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Isolation and Quarantine

Jan 29, 2021


Health & Medicine

Peter Maurer

Lately, since the occurrence of COVID-19, an infection caused by a beta coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the WHO, the disease has infected 1.5 million people and caused mortality of about 90,000 individuals globally.

Travel restrictions have been effected, countries have put lockdown measures on their towns and countries generally and have implemented social distancing, Isolation and quarantine measures as well as are preventive and control mechanisms of reducing the spread and infection transmissions. It is these factors that we have to define and understand Isolation and Quarantine, what their implementation has and will do in controlling these types of viral infection.

Both of these practices must be voluntary and/or legally permitted by government authorities for public health concerns before they are implemented on an individual or a group of people.

Welcome message from author
Unlike the flu, People with COVID-19 can still spread the virus even if they don’t have any symptoms. If you came in close contact with someone who had COVID-19, it is critical that you stay home for 14 days from the last day that you were in close contact with that person. Staying home and distancing (at least 6 feet) from others at all times helps your health department in the fight against COVID-19, and keeps you, your family, and your community safe.