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ISOLOMZI EXPRESS | THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2014 NEWS 1 press ISOLOMZI 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | Tsomo Nqamakwe | Willowvale | Confimvaba | Elliot THURSDAY February 6, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | | | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE WHERE SMART PEOPLE SHOP WE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE 7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 Terms & condition apply Come to hyper Build for further information Special prices for contractors Special loyalty cards & points for contractors Prizes to be won by contractors BEE Compliant MS5HX5-060214-TE-hsaunc-build BABALWA NDLANYA T HE MEC for the Department of Health in the Eastern Cape, Scelo Gqobana, has promised to add 17 nurses in clinics in the Mbhashe Locality Municipality. Gqobana made this announcement during the handing over of the Dutywa Community Health Cen- tre in the Idutywa area last week. He promised that the department would make sure that it brings doc- tors and an ambulance to the area. The Department had spent R70 million to build the health centre which was handed over to the commu- nity. According to the MEC, the centre was built to ensure that people go to dignified and clean institu- tions to receive medical attention. “Clinics which are built in the rural areas must be the same as those built in urban areas. Today we want to say to the people, ‘Here is the facility you must use it’. The dignity of the people of Mbhashe is worth more than the money we spent to build this clinic,” he said. He told people to never be afraid to report any sort of ill treatment they receive from the institution. He insisted that nurses should always wear their name badges so as to be easily recognisable by patients so that it would be easy to report them. Gqobana said no nurse is allowed to work without wearing a name badge. He said the clinic that was used before was not in a good condition. “In fact, I am not happy about the number of doctors who are operating in these clinics that are under Mbhashe. When I visited these clinics, patients told me that they had to hire vehi- cles because there are no ambulances.” One of the community members, Andile Sangqu, said the department had brought a change for the better in their lives because now doctors would be available in their clinic as promised by the MEC. “We hope that nurses will deliver better services now because the Department is promising to add more staff,” he said. MEC promises more nurses and doctors in Mbhashe MEC Scelo Gqobana and King Zwelonke Sigcau during the official opening and hand over of Dutywa Commu- nity Health Centre last week. PHOTO: BABALWA NDLANYA
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Page 1: Isolomzi Express 20140205



20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | TsomoNqamakwe | Willowvale | Confimvaba | Elliot

THURSDAY February 6, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | | | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as theIsolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE



7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 Terms & condition apply

Come to hyper Build for further information

Special prices for contractorsSpecial loyalty cards & points for contractors

Prizes to be won by contractors

BEE Compliant



THEMEC for the Department of Health inthe Eastern Cape, Scelo Gqobana, haspromised to add 17 nurses in clinics inthe Mbhashe Locality Municipality.

Gqobana made this announcement during thehandingoverof theDutywaCommunityHealthCen-tre in the Idutywa area last week. He promised thatthe department would make sure that it brings doc-tors and an ambulance to the area.TheDepartmenthad spentR70 million tobuild the

health centre whichwas handed over to the commu-nity. According to the MEC, the centre was built toensure that people go to dignified and clean institu-tions to receive medical attention.“Clinics which are built in the rural areas must

be the same as those built in urban areas. Today wewant to say to the people, ‘Here is the facility youmust use it’. The dignity of the people of Mbhasheis worthmore than themoney we spent to build thisclinic,” he said.He told people to never be afraid to report any sort

of ill treatment they receive from the institution. Heinsisted that nurses should always wear their namebadges so as to be easily recognisable by patientsso that itwould be easy to report them.Gqobana saidno nurse is allowed toworkwithoutwearing a namebadge.He said the clinic that was used before was not

in a good condition. “In fact, I am not happy aboutthe number of doctors who are operating in theseclinics that areunderMbhashe.When I visited theseclinics, patients told me that they had to hire vehi-cles because there are no ambulances.”One of the community members, Andile Sangqu,

said the department had brought a change for thebetter in their lives because now doctors would beavailable in their clinic as promised by the MEC.“We hope that nurses will deliver better services

now because the Department is promising to addmore staff,” he said.

MECpromisesmorenursesanddoctors inMbhashe

MEC Scelo Gqobana and King Zwelonke Sigcau duringthe official opening and hand over of Dutywa Commu­nity Health Centre last week.


Page 2: Isolomzi Express 20140205

2 NewsFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express

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BUTTERWORTH Police Officials and com-munity members from the Eugene InformalSettlement in Butterworth attended aNation-al Police Day (NPD) event held in their area,where police engaged with the community inthe hope of building trust between them andthe police.

Police Spokesperson, Captain JacksonManatha, said community members had theopportunity to raise complaints that were ad-dressed by Lieutenant Colonel Tammie Xak-we who represented the acting station com-mander of Butterworth police station, Briga-dier Mzimasi Vukani.“There were more compliments for than

complaints against the police. Lt ColonelXakwe urged community members to worktogether with their sector managers and if

they were not satisfied they should not hesi-tate to contact the office of the station com-mander,” said Captain Manatha.He said they chose that specific area for

their event as it is an area that is faced witha high crime rate. There were incidentswhere young children were raped and wom-en dumped new born babies. [email protected]



Community members who attended aNational Police Day at Eugene InformalSettlement. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


AMATHOLE District Municipality (ADM)has informedmembers of thepublic, inpartic-ular residents of Qawukeni and Middledriftcommunities, that water supply had been re-stored.

In Qaukeni, a new connection from themainpipeline to the existingpipelinewas con-

structed. Effective from the January 17, watersupply in the area was restored.This comes after ADM’s rapid response

team discovered technical glitches with thewater treatmentworkswhich supplywater tothe Qawukeni community.Three major pipe bursts also occurred on

the bulk-line, causing outages in the Middle-drift and surrounding areas such asMbizana,Njwaxa and Amathole Basin villages.

On January 18 repairs were effected ensur-ing restoration of water on January 23. A fullrestorationofwater atAmatholeBasinVillag-es was completed on the January 24. Duringthese disruptions an alternative water supplywas provided throughwater tankers to all theaffected villages.In a statement, the Amathole District Mu-

nicipality said it would like to apologize to allthe residents of the affected villages for the in-

convenience caused by these disruptions tothe water services.“ADM reassures the affected communities

that the intervention was sustainable whiletheupgradeprojectof thewatersupplysystemis due to begin towards the end of this year.”This project will include a complete over-

haul and upgrade of the water treatmentworks, upgrading of certain bulk pipelinesand pump stations.

Amathole DistrictMunicipality restores water supply

POLICEarrested three armed robbery suspectsatMboyaVillage inWillowvale within an hourafter a business was robbed.It is alleged that a female tavern owner (33)

was busy working in the tavern when threearmed men burst into the place and aimed twopistols at her while demanding money.Police Spokesperson, Captain Jackson Man-

atha, said they were shown where the moneywasandtheytookit.TheyleftwithaToyotabak-

kie and no shots were fired.“The victim them phoned theWillowvale po-

liceandgave themafull descriptionof theToyo-ta bakkie. Police saw the vehicle on the road toWillowvale townand stopped it. Three suspectsaged 23, 34 and 42 were arrested,” said CaptainManatha.According to Captain Manatha, police recov-

ered unlicensed firearms with seven rounds ofammunition from the 42- year-old suspect and

five rounds of ammunition from the 23-year-oldsuspect.Headded that anundisclosedamount ofmon-

ey was also recovered and tobacco. The Toyotabakkie,whichhasnotbeenreported stolen,wasalso confiscated.The 23-year-old and42-year-oldsuspects had been charged with business rob-bery, possession of fire arms and ammunitionwhilst the 34-year-old suspect had been chargedwith business robbery.

Robbery suspectsarrested inWillowvale

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3NewsFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express



CENTANE police visited two Junior SecondarySchools at Qina Village after pupils were attackedby hooligans (non- schooling boys) while returninghome after school.

In an effort to come up with a solution they visitedQina Junior Secondary School and Hlanganani Jun-ior Secondary School and met with parents and pu-pils.

According to police Spokesperson, Captain Jack-son Manatha, they visited these schools after it wasreported that pupils were being attacked by non-schooling boys after school hours.

“It is alleged that some of the pupils were left criti-cally injured by the attacks and were unable to writetheir final examinations last year,” said CaptainManatha.

He said at the meeting it was agreed that the tradi-tional leaders would assist the sector commandersand communitypolicing officers in conductingmeet-ings where community residents and youth wouldbe addressed and encouraged to work together withthe police to fight hooliganism in the area.

Captain Manatha said that while it was not clearwhy these pupils were attacked, they suspect that itmight be related to faction fighting which is still con-tinuing in the area, and where boys from certain vil-lages were not allowed to cross to Qina Village.

Spokesperson for the Department of Education,Malibongwe Mtima, said they were aware of this sit-uation and there would be arrangements that wouldbe made by the affected schools and the district officeto help the pupils who didn’t write last year.

“If an incident like this is happening outsideschool premises it is hard for the Department to in-tervene. We urge the parents to report these mattersto the police because this is violence,” said Mtima.

Police look for solution to savepupilsfromhooligans

Parents who attended a meeting which was held for discussing the problem of pupils who were attacked by non­schooling boys.PHOTO: SUPLIED

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4 NewsFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express




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ALWAYS wondered what it would be liketo work in a newsroom? Or, are you aschool pupil wanting to find out if jour-nalism could be the career for you?

Now you may win the opportunity todo just that and spend time training inour newsroom, simply by showing usyour reporting skills through our CitizenJournalism initiative on our

We are looking for volunteer citizenjournalists to tell us about events hap-pening in your area. We also want toknow about the issues facing your com-munity. And don’t forget about the goodnews stories – we are always interestedin those.

You may have a story to share; youmay want to write reviews for our web-site or offer traffic reports on your wayto work. You could be a keen gardenerwith lots of top tips to offer or simplyhave a fascinating, local story to tell. Aslong as it is local, we are interested!

School newspapersReporters from school newspapers

stand a chance of winning three subedit-ing training sessions by PE Express edi-tor Bettie Giliomee. Editing the news,writing headlines and captions and pagelayout will be dealt with.

The editor and two reporters for GreyHigh School’s “Grey Matter” receivedsubediting training last year and subse-quently took the third spot in the prestigenational competition for school newspa-pers run by Die Burger.

Student reportersCitizen journalism is also the ideal op-

portunity for journalism students to gettheir work published in print. In addi-tion, by submitting their stories, they donot only stand a chance of having theirstories printed, but also shadowing theour journalists for a week during the uni-versity holidays.

Testimonial:I’ve been wanting to write news my

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So I turned to,the site has the same credibility as it’sprint counterpart, meaning my storieswill be taken seriously, and by postingonline I not only have professional jour-nalists look at my work, but I also getpublished – which looks good on my CV.

Seriously, try thisLouis

This is how it will work:All the stories or events must be submitted

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event and click on submit.And you’re done . . . it’s that easy.

Want to trainin our newsroom?REPORTER

THE Independent Electoral Commission has setaside the weekend of 8 and 9 February as the sec-ond voter registration weekend, ahead of the na-tional elections scheduled for later this year.

Accordingly, the Minister of Home Affairs,Naledi Pandor, has directed the department todevelop plans in support of the IEC during thevoter registration weekend.

The Department’s support for the IEC arisesfrom its mandate to deliver enabling documentssuch as ID’s to those citizens that may requirethem for voter registration purposes ahead of thenational and provincial elections. ID’s are an im-portant element that enables the citizenry to ex-

ercise its democratic right to vote.In a statement the Department of Home Af-

fairs said they are ready to issue ID’s, includingdelivery of uncollected ID’s and TemporaryIdentity Certificates to those in need.

As part of the overall plan of the departmentfor the voter registration weekend and in keep-ing with past practices, the department has di-rected managers in all Home Affairs officesacross the country to ensure the following:

) All Home Affairs offices to be opened from08h00-17h00 on both days (8 and 9 February)

) That all Home Affairs offices operate to fullcapacity during the two-day voter registrationweekend.

Both the green bar-coded IDs and the smartID cards will be acceptable as legal forms of

Plans forvoter registrationweekendidentity for purposes of registration and votingduring the elections.

As in the previous voter registration week-end, the DG, Chief Operating Officer and all oth-er Deputy Directors-General will visit all prov-inces in accordance with internal deploymentprocesses to help co-ordinate and oversee thework of the provinces during the weekend

According to the statement the departmentjoins the call by the IEC for those South Afri-cans who are eligible to vote to take advantageof the voter registration weekend and to ap-proach Home Affairs offices across the countryfor assistance in acquiring these enabling docu-ments to exercise their democratic right to votein this year that marks the 20 years since thedawn of peace, freedom and democracy.

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5NewsFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express

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I wonder what the gossip team is going to tellus? Come closer because we are here to sharesome good news with Express land.

Sometimes these chaps who think they aretown – if not township – fellows bore us becausethere is an element of pompousness when theyvisit us in the bundu areas, where we grew up.Sometimes we even think twice when invitingthem to our ceremonies, because they alwaysdenydoingwhatpeople aredoing in that partic-ular ceremony.Babe bekwenzela incasa befuna ukutotoswa

kanti asiyiqhelanga lo nto ezilalini. Ukubakukhutshwe isithebe okanye isilawulo seent-sizwa zidibana apho zisike zonke. What hap-pened boys? Hey, we took these model C boysto a ceremony which was hosted by our buddyin Tsolo. OW!! It was like we could chase themaway, because they were not prepared to prac-tise what people in the rural areas practise.Bamdika ke uGesh kuba bathanda nesilungu

kanti uyazi yena ukuba umcimbi wesiNtuakuyonto yokuthetha silungu. Okukha-wathayo kule daai ding ke akusho ukuthi bonaabasazi isiNtu. Yeyi, nina stop that behaviourkungenjalowewill never invite you to our cere-monies.It’s worse because, before you relocate to

town – if not township – you started from thelocality or your parents still have a home in la-lis. I wonder benza kanjani xa beye khona or

bebechomela thina. Kwayinto yokuba un-gene unqwaze i-caps endlini utebhise ne-brukhwe. Eish bafune ukuthelelwa eyaboinyama kwi-side plate ngaphakathi ebuh-lanti. Shame, kwaze kwanzima ezwenisokhile. Okay, let us leave it like this,sawubona ukuba oba enjani amaxhego an-gomso kule i-generation. Perhaps kothikusenzelwa umntwana imbeleko kube kud-lalwa iHip-Hop. Mawwuu!

Let’s hope she will adhere to her resolu-tion the entire yearAs you know guys, each and every begin-

ning of the year people set their targets andothers surrender some other things to starta new life in that particular year. Some reso-lutions are surprises. You know what? Re-cently we met a lady who is well known inthe mnandi places around UTA.And wherever there is a gig you will find

her with those seductive dance moves. Sheis also not shy, even to the guys. Watsibamoss ukuthi sithetha ngantoni. Hey,usisters told us that she stopped the boozeand she is no longer a lady of the night if notof the nightclubs. Shame, she looks goodevenher facial expression shows its originalbeauty, meaning that she really stoppedboozing. That is amammothachievement si-si, ungasawa because people normally usedto set new lives for the New Year but they

end up becoming grand flops by sometimeseven getting more involved in their previousbad practices.Shame, alcohol can damage the beauty be-

cause now kumaxa sibonayo ukuba usisi lowas pretty in her time but since shewasmoreinvolved in alcohol abuse that beauty van-ished. Thumbs up ke nontombi xa kuncomaumgosi usikelelekile sozama ukuncedisananawe.

Kanti umuntu utshintsha xa kutheni?

Kuthiwa okuhlula amadoda kuyabikwa.Bafethu there is somethingwhich confuses usas a gossip team particularly in this practiceof gayism if not lesbianism. Umbuzo wethungulo wokuba umntu utshintsha nini, xakutheni? Why such a question? Because ka-loku our buddy ebene-‘straight’ sakhe lastyear and the resolution for this year bekuku-ba uyamthatha umenza umazulendlini (un-kosikazi ke ngesiXhosa esisiso). And beselebenentwana entle engumfana.Mara ngoku iz-into zitshintshile usisi ubuye sengasayingenilo nto esithi yena seyi-lesbian and she is pre-paring tomarry her longtime sweetheartwhois the same gender of hers. Mmm, kunzimaemhlabeni sokhile. Kuyacacamoss ukuba ku-dala iqhubeka le nto xa sele kuzotshatwa ngo-March usisters lo ebeshaya nge-‘double adap-tor’. Be careful, ungathi uhlala nomntu wa-

kho kanti se-belonger’ kwenye i-society.Mfethu this is not the endweunderstanduku-ba ubumthanda kanjani lo mntwana but kun-zima ngoku ukujika amatye abe zizonka.Okay qala ubomi obutsha akuqali ngaweuku-lahlekelwe ngumntu. Eissaaa mara ngalendlela bekuncono ukuba uthathelwe yenyeioutie ngoku nguye othathe enye i-cherrie.

Abantu bayaxaka wenza into yedwamara xa seibhemile ufunana nabantu

Abantu bakuthi andazi ukuba ungabathinikuba umntu wenza into eyedwa kumnandifuthi kweli xesha ebeyenza kodwa ezinto xasezijikile ufuna ukuzakubheyilwa. Ithini nakanti le nto? Kukhona ioutie yethu latelyibisele ingafuni ukuhamba nathi xa siy-okonwaba. Nathi ke besingabuzi nto becauseakunyanzelekanga ukuba ahambe nathi ma-ra icherrie yakhe imana ukubuza sibe siqon-da ukuba asinampendulo kule mibuzo. Kantiumfethu umana ukuya kuganga ngoku andwabanjwa ngumntu wakhe uthi masimng-qinele ukuba besihlala Sisonke njani ebema-na esibuza ukuba uphi kwaye kwenzeka nto-ni. Mfethu mela ismoko sakho thina besin-gekho asinokugqina ubugqina bobuxoki.Uyayazi moss lonto. Now, let’s take our pensand go and gather umgosi for our next publi-cation.Bye!

UmgosiWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do

Opinions and views expressed in advertisements, news reports and columns are not necessarily those of the Isolomzi Express, its pub-lishers and staff. Please note that all advertisements are exempt from errors and omission.

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6 School NewsFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express

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7MotoringFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express


FORD’S take on the very popular SUVmarketmade quite an impression when I had the op-portunity to spend a week with their new Ku-ga last year.

Needless to say, I was quite curious aboutwhat the weeklong road test would be likewith their “baby” SUV, the Ecosport, whichas the name suggests is a combination of Eco-nomical Eco.friendly and Sporty. CompactSUV’s, like the Nissan Juke, Renault Dusterand Renault Sandero Stepway are becomingincreasingly popular as people start to realisethat bigger SUVs can be quite costly to buy,maintain and fill with fuel, especially whenonly used for the city commute with its of-froad paraphernalia only (very) expensivedecorations.So what do these compact SUVs offer? The

high ride, ground clearance and look of a SUVcombined with the space to fit all the family’sluggage on a longweekend away, yet compactenough for the city and its tight parking spac-es. Not to mention the fuel economy in an en-gine that is powerful enough to be taken com-fortably and safely on the open road.


The EcoSport is built on the Fiesta plat-form. As the engines are small a lot of efforthas gone into clever design elements to en-hance the performance. And according toFord one of the ways in which this was done,was to look at the aerodynamics for a smallerdrag coefficient, and lowering fuel consump-tion.With a 200 mm ground clearance for those

potholes, speedhumps and pavements thatare in your way in the concrete jungle, theEcosport is also capable of driving in 550 mmdepth ofwater on adventurous off-road familyoutings in the real jungle.

The spare-wheel is placed, uncovered, onthe back door, and while tastes differ aboutthis, I thought the uncovered spare-wheeladded to the sporty look. Plus it could be use-ful for a bit of cushioning should I reverse intosomething, by accident.Best of all - the back door opens sideways

- which I regard as much more practical thanthe traditional upwards way. Despite theheaviness of the door (due to the spare wheelon it) it opens easily by pushing a small blackbutton situated in the brakelight. Simplypress the button; it unhatches and is easy toopen with one hand.Talking about heavy doors - since my chil-

dren were old enough to open and close cardoors they have been taught not to slam thedoors. This backfired a bit in theEcosport.Wedidn’t manage to have one ride without hav-ing to stop, right after pulling away, to allowsomeone to close their door properly.


Its Fiesta roots are also very evident in theinterior with controls similar to those of theFiesta.Here again, although a question of per-sonal taste, I would have preferred a differentlayout of the audio-system controls - it lookslike the Fiesta’s winglike game control styl-ing which I have never really liked.But that’s where the negative stops for me.

This vehicle is filled with Ford’s latest tech-nology like its famous “Sync” communica-tion device and all the latest voice-activatedsystems.There are 20 intelligent packing spaces

which include a cubbyhole that doubles as anair-conditioned beverage cooler, as well as aslide-out drawer under the front seat.This five-seater is quite spacious despite it

being a compact vehicle and the bootwas sur-prisingly accommodating too. We took thefamily out on a daytrip to Grahamstown fora primary school cricketmatch andmanaged

to fit everything we needed for a picnic.The seats can fold down and the backseats

can be folded away to increase the space.


The Ecosport comes in three styling pack-ages, from thebasicAmbiente to themid-levelTrend and high spec Titanium. Some of thehigher spec features in the Trend and Titani-um include steering-wheel controls for the au-dio system and a USB connector as part of theFord SYNC system. The Titaniumhas leatherseats, cruise control, auto headlamps andrainsensing wipers.


The Ecosport is available in three types ofengines: the 1.0 litre turbo-charged 3-cylinderpetrol engine and the 1.5 litre turbo-diesel andpetrol. The vehicle test driver was the turbo-charged 1.0 litre and on our trip to Graham-stown it did not take long to realise why thissmall engine, won the coveted Engine of theYear title for two-years in a row. Apart fromthe powerful performance this engine alsohas cleaner emissions and is more fuel effi-cient (given as 5.7liter/100km for a combined

cycle).The power from this engine is quite unbe-

lievable and will easily give bigger engines arun for their money on the open road.One needs to gear down on uphills and

when overtaking, but changing the gears ofthe five-speed transmissionwas effortless andprecise - I never struggled to find the rightgear while concentrating on the road or traf-fic ahead.The ride felt a bit floaty at first, but it is

something one would expect due to the highground clearance. It provided a comfortableand pleasure-filled ride in a vehicle everystyle-sensitive teenager would be more thanhappy to be seen in.

Price and specificationsEcoSport 1.5 TiVCT (Petrol) Ambiente:

R199 000 PetrolEcoSport 1.0 EcoBoost (Petrol) Trend

R224 000EcoSport 1.5 TDCi (Diesel) Trend R 229 000EcoSport 1.0 EcoBoost (Petrol) Titanium R

244 000EcoSport 1.5 TiVCT Titanium (Petrol) Pow-

erShift Auto R244 000EcoSport 1.5 TDCi (Diesel) Titanium

R249 000


Ecosportputspowerandeconomy intoSUVdriving

cient (given as 5.7liter/100km for a combined

The Ford Ecosport takes SUVstyling to a whole new level.PHOTO:QUICKPIC

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8 SportFebruary 6, 2014Isolomzi Express

MS2CQ0-300114-TE-hsnnon-figoMS2CSV-300114-TE-hsaunc-etios MS2CVQ-300114-TE-hsaunc-RANGER MS2CYK-300114-TE-hsaunc-ikon


THE Imiganu Traditional Council in Elliot-dale hasmade some changes to their AnnualEaster Tournament this year.

The Organiser of this tournament,Melinkqubo Ndabokutya, said this tourna-ment would be hosted on April 19 at Mkhat-hazazo Sport ground in Elliotdale.

He said they had invited King ZwelonkeSigcau, King Ndlovuyezwe Ndamase, ChiefPhathekile Holomisa, Chief Dalisizwe Du-dumayo and Chief Xolile Ndevu.“Two weeks before the tournament all the

teams who are participating in this tourna-mentwill playmatches to select playerswhowill play in one team representing each ar-ea,” he said.The teams from Elliotdale that are expect-

ed to participate and become one squad torepresent Chief Ndevu are Mkhathazo Foot-ball Club, Thafalehashe Football Club,Mbetshe Football Club, Ndwaka FootballClub, Nkwame Football Club, Mqhele Foot-ball Club, Xhora Mouth Football Club andImbutye Football Club.He said all the Kings and Chiefs who are

invited will come with the teams who willbe representing them in this tournament.

Mr Ndabokutya also said they had invitedMthatha legends and Premier SoccerLeague players with the intention of moti-vating the youth who were not interested insport.“In fact we are still negotiating with them

and we believe that they will give us a posi-tive response.”

[email protected]

IMiganuprepares for Easter Tournament

Try Again is one of the teams that will participate in the preliminary games to select the squad that will play in IMiganu Tournament. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA