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Island Connection - March 5, 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    I n s i d e t h e I s l a n d C o n n e c t i o n . . .

    page 13 ChoosingLandsCaperspage 12 goLdenCuppage 7 Winningarrangement

    Volume 3 Issue 23 March 5, 2010FREE





    Palmetto Point continued on page 4

    As part o its continuing eortto preserve the unique naturalenvironment o South Carolinas

    Lowcountry, the Lowcountry Open Landrust recently celebrated the conservationo Palmetto Point, a 150 acre tract oland located on Legareville Road in thetraditionally rural and agricultural settingo Johns Island. Palmetto Point is visiblerom the waterways o the Kiawah River,Chaplin Creek, Alligator Creek and theStono River, and shares borders with closeto 1000 acres o land protected by the

    Land rust.Te conservation o these landsavorably impacts the water quality o theadjacent waterways while providing reugeand habitat to a diversity o wildlie. Teproperty itsel is comprised o activeagricultural elds, natural pine andhardwood stands, a reshwater pond, LiveOaks and Palmettos, extensive Spartinamarsh, and a maritime orest on itsadjacent hummock island. Te protectiono Palmetto Point allows the land toremain in its traditional agricultural andrural residential use, providing scenicand open space values in perpetuity. Teadjacent hummock island will also beprotected in its relatively natural state,helping to conserve its unique habitat type which has the ability to support variousrare and endangered species o fora andauna. Due to these signicant benetsto the citizens o Charleston County, theprotection o Palmetto Point was supportedby public unding in cooperation with theCharleston County Greenbelt Bank.

    Now celebrating its 25th year, theLowcountry Open Land rust currentlyprotects 81,118 acres on 247 proper ties. Itsmission is to protect and oster voluntaryconservation o the irreplaceableLowcountry orests, armland, openspaces, wildlie habitat and wetlands, thushelping to conserve orever its unique

    Preserving Palmetto PointSpecial to the iSland connection

    Palmetto Point Photo by tina Mayland

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    Town fnancialsLet me precede this by saying that thebeginning o the year report is not a verygood indication o the coming year, saidMayor Bill Holtz, noting that budgetsusually need about 2 to 3 months toadjust to the new year. For the montho January 2010, revenues or the ownare $52,039.59, roughly $25,000 below

    last year. Holtz pointed out that businesslicenses are still coming in, however, so it

    would be better to look at revenues at theend o the quarter. Expenditures are inline with la st year: $25,450.48 comparedto $23,424.54 last year. Excess o

    revenues over expenditures is $26,589.11compared to $53,816.91 last year.Tings ow in at dierent paces everyyear, said Holtz. Well keep an eye onit, but were not in bad shape.

    Progress on the new Town websiteCouncilman Jerry Cummin reported thatthe committee working on the website

    reviewed ve dierent designer/marketingrms during their last meeting, andselected ve designers with whom they

    will discuss the project, taking themaround the island and giving them anidea o what they are looking or in thenew website. Aterwards, the committee

    will make its nal decision. We wantthe own to have as little ma intenanceto do [on the website] as possible, saidCummin. We want visitors to the

    website to be able to nd things easily;like clicking on sports will take them tothe Club amenities site.

    Councilman Sam Reed asked i anyo the other island entities who will belinked on the site would participatenancially in the cost o the new website,

    but the Mayor said no, pointing out that

    this is the owns website and the ofcialwebsite o Seabrook. We need to havea good, solid website that is the key toSeabrook, and the own needs to havetotal control.

    Councilman Ahearn stated that thePOA and the Club are both consideringredeveloping their websites and suggestedthat i they are able to nd a good web

    designer, they might be able to work out adeal with them to work on the other sites.Well look into it, said Ahearn.

    Checking in with the Town organizationsIn the course o his work as the ownliaison to the many island organizations,Councilman erry Ahearn stated thathe met with Camp St. Christopher andintroduced himsel as the new ownliaison. He also talked with the Campabout the owns new website to gaugetheir interest, and the Camp replied thatthey would be interested in participating.

    Ahearn also reported that he spoke withthe President o the Bohicket MarinaVillas Association, Floyd DeAngelo, buthas not been able to set up a meeting

    with him yet to discuss either the websiteor to introduce himsel as the new ownliaison.Ahearn also stated that he will bemeeting with the new owners o theMarina and Freshelds about the new

    website later this month.As or Seabrook Island Green Space,Ahearn reported that the group met withthe owners o a stretch o land alongSeabrook Island Road outside o thegates and learned that they are asking$12 million or the property. So theyrethinking o looking into something alittle urther up the road instead, said

    Ahearn.Lastly, Councilman Ahearn noted

    that the Seabrook Property OwnersAssociation is possibly consideringchanging their election day to sometimein December, so that newly electedofcers are ready to go by January 1, butthey are considering how the change

    would aect the owns annual meeting.It probably wont happen or a while, iit does, said Ahearn.

    Roads CommitteeCouncilman Reed stated that the RoadsCommittee would meet the day ater theCouncil meeting, but at the time, he hadnothing to report.

    Saety CommitteeCouncilman Rob Savin has been

    working on the abbreviated version othe owns disaster plan, and has oundthat two changes need to be made. First,that the statement reading that CER(Community Emergency Responseeam) would provide primary medicalcare in the event o a disaster, needsto be changed to read that CER willprovide medical care as backup to rstresponders. Second, that the date toreview the new plan needs to be changedrom February to April so that the newPOA ofcers will be ready to review anddiscuss the plan.

    Tats just common sense about

    CER, said Mayor Holtz. Savin agreed,pointing out that CER is still in a bit oa bind as an organization. Although theissue o insurance coverage was solved

    when the POA took responsibility orthe organization, CER is now havingdifculty nding a means o unding.We cant und something thats a parto the POA, said Holtz, So somethinghas to be worked out, because we wantCER available outside o the gate,as well. Well see what happens, whatevolves.

    Mayors Report: Town limit nearCaptain SamsIm working with the POA on theCaptain Sams inlet relocation andreceived a second hand letter sayingthat the developers have no objection toSeabrook moving the inlet. Te OCRM(Ofce o Ocean and Coastal Resource

    2 March 5, 2010

    The Island

    ConnectionLynn Pierotti

    [email protected]

    Kristin Hacklermanaging editor

    [email protected]

    Swan Richardssenior graphic designer

    [email protected]

    Lori Daltonaccount executive

    [email protected]

    Ben Jordanadvertising

    [email protected]

    ContributorsGail Banks

    Legare FarmsDr. James Sears

    Nick Strehle

    Published byLucky Dog Publishingof South Carolina, LLC

    P.O. Box 837Sullivans Island, SC 29482


    Future deadlines:March 10 forsubmissions.

    Op-Ed articles do not necessarily refect theopinion o Lucky Dog News or its writers.

    Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC

    Publishers ofIsland Eye News,

    The Island Connection andThe Folly Current.

    Civic Calendar Kiawah island Town hall21 Beachwalker DriveKiawah Island, SC 29455Phone: 768-9166Fax: 768-4764Email: [email protected]

    seabrooKisland Town hall2001 Seabrook Island RoadSeabrook Island, SC 29455Phone: 768-9121Fax: 768-9830Email:[email protected]

    Johns island CounCilMeetings are held at the BerkeleyElectric Co-op located at 3351Maybank Hwy, Johns Island.Chairman Chris Cannon: 343-5113

    CharlesTon CounTyCounCil4045 Bridge View Dr, N Charleston(843) 958-4700

    CiTyof CharlesTon75 Calhoun St.(843) 724-3745

    Seabrook Town Council February 23, 2010

    SI Councilcontinued on page 3

    March 8, 2010

    St. Johns Fire District Commission7 p.m.St. Johns Commission Building3327 Maybank Highway, Johns Island

    March 10, 2010Seabrook Island Planning Commission

    All Planning Commission meetings willbe held at 2:30 p.m. at the own Hallunless noted otherwise on the ownbulletin board.

    March 15, 2010

    Kiawah Island Board o ZoningAppeals4 - 5 p.m.own Hall Council Chambers

    March 30, 2010

    Kiawah Island Ways and MeansCommittee meeting

    9 a.m.

    Kiawah Island Municipal Centers 2ndFloor Conerence Room

    April 1, 2010

    Kiawah Island Arts Council3 - 5 p.m.

    own Hall - 2nd Floor Conerence Room

    Johns Island Council Meeting7 8 p.m.Berkeley Electric Co-Op, Maybank Rd.

    April 2, 2010

    Te own Ofces o Kiawah andSeabrook Islands will be closed orGood Friday.

    April 5, 2010

    Kiawah Island EnvironmentalCommittee3 - 5 p.m.own Hall - 2nd Floor Conerence Room

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    SI Councilcontinued rom page 2

    Management) permit may be appliedor, said the Mayor. I will meet with thePOA and see what we need.Holtz asked Councilman Ahearn to lookinto whether or not they would needto bring lawyers to the meeting, butsaid that I theyre comortable, werecomortable. Based on the letter, Holtzwas pleased, stating that it looks like theown will be able to get a permit to moveCaptain Sams inlet back to the ownboundaries.

    Councilman Savin asked i the ownboundary has been set, to which Holtzreplied that it has, but he didnt want toget into a long discussion or a lawsuit.Teyre being nice and I eel we shoulddo the same, said Holtz, noting that in1990, the own led with the State onthe latitude and longitude o the ownsboundary, so they have State recognitiono the boundary. It [the own limit] wil lstill be in the inlet when we reset it.

    Lkig it fxig th iwlkown Administrator Randy Pierce spokewith a contractor about the sidewalk

    which starts on the other side o SeabrookIsland road across rom own Hall, andcontinues down to the Bohicket Marina.Tere are stantions along the causewaywhich keep getting knocked down, sowell either improve the area or do awaywith the stantions altogether, said Pierce,stating that eventually, the own willhave to take on the sidewalk as a majorproject as its also under water hal o the

    year. We might widen it or, i Reds IceHouse goes into the Marina, do more,said Pierce.Mayor Holtz asked that the stantions bekept separate as they can be dealt withmore quickly than the sidewalk. Terewould be no problem with the stantionsi they would just spring back up whentheyre hit, Councilman Savin smiled.Well look at the total path and seewhats involved in xing it, said Holtz,ater asking Piece to look into alternativesand solutions to the stantions issue.

    Rprt r th Viitr BuruKatie Chapman o the CharlestonVisitors Bureau (CVB) was happy toannounce that the March edition oSouthern Living seems to be theCharleston edition. Mayor Riley is inhere, the Food and Wine Festival, theGarden Festival even the Editor talksabout Charleston, smiled Chapman.She also noted that the Food and WineFestival is coming up or the weekend oMarch 4 7, and Fashion Week will beheld rom March 16 - 20. Teres a lotgoing on or the spring, she said.

    All are welcome to come socializeand to discover whats new in the world o boating. On March 20

    and 21, the Village Green will be lined with the newest boats rom DuncansBoats, Butler Marine o Charleston, SeaRay o Charleston and many others. TeFreshelds Village Boat Show also oersan array o inormation on charters,shing equipment, marine services, andmuch more, including fy shing and castnet demonstrations, as well as live animalpresentations by the Kiawaah NatureCenter.

    Charlestons award-winning DragonBoat team will also give an in-water

    presentation o their unique skills onthe Village pond. Charleston DragonBoats goal is to promote the importanceo physical wellness and psychological well-being ollowing cancer treatmentthrough this team-oriented outdoorsupport program. All proceeds rom theFreshelds Village Boat Show will benetDragon Boat Charleston.

    Admission is ree, so come out and enjoylive music in the aternoon rom 3-6 p.m.on Saturday and 2-5 p.m. on Sunday. Foodand beverages will be available throughoutthe Village all weekend.

    Freshfelds Boat Show

    Dragon Boat participants show o their skills in the Freshfelds lake during the 2009 Boat Show.

    WeLcome, neW ReadeRs!

    Welcome to the 987 new recipientso Lucky Dog publications! LuckyDog Publishing, publishers o

    Te Island Eye News, Te IslandConnection and Te Folly Current, ishappy to announce that we are now

    mailing directly to more than 10,000island residents, with an additional

    4,000 papers distributed throuout theislands. Tank you or reading!

    March 5, 2010 3

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    4 March 5, 2010

    Joseph Qualey is a man determined todo whats right. Whether its ghtingto protect the conserved acres o Dill

    Plantation on James Island or cuttingcumbersome studies down to simplesolutions, Qualey has spent most o his

    working career as a practicing lawyer indowntown Charleston, dealing with tangled

    political knots and breaking them downto a single, straight line. Its this attitudethat has helped him serve on the JamesIsland Council or the past seven years,

    and now, with CountyCouncilman PaulTurmond steppingdown as representativeor District 9, Qualeyhas announced thathe will be running orTurmonds seat in

    the November CountyCouncil elections.

    District 9 coversparts o James Island,

    West Ashley, FollyBeach, Kiawah Islandand Seabrook Island,and Qualey admits thatthere are a lot o projectsand issues in each area that hell need tostudy in-depth, but hes determined to bringa clear mind and cost cutting solutions tothe Council.

    I would like or all budgeting andexpenditures to be completely transparent,

    said Qualey. I have some ideas that Iveimplemented in the own [o James Island]which could be implemented in the County:inexpensive, non-permanent solutions thati they work, great, but it not, we dont losemuch.

    For example, Qualey called or a personto man the trac light at the corner o Campand Folly Roads during congested trac

    hours, extending thelight in certain directions

    when needed at a cost oonly $18 per hour. Itcreated a much betterdriving experience, saidQualey, stating that thesame solution could be

    used at several o District9s more congestedintersections, includingSavannah Highway &St. Andrews Boulevard,Maybank Highway &River Road, and MainRoad & Highway 17.

    With trac beingsuch an issue throughout District 9, Qualeyhas an ideal background: not only did heserve as a Councilman or James Islandthrough all three o its incorporations, healso served on the owns Planning andZoning Committee, as well as the CharlestonCounty ransportation Committee.

    In terms o Kiawah and Seabrook Islandspressing issues o the extension o I-526 andthe Johns Island Greenway, Qualey statedthat the own o James Island and the Cityo Folly Beach both opposed the extensiono I-526. While I havent been asked tostudy it, I remain skeptical o the utility oit, said Qualey, pointing out that one o the

    main reasons or building the extension isor evacuation, but the only place it wouldevacuate to would be I-26, which is alreadya parking lot in evacuation situations.

    Evacuation isnt a lways about highways,its also about decision making andbehavior, said Qualey.

    As or the Johns Island Greenway, Qualeyhas traveled both River and Bohicket Roadsextensively and eels that both are dangerous,but as he hasnt seen any o the plans thatare on the table, he hasnt adopted one asa solution. Something needs to be doneto enhance the saety between Fresheldsand the Maybank/River intersection, saidQualey, I just dont know what. I elected,however, he stated that he will become ullyeducated on all o the alternatives.

    I brought a committed, passionateposition to James Island, said Qualey, andthats what I will bring to the County. Ithink thats what the people want and thats

    what they deserve.

    Joe Qualey received his undergraduate fromGeorgetown University in 1980 and his Lawdegree from the University of South Carolinain 1983. He is presently a member of theCharleston County Bar, the South CarolinaBar and the American Bar of Appeals. He liveson James Island with his wife, Heidi, and sonsKevin (15) and Paul (11).

    sense o place and quality o lie.

    Teres an unusually strongconservation ethic in South Carolina,said Margaret P. Blackmer, President othe Board o rustees. Were gratiedto work with landowners who recognizehow important it is to preserve theunique rural nature o the area. Teireforts benet all South Caroliniansby helping to protect wildlie habitat,preserve water quality, and minimizethe human efects on our environmentor uture generations.

    If you are interested in learning moreabout the Lowcountry Open Land Trust,or to become a member, call Tina Maylandat 577-6510, or visit

    Palmetto Point rom cover

    Councilman Qualey looks to join County CouncilBy Kristin HacKler

    Councilman Joseph Qualey.

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    March 5, 2010 5


    From time to time, people on the islandcomplain because their contractor has toget a permit or this or that, said Randy

    Pierce, the own Administrator or Seabrook Island.But its or a very good reason that we ask them todo this. Not only are Seabrook residents required tocomply with Charleston Countys building codes, sa id

    Pierce, the requirements are also there or their saety.It kills me to hear when someone on the island hiressomeone to do some work or them and they pay halup ront and then they never see the guy again. Te

    whole situation could have been avoided with a quick,two minute call to own Hall.

    With any construction on the island, a residentneeds to have a zoning permit rom own Hallbeore requesting a building permit rom CharlestonCounty. Te own Permit is $25 or repairs and $100or additions, renovations and new construction. TeCharleston County Permit may run rom nothing to$75 on most repairs. Any renovations, additions ornew construction is based on the cost o the job. Tisrule doesnt apply to simple improvements, such asthe property owner choosing to paint an interior wall

    or lay tile, but i the property owner has hired anyoneto do that job or them, that person is required at aminimum to have a business license on the island,as well as a specialty license (For specialties such aspainter or carpenter). Individuals are allowedto have up to three specialty licenses each, a rule

    which prevents a single person rom, say, building anextension on a house on their own. For any contractor

    doing work on a residential home, they should eitherhave a residential license or a general license as wellas a zoning permit and building permit. Tere is nodollar limit to permitting; i a contractor has beenhired, theyre required to be permitted.

    Again, Pierce stressed that this is not only orcompliance with Charleston County regulations,but also to keep the residents sae. When applyingor any license, the person must show that they arebonded or a minimum o $5,000 and, i they havemore than three employees, that they also provide

    workers compensation. Tis ru le allows the State tobecome involved i something goes wrong with theconstruction/renovation o a personal residence ori something is not done to the owners satisaction.But i the person isnt bonded or licensed, the Statecant do anything, said Pierce. And as or the

    workers comp regulation, i a worker is injured inyour home and doesnt have workers comp, then you,the homeowner, are l iable.

    Piece also noted that the own has two codeenorcement ocers, Maurice Glunt and FrankRivers who are ormer building code inspectors/supervisors or Charleston County. Tey knowmost o the contractors and know what to expect ona jobsite, said Pierce. Tey have the ability to writecitations, but the purpose is simply to make sure thateverything is being done in compliance with the law.

    I you have any questions about building permits orwould like to check on a contractors licensing, please callSeabrook Town Hall at 768-9121.

    Permit it or forget itFrom home repairs to construction, seabrook requires building permits

    Rent two baby chicks or two weeks or $20 romLegare Farms or Easter! Te chicks come with theirown box, eed, watering device, and instructions.

    All you have to do is keep them warm and love them, thenreturn them to the arm to live with the rest o the chickenfock. It is a wonderul learning experience or the whole

    amily. When the chicks are picked up, we explain to thechildren how to hold the chicks and about washing theirhands ater handling the chicks. Later, the chicks osterparents may come back on Saturdays to visit their chick s asthey grow up. Te children are given a coupon or a dozeneggs rom their chicks when they begin laying.

    We love to talk with the children when they bring backthe chicks and tell us about their adventures, said LindaLegare Berry. Te names they chooseor the chicks are wonderul.

    Pick up dates or chicks are:March 19 and 20, and

    April 2 and 3 (Easter weekend). Our chicks sellout ast, so call to reserveyours today by calling

    Legare Farms at 559-0788or e-mail [email protected] to reserve yourchicks.

    Legare Farms is locatedat 2442 Hanscombe PointRd, just of o River Road on Johns Island. For more ino,visit

    Rent-A-Chickby legare Farms

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    March 5, 2010 7

    Congratulations to the winners o

    this years Flower Arrangement

    competition hosted by the

    Seabrook Island Garden Club! It was a

    tough call or judges Fred Ristow, ina

    Dear and Ernie Berger, but in the end,

    ve power fower arrangers walked away

    with the blue ribbon in several o the most

    interesting arrangement categories to date.

    Winners in the separate categories were:

    Paula Billian or Congratulations,

    Your Dog is a

    Father, Martha Lehane or Im Sorry

    My Fruitcake Made You Sick, Adelaide

    Wallinger or Tanks or Being Green,

    and Phyllis Mikula or Welcome, rom

    the Real Housewives o Seabrook Island.

    Extra congratulations go to

    Maryanne Bannwart, who walked

    away with the Best in Show ribbon.

    Te Seabrook Garden Club meets regularly

    on the second Friday o the month at the

    Seabrook Lake House. Rereshments are

    served at 9 a.m. and the meeting begins at

    9:30 a.m. Te club is open to all

    Seabrook Island residents.

    (top) Martha Lehanes rst place arrangement or the category Im Sorry My Fruitcake Made You Sick.(above) Te winners in each category show of their prize-winning arrangements.


    An excellent arrangement

    Adelaide Wallinger won 1stplace in the category Tanksor Being Green.

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    March 5, 2010 March 5, 2010

    Ta k e a p a g eJohns IslandRegIonallIbRaRy3531 Maybank Highway559-1945houRs:

    Monday Tursday: 10 8Friday & Saturday: 10 6Sunday: 2 5

    Wee Reads (under 24 months with adult)Mondays: March 8, 15, 22, 29 at 10:30 a.m.ime or wos (2 3 years old with adult)uesdays: March 9, 16, 23, 30 at 10:30 a.m.Preschool Storytime (3 6 years)Wednesdays: March 10, 17, 24, 31 at 10:30 a.m.Join us or a month o special story times withNatasha Stevens, a proessional yoga instructorwho will guide our preschoolers through yogamovements that mimic their avorite animalswhile teaching them to become aware o theirbreathing and movements.Saturday Family Storytime (all ages)Saturdays on March 6, 13, 20, 27 at 11 a.m.*Excel 2000 Basics (adults/young adults)uesday, March 16, 10 a.m. 12 p.m.*Excel 2000: Beyond the Basics (adults/

    young adults) uesday, March 23, 10 a.m. 12:00 p.m.*Word 2000 Basics (adults/young adults)uesday, March 2, 10 a.m. 12 p.m.*Word 2000: Beyond the Basics (adults/young adults)uesday, March 9, 10 a.m. 12 p.m.*All computer classes are ree. For more ino orto register, please call 559-1945 and ask or theReerence Department. Class space is availableor 8 participants per session.Guess How Many! (up to 11 years)Everyday at the Childrens DeskNothing rivial (grades 6 - 12)March 1 - 31Love candy? Heres an easy way to win asweet treat. Come by the Reerence Desk andcomplete the word search, Sudoku, or triviaquestion to claim your candy prize.Wii Wednesdays (grades 6 - 12)Wednesdays: March 10 & 17, 3 5 p.m.We now have a Wii! Bring your riends andhave un competitions with our cool new gameson this awesome gaming system.AARP Free Income ax Assistance (adults)

    Saturdays: March 6, 13, 20, 27, 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.Free tax assistance. Senior citizens will havepreerence. A current picture ID and SocialSecurity card are required, along with theSocial Security cards o any dependents. Firstcome, rst served with the last person acceptedat 1:30 p.m. Assistance in Spanish will beavailable.Movie: Cloudy with a Chance oMeatballs (all ages)Saturday, March 6 at 3 p.m.Rated PG, 90 minutes.Club Anime! (ages 12 -19)Tursday, March 11, 4 - 5:30 p.m.Saturday Movie Matinee: Fame (all ages)Saturday, March 13 at 3 p.m.Rated PG, 110 minutes. Sponsor: Te UPSStore, 3575 Maybank Highway, Johns Island.Sea Islands Book Club (adults)uesday, March 16 at 2:00 p.m.Te March book selection is A Farewell toArms by Ernest Hemingway. Copies o thebook may be obtained rom the Reerence Deskor check out while supplies last.

    Club Anime! (ages 12-19)Saturday, March 20 rom 3 - 4:30 p.m.Celebrate the rst day o Spring with episodes oTe Wallfower.A een Movie: Cirque du Freak: TeVampires Assistant (grades 6 - 12)Wednesday, March 24 rom 3 5 p.m.PG-13, 108 minutes.A Wii Bit o Fun (ages 6 to 11)Saturday, March 27 at 3 p.m.


    Photography ExhibitMarch 1 - 31Te Kiawah Island Photography Club willshowcase their photographs o people, nature,landscapes, travel and more.

    Jewelry DisplayMarch 1 - 31Sabrina M. Stenger will display herhandmade jewelry. Her designs includewoven jewelry sets, beaded beads, a nd beadedwire-ormed owers rom both altered andoriginal patterns.

    Island Connection CalendarMarch 5 - March 20

    riday, March 5

    -scheduled CSO Spiritual Ensemblerormancee CSO Spiritual En sembles reeormance o Spiritual Masterworksginally scheduled or Friday, February 12 take place at 7:30 p.m. at Holy Spirittholic Church, 3871 Betsy Kerrisonkway, Johns Island. Free entry ticketsthe original perormance will be

    nored. For more inormation, visit

    aturday, March 6

    CA Introduction to Kayaking -Level 1our ACA certied kayak instructors

    p you learn a new skill comortably atmes Island County Park. Using a varietyboats, this entry-level course teaches youic strokes and skills to have un on theter! Pre-registration required. 1 p.m. - 5

    m. Course # 22006. Age: 16 & up. Fee:2/$35 CCR Discount. 795-4386 or

    unday, March 7

    ro to Kayakingarn how to be sae and have un in thiswater kayak class. opics include: saety,

    at t, getting in and out o your kayakaceully), basic paddle strokes, and more.5 per person includes kayak and gear.l Sea Kayak Carolina at (843) 225-7969egister.

    Dogmore Stew Festival at MagnoliaFrom 1 5 p.m., enjoy a Silent Auction,Rae Prizes, Pet Fashion Show, PetVendors, Dog raining Demos, GroomingDemos and more. ickets are $17 ($20at door) and $10/children, and includeadmission to the plantation, a Lowcountryeast o hors d oeuvres, Frogmore Stew, anddelicious desserts. Well behaved, leashedpets are welcome. For more ino or tickets,call 343-8063.

    tueSday, March 9

    Daytime Sessions or Citizens to Learnabout County GovernmentLearn how your tax dollars are spentthrough the Charleston Countys CitizensAcademy. Classes will be oered as one-daysessions on a quarterly basis. Classes willbe held at the Lonnie Hamilton, III PublicServices Building, 4045 Bridge View Drivein North Charleston. Email Mai Green [email protected] or call 958-4000 to attend.

    thurSday, March 11

    Te Gentlemen o the College: William

    & Mary Acapella Mens Chorus Starting at 7:30 p.m., Gentlemen o theCollege, the longest running a cappellamens chorus at William and MaryCollege, will perorm popular standardsand ballads at the Church o Our Saviour.ickets are available at Kiawah Islandown Hall. For more ino, cal l 768-9166or visit

    Water Missions talk with SINHGDanya Jordan, vice president o WaterMissions International, will discuss thecritical shortages o water worldwide andthe organizations mission to bring reliewhere needed. Starting at 7:30 p.m. at theLake House. Open to all Seabrookers. Formore ino, visit

    Friday, March 12

    Coastal Exploration Series: Birding inthe ACE Basinour the Bear Island Wildlie Mana gementArea with an emphasis on birding with PeteLaurie, ormer DNR employee and writeror S.C. Wildlie magazine. 8:30 a.m. to 1p.m. Register at: For more ino,call 953-9354.

    Cocktails or a CauseJoin Sea Island Habitat as they host anevening o art, drinks and hors doeuvres orthe 2010 Women Build Project. Live musicprovided by Gary Pecorella. 6:30 9 the Robert Lange Studio, 2 Queen Streetin downtown Charleston. ickets are $50each. Call 768-0998 or log-on to to purchase tickets.

    Seabrook Garden ClubJudith Kramer, a master gardener,teacher and naturalist, will be presentingGardening As I All Lie Matters. Temeeting begins at 9 a.m. with rereshments,ollowed by the ofcial start o the meetingat 9:30am. Te Garden Club meets at theLake House on Seabrook Island Road.

    Te Festival o BallycahillCharlestons rst Irish Festival rom March

    12 17, throughout downtown Charleston.Enjoy arts, crats, music, talk andmerriment, including Bling rom the Bog,Way with Words, Greengra 2010 and BiaDevil specials at local Irish restaurants. Forspecic events and more inormation,

    Saturday, March 13

    Gardening with ommy BlizardConcerned about eating produce sprayedwith insecticides and herbicides? Join ourgardening guru to start on your own Earth-Friendly garden today! Pre-registrationrequired. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Caw CawInterpretive Center. Course # 22266. Fee:$9/$7 For more ino, call 795-4FUN, orvisit

    Sunday, March 14

    Daylight SavingsSpring those clocks orward one hour!

    tueSday, March 16

    Charleston Fashion WeekMarch 16-20, 2010. Te ourth annualCharleston Fashion Week will take placein the citys historic Marion Square. Teve-day celebration will showcase thelatest trends rom both budding andwell-established designers and boutiques.For media inormation, visit

    WedneSday, March 17

    St. Patricks Day

    Te Charleston Art & Antiques ForumWednesday, March 17 - Sunday, March 21,2010. Experts will examine architecture,urniture, paintings, silver, ceramics andgardens ound in each geographic region oColonial America. ickets available at or call (800)926-2520.

    thurSday, March 18

    Jane Austens Music & Literary SocietyStarting at 7:30 p.m. at Church o OurSaviour, Chamber Music Charleston andActors Teatre o South Carolina willpresent Jane Austens Music & LiterarySociety. ickets available at Kiawah Islandown Hall. For more ino, ca ll 768-9166 orvisit

    63rd Annual Festival o Houses & GardensMarch 18 April 17, 2010. Guests candiscover the interiors and gardens o someo the nest private residences in Americaduring this month-long estival. ourswill allow visitors to explore eight to ten

    properties dating rom the Americancolonial period through the early 20thcentury. For more inormation please call

    722-3405 or visit

    Friday, March 19

    Charleston International AntiquesShowMarch 19-21, 2010. For antique-lovers,this exhibition includes a wide range operiod urnishings, decorative arts, vintage

    jewelry, porcelains, ceramics, silver andarchitectural garden accents rom late 1 early 20th century. For more ino,

    Saturday, March 20

    First Day o Spring

    Coastal Exploration Series: WinterShorebird IdentifcationJoin shorebird expert Nathan Dias, o Cape Romaine Bird Observatory, at HIsland or a classroom and eld sessionidentiying winter shorebirds. Noon top.m. Register at: For more icall 953-9354.

    9th Annual Pet Helpers Oyster RoasSet to the swingin sounds o the ShakiMartinis and presented by Rosebank FCa, Fatboys Lowcountry Cooking, aElizabeth Grace Occasions, enjoy All-ycan-eat oysters, Lowcountry Boil, chilidogs, veggie dogs, and a cash bar. ickare $35/$40 at the door, and are avai, by phone at 795-

    Freshfelds annual Boat ShowOn March 20 and 21, the Village Greewill be lined with the newest boatsrom Duncans Boats, Butler Marine oCharleston, Sea Ray o Charleston andmany others. Live music rom 3 - 6 p.mSaturday, and 2 - 5 p.m. Sunday. WatcDragon Boat Charleston practice at theVillage pond. For more ino, call 768-6or visit

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    10 March 5, 2010


    You dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows and you dontneed an analyst to tell you 2009 was a troublesome year or real estate sellers,investors, or owners with shrinking or cancelled home equity lines. Tere were,

    however, noteworthy variations in the Charleston market.

    Sales volume or single amily homes, condos and townhouses picked up signifcantlyduring the ourth quarter (notice I didnt say sale prices). Tere was a 44% increase inthe number o homes sold through the Charleston rident MLS rom October throughDecember 2009 compared to the prior year, but the median sales price dropped about5%.

    Te market varied, however, across price points in the county. While there was a53% increase in sales volume or homes under $200k rom the ourth quarter o 08 to09, the market was virtually unchanged or homes selling at a million dollars or more.In 2009, 41% o all homes sold were under $200k compared to 35% in 2008.

    For 2009 as a whole, the Charleston County home market ared poorly. Last yearthe median sales price or al l homes dropped 12% (rom $255k to $228k), the price persquare oot (S/F) collapsed (rom $178 to $139), days on the market (DOM) increasedrom 115 to 131, months o inventory inched up rom 18 to 19 (6 months is considereda balanced market), and overall sales volume decl ined 9% (rom 4375 to 3986).

    What about the islands? Although the overall trend rom 2008 to 2009 wasdownward, there were variations. Months o inventory increased in most areas, butKiawah, Edisto, and Sullivans Island improved. able 1 detai ls the months o inventory

    and number o homes sold (in parentheses) since the market height in 2006.

    Tere was a downward spiral in median sale price and average price per square ootacross the islands. Prices tumbled most on Edisto and Kiawah, where the medianhome price dropped 40.6% and 39.5%, respectively, rom 2008 levels. Tese and otherchanges appear in able 2.

    Te decline in sales price, however, has been elt unevenly across the islands, especiallywhen one compares these data to the market height in 2006.

    As Figure 1 (see page 11) shows, the median sales price or all homes (single amily,condos, villas, townhouses) has declined the least on Seabrook, which registered a 19.4%loss since 2006, ollowed by Daniel Island (-27.4%). Te steepest declines are Edisto(-61.9%) and Sullivans Island (-51.2%).

    Tere has also been a year-to-year erosion o the price per square oot (S/F) rom2006 through 2009, as illustrated in Figure 2 (see page 11).

    Some communities, most notably Daniel Island, have remained relatively unchanged

    (declining rom $252 s/ to $208), while others have seen dramatic reductions. Teaverage price per square oot or a home sold on Sullivans Island has dropped rom $873to $575. It has, however, regained its moniker as the priciest real estate in the area a teralling below Kiawah and Isle o Palms in 2008.

    Although home sale volume (at least in the frst quarter) likely will be strong inCharleston Countys lower end markets, there is little optimism or a turn-around inluxury homes (>$1 million). As I have detailed in my 2010 analysis, (see the Reports and

    Home sales bluesA summAry of the 2009 islAnd reAl estAte mArket

    By JAmes t. seArs, Phd

    see Real Estate on page 11

  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010


    March 5, 2010 11Analysis section at,we have yet to see the bottom o the housingmarket, and sales will remain anemic at thisend o the market during 2010. Foreclosuresand short sales will continue to drag downprices as buyers wait (maybe too long!) orprices to bottom out or bargain down alreadysignifcantly reduced listing prices.

    James T. Sears, PhD, is a Real EstateBroker, Realtor and Analyst. He works withbuyers and sellers at AgentOwned Premier

    Realty, where he specializes in residentialisland real estate and investment properties.He can be reached at [email protected] or at 478-3911.

    Dr. James Sears

    Real Estate continuedfrom page 10

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    12 March 5, 2010

    he smell o resh sticky buns risingin the oven wat rom the ront

    door o the Golden Cup Caon Johns Island. Located in the Piggly

    Wiggly Shopping Center at the corner oMaybank and Main, the Golden Cup has

    been open or almost a year and is already

    gaining a strong an base; and a lot o ithas to do with the incredible baked goodscoming out o the kitchen.

    When owner Judy Anagnos met Che

    Jared Young, she knew the ca wasmeant to be. Te ormer owner o Med

    Bistro, Judy was ed up with the latenight restaurant scene and wanted to start

    something simpler; and a breakast/lunchca seemed to be just the right idea.

    With the closing o the Johns IslandCa a ew years ago, Johns Island was

    let without a coee shop between MuddyWaters on James Island and Java Java in

    Freshfelds Village. Judy jumped on theopportunity, selecting the Piggly Wiggly

    Shopping Center as an ideal centrallocation or the ca. Soon aterwards sheound Jared, an experienced pastry che

    who has worked throughout downtownin restaurants such as Circa 1886, the

    Pavilion Hotel and ristan. His knack ormaking excellent pastries stuck Judy as

    the perect match or her ca and the restis sweet, sweet history.

    Te Golden Cup is open seven days a

    week and serves breakast rom the timethey open at 7 a.m. (8 a.m. on Sundays

    and 7:30 a.m. on Mondays) until 2:30

    p.m. All o the ood items are amiliar andcomortable, but the quality o the ood it

    what brings their customers coming back

    sometimes three or our times a week.Everyone loves the breakast sandwich

    and the shrimp and grits, but we also sell

    a ton o the Cobb salad and theturkey & artichoke panino, said

    Jared. Teir lunch menu grows ona regular basis, but the act that

    they serve breakast all day has

    endeared them to many islandlocals.

    While Jared bakes all o theocaccia bread in house or the

    lunch sandwiches, his ans willpractically knock each other over

    or his sticky buns, and his piesand cakes could start a riot.

    We had samples o ourpecan pie out a couple days ago

    and beore I knew it, wed sold

    our whole pies, smiled Jared. And or good reason; although

    Jareds pastries look wonderul,he is adamant that taste always

    come beore appearance. For thisreason, the ca uses as much

    local produce as possible, typically buying

    rom local arm, Ambrose Farms. In theireorts to support other local businesses,

    Te Golden Cup purchases all o their

    coee rom Charleston Coee Roasters,and their tea rom the Charleston ea

    Plantation on Wadmalaw Island.

    Cakes, pies, pastries and bread areavailable to order from Te Golden Cup,

    and several are available by the slice to

    satisfy even the crankiest sweet tooth. Te

    Golden Cup is located at 3575 MaybankHwy, Johns Island. You can reach them

    by calling 559-2727, or by visiting theirFacebook page. Check their Facebook page

    on a regular basis for special discounts and

    secret sayings of the day which might win

    you a free treat!

    The golden goodness of the Golden CupBy Kristin HacKler

    Shannon Hutchings, Chef Jared Young and owner Judy Anagnos of the Golden Cup on Johns Island.

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    March 5, 2010 13

    Irecently arrived home to hear achainsaw cutting at ull throttle on myneighbors property. In total disbelie,

    I called the own Planning Ocer tohear how in the world he was able to cutdown a 26 Oak in good health. Te tree

    was located within fve eet o our shared

    property line so there was nothing tobe gained by removing the tree, but theocer inormed me that my neighbor wasgranted permission because the propertyowner said the tree was in decline, and theocer took his word or it because he wasa landscaper.

    Tis incident hit really close to homeor me. Just like all other service-basedindustries, landscaping has severalcategories and levels o competence.

    With spring right around the corner, howcan you be sure youve ound a qualifedlandscaping contractor?

    Just like when you go to buy a newhouse or car, there are many questions you

    should ask yoursel beore making yourpurchase; and when considering whatto do with your landscape, you shouldbegin by establishing how much o yourinvestment is involved.

    In a Michigan State University study, itwas determined that a highly-maintainedlandscape can add up to 11% to the valueo a home, not including an extra 7% or

    mature shade trees. With the medianhome value in the Charleston area around$225,000, the value o landscaping wouldbe close to $25,000. For most o thehomes on the barrier islands, this numbercan quickly triple or quadruple.

    Once the landscape value is established,

    the next step is to determine the levelo service. Te most successul client/contractor relationships are built whenthe client understands their objectives andthe things they value. In a recent Forbesmagazine article, Grant Tornton (audit,tax and advisory services) published anadvertisement with a sticky note in themiddle o the page. As simple as it mightbe, they wrote the equation ServiceQuality / Fees = Value. Teir ad won meover immediately as it also relates to thegreen industry.

    Tere is not a single person, company,or university that knows all there is toknow about how our environment works.

    Whether its a person arriving with a bloweror a team o experts, be sure to know theanswers to the ollowing questions:

    Do they have insurance?

    What is their history (or theservice levels requested)?

    Can they describe what they do inthe orm o a process?

    Where do they look or inormationi they dont know the solution?

    How do they communicate whenthere is a problem?

    People in the green industry areprovided an opportunity to care or andprotect your investment. Ater you have

    determined the qualities and value youare looking or in a landscape contractor,interview them with the same scrutiny asyour stock broker or fnancial advisor. Wereally only receive one chance to protect

    and make the most o what we have onthis planet and we should strive to protectit or the generations to come.

    Nick Strehle is a Purdue University Agronomy Major, certifed irrigationcontractor and EPA WaterSense Partner or Sunburst Landscaping Inc., leading

    Sunbursts clients into the next generation owater management. For more inormation,contact Sunburst at 768-2434.

    The grass isnt always greenerBy Nick Strehle

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    14 March 5, 2010

    FRIDAY, March 5Kamp Kiawah: Mad Skillz 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

    Beach Bag Coloring:8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

    Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Picture Frames: 1:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m.Kamp Kiawah KNO: Showtime! 5 8p.m.; Ages 5-11Pickup Games: Volleyball, 6 7 p.m.SATURDAY, March 6Kamp Kiawah: Goin on a Gator Hunt,8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Sign Design: 1:30 2:30 p.m.Wickets & Wine: 2:30 4 p.m.Kamp Kiawah KNO: Sanctuary SplashBash: 5 - 8 p.m.; Ages 5-11Pickup Games: Soccer, 6 7 p.m.SUNDAY, March 7Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Pickup Games: Basketball: 6 7 p.m.Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Pickup Games: Volleyball, 6 7 p.m.TUESDAY, March 9Kamp Kiawah: A Pirates Life For Me!8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

    Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Tye Dye: 1:30 2:30 p.m.Pickup Games: Basketball: 6 p.m. 7 p.m.WEDNESDAY, March 10Kamp Kiawah: Spy Search: 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Stepping Stones:1:30 2:30 p.m.Pickup Games: Soccer: 6 7 p.m.THURSDAY, March 11Kamp Kiawah: Colorama Tye Dye: 8:30a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Tye Dye: 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.Pickup Games: Basketball: 6 p.m. 7 p.m.FRIDAY, March 12

    Kamp Kiawah: Mad Skillz: 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Picture Frames: 1:30 2:30 p.m.Kamp Kiawah KNO: Showtime!: 5 - 8p.m.; Ages 5-11Pickup Games: Volleyball: 6 7 p.m.

    SATURDAY, March 13Kamp Kiawah: Goin on a Gator Hunt:8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Sign Design: 1:30 2:30 p.m.Wickets & Wine: 2:30 4 p.m.Kamp Kiawah KNO: Sanctuary SplashBash: 5 - 8 p.m.; Ages 5-11Pickup Games: Soccer: 6 7 p.m.SUNDAY, March 14Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Pickup Games: Basketball: 6 7 p.m.MONDAY, March 15Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Pickup Games: Volleyball: 6 7 p.m.TUESDAY, March 16Kamp Kiawah: A Pirates Life For Me!:8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Tye Dye: 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.Pickup Games: Basketball: 6 p.m. 7 p.m.WEDNESDAY, March 17Kamp Kiawah: Spy Search: 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

    Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Stepping Stones: 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.Pickup Games: Soccer: 6 p.m. 7 p.m.THURSDAY, March 18Kamp Kiawah: Colorama Tye Dye: 8:30a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Tye Dye: 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.Pickup Games: Basketball: 6 7 p.m.FRIDAY, March 19Kamp Kiawah: Mad Skillz: 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Ages 3-11Turtle Tracks: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Beach Bag Coloring: 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.Book Exchange: 8:30 a.m. 4 p.m.Board Games in the Park: 9 a.m. 4 p.m.Picture Frames: 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.Kamp Kiawah KNO: Showtime!: 5 p.m. -8 p.m.; Ages 5-11Pickup Games: Volleyball: 6 p.m. 7 p.m.

    Follow us on Facebookfor thelatest specials, tips and photos! KiawahIsland Nature Page and Kiawah IslandMarathon Page.

    Save the date! Kiawah island EarthWeek: April 18 24. For a complete list ofevents, visit


    MARCH 5 MARCH 19

    For more details and reservations for the following activities, including times for Nature Tours, please visit or call the Heron Park NatureCenter at 768-6001. *Nature Tours available daily. Times are tide dependent.

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  • 8/14/2019 Island Connection - March 5, 2010
