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Island Glades Gospel Centre Part II Recapitulation

Island Glades Gospel Centre Part II Recapitulation.

Jan 13, 2016



Prosper Tate
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Page 1: Island Glades Gospel Centre Part II Recapitulation.

Island Glades Gospel Centre

Part II


Page 2: Island Glades Gospel Centre Part II Recapitulation.



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One Head and One BodyTwo aspects where the Local Church

should reflect the Universal Church:

He is the HEAD of the Church

that in ALL things He might

have the Pre-eminence.

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III. The Problems of the Local Church in Corinth (cf. Acts 18:1, 8, 11)

1. The Problem of Disunity – Paul’s Appeal for Unity in the Church.

I Cor. 1:10-30 2.The Problem of Immaturity – Paul could not Advance with them. They were Childish and Carnal: they still needed Milk and not Meat. 3:1-3, 43. The Problem of Immorality –

Paul was Appalled by their Tolerance of Incest in their midst. I Cor. Ch. 5

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4. The Problem of Litigation (Legality)They Accused one Another in Court

I Cor. Ch. 6a. Such accusations should be brought before the Court of

Saints and not Sinners. 6:1-4

b. It was Shameful that these Surfaced – no one was prepared to Suffer wrong! 6:5-8

c. They were Sanctified; hence they need to behave like Saints and not Sinners. 6:9-11

And such were some of you:

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

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The TEN Serious Sins of Brothers (and Sisters) which need Separation – 6:9-11 (5:11)

with such an one no not to eat (5:11)

…such were some of you: (6:11)

cp. if any man that is called a brother be…(5:11)

1) Fornicators – from Gk. pornos

2) Idolaters – worshipping “God-usurpers”

3) Adulterers – violators of the marriage bed

4) Thieves – taking what is not theirs.

5) Extortioners – exacts more than their due.

6) Covetous – the sin of greed

Page 7: Island Glades Gospel Centre Part II Recapitulation.

7) Effeminate – malakos, of uncert. affin.; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); fig. a catamite. (Strong)addicts to sin of the flesh (Vine)those who have lost their manhood (Barclay)those who make women of themselves (Darby)abusers of themselves as women (Kelly)(passive)male prostitutes (NIV, NRSV)

8) Abusers of themselves with mankind – homosexuals – assuming the active role.

9) Drunkards – habitual intoxication of an alcoholic.

10) Revilers – users of violent, vile, vulgar language.

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4. The Problem of Litigation (Legality)They Accused one Another in Court

I Cor. Ch. 6a. Such accusations should be brought before the Court of

Saints and not Sinners. 6:1-4b. It was Shameful that these Surfaced – no one was

prepared to Suffer wrong! 6:5-8c. They were Sanctified; hence they need to behave like

Saints and not Sinners. 6:9-11d. Their bodies are the Spirit’s Dwelling – not to be

Defiled by Food or Fornication. 6:13-18, 12, 19, 20 cf. 3:17

e. All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

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Next Lord’s Day (D.V.)a. Re: Relationship between Male and Female.b. Re: Relationship between those who eat Meat offered to idols and those who do not. 8:1-13c. Re: Relationship between the Missionary and

the Church Members. I Cor. Ch. 9d. Re: Relationships between Israel and God, and the Church and God. I Cor. Ch. 10



BE WTH YOU ALL. AMEN. - II Cor. 13:14