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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 13864 (1993): Wheat - Determination of sedimentation index - Zeleny test [FAD 16: Foodgrains, Starches and Ready to Eat Foods]

IS 13864 (1993): Wheat - Determination of sedimentation index - Zeleny … · 2018. 11. 15. · index - zeleny test udc 633"11: 543·86 @ bis 1993 bureau of indian standards manak

Oct 20, 2020



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  • Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

    Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

    इंटरनेट मानक

    “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

    “Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

    “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

    “Step Out From the Old to the New”

    “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

    “The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

    “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

    “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

    “Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


    IS 13864 (1993): Wheat - Determination of sedimentationindex - Zeleny test [FAD 16: Foodgrains, Starches and Readyto Eat Foods]

  • IS 13864: 1993ISO 6529 : 1992

    ~ - amrr~ ~~ IDa Cfiffi - ~~Indian Standard


    UDC 633"11: 543·86

    @ BIS 1993


    NEW DELHI 110002

    Decembsf 1993 Price Group 2



    ( National Foreword, under 'CROSS REFERENCES' ) - Substitute'IS 4333(Part 2): 1977' for 'IS 4333(Part 2): 1967'.

    (FAD 16)Reprography Unit. B15. NewDeihl, Ind,.

  • Foodgrains and Foodgraln Industries Sectional Committee, FAD 16


    This Indian Standard which IS Identical with ISO 5529 '1992 'Wheat - Determination ofsedimentation Index - Zeleny test' Issued by the International Organization for Standardization( ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Foodqrarnsand Foodqram Industries Sectional Committee (FAD 16), and approval of the Food andAgriculture DIVISion Council.

    In t"e adopted standard certain terminology and conventions are not Identical With those usedIn the Indian Standards, attention IS drawn spscrallv to the followrnp,

    a) Wherever the words 'International Standard' appear referring to this standard, theyshould be read as 'Indian Standard'

    b) Comma ( , ) has been used as a decimal marker while In Indian Standard. the currentpractice IS to use a point ( . ) as a decimal marker


    ISO 565 . 1990

    ISO 712 . 1985

    ISO 648 . 1977

    In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which IndianStandards also exist The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted In theirplace ore listed below along WIth their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

    tntemsttonsl Standard lndtsn Standard Degree ofCorrespondence


    IS 460 1985 Specrticatron for test sieves:Part 1 Wire doth tes, Sieves, Part 2 Perforatedplate test sieves

    IS 1117' 1975 One mark pipettes (fIrst Technicallyreviston v equivalent

    IS 4333 ( Part 2 ) : 1967 Method of analysts Technicallyfor Ioodqrams Part 2 MOisture equivalent

    The technical committee responsible for the preparation of this standard has further reviewed theprovisions of 'ISO 2171 1980 Cereals. pulses and derived products - Determination of ash'and has decided that It IS SUitable for use In conjunction With this standard.

    In reporting the results of a test or analysts made In accordance With this standard. If the finalvalue, obseryed or calculated IS to be rounded off, It shall be done In accordance WithIS 2 1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revtsed )'.

  • IS 13884: 1113ISO 6629 : 1892

    Indian Standard


    1 Scope

    This lnternatronal Standard specifies a methodknown as the Zeleny sedimentation tesl for assessrnq one of the factors delerrmrunq the qualityof wheat with regard 10 the bakmq strength of theflour which can he made from It

    The method IS applicable only to Tttttcum aesllvu'/lwheal

    2 Normative references

    The followlllg standards contain pi ovrsions whichthrough reference III thrs text constitute provisionsof thrs Intel national Standard At the limp of publication the editions mdicated were valid All standards are subject to revision and parties toagreements based on thrs International Standardare encouraged to mvesuqate the posvrbrhty of applying Ihe most I ecent editions of the standards IIIdrcated below MembE'rs of lEe and ISO marntamregisters of currently valid Internallonal Standards

    ISO 565 1990 Test sieves - Metal wire cloth perforated metsl plate ena eleclroformed sheet Nom-mal sizes of opellmg~

    ISO 648 1977 Laboratory glasswale - One markptpette»

    ISO 712 1q8~ Cereals alld cet eet products Detpr-mmat/on of moisture content (Rouun» referencemethod)

    ISO 21711980 Cereals pulses Rnd denved products- Determmatloll of ash

    3 Definition

    For the purposes of this International Standard thefollowing definltron applies

    3 1 sedimentation Index The number rndicatmg thevolume expressed in rrullrlnres of the sedunent ob

    \amed ll00ef s\}et.\fled 1:00dl\\Or.s If 00) a S\lSpenSlOllof test flour prepared from the wheat in a lactic acidsolution

    4 Principle

    Suspension of a test flour prepared from the wheatunder specrflad gnndlllg and sievmq condrtions IIIa lactrc acid sotunon In the presence of bromophenol blue After specified shaklllg and rest timesdetermmauon of the volume of the deposit resultmqfrom the sedimentation of the flour particles

    5 Reagents

    Use only reagenls of recognized analytical gradeunless otherwise specrhed

    Use distilled water or water of at least equivalentpurrty contarrunq less than 2 mglkg of rnmeral malter

    5 1 Sedimentationtest reagent

    5 1 1 Lactic acid solution

    Prepare a concentrated 85 % (V}/") lactic acid solution containing not more than 40 mglkg or mmr-ralmailer

    Drlule 250 ml or this concentrated solution to 1 litrewith water Boll the dilute solution under reflux for6 h (see nole 1)

    Titrate an aliquot portion of thrs solution wrth potassium hydroxide solullon (for 5 ml of the lacuc acidsolulron about 28 ml of 0 5 molll potassium hydroxIde sotunon IS necessary) The concentration roundshall be between 2 7 molII and 2 8 molll

    NOTE 1 Concenlrated lacllc acid contains associatedmolecules which on dilution drssocrate slowly 10a certamequuionum BOIling accelerales lh,s dissolutron processWhlLh IS essential In order 10 obtain reproducrbtesedirnentauon values

  • IS 13884 : 1993ISO 6629 : 1992

    5 1 2 Preparation 01 test reagent

    Thoroughly mix 180 ml of the diluted laclrc acid soluuon (5 1) with 200 ml of between 99 % (VI V) and100 % (VI V) propan 2 01 contammq not mal ethan40 mg/kg of minerai matter and make up to1 000 ml with waler

    Keep In a stoppered flask and do not use the reagent until It has ber-n left to stand for 48 h

    5 2 Bromophenol blue solution

    Dissolve 4 mg or bromophenol blue In 1 000 ml orwater

    6 Apparatus

    usuat laboratory apparatus and In pai trcular therollowlng

    61 Test mill or an appropnate typpll (seeannex A)

    6 2 Woven melal wire sieve" In accordance withthe spectncahons of ISO 565 haVing a 'nominal aperturc size or 150 11m 200 mm In diameter movedby an appropriate automatic vibration device or eccentncrty 50 mm and rotalional frequency200 min 1

    63 Perforated metal plate sieve with slots 1 mmwide

    6 4 Flat-boltom cylinders of 100 ml capacitygraduated In rrulhhtres with a distance of lAO mm 10185 mm betwpE'n the bottom and the 100 ml markand equipped with ptastrc or glass stoppers

    65 Cylinder shaker flttE'd with a lime SWitch andproviding a shaking f1equency of 40 min 1 each

  • 84 Test portion

    Weigh \0 the nearest 005 g 32 g of the tl'sl flour(83)

    NOTE2 II there Is any reason \0 think that the morstureconlenl of the test flour IS outside the range 13 0 0 (m m)10 15 % (m m) determine ItS value In accordance withISO 712 Ihen weigh a quantrty of Ihe 11'.1 flour carrespcndmq 10 3 20 g ± 0 05 g at 14 % (m m) morvture content (I e 2 75 g -t 004 g of dry mailer)

    8 5 Determination

    851 Carry out Ihe sedunontauon procedur I'specnled In 8 5 2 to 8 5 6 twice on separate testportions taken from the same te st flour (8 3)

    8 52ThI' operations specified In 8 5 3 to 856 shallbe carried out under normal lighting conditions outof direct sunlight

    The tune laken to pour each rl'agent Into the cynnder (see 8 5 3 and 8 5 4) shall not exceed 15 s

    853 Place Ihe test portion (84) In a qraduatedcylinder (6 4)

    Add 50 ml of Ihe bromophenol blue solution (52) tothe test portror Close the cylinder With a stopperand holding the cylinder In a horizontal positronshake It left and right through approximately18 em 12 times In each direction over approximately5 s

    854 Place the cylmder In the shaker (65) andstart the stop dock (67, and the shaker After5 min remove the cylinder Irorn the shaker and addto Its contents 25 ml of the sedimentanon test reagent (5 1)

    Replace thO' cylinder and contmue the shaking

    855 After a total time of 10 min remove the cvnnder From Ihl' shaker and place It In an upnqht posrtron

    856 Leave lhe contents of tile cylmder to stand Forexactly 5 min and then noll' the volume of the dePOSit to the nearest 0 5 ml

    9 Expression of results

    The number indicating the volume expressed Inmtlhhtres of the deposit noted III accordance With8 56 represents Ihe sedunentanon mdex

    Take as Ihe result the anthrnetrc mean of the resullsof two determinations (8 5 1) provided Ihat their dll


    IS 13884 : 1993ISO 5529: 1992

    Ference does not exceed 2 umts II their differencedoes exceed 2 units discard the results 01 the Iwodeterminations and repeat the operations given In84 and 85

    Report the result as a whol .. number

    10 Precision

    101 Repeatability

    The absolute difference between two IndependenlSingle tesl results obtained using the same methodon Identical test matenal In the same laboratory bythe same operator usmq the same equipment Withina short Interval 01 time should not be greater lhan2 units

    102 Reproducibility

    The absolute difference between two Single lesl resuits obtained uSing the same method cn Identicaltest material In different laboratories With differentoperators USing different equipment should not begreater than

    2 (absolule value) for a sedimentation Index ofless than 20

    10 % (rei alive value) of lhe mean value for asedimentation Index of greater than 20

    11 Test report

    The test report shall speclly

    the method In accordance With which samplingwas earned oul (II known)

    the type of mill used

    the method used

    the test I esult(s) obtained and

    If fhe repeatabrhty has been checked the finalquoted result obtained

    It shall also mention all operating details not speerfied In this Inlernalional Standard or regarded asoptional together wuh details of any mordents whichmay nave Influenced the result

    The tesl report shall Include all informationnecessary for the complete Identification 01 thesample

  • IS 13884 : 1113ISO 6621 : 1182

    Annex A(normative)

    Grinding and sieving of the sample

    A.1 General

    The sample speclned In A 2 10 A 6 as approprlale,freed from Impurities, shall be ground under Ihecondilions specified below according 10 the type ofmill used

    A.2 Mlag-Grobschro'mOhl. mill

    Sample 100 g

    Carry out a first grinding with the rolls 1 rnrnapart and at a rotalional frequenry of about30 min I

    Regrind all the material obtatneq from Ihe firstgrinding, but With the rolls 0,1 rnrn apart, thenrepeat thrs regrinding procedure a further threetunes

    Using a sieve (6 2) haVing a nominal aperturesize of 150 urn, sieve the product of these threesuccessive grlndlng~ for 5 min

    A.3 Brabender-Sedlma' mill

    Sample 100 g

    Set the timing device of the mill at 3 min

    - Carry out the grinding With a gap of 1 rnm be-tween the feed loll and the first grinding roll anda gap of about 05 mrn between the other grind-Ing rolls at a rotational frequency of about1000 min 1


    3 On Ihe Brabender-Sedlmat mill, the roll gaps andspeed are nol adjustable These details are given 10 en-sure Ihat the rolls are not badly worn and Ihal the motorruns at the correct speed

    4 The products 01 the mllhngpass directly Into the Siller

    II Ihe mass of Ihe ground product IS less Ihan10 g continue Sieving untrl Ihal quantity IS ob-tained


    A.4 Tag-Heppens'a" mill

    Sample 200 g

    - Carry oul a first grinding With the rolls 0,6 mmapart and at a rotatronal frequency of about30 min I

    Regrind all the material obtained from the firstgrinding with the same gap between Ihe rolls,then repeat this regnndlng proredure a furtherthree times

    USlI1g a sieve (6 2) haVing a nominal aperturesize of 150 11m sieve Ihe product of Ihe five sue-ceSSiVE' gllndlngs for t 5 min

    A.S Strand-Roll mill, model SRM

    Sample 150 g

    Carry out a firsl grinding With the rolls 0,8 rnmapart and al a rotationat frequency of about30 min 1

    Regrind all the material obtained from the firslgrinding wuh the same gap between Ihe rolls,then repeal this regrinding procedure a lurtherIhree times


  • Stllldarel MarkThe use of the Standard Mark is JOveraed by the provi.loQs of the BUUQII of II1d"'"

    Standards Ac«, 1986 and the Rules and RegulatIons made thereunder. The Standard Markon products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have beenproduced to comply wIth the requirements of that standard under a well defined systemof Inspection, testing and quality control which IS devised and supervised by BIS andoperated by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked byBIS for conformity to that standard as II further SIIfeguard. Details of condttions underwhich a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers orproducers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.

  • Bureau of Indian Standards

    BIS IS a statutory mstnutlon estabhahed under tbe B~rlau.f Indian Slallllilrd# Act, 198. topromote barmonoous development of tbe acnvmes of standardrzatton, marklDl aod quahtycertification of goods and attending to connected matters 10 the country.


    BIS has the copyright of all Its publications No part of these pubhcanons may be reproducedIn any form Without the prior permissron in writing of BIS This does not preclude the free use,In the course of Implementing the standard. of necessary details, such as symbols and SIzes, typeor grade desrgnatrons Enquiries relatmg to copyrrght be addressed to the Director( Puhhcatrons } AIS

    RefislOD of IndiaD Standard.

    Amendments are Issued to standards as the need arrses 00 the baSIS of comments Standardsare also reviewed perrodrcallv, a standard along with amendments IS reaffirmed when such reviewindicates that no changes are needed. If the review indicates that changes are needed. It IS takenup for reviston Users of Indian Standards should aseer tam that they are 10 possessron of thelatest amendments or edmon by referrmg to the latest Issue of 'BIS Handbook and 'StandardsMonthly Addrtrnns' Comment, on thrs Indian Standard may be sent to BIS alVlnl the followmgreference

    Doc No FAD 16 ( 356 )

    AmudmeDts hs.d SIDce Publican••

    Amend No Date of Issue


    Text Affected


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