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IJESC, September 2021 28823 http:// ISSN 2321 3361 © 2021 IJESC Islamic Architecture Principles as an Approach to the Development of Desert communities (Ghardaia City as the Case Study) 3 , Marwa Atef Abdelhade 2 , Sherif A. Sheta 1 Said Gsouda - Mohammed Al Bachelor of Architecture 1 , Assistant Professor of Architecture 2 , Associate Professor of Architecture 3 Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, Libya, Tripoli, and Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Mansoura University, Egypt Abstract: Most of the time, desert dwellers leave their areas due to the incompatibility of construction with the surrounding environment, especially in North African countries such as Libya and Algeria, and they head to the northern coast overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in search of a better climate for housing. Urban development of desert areas because of the principles of Islamic architecture that make urbanization in desert areas successful. Therefore, the research problem can be formulated as follows: The extent to which the principles of Islamic architecture are used as a direction for the development of desert communities. The research aims to employ the principles and vocabulary of Islamic architecture in the urban development of desert areas. To solve the research problem, the researcher followed the following methodology: Studying the principles of Islamic architecture and detailing them into three main principles: (principles specific to architectural formation “specific to housing”, principles specific to urbanization “specific to city planning” , urban compatibility with environmental conditions “especially to improve the climate of the dwelling and the city as a whole”), and the case of the city of Ghardaia in Algeria, a desert city, was studied, where it was analyzed in terms of the principles of Islamic architecture in it and came out with clear results. Keywords: Islamic Architecture, Islamic Architecture Principles, Desert communities, Ghardaia city. I. INTRODUCTION The importance of this research lies in achieving its goal, which is to what extent we can employ the principles of Islamic architecture in the urban development of desert areas. To achieve this goal, the researcher followed the following methodology: 1-A theoretical study that includes the definition of Islamic architecture in general, then presenting the principles of Islamic architecture, then clarifying the definition of desert societies. 2-Then enter into an analytical study, which is the city of Ghardaia in Algeria, an ancient desert city built in the Islamic style, where it was analyzed in terms of the principles of Islamic architecture in it. 3-Finally, the results and recommendations of the research are presented. Figure (1) Explanation of the research methodology: Figure (1) Research Methodology, Source: Researchers II. WHAT IS ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE? In fact, when an Islamic word is said about certain buildings, the intent here is either that they are buildings in which the legislation of the Noble Qur’an or the Sunnah of our Noble Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) were observed, andWhen describing buildings as buildings Islamic, Whether it is used by Muslims or others All this leads us to ask two questions: What is Islamic architecture? What makes architecture Islamic? [1] to dissolve the former officials, Figure (2) He explains that we can divide architecture in Islam into three and they are: Shape (2): Types of Architecture in Islam, Source: Al- Qadi, Shawkat, 1998 AD, Islamic Architecture in Egypt (Theory and Practice), PhD Thesis, Assiut University - Faculty of Engineering, p. (44) Note: Figure Format Researchers III. PRINCIPLES OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE Islamic architecture was influenced by the regional influence of ancient colonial architecture and previous, But it developed within the scope of Islam and eliminated the phenomenon of incompatibility with Islamic Sharia, So it can be said that The principles It can be divided into three sections: (principles specific to the architectural formation specific to the dwelling, principles specific to urbanization, and principles to the conformity of urbanization with environmental conditions) [2] , schedule (1) Explains the principles of Islamic architecture Research Article Volume 11 Issue No.09

Islamic Architecture Principles as an Approach to the Development of Desert communities (Ghardaia City as the Case Study)

Mar 18, 2023



Nana Safiana
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Islamic Architecture Principles as an Approach to the Development of Desert communities (Ghardaia City as the Case Study)ISSN 2321 3361 © 2021 IJESC
Islamic Architecture Principles as an Approach to the Development
of Desert communities (Ghardaia City as the Case Study) 3, Marwa Atef Abdelhade2, Sherif A. Sheta1Said Gsouda-Mohammed Al
Bachelor of Architecture1, Assistant Professor of Architecture2, Associate Professor of Architecture3
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, Libya, Tripoli, and Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Mansoura University,
Most of the time, desert dwellers leave their areas due to the incompatibility of construction with the surrounding environment,
especially in North African countries such as Libya and Algeria, and they head to the northern coast overlooking the Mediterranean
Sea in search of a better climate for housing. Urban development of desert areas because of the principles of Islamic architecture
that make urbanization in desert areas successful. Therefore, the research problem can be formulated as follows: The extent to
which the principles of Islamic architecture are used as a direction for the development of desert communities. The research aims to employ the principles and vocabulary of Islamic architecture in the urban development of desert areas. To solve the research
problem, the researcher followed the following methodology: Studying the principles of Islamic architecture and detailing them into
three main principles: (principles specific to architectural formation “specific to housing”, principles specific to urbanization
“specific to city planning” , urban compatibility with environmental conditions “especially to improve the climate of the dwelling
and the city as a whole”), and the case of the city of Ghardaia in Algeria, a desert city, was studied, where it was analyzed in terms
of the principles of Islamic architecture in it and came out with clear results.
Keywords: Islamic Architecture, Islamic Architecture Principles, Desert communities, Ghardaia city.
The importance of this research lies in achieving its goal, which is to what extent we can employ the principles of
Islamic architecture in the urban development of desert areas.
To achieve this goal, the researcher followed the following
architecture in general, then presenting the principles of
Islamic architecture, then clarifying the definition of desert
2-Then enter into an analytical study, which is the city of
Ghardaia in Algeria, an ancient desert city built in the Islamic
style, where it was analyzed in terms of the principles of Islamic architecture in it.
3-Finally, the results and recommendations of the research are
Figure (1) Research Methodology, Source: Researchers
In fact, when an Islamic word is said about certain buildings,
the intent here is either that they are buildings in which the
legislation of the Noble Qur’an or the Sunnah of our Noble
Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) were
observed, andWhen describing buildings as buildings Islamic,
Whether it is used by Muslims or others All this leads us to ask two questions: What is Islamic architecture? What makes
architecture Islamic? [1] to dissolve the former officials, Figure
(2) He explains that we can divide architecture in Islam into
three and they are:
Qadi, Shawkat, 1998 AD, Islamic Architecture in Egypt
(Theory and Practice), PhD Thesis, Assiut University -
Faculty of Engineering, p. (44)
Note: Figure Format Researchers
Islamic architecture was influenced by the regional influence
of ancient colonial architecture and previous, But it developed
within the scope of Islam and eliminated the phenomenon of
incompatibility with Islamic Sharia, So it can be said that The principles It can be divided into three sections: (principles
specific to the architectural formation specific to the dwelling,
principles specific to urbanization, and principles to the
conformity of urbanization with environmental conditions) [2],
schedule (1) Explains the principles of Islamic architecture
Research Article Volume 11 Issue No.09
IJESC, September 2021 28824 http://
derived from Islamic law:
derived from Islamic law
Source: Coordination and preparation of researchers and then
compiling principles according to the table from a number of different sources
Note: Researchers coordinate table
and cleanliness
of humility and equality)
hesitation in construction
external spaces 2) Building Heights (Horizontal
selection of urban sites
3) Domestic construction
materials and methods
elements that are compatible with the
environment in which it is located (a mansion, courtyard, ....)
Saharan society is a mirror that reflects the appearance of the
desert real Islamic city Arabia, Its social and cultural value
stems from the teachings of Islamic law and the requirements
of circumstances climatic, Andy To meet the requirements and
needs Society, Which leads to a set of properties These desert
gatherings are:(job distribution, Organic, central, Domain hierarchy) [3].
4-1: Factors for the emergence of desert cities[4]
1- Commercial Agent: He played an important role in creating
City, and that is through the commercial exchanges of the
nomads in the area of commercial caravans.
2-Water factor: It is mainly reflected in the temporary valleys
that supply cities with water, Like the M'zab Valley in
Ghardaia in Algeria, Wells as a source of groundwater
3- Defensive factor: taken into account About Planning for desert cities for reasons of with safety, Including gates and
this factor becomes clear the mosque is considered a sacred
element that occupies the center of the desert city.
5-1 card Definition (Ghardaia City) [5]
Table (2): Identification Card (Ghardaia City)
Source: Bouzid Hamza, 2014, the urban value of the city of
Ghardaia, p. (39.40).
The state of Ghardaia is located in the
northern part of the Algerian desert, and its capital is the city of Ghardaia. away by600
km south of the capital Algeria, rises above
sea level at 486 AD, stretching From north
to south 140 km, and from east to west from
200, figure (3).
Population 363,598 people.
The nature of
is Islam. They speak dialects (Arabic,
Berber, and Mozabite), and they are called
the Mozab ites in relation to the M'zab
Valley, which was one of the reasons for
the establishment of the city.
Etymology Returns the origin of the label "Ghardaia" to
"Ghar Daya", which is girl Her name is "Daya", she used to live in a cave At the site
of the city and worship itAs for the meaning
of "Tagrdite", the Amazigh word means the
land surrounded by water.
in 1053 AD.
a world heritage It must be preserved and
restored, Due For the distinctive Islamic
style in the city.
Figure (3): Location (Ghardaia)
p. (39).
5-2: Principles of Islamic architecture derived from Islamic
law in the city of Ghardaia
5-2-1: Principles of Architectural Configuration (Specific to
Housing) They are the principles that are directly related to housing and
are divided into:
5-2-1-1: Complete privacy in the dwelling:
The privacy of the dwelling in the city of Ghardaia is
represented in the following points:
A) Broken entrance (shed): The shed is located at the
entrance to the house as shown in the horizontal plan (Figure
5). The shed forms the space separating the house from the
outside. It works to block the view of what is in the house. The
shed is monitored from the inside through an opening that is (a
transparent curtain that allows vision from the inside to the
outside only This opening is between the shed and the center of the house, and the shed also serves as a waiting area for
those who request permission to enter the house, in addition to
the fact that the main house door is open most of the day
because the shed operates on a ventilation system (airflow)
through the flow of air entering the house from the window
opening The attic and the door of the house, which helps to
provide a suitable atmosphere for the house inside, especially
in the summer.
B) Soundproofing (Penthouse): In addition to the
previous point, the shed works to isolate the sound so that
people outside do not hear what is happening inside the house[7].
Figure (5): The horizontal plan of the ground floor shows
the shed in the houses of the city of Ghardaia
C) tall windows: One of the general recommendations about the custom of housing in the city of Ghardaia is that the
openings of the dwelling overlooking the street should be high
and few for two reasons: the first: to preserve the sanctity of
the house, and the second: to reduce the intrusion of sandy
winds and hot air into the house in order to preserve
insulation, figure (6) in addition to Because they prevented the
events of large windows overlooking the street because they
distorted the general view and disturbed the local architectural
style [8].
Figure (6): High and few windows (a house in the city of
D) Preventing doors and windows from meeting in
alleys: One of the prohibitions of building laws in Ghardaia is that it is not permissible to open a door on the street in front of
the opposite door, but rather they should differ in some way,
(Fig. 7) to avoid the exposure of what is inside the house, and
the same thing applies to windows. [9]
Figure (7): Scheme showing the prohibition of meeting
doors and windows in the alleys (in the city of Ghardaia)
E) Roof height: The height of the height of the rooftop
on the first or upper floor should be such that it conceals the
view of the owner from the neighbors. [10]
Figure (8): The height of the rooftop height of Lister
considering the neighbors
Figure (9): Perspective showing the height of the surface
peak Source:
5-2-1-2: Islam is a religion of purity and cleanliness Purity and cleanliness in the city of Ghardaia are represented
in the following points [11]:
A) Providing a natural water source for the entire
city the city of Ghardaia depends on two sources: the first is
the Mzab valley in the past, but now the water is present in it
only during the rainy season. Public wells the process of
drilling wells was not easy at that time, as it was carried out in rocky soil and at a depth of seventy meters or more. Figure
Figure (10): The passage of the M'zab Valley River on the
banks of the city of Ghardaia
B) Introducing the water element for homes and
public buildings: As we mentioned in the previous point, the
second source of water is digging public wells. This source of
water is the one that was used for public buildings and homes, (Fig. 11), and the water of the valley was made to irrigate
palm trees in the oases adjacent to the city only because the
oasis is industrial and not natural.
Figure (11): Digging deep wells (in the city of Ghardaia)
C) Waste disposal: The excreta was disposed of by
erecting a black well chamber where the excreta decomposed
into the soil.
represented in the following points:
A) Avoid all forms of arrogance and arrogance. Architecture in the city of Ghardaia is far from arrogance and
arrogance, so we hardly distinguish between the rich and the
poor in weddings in social customs or architecture, including
the absence of formal decorations or inscriptions on the outer
walls of houses (facades), but rather more than facades
Ordinary of the same height, as it contains only a wooden door and a prominent drainage gutter according to the size of the
house, with some small and high windows on the lower and
upper floors. Avoid everything that may distract the prayer
while praying Even the warrior not crowned it has decorations
this is in accordance with the principles of our Islamic law.
The simplicity can be seen clearly in the minaret of the
Mozabite civilization, the inhabitants usually use it as a
symbol for them, and the Mozabite engineer was able to
export Its model for several countries in North Africa, Such as
Southern Tunisia and Western Libya And Niger and Mali, And minaret It's a phrase on a square base The higher it goes,
the smaller the square base area, for example (Fig. 12) a
minaret Mosque Angered is in the center of Ghardaia, with a
height of 22 metersAndIt has 122 degrees. AndIts base is 6
meters wide and ruggedDhaha at the top 2 meters [12].
Figure (12): Simplicity of construction (a mosque and
minaret Tughardite)
B) External color unit: of recommendations The
General about the custom of the dwelling in the city of
Ghardaia is the unity of the exterior color on all old and
modern buildings, that the color of their paint is sandy or
something similar because of this color of integration and
adaptation to the surrounding environment, and this indicates a lack of bragging before others, equality and simplicity [13].
Figure (13): Exterior color unit in Ghardaia
5-2-1-4: Economy and not to be confused in construction
The principle of economy and non-compliance in construction
in the city of Ghardaia is represented in the[14]:
Rely on local building materials that are in place:
The buildings in Ghardaia are built with materials, most of
which are available locally and from the same environment,
and the most important of them are:
- Stone: extracted from the layer of white limestone, a type of
gypsum called "Temsmat", extracted from the limestone plateau at a depth of about one meter, and treated in an oven
for 24 hours.
- Lime: Processed in an oven with an average height of two
meters, it consumes 5 times the amount of "Temmatt" wood.
Non-clay sand: extracted from the depths of valleys.
- palm trees that use trunks andfronds in construction.
The Mozabites (people of the area) used to build on locally
available materials and were satisfied with them, and did not
use imported, unknown or expensive materials. Building materials will be dealt with more clearly in a future
article (Local building materials and their compatibility with
the environment in which it is located).
5-2-2: Urbanization Principles (City Planning)
These are the principles that have a direct relationship city
planning It is divided into:
5-2-2-1: The sequence and organization of the external spaces
of the Islamic city
The city of Ghardaia has always been bound by the rules of
the Islamic city and North Africa as a whole in its planning, and considering the Mozabites (the inhabitants of the region)
of the oldest people in North Africa, the first thing that was
taken into account when planning the city is the location. The
city’s ability to resist invaders, and protect it from floods, was
taken into account. The valley, and the protection of
agricultural land, the city was established on a high plateau
very, (Fig. 15) [15th].
Figure (15): The city was built on a plateau
The reason for this is that the Mozabites (the inhabitants of the
city and the surrounding cities) suffered from difficult security conditions at that time because their country was located in the
desert and they were ancient tribes Neighboring They abuse
some of them a lot, because they relied only on theft in their
lives, and Sheikh Ali Yahya Muammar explained on this
subject in his book "The Ibadis in the Historical Procession",
he said: At the top of that hill is the mosque in the center, the
Mozabites chose this site to build a mosque to prove its
importance To them, because it constitutes the center and the
spiritual core of the city and has multiple functions, (Figure
14), and it is difficult to reach the city center at the top of the
plateau, where there are also stores of supplies and supplies,
from the top of the plateau the dwellings run down from the
top of the plateau, (Figure 17), and the last houses form the
first second line from the city center, and the city wall is the first line of defense (Fig. 16) . [16] This is the case in the city of
Ghardaia, which is the only city in the Mozabite civilization
that still preserves the entire city wall, 3 meters high and 2500
meters long. For people in the city to watch without strangers
and aggressors knowing[17].
Figure (17): Shows the city and the wall surrounding it
As for the market, after it was originally a street in the
organization of the city of Ghardaia, its area expanded into a
wide square and its social functions developed. for trade
Products among city dwellers between them and trade
caravans that head to gather In the market of a Most of the
trade, then the market square became functional to perform
basic social functions, (Figure 18), because it is the only
public place after the mosque, where the people of the city can
meet and exchange news and check their daily conditions, and
get rid of work fatigue, with the exception of buying and
selling habits, as found in Arena built-in seats, and market
IJESC, September 2021 28828 http://
(Tigradet) The rectangle is surrounded by 98 arcs of various
sizes, 75 meters long and 44 meters wide. [18]
Figure (18): City Market Square
5-2-2-2: Building Heights (Horizontal Extension)
This principle was achieved in the city of Ghardaia by the
following [19]:
Gradient the houses are from the top of the hill to the bottom;
their height is uniform and adjacent to each other. All the
dwellings are in one arrangement, their height does not exceed
seven meters (two floors), (Fig. 16-19), out of respect for the
sanctity of the neighbors and so that no one can take away the
natural lighting and ventilation. All these features are inspired
by the Islamic religion.
Figure (19): A sector that shows buildings are equal in
5-2-2-3: Road network
This principle was achieved in the city of Ghardaia through
the following:
The alleys (streets) in the city of Ghardaia are usually Its width is three meters, pasted in the street parade to pass A
funeral and to meet two mothers, Also taken into account
when planning streets Reducing the duration of the sun's
radiation on heat days and resisting the wind, as The sloping
corner of the streets was pasted so that it was not severe, (Fig.
20) [20].
We also note that some roads are covered with roofing for
defensive purposes. If enemies on horseback can enter the
city, they will not be able to reach the mosque, its center,
headquarters, and stores of ammunition and supplies, except
for difficulties. In addition, through these roofs, city residents can move from one neighborhood to another on the roof
without needing the help of alleys, and perhaps the reason for
these roofs is to have more shade in the summer and prevent
winds and sandstorms, as we note that some streets are wider
than others , and there are terraces for seating, and the
Mozabite architecture provides most of the shade for the city
streets in the summer as a result of the roofing and the
adhesion of the buildings (the compact fabric), (Fig. 21).
appearance (21): Street side seating And roofing for the
Traffic within the city usually takes place in narrow streets and alleys, and is usually very winding and sloping, following
the terrain of the area. [21], (Fig. 22).
Figure (22): Narrow and crooked streets that follow the
terrain of the area
5-2-3: Compatibility of urbanization with environmental
conditions (principles for improving the climate of the
dwelling and the city as a whole)
5-2-3-1: Taking into account the selection of urban communities sites
This principle was achieved in the city of Ghardaia through
the following points:
A) Choosing an area with building materials: The site…