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Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Jul 19, 2015



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Page 1: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

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Page 2: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)



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Page 3: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

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Page 4: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)


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Page 5: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)



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Page 6: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)
Page 7: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)
Page 8: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)


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Page 9: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)




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Page 10: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"And He (Allah) has

made everything in

the heavens and

everything on the

earth subservient to

you. It is all from Him.

There are certainly

Signs in that for

people who reflect."

(Qur'an, 45: 13)

"And of His Signs is this: He

created you of dust, and

behold you human beings,

ranging widely!" (Qur'an


"And of His Signs is the

creation of the heavens and

the earth, and the difference

of your languages and

colors. Lo! herein indeed

are portents for men of knowledge." (Quran 30: 22)

Five fingers in our right hand

forming the word Allah in

Arabic. This is a clear Sign

from Allah that verily, He is our God and Creator.

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Page 11: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Say: ‘It is He

(Allah) Who

brought you into

being and made

for you the ears

and the eyes and

the hearts: little is

it that you give

thanks.’” (Qur'an, 67:23)

The word Allah هللا in Arabic written on the foreheads of the twins

Page 12: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"And the earth!

We have spread

it out, and set



standing firm,

and have


therein every

kind of lovely

growth (plants)." (Quran 50:7)

Page 13: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"And We have placed therein gardens of the date palm and grapes, and We

have caused springs of water to gush forth therein." (Qur'an 36:34)

"And caused the earth to gush forth springs, so that the waters met for a

predestined purpose." (Qur'an 54:12)

Page 14: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"He (Allah) has created

the heavens without

supports that you can

see, and has cast into

the earth firm hills, so

that it quake not with

you; and He has

dispersed therein all

kinds of beasts . And We

send down water from

the sky and We cause

plants of every goodly

kind to grow therein."

(Qur'an 31:10)

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Page 15: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Note the name


محمدصلي هللا عليه وسلم

is also

Written at the


“Is not He (Allah) who created the heavens and

the earth, and sends down for you water from

the sky wherewith We cause to spring forth

joyous orchards, whose trees it never has

been yours to cause to grow. Is there any God

beside Allah? Nay, but they are folk who

ascribe equals ( unto Him )!” (Quran 27: 60)

Page 16: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Lo! In the creation of the heavens

and the earth, and the difference of

night and day, and the ships which

run upon the sea with that which is

of use to men, and the water which

Allah sends down from the sky,

thereby reviving the earth after its

death, and dispersing all kinds of

beasts therein, and (in) the

ordinance of the winds, and the

clouds obedient between heaven

and earth: are Signs (of Allah's

sovereignty ) for people who have sense.” (Quran 2:164)

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Page 17: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“…Allah sends down rain from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing

all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between

heaven and earth are Signs (of Allah's sovereignty ) for people who have sense.” (Quran 2:164)

"It is He (Allah) Who sends down water from the sky..." (Quran 16: 10)

Page 18: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"Do they not see the birds suspended in mid-air up in the sky? Nothing holds them there except

Allah. There are certainly Signs in that for people who believe." (Qur'an,16: 79)

“Have you not seen that Allah, He it is Whom all who are in the heavens and the earth praise;

and the birds in their flight? Of each He knows verily the worship and the praise; and Allah is

aware of what they do.” (Qur’an 24:41)

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Page 19: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Then let man look

at his food.”

(Quran 80:24)

"And also the

things of varying

colors He has

created for you in

the earth. There is

certainly a Sign in

that for people

who pay heed."

(Quran 16: 13)

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Page 20: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Then let man look

at his food.” (Quran


"And also the things

of varying colors He

has created for you

in the earth. There is

certainly a Sign in

that for people who

pay heed." (Quran

16: 13)

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Page 21: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Then let man look

at his food.”

(Quran 80:24)

"And also the

things of varying

colors He has

created for you in

the earth. There is

certainly a Sign in

that for people

who pay heed."

(Quran 16: 13)

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Page 22: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Then let man look

at his food.” (Quran


"And also the things

of varying colors He

has created for you

in the earth. There is

certainly a Sign in

that for people who

pay heed." (Quran

16: 13)

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Page 23: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Then let man look

at his food.” (Quran


"And also the things

of varying colors He

has created for you

in the earth. There is

certainly a Sign in

that for people who

pay heed." (Quran

16: 13)

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Page 24: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“To hunt and to eat the

fish of the sea is made

lawful for you, a

provision for you and for

seafarers; but to hunt on

land is forbidden you so

long as ye are on the

pilgrimage . Be mindful

of your duty to Allah ,

unto Whom you will be


(Qur'an, 5: 96)

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Page 25: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"And your Rabb

(Cherisher and


inspired the bees,:

Choose your

habitations in the

hills and in the

trees and in that

which they hatch;" (Qur'an 16:68)

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Page 26: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"And your Rabb

(Cherisher and


inspired the

bees: Choose

your habitations

in the hills and in

the trees and in

that which they

hatch;" (Qur'an


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Page 27: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Have you not seen that unto

Allah pays adoration

whosoever is in the heavens

and whosoever is in the earth,

and the sun, and the moon,

and the stars, and the hills,

and the trees, and the animals,

and many of mankind, while

there are many unto whom the

doom is justly due. He whom

Allah scorns, there is none to

give him honor. Lo! Allah does

what He wills.”

(Quran 22: 18)

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Page 28: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“Have you not seen that unto

Allah pays adoration

whosoever is in the heavens

and whosoever is in the earth,

and the sun, and the moon,

and the stars, and the hills,

and the trees, and the animals,

and many of mankind, while

there are many unto whom the

doom is justly due. He whom

Allah scorns, there is none to

give him honor. Lo! Allah does

what He wills.”

(Quran 22: 18)

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Page 29: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"Is not He (Allah) who created the

heavens and the earth, and sends

down for you water from the sky

wherewith We cause to spring forth

joyous orchards, whose trees it never

has been yours to cause to grow. Is

there any God beside Allah? Nay, but

they are folk who ascribe equals (unto

Him)!" (Qur'an, 27:60)

Verily, Allah is the only God and the

Creator of all creations, including Jesus.

So worship no one but Him Alone.

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Page 30: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"He (Allah) it is Who sends down water

from the sky, whence you have drink, and

whence are trees on which you send your

beasts to pasture." (Qur'an 16:10)

Note that Allah is the One who has

inspired the one who “trimmed” the leaves

of the trees to form the word Allah. Allah

says that He is the One Who inspires

(some of His) Creations (Qur'an 16: 43).

Can any Christian trim trees to form the

word Jesus? Can Jesus also create the

rest of the signs of Allah, if he is God?

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Page 31: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Even if the Christians will open their Bible, they will never find clear proofs

and single statement from Jesus that he claims to be God. Jesus has never

said “I am God” or “I am the Creator”. He has never commanded anyone to

worship him. If Jesus was god, why did he undergo the process of creation?

Is Jesus not the son of Mary? Who created him and his mother, Virgin Mary?

Is there any proof in any part of our bodies that can serve as a sign that

Jesus is God and Creator? Is there any sign that Jesus has created any of

the creations that exist? Is there any single statement from him, which heclaims to be god and creator? Nothing! So turn to Allah for worship.

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Page 32: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

The Christians' belief that Jesus Christ as one of three in a Trinity is a lie

because Jesus himself never said he is one of the trinity. If Jesus did not

clearly say so, it is because he is just one the great prophets and messengers

of Allah (The God). Believe in the following words of Allah in the Qur'an:

“They say, ‘God has begotten a son.’ Glory be to Him! He (Allah) is self ـ

sufficient. His are all things in the heavens and on earth! No warrant have youto say this. Say you about Allah what you know not?” (Qur’an 10:68)“It is not befitting to (the majesty) of Allah that He should beget a son. Glory

be to Him! When He determines a matter He only says to it ‘Be, and it is.’”(Qur’an 19:35)

“Did He (then) choose daughters rather than sons?" (Qur’an 37: 153)

Page 33: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Christians should correct their belief about Jesus as he is not God. Allah the

God is Unique. There is no one who is like Him. He is not like any man that he

should have a son or daughter. He is not like any creation that He should

have a father or a wife. He is not one of the Trinity that the Christians are

believing, something “mysterious”. Yes, indeed mysterious that those who

question it has to leave Christianity in search for the Truth. Indeed, to believe

in three different personalities as one God is inconceivable that leaves every

Christian just to be blind-following. In Islam, the concept of one God is very

clear. It is absolutely monotheistic, making Allah Alone as the Unique God:“Say: ‘He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute, He begets not, nor

is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him.’” (Qur’an 112:1-4)

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Page 34: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

"O people of the Scripture (Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your

religion, nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Jesus, the son of Mary, was

(no more than) a Messenger of Allah and His Word, ("Be!" - and he was)

which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit created by Him; so believe in

Allah and His Messengers. Say not: "Three (trinity)!" Cease! (it is) better

for you. For Allah is (the only) One God, glory be to Him (Far Exalted is

He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all

that is in the earth. And Allah is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.(Qur'an 4:171)

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Page 35: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Allah warns Christians to stop committing blasphemy:

“They do blaspheme who say: ‘God is Christ the son of Mary.’ But said

Christ: ‘O Children of Israel.’ worship God, my Rabb (Cherisher and

Sustainer) and your Rabb (Sustainer).’ Whoever joins other gods with God,

Allah will forbid him the Garden (Paradise), and the (Hell) Fire will be hisabode. There will for the wrong doers be no one to help.” (Qur’an 5:73)

“They (Christians) do blaspheme who say: God is one of three in a Trinity:

for there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of

blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers amongthem.” (Qur’an 5:74)

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Page 36: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

You have read some of Allah’s clear statements about Him as quoted from the

Holy Qur’an, the Book of Allah. You have seen some images proving that He isthe Creator of all creations.If you deny any of the images, what about the rest of the images? Can you also

capture real images (not fake) showing the word Jesus written in any of Allah’screations? Is there any statement which Jesus said he created something?

I invite you to turn to Allah for repentance. Sincerely believe in Him as the only

True God and Creator of all creations. Allah Alone deserves our true worship in

Islam. Don’t look at the misconducts of those you think are Muslims (examples

are the Shi’ahs, and other deviant people) because they are not actually

Muslims. They do not follow Qur’an and the Sunnah. So, they disbelieve anddisobey Allah and His Messenger وسلمعليههللاصلي .

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Page 37: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

The Qur’an and the Sunnah (or the Wisdom which consists of the authenticAhadeeth or Teachings and actions of Prophet Muhammad وسلمعليههللاصلي )

are the best sources of knowledge and guidance for all mankind. They serveas Allah’s Grace and Mercy to all mankind. Allah the Almighty says:“…For Allah has sent down to you the Book (the Qur’an) and Wisdom

(Prophet’s Sunnah) and taught you what you knew not (before): and great is

the Grace of Allah unto you.” (Qur’an 4:113)

“For We had certainly sent unto them a Book (Qur’an) based on knowledge,

…explained in detail, a guide and a Mercy to all who believe.” (Qur’an 7:52)

“Just as We have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you

Our verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and Wisdom

(Prophet’s Sunnah) and teaching you that which you did not know.” (Qur’an 2: 151)

Page 38: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“And those who deny Our signs are deaf and dumb in realms of darkness;

Allah may send astray whomever He wills; and may place on the Straight Pathwhomever He wills.” (Qur'an 6:39)“Those who reject Our Signs, We shall cast them into the Fire; as often as their

skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may

taste the Chastisement: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” (Qur’an, 4:56)

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Page 39: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

If after reading the proofs from the Holy Qur’an and seeing some of the

concrete Signs of Allah (i.e., images of various creations of Allah written with

Allah’s Name), then you still do not believe because you let Satan influence

you to disbelieve and still hold on to your baseless mysterious belief about

Jesus as one in Trinity; then try to think again, did Jesus Christ ever admonish

you of the severe punishment in the hellfire if you disbelieve in him? Or did

Jesus ever claim to have created the hellfire and will punish everyone who do

not believe in his signs? But does he have any sign which we can see today?

Again, can any Christian show any sign that Jesus is God and the Creator of

all creations? No one can ever produce any of the Signs of Allah for indeed,

Allah is the Only True God of all creations. He is the God of Jesus Christ,

your God, my God and the God of all mankind. So worship Allah not any of

His creations like Jesus, the son of Mary.

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Page 40: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Allah promises the Believers the eternal Garden where they will enjoy eternal

comfort and peace. His promise is the truth, it will come for sure. He says:

“But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness -- We shall soon admit

them to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath -- to dwell therein forever. Allah’s

promise is the truth, and whose word can be truer than Allah’s?” (Qur’an 4:122)

“Verily, the Companions of the Garden shall that Day have joy in all that they

do;…reclining on raised couches; (every) fruit will be there for them. They shall

have whatever they call for; Peace! -- a Word (of salutation) from a Rabb

(Cherisher and Sustainer) Most Merciful.” (Qur’an 36:55-58)

Allah will reward the Believers the Garden of Paradise as their final abode

(Qur’an 25:15-16). They shall have joy in all that they do and shall have

whatever they call for (Qur’an 36:55-57). The greatest Bliss, however, is the

Good Pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme success (Qur’an 9:72).

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Page 41: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

“The righteous will be amid Gardens and fountains of clear-flowing water. (Their

greeting will be): ‘Enter you here in Peace and Security.’ And We shall remove

from their hearts any lurking sense of injury….” (Qur’an 15:45-47)

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Page 42: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

Oh non-Muslims! Think and reflect: Is there anyone who claims to be the God

and the Creator of all creations, except Allah? Is there anyone who warns

anyone with punishments from the hellfire who disbelieve in Him as the God

except Allah? Likewise, is there anyone who promises anyone with peace and

supreme success in Paradise, except Allah? Verily, Allah is the Only True God

and Creator of all creations, including Jesus the son of Mary.

All non-Muslims as well as those who claim to be Muslims but have deviated

from the Qur’an and the Sunnah are invited to enter into Islam wholeheartedly.

Follow Allah’s Messenger وسلمعليههللاصلي as it is only by adhering to his

Sunnah that we please Allah. Through him, Allah has completed His favor upon

us and perfected Islam as the only acceptable Religion to Him. Allah says:

“...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor

upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Qur’an, 5: 3)

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Page 43: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya)

I invite you to sincerely believe and testify that Allah تعالىوسبحانه is the Only

God (worthy of true worship) and that Muhammad وسلمعليههللاصلي as the

Messenger of Allah. Ask yourself, do you sincerely believe in this two

testimonies of Faith in Islam (Ash-Shahadatain)? When your answer is positive

then you are a Muslim, one who peacefully submits to the Will of Allah in Islam.

Then sincerely recite the Shahadatain, say: “Ashadu ana la ilaha ila Allah, wa

ashadu ana Muhammad Abduhu wa Rasulullah.” (“I bear witness that there is

no true God worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and I bear witness that

Muhammad وسلمعليههللاصلي is His true slave and Messenger.” After

performing the two testimonies of Faith, perform ghusl (bath for purification)

with the intention from the heart of doing the purification for the pleasure of

Allah تعالىوسبحانه for embracing Islam. CONGRATULATIONS! You have

indeed made the best decision in your life, which you will never regret.

Page 44: Islam: Allah Is The True God While Jesus Was His Prophet (By Dr. Norlain Khadija Dindang Mababaya),,

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