence of what death has in mind for us, what it brings, or why it is worse than life. I suppose that Heisman simply needed to discover which was preferable and the art of the act lies within the fact that no one will ever be subject to know what the outcome was. In his case, it represents an unfed curiosity and an undeniable courage. His suicide was almost beautiful. Suicide is an art in some cases because it is done in such a way to escape life. Why are we so subject to think that suicide is for cowards when really, aren’t these actors being blessed with the audacity to contradict society’s normal beliefs and unleash the maybe better “death”?

Suicide NoteA TOK Journal Entry by Suzy Shafi







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Page 6: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 6

Since Easter was the reason by which we received a welcome extra day of sleep, I decided to dedicate this week’s article to this auspicious holiday. Now we all take holidays at face value celebrating them for the gimmicks and gifts without really realizing the true reason they exist.

Many people celebrate Easter as the rebirth of Jesus but is that really where it all began?

The egg has been a symbol for creation for hundreds of years and has been valued throughout the ages for its promise of rebirth. In Pagan times where people respected the importance of Earth’s giving nature, April represented Spring. A time where the Earth and their livelihood was reborn: just as an egg bursts open to reveal new life.The word Easter itself comes from “Eostre”, the goddess of spring. During this time people started exchanging eggs and with the arrival of Christianity, only then did it become a symbol for the rebirth of a man.

So how did this history come to the exchanging of chocolate eggs? We all love the colourful wrapping that Easter eggs bring, not to mention the uncovering of a decadent sweet. But it was only in the Middle Ages where it become a type

of fad so to say, to decorate ones egg in a display of wealth.

In fact, it was only in the 19th century where eggs began to really start to be made of chocolate.

Now I realize that this was a little more informative then my usual posts, but this Easter really got me thinking about the perversion of the true meaning of holidays. It got me thinking about how holidays have deviated so far from their original intention to the point where it almost doesn’t relate anymore.

Take Valentines for example. Do people realize that they are celebrating the imprisonment of a man? The modern perception of Valentines is only made such by the media’s portrayal of it as a love-filled holiday.

Reflecting over this it seems like I’m one of those Scrooge-like grouches who do not like holidays. After all, what is there not to love about receiving little tin foil covered chocolate? I just say these things because they get me thinking about how our perceptions of reality can really be challenged. How what we think is real…really isn’t.

The True Nature of Easter?Weekly BlogBy Zac Berry







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On that note,

Cheerfully yours,

Zac Berry

Page 7: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 7

If It Were To Start With TodayBy Anonymous

 If it were to start with today

It ends with Forever –

One Direction is all you have

Choices – you do not get


It will begin without Consent –

Because Time does not wait

No matter who, no matter when

An open gate, it’s not


People Fade and people betray

Shrieks and tears are Home –

There’s one way in and one way out –

The time comes for us all


Now you’re here and then you’re There –

Saying Farewell for now

No one is ready to give in –

Showered with Greetings on the other side. 







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Page 8: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 8

Photos by Jocelyn Wiley

1) Istanbul Tulips2) Haystock Rock, Oregon3) Malta 20104) Istanbul Cat5) Ferry, British Columbia

by Jocelyn Wiley







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Page 9: Issue #7

Issue #7 - 9

For the past few months, university admission decisions have been rolling in at ACS.  There has been a lot of good news, but also a great deal of bad news.  There is a lot of hype about who has been accepted into the most prestigious universities and who didn’t make the cut.

The pressure to go to a very well-known school is huge; it seems like many seniors aren’t taking into account any other important factors; like the location, campus, size, residence, courses offered and overall environment are often ignored when choosing schools. Why is the reputation of the school all that matters?

In this modern world, a bachelor’s degree is hardly as prestigious as it used to be.  Graduate degrees, like from Master’s and PhD programs, are much more widely acclaimed.  It’s much more advantageous to attend an “elite” school for a graduate program than for an undergraduate one.   

I’m not sure where this obsession with Ivy League schools originated.  Maybe the economic recession has sprouted fears of unemployment and difficulty to find a job.   Maybe students think if they graduate from a brand-name school, they will be more likely to find a steady, well-paying job.  However, this isn’t always true; Bruce Hurwitz, an educational consultant, stated, “Employers are looking for decision makers, decision implementers, and leaders. It does not matter where you go to school; what matters is whether or not you can deliver the goods.”

Four years from now, most of us will have obtained our Bachelor’s degree in arts or science or whatever

discipline we choose.  As for the students who have chosen less prestigious schools, like public or stateuniversities, they will be at exactly the same place as an Ivy League or elite private university student will be.   It will be a relatively even playing field, and at the end of the day only hard work, dedication and maturity will help us find employment.

Many students suffer an absurd amount of pressure from their parents as well as their peers to attend a very prestigious, well-known university.   Every student seems to think that they’re bringing something new to the table and that of course they are special enough to be accepted.  However, with many university acceptance rates being below 10%, their chances are actually very slim.

It’s not exactly a fair playing ground, either.  Students who can afford private tutoring, SAT coaching and multiple standardized tests have an advantage over less wealthy students.   Extremely prestigious schools are also very expensive and much less likely to offer financial aid, so even if they’re admitted, many students either cannot afford to attend or will end up in massive amounts of debt.

Come June second, the seniors will graduate, have an amazing summer, and in August or September we will begin our new lives as college freshmen.  It’s going to be a great experience no matter where we end up so the hype about the most prestigious schools seems rather overrated.  

Quotation from:

How Important is a Brand-Name Education? Your Ivy League DiplomaBy Anonymous







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Page 10: Issue #7

issue number sevenone of my favorites!By Gabriella MikiewiczThank you EVERYONE who contributed to this issue. It was very relaxing and fun making it today - I did not stress as much as normal. So many people submitted things before the weekend, and I was able to relax and enjoy myself while putting this PDF together. (Now comes the tedious task of putting everything onto the website... hmph.)

We have many anonymous submissions, as has been the case lately. I’m going to have to take off the anon-filter soon! Everyone should be proud of their work, and not hiding behind the words “By Anonymous.” How are we supposed to congratulate you now?

Thanks to all of the beautiful photography. It really is stunning how talented some people are. Remember to submit your photography to our Picassa drop box - more information on our website!

Check The Channel and the posters that will start appearing around school about our Poetry Contest!! It will be closing up sometime in the month of May, and you don’t want to miss your chance to go down in ACS history.

Are you guys ready for exams?! I’m not :c







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Join Cadence Tuesdays, Lunch, Room 222. Be there or be square! Submit on our website or to Gabriella Mikiewicz

Email Submissions to: [email protected]

Or submit on our website:

Don’t forget: Donate Books to Cadence to support literacy in Ghana! Help children learn to read!We are sending books to travel with four students, Kirsten, Natasha, and Frankie (11th graders) who are going to Ghana this some for humanitarian aid. They will be donating all books to children in a poor school. Every donation is welcome! Books of ANY level are welcome! THANK YOU!Also, buy a Cadence Gram!