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Islam By: Medina, Jasmine, Dominique, Tim, Diogo, and Sam
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IslamBy: Medina, Jasmine, Dominique,

Tim, Diogo, and Sam

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Muslims perform many rituals to honor and show their faith to Allah. They have the Five Pillars, which are their duties, they have festivals celebrating religious events, and their lifestyle is based on the Qur’ an (word of god).

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The 5 Pillars• They are the 5 duties all Muslims must do• 1st pillar – The Shahadah (profession of faith)• Anyone can become Muslim once they profess

their faith to Allah• 2nd pillar – The requirement to pray 5 times a day• The prayers are said in Arab, and can be said in

any clean place• 3rd pillar – The act of giving each year a some of

your wealth to the needy• 4th pillar – Muslims must fast during the Ramadan• 5th pillar – Hajj - All Muslims must make a

pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime

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Pilgrimage to Mecca

• All must pray facing the direction of Mecca, birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad

• It is important to know the gibla (direction of prayer) so mosques always have a special arch called the Mihrab with show gibla

• Once in his/her lifetime, a Muslim must initiate the hajj

• Males all wear the same seamless sheets of white cotton

• They must look alike because they all are alike in the sight of God

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The Month of Ramadan

• Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar

• Muslim fast everyday of the Ramadan from dawn to sunset

• When fasting, they can’t eat, drink, or smoke• Ramadan teaches Muslims to value the good

things Allah has provided and remember the sufferings of the poor

• After the month of Ramadan comes the festival of Eid- ul-Fitr

• People wear their best clothes and go to the mosque to pray together

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Islam - Beliefs

By Medina Ebrahimi

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Islam is one of the largest religions in the world. Many things are very important to muslims and their religion. But one of the main things are their beliefs.

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• Muslims believe in one god and none others. They call this god Allah.

• Muslims believe that Allah sent the holy book (the Qur’an) to the angel Gabriel who then gave it to the last prophet, Mohammad. Mohammad then taught people how to be a good Muslim.

• Muslims also believe that without Allah’s guidance humans are not fully able to understand the meaning and purpose of life.

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• Muslims believe on the day of judgement they will be asked to account for their actions in this life, which the angles have recorded. If they have done good things they will go to heaven ‘janat’, and if they had done things that are bad they would go to hell ‘dozakh’.

• Muslims do believe in life after death just like a few other religions.

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Muslims believe that there are many prophets (messengers) sent by god. Some brought holy books such as the bible, torah, Qur’an and some other.

Some of the prophets are…• Dawud – David • Jibril – The Angel Gabriel • Musa – Moses • Isa – Jesus• Ibrahim – Abraham• Nuh – Noah • Adam – Adam • Isma’il – ishmael • Yaqub – Jacob• Yusuf - Joseph

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Biography of Islam

By: Dominique Evans

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there are many interesting things about the Islamic religion, but one opf the most important topics is the founder and origin of Islam.

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The founder of Islam

• The prophet Muhammad• He was Born 570 CE• He Died 632 CE• He was Born in the city of Mecca • He was a messenger sent from Allah (God)• He was Allahs most important prophet

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Where Islam originated

• Islam started in Mecca and Medina• in the middle east• Islam spread to places like; Arabia,

Asia, and Egypt. • Then continued to expand• Then Muslims were almost every


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The five pillars of Islam

1. Shahadah- the Muslim statement of faith2. Salah- the prayers that Muslims say five times a

day3. Charity school, Oman- every Muslim must donate

one fortieth of their annual income to charities4. Sawm- during the month of Ramadan Muslims do

not eat or drink during the daylight hours (fasting). They celebrate the end with a festival called id-ul-fitr.

5. To be a pilgrim- during their life time all healthy Muslims must make at least one hajj (pilgrimage) to the city of Mecca during the 12th month of the islamic year.

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Islamic Architecture

By: Jasmine Lane

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Islamic architecture does not just capture one’s attention, but it plays a big role in the Islam religion. Two prophets, Muhammad and Abraham, influenced their architectural designs greatly. A numerous amount of these have been around many years in relation to their holiness. Along with beauty, Islamic architecture has definite significance in their religion.

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Mosques• place to pray• many rooms, main no furniture

• kneel/sit on mats• separate room/screen blocking women

• can’t be seen, can hear• Basic Elements

• partly roofed, partly not; provides accommodation for group prayers

• qibla wall; perpendicular to imaginary line to Mecca• mihrab; mid-point in qibla wall, most decorated feature of Mosques• minbar; to the right of mihrab, where leader of service (Imam)

stands• dikka; wooden platform, qadi repeat Imam, transmitted to group• kursi; where Qur’an is placed, usually next to dikka• maqsura; raised platform with protective wooden screens, to

protect Imam• the pool; use for rituals before prayer or just decorative• minaret; muezzin climbs 5 times a day, calls Muslims to pray• portal; opening into mosque from outside (surrounded by high


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Ka’aba• oldest most sacred shrine• stone structure approx. 15m x 15m• believe was built by Abraham• black cover embroidered in gold, silver, with verses

from Qur’an• empty since 630 AD• been rebuilt many times

• Black Stone (probably meteorite), original; said to be given to Abraham by the Angel Gabriel

• circle 7 times counter-clockwise (at Mecca)• always face when praying

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• believe Muhammad went to heaven for night there

• one of holiest• in Jerusalem

Dome of the Rock

Well of ZamZam• where Hagar (Abrahams wife) found water for

Ishmael (Abrahams son)• go during pilgrimage to Mecca• believe God gave them this spring• drunk by pilgrims

• take some home

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Major Religious Events in Islam

By: Tim Portnov

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Islam has many religious events that are held every year and are a big part of the Islamic history. Many of

them are to do with god and religious beliefs.

Here are some of the most important ones.

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The birth and Death of Muhammad• Born in the year 570 his early life was passed in poverty as both

his parents died by the time he was six. • Troubled by how the rich merchants oppressed the poor he

began praying on mount Hirra. This is when he first sensed the presence of a strange being. It was Angel Gabriel, and he had a command for Muhammad. “Recite! In the name of the lord who created, created man from congealed blood.”

• Muhammad spoke out to the people and told them in was god who created us all. The believers followed Muhammad into the city of Medina and not long after a war had began between the Muslims and the Meccans. Mecca was won by the Muslims and Muhammad was aloud to move back in to a better Mecca.

• In 632 Muhammad died. Abu Bakr, his closest friend told the people,” if you worshipped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is god you worshipped, he lives forever!”

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Journey to Mecca

• A major event for Islamic people is the journey to Mecca. A long journey through rivers and desserts all in hope of making it to the great Ka’aba

• Many do not make it because of the fierce weather and the lack of food and water.

• Only Muslims are aloud to enter the city of Mecca • If the journey is successful the travelers will change into clean

white sheets and circle around the Ka’aba seven times while kissing the stone. They do this five times a day.

• This journey is a must for very religious Muslims as they believe that the Ka’aba will bring them luck and success.

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• The ninth month in the Muslim calendar is the month in which the Muslims can not eat, drink, have sex, or smoke until the sun is up

• The Ramadan lasts for an entire month• During the month extra prayers are said and people

try and act extra kind to each other• This month helps them remember how much good

god has brought them and how much poor people suffer.

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Important sites in IslamBy Sam Wheating

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Islam is a religion which stretches to all corners of the world. With many important sites such as Mecca, Jerusalem, Al Ahzar University and The Dome Of The Rock, I think it’s time for a map.Here I have Made a Map which shows some of the most Important places in Islamic Culture.

Click Here To See Map!

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Books: Barlow, Christopher. Islam. London: Batsford Academic and

Educational, 1983. Print. Lawton, Clive. Celebrating Islam (Celebrations). New York:

Young Library, 1995. Print. Mosque history, architectural development & regional

diversity. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1994. Print.

Pictures from :Flickr

by geraintwn by Mo7amaD by menj

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Works Cited

World Religions – Islam

Khadija Knight

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Works Cited

Google Maps. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <>.

"Islamic Sacred Sites and Places - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the facts on the world's religions. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <>.