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1615 L St. N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036-5664 Tel. 202/662-8500 Fax 202/626-0900 Scrap Specifications Circular 2011 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap Ferrous Scrap Glass Cullet Paper Stock Plastic Scrap Electronics Scrap Tire Scrap EFFECTIVE 4/6/2011 Rules Governing the Procedures for the Addition, Amendment, or Withdrawal of Specifications ................3 Nonferrous Scrap: NF-2009 ..............................4 Red Metals ........................................4 Aluminum ........................................6 Zinc .............................................9 Magnesium .......................................10 Lead ............................................10 Nickel/Stainless/Hi Temp ............................11 Mixed Metals .....................................12 Other ............................................13 Ferrous Scrap: FS-2009 ................................ 15 Electric Furnace Casting and Foundry Grades ..............16 Specially Processed Grades .............................17 Cast Iron Grades ...................................17 Special Boring Grades ..............................18 Steel From Scrap Tires ..............................18 Railroad Ferrous Scrap .............................19 Glass Cullet: GC-2009 ..................................21 Paper Stock: PS-2009 Domestic Transactions .............23 Glossary of Paper Stock Terms .........................29 Paper Stock: PS-2009 Export Transactions ...............30 Plastic Scrap: P-2009 ..................................36 Guidelines for Electronics Scrap: ES-2009 ................ 43 Guidelines for Tire Scrap TS-2009 ....................... 50 Guidelines for Metals Transactions ....................... 52 ISRI Arbitration Service ............................... 56
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Page 1: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

1615 L St. N.W., Suite 600

Washington, DC 20036-5664

Tel. 202/662-8500

Fax 202/626-0900





Guidelines for

Nonferrous Scrap

Ferrous Scrap

Glass Cullet

Paper Stock

Plastic Scrap

Electronics Scrap

Tire Scrap

EFFECTIVE 4/6/2011

Rules Governing the Procedures for the Addition,Amendment, or Withdrawal of Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Nonferrous Scrap: NF-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

RedMetals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Nickel/Stainless/Hi Temp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Mixed Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Ferrous Scrap: FS-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Electric Furnace Casting and Foundry Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Specially Processed Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Cast Iron Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Special Boring Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Steel From Scrap Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Railroad Ferrous Scrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Glass Cullet: GC-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Paper Stock: PS-2009 Domestic Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Glossary of Paper Stock Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Paper Stock: PS-2009 Export Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Plastic Scrap: P-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Guidelines for Electronics Scrap: ES-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Guidelines for Tire Scrap TS-2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Guidelines for Metals Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

ISRI Arbitration Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Page 2: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

PREFACEThe standard specifications included in this Circular are intended to assistmembers in the buying and selling of their materials and products.

These specifications are derived from many sectors of the metals, paperstock, plastics, glass, and electronics industries and are constructed to rep-resent the quality or composition of the materials bought and sold in theindustry. The specifications are internationally accepted and are usedthroughout the world to trade the various commodities.

Parties to a transaction may specify particular variations or additions tothese specifications as are suited for their specific transactions and for theirindividual convenience. Any deviation from the standard specifications, how-ever, should be mutually agreed to and so stipulated in writing by the partiesto the transactions.

ISRI maintains an Arbitration Service as a means of enabling members tosettle differences between themselves or between one of them and a non-member.

In addition, the “Guidelines for Metals Transactions” contain supplementaryinformation that will aid members in completing their business transactions.It is recommended that these Guidelines be reviewed and that members usethem in conjunction with the actual specifications in the conduct of theirbusiness.

ISRI’s Scrap Specifications Circular is posted in PDF format at least once peryear on the ISRI web site. To ensure you have the most up-to-date version,visit

Issued by:

Copyright © 2011 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.

This document may not be reprinted in whole or in part without the priorwritten permission of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.


Page 3: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final


1.0 Initiation of Request. Any person may file a request to add,amend or withdraw a specification by submitting suchrequest in writing to the ISRI President.

2.0 The President shall refer such request to the Chairman ofISRI’s Specifications Committee (the “Committee”), withcopies to:

A. ISRI’s Officers;

B. The chairman of any ISRI Division and/or Committeethat might be affected by the specification.

3.0 Notice. Following its receipt, notice of the request shall beinserted in the ISRI Focus and a daily national trade publi-cation such as American Metal Market. Such notice shallstate:

A. The date, time and place at which the request will beconsidered by the Committee;

B. That the proceeding at which the request will be con-sidered shall be open to the public;

C. That interested parties may participate in the proceed-ing by personal appearance or by submitting writtencomments;

D. A summary of the specification and the matter to beconsidered at the hearing.

4.0 Committee Action. Following presentation by all interestedparties, the Committee shall review the request and:

A. Act upon it immediately, as set forth in Section 4.1; or

B. Refer it to a subcommittee for review and recommen-dation for action by the full Committee at its nextmeeting.

4.1 The Committee shall summarize the positions advocatedby the various parties interested in the request and recom-mend to ISRI’s Board of Directors what action should betaken.

5.0 Board of Directors Action. The Board of Directors, at itsquarterly meeting at which the report and recommenda-tion of the Committee has been made, shall adopt, amend,or reject the recommendation or table it pending furtherreview and recommendation by the Committee.

5.1 Notice of the action taken by the Board shall be given to allinterested parties who actively participated in the Commit-tee proceeding and any other persons who have requestedin writing notice of the Board’s action. Notice of said actionalso shall be inserted in the ISRI Focus following the Boardmeeting at which said action was taken.

6.0 Appeal. On or before thirty days after the date of thenotice required in Section 5.1, any party may appeal thedecision of the Board by written notice to the President.Said appeal shall state the reasons thereof and therequested action to be taken. Notice of said appeal shall begiven in accordance with Section 3.0.

6.1 The appeal shall be heard by the Board at its next quarterlymeeting following receipt thereof.

6.2 The appellant and all interested parties shall be given atleast twenty days notice of the date, time and place of thehearing, and like notice shall be inserted in the ISRI Focusat least twenty days prior to the hearing.

6.3 At the hearing, the appellant and any other interested par-ty may appear either in person or by written presentationand state their reasons for the appeal.

6.4 The Board, following said hearing, shall review and actupon the appeal request. Notice of the Board's action shallbe given in accordance with Section 5.1.

7.0 Records. ISRI shall maintain for not less than five years fol-lowing the date of termination of the proceedings, recordsof the original request, summaries of the deliberations andrecommendations of the Committee, action of the Board,summaries of the appeal and final decision, if any, of theBoard, together with the positions of interested parties,copies of notices sent to interested parties and inserted inthe ISRI Focus and national trade publications, writtenstatements, and the reasons for recommendation and finalaction by the Committee and the Board.

7.1 Said records shall be available for review by the publicupon reasonable notice.

Rules Governing the Procedures for the Addition, Amendment,or Withdrawal of Specifications

Page 4: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

Apple Nonferrous Termsa. Delivery of more or less of the specified quantity upto 3 percent is permissible.

b. A ton shall be understood to be 2,000 pounds,unless otherwise specified.

c. If any portion of the goods covered by a contract areunshipped or undeliveredwithin the time specified ina contract, then that portion is subject to cancellationby the buyer and/or the buyer has the right to holdthe seller responsible for substantiated damages.

If, because of embargo and/or other conditions offorcemajeure, a delivery or shipment cannot bemade by the time specified, the contract shall remainvalid and shall be completed promptly upon lifting ofthe embargo and/or conditions of forcemajeure andthe terms of said contract shall not be changed.

d. If for any portion of a contract the buyer fails in atimely manner to open a Letter of Credit and/or failsto provide proper conveyance and/or shippinginstructions as specified in the contract, then thatportion is subject to cancellation by the seller and/orthe seller has the right to hold the buyer responsiblefor substantiated damages.

If, because of embargo and/or other conditions offorcemajeure, a delivery or shipment cannot bemade by the time specified, the contract shall remainvalid and shall be completed promptly upon lifting ofthe embargo and/or conditions of forcemajeure andthe terms of said contract shall not be changed.

e. If a significant weight or quality difference is appar-ent, the seller should be notified promptly and, ifrequested, another weight or quality determinationshould be taken. Seller and/or buyer should be giventhe opportunity to appoint an independent surveyoror a representative to verify weights and/or quality.

For purposes of this section, themeaning of theword “significant” shall be determined by agree-ment between buyer and seller, depending on thecommodities and their values.

f. If it is mutually determined that goods delivered donot conform to the description specified in the con-tract, then the shipment is subject to rejection ordowngrade.

Disposition of, replacement of, and/or financialadjustment for rejectedmaterial shall be subjectedtomutual agreement between buyer and seller. Sell-er is responsible for freight costs.

Buyer is expected, however, to exert every effort tolimit rejections only to that portion of the shipmentwhich is unsortable and to return the rejected por-tion promptly upon request, if government regula-tions permit.

Barley No. 1 COPPER WIREShall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed copperwire, not smaller than No. 16 B & S wire gauge. Greencopper wire and hydraulically compactedmaterial tobe subject to agreement between buyer and seller.

Berry No. 1 COPPER WIREShall consist of clean, untinned, uncoated, unalloyedcopper wire and cable, not smaller than No. 16 B & Swire gauge, free of burnt wire which is brittle. Hydrauli-cally briquetted copper subject to agreement.

Birch No. 2 COPPER WIREShall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper wirehaving a nominal 96% copper content (minimum94%) as determined by electrolytic assay. Should befree of the following: Excessively leaded, tinned, sol-dered copper wire; brass and bronze wire; excessive oilcontent, iron, and non-metallics; copper wire fromburning, containing insulation; hair wire; burnt wirewhich is brittle; and should be reasonably free of ash.Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.

Candy No. 1 HEAVY COPPERShall consist of clean, unalloyed, uncoated copper clip-pings, punchings, bus bars, commutator segments, andwire not less than 1/16 of an inch thick, free of burntwirewhich is brittle; butmay include clean copper tubing.Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.

Cliff No. 2 COPPERShall consist ofmiscellaneous, unalloyed copper scraphaving a nominal 96% copper content (minimum94%)as determined by electrolytic assay. Should be free ofthe following: Excessively leaded, tinned, soldered cop-per scrap; brasses and bronzes; excessive oil content,iron and non-metallics; copper tubing with other thancopper connections or with sediment; copper wire fromburning, containing insulation; hair wire; burnt wirewhich is brittle; and should be reasonably free of ash.Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.

Clove No. 1 COPPER WIRE NODULESShall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed copperwire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded, free of tin,lead, zinc, aluminum, iron, other metallic impurities,insulation, and other foreign contamination. Minimumcopper 99%. Gauge smaller than No. 16 B & S wire andhydraulically compactedmaterial subject to agree-ment between buyer and seller.

Cobra No. 2 COPPER WIRE NODULESShall consist of No. 2 unalloyed copper wire scrap nod-ules, chopped or shredded, minimum 97% copper.Maximummetal impurities not to exceed 0.50% alu-


Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap: NF-2009Note:When the individual scrap grades in this Circular, denoted by the various code words, are used, an agreement between par-ties is also bound by the terms of “Apple” as it appears below, unless the terms and conditions of a specific contract provide other-wise, in which case the specific contractual provisions shall govern.



Page 5: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

minum and 1% each of other metals or insulation.Hydraulically compactedmaterial subject to agree-ment between buyer and seller.

Cocoa COPPER WIRE NODULESShall consist of unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules,chopped or shredded, minimum 99% copper. Shall befree of excessive insulation and other non-metallics.Maximummetal impurities as follows:

Aluminum .05% Antimony .01%Tin .25% Iron .05%Nickel .05%

Hydraulically compactedmaterial subject to agree-ment between buyer and seller.

Dream LIGHT COPPERShall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper scraphaving a nominal 92% copper content (minimum88%) as determined by electrolytic assay and shallconsist of sheet copper, gutters, downspouts, kettles,boilers, and similar scrap. Should be free of the follow-ing: Burnt hair wire; copper clad; plating racks; grind-ings; copper wire from burning, containing insulation;radiators and fire extinguishers; refrigerator units;electrotype shells; screening; excessively leaded,tinned, soldered scrap; brasses and bronzes; excessiveoil, iron and non-metallics; and should be reasonablyfree of ash. Hydraulically briquetted copper subject toagreement. Any items excluded in this grade are alsoexcluded in the higher grades above.

Drink REFINERY BRASSShall contain aminimum of 61.3% copper andmaxi-mum 5% iron and to consist of brass and bronze solidsand turnings, and alloyed and contaminated copperscrap. Shall be free of insulated wire, grindings, elec-trotype shells and non-metallics. Hydraulically briquet-tedmaterial subject to agreement.

Drove COPPER-BEARING SCRAPShall consist of miscellaneous copper-containing skim-mings, grindings, ashes, irony brass and copper,residues and slags. Shall be free of insulated wires;copper chlorides; unprepared tangledmaterial; largemotors; pyrophoric material; asbestos brake linings;furnace bottoms; high leadmaterials; graphite cru-cibles; and noxious and explosivematerials. Fine pow-deredmaterial by agreement. Hydraulically briquettedmaterial subject to agreement.

Druid INSULATED COPPER WIRE SCRAPShall consist of copper wire scrap with various types ofinsulation. To be sold on a sample or recovery basis,subject to agreement between buyer and seller.

Ebony COMPOSITION OR RED BRASSShall consist of red brass scrap, valves, machinerybearings and other machinery parts, includingmiscel-laneous castingsmade of copper, tin, zinc, and/or lead.Shall be free of semi-red brass castings (78% to 81%copper); railroad car boxes and other similar high-leadalloys; cocks and faucets; closed water meters; gates;pot pieces; ingots and burned brass; aluminum, silicon,andmanganese bronzes; iron and non-metallics. Nopiece tomeasuremore than 12" over any one part or

weigh over 100 lbs. Heavier pieces acceptable uponmutual agreement between buyer and seller.

Eland HIGH GRADE—LOW LEAD BRONZE/BRASS SOLIDSIt is recommended thesematerials be sold by analysis.

Elder GENUINE BABBITT-LINED BRASS BUSHINGSShall consist of red brass bushings and bearings fromautomobiles and other machinery, shall contain notless than 12% high tin-base babbitt, and shall be free ofiron-backed bearings.

Elias HIGH LEAD BRONZE SOLIDS AND BORINGSIt is recommended that thesematerials be sold onsample or analysis.

Enerv RED BRASS COMPOSITION TURNINGSShall consist of turnings from red brass compositionmaterial and should be sold subject to sample oranalysis.

Engel MACHINERY OR HARD BRASS SOLIDSShall have a copper content of not less than 75%, a tincontent of not less than 6%, and a lead content of notless than 6% normore than 11%, and total impurities,exclusive of zinc, antimony, and nickel of not morethan 0.75%; the antimony content not to exceed0.50%. Shall be free of lined and unlined standard redcar boxes.

Erin MACHINERY OR HARD BRASS BORINGSShall have a copper content of not less than 75%, a tincontent of not less than 6%, and a lead content of notless than 6%normore than 11%, and the total impuri-ties, exclusive of zinc, antimony, and nickel of notmorethan0.75%; the antimony content not to exceed0.50%.

Fence UNLINED STANDARD RED CAR BOXES (CLEAN JOURNALS)Shall consist of standard unlined and/or sweated rail-road boxes and unlined and/or sweated car journalbearings, free of yellow boxes and iron-backed boxes.

Ferry LINED STANDARD RED CAR BOXES (LINED JOURNALS)Shall consist of standard babbitt-lined railroad boxesand/or babbitt-lined car journal bearings, free of yellowboxes and iron-backed boxes.

Grape COCKS AND FAUCETSShall consist of mixed clean red and yellow brass,including chrome or nickel-plated, free of gas cocks,beer faucets, and aluminum and zinc base die castmaterial, and to contain aminimum of 35% semi-red.

Honey YELLOW BRASS SCRAPShall consist of mixed yellow brass solids, includingbrass castings, rolled brass, rod brass, tubing andmis-cellaneous yellow brasses, including plated brass. Mustbe free of manganese-bronze, aluminum-bronze,unsweated radiators or radiator parts, iron, and exces-sively dirty and corrodedmaterials. Must also be freeof any type of munitions including, but not limited to,bullet casings.

Ivory YELLOW BRASS CASTINGSShall consist of yellow brass castings in crucible shape,no piece tomeasuremore than 12 inches over any onepart; and shall be free of brass forgings, silicon bronze,



Page 6: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

aluminum bronze andmanganese bronze, and not tocontain more than 15% nickel platedmaterial.

Label NEW BRASS CLIPPINGSShall consist of the cuttings of new unleaded yellowbrass sheet or plate, to be clean and free from foreignsubstances and not to contain more than 10% of cleanbrass punchings under 1/4 inch. To be free of Muntzmetal and naval brass.

Lace BRASS SHELL CASES WITHOUT PRIMERSShall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases freeof primers and any other foreignmaterial.

Lady BRASS SHELL CASES WITH PRIMERSShall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases con-taining the brass primers, and containing no other for-eignmaterial.

Lake BRASS SMALL ARMS AND RIFLE SHELLS, CLEAN FIREDShall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shells free ofbullets, iron and any other foreignmaterial.

Lamb BRASS SMALL ARMS AND RIFLE SHELLS, CLEAN MUFFLED(POPPED)Shall consist of cleanmuffled (popped) 70/30 brassshells free of bullets, iron and any other foreignmaterial.

Lark YELLOW BRASS PRIMERShall consist of clean yellow brass primers, burnt orunburnt. Shall be free of iron, excessive dirt, corrosionand any other foreignmaterial.

Maize MIXED NEW NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGSShall consist of one ormore nickel silver alloys and therange of nickel content to be specified, free of chromeor any other platingmaterial. Leaded nickel silver clip-pings should be packed and sold separately. Not to con-tainmore than 10%of clean punchings under 1/4 inch.

Major NEW NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDSShall consist of new, clean nickel silver clippings, plate,rod and forgings, and other rolled shapes, free ofchrome or any other platingmaterial. Must be sold onnickel content specifications such as 10%–12%–15%–18%–20%. Leaded nickel silver clippings should bepacked and sold separately. A description as to itsphysical characteristics should bemade in offering allnickel silver material.

Malar NEW SEGREGATED NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGSShall consist of one specified nickel silver alloy. Not tocontainmore than 10%of clean punchings under1/4 inch.

Malic OLD NICKEL SILVERShall consist of old nickel silver sheet, pipe, rod, tubes,wire, screen, soldered or unsoldered. Must not betrimmed seams alone, andmust also be free of foreignsubstances, iron rimmedmaterial and othermetals.

Melon BRASS PIPEShall consist of brass pipe free of plated and solderedmaterials or pipeswith cast brass connections. To besound, cleanpipes free of sediment and condenser tubes.

Naggy NICKEL SILVER CASTINGSTo be packed and sold separately.

Niece NICKEL SILVER TURNINGSTo be sold by sample or analysis.

Night YELLOW BRASS ROD TURNINGSShall consist strictly of rod turnings, free of aluminum,manganese, composition, Tobin and Muntz metal turn-ings; not to contain over 3% free iron, oil or othermoisture; to be free of grindings and babbitts; to con-tain not more than 0.30% tin and not more than0.15% alloyed iron.

Noble NEW YELLOW BRASS ROD ENDSShall consist of new, clean rod ends from free turningbrass rods or forging rods, not to contain more than0.30% tin and not more than 0.15% alloyed iron. To befree of Muntz metal and naval brass or any otheralloys. To be in pieces not larger than 12" and free offoreignmatter.

Nomad YELLOW BRASS TURNINGSShall consist of yellow brass turnings, free of alu-minum, manganese and composition turnings, not tocontain over 3% of free iron, oil or other moisture; tobe free of grindings and babbitts. To avoid dispute, tobe sold subject to sample or analysis.

Ocean MIXED UNSWEATED AUTO RADIATORSShall consist of mixed automobile radiators, to be freeof aluminum radiators, and iron-finned radiators. Allradiators to be subject to deduction of actual iron. Thetonnage specification should cover the gross weight ofthe radiators, unless otherwise specified.

Pales ADMIRALTY BRASS CONDENSER TUBESShall consist of clean sound Admiralty condenser tub-ing whichmay be plated or unplated, free of nickelalloy, aluminum alloy, and corrodedmaterial.

Pallu ALUMINUM BRASS CONDENSER TUBESShall consist of clean sound condenser tubing whichmay be plated or unplated, free of nickel alloy and cor-rodedmaterial.

Palms MUNTZ METAL TUBESShall consist of clean soundMuntz metal tubing whichmay be plated or unplated, free of nickel alloy, alu-minum alloy, and corrodedmaterial.

Parch MANGANESE BRONZE SOLIDSShall have a copper content of not less than 55%, alead content of not more than 1%, and shall be free ofaluminum bronze and silicon bronze.


Tablet CLEAN ALUMINUM LITHOGRAPHIC SHEETSTo consist of 1000 and/or 3000 series alloys, to be freeof paper, plastic, excessively inked sheets, and any oth-er contaminants. Minimum size of 3" (8 cm) in anydirection.

Tabloid NEW, CLEAN ALUMINUM LITHOGRAPHIC SHEETSTo consist of 1000 and/or 3000 series alloys, uncoat-ed, unpainted, to be free of paper, plastic, ink, and anyother contaminants. Minimum size of 3" (8 cm) in anydirection.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 20116 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap


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Taboo MIXED LOW COPPER ALUMINUM CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDSShall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpaintedlow copper aluminum scrap of two or more alloys withaminimum thickness of 0.015 inches (.38mm) and tobe free of 2000 and 7000 series, hair wire, wirescreen, punchings less 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) diameter, dirt,and other non-metallic items. Grease and oil not tototal more than 1%. Variations to this specificationshould be agreed upon prior to shipment between thebuyer and seller.

Taint/ CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUMTabor Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of

two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds,castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beveragecontainers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottlecaps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oiland grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10%Tale permitted.

Take NEW ALUMINUM CAN STOCKShall consist of new low copper aluminum can stockand clippings, clean, lithographed or not lithographed,and coated with clear lacquer but free of lids with seal-ers, iron, dirt and other foreign contamination. Oil notto exceed 1%.

Talc POST-CONSUMER ALUMINUM CAN SCRAPShall consist of old aluminum foodand/or beverage cans.Thematerial is to be free of other scrapmetals, foil, tincans, plastic bottles, paper, glass, andother non-metallicitems. Variations to this specification should be agreeduponprior to shipment between thebuyer and seller.

Talcred SHREDDED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAPShall have a density of 12 to 17 pounds per cubic foot(193 to 273 kg/m3). Material should contain maximum5% fines less than 4mesh (U.S. standard screen size)(6.35mm). Must bemagnetically separatedmaterialand free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans andother plastics, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and oth-er foreign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejec-tion. Any and all aluminum items, other than usedbeverage cans, are not acceptable. Variations to thisspecification should be agreed upon prior to shipmentbetween the seller and buyer.


Shall have a biscuit density of 35 to 50 pounds percubic foot (562 to 802 kg/m3). Each biscuit not toexceed 60 pounds (27.2 kg). Nominal biscuit size rangefrom 10" to 13" x 101/4" (25.4 x 33 x 26 cm) to 20" x61/4" x 9" (50.8 x 15.9 x 22.9 cm). Shall have bandingslots in both directions to facilitate bundle banding. Allbiscuits comprising a bundle must be of uniform size.Size: Bundle range dimensions acceptable are 41" to44" x 51" (104 to 112 cm) to 54" x 54" (137 x 137 cm) to56” (142 cm) high. The only acceptable tyingmethodshall be as follows: Usingminimum 5/8" (1.6 cm) wideby .020" (.05 cm) thick steel straps, the bundles are tobe banded with one vertical band per row and amini-mum of two firth (horizontal) bands per bundle. Use ofskids and/or support sheets of anymaterial is notacceptable. Must bemagnetically separatedmaterialand free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans and

other plastic, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and otherforeign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection.Any and all aluminum items, other than used beveragecans, are not acceptable. Items not covered in thespecifications, includingmoisture, and any variationsto this specification should be agreed upon prior toshipment between the seller and buyer.

Taldon BALED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAPShall have aminimum density of 14 pounds per cubicfoot (225 kg/m3), and amaximum density of 17 poundsper cubic foot (273 kg/m3) for unflattened UBC and 22pounds per cubic foot (353 kg/m3) for flattened UBC.Size: Minimum 30 cubic feet (.85m3), with bale rangedimensions of 24" to 40" (61 to 132 cm) by 30" to 52"(76 to 132 cm) by 40" to 84"(102 to 213 cm). The onlyacceptable tyingmethod shall be as follows: four to six5/8" (1.6 cm) x .020" (5mm) steel bands, or six to ten#13 gauge steel wires (aluminum bands or wires areacceptable in equivalent strength and number). Use ofskids and/or support sheets of anymaterial is notacceptable. Must bemagnetically separatedmaterialand free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans andother plastic, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and otherforeign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection.Any and all aluminum items, other than used beveragecans, are not acceptable. Variations to this specifica-tion should be agreed upon prior to shipment betweenthe buyer and seller.

Taldork BRIQUETUED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAPShall have a briquette density of 50 pounds per cubicfoot (800 kg/m3) minimum. Nominal briquette sizeshall range from 12" to 24" (30.5 x 61 cm) x 12" to 24"(30.5 x 61 cm) in uniform profile with a variable lengthof 8" (20.3 cm)minimum and 48" (122 cm)maximum.Briquettes shall be bundled or stacked on skids andsecured with aminimum of one vertical band per rowand aminimum of one girth band per horizontal layer.Briquettes not to overhang pallet. Total package heightshall be 48 (122 cm)maximum. Banding shall be atleast 5/8" (1.6 cm) wide by .020" (5mm) thick steelstrapping or equivalent strength. The weight of anybundle shall not exceed 4,000 pounds (1.814mt). Mate-rial must bemagnetically separated and free of steel,plastic, glass, dirt and all other foreign substances. Anyand all aluminum items other than UBC are unaccept-able. Any free lead is basis for rejection. Items not cov-ered in the specification, includingmoisture, and anyvariations to this specification should be agreed uponprior to shipment between the buyer and seller.

Tale PAINTED SIDINGShall consist of clean, low copper aluminum sidingscrap, painted one or two sides, free of plastic coating,iron, dirt, corrosion, fiber, foam, or fiberglass backingor other non-metallic items.

Talk ALUMINUM COPPER RADIATORSShall consist of clean aluminum and copper radiators,and/or aluminum fins on copper tubing, free of brasstubing, iron and other foreign contamination.

Tall E.C. ALUMINUM NODULESShall consist of clean E.C. aluminum, chopped or shred



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ded, free of screening, hair-wire, iron, copper, insulationand other non-metallic items.Must be free ofminus 20meshmaterial. Must contain 99.45%aluminumcontent.

Tally ALL ALUMINUM RADIATORS FROM AUTOMOBILESShall consist of clean aluminum radiators and/or con-densers. Should be free of all other types of radiators.All contaminants including iron, plastic, and foam notto exceed 1% of weight. Any deviation to this specifica-tion, including oxidation and aluminum content, to benegotiated between buyer and seller.

Talon NEW PURE ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLEShall consist of new, clean, unalloyed aluminumwire orcable free from hair wire, ACSR, wire screen, iron, insu-lation and other non-metallic items.

Tann NEW MIXED ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLEShall consist of new, clean, unalloyed aluminumwire orcable whichmay contain up to 10%6000 series wireand cable free from hair wire, wire screen, iron, insula-tion and other non-metallic items.

Tarry A CLEAN ALUMINUM PISTONSShall consist of clean aluminum pistons to be free fromstruts, bushings, shafts, iron rings and non-metallicitems. Oil and grease not to exceed 2%.

Tarry B CLEAN ALUMINUM PISTONS WITH STRUTSShall consist of cleanwhole aluminumpistonswith struts.Material is to be free frombushings, shafts, iron andnon-metallic items .Oil andgreasenot to exceed2%.

Tarry C IRONY ALUMINUM PISTONSShall consist of aluminum pistons with non-aluminumattachments to be sold on a recovery basis or by spe-cial arrangement between buyer and seller.

Tassel OLD MIXED ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLEShall consist of old, unalloyed aluminumwire and cablewhichmay contain up to 10%6000 series wire andcable with not over 1% free oxide or dirt and free fromhair wire, wire screen, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items.

Taste OLD PURE ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLEShall consist of old, unalloyed aluminumwire and cablecontaining not over 1% free oxide or dirt and free fromhair wire, wire screen, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items.

Tata NEW PRODUCTION ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONSShall consist of one alloy (typically 6063). Materialmay contain “butt ends” from the extrusion processbut must be free of any foreign contamination.Anodizedmaterial is acceptable. Paintedmaterial oralloys other than 6063must be agreed upon by buyerand seller.

Toto ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS “10/10”Material to consist of new production and old/used6063 extrusions that may contain up to (but notexceed) 10 percent painted extrusions and 10 percent6061 alloy extrusions. Must not contain other alloys ofaluminum. Material should be free of zinc corners, ironattachments, felt, plastic, paper, cardboard, thermobreak, and dirt and other contaminants.

Tutu ALUMINUM EXTRUSION DEALER GRADEShall consist of old extruded aluminum of onealloy, typically alloy 6063, 6061, or 7075. Materialmust be free of iron, thermo break, saw chips, zinccorners, dirt, paper, cardboard, and other foreigncontamination. Percentages of paint or other alloysto be agreed upon by buyer and seller.

Teens SEGREGATED ALUMINUM BORINGS AND TURNINGSShall consist of aluminum borings and turnings of onespecified alloy. Material should be free of oxidation,dirt, free iron, stainless steel, magnesium, oil, flamma-ble liquids, moisture and other non-metallic items.Fines should not exceed 3% through a 20mesh (U.S.standard) screen.

Telic MIXED ALUMINUM BORINGS AND TURNINGSShall consist of clean, uncorroded aluminum boringsand turnings of two or more alloys and subject todeductions for fines in excess of 3% through a 20mesh screen and dirt, free iron, oil, moisture and allother non-metallic items. Material containing iron inexcess of 10% and/or freemagnesium or stainlesssteel or containing highly flammable cutting com-pounds will not constitute good delivery. To avoid dis-pute, material should be sold on basis of definitemaximum zinc, tin andmagnesium content.

Tense MIXED ALUMINUM CASTINGSShall consist of all clean aluminum castings whichmaycontain auto and airplane castings but no ingots, andto be free of iron, brass, dirt and other non-metallicitems. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%.

Tepid AIRCRAFT SHEET ALUMINUMShould be sold on recovery basis or by specialarrangements with purchaser.

Terse NEW ALUMINUM FOILShall consist of clean, new, pure, uncoated 1000 and/or3000 and/or 8000 series alloy aluminum foil, freefrom anodized foil, radar foil and chaff, paper, plastics,or any other non-metallic items. Hydraulically briquet-tedmaterial and other alloys by agreement betweenbuyer and seller.

Tesla POST CONSUMER ALUMINUM FOILShall consist of baled old household aluminum foil andformed foil containers of uncoated 1000, 3000 and8000 series aluminum alloy. Material may be anodizedand contain amaximum of 5% organic residue. Materi-al must be free from radar chaff foil, chemically etchedfoil, laminated foils, iron, paper, plastic and other non-metallic contaminants.

Tetra NEW COATED ALUMINUM FOILShall consist of new aluminum foil coated or laminatedwith ink, lacquers, paper, or plastic. Material shall beclean, dry, free of loose plastic, PVC and other non-metallic items. This foil is sold on ametal content basisor by sample as agreed between buyer and seller.

Thigh ALUMINUM GRINDINGSShould be sold on recovery basis or by specialarrangements with purchaser.

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Thirl ALUMINUM DROSSES, SPATTERS, SPILLINGS, SKIMMINGSAND SWEEPINGSShould be sold on recovery basis or by specialarrangements with purchaser.

Throb SWEATED ALUMINUMShall consist of aluminum scrap which has been sweat-ed or melted into a form or shape such as an ingot,sow or slab for convenience in shipping; to be freefrom corrosion, dross or any non-aluminum inclusions.Should be sold subject to sample or analysis.

Tooth SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM ALLOY CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDSShall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpaintedaluminum scrap of one specified aluminum alloy with aminimum thickness of .015" (.38mm) and to be free ofhair wire, wire screen, dirt and other non-metallicitems. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Alsofree from punchings less than 1/2" (1.27 cm) in size.

Tough MIXED NEW ALUMINUM ALLOY CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDSShall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpaintedaluminum scrap of two or more alloys with aminimumthickness of .015" (.38mm) and to be free of hair wire,wire screen, dirt and other non-metallic items. Oil andgrease not to total more than 1%. Also free frompunchings less than 1/2" (1.27 cm) in size.

Tread SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM CASTINGS, FORGINGS ANDEXTRUSIONSShall consist of new, clean, uncoated aluminum cast-ings, forgings, and extrusions of one specified alloyonly and to be free from sawings, stainless steel, zinc,iron, dirt, oil, grease and other non-metallic items.

Troma Aluminum Auto or Truck WheelsShall consist of clean, single-piece, unplated aluminumwheels of a single specified alloy, free of all inserts,steel, wheel weights, valve stems, tires, grease and oiland other non-metallic items. Variations to this specifi-cation should be agreed upon prior to shipmentbetween the buyer and seller.

Trump ALUMINUM AUTO CASTINGSShall consist of all clean automobile aluminum castingsof sufficient size to be readily identified and to be freefrom iron, dirt, brass, bushings, and non-metallic items.Oil and grease not to total more than 2%.

Twang INSULATED ALUMINUM WIRE SCRAPShall consist of aluminumwire scrapwith various typesof insulation. To be sold on a sample or recovery basis,subject to arrangement between buyer and seller.

Twist ALUMINUM AIRPLANE CASTINGSShall consist of clean aluminum castings from airplanesand to be free from iron, dirt, brass, bushings, and non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to totalmore than 2%.

Twitch FLOATED FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (fromAutomobile Shredders)Derived fromwet or drymedia separation device, thematerial must be dry and not containmore than 1%maximum free zinc, 1%maximum freemagnesium, and1%maximumof analytical iron. Not to containmorethan a total 2%maximumof non-metallics, of which nomore than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of

excessively oxidizedmaterial, air bag canisters, or anysealed or pressurized items. Any variation to be sold byspecial arrangement between buyer and seller.

Tweak FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (from AutomobileShredders)Derived from eithermechanical or hand separation, thematerial must be dry and not containmore than 4%maximum free zinc, 1%maximum freemagnesium, and1.5%maximumof analytical iron. Not to containmorethan a total 5%maximumof non-metallics, of which nomore than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free ofexcessively oxidizedmaterial, air bag canisters, or anysealed or pressurized items. Any variation to be sold byspecial arrangement between buyer and seller.

Twire BURNT FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (from AutomobileShredders)Incinerated or burnedmaterial must be dry and notcontain more than X% (% to be agreed upon by buyerand seller) ash from incineration, 4%maximum freezinc, 1%maximum freemagnesium, and 1.5%maxi-mum of analytical iron. Not to contain more than atotal 5%maximum of non-metallics, of which nomorethan 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free ofexcessively oxidizedmaterial, air bag canisters, or anysealed pressurized items. Any variation to be sold byspecial arrangement between buyer and seller.


Saves OLD ZINC DIE CAST SCRAPShall consist of miscellaneous old zinc base die cast-ings, with or without iron and other foreign attach-ments. Must be free of borings, turnings, dross pieces,chunks, melted pieces and skimmings. All unmeltables,dirt, foreign attachments, and volatile substances(such as rubber, cork, plastic, grease, etc.) aredeductible. Material containing in excess of 30% ironwill not constitute good delivery.

Scabs NEW ZINC DIE CAST SCRAPShall consist of new or unused, clean, zinc base diecastings. Castings to be unplated, unpainted, and freefrom corrosion.

Scoot ZINC DIE CAST AUTOMOTIVE GRILLESShall consist of clean, old or used zinc base die castautomotive grilles, free from solderedmaterial. All for-eign attachments and extraneousmaterials aredeductible.

Scope NEW PLATED ZINC DIE CAST SCRAPShall consist of new or unused clean, plated zinc basedie castings, free from corrosion.

Score OLD SCRAP ZINCShall consist of clean dry scrap zinc, such as sheets, jarlids, clean unalloyed castings and anti-corrosion plates.Borings and turnings are not acceptable. Material mustnot be excessively corroded or oxidized. All foreignattachments and extraneousmaterials are deductible.

Screen NEW ZINC CLIPPINGSShall consist of any new pure zinc sheets or stampingsfree from corrosion. To contain no foreignmaterial or



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attachments. Printers zinc, such as engravers zinc, lith-ograph sheets and addressograph plates subject to spe-cial arrangements. Printers zinc to be free of routings.

Scribe CRUSHED CLEAN SORTED FRAGMENTIZERS DIE CAST SCRAP,AS PRODUCED FROM AUTOMOBILE FRAGMENTIZERSTo be clean, free of dirt, oil, glass, rubber, and trash. Tocontain amaximum of 5% unmeltables such as freeiron, copper, aluminum and other metals.

Scroll UNSORTED ZINC DIE CAST SCRAPProduced from automobile fragmentizers. Material tocontain about 55% zinc-bearing scrap. Other nonfer-rousmetals such as aluminum, stainless steel, redmet-al, etc., to be about 40%. Insulated copper wire about1%. Trash, dirt, glass, rubber, oil, iron, not to exceed5%. Any variations to be sold by special arrangementbetween buyer and seller.

Scrub HOT DIP GALVANIZERS SLAB ZINC DROSS (Batch Process)Shall consist only of galvanizers unsweated zinc drossin slab form from hot dip galvanizing (Batch Process)with aminimum zinc content of 92% and shall be freeof skimmings and tramp iron. Broken pieces under 2"in diameter shall not exceed 10% of the weight of eachshipment. Slabs shall not weigh over 100 pounds each.Heavier pieces acceptable uponmutual agreementbetween buyer and seller. Material from continuousgalvanizing operation is not acceptable. Blocks areacceptable uponmutual agreement.

Scull ZINC DIE CAST SLABS OR PIGSShall consist of melted zinc base die cast materials, insmooth clean solid slabs or pigs. Material to be freefrom drosses and to contain aminimum zinc contentof 90%. To contain amaximum of 0.1% nickel andmaximum of 1% lead. Blocks are acceptable uponmutual agreement.

Seal CONTINUOUS LINE GALVANIZING SLAB ZINC TOP DROSSShall consist of unsweated zinc dross removed fromthe top of a continuous line galvanizing bath, in slabform not weighing in excess of 100 pounds each, with aminimum zinc content of 90%. Heavier pieces accept-able uponmutual agreement between buyer and sell-er. Shall be free of skimmings. Broken pieces under 2"in diameter shall not exceed 10% of the weight of eachshipment.

Seam CONTINUOUS LINE GALVANIZING SLAB ZINC BOTTOM DROSSShall consist of unsweated zinc dross removed fromthe bottom of a continuous line galvanizing bath, inslab form not weighing in excess of 100 pounds each,with aminimum zinc content of 92%. Heavier piecesacceptable uponmutual agreement between buyerand seller. Shall be free of skimmings. Broken piecesunder 2" in diameter shall not exceed 10% of theweight of each shipment.

Shelf PRIME ZINC DIE CAST DROSSShall consist of metal skimmed from the top of pot ofmolten zinc die cast metal. Must be unsweated,unfluxed, shiny, smooth, metallic and free from corro-sion or oxidation. Should be poured in molds or insmall mounds weighing not over 75 pounds each. Zinccontent shall be minimum of 85%.

Wafer MAGNESIUM CLIPSShall consist of cleanmagnesium clips in crucible size,free of copper, aluminum, and zinc flashings and exces-sive oil and grease. To be free of all foreign attachments.

Walnut MAGNESIUM SCRAPShall consist of magnesium castings, magnesiumengine blocks and transmission casings, bomber andcar wheels, extrusions, and sheet. Material to be freefrom brass and copper inserts and all foreign attach-ments. To be free of anodes, hollow castings and explo-sives. Percentages of and penalties for dirt, oil, grease,and iron to be subject to agreement between buyerand seller. Excessively large pieces to be negotiatedbetween buyer and seller.

Wine MAGNESIUM ENGRAVER PLATESTo be free of copper, aluminum, zinc, and electrotypeplates. To be clean and free of all foreign attachments.Magnesium plates shipped loose by agreementbetween buyer and seller.

Wood MAGNESIUM DOCKBOARDSShall consist of cleanmagnesium dockboard cut orbroken to size agreed upon by buyer and seller. To befree of all foreign attachments.

World MAGNESIUM TURNINGSIt is recommended that thesematerials be sold byspecial arrangement between buyer and seller.


Racks SCRAP LEAD—SOFTShall consist of clean soft scrap lead, free of othermaterials such as drosses, battery plates, lead coveredcable, hard lead, collapsible tubes, foil, typemetals, alu-minum, zinc, iron and brass fittings, dirty chemical leadand radioactivematerials. Review packaging specifica-tions and regulatory status pertaining to shipping withbuyer prior to sale.

Radio MIXED HARD/SOFT SCRAP LEADShall consist of clean lead solids, free of othermateri-als, such as drosses, battery plates, lead covered cable,collapsible tubes, typemetals, aluminum, zinc, iron andbrass fittings, dirty chemical lead and radioactivemate-rials. Review packaging specifications and regulatorystatus pertaining to shipping with buyer prior to sale.

Rails LEAD BATTERY PLATESSpecify whether automotive, industrial or mixed. Alsowhether they are groups or loose. The only othermetallic that might be included could be lead connec-tors. To be free of non-metallics, i.e., plastic or rubber,with the exception that separators may be included.Material to be dry. May be bought on an assay basis ora flat price. Submarine plates subject to negotiation.Review packaging specifications and regulatory statuspertaining to shipping with buyer prior to sale.

Rains SCRAP DRAINED/DRY WHOLE INTACT LEADTo be free of any liquid. Cases to be either plastic orrubber and be complete including caps. Non-lead

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(nicad, ni-fe, carbonaire, etc.) not acceptable. Industrial,steel cased, aircraft (aluminum cased) and partial,cracked or broken batteries and batteries without capssubject to special agreement. Review packaging speci-fications and regulatory status pertaining to shippingwith buyer prior to sale.

Rakes BATTERY LUGSTo be free of scrap lead, wheel weights, battery plates,rubber and/or plastic casematerial and other foreignmaterial. Aminimumof 97%metallic content isrequired. Review packaging specifications and regulato-ry status pertaining to shipping with buyer prior to sale.

Relay LEAD COVERED COPPER CABLEFree of armored covered cable, and foreignmaterial.

Rents LEAD DROSSShould be clean and reasonably free of other materialssuch as iron, dirt, harmful chemicals or other metals.To be free of radioactive materials, aluminum and zinc.May be bought on an assay basis or as agreed to bybuyer and seller. Other metals present such as antimo-ny, tin, etc., to be accounted for as agreed betweenbuyer and seller. Material to be readily dumped fromdrums. An extra chargemay be assessed if materialhas to bemechanically removed. Review packagingspecification and regulatory status pertaining to ship-ping with buyer prior to sale.

Rink SCRAP WET WHOLE INTACT LEAD BATTERIESConsisting of SLI (starting, lighting & ignition), automo-tive, truck, 8-D and commercial golf cart andmarine-type batteries. Cases to be either plastic or rubber andto be complete. Non-lead (i.e., ni-cad, ni-fe, carbonaire,etc.) not acceptable. Other types i.e. aircraft (alu-minum) gel-cel, lawnmower, etc., and partial, crackedor broken batteries or batteries without caps and theamount of liquid content and any variations to thespecification subject to special agreement. Reviewpackaging specifications and regulatory status pertain-ing to shipping with buyer prior to sale.

Rono SCRAP INDUSTRIAL INTACT LEAD CELLSConsisting of plates enclosed by some form of com-plete plastic case. Partial, cracked or broken cells, cellswithout caps and the amount of liquid content and anyvariations to the specification subject to special agree-ment. Review packaging specifications and regulatorystatus pertaining to shipping with buyer prior to sale.

Roper SCRAP WHOLE INTACT INDUSTRIAL LEAD BATTERIESConsisting of bus, diesel, locomotive, telephone and/orsteel cased batteries. Submarine batteries subject tonegotiation. Partial, cracked, broken batteries or bat-teries without caps and the amount of liquid contentand any variations to the specification subject to spe-cial agreement. Review packaging specifications andregulatory status pertaining to shipping with buyer pri-or to sale.

Ropes WHEEL WEIGHTSTo consist of lead tire balances with or without ironclips. Not to include scrap lead, lugs or plates unlessspecifically agreed to. To be free of foreignmaterial.

Review packaging specifications and regulatory statuspertaining to shipping with buyer prior to sale.


Shall consist of clean new sheet, plate, bar, tube, andany other wrought nickel scrap solids. Nickel minimum99%; Cobalt maximum0.25%; Copper maximum0.50%. Free of castings, as well as any foreign attach-ments or other contamination.

Burly OLD NICKEL SCRAPShall consist of old and/or newsheet, plate, bar, tube, andanyotherwrought nickel scrap solids.Material to containaminimumof98%nickel; Coppermaximum0.50%.This grade to be free of castings, soldered, brazed, sweat-ed, or paintedmaterial, othermetallic coating, foreignattachments, or anyother contamination.

Dandy NEW CUPRO NICKEL CLIPS AND SOLIDSShall consist of clean, new, segregated (normallyaccepted analysis grades) either 70/30, 80/20, or90/10 cupro nickel tube, pipe, sheet, plate, or otherwrought solid forms. Must be free of foreign attach-ments or any other contamination.

Daunt CUPRO NICKEL SOLIDSShall consist of old, and/or new, segregated (normallyaccepted analysis grades) either 70/30, 80/20, 90/10cupro nickel tube, pipe, sheet, plate, or other wroughtsolid forms. Maximum 2% sediment allowable. Anyother forms of cupro nickel solids such as castings,gates, risers, spills, etc., packaged separately, may ormay not be included, only upon agreement betweenbuyer and seller. Must be free of foreign attachmentsand all other contamination. Other particulars con-cerning physical description, analysis and packaging tobe agreed upon between buyer and seller.

Decoy CURPO NICKEL SPINNINGS, TURNINGS, BORINGSShall consist of clean, segregated (normally acceptedanalysis grades) either 70/30, 80/20, 90/10 cupro nick-el spinnings, turnings, or borings. Particulars concern-ing physical description, analysis, and packaging, to beagreed upon between buyer and seller.

Delta SOLDERED CUPRO NICKEL SOLIDSShall consist of segregated (normally accepted analysisgrades) either 70/30, 80/20, 90/10 cupro nickel solids,soldered, brazed, or sweatedmaterial. Must be free oftrimmed seams and edges and all other contamination.

Depth MISCELLANEOUS NICKEL-COPPER AND NICKEL-COPPER IRONShall consist of miscellaneous scrap in which the basicelements, by weight, are nickel and copper, such ascopper nickel peelings, plating racks, and hangers, andall nickel and copper in attached or combined form. Inall cases, miscellaneous nickel copper scrap should besold by description and analysis.

Hitch NEW R-MONEL CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDSShall consist of clean, new, R-Monel sheet, plate, bar,rod, tube, pipe, or any other wrought scrap. Must befree of any foreign attachments or all other contami-nation.



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House NEW MIXED MONEL SOLIDS AND CLIPPINGSShall consist of new, clean R and K-Monel solids andclippings. Free of cast material, foreign attachmentsand all other contamination.

Ideal OLD MONEL SHEET AND SOLIDSShall consist of clean R and K-Monel solids such assheet, plate, pipe, rods, forgings, screen and wire cloth.Must be free of soldered, brazed, welded, or sweatedmaterial, cast material, foreign attachments, and allother contamination.

Indian K-MONEL SOLIDSShall consist of clean K-Monel solids.

Junto SOLDERED MONEL SHEET AND SOLIDSShall consist of soldered and/or brazedmiscellaneousgrades ofMonel alloys in eitherwrought or cast form.Must be free of trimmed seams and edges, non-metallicfilling, foreign attachments, and all other contamination.Particulars concerning physical description, assay, andpackaging to be agreed upon between buyer and seller.

Lemon MONEL CASTINGSShall consist of various types of clean Monel castings,assayingminimum 60%nickel. Must be free of foreignattachments or any other contamination.

Lemur MONEL TURNINGSShall consist ofmixedMonel turnings andborings con-taining aminimumof60%nickel content, on a dry basis.

Pekoe 200 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL SCRAP SOLIDSShall consist of all types of cleanAISI Series StainlessSteel ScrapSolids, which contain amaximumof .5%cop-per, free of foreign attachments andother contamination.

Sabot STAINLESS STEEL SCRAPShall consist of clean 18-8 type stainless steel clips andsolids containing aminimum 7%nickel, 16% chrome,and have amaximum of .50%molybdenum, .50%copper, .045% phosphorous, and .03% sulfur, and oth-erwise free of harmful contaminants. Particulars con-cerning physical description, grading, additionalanalysis, and preparation to be agreed upon betweenbuyer and seller.

Ultra STAINLESS STEEL TURNINGSShall consist of clean 18-8 type stainless steel turningscontaining aminimum 7%nickel and 16% chrome, andto be free of nonferrousmetals, nonmetallics, exces-sive iron, oil and other contaminants. Particulars con-cerning physical description, assay, and packaging tobe agreed upon between buyer and seller.

Vaunt EDISON BATTERIESNickel-iron batteries to be sold free of crates, copperterminal connectors, and excess liquid. Must be free ofnickel cadmium batteries.


Shall consist of whole electricmotors and/or disman-tled electric motor parts that are primarily copper-wound. May contain aluminum-woundmaterial, subjectto agreement between buyer and seller. No excessive

steel attachments such as gear reducers, iron bases,and pumps, or loose free iron allowed. Specification notto include sealed units or cast iron compressors.

Shelmo SHREDDED ELECTRIC MOTORS (also called “shredderpickings” or “meatballs”)Shall consist ofmixed copper-bearingmaterial from fer-rous shredding, comprised ofmotorswithout cases. Maycontain aluminum-woundmaterial and insulated copperharnesswire, subject to agreement between buyer andseller. Trace percentages of other contaminants andfines may be present. No free iron or sealed units.

Zebra (High Density)Shall consist of high-density nonferrousmetals pro-duced bymedia separation technology containingbrass, copper, zinc, nonmagnetic stainless steel, andcopper wire. Material to be dry and free from excessoxidation. The percentage and types of metals otherthan these, as well as the percentage and types of non-metallic contamination, are to be agreed uponbetween the buyer and seller.

Zeppelin (Light Density)Shall consist of light-density nonferrousmetals pro-duced bymedia separation technology and containthin-gauge aluminum andmagnesium. Material to bedry and free from excess oxidation. The percentageand types of metals other than aluminum andmagne-sium, as well as the percentage and types of nonmetal-lic contamination, are to be agreed upon between thebuyer and seller.

Zorba SHREDDED NONFERROUS SCRAP (predominantly aluminum)Shall be made up of a combination of the nonferrousmetals: aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, stainlesssteel, nickel, tin, and zinc, in elemental or alloyed (solid)form. The percentage of eachmetal within the nonfer-rous concentrate shall be subject to agreementbetween buyer and seller. Material generated by eddycurrent, air separation, flotation, screening, other seg-regation technique(s), or a combination thereof. Shallhave passed one or moremagnets to reduce or elimi-nate free iron and/or large iron attachments. Shall befree of radioactive material, dross, or ash. Material tobe bought/sold under this guideline shall be identifiedas “Zorba” with a number to follow indicating the esti-mated percentage nonferrousmetal content of thematerial (e.g., “Zorba 90”means thematerial containsapproximately 90%nonferrousmetal content). Mayalso be screened to permit description by specific sizeranges.

Zurik SHREDDED NONFERROUS SENSOR SORTED SCRAP(predominantly stainless steel)Shall be made up of a combination of the nonferrousmetals: stainless steel, insulated copper wire, alu-minum, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, tin, and zinc,in elemental or alloyed (solid) form. The percentage ofeachmetal within the nonferrous concentrate shall besubject to agreement between buyer and seller. Mate-rial generated by computer sensing equipment (e.g.,induction sensor sorting or X-ray) technique(s). Shallhave passed one or moremagnets to reduce or elimi-nate free iron and/or large iron attachments. Shall be

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201112 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap


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free of radioactive material, dross, or ash. Material tobe bought/sold under this guideline shall be identifiedas “Zurik” with a number to follow indicating the esti-mated percentage nonferrous content of thematerial(e.g., “Zurik 90”means thematerial contains approxi-mately 90%nonferrousmetal content). May also bescreened to permit description by specific size ranges.


Block tin must assayminimum of 98% tin, and to befree of liquids, solder, and brass connections, pewter,pumps, pot pieces, and dirt.

Ranks PEWTERShall consist of tableware and soda-fountain boxes butshould contain aminimum of 84% tin. Siphon tops tobe accounted for separately. Material must be free ofbrass, zinc, and other foreignmetals.

Raves HIGH TIN BASE BABBITTShall contain aminimum of 78% tin and be free ofbrassy or zincymetals.

Roses MIXED COMMON BABBITTShall consist of lead base bearingmetal containing notless than 8% tin, free fromAllens metal, ornamental,antimonial and typemetal. Must be free from all zincand excessive copper in the alloy.

Identification Checklistfor Precious MetalsThis Identification Check List for Precious Metals sets up ageneral basis for identifying types and grades of preciousmet-als scrap by the scrap processor who will be familiar both tothe preciousmetals refiner and to the plants generating pre-cious metals scrap.

By checking this identification list, the scrap processor givesthe refiner a fairly accurate conception of thematerial theprocessor has on hand and offers a basis for the refiner toquote an estimated price for thematerial.

Due to the high values and the constantly changing characterof preciousmetal scrap, it is often the practice in the industryto require a sample to be submitted before giving refiningschedules.

I. Scrap SourcesREFINED SILVERMETAL — 99.9 MIN. PERCENTSilver-bearing materials:AnodesAssemblies—ElectricalBatteries

Silver/Copper PlatedSilver/CadmiumSilver/Zinc Silver/Magnesium

Blanking Scrap—PunchingsBrazing AlloysBrushes—Electric MotorsBullionChemical Salts


Clad Bi-Metal PartsCoin SilverContactsDental AmalgamFilms

Industrial X-RayMedical X-RayLithographicPhotographic Negatives

Filters—PlatingFlake—FromHypo Solution Recovery SystemsHooks—Plating—NodulesJewelry SweepsPaints—PastePaper–ReproductionPlated Parts—Electrical—ElectronicPlated Serving PiecesPlated UtensilsPlatedWirePowders—GranulatedPunchoutsRelays—ElectricalResinsSilver Lined Bearings—Diesel Locomotives and AircraftSludges—Plating and PrecipitatesSolutions—PlatingSterling SilverTin Lead Alloys—ContaminatedTurningsWave GuidesWiping Rags


Brazing AlloysClad Metal PartsContactsDental AlloysDental ScrapDental Sweeps and GrindingsDiodesFilled ScrapFilters–PlatingFlakesFlashingsFoilHooks—Plating—NodulesJewelry ScrapJewelry Sweeps and

GrindingsPaints and PastePeelingsPlacer Gold

Plated Parts—ElectricalPlatedWirePowdersPrinted Circuit BoardsPrinted Circuit Boards with

ComponentsPunchoutsResins—PlatingSalts—ChemicalSludges—PlatingSolutionsSpongeTin Lead Alloys—

ContaminatedTransistorsWiping RagsWire

Page 14: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

REFINED PALLADIUMMETAL—99.9 MIN. PERCENTREFINED PALLADIUM SPONGE—99.9 MIN.Palladium-bearing materials:CatalystsChemical SaltsClad MaterialsContact PointsDental AlloysDental ScrapsDental SweepsJewelry Scrap (Sweeps)PastePlated PartsPowdersRelays—ElectricalSludgesSolutionsWire

REFINED PLATINUMMETAL—99.9 MIN. PERCENTREFINED PALLADIUM SPONGE—99.9 MIN. PERCENTPlatinum-bearing materials:CatalystsChemicalsClad MaterialsContactsDental AlloysDental ScrapDental Sweeps, GrindingsJewelry ScrapJewelry SweepsLaboratoryWareMagneto PointsPowders and PasteSolutions—PlatingSpark Plugs—AircraftThermocouple Wire

Scrap containing combinations of precious metals(gold, silver, platinum and palladium):Assemblies—ComponentsBullionCarbonCatalystsChemicalsChipsDrillingsElectronic ScrapHigh Temperature Resistant AlloysPaintsPastePowdersRelays—ElectricalResinsRibbonsRingsSaltsSolutionsSweepsTelephone Switching ScrapThick FilmWire


1. Acid2. Basic3. Matrix if known

B. Resin

C. Sludges

D. Burnable Material1. Carbon2. Filters3. Film4. Papers5. Unprepared Sweeps6. Others

E. Sweeps (Prepared)

F. Printed Circuit Board1. Punch Outs2. Non Assembled3. Assembled

G. Glass to Metal Tubes, etc.1. Solid Precious Metal Parts2. Alloyed Metal Parts3. Plated Metal Parts4. Ceramics5. Thick Film6. Other...

H. Metal ScrapI. Non-Magnetic1. Impure Gold2. Impure Silver3. Copper Base4. Aluminum Base5. Brass Base6. Bronze Base7. Molybdenum Base8. Beryllium Base9. Lead Base10. Tin Base11. Other....

II. Magnetic1. Kovar Base2. Stainless Steel Base3. Iron Base4. Nickel Base5. Other....

I. Catalyst1. Carbon2. Alumina3. Rare Earth4. Silica5. Other....

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201114 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap

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General Informationa. Cleanness.All grades shall be free of dirt, nonferrousmet-als, or foreignmaterial of any kind, and excessive rust and cor-rosion. However, the terms “free of dirt, nonferrousmetals, orforeignmaterial of any kind” are not intended to preclude theaccidental inclusion of negligible amounts where it can beshown that this amount is unavoidable in the customarypreparation and handling of the particular grade involved.

b. Off-grade material. The inclusion in a shipment of a par-ticular grade of iron and steel scrap of a negligible amount ofmetallic material which exceeds to aminor extent the applica-ble size limitations, or which fails to aminor extent to meet theapplicable requirements as to quality or kind of material, shallnot change the classification of the shipment, provided it canbe shown that the inclusion of such off-gradematerial isunavoidable in the customary preparation and handling of thegrade involved.

c. Residual alloys.Wherever the term “free of alloys” is usedin the classifications given herein, it shall mean that any alloyscontained in the steel are residual and have not been addedfor the purpose of making an alloy steel. Steel scraps shall beconsidered free of alloys when the residual alloying elementsdo not exceed the following percentages:

Nickel .45% Molybdenum .10%

Chromium .20% Manganese 1.65%

The combined residuals other thanmanganese shall notexceed a total of 0.60 percent.

d. Deviations. Any deviations from the general classifica-tions of iron and steel scrapmay be consummated bymutualagreement between buyer and seller.

200 No. 1 heavy melting steel.Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4 inch and over inthickness. Individual pieces not over 60 x 24 inches(charging box size) prepared in amanner to insurecompact charging.

201 No. 1 heavy melting steel 3 feet x 18 inches.Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4 inch and over inthickness. Individual pieces not over 36 x 18 inches(charging box size) prepared in amanner to insurecompact charging.

202 No. 1 heavy melting steel 5 feet x 18 inches.Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4 inch and over inthickness. Individual pieces not over 60 x 18 inches(charging box size) prepared in amanner to insurecompact charging.

203 No. 2 heavy melting steel.*Wrought iron and steel scrap, black and galvanized, 1/8inch and over in thickness, charging box size to includematerial not suitable as No. 1 heavymelting steel. Pre-pared in amanner to insure compact charging.

204 No. 2 heavy melting steel.*Wrought iron and steel scrap, black and galvanized,maximum size 36 x 18 inches. May include all automo-bile scrap properly prepared.

205 No. 2 heavy melting steel 3 feet x 18 inches.Wrought iron and steel scrap, black and galvanized,maximum size 36 x 18 inches. May include automobilescrap, properly prepared; however, to be free of sheetiron or thin gaugedmaterial.

206 No. 2 heavy melting steel 5 feet x 18 inches.Wrought iron and steel scrap, black and galvanized,maximum size 60 x 18 inches. May include automobilescrap, properly prepared; however, to be free of sheetiron or thin gaugedmaterial.

207 No. 1 busheling.Clean steel scrap, not exceeding 12 inches in anydimensions, including new factory busheling (for exam-ple, sheet clippings, stampings, etc.). May not includeold auto body and fender stock. Free of metal coated,limed, vitreous enameled, and electrical sheet contain-ing over 0.5 percent silicon.

207A New black sheet clippings.For direct charging, maximum size 8 feet by 18 inches,free of old automobile body and fender stock, metalcoated, lined, vitreous enameled and electrical sheetcontaining over 0.5 percent silicon. Must lay reason-ably flat in car.

208 No. 1 bundles.New black steel sheet scrap, clippings or skeletonscrap, compressed or hand bundled, to charging boxsize, and weighing not less than 75 pounds per cubicfoot. (Hand bundles are tightly secured for handlingwith amagnet.) May include Stanley balls or mandrelwound bundles or skeleton reels, tightly secured. Mayinclude chemically detinnedmaterial. May not includeold auto body or fender stock. Free of metal coated,limed, vitreous enameled, and electrical sheet contain-ing over 0.5 percent silicon.

209 No. 2 bundles.Old black and galvanized steel sheet scrap, hydraulical-ly compressed to charging box size and weighing notless than 75 pounds per cubic foot. May not include tinor lead-coatedmaterial or vitreous enameledmaterial.

210 Shredded scrap.Homogeneous iron and steel scrap, magnetically sepa-rated, originating from automobiles, unprepared No. 1and No. 2 steel, miscellaneous baling and sheet scrap.Average density 50 pounds per cubic foot.

211 Shredded scrap.Homogeneous iron and steel scrapmagnetically sepa-rated, originating from automobiles, unprepared No. 1and No. 2 steel, miscellaneous baling and sheet scrap.Average density 70 pounds per cubic foot.


Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap: FS-2009COD E I T EM COD E I T EM

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212 Shredded clippings.Shredded 1000 series carbon steel clippings or sheets.Material should have an average density of 60 poundsper cubic foot.

213 Steel can bundles.Steel can scrap compressed to charging box size andweighing not less than 75 pounds per cubic foot. Cansmay be baled without removal of paper labels, but freeof other non-metallics. May include up to 5 gallon tincoated containers.

214 No. 3 bundles.Old sheet steel, compressed to charging box size andweighing not less than 75 pounds per cubic foot. Mayinclude all coated ferrous scrap not suitable for inclu-sion in No. 2 bundles.

215 Incinerator bundles.Tin can scrap, compressed to charging box size andweighing not less than 75 pounds per cubic foot.Processed through a recognized garbage incinerator.

216 Terne plate bundles.New terne plate sheet scrap, clippings or skeletonscrap, compressed or hand bundled, to charging boxsize, and weighing not less than 75 pounds per cubicfoot. (Hand bundles are tightly secured for handlingwith amagnet.) May include Stanley balls or mandrelwound bundles or skeleton reels, tightly secured.

217 Bundled No. 1 steel.Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/8 inch or over inthickness, compressed to charging box size and weigh-ing not less than 75 pounds per cubic foot. Free of allmetal-coatedmaterial.

218 Bundled No. 2 steel.Wrought iron or steel scrap, black or galvanized, 1/8inch and over in thickness, compressed to chargingbox size and weighing not less than 75 pounds percubic foot. Auto body and fender stock, burnt or handstripped, may constitute amaximum of 60 percent byweight. (This percent based onmakeup of auto body,chassis, driveshafts, and bumpers.) Free of all coatedmaterial, except as found on automobiles.

219 Machine shop turnings.Clean steel or wrought iron turnings, free of iron bor-ings, nonferrousmetals in a free state, scale, or exces-sive oil. May not include badly rusted or corrodedstock.

220 Machine shop turnings and iron borings.Same asmachine shop turnings but including iron bor-ings.

221 Shoveling turnings.Clean short steel or wrought iron turnings, drillings, orscrew cuttings. May include any suchmaterial whetherresulting from crushing, raking, or other processes.Free of springy, bushy, tangled or mattedmaterial,lumps, iron borings, nonferrousmetals in a free state,grindings, or excessive oil.

222 Shoveling turnings and iron borings.Same as shoveling turnings, but including iron borings.

223 Iron borings.Clean cast iron or malleable iron borings and drillings,free of steel turnings, scale, lumps or excessive oil.

224 Auto slabs.Clean automobile slabs, cut 3 feet x 18 inches and under.

225 Auto slabs.Clean automobile slabs, cut 2 feet x 18 inches and under.

226 Briquetted iron borings.Analysis and density to consumer's specifications.

227 Briquetted steel turnings.Analysis and density to consumer's specifications.

228 Mill scale.Dark colored, ranging from blue to black, ferro-mag-netic iron oxide forming on the surface of steel articlesduring heating and working.

*The identical designations given for these two classificationsare in accordance with established industry practices in speci-fying thematerials desired.

Electric Furnace Casting and Foundry Grades

229 Billet, bloom and forge crops.Billet, bloom, axle, slab, heavy plate and heavy forgecrops, containing not over 0.05 percent phosphorus orsulphur and not over 0.5 percent silicon, free fromalloys. Dimensions not less than 2 inches in thickness,not over 18 inches in width, and not over 36 inches inlength.

230 Bar crops and plate scrap.Bar crops, plate scrap, forgings, bits, jars, and tooljoints, containing not over 0.05 percent phosphorus orsulphur, not over 0.5 percent silicon, free from alloys.Dimensions not less than 1/2 inch in thickness, not over18 inches in width, and not over 36 inches in length.

231 Plate and structural steel, 5 feet and under.Cut structural and plate scrap, 5 feet and under. Cleanopen hearth steel plates, structural shapes, crop ends,shearings, or broken steel tires. Dimensions not lessthan 1/4 inch thickness, not over 5 feet in length and 18inches in width. Phosphorus or sulphur not over 0.05percent.

232 Plate and structural steel, 5 feet and under.Cut structural and plate scrap, 5 feet and under. Cleanopen hearth steel plates, structural shapes, crop ends,shearings, or broken steel tires. Dimensions not lessthan 1/4 inch thickness, not over 5 feet in length and 24inches in width. Phosphorus or sulphur not over 0.05percent.

233 Cast steel.Steel castings not over 48 inches long or 18 incheswide, and 1/4 inch and over in thickness, containing notover 0.05 percent phosphorus or sulphur, free fromalloys and attachments. May include heads, gates, andrisers.

234 Punchings and plate scrap.Punchings or stampings, plate scrap, and bar cropscontaining not over 0.05 percent phosphorous or sul-phur and not over 0.5 percent silicon, free from alloys.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201116 Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap


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All materials cut 12 inches and under, and with theexception of punchings or stampings, at least 1/8 inchin thickness. Punchings or stampings under 6 inches indiameter may be any gauge.

235 Electric furnace bundles.New black steel sheet scrap hydraulically compressedinto bundles of size and weight as specified by con-sumer.

236 Cut structural and plate scrap, 3 feet and under.Clean open hearth steel plates, structural shapes, cropends, shearings, or broken steel tires. Dimensions notless than 1/4 inch in thickness, not over 3 feet in lengthand 18 inches in width. Phosphorus or sulphur not over0.05 percent.

237 Cut structural and plate scrap, 2 feet and under.Same as cut structural and plate scrap, 3 feet andunder, except for length.

238 Cut structural and plate scrap, 1 foot and under.Same as cut structural and plate scrap, 3 feet andunder, except for length.

239 Silicon busheling.Clean silicon bearing steel scrap, not exceeding 12 inch-es in any dimension, including new factory busheling(for example, sheet clippings, stampings, etc.), having asilicon content of 0.05 percent to 5.0 percent.

240 Silicon Clippings.Clean steel scrap, including new factory busheling (forexample, sheet clippings, stampings, etc.), may notinclude old auto body and fender stock. Free of metalcoated, limed, vitreous enameled, and electrical sheetcontainingminimum 1 percent silicon.

241 Chargeable ingots and ingot butts.Chargeable ingots and ingot butts for material to besuitable and acceptable to the consumer containingnot over 0.05 percent phosphorus or sulphur and notover 0.05 percent silicon free of alloys.

242 Foundry steel, 2 feet and under.Steel scrap 1/8 inch and over in thickness, not over 2feet in length or 18 inches in width. Individual piecesfree from attachments. May not include nonferrousmetals, cast or malleable iron, cable, vitreous enam-eled, or metal coatedmaterial.

243 Foundry steel, 1 foot and under.Same specifications as 2-footmaterial, except for length.

244 Springs and crankshafts.Clean automotive springs and crankshafts, either newor used.

245 Alloy free turnings.Clean shoveling steel turnings free from lumps, tan-gled or mattedmaterial, iron borings, or excessive oilcontaining not more than 0.05 percent phosphorus orsulphur, and free of alloys.

246 Alloy free short shoveling steel turnings.Clean shoveling steel turnings, free of lumps, tangledor mattedmaterial, iron borings, or excessive oil, con-

taining not more than 0.05 percent phosphorus or sul-phur, and free of alloys.

247 Alloy free machine shop turnings.Clean steel turnings, free of iron borings or excessiveoil, containing not more than 0.05 percent phosphorusor sulphur, and free of alloys. May not include badlyrusted or corroded stock.

248 Hard steel cut 30 inches and under.Automotive steel consisting of rear ends, crankshafts,driveshafts, front axles, springs, and gears prepared 30inches and under. May not includemiscellaneous smallshoveling steel or any pieces too bulky for gray ironfoundry use.

249 Chargeable slab crops.Chargeable slab crops for material to be suitable andacceptable to the consumer containing not over 0.05percent phosphorus and 0.05 percent sulphur and notover 0.05 percent silicon and free of alloys.

250 Silicon bundles.Silicon sheet scrap, clippings or skeleton scrap, com-pressed or hand bundled, to charging box size, andweighing not less than 75 pounds per cubic foot, hav-ing a silicon content of 0.50 percent to 5.0 percent.

251 Heavy turnings.Short, heavy steel turnings, containing not over 0.05percent phosphorus or sulphur and free of alloys. Mayinclude rail chips. May not includemachine shop orother light turnings andmust weigh not less than 75pounds per cubic foot in the original state of produc-tion.

Specially Processed Grades toMeet Consumer RequirementsGrades of scrap prepared especially to meet with steel mill orfoundry requirements, individual specifications to be agreedon between consumer and supplier.

Cast Iron Grades

252 Cupola cast.Clean cast iron scrap such as columns, pipes, plates,and castings of a miscellaneous nature, including auto-mobile blocks and cast iron parts of agricultural andother machinery. Free from stove plate, burnt iron,brake shoes or foreignmaterial. Cupola size, not over24 inches x 30 inches, and no piece over 150 pounds inweight.

253 Charging box cast.Clean cast iron scrap in sizes not over 60 inches inlength or 30 inches in width, suitable for charging intoan open hearth furnace without further preparation.Free from burnt iron, brake shoes, or stove plate.

254 Heavy breakable cast.Cast iron scrap over charging box size or weighingmore than 500 pounds. May include cylinders anddriving wheel centers. May include steel which doesnot exceed 10 percent of the casting by weight.

255 Hammer block or bases.Cast iron hammer blocks or bases.



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256 Burnt iron.Burnt cast iron scrap, such as stove parts, grate bars,andmiscellaneous burnt iron. May include sashweights or windowweights.

257 Mixed cast.May include all grades of cast iron except burnt iron.Dimensions not over 24 inches x 30 inches and nopiece over 150 pounds in weight.

258 Stove plate, clean cast iron stove.Free frommalleable and steel parts, windowweights,plow points, or burnt cast iron.

259 Clean auto cast.Clean auto blocks; free of all steel parts exceptcamshafts, valves, valve springs, and studs. Free ofnonferrous and non-metallic parts.

260 Unstripped motor blocks.Automobile or truckmotors fromwhich steel and non-ferrous fittings may or may not have been removed.Free from driveshafts and all parts of frames.

261 Drop broken machinery cast.Clean heavy cast ironmachinery scrap that has beenbroken under a drop. All pieces must be of cupola size,not over 24 inches x 30 inches, and no piece over 150pounds in weight.

262 Clean auto cast, broken, not degreased.Clean auto blocks, free of all steel parts exceptcamshafts, valves, valve springs and studs. Free ofnonferrous and non-metallic parts, andmust be bro-ken to cupola size, 150 pounds or less.

263 Clean auto cast, degreased.Free of all steel parts except camshafts, valves, valvesprings, and studs. Free of nonferrous and non-metallicparts, andmust be broken into cupola size, 150 poundsor less.

264 Malleable.Malleable parts of automobiles, railroad cars, locomo-tives, or miscellaneousmalleable iron castings. Freefrom cast iron and steel parts and other foreignmate-rial.

265 Broken ingot molds and stools.Broken ingot molds and stools, cast iron, maximumsize 2 feet x 3 feet x 5 feet.

266 Unbroken ingot molds and stools.Unbroken ingot molds and stools, cast iron.

Special Boring Grades

267 No. 1 chemical borings.New clean cast or malleable iron borings and drillingscontaining not more than 1 percent oil, free from steelturnings, or chips, lumps, scale, corroded or rustymaterial.

268 Briquetted cast iron borings, hot process.Cast iron borings, heated, briquetted, to a density ofapproximately 85 percent, oil and water content under1 percent.

269 Briquetted cast iron borings, cold process.Cast iron boring briquettes, free of steel and nonfer-rousmaterial, hydraulically compressed into a cohe-sive solid, reasonably free of oil, and having a densityof not less than 60 percent.

270 Malleable borings.Cleanmalleable iron borings and drillings, free of steelturnings, scale, lumps and excessive oil.

271 No. 2 chemical borings.New clean cast or malleable iron borings and drillings,containing not more than 1.5 percent oil, free fromsteel turnings, or chips, lumps, scale, corroded or rustymaterial.

Steel From Scrap TiresGeneral GuidelinesItems not covered in the specifications, and any variations inthe specification, are subject to special arrangement betweenbuyer and seller. Percentages listed below are by weight.

PreparationConsumer and supplier to agree upon preparation for trans-port, such as the following:

Loose—Whole.Loose—Chopped. If wire is chopped or shredded, parties maywish to specify themeans of processing and/or characteristicsof the final product (density, length of pieces, etc.).

Baled. Bales of wire should maintain their form during loading,shipment, unloading, storage, and handling typical of that doneat a consuming facility, unless otherwise specified.

Baled—High Density. Hydraulically compressed, nodimension larger than 24", density of at least 75 poundsper square foot.

Baled—HRB/Low Density. Density of less than 75 poundsper square foot. Each bale secured with sufficient numberof bale ties drawn tight to insure a satisfactory delivery.

Other Means of Preparation. Individual specifications to beagreed upon between consumer and supplier.

272 Pulled bead wire (Truck)—Grade 1.Not chopped; made up of loops of wire. Less than fivepercent (<5%) rubber/fiber.

273 Pulled bead wire (Truck)—Grade 2.Not chopped; made up of loops of wire. Five to ten per-cent (5-10%) rubber/fiber.

274 Pulled bead wire (Truck)—Grade 3.Not chopped; made up of loops of wire. Greater thanten percent (>10%) rubber/fiber.

275 Pulled bead wire (Passenger)—Grade 1.Not chopped; made up of loops of wire. Less than fivepercent (<5%) rubber/fiber.

276 Pulled bead wire (Passenger)—Grade 2.Not chopped; made up of loops of wire. Five to ten per-cent (5-10%) rubber/fiber.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201118 Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap


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277 Pulled bead wire (Passenger)—Grade 3.Not chopped; made up of loops of wire. Greater thanten percent (>10%) rubber/fiber.

278 Processed tire wire (Ferrous)—Grade 1.Chopped. Less than two percent (<2%) rubber/fiber.

279 Processed tire wire (Ferrous)—Grade 2.Chopped. Less than five percent (<5%) rubber/fiber.

280 Processed tire wire (Ferrous)—Grade 3.Chopped. Five to ten percent (5-10%) rubber/fiber.

281 Processed tire wire (Ferrous)—Grade 4.Chopped. Ten to twenty percent (10-20%) rubber/fiber.

282 Processed tire wire (Ferrous)—Grade 5.Chopped. Greater than twenty percent (>20%) rub-ber/fiber.

Railroad Ferrous Scrap*Specifications of Association of American Railroads promul-gated by its Purchases and Materials Management Division(Revised 1973)

(2) Axles, Steel.Solid car and/or locomotive friction bearing, 8 inchdiameter and under (free of axles with key-waybetween wheel seats, no axles of shorter lengths thandistance between wheel seats to be included).

(2A) Axles, Steel.Solid car and/or locomotive friction bearing over 8inch diameter (free of axles with key-way betweenwheel seats, no axles of shorter length than distancebetween wheel seats to be included).

(3) Axles, Steel.Roller bearing 8 inch diameter and under (no axles ofshorter lengths than distance between wheel seats tobe included).

(3A) Axles, Steel.Roller bearing over 8 inch diameter (no axles of short-er length than distance between wheel seats to beincluded).

(4) Spikes, Track Bolts and Nuts, and Lock Washers, mayinclude Rail Anchors.

(5) Tie Plates.Steel.

(6) Rail Joints, Angle and/or Splice Bars.Steel.

(9) Bolsters and/or Truck Sides, Frames: Uncut.Cast steel.

(11) Cast Steel, No. 2.Steel castings, over 18 inches wide and/or over 5 feetlong.

(11A) Cast Steel, No. 1.Steel castings, 18 inches and under, not over 5 feetlong, including cut truck side frames and bolsters.

(12) Cast Iron, No. 1.Cast iron scrap, such as columns, pipes, plates, and/orcastings of miscellaneous nature, but free from stoveplates, brake shoes, and burnt scrap. Must be cupolasize, not over 24 x 30 inches in dimension and no pieceto weigh over 150 pounds. Must be free from foreignmaterial.

(13) Cast Iron, No. 2.Pieces weighing over 150 pounds, but not more than500 pounds. Free from burnt cast.

(14) Cast Iron, No. 3.Pieces weighing over 500 pounds; includes cylinders,driving wheel centers and/or all other castings. (Freefrom hammer blocks or bases.)

(15) Cast Iron, No. 4.Burnt cast iron scrap, such as grate bars, stove partsand/or miscellaneous burnt scrap.

(16) Cast Iron Brake Shoes.Brakes shoes of all types except composition-filled shoes.

(17) Couplers and/or Knuckles.Railroad car and/or locomotive steel couplers, knucklesand/or locks stripped clean of all other attachments.

(18) Frogs and/or Switches, uncut.Steel frogs and switches that have not been cut apart,exclusive of manganese.

(18A) Railbound Manganese Frogs and Switch Points withmanganese inserts that have not been cut apart.

(23) Malleable.Malleable parts of automobiles, railroad cars, locomo-tive and/or miscellaneousmalleable castings.

(24) Melting Steel, Railroad No. 1.Clean wrought iron or steel scrap, 1/4 inch and over inthickness, not over 18 inches in width, and not over 5feet in length. May include pipe ends andmaterial 1/8inch to 1/4 inch in thickness, not over 15 inches x 15inches. Individual pieces cut so as to lie reasonably flatin charging box.

(27) Rail, Steel No. 1.Standard section tee rails, original weight 50 poundsper yard or heavier, 10 feet long and over. Suitable forrerolling into bars and shapes. Free from bent andtwisted rails, frog, switch, and guard rails, or rails withsplit heads and broken flanges. Continuous welded railmay be included provided no weld is over 9 inchesfrom the end of the piece of rail.

(28A) Rail, Steel No. 2 Cropped Rail Ends.Standard section, original weight of 50 pounds peryard and over, 18 inches long and under.

(28B) Rail, Steel No. 2 Cropped Rail Ends.Standard section, original weight of 50 pounds peryard and over, 2 feet long and under.

(28C) Rail, Steel No. 2 Cropped Rail Ends.Standard section, original weight 50 pounds per yardand over, 3 feet long and under.



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(29) Rail, Steel No. 3.Standard section tee, girder, and/or guard rails, to befree from frog and switch rails not cut apart, and con-tain nomanganese, cast, welds, or attachments of anykind except angle bars. Free from concrete, dirt, andforeignmaterial of any kind.

(30) Sheet Scrap, No. 1.Under 3/16 inch thick, may include hoops, band ironand/or steel, scoops and/or shovels (free of wood).Must be free from burnt or metal coatedmaterial,cushion, or other similar springs.

(31) Sheet Scrap, No. 2.Galvanized or tinnedmaterial and/or gas retorts,and/or any other iron or steel material not otherwiseclassified.

(32) Steel, Tool.(Specify kind in offering.)

(33) Steel, Manganese.All kinds of manganese, rail, guard rails, frogs and/orswitch points, cut or uncut.

(34) Steel, Spring.Coil and/or elliptical, minimum thickness 1/4 inch, maybe assembled or cut apart.

(34A) Steel, Spring.Coil only.

(35) Structural, Wrought Iron and/or Steel Uncut.All steel or steel mixed with iron from bridges, struc-tures and/or equipment that has not been cut apart,may include uncut bolsters, brakebeams, steel trucks,underframes, channel bars, steel bridge plates, frogand/or crossing plates and/or other steel of similarcharacter.

(36) Tires.All locomotive, not cut to specified lengths.

(38) Turnings. No. 1.Heavy turnings fromwrought iron and/or steel railroadaxles or heavy forgings and/or rail chips, to weigh notless than 75 pounds per cubic foot. Free from dirt orother foreignmaterial of any kind. Alloy steel scrapmay be excluded from these specifications bymutualagreement between buyer and seller.

(38A) Turnings, Drillings and/or Borings. No. 2.Cast, wrought, steel and/or malleable iron borings,turnings and/or drillings mixed with other metals.

(40) Wheels, No. 1.Cast iron car wheels.

(42) Wheels, No. 3.Solid cast steel, forged, pressed and/or rolled steel carand/or locomotive wheels, not over 42 inches diame-ter. (Specify kind in offering.)

(45) Destroyed Steel Cars.Bodies of steel cars cut apart sufficiently to load.(Specify kind.)

(45A) Destroyed Steel Car Sides and Box Car Roofs.Cut to amaximum length of... and amaximumwidthof... suitable for use in super presses and shears with-out additional preparation.

*Specifications in force as of publication date.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201120 Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap


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PreambleThese standards and practices apply to container glass culletfor purchase or sale in the United States and Canada. Transac-tions covering shipments to or from other countries may alsobe in accordance with these standards and practices andmaybemodified bymutual agreement between buyer and seller.These specifications are guidelines for buying and selling con-tainer glass cullet and always subject to the buyer and seller'sagreement.

Scrap Glass DefinitionsContainer Glass Cullet: crushed or whole scrap soda-lime-silicacontainer glass.

UnprocessedContainerGlassCullet: brokenorwhole scrapglasscontainers that complywith theproper ISRI glass specifications.

Processed (Furnace Ready) Container Glass Cullet: crushedand whole contaminate-free scrap container glass that com-plies with the proper ISRI glass specifications.

Organic Matter: consists of organic materials that are non-container glass items; for example, paper labels should notexceed 0.2%.

Ferrous Materials: aremagnetic metals, i.e. steel, iron, etc.,and thereforemust be removed during scrap glass processing.

Non-ferrous Materials: are non-magnetic metals, i.e. alu-minum, lead, copper, etc., and thereforemust be removed dur-ing glass processing.

The Purchase AgreementEach transaction covering the purchase or sale of containerglass cullet should be confirmed in writing and include agree-ment on the following items:

1. ProductWhere possible, each container glass cullet grade shall bespecified in accordance with the grade as defined.

2. QuantityWhere possible, the quantity shall always be specified in termsof a definite number of tons of 2,000 pounds each.

A. If the quantity is specified in tons, the order shall be consid-ered completed when aggregate shipments are 5% under orover the quantity ordered.

B. If the quantity is specified in carloads or truckloads, a “load”shall be defined as a truck, trailer, or railroad car loaded to fullvisible capacity not to exceed established legal weight limits.

3. PackagingIt should be stated whether shipped units are to be in boxes, orin bulk by railroad car, truck, or trailer. Where possible, approxi-mate weights should be specified.

4. Price UnitsThe price agreed upon shall be clearly stated in US dollars andcents per 2,000 pounds or in US dollars and cents per hundredweight.

5. TermsTerms shall be “net cash 30 days after date of shipment”unless otherwise agreed upon.

ArbitrationIn the event of a total disagreement between buyer and seller,the dispute should be submitted to ISRI arbitration.

In all cases, the cost of arbitration shall be borne by the partyfound to be at fault, or split in the event of compromise, asdetermined by the arbitrators.


Composition: Soda-lime-silica beverage or food container glass.

Cullet Colors Segregation: Flint CulletFlint 95-100%Amber 0-5%Green 0-5%Other Colors 0-5%

Size: Cullet may be broken but not pulverized.

Moisture: Cullet should be free of excess moisture.

Contaminant Listings:OutthrowMaterials:Normal container labels; ring andmetalclosures where processing capabilities permit.

Prohibitive Materials:Non-acceptable items include non-con-tainer glass (vision ware, light bulbs, crystal, windows, mirrors,drinking glasses, ceramic, milk glass, etc.) metals, ores, miner-als, bricks, clay, grinding and refractory materials, rocks, clayand ceramic closures.

General: The quality of the unprocessed flint container glasscullet must be such that after beneficiation with a convention-al container glass cullet processor it will be suitable for the pro-duction of glass containers.


Composition: Soda-lime-silica beverage or food container glass.

Cullet Colors Segregation: Amber CulletAmber 90-100%Flint 0-5%Green 0-5%Other Colors 0-5%

Size: Cullet may be broken but not pulverized.

Moisture: Cullet should be free of excess moisture.

Contaminant Listings:OutthrowMaterials:Normal container labels; ring andmetalclosures where processing capabilities permit.

Prohibitive Materials:Non-acceptable items include non-con-tainer glass (vision ware, light bulbs, crystal, windows, mirrors,drinking glasses, ceramic, milk glass, etc.) metals, ores, miner-als, bricks, clay, grinding and refractory materials, rocks, clayand ceramic closures.


Guidelines for Glass Cullet: GC-2009Container Glass Cullet Specifications

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General: The quality of the unprocessed amber container glasscullet must be such that after beneficiation with a convention-al container glass cullet processor it will be suitable for the pro-duction of glass containers.


Composition: soda-lime-silica beverage or food container glass.

Cullet Colors Segregation: Green CulletGreen 90-100%Flint 0-10%Amber 0-10%Other Colors 0-5%

Size: Cullet may be broken but not pulverized.

Moisture: Cullet should be free of excess moisture.

Contaminant Listings:OutthrowMaterials:Normal container labels; ring andmetalclosures where processing capabilities permit.

Prohibitive Materials:Non-acceptable items include non-con-tainer glass (vision ware, light bulbs, crystal, windows, mirrors,drinking glasses, ceramic, milk glass, etc:) metals, ores, miner-als, bricks, clay, grinding and refractorymaterials, rocks, clayand ceramic closures.

General: The quality of the unprocessed green container glasscullet must be such that after beneficiation with a convention-al container glass cullet processor it will be suitable for the pro-duction of glass containers.


Composition: Soda-lime-silica container glass.

Container Glass Cullet Colors Segregation: Flint CulletFlint 95-100%Amber 0-5%Green 0-1%Other Colors 0-.5%Total NON-Flint Cullet = <5%

Size:Various sizes fromwhole glass containers to -100Mesh.However, the ideal material size is 3/8" to 3/4" with a 10%mini-mum of fine particles. Material size is based upon buyer andseller's agreement.

Contaminant Listings:OutthrowMaterials:Organic Matter, allowable percentagebased upon buyer and seller's agreement.

Prohibitive Materials:Ferrous Metals

Nonferrous Metals

Ceramics (such as cups, saucers, dinnerware, pottery, etc.)

Other Glass (for example, plate window glass, heat-resist-ant glass—such as Pyrex—and lead-based glass—such ascrystal ware, television tubes, vision ware, etc.)

Other Materials (such as bricks, rocks, etc.)


Composition: Soda-lime-silica container glass

Container Glass Cullet Colors Segregation: Amber CulletAmber 90-100%Flint 0-10%Green 0-10%Other Colors 0-5%Total NON-Amber Cullet= <10%

Size: Various sizes fromwhole glass containers to -100Mesh.However, the ideal material size is 3/8" to 3/4" with a 10%mini-mum of fine particles. Material size is based upon buyer andseller's agreement.

Contaminant Listings:OutthrowMaterials:Organic Matter, allowable percentagebased upon buyer and seller's agreement.

Prohibitive Materials:Ferrous Metals

Nonferrous Metals

Ceramics (such as cups, saucers, dinnerware, pottery, etc.)

Other Glass (for example, plate window glass, heat-resist-ant glass—such as Pyrex—and lead-based glass—such ascrystal ware, television tubes, vision ware, etc.)

Other Materials (such as bricks, rocks, etc.)


Composition: Soda-lime-silica container glass

Container Glass Cullet Colors Segregation: Green CulletGreen 70-100%Flint 0-15%Amber 0-15%Other Colors 0-10%Total NON-Green Cullet= <30%

The color green typically consists of a variety of shades,for example: emerald green or lime green.

Size: Various sizes fromwhole glass containers to -100Mesh.However, the ideal material size is 3/8" to 3/4" with a 10%mini-mum of fine particles. Material size is based upon buyer andseller's agreement.

Contaminant Listings:OutthrowMaterials:Organic Matter, allowable percentagebased upon buyer and seller's agreement.

Prohibitive Materials:Ferrous Metals

Nonferrous Metals

Ceramics (such as cups, saucers, dinnerware, pottery, etc.)

Other Glass (for example, plate window glass, heat-resist-ant glass—such as Pyrex—and lead based glass—such ascrystal ware, television tubes, vision ware, etc.)

Other Materials (such as bricks, rocks, etc.)

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201122 Guidelines for Glass Cullet

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PreambleThese standards and practices apply to paper stock for repulp-ing only and are for use in the United States, Canada, and Mex-ico. Transactions may bemodified bymutual agreementbetween Buyer and Seller.

Basic to the Success of any Buyer-SellerRelationship is an Atmosphere of “Good Faith.”In keeping with this, the following principles have been estab-lished:

1. Seller must use due diligence to ascertain that shipmentsconsist of properly packed paper stock and that shipmentsaremade during the period specified.

2. Arbitrary deductions, cancellations and/or rejections bythe Buyer are counter to acceptable good trade practices.

3. Seller shall provide the quality of paper stock agreed uponbut shall not be responsible for the use of the paper stockor of themanufactured product.

I. The Purchase AgreementEach transaction covering the purchase or sale of paper stockshall be confirmed in writing and include agreement on the fol-lowing items:

1. QuantityWhere possible, the quantity shall always be specified interms of a definite number of short tons of 2,000 lbs. eachor metric tonnes of 2,204.6 pounds each.

a. When the quantity is specified in tons or tonnes, theorder shall be considered completed when aggregateshipments are 5% under or over the quantity ordered.

b. When the quantity is specified in carloads or truck-loads, a “load” shall be defined as a truck, trailer, orrailcar loaded in accordance with the ISRI/AF&PAShipping Guide.

c. The Buyer and Seller may establish minimum carloadand/or truckload weights.

2. GradesWhere possible, each grade purchased shall be specified inaccordance with the grade as defined in SECTIONVI herein.

3. PackingUnit type, i.e.: bales, skids, rolls, pallets, boxes, securely tiedbundles or loose should be specified.

4. Pricing and TermsThe agreed price and payment terms shall be clearly stat-ed.

5. Shipping TermsShipping terms shall be indicated with the use of phrasessuch as “f.o.b. shipping point” or “f.o.b. delivered.”

6. Shipping InstructionsShipping instructions should clearly specify shippingschedule, route, carrier and destination.

7. Shipping PeriodThe shipping period shall be understood to be within thesame calendar month of the date of the order unless oth-erwise specified.

II. Fulfillment by the SellerThe practice of the Seller shall be in accordance with the fol-lowing:

1. AcceptanceAll orders shall be confirmed in writing.

2. GradingPaper stock sold under the grade names appearing inSECTION VI shall conform to those grading definitions.

3. BalingEach bale must be secured with a sufficient number ofbale ties drawn tight to ensure a satisfactory delivery.

4. TareIf agreed to by the Buyer, sides and headers may be usedtomake a satisfactory delivery of the bales but must notbe excessive. The weight of skids, Gaylord boxes and othersimilar materials shall be deducted from the gross invoiceweight.

5. LoadingPaper stock shall be loaded as follows:

a. Before they are loaded, railcars and trucks shall befree from objectionable materials and odors, and shallhave sound floors and doors.

b. All loads should consist entirely of one grade of paperstock unless otherwise agreed to. When two or moregrades are included in the same load, units of eachgrade should be kept together in a separate part of therailcar or truck.

c. Paper stockmust be loaded in amanner that will mini-mize shifting and breakage. Excessive breakage due toimproper loading can be cause for rejection.

d. Paper stock shall be loaded in accordance with indus-try safety best practices.

Please refer to the following guide for valuable safetyinformation:

6. Shipping Notice/Bill of LadingShipping by TruckA bill of lading or shipping notice shall accompany eachshipment to the Buyer and should include the following:

a. Date of shipment

b. Release number (if applicable)


Guidelines for Paper Stock: PS-2009—Domestic TransactionsPaper Stock: Domestic Transactions

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c. Number of bales/rolls

d. Grade of paper

e. Name of trucking company, trailer number and driver’ssignature

f. Shipper’s signature

Shipping by RailWhen shipping by railcar, a bill of lading with shippinginstructions shall be provided to the railroad and to theBuyer immediately upon release of the railcar and thesedocuments should include the following:

a. Date of shipment

b. Release number (if applicable)

c. Number of bales/rolls

d. Grade of paper

e. Car number

f. Weighing instructions

g. Routing

h. Destination

i. Shipper’s signature

7. InvoicingInvoices, if required, should conform to instructions on theorder and include the following data:

a. Date of shipment

b. Railcar or truck number

c. Customer’s order number

d. Release Number (if applicable)

e. Shipper’s invoice number

f. FOB point

g. Number of units (bales, rolls, skids etc.)

h. Weight and grade

i. Price and extension

j. Payment terms

8. RejectionWhen notified of a rejection, the Seller must, within twobusiness days, advise the Buyer as to which of the follow-ing procedures the Seller has decided upon:

a. Agree with the Buyer to a compromise acceptance andsettlement.

b. Inspect the quality of the rejectedmaterial. Theinspection and final disposition by the Seller shall takeplace within three business days of the notification. Bymutual agreement, this time limit may be exceeded.

c. Order reshipment of thematerial.

d. Request that the Buyer agree to submit the rejectedshipment to arbitration.

Ill. Fulfillment by the BuyerThe practice of the Buyer shall be in accordance with the fol-lowing:

Upon receipt of the shipment, the Buyer is to make all possibleeffort to inspect the contents while it is still loaded.

a. Acceptable Loads (i.e. quality of paper stock, weight,bale integrity, moisture, order quantity, etc.)

� if the shipment appears to be in accordance withthe order, the shipping notice and other parame-ters as established between the Buyer and theSeller, the Buyer shall proceed with the unloadingand shall provide the Seller with the receivingweights within three business days of unloading.

b. Unacceptable Loads (i.e. quality of paper stock,weight, bale integrity, moisture, order quantity, etc.)

� if the shipment does not appear to be in accor-dance with the order, the shipping notice or anyother parameters as established between the Buy-er and the Seller, the Buyer shall immediately noti-fy the Seller.

� the Buyer shall set aside any portion of the ship-ment that is controversial and take reasonablecare to protect that paper stock from any externaldeterioration or contamination until the final dis-position of that shipment is determined.

Buyer has 21 days to downgrade or reject� if the Buyer, at any time with21 calendar days

after receipt of a shipment, finds objectionablematerials heretofore not visible, the Buyer shallhave the right to downgrade or reject the paperstock and shall immediately notify the Seller. TheSeller will then determine the final disposition ofthe shipment.

� in the event of a rejection, the Buyer shall beresponsible for any paper stock used by the Buyer,and the attendant freight, other than such quanti-ty as may be considered reasonable for laboratorysampling or testing purposes.

IV. Miscellaneous Practices1. Ownership

a. When the shipment is purchased “f.o.b. shipping point”and is in accordance with the agreement covering thetransaction, it becomes the property of the Buyerwhen loaded.

b. When the shipment is purchased on a “delivered” basisand is in accordance with the agreement covering thetransaction, it remains the property of the Seller untilit is delivered to the Buyer.

c. If the shipment is purchased on an “f.o.b. shippingpoint-specified freight allowed” basis and is in accor-dance with the agreement covering the transaction, itbecomes the property of the Buyer when loaded onthe transportation vehicle.

2. Carrier Selectiona. F.O.B. Shipping Point. Selection of the carrier is at the

discretion of the Buyer unless otherwise agreed.

b. F.O.B. Delivered. Selection of the carrier is at the dis-cretion of the Seller unless otherwise agreed.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201124 Paper Stock Domestic Transactions

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c. Any excess freight charges accruing on a shipmentdue to the failure to the Seller to adhere to the pur-chase agreement is the liability of the Seller.

d. Any excess freight charges accruing on a shipmentdue to the failure of the Buyer to adhere to the pur-chase agreement is the liability of the Buyer.

3. Weight DiscrepanciesNo adjustments shall be made on any shipment of paperstock when the weight variation is 1% or less.

If the variation exceeds 1% the Seller may initiate aWeightReview by submitting a certified scale weight (showing thegross, tare and net of the load) and/or a loading tally show-ing individual bale weights. The Buyer shall then reviewthe data and either:

a. adjust the received weight, or

b. decline the appeal, in which case the Buyer’s weightshall prevail.

4. Moisture contentAll paper must be packed air dry.

Where excess moisture is present in the shipment, theBuyer has the right to request an adjustment and if a set-tlement cannot be reached, the Buyer has the right toreject the shipment.

V. ArbitrationIn the event of a dispute where agreement cannot bereached between Buyer and Seller, the disputemay besubmitted to ISRI arbitration as long as one of the partiesis a member of the association. Refer to ISRI ArbitrationServices section of this document for further information.

VI. Grade DefinitionsThe definitions which follow describe grades as they should besorted and packed. CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TOTHE FACT THAT PAPER STOCK AS SUCH IS A SECONDARYMATERIAL PRODUCEDMANUALLY ANDMAYNOT BE TECH-NICALLY PERFECT. Definitions may not specifically address alltypes of processes used in themanufacture or recycling ofpaper products. Specific requirements should be discussedbetween Buyer and Seller during negotiations.

OutthrowsThe term “Outthrows” as used throughout this section isdefined as “all papers that are somanufactured or treated orare in such a form as to be unsuitable for consumption as thegrade specified.”

Prohibitive MaterialsThe term “Prohibitive Materials” as used throughout this sec-tion is defined as:

a. Anymaterials which by their presence in a packing ofpaper stock, in excess of the amount allowed, will make thepackaging unusable as the grade specified.

b. Anymaterials that may be damaging to equipment.

c. All sorted recovered paper stockmust be free of fooddebris, medical or hazardous wastes and poisonous orother harmful substances or liquids.

d. Wax is a Prohibitive unless accepted and pre-approved bythe Buyer.

Amaterial can be classified as an “Outthrow” in one grade andas a "Prohibitive Material" in another grade. Carbon paper, forinstance, is “UNSUITABLE” inMixed Paper and is, therefore,classified as an “Outthrow;” whereas it is “UNUSABLE” inWhiteLedger and in this case is classified as a “Prohibitive Material.”

Other Acceptable PapersThe term “Other Acceptable Papers” as used throughout thissection is defined as “all other papers that are deemed accept-able by the buyer and allowed in that buyer’s pack up to thepercentage allowed.”

Glossary of TermsA supplemental glossary of paper stock terms is located at theend of the Domestic Transactions section. The purpose of thislimited list of terms is to help the user better understand spe-cific grade definitions contained within this Circular.

(1) Residential Mixed PaperConsists of a mixture of various qualities of paper not limitedas to type of fiber content, normally generated from residen-tial, multi-material collection programs.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(2) Soft Mixed PaperConsists of a clean, sortedmixture of various qualities of papernot limited as to type of fiber content.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(3) Hard Mixed Paper (HMP)Consists of a clean, sortedmixture of various qualities of papercontaining less than 10% groundwood content.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%

(4) Boxboard CuttingsConsists of new cuttings of paperboard used in themanufac-ture of folding cartons, set-up boxes and similar boxboardproducts.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(5) Mill WrappersConsists of paper used as outside wrap for rolls, bundles, orskids of finished paper.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%

(6) Old NewspaperConsists of sorted newspapers and other acceptable papers astypically generated by voluntary collection and curbside collec-tion programs.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 4%Other acceptable papers may not exceed 30%


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(7) Regular News, De-ink Quality (#7 ONP)Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, and oth-er acceptable papers. This grademay contain magazines.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%Other acceptable papers may not exceed 20%

(8) Special News, De-ink Quality (#8 ONP)Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, and otheracceptable papers. This grade is to be relatively free frommaga-zines and contain notmore than the normal percentage ofrotogravure and colored sections.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%Other acceptable papers may not exceed 10%

(9) Over-Issue News (OI or OIN)Consists of unused, overrun newspapers printed on newsprint,containing not more than the normal percentage ofrotogravure and colored sections.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives None permitted

(10) Magazines (OMG)Consists of coatedmagazines, catalogues, and similar printedmaterials. May contain a small percentage of uncoated news-type paper.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%

(11) Corrugated Containers (OCC)Consists of corrugated containers having liners of either testliner, jute or kraft.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(12) Double-Sorted Corrugated (DS OCC)Consists of double-sorted corrugated containers, generatedfrom supermarkets and/or industrial or commercial facilities,having liners of test liner, jute, or kraft. Material has been spe-cially sorted to be free of boxboard, off-shore corrugated, plas-tic, and wax.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(13) New Double-Lined Kraft Corrugated Cuttings (DLK)Consists of new corrugated cuttings having liners of either testliner, jute, or kraft. Treatedmedium or liners, insoluble adhe-sives, butt rolls, slabbed or hoggedmedium, are not acceptablein this grade.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(14) Fiber CoresConsists of paper coresmade fromeither chipboard and/or liner-board, single or multiple plies. Metal or plastic end caps, woodplugs, and textile residues are not acceptable in this grade.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(15) Used Brown KraftConsists of brown kraft bags free of objectionable liners andoriginal contents.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(16) Mixed Kraft CuttingsConsists of new brown kraft cuttings, sheets and bag scrapfree of stitched paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed .1%

(17) Carrier StockConsists of printed or unprinted, unbleached new beverage car-rier sheets and cuttings. May contain wet strength additives.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(18) New Colored KraftConsists of new colored kraft cuttings, sheets and bag scrap,free of stitched papers.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(19) Grocery Bag Scrap (KGB)Consists of new brown kraft bag cuttings, sheets andmisprintbags.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(20) Kraft Multi-Wall Bag ScrapConsists of new brown kraft multi-wall bag cuttings, sheets,andmisprint bags, free of stitched papers.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(21) New Brown Kraft Envelope CuttingsConsists of new unprinted brown kraft envelopes, cuttings orsheets.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(22) Mixed Groundwood ShavingsConsists of trim of magazines, catalogs and similar printedmatter, not limited with respect to groundwood or coatedstock, andmay contain the bleed of cover and insert stock aswell as beater-dyed paper and solid color printing.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(23) Telephone DirectoriesConsists of clean telephone directories printed for or by tele-phone directory publishers.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2of 1%

(24) White Blank News (WBN)Consists of unprinted cuttings and sheets of white newsprintor other uncoated white groundwood paper of similar quality.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(25) Groundwood Computer Printout (GWCPO)Consists of groundwood papers which are used in formsmanu-factured for use in data processingmachines. This grademaycontain colored stripes and impact or nonimpact (e.g., laser)computer printing.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201126 Paper Stock Domestic Transactions

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(26) Publication Blanks (CPB)Consists of unprinted cuttings or sheets of white coated orfilled groundwood content paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(27) Flyleaf Shavings

Consists of trim frommagazines, catalogs and similarprintedmatter. May contain the bleed of cover and insertstock to amaximum of 10% dark colors. Beater-dyedpaper may not exceed 2%. Shavings of novel news ornewsprint gradesmay not be included in this grade.Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(28) Coated Soft White Shavings (SWS)Consists of unprinted, coated, and uncoated shavings andsheets of white groundwood-free printing paper. May contain asmall percentage of groundwood.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(29) (Grade not currently in use)

(30) Hard White Shavings (HWS)Consists of shavings or sheets of unprinted, untreated whitegroundwood-free paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(31) Hard White Envelope Cuttings (HWEC)Consists of groundwood-free cuttings, shavings, or sheets ofunprinted, untreated, and uncoated white envelope paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(32) (Grade not currently in use)

(33) New Colored Envelope CuttingsConsists of groundwood-free cuttings, shavings, or sheets ofuntreated, uncoated bleachable colored envelope paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(34) (Grade not currently in use)

(35) Semi Bleached CuttingsConsists of sheets and cuttings of unprinted, untreated,groundwood-free paper such as file folder stock, manila tabu-lating card trim, untreatedmilk carton stock, or manila tag.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(36) Unsorted Office Paper (UOP)

Consists of printed or unprinted paper typically generated inan office environment that may include a document destruc-tion process. This grademay contain white, colored, coatedand uncoated papers, manila and pastel colored file folders.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 10%

(37) Sorted Office Paper (SOP)

Consists of paper, as typically generated by offices, containingprimarily white and colored groundwood-free paper, free ofunbleached fiber. May include a small percentage of ground-wood computer printout and facsimile paper.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(38) (Grade not currently in use)

(39) Manifold Colored Ledger (MCL)Consists of sheets, shavings, and cuttings of industrially-generated printed or unprinted colored or white groundwood-free paper. All stockmust be uncoated and free of nonimpactprinting. A percentage of carbonless paper is allowable.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(40) Sorted White Ledger (SWL)Consists of uncoated, printed or unprinted sheets, shavings,guillotined books, and cuttings of white groundwood-freeledger, bond, writing, and other paper which has similar fiberand filler content.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(41) Manifold White Ledger (MWL)Consists of sheets, shavings, and cuttings of industrially-generated printed or unprinted white groundwood-free paper.All stock must be uncoated and free of nonimpact printing.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(42) Computer Printout (CPO)Consists of white groundwood-free paper in formsmanufac-tured for use in data processingmachines. This grademaycontain colored stripes and impact or non-impact (e.g. laser)computer printing, andmay contain nomore than 5% ground-wood in the pack. All stock must be untreated and uncoated.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(43) Coated Book Stock (CBS)Consists of coated groundwood-free paper, printed or unprint-ed in sheets, shavings, guillotined books and cuttings. A rea-sonable percentage of paper containing fine groundwoodmaybe included.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(44) Coated Groundwood Sections (CGS)Consists of printed, coated groundwood paper in sheets, sec-tions, shavings or guillotined books. This grademay notinclude news quality groundwood paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(45) Printed Bleached Board CuttingsConsists of groundwood-free printed bleached board cuttings,free frommisprint sheets, cartons, wax, greaseproof lamina-tion, gilt, and inks, adhesives or coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%


Page 28: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

(46) Misprinted Bleached BoardConsists of groundwood-freemisprint sheets and cartons ofbleached board, free fromwax, greaseproof lamination, gilt,and inks, adhesives or coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(47) Unprinted Bleached BoardConsists of groundwood-free unprinted, untreated bleachedboard cuttings, sheets or rolls, free fromwax, greaseproof lam-ination and adhesives or coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(48) #1 Bleached Cup Stock (#1 Cup)Consists of untreated cuttings or sheets of coated or uncoatedcup base stock. Cuttings with slight bleedmay be included.Must be free of wax, poly, and other coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(49) #2 Printed Bleached Cup Stock (#2 Cup)Consists of printed, untreated formed cups, cup die cuts, andmisprint sheets of coated or uncoated cup base stock. Gluesmust be water soluble. Must be free of wax, poly, and othercoatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(50) Unprinted Bleached Plate StockConsists of groundwood-free bleached coated or uncoated,untreated and unprinted plate cuttings and sheets.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(51) Printed Bleached Plate StockConsists of groundwood-free bleached coated or uncoated,untreated printed plates and sheets. Must be free of coatingsor inks that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(52) Aseptic Packaging and Gable-Top CartonsConsists of liquid packaging board containers including empty,used, polyethylene (PE)-coated, printed one-side aseptic andgable-top cartons containing no less than 70% bleachedchemical fiber andmay contain up to 6% aluminum foil and24%PE film.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

Specialty GradesThe grades listed below are produced and traded in carloadand truckload quantities throughout the United States, andbecause of certain characteristics (i.e., the presence of wetstrength, polycoatings, plastic, foil, carbon paper, hot meltglue), are not included in the regular grades of paper stock.However, it is recognized that manymills have special equip-ment and are able to utilize large quantities of these grades.Sincemany paper mills around the world do use these special-ty grades, they are being listed with appropriate grade num-bers for easy reference.

The Paper Stock Industries Chapter of ISRI is not establishingspecific specifications, which would refer to such factors as thetype of wet strength agent used, the percentage of wax, theamount of polycoating, whether it is on top of or under theprinting, etc. The specification for each grade should be deter-mined between Buyer and Seller, and it is recommended thatpurchase bemade based on sample.

These specialty grades are as follows:

1—S White Waxed Cup Cuttings2—S PrintedWaxed Cup Cuttings3—S Plastic Coated Cups4—S Polycoated Bleached Kraft—Unprinted5—S Polycoated Bleached Kraft—Printed6—S Polycoated Milk Carton Stock7—S Polycoated Diaper Stock8—S Polycoated Boxboard Cuttings9—S Waxed Boxboard Cuttings10—S Printed and/or Unprinted Bleached

Sulphate Containing Foil11—S Waxed Corrugated Cuttings12—S Wet Strength Corrugated Cuttings13—S Asphalt Laminated Corrugated Cuttings14—S Beer Carton Scrap15—S Contaminated Bag Scrap16—S Insoluble Glued Free Sheet Paper and/or Board (IGS)17—S White Wet Strength Scrap18—S BrownWet Strength Scrap19—S Printed and/or ColoredWet Strength Scrap20—S File Stock21—S New Computer Print Out22—S RuledWhite23—S Flyleaf Shavings Containing Hot Melt Glue24—S CarbonMix25—S Books with Covers26—S Unsorted Tabulating Cards27—S Colored Tabulating Cards28—S Carbonless Treated Ledger29—S (Not currently in use)30—S Plastic Windowed Envelopes31—S Textile Boxes32—S Printed TMP33—S Unprinted TMP34—S Manila Tabulating Cards35—S Sorted Colored Ledger

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Glossary of Paper Stock Terms for BothDomestic and Export TransactionsThe following is a glossary of paper stock terms used withinsection VI, Grade Definitions, of the Guidelines for Paper Stockfor both Domestic and Export Transactions. These terms arenot intended as a dictionary, but as a guide to help the Circularuser better understand specific grade definitions as used in therecovered paper industry.

ADHESIVES: Bonding substances that are non-water solubleare considered contaminants in pulp subs, groundwood anddeinking grades.

BEATER-DYED: Paper dyed or colored during the paper man-ufacturing process.

BLEACHED: Paper that has been whitened by chemicals.

BOARDS: Paperboard 0.006 inch or thicker.

BOGUS: Paper of inferior quality to a standard grade.

BOXBOARD: Paperboardmade from a variety of recoveredfibers having sufficient folding properties and thickness to beused tomanufacture folding or set-up boxes.

CHEMICALWOOD-FIBER PULP: Generic for cellulose fiberisolated and purified by a chemical digestive process.

CHIPBOARD:Uncoated, non-folding paperboardmade from avariety of recovered papers, having sufficient strength andstructural properties to be used tomanufacture game boards,book covers, notebook backing and similar products.

COATINGS: A layer of adhesives, clays, varnish or any barrierapplied to paper.

CONTAINERBOARD: Linerboard and corrugatedmediumused tomanufacture shipping containers.

CORES: Paper tubes on which rolls of paper may be wound forshipment.

CORRUGATED CONTAINERS: Shipping containers madewith kraft paper linerboard and corrugatedmedium.

CUTTINGS: Paper stock by-product of paper converting oper-ations.

FILLER/FILLED: Denotes papers that haveminerals (clays orother pigments) added for improving quality or color.

FLYLEAF/SHAVINGS: Trim scrap from printing operations.

FREESHEET: Paper that contains less than 10% groundwoodfiber (synonym: groundwood-free).

GROUNDWOOD: Paper made with fibers produced withoutchemical pulping.

GILT:Metallic (gold or silver) inks used in printing.

HOGGED: Paper that has beenmechanically torn or ripped toreduce its original size.

HOT-MELT: A type of glue or adhesive applied whilehot/warm. Considered a contaminant in some grades.

IMPACT (PRINTING):A paper printing process that physicallyapplies ink to the paper surface.

INSOLUABLE GLUES: Glues that won’t dissolve (break down)in water.

JUTE: Strong, long-fibered pulp made from hemp.

KRAFT: Paper made from sulfate pulp (synonyms: brown andstrong).

LAMINATED: Paper manufactured by fusing one or more lay-ers of paper together.

LINERBOARD:Outside layers of a combination board used tomanufacture corrugated shipping containers.

MANIFOLD:May denote continuous forms or business formswith several parts (may be interleaved with carbon paper or becarbonless papers).

MEDIUM: The inner corrugated flutedmaterial used tomanu-facture corrugated shipping containers.

NON-IMPACT: Papers having printing images formed withoutimpact.

OFF-SHORE/ASIAN: Denotes corrugated shipping containersmanufactured overseas and containing bogus liners or medi-um. (Color is somewhat lighter/more yellow than North Ameri-can producedmaterials).

PAPERBOARD: Denotes paper products used for packaging(corrugated boxes, folding cartons, set-up boxes, etc.).

ROTOGRAVURE: A paper printing (intaglio) process typicallyused to create the highest quality of smoothness on coatedand uncoated papers. Excess quantities are considered an out-throw in grades #7, #8, and #9.

SECTIONS:Unbound, unused printedmaterial with full inkcoverage.

SHAVINGS: Trim from converting and bindery operations.

SIGNATURES:A section of book obtained by folding a singlesheet of printing paper.

SLABBED: Type of paper stock normally generated by cuttingrolls.

SULFITE: Papers and boards made from pulps made from anacid process.

SULPHATE: Papers and boardsmade from alkaline processedpulps.

TEST LINER: Liners, which are the outer ply of any kind ofpaperboard, containing 100% recycledmaterial.

TMP: Thermomechanical pulp.

TREATED: Paper manufactured with additives.

TRIM: Cuttings of paper stock generated at converting orbindery operations which normally have little or no printing.

ULTRA-VIOLET (UV) INKS/COATINGS: Papers having inksor coatings dried by utilizing an ultraviolet radiationmethod.Considered a contaminant in deinking grades.

WET STRENGTH: Papers that have been treated with amoisture-resistant chemical that inhibits pulping.


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PreambleThese standards and practices apply to paper stock for repulp-ing only and are for use in export transactions from the UnitedStates, Canada andMexico. Transactionsmay bemodified bymutual agreement between Buyer and Seller.

Basic to the success of any Buyer-Seller relationship is anatmosphere of “good faith.”

In keeping with this, the following principles have beenestablished:

1. Seller must use due diligence to ascertain that shipmentsconsist of properly packed paper stock and that shipmentsaremade during the period specified.

2. Arbitrary deductions, cancellations and rejections by theBuyer are counter to acceptable good trade practice.

3. Seller shall deliver the quality of paper stock agreed uponbut shall not be responsible for the use of the paper or forthemanufactured product.

I. The Purchase AgreementEach transaction covering the purchase or sale of paper stockshould be confirmed in writing and include agreement on thefollowing items:

1. QuantityWhere possible, the quantity shall always be specified interms of a definite number of metric tons of 2,204.6pounds each, or short tons of 2,000 pounds each.

a. When the quantity is specified in tons or tonnes, theorder shall be considered completed when aggregateshipments are 5% under or over the quantity ordered.

b. The Buyer and Seller shall establish minimum contain-er-load weights.

2. GradesWhere possible, each grade purchased shall be specified inaccordance with the grade as defined in the latest PaperStock Industries Chapter Standards and Practices Circular.Any deviation from the grades listed in the simplified Cir-cular should be specified and agreed to by both parties.

3. PackingUnit type, i.e. bales, skids, rolls, pallets, boxes, or bundlesshould be specified.

4. Pricing and TermsThe agreed price and payment terms shall be clearly stat-ed.

5. Shipping TermsShipping terms shall be indicated with the use of acronymssuch as: “F.A.S.,” “C&F,” “C.I.F.” or “CY.”

6. Shipping InstructionsShipping instructions should be provided by the Buyer atthe time of the order. Information should include: con-signee, notify party, documentation, and inspectionrequirements. Insurance and freight payment informationshould bemutually agreed upon.

7. Shipping PeriodThe shipping period shall be mutually agreed upon by theBuyer and the Seller.

8. Method of InvoicingInvoicing instructions shall be clearly stated.

II. Fulfillment by the SellerPractices of the Seller shall be in accordance with the follow-ing:

1. AcceptanceAll orders shall be confirmed in writing.

2. GradingPaper stock which is sold under the grade names appear-ing in the PSI Standards and Practices Circular shall con-form to those grading definitions.

3. PackingEach unit must be sufficiently secured to ensure a satisfac-tory delivery.

4. TareIf agreed to by the Buyer, sides and headers may be usedtomake a satisfactory delivery of the bales but must notbe excessive. The weight of the skids and other similarmaterials shall be deducted from a gross invoice weight.

5. LoadingPaper stock shall be loaded as follows:

a. All loads shall consist entirely of one grade of paperstock unless otherwise agreed to. When two or moregrades are included in the same shipment, units ofeach grade shall be kept together in a separate part ofthe container.

b. Paper stockmust be loaded in amanner that will mini-mize shifting and breakage. Excessive breakage priorto unloadingmay be cause for a claim.

6. Shipping NoticeA packing list, shipping advice and/or an invoice shall besent to the Buyer within 72 hours of the vessel sailing.

7. InvoicingInvoicing should conform to the instructions on the orderand include the following data:

a. Date of Shipment

b. Container Number

c. Steamship Line, Vessel, Voyage Number


Guidelines for Paper Stock: PS-2009—Export TransactionsPaper Stock: Export Transactions

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d. Bill of Lading Number

e. Customer’s Order Number

f. Shipper’s Invoice Number

g. Number of Units etc.

h. Weight and Grade

i. Price and Extension

j. Payment Terms

8. ClaimsWhen notified of a claim, the Seller must, within five busi-ness days, advise the Buyer as to which of the followingprocedures the Seller has decided upon:

a. Agree with the Buyer to a compromise acceptance andsettlement.

b. Require the opportunity to inspect the quality of thematerial in question.

c. Request that the Buyer agree to submit the claim toarbitration.

Ill. Fulfillment by the BuyerThe practice of the Buyer shall be in accordance with thefollowing:

1. UnloadingAfter arrival of the shipment, the Buyer is to inspect thecontents so far as possible while it is still loaded.

If the shipment appears to be in accordance with the orderand shipping notice, the Buyer shall proceed with theunloading.

If the shipment does not appear to be in accordance withthe order and shipping notices, or if the quality of the stockis not in accordance with specifications agreed to, the Buy-er shall immediately notify the Seller before unloading.

If during the process of unloading, any portion of the ship-ment not visible in the original inspection is not in accor-dancewith specifications, shipping notice and order, thatportion shall be set aside and the Seller immediately noti-fied.

If at any timewithin 21 days after receipt of shipment, theBuyer, upon opening the bales finds objectionablematerialsheretofore not visible, he shall immediately notify the Seller

In the event of any claim, the Buyer shall use due diligenceto protect all controversial paper stock from external dete-rioration or contamination.

2. Claims Other Than QualityThe Buyer shall within 10 days of unloading notify the Sell-er of any necessary changes and shall furnish detailedinformation with regard to these changes.

3. RejectionIn the event of a rejection, the Buyer shall be responsiblefor any paper stock used by the Buyer and the freightthereon, other than such quantity as may be consideredreasonable for laboratory sampling or testing purposes.The Buyer must protect the shipment fromweather or anyother elements until the claim is settled.

IV. Miscellaneous Practices1. Ownership

If the shipment is purchased on a “delivered destination”basis, and is in accordance with the agreement coveringthe transaction, it remains the property of the Seller untilit is delivered to the Buyer by carrier.

2. Demurrage Chargesa. Any demurrage accrued on a shipment due to the fail-

ure of the Seller to ship in accordancewith the order,except with respect to quality, is the liability of the Sell-er.

b. In the event that a rejection for quality stands, anydemurrage accruing on the shipment prior to notifica-tion to the Seller shall be the Buyer’s liability.

c. In the event that negotiation of substantiated rejectionfor quality results in agreement by the Buyer to acceptthe shipment, then only the demurrage, following noti-fication of the rejection—and including 24 hours afterthe agreement—becomes the liability of the Seller.Demurrage accruing prior to and including the day ofnotification becomes the liability of the Buyer.

3. Switching and Freight chargesAny extra switching or excess freight charges accruing ona shipment due to the failure of the Seller to protect theagreed uponminimum rate or to ship in accordance withthe agreement is the liability of the Seller.

4. Weight DiscrepanciesNo debits, credits or adjustments shall be issued on anyshipment of paper stock when the weight variation is 2%or less.

In the event that a discrepancy exceeds thosementionedabove as “allowable;” the Buyer and Seller shall exchangecopies of certified weight in containers. In the event thatboth parties have such records, and errors cannot bedetermined, it is recommended that the weight closest tothe public carrier's scale weight shall be assumed to becorrect, Buyer and Seller should agree on the location ofthe public carrier's scale prior to shipment. In the absenceof such records on the part of one of the parties, therecords of the other party shall govern.

5. Moisture ContentAll paper stockmust be packed air dry. Amoisture contentof 12% is deemed to be air dry.

Where excess moisture is present in the shipment, theBuyer has the right to request an adjustment. Wheneverpossible, such adjustment shall be made on an average airdry basis.

6. Replacement of ShipmentIn the event that any shipment is rejected due to quality:

Whether or not the shipment is to be replaced is to bedecided bymutual agreement between Buyer and Seller.

7. Promptness of Shipmenta. In the event that Buyer causes shipment to be


On instructions of the Buyer, the Seller shall have theoption of extending the time limit of the order by thesame number of days of the postponement, or of can-


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celing that portion of the order on which shipment waspostponed. Seller shall promptly notify Buyer of optionselected.

b. In the event that Buyer causes shipment to bepostponed:

On instructions of the Seller, the Buyer shall have theoption of extending the time limit of the order by thesame number of days of the postponement, or of can-celing that portion of the order on which shipment waspostponed. Buyer shall promptly notify Seller of optionselected.

8. OutthrowsOutthrows shall be understood to be all papers that are somanufactured or treated or are in such form as to beunsuitable for consumption as the grade specified.

9. Prohibitive Materialsa. Anymaterials which, by their presence in a packing of

paper stock, in excess of the amount allowed, makethe packing unusable as the grade specified.

b. Anymaterials which, by their presence in a package ofpaper stock, pose a risk of damage to the equipment.

Note: In connection with Items 8 and 9, a material canbe classified as an “Outthrow” in one grade and as a“Prohibitive Material” in another grade. Carbon paper,for instance, is “UNSUITABLE” in Mixed Paper and is,therefore, classified as an “Outthrow”; whereas it is“UNUSABLE” in White Ledger and in this case classi-fied as a “Prohibitive Material.”

V. ArbitrationIn the event of a total disagreement between Buyer and Seller,the dispute should be submitted to ISRI arbitration.

In all cases, the cost of arbitration shall be borne by the partyfound to be at fault, or split in the event of compromise, asdetermined by the arbitrators.

VI. Grade DefinitionsThe definitions which follow describe grades as they should besorted and packed. CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TOTHE FACT THAT PAPER STOCK AS SUCH IS A SECONDARYMATERIAL PRODUCEDMANUALLY ANDMAYNOT BE TECH-NICALLY PERFECT. Definitions may not specifically address alltypes of processes used in themanufacture or recycling ofpaper products. Specific requirements should be discussedbetween Buyer and Seller during negotiations.

OutthrowsThe term “Outthrows” as used throughout this section isdefined as “all papers that are somanufactured or treated orare in such a form as to be unsuitable for consumption as thegrade specified.”

Prohibitive MaterialsThe term “Prohibitive Materials” as used throughout this sec-tion is defined as:

a. Anymaterials which by their presence in a packing ofpaper stock, in excess of the amount allowed, will make thepackaging unusable as the grade specified.

b. Anymaterials that may be damaging to equipment.

Amaterial can be classified as an “Outthrow” in one gradeand as a “Prohibitive Material” in another grade. Carbonpaper, for instance, is “UNSUITABLE” in Mixed Paper andis, therefore, classified as an “Outthrow”; whereas it is“UNUSABLE” in White Ledger and in this case is classifiedas a “Prohibitive Material.”

Other Acceptable PapersThe term “Other Acceptable Papers” as used throughout thissection is defined as “all other papers that are deemed accept-able by the buyer and allowed in that buyer’s pack up to thepercentage allowed.”

Glossary of TermsA supplemental glossary of paper stock terms is located at theend of the Domestic Transactions section. The purpose of thislimited list of terms is to help the user better understand spe-cific grade definitions contained within this Circular.

(1) Residential Mixed PaperConsists of a mixture of various qualities of paper not limitedas to type of fiber content, normally generated from residen-tial, multi-material collection programs.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(2) Soft Mixed PaperConsists of a clean, sortedmixture of various qualities of papernot limited as to type of fiber content.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(3) Hard Mixed Paper (HMP)Consists of a clean, sortedmixture of various qualities of papercontaining less than 10% groundwood content.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%

(4) Boxboard CuttingsConsists of new cuttings of paperboard used in themanufac-ture of folding cartons, set-up boxes, and similar boxboardproducts.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(5) Mill WrappersConsists of paper used as outside wrap for rolls, bundles, orskids of finished paper.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%

(6) Old NewspaperConsists of sorted newspapers and other acceptable papers astypically generated by voluntary collection and curbside collec-tion programs.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 4%Other acceptable papers may not exceed 30%

(7) Regular News, De-ink Quality (#7 ONP)Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, and oth-er acceptable papers. This grademay contain magazines.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%Other acceptable papers may not exceed 20%

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(8) Special News, De-ink Quality (#8 ONP)Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, and otheracceptable papers. This grade is to be relatively free frommaga-zines and contain notmore than the normal percentage ofrotogravure and colored sections.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%Other acceptable papers may not exceed 10%

(9) Over-Issue News (OI or OIN)Consists of unused, overrun newspapers printed on newsprint,or securely tied in bundles, containing not more than the nor-mal percentage of rotogravure and colored sections.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives None permitted

(10) Magazines (OMG)Consists of coatedmagazines, catalogues, and similar printedmaterials. May contain a small percentage of uncoated news-type paper.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 3%

(11) Corrugated Containers (OCC)Consists of corrugated containers having liners of either testliner, jute, or kraft.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(12) Double Sorted Corrugated (DS OCC)Consists of double sorted corrugated containers, generatedfrom supermarkets and/or industrial or commercial facilities,having liners of test liner, jute, or kraft. Material has been spe-cially sorted to be free of boxboard, off-shore corrugated, plas-tic, and wax.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(13) New Double-Lined Kraft Corrugated Cuttings (DLK)Consists of new corrugated cuttings having liners of either testliner, jute, or kraft. Treatedmedium or liners, insoluble adhe-sives, butt rolls, slabbed or hoggedmedium, are not acceptablein this grade.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(14) Fiber CoresConsists of paper coresmade from either chipboard and/orlinerboard, single ormultiple plies. Metal or plastic end caps,wood plugs, and textile residues are not acceptable in this grade

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(15) Used Brown KraftConsists of used brown kraft bags free of objectionable linersand original contents.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(16) Mixed Kraft CuttingsConsists of new brown kraft cuttings, sheets and bag scrapfree of stitched paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(17) Carrier StockConsists of printed or unprinted, unbleached new beverage car-rier sheets and cuttings. May contain wet strength additives.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(18) New Colored KraftConsists of new colored kraft cuttings, sheets and bag scrap,free of stitched papers.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(19) Grocery Bag Scrap (KGB)Consists of new brown kraft bag cuttings, sheets andmisprintbags.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(20) Kraft Multi-Wall Bag ScrapConsists of new brown kraft multi-wall bag cuttings, sheets,andmisprint bags, free of stitched papers.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(21) New Brown Kraft Envelope CuttingsConsists of new unprinted brown kraft envelopes, cuttings orsheets.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(22) Mixed Groundwood ShavingsConsists of trim of magazines, catalogs and similar printedmatter, not limited with respect to groundwood or coatedstock, andmay contain the bleed of cover and insert stock aswell as beater-dyed paper and solid color printing.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(23) Telephone DirectoriesConsists of clean telephone directories printed for or by tele-phone directory publishers.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(24) White Blank News (WBN)Consists of unprinted cuttings and sheets of white newsprintor other uncoated white groundwood paper of similar quality.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(25) Groundwood Computer Printout (GWCPO)Consists of groundwood papers which are used in formsmanu-factured for use in data processingmachines. This grademaycontain colored stripes and impact or nonimpact (e.g., laser)computer printing.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(26) Publication Blanks (CPB)Consists of unprinted cuttings or sheets of white coated orfilled groundwood content paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%


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(27) Flyleaf ShavingsConsists of trim frommagazines, catalogs and similar printedmatter. May contain the bleed of cover and insert stock to amaximum of 10% dark colors. Beater-dyed paper may notexceed 2%. Shavings of novel news or newsprint gradesmaynot be included in this grade.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(28) Coated Soft White Shavings (SWS)Consists of unprinted, coated, and uncoated, shavings andsheets of white groundwood-free printing paper. May contain asmall percentage of groundwood.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(29) (Grade not currently in use)

(30) Hard White Shavings (HWS)Consists of shavings or sheets of unprinted, untreated whitegroundwood-free paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(31) Hard White Envelope Cuttings (HWEC)Consists of groundwood-free cuttings, shavings or sheets ofunprinted, untreated and uncoated white envelope paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(32) (Grade not currently in use)

(33) New Colored Envelope CuttingsConsists of groundwood-free cuttings, shavings, or sheets ofuntreated, uncoated bleachable colored envelope paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(34) (Grade not currently in use)

(35) Semi Bleached CuttingsConsists of sheets and cuttings of unprinted, untreated,groundwood-free paper such as file folder stock, manila tabu-lating card trim, untreatedmilk carton stock, or manila tag.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(36) Unsorted Office Paper (UOP)

Consists of printed or unprinted paper typically generated inan office environment that may include a document destruc-tion process. This grademay contain white, colored, coatedand uncoated papers, manila and pastel colored file folders.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 10%

(37) Sorted Office Paper (SOP)Consists of paper, as typically generated by offices, containingprimarily white and colored groundwood-free paper, free ofunbleached fiber. May include a small percentage of ground-wood computer printout and facsimile paper.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

(38) (Grade not currently in use)

(39) Manifold Colored Ledger (MCL)Consists of sheets, shavings, and cuttings of industrially-gener-ated printed or unprinted colored or white groundwood-freepaper. All stockmust be uncoated and free of nonimpact print-ing. A percentage of carbonless paper is allowable.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(40) Sorted White Ledger (SWL)Consists of uncoated, printed or unprinted sheets, shavings,guillotined books, and cuttings of white groundwood-freeledger, bond, writing, and other paper which has similar fiberand filler content.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(41) Manifold White Ledger (MWL)Consists of sheets, shavings, and cuttings of industrially-gener-ated printed or unprinted white groundwood-free paper. Allstockmust be uncoated and free of nonimpact printing.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(42) Computer Printout (CPO)Consists of white groundwood-free paper in formsmanufac-tured for use in data processingmachines. This grademaycontain colored stripes and impact or non-impact (e.g. laser)computer printing, andmay contain nomore than 5% ground-wood in the pack. All stockmust be untreated and uncoated.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(43) Coated Book Stock (CBS)Consists of coated groundwood-free paper, printed or unprint-ed in sheets, shavings, guillotined books and cuttings. A rea-sonable percentage of paper containing fine groundwoodmaybe included.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(44) Coated Groundwood Sections (CGS)Consists of printed, coated groundwood paper in sheets, sec-tions, shavings or guillotined books. This grademay notinclude news quality groundwood paper.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(45) Printed Bleached Board CuttingsConsists of groundwood-free printed bleached board cuttings,free frommisprint sheets, cartons, wax, greaseproof lamina-tion, gilt, and inks, adhesives or coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1/2 of 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

(46) Misprinted Bleached BoardConsists of groundwood-freemisprint sheets and cartons ofbleached board, free fromwax, greaseproof lamination, gilt,and inks, adhesives or coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 2%

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(47) Unprinted Bleached BoardConsists of groundwood-free unprinted, untreated bleachedboard cuttings, sheets or rolls, free fromwax, greaseproof lam-ination and adhesives or coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(48) #1 Bleached Cup Stock (#1 Cup)Consists of untreated cuttings or sheets of coated or uncoatedcup base stock. Cuttings with slight bleedmay be included.Must be free of wax, poly, and other coatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(49) #2 Printed Bleached Cup Stock (#2 Cup)Consists of printed, untreated formed cups, cup die cuts, andmisprint sheets of coated or uncoated cup base stock. Gluesmust be water soluble. Must be free of wax, poly, and othercoatings that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(50) Unprinted Bleached Plate StockConsists of groundwood-free bleached coated or uncoated,untreated and unprinted plate cuttings and sheets.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1/2 of 1%

(51) Printed Bleached Plate StockConsists of groundwood-free bleached coated or uncoated,untreated printed plates and sheets. Must be free of coatingsor inks that are insoluble.

Prohibitive Materials None permittedOutthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 1%

(52) Aseptic Packaging and Gable-Top CartonsConsists of liquid packaging board containers including empty,used, polyethylene (PE)-coated, printed one-side aseptic andgable-top cartons containing no less than 70% bleachedchemical fiber andmay contain up to 6% aluminum foil and24%PE film.

Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 2%Outthrows plus prohibitives may not exceed 5%

Specialty GradesThe grades listed below are produced and traded in carloadand truckload quantities throughout the United States, andbecause of certain characteristics (i.e., the presence of wetstrength, polycoatings, plastic, foil, carbon paper, hot meltglue), are not included in the regular grades of paper stock.However, it is recognized that manymills have special equip-ment and are able to utilize large quantities of these grades.Sincemany paper mills around the world do use these special-ty grades, they are being listed with appropriate grade num-bers for easy reference.

The Paper Stock Industries Chapter of ISRI is not establishingspecific specifications, which would refer to such factors as thetype of wet strength agent used, the percentage of wax, theamount of polycoating, whether it is on top of or under theprinting, etc. The specification for each grade should be deter-mined between Buyer and Seller, and it is recommended thatpurchase bemade based on sample.

These specialty grades are as follows:

1—S White Waxed Cup Cuttings2—S PrintedWaxed Cup Cuttings3—S Plastic Coated Cups4—S Polycoated Bleached Kraft—Unprinted5—S Polycoated Bleached Kraft—Printed6—S Polycoated Milk Carton Stock7—S Polycoated Diaper Stock8—S Polycoated Boxboard Cuttings9—S Waxed Boxboard Cuttings10—S Printed and/or Unprinted Bleached Sulphate

Containing Foil11—S Waxed Corrugated Cuttings12—S Wet Strength Corrugated Cuttings13—S Asphalt Laminated Corrugated Cuttings14—S Beer Carton Scrap15—S Contaminated Bag Scrap16—S Insoluble Glued Free Sheet Paper and/or Board (IGS)17—S White Wet Strength Scrap18—S BrownWet Strength Scrap19—S Printed and/or ColoredWet Strength Scrap20—S File Stock21—S New Computer Print Out22—S RuledWhite23—S Flyleaf Shavings Containing Hot Melt Glue24—S CarbonMix25—S Books with Covers26—S Unsorted Tabulating Cards27—S Colored Tabulating Cards28—S Carbonless Treated Ledger29—S (Not currently in use)30—S Plastic Windowed Envelopes31—S Textile Boxes32—S Printed TMP33—S Unprinted TMP34—S Manila Tabulating Cards35—S Sorted Colored Ledger


Page 36: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

General InformationCommercial Guidelines for Baled Recycled Plastic Scrap weredeveloped to provide industry-wide quality standards. Thesestandards will facilitate commodity trading of thesematerials.They will also focus suppliers of suchmaterial on the qualityrequirements of their customers.

ProductThese guidelines are designed with the potential for dealingwith all recycled plastic in bale form. Initial specifications referonly to bottles. The code framework allows for generation ofguidelines for all types of plastic packagingmaterials (includ-ing rigids and flexibles) with room for expansion to other plas-tic products and resins including those which are used toproduce durable goods. Guidelines for those products may beadded at a later date.

CodesCodes for baled recycled plastics consist of a prefix letter, threedigits and two suffix letters. The prefix letter “P” precedes allcodes and designates “plastic” material. The first digit corre-sponds to the SPI resin identification code system and desig-nates the primary plastic material. The second digit describesthe plastic product category. The third digit defines the col-or/appearance of the product. The first suffix letter indicatesthe type of recycled plastic. The second suffix letter indicatesthe source of the recycled plastic product. (See Table 1.)

Bale DensityBales shall be compressed to aminimum density of 10 poundsper cubic foot and amaximum density to be determined byindividual contract between Buyer and Seller. Increased densi-ty may improve transportation efficiency, but over-compres-sionmay adversely affect the ability of a Buyer to separate,sort, and reprocess thematerial.

Bale Tying MaterialBale wires, ties, or straps shall be made of non-rusting or cor-rodingmaterial.

Bale IntegrityBale integrity must bemaintained through loading, shipping,handling, and storage. Distorted or broken bales are difficult tohandle. They are unacceptable andmay result in downgrading,rejection, or charge back.

Allowable ContaminationUnspecified materials must not exceed 2% of total baleweight. Bales which contain over 2%will be subjected toreduction in the contracted price of thematerial as well ascharges for disposal of the contaminants. The reduced per-centage will vary depending upon the amount and type of con-tamination. Quality of the baled plastic is the primary factorwhich determines the value.

Prohibited MaterialCertain materials are understood to be specified as “prohibit-ed.” Suchmaterials will render the bale “non-specification”andmay cause some customers to reject the entire shipment.Thesemay include plastic materials which have a deleteriouseffect on each other when reprocessed, andmaterials such asagricultural chemicals, hazardousmaterials, flammable liquidsand/or their containers, andmedical waste.

LiquidsPlastic containers/materials should be empty and dry whenbaled. The bale should be free of any free flowing liquid of anytype.

GeneralShipments should be essentially free of dirt, mud, stones,grease, glass, and paper. The plastic must not have been dam-aged by ultraviolet exposure. Every effort should bemade tostore thematerial above ground and under cover. A good faitheffort on the part of the supplier will be made to include onlyrinsed bottles which have closures removed.

Definitions for Plastic MaterialsRigid Plastic ContainerA package (formed or molded container) whichmaintains itsshape when empty and unsupported.

Plastic BottleA rigid container which is designed with a neck that is smallerthan the body. Normally used to hold liquids and emptied bypouring.

Plastic FilmA thin flexible sheet which does not hold a particular shapewhen unsupported.

Recycled PlasticPlastics composed of either post-consumer or recoveredmate-rial or both.

Recovered PlasticPlastic materials which have been recovered or diverted fromthe solid waste stream. Does not includematerials generatedfrom and commonly reused within an original manufacturingprocess.

Post-ConsumerProducts generated by a business or consumer that have servedtheir intended end use and have been separated or divertedfrom the solid waste stream for the purpose of recycling.


Guidelines for Plastic Scrap: P-2009Baled Recycled Plastic Scrap Commercial Guidelines

Page 37: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final


Baled Recycled Plastic Commercial Guidelines Coding SystemP 0 0 0 X XThe coding system for baled recycled plastic consists of a three-digit number with a prefix letter “P” and a two-letter suffix.

The prefix “P” designates the category of Plastics and differenti-ates the code from similar codes formetals and othermaterials.

The first digit corresponds to the SPI resin identification codesystem and designates the primary plastic material.

The second digit describes the plastic/product category.

The third digit defines the color/appearance of the product.

The first suffix letter indicates the type of recycled plastic.

The second suffix letter indicates the source of the recycledplastic product.

Series Code Resin Categories

P-100 Series—PET P-100 PET Mixed BottlesP-101 PET Clear Soda BottlesP-102 PET Green Soda BottlesP-103 PET Mixed Clear & Green

Soda Bottles

P-104 PET Custom BottlesP-110 PET Mixed Rigid Containers

P-200 Series—HDPE P-200 HDPE Mixed BottlesP-201 HDPE Natural BottlesP-202 HDPE Pigmented Bottles

P-300 Series—PVC P-300 PVC Mixed BottlesP-301 PVC Natural BottlesP-302 PVC Pigmented Bottles

P-400 Series—LDPE P-400 LDPE Mixed BottlesP-401 LDPE Natural BottlesP-402 LDPE Pigmented Bottles

Series Code Resin Categories

P-500 Series—PP P-500 PP Mixed BottlesP-501 PP Natural BottlesP-502 PP Pigmented Bottles

P-600 Series—PS P-600 PS Mixed BottlesP-601 PS Natural BottlesP-602 PS Pigmented Bottles

P-700 Series Other/Code 7P-700 OTHER Mixed BottlesP-701 OTHER Natural BottlesP-702 OTHER Pigmented Bottles

P-000 Series—Mixed resins (Codes 1-7)P-000 MIXED Mixed BottlesP-001 MIXED Natural BottlesP-002 MIXED Pigmented Bottles

NOTE: The existence of a code category does not imply theexistence of a market for thematerial.These are representative code categories. Othercategories may be developed as the need arises.




Resin Code

0Mixed Resins (1-7)





5 PP

6 PS

7 Other

8 To be assigned

9 To be assigned






3-9 To be assigned






3-9 Designatedwithin each category



P—Post Consumer








Coding Key:

Baled Plastic Material Identification Codes

Page 38: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-100Resin: PET MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed soft drink, liquor, edible oil, etc. bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteNo free flowing liquid

Storage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protectivematerials

General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-101Resin: PET CLEARProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Beverage containers only (1, 2, 3 liter, 16 oz. soft drink

bottles)Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-102Resin: PET GREENProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Beverage containers only (1, 2, 3 liter, 16 oz. soft drink

bottles)Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-103Resin: PET CLEAR and GREENProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Beverage containers only (1, 2, 3 liter, 16 oz. soft drink

bottles)Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-104Resin: PET CUSTOMProduct: Bottles and Jars OnlyCategory: Mixed liquor, edible oil, peanut butter, etc. bottles/jarsType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-110Resin: PET MIXEDProduct: Rigid ContainersCategory: Mixed bottles, jars, tubs, trays, etc.Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201138 Guidelines for Plastic Scrap

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Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-200Resin: HDPE MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed household HDPE bottles (detergent, shampoo,

household products, milk, etc.)Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-201Resin: HDPE NATURALProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Milk, water, and juice (quart, ½ gallon, and 1 gallon

bottles)Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. MinimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-202Resin: HDPE PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed pigmented household HDPE bottles (detergent,

shampoo, household products, etc.)Type:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72' maximum

Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cuff. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective


General: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-300Resin: PVC MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed clear and pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-301Resin: PVC NATURALProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Clear BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-302Resin: PVC PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Pigmented BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures


Page 40: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-400Resin: LDPE MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed natural and pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-401Resin: LDPE MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Natural BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-402Resin: LDPE PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Pigmented BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-500Resin: PP MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed natural and pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-501Resin: PP NATURALProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Natural BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-502Resin: PP PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Pigmented BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201140 Guidelines for Plastic Scrap

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Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-600Resin: PS MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed clear and pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72” maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-601Resin: PS NATURALProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Clear BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-602Resin: PS PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Pigmented BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <6 months unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-700Resin: CODE #7—OTHER MIXEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Mixed natural and pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-701Resin: CODE #7—OTHER NATURALProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Natural bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-702Resin: CODE #7—OTHER PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Pigmented BottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures


Page 42: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-000Resin: MIXED RESINS (Coded 1 through 7)—MIXED COLORProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Natural and pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-001Resin: MIXED RESINS (Coded 1 through 7)—NATURALProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Natural bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 lbs/cu. ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

Commercial Guideline Baled Recycled Plastic Standard P-002Resin: MIXED RESINS (Coded 1 through 7)—PIGMENTEDProduct: Bottles OnlyCategory: Pigmented bottlesType:Source:Bale Properties:Dimension: 72" maximum

Bulk Density: 10 Ibs/cu ft. minimumStrapping: Non-rusting materialIntegrity: Must be maintained through shipping,unloading & storage

Contamination: Total allowable: 2%Type: Non-specified plastic or non-plastic materialDirt: Essentially free of dirt, mud & stones

Haz. Mat.: No hazardous or medical wasteMoisture: No free flowing liquidStorage: Outdoor: <1 month unless covered with UV protective

materialsGeneral: Good faith effort to rinse bottles and remove closures

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201142 Guidelines for Plastic Scrap

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Commercial Guidelines for Electronics Scrap were developedto provide industry-wide quality standards. These standardswill facilitate commodity transactions domestically and inter-nationally. Transactions covering shipments to or from othercountries may be in accordance with these standards andmaybemodified bymutual agreement between Buyer and Seller.

Electronic Scrap DefinitionsThe following E-Recycling definitions will facilitate amore con-sistent language for both domestic as well as internationaltransactions.


EOL Electronic Products are either obsolete for their intendedpurpose or no longer useful by the current user and lack anysignificant market value as an operational unit. These productsare represented by any of the following categories of electron-ic products:

IT and telecommunications electronic equipment including:Centralized data processing:MainframesMinicomputersPrinter unitsPersonal computing:Personal computers (CPU.mouse, screen and keyboard

included)Laptop computers (CPU,mouse, screen and keyboard

included)Notebook computersNotepad computersPrintersCopying equipmentElectrical and electronic typewritersPocket and desk calculatorsOther products and equipment for the collection, storage,

processing, presentation or communication of informa-tion by electronic means

User terminals and systemsFacsimileTelexTelephonesPay telephonesCordless telephonesCellular telephonesAnswering systemsOther products or equipment for transmitting sound,

images or other information by telecommunications

Consumer electronic equipment including:Radio setsTelevision setsVideo camerasVideo recordersEli-h recordersAudio amplifiersMusical instruments and other products or equipment for

the purpose of recording or reproducing sound orimages, including signals or other technologies for thedistribution of sound and image by telecommunica-tions

Toys, leisure and sports electronic equipment including:Electric trains or car racing setsHand-held video game consolesVideo gamesComputers for biking, diving, running, rowing, etc.Sports equipment with electric or electronic componentsCoin slot machines

Medical devices (except all implanted and infected productsand radioactive components) including:

Radiotherapy equipmentCardiologyDialysisPulmonary ventilatorsNuclear medicineLaboratory equipment or in-vitro diagnosticsAnalyzersFreezersFertilization testsOther appliances for detecting, preventing, monitoring,

treating, or alleviating illness, injury or disability

Monitoring and control instruments including:Smoke detectorsHeating regulatorsThermostatsMeasuring, weighing or adjusting appliances for household

or as laboratory equipmentOther monitoring and control instruments used in industri-

al installations (e.g. Ira control panels)

“E-Recycling”E-Recycling is any process by which End-of-Life (EOL) electron-ic products which would otherwise become solid waste are col-lected, separated, reused or processed and returned to use inthe form of rawmaterials or products.

“E-Demanufacturing”Demanufacturing is the process of separating EOL electronicproducts (electronic materials) into metallic and non-metallicparts that can be reused or recycled.

“E-Dismantler”Dismantler is a personwho engages in themanual demanufac-turing of EOL electronic products (electronicmaterials) to reuseor recycle components and commodities containedwithin.


Guidelines for Electronics Scrap: ES-2009Electronics Scrap

Page 44: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

“E-Dismantling”Dismantling is themanual demanufacturing of EOL electronicproducts (electronic materials) to reuse or recycle componentsand commodities contained within.

“E-Processor”Processor is a person who engages in themechanical demanu-facturing of EOL electronic products (electronic materials) toreuse or recycle various commodities contained within.

“E-Processing”Processing is themechanical demanufacturing of EOL elec-tronic products (electronic materials) to recover various com-modities contained within.

“E-Broker”Broker is a person who engages in the buying, selling, andtrading of electronic products (electronic materials) withoutdemanufacturing.

“E-Brokering”Brokering is the buying, selling, and trading of electronic prod-ucts (electronic materials) without demanufacturing.


ESM 1-Triple—Mixed Aluminum BreakageShall consist of old sheet, cast, clips, punchings, bare wire andcable, painted sheet or cast of two or more alloys, free fromexcessive corrosion, oil, dirt and oxidation. Free of all fluids,gases, drosses, sweepings and hazardousmaterials such asmercury switches. All foreign attachments, non-metallics, iron,and extraneousmaterials are deductible. Should be sold on arecovery basis or by special arrangements with purchaser.

Heavy Breakage: 20%–45%Aluminum contentMedium Breakage: 46%–60%Aluminum contentLight Breakage: 61%–80%Aluminum content

ESM 2-Depot—Mixed Copper/Precious MetalsMay include any whole or partially demanufactured EOL elec-tronic products that are destined for a recycling processingoperation. Material may contain printed circuit boards, ribboncable, monitor yokes and other copper and/or preciousmetalbearing components. Final acceptance subject to agreementbetween Buyer and Seller.

ESM 3-Dallas—Shredded Copper/Precious MetalsShredded copper/precious metal bearing from an end of lifeelectronic products (EOLEP) shredding operation, with themajority of iron and aluminum removed. Material may containplastic. The size will be less than one inch and thematerial willbe free of mercury, toner, and batteries. Typically sold on arecovery basis, subject to terms between the Buyer and Seller.

ESM 4-Dallas 5—Shredded Copper/Precious MetalsShredded copper/precious metal bearing from an end of lifeelectronic products (EOLEP) demanufacturing operation.Material may contain large quantities of steel, aluminum andplastic. Pieces will be greater than one inch but less than 5inches. Material will be free of mercury, toner, and batteries.Typically sold on a recovery basis, subject to terms betweenthe Buyer and Seller.

ESM 5-Druid—Insulated Copper Wire ScrapShall consist of copper wire scrap with various types of insula-tion. To be sold on a sample or recovery basis, subject toagreement between Buyer and Seller.

ESM 6-Brant—Fragmentizer Aluminum Scrap (from EOLElectronic Products Shredders)Thematerial, as received, must be dry and not contain morethan 3%maximum free zinc, 1%maximum freemagnesium,and 1.5%maximum free iron and stainless. Not to containmore than a total 5%maximum of non-metallics, of which nomore than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of exces-sively oxidizedmaterial, airbag canisters, or any sealed or pres-surized items. Any variation to be sold by special arrangementbetween Buyer and Seller.

ESM 7-Marco—Recyclable Concentrates Of Shredded MixedNonferrous Scrap Metal in Pieces—Derived From Fragmen-tizers For Further Separation of Contained MaterialsShall be made up of a combination of the nonferrousmetals:aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, stainless steel, nickel, tin,and zinc, in elemental or alloyed (solid) form. The percentageof each of thesemetals within the nonferrous concentrateshall be subject to agreement between Buyer and Seller, mayvary from shredder to shredder andmay, in some cases, bezero for a particular metal. Shall be obtained by air separation,flotation, screening, eddy current, other segregation tech-nique(s) or a combination of the same. Shall have passed oneor moremagnets to reduce or eliminate free iron and/or ironattachments. Shall be free of radioactivematerial, dross orash. May be screened to permit description by specific sizeranges. May contain high density non-metallics such as rock,glass, rubber, plastic and wood. Items of exclusion, inclusion orlimitation not set out in the above specifications, such asmois-ture and free iron and/or attachments or the presence orabsence of other metals, are subject to agreement betweenBuyer and Seller. Material to be traded under this guidelineshall be identified as Marco with a number to follow indicatingthe estimated percentage nonferrousmetal content of thematerial (e.g. Marco 63—means thematerial contains approxi-mately 63% nonferrousmetal content).


ESG 1-Jimbo—Intact CRT’sIntact CRT’s with or without the steel implosion band, Copperyokemust be removed. Material must be free of projectionlenses with oil or aluminum frame.

ESG 2-Jamers—Furnace Grade CRT GlassFurnace Grade CRT Glass-Plastic–0.50% by weight and 1/8"maximum size, Aluminum–0.25% by weight and 1/8"maximumsize, Iron–5.0% by weight and 6”maximum size, Copper–2.0%by weight and 3"maximum size. Glass shall be the balance and6"maximum in size. Any variation to be sold by specialarrangement between Buyer and Seller.

ESG 3-Jacamo—Sinter Grade CRT GlassSinter Grade CRT Glass-Plastic–0.50% by weight and 1/8" max-imum size, Aluminum–0.50% by weight and 1/8" in size,Iron–2.0% by weight and 1/8" in size, Copper–1.0% by weightand 1/8" in size. Glass to be the balance by weight and shallhave amaximum size of 1/4". At least 50% of the Glass Com-ponent must be less than 1/8" in size.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201144 Guidelines for Electronics Scrap

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CRT Glass Cullet Specifications—This specification includesCRT’s that are cullet size of approximately 3 to 5 inches andprepared for glass to glass recycling.

ESG 4-CRT 1 Dirty Mixed Cullet—when the cullet containsboth panel and funnel glass.

ESG 5-CRT 2 Dirty Mixed Cullet with Metals—when the cul-let contains both panel and funnel glass with mixedmetals.

ESG 6-CRT 3 Dirty Funnel Cullet—when the cullet is onlyfunnel glass.

ESG 7-CRT 4 Dirty Panel Cullet—when the cullet is only pan-el glass.

ESG 8-CRT 5 Clean Mixed Cullet—when the panel and funnelcullet have been cleaned of all coatings, frit andmetals.

ESG 9-CRT 6 Clean Funnel Cullet—when the funnel cullet hasbeen cleaned of all coatings, frit andmetals.

ESG 10-CRT 7 Clean Panel Cullet—when the panel cullet hasbeen cleaned of all coatings, frit andmetals.

Electronics Scrap Plastics—ESP

Loose Plastics—Postconsumer Sources

ESP—1 ESP—2 ESP—3 ESP—4Loose Mixed Plastics Loose TV Plastics Loose Computer Plastics Loose Single-Resin Plastics

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial

Material origin All > 90% by weight from > 90% by weight from > 90% by weight single targetdisassembled TV sets disassembled PCmonitors, resin type

CPUs, printers, & keyboards

Plastic resin type All All All ABS, PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, PVC

Bulk density Varies Varies Varies Varies

Size N/a N/a N/a N/a

Shipping Gaylords/ or larger bulk Gaylords/ or larger bulk Gaylords/ or larger bulk Gaylords/ or larger bulk


Color All All Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Laminated < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Metals < 10% of mat’ls by weight < 10% of mat’ls by weight < 10% of mat’ls by weight < 10% of mat’ls by weight

Dirt < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight

Page 46: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

Loose Plastics—Postindustrial Sources

ESP—5 ESP—6 ESP—7 ESP—8Loose Mixed Plastics Loose TV Plastics Loose Computer Plastics Loose Single-Resin Plastics

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliersand/or molders and/or molders serving and/or molders serving PC & and/or molders

TV manufacturers peripherals manufacturers

Material origin Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excessinventory, or other inventory, or other inventory, or other inventory, or otherplastic scrap plastic scrap plastic scrap plastic scrap

Plastic resin type All All All Minimum 95% by weight one ofthe following target resins: ABS,PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Varies Varies Varies Varies

Size N/a N/a N/a N/a

Shipping Gaylords/ or larger bulk Gaylords/ or larger bulk Gaylords/ or larger bulk Gaylords/ or larger bulk


Color All All Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight

Laminated 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight

Metals < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Dirt < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight

Baled Plastics—Postconsumer Sources

ESP—9 ESP—10 ESP—11 ESP—12Baled Mixed Plastics Baled TV Plastics Baled Computer Plastics Baled Single-Resin Plastics

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial

Material origin All > 90% by weight from > 90% by weight from > 90% by weight single targetdissembled TV sets dissembled PCmonitors, resin type

CPUs, printers, & keyboards

Plastic resin type All All All ABS, PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, PVC

Bulk density Minimum 20 lbs/cu ft Minimum 20 lbs/cu ft Minimum 20 lbs/cu ft Minimum 20 lbs/cu ft

Size Maximum dimension 72" Maximum dimension 72" Maximum dimension 72" Maximum dimension 72"

Shipping Strapped Strapped Strapped Strapped


Color Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Laminated < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Metals < 10% of mat'ls by weight < 10% of mat'ls by weight < 10% of mat'ls by weight < 10% of mat'ls by weight

Dirt < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2011 Guidelines for Electronics Scrap46

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Baled Plastics—Postindustrial Sources

ESP—13 ESP—14 ESP—15 ESP—16Baled Mixed Plastics Baled TV Plastics Baled Computer Plastics Baled Single-Resin Plastics

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliersand/or molders and/or molders serving TV and/or molders serving PC & and/or molders

manufacturers peripherals manufacturers

Material origin Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excessinventory or other plastic inventory or other plastic inventory or other plastic inventory, or other plasticscrap scrap scrap scrap

Plastic resin type All All All Minimum 95% by weight one ofthe following target resins: ABS,PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Minimum 8 lbs/cu ft Minimum 8 lbs/cu ft Minimum 8 lbs/cu ft Minimum 8 lbs/cu ft

Size Maximum dimension 72" Maximum dimension 72" Maximum dimension 72" Maximum dimension 72"

Shipping Strapped Strapped Strapped Strapped


Color Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated 0% of mat'ls by weight 0% of mat'ls by weight 0% of mat'ls by weight 0% of mat'ls by weight

Laminated 0% of mat'ls by weight 0% of mat'ls by weight 0% of mat'ls by weight 0% of mat'ls by weight

Metals < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Dirt < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight

Shredded Plastics—Postconsumer Sources

ESP—17 ESP—18 ESP—19 ESP—20Shredded Mixed Plastics Shredded TV Plastics Shredded Computer Plastics Shredded Sorted Plastics

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial

Material origin All > 90% by weight from > 90% by weight from > 90% by weight single targetdissembled TV sets dissembled PCmonitors, resin type

CPUs, printers, & keyboards

Plastic resin type All All All Minimum 95% by weight one ofthe following target resins: ABS,PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Minimum 15 lbs/cu ft Minimum 15 lbs/cu ft Minimum 15 lbs/cu ft Minimum 15 lbs/cu ft

Size 4" minus 4" minus 4" minus 4" minus

Shipping Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk


Color Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Laminated < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Metals < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Dirt < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Total Non-plastics < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight < 10% cumulative by weight


Page 48: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

Shredded Plastics—Postindustrial Sources

ESP—21 ESP—22 ESP—23 ESP—24Shredded Mixed Plastics Shredded TV Plastics Shredded Computer Plastics Shredded Sorted Plastics

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliersand/or moulders and/or moulders serving and/or moulders serving PC and/or moulders

TV manufacturers & peripherals manufacturers

Material origin Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excessinventory, or other inventory, or other inventory, or other inventory, or otherplastic scrap plastic scrap plastic scrap plastic scrap

Plastic resin type All All All Minimum 95% by weight one ofthe following target resins: ABS,PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Minimum 10 lbs/cu ft Minimum 10 lbs/cu ft Minimum 10 lbs/cu ft Minimum 10 lbs/cu ft

Size 4" minus 4" minus 4" minus 4" minus

Shipping Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk


Color Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight

Laminated 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight 0% of mat’ls by weight

Metals < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Dirt < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight < 2% of mat’ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight < 2% cumulative by weight

Granulated Plastics—Postconsumer Sources

ESP—25 ESP—26 ESP—27 ESP—28Granulated Mixed Plastics Granulated TV Plastic Granulated Computer Plastic Granulated Sorted Plastic

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial Residential or commercial

Material origin All > 90% by wt from > 90% by wt from > 90% by weight singledisassembled TV sets disassembled PCmonitors, target resin type

CPUs, printers,& keyboards

Plastic resin type All All All ABS, PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, PVC

Bulk density Minimum 25 lbs/cu ft Minimum 25 lbs/cu ft Minimum 25 lbs/cu ft Minimum 25 lbs/cu ft

Size 3/8" minus 3/8" minus 3/8" minus 3/8" minus

Shipping Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk


Color Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Laminated < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight < 2% of mat'ls by weight

Metals < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight

Dirt < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 1% cumulative by weight < 1% cumulative by weight < 1% cumulative by weight < 1% cumulative by weight

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2011 Guidelines for Electronics Scrap48

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Granulated Plastics—Postindustrial Sources

ESP—29 ESP—30 ESP—31 ESP—32Granulated Mixed Plastics Granulated TV Plastic Granulated Computer Plastic Granulated Sorted Plastic

Material Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electrical Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products and electronic products and electronic products and electronic products

Source Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliers Manufacturers, suppliersand/or molders and/or molders serving TV and/or molders serving PC & and/or molders

manufacturers peripherals manufacturers

Material origin Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excess Rejected parts, excessinventory or other plastic inventory or other plastic inventory or other plastic inventory or other plasticscrap scrap scrap scrap

Plastic resin type All All All Minimum 95% by weight one ofthe following target resins: ABS,PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Minimum 12 lbs/cu ft Minimum 12 lbs/cu ft Minimum 12 lbs/cu ft Minimum 12 lbs/cu ft

Size 3/8" minus 3/8" minus 3/8" minus 3/8" minus

Shipping Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk Gaylords or bulk


Color Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated < 0% of mat'ls by weight < 0% of mat'ls by weight < 0% of mat'ls by weight < 0% of mat'ls by weight

Laminated < 0% of mat'ls by weight < 0% of mat'ls by weight < 0% of mat'ls by weight < 0% of mat'ls by weight

Metals < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight

Dirt < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight < 0.5% of mat'ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 1% cumulative by weight < 1% cumulative by weight < 1% cumulative by weight < 1% cumulative by weight

Cleaned Granulated Plastics with Density Separation—Postconsumer Sources

ESP—33Cleaned Granulate w/Density Separation

Material Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products

Source Residential or commercial Sources

Material origin > 99% by weight single target resin type

Plastic resin type ABS, PC, PC/ABS, HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Minimum 25 lbs/cu ft

Size 3/8" minus

Shipping Gaylords or bulk


Color Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated 0% of mat’ls by weight

Laminated 0% of mat’ls by weight

Metals < 0.1% of mat’ls by weight

Dirt < 0.1% of mat’ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 0.1% cumulative by weight

Cleaned Granulated Plastics with Density Separation—Postindustrial Sources

ESP—34Cleaned Granulate w/Density Separation

Material Plastic parts from electricaland electronic products

Source Manufacturers, suppliers and/or molders

Material origin Rejected parts, excess inventory, or otherplastic scrap

Plastic resin type Minimum 99% by weight one of thefollowing target resins: ABS, PC, PC/ABS,HIPS, PPE, or PVC

Bulk density Minimum 12 lbs/cu ft

Size 3/8" minus

Shipping Gaylords or bulk


Color Light or mixed

Haz mat No haz mat or med waste

Moisture No free-flowing liquid

Flame retardant Fr or non-fr

Contamination: Painted/coated 0% of mat’ls by weight

Laminated 0% of mat’ls by weight

Metals < 0.1% of mat’ls by weight

Dirt < 0.1% of mat’ls by weight

Total non-plastics < 0.1% cumulative by weight

Page 50: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

General GuidelinesItems not covered in the specifications, and any variations inthe specification are subject to special arrangement betweenBuyer and Seller. Percentages listed below are by weight.

DefinitionsFines consist of materials that pass a 4.75mm sieve. Thesematerials may include rubber, fiber, inorganic and organic mat-ter, dirt, and other non-tire materials.

Sizes will be determined by sieving. Suitable sieve sizes will beselected. Nest the sieves in order of decreasing size of openingfrom top to bottom and place the sample on the top sieve. Agi-tate the sieves by hand or bymechanical apparatus for a suffi-cient period so that additional sieving does not result insubstantial additional material passing through the sieves.

TDM refers to tire-derivedmaterial.

Rubber Primarily Used for Civil EngineeringTDM 2–A� All material must be smaller than 4";� at least 90%must be smaller than 21/2";� at least 50%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2";� maximum of 1/2” protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 1% fines.

TDM 2–B� All material must be smaller than 4";� at least 90%must be smaller than 21/2";� at least 50%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2";� at least 90%must not exceed 1" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 2–C� All material must be smaller than 4";� at least 90%must be smaller than 21/2";� at least 50%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2"; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 3–A� At least 90%must be smaller than 4";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2";� maximum of ½" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 1% fines.

TDM 3–B� At least 90%must be smaller than 4";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2";� at least 90%must not exceed 1" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 3–C� At least 90%must be smaller than 4";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2"; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 5–A� All material must be smaller than 8";� at least 90%must be smaller than 6";� at least 50%must be larger than 3";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2";� maximum of 1" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 1% fines.

TDM 5–B� All material must be smaller than 8";� at least 90%must be smaller than 6";� at least 50%must be larger than 3";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2";� at least 90%must not exceed 2" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 5–C� All material must be smaller than 8";� at least 90%must be smaller than 6";� at least 50%must be larger than 3";� at least 90%must be larger than 1/2"; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 8–A� At least 90%must be smaller than 12";� at least 75%must be smaller than 8";� at least 50%must be larger than 3";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� maximum of 2" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 1% fines.

TDM 8–B� At least 90%must be smaller than 12";� at least 75%must be smaller than 8";� at least 50%must be larger than 3";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must not exceed 2" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 5% fines.


Guidelines for Tire Scrap: TS-2009Rubber From Scrap Tires

Page 51: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final

TDM 8–C� At least 90%must be smaller than 12";� at least 75%must be smaller than 8";� at least 50%must be larger than 3";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2"; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 12–A� At least 90%must be smaller than 18";� at least 50%must be larger than 6";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� maximum of 2" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 1% fines.

TDM 12–B� At least 90%must be smaller than 18";� at least 50%must be larger than 6";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2";� at least 90%must not exceed 2" protrusion of steel; and� maximum of 5% fines.

TDM 12–C� At least 90%must be smaller than 18";� at least 50%must be larger than 6";� at least 75%must be larger than 11/2"; and� maximum of 5% fines.


Page 52: ISRI Scrap Specs 2011 Final


These Guidelines are intended as a reference to assist mem-bers in carrying out their business obligations in amannerconsistent with accepted industry practices. While the Guide-lines are not obligatory, it is suggested that potential problemsandmisunderstandingsmay often be avoided by followingthese recommended procedures, in conjunction with ISRI’sscrap descriptions.

At times, the respective parties to a transactionmay beunaware of the differences in trading practices of the otherparty. This diversity of interpretation often leads tomisunder-standings, disputes, and in some instances expensive lawsuits.It is with the objective of providingmembers themeans ofavoiding such friction that ISRI has published these Guidelines,which are based on those practices most common and currentin the industry.

On those points where it is impractical to provide recommen-dations, it is advised that the points bemutually agreed uponby the parties involved.

Part I: Guidelines for ContractsA contract is an agreement between two or more parties toperform a legally enforceable act.

Therefore, all contracts should be in writing and set forth inspecific terms. Before signing a contract, one should carefullyread and understand all terms of it. No discrepancies or ambi-guities should exist at the time the contract is executed. If youreceive a contract with terms that are objectionable, youshould immediately notify the other party in writing of yourobjections. An attorney should be consulted when legal adviceis needed.

It should be kept in mind that if a dispute arises under a con-tract, and a court is called in to interpret its terms, certain gen-eral rules will be applied. First, contracts will be construed as a“whole,” and specific clauses will be subordinated to the con-tract’s general intent. Second, the courts will construe wordsaccording to their “ordinary” meaning unless it is clearlyshown that they weremeant to be used in a technical sense.Also, where provisions appear to be inconsistent, the courtswill determine whether some of the provisions are printed(indicating a form contract), as compared to others which arewritten or typed. The latter kinds of provisions will prevail.

It should be remembered that where you and a Buyer (or Sell-er) have reached verbal agreement on a transaction, your fail-ure to sign and return a contract which is sent to you inconfirmation of that verbal agreement may not relieve you ofthe obligations of the terms and conditions enumerated in thatcontract.

These Guidelines were developed to cover routine transac-tions. It is essential that any unusual arrangements must becompletely spelled out in a contract. With these factors inmind, the following list of items is enumerated as a Checklistfor you to follow, either in the construction of a contract, or for

the review of another party’s contract proposal. We cannotoveremphasize the need for accuracy and specificity.


I. Parties to Agreement:Indicate full name and address of Buyer and Seller. Includename of individual person or persons involved. Buyer’s andSeller’s signatures are fundamental.

II. Date of Contract:(a) Give date the initial agreement was reached

(b) Give Contract Number.

Ill. Description of Material:Use NF code names or clearly describe what is being traded.Any allowable quality variation to be so stated. Ex: “X percentmoisture allowed” or “MinimumCU content to be X percent”or “X percent paintedmaterial allowed.”

IV. Quantity:State exact quantity expected and indicate allowable toler-ances or minimum/maximum limitations. Ex. “40,000 lbs. (5%More/Less allowed)” or “38,000 to 42,000 lbs.”

V. Packing:State type of packing allowable and restrictions if such arerequired. Ex: “Bales not to exceed 60 inches”; “Bales not toexceed 3,500 lbs.”

VI. Delivery:Show complete address of shipping or delivery point, includingwhere applicable, specific rail siding or junction, forwardingwarehouse, and party to be notified. Ex: “FOB (Actual Point ofShipment) Chicago, Ill.”; “FOB (Actual Point of Delivery) St.Louis. Mo.”; “FAS Baltimore Container Yard”; “C&F Tokyo.Japan.” If these details cannot be furnished at the time of writ-ing of contract, it should state “shipping/delivery instructionsto follow.” State means of conveyance to be employed. Statesize and type of truck, rail car, container or number of ship-ments expected or permitted.

VII. Shipment:Time allowed for shipment or delivery should be clearly stated.Ex: “Shipment by Jan. 15, 2008 LATEST”; or “Delivery by Jan.15, 2008.” Indicate at whose option, Buyer’s or Seller’s, ship-ment shall be made in time period stated.

VIII. Price:State price per unit. Ex: “$20.00/CWT”; “20.00 Cents/Pound”;“$400.00/Net Ton”; “$440.92/Metric Ton.” and indicate whereappropriate “Clean and Dry”; “Full Copper Content.” If applica-ble, state exact processing, smelting, refining charge, or unitdeductions for impurities. (Avoid the use of the word “penal-ties.”)

IX. Payment:Terms of payment should be explicit. Ex: “Net 30 days aftershipment”; “Net 15 days after mill receipt.” Avoid phrases suchas “usual;” “Net 30;” “Net Cash.” Documents required to effect

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payment to be clearly stated. Ex: “Bill of Lading”;” Invoice”;“Weight Certificate.” State how payment shall be made. Ifthere is discussion of compensation for delayed payments, itshould be included in the contract. If Letter of Credit is calledfor as ameans of payment, it is advisable that the terms to beincluded in the Letter of Credit also be stated in the contract.When applicable, contract should state whether Buyer or Selleris responsible for payment of taxes, duties, or any other leviesto which a shipment could be subjected. Contract should statewhether the Seller’s or Buyer’s weights shall govern the basisof settlement.

X. Assignment:The contract may state whether the Buyer and/or the Sellerhas the right to assign the contract. If it does, it should empha-size that the obligation arising under the contract shall beequally binding on his assignee.

XI. Notice:The Seller should specify how notice to be given under thecontract should be received—i.e. by hand, by telegram, by certi-fied or registeredmail. One should also specify when notice isdeemed to be received by the party to whom it is given.

XII. Disclaimer of Warranties:Depending on the type of transaction, or themetal involved,the Seller may want to limit his liability by disclaiming any war-ranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.

XIII. Default:The contract should contain a provision setting forth theevents which would result in a default of the contract. This pro-visionmight also contain a clause stipulating damages and/orsetting forth available remedies (i.e. specific performance) inthe event a default does, in fact, occur.

XIV. Force Majeure:This item is related to the item of default, as indicated in para-graph XIII. Seller or Buyer may enumerate, either generally orspecifically, what events (i.e. strikes, fires, accidents) constitutecircumstances beyond its control and thereby absolve him/herof any liability for damages or delay.

XV. Non-Waiver:The Seller or Buyer should state in the contract that his/herfailure to insist upon strict performance in any given instanceshall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for thefuture of any of the terms, covenants and conditions containedtherein.

XVI. Claims:The Seller may specify that any claims involved in ametalstransaction for contaminatedmaterials, weight shortage, orfor any other cause is waived by the Buyer unless brought tothe Seller's attention within a certain number of days afterdelivery.

XVII. Arbitration and Applicable Law:The contract should set forth which state's or country's lawwill apply in the event of a legal dispute under the contract. Itshould also provide for arbitration procedure. (If ISRI Arbitra-tion is desired, the contract should so stipulate.)

XVIII. Benefit:The contract should stipulate on whom it is binding. Forinstance, the Seller or Buyer may want to specify that the con-

tract inures to the benefit of the parties, their legal representa-tives, successors and assignees.

XIX. Entire Agreement:This provision is especially important in the area of metalstransactions, which frequently involve extensive preliminarynegotiations. A clausemay be inserted into the contract stat-ing that the contract constitutes the parties' entire agreementand supersedes all prior agreements and understandings withrespect to the subject matter of the contract.

XX. Modification:A clausemay be included in the contract stating that the con-tract's requirements can only bemodified by a written instru-ment signed by the parties or their respective agents. Thisinsures that the parties' informal discussions will not later beconstrued as affecting an alteration of the contract.

Part II: Packing, Weighing, Shippingand ReceivingIt is recommended that strict adherence to contract terms willminimizemany of the potential problems in this area. If thereis a question about any item, one should communicate withhis/her Buyer/Seller and clarify the situation prior to shipping.Listed below are some specific guidelines to be used in avoid-ing themost frequently reported problems.

Packing (All Shipments)Seller’s Responsibility:a. Pack in themanner and form agreed. Example: In sound

bales, briquettes, boxes, pallets, drums, loose, etc.

b. Be sure that Buyer agrees with your definition of wordsand phrases, i.e. Bale, Briquette, Coil, etc. as well as alloweddimensions and weights of such.

c. Material and packages should be securely tied or support-ed so that packages will hold in transit and normal han-dling.

Buyer’s Responsibility:a. Advise Seller of any specific prohibitions, i.e. type or

method of packing, size or weight of pieces, units or pack-ages, etc.

b. Be sure that Seller agrees with your definition of wordsand phrases, i.e. Bale, Briquette, Coil, etc., as well asallowed dimensions and weights of such.

Weighing, Shipping and Receiving(Truck Shipment)Seller’s Responsibility:a. Each package should be individually weighed and the

entire truckload should be checkweighted for comparison.Reconcile or explain any differences. If truck is weighedduring inclement weather or wind, make note of this onweight ticket.

b. Trailers should be drop-weighed (both empty and loaded).

c. All equipment should be inspected before loading, andcleaned or repaired where necessary to avoid loss orspillage.

d. Open top trucks or trailers should be tarped or covered.

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e. Vans and closed trailers should be sealed and seal num-bers indicated on all documents.

f. If your customer requires appointments, make one inadvance. Otherwise, as a courtesy, advise the Buyer ofyour anticipated delivery schedules.

g. A complete manifest and packing list should accompanyeach shipment. This should clearly indicate the order num-ber, items shipped, number and type of packages of eachcommodity, as well as the gross, tare and net weights ofeach package. This detailed information should be put intoan envelope and attached to the inside wall of the truck orvan. If this cannot be done, give a complete set of papersto the driver to deliver with the original Bill of Lading cov-ering the shipment. At the very least, notify Buyer by tele-phone, telex or wire of these details on the day shipmentleaves.

h. Different lots should always be properly segregated andbulkheaded to avoid comingling. Each package should betagged or marked to aid in proper identification and segre-gation at the receiving point.

i. Be aware that someone at the delivery point will have tounload the shipment. Pay particular attention to doorareas to assure that material is loaded safely. Proper careshould be taken to insure that thematerial can beunloaded in a safe and expedient manner.

Buyer’s Responsibility:a. If Seller requires appointment prior to pickup, make one in

advance. Otherwise, as a courtesy, advise the Seller ofyour anticipated pickup schedule.

b. Trailers should be drop-weighed (both empty and loaded).

c. Carefully check shipment advices and compare packagecount, seal numbers, weights.

d. Prior to unloading, if a significant* weight difference isapparent, the Seller should be notified promptly and, ifrequested, another weight should be taken to determine ifspillage or theft might have occurred.

e. After unloading, promptly advise Seller of any significant*differences between advised and actual weights, segrega-tion, classification or quality. (Note: Refer to Part IV of thecircular for recommended procedures in handling qualityproblems.)

f. Truck or trailer should be completely unloaded includingany spilled material which should be picked up, weighedand identified as spilled from original containers. Buyersshould cooperate in every way to help minimize losses.

Weighing, Shipping and Receiving (Rail Shipment)Seller’s Responsibility:a. Each package should be individually weighed and the

entire rail car should be checkweighted for comparison.Reconcile or explain any differences. If rail car is weighedduring inclement weather or wind, make note of this onweight ticket.

b. Railroad cars should be uncoupled and at rest (if possible)before weighing.

c. All equipment should be inspected before loading, andcleaned or repaired where necessary to avoid loss orspillage.

d. Railroad cars should be sealed and seal numbers indicatedon all documents.

e. A complete manifest and packing list should accompanyeach shipment. This should clearly indicate the order num-ber, items shipped, number and type of packages of eachcommodity, as well as the gross, tare and net weights ofeach package. This detailed information should be put intoan envelope and attached to the inside wall of the railroadcar. If this cannot be done, mail a complete set of papers tothe Buyer on the day shipment leaves.

f. Different lots should always be properly segregated andbulkheaded to avoid comingling. Each package should betagged or marked to aid in proper identification and segre-gation at the receiving point.

g. Be aware that someone at the delivery point will have tounload the shipment. Pay particular attention to doorareas to assure that material can be unloaded in a safeand expedient manner.

Buyer’s Responsibility:a. Railroad cars should be uncoupled and at rest (if possible)

before weighing.

b. Carefully check shipment advices and compare packagecount, seal numbers, weights.

c. Prior to unloading, if a significant* weight difference isapparent, the Seller should be notified promptly and, ifrequested, another weight should be taken to determine ifspillage or theft might have occurred.

d. After unloading, promptly advise Seller of any significant*differences between advised and actual weights, segrega-tion, classification or quality. (Note: Refer to Part IV of thecircular for recommended procedures in handling qualityproblems.)

e. Rail car should be completely unloaded including anyspilled material which should be picked up, weighed andidentified as spilled from original containers. Buyer shouldcooperate in every way to help minimize losses.

Weighing, Shipping and Receiving(Export/Import Shipment)Seller’s Responsibility:a. Each package should be individually weighed and the

entire container load should be check-weighed for compar-ison. If container is weighed during inclement weather orwind, make note of this on weight ticket.

b. Container and chassis should be drop-weighed, if possible,both empty and loaded.

c. Prepare and send to Buyer a complete manifest and pack-ing list indicating the order number, items shipped, numberand type of packages of each commodity, as well as thegross, tare and net weights of each package and the sealnumbers.

d. If shipment is against a Letter of Credit, pay strict atten-tion to all terms.

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e. Place seals on all container doors and indicate seal num-bers on documentation.

f. Material and packages should be properly stowed andbraced to prevent movement during shipment.

g. Be aware that someone at the delivery point will have tounload the shipment. Pay particular attention to doorareas to assure that material is loaded safely. Proper careshould be taken to insure that thematerial can beunloaded in a safe and expedient manner.

Buyer’s Responsibility:a. Container and chassis should be drop-weighed, if possible,

both empty and loaded.

b. Carefully check shipment advices and compare packagecount, seal numbers, weights.

c. Prior to unloading, if a significant* weight difference isapparent, the Seller should be notified promptly and, ifrequested, another weight should be taken to determine ifspillage or theft might have occurred. Seller should be giv-en opportunity to appoint surveyor or representative toverify weights.

d. After unloading, promptly advise Seller of any significant*differences between advised and actual weights, segrega-tion, classification or quality. (Note: Refer to Part IV of thecircular for recommended procedures in handling qualityproblems.)

e. Container should be completely unloaded including anyspilled material which should be picked up, weighed andidentified as spilled from original containers. Buyer shouldcooperate in every way to help minimize losses.

*For purposes of this section, themeaning of the word “signifi-cant” shall be determined by agreement between Buyer andSeller, depending on the commodities and their values.

Part III: Transportation GuideThemode and type of conveyance should be specified in thecontract. If it has not been, then it is important that Buyer andSeller agree upon themode and type to be used. These guide-lines will assist in determining the appropriate means of trans-portation to employ.

A. Mode—Truck/Trailer1. Type:

a. Dump

b. Removable sides

c. Van—open or closed

d. Dimensions of unit (20 ft., 40 ft., etc.)

e. Determine if truck/trailer capacity meets minimumweight specified on contract.

B. Mode—Rail Car1. Type:

a. Box car or gondola

b. Size of door opening, i.e. single or double door

c. Special type D.F., Hi-Cube, etc.

d. Dimensions of car (40 ft., 50 ft., 60 ft., etc.)

e. Determine if rail car capacity meets minimumweight specified on contract.

C. Export Shipments1. Container:

a. Type of container, i.e. closed, open-top, flat rack,Hi-cube, etc.

b. Size of container (20 ft., 35 ft., 40 ft., 45 ft., etc.)

c. Determine if container capacity meets minimumweight specified on contract.

2. Breakbulk

Part IV: Rejections—Downgrades—ClaimsA brief explanation of these items will help one understandand implement the procedures recommended in this section.

Rejections: Rejections can occur when a Buyer refuses toaccept a shipment of material that does not conform to thedescription specified in the contract. Usually in such cases, theBuyer cannot utilize thematerial and the Seller is asked toremove thematerial from the Buyer’s place of delivery. Arejection can occur prior to unloading, but often the cause ofthe problem cannot be determined until thematerial has beenoff loaded and graded. Any part, or all, of the shipment may besubject to rejection.

Downgrades: Downgrades can occur when all, or part, of thematerial in a shipment is not in conformity with the descriptionspecified in the contract. Often, in such cases, the Buyer canutilize thematerial and is willing to accept delivery of thematerial, subject to a price commensurate with its value.

Claims: This term is usedmostly in export-import movements,and is used generically to encompass both rejections anddowngrades, as well asweight shortages.

Strict adherence to contract terms canminimize the commoncauses of these difficulties. However, if a problemarises, it shouldbe given prompt attention and settlement should be attemptedas quickly as is practical. It is essential that both parties cooper-ate and keep communications open tominimize expenses and topreserve the relationship. Negotiations should not be conflictingbutmutually beneficial and fair. Listed below are some recom-mended steps to be takenwhen a problemarises.

Domestic ShipmentsBuyer’s Responsibilities:a. In the event of a rejection Buyer must notify Seller imme-

diately by telephone or telex. If Seller fails to respond with-in two business days, Buyer may returnmaterial in mostprudent manner. Subject to contract provisions, Buyershould promptly advise Seller concerning replacement ofrejectedmaterial.

b. In the event of a downgrade Buyer must notify Sellerimmediately by telephone or telex and afford Seller anopportunity to inspect thematerial prior to its use. If mate-rial is to be inspected by Seller or his/her representative,Buyer should agree to amutually convenient time to do so.


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ISRI established an arbitration service as ameans to enablemembers to use arbitration to resolve disputes.

ISRI arbitration is a voluntary procedure andmust be agreedupon by both parties in the dispute. It is not required that bothparties to the dispute be ISRI members.

The complete procedure for arbitration is set forth in ISRI’s“Rules for Arbitration,” which are available fromAssociationheadquarters in Washington, D.C. The rules contain the neces-sary form that must be completed to initiate arbitration. ISRItreats all filings, awards, and proceedings as confidential.

The rules are highlighted below:

1. Anyonemay propose arbitration in a dispute, though atleast one party must be amember of the association. Bothparties must agree to the arbitration by signing a “Submis-sion to Arbitrate” form and agreeing to abide by the appli-cable Arbitration Rules.

2. A panel of arbitrators has been established by the associa-tion. The arbitrators serve without compensation, exceptfor reasonable expenses. The arbitration parties must drawtheir arbitrators from the panel. Amaximum of three arbi-trators can be issued in any proceeding; the parties areencouraged to use a single arbitrator.

3. There is a specific schedule of fees listed in the “Rules forArbitration.” Each party must deposit with the associationin advance $500 plus $500 for each arbitrator. The totaldeposit for each party thus is either $1,000 or $2,000,depending on whether one arbitrator is to be used orthree. A portion of the fee is refundable if not required todefray arbitrators’ costs. The arbitrators may require thelosing party to reimburse the prevailing party for its shareof these costs.

4. The arbitration procedure usually includes a hearing, atwhich time the parties involved are required to appear,present their respective cases, and be available for ques-tioning by the arbitrator(s). All physical evidence (con-tracts, correspondence, relevant comments, etc.) may berequired to be submitted in advance to the arbitrators. Aparty in the arbitrationmay be accompanied by counselbut must inform the other party in advance and receivepermission from the arbitrators. Witnesses may also becalled to an arbitration hearing. There is also an optionalprocedure for conducting the arbitration without an oralhearing.

5. An award by the arbitrator(s) will be made promptly, within20 days after hearings have been completed or final briefssubmitted. The award is made in writing.

6. The rules state that the parties to the dispute shall bedeemed to have consented that a judgment upon theaward be entered in any court having jurisdiction over anaction to enforce the award.

Members who wish to provide an automatic basis for the set-tlement of any disputes arising from a transaction are encour-aged to provide in their contracts that the ISRI ArbitrationProcedure shall prevail in the event of any ensuing controversyand that each party will take all necessary steps to initiate sucharbitration. Members are urged to obtain and carefully readthe “Rules for Arbitration” before proceeding.

For more information, contact Eric Harris, 202/662-8514 [email protected].

c. Buyer must give Seller option of removingmaterial ifhe/she does not agree to downgrade. (All costs of unload-ing and reloading are for Seller's account.)

Seller’s Responsibilities:a. In the event of a rejection Seller should respond promptly

and advise Buyer of his/her intentions. Seller must replywithin two business days. Subject to contract provisions,he/shemust advise Buyer promptly concerning replace-ment of rejectedmaterial.

b. In the event of an unacceptable downgrade Seller mustadvise Buyer within two business days if he/she wishes toinspect material and agree upon amutually convenienttime to do so.

c. If Seller wishes to remove downgradedmaterial from Buy-er’s delivery point, he/shemust advise Buyer promptly. (Allcosts of unloading and reloading are for Seller's account.)

Export-Import ShipmentsBuyer’s Responsibility:a. In the event of a claim, time is of the essence and notifica-

tion should be given to Seller within a reasonable period oftime after arrival of vessel in receiving port.

b. In the event of a claim, thematerial should be held intactuntil agreement has been reached. The acceptable portionof thematerial may be consumed and/or arrangementsmay bemade to sample a portion of material, i.e., 10-25%with balance held intact pending resolution of claim.

Seller’s Responsibility:a. In the event of a claim, Seller should respond to Buyer’s

notification promptly by telephone, telex, wire, or cable.

b. When a claim settlement has been agreed upon, terms ofsettlement must be followed promptly.

SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 201156 Guidelines for Metals Transactions/ISRI Arbitration Service

ISRI Arbitration Service