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Irish names and surnames - Highlander

Feb 04, 2023



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Page 1: Irish names and surnames - Highlander
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Cu1u ~ '06

p-<S.'OR-6.15 ne f>ull)

m. 11. m ~ c -6. n 5o 1 t l 1 -6. ttl.(\ c DUBLIN: M. H. GILL & SON


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§ r.-~ATIVE )TAMES ..








§ ::::.-SUR~A.!\lES OF THE SE:\~-GHAILL

§ :;.-COG:\0.\II:-.I.\ USED .-\S SUR~.-\~!ES

§ 4.-.\LTERX.\TIVE Forni OF ~UR:N:UlES



§ 7.-:-:URNA!-.1ES OF FE:\IALES









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PAGE . • 40

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The favourable reception everywhere accorded to the New Edition (English-Irish) of " Sto1nnr:e 5.6et>e.&t 1r

5.6tt " leads me to believe that the issue of a correspond­ing Irish-Ent;lish version would be \velcomed by the Irish public.

The transfer of the Post Office and other public services to Irish hands makes the issue of such a version eminently desirable, if ?Ot indeed absolutely neces~ary. Post Office officials, and especially rural postmen, will here have a handy book of reference which will enable them to avoid delay in handling correspondence ad­dressed in Irish and minimise the chances of misde­livery.

But apart from its utility in the public services, which is its main purpose, it is hoped that the book \vill prove generally useful.

l\1y thanks are due to my friend, H.1 rce.&f\'CI 0 fost.d'O.&,

\vhose invaluable assistance I had on this, as on other occasions, in reading the proofs.

Kilmallock, lVIay 26th, rgzz.

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BY REv. P. \VouLFE


Father Woulfe's book is the only volume dealing entirely with Irish personal names, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the cheapest book issued since the Irish Revival began.-T/ze Litnerick Leader.

Father Woulfe is to be congratulated on a book which is of personal interest to every Irish man and woman, whether they are Gaelic speakers or not. It is a marvel of cheapness.-The Catholic Herald.

One of the most interesting books which have comP. to us as a result of the Irish RevivaL-The Derry-journal.

Father V~7onlie's book on Irish Names and Surnames is the most useful book for Irish Irelanders that has been issued for a long time.- The Ennisco1'thy Guardian.

This useful publication contains the English and Irish equiva­lents of practically all the Christian and family nmnes usually met with in the roll-caB of our race.-The Irish Catholic.

It is evident that the author has taken great pains to verify the names; and he has cleared up not a few points that had hitherto been in doubt.-The Gaelic American.

Page 11: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

Thorough research has enabled the author to compile ti1i :1o exhaustive list.-Thc Freeman's journal.

An introductory chapter gives valuable information on the subject in general, and the book is of first importance to the student.-The Cork Examiner.

The preliminary essay on Irish Names and Surnames is well worth the price of the book, for it contains a store of information that would be almost inaccessible to the student and would be wholly beyond the ken of the average Irish reader. . The volume is indispensable to the Irish Irelander, and a valuable book of reference for Irish readers of every class.-The b'ish Independent.

Father Woulfe's work bears on the face of it proofs of im-mense· research; the author has gathered together his material from every sort of document and monument, and from Irish speakers in every corner of Ireland-nay. more, he has sought out Irish speakers in the large cities of England and Scotland, and by their aid he has made many an unusual name to yield up its life· histocy.- l-F aterford A rchceological J ow'nal.

New Edition, Paper. Cloth,

2/6 net, by post 2/8

4/- ., " 4/3

DUBLIN. M. H. GILL & SON, LTD. And all Books·ellers

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The Ancient Irish, like the Greeks and Hebre\vs, were called by only one narne, as .O.onsur, 'Dl.c.T'm.(\1'0, 'Dom­, &c. ; but, for the sake of distinction, a cognomen derived from some personal peculiarity, or a patronymic formed by prefixing m.c.c to the genitive case of the's name, or 6 to that of the grandfather, was sometimes added. Surnames in the modern sense were unknown in Ireland before the tenth centurv.

This usage necessitated a large number of name~ and led to the formation of a very varied and interesting Gaelic personal nomenclature. The Annals of the Four Masters alone contain nearly two thousand names, and perhaps as many more might be collected from genealogical books and other sources.

Some of these names, no doubt, lived only for a short time and have long since entirely disappeared ; but we have names, like .O.ot>, .o.r,c, C1.c.n, ConcotJ.c.f', '01.6.f', ', 'Donnc.c.t>, eoc-6.1'6, eo:s.6.n, &c., which have b~en in uninterrupted use from the earliest period of which we have any record down to the present day; while many others, though long obsolete as Christian names, are still preserved in our surnames.

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1 rish persoual uarr1es may be divided according to I orm into several classes :

1. The first and oldest class consists of uarnes forn1ed by the union of two independent elements or themes,* both nouns and generally monosyllables, as : ~on-sur t (one-choice). blAt-tiMe .. (blossom-son). Of14\H-S.6.l (raven-valour), C4\Jt-m4\ (l>attle-hero). e.6.t-.6.l (battle-ruler). ~.(\ol-c.(\-6 (wolf-warrior). J.'l-6.1 t- t;e-6. r ( dommiou-c boice). I e.6.t1-sur (sea-choice),

nl.6.on- S"l (gtft-valour). 111 uf;-p6n (slave-seal) n1 utt'-f;e.6.r (sea-choice). ll1ut'-CA1U (sea-warrior), tnut'- ;5.6-L (sea-valour). n 14\ll- f;u r (champion-choice). Cu4\t-~l (people-ruler), "Cu.6.t-5.6.l {people-valour).

l. The secoud class corn pnses nanws fonued by the union of two nouns, the first of which governs the ~ econd in the genitive case, as :

cu-c.6t4\ (hound of battle). Cu-m~l'.6 (hound of the sea). "Oon n i•letl)e (Brown-man! of the mountain). Uub-C(\lltll4\ (Black-man of e4\1ll.6.1n). ·ouu-rite (Black-man of peace), m4\o L-~nF.6.11J (chief of the storm).

The second uoun sornetiines takes the article, as. cu-4\n-M>n~•s (hottnd of the f<ur). s•oll.c~ 114\ 11.6-0ilJ (servant of the samts)

A large nurnber of nantes of this class are con1pounds of 111.:\0L. or 51oll<1, and the name of God or a saint, as:

111.<:\oLorisue (servant of St. Brig1d), m~olp..\ur~•s (servant of St. Patrick). Stull-6. Cpiorc: (servant of Christ) 5•oll4\ "'e (servant of God).

*Such names are termed dithematic. The first element •~ called the prototheme. the second the deuterot heme Some themes are exclusively protothemes. others excl us1 vely de utero­themes; while others can be either protothemes or deuterothemesJ Names contailling only one element are termed monothematic.

t I u ort.ler to show more clearly the composition of the names. tbe themes are ~eparated by a hyphen.

tOr Lord of the mountain.

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Ce1te \Vas used in the same way, as: Cette cr1or-c (spouse of Christ), C61tc tJe.o.u'-''t' (spouse of Peter).

'Our> is frequently compounded with a word, or place-name, preceded by the numeral u&, two, as :

-ouo-u.&-ooq1e.o.nn (Black of the two Burrens), -ouo-u~-cploc (Black of the two territories), -ouo-u~-moe.o.r (Black of the two river mouths). -ouo-u.&-tette (Black of the two sides, or halves).

re~r was similarly used, as : ~e.o.r-u~-cr1oc (man of the two territories), '

Cu, a hound, and figuratively a warrior or chieftain, enters largely into the composition of names of this class.

3. The third class, which comprises only a few names, consists of names formed from two nouns connected by a conjunctive particle, as :

cu-s.o.n-m~t.o.•r (motherless hound), -o~t-re-uoc.o.•r (difficult division). ,:-e.o.r-s.o.n-.o.tnm (nameless).

4· The fourth class, which is very numerous, com­prises names formed by the union of a noun and a qua1ifying adjective, as : .al'-o-s.o.l (high valour;, -ouo-cu (black hound), C1.o.r-th.o.c (black son), -ouo-s•otl.o. (black lad), 'Oonn-ce.o.nn (brown head), ,:'tonn-o.o.rr (fair head), -out>-ce.o.nn (black head), ,:-t.o.nn-c.o.-6 (ruddy warrior).

Or the adjective may follow the noun, as : b.6.t~r-rwnn (fair head), cu--ouo (black hound), bl'.o.n--ouo (black raven), S•oll.o.--ouo (black lad), Ce•nn--ouo (black head), m.o.ol-c.o.otn (gentle cb.iel).

s. The fifth class comprises " pet" names,* or shortened forms of the dithematic names aJready described, as : '

b.o.•rre. b~•re. b.o.rr.o. for b.o.•rrr10nn or ~•onno.o.rr: ,:-wnn.o., ponnu, ,:-mm.o. for ponnO.O.f'f', or some other

name commencing with '}:ton n-.

* Ordinary "pet" names are: Pat and Paddy for Patrick, Tom and Tommy for Thomas, Will and Willie for William.

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Sometimes no trace of the second element remains, and the " pet" name is then undistinguishable from a monothematic na1ne (next class below). Thus, for instance, ~ot:> n1ay be a shortened form of .O..e'O$etn, .(\ot:>b~t, or .O..ot>tu~, or it may be a monothematic name and originally bestowed directly. Besides, the " pet" name may be either the prototheme or the deuterotheme. br&n, for instance, may be short for bf\~ncii or bp~ns~t, or for .6.pct>f'-&n or 'F-&ott>p-&n or 11t-&ttt>f'-&n ; or it may be a monothematic name. " Pet " names are usually found with a diminutive termina­tion, especially -.J.n. (See be1ow, Class 8).

6. The sixth class consists of monothematic names, that is, names which contain only a single element and at the same time are not reduced forms of dithematic names, as: bre-<1c (speckled, spotted), 5U-<11f'e (noble, generous), bf'OC (a badger), rte.<1nn (a spear), C.<1-6l.<1 (fair, beautiful), Se.<1f'f'-<1C (a foal, flighty), C.<1oth (gentle, loveable), sio-o-<1 (silk, silken), Colm (a dove), "Cetme-<1n (dark, grey).

7· The seventh class comprises derivatives, that is, names formed from other names, and from nouns and adjectives, by the aid of prefixes and suffixes, as : Prefixes: Suffixes: C.<1t--<1c

..6.1n-;Setn "'un.<1-6-.<1c,

..0..1n-lhtf'e, btorc-.<1-6,, 'L-<10f'-.<1t-6*,

..O..n-54.\l, "'Of'C-.<11-6e,

..O..n-lu-<1n, Scol-.<11;Se, com-s-<1n, 'l-<1o;S--<11f'e, Com-5-<1lt, CMf'--6-<1, "'io-cu, "'uo--o-<1, "01o-m.<1f.&.C, bf'U.&-1-o-e-<1-6, "'O-C4.\f't:-<1C, rt hh-e-<1-6, e1s-ce-<1f\t:-<1c, 5t-<11r-ne, eo-s-<1n, com-ne-<1c, l'•1f'-ceatt.<1c, Cn.b.11h-reAc, R6-0.&.f't=-<1C, Cotp-t-<1, so-c.<1f't:-<1c, "'uo-t.&.c, su-1Y>ne, "Cf'o1;5-te.&.c.

*When the suffix is added to a dissyllabic name or word, -eontra.ction usually takes place.

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8. The eighth class consists of diminutives. These are formed by the addition of the following termina­tions, viz. : -.&n* ( e~n), -.6s.&nt (- e-65~n), -etn, -in, and -os(-eos), as :

.O..tt5e.6n.¢.n, Ce-6 t l.6c.¢. n, 1 ontn.6me.6n,

btt"'"(Ms.&n, eoc.6s.&n, mutpe.6s.6n,

cr6tn1n, "'moin, rmnetn,

m.6o-66s, sorm6s, mume6s.

The same root word, or "pet" or tnonothematic name, has often several diminutive forms. Thus many have diminutives in -~n and -.6s~n, as :

.O..f\'C I

'br.6n, l=tonn, 1=l.6 nn, nt~lt,

.o..r-c.&n,t br.6n.&n, 1=10nn.6n, l=l-6 n n.& n, nt.6lt.6n,

some in -.6-n and -in as:

C.6f, C.6r.&n, Ctt6n, Cr6n.6n, 5L.6f, 5t.6r.&n, or, or.&n,

and a few in -.6-n and -65 as : C.o.oth, Cotm,

C.o.oth.&n, Cotm.&n,

.o..r-c.6s.&n, br.6n.6s.&n, 1=10nn.6s.&n, fl.6nn.6s.6n, nt.6l t.6:s.&n ;

C.61flll, cr6tn1n, 5l.61flll, Otr1n;

c.o.om65, tnocotmos.

A large number have three forms of diminutive,. viz. : in -~n, -1n, and -.6s~n, as :

Ct.6.11, CMr.6.n, cetr1i11, C1.611.6:S.¢.n, ,01111, "'onn.&n, "'umnin, ·oonn.1s.&n, "'uo, "'uo.&n, "'utufn, 'OulJ.6.5.&n, o-o~r. oup.&n, Un)pin, 0'61'.65.&11 ;

*-.6n had originally the force of a patronymic, like the Greek -ides, and meant " son of."

+ is a double diminutive from -os and -.&n. t.Many of these djminutives are "pet" names. Thus

..O.t~Fo.-6-\n (little storm) is best explained as a pet diminutive of 111 o.oto. n f.61U (chief of the storm) ; 5.6-0ti:in of ffi.6ol5.6oti:e (chief of the wind) ; sletoin of "'onnf'U'~toe (Lord of the moun­tain) ; of cu cos.6.tu (hound of war) ; n.6om.6n {little saint) of StolL.\ r1~ n,,orh (servant of the saints).

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also in -.4n, -65, and -.6-:sdn, as : AouAn, :Sot' mAn,

and in -6-n, -in. and -o:s, as :

m~ou6s,• :.Sot'm6s,


.<\o-6.\S~ n, :.Sot'm.\s~n :

There is also a diminutive form in -n.6c (modern -n.6.n;) used in the names of females and corresponding to ·-}. n in names of males. Examples:

Male. .<\o-6.6-n, Ct.6.n.A.n, "0.6.rh.A.n, 'E)ob.A.n, 0-6f'.A.n, or.A.n, RonAn,

Female . Ao-6n6.-c, CMnn.o.c, 'O~rlln6.'C, :,Sobn-6.-c, 0-66.pn41"C, Oft16.'C, n6nn.6.'C.

Some names take the article, as : -O.n c~to-6.6, .6-n Corn41.m~c, .6n Duo~tc~c, -O.n Fe.6.f''OOf'C..1, -O.n 51ott~ uul), &c.


Probably all the names in use in Ireland before the fifth century \Vere of Gaelic, or at lecist Celtic, origin ; but from that period onwards foreign names have been borrowed from time to time from the various nations with which Ireland was brought into contact, directly or indirectly, in the course of her history.

A nu1nber of names of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew origin came in \Vith Christianity. They were almost exclusj vely Biblical names and the Greek and Lat,in

*The names of saints are sometimes preceded by rno, my, a term of endearment, and at the same time take the diminu­tive termination -6s as: moc6.orh6s moce.6.lt6s, mocotm­os. When. the name begins with a vowel, the o ot mo is elided and the m incorporated with the name, as ffi.6.o"66s, f'Oe, &c.

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names of saints ; but, strange to say, they were not adopted, to any considerable extent, as Christian names by our Gaelic ancestors. The fe\v instances of their use recorded in the Annals and elsewhere show that they we-re, for the most part, borne only by monks and ecclesiastics, \Vho had, \Ve tnav not doubt, taken them at their monastic profession orw ordination.

Adam must have been in use and, in its diminutive form, Adamnan, was borne by the celebrated . ..t\bbot of Iona. Abel was somewhat of a favourite, and \Ve have several instances of its use in the Annals. Noe gave name to t\VO Irish saints. Joseph occurs once, as do Aaron and David. Of the nan1es of the prophets, Dan!el is of rather frequent occurrence ; and \Ve had also Abdias and Habacuc.*

New Testament names are represented by John, for John the Baptist, always a favourite baptis1nal name among Christian nations, and an occasional Philip and Thomas. Of saintly names, \ve had Augustine, Doha.t, Hilary, Januarius, Liber, ~1artin. !'Jatal, &c., all exceedingly rare.

John (ecnn) is apparently the only one of all these names attained perm:1nency. Patrick, the name of the national apostle, catne into general use only a't a compara.ti vely late p~riod, and its adoption even then was due to Danish and Engli~h influence. It is only in the thirtcent h century that we first find it in use atnong Irishmen. Michael, another name of the same class, \Vhich now bids fair to ri 'Ja.1 in popularity the name of the national saint, \Vas until a few centudes ago extremely rare in Ireland. 1\1ary, the name of the Blessed ·virgin, \Vas not used at all until long after the Anglo-~o1man invasion. :!\fartha occurs ()nee. in the eighth century, as the narne of an Abhc~<.; of J(ilda re. -----------~----

*See Annals. of the Four Masters at the year 539 where a ·strange story is told of an Irishma n of this name, which is scarcely surpassed by the adYenturc of his Hebrew namesake,

.a<; related in Daniel, Xl V., 32 ct seqq.

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Strange as it may appear, it \Vas the very reverence in which these names were held that prevented their more widespread adoption, our ancestors preferring to be known as the servants, rather than the namesakes, of the saintly men and women who bore them. Hence, instead of directly adopting the name of the saint, they formed from it a new name by prefixing to it the word ffidot.* or '51ot.t.dt signifying servant or devotee, and names so formed were common in Ireland-those formed with ffidot. hom early Chr'stian times. The following is a list of such names: t

m.t1ot l>e.o.n61n (servant of Benignus), m.t1ol e6m (servant of John), m~ol ior.6. (servant of Jesus), 111.6-ol $1}\tC (servant of Cyriacus), m~ol 1i16.tu:,\11l (servant of Martin), m.o.ol 1i1tcil (servant of Michael), . 111.<.\ol 1i1uq'c (servant of Mary), 111.<.\ol p.&ur.(.\t:S (servant of Patrick), 111Aol lJe.<.\"0.<.\tp (servant of Peter), 111.6-ol 1J6tl (servant of Paul), 111.(.\ol Sc.<.\cl.6.tnn (servant of Secundinus), S10ll.<.\ -6."6-<.\thn..\tn (servant of Adamnan), :StOll.<.\ e6tn (servant of John), 510ll.<.\ lOf<\ (servant of Jesus), 510tl.<.\ S-ce"-'r.&t n (servant of Stephen), Stoll.<.\ 1i16.p-c.<.\tn (servant of Martin) Stoll~ 1iltcll (servant of Michael), :Stoll.<.\ 1iltttpe (servant of Mary), Stoll.<.\ 1J6.-op<\tS (servant of Patrick), :Stoll<\ lJet--o<\tl' (servant of Peter), 510ll<\ l:)otl (servant of Paul), . :StolL.\ Se.<.\cl~\t nn (servant of Secund1nus),

*111.6.ol originally meant bald, hence tonsured, and when pre­fixed to the name of a saint, the tonsured servant or devotee of that saint. It is now confused with the old word m..\l (Old Celtic maglos), a chief, and consequently has sometimes also that meaning, as in 111.6ol.6.t1f.<.\tu, chief of the storm, ln.<.\olc.<.\otn, gentle chief &c.

t 510ll"-' is probably derived from the Norse "gisl," a pledge or hostage. It only became common during the Dani~h. period when it was largely used by the Northrnen, on the1r conver­sion to Christianity, to form Christian names. In this connec­tion it signifies servant or devotee. At other times it has

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Many of these scriptural and saintly names, and others of the same origin, were again introduced as a later period by the Normans, when they passed into more general use. Hence, names of this class have sometimes two forms in Irish, according to the date and channel of introduction, the oJder form being used exclusively for the saint, and the more modern one for ordinary individuals of the name. Examples: ·

Adam, Mary, John, Andrew, . Stephen, Martin,

Older Form. ,(\ -6.6 rh, mulre, e61n, .6-m-oreAr, St:e.6.f.6.n, m.6.f1t:An,

Later Form. .6.-oAm, m.&lf'e, Se.&n, Se6n, .6-ln'Of'lu, St:MOnA, m.6.1f'dn, &c.

The British missionaries \Vho accompanied St. Patrick to Ireland, and the Seixon saints and students who frequented the Irish schools, have left us a few names; but probably the only one that still survives as a Chris­tian name is that of St. Beircheart (anglice Benjamin) of Tullylease.

Owing to intermarriage, and other alliances of friend­ship, many Danish and Norse names passed into Irish families during the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries, and some of them became very popular. A few still survive as Christian names, and they have left us

to be translated youth, boy, lad, &c., as; 51011.6.-ouo, the black youth, '51oltA}1U.6-6, the red-haired lad, 5101lA n-6. ne.6c, the horse-boy, &c.

t In the case of names like the present, in which the second element is a proper name, the initial letter of the second part may be a capital, or it may be written small and the second part its~lf joined on to the first, as 5101t.6 lJ.&"'f\.615 or Slotl.o.p.&-of\.615, t11.6ol ti1u1re or m.6o1ri1Ulf1e. ~fte.r 51ott.6 it. is better to separate the second part when 1t commences vnth a vowel, as 510l1.6 ior.6, 51011.6 1.6f.6Ct:.6. Similarly C~ UL~.-6, but genitive Conut.6-6.

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several i1nportant surnames. The follo·wing are the principal names of this class :


.o. 11.6. tc 'b11ua"'.6.11, ca11tur. ', e.6.n11.6.C, :sot11.6.1"6, 'iom.<.\11,


111.<.\~nur • O•rdn. OI'ClJ1, n"-'sn ... ,tt, RU.6.1U"f1t, HuuUf'..\C, StOCtf1an), Sn:pe.6.c, sorna111te, &c.


In the same manner Nonnan and English names became current in Irish families during the thirteenth and subsequent centuries. These have no\v almost completely supplanted the old Gaelic names.

The names borne by the Normans and by them introduced into Ireland were oi three kinds : (1) names of Scandinavian origin \Vhich their ancestors had carried with them to Normc.lndy, ; (2) names of Germanic origin which the Frankish conquerors had brought across the Rhine and which had ousted the old Celtic and Latin names from France : and (3) Biblical names and Latin and Greek names of saints: \Vhich the Normans began to adopt about the beginning of the e)eventh century.

Together with these came in a few Celtic names from Brittany, a small number of Anglo-Saxon names, some Danish and Norse names from England, and one or two British or Welsh names. These ·were nearly all very rare and most of them soon died out. Of the Anglo-Saxon names, only two, Edmund and Edward, and these owing to special circumstances, survived. Alfred has been revived in recent times.

A.t the period of the Invasion, Frankish names were by far the most popular among the Normans, but Biblical and saintly names were coming rapidly into favour. The follo\ving is a list, in order of frequency,

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of the more common names borne by the early Anglo­Norman invaders, the Biblical and saintly names of Latin and Greek origin being printed in italics :

vVilliam, Robert, Richard, ] ohn, \Valter, Roger, Ralph, Adam, Hugh, Henry, Tho11tas, Nioholas, Gilbert, Geoffrey, Elias, Peter (Piers), Osbert, Reginald,] ordan, Simon, Alan, Stephen, Phil?"p, David, Arnold, Alexander, Laurence, Baldwin, Herbert, Martin, Maurice, Godfrey, Andrew, Alfred, ] ames, Samson, Turstein, \Varin, Ail ward, Da1~iel, Edward, Gregory, Bernard, Benedict, Hamon, Matthias, A1 ichael, Gerard, Gervase, Lambert, Wilkin, Patrick, Edmund, Edwin, Hubert, I vor,] oseph, Oliver, Mark.

The following in alphabetical order were alJ very rare: Abraham, AdelardJ Ailmer, Antony, Augustine, Brian, Clement, Constantine, Estmund, Eustace, Everard, Gocelin, Isaac, Leonard, Luke, lvfatthew, Miles, Milo, Odo, Osbern, Osmund, Pagan, Ponce, RanduJf, Redmund Rodulf, Silvester, Turold, Ulf, Vincent.

The following names only came in, or at least became popular, at a Jater period: Bartholomew, Christopher, Fra1zcis, Gerald, George, Paul, Roland, Theobald.

\Vomen's names among the Normans were all, or nearly all, of the Biblical or saintly class, as :

Agnes, .Alice, Amelina, Anastasia., Annabella, Cather­ine, Ceci1y, Christina, Dorothy, Egidia, Eleanor, Evelyn, Frances, Honora, Isabella, Johanna, Matilda, ~iargaret, Susanna. The name l\1ary does not seem to have come into use in Ireland before the end of the I6th century. Brigid only began to be used about the same period.

The Anglo-Normans had severa·l diminutive suffixes, viz. : -el, -et, -ot, (-at), -in, -on, ( -en), -oc, -uc, -kin, and -cock. These were generally added to the short­ened or " pet" fonn of the name, as: Marte], dim. of Martin ; Benet, dim. of Benedict ; Davet, dim. of David; Adamot, dim. of Adam: Milot, dim. of l\Iiles; Baldin, dim. of Bald\vin ; Dobin, dim. of Dob (Robert) ;

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Baldon, dim .of Baldwin ; Gibbon, dim. of Gilbert ; Paton, dim. of ·Patrick; Davoc, dim. of David; Jonoc, dim. of John; Mayoc, dim. of Matthew; Aduc, dim. of Adam ; Hobuc, dim. of Hob (Robert) ; Philbuc, dim. of Philip; Robuc, dim. of Robert ; Tomuc, dim. of Thomas ; Adkin, dim. of Adam ; Baldkin, dim. of Baldwin; Hobkin, dim. ·of Hob; Hodgkin, dim. of Hodge, Roger ; Tomkin, dim. of Thomas ; Alcoc, dim. of .A.lan; Simcoe, dim. of Simon, &c.

Not infrequently we find a double diminutive suf-fix, as :--elin~ -elet, -inet, -elot, so1netimes ·contracted to -lin, -let, -net, -lot, &c. Examples :-Gocelin, Hughelin, Hughelet, HugheJot, Harnelin, Hame]et, Hamlet, Robinet, Robnet, Tomelin,, &c.

Religious motives have frequently led to the intro­duction of names of foreign saints. The Spanish name Iago (James) \Vas brought to Ireland in the thir­teenth or fourteenth century by pilgrims from the shrine of St. James at Compostella, and other names ·of foreign saints, as Aloysius, Alphonsus, Dominic, Agatha, ·Monica, Teresa, &c., have been adopted from time to time from similar motives. In England, a large number of new names from Holy Scripture was introduced by the Puritans, and some of these have found t.heir way into Ireland.

It may be remarked that many foreign names found at present in Ireland are merely modern substitutes for Irish names which they are supposed to translate, but with which they have often little or no connection, as Cornelius for Concot:J.<1p, Denis for Uonnc~u, Daniel for Uomndtt, Eneas for .6.onsur, Eugene for eos~n, -Hugh for .6-ot>, Humphrey for .6.ti1tdo1t'J, Jeremiah and Jerome for '01df'n1~1'0, Malachy for 1n~.ot Se~ctd1nn, Justin for Sdepope~t~c, 1\.for. irner for mu1pcedpc.<1c, 1\ioses for m~ouo:s, Myles for mdotmu1pe and m.&ot-

. mort>~, Roger ±or Rud1t>pi~ Terence for "Co1p'Oedtl).&c, ·Timothy for "C~us and "Comdtcdc, etc. Charles was

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an extremely rare. name h1 Ireland until the early part of the 17th century \Vhen it began to be substituted in honour of Charles I., for several' Irish J?,ames, ~ch as C.dt.dt, C.dt.do1p, Copm.6c, etc. Similarly, in the case of women's names, we have Abigail and. Deborah for 5obn.61c, Agnes for mop and Un.d, Dorothy for 'Oo1f'e.6nn, Gertruqe and Grace for 5pJ.1nne, Tvlabel for ffie-6'05, Penelope for F1onnE;u.dt.d, Sarah for Sopc-6 and S-6'05, \Vinefred for Un.d, etc.


A cognomen, or epithet, \Vas frequently added to a name to distinguish different individuals of the same name. These .cognomina \vere of three kinds :-

r. _An adjective conveying persona] description, as Copm-6c C-6}", 'Ootilndll bJn, eo5.1n 'Ru.1.t>.

2. A substantive in -..1c, denoting place of birth, residence, fosterage, etc., -<.\o'O t11 u1ti1 ne.1c, 'Oomn.dll C.doti1-&n.dc, C61n C~t~\n~c.

3. A noun in the genitive case, usually \Vtth the article, signifying place of origin, residence, or some other connection, as bp1.dn .6n uo1pe, 'C.d'O:S .dn cru~1oe, Conn n.d mbo·cc.


A marked feature of our Irish name-system \Vas the frequent interchange of names of the same or similar meaniJ?.g. This was doubtless due to the fact that our ancestors paid attention to the meaning no less than to the form of their natnes.

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The foJJo,ving classes o£ nam~s are to a greater or less extent interchange .. tble :-

(r) Variants of the same name, as .O.o'O~\ n and m..1ou6s, CotmJ.n and n1ocolm6s, i ue and miue .

(2) A name and its diminuiives, and the various diminutive forms among themselves, 8.S: J'lonnf.>.dl't' and F1onncJ.n, J'l{\CJ.n and J'elcin.

(3) Names of the san1e signification, though differ­ing in form, as : b~lt'f\flonn and J'lonnlJ<-"t'l'·

(4) Different names used for the saine individual, as : CJt't.dc and 1nocuu..1.


The declension of names folJO\VS the ordinary ru!c-; for common nouns. The follovving points may, how-ever, be noted :-

I. lVIany names belong to 1nore than one decl~nsion. 2. A few names ha\·e in the course of time changed

their declension. 3. Names of the fifth declension which form their

genitive case by adding c or n, generally drop these letters in the spoken language.

4· Diminutives in -65 are masculine and invariable. s. In the case of compound names, the part to be

int1ected depends on the nature of the com­pound. Sometimes both parts are inflec~ed, as Cu uut>, gen. Con'Oult'> ; sometimes the second only, as .. Ouoc(t, gen. 'Out>con. \Vhen the second part is already in the geni ti \-e case the first alone changes, as Cu Ut..1'0, gen. Con Ut.l\'0, Conut..1t>.

6. The nominative case is sometimes used for the genitiv~, and vice versa.

A perusal of the list of surnames will sho\v the genitive forn1 of most names. ·

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Gaelic surnames comprise surnames of Irish, Scottish~ Gaelic, and 1\tlanx origin.

Irish surnames came into use gradually from about the middle of the tenth to the end of the thirteenth century, and were formed from the genitive case of the ·names of ancestors who flourished within that period, by prefixing 0 (also written t1.d) or 111-dc (some­times written t11A~*), as :

6 bl1t.6.1n, 111<\C -O.OU<\5.\tn, 6 h-O.oua, 111ac c.\11-tat;S, 6 11ettt, mas Ut-6111.

0 literally signifies a grandson, and 111-dc a son : but in the \vider sen~e which they have ac(juired in surnames both now mean any male descendant. The only dillerence between a surname commencing \vith m.dc and one commencing with 0 is that the former was taken from the name of the father and the latter from that of the grandfather of the .first person who bore the surname. m.:\c-surnaines are, generally speaking, of later £ormation than 6-surnames.

Surnames \vere frequently formed, not from the real name of the ancestor, but from some other designation. as rank, trade, occupation, etc., as :

6 soo4nn (descendant of the smith), 6 ldcc.o.uo. (descendant of the healer), 1no.c .o.n t:>.O.qro (son of the bard), n1.o.c a., cS.o.oq'\ (son of the craftsman).

The Gaels of Scotland belonged by race and language to the Irish nation, bore the same or similar personal names, and formed their surnames in the same manner as the Irish from the names or designations of their

*t11.6.5 is used before vowels, the consonants c, 5, t, 11, and n, and the aspirated consonants t:>, U, t. ti1, 5, and C, but not always even before these.

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ancestors. Scottish-Gaelic surnames are, however, of much later date than Irish surnan1es. The instances of the use of 6 are very -rare.*

The l\ianx language is closely allied to the Irish and Scottish-Gaelic. l\lanx surnames were formed in the same manner as Irish surnames, by prefixing ffi.&c. 6, however, \Vas not used. The modem spe11ing is very corrupt, n1.&c being generally represented by an initial C or K.

The Danes and Norsemen who· settled in Ireland in the ninth and tenth centuries took surnames after the Irish fashion, by prefixing 6 or ffi.&c to the genitive case of the nam~s of their ancestors; but the surnames so formed are in nowise distinguishable from the sur­names adopted about the same time by Irish families. What are called Danish surnames are merely surnames formed from a Danish eponym, which, however, ovving to the interchange of names, was, at the period when surnames were formed, no longer a sure indication of nationality. The follovving are examples of this class 0-f surname :

6 h..O.p-6.11t;, 6 bJ1U-6."0-6.1f1, 6 "'tll)~-6.111,

1TI-6.C ..O.m1-6.010; m-6-c 1om-6.1f1, m-6-c 01t:1f1.

Ma1 y Scottish and Manx surnames ·are of this hybrid class.

*Down to the eighteenth century, the Irish and the Scot­tish Gaels had a common literary language, though the spoken tongues had diverged considerably. In that 'century Scottish Gaelic broke completely with the ' Irish and began a literary career of its own. The spelling of surnames in modern Scot­tish Gaelic is consequently somewhat different from what 1t would be in .Irish. The Scottish surnames included in this book are given in the Irish spelling.

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The surnames brought into Ireland by the Anglo­Normans were of four kinds:-

I. Patronymic. 3. Occupative. 2. Local. 4· Descriptive.

r. The Norman patronymic was formed by prefixing Fitz (a corruption of the French u fils," Latin (( filius")., denoting u son of," as Fitz-Gerald, Fitz-Gibbon, Fitz-· Herbert, Fitz-Simon. The English added u -son," as Richardson, \Villiamson ; or merely the genitive suffix (( -s," as Richards, \Villiams. \ Velsh patrony­tnics were formed by prefixing u ap" or " ab," from older u lVIap," cognate \Vith the Irish, \vhich, when it came before a name beginning with a vo\vel or h, was in many instances incorporated \vith it, as Ab Evan, now Bevan ; Ab Owen, now Bowen ; Ap Rowel, now Howell and Powell.

English surnames in '( -s" and u -son," and \ Velsh surnames in (( Ap" were, ho\vever, at first extreinely rare; they became common only at a much later date.* The type of patronymic most common among the Ang]o-Normans \vas that in which the father's na1ne appears in its simple and unaltered form, without prefix or desinence. Fitz seems to have been dropped early.t The great bulk of Anglo-Norman patronymic surnames are of this type.

*The early Anglo-Norman invaders. coming as they did 1rom \Vales, were called bre~i::n6tf), or \Velshmcn, 'by the Irish; hut \Velshmen they certainly were not, at Jeast to any appreci­able extent, as the almost complete absence of vVelsh Christian names from among them amply proves. English surnames in " s " and " son " were peculiar to the Danish districts in the North of England, from which few, if any, of the early invaders came.

t Hothing is more common at the present day in certain patts of the country than to hear a man des1gnated no matter what his surname, as lVIaurice \Villiam or John James, mea.nmg Mauri;;e, son of William. or John, son of James, This is but a survival of the; Norman practice.

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The names from which these patronymic surnames were formed were of Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, Danish, Flemish, Breton, \Velsh, and even Irish origin.*

2. Local surnames were taken either from specific place names, or common local designations, or some local landmark; and the language in which they occur may be either Norman-French or English. If the surname was from a specific place name and the language Norman-French, the local element was pre­ceded by " de" ; if English, by " of," familiarly prc­nounced " a," as : Robert de Arcy, David de Barri, Torkaill of I{ardif, Samsun of Stanlega. The local element may be the name of a couNtry, province, county, city, town, village, or even farmstead. Sur­names derived from places in Normandy alone denote Norman origin.

When the source of the surnatne \Vas a common local designation, or mere landmark, the N orma.ns prefixed " de la," " del," or " du" ; the English "atte." which became " atten" before a vowel, as Henry de la Chapelle, Richard de la Felda, John de la Hyde. Robert del Bois (du Bois), Robert atte Brigge, Gilbert atte Wode, \Valter atten Angle, Simon atten Ashe. The local element may be either Nonnan-French or English or \V elsh. t

3· Occupative surnames are those derived from office, profession, trade, or occupation generally. They were originally all cotntnon nouns, and usually Nornlan­French. The definite article " le," the English " the,H \Vas genera1ly, but not always, prefixed, as : le Archer, le Baillif, le Botiller, le Boucher, le Erchedecne) le Marescall, the Miller.

4. Descriptive surnames are those which convey

* The name Colman which occurs in Domesday Book is an instance.

t A small number of surnames-perhaps not more than thirty­are formed after the Norman fashion from Irish place-names. These, howeveJ·, were not brought in by the invaders, but taken by them from places where they settled in Ireland.

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personal description, and they are of various kinds according to the different ways in which a person can be described. They are generally Norman-French or English, but we have a few surnames formed from Welsh ··and Anglo-Saxon nouns and adjectives.

Physical peculiari1 ies are represented by " le Gras,'· tt ie Grant," " le Pe~ it," " le Brun," " le \Vhite," " the Black" ; mental and moral by " le Prut," "le Curtcis,'' "le Salvage," "l'Enfant ," " the Babe" ; animal char­acteristics by " le Bacoun," le Veel ," " le \Volf," " the Fox" ; nationality by "l'Engleys," "le Fleming," '' le Lombard," le \Valeys."

l\1any of the early Anglo-Norman families assu1ned surnames after the Irish fashion by prefixing rn.&c to the names or other designations of their ancestors, a~. ~ .

n1~c te6r~1t, n1~c An tillte~-6.6. tn~c se6tn1n, tn~c .6.n nn)tl'e ;

but most of them retained their original surname in an hibernicised foJm, as: 'O.&t.c.-cun for Dalton! H.e.&mont\ for Redmond, 11 otpe.c.bJ.pu for Herbert, etc. Tht:. Nonnan Fitz \vas replaced by m.c.c, as t11.c.c 5e,c.p.c.1t-c, m&c S1omfnn for FitzGerald, FitzSimon. English surnames ending in -s and son are si1nilarly hiberni­cised; but Anglo-Norman patronymic surnames which had neither prefix nor filial desinence haYe the sam~ form in Irish as the Christian name. The diminutive suffixes -el, -et, -ot, -in, -on, -oc, -uc, -kin, and -cock are represented in Irish by -etl,* -etu, -6tu, -1n, -ftn, -oc (os), -uc (.c.c), -c1n, and -coc respectively.

The prefix " de" of Norman surnames is represented in Irish by '' ue," as ne l1ur'c for de Burgh, 'Oe letr for de Laci, etc. ue is someti1nes incorporated with the local part of the surname, as 'OJ.-cftn for de Autun, DECt.D ru r for d'Evereux, etc. ue also sometimes ·stands for " de la," as ue nliq'.c. for " de la l\1or ; or perhaps its English equivalent " a tte lVior." " de la"

~ Or c~t. The usage is not uniform.

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itself, in the few instances in which it survives, IS In­

corporated \Vith the second part of the surname, as D . .6.t.6.1 t1"0 for" de la I:Iyde," U.6.t.6.m..1.r~ for" de la l\1are." "'e, pronounced 'Do, is possibly for the Norman " du," the equivalent before masculine nouns of " de la." The English " of" is, of course, represented by " .6."

in Irish, but " ~" is sometimes a worn down "' 'De," as in ~ btJc, .6. r16f\.6.. The English " atte," or " at the," is also represented in Irish by "'e, as 'De D61'0 for " atte \ Vode," at the wood. The n of the extended form, " atten," is attracted over to the second part of the name, as 'De l165t.6. for " atten Angle," at the corner; 'Oe l1.:11r for " atten Ashe," at the ash.

The Norman definite article " le" and the En~lish " the,"' used with occupative and descriptive surna1nes, are both represented in Irish by "'e, " le" having ap­parently been translated into its English equivalent " the" before the surname was hibernicised, as 'De r,oorc for " le \Vhyte," the \:Vhite, ue l1LJ.c~' for " the Blake," the Black, ue bore for " the Fo'\ /' 'Oe 1) u U)

for "le \Vol£," the \Vol£, "'e 1::>.6.1U~1r, 'De t>.(\1Uf for, "le \Valeys," the \Velshman, etc.

There vvas, ahnost frorn the first, a strong tendency to drop all these enclitic particles, and in many instances they had actually been dropped before the surnames to ·which thev had been attached attained an Irish form; hence inany of these surna1nes have no prefix in Irish.* Norman diminutives, it shqnld be remarked, like Blanchet, Porcel, Russel, never took the artiCle and consequently never take " t>e" in Irish.

*This is true of nearly all English surnames which came in after the fifteenth cen'tury. In my list I have inserted 'Oe in every instance where I had the authority of old Anglo-Irish records or the present spoken language for its use. 'Oe should not be used before surnames derived from personal names. Norman din1inutives, or Anglo-Saxon or Welsh nouns or ad· jectives.

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A small number of surnan1es are substantives in -.6.~, -e.6.c, indicative of nationality, place of origin, fosterage, etc., as br,,, "'e1fe.6c, nluunnedt~, UU:::-6.6.

A few are descriptive adjectives, as b.&n, be.6.5, 5L.6.f, l1.6.t, U<\1tne, etc.

vVe have also a fe\v surnames derived from place of residence, as dn ti1<\c.6.1f\e, n-6. bpi5"0e.

These three classes of surnames are merely cognomina substituted for the real surnames which are no\v lost or forgotten. Frunilies bearing these surnames may be of either Irish or English origin.


Most of the patronymic surnames given above (§§ r-z) have a second form obtained by dropping (> or tndc and postfixing -.6.6 (-edc) to the nominative case of the name of the ancestor,* as 0 bp1.6.1n or bt\1.6-ndc, 0 bpo1n or, 0 or, mo.c Su1 t)ne or Su1t>ne.6.6.

This form is also used in the case of surnames of foreign origin, as Ce1{;1nn or Ce1{;1nnec.6 (Cel{;ne-6.6), "0.6.1t'f15 or UO.lf'fl"!)e.&c, '0.6.t.o.t:un or U.6.t.6.{;uno.6, pe1ci"' or pel{;i"'e-6.6. The prefix 'Oe is dropped when -6.6 is postfixed, as "'e burc or bupc-6.6, "'e R61f{;e or Rolr­{;e-6.6. Surnames ending in -e1t and e1p change these terminations into -e<\L and -e.6.t' before -.&6 is added.

The foregoing forms when standing alone have an indefinite signification and cannot, unless defined by

*When the name of the ancestor already ends in -.t..c (-eac) the termination is not repeated, as 6 Ceatt~1;S; or CeAttAc. 6 ClnnreAt~s or Clnnre~tAc.

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the context. be used to indicate a particnlar individual.* To make them defi.nit,~ they must b~" preceded bv the Christian name or a title, or turn0.d into one of the forms mentioned in the remaining paragraphs of this srction, as: Voti1n~tl 0 brt&1n, Co;\m-dc moe .. '\15, p.J:op-d15 Conuun, ~-dmonn 'Oe bupc, U-dtt:dt' C~otilJn-dc, {.\n t:edrp(:s 6 'Oori1n-d1tt, "'\n 'Ooct:u1r\ 6 lo1n5r1"S

The forms in --de may also be made de·finite by pre­fixing the article and can then be used for a particular individual without the Christian nan1e or title.t The form has then the force of the English Mr. ·when the Christian name is not expressed, as -dn b-df'f·.6c, 1\Jr. Ba TY; -dn bClf\C-dc, l\tfr. Burke; 6n bp1-dn~c, 1fr. O'Brien; -dn Su1t>ne6c, Mr. MacSweeny.

Another vvay of indicating a particular individual, \vithout using the Christian name, is to prefix 111-<ic to the genitive case of the surname, as m-dc Ui t>r1~1n, Mr. O'Brien, m-dc Ui C,c.o1m, Mr. 0' Keeffe, 1n~c 1i11c an 1\J.lf''O, l\1r. \Vard. In this construction surnames com1nencing "'ith 111-dc are sometimes treated as if they commenced with 0, as: m-dc Ui $e-df'-"ltc, 1\Ir. Fitzgerald, m-dc t1i Su1r>ne, Mr. MacS\\·eeny.

We have also corresponding forms of -de-surnames with the article, as: m-<1c -6.n bpe.6tndt$: lVfr \Valsh, m-dc dn lJilf\C..11$, Mr. Burke ; n1-dC .6n H.61fC15, ML Roche.

*In the case of surnames in 6 and 111.6-c, the name alon~ was forn1erly used as the title of the chief of the name, as 6 t1ettt, (The) O'Neill, 6 'Dothn~tll, (The) 0 Donnell ; and it is still used as an honorary title in some families, as 6 Concob~111 "'onn, The O'Conor Don, trlA.\c "'t.6.f1m.o:o6., The MacDermott.

"fThis -t..c fo m with the article "\Vets formerly used, in the case of su-rnames of foreign o~igin, to signify the chief of an Anglo­Irish farnily, and corresponded to the use of the surname alone in the case of nat·ve Irish chiefs.

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It \Vill be convenient to summarize here under different types the surnames of which we have so far treated.



{ ~:~~~·c. ce1~1n,n. Conuu n.

ue n.o.,te,r. ue t>orc. ue ,:.o.o1~.

.6.1nste1r .

..&,rre, 11• t.o.,Ste,r.

XIII. f ~n lil.o.c.o.lf'e.



l n.o. bpi~ue.

r m"'c u1 Upl..:\ln. nl-6-c ui c4'\0llil. I tll..\C 1i1JC .6.11 l)..\q'\"0

J 111-<.\C Ul "E;C.<\j'\.6.ll~. ( 1116-c t1i SUlbne.



m,.)c "'n tYrc4\tn.o.1i; l1l..\C ... \11 t>\lf'C.6.1S

L m.o.c i. n n6q·c,s.

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In surnames of Types I, II, III, IV, V, and ·vii, the name or designation of the ancestor is in the genitive case and remains unchanged in the declension of the surname, except that its initial letter is sometimes aspirated or eclipsed, if a consonant, or has h or n prefixed, if a vowel. With this exception 1n..1c and <1 alone change.

6, or Ud, and m~c are thus declined >-

Sing"Qlar. Plural. Nom. and ace. () u~ l Ui

gen. t Ui () U.-1 dat. () u~ 1o u10 voc .. 4 Ui ~ Ui.

Nom. and ace. m~e mte, mete, m~e~ gen. n1te, mete mt..c dat. m.6.e m.6.e4\to voc. .6. 1i'11C .6. ti1~e.6. .

0, is the usual form in the nominative case, Ui in the genitive. \Vhen the name of the ancestor begins with a vowel, h is prefixed after 6 in the norninative case singular,* and n in the genitive plural. 6 sometimes aspirates F in the nominative case singular, and always eclipses in the gen. plural, if the name commences with an eclipsable consonant. Ui causes aspiration in the singular. m~c sometimes aspirates the initial con­sonant of the name in the nominative case singular. The 111 of m.6.c is itself frequently aspirated in the nom. case singular after the Christian name ; always in the genitive case, and somethnes in the dative,

~There are a few exceptions.

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N em. and ace. gen.




(b) br1~n 6 'Oo1~r..6!t.t. Nom. and ace. br:..o.n 6 Ucinn..o.itl

gen. ..o.1nm 1J}11..o.1n ui Uomn..o.,tt dat. ..o.s brt..o.n 6 'Ooinr:.t..ttt voc. ..o. 1:) u1 "6::nnn..o.tlt.

Nom. and ace . gen. dat. voc.

b J1l..O.n n1...o.c ~oomn...o.tll ..o.tnm llj" ti1tc

..o.s brt...o.n m...o.c 'Oothn...o.tll ..o. t> ti1tc uothno.tll.

The plural forms of 6 and 1n~c are now met with only in place-names derived from clan or family names, as: UT C1nnre~t~15, Ui 'Oron~, Cutl 6 o}'tnn) m~a~trc:tt' 6 'OG6f\n~, 1 nUH~ t~osa:r,e. The modern collective plural of surnames of these types is formed by pre­fixing rr1u·innce~r, Ct~nn, or S1ot* to the genitive case of the name of . the ancestor, as :

mu1nm::e...o.1' t>...o.m;Stll, the O'Boyles ; mutnnt:e...o.r etltue, the O'Healys; mumn-ce...o.p lt.\;Sc..ll..o.t;S, the O'Reillys; mutnnt:e-<.\1' Rtto.tpc, the O'Rourkes; Cl..o.nn .O..till-<.\otu, the MacAuliffes; Cl..o.nn ..o.n 1J~tJ1'0, the .Mac Wards ; Ct..o.nn 'Ot..o.rm..o.u...o., the 11acDermotts; ct..o.nn t:Sftts. the ~dacSheehys ; siol, the O'Briens; Sfol scc..o.ll...o.t;S, the 0'Kellys • Siol n16J1U..O., the O'Mores ; s1ol Ut'6tf1, the Maguires.

mu1nnce.6r is used in the case of 0-surnamcs; Ct~nn, with a few exceptions, is confined to m~c-surnames.

• and ct..o.nn cause aspiration, s1ot eclipsis.

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.Siot is now used only in literature , mutnn-ce~r' and Ct.onn are sometimes prefixed to the gen. case of the surname, as: mutnnce-6-t' U• Ce..1tL1c.&1n, the O'Callaghans ; Ct-6-nn ti1tc Conm-6-pd, the Mac.'! amaras.

The following examples sho·w the declension ~f sur­names in -.6-c (Types X, XIV, XV):-

(a) -0-n C.6.otilJ.n..1c.

Singular. Plural. Nom. and ace.

gen. dat. voc.

An C4.\orh-6.n4.\c n4.\ C4.\om-6.n4.\15 An C4.\orn-6.n4.\1S n.t.. sc"-'o1h-6.n6.c tetr 4.\n SC4.\om-6.n4.\c tetr n4.\ C4.\om.C.ncA10 A C4.\oth-6.n"-'1S "-'\.

Nom. and ace. 4.\n "C1Ufl:-6.f.6.C gen. 4.\n 1Ufl:-6.f.6.1S dat. tetr 4.\n 1Ufl:-6.f"-'C voc. "" h'trl:-6.f"-'t5

Nom. and ace. 4.\n s.C.o4.\otre.6.c gen. 4.\n l:S.C.b.6.0lftS d t f uo'n l:S.C.b6.0lfe6.c

a · l. tetr 4.\n s.C.o4.\otre.6.c voc. .A s.C.o4.\olrt5

n4.\ h1tlfl:-6.f.6.t;S n4.\ n1Ufl:-6.f"-'C tetr n4.\ h1ufl:-6.fc4.\10 "-' 1 u fl:-6. rc"-'.

n4.\ S.C. tMot flS n4.\ S-6.b4.\0tfe.6.c tetr n.t. s.C.b4.\0!fe4.\cAto~

Surnames of Types VI, VIII, XI, XII are not de­clined. All these surnames form their collective plurals like surnames in -.c.c, as : n-6. b~rH>t'01t:, the Barretts; n.a mburc~c, the house of the Burkes.

Surnames of Type IX follow the rule of ad;ectives. They form their plural like surnames in --6-c.

Surnames of Type XIII are invariable. The plural is formed by prefixing 111n1nncedr.

In surnames of Type XVI., ffi<\c alone changes.

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A personal epithet, or cognomen, comes between the Christian name and the surname, and, if an adjective, agrees in case with the Christian name, as : 'Oomn6tt b.&n 6 b1'161n, b6 Domn61tt lJ.&1n tH 1Jpt61n.

Sometimes the .father's name, in the genitive case \vith m.6c prefixed, is inserted in the same position to distinguish persons of the same name and surname, as: "'otiln.6tt m.6c Uonnc.6"66 6 bp1.61n ; or the patronymic may follo\v the surname, as: 'Ootiln6tt 6 bp1.61n m4\c · Uonnc-6.'0.6. tl1.6.c always aspirates in this case. The m6c is now usually dropped, but the aspiration remains, as : p-&up615 't-6.1"65 615 6 Con a1tt.

'Vhen two Christian names are used, the second is put in the gen. case, with its initial letter aspirated, -m41c heing understood if the father's name, and 51ott.6. if the name of a saint, as : Sc&n 1Je.6."0.6.1p 6 11ettt, John Peter 0' Neill.*

In the case of a double surname in English, as Patrick Sarsfield O'Donnell, Hugh O'Neill Flanagan, the first surname assumes the -c.c termination, thus : p.6:opd15 SA1prec.t6c 6 'Oomn61tt, .<\o'O 1116tt.16 6 }"tc.nnc.s.i1n.

\Vhen a personal cognomen of the ancestor appears in the surna1ne, it agrees in case with the name of the ancestor, as: Se.&n lllc.c ri1u1p1r Ru<1ro, 'Cd'OS mc.c Condllt 015.

An agnomen used to distinguish different branches of the same fa1nily agrees in case with the surname; in other \vords, it is in the same case as 1114\c or 6, as : nlc.snur nlc.c '0161'm6"06 Ru-6."6, 6 Concot>.41t' 'Oonn.


Instead of 6 and 111.6c, 111 and lHc respectively are used after names of females in surnames of Types I, II, III, IV, 'l and VII. 11i is an abbreviation of ni

* This rule is not always observed by present-day Irish speakers.

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{from 1n$e.dn, a daugb.ter) and· 1 or 111 (genitive case of 6 or U-6) ; and . nic of 111 ti1tc.

Examples:-! p.O.utt~l:S 6 "Oori1n.o.1tt, Patrick O'Donnell :_ 111.&1pe n1 "'6omn.o.1ll, Ma_ry O'Donnell

f se.&n 6 hOs.&1n, John Hogan l e:oUn ni O;s.&1n, Ellen Hogc:.n.

I Se.o.mur m.o.c Se6m1n, James Jennings t_ c.&n:: nic se6m1n, Kate Jennings.

[ p~."011615 m.o.c .o.n $011t, Patrick Gill l m.&1pe nk .o.n $0111, Mary Gill.

( eos.o.n 111.o.c .<>..ou.o.;s.6.1n, Owen Egan ~ m.&1re t1ic .<>..ou.o.s.&1n, Mary Egan.

The unabbreviated form l1i 1i11 c is used 1n some p)aces, as:

f se.O.n m.o.c .o.n "OAlti"O, John -,Nard l m.&1re n1 ti11c .o.n l>.&qn), Mary Ward.

1115 is the fonn corresponding to m.d:s, as : f concoo.o.r m.o.s Un)lp, Connor Maguire l. sopc.o. n1s U1-61p, Sarah Maguire.

Surnames of females are sometimes, like those of males, fonned directly fro1n the name of the ancestor, as:

c.&n::: n1 "CSe61nln, Kate Jennings bp151u n1 "CSUlone, Brigid MacSweeny m.&1pe n1 f), Mary :MacPartland.

It will he' seen from the foregoing examples that in the surnames of females, except those formed directly from the name of the ancestor, the part of the surname following l1i or tlic is in all cases the same as that after 111 or 1i11c in the surnames of males. The reason of this is obvious, l1i and l1ic being contractions of l1i Ui and l1i 1i11c respectively.*

*Hence e1otin ni 6s.&1n, not el\)lln n1 h6s.&1n, is the correct form.

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In surnames of Types VI, VIII, XI, XII and XIII., the form of the surname after names of females is the same as after those of males, as :

f se.&n b.&ron), John Barrett l_ pe15 b.&ron), Peg Barrett. f se.&n brun, John Brown l_ m.&q1e brun, Mary Brown.

{ Re,o.monn ue n61rt:e, Redmund Roche. m.&q1e ue R61rt:e, Mary Roche.

f eamonn n,o. b·r1sue, Edmond Bride l_ e1oUn n,o. br1sue, Ellen Bride.

Surnames of Type IX, being adjectives, are aspirated in the nominative case, as: m-&1re ~t-6-r, Mary Green.

Surnames of Types X and XIV, that is, all surnames ending in --6-c, may be either substantives or adjectives, vVhen the surna1ne is an adjective, its initial letter is aspirated in the nominative case aiter names of females, as:

{ se.&n bre.6:tn,o.c, John vValsh C-6.1-c t>re,,o.c, Kate vValsh.

{ se.&n c.&rt,o.c, John M2.-cCarthy S10o.&n 6.&tt.t-O.c, Joan l\1acCarthy. *

The following forms corresponding to Type XVI may be used as equivalent to the English Miss when the Christian is o1nitted :-

1 nse,o.n u1 L>t11-0.ln, Miss O'Brien. 1 nse,o.n ,o.n c.&rt-O.IS, Miss l\1acCarthy. 1 nt:;e,o.n ti11c ,o.n t>.&lt''D, 1\iiss Ward. 1 nse,o.n ,o.n $e.().r,, 1\iiss Fitzgerald. 1 nt:;e,o.n ,o.n L>tlt1C-0.1S, l\1iss Burke. 1 nse,o. n ,o. n 1161 }'t:l ~ . .:Miss Roche. t

*This was first pointed out to me by the late Canon O'Leary (.o-n' pe"-'u,o.p), who, when the first edition of this book was passing through the press, kindly sent me the following note on the Introductory Chapters which he had read:

" I have just one remark to make. In the case of women's names I have heard ' S10o.&n 6.&pt,o.c, not ' S10o.&n c.&rt,o.c,' and • C.&1t: t>re,,o.c,' not 'C-6.1-c bre,,o.c.' That is to say, when the surname is an adjective it agrees with the noun like any adjective. When the surname is not an adjective I have heard exactly what you say, i.e., ' pe15 b.&r61-o,' not ' pe15 t>.&p61u.' Instead of ' 111-&qte l>tw,,o.C' I have heard ' n1.&q,e ,o.n t:>pe~c­n-<).15,' where the surname is treated as a definite noun."

tBut not 1 nse,o.n ue bupc, 1 nse<.\n ue R61ft:e, &c.

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The same construction may be used to express Miss with the Christian name, as:

m.6.ttte, 1 nse~n u1 t>r1~m, Miss Mary O'Brien. e1otln, 1nse~n ~n t>urc~15, Miss Eileen Burke.

Mrs. may be similarly expressed, as :

be~n Ui "OtH~ln, l\1rs. O'Brien. be~n ~n "Out1C6.1S, Mrs. Burke. be~n ti11c ~n 1).6.qnl, Mrs. Ward. bc~n .Se.6.1n Ui 1Jp1~111, Mrs. John O'Brien. be~n 't~r6;s ti11c .t-n l>61p"O, M]·s. T. vVard. be~n C.\mUlnn 'OC nO.q~-cc, l\frs. Edl'l1und Roche. 111.0.11\C, bc~n ti11C ..\n 1)6.qt"O, Mrs . .l.Vlary vVard. C~11:, be~n se.6.1n "Oe bt1pc, 1\:Irs. Kate Burke, or

Mrs. ] ohn Burke.*

In the case of a ·widovv, bo.tncpe~c (b~tnct'et.lJ ... 16) IS to be useci instead of be~n, as :

b6.1m:pe~c se.6.1n u1 DJ'Il.t-ln, 1\lrs. John O'Brien. b,\1l1L:pe.6C e6.nH11l)l) -oe bt1pC, Mrs. Edmund Burke. b6.m~pe6.c ~n Dre~tn.t-15, Mrs. Walsh. rn.6.1pe, b~1n~rc~c ~n Tl61fr:15, 1\:Irs. Mary Roche.

Married women retain their tnaiden name in Irish. \Ne may therefore say: 111.:\tpe 111 "Opt~tn, tJe . .1n Se~tn 'Oe bLif'C, l\Irs . .T ohn Burke, nee l\1ary O'Brien.

n1 and n1 c do not change in the genitive case.


Surna1nes are variously corrupted in the spo!,:en language, anG deviate in many i1nportant respects fro1n the standard or li tcrarv i onn. but it would be impossible vvithin the limits·' of a ~hort introduction to deal with this aspect of the sub1ect in detail. The corruptions and variations of 0 and t11..1c, as they a11ect

*But not be~n bre~tn.6.c, be~n "Oe 1) t1f1~. bc~n "Oe n61r~c. &c. which are incorrect.

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a large number of surnames, may however be briefly noted.

6, or U.d, is corrupted as follows :

I. Sometimes shortened to .0., as : .0. Deopltn for 6 De6p.&tn, .0. 5nim for 0 5nim.

2. Sometimes altogether dropped, as: C.dornltn for 0 C.dotilltn, C.dt.df.dt$ for 0 C.dt~f.dt~.

3. Sometimes replaced by the gen. case Ui, as : tH ttotnn for 6 flotnn, Ui$.6-.tpe for 6 t~o1).d1pe.

4· Sometimes prefixed to surnames to which it does not properly belong, as: 6 Diotutn for 'Oiotutn, 0 Eo:s&tn for :Sos&n, 0 Rotrce for 'Oe n6trce.

The following are the corruptions and variations of m.dc and n1.d5 :-

I. c or 5 attracted over to the name of the ancestor. This happens when the name of the ancestor commences with a YO\vel or 11 or with t, n, or n., or with a consonant aspirated ai ter 111-dc or m"5· The name or the ancestor is then treated in all the·forms of the surnarne as if it co1nmenced with Cor 5. Example~:-

1l1.6C C.6tl"C.6.m for 1l1.6c -<.\pc-6.111 1l1.6C CCOS.61n for 1l1.6C eos.6t.l ffi.6C C01'C1J1 for ll1.6C OI'Cll' 1l1.6C 5J1•.nt for 111.65 Tt.61t.

Hence such forms as: bsr .dn Cotnpt$ fot bJ.r .dn Ott:t't$; <1n Ceo~n~c for .(\11 ceosno.c ; n-6. Ceosn"tS for n<1 l1eosn.6.t$.

2. m in some places always aspirated after the Christian name, as : eos.dn ri1o.:s .O.ot>-6.., Se.dmur 1i1"5 }:Lotnn, Dotiln.(\ll t'h.dc Sutt)ne ; and sometimes entirely dropped, as : Se.dmur '<1c The c of 111-dc is also very frequently aspirated, as 0.dmonn ' .. 1c SittS.

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J. Sometimes takes the form m.c., ri1.c., tile, the c or 5 being attracted over as above, as : 1116. 5totnn for tn.c.s ttotnn, m.c. I)tonn.:itn for m.c.5 ftonn.:itn, m.c. 5utt>tr for 111~\::::: tht.>tr, 1i1.c. 5r~tt for m.c.5 R(\tt, ri1e 5ut:>.:itn for 111.15 Duo.:itn.

4. Takes the form .& when tn is dropped and c or 5 attracted over, as : 'G.c.t>5 .c. for 'G.c.t>s 1TI.c.c 1

5. So1netimes c or 5 alone retained, as C.c.1l)trc1n for m.c.c ..O.totrcin, Cuttcin for m.c.c Uttcin, 5tonn$.c.tte for m..15 ftonn:S.c.tte.

:6. Sometimes made tn-15, ti1.15, as: m.&s, 1i1J:s 5.6-Fl'-6.11."1.

7. Sometimes tiloc, ti1os, and then, by the drop­ping of the initial 111, oc, as, u.&c, U-6.5. \tVhen in this case c or :s is attracted over, the final form is the same as in 6 surnames. Ex­amples:-

6 for m.o.c C.o.i:m.o.o1t. 6 ce.o.c;h.o.rc.o.1s for tn.o.c 6 CC61n1n for rn.o.c Se61n1n. 6 Cn1p'l:.6.1n for m.o.c ~1UV'l:.6.1n. 6 Co1i1n.o.1l l for nl.o.c "Oori1n.Alll 6 Connc.o.u.o. for t11.6.c "Oonnc.o.u.o.. 6 Cup'l:.&ln for 1ll.o.c CUtt'l:.6.1n. 6 :SttT.o.-o.o. for 111.0.5 R1.o.-o.o.. 6 5ttt1.6.1t'C for 111.0.5 nu.o.1rc. 6 suo..&.ln for 111.6.5 \)uo..&.ln. u.o. Co1b1dn for t11.o.c llo1b1dn. U.o. 50ltte.o.c'l:.6.1S for 111.0.5 0Ttte.O.C'l:.6.1S.

S. In a fevv instances simply replaced by 6, as : 6 fttlbin for m..1c ].:ttlbin, 6 Stttrc~\tn for m.6.c, 6 Sutone for ffi.6.C Sutone.

'<). Frequently replaced by the genitive case 1i11c or 'tc, as: Se..1mur tiltc .Seotnin for Se.c.mur 111.6-C Se6tnin, SC.6.1l1Uf 'tC .6.11 rro.nnc.ut:S for Se.6.mur m6c (\tl fp.6.nnC6.1$.

J:O. In Omeath, t11~c 5totto. is corrupted to m.6.'t, as m..1't l~L:\'Of\.6.15 for 111-<\c Stott.<\ tL.-\ur\o.ts, m.c.'t Cottle for ffi.&c 5toll.6. COttle.

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Corruptions and variations of individua-l surnames, especially when they are re~ected in the anglicised form, are noted as they occur in the lists.


I. Some Irish families have two surnames, each derived from a different ancestor, or one derived fro·m the name and another from a designation of the same ancestor, as :--

o m~otru~n~-6~ and m~c 'Ol~}'tma"'~, m~c Conm~l'A and tn~c sio-o-6., m~c 510lt.6. p~-or~~s and tn~c se~rt~. m~c siomomn and l11~c ~n rtl"Ol}'te.

2. Some families of foreign origin have two Irish surnames, one an hibernicised form of the foreign name and the other a patronymic formed from the name or a designation of the ancestor, as:-

con-oun and m~c m~1;Se6c, '0.6-t~m~r~ and m~c l101re~b~l}'t"O, -oe burc and m~c U1ll1.6.m, S-con-oun and mac .6-n ti1 ile~-6~.

3. Nearly a dozen families have two surnames one commencing with(> and another with m.&c, follo\ved by the same ancestral name ; but whether both surnames are derived from the same ancestor, or from two different ancestors of the same name, it is impossible to say. Examples:-

(> C~oc~1n and m~c C~oc~m, 6 co-ol.6.-c.6.1n and m.6.c, 6 and m~c 5e.6.115.6.m.

4· A few families have besides their surname a cognomen vvhich is sometimes used instead, as :-

6 'Oumnrlell)c and t1lc~c.

All these double surna1nes \vere used interchangeably, so that the same person might be called indifferently

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by vne or the other, irrespe~tive of the anglicised form. In the 1najority of cases only one surname is now retained ; but as the anglicised form is, in 1nany in­stances, derived from the one that has becorne obselete, there is often apparently no connection between the anglicised form and its present Irish equivalent. Thus the surname Fitzpatrick is derived from m~c 51ollA PJ'Qf\.615, but the present Irish equivalent of Fitz­patrick in many parts of the South of Ireland is 111..1c SeAf't.6. or tn~c Se~tr\~, a new surname which the Fitzpatricl~3 took from an ancestor named Geoffrey or Se.6.f't4\ m..1c 51ott.(\ yJ.:\'Of'~15. Similarly the Bir­minghams are called in Irish 111..1c teor.c.1r from an ancestor named Piers de Bermingham.

Besides the interchange of totally distinct sur­names, our Irish name system admitted, with con­siderable latitude, of the substitution one for another of different forms of the same surname, and even of different surnames of the same or somewhat similar­meaning. J Hence we find the follovv-ing classes and variants of surnames sometin1es interchanged :-

I. SurnamP-s of the same signiflcation though ditiering in form, as :

mAc C..6f\lUlf and n1.6c CAt.6ll (CAl1tur and CAtAl, each= Charles).

mAc .An 1i1 4.\"0An) and 6 mA"OAt-61n (both from mA"OAU, a dog).

2. A surname and its diminutive, as:

mAc bf\UAl"OeAuA and mAc bf1U.A1-ofn. 0 tAc-cn"-' and 6 tAc-cn.A.m. 6 ScAnnA1t and 0 ScAnnt.A.m.

3. Surnames derived from different diminutives of the same root, as :

0 bf\An.&tn and 6 bttAnAs!1n, () C1Af\.6.1n and 6 C1Af\A5.6.1n, 0 "'uo.6.1n and 6 "'u1oin, (> f1AC.&m ~nd 6 re1cin.

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'r· Surnames derived from different genitive forms of the same name, as : --

6 t:e.u~~Uf.l. and 6 ~e.&~;Su1r. 0 ,:1.11C and 6 feH~. m.1c an l>peti:c.l.than and 111-&c .&n 't>f1ettnn.

s. ''ariants of the same surname owing to aspira-tion, attenuation, and interchange of letters, as :

mac "'ot11n6.tll and mac -Dothn.uttt. 0 bpotc.6.1n and 6 bp01le.uc.6.m. 6 "'e.1p.6.m and 6 "010p.6.1n. 6 rn.uc.6.1n and 6 rnoc.6.m.

6. A standard or li terarv form and a corrupt or spoken form, as J

0 n1utp; and 6 0 C.l.otn"Oe.<l.U)..itn and 6 c.uotnl10o.6.m. 6 het-otprce6tl. and 6 Uptrce6tt.

7. An older form Clnd a more modern one, as:-

m.&c .&n ..O.tpbnnt;S and m.&c .6.n Ott'Cinm;S. 1nas ..O.treact:at;S and m.6.5 Ott'e.6.ct:.&t5.

A discrepancy (similar to that mentioned above} between the anglicised form and its present-day Irish equivalent often results from the interchange of these forms.


The various 'Nays in which Irish surnames have been anglicised may be enumerated under the following head~ ~

I. Phonetically. 2. By translation. 3. Bv attraction. 4· By assimilation. 5. By substitution.

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I. Phoneti'cally. - This was the method almost ex­clusively adopted when surnames were first anglicised.* The surname vvas ·written down more or less as it was pronounced, but \Vithout any regard to the Irish spell­ing, as :

O'Brien for 6 brt.6tn, O'Callaghan for 6 Ce.6tt.o.c.&tn, O'Donoghue for 6 "Oonnc.o.-6.6., O'Flanagan for 6 1:'l.6.nn.6:s.&tn, O'Ne1ll for 6 nettl.t

The same Irish surnarne often gives several very different anglicised forms owing to dialectical varia­tions and the vagaries of the phonetic system em­ployed to represent them, as :

6 Coot.6t;S, Coffey, Cowie, Cowhey, Cowhig, &c., 6 "Ouot.6t;S, Duffy, Dowie, Dooey, Duhig, &c.

On the other hand .. verv .different Irish surnames have sometimes the same anglicised form, as:

Coffey for 6 Coot.6t;S, 6, 6 C.6tou.o.u.6t;S, 6 C.6tmo;S.6.

In many instances the anglicised form has in course of time been contracted, as: O'Hare for 0'1Iehir, O'Kane for O'Cahan; and not unfrequently only a part of the original form is retained., as Ryan for O'Mulryan. l\fost surnames have been mutilated by dropping l\1ac .or 0', and 1\1ac vvhcn retained in usually, but im­properly, written Me or lVI'.

*Most Irish surnames were a11glicised during the second half of the 16th century ( 1550-1600), and appear for the first time in in an English dress in the State documents of that period. The anglicisation seems to have been the work of Anglo-Irish govern­ment officials possessing, in some instances at least, a knowledge of the Irish langua ge. The present anglicised forms, generally speaking, date from that period.

t It may be remarked that the anglicised form was in most instances originally much nearer th'e lrish pronounciation than at present, owing partly to a change in the sound of the English letters, and partly to the corruption o_f the Irish forms. Thus O'Brien and O'Neill ~ere originally pronounced O'Breen and O'Nail. . . '

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·2. Translation. --During the last and the preceding century, m~ny families rejected the old phonetic render­ing of their S\lrnames and adopted instead an English surname which was supposed to be a translation of the Irish surname. These " translation~" are, in rnost instances, incorrect. ·The following are examples of translated surnames:-

6 bru1c translated () b11u.6.cA1n (> C.6."6.6.1n 6 m4o1ti:>C4nn.6.C1:4 6 m4t1C41S 6 b11.6."0.6.1n mac .6-n t:S-6.0111 m.dc Con11401 m-6-c Conj-nAth4 m-6-c SeAm

} ,

Badger, Banks, Barnacle, Blessing, Ryder,

• Salmon and~Fisher, Carpenter, Freeman King, Forde, Johnson.

The translated form sometimes takes an English termin.ation, as :

6 1)ft-6.15ne.6.m 0 54o1t1n

translated Thornton, \Vyndham.

3. Attraction.-A surname of comparatively rare occurrence is often attracted to, and confounded with, a better known surname of s-ome\vhat sin1ilar sound existing in the same locality, and instead of its proper anglicised form assumes that of the better known or more numerous surname. The following are exan1ples :

o btAi:ma1c, () t>r.Ao1n, 6 Uus\h)1o}1tn.6., 0 h&oc., 0 mA01t Se.6.Ct4.1nn,

Anglicised attracted to

Blawick, Blowick, Blake, O'Breen, Breen, O'Brien, O'Dughierma, Dooyearma, :MacDermott, O'Hoghegan, l\lageoghcgan, O'Melaghlin, lVIacLoughlin.

It must be remetnbered that a surname of com­paratively rare occurrence in one district may be quite common in another, and vice versa, and that conse­quently the attracting surnatne in one locality may be itself attracted in another. · .

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4· The custom of assimilating Jrish to foreign names is old in Ireland. During the Tvliddle Ages Irish scholars writing in Latin, instead of latinising the Irish names with which they had to deal, often simply substituted for them well-known Latin names of somewhat similar sound or meaning. Hence we find such substitution as Cornelius for Conco·o'-'t', Eugenius for eos-4\n, Thaddaeus for 'C.<\'65, Virgilius for fe.<\f15~t, etc. This practice was ~.veil known in the sixteenth century, and was frequently followed in the anglicisation of Irish Christian names. Nearly all the anglicised forms of this kind existing at present were already in use in the time of Elizabeth, the only important exceptions being Jeremiah for 'D1~t'm.a1"0, and Timothy for 'C.<\'65, which only came into use about half a century later.

The extension of the practice to surnames is of still later date, fe"v traces of such anglicisation being found earlier than the middle o£ the seventeenth century. The principal cause of the change of these-names, ac­cording to O'I)onovan, was the ridicule thrown upon them by English magistrates and la\\'-yers, who vvere ignorant of the Irish language; but an anxiety on the part of the people themselves to get rid of uneupho1~ious or otherwise undesirable surnames doubtless operated in the same direction. The following are examples of surnames anglicised in this way :

Broderick for 0 bl1tt.&'0.&1f1, Carleton for 0 C.&1l1e.&t t.0.1n, Harrington for 6 h-6t1f1.&ct:.0.1n and 0 h1 ons.&f1'0.&1t, Reddington for (} rto1-oe.&c.0.1 n, Summerville for 6 Som6CA1n.

In a t e\v instances the assimilation is to a Ft·ench surname, as:

De Lapp for 6 tapAi1n, De Moleyns for 6 m.&ot.0.1n, D'E£mott for 0 "Ou1o'Ofof1mA.

Page 51: Irish names and surnames - Highlander


5. Subst1·tution.-Substitution differs from assimila­tion only in degree. The similarity between the Irish surname and its English equivalent is in this case much more remote; very often there is no connection whatsoever. The following are examples

Clifford for 6 Cluth.&m, Fenton for 6 l='t4nn.6.C"C4, Loftus for 6 t.1ct:n.&1 n, Neville for 6 nt.6."6, ~ewcombe for 6 nM-66s.

It sometimes happens that the natural phonetic rendering of an Irish surname has, when 0 or m"'c is droppe<i~ the same form as an English surname, as : (> bcAf'S~, Barry ; m"'c .4\n l:>~tl''O; Ward ; 0 bu.¢.c~tw, Buckley.

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Lists of Christian Names.-The names contained in these lists are of three kinds, viz.: (I) names at present in use, of whatever origin, but well-known abbreviations and pet names are not always included ; (2) names which, though now obsolete, were at one time in use under an anglicised form and which it may be considered well to revive; and {3) names of Irish saints taken from the Martyrology of Donegal. These have not been in use as Christian names within English-speaking times, but they might now under the influence of the Gaelic revival very appropriately be given as baptismal names to Irish children. Ever:r name on these lists is, therefore, a genuine Christian name. either in use at the present time or at some period in the past.

List of Surnames.-The surnames included in this list are of three kinds: (I) modern literary or standard forms; (2) older forms, now obsolete or obsolescent; and {3) corrupt forms in use in the spoken language. It will often be necessary, in order to avoid confusion, to use the spoken form in preference to the literary or standard form. The older forms are included mainly for historical reasons. In general, the aim has been to give all the genuine variants of each Irish surname--any form, in fact, that might be used in addressing a letter. In the case, however, of certain classes of variants, where, without greatly increasing the size of the book, it would be impossible to insert all, the uniform use of one of the variants was considered sufficient, the :~a.lternative form. or forms being mentioned here. 6 is used 1nstead of U.G. throughout. The combinations rc, rP. rc are, with .a few exceptions which explain themselves, used instead ·Of rs. rb. !0 respectively. The uninflected form mAot- is used instead of m.Ao1t- when followed by a broad vowel in the next syllable. -ouo- in similar circumstances is generally used in-

Page 53: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

stead of 'Oull)-. -e1l and -e1p are used instead of -e.(\l and - e .6tt respective1y in the final syllable of Norman surnames. The alternative forms treated of above (pp. 21, 22) are not included, except in a few instances and for some special reason. See also remarks on p. 9, note.

The English or A nf?licised Forms.-The arrangement is the· same for both Christian names and surnames. The Irish name or surname is followed by the English or . anglicised form or forms. Variants of the latter are separated only by commas, as:

-<\o-66 n ,. Aedan, Aidan, Ed an. 6 b.6.p-o.6.1n, Bardan, Barden, Bardon.

But distinct names or surnames, when there are two or more corresponding to the same Irish name or surname, are separated by semicolons, as :

b}11.6n, Brian, Bryan ; Bernard ; Barnaby, Barney. 6 b11.6"0.6.1n, BTadan, Bradden ; Salmon, Sammon;


Page 54: Irish names and surnames - Highlander


IRISH-ENGLISH Abban. -&br-6h-6m, Abraham. .o.outrdn, Augustin, Augustine. -&-6.6m, -&tMm, Adam. .0.-6-<\thn..\n, Adamnan, Eunan. .<.\sutrdn, .<.\t;utrdn, .O.totrdn,

Augustin, Augustine, Austin, Affy, Avvy, etc.

.O.tone, Eveny.

.6-.t1 oe, Alby, Alvy ; Albert, Ber-tie.

.0.11 rrt-o, Alfred.

.6..1tln, Allen.

.o.m-ore-6r, .6-.ln-ort-<\f, .o.m-or11l, Andrew.

.6-.metf11f, Aneslis ; Standish ; Stanislaus.

.-..'\1-<\o~otr, Aloysius.

.o. 1.6f'C-6t', Allister, Alexander, Alex, Alick.

.o. 1.6f'Ct'-6nn, .6..1-<\r-cpom, Alex­ander, Alex, Alick.

.0.1b~n. Alban.

.o.1ponrt1f, .o.1ronrur, Alphon­sus, Alfons.

.0.1f-6ll"0-6l', Alexander, Alex, Alick.

.6-.mbror . .o.mot1Uf, Ambrose.

.o.m1.6o1o, Auliffe ; Humphrey .

.6-.n C-61 o-<\c, Callough ; Charles.

.O.n1u-6n, Anion; Alphonsus .

.o.nmc-6-6, Ambrose.

.6-.nn1u-6n, Anion; Alphonsus.

.6-.nnr~ot, Henry, Harry.

.6-.nn-cOtn, .6-.n-c01n, .O.n-c01ne, Anthony, Antony, Anthin.

.O.o-6, Ea ; Hugh.

.o.o-6-65..\n, Egan .

.o.o-(Mt;S, Hughey.

.6-.o-6..\n, Aeda:1, Aidan, Edan.

.6-.on:Sur, Angus, Aeneas, Eneas, Neese, Neece, Niece.

.O.r-61-c, Harold .

.&r-ot;-61, Ardal ; Arnold .

.o.r-c, Art ; Arthur.

l>-611, Val. l>-6t1tndn, Valentine . b-6ot;5.61.6c, Boetius ; Bowes. b-6l'l'-6, Barry . be-6c~n. Becan . be-6n6n, Benen, Benignus . be-6rl\c, Barry. be-6rc6.n, Bercan . be-6rn..\r-o, Bernard. be-6r-c1.6t-6, Bartley . betne..\n, be1ne6n, Benen, Ben­

ignus. betrce-6r-c. Benjamin, Ben;

Bernard ; Bertie . btne..\n, Benen, Benignus. br-6n, Bran . bre-6n-6tnn, bre-<\n-o..\n, bre-<\nn­

-o..\n, Brendan. bre-<\f-61, Brasil ; Basil. br1.6n, Brian, Bryan ; Bernard ;

Barnaby, Barney . broc-6-6, Morgan . bu-6-6-<\c, Buagh ; Boetius ;

Victor .

C.o.11e.o.n, Colin . C.o.tnne-6c, Canice . C-61rbre, Carbry . C-61o-6C, Calvagh; Charles. C-6otm;Stn, Kevin . C-6o1..\n, Kealan, Kelan . C-<\oth..\n, Kevan.

Page 55: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

C.6.11tur, Charles. c.6.11t.6.c, Cartagh, Cartage. C.6.t.6.1J1, Cahir. C.6.t.6.t, Cahal ; Charles. C.6.t.6.0111, Cahir ; Charles. C.6.t0.6.J1J1, Caffar., Kellagh; Celsus. Ce.6.t t.6.c.&n, Callaghan., Carroll; Charles. C1.6.n, Kian, Kean, Cain. C1.6.n.&n, Kienan, Kenan. C1.6.11.6.n, Kieran.


C1tt1.6.n, C1ttln, Killian. C1nne1\)1"o, C1nne1"01;S, Kennedy. C01te.6.n, C01tln, Colin. C61Hn, Colman. Comne.6.c, Canice, Kenny., Kerill; Cyril. Cot t-6., Colla. cot m, Calm, Colum ; Columba. Cotm.&n, Colman; Columban. Cotum, Colum; Columba. Com.&n, Coman. Cotir(Mn, Cowan. com;, Cole. Com;5.6.n, Cowan. Con.o.111e, Conary., Conall, Connell. Con.&n, Conan. Concoo.6.11, Conor, Connor,

Naugher, Noghor, Nohor, Conny, Con ; Cornelius, Corney, Neil.

Conn, Conn, Con ; Constantine. Connt.6.o"6, Connt.6.ot, Conleth,

Conley. COnf.6.1"01n, Constantine. co11m.6.c, Cormac ; Charles. c111omt.o.nn, Crevan. Cl110f"C.6.t, Christpoher, Christy. c111or-c6q1, Christopher, Christy. c116c.6.n, Crohan. c116n.6.n, Cronan. Cu.6.n, Cuan. Cuco15Cl11ce, Peregrine. cu 6onn.6.c-c, Constantine. 6uc111ce, Peregrine. Cu1m1n, Cumin, Comyn.

cutiM1;5e, Cooey; Hughey; Quintin, Quinton.

cume.6."6.6., Covey. cu Ut.6."6, Cullo, Cooley.

"0.6.1oe1"0, David. "0.6.101"0, "0.6.1'01"6, David. "0.6.111e, Dary. "0.6.1t, Davy. "0.6.1t1, Dahy, Davy, David. "0.6.1t1n, Davy. "0.6.m1.6.1C, ", Dominic,

Dominick. "'.&t, Davy. "', Declan. "'e.6.rmumn.6.c, Desmond. "01.6.l1m.6.1"0, Dermod, Dermot ;

Darby ; Jeremiah, J army, Jerry ; Jerome.

"'o1m1mc, Dominic, Dominick., Donall, Donald ;

Daniel. "'onn, Donn. "'onn.&n, Donnan. "'onnc.6."6, Donogh, Donough,

Donaghy; Donat; Denis, Denny ; Duncan.

"'uo.6.t-c.6.c, Dualtagh, Duald ; Dudley.

"'·uo.&n, Dowan. "'uo"'.6.te1te, Dudley. "'uo"'.6.11.6., "'uo"'.6.11.6.C, Dudley. "'uo;, Dugald. "'uost.6.f, Douglas.

e.6.C.6.1"6, Aghy. e.6.c.6.nn, e.6.ct:.6.1J1, Hector. eA"'0-6.11"0, Edward. e.6.monn, Eamon, Edmond, Ed-

mund ; Edward. e.6.n.&n, Enan. e.6.nn.6., Enda. e.6.11c.6.n, Ercan, Erkan., Ernan ; Ernest. e,oe.6.11, Ever, Heber; Ivor. e15ne.6.c.&n, e15ne.6.c.<\n, Aeneas,

Eneas; Ignatius. e1me.6.11, Ever, Heber; Ivor.

Page 56: Irish names and surnames - Highlander


~f1htn, Evin. ·' 5e.O.fP.6.11, Jasper. 51l1betr~. Gilbert. :Stob\111, Gibbon. ,

e1n~l, Henry. eqle.o.ti1Q11, Erevan, ' HerenlOD,

Hermon ; Irving. ,j

e1~11l11, Ernin. eoc.o.n), Oghie. e6111, Eoin, John ; Owen. e6111 b.o.1r~e, John Baptist. eo;S.o.11, Eoghan, Owen; Eugene. eo;S.o.111l11, Oynie.

r.o.c~n.o., Fachnan; Festus. r.6.1t uc, Falvy. r.o.ot-6.11, Felan. re.o.p.o.u.o.c, Farry; Ferdinand. re.o.t1uo11c.o., Frederick ; Ferdin-

and. re.o.p;S.o.t, Fergal, Farrell., Ferdinand. re.o.psur, Fergus ; Ferdinand. re1cln, Fehin; Festus. re1"6l1m, Phelim ; Philip ; Felix. '}:en)l11n1"o, Felimy, Phelimy,

Phelim ; Philip ; Felix. reor.o.r, Pierce. r1.o.c.o., Feagh., Fiachra, Feary. r1t1b, Philip. r111f)111, Fineen, Finneen, Finnin,

Finian ; Florence, Florry. '}:1n111.o.11, Finian. rtot1.6.11, Fionan. r101111, Finn. r101111.6.11, Finan, Fionan. r101111 o.o.11r. Fin bar. '}:101111c&11, Fintan. r1te.o.t, Florence, Florry. rt.o.1111, Flann, Flan ; Florence

Florry. rt.o.11n-&11, Flannan. rotc, Foulk. rti.6.111C, Frank.

', Garvan. 5e.o.r.o.t~, Gerald. 5e.o.t1.6.11u, Gerard. 5e.o.r61u, Garrett,

Gerard. Gerald,

:Stolt.o. L>e.o.11.o.15, Gilvarry. 510tt.o. .t>r1;5ue, Gilbride. 510tt.o. (~p1or~. Christian. 510tt.o. ue, Gildea. 51ott.o. e.o.rpu15, Archibald. :;s1olt.o. ior.o., Gillisa, Gillesa,

Gill. 510tt.o. 11.0. 11.o.orn, Nehemiah. :;stop.6.pu, Gerard. 510p61u, Garrett, Gerald, Ger-

. ard. 5l.6.1rne, Glasny. 5oru.o.n, Gordon. 5otfp.o.1"6, 5otr.o.1"6, Godfrey,

Gorry. :sre.o.s6tr, 5rto5.o.11, Gregory.

11.o.11111t<'.01, 11.o.1111.0.01, Henry, Harry.

'h01be.o.11u, Hubert; Hugh. 'hoq1e.o.b.o.11u, Herbert.

1.o.11}'l.o.1t, J arlath. foth.o.11, Ivor. 1 or.o.c, Isaac. 16rep, 16rep, Joseph. ior6c, 1or6s, Isaac. 1111.0.1, Irial. h1r~.6.r, Eustace.

t.o.oc.6.r, Luke. t.o.ot'.6.f, Laurence. t.o.c~11.o., Lucius. t.o.tf111.6.11, Laserian. t.o.01;Sre.o.c, t.o.otre.o.c, Lysagh ;

Lucius ; Lewis, Louis. t.o.r.o.1111.0.11, Laserian. te.o.ct.o.11111, Laughlin ; Lanty. te611, Leo. tt.o.m, William, Willie. toct.o.11111, tocl.o.1111, Loughlin,

Laughlin. tom-6.11, Loman. to11.6.n, Lonan. to11c..\11, Lorcan ; Laurence.

Page 57: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

"t.uc.6.n, Lucan. :"tuc.6.r, Luke-. "tui;A1-6, Lewy; Lewis, Lo~is ; · A;loysius.

n1AeteActA1nn, mAet SeAc-tA1nn·, Melaghlin, Laughlin ; Lanty; Malachy; Milo, Miles, Myles.

mAet lorA, Maelisa. m.6.;Snur, m.6.;Snt1f, Manus; Man-

asses. 1l'l.6.1nc1n, Munchin. m:O.,l"dn, Martin. m.6.1t::, HlAH:::tn' Mat. tTI.6.1z:::t.6.f, 1TIA1"tl.6.f, Matthias. n1.6.1t::1'l1, Matthew. m.o.o-665, Mogue; Aidan; Moses m.o.01t111, Meyler. mAotoeAnnACt::-6., Benedict. m.6.ot cotm, 1l1.6.ot cotu1m, Mal-

colm. mAotm6l"'iM, Miles, Myles. mAot ti1U1l'\e. Meyler ; Milo ;

Miles, Myles. mAot RUA'6.6.m, Melrone. mAf1CUf, Marcus, Mark.

·m.&f1t::An, m.6.f1t::.6.1n, Martin. mAtA, Matthew. mAt;5Am.6.1n, Mahon ; Matthew. meAtt.&n, Mellan, Meldan. me1tre61f1, Melchor.

·m1ce.6.t, 1111ce.&t, Michael. n1 i11f1CeApt::.6.c, Murtaugh, Murty;

Mortimer. 111u111eA'6Ac, Murry. n1u1r;SeAr, Maurice. n1u11"1f, Maurice. mu11c.6:6, Murrough ; Morgan.

t1.6.0th.6.n, Nevan. 11.6.0f, Neece, Neese, Niece;

Nicholas. t1eAr.6.n, Nessan. t1e1tt, Neal, Neale, Neil. t11Att, Niall, Neal, Neale. t11Att.6.n, Niallan. t11oct.6.r, Nicholas.

n~ocot, . Nicol. , .. '· , . I

0-6t1.6.n, Oran. · OJt1l)eAr, Oliver. 01r1n, Ossin, Ossian. OfC.6.f1, Oscar.

tJA'6f1A, Paddy.


tJ.6.'0pA1C, tJ.6.'6t'.6.1C, p.6.'0t1.6.15, p.&-6pA15, Patrick.

p-6.1'0, Pat. tJ-6.1'01, Paddy. p.6.1'0tn, Padden, Paddy, Pat. P.6.t't'A, Paddy. tJAl'\tAt.6.n, 1J.6.l"t.6.t.6.t1, tJ.6.t1tt.6.1),

p.&pt::t.&n, tJ.6.rtt6n, p.&tu:::n.&n, Bartholomew, Bartlemy, Bartley, Barkley, Berkley, Barclay, Bartel Farlan, Bat, Batt.

pe~'O.o.1p, pe.o.'0,..\)1, Peter. pMp.6.f, Pierce. p1t1b, Philip. p1ur, Pius. p6t, Paul. tJl"eAnn'0-6.1;5, Frank. tJl"o1nnr{Mf, Pt101nnr1.o.r,

pp6111f1.6.f, Francis.

' n..&uuto, Ralph. R.6.;5nAt t, rt.6.;St1.6.t t, Reginald,

Ronald ; Randal, Randulph. RA1Dltln, Revelin. RA1'6p1, Rory, Roderick ; Roger. R.6.nnAuto, Randulph. Re.6monn, Raymond, Redmond,

Mundy. Re1u111, Rory, Roderick ; Roger,

Roddy. ft1beAf1'0, R1be.61"t::, R1bq1t::, R10-

b~f1'0, R10b.6l"t::, Robert. . R1oc.6.t1'0, RlOC.O.l'\'0, Rickard,

Richard. R1r-ce.6.11'0, Richard. n.o'6ta1-6e, H.o'Ot.o.nn, Roland,

Rowland. n.o-Quto, Ralph. R01bean, Robin.

Page 58: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

R01be.6.11"0, R01be.6t'"', Robert. notottln, Revelin; Rowland,

Roland. Rotb1n, Robin. n6n.6.n, Ronan. nor, Ross. nu.o:66.n, Rowan. Rtt.o.t-6r1, Rory, Roderick ;

Roger, Roddy. Rutottln, Revelin ; Rowland,


s.o.erore.o.i::.o.c, Justin. oe.o.rt::.o.11, Sylvester., Charles. se.o."'n.o., Sidney. se.o.rr.o., se.o.rr.o.t-6, Geoffrey. se.o.~.6.n, Shane, John. se.o.mur, Shemus, James. se.&n, Shane, John. se.o.n.&n, Senan, Sinan, Synan,

Sinon. se.o.11t.o.r, se.o.rtur, Charles. Se.o.ri::-6., Sheary, Geoffrey, Jeff­

rey. se.o.ri::un, Geoffrey, Jeffrey. se.o.i::r.o., Sheary, Geoffrey, J ef­

frey. Se.o.i::11un, se.o.i::t1un, Sheron,

Geoffrey, Jeffrey. se6trre, George. Se6n, John., se6r.o.p, seor.o.p,

Joseph. St.o.-6.o.t, St.o.;S.o.t, Shiel. Stmt-6, Jimmy. St orr.o.t-6, Geoffrey. Stom.o.t-6, Jimmy. s1om6n, s1omonn, sfomun,

Simon. Ston.6.n, Sinan, Synan, Sinon. Stre.o.t, Cecil., Solomon.'te, Sorley ; Samuel ; Charles.

St::e.o.r.&n, St::etthtn, St::t.o.o.6.n, St::t.o.on.o., St::t.o.n.o., St::totn, St::tor.6.n, Stephen.

Sutone, Sivney ; Simon.

t:.o.-6;s, Teige, Teague; Thad-daeus, Thaddeus, Thady. Thade ; Timothy, Tim.

t:.o.t-6;s1n, Tim. t:.o.rt.o., Turlough; Charles. t:e.o.b6t"', Tibbot, Theobald ;

Tobias, Toby. t:e.o."'6tr, Theodore. 'Ct;Se.o.rn.o.c, Tierney. t:t;Se.o.rn.6.n, Tiernan. t:tob6t"', Tibbot, Theobald;

Tobias, Toby. t:tom6t"', Timothy. t:otr"', Turlough; Ter­

ence, Terry ; Charles. t:om.6.trfn, Tommy., Tomaltagh, Tumelty

Timothy. t:om.6.r, Thomas., Turlough ; Terence,

Terry ; Charles. t:u.o.i::.o.t, Toal, Tully., Walter. U.o.ti::ne, Hewney, Oney, Owney,

Oynie ; Anthony, Antony., Walter. O;s.o.tne, Hugony. Utte6;s, Ulick ; Ulysses. Utt ft't"', Wilfrid. Utt te.o.c, Ulick ; Ulysses. Utllt.o.m, William. Utlltoc, Ulick; Ulysses. umre.o.nn, Utnrtonn, Vincent. Unfl1.6.t"6, Humphrey.

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.o..b.o.tse.6.t, .O..b.6.t5, Abigail, Abbey, Abbie.

.6.5.6.'C.6., Agatha.

.0..5n.6., Ina .>ltln, Aileen, Eveleen, Evelyn

.O..trruc, Afric, Africa, Aphria.

.O..tsnetr, Agnes .

.O..ttoe, Alvy, Elva.

.O..ttt-6, Alley.

.O..tttr, .O..tHr. .o..tHre, .O..ttre, Alicia, Alice, Aylice, Elsha.

.O..tmttlon-6., Amelina.

.&tne, Anne, Anna.

.o..mse.6.t, Angela .

.O..trttns, .O..trttnn, Esther.

.o..ttce, Atty.

.O..t.6.t-6, Alley .

.O..l.6.f"Cf'10n.6., Alastrina, Alexan-dra.

.o..ttrun, Allison .

..&nn.6., .O..nn.6., Anna, Anne.

.O..nn.&bt.6., Annabel, Annabella, Arabella, Bella .

.O..nnr-c.&r, Anastasia.

.o..oun.6.t"C, Enat, Ena, Eny.

.O..otoe.6.nn, Eavan.

.O..otre, Eva .

.O."Cf1.6.C'C, Attracta.

b.&b, Babe. b.6.tb1n, Barbara, Barbary, Bab. b.&lflbre.'bf'e, Barbara,

Barbary. be.6.n ti1um.6.n, Benvon. be.6.n ti1tue, Benvy. beotnn, Vivian. bt.&t, Flora. bt.&tn.6.t"', Florence.

br15"0e, Brigid, Bridie, Breeda ; Bridget.

br15"01n, Bridie, Breeda, Bidina, Bidelia, Dina, Delia, Dillie, Beesy.

br15t"', Brigid, Bride, Breeda ; Bridget .

C.&t-c, Kate . C.6.t"Ct, Katty . C.6.t'Cttln, Kathleen, Catherine. C.&tdn, Katie, Katty . C.6.t-ctln, Kathleen, Catherine . C.6.t-cr1n, C.6.t-cr1on.6., Catherine . }'t onn, Keelin. C.6.'Cf'.6.0tne, Catherine . Ct.6.nn.6.t'C, Kinnat, Keenat . crtrdn, Cf1trdon.6., Christina.

'0.6.thn.6.t'C, Devnet, Downet, Dymphna ., Derval, Dervilia. Uotre.6.nn, Dorren ; Dorothy ;

Dolly . e.6."0.6.otn, Edwina . e.6.f'TI.6.1'C, Ernet. etotln, Eileen, Eveleen, Evelyn,

Aileen, Ellen, Helen, Ellie, Eily, Nellie, Nell, Lena.

ette.6.nOf'.6., ett1on6tf',. Eleanor, Eleanora.

etHr. etHre, Elizabeth, Eliza, Elsie, Lizzie, Bessie, Betsey, Betty ; Alicia, Alice, Aylice.

etm1te, Emily. etf"Ctf', Esther. ettne, Eithne, Ethna, Etney ;


Page 60: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

~.o.ttlce, Fanny. ~.o.01t-c1;Se.o.rn.o., Whiltierna. ~1.o.-6n.o.1-c, Feenat, Feena. ~1onn;Su.o.t.o., Finola, Nuala ;

Flora ; Penelope, Penny ; Nappy.

5obn.o.1-c, Gobinet, Gubby ; Abigail, Abbie, Abina ; Debby ; Webbie.

Gobnet, Abbey,


5ormrt.6.1t, Gormlaith, Gorm­. ley ; Barbara, Barbary.

511.6-mne, Grace ; Gertrude, . Gertie.

tht ue, Hilda, Hildy.

1-oe, Ida, Ita. 1re.o.b.o.t, 1f1be.o.t, Isabella, Sybil,

Sibby; Elizabeth, Eliza, Bessie ; Annabel, Annabella, Bella.

'l.o.o.o.01re, Louisa. 'l.o.f.6.1t1flOn.o., Lassarina. 'le.6.n, Eleanor, Eleanora. 'ltt, 'lite, Lily, Lelia. 'lu1;5fe.6.c, Lucy.

m.6.-o.6., Maud. m.o.-o.6.1te1n, Madeline. m.6.1bte, Mabel. 111.6.15-otln, Madeline. m.o.,sre.o.u, Margaret, Maggie,

Madge. m.6.1tte, 1Y1.6.1tre, 111.6.1t-c1, Molly;

Margery, Marjory. m.6.1pe, Mary, Moira. 111.6.1re.o.-o, n1.6.1tte.o.u, m.6.,r5re.o.u,

111.6.ttt5re.o.u, Margaret, Maggie Madge.

m.6.tr1n, Maureen, May, Molly. m.o.trrtt, m.o.q\flle, Marcella. m.o.1-c1, Matty. t11.6.1"C1t ue, Matilda., Molly."0, Margaret, Maggie, Madge.

m.o.r-c-6., Martha. me.o.uo, Meave ; Maud ; Mab­

bina ; Mabel ; Margery, Mar­jory ; Madg~.

m e.o. t t-6., Mella. me.6.rf, Mary. met-6o1n, Mabbina. m1-oe, Meeda. m6ttt1n, Moreen. m on c-6., Monica. m 6tt, More ; Martha ; Mary ;

Agnes. mu.6.-6n.6.t"C, Monat, Mona . mu1re, Mary. mutre.o.u, mu111se.o.u, Margaret,

Maggie, Madge. mutr;Se.6.t, Murel ; Muriel. ffiU1t1C.6.nn, 111U1tttnn, ffiUt1.6.1nn,

Morrin ; Marion ; Madge. 111ur.6.t-o, Margaret, Maggie,

Madge., 11.6.1bte, Annabel, Anna­bella, Nabla, Mabel, Bella.

fl-6-tnre.o.-6,, Nancy, Nance Nan, Anne.

fle.6.f.6., Nessa. fle1tt, 11e1tl1, Nell, Nellie. tl6tn1n, flo1rin, Nonie; Daisey. n6r.6., Nora, Norah, Honor,

Honora, Honoria~ Nonie, Nanno; Hannah.

flu.o.t-6., Nuala; Nappy ; Pene­lope, Penny.

ou.o.rn.o.1-c, Ornat, Orna. Ott oe, Elva ; Olive. onor.o., Honor, Honora, Nora,

Norah ; Hannah. o11 rt.o.1t, Orlaith.

p.o.1t1, p.o.ttr, f.}.6.t, Poll, Polly. pe15, pet;s1, Peg, Peggy. P1101nnre.o.r, Pr61nre.o.r, Fran-

ces, Fanny.

Page 61: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

RA\tnA\n:::, Renny. RlceA\t, Richella. Rio:Sn.o.c, Regina. ROlf, ROlfe, lt01f1n , Rose.

SA\0.6, S.6-6o,S.6-6o.6, Sive; Sabia; Sophia, Sophy ; Sarah ; Sally.

SA\1uo1n, Sabina. Se.6t'1.61t:, Charlotte. Se6f.61rilt1n, Josephine. st~1ne, Slany. Slbe-61, Isabella, Sybil, Sibby,

Elizabeth, Eliza, Bessie, Betty ; Annabel, Annabella, Bella.

S1b1, S1ob.615, Sibby. S10o.6.1nin, Hannah ; Josephine. S1oo.6.n, Joan, Johanna, Hannah,

Julia, July; Judith, Judy, Jude; Susanna, Susan ; Nonie.

site, Cecelia, Cecily, Celia ; Selia, Sheila, Sheela ; Sabina, Sibby, Sally; Julia, July; Judith, Judy, Jude.

:Stne, Sme-6-o, SlneA\1"0, Jane, Jennet, Jenny.


Slflle, Cecelia, Cecily. S1uo~1nin, Hannah ; Josephine. S1uo~n, Joan, Johanna, Hannah,

Julia, July; Judith, Judy, Jude ; Susanna, Susan ;

. Nonie. S1u1, ' Susanna, Susan. SOf1C.6, Sarah, Sally. SOf-61-6, SOf.6nn.6, Susanna,

Susan. s-celfe, Anastasia. SUf.6nn.6, Susann~. Susan.

'C1t -oe, Tilda. 'C01f\e.6f.6, Teresa, Tessie. 'Cf\.601ne, 'Ct'1on.6, Trina ; Katie,

Katty. 'Ctte~f~, 'Cf1etfe, Teresa, Tessie.

Un~, Una, Uny; Unity; Wini· fred, Winefred, Winnie, Winny ; Agnes.

urrut~~ Ursula.

Page 62: Irish names and surnames - Highlander




.6. b.6.rft.6., Barry.

..O..bb6tu, Abbott.

.6. bL\c, Blake.

.6. bt6tu, Blood.

.&bl-t.6.h.6.m, Abraham. .6. brtur, Bruce. .6. t>ut.6., Wooley. -<\c.6.0U, Hackett. .6.' Cnutc, Hill. .6., co~ b.&ru, Colbert. .6. Uun.6., Doona. .6. r.6.e, Fay. .6. rretn, Freyne, Frein, etc. .&s.o.r, Ashe. .6.' $etthrtu, Winter, Winters. .6.' $le.o.nn.6., Glanny, Glenny,

Glenn. .o.' $te.o.nm:::.&m, Glanton. .6. 116r.o., Hore, Hoare. -<\tcetu, Hackett. ..O..n)te.o.r-c, Ellard. .(..\ti), Ailward, Aylward,

Alyward, etc. ..O..t;Slme.6.r, Aylmer, Elmer, etc. -<\tl6tn, Alleine, Alleyne, Allan,

Allen, etc. ..O..ttfn, Allin, Allen, etc. ..O..tnuptt't, Andrew. A\, Angland, Ankland,

England.;sl6tf, English, Englishe. ..O..tnsteon-c, Angland, Ankland,

England. · .&q-tt;S, Airey. .<.\qtme6.f, Ormsby.

.&trfe.6.b6tu, Archabold, Archi-bald, Archbold, etc .

.&trrett, Archfield .

.&trretr, Archer, Orchard .

.&trrtbe.6.t, Archibald .

.&trruetctn, Archdeacon ., Ashe .

.&tre.6.b6tu, Asbold, Aspoll, Aspel, Esbald, etc .

.&tretr, Archer, Auher .

..O..tfltnn, Ashlin .

.&tr-cetctn, Archdeacon .

..O..l.6.m.&n, Allman .

..o..t.&ttu. Ellard .

..o..t b.6.n.6.c, Scott .

..o..tc6c, Alcock. .6. Unre, Lynch., Elshander, Alex-

ander, etc . ..o..t-cun, Alton. .6.' ti1.6.C.6.tre, l\1aghery . ..o..mbp6r, ..o..mror, ..o..mrttf, Am­

brose. .6.'1i1utllnn, Mills . ..O..ncotnt, Anketell, Ankethill,

Ankle, etc. .<.\nup.6.0f.&n, Anderson . .6.n cnutc, Hill. .o.n Uun.6.. Doona. .6.n $euhpt-6, Winter, Winters, .<\n $le.6.nn.6., Glanny, Glenny .

Glenn . .<\n $le.6.nnt::.&tn, Glanton . .6.n li1.6.C.6.Jtte, Maghery. .6.n ri1utltnn, Mills . .6.n ppett, O'Pray, Pray .

Page 63: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

..a.m:61n, ..a.m:01ne, Antony, Anthonv.

An t:SeAc,;, Frost. An t:SlUOAll, Walker. An t:SneAC'CA, Snow. A lJAOt, Powell. A' P11e1t, O'Pray, Pray. A P1110CA1t~"', Prickard, Pri-

chard. A Pt'1r, Pryse, Pryce, Price. A P111f'CeA111"0, Pritchard. ..6.11Al'C, Harald, Harold, Harrold. ..6.11AfCAln, Erskine, Erksine. Ai11"0ACA, Ardagh. ..a.11mAr, Ormsby . ..a.11n61u, Arnold, Arnott. ..6.1161"0, Harrat, Harold, etc. ..6.11"CU11, Arthur, Arthurs. Ai'CA01, Ath?. .&tAr-6-c, Ashe. a' "CSe.6.CA, Frost. A

1 'CS1UOA1l, Walker. A

1 t:SneAC'CA, Snow.

b.&b, Babe. b.&cAe111, Baker. bAcun, Bacon. bAU'Ctln, Boyton. bA;snAt, Bagnall, Bagnell, etc. bA561u, Bagot, Bagott, Baggot,

Baggott. b.&1ce111, Baker. bAlU'Clun, Boyton. bAlllnfelt'• Ballinger. bAlllndn, Ballantine. l)Altlndn, Valentine. 'l::>Alllf, Wallace, vVallis., Walsh. bAlllf"Ce, Ballesty. b.&1tte, Bailie, Bailey, Bayly. bA111e1u, Barrett. bAlfelu, Bassett. bA1rne1u, Basnet. b.&t, Ball. bato, Balfe. b.&t uun, Baldoon, Ballon,

Baldin, Baldwin. bAt t.&11u, Balla.rd, Bollard. b.&t uu1n5, Baldwin.


b.&n, Baun, Bawn, Bane, Bayne, Baynes, etc. ; White.

t>A11Aln, Warren, Warrin ; Walsh.

bA11AntAc, Walsh. bA11CA11, Barker. b.&1161u, Barrett. bA11'Cun, Barton. bA11un, Baron, Barron. b.&t, Bath, Baith, Bates, etc. beA;s, Bueg, Begg, Beg~e,

Beggs; Little; Small . beAlA"CUn, Belton, Weldon,

Veldon. beA11nAo.&t, Barnwell, Barne-

wall, etc. beA11l1Alf, Bearnes, Barnes . beA11n.&11u, Barnard, Bernard . beA11'C11.6.1l1, Bertram . beAflA1;5, beArLo.Ol, Beasley,

Beazley. beAf"Cun, Baston, Beston. be1tte, be1tt1u, Bellew. be1t teA;sAm, Bellingham. be1ne1u, Bennett. be111'C, Berth. blAU'CAC, Betagh, Beatagh,

Beatty, etc. b1bine, Dobbin, Dobbins. b15eA11, Biggar, Bigger. b1ne1u, Bennett. b1nnro, Binchy. b1on;sAm, Bingham, Bigham. b1on61"0, Bennett. b1 re1u, Bissett. bt.&cAc, Blacagh, Blake. btAO"', Bluett, Blewett, etc. bte1ne, Bleney, Bleaney, Blaney

Blainey, Blayney. btn11"C, Bluett, Blewett. bt61u, Blood. btu1nnrin, Blanchfield, Blanch-

ville. boute1r, Bowler. b6ut'1n, Bowden, Boden, etc. b61u1dn, Bodkin. b61uin, Boden, etc. b61te1r, Bowler.

Page 64: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

b61nn, Bowen. boq1e1t,· Burrell, Berrell, Berr-

a11, Berrill, Birrell, etc. boh:un, Bolton. b6rcutc, Borthwick. b OfC.6.c, Fox., Brabazon. btt.6.n, Bran, Branne; Burns. b p.6.n-oun1 Brandon. br.6.nn6c, Brannock, Brannick,

etc., Brant, Brand. b~e.6.nn6c, Brannock, Brannick;

etc. bre.6.rcun, Brearton, Brerton,

Brereton. . bre.6.i:n.6.c, Brennagh, Bran-

nagh; Walsh, Walshe, etc. bf1t.6.n, Brian, Bryan, Brien, etc. b11~-oe, br1-oe.6.c, Bride. ,· br1se.6.c, Brigg, Bridge. brwrcu, Briscoe, Brisco.· brn:, br1te.6.c, Britt, Brett. broc, Brock. bpuf;.6., Burrowes, Burrows ~

Burgess. brutctet5, bttutctett, Brickley:.

Breckley. brun, ·Brown, Browne. bu.6.m4.\n,o Bowman. bu.6.monn, Beaumont., Butterly. buup.6n, Bowdren. btlth:etr, buttteqt, Butler. bt11nnc.6n, Banane, Binane,

Bonin, Bunyan; Bennett. · 1.htJtt5Cif, Burgess, Burges, etc. buq,scq', Burris, etc. ; buqq•ett, Burchell. b\nretp; Bowcher, Busher,

Bussher, etc. b\11r-cetp, Butcher. b\1n:::e.6.c, Boyd. b u n:tteqt, Butler. butcthH~'11· Buttimer. btltt:ll~tr, Butler. but.rtn, BulB.n . . b (qllMc, Burbage.


buruun, Burdon. bur, Boyce, etc. burc.6ru. Bustard.

C.6."0.6.l, Cadell, Caddell, etc. C.6.1mbe.6.t, Cambell, Campbell. C.6.1mp1on, Campion. ·'r6n, Cameron. C.6.nnc.6.tun, Cantillon, C~ntlon •.

etc. C.6.nncu.6.l, Cantwell.-C.6.nnc.un, Canton, Candon. C.6.n-cu.6.t, Cantwell. C.6.ncun, Canton, Candon., Cavanagh, Kavan-

agh,. etc . C.6pl.6.1f, Capples, Caplis, Cap-

lice, Caples. . C.6.ftttun, Carew, Carey. C.6.f, Cass. C.6.c, Cott, Coates. Ce.6.nnc, Kent. ce.&ru, Caird. Ce1ctnn, Keating, Keatinge. Ctce.6.m, Kickham. C1mpe1c, Kennifeck, Kennefick,

Kennefeck. cmmcetu, Kincaid, Kinkead. Clnnre.6.t.6.c, Kinshela, Kinsella,.

etc. Ctnnre6.m..&n, Kingston. Ctnc, Kent. c1othr6s, c1or6;s, Ctumro;s,

Cusack, Cussack, etc. Cl..6.nnu1 ol um, Clandillon. ct.6r, Clare. Clelf1C.6.c, Clarke, Clark, etc. Clnrictr, Clement. Cl111fe, Clinch, Clynch. ctwropc, Clifford. Cltonc{Jn, Clinton. Coer, Cox, Coxe. Co-o.6., Codd. Cotteq1, Collier. Cotl t uuo, Blackwood., Comin, Comyn, Comyns,.

Cummins, etc ..

Page 65: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

Cotptn561t1, Cotptnetr, Copin-ger, Coppinger.

C6tplt-6e, Copley. C6l, Cole. Cot, Coll. cotb.&ru, Colbert. Cotctoc, Colclogh, Colclough. cotcun, Colhoun, Colquhoun, etc. Cotm.&n, Coleman. Colt::un, Colton. c6m.o.r, Comber, Comer. Com.o.rl::un, Comerton, Comer-

ford, etc. Conuun, Connuun, Condon. corb.o.n>, Corbett, Corbitt. corc.o.ll::, Corket. corruuo, Corduff. COfl::Un, Costune, Costum. cr.&rorc. Craforte, Crawford~

etc. cr.o.nutc, Cranwich, Cran.itch. cr.o.oo.o.c, Creagh. cre.o.u6c, cre.o.u6s, Craddock. cre.o.s, creos, Cregg, Craig. cr1orl::6tr, Christopher. cr6c, Croke, Croake, etc. crom.o.1t, Crummell, Grummell,

Cromwell. cromt.o., Crombie, Cromie,

Crommie. C}l6n, Crone. cruc, Crooke, Crooks, etc. Cpu1r, Cruise, Cruice. cru1req1, Crozier. cue, Cooke., Collendar, Callen­

der. Cmtb~q,, Quilter. Cuun1n, Comyn, Cumming;

Cummins, etc. Cu1peq1, Cowper, Cooper. Cu1rre.o.c, De Conrey, Courcey,

etc. CU1)1l::etr, Curtis, etc. Cu1rin, Cousin, Cushen, Cussen,

Cousins, etc. curr.o.c, De Courcy, . Courcey,



Cul::, Coote.

U.&totr, Davis. u.&mretr, Aungier, Danger.'"01f, Dardis.- , U.o.trf'S· D'Arcy, .Darcy. U.o.l.o.tt1-o, Delahide, Delahoyde. U.o.t.o.m.o.r.o., Delamar, Delamere,

Delmar, etc. u.o.t.o.l::un, u.o.tcun, Dalton,

D'Alton. u.&r.o.n, u.&ron, Dawson. U.&l::un, Daton, Daughton, Daw-

tin ; Dalton. ue.o.orur, Devereux. -oe b.o.cun, Bacon. -oe b.o.-6l::un, Boyton. -oe 1).o.1te.o.l'.o., de Valera. -oe L>.o.tletr, -oe t>.o.tHr. -oe

l).o.tltf, Wallis, Wallace; Walsh, etc.

-oe L>.6.t, \Vall. -oe t>.o.ter.o., de Valera. -oe 1), Walton. -oe b.o.rp.o., Barry, Barrie. -oe b.o.rl::un, Barton. -oe b.o.r, Bass. "Oe, Bastable, Bas-

tible. -oe b.&t, Bath, Baith, Bates. "Oe t>e.o.t, Veale. "Oe be.o.t.o.l::un, Belton, Veldon,

Weldon. "Oe 1)e.o.11"0un, Verdon, Varden,

etc. -oe be.o.11n.o.o.&t, Barnewall,

Barnavill, Barnwell. "Oe be1c, Beck, Bex. "Oe bett, Bell. "Oe l>e1p, De Vere. "Oe l>1.o.t, Veale. ,"Oe bl.&c, "Oe bt.&c.o., Blake. "Oe bt.&c.&t, Blackhall. "Oe bt.&c.o.m, Blackham. "Oe bt.&ct1.o.t, Blackwell. "'e b"L.\;Su; Blythe. -oe btu1nnriot, Blanchville, .:: ~ BVinth:field: -

Page 66: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

"'e lJ61"0, Wood, Woods. "'e botll:un, Bolton. "'e bon-o, Bond, Bonde. "'e t>orc, Fox. "'e bor-c6c, Bostock. -oe bo-c, Butt. -oe botun, Bone, Bowen. "'e btt6.n"'un, Brandon. "'e brA-cun, Bratton. "'e bre.6."0un, Bredon, Breadon,

Breydon, etc. -oe bre.6.nn6c, Brennock, Bran-

nock, Brannick, etc. -oe bre-6.-cun, Bretton, Britton. "'e bre1-c, Brett. "'e br1, Bree, Bray. "'e b1115, Brigg, Briggs, Bridge. -oe br1o-cun, Britton, Bretton,

etc. -oe brn:, Britt, Brett. -oe bf11Uf, Bruce. -oe br6c, Brooke, Brookes,

Brooks. "'e broc-cun, Broughton. -oe bruc, Brooke, Brookes,

Brooks. --oe bru;S.6., Bury, Burrows,

Burrowes ; Burgess, Burges, etc.

-oe brun, Brown, Browne. -oe brun-cun, Brunton. -oe brur, Bruce. -oe bu.6.monn, Beaumont. -oe lJu1nn, Wynne, Winn. -oe bu1nofot, Banville, Banvill,

Bonfield, Bunfield. -oe bu1-c, Boyd. -oe bu1-c1te1f1, "'e bt11-cte1f1,

Butler. -oe lJut, -oe lJut o, Woulfe,

Wolfe, etc. -oe burc, -oe burc.6., De Burgh,

Burke, Bourke. -oe bur-oun, Burdon. "'e bur-cun, Burton. -oe bur, Boyse, Boyes, .Boice,

Boyce. -oe C.&1fe.&t, Cassell, Ca.shel, etc.


-oe C.6.nm:.6.tun, Cantillon, Cant­lon, etc.

-oe C.6.nn-cu.6.t, Cantwell. -oe C.6.nn-cun, Canton, Candon,

Condon. -oe C.&n-cu-6.1, Cantwell. -oe C.6.f''OU10, Cardiff, Kerdiffe. -oe C.6.f\1-cun, Carleton, Carlton. -oe C.6.f\f\.6.15, Carrick, Craig, etc. -oe C.6.f'ttun, Carew, Carey. -oe C.6.t.6.1f\, Carr. -oe Ce.6.nn-c, Kent. -oe Ce.6.p6c, -oe Ce.6.p6s, Reap-

pock, Keppock, Cappock, &c. -oe Ce.6.f1f.6.1;S, Kearsey. -oe ce1-c1nn, Keating, Keatinge. -oe C1mpe1c, Kennifeck, Ken-

nefick, etc. -oe cfomros, -oe Clumros,

Cusack, etc. -oe ctAtt, Clare. -oe cte-6.-cun, Clayton. -oe ctelf1, Cleere, Clear. -oe Cl1 or or-e, Clifford. -oe Cllon-cun, Clinton. -oe Cnoc, Knox. -oe cos&n, Cogan, Goggin, etc, -oe c6m.6.f\, Comber. -oe Cof\0.6.1le, Corbally. -oe co-cun, Cotton. -oe Cf\.6.fOf\"C, Crawford, etc. -oe Cf1.6.15, -oe Cf\C-6.5, Cregg

Craig, etc. -oe Cf'OC"C.6.f, Crofts. -oe Cf'OC"Ct1n, Crofton. -oe Cf'Ulf, Cruice, Cruise, Cross. -oe CU1f'"Celr, Curtis, Curties, &c. -oe Cu1-cte1f\, Quilter. -oe CUf1f.6., De Courcy, Courcey,

Coursey. -oe "01u1'0, Tuite. -oe 'Dt~om;sut, Dromgoole,

Drumgoole, Drumgoold. -oe "0Uf1.6.m, Durham, Derham. -oe f.6.e, Fay. -oe f.6.0l"C, -oe f.6.m-ce, White,

Whyte. -oe 'f:tl -oe, Field.

Page 67: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

"'e '}:'lonnbl.6.f, Finglas. "'e J:'tH~ln, -oe J:'ru§lne, Freyne,

Frein, Frayne, Freney, Freeney, etc.

-oe J:'ru§lnf, French. -oe '}:'un::e, Whitty. -oe '}:'un::le1;S, Whiteley, Whitley. "'e ,:un::m;S, \Vhitney. -oe 5.6-llln)e, Galloway, Gallway,

Galway, etc. -oe 5.6-lll:Mlle, Galbally. -oe 5.6-0f', Gware, Gore. -oe 5.6-rcun, Gascoigne, Gaskin. -oe 5e.6.r-o, Garde. -oe $e.6.-c.6., Yeates. -oe 5l.6.1noiol, Glanville, Glan-

field. -oe 5l1n, Glynn, Glinn, Glenn. "'e 56ru\in, Gordon. -oe :Sr.6.e, Grey, Gray. -oe 5r.6.n"'t1n, Grandon, Gran-


dan. -oe 5r.6.nn-c, Grant. -oe 511.6-0ln, Green, Greene. "'e 5re1o, Graves, Greaves. -oe 5ur.o.m, Gorham. -oe 11.6-e, Hay, Haye, Hayes. "'e 11.6.l, Hall. -oe 11.6.l.6.o01"0, Hollywood. "'e 11.6-louroe, Halvey, Hallway,

Holloway. -oe 11.6.l-cun, Halton. -oe 11.6.m.6.l-cun, Hamilton. -oe 11.6-m"Ctln, Hampton. -oe 11.6-nburi).o., Hanbury, Hand-

bury, Hanbery, Hanberry, Anborough, Anboro, etc.

-oe 11.6-rpur. Harpur, Harper. -oe 11e.6.-oun, Heden, Headon,

Heydon, Haydon, etc. -oe 11e.6.rror-c, Harford, Hart­

ford, etc. "Ue 11enebre, Henebery, Hene­

bry, etc. "'e 111-oe, Hyde. "'e 1110nbut-t5;).,Henebery,Hene­

berry, Hennebry, Henebry, etc.

-oe 11oc-cun, Houghton, Haugh­ton, etc.

"'e 116r, -oe l16r.o.. Hore, Hoar, Hoare.

"'e 116rf.6.1;5, Horsey; Hurst. "'e 11or.6.e, -oe 11ur.o.e, Hussey. 'Oe1omr, Devenish ; Devereux. "'e lre1r, Irish. "'e 1rleon-c, Ireland. Ue1re, Dease. 'Oelfe.6.c, Deasy, Deasey. "'e t.&, Law. -oe t.6.ns-cun, Langton. ue te.o.uur, Ledwich, Ledwidge,

Ledwitch, Ledwith, Lidwich, Ludwig.

-oe te.6.f"C.6.f', Leicester, Ley­cester, Lester, Lister, Lyster.

-oe te15, Leigh, Legge, Lea, Lee, etc.

ue te1:=;1nn, ue te1n, Lane. ue te1r, De LaGy, Lacy, Lacey,

etc. ue t1.6.t, Leo. ue tinrc, Lynch. ue tion, Lyon, Lyons, etc. -oe t10nc6l, Lincoln. ue t1on-ct1n, Linton, Lynton,

Lenton. -oe t1 orl-6., Leslie, Lesley. ue t10r-cun, Liston. -oe toe-cur, Loftus, Loftis. -oe ton'"Ot\.6., ue ton-op.6.f, Land-

rey, Landers. -oe ton-o\1n, Lundon, London,

Landon. ue tons, Long. ue tun"'f\.6-f, Landers, Launders. -oe 1111fe1'"0, Misset. -oe 1116moiot, :Mandeville;

Mansfield. -oe 111 o1re1r, :Morris ; Morrison. ue 111 olt\"Clmeq,, Mortimer. -oe mon-c.61n, Montane, lVJoun-

tain, etc. -oe 1110f'.6., l\1ore, Moore, etc. ue 1116r-cun, Moreton, Morton. -oe n1otun, Moon, Moone.

Page 68: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

. . "'e mu~.6., More, Moore, etc. -oe 11.6.1f, Nash, Naish.

, +oe 11~f, Nash, Naish. -oe 11e.6.-6, Neville. "'e 11e.6."0t".6.1o1ot, · Netterville,

N etterfield. "'enn, Denn. -oe 1165t.6., Nangle, Nagle,

Neagle, etc. -oe 1101t"e1f, Norrish, Norris, &c. "'e 11or.6.-6, "'e 110t".6.1U, Noury,

Nowry; Norris. "'e 11 or-cun, Norton. "'e 11u1ofot, Neville. "'e 11umnre.6.nn, Nugent. "'e 01t", Uriell, Eurell,

Yourell. "'e p~ll'lf, Parish. "'e p.6.or, Poer, Poor, Power. "'e pe.6.-cun, Peyton~ Payton. "'e p1ombr65, "'e p1onbr6c,

Pembroke. "'e POlre, Perry, Pirrie. "'e po1f'-c1nse1t, Portabello. "'e pomr.6.e, Pomeroy, Pomroy. -oe Pr.6t, Pratt. "'e Pre.6.r-cun, Preston. -oe Prwn"'.6.t"5.6r, "'e Pt'1 on"'f'.6.­

s.&r, Prendergast, Prinder­gast, Pendergast, Pender­grass; Pender, Pinder, etc.

-oe Pr1onnofot, Prendeville, Prindeville, Prendible, Pren­derville, Pendiville; Brans­field.

"'e n~1te15, Rally, Rawley, Rawleigh, Raleigh.

"'e, Ramsey, Ramsay. "'e n.&t, Rath. -oe nw"'.6.t, Riddell, Riddle,

Ruddell, Ruddle. "'e n1re.6.monn, Richmond. -oe n61r-ce, Roche, Roache. "'e nor, Ross. *"'e norror-c, Rochefort, Roch­

fort, Rochford, Rushfbrd, &c. -oe nu1r, Rush. "'e nur, Rose.

"'e S.6.0t".6.1nn, Saurin . "'e S.6.1t15e1r, Sallinger, Sellin-

.. ger, St. Ledger, etc. "'e S.6.1n-cre.6.o, Santry. "'e S~1rre1t, Sarsfield, etc. "'e s.&t, Sail, Saul. "'e S.6.n"'.6t, Sandall, Sandell. "'e S.6.nror-c, Sanford. "'e S.6.osr.&o, Seagrave, Segrave,

Seagrove, Segre. "'e sce.6.l.6.f, Scales. "'e sce.6.t-cun, Skelton. "'e scorut, Scuffil, Scofield,

Schofield, Scholefield. · "'e scr1o1n, Scriven. "'e scr1n, Skryne. "'e Se.6.n-cre.6.o, Santry. "'e smcte1r, Sindare.. Sinclair,

etc. "'e S1n5e.6.t-cun, Singleton. -oe S1ont1111, Shinnor, Shinnors. "'e S1un, Younge, Young. "'e S1un-c.6., Joynt. "'e st.61ne, Slane. "'e sp.61ne, Spain. "'e s-c~b.6.t-cun, Stapelton,

Stapleton. "'e S-c.6.c.6.but, "'e S-c.6.c.6.put,

Stackpole, Stackpoole. "'e S-c.6.ror-c, Stafford. "'e S'C~1ne.6.f, Staines. "'e S-c.6.1nte1;S, Stanley. "'e S-c.6.nror-c, Stanford, Stan­

fard. "'e S-c6c, Stokes, Stoakes. "'e S-conn"'un, Staunton, Stan­

ton, Stundon, Sdundon. "'e Su.6.n-cun, Swanton. "'e su1n;se.6.n, St. John, Singen,

Singin, etc. "'e su-cun, Sutton. "'e 'C1u, Tew. "'e t::n11-c, Tuite. "'e t::r.&1oe.6.rf, Travers, Tra-

vors, Trevors, etc. "'e t::re.6.n-c, Trant. "'e t::re6, Troy. "'e t::ru1m, Trim.

Page 69: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

-oe t::u1nte15, Townley. -oe t11'6e.6.r, Wise, Wyse. ue t115e.6.m6r. Wigmore. 1Jfot1n.6.m, u1otun, Dillon. 1Jfr1n5, Deering. 1Job, Dobbs. 1Jou.6., Dodd, Dodds. Uo1bl'n, Dobbin, Dobbyn, Dob-

bins, Dobbyns. "001ul'n, Dodding. 1J01trl'n, Dolfin, Dolphin. 1Jo1nse.6.t'u, Uo1nne.6.r'O, Uni-

acke, Uniack, Uniake. "' uott.6.rt:, Dollard,

Dullard. 1Jonuun, Dondon, Dundon. 1Jons.6.n, Dongan, Dungan, Dun-

can. Uonnuun, Dondon, Dundon. 1Jt~.6.c, Drake. 1Jrt..op.6.f', Draper. 1Jf'1U, Drew. uros. uros.6., Drough, Drew. uromsut, Dromgoole, Drum-

goole, Drumgoold. Upu, Drew. UtHl1f'1'6e, Drewry, Drury. 1Juo, Duff. 1Juou.6.t, Dowdall, Doudall,

Dowdell. 1Juost.6.r, Douglas. 1) Uni­

acke, Uniack, Uniake. U\11nrme.6.t'.6.C, Beresford.

e.6.or61u, Everett, Everitt, Everard.

e.6.ot'.6.pu, Everard. e.6.rmonn, Esmond, Esmonde. e.6.rpos. Aspig ; Bishop. e.6.·cun, Eaton., Everard. e1C1nse.6.m, Etchingham. e15e.6.p, Eagar, Egar, Agar. e1me1u, Emmet.

r.&cn.6.p, Falconer, Falkner, Faulkner, etc.


r.6.u.6., Fodha; Long. r.6.e'6e.(\c, Fay. r.&s.&n, Fagan, Fagin, etc. f.6.S.6.n, Fyans, Foynes. r.6.1nl'n, Fannin, Fanning. f.6.1f'f1ns. Farshin, Fortune. r.&tt:.6.c, Wall. '}:.6.nnt:, Fant. f.6.01t:e.6.c, White. req~1t:elf', 1-"'Clpt:e1t~. Ferriter. fe61rt1n5, Verling, Verlin. l-"'1.6.f'.6.C, Feerick. f10n.6.mur. Finamore, Finna-

more, etc. pon:;t.6.r, Finglas. flonn, Fair, Phair. flonnU1J1, f1onulr, Fennors. flot:un, Fitton, Fetton. flf'ld~q~. flpt:elp, Ferriter. rt1nt:, Flint. rt61u, Floyd, Flood. '}:Olf'bq•, Forbish, Forbis, Forbes. folrelf, Forrest. f6q·elu, Fausset, Faussette, ·

Fawcett, Fawsitt, Fawcett, etc.

rotl"', 1-"'6pt:, Ford, Forde, etc. f1'.6.1nctln, Franklin. rr.6.n11C.6.C, Beausang. fpelne, Freyne, Frayne, Freney,

etc. ft'lfC.6.t, Frisell, Frizell, Friz-

zle, Fraser, Frazer, etc. 1-"'P1U111, Frewin, Frewen. r<11nre. Finch, Funge. fulpe.6.rt:, Forrf'st, Frost. '}:ulpe.6.rt:t..t, Forestall, Forrestal,

Forstall, Forrester, Forster, etc., Fullarton, Fullerton. f\lpu, Foorde, Forde, Ford. fuptons. Furlong. rut:p.6.1t, Fottrell.

5.6.b61u, Gabbott, Gabbett., Gogan, Goggan, Gog­

gin, etc. I).6.1tt1'6e, Gallway, Galway, etc.

Page 70: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

5~1mtin, Gamlin, Gambling. 5.&1ruin, Garden, Gardin. 5.&1rne1r, Gardiner, Gardner,

Garner. 5~1r-ce~t, Gatchell. 5~1 t, Gall, Gaul, Gaule. 5~ttore~tn~c, Galbraith, Gal-

breath. 5~11 u~, Galt, Gault. :s~t1 uuo, Stackpoole; Staple­

ton, Stapelton. :s~mbun, Gambon, Gammon. 5~m~1, Gamel, Gammel, Gam-

bell, Gamble. :s~r-cun, Gaston. 5e~p, Gayer ; Sharpe. 5e~r.&ru, Gerard, Gerrard. 5e~ro.&r, Gervais, Gervis, J er-

vaise, Jervis, etc. 5e.&ru, Garde. 5e~rt~nn, 5e~r1un, Gairlan,

Gartlan, Garland, Gartland, etc.

5e~1un.&n, German, Jarman, &c. 5e~rmonn, Germon, Jermyn,

etc. 5e.6.lmun, Gernon, Garlan, Gar-

land, etc. 5e~l101U, Garrett, J errett, etc. 5e~rr, Short. :se~r1't61r, Carver. 51b, Gibb. 511 bc~11'C, Gilbert. 51t 1e.&n, Julian Julien, (?)

Gullion. 51obr~n, 51obron, Gibson. 510lc.6.c, Reade, Reid, etc. 510p61u, Garrett, etc. 5t~1fe1U, Glassett. 51~r, Glass ; Green. :ste~n-cun, Clinton. :S1e~r-u,,, Gleasure. :soc~, Gow; Smith. :soc, Gough, Goff. 5o5n.&, 565~11. Gogan, Goggan,

Goggin, etc. 5o1uin, Godwin, Goodwin. 561re1r, Gosnall, Gosnell.

ss 561rtin, Gosselin, Goslin, Gaus-

lin, Gosling, Gostlin. :S6ruun, Gordon. :sotFr~n), Godfrey. 5otmonn, Godman, Goodman. :sr~u~r. Grier, Greer, etc. 5r~e. Gery, Gray. Sr.&1nre~c, Grange. 5r.&mre1r, Grainger, Granger. :Sr.&nu~, Granny, Grant. :sr~nuun, Grandon, Grandan. 5r~nn-c, Grant. 5r.&r, Grace. :Sre~561t'' Gregory. 5r1F1n, Griffin. 5rom.<.\1l, Grummell. 5uu, Good. 5u1"6, Guy. 5-6111ue, Gooley, Goldie, Gouldy :su1Un, Golding, Goulding,

Golden, Goolden. 5tlln, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne. 5ut, Gould, Goold. 5um.<.\r-cun, Gumbleton. 5unn.<.\, Gunn, Gonne. 5unn~1'' Gunner.

11~c~eu, l1~1ce1u, Hackett. l1.&1dn, Hawkins. l1~1mtln, Hamlin, Hamlyn, &c. l1.&1rufn, Harding, Hardingc. l1~1f\1f, Harris. 11~1~o61u, Hollywood. 11~1uu1-6e, 11~1 u1-6e, Halvey,

Hollway, Holloway. l1~m~t-c1'1n, Hamilton. 11~mon, Hammond. 11.6monn, Hammond. 11~mr6c, l1~mr65, Hamrock,

Hamrogue. 11~nc.&ru, Hankard. l1.t\nc6c, Hancock, Handcock. 11~ot, Howel, Howell, Bowels. l1~r61u, Harrot, Harwood,

Harold, Harrold. ll~rp1'1p, Harpur, Harper. 11~r-c, Hart, Harte.

Page 71: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

11e.o.l'm.o.n, Harman, Harmon, Hardman, Herdman.

11e.o.l'un, Heron, Hearon, Herron, Hearn, Hearne, Herne, etc.

11e1l'>e.o.f't:, Hayward, Howard. 'l11be.6.f'u, Hubbard. 11tob.6.f'U, Hubbert, Hubbart,

Hobart, Hobert; Howard. 11wr.o.e, Hussey. 11ob, Hobbs, Hop, Hope. l1ob.o.c, 11obuc, Hubbock. l1ob.o.c.6.n, Habbagan. 11ob.&f'u, Hobart, Hubbard. 116u, Hoad, Hoade. 11oun.o.e, Hodnett, Hadnett. 'ho1be.6.f'u, Habbert, Hobart,

Hobert, Hubbert, Hubbard, Herbert.

l1, Helbert, Hilbert, Helbet.

'1101rbin, Harbin. 11 Otf', 11 otre.o.b.&ru, Her­

bert, Harbert, Harberd., Hereward, Her-

ward. 'hmrce, Hodge, Hogg, Hogge. 11otft:tc1n, Hotchkin, Hodgkin. 116ll:::, Holt, Holte. 'hubuc, Hubbock. l1u5t11n, Huggins. 'hut;Setu, Hewett, Hewitt, Huet,

etc. 'hutt:;tetu, Hewlett, Hewlitt,

Howlett, etc. 11t'Hi:;Un, Howlen, Bowlin,

Howling, Holing. l1u1ten:>, Hewlett, Hewlitt, Hu­

leat, Howlett, etc. 'hutUn, Howlen, Howlin,

Howling, Holing. 11utr-ce, Hutch. 'hut-ce.o.c.6m, Hutchinson. 'hunrr.o.t-6, Humfrey, Hum-

phrey. 'hunt:, Hunt. 'hur.o.e, Hussey.


1.o.cob, Jacob. 1.0.56, I ago, J ago, J agoe. l.o.rt.o.tue, Earls. l.o.rr.o.c, Eyre, Eyres, Ayres. lnstetf, 1nsttr, Inglis, English,

Englishe. innre.o.uun, Nugent. lonsr.o.m, Ingram. lf'etr, Irish. irteon-c, Ireland. 1urc.6.r, Eustace, etc., t.o.or.&r, Larens, Lawrence, etc.

t.o.r.&n, Laffan, Laffen, Laphin, etc.

t.6.1utr, Lauder, Lawder. t.o.t;Stetr .. Lawless, Lillis, etc. t.o.t;Sne.o.c, Lynagh, Linagh ;

Lynam ; Lyons. t.o.tmbe.o.11t:, Lambart, Lambert. t~tmbin, Lambin, Lambyn. t.o.tdn, Latin, Latten. 'L.&t~tue, Lawlee. t.o.mpor-c, Lampart, Lampert ;

Lambert. t~nsror-c, Langford t.o.ns-cun, Langton. t.o.nnc, Lant. t.o.01ue, Lloyd. t.o.ot;Ste1r, Lawless, Lillis. te.o.1J.o.tttn, Lavallin, Lavallen. te.o.u.o.11, Leader. te.o.-our, Ledwich, Ledwith,

Ledwitch, Ledwidge, etc., Landy. te.o.1hn.o.c, Leynox, Lennox,

Linn ox. te.o.rt.o.o1, Leslie, Lesley. te.o.r-c.o.l', Lester, Lister, Lyster. tet;Stnn, Lane. tetre.o.c, Lacy, Lacey. tt.o.ti:;, Leech, Leach. tt.o.t, Lea, Lee ; Grey, Gray. ttoetu, Lovett, Lovitt. tite.o.r, Lillis. two6tu, Livott, Lyvott tton.&pu, Leonard.

Page 72: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

t1ons.&ru, Lingard. t1on61u, Lynott. t1ort:un, Liston. too.o.o1r, Lewis. t:oc.&ru, .Lockard, Lockard

&c. "l61u, Lloyd. 1-omb.&ru, Lombard, Lumbard. tonur.o.c, 1-onur.o.r.o.c, Landers,

Launders. tonsrot1t:, Langford. tot:.o.1re1t, 'Lot:t1.0.1l, Luttrell,

Lutterell, etc. tuc.&r. Lucas, Luke. 'Lu1oe1u, Lovett, Lovitt, Lovat. 'Lu1oe1t, Lovell. tu1u, Lloyd. tuq"e1u, Lucid, Lucet. tun"Or.o.r.o.c, Landers, Launders.


h,'lb, Mabe. m.o.c· ·• .o. l.Jr1sue, MacBride. m.o.c '.o. l.Ju1"6e, MacAvoy, Mac ~ -. Evoy, etc. m:6c -&u.o., m.o.c .&u.o.1"6, Mac

Cady, 1\!IacCadie, MacKady, Muckady, Cady ; Addy.

n1.o.c .&u.o.1m, m.o.c .o.u.o.1m, Mac Adam, Mac Cadam, Mac Caddam, MacAdams, Adams ; Adamson.

m.6:c -&u.o.11i1, MacCaw. m.o.c .o.u-&1n, MacCadden, Mac

Cudden, etc. m.o.c" .6.u.o.m61u, Adams. m.o.c .0.1U1fdn, Caviston, Austin,

Austen. m"'c .O.fone, MacEvinney, Mac

Avinue, MacAvenue. m~c -&1uin, Caden, Cadden. tn.o.c .0.1'01dn, Adkins, Atkins,

Adkinson, ·A tk1nson, etc. n'l.o.c . · .0.1te-&1n, l\'lacAlean, Mac

Clean, MacLean, MacKellan, MacKellen, l\'lac~{illen, etc. ·

t1141c .0.1li;1le, MacAlilly, Callily-, Callaly, Lilly, etc.

m.o.c .0.1Un,.MacAllion,MacAllen, MacAllon, MacEllin,MacEllen,

• MacAldin, Mac Cal den, etc. : m.o.c .0.1lpfn, MacAlpine, Mac

Alpin, MacCalpiri. 1

m.o.c .0.1nure1r, mt..c ~1nur1.o.r.o., MacAndrew ; Ross.

m.o.c -<..\1nut11u, MacAndrew; Andrewson, Anderson, An­drews, Anders.

m.o.c .0.1mh1re, MacConvery, Convery.

m.o.c .0.1rt:, MacArt, MacCart; MacArthy ; Hart, Harte.

m.o.c .0.1rt:e-&1n, Curtayne, Cur­tain, Curtin, etc.

m.o.c -<..\1t:15fn, Cattigan. n1.o.c .o.t.o.rt:.o.1r, MacAlister, Mac­

Allister, MacCallister, Mac Ellister, MacAlester, Mac Clester, MacLester, Callister, Lester, etc.

n'l.o.c .0.t.o.rt:ru1m, MacElistrum, MacElestrim, MacEllistram, Alexander, etc.

1i1.o.c .o.tllhtlt1.&1n, Colleran. , tn.o.c .o.t, MacAlshan-

der, MacAlshender, MacCal­shander, MacElshander, Mac Kalshander, Alexander, etc.

tn.o.c .&mo1nn, MacCammon, MacCammond, MacKemman, Hammond ; Hammondson.

tn"'c .O.rh.o.t;S.o.u.o., MacAulay, MacAuley, MacCauley, l\fac Cowley, Cawley, etc.

m.o.c .O.mbr6'f· MacAmbrose, MacCambridge.

tn.o.c .O.thl.o.o1o, MacAuliffe, Mac Auley, 1\'lacCauliffe, Mac Cauley, MacCawley, l\'lac Cowley, Cawley, Cowley, &c.

tn.o.c .O.n6.b.6."6.6., :MacNaboe, Monab.oe ; MacAnabb, MacNabb; Victory.

m.6.c .6.11 ,<\bb.6."6, .l\'lacAnabb, Mac Nabb.

Page 73: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

t11.6.G .6.n .6."6-'lf~.6.1:J1, m.<\.C · .6..n .0..5.6.f"', Nestor. .

m.<.\c ...ln .O..tUn, . Ma,cAnallen, . Nallen.

Jil4.c .6.n .O..trctnn, MacAnern, . MacNern, MacNairn, Mac

Kinerkin, Kinnerk. tn.6.c A\n .O..trctnnt;S, MacAner­

ney, MacEnerney, , Maclner-ney, MacNerhenny, Mac Nerney, MacNirney, Mac N ertney, Connerney, Ken­erney, Kinerney, Nerhenny, Nerny, Nertney, Nirney, &c.

m.o.c .o.n"Cf't~, MacKinestry, Mac Kinstry, MacN estry.

tn.o.c .o.n .<it.o., MacAnawe .; Ford, Forde.

m.o.c .o.n l>.6.tru, MacAward, Mac\Vard, Ward, Baird.

m.o.c .o.n L>;S, MacEvally, Vally.

n1.o.c .o.n t>.o.r\nn, MacBaron, Mac Barron.

n1~c .o.n L>e.o.rf'uttt;S, Varrilly, Varrelly, Varily, Varley.

t11.o.c .o.n t>e.o.t.o., n1.o.c .o.n Oe.o.t.o.u, MacA bee, Macl veagh, Mac Aveigh, MacAvcy; MacAvoy, l\1acEvoy, MacVoy; Mac Veagh, MacVeigh, MacVey, MacVay,MacVea, Vahy, Veigh; Veasy, Vesey, etc.

tn.o.c .o.n Ot.o.-6-c.o.t;S, l\1acVeety, MacVity, MacVeity, etc.

111.o.c .o.n t>wc.6.tpe, 111-<\c .o.n t>wc~p.o., l\1ac Vicar, .rvlac Vicker, MacVikar, Vickery, Vicars, Vickers, Vikars, etc.

111.o.c ...\11 l>pettc.o.t1Mn, 111.o.c .o.n t>pcttc.o.thn.o.t;S, 1n.o.c .o.n l>petttlh, Brehony, Breheny, Brohoon; Judge.

n1.o.c .o.n CA\t u.o.t;S, MacCalvey, Calvev.

tl16.c .o.t~ C.6.otc, MacKee, (?) :Keyes.~


m.o.c .o.n . 6.o.rr.<.\t;S, MacCarrie MacCarry. .

m.o.c .o.n, Kincart; ·Wright .

m.o.c .o.n 6tetrt5, MacClery, Mac Cleary, Clery, Cleary ; Clarke; Clarkson, Clarson.

m.o.c .o.n 6ottt;S, MacQuilly ; Cox, Cox e.

m.o.c .o.n 6o1tt, Forrestal, etc . . .m.o.c .o.n 6ror.6.m, MacCrossan,

Crossan, Crossin, Cross; Crosbie, etc.

111.o.c . .o.n, 111-<\c .o.n ue.o.s6.n.o.t:-=;, MacDigany, Digany ; Deane, etc.

m.o.c .o.n Uetft5, Deasy, Deasey. m.o.c .o.n ueor.o.t-6, MacAdorey, 111.o.c .o.n -oru.o.t-6, MacDrury,

Drew ; Drewry, Drury. m.o.c .o.n e.o.n.o.t;S, MacAneany, , MacAneeny, MacEneany, Mac

Aneny, MacNeney; Bird, m.o.c .o.n e.o.rputs, MacAnaspie,

Easping, Aspig ; Bishop. 111.o.c, Tempest. m.o.c .o.n i-';St;S, MacAnally,

MacEnally, Maclnally, Mac Nally, Manally, Canally' Nally, etc. .

111.o.c .o.n i-'tlt-6, 111.o.c .o.n i-'tte.o.-6, MacAnilly, l\1acNilly, Mac Neilly, MacNiclly, MacN eely, l\1acNeally, Mac N e a 1 e y, Maneilly, Maneely, Meneely, Mineely, etc.

111.o.c .o.n 'ttp, Kinner, Kinnier, Kinnear, etc.

111.o.c .o.n 'ttplet;Stnn, lVIacNerlin, MacNerland, Killerlean.

111.o.c .o.n t·, Fletcher. 111.o.c -<\11 Vl'A\nnc.o.t;S, Frain,

Frayne, Freyne, Frainey, Freney.

m.o.c .o.n E).o.l:Mntt, MacGowan, .MacGowen, Magowan, Gowen, Gowing, Goan, Gaan; Smith. Smyth.

Page 74: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

m.t..c .t..n $.t..tt6:st.t..t5, MacGallo­gly, Gallogly, Gologly ; Eng­lish, Englishby ; Ingoldsby.

m.t..c .t..n $.t..t1l, MacGill, Gill ; Stapleton, Stapelton.

m.t..c .t..n $e..1trr. m.t..c .t..n Strr. MacGarr, MacGirr, MacGerr, Gayer ; Short.

m.t..c .t..n $oo.11, Gow; Smith. m.t..c .t..n $oo.t..nn, MacGowan,

MacGowen, Magowan, Gowen, Gowing, Goan ; Smith, Smyth.

m.t..c .t..n $attt, MacGill, Magill, Gill, etc.

m.t..c .t..n l.t..f'l.t.., Earl, Earle, Earls. m.t..c .t..n 1.t..fC.t..1re. Fisher. m.t..c .t..n 'L.t..t5nt5, (?) Callina,

Collina, Colliney. m.t..c .t..n 'Le...i:S.t.., MacKinlay, Mac

Kinley, MacAlea, MacAlee, MacClay, MacLee, Lee, Leigh ; MacLean, MacClean, etc.

m.t..c .t..n ti1.t.."'A1U, MacAvady, MacEvady, MacAvaddy, Mac Evaddy, MacVady, Covaddy; Madden.

m.t..c ~n ti1..1t5tft:tf', MacMaster, Master, Masterson.

m.t..c .t..n ti1.t..n.t..t5, MacEvany, MacEvanny, MacVany; Monk, Monks.

m.6.c .t..n ti1.t..Ott1, Wire, Wyer, Wier, Weir, Wear, Weere, Moyers, lVIacN air.

m.t..c .t..n ti11te.t..u.t.., m.t..c .t..n ti11ttu, MacAveely, MacEvely, Mac Evilly ; Stanton, Staunton.

m.6.c ..O.nn.t.., MacAnn, MacCann, etc.

m.t..c ..o.nn.t..t-6, MacCanny, Canny. m.t..c ..o.nnt.t..oto, MacCownley. m.t..c, MacKendrick,

Kenrick, Conrick, Condrick, Conderick.

m.t..c .6.nnt'.t..Ot, MacHarry, Fitz­henry, Fitzharris, Feeharry, Henry, Harris, Harrison.


m.t..c .t..n 6:st.t..t5, MacNogly, (?) Nagle.

m.t..c .t..n Otf'Ctnn, MacNern, MacKinerkin, Kinnerk, etc.

m.t..c .t..n Otf'Ctnnt5, MacAnerney, MacEnerney, Maclnerney, MacNerney, etc.

m.t..c .t..n pe.t..t'rutn, m.t..c .t..n pe.t..t', MacPharson, Mac Pherson, MacFarson, Mac Ferson, Pherson, Parsons.

m.t..c .t..n Pf'10f'.t.., m.t..c .t..n Pt'1f', Prior, Friary, Friar, Frier, Fryer, etc.

tn.t..c .t..n tl.6.ot, Mac-an-Ree; King.

m.t..c .t..n rttuq1e, MacRuddery ; MacKnight, Knight; Fitz-Simons, Fitzsimons.

m.t..c .t..n, Monroe, Mun­roe.

m.t..c .t..n Scot6t:se, MacScollog ; Farmer.

m.t..c .t..n, MacAsparan, MacSparran.

m.t..c .t..n S'COCAtf'e, MacAstocker, MacStocker ; Stafford.

m.t..c .t..n 'C.t..Olft5, Macintosh, MacEntosh, MacKintosh.

tn.t..c .t..n 'Ctomp-6.n.t..t5, Mac Atimney, MacAtimeny, Mac Atamney, MacAtatniney, Mac Timney, MacTamney, Tim­pany, Tymmany, Timony, Tamney, Tempeny, Tenpeny, (?) Toompane, (?) Tumpane.

lll.t..c ..O.n-cotne,Anthony, Antony. m.t..c .t..n 'CSA:SA111'C, MacEntag­

gart, l\1acEntaggert, MacEn­tagart, Maclntaggart, Mac Integgart, MacTaggart, Mac Teggart, Taggart, Teggart, Tegart, etc.

m.t..c .t..n -cs-6.m.t..t5, MacEtavey, Tavey.

m.t..c .6n 'CS.t..Ot, MacAtee, Mac Entee, Macintee, MacKenty, MacKinty, MacGinty, etc.

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nlAC All "CSA01l', MacAntire, Mac Entire, MacEnteer, Mac Inteer, MacEntyre, Mac Ateer, MacAtear, MacCateer, MacTeer, MacTier, Minteer. Mateer; Carpenter; Freeman,

ffiAC All "CSAfAllA1S, MacAtasney~ MacAtarsney, Atasney.

n1AC All t:S10llll.t..15, MacAsh­inah; Fox.

111AC All Cu1te, MacAtilla, Tully; Flood.

ffiAC .t..ll Uc1>.111e, Fuller. 111.1c .O.ll U1rce, Uiske; Waters,

Watters. m.1c .t..ll ut-c.o.15, MacAnulty,

MacEnulty, lVIacKnulty, Mac Nulty, Nulty.

m.1c .o-o-6.1, MacKay, MacKey, MacKee, MacCoy, MacQuay, lVfacQuey, MacHay, MacH ugh, Aison, Eason ; Hughes; Hueson, Hewson, etc.

m.1c -0-ou.o. t>un)e, MacAvoy, MacEvoy.

111.1c .o.o-, MacEgan, Mac Keegan, Keegan, Egan, Reagan, etc.

m.1c .O.o-6.6.1ll, l\iacKeane, Keane Kane.

n1 .1 c ,o, 01-6 , MacKey, &c.

MacKee, MacKie. MacHugh, Kee,

111.1c .o.ollSU1f: 111.1c .o.ollsur.t.., MacEnnis, Macinnes, Mac Inch, (?) MacCance, Mac Kinch, MacHinch, MacN eese, MacNiece, 1\iacNish, Mannice, Minnish, Mannix, Angus, Ennis, Innes, Hinchey, etc.

111.1c .o.' H...\01, MacAree ; King. 111.1c .o.rc.11t, Archer. 111.1c .J.pu5.1tt, MacArdell, Mac

Ardle, MacCardle, Cardle, Cardell; Cardwell.

111.t..c .1' n1o5, MacAree; King. 111.(\c"C-61S, Harty, Hearty.

m.1c ,o,rt:.6.1ll, MacCartan, Mac Carten, MacCarton, Mac Cartin, Cartan, Carton, etc.

m.1c ,o,l'"C-611', m.1c ,o,r-cu1r, Mac Arthur, MacCarthur, Mac Carter, MacWhorter, Mac Wherter, Carthurs, Arthurs, Carthur, Carter, etc.

m.1c -0-fC-61-6, MacAskie, Mac 'Caskie. Caskey.

111.1c .O.fC-61t t, MacAskill. m.1c .&.rmu1ll"C, Casement. ffi-6C 0-61l 'Ot'lll, 111-6C 0A1l"Ct'lll,

Waldron. ffi-6C 0-6t ', 111.6-C 1.J.1t "}10ll"C.6.,

Waldron; Wesley, Welsley, Wellesley.

111.1c b.1o1tlll, Boyne. 111.1c be.1rt.151M, Baragrey,

Barragry, Berachry, Berocry, Bearkery, Berkerry, Berkery.

111.1cbe.1t-6, 1n.1c be.1t.t..-6, Mac Beath, MacBeth, Macbeth, MacBeith, MacBey, MacBay.

111.1c Oe.1t.1n, MacBean, Mac V ean, MacBain.

111.(\c beme1u, tll.t..c b1lle1u, MacBennett ; Benson.

m.1c bwrll-6, MacBirney, Mac Burney, Burney, etc.

111.1c bwrt.15l'.6., Biracree, Bira­crea, Berachry, Berocry, Ber­kerry, Berkery.

111.1c otorc.11-6, MacCloskey, MacCluskey, MacLoskey, Mac Losky, MacLuskey, Closkey, Cluskey, etc.

111.(\c 1.Jtorc.11pe, MacClusker, Clusker ; Cosgrave.

111.1c bp.6.'0-6t5, l\1acBrady, Brady.

111.1c t>t', MacCrann, Mac Krann, MacRann.

111.1c t>t1-6l1-61S, (?) Cranny, Crany.

111.(\c bp.1n.6.1t1, Branan, Branon, Brannan, Brennan, etc.

111.(\c bp.101n, MacBreen, Breen.

Page 76: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

m.o.c bl", Brandon. m.o.c bre.o.t:n.o-1:5, MacBratney,

MacBrea tney, MacBretney. m.o.c bt'1.o.1n, MacBrien, Mac

Bryan, MacBryen, Bryan, Bryen, etc.

m.o.c br1.o.rt:.o.15, MacBrearty, MacBrairty.

n1.o.c br01n, MacBrin, Mac Brinn, MacBirne, MacByrne, Byrne, etc.

m.o.c 'Or01n, MacRenn, Mac Rynn, Wrynn, Wrenn, Wren.

m.o.c bru.o.1ue.o.u.o., MacBrody, Brody, Brodie.

m.o.c bru.i1"01n, MacBroudin, Mac Bruodin, Broudin, Bruodin.

m.o.c c.6.b.o., MacCabe, Macabe. m.o.c C.o.u.6.m, MacCadden, Mac

Cudden, Muckedan. n1.o.c C.O.ft'.O.l-6, MacCaffrey, Mac

Caffery, Caffrey, Caffery, etc. m.o.c C.o.1Un, MacCallion, Mac

Callan, MacCallen; Campbell. Hl.o.c'bl'e, · Carbry, Carbery,

Carberry. 1l1.o.c C.o.111t:e.6.1n, Curtayne, Cur­

tain, Curtin, etc. 111.o.c C.o.1r1n, MacCashin, Cas­

been, Cashin, Cashen, Cashion, Cassin, Keshin, etc.

m.o.c C.o.1re.o.t.6.1n, MacCaslan, MacCausland.

1n.o.c, MacCalvey, Calvey.

11l.o.c, MacCallnon ; Campbell.

11l.o.c, MacCalman, Mac Calmant.

m.o.c c.o.tu1m, MaeCalum. *m.6.c, MacCamley. n1.o.c C.o.n.6., MacCann. 11l.o.c C.6.n.6.nn, MacConnon ; Mac

Cann. 111.6.c C.6.nn.6., MacCann, Mac

Kann. m.6.c Canna1u,tMacCanny, Canny. m.6.c Caoc.6.1n, Keahan, Keehan.

*n1.6.C C.o.ocf'lte, 11l.o.c C.o.oct.6.01C Coakley, Kehelly_ Kehilly; Keily ; Kelly, etc.

*111.6.c C.6.orn.6.n.6.15, MacCavanagh m.6.c C.6.oltt:c, MacCaoilte. m.6.c C.6.t't Ulf, Corless, Carlos. 11l.6.c C.6.t'l1.6., MacKerr, Carr. · m.6.c C.6.t't'S.6.1hn.6., JVIacCaroon.

MacCaron, MacGroany, Grow­ney, O'Growney; Gaffney; Caulfield.

111.6.c c.6.pi:.6.1S, MacCarha, Mac Carthy, MacCartie, MacArthy, MacCarty, etc.

111.o.c C.6.rt:.6.1n, MacCartan1 Mac Carten, MacCarton, Mac Cartin, Cartan, Carton, etc.

111.6.c C.6.t't:.6.1ne, MacCartney, MacCartiney.

111.6.c C.6.f.6.1n, Cassan, Cassian. m.6.c C.6.f.6.t'1.6.1S, MacCasserly,

Casserly; Cassidy. 11l.o.c C.6.i:.6.1t, MacCall, MacCaul,

MacHan, MacGall; Charles, Corless.

m"-'c C.6.i:.6.1n, MacCahan, Mac Kane, MacKeen, Keane.

111.6.c C.6.i:.6.olp, Cahir, Carr, Kerr. m.o.c C.o.i:.6.f.6.1S, MacCasey, Mac

Asey, MacAssey, Macasey, Casey, etc.

m.6.c c.o.i:m.6.olt, MacCavill, Mac Cawell, MacCowell, MacCow­hill, MacCawl, MacCaul, Mac Call, MacHall, MacCaulfield, Keawell; Howell ; Caulfield; Campbell; Callwell, etc.

m.6.c Ce.6.'0.6.1:S,MacKeady, (?)Mac Geady, Keady.

m.6.c Ce.6.11.6.c.6.1n, MacKeleghan. m.o.c, MacKelly, Kelly. m.o.c Ce.6.nst.6.1S, Kangley; Tighe. m.o.c ce.o.r.6., Carr. m.6.c CC., MacCarron. m.6.c Ce.6.11D.6.1tt, MacCarroll, Mac

Carvill, MacCarvjlle, Mac Kervel, MacErvel, Carroll, Carvill ; Card well.

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mA.c Ce.AtmA.1f;, MacKearney, MacCarney, Kearney, Carney.

mA.c Cetut;S, MacKeady, Keady. mA.c Cetle, MacHale. m.6.c Cen;, Kitson. mA.c CctteA.ttnA.t;S, Keherny, Ker­

ney ; Kearney. mA.c Cetdn, MacKetian, Mac

Keating. mA.c eeoc, mA.c ceotA.c, Mac

Keogh, Keogh. tnA.c CtA.ttA.S.6tn, MacKerrigan. tn.6.c, MacCarron. m.6.c Ctntn, Keenan. mA.c C10nd.OUA., ffid.C,

MacKinney, MacKinny, Mac ·Kenny, Mac Kenna, Mac Keany, Kenny, etc.

m.6.c Ctotru.6.-6A., m.6.c cwt-f'UA.t-6, MacKerrow, Kiroy; MacKitterick, etc.

ffi.6.C ClA.octA.otc, Coakley. m.6.c Cletttt;S, MacClery, Mac

Cleary; Clarke. m.6.c Ct1re.6.m, Clisham, Klisham m.6.c ClocA.ltte. MacCloughry,

Cloughry; Kingstone, Kings­ton.

m.6.cClu.6.nA.1;5, MacLoonie, Clow-ney, Clowny, Clooney, Cloney,

m.6.c ctuc.6tn, MacClughan. m.6.c Cn.6uh, Bones, Bownes. mA.c Cn.6uhtn, MacNevin, Navin

Neavin, Nevin, Neven, Nivin, Nevins.

m.6.c Cn.6rhA.1;5, Bones, Bownes. m..1c Cooi:-6.1;5, MacCovey, Mac

Cooey. mA.c Coct.6m, MacCoghlan, Mac

Coughlan, Coghlan, Coghlen, Coghlin, Coughlan, Coughlen, Coughlin.

mA.c CoulA.t:.6tn, Colleton, CoHo-tan, Culleton, Culliton ; Cullington.

mA.c Co5.6.-6.6tn, m.6.c Co5.61n, MacCogan, MacCoggan,Cagon, Coggan.

m.6.c Co5.6.tufn, Cogavin, Cogeen ffi.6.c, Coghran, Coch­

rane, Caughran. n1.6.C C010Ue.6.n.6.1;5, Coveney,

(?) MacGoverney, (?) Gover­ney.

m.6.c C01llu, ffi.6.c C01ll;S, Mac Quilly ; Cox.

m.6.c Cotltsm, Cox. ffi.6.C C01ltn, MacCullion, Mac

Cullen, MacKillen, MacKellen MacQuillin, MacQuillian, Mac Guilion, MacQuillan, Mac Gullion, Collen, Collin, Cullian, Cullen, Quillen, Quillan, Collins, etc.

ffi.6.C Cotm1n, MacComming, Mac Kimon, Comyn, Comyns, Commons, Kimmins, etc.

ffi.6.c Com;Se.6.ll.6.t;S, Quinnelly, Kennelly, Connelly, Connolly,

m.o.c Com1n, Cuneen, Cunneen. Conyeen, Kinneen, Kenning, Canning, etc; Rabbit.

m.6.c Cotnle.6.;5.6., MacKinley, MacAlea, etc.

m.6.c C01nne.6.5.6tn, MacKonnig­ham, Cunningham, etc.

ffi.6.c Cotnnt;S, MacKinney, Mac Kenzie, etc.

m.6.c Cotrce, Oates. ffi.6.c C01fe, MacCosh, Mac

Quish ; Legge, Foote. m.6.c C01ft:e.6.l\>, ffi.6.C COtft:e.o.t-

l'MlS, Costello, Costelloe, etc.

m.6.c Cott:tl, Kettle, Kettyle. n1.6.c Cott:ttt, MacCotter, Mac

Cottier, MacCottar, Cotter, Cottier, Cottiers.

n1.6.c cots.6.n. MacColgan,Colgan, Collagan, Colligan, Culligan.

m.6.c cotl.6., m.o.c cott.o.c, Mac Culla, MacCullagh, Mac Collough, MacCullough, Mac Cull, MacColl, etc.

m.dc Cotmd1n, MacColman, Coleman.

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m.<1c Colutm, MacColum, Mac Collum, MacCollom, Colum, Collom, etc.

m.6.c Corir(Mtn, m.6.c, MacCowan, MacKone, Mac Koen.

m.<1c com;S.6.,tt, MacCole. m.<1c t, MacConnell. m<11c t 615, MacConnell-

ogue, Conlogue. mac con.<1.ttt:.<1, MacAnalty, Mac

Nalty, Nalty. mac Con.6.n.6.on.6.t;S, Nanany. mac Con.6.0n.6.t;S, MacAneany,

MacAneeny, MacAneny, Mac Eneany, MacN eney, Mac Neeny, Conheeny, Cunneeny ; Bird; Rabbit.

m.6.c Conb0111ne, MacConborney; Burns.

m.<1c conc.6.111115e, mac con­C.6.11f1A1Se, MacCarrick, Car­rigy, Carrigee, Kerragy, Carrick ; Rock.

m.Ac conc.6.i:A, MacEncaha ; Battle. Battles.

mac ContA'tf'AC, MacCarrick. mac conce.6.11C.6., Yorke. m.<1c Concoo.6.t11, MacNogher,

MacNaugher, MacNoher, Mac N oger, Minogher, Conacher, Connor, Connors, N ogher, Noher, Naugher, Naughter, N octer, etc.

mAc ConCO:S.6.1U, MacEnchogy. m.<1c Conc01:SC111ce, L'Estrange. mac Concottte, mac Con-

c01tte.6.u, Woods ; Cox. mac ConcottHn, Stnallwoods,

Woods. m~c concottcottte, Hazle-

wood, Hazlegrove, Hazleton, Hazelton.

m4\c Conc11.o.U.6., MacEnchroe, MacEncroe, Crough; Crowe.

mAc ConCf1U4\C.6.fl, Croughan, Croghan, Crohan, Croan.


ffi.<1c Conuuto, MacAnuff, Mac Aniff, MacEniff, MacKniff, MacNuff, MacNeffe, MacNiff, MacKiniff, MacCanuff, Mac Endoo, Maclndoo, MacAdoo, MacAdo, MacCaddoo, Mac Caddo, Conniff, Conniffe, Cun­niffe, Quinniff, Caddow, etc.

m.6.c Con'fo11m.6.otte, Normoyle, Normile.

m.6.c Con~11.6.01C, Conefry. m.6.c, m.<1c Con:S.6.'te,

MacCongail, MacConigly, Mac Gonagle, MacGonigle, Mac Gonigal, etc.

m.6.c Con;SAtte, Maclneely, Mac Neely, MacNeela, MacNella, MacNealy, Coneely, Conneely, Conneally, Conneely, Con­neely, Connelly Cunneely, Kennelly ; Connolly, etc.

m.<1c Con;S.6.t.6.l;S, Connolly. m.<1c con;S.<1mn.6., Gaffney ; Caul­

field. m.<1c con;S.<1ol.6., MacCunneela,

MacNeela, MacNella, etc. m.<1c conte-6.;5.6., MacKinlay, Mac

Kinley, etc. m.<1c Contett:f'e.6.c, (?) Letter,

(?) Letters. m.<1c contoc.<1, Kinlough, (?)

Lough. ffi.6.C Cont U.6.C11.6., Kiloughry, Kil­

oury,MacLoughrey, (?) Lough­rey, (?) Loughry,(?) Lowry.

1l1.6.C, Colvan, Colvin, Colavin, Cullivan ; Colvil, Colville, Collwell, Coldwell, Caldwell, etc.

m.6.c Conm61C, Connick. ffi.<1c, MacConville,

Conwell. m.<1c Conm-6.11.6., MacNamara,

MacN amarra, MacN amarrow. m4\c Comme.6.U.6., ffi.6.C Con­

me.4\.UA, MacConaway, Mac Conway, MacNama, MacMa, Conmey, Convey, May, etc.

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mA1c Conmn)e. MacConamy, MacConomy, MacNamee, Conmee, Mee, Meath, etc.

m.dc Con n.d buA11le, :Mac Naboola.

m.dc Conn.dCl:::.6.1S, MacCon-naughty, MacConnerty.

m.dc COtlt1.6.5.61n, Cunningham, etc.

m.dc Conn-6.1-6, MacCona, Mac Cunny, Conney; Woods.

m.dc Connl-6., ffi.dC Connl.dOU.d, Conley, Conly.

m.dc connth~1s, Conway. ffi.dc Cono11th.6.o1te, Normoyle,

Normile. m.dc COtlf1.6.01, Mac-an-Ree. Con­

ree, Cunree, Conry, Conroy; King.

m.dc COtlt'.dC.d, Conrahy; Conroy. ffi.dc Conp1.6."0.6.~ MacConready,

MacAready, MacCready. ffi.dc ConrMln, Cunreen ; King. m.dc conrutM, MacEnroe,

Enroe, Rowe, Roe. ffi.dC Conf.6.1"0in, Considine. ffi.dc Conf', MacAnawe,

Kinnavy, Kineavy ; Adams ; Ford, Forde.

ffi.dc Conu1rce. (?) Mac Callis­key, Uiske : Waters.

ffi.dc Conut.d-6, MacAnulla, Mac Anaul, MacKinaul, MacN ally, MacCullow, Culloo.

m.6.c corc.d1n, Corken. m.dc corcrA1n, Corcoran, Cork­

ran, Corkeran, etc. ffi.dC corm.6.C.d1n, MacCormikcn;

MacCormack, MacCormick. m.dc Corm.6.1C, MacCormac, Mac

Cormack, MacCormick, Cor­mac, Cormick, Cormack.

ffi.dc corr-6., ffi.dc CO'f1t'.d1u, Mac Corry,MacCurry (?) MacKerr, Corry, Curry, Corre, Corr.

ffi4C C0t'11.6.01n, m.dc C0t't'.6.1u{n, Curreen, Currin, Curren.

n1.6.C corrbulue, Corboy, Corby.

m-4.\c, MacCuskern, Coskeran, Cuskern; Cosgrave Cosgrove.

ffi.dc corcr.6.1S, Cosgrave, Cos-grove.

ffi.dc Coft:-6.5-dln, Costigan. ffi.dC cr.dtM5.d1n, Crawford. ffi.dC, Craven, Cravin,

Creaven. ffi.dc Ct'.6.1C, MacCraith, MacCrea,

MacGrath, etc. ffi.dC cr1o"O.d1n, Creedon, Creed. ffi.dc cr1omc.6.1nn, MacCrohan. m.6.c cr1on.d1n, Crennan. ffi.dc cr1oft:.6., Christy, Christie,

etc. n1.6.c cr,ort:.dlt, MacChrystall,

MacCrystall. ffi.dC cr1orc6r.6., Christopher,

Christopherson. ffi.dc cr10c.6.n, MacCrohan. ffi.dc cr1rdn,MacGriskin ; Chris­

tian. ffi.dC cr6n5.6.1te, Cronelly. m.dc, MacCrossan,

Crossan, Crossin, Cross; Cros­bie, etc.

ffi4C crulm, MacCrum, Mac Crumb, MacRum.

ffi.dc cru1dn, MacCurtin, Curtin; Curtis.

n1.6.C CU.6.C.d1n, MacGoohan. ffi.dc Cu-6.5, MacCoog, MacCook,

Cook. m.dc, Goulding,

Goolden, Golden. ffi-4.\c Cu.drt:-6., m.dc Cu.6.1t't:. Mac

Court. MacCord, MacCourt­ney ; Courtney.

m.6.c Cu1l1nn, MacCullen, Mac Quillen, Cullen, Quillen; Holly.

m.dc Cu1t t, MacQuill, MacGuill. m.dc Cu1tt'MD.6.1S, Culreavy, Col­

reavy; Gray, Grey. mA1c Cu1min, MacCumming, Mac

Cummings, Cummin, Cuming. Cumming, Cummins, Cum­mings, Kimmins, etc.

Page 80: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

mac . utnutltf, tnacCutn-oltf1

· MacCandlis, ' MacCandless, MacCanlis, MacAndless,. etc.

m"-'c Cutnn, MacQuinn, Mac Quin, MacGuinn, Quinn.

mac CutnneA.\;sAtn, MacCunni-gan, Cunnigan, Kinnegan,

. Cunagum, Cunningham. rnac, Cunnane, etc. mac Cutrc, MacQuirk, Mac

Quirke ; MacGuirk, MacGurk; Oates.


mac Cutrdn, MacCurtin, Curtin m.(\c Cuti::oreti::, MacCoubrey,

MacCobrie, MacOubrey, Mac Cover a; Cuthbert, Cuthbertson':

tl1.(\c Cum.6.fC.6.t;S, Mac Cumisky, MacCumesky, MacComiskey, Comisky, Cumesky, Cumiskey, Comesky, Comiskey, Commis­key, Comisk; Comerford, Cummerford, etc.

mac, MacCurtain, Cur­tayne, Courtayne, Curtain, Curtin, etc. . .

'mac 'Dao6c, mac 'Dao6;s, mac 'Daouc, mac 'Daoutc, Doake, Doag, Doig, etc.

mAc "'ao6c, mac "'ao6;s, mac 'Oaouc, mac "6aoutc, Mac A vock, MacCa vock, MacCoog, MacCook, Cooke.

ffiAc 'Datoetu, MacDavid, Mac Davitt, MacDaid, MacDevitt, MacDivitt, Davitt, Devitt,

· Daid, Dade, etc. tl1.6.c "'atoetu, MacCavitt, Mac

Kevitt, MacCaet. mAc "0.6.ton), MacDavid, Mac

Davitt, Davy, Davey, , Day, Davies, Davis·, , Davidson, Davison, Dawson, etc.

mac "6.6-ton), MacCave, Cavey, Cave.'

m.6.c "0.6.tY)1'6 rn6r, Davis. mAc Uaf1.6., mAc 'D~rac, Mac

Dara, Daragh, Darragh, Dar­ragh : Oak, Oakes, etc.

mac 'Otarmaua, MacDiarmod, · MacDermott, MacDarby, Der­. mody, · Darmody, Diarmid, . Dermid, Dermond, Darby, etc.

mac UtarmauA, Kermode, etc. mac 'Dtarmaua 5att, tl1ac

'Otattmau.a. 5at t ua, MacDer­mott Gall.

h1ac '01a11maua· RuA-6, Mac Dermottroe.

mAc "01omaf.6.t;S, MacGimpsey, Mac] impsey.

mac 'Oothnattt, MacDonald, MacDonnell, MacDaniel ; Donaldson, Donald, etc.

mac "'omnattt, MacConell, Mac Connell, MacGonnell, etc.

mac 'Oonncaua, mac 'Oonn­cat-6, MacDonnagh, Mac Donough, MacDonogh, Mac Donagh, MacDona, Mac Dunphy, Donoghue, Donohoe, Donaghy, Donogh, Donagh, Dunphy, Duncan ; Dennison, Denison, Dennis, etc.

ffiAc 'Donncaua, mac "'onn­cat-6, l\1acConachie, MacCon­nachie, MacConchie, Mac Connaghy, MacConaghy, Mac Connaughey, MacConohy, MacCona, MacConkey, Mac Konkey, Conify; Robertson.

mac 1Jo11cat'6, MacDorcey, Mac Archy, Mac Archey.

mac "'u,, MacGurgan, · Gurkin, Durcan, Durkan, Durkin, Zorkin.

mac "'uoua11a, mac 1Juouat'-6.C, MacAdarrah, MacAdarra, Mac Dara, Daragh, Darra, Dar­ragh, Darrock ; Oak, Oaks, Oakes.

m.1.c "'uo;Sattt', MacDool, Mac Dowall, MacDowell,MacDugal, MacDugall, MacDugald, Mac­Dougall, MacDougald, M~cDole Madole, Doole, Dowell, Dougall, Dugald, etc.

Page 81: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

111..ic "'uo:S..iltt, MacCool, Ma9 Cole, Coole, Cole,_ Coyle,

· · Coiles, etc. · fl'l..ic "'uor.6u.6.1n, Doordan,

Dordan. m..ic "'uou1u1r, Mac'Dwyer. m..ic "'u1o, MacDuff, Duff; Black m..ic "'u1o, MacCuffe, ' Cuffe. m..ic "'ulO"O..iJ1..i, m..ic 'Oulo-

"O..iT'AiC, MacAdarragh, Mac Adarra, MacDara, Daragh, Darra, Darragh, Darrock ; Oak, Oaks, Oakes.

m.dc "'U10e.oirhn.6, Devany, De­vanny, etc.

m.dc UU10flntl, MacGuffin. m.dc "'U101U1J1, MacDwyer, Mac

Dire. m..ic "'u1oin, MacKevin, Mac

Evin, MacAvin. m.dc UU101nfe, MacAvinchy. m..ic "'u1one, MacEvinie, Mac

Evinney, MacAvinue, etc. m..ic "'u1orfte, MacAffie, Mac

Affee, MacAfee, MacHaffie, MacHaffy, MacFie, MacFee, Mahaffy, l\1ehaffy.

t11..ic "'u1nn, MacDunn. m..ic "'u1nnf'te1oe, Dunlief, Dun­

lop, etc. m..ic "'u1nntle1oe, MacConloy,

MacElea vy, l\1acAlea vy, Mac Alea, MacAlee, Macleavy, MacClew, l\1acCloy, Killevy, Killeavy, Levy, Leavy.

m..ic "'t11nntte1o1n, l\1acLavin, Mac Levin, La vins, Levins, Levinson, Leveson, Leviston,

. Levenston, Levinston, Levings­ton, Livingston, Livingstone, Livingstown.

m..ic;S, Dooney, Dow­ney, Doney.

m..ic e..ic-6.-6.6., 111.6-c, Mac Aghy, MacCahugh, Mac Caghy) MacCaughey, Mac Cahy, Caughy, Cahy; Hackett; Steed, Steedman.

m..ic e..ic.6.1n, MacCaughan, ·Mac Cahan, MacCahon, Cahane.

m..ic e.oicnMJ1C.6.1S, MacCaffarky, MacCagherty, MacCaugherty, Ma~Afferty, MacCaff erty, MacCa verty, MacCaharty, MacCaherty; MacCarthy; MacCaffrey, MacCaffry; Ca£­ferky, Cafferty.

.tn.oic e.oicrh1te.du..i, m..ic e..ic-m1tlu, MacCaughley, Mac Caffaley, MacCaftely, etc.

tn.oic e..icr.6.1n, MacCagheron, MacCahern, Mukaran, etc.

m..ic e..ictl;Se1rn., Caheerin, Keheerin.

tn.oic e.6.uo.6.1ru, Edwards. m..ic e.A1n, MacKean, MacKane,

MacKain, MacCain, etc. tn.dc edmOlntl, 111.6-C e..imUlnn,

MacAimon, MacEdmund; Edmonds, Edmondson.

tn.oic e..inn..i, l\1acKeany ; Mac Kenna.

111.6C e.6.nnp.61C, m..iC e..inft.61C, MacKendrick, Kenrick, Kendrick, Kinnerk, Kinrock, Condrick, Conderick ; Harris.

t11..ic elOlft, MacEver. tn.oic e1ctli;e1rn, l\1acEchern,

Keheerin. tn.oic e1u1;S, l\1acKeady, Keady. m..ic e1m1p, l\1acEver. 111..ic e1npl, MacEnry, Mac

Endry, MacHenry, Mac Henery, MacHendrie, Mac Hendry, MacKenery, Mac Kendry ; Fitzhenry, Henry, Hendry, etc.

m..ic eoc.oiu..i, l\1acKeogh, Mac Keough, MacKeo, MacKough, Keoghoe, Keogh, Keough, &c.

111.6C eoc.ds.6.1n, Kehigan, Mac Cogan, Keogan, Coogan, Cooken, Cogan.

111..ic eoc.oil-6, MacCoughy' Keoghy, Cuhy.

Page 82: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

mAc eoc.O.m, Keoghane, Keo­hane.

mAc eosAm, MacOwen, Mac Eown, MacCone, MacKone, MacKeoan, ,MacKeown, Mac­Ewan, Keown, Coen, Cowan, Coyne, Owen, . Owens, etc ..

mAc e61n, MacEoin, MacKeon, MacKeone, MacKeown, Keon, Keown; Johnson, Johnston, etc.

mAc eotAc, MacKeogh, Keogh. mAc t~c-cn~. Aughney. m~c t:Ao1-c15, MacWhite, Mac

Whitty. m~c t:~ot.6.m, MacPhelan, Folan m~c re~11~-6.6.15, MacVarry, Mac

Verry. m ~c te~ 11~ -6~ 15, MacAree, Mac

Karee, MacCarrie, Mac Keary, MacHarry, Maharry ; King.

m~c re~ttc~1l1, Farquharson, Farquhar, Farquher, Farquer, Farghur, Farker, Forker, &c.

m~c te~t'CA1t', MacErchar, Mac Carragher, Caragher, , Car­ragher, Caraher, Carraher, Kerragher, Kerraher, etc.

m~c te~l15A11, MacErrigle, Mac Argle, Cargill, Carkill.

m.6.c te~115~1t, MacCarrell, Mac Kerrell, MacKerrall, Mac Carroll, MacKarroll, Mackerel, Mackrell, etc.

mAc teAt'5A1te, MacErrilly, MacKerlie, Carrolly, Carley, Kerley, Kirley.

ffi.6.C re~t'sur~. Farguson, Fer­guson, Fergus, Vargus, etc.

ffi.6.c teAttSUf.6., Hergusson, Fer­guson, etc.

m~c re1-6t1m, Phelim, Phelym, etc.

m~c ,:e1-6t1m1-6, MacPhelimyJ MacPhellimy, etc.

m~c t1~Ct'~• ffi.6.c t1~ctt~c, Mac Keighry, MacKeefrey, Mac Keary, Keaghery, Keahery, Keary ; Carey.

m~c te6v~lf, r tn.6.c te6ru,r ; Corish, Korish, Caorish, etc., Birmingham, Bermingham, etc.

ffi.6.C tl~t'A1f, MacKeriske, Kerrison, · Kearson ; Kerris, Kerrisk, Kierce, Kierse, Kearse, Kerisk, Kerrisk ; Healy.

m~c t1bin, MacKibbin, Mac Kibben, MacKibbon.

m.6.c t1t1b, MacKillip, Mac Killop, MacKellop, Mac Killops, Killips, Killops, Kellops ; Philson, Philipson, Phillips.

111.6.C flllbin, m~c t11.1b1n, Mac Philpin, MacPhilbin, Philbin, Philpin, Filbin, etc. ; Plover.

m~c tm5m, Kenning, Kennyon Kenyon, Kennon, Keenan, etc.

m~c tmn, MacKinn, MacKing. m.6.c t1nne~c-cA, m~c t1nne.6.c­

-c~15, Kingarty, Kingerty. ffi.6.c t1o-oo~u~15, m~c tio-6-

ou,-oe, MacEvoy, MacAvoy, MacVoy, Evoy, etc.

m~c t1onsu1ne, MacKinnon. m~c t1onn.O.m, Kinnan, Kennan ffi.6.C t1onnoAll'l1• Kenure. ffi.6.C t10nnlA01C, MacKinley,

MacKinlay. m~c t1onnmAc.6.m, Kinucane. m.6.C t1onu1n, MacKinnon. ffi.6.C r1t'01f1S, MacFirbis, For­

bish, Forbis, Forbes. m~c t1t'le1smn, M~cErlean,

MacErlane, MacErlatne, Mac Erleen.

m~c r1tceAtl~15, MacFeeley, MacFeely.

m~c tt~1toe~11-c~15, MacLa-verty, MacCla verty, Mac Clafferty, MacCleverty.

ffi.6.c tt~1tlth, MacLave, Claffy, Claffey; Hand.

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rn.o..c tt.o..nnc.o..u.o.., 1l1.o..c tt.o..nn­c.o..t-6, MacClancy, Clanchy, Clancy.

m.o..c "}::l01nn, MacFlynn. m.o..c tt01nn, MacLynn. m.o..c roqtbtf, Forbish, Forbis,

Forbes. •m.o..c tr.o..tnnc, MacCrink. m.o..ctu.o..L~tn, Folan.

1l1.o..c 5.o..o.o..nn, MacGowan, Ma­gowan, Gowen ; Smith, &c.

m.o..c 5.o..ur.o.., MacGeary, Geary. m.o..c S.o..rr.o..t-6, MacGaffrey, Mac

Caffray, MacCaffrey, Mac Caffery, Gaffrey, Caffrey, &c.

m.o..c 5.o..troett, n1.o..c 5.o..trott, Mac Garvey, Garvey.


m.o..c 5.o..rhn.o.., MacGowan, Ma­gowan, Magowen; Gaffney

m.o..c 5.o..01te, l.VlacGeehee; Mac Gee, Magee ; Wynne.

tl1.o..c 5.o..01tin, MacGeehin, Mac Geehan, Mageehan, Magea­han, MacGihen, MacGihan, MacGehan, MacGahan, Ma­gahan, Megahan, MacGean, Magean, Gahan ; Wynne.

m.o..c 5.o..or.o.., MacGeary. m.o..c, MacGaraghan,

MacGarahan, MacGarran, Garraghan, Garahan, Garran, Garron, etc.

m.o..c 5.o..r-ct.o..n, MacGartlan. m.o..c 5e.o..t.6.1n MacGellan. m.o..c Se.o..r.o..t-6, MacGeary. m.o..c, Fitzgerald, Fitz

Gerald. m.o..c, (?) MacGueran. m.o..c, MacGerrigan,

MacGarrigan, Garrigan, Gar­gan.

m.o..c 5e.o..r6t'O, MacGarrett. m.o..c 5etoe.o..nn.o..t5, MacGea­

veney, MacKeaveny, Mac Keaveney, Geaveny, Gea­veney, Keaveny, Keaveney, Keveney.

mAc 'setrbte, Kirby.

m.o..c 5tb, Gibson. m.o..c 51bne, MacGibney. m.o..c, MacGillan, 1.\iac

Gillen. m.o..c 5tlbe1f1'C, m.o.c 5tlltbe1}1'C,

Gilbertson, Gliberson, Gilbert. m.o..c 510bum, MacGibbon, Mac

Gibben, MacKibbon, O'Kib­bon ; Gibbonson ; Fitzgibbon, Gibbons, Gibbins, Gibbings, Gibbon, etc.

m.o.c 51 ot t.o.., Mac Gill, Magill, Gill.

m.o..c 51ott.o.. .o.c.o..t-6, Kilahy, Killackey.

m.o..c 51ott.o.. .6.-6.o..rh.o..;, Mac Lagan.

m.o..c 5tott.o.., Mac Alonan, MacLennan, Mac Lennon.

tn.o..c 51ott.o..'Oretr, Mac Landrish, Gillanders ; Ander­son.

m.o..c 5tott.o.. .o..ttce, Kilahy, Kil­lackey.

m.o..c 5tott.o.. .o..n 6l015, Bell. m.o..c 5tott.o.., MacAlarry,

MacAlary, MacClary, Mac Aleery, MacE leary, Mac Cleary, 1.\iacCleery, MacLary. MacLeary, MacLeery, (?) Callery, Calliry, Callery ; Cleary; Clarke, etc.

m.o..c, MacGilvane, MacKilwane, Macllvaine, Mac Elvaine, MacElwain, Mac Elwane, Macklewaine, Gil­livan, Kilbane; White, Whyte

111.o..c 5tolt.o.. be.o.r.o..t;S, Gilvarry, Gelvarry.

t11.o..c 5tott.o. ot;s, Kilbeg. m.o..c 510t t.o.. 1:Jr.6.t.o., MacGilli­

wray. m.o..c 5tolt.o.. ortc, Killerick. tn.o..c 5tott.o.. t>r15'0e, MacGill­

bride, Mac Kilbride, Mackle­breed, MacBride, Gillbride, Kilbride ; Bridson.

Page 84: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

m~.c :StottAUUl"()e, MacGlilowy, Magillowy, MacGilwee, Mac Gilvie, MacGilloway, Mac Gilway, MacKilvie, Mac Kelvey, Maclleboy, MacH­boy, Macllbwee, Macllwee,

·MacElwee, MacElvee, Muckil­bouy, MacA boy, MacA voy, MacEvoy, MacAvey, Gilboy, Gilvoy, Gilloway, Gilwee, Gil­bey, Kilboy, Killby, Kilby, Kilvey, Ilwee, etc.

m~c :StottA CAtttm, Kilcullen, Kilgallen, Kilgallon.

mAc :swttA CAtnnt5, Mac Ilhaney, Gilheany, etc.

mAc :StottAC.6.1f, Kilcash. mAc :StottAC..\OtC, Kilkey. mAc :StottACAOtn, ll1AC :StottA

CAotne, Kilcoyne, Coyne. mAc :Stott.<.\CA1111.6.1S, MacGil-

harry, Macllharry, MacEl­harry, MacAlarry, MacHarry.

mAc :StottA C.6."C.6tn, Maclllhat­ton, Macllhatton, :MacElhat­ton, Maclehatton, Mac Clatton, MacHatton, Hatton.

mAc :StottA CAtA111, Macllhar. Macllhair, (?) MacGlare, Kil­car, Kilcarr, Carr.

mAc :Stott.<\ CeAtlAt5, MacKil-kelly, Kilkelly, Gilkelly, Kelly, etc.

mAc :StottA ceq,e, Kilkeary, Keary, etc.

mAc :Stott.6. Cl.<\11.6-tn, Macllher­ron, MacKlern.

mAc 51 ot tAClAOln, Ki1cline, Cloyen, Cline, Clyne, etc.

mAc :Stott.6. COttle, Macllhoyle, MacElhoyle, MacElhill, (?) Hoyle, Hoyles ; Woods.

m.6.c :StottA Cottttn, Kilcullen. mAc :Stott.<\ C6tm-6eA'6, Corney.

mAc :Stott.<\ C01nnt5, MacRI-kenny, Macllkenny, Macll-


henny, MacElhenny, Mac Elhinney, Macllhoney, Mac Elhoney, MacAloney, Mac Alunny, MacAleney, Mac Alinney, Maclehenny, Macle­hinney, Maclhinney, Mac Linney, l\1acLuney, Kilkenny, Gilhea·ny, Ilhinney, Kenney, Heaney, etc.

mAc :Stott-6. COlfCle, Cuskley• Cushley ; Costello ; Cosgra ve• Cosgrove, etc.

1l1Ac :StottA Cotm, 111Ac :StottA cot u1tn, MacElholm.

mAc :StottA Com.&tn, Kilcom­mons.

1l1Ac 51ottA Corh'OAtn, f!1AC Stott.& corh5Atn, MacGllla­cowan, Macllhone, MacEl­hone, MacCowan, Cowan.

mAc :StottA Corh5Attt, Mac Cole, MacCool, Gilhool, Cole.

mAc 51ottA corc.<\111, Cosker, Coscor, Cusker, Cuscor ; Cos-grave, etc. . .

mAc :StottA 6111or-c, Gilchnst, Guilchrist, Gilcrist, Gilcrie~t, Kilchrist, Kilchriest, Kll­creest, Kilgrist, etc.

mAc StottA CU'OA, MacGilla­cuddy, MacGillecuddy, Mac Gillycuddy, MacElcuddy, MacElhuddy, etc.

mAc :StottA 6\utte, Kilcooley, Cooley.

m.<\c 51ottA 'Oe, Gildea, Kildea, Kilday, Gay ; Benson, etc.

mAc :StottA "OeAC.<.\tl1, Mac Dacker ; Harden ; Hardy ; Harman, Harmon.

1l1Ac Stott.<\ "'otrlnAt5, MacGill­downey, Maclldowney, Mac Eldowney, MacDowney, Gil­downey ,lldowney, Downey ,etc

mAc :StottA '0011CA, (?) Mac Ilderry, MacElderry, MacEl­drew.

Page 85: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

1TI..6.c 51oll.6. uuot-6.15, MacGil· dowie, Maclldowie, etc.

m.6.c 5wll.6.-6U1o, Macllduff, W·MacElduff, Gilduff, Kilduff,

Duff ; Black. m.6.c 51oll.6.uu1nn, MacElgunn,

MacElgun, Gilgunn, Kildunn, Dunne, Gunn.

m.6.c 51oll.6. e.6.1n, MacAlean, MacClean, MacClane, Mac Lean, MacLaine. MacLane, etc.

m.6.c 51oll.6. e.6.n.6.11l, Gilrain, Gilrane, Kilrain, Kilrane.

Gilleran, Killeran

m.6.c 510ll.6. e.6.ttn.6., MacAlear­ney, MacElerney, MacLerney.

m.6.c 510ll.6. e.6.rn.6.1n, MacAler­non, MacClearnon, Mac Clernon, MacClarnon, Mac Clernand, MacLernon, Mac Larnon, MacLorinan, Mac Larenon, MacLarinon.

m.6.c swtl-6. e.6.ftJU15, Mac Gillespie, Gillespie, Gillaspy, Gillespy, Galesby, Glaspy, Glashby, Glusby, Aspig ; Bishop.

m.6.c 510ll.6. e61n, Magloin, Maglone, Malone, MacAloon, MacAloone, MacClune, Mac Loone, MacLune, Gilloon, Gloon ; Monday, Munday.

m.6.c 51oll.6. t.6.ol.6.n1, Mac Clellan, MacLellan, MacClel­land, MacLeland, Gilfillan, Gilfilland, Kilfillan, Gillilan, Gilliland, Gellan, Gelland, Gleeland, Clelland, Leland, etc.

m.6.c 51oll.6. te-6.1'5.6., Macll­hargy.

tn.6.c 51oll.6. t1nue1n, Mac Alinden, MacAlingen, Mac Linden, Linden, Lindon.

m.6.c swtl.6.f1nn, MacGilpin, Gilpin.


ln.6.c 51oll.6. t1nne1n, Mac. Alinion, MacAlinon, Mac Aleenan, MacLennan, Gillin­nion; Leonard, etc.

m..6.c 51oll.6. tlOn"'-6., (?) Mac Alinda.

m.6.c 51oll.6. twnn.6.1n, Gillinan ;. Leonard, etc. ·

m.6.c 51oll.6. t1onm:.6.1n, Mac Alindon, MacClinton, lVIac Lindon, MacLinton, Lindon, Linton.

m.6.c 51oll.6. t1onnt:65, l\1ac Clintock, MacClyntock, Mac Lintock; Lindsay.

m.6.c 51oll., MacGilligan, MacElgan, Gilligan, Gilgan.

m.6.c 51oll.6.S.6.1tll), Kilgarriff, Kilgrew, Kilcrow, (?) Kil­gore, (?) Kilcourse.

mll.c 51oll.6. $.6.nn.6.1n, Kil-gannon.

m.6.c 510t l-6. se.6.q1r, Gilgar, Kil­gar.

m.6.c 51oll.6. se11rqnu, l\1ac Alivery ; Winter, Winters.

111.6-C 510ll.6. sell', Kilker. m.6.c 510l l.6.Sl.6.1f, Green. m.6.c 51olt.6.stunn, Gilgrinn. m.6.c 51oll.6.SU.6.l.6., Gillowly,

Gillooly, Gilooly, Gilhooly, Killooley.

111.6-c 510t l.6.SU11'm, Macllgorm. m6.c 510ll.6. Mf.6.Ct:.6., Mac

Lysaght, Lysaght, Lysat. m.6.c 510l l-6. 1 Of-6., Maclleese,

MacAleese, l\iacAleece, Mac Alish, MacLeese, MacLees, Maclise, MacLeesh, Mac Gleish, MacCleish, Gilleece, Gillis, etc.

111.6-c 510t l-6. te1t, Killelea. 111.6-c 510t l-6. tu.6.1trmn, Killoran m.6.c 510ll.6. ltMlt, Goodman ;

Goodfellow ; Good body. m.6.c 51oll-6. ti1.6.ou6:s, MacEl­


Page 86: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

m.o.c 5wtl.o.rn.o.o1l, Macllmoyle, Macllmoil, MacElmoyle, Mac Elmeel, Macklemoyle, Mac Meel.

m.o.c 51olt.o. ri1.&11-c.o.1n, Gilmartin Guilmartin, Kilmartin, Martin.

m.o.c 510ll.o. 1i1e.o.n.o., MacEl­venna, MacElvenny, Mac Elvany, Macllvany, Gilvany._

111.o.c 51oll.o. 1i1e.o.11no;S, War­nock.

m.o.c 510ll.o. 1i11C1l, MacMichael, MacMeel, Michael, Mitchell, etc.

m.o.c,· Macllveen, MacElveen, MacKilveen.

m.o.c 5wtt.o. m111, Gihner, Gilmor· m.o.c :swtt.o. 1i1 OCU"'-6., Mac

Gillacuddy, MacGillecuddy, MacGillycuddy, MacElcuddy, MacElhuddy, etc.

m~c 510l t.o. 1i1 U1pe, MacH-murray, MacElmurray, Mac Kilmurray, MacMurray, Kil­murry, Kilmary, Kilmore, Gil­more, Gilmour, Gilmor, Gil­mer, ~1urry, ~1urray.

m~c :swtl.o. 11.6. t1.6.0li1, ~1ac Elnea, MacAnea ve, Mac Anave ; Ford, Forde.

111.o.c :swtt.o. n.o. n-e.o.c, Gilnagh. 111.o.c :swtl.o. 1JAur.o.1;s, MacGil­

patrick, Macllpatrick, Mac Ilfatdck, MacElfatrick, Mac Ilfederick, MacElfedrick, Gil­patrick, Kilpatrick, Kirk­patrick; Fitzpatrick, etc.

tn.o.c 51 ott.o. 1Jc.o.u.o.1tt, Gil-fedder, Kilfeder, Kilfedder, Gilfeather.

tn.o.c 510ll.o. 1J61t., MacGilfoyle, Gilfoyle, Guilfoyle, Kilfoyle; Powell.

m.o.c 510tt.o.11.&1n, Gilleran, Gil­rain, Gilrane, Killeran, Kil­rain, Kilrane.


m.o.c 51oll.o. 111.o.fM1;S, MacGill-reavy, MacGilrea, MacEl-rea vy, ~1acllra vy, MacEl-reath, MacElwreath, :Mac 11-wraith, Macllrea, MacAreavy, l\1acArevy, Gallery, Callery, Killery, Kilgray; G,ray.

m.o.c 51olt.o. R6n.Am, Kilronan. m.o.c 510ll.o. Hu.o.-6.&1n, Mac · Elrone.

111.o.c 510tl.o. -pu.o.1-6, MacGillroy, Mac Gilroy, Macllroy, Mac Elroy, MacAlroy, Macleroy, Gilroy, Kilroy, llroy, Roy; King.

m.o.c 510tt.o. t.&m.o.1r, Mac Clavish.

tn.o.c 510tt.o. se.o.ct.o.1nn, Mac · Glaughlin, MacClaghlin, Mac

Clafflin, Clafflin. 111.o.c :swtt.o. Se.o.n.&1n, 111.o.c

510tt.o. S1011.&1n, ~1acGill­shenan, Gilshenan, Gilshenon, Gelshinan, Gilsenna, Gun­shinan ; Gilson ; Nugent; Leonard.

m.o.c 51ott.o. s-ce.o.r.A1n, Stephens 111.o.c 51 ot t.o. f'{nl1;S, Gilhooly,

etc. 1n.o.c :swtl.o. -cse.o.ct.o.1n11, Mac

A' Taghlin, MacTaghlin, Mac Taghlan ; Houston, etc.

111.o.c 510tl.o. -cse.o.n.A1n, Gilten-ane, Giltinane, Giltenan, Shannon.

111.o.c 5wtt.o.un:J111, MacAleer, MacLear, MacLure, Mac Clure.

111.o.c 5q1p .0.11 .o.·cMr-c.o.q,, 111.o.c 511'11 .o.11 .O.;So.r-c.o.1p, Nestor.

111.o.c :st.o.1r1n. n1.o.c :st.o.r.&1n, MacGlashin. MacGlashan; Green.

n1.o.c :stc.o.u11.o., MacGladery, MacGladdery, MacGlathery, Gladdry, etc.

m.o.c 5t{11n, Clune. 111.o.c :soo.o., Gow; Smith.

Page 87: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

m.6.c 5oo.6.nn, MacGowan, Mac Gowen, Magowan, Magowen; S1nith, Smyth.

111.6.c 50fp.6.-6.6., 1116-c 50fp.6.t-6, MacGaifrey, MacCafirey, etc.

n1.6.c 501ll, Giles, Gyles. m.6.c 501f"'C.6.lD, 111.6.C 5.6.1f-

"', Costello, Costelloe, etc.

n1.o.c 5opm.&tn, MacGorman, Gorman ; 0' Gorman.

111.o.c, 111.6.c 50l1m­S.6.tle, MacCormilla, Gormley.


1116-C Soi:.6.pU.6., 1Yl.o.c Sotp.o.t-6, MacGorry, Mac Gurry, l\1ac Corry, MacCurry, Godfrey, Garry, Corry, Curry, (?) Curoe.

m.o.c 5p.&tnne-, Granny. m.6.c 5l', l\1acGrath, Magrath,

etc. 1Yl.6.C 51'C., 111.6.C 511105.0.1p,

MacGregor ; Gregory. 111.6.c 51'1F1n, MacGriffin. 111.6.C 'Sl'lOS-6.111, MacGreer, Greer,

Grear, Grier ; Grierson, etc. m6.c 5u.o.5, MacGoog, Cooke. 111.6.C '5U.o.5£1n, 1Yl.6.C 5U.6.1cln,

111.6.C 5U.6.15l11, 111.\\C .5t115C.O.n, 111.6.c 5u15m, MacGutgap, Mac Guiggan, MacGuckian, Mac Quiggan, MacGookin, l\1ac Guckin, ~1acWiggan, Mac Wiggin ; Pigeon, Pidgeon.

111.o.c '5t1.o.tpc, MacQuarrie. 111.6.C 5U.6.l11.6.1C, 111.6.C 5t1.6.lp.6.15•

MacGolrick, 1\facGoldrick, Golrick, Goldrick, Gouldrick, etc.

111.6.c 11.6.tcet"', Hackett. 111.o.c ll.o.nnp-6.01, 111.6.C l',

MacHenry, MacHarry, Fitz­henry, Fitzharris, Feeharry, Henry, Harris, Harrison, etc.

m.6.c 11.6.ol, MacHale, Hale, Hales, Howell, Rowels, etc.

111.6.c l1e1l, MacHale.

111.6.c .hob, Hobson, Hopson, Hobbs ..

111.6.C l'lo1b1dn, Hobbikin, Hop­kin, Hopkins, Hopkinson.

111.6.c l1 01pbfn, Harbinson, Har­bison, Harbeson, etc.

1Yl.6.c l'lo1pe.6.b.&1p"', 111.6.C l'l01'}1e­.6.b.6.1f1"0, Fitzherbert, Herbert­son, Herbison.

111.6.c l'lotr-ce, Hasty, etc. 1Yl.6.c 11 o1rndn, Hodgkins, Hodg­

kinson, etc. 111-<ic l'lut5fn, Hugginson, Hig­


111.6.c l'lun-pp.6.1U, MacHanfry, l\1achanfry; Humphries, Hum­phreys, etc.

111.6.c 1.6.56, Iago, lgo, Igoe. 111.o.c 1.6.565, Igo, lgoe. 111.6.C 1.6.111, MacKean.

'n1.6.c 1nnetp5e, MacKeniry, Mac Eniry, MacN eiry, Mac Kenncry, MacKenery, Mac Enery, l\1acEnry, Kiniry, &c.

111.6.c 1nnpe.6.Ct:.6.1S, MacEnright, Inright, Enraght, Enright.

111.6.c 1 oll1.6.c.&tn, Eagleton. 1116-C 1 0111<.\ql, 111.6.C 1 orn.6.1p, Mac

I vor, 1\'Iacl ver, MacEiver, l\Iac Kiever, 1\'IacKiver, l\1ac Ever, 1\'IacKevor, MacKeever, MacKeevor, MacCure, Mac Ivers, Ivers, Eivers, Keevers~ etc.

111.6.C'-C, Montgomery, Gomory ; Ridge.

111.6.C, Love. 111.6.c 1onnr.6.ct:.6.t5, MacEnright,

Enraght, Inright, Enright. 111 ... \C 1 OfOC, 1Yl.6.C 1 Of05, 1Yl.o.C

1rc6s, l\1acKisock, 1\tiacCus­sack, Kissack, Cusack.

111.6.C L.\U)1.6.U.O., MacLavery, Mac Clary, Clowry.

111<.\c l.6.l)p~tn, Cloran

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tH.\c to.op . .\tnn, MacLaurin, Mac · Lauren, MacLaren ; Lawren­

son, Laurison, etc. n1o.c t.o.f>r..\tf, Lawrenson,

Lawrinson, Laurison, Lawson, etc.

111.o.c, MacLachlin, ·Mac Lachlan, MacLaughlin, Mac Claughlin, MacClafflin, Claf­flin, etc.

tn.o.c, m.o.c, MacLamond, l\1acLimon t, MacClamon, MacClymon, Mac Climond, MacClimont, Mac Clemonts, MacClement, Mac Clymonds, Clymonds, Cli­mons, Lammon, Lamond, Lamont, Limond, Limont, &c.

n1o.c to.tutf:;, MacLea, MacLee, Lea, Lee, Leigh.

111o.c;, MacLaverty, MacClaff erty, MacCleverty.

t11.o.c t.o.ti::1lh, MacLave, Mac Clave, Claffey, Claffy ; Hand.

mo.c t.o.otutf:;, MacLea, MacLee, Lea, Lee.

n1.o.c;, Claffey, Claffy. tn.o.c te.o.nn.o.c..\tn, MacLenaangh

MacLenahan, MacLeneghan, MacLenighan, MacLennan, l\1acClenaghan, MacClenahan, MacCleneghan, MacClenighan, MacClennon, Clenaghan, &c.

111.o.c te61u, MacLeod, Mac Cleod, MacCloud.

111o.c tt.o.m, Wilson. ·n1.o.c tocl.o.tnn, MacLochlin,

MacLoghlin, MacLaughlin, Loughlin, etc ; Loftus.

.n1.o.c totne..\tn, MacLennan, MacLennan ; Leonard.

m.o.c to1nsre.o.c..\tn, Lynchehan. tn.o.c tomsrtf:;, MacClinchy,

Clinchy. m.o.c tuc..\tf, MacLucas (?) Mac

Cluggage, Clucas. 1n.o.c tut:;.o.u.o., Lowe.

111.o.c tu1n5e, MacLung, ::\1ac Clung.

1n.o.c tutrs. MacLurg, :Mac Clurg.

n1.o.c 1i1.o.u6c, 1l1.o.c 1i1.o.u6s, V ad dock, V adock, Waddock, Waddick, Weadock, Maddox, etc.

m.o.c n1.o.t;nutr, n1.o.c m.o.t:;nur.o., MacManus, MacManis, Manus, Manasses.

1l1.o.c 111.o.tc1n, MacMackin, Mac­kin, Macken.

111.o.c 111..\tt;e, MacMay, Mawe, May, Mea.

111.o.c 111..\tf:;eoc, n1.o.c n1..\tf:;e6s, MacMay, Mawe, May, Mea; Condon.

111.o.c 111..\tt;t\1, Mahew. 111-&c m.o.tne, (?) Mayne, Maynes. n1.o.c 111..\qrdn, Fitzmartin,

Martin, Marten, Martyn. m.o.c n1.o.ti::1r, Mathias. m.o.c, MacMannon,

MacMannion. m.o.c rh.o.otl uum, Maclldoon. m.o.c n1.o.ottln, MacMillin, Mac­

Millen. 1l1.o.c m.o.otl 1 or.o., Malise, Mellis, 1n.o.c n1.o.o1ttr, MacMoyler, l\·:Iey­

ler. t11.o.c t11.o.ot..\1n, MacMullan, Mac

Mullen, MacMullin, Mac Mullon,MacMillan, MacMillen, MacB1ain, Mullin, Mullins, &c.

m.o.c 111.o.otcolu11n, Malcolmson, Malcomson, Malcolm.

n1.o.c 1i1.o.ot-cutle, MacAtilla, Tully ; Flood.

m.o.c ti1.o.on.o.1f:;, MacWeeney, (?) Queeney.

m.o.c, MacMonegal, MacMonigle, Monagle, etc.

MacMonagle, Macl\-Ionigal, MacMunigal,

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111<.\c 111.-\11Culr, lVIarcus, Marks. ffi.<.\c 111.<.\t.<.\, MacMagh, Mac

lVIath, l\1acMa. 111.<.\c 1i1.6.t.6., l\1athewson, Mathe­

son. ffi.<.\c 1i1.6.t.6.1n, Matheson.

ffi.<.\c ffi.6.t;S.6.rnn.6., MacMaghone, MacMaghon, MacMaghen, MacMachon, MacMahon, Mac Mahan, MacMann, Mahony, :\'Iahon ; Matthews, Mathews.

111.<.\c 111e.<.\U<.\C.6.1n, Wade, Waide. 1n.<.\c 111e.6.nm.6., MacManamy,

MacMena1ny, MacMenemy, MacMinamy.

ffi.<.\c 1i1e.6.nm.6., MacVanamy. 111.<.\c 111e.6.nm.6.n, MacManaman,

MacManamon, .MacMenamon, MacMenamen, MacMenemen, Menemin, Merriman, Merry­man, etc.

111.<.\C 1i1e.6.1'.&1n, l\facVerran, Mac Ferran.

111.<.\C ti1e.6.1'n6s, Warnock. 111.<.\C 111e11Jl11C, 111.<.\C 111e1111~,

111.<.\c m10r1c, Meyrick, May­rick, l\1errick.

111.<.\C 1111.<.\U.<.\c.&ln, (?) MacMee­chan, MacMeekan, MacMee­kin, etc.

ffi.6.c 1111C1t, MacMichael, Mac Michall, MacMighael, MacMeel.

ffi.<.\C 1111C1tln, MacMichalin. 111.<.\c 1111t1-6, Miles, Myles, Moy­. les. 111.<.\C 111ll1 r. Miles, l\1yles. ffi.<.\c ti11otcon, Macllchon, Mac . Conn. ffi.<.\C t111olulc, Malick, Mulick,

Mullock, Mulleague. m.o.c Hlo;Sr.&m, 111.<.\c mu;Sr61n,

MacMurran, MacMurren, Mac Mouran, MacMorran, Mac Moran, MacMorin, Mac Murrin, Moran, etc.

ffi.<.\c ri1unn.6., .MacPhun.


ffi.<.\c 111uq1ce.6.l\'C.6.1;S, MacMur-trie, lVIaclVIurtery, MacMurtry, MacMurdy, MacMordie, Mac Mrearty, MacBrearty, Mac Briarty, MacMearty, Mac Merty, Murtagh, Mortagh, Murtaugh, Murdaugh, Mur­doch, Murdock, Murdow, Murtha, Murta, Murdy, Murt ; Mortimer.

ffi.6.c 1i1ulrco.Uj1'C.6.1;S, MacCurdy, MacKurdy, MacKirdy.

111.<.\c t11u1re.<.\u.u1;S, l\1acl\1urry, MacMorry, MacMorray, Mac. Murray; l\1acMorrow; Murry, Murray ; Morrow.

111.6.c 1i1t1111e.6.-6.<.\1S, Currie, Curry.

111.<.\c 111Ull1SC.6.f..\, 111.<.\C 11h111'S'l'• MacMorris, Morrissey, Morris.

11"1.<.\c 111uq\1f, 111.<.\C 1i1u1t'1f, Mac Morris ; Morrison, Fitz­maurice, l\1aurice, Morris, &c.

111.<.\C t11t11t'1f Ht1.6.1U, 111.<.\C ti1u1111f RU.<.\1-6, Morris-Roe, Morrisroe.

111.<.\c 111t11pn15, :Murney. 111.<.\C 111 upc.6.'6.6., MacMurrough,

MacMorrow ; Morrowson ; Murrough, Morrogh, l\iurrow, Morrow, Murphy.

111.<.\C 111 upc.6.'6.6.<.\c, :Mac l\1urrough Kavanagh.

ffi.6.c n1urc.6.1n, MacMurchy; Murchison ; Murphy.

111.<.\C 111 urc.Aln, MacMoran, l\1ac Morin, l\1urchan, l\1urkin, Morkin, etc.

111.<.\c 111u11S.6.l.&1n, lVIac.Murlan, Murland, Murtland, Morland, l\1ortland, Moreland, etc.

111.<.\c tl.6.1tln, Nallen. ffi.<.\c t1.<.\011h1n, MacNiven, Nivin,

Nevin, Neven, Neavin, Nevins.

ffi.6.c n.&-r.6.-6.u1;S, MacNarry, Mac Neary, Manary. .

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tn.o.c n.o.otr, n1.o.c n.o.or.o., 1\1a.c Niece, MacN eece, MacN eese, MacN eice, MacNish, Manice, Mannice, Meneese, Miniece, Minnis, Minnish, Kinnish, Kennish, Mannix, etc.

m.o.c t1e.o.ct::.o.1n, MacNaghten, MacN aghton, MacN aughten, MacNaughton, MacCracken, MacNaught, MacNeight, Mac Kneight, MacKnight, Mac Night, Mannight, Menaght, Menautt, Minett, Minnitt, &c.

m.o.c netue, MacNeigh, Mac Neagh, MacNay, MacNea, MacNee.

m.o.c net5tlt, Neilson, Nielson, Nelson.

tn.o.c nettl, MacNeill, Mac N eile, MacNeal, etc.

m"'c nt.o.-6, MacNea, l\1acNee, (?) Neeson.

tn.o.c nt.o.tt5utr, n1.o.c nt.o.ttsur.o.. MacN elis, MacEneilis, Mac Enealis, MacN eilage, Manelis, Nealis, Nelis .•

111.o.c t1tc, Nixon. m.o.c 11tOC.6.1f, Nix; Woulfe. tn.o.c nwct.&tf, l\!IacNicholas ;

Nixon; Clausson, Classon. 111.6.C 1110COtl, 111.6.C 1110COtl,

MacNicol, lVIacNickle ; Nicol­son, Nicholson, Nicholl, etc.

m.o.c nu.o.u.o.u, n1.o.c 11u.o.u.o.-c, MacNutt, Noud, Nowd; Con­

m.o.c nu.o.tL&tn, Nolan. [way. 111.o.c 6u.o., Cody, Coady ; Arch­

deacon. 111.6c Otbtdn, Hobbikin, Hop­

kin, Hopkins, Hopkinson. tn.o.c, Kingston,

King stone. m.o.c Otf"'C.o.l o, m.o.c Olf"'C.<.\l o­

.4\lS, CostelloE>, Costello, Cos­tellow, Costily, Costley, etc.

m.o.c Otr1n, l\1acCushen. m.o.c Otft::e, 1\1acGusty, Hosty,

Hasty, etc.

m.o.c Otft::tdn, 111.o.c Otft::ts1n, Costigan ..

111.o.c Otrdn, Castine, Costin, Costen.

m.o.c Ott::tp, MacCotter, 1\1ac Cottier, MacCottar, Cotter; Otterson, etc. ·

tn.o.c, MacOscar, Mac Usker, MacCosker, :Mac Cusker, :MacKusker, MacKus­car; Cosgrove, Cosgrave, etc.

n1.o.c ', MacCosbey. *111.o.c, MacOstrich. n1.o.c, MacPhatrick, . MacFattrick, MacFettrick. m.o.c p..5.ur.o.tdn, 1n.o.c

1n, m.o.c p..5."0J1.6.15ln, 111.6.C p..5.ur.o.ts1n, Fitzpatrick; Patri­cian, Parrican, Paragon.

n1.o.c 1J..5.tu, MacFate, MacFeat, Fade.

111.-.\c p..5.tu1n, MacPaden, Mac Padian, MacFadden, MacPad­dan, MacPadgen, Pattinson, Patterson, Pattisson, Paddi­son, Patten, Payton, etc.

n1.o.c 1J..5.tu1n, MacPhadden, Mac Faden, MacFaddin, Mac Fadden, MacFeddan, Faddin, Vadin; Fagin, Fagan; Patterson ; Padden, Patten, Cussane, etc.

m.o.c, MacFall, MacFalls, Mac Vail, Vail.

m.o.c, 1n.o.c 1J.o.rt.o.­t..5.m, n1.o.c, 1114.\C p..5.vt.o.l.&tn, 1n.o.c p.&rt::l.&tn, n1.o.c p.o.rtt6tn, n1.o.c lJ.o.v­t.&tn, MacParlin, MacFarland, MacPartlan, MacPartland, MacPartlin, MacPharland, MacFarlaine, MacFarlane, MacFarland, MacBartley, MacBarklie, Parlon, Partland, Bartley, Bartolomew, &c,

tn.o.c, MacFeeters ; Peterson, Petterson, Peters, Fetters.

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m.o.c pe.6.1rdn, Parkinson, Per­t~,; kins. t11.o.c pe.o.-opuq\ MacFetrish,

:MacPhettridge, l\IacFetridge, MacFettridge, MacFatridge, ~vfacFattridge, Fettridge, etc.

m.o.c pe1ce, MacPeake,MacPake: 111.o.c 1J1., 111.o.c 1J1.o.ptl1C,

Feerick. n1.o.c p1.o.p.o.1r, Pierson, Peirson'

Pearson, Pierce, Pearse, etc. n1.o.c fho.11.6.1f, MacFeerish, etc. 111-o.c 1J1b, Phipson, Phipps,

Phibbs. 111.o.c 1J1bin, Phippin, Phippen. 111.o.c 1J1l1b, MacPhillips, Phil­

lips, Philips ; Philipson, Phil­son.

111-o.c 1J1lbin, 111.o.c 1J1l1bin, :Mac Philpin, MacPhilbin, O'Filbin, Philipin, Phillipin, Philbin, Filbin ; Plover.

tn.o.c 1J61l, l\1acPaul, MacPhail, MacFall, MacFalls, MacVail, Vail ; Paulson, Polson, Pawl­son, etc.


111.o.c p61lin, MacPolin, Polin, Poland.

m.o.c 1lAf;.o.1ll15, 1\IacCrilly, Creilly, Crilly, Crelly, Creely.

n1.o.c H.6.f;.o.ll.o.15, Crawley. tn.o.c H.o.:Sn.o.1ll, MacRannall,

MacRanald, l\iacRandell, :Mac Crindle, MacReynold, Mac Reynolds ; Randalson, Ron­dalson, Reynoldson, Rannals, Randals, Randles, Ranolds, Reynolds, etc.

t11o.c H.O.l:Sllllf;, Crigley. m"'c H.o.1f;ne, Reyney, Ryney,

Reany, Rainey, etc. 111-o.c H.o.1t, l\iacRay, MacRea,

l\iacCraith, MacCray, l\Iac Crea, Mac\;vray, Rea, etc.

111"'c H.o.Olf, n1.o.c n.o.or.o., :to.fac Creesh, MacCrcech.

111o.c, 1\lacCracken.

m.o.c ne.o.mo1nn, MacRedmond,· Redmond, Redmont, Redmun

m.o.c He1ll, MacCrail. m.o.c R1.o.o.o.15, MacReavy, Mac

Crea vy, MacCrcevy, Mac Crevey.

t11.o.c H1"'-o.o., l\'IacReedy, Mac Ready, MacCreedy, Mac Cready, etc.

m.o.c H1A:S.6.1n, Creegan, Cregan, Cregg an.

tn.o.c H1ce1-o, Cricket ; Ricket­son, Rickets

111.o.c H10C.6.1p"O, 111-6-C 1l10C.6.1}'\"0, MacRichard, Crickard ; Dick­son, Dixon; Sinclair, St. Clair.

111-6-C Hlf"CC~l}'\"0, 111 .... \C Hlr-ce­ulp"O, l\iacRichard ; Richard­son, Richards.

111.o.c H1i::oe.o.p-c.o.15, MacCrifferty, 111.o.c Hob, l\iacRub, l\'IacCrnb.

MacRubs ; Robson, Robbs. 111.o.c Hot>.o.p-c..._\lS, IvlacRoarty. 111.o.c n.o-o.o.1i), Ruddy. tn.o.c no-o-6111, n'IacCrudden,

Crudden, Rodden, Roddon, Rudden, Ruddon, etc.

111.o.c Hof;.o.ll.o.15, Crowley, Croly, Crolly.

111.o.c Ro1be.&1p-o, 111.o.c Hol-be.o.lp-o, l\IacRoberts, l\iac Crobarts; Robertson, Roberts

n1.o.c H.o1bin, l\IacRobin, Crib­bin, Cribbon, Cribbins ; Robinson, Robbinson, Rob­bins.

n1.o.c H01b111·o, v. 111.o.c Hol­be.o.qt-o.

111.o.c Hu.o.,-6, Roe, Rowe, Roy. n1.o.c H. u.o.1'"6pi, l\iacRoary, Mac

Rory, l\1acArory, l\1acCrory ; Rorison ; Rogerson, Rogers, Rodgers.

*n1.o.c 1lt1..._\pc.6.n1, l\IacCrorken. tn.o.c H.urori, 1\IacReery, Mac

Creery, l\1acCreary. 111.oc S.o.1ilp.6.1n, Somers.

Page 92: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

111.o.c s"'muet, Samuelson,, Sam-1 uels.

tll.o.c S.o.n"'.6.1t', Sanderson, Saunderson, Sanders,. Saun.­ders.

1l16.c S"'OS.6.1t', Searson, Seares, Sears, Sear, etc.

111.o.c sc.o.1t51t, Scahill, Skahill, Schaill.

111.o.c sc"'l.o.15e, Miskelly, Mis­cella, Miskella, Scally, Skelly.

m.o.c Sce.o.c.6.1n, MacSkeaghan,. MacSkean, Skehan; Thorn­ton.

111.o.c Scol615e, MacScollog ; Farmer.

111.o.c Se.o.vrar6, MacShaffrey, MacSheffrey, MacShufrey, Shaffery ; Jefferson, J effre­son, ] effries, ] effers, etc.

tn.o.c se.o.5.6.1n, 111.o.c se.6.1n, Mac Shane, MacShan, MacCheyne, Shane, Cheyne ; Johnson, ] ohnston, Johnstone.

m.o.c se.o.mu1r, ] ameson, J emi-son, etc.

m.o.c Se.o.n.o.c.6.1n, MacShannon. mac se.o.n.6.1n, MacShannon. 1l16.C, 1116.c,

MacShanaghy, Shanaghy, Shanahy ; Fox.

111.o.c, MacShanley, Shanley.

m.o.c, m.o.c se.o.vtu1r, Charleson, Charles.

ffi6.c Se.o.t-tp.o.15, MacSharry, Mac Sherry, Sharry, Sherry; Feley, Foley.

n1.o.c Se.o.t'r.o.c, Sear, Seares, Sears.

111,6.C Se.o.1,t.o., 111-0.C Se.o.rt,6.1U, Shera, Sheera, Shirra ; Hod­nett ; Fitzpatrick.

m.o.c se.o.rtu1n, Shearhoon, (?) Syron; Prendergast ..

m.o.c Se1mdn, Jenkinson, J en­kins, Jinkins, etc.

m.o.c Se1nfn, J ennens, Jennings.

111.o.c se61n, Johnson, Joneson, Jones, etc.

111.6.C se61nfn, O'Keoneen, Keoneen ; Jennings.

111.o.c S1.6.C,6.1f, m.o.c S1.6.CU1f, Jackson.

m"'c S1m, MacKim ; Simson,. Simpson, Sims, etc.

m.o.c S1m1-6, MacKimmie; Fraser. m.o.c siou.o., MacSheedy, Sheedy. m.o.c swrr.o.1-6, MacShufrey, &c. m.o.c sfos.o.1r, Sigerson. 111.6.C sfom61n, 111.6.C Sfomolnn,

Fitzsimon, Fitzsimons, Fitz­simmons, Simons, Simmons, Symons, Simonds, Symonds, etc.

111.6.C SfomOH1, m.&c Sl0l1101l1l1, MacKimmon, MacKeemon, MacKeeman, etc.

111-&c sfb5, MacSheehy, Sheehy. m.&c sfbt, lVIacKeith, Mac

Heath. 1ll.o.c Sn::::t'1c, MacKittrick, Mac

Kitterick, MacKettrick, Mac Ketterick, MacKirtrick, Mun­kittrick, Kittrick, Kitterick, Setright.

n1"'c S1ur-c.6.111, ] ourdan, ] ordan, J urdan, etc.

111.o.c slenhne, MacSliney, Sleyne, Sliney, Sliny.

m.o.c stu.o.:S.o.-6.&1:5, MacSlowey, MacSloy.

m.o.c So1ll15, MacSolly, Mac Soley, Solly.

n1.o.c Sol-6.1111, Soloman, Solomon Solomons.

1n.o.c, MacSorely, Mac Sorley, MacSurley.

n1.o.c sp.6.1ufn, MacSpaddin, MacS peddin.

m.o.c Spe.&l.6.m, m.o.c Spe.o.ll.6.m, Spencer, Spenser.

m.&c s-ce.&r.6.m, m.&c s-ce1m1n, ffi.&C S'C1.6.0l1.6., ffi.&C S'C1.&mn.6., m.o.c S-c1o1n, m.&c sdn, mAc S'C10f.6.1t1, 111.o.c S-c1op.6.m, Mae

Page 93: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

Steen, Fitzstephen, Fitz­stephens; Stephenson, Stevenson, Stevinson, Sten­son, Steenson, Steinson, Stin­son, Stephens, Stevens, &c.

m.6c SU.6tn, MacSwan ; Swain­son, Swanson.

m.6c Sufon·e, MacSeveney, Mac Swiney, MacSweney, Mac Sweeney, MacSween, Mac Swine, Swiney, Sweeney, &c.

m.6c .Sull)ne, MacQueen (?) MacQuiney, (?) MacQuinney, (?) MacWhinney (?) Mac Whinny, (?) MacWiney, (?) MacWeeny, etc.

*m.6c Sutstn, MacSwigin, Mac Swiggin, MacSwiggan.

tl1.6C C.6t-65, MacTeigue, .l.Vlac Tigue, lVIacTeague, Mac Tague, Teige, Teigue, Teague, Tague, Tigue, Tighe ; Mon­tague.

ffi.6c C.6t-65, MacAig, MacHaig, MacCaig, MacCaigue, Mac Kaige, MacKague, MacKage) MacKaigue,, Mac Keague, Keag, Keague, e-tc,

ffi.6c -c.6.m.6tf, MacTavish ; Thompson.

ffi.6c ", MacAvish, Mac Cavish, Cavish.

tno.c "Ct5e.6tm.6t5, MacTierney. ffi.6.c "Ct5e.6rnAtn, MacTiernan,

MacTernan, Tiernan, Ternan. m.6c ", MacKiernan,

MacKernan, MacCarnon, Mac Harnon, Kiernan, Kernan, Kernon ; Lord.

mo.c "CotmtUn, m.6c "totmttln, Tomlinson, Tomlin, Tomlyn, Timlin, Timblin, etc.

1l16.c "C6tmtdn, Tomkinson, Tomkins, Tompkins.

1116.c "Cotm1n, Timmin, Timmins, . Timmons, Tymmins, . Tym­


ffi.6c "Cotr-oe.6to.6t5, Torley~ Turley; Terrence, Terry.

1l1.6c totr-oe6.t o.6t5, MacCorley, MacKerley, MacKerlie, Mac Gorley, Corley, Gorley, Cur­ley, Kerley, Kerly, Kirley.

m.6c "t6m, MacComb, Mac · Combs, MacCombes, Combes,

Homes, Holmes. 111.6.c t:6mtttc, MacComick. m.6.c "C0tn.61f, 111.6.C "Cotn.6.1f,

Thompson, Thomson, Thomas etc.

ffi.6C ", MacCon1ish, Mac Combes, MacCombs, Cornish, Combes, Homes ; Holmes.

ffi.6c ", Holmes. 1l1.6c "ConMt"t::.6.t:S, Tomilty,

Tumalty, Tumilty, Tumelty, Tumiltey, Tumblety ; Timo­thy.

ffi.6.c t:opc...\"0.6tl, l\1acCorcadalc, MacCorcodale, l\1acCorquo-dale, MacQuorcodale.

tl1.6C"COf'C.6tl t, Thurkell, Thur­kill, Thirkell, Thurklc, etc.

tl1.6c to11C...\ttl, MacCorkill, Mac Corkell, MacCorrikle, Mac

· Corkle, Corkhill. t11.6.c "tpet nttf', MacCreanor,

MacCranor, MacCrainor, Mac Crenor, Treanor, Trenor, Trayner, Trainor, Traynor, Tranor.

t11.6c "Cu-6-t...\tl, MacToole, Toole. 111.6c "Cu.6i:C.6tt1, l\1acTucker. 111.6c "Cmtc, Tully ; Flood. ffi.6C "Cutrc, l\1acTurk. ffi.6c "Cttt'C.6tll, MacCorkill, Mac

Corkell, MacCorkle, Corkhill, . etc. n1.6C tl-61"0, MacQuaid, l\1ac

Quaide, MacQuade, Mac Quoid, MacWade, Quaid,

, Quaide, Quade, Quoid, etc. 1116.C U.6tl"t::ptn, 111.6C U.6tl"Of'tn,


Page 94: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

t11.6.C U.6.1t:, Watson, Watts. tn.6.c U.6.1-ceq1, MacWatters, Mac

Quatters; Waterson, Waters, Watters.

m.6.c U.6.l up.&1n, Waldron. 111.6.C U.6.lS.6.11'5· Coldrick. 111.6."0 U.6.ll.6.c.&1n, Coulahan, Cou­

lihan, Colahan, Coolaham, &c. m.6.c U.6.tront:.6., Waldron. m.6.c' •. MacWalter, Mac

Qualter; Walters, Qualters, Walter, Qualter.

m.6.c Un)1tln, 111.6.C U1-6tln, m.6.c U1;51l.1n, MacQuillin, Mac Quillian, MacQuillan, lVIac Quillen, MacQuillon, &c.

t11.6.c U1-6l1-6, MacQuilly, Mac Willie.

m.6.c U1ldn, MacQuilkin, Mac Quilkan, MacQuilquane, Mac Wilkin, MacKilkin, Kilken, Culkeen, Kulkeen, Culkin, Quilkin; Kilkisson ;Wilkinson, Wilkison, vVilkin, Wilkins, &c.

m.6.c U1le.6.5011), MacElligott. rn.6.c U1ll1.6.m, MacWilliam,

MacCulliam, Mac Williams, MacQuilliams; Williamson, Williams, Willison, Wilson, &c.

m.6.c U1ll1me1u, Killemeade, Kiliemet, Killimith, Kilmet; Woods.

111.6.c U1rdn, MacCuskin. m.6.c Ulft:1n, MacQuistan, lVIac

Question, MacQueston, Mac Whiston, Houstin, Houston, Huston, &c.

m.6.c Unft'.6.1U, Humphreys, Humphries, &c.

t11.6.u6c, 111.6."005, Maddock, Maddocks, Maddox, &c.

m.6.5 .&-6.6.1m, Magaw, Megaw, MacGaw, etc.

m.6.5 -6.1t'e.6.ct:.6.1;5, MacGarrity. Magarrity, Megarrity, Ma­garty, Garity, Garrity, etc.


m.6.5 ...1.1iMl;S-<1-6.6., m.{\~ -6.m.6.t­:S.{\1-6, Magawley, M~cGawley, MacGawlay, MacGaulay Cawley. '

m.6.5 .<:\nn-6.1-6, Magan, MacGann. m-6.5 -6.o-6.6., 111.6.5 -6.01-6, Magee,

MacGee, MacGhee, MacGhie, Ghee, Gee.

m.6.5 -6.~l1SU1f, m-6.5 -6.0fiSUf-6., Mag~1ness, Maguinness,. Ma­ge~ms, Maginness, Mac Gumness, MacGenniss Mac Guinnessy, Meginniss,' etc.

m-6-s -6.11-6-c.&m, MacGaraghan MacGarahan, MacGarran' Garraghan, Garahan, Garran: Garron, etc.

111.6.5 -6.fC-6.1ll, MacGaskell. m..15 t>p.&u-6.15, MacCrady, 1\Iac

Grade. m-6.5 t>r-6.u.&1n, Graden, Groden. m-6.5 t>p-6.on.&1n, MacGrienan.

Greenan. 111.6.5 t>ru-6.U.6.1ft, Magroder, Mac

Grudder. 111.6.5 C.6.ft'-6.1-6, MacGaffrey, Mac

Caffrey, Caffrey, etc. 111.6.5 C-6-n-6., Magann, Magan.

MacGann, MacGan, etc. 111.6.5 C-6-n-6-tln, MacGannon ;

Magann, MacGann. 111.6.5 C-6.t1l1.6., Magann, Magan,

MacGann, l\1acGan, etc. m-6.5 C-6.t't'S-6.1hn-6., MacGroany.

Growney, O'Growney ; Gaff­ney ; Caulfield.

m-6.5 C1ne.&1t, MacKenna, Gen­nagh, Ginnaw, Ginna, Guinna, Kennagh, Gna, etc. ; Ginnane.

111.6.5 Cocl.&1n, MacCoghlan., MacCoughlan, Coghlan, Coughlan, Coughlin, etc.

m-6.5 C01t1-6, 111.6.5 Co1l1;S, Ma­gilly, MacGilly, etc. ; Cox, Cox e.

Page 95: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

ffi.6.5 Con5.6.1l, l\1acGonagle, Mac L Conigle, MacGonegle, Mac ti Gonegal, MacGonigal, Mac l- Gonnigle, MacConnell, Gun-

nigle, Gunnell. n1.6.5 corcp-6.1n, Corcoran, Cork­

ran, Corkeran, etc. ~1.6.5 COpf\.6.1Uln, 1Yl.6.5 COf1f1-6.1n~

· 111.6.5 Copp.6.0ln, MacGorrin, r""l\IacGurran, MacGorrian, Mac ~j Currin, MacGurn, Currin, &c. n1.6.5 Cf1.6.1i:, Magrath, Mac

Grath, MacGragh, Magragh, Megrath, Magraw, etc.

111.6.5 CU1f1C, MacGuirk, Mac · Gurk, l\1acGurke. 111.6.5 '6.6-uuc, 111.6.5 U.6.1Ju1c, Mac

Gavick, MacGavock, etc. 111.6.5 -6onn.6.5-6.1n, Gunnigan. 111.6.5 UOf1C.6.1U, 111.6.5 ~6orc.6.1-De,

l\IacGourkey, MacGourty, MacGoorty, MacGorty.

111.6.5 'Uuu-6.111, Maguane, Mac Guane, MacGuone ; Mac Gowan, Magowan.

111~5 ~6u11), l\1acGuff, MacGiff. 111.6.5 ~OulUflnn, MacGuffin, Mac

Guffen, MacGiffen, Mac Gaffin.

111.6.5 ~6u1u1n, Giveen, Givin, Given, Givan.

111.6.5 '6u11Jne, MacGivney, Mac Givena.

n1~5 UulnC.6.C.6.1p, Ganagher. 111.6.5 Uumnc..\u-6.m, Guinevan, .

Ginivan. · 111.6.5 C.6.C.6.U.6., l\1acGeagh, Mac

Gagh, l\1acGaugh, etc. 111.6.5 C.6.C.6.5-6.1n, MacGaffigan,

Gahagan, Gavagan, Gavigan, Gavacan, Gaffikan, Gaffikin, Gagan, etc.

111.6.5 e.6.c.6.1-D, l\1acGahey, J\1ac Gahy, MacGaughey, l\Iac Gaughy, MacGaggy, l\1ac Gaugie, Gahey, Gaffey, Gaugy ; Hackett.

111.6.5 e.6.c-6.1n, MacGahan, Maga­han, Megahan ; Magan, Ma­gann ; Geghan, Gaughan, Gahan, etc.

111.6.5 e.6.c1~-6.1n, MacGaughran, Magaheran, Magahern, Mac Gahran, t?) MacGawran, (?) MacGarran, Gaughran.

n1.(\5 C.6.nn.6., (?) l\1acGeany. 111.6.5 e.6.i:.6.c, l\1acGeagh, Mac

Gagh, MacGaugh, Gaff, etc. 111.6.5 CllJ1p, 111.0.5 C11h1p, Mac

Gaver. 111.6.5 en:e.6.5-6.1n, 111.6.5 erc15e1n,

l\1agettigan, J\1acGettigan. 111.6.5 en:15, l\Iagetty, Getty.

111.0.5 Coco'CM, l\1acGeough, Ma­geogh, Magough, l\1acGough, MacGoff, Gough, Goff, etc.

111.0.5 Coc.6.5-6.1n, Mageoghegan, MacGeoghegan, MacGoogan, 1\IacGuigan, l\IacGuiggan, l\1aguigan, Geoghegan, Geha­gan, Gehegan, Geogan, Gea­gan, Geghan, Gegan, Coogan, Gogan, etc.

111.6.5 Coc.0.1-D, l\1acGeoy, Mac Goggy, etc.

111 ... "5 Coc.6.1-61n, l\IacGuickian, l\iacGughian, l\IacGuckian, l\IacGookin, ~1acGuckin Guckeane, Gucken, Guckian: Guigan, Guiken, etc.

111.6.5 eoc-6.1n, l\1acGoohan, l\1ac Guighan, Guigan, etc.

111.6.5 cos.6.1t1, 111.6.5 co111, l\1a­geown, l\IacGeown, Magowen, MacGowen, Magone, Gowen, Geon.

111.6.5 eoi:.6.c, l\1acGeough, l\1a­geogh, Magough, MacGough, MacGoff, Gough, Goff, etc.

11"1.6.:5 'f:.6.b:n.6., Gaughney, Gaff­ney.

Page 96: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

111~5 te~rto:o.6.1i:;, MacGarry, Magarry, MacGeary, Mac Gerry, MacGherry, Megarry, O'Garriga, Garahy, Garrahy, Garrihy, Garry, Gerry, Gery ; O'Hare, Hare, Haire, etc.

n .~5 te.o.r,c.o.111, MacGarragher, Carragher.

111.o.;s te.o.r':s.o.1t, MacGarrigal, MacGarrigle.

111.0.5 te.o.11s~1t, MacGarrell, Mac Garoll, MacGirl, MacGorl.

11165 teo11~1r, m.o.:s ,:.~c6l'Ulf, MacGorish, MacGorisk, Ma­gorisk, Gorish; Birmingham, Bermingham, etc.

111.0.5 tlb1n, MacGibbin, Mac Gibben, Gibbin, Gibben, Gibbins, Gibbings.

111~5 r1nn, Maginn, MacGinn, MacGin, l\1acGing, Megginn, Ginn.

111.0.5 t1nne.o.c-c.o., m.o.:s tlnne.o.c­-c .. \15, 111.0.5 twnn.o.c-c.o., 111.0.5 ,:.~wn n~c-c.o.1;S, Maginnety, Mac Ginnity, MacGinnety, Mac Ginety, MacGinity, MacGinty, Maginty, Ginnity, Ginaty, Ginity, Guinnaty, Ginty.

111.o.;s t1onnn.&1n, MacGannon, Gannon, Ginnane.

111.o.;s twnno.o.qqt, 111.0.5 twnn­o~l'l'-"· Geanor, Gainer, Gay­nor.

1n~:s twnn;S.o.1t, MacGennell, lVlacGindlc, Ginnell, Gennell, Gennel.

m.o.:s twnns.o.1te, Maginley, Mac Ginley, MacGinly, Ginnelly, Ginley.

11165 tt.-\1i:11h, MacGlave, Claf­fey, Glavey, etc.

111..\:S i-'L.\1i::lli11n, Hand. 111..\:S tt.o.nnc.o.·cM, 111.o.;s tt~nn-

c.o.n), l\1aglanchy, l\1ac Glancy, Glancy.

m-.\:c; i.'lotnn, MacGliu, Mac Glynn, Glinn, Glynn.

111.o.:s to:s.o.1,-c.o.15, 111.o.5 'Ptl-"­, Gogarty,. Gogerty, Goo­garty.

111.0.5 :s.o.r11.o.1-6, MacGaffrey, Mac Caffrey, Caffrey, etc.

111.0.5 5.o.o11.o., Geary. n1.o.;s 5.o.11.o.c.&1n, MacGaraghan,

MacGarahan, MacGarren, Garraghan, Garahan, Garran, Garron, etc.

111.o.;s 5.o.11.o.n), MacGarry. t11.o.;s 5.o.i::.o.n, MacGahan, Ma­

gahan, Megahan, Gahan. 111.0.5 :se.o.11.o.c.o.1$, MacGarahy.

Garahy, Garnhy. tll.o.:s 51'-&nn.o., Granny, Grant. t11.o.:s :StM;s.&m, MacGoogan, Mac

Guigan, MacGuiggan, Ma­guigan, etc.

111.o.;s :Su-"tl'.0.1C, Magolrick, etc. 111.o.;s :su.<\l't.o.1c, Magorlick, etc. 111.0.5, Magournahan;

Gordon. 111.<.\:S 1 o1i1.0.111, MacGeevor, Mac

Geever, MacGaver. 111.<.\:S t.o.o11.o.u.o., MacGlory. 111.o.;s t.o.o11.o.n), (?) Maglamery. 111.o.;s t.o.ct.o.tnn, MacGlaughlin,

Meg laughlin. 111.o.;s t.&1th 111.0.5 t.&nh{n, Hand. m.o.:s t.o.ti::11h, MacGlave, Claffey,

Gla vey ; Hand. 111.o.;s t.o.1i::11h1n, Hand. m.o.:s t.o.i::.o.1;S, MacGlave, Claf­

fey; Hand. m.o.:s te.o.nn.&u1, MacGleenan,

Maglennon, Glenane, Glennon. t11.o.;s len>, Maglade, MacGlade. m.o.:s toct.o.tnn, MacGloughlin,

l\1acGlaughlin. m.o.:s l01n5r15, l\1acGlinchy. 111.o.;s 1i1u111nc.o.c.&1n, J\'Iagourna­

han ; Gordon. 111.o.;s 11c.o.c-c.o.1n, (?) MacGrattan,

Grattan. 111.o.;s 11 e1t t, MacGreal. m.o.:s 11t.(\tt.&m, (?) lVIagrillan,


Page 97: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

111.6.5 11L6.llf;Ulf, 111.6.5 111.6-llf;Uf-6., MacGrillish, Grealish, etc.

ffi.6.5 11U.6.U.6."0, 111.6.5 11U.6.U.6.t:, Gonoude.

111.6.5 Olre.6.ct:.6.1S, MacGeraghty, Mageraghty, MacGerety, Mac Gerrity, Geraghty, Geraty, Gerety, Geri ty, G earty, Gerty, etc.

ll1.6.5 01flt1, MacCushion. m.6.5 Olft:e, MacGust. ll1.6.5omr.6.c, Montgomery, Gom-

ery. 111.6.5 R.6.f;.6.ll.6.1f;, Magreely,

Greally, Grealy, Greely. rnss R.6.f;n.6.1ll, Magrannell, Mac

Granell, Crannell, Gronel ; . Reynolds, etc. 111'"'5 H.6.Sll.6.1nn, MacGronan. tn.6.5 R.6.1t;ne, ffi.6.5 R.6.1i:;ne, Ma-

grane, MacGrane, Magrean, MacGrean, Granny, etc.

ffi-6.5 R.6.1t, Magrath, Magragh, MacGrath, MacGragh, Me­grath, Magraw, MacGraw, Megraw, MacGra, etc.

111.6.5 R6.0S.6.ll.6.1f;, Magreely, Greally, Grealy, Greely.

111.6.5 R.6.01f, 111.6.5 R.6.0f.6. Ma­greece, etc.

111.6.5 R.6.t.6., ( ?) MacGrotty. 111.6.5 Re.6.Ct:6.1n, (?) l\1acGrattan,

Grattan. 111.6.5 He.6.nn.6.c.6.1n, MacGrana­

han, MacGrenehan. 111.6.5 He1ll, MacGreal. 1n.6.5 R1.6.U.6.1f;, Magrecvy, Ma-

greavy, MacGreevy, l.\1ac Grievy, etc.

ffi-6.5 Rl-6."0.6., Gready ; Grady. 111.6.5 R1., MacGregan, Cre­

gan. 111.6.5 H1.6.ll.6.1n, Magrillan, l\1ac

Grillan. 111.6.5 H1.6.llf;)Ulf, 111.6.5 R1.6.lli;uf.6.

m ... '5 R1.6.llt11r, MacGrillish, Grealish ; Greely, Grealy, Greally ; Griffm, etc.

ss 111.6.5 Rob, Grubb. ffi.6.5 Roo.6.rt:.6.lf;, Magroarty. ffi.6.5 n.ou.6.m, Magrudden,

Groden. , ffi.6.5 R01bin, Gribbin, Gribben,

Gribbon. ffi.6.5 RU.6.1-6p1, Magrory, ~lac

Grory ; Rogers, Rodgers, etc. ffi.6.5 Ru.6.1rc, MacGrorke, , Grourke, Groarke. 1n.6.5 Hul-6111, Magrery. 1ll.6.5 S.6.n1r.6.'6.6.1n, Gooravan,

Gorevan, etc. 111.6.5, Magoveran, Ma­

govern, Magawran, Ma­gauran, , Magaurn, Magurn, lVIacGavern, MacGovran, Mac Govern, MacGowran, l\1ac Gouran, MacGauran, Mac Gaurn, etc.

ffi.6.5, Ganley, Ganly, Gantly.

ffi-6.5 S1t:r1c, MacGetrick, Mac Getterick, etc.

1n.6.5 'tOlrue.6.lD.6.lf;, MacGorley, Gorley, Gourley.

1n.6.5 'tpe1n}.·1r, MacGrenor. ffi-6.5 U.6.lf;.6.1f'5· Magolrick, Ma-

gorlick, l\1acGolrick, Mac Goldrick, MacGouldrick, MacGorlick, Golrick, Gold­rick, Goulrick, Gouldrick, Golderick, Godrick; Gould­ing, Golding, Golden, etc.

111.6.5 U1'61r, Maguire, MacGuire, l\1acGiver.

111.6.5 U1Ut\1n, Magiverin, lVIa­givern, l\1agiveran, l\fac Giverin, M.acGiveran, l\1ac Givern, Guerin.

111.6.5 t11ldn, Gilkinson, Gilki-son, Gilkisson, Gilkeson, Gilkieson, etc.

1n.6.5 U1ll1c, ffi.6.5 t11l1c, Mac Gillick, MacGellick, Gillick.

tn-6.5 U1nnre.6.nn.6.1n, tn.6.5 U11Jn-f10nn.61n, Gilsenan, Gun-shinan ; Nugent ; Leonard.

Page 98: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

m~s Utrc1n, MacGuskin. ,. m.&;Sun, Maune, Mawne, (?)

Maume, Mawme. m.&t5tu, Mahew, Mayhew, May­

how, Mayo, May. m.6.tnsnetr, Mangner, Magner,

Magnier, etc.


m.&trdn, Martin, Marten, Martyn.

ffi.6.t-ctu, Mathew, Matthew, Mathews, Matthews.

rn.&l6tu, Mellot, Mylott, My-lotte.

ffi.6.otltf', Meyler, Myler. 1l1.&p, Mape. ffi.6.f\.6.fC.6.l, Marshall. m:o.rcur, l\1arks., Mason. me.6.l6tu, Mellet, Mylott, .:My­

lotte. n'le.6.f.6.t;S, Massey. metDptc, 1l1etrtc, Meyrick, May­

rick, Merrick. mtce.&l, Michael, Michell, 1\Ii-

hell, etc. mn)e.6.c, l\1eade. mtteqt, Myler, Meyler. 1l11tn),, Miles, Myles,

Moyles. mtnt-cetr, 1l1tn-cetr, Miniter,

Myniter. m1ot6tu, Mylott, Mylotte, Mel­

lott, Mellet, Millet, Mylett, :Mullet, etc.

mtretu, Misset. 111tr-cett, Michell, Mitchell, etc. m 6tctetp, l\1ockler, Muckier. 1116tno1ol, Mandeville; Mans-

field. m6tnretl, Maunsell, Monsen,

Mansell; Man~field. motpetf, Morris; Morrison ;

Morrissey. 111 ot p-ce1 t, Mortell. 1l16poot pne.6.c, Gordon. n1ors.&n, Morgan. 1n6r-cun, Moreton, Morton. ffit11tte6tr, Miller, Millar.

111uni1ne.6.c, Moynagh, Moyna, l\1eenagh, Minnagh, etc.

lllut11ofot, Mandeville; Mans7 field.

111 u tl'et r, Morris, etc.

11.6. bf\1:5-oe, Bride. notpetr,, Norrish,

Norris, etc. n61'.6.f, Norris. nu.6.m.6.n, Newman. num11re.6.nn, Nugent.

6 .6-tnthtre, 0 .6.tnthtf1e.6.c, 0 .6.t11m11e.6.c, Hanberry, Han­bury ; Ansberry, Ansboro'.

0 .6.11 6.6.i11-ce, Canty, County. 0 b~cl.6.t;S, Bockley; . Buckley. 6 b.&tre, Barry. 6'f', Barr. 0 b.6.tfCtn11, Baskin, . Buskin. 0, Ballevan. 6 b-, Banigan, Banni­

gan. 0, Banane, Banan, · Bannan, Bannon, Banin,

Banim, etc. ; 'Vhite. 6 b.6.ot;Se.6.ll.&tn, Boylan, Boy-

land. 0 b.6.ot;Stll, O'Boyle, Boyle, &c. 6 b.6.ott1n, Boyne. 0 b.6.ot;S~l.6.t;S, Bohill ; Bowes. 6 b.&11U.&tn, Bardan, Barden,

Bardon. 0 be.6.c.&tn, Beaghan, Beahan,

Behane, Behan, Beegan, Beane, Bean.

6 l.1e.6.5.&t11, Begane, Biggane, Beggan ; Little, Littleton.

6 be.6.5l.6.otc, O'Begley, Begley, Bagley, Bigly.

0 be.6.nn.6.c.&t11, Banahan. 6 be.6.f\.6., Bera, Beary, Berry. 0 be.6.r.&t11, Berrane, Barron ;

Barnes ; Barrington. 6 be,(\p;S.6., Barrie, Barry. 6, Barnane ; Bernard. 6 betce, Beaky, Bakey.

Page 99: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

(> be15, Begg, Beggs, Biggs ; Little.

6 be1;sin, Beggan, Biggin, Big­gins.

6 be1;sle1;Smn, Beglin, Beglan; Begnall, etc.

6 beq\s1n, Bergin, Berigin, Berrigan, etc.

6 beqm, O'Beirne, O'Bierne, Beirne, Berne, Beirne, Beirnes, etc.

6 be6tL~.1n, Bolan, Boland, Bowland, etc.

6 bL6.U.6., Beatagh, Beatty, etc. 6 bl.6.f'C.6., Beasty. . 6 b1;se&1n, Biggane; Littleton. 6 b1515, Biggy. 6 b1;sln, Biggin, Biggins. o b1;slel;S1nn, Beglin, Beglan ;

Bignel, etc. 0 b10r.&1n, Birrane, Byrrane,

Byrane, Byran, Brawn ; Byron ; Byrne ; Barnes ; Burns.

0 b1011.6.1nn, Burns. 6 blp;s1n, Bergin, etc. 0 b1p1n, Berreen. 0 b1pn, O'Beirne, O'Bierne,

O'Byrne, Birne, Beirne, Byrne, Birnes, Byrns, Byrnes; Byron; Burns.

0 bt.&bn.6.1C, Blawick, Blowick, Blouk ; Blake.

0 bl1cin, Bleheen. 0 bt1;Se, Ely, Bligh, Blighe. 6 bo-6p.&1n, Boran. 0 bo5.6.1;S, Buggy. 0 bo;s.&m, Bogan, Boggan. 6 bo1rnc, Byrne ; Burns. 0 bot;sun)c, 6 bot;st111Jll1,

Bolger, Bulger, Boulger. 0 bt1.6.C.&ln, Brahan. 6 br6."0.6.c.&m, Bradican ; Brady. 0 bp.6."0.6.c.&m, Bradagan, Bradi-

can. 0 bp6."0.6.5.&1n, Bradagan, Brad­

digan, Brodigan, Bradican. 0 br.&u-6.1;5, O'Brady, Brady.

0 b 'p.6."0.&1n, Bradan, Bradden ; ' Salmon, Sammon ; Fisher. .o br.6.u;S.6.1l, o brt6."0S.6.1le,

Bradd ell. 6 bp.6.;s.&nl, Bragan. 6 br.6.n.6.5.&1n, Branagan, Brani­

gan, Brannigan, Brennigan, Brangan, Brankin.

0 bp.6.n.&1n, Brannan, Brannon, Brennan, Brinan, etc.

6 bp.6.n"'t110, Braniff. 6 bp.6.n;S ... ,1lc, Brannelly, Bran­

ley. 6 br.6.oln, O'Breen; O'Brien;

Breen, Bruen, etc. · 6 br.6.on.&1n, O'Brennan, Bren-

enan, Brinane, Brinan, etc. 6 bt1C.6.C.&1 n, Bracken. 6 bpco.;S-6.1;5, 6 bpe-6.;5-6.6., Bray, · Bree. 6 bpe.6.f.6.1l, O'Brazil, Brassill,

Brazil, Brazel. 6 bpc.6.rl.&ln, 6 brc1rte.&1n, 0

bpcq~telll, Breslan:e, Breslaun Breslin, etc.

0 bpe6 tt.&111, Brolan ; Bolan, Boland.

0 bp1.6.n.&1n, Brinane, Brinan, Brennan, etc.

0 brl-6.111, O'Brian, O'Bryan, O'Bryen, O'Brien, Brien, &c.

0 bp1c, Brick. 6 bpior.&m, Briceson, Bryson. o bt'lOrt&m, 6 bp1rtc.&n1, Bris­

lane, Brislawn, Brislan, Bris­lin, Breslin, etc.

0 bpo5.6.1-6, Broggy. 6 bp6;s.&1n, Brogan. 6 bpo1le.6.c.&1n, Bradley. Y. 0

b'pol.6.c.&1 n. 6 bpotn, O'Byrne, Byrne,

Byrnes; Burns; Byron, etc. 6 bpo1r·ne.6.c.&1n, Bresnihan, &c. 0 br61t, 6 br61te, Brophy,

Brofie ; Bray. 6 btwl.6.c.&1n, 6 brotc.&m,

O'Brollaghan, Q'Brallaghan, Brollaghan ; Bradley.

Page 100: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

() br6L6.1;S,Broly,Brolly,Brawley () brorn-6.c-6.1n, Brosnahan~

Bresnihan, Brosnan, etc. () bru-6.c-&1n, Broughan, Brohan;

Banks. o bru-6.665, Banks. (> bru-6."0-6.111, Brouder, Broder,

Brooder, Bruder, Brother; Brauders, Brodders, Brothers; Broderick, etc.

() bru-6.t"'e-6.·(M, Briody. () bru;S-6.-6-6., Broe, Browe, Brew. 6 brute, Brick; Badger. 6 bt11Jtn, Bruin, Bruen. (> bu-6.c-6.ll-6., Boughla, Buhilly,

Buckley, etc. (j bu-6.-6-6.6-&tn, Boughan, Bou­

han, Boohan, Bohane, Bohan, (?) Boyhan, Bowen; Bohanan.

() bu-6.1~Mt;S, Bowie, Bowe, Buie, Bwee, Bowes, Boyes, Boyce, O'Boyce, etc.

6 bu-6.·(Mt5, Bohig, Bogue, etc. 6 bu-6.u-&tn, Bodan, Bowden,

Boden. (> C-6.-o-&tn, Cadan, Cadden. () C-6.iM1n, Coyne, Kyne, Kine ;

Barnacle. (j C-6.-Gl-6., Kiely, Keily, Kealy,

Keely, Keeley, Quealy ; Kelly, etc.

6 C-&tuin, Caden, Cadden. () C-6.1n5ne, Cangney, Cagney. (> C-6.tnin, Caning, Canning. 6, Canty, County. (>'bt~e, Carbry, Carbery,

Ca,rberry. (> C6.1f'C-6.ll-&tn, Carellan, Carlan,

Carland, Carlin ; Carleton. ' 6')1e, Carr, Karr, Kerr. (> C-6.1f'f1ln, Carr. (>, Cash. (> C-6.tfe6.l-&tn, Cashlan, Cush­

lane, Caslin. (> C-6-tft"'e, Cassidy; Cassedy,

Kessidy, etc. , o C-6.tftl, Cashel, Cassell, Cassles~

Castle!, etc.

88 \.

(') C-6-tftle, Cassilly, Casley, etc. (> C-6-tfln, Casheen, Cashin,

Cashen, Cashion, Cashon, Cassian, Cassin, Keshin.

o C-6.ti:nt-6.-6, Caheny, Canny. , (> C-6.15-6.1;5, Callagy, Kellegy. 6 C-6.ll-6."0-6., Kelledy. 6 C-6.ll-6.n-&tn, Callanane, Calla-

nan, Callinan, Calnan, etc. (> C-6.ll-6.f'-&tn, Colleran. (>, Culhane. 6 C-6-mi:-6., Cowmey, Coumey,

Coomey. 6 C-6.n-&tn, Cannan, Cannon,

Canning, etc. ,s,d (> C-6.n-6.nn, Cannan, Cannon,

Canning, etc. 0 C-6.n-6.nn-&tn O'Cananan, (?)

Cannon. (> C-6.n11'C-6.U-6., 0 C-6.nn-c-6.t-6,

Canty, County. (>, Keahan, Keehan. 6, Kane, Kean, Keane. () C-6.o5-6.1n, Keegan. () C-6.otl-ce, 6 C-6.otl-ct;S O'Kielty,

O'Kielt, Kielty, Kilty, Keelty, Quilty,Queelty,Keeltagh,Keil­tagh, Kielt; Small; Woods.

() C-6.o11h, O'Keeffe, Keeffe, etc. (> C-6.0tthfn, Kevin, Cavan. () C-6.otnue-6.lo-&tn, Kindel an,

Kennellan,; Connell an ; Kin­Ian, Kinlen, Kenlan ; Conlan ; Quinlivan, Quinlan.

6 C-6.otnle-&tn, Kinlan, Kinlen, Kenlan, Quinlan ; Conlan.

() C-6.otnltoo-&tn, Quinlivan, etc. 6 C.6.ol-&1n, Keelan, Keelin. 6 C-6.ol l-6.t-6e, 6;e, Kealy,

Keely, Quealy, Queely ; Kelly, etc.

(), Kevane, Keevane, Keevan, Cavan, Kevans; Cavanagh, Kavanagh; Caven­dish.

6 C-6.oth-&n-6.t;S, Cavanagh, Kav­anagh ; Keaveny, Kevaily; Kevane, Kevans.

Page 101: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 Caottt.(.\, Rountree. 0 Catttt.6, Carr, Karr, Kerr, etc. 0 C.6tt11.65.6.1n, O'Carrigan, , Carri-

gan, Carigan, Cargin. 0 C.6tttt.6t-6, Carry. 0 C.61ttt.6t-6{n, Caren ; Carr, etc. 0, Craan, Crain, Crane,

Crean, Creane ; Crahan, Cre­han, Creaghan; Carey.

0 C.6ttl'S.6thn.6, O'Growney, &c. 0 C.6 11 t.6, Carr. 0 C.6.ttt.6t5, O'Carthy, Carthy,

Carty, etc. 0 C.6l', Cartan, Carton, Car­

ten, Cartin, Curtan, Curtayne, Curtin, etc.

0 C.6.ttt.6m, Cartan, Carten earthy, etc.

(> C.6f.6tue, Cassidy, etc. 0 C.6f.6tle, Cassilly, Cashley. 0, Cussane, Kissane ;

Cashman; Patterson. 0 C.6t.6t5, Cahy. 0 C.6t.6tl, Cahill. () C.6t.6.m, O'Cahan, O'Caughan,

O'Kane, O'Keane, Cahane. Cahan, Cane, Cain, Kane, Keane, etc.

0 C.6t.6L.\tn, Cahallane, Cahil­lane, Cahalane, Cohalane, Co­halan, Callan, Culhane, Cia­bane, Clehane, etc.

0 C.6t.dottt, Cahir. 0 C.6t.6ttn.6t5, O'Caharney,

O'Caherney, Carney ; Fox. 0 C.6t.6f.6t5, O'Casey, Casey. 0 C.6to.6-66., Coffey, etc. ·0 C6.tou.6-6.dt5, Coffey, etc. 0, Culhane, Callan,

Callen, Callin, Cawlin, Cia­bane, Clehane etc.

·0 C.dttu.6tn, Calhoun, Colhoun, Colhoon, Culhoun, etc.

0 C.6ttho5.6, Coffey, etc . . 0, 6 Ce.6U.65-Atn,

Cadigan, Cadogan. 6 C{Muat5, Keady. .() _Ce.6t l.6, O'Kelly, Kelly, etc.


0, O'Callaghan, O,Callahan, Callaghan, Calla­han, Calligan, etc.

0 Ce.6ll.6t5, O'Kelly, Kelly, Kelley.

0 Ce.6f.611C.6.t5, Cafferky, Caf­ferty, etc.

0, Tighe (> Ce.6.nnuuo.6.m, Cannavan,

Canavan, K,inavan ; White­head.

(> Ce.6.nnuuto, Canniff, Canniffe. 0 Kerrane, Kirrane ;

Kearon, Kearons, Kearns .; Carr ; Carey.

(> Ce.6.l'fMtl t, O'Carroll, Carroll, Carvill.

(>, Carvan, Carvin, Kervan; Kirwan.

0 Ce.6.ttD.6lt.6.m, O'Carolan, Caro­lan, Carrolan, etc.

0 Ce.6.ttm.6.U.6, Carmody, Ker­mody.

0 Ce.6.ttn.6c.6.m, Carnahan, Ker­naghan, Kernahan, Kernan., Kernon, etc.

0 Ce.6.ttn.6t5, O'Kearney, Carney, Kearney, etc.

0 Ce.6.t:}'.6-6.6, Keaty; Keating .. (> Cctlc, Kealy ; Wisdom. 0 Cetlc.6c.&tn, Kelaghan, Kele­

ghan, Kellaghan, Keelaghan, Kelihan ; O'Callaghan, Calla­ghan, etc.

0 Cetlc.6C.6.tf1, O'Kelliher, Kcl-legher, Kelleher, Kelliher., Keller, etc.

0 Cet n, Kean, Keane. ., 0 Cetnnetut-6, (> Cetnn~tut5,

O'Kennedy, Kennedy. 0 Cetnnre.6.l.dti), Kinsella, Kin-

shela, Kinsley, etc. . 1

(> C6qt1n, Cairn, Kearin, Kearn, Kereen, Kerin, Kerrin, Cairns, Kearns, Kerins, Ker ... rins, ' Kerns; Carey, etc.

(> Cettttrc. · Kerris~. etc. ; Healy,. 0 Cett:, Kett.

Page 102: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

·6 Ceti:e~rn~t;S, Keherny, · J{er-ney ; Kearney ; Kerns, Kearns.

6 ceoc.6.m, Keoghane, Keohane, etc. ·'·

6 Cc6m1n, O'Keoneeri,Keoneen; Jennings.

6 Ct~o~t;S, Keavy, Keevey. .. () Ct~o.6.t n, Keevane, Keaval). 6 Ct~n~t:S, O'Keeney, Keaney,

Keany, Keeney, Keeny. · ·6 Ct.(\, O'Keenan, Keenan,

Kinnan. 6 Ct~l1~:s.6.m, Kerigan, Kerrigan,

Kergan ; Cmnber, Comer. ·0 Ct""'r.6.m, O'I\:ieran, Kieran,

Keiran, Kearon, Kearn, Keern, Keirans, Kearons, Kerans, ICerons, Kearns, Kerns, Cairns ; Comber, Comer ; Carey, etc.

0 C1~11b.1., Kirby, Kerby. 6 Ct~p-6~. Keery, Keary, Karey,

Carey, etc. 6 Ct~l1', O'Kirwan, Kiere­

van, Kiervan, Kirivan, Kere­van, Kerivan, Kirvan, Kir­wan, Kirwin, etc.

0 Ct~rtth~c.6.m, Irwin, Irvine ; Carey.

0 Ct~rth~tc, Kerwick, Keeri­vick ; Kirby, Kerby.

6 Ctotl, Keville, Kiville. 6 Ctole--.'\, Kevlihan, Rev­

lean, Keevlin. 6 CtoUn, Keevlin, Kevlean;

Keville, Kiville. 6, Killane, l Kilian,

Killian, Killion. 0 CttUn, Killeen, Killen, Killian

Killion. 0, Kinna, Kenna, Ken­

nab, etc. 6 Ctn:se~-6. King. 6 Kinnavy, Kin­

eavy. (>, Kindregan,



6 Ctnnetue, 6 Ctnnet-ot-6, 6 ··. Ctnnetut;S, O'Kennedy, Ken!.

nedy. ·~

6 Ctnn}'.1.ol~t' -6, O'Kinnealy, Kinnealy, ·Kinneally, Ken'­nealy, ·Kennelly, etc.

6 Clnnfe""'t~t:t;, Kinshela, Kin­sella', Kinsley, etc .

6, Kingston, King­stone.

6 C10ol.(\, K~vlihan, Cooli-. han. •

6 CtObutn, O'Kibbon, etc. 6, Keighron ; Ker­

rigan. 6 Cton&tt, 6 Cton~o-6.(\, 6

Ct on.(\ott, Kinna, Kinney, Kenna, Kenny.

6 Cton;s.(\, King. 6, Kirrane, Kerrane,

etc. ' 6, O'Kirwan, Kir­

wan, Kerivan, etc. 6, O'Kissane, Kissane ';

Cashman. 0 c1pthtc, Keerivick, Kerwick,

etc. 6, Keeshan. 6 Cl~b<\t;S, Clabby. 6 Cl~tth1n, 6, Clavan,

Claveen, Clavin ; Swords, etc. 6, Clinane ; Conlon. 6, Clahane, Clehane. 6, 6 ctetrc1n,

Clerihan, Clerkan, Clerkin, Clarkins ; Clarke, etc. ·

6 clctrt:S, O'Clery, O'Cleary, Clery, Cleary ; Clarke, etc.

6 cloc~pt:~t;S, Clogherty, Clo­herty ; Stone.

6 ctoc~r~t;S, O'Cloghessy, O'Clohessy, Cloghessy, Clo.!. hessy.

6, Clogan ; Callaghan 6 Clu.(\tn,' Clune. 6 cl U<\n~t;S, Cloney, Cluney,

Clowney, Clowny, Cloony. · 6, Clunan, Cloonan.

Page 103: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 C1.U.6f.61;S, Close. (> cturh.6.1n, Cluvane, Clovan,

Cloven ; Coleman ; Clifford. <) Cn.6.11hin, Navin, Nevin;

Neville; Bowen. () Cn.6.nhr1;Se, Kneafsey, Neaph­

sey, Neecy, Cramsie, Cramp­sey ; Boner, Bonner, etc.

(> Cn..&.t, Kenna, etc. <) Coo't-61;5, Coffey, Cowhey,

Cowey, Cowhig, etc. o Coct.6.1n, Coghlan, Coughlan,

Coughlin, Coghlin, Colin, etc. 6 Co-o1..6t:.6, Culloty, Cullity. (> Co-o1..6t:.6.1n, Colleton, Collotan,

Culleton, Culliton ; Cullington. 0 co;s.6r.6.1n, Coghran, Gaugh­

ran ; Cochrane, Cockrane. 0 Co1oue.6n.615, Coveney, Ke­

veny, (?) Keverney. (> C015e.6L.\1S, 0 C015~1;S,

O'Coigley, O'Quigley, Cogley, Kegley, Quigley, Twigley.

() Co1te.6.1n, Collen, Collins. 0 Co1t;s1n, Quiligan, Quilligan. () Co11.15, Cox ; "'roods. () Coanin, Comyn.


0 C01ne.6.1n, Kennane. 0 Co1ne611., Conole, Connole. 0 C01n;Se.61.1..61;S, Kangley, Quin­

nelly, Kennelly; Connelly, etc. 0 Co1n;S1tt, Quinnell. () Co1nin, Conyeen, Cuneen,

Cunneen, Cunnien, etc. ; Rabbit, etc.

0 Co1n1.etrc, (> comt1rc, Cun-lisk, Quinlisk, Quinlish ; Grimes.

0 Co1nne, Conney, Gunny, Quinny; Kenny; Quin, etc.

0 Co1nne.6c.6.m, Kinaghan, Kina­han, etc.

() Co1pbin, O'Currobeen, Cori­been, Corbin, Kerbin; Corbett; Kirby, etc.

(> Co1pe.61.t.6.1n, Curland, Kerlin, Kirlin, Kirland, etc.

6 Cotr1tt, Kirrell.

6 Co1pfn, Curreen, Currin, Green, etc.

0 Co1re, Quish . . <) Co1rdn, Costine, Costin,

Costen. 6 Co1nt, Cottle. <) Co1.;s.6n, Colgan, Collagan,

Culligan, Quilligan, etc. <) Co1.1..6, Cully, Coli. 6 Co1.1..6"C.6, Culloty, Cullity. 6 cotm.6.1n, Colman, .Coleman. 6 Cotp-6, 6 Cotpt-6, Collopy. 6 Co1.t:.61p, 6 Co1.t:.6t'.6.1n,

O'Colter, Colter, Coalter, Coulter, etc.

6 Com.6.1n, Coman, Commane, Common, Cowman, Cummane, Commons ; Hurley, etc.

() CoriM1.t:.6.1t1, Coulton, Colton. () Co1nu.61n, 6 Corh;S.61n, Coan,

Coen, Cowan, Cowen; Coyne, etc.

6 Comp-61-De, O'Curry, Corey, Corry, Curry.

6 Con-611.1., O'Connell, Connell. 6 Con..&.m, Conan, Cunnane. 6 Con.6m;s, Cunning, Gunning. () Con.61pce, Conarchy. 6 Con.61re, Connery, Conry ,;

Conroy. 6 Con-61.1....\m, Connellan, Con­

lan, etc. 6 Con-61.1.-c-6, Conalty. 6 Con.6p.6.1n, Conran, Conro~,

Condron, Condrin. 6 Conb..&.;S-6,· 6 Conb...\1-6, Conba,

Conbay; Conboy, Conaboy; Corbett, Corbitt.

6 Cono.6.n1, Cunvane. 6 Conboq,ne Burns. 6 Conou1uc, Conboy, Conaboy,

Conwy ; Conway. , 6 Conce.6n.61nn, 6 Conce.6nn-

.61nn, O'Coricannon, Con-cannen, Concannon.

6 Concol:M1l', 6 Concuo.61p, O'Conor, O'Connor, Connor, Connors, etc.

Page 104: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 concoo-6.1r "Donn, O'Conor Don.

6 conuuo.6.1n, Condon. 6 Conuu1o, Conniff, Conneff,

Cunniffe, Quinniff ; Conliffe, etc.

6 Cons-6.1le, Conneely, Gun-neely ; Connelly ; Kennelly, etc.

6 Con5.6.l-6.1S, Connolly, Con­. nelly, etc. 6 Conme-6."6.6., Convey ; Conway. 6 Conn-6.c.6.1n, Conaghan ; Cun-

ningham. 6 Conn.6.Ct:.6.1S, Connaghty,

Conaghty, Conaty, Conotty. 6 Conn-6.ct:.6.1n, Connaghton,

Connaughton, Connorton, Connerton.

6 Conn-6.sAm, Connigan ; Con­yngham, Cunningham.

6 conmho.c.6.1n, Kanavaghan ; Conway.

6 Connrh-6.15, Conoo, Cunnoo, Conway.

6 conr-6, 6 conr.6.c, Conry. 6 Conr-6o1, Conroy. 6 Conro.t-6, Conrahy ; Conroy. 6 copb.6.1n, Corbane, Corban,

Corbin ; Corbett, Corbitt. 6 Cot'c.6.1n, Corken, Corkin ;

Corcoran, etc. 6 corer.<.\, Corkery, Corkerry. 6 Copcr.6.1n, Corcoran, Corkeran,

Corkran, etc. 6 copm.6.c.6.1n, Cormocan, Cor­

mican, Cormican ; Cormack, Cormick ; MacCormack, Mac Cormick.

6 corm.6.1C, Cormac, Cormack, Cormick.

6 Copp-6, O'Curry, Corra, Corry, Corr, Curry; Weir, etc.

6 Copp.6."0.6.1n, Corridon, Cordan. 6 copp.<.\5.6.1n, Corrigan, Curri­

gan, etc. 6 Copr.<.\1-6, Corree, Corrie,

Corry, Curry. ·


6 corr.6.1"6l"n, Curreen, Curren, . Currin ; Curran ; Crean,

Creen, etc. 6 cor-r.6.1n, O'Curran, Currain,

Currane, Curran, Corran, Craan, Crain, Crane, Creane, Crean; Crahan, Crehan, Creagh an ; Carey, etc.

6 Cor-rbu1-6e, Corboy, Corby, Curby.

6 cori:-61"0, Currid. 6 c~r...\1n, Cussane ; Patterson. 6 COfC.6.1p, Coscor, Cosker,

Cusker, Cuskor; Cosgrave, Cosgrove.

6 corcr.6.c.6.1n, Coskeran, Cus­kern ; Cosgrave, Cosgrove.

6 COfct1.6.1S, Cosgry, Coskery, Coskerry, Cuskery, Cosgri.ti, Cosgrive, Cosgreve; Cos­greave, Cesgrave, Cosgrove.

6 corn.6.c.6.1n, Cusnahan, Cus­hanan.

6 cort:-, Costigan. 0 Ctt.O.o.6.1n, 6 Ctt.6.1o1n, Cravane,

Craven, Cravin, Creaven. 6 Ctt.6.1-6e.6.1n, Cryan. o Ctt.0.1mf15e, Cramsie, Cramp-

sic, Crampsey, etc. 6 Cr.6.oloe, Creevy, Creevey. 6 Cl'.6.oo.6.1n, Creaven, Creavin. 6 cre.6.cA1n, 6 epe.6.cA1ll, Crea-

ghan, Crehan, Crean ; Creaton 6 cre.6.crn.6.o1t, Craughwell. 6 C111., Cregan. 6 Cl'1oc.6.1n, 6 cr1oc.6.1n, Cre­

ghan, Creaghan, Creehan, Cre­han, Creighan ; Creighton, Creaton; Creen, Crean.

6 criou.6.1n, Creedon, Creed. 6 Ctt10n.,Crinigan,Crenegan 6 cr1on.6.1n, Crennan, Crinion,

Crinneen. 0 Ctto-6l.6.o1c, 6 Ctto5.6.ll.6.1S

O'Cro\vley, Crowley, Croly, Crolly.

6 Ct'01h111, Cribbin, Cribbon, Crib bins.

Page 105: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

() Cpon)e.6.s!nl, Creegan, Crei­gan, Cregan, Creggan.

() Cf101'6e.6.1n, Crean, Creen, etc. ('} Cf101mfn, Cremeen, Cremen,

Cremin. 0 C}16m, Crone. (> Cf161n1n, Cronin, Cronyn,

Cronan. * 0 CttOml.6.01C, Crumley. () C1"0mf1U1fC, (?) Crumlish. (> CJ1omt~. Crummy. 0 Crt6n.6.Sf-1n, Cronekan, Croni-

ken. 0 cv6n~1n, Cronan, Cronin. 0 Cf16n;S.6.1t, Crangle. () cv6n;S-6.1tO, Cronelly, Cranley. (> crot:-6.15, Crotty. 0 Cf1\1.6.UL.\olc, O'Crowley,

C!"owley, Crawley, Croly, Crolly.

(> Ctttnm1n, Crimmeen, Cren1een, Cremin, Crimmins.

() Cu4\c.6.m, O'Coughane; Gough. (j Ct1.6.5.6.m, Coogan, Cogan. (j Cu-6.111, Quan, Quann, Quaine ;

Coyne ; Quaid. (> Cu4\n.6., (> Cu.6.n.6.c, Cooney. () Cu.6.n.(\c~1n, Coonaghan, Coon­

ahan, Coonihan, Counihan ; Cooney.

() cu.(\n~1n, Coonan, Conan. () CUM1.(\t't:.6.1S, Coonerty. 6 cuor~1n, Cowran. () Ct11'01;St1;S, Cuddihy, Cudihy,

Cuddehy, Quiddihy, Cuddy, Cody, etc.

(> Cu1te, Cooley. 6 Cu1te.6.5.(\1n, Quilligan, Quili­

gan. () Cu1te~1n, O'Cullane, Cullane,

Cullan, Cullen, Quillan, Quillen, Collins.


6 Ct11Un, Cullin, Cullen, etc. 0 Cu1tmn, Cullen, Quillen, etc . (') Cu1tt, Quill; Woods. 0 Cu1mfn, Cumin, Cummin,

Cummins, Cummings, etc. · (> Cu1n-ot1r, Cundlish, Cunlish,

Quinlish. 0 Cume.&m, Cunnane, Kinane,

Kinnane, Guinane, Guinnane, Guinan, Quinane, Quenan, Queenane, etc.

(> Cu1ne65, Kinnock. · 0 Cum{n, Cuneen, Cunion, Cun­

neen, Cunnien, Cunnion, Kin­nian ; Rabbit.

0 Cumn, O'Quin, Quin, Quinn, Queen, Coyne.

(> Cu1n11e.(\c.&1n, Cunnighan, Cunnahan, Cunihan, Kinag­han, Kinahan, Kinnighan, Kinnan; Keenan; Cun-ning­ham, etc.

(> Cumne.6.s~m, Cunnigan, Kin­negan, Kinnighan ; Cunning­ham, etc.

· 0 Cumne~m, Kinnane, Guin­nane, Quinane, etc.

0 Cu1tlf105~n, Gilsenan, Gil­shenan, etc.

(> cuq1c, Quirk, Quirke, Querk, Kirk.

(> Cu1rfn, Curreen, Creen, etc. 0 Cuqm1n, 0 Ct11tmfn, Corneen,

Curneene, Curneen, Curnin, Courneen ; Courtney.

(> Ct1l.6.C~ln, O'Colohan, Cuolo­han, Coulihan, etc.

(> Cutn-6.t'~1n, 0 CUtntl~1n, Cameron.

0 curn.6.1n, 6 curn~111, Cur­nane, Cournane ; Courtney.

6 Cmte.(\111.(\1 n, Culloon, Cu 1-(> cur11~1n, O'Curran, Currain,

Currane, Curran, etc. houn, Colhoon, Colhoun, Cullen.

0 Cu1te.(\nnA1n, Cullinane. Cul­linan·, Quillinan, Cnlnane, Quilnan ; Callanane, Callanan.

(> curt:~1tl, Curtayne, Curtin, etc.

(> "'~noqle-6.nn, Davoran, Da­voren, Davern.

0 'D-6.;Sn~1n, Dinan, Dynan.

Page 106: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 "0.6.1Sf1e, Derry, Deery. 0 . '0.6-llope, Dollery. 0 "0.6.uh1n, O'Devine, Davine, , :Devine, Davin, Dev:in, Deven,

Devon, Devins ; Davy, Davis. .0 '0.6-lpope, Derow, Deroe, etc. 0 "0.61pe, Adair.

. ,0 "0.6.1t;S1t, Dahill. 0 '0.6.l.6.c.61n, Dallaghan, Dolag­

' han, etc. 0 '0.6.t.6.C.6.1p, Dallagher, Dolaher,

Dooler, Dowler. 0 u.6t.6.1;5, O'Daly, Daly, Daw­

ley, etc. 0 '0.6.t.6.p'U.6.n), Delaroe, Dollery.

;0 ", Dallon, Delane; Delaney, etc.

0 "0.6.m..i1n, Davane, Devane. 0 "0.6.0"0.6., Deady. 0 "0.6.p.6., 0 '0.6.p.6.C, Daragh,

Darra, Darragh, Darrah, Darrock ; Oak, Oakes, Oaks.

0 "0.6.t.6.1t, Dahill. (> ', Dolly. (> "'e.6.ot.6.15, Daffy. (> 'Oe-6.-(>Al-6, O'Dea, Dea, Day,

Daw,· Dee, etc. 0 "0~.6."0.6.15, Deady. 0 "'e-6.;5.6.1-6, O'Dea, Dea, Day,

Daw, Dee ; Godwin, Goodwin. 0 "0~.6.S.6.1n, Deane, Dean, Deen,

Dane. 0 "0~.6.m.61n, Diaman, Diamon,

Diamond, Dimond. 0 "'e.6.pA1n, Dearan, Derrane,

Dirrane. 0 'Oe.6.115Aln, Dargan, Dergan,

Dorgan, Dorrigan. (> '"0.6., Darmody. (> "'e.6.ftll'Umn.6.1S, Desmond. 0 , 'Oe1pope6, Devereux, Devery,

Derow, Deroe. 0 'Oe1p5, Derrig, Derrick, Durrig.

.. (> "'eoc.61n, Deacon. 0 'Oe611.6.UA1n, 6 'Oe6t~.(\1-6fn,

0 ', Adorian, O'Doran Dorian, Dorrian, Doran, Dar­ran, Durrian.


0 "01.6.S.6.1U, O'Dea, Dea, Dee ; Godwin, Goodwin.

() "01.6.m..i1n, Diaman, Diamon, Diamond, Dimond.

0 '01.6.f1m.6.-o.6., O'Dermott, Der­mody, Darmody, Dermott, Darby, etc .

0 "01;Se, Dea, Dee. 0 '01ocon, Deehan, Dehan,

Deighan. 0 "01om.6.m, Diaman, Diamon,

Diamond, Dimond. 0 "'{om.6.f.6.1S, O'Dempsey,

Dempsey. 0 '01 op.6.1 n, Dirrane, Durrane. () 'O{opm6., (> '01opm.6.1;5, Diurm-

agh; O'Dermott, Dermott, etc. 6 "01pfn, Direen. 0 u1rdn, Diskin. 0 'Oof>A1te1n, Develin, Devlin,

etc. 0 'Oot>ApA1n, Davoran, Davoren,

Davern. 0 "', O'Dogherty,

O'Dougherty, O'Doherty, Dogherty, Dougherty, Do­herty, etc.

0 'Oocp-6.1-6, (> "'OCf1.(\1;5, Dock-eray, Dockery, Dockrey, Dockry.

0 \)OS.6.1p, Dower, Dore. . (> "'o1D1te1n, 6 "001D1tln, Deve­

lin, ·Devlin, etc. (> 'D01ce.6.f1'C.6.1S, Deherty, D~­

• harty, Doherty. (> 'D015f1e, Deery, Derry. 0 'Oo11n1n, Devfne, Devin,

Deven, Devins. . (> 'D01ne.6.nn.6.1S, Denanny, Den-

nany, . Dennan. () "001pt>1n, Derivin,' Derwin. 6 "'o1pe1-6, (> '001p1-6, Derry. 6 'Oolp111t1C, Dorney, Darney. 6 "'o1pnfn, Dornin, Durnin,

Durnian, Dornan, etc. () 'Oo1te, O'Diff : Duffy. 0 "'om.6.5Aln, Domigan, Dome­

gan, Dumegan.

Page 107: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

() "'o1hn.o.1tt, O'Donnell, · Don-nell, Daniel.

0 "', Donelan, Dori­.. nellan, Donlan, etc. 0 "'onn.o.o.6.1n, O'Donovan,

Donovan. 0 "'onn.o.o~1r, Dooner, Dunner,

Doner. 0 "'onn.o.c.6.1n, Doonican, Duni­

can, Duncan. 6 "'onn., Donnegan, Dun­

negan, Donegan, Dunigan, Dongan, Dungan, Duncan, etc.

6 "'onn.6.1n, Donnan. 6 "'onn.o.m.6.1n, O'Donovan,

Donovan. 6 "'onnc.o.u.o., 6 "'onnc.o.1u,

O'Donoghue, O'Donohue, Donaghoe, Donoghue, Dono­hoe, Donaghy, Donagh, Dun­phy, Dunfy, Dumphy, etc.

0 "Oonnc.o.t.o.15, Duncahy. 6 "'onn"OUD.O.ltt:.o.15, Donarty,

Donworth, Dunworth. Dun­fort, Dunford ; Davenport.

() "OonnE;.6.1Le, O'Donnelly, Don­nelly, Donneely.

6 "Oonns.o.t.o.15, O'Donnelly, Donnelly, etc.

0 'Donnsur.o., Denis, Dennis, Denison, Dennison, Denson.

6 uor.o.n), Durry, (?) Dorr, (?) Durr.

6 "'opo.&tn, Derivan, Derivin. 0 'Dorc.o.tue, Dorcey, Darkey,

Darcy ; D' Arcy. () 'Dorc.6.1n, Dorgan, Dorrigan,

(?) Doorigan. 0 'Dopn.6.1n, O'Dornan, Dornan,

Durnan, etc. 0 'D11.o.e, Drea, Drew; Drewry,

Drury. 0 ', 6 'Dr.o.1sne.&tn,

Drinane, Drinan, Dreinan, Drennan; Thornton.

0 'Dp.o.o"O.o., Drudy, Droody, Draddy.


0 "011.0.01, Drea, Drew; Drewry:~ ' Drury. * 6 ur.o.01te.6.1n, Dreelan. 6 'Dre.o."O.o., Draddy. 0 ure.6.1n, Adrien, Adrian,

Drain, Draine. 0 'D111rce61t, O'Driscoll, Dris-

coll, etc. 0 "'rtrte.6.1n, Drislane. 0 'Drqct:.o.1;5, Drought. 0 "Or01c1'0, Bridgeman. 0 urom.o., Dromey, Drummy,

Drum, Drumm ; Drummond. 0 urom.6.1n, Droman. 0 "'p6n.o., Droney. 6 "'pu.o.c.6.1n, Droohan, Drohane,

Drohan. 0 "'pu.o.1u, Drew; Drewry, Drury. 6 "'pu1mfn, Drummin. 0 "'t1.o.c.6.1n, Doughan, Doohane. 0 "'UD., O'Doogan, Doo-

gan, Dougan, Dugan, Dug­gan, etc.

6 "'uu.&tn, O'Dwane, Dwane, Duane, Duan, Dune, Doane, Dooan, Doon, Down, Dewane, Devane, Divane, Divan ; Devany ; Devine ; Downes ; Kidney.

0 "'uo.&n.o.15, Duany, Devany. 0 "', Duarty, Doorty,

Dooherty ; Doherty. 0 "'uo.o.r.t., Doocey, Doocie, . Doocy, Ducey. 0 "'uoc.o.qt, Doughar, Dougher,

Dooher. 0 "'uocon, Doughan, Doohan. 6 "'uuconn.o., O'Dooghany,

Dougheny, Dogheny, Do-heny, Deheny, Dahony, Dawney, etc.

0 "'uo"0.6.o01re.o.nn, Davoran, Davoren, Davern.

6 "'uo"O.o., O'Dowd, O'Doud, Dowda, Dowdie, Doody, Duddy, Dowd, Doud, etc.

0 "'UO'O.o.c.6.1n, 6 . "'t10', Dowdican, Dudican.

Page 108: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 l>uo-o.6.tette, Dudley. 0 -ouo'6utn, O'Dughun, (?)

Dugan, Duggan. 0 l>uot;~tte, Doyle. 0 Uuot;~ttt, O'Doyle, Doyle,

Dowell, Doole, etc. 0 "'uosur~. Doocey, Doocie,

Doocy, Ducey. 0, Doolaghan, Dul­

laghan, Dolaghan, Dologhan. 0 "'uot~-o~tt;, Doolady, Doo­

laddy. 0 "'uot.6.1n, O'Doolan, O'Dolan,

Doolan, . Dolan ; Dowling ; Delaney, Delany.

0 "'uot~tnn, O'Doolan, Doolan, Doolin ; Dowling, etc.

() 'Ouot~c-c.o.., 6 'Ouot~c-cn~. Doolaghty, Dooloughty.

() uuot(\otc, 0 uuotutt;e, Dow­ley, Dooley, Dooly.

0 'Ouot u~cr~. Dilloughery, Deloughery, Delooghery, De­louhery, Delohery, Deloorey, Delury, Deloury, Delacour ; Dilworth, Dillworth.

0 'Ouott~tc, Durack, Durick, Darrick.

0 Uuorof-6., Dooris, Doris. 6 "'uof't.6.tne, 0 'Ot1of't.6.1n:se, . Delaney, Delany, Deleany,

Laney, etc. 0 'Ouot~15; O'Duffy, Duffy,

Duhy, Duhig, Dowey, Douey, Dooey, Doey, etc. ; Black.

() "'uout'6e, Devoy, Deevey, Deevy.

() 'Ouou1'61t', O'Dwyer, Dwyer, Dwire, etc.

0 Uuourtutte, Dufferly, Door-ley, Doorly.

0 'Ou1o, O'Diff, Duff ; Black. 0 "'utoctnn, Deakin, Deegin, t -•.t,Deegan, etc. (> :uuto-61ottm~. 6 Uuto-61ott­

m~ti;, Dooyearma, Dyermott, , Diarmod, Dermott, Dermond;

O'Dermott; MacDermott, &c.


0 "'utoe4\mn4\, Devany, De­vaney, Devanny, etc.

0 "'u1oe~nn.6.ti;, Devanny, De­vaney, Devany, Devenny, Divenney, etc.

0 'Outortnn, Duffin, Diffin. 0 'Ou1o5e"'-o.6.1n, Dugidan., Degi­

dan; Dixon. 0 ', Duigenan,

Duignan, Dignan, Deignan, Duignam, Dignam, etc.

0 ''Outo:stnn, Digin, Diggin, Digan, Deegin, Deighan, Deegan, Duigan ; Dugan, Duggan, Duggen.

0 'Outo5tott.6., Duffley, Diffily, Diffely, Diffley, Deffely, Divilly, Devilly, Devily, Deely, Dealy, etc.

0 Uuto1-6e, Deevey, Deevy, Devoy.

0 'Ou1ot-61f1, O'Dwyer, O'Deere, Dwyer, Deere, Dyer., Diver, Divver, Dever, Devers.

0 'Outo1n, O'Devine, Devine, Deveen, Devon ; Devany, Devaney, etc.

0 'Outotnnre.6.c-c.6.ti;, Dunroche, Denroche.

0 'Otuote.6.c.6.1n, Delahan, Dilla­han; Dillon.

0 'Ot1tole.6.t':S~. Delargy, De­largey, De .Largey.

0 'Outotu.6.ctt~. Dilloughery, Deloughery, Delooghery, De­louhery, Delohery, Deloorey, Delury, Deloury; Dillworth,

. Dilworth. 0 'Outone, Deeny, Deeney,

Denny, etc. () 'Outotttc, Dev~reux, Devery,

etc. 6 'Outlte.&tn, Dillane; Dillon. () 'OuttUn, Dilleen. 0 'Outne.6.c.6.tf1, Donogher., Dana­

gher, . Deneher, : Donaher, : Danaher,. Daniher, Danna:.


Page 109: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 ", Dennahy, Den-nehy, Dannahy,. Danihy,

: Denehy, Denny, etc. 0 "Outn1n, Dunion, Dunning,

Downing, etc. 6 "Outnn, Dunne, Dunn, Dun, . Doyne, Dyne, etc. 0 "Outnnc(\t.o.t:S, Duncahy. 0 "'umnbnn, Dinkin, Dunkin ~

Duncan •. 0 "Outnne.o.o.6.m, Dingavan, Den­

nivan. 6 "', Dinahan, Dini­

han, Denehan, Deenihan. 6 "Outnne.o.;s.6.m, Dinnegan,

Denegan, Denigan. () "Outnnfn, Dinneen, Dineen,

Dunion, Dunning, Denning, Downing.

0 "'utnntte1oe, Dunlevy, Dun­leavy, Dunlavy, Dunleevy, Dunlea, Dullea, Delea, Delay, Delee, etc.

(> "Ouqmfn, P'Durnin, Durnin, Durnian, Durnion, Dornin, Dornan ; Cuffe.

6 "'uttce, Duffy. 0 "'ul.c.o.otnt:t:S, (> "'ul.cont:.o.,

Dolohunty, Delahunty, Dela­hunt, Delhunty, Dellunty, Dulanty, Dullenty, Dulinty.

() ", Dunican, Dooni­can.

6 "'un.o.u.o.t:S, () "'un.o.t:Se. Dooney, Downey, Doney, Donney, Dunny; Downing.

6 "', Doonan, Donnan. 0 "', (> "'un:S.o.l..o.t:S,

O'Donnelly, Donnelly, etc. 0 "'un:Sutr, Dennis, Dennison,

etc. 0 "';s, Dowling, Dowlin, . Dooling, Doolin, Doolen,

Doolan, etc. 6 e.o.ctt:Se.o.11n.o., 0 e.o.ctt:Sett1n.

() etct1:Setl1n, Ahearne, Aherne, Ahearn, Aheran Aheron, Ahern, etc.


0 r.o.ct:n.o., Faulkney ; Faulkner, etc.

6 '}, Faughnan. () ,:.6.;s.6.1n, Fagan, Fagin. (> r.o.:S.o.t1t:.O.t5, Whearty. 6 '}:.6-tl.oe, 6 '}:.6.1l.e, O'Falvy,

O'Falvey, Falvey, Fealey, Fealy.

() '}:.O.tt1ce.o.l.l..o.1:5, O'Farrelly, Farrelly, Farley, etc.

(> '}, Fahey, Fahy, Fay, Foy. 6 '}:.o.l.c.o.t-6, Falahee, Falahy,

Falsey. () ,, Fallaher. 0 ,, Falloon, Faloon,

Faloona, Fallon, etc. (), Allan, Allen,

Hallen. () '}:.o.ou.o.;, Feagan, Fegan,

Fagan, etc. () ,, Whelan, Phelan,

etc. () t.o.o1l.e.6.m, Hyland, etc. () ,, Wheleghan,

Wheelahan, Whelahan, vVhele­han ; Whelan, Phelan, etc.

() '}:.o.ol..6.1n, O'Phelan, Fealan, Phelan, Whelan, Philan, Fylan, etc.

(), Heelan, Hillan, Hy­land, Whelan, etc.

() '}:.o.olc.o.tu, Falahee, Falahy, Falsey.

() ,:.o.olc.o.tl1, Fallaher. () '}, Farran, Farron,

Farren, Faran, Forran, etc. () 'J:', Farnan, Farnon,

Farnand ; Farnham. 6 t.o.l1t1.6.1S, Farry, Forry. 6 'J:'.o.'t.o.tu, 6 'J:'.o.'t.o.t:S, Faughy,

Faghy, Fahey, Fahy, Fay, Foy; Green.

6 ,:.o.t.o.11t:.o.t:S, Faherty ; Fla-herty.

6 ,:e.o.-o.o.;, Fedigan. 6 'J:'e.(\11.6-tn, Feran, Feron, Fer­

ran, Fearon, Fearen, Fearn, Fern, Farran, Farren, etc.

Page 110: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 re.6.t1.6.'6.&-1f:;, 6 re.6.f1.6.15e, O'Ferry, Farry, Ferry.

6 re.6.f1C.6.tf1, Farragher, Farag­her, .Farraher, Faraher, Fra-her, etc. ·

0 fe.6.f1C~tf1, Harragher, Har­rager.

6 re~rf:;~tt, O'Farrell, Farrell, .. Ferrall, Farrahill, Frahill,

Fraul, etc. 6 te~t\S~tt, Harrel, Harrell. 6 re.6.r5~tte, Farrelly, Frawley,

Farrell, etc. 6 re~rsutr, 0 re.6.f1SUfA\, Fer­

gus, Ferris, Farris, Farrissey; etc.

0 re~rn.6tn, Fernane, Fernan. 6 rete, Fey, Fay ; Hunt. 6 retc1n, Feehin, Fehen, Feen,

F~ane, Fane. 6 t:'etnnet.-6~. Feeney, Feeny,etc. 6 r1~c~. 6 rt~c~c, Fyfee, Fye,

Fee ; Hunt ; Vingin. 0 t:'t~c.61n, Feighan, Feehan,

Fehane, Feghan, Fehan, Feane, Fane; Fegan, Fagan.

6 p~cn~. 6 '):'t~cn~c, Feighney, Feeheny, Feoghney, Feghany, Faheney ; Fenton ; Hunt.

0 l:'t~cp-6, 6 r16.Cf1~c. Feighry, Feighery, Feehery, Feerey, Feary; Hunt.

(>, Fee, Fye, Foy, Fey, Fay; Hunt.

(') t't-6lAtn, Fylan, Fyland, Phi­Ian; Phelan.

0 r~~ns~l-6t:t), Finnelly, Fen­nelly, Finley, Fenley, Finlay, etc.

0 r~~nn~b:~. Feenaghty, Fin­nerty ; Fenton, etc.

0 l:'tt.nn~, 6 p~nnt.n)e, Feeney, Feeny, Finney, Finny.

(> rt ~t1~1C , Feerick. (> p-6f:;e.6.ll-6tf:;, Feeley, Feely ;

Field. 6 r1une, Finny, Finney, Feeny,



0 rtttb{n, O'Filbin, Filbin, etc. 0 r1ne, Feeney, Feeny, etc. 0 rtnf:;tn, Finning, Fenning ; , Fannin, Fanning. 0 rtnn, Finn, Fynn, Finne. 0 r1nne, Feeney, Feeny, etc·. ·· 6 pnne-6ct:.6, 0 rtnne.6.Ct:-6t5,

Finnaghty, Finaghty, Feena­' ghty, · Fenaghty, Fenaughty,

Finnerty, Finerty, Fannerty; Fenton, etc.

0 t't n n e~ct:~t5, Hingerty, Hin-nerty, Hennerty.

6 r1nnttse~pn, Finneran. 0 t'io-6.60.6.tf1, Feore. 6 r1o-6.6or~. Fury, Furey, (?)

Fleury. 6 rton.6tn, O'Finan, Finan,

Finnan, Fannon ; Fannin, Fanning.

* 6 p ons~f1"0-6tl, Finnerell. 6 l:'10nn-6c.6tn, Fenihan, Fana­

han. 6 r10nn~ct:~, 6 pon1Mct:~15,

Finnaghty, Finaghty. Feen­aghty, Fenaghty, Fenaughty, (?) Feenaghy, (?) Fanaghey, Finnerty, Finerty, Fannerty; Fenton.

6 t10nn-6ct:~t5, Hinnerty, Hen­nerty, Hannerty, Hanaty.

0 t:'tonn~:-:;6-tn, Finnigan, Fini­gan, Finegan, Fanagan.

() r10nnAtn, O'Finan, Finan, Finnan, Fannon; Fannin, Fanning.

6 r10nn6tl.6tn, Fenelon, Fenlon, Fendlon.

6 l:'tonns~tl, Finnell, Fennell. 0 ttonn5.6t1, Hannell. (> r10nnf:;~tte, Finnell, Fennell. 0 rtonn5.61~t5, Finnelly, Fen-

nelly, Finley, Fenley, Finlay, Findley, etc.

(> ponnsurt.., Finnessy, Fen­nessy.

6 r10nntht.c.6tn, Finnucane, Finucane.

Page 111: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 f1t1S1l, O'Freel, Freel, Friel; Freal, Frehill, etc.

0 "t:11151te, Freely, Freehily, Fre­hilly.

0, (> ptC1tl, (> f1tc1tle, 6 "t:ltllte, Fihelly; Fihily, Fehily, Fehely, Fee­hely, Feehily, Feeley, Feely ;

, Field ; Fielding. 0 rt.o.1nn, Flang, Flyng, Flynn. 0 tt.o.1nn, Laing, Layng, Lang. 6 rt.o.1toe.o.r-c.o.15, O'Flaherty,

Flagherty, Flaherty, Flaverty 0 tt.o.1toe.o.r-c.o.15, O'Lafferty,

O'Laverty, Lafferty, Laverty, Laherty.

0 ", Flahavan, Fla­hevan, Flahavin, Flavahan, Flavin.

6 tt.o.1te.o.1h.&m, Lavan, Lavin. 6 rt.o.1t}'1le.o.-6, Flatley, Fiatt­

ley, Flattery. 6 i.'l.61t5e.o.r.o., Lacy, Lacey,

Leacy ; De Lacy. 0 rt.o.1-c1te, Flatley, Flattley. 6 rt.o.1t11h, Flahive, Flahy. 0 tt.o.1t11i1, Lahive, Lahiff, Laf­

fey, Laffy, Lahy, etc. 6 tt.o.1t11htn, Flahavin, Flavin,

etc. 0 f:l.<.'\1"t11hfn, Lavin. 6 rt.o.1-c1re, Flattery. 6 "t:l.o.11n"-"OP"-"· Flannery. 6 "t:L.\n11.o.c.&111, Flanaghan. 6 "t:l.o.n11.o.5.&111, O'Flanagan,

Flanagan, Flanigan, etc. 6 rt.o.n11C.O."'.O., (> rt.o.n11C.0.11),

Flanahy. 6 "t:l.o.1111S"-"1l, Flavell. 0 rt.o.n115"-"1te, O'Flannelly,

Flannelly ; Flannery. 6 rt.o.t.o.15, Flahy, Flahive. 6 tt.o.t.<.'\15, Lahy, Lahey, Laffy,

Laffey, . Lahive, Lahiff, etc. 6 rt.o.tA.\1h.&111, Flahavan, Flahe­

van, Flahavin. 6 t~t.o.t.o.1h.&1n, Lavan, Laven,



0 flomn, O'Flynn, Flynri, · Flinn, Flyng, etc. 6 tto1n11, O'Lynn, Lynn, Linn, , Lind ; Lindsay. 6 fo-6l.o.-6.o., O'Foley, Foley. o ros.o.ttt.o., 6 1=6sA.\r-c:.615·;

Fogarty, Fogerty. 6 tos.o.t1-c.o.15, Hogarty, Hogerty

Hegerty. 0 tos.o.t1-c.o.15, Hoverty; Hegarty~ 6 rosl.o.-6.6, O'Foley, Foley. 0 to:SL,-Q.o., Holey. 6 ro1te.&111, Whelan, etc. 6 t01te.&1n, Helen, Hillane,

Hillan, Hilland, Rylan,. Hy­land, Whelan, etc.

6 t:Olrre1-6, {?) Ferry. 6 rotl'-c:ce1pn, Fortin, Fortune! 6 rotl.o.111A.\111, Falloon, Fallon,

Fallen, etc. 0 ror.o.nn-&111, Farnan, Farnon~

Farnand, etc. 6 "t:p.o.oc.&1n, 6 rr.o.o1cin, Fre-

hen; French. 6 fpe.o.c.o.1r, Fraher. 6 t~l'e.o.c..o.1p, Raber. 0 fl'c.o.s.o.1te, Frawley. 0 rre.o.t.o.1t, Frahill, Fraul. 6 ftHS1l, O'Freel, Friel, Freel,

Freal. 0 ff11S1le, Freely. 0 rr,tJt, Frehill, Freehill. 0 fr1t1te, Freehily, Frehilly. 6 ftlA.\"'.o., O'Foody, Foody,

Foudy, Foddy ; Swift ; Speed. 0 ru.o.u.o.c.&m, Fodaghan ; Swift. 6 ru.o.t.&1n, Whelan, etc. 6 tu.o.t-&111, Holland, etc. o, Whoolahan,

Whoolehan, Wholihane, etc. 0, \iVhooley, \Vholey,

Wholy. 6 ru.o.r-&111, 6 ru.o.t1f'A1n, 6 ruA.\r­

t-&111, Fourhane, Forehane, Forehan, Forhan, Foran ; Ford, Forde.

0 ru.o.ru1rce, Whoriskey, \Vhor­riskey; Waters, Watters.

Page 112: Irish names and surnames - Highlander


(> tu.<.\f'\U1fce, Hourisky, Horis­ky; Waters, Watters; Cold­well, Caldwell.

0 "}:u.<.\t.<.\15, Foohy, Fouhy, F.uohy, Fowhey . .

(> 5~o~m, Gavan, Gaven, Gavin 0 5.<.\0.<.\nn, O'Gowan, Gowan,

Goan, Gowen, Gowing, Going; Smith, Smyth.

(> 5.<.\YMl.<.\15, Gooley ; Forke. (> 5.<.\ot~1n, Goolden, Golden,

Golding, Goulding; Forkan, For kin.

(> 5.<.\0tt~m. Gowran. (> 5~c~m, Gaughan, Gahan. 0 '5.<.\"0~1n, Goddan ; Godwin,

Goodwin. 0 5.<.\Uf'\.<.\, O'Gara, Gara, Garry,

Geary, Guiry. (> 5~1oin, Gavin, Gaven. 0 5.<.\10ne~m, Guinane, Guinan. (> 5~1ote . .<.\c~m, Gavaghan, Ga-

vahan. Gavacan, Gavagan, Gavigan, Gaffikan, Gaughan, Gahan.

(> 5.<.\1t1ne.<.\c, Gallinagh. 0 '5.<.\11 Hn, Gallin, Gallen. (> '5.<.\1ttote1c, 0 5.<.\1t'Of1.<.\1c,

Garveagh, Garvey. (> 5.<.\1tto1n, Garvin, Garavin,

Garwin, Garven, (?) Girvin, Girvan ; Garvey.

0 5.<.\1roe1t, 0 5.<.\1t'o1t, Garvey. (> 5.<.\1ttmte.<.\5.<.\1U, O'Gormley,

Gormley, Grumley, Grimley. 0 '5.<.\t~m, 0 5.<.\tt~1n, Gallen,

Gallon, Gollan. 0 :s.<.\ttcoo.<.\1f'\, O'Gallagher,

Gallagher, Gallaher, Gallag­her, Gallagher, etc.

0 '5.<.\ttcu, Gallahue. 0 5.<.\ttcu0.<.\1f'\, O'Gallagher,

Gallagher, Gallaher, etc. (> '5.<.\ mnA, Gooney, Gaffney ;

Caulfield. 0 '5.<.\mn~1n, Goonane, Goonan ;

Guning, Gunning ; Caulfield. 0 S.<.\mn.<.\1tte, Goonery, Goonry.

0 S~n.<.\tf'\"0, Gaynard ; Gaynor. 0 '5.<.\o1tin, Guiheen, Gweehin,

Guihen, Guighan, Guihan, Geehan, Gihan, Gihon, Gahan; Wynne ; Windham.

0 5AttOA1n, Garvan, Garavin, Garvin, Garven, Garwin, (?) Girvan.

0 5.<.\r:t.<.\OH~, Keatley, Keitley, Keightly.

0 5e.<.\tA5~1n, Galligan ; White. 0 SeAt~m. Gellan, Gellen, Gel­

land. 6 SeAt 0~1n, Gallivan, Galvan,

Galven, Galvin. 0 SeAnn~tn, Gannon. 0 5e..11M5A, O'Garriga. 0 5e.<.\ra1n, Geran,

Guerin, Gearn, Sharpe..

Gearon, Gearns;

0 5e..1tt5~1n, Gargan, Garagan, Garrigan.

0 5e10eAnn.<.\15, 0 Se10eAnnA15, Geaveny, Keaveny, Kevany, Keveny, Geaney, Geany., Guiney, Guiny, etc.

0 5e1omn, Gaine, Geane. 0 '51.<.\tt~m, Geelan, Gealon. 0 51be.<.\tt~1n, Gibulawn, Gib­

lin ; Gibson ; Gibsey, Gipsey. 0 51bne, Gibney, Giboney. 0 51Hn, Gilleen, Gillen, Gellen,

Gillon. 0 5m1-6e,

Guiney. Guinee, Guinea,

0 510b.<.\tt~1n, Gibulawn, Giblin; Gibson; Gibsey, Gipsey.

0 51ottAou1-6e, O'Gilvie, O'Gilbie, Ogilby, Gilbey, . Gill­bee, Gilboy, Gilvoy, etc.

0 51ottA5~1n, Gilligan, Gillgan, Gilgan.

0 51ott~1n, Gillane, Gillan, Gilland, Gillon, Gillen.

0 51ott.<.\tt~1n, Gilleran. 0 51ott.<.\rn~t, Ford, Forde. 0 51onn.6.1n, Gannon. 0 51 Ottf'\.<.\1-De, O'Hare,Hare,Haire

Page 113: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

6 5t.6.c.d1n, Glackan, Glakan. -6 5t.d1thin, Glavin. 6 El.6.tfin, Glasheen. 6 5l.6.tfne, Giles, Gyles. 6 5l.6.f~tn, Glessane, Glissane,

Glissawn, Gleason, Gleeson. 6 5lM"Of1.6., Gladdery, Gladdry. 0 5l1.6.f.dtn, Gleesane, Glissane,

Gleason, Gleeson, etc. 6 5t6t.6.1tm, (?) Glorney. 0 '5nith, Agnew. . ,0 50D.6., Gow ; Smith. 0 5ob.6.1n, Gobin. 0 50D.6.nn, O'Gowan, Gowan,

Goan, Gowen, Gowing, Going; Smith, Smyth.

0 E), Goddan ; Godwin, Goodwin.

(> 501bin, Gubbins. 0 501-ofn, Godwin, Goodwin. 0 501tll-6e, 0 501ttfn, Golden,

Golding, Goulding. (> 50tf1e.6.C'C.6, Geraghty, Ger­

raghty, Gerity, etc. 6 5o•rmt;Mtt.6, 6 ~01rmi;t.6t­

t.6tf;, 6 . 501f1m5tott.6, Gor­milly, Gormley.

0 501rmte.6f;-<lt5, 6 501rm-f'le.6.i;.61f;, O'Gormley, Gorm­ley, Gormilly, Grumley, Grim­ley ; Bloomer.

6 5ott.6.1n, Gullan, Gulan. 6 5orm.6s.6.m, Gormagan. 6 5ot', O'Gorman, Gorman 6, 6 5orm5.6tte,

Gormaly, Gormilly, Gormley; Gorman ; Grimes.

6 5ot'm6s. Gorman. 6 5ormf'utt, 6 5ormf'uttt:S,

Gormaly, Gormilly, Gormley; Gorman.

6 50tf1.6t"6, Geoghery, Gohary, Godfrey.

6 5r.6.u.6, O'Grady, Grady. 0 5f1.dtnne, Greany, Greaney. 0 5r.dt.6.t:5, 6 5r.6.t l-6.15, Greally,

Grealy, Greely. 0 5f1.6thn.6, O'Growney.


6 5f1.60l.6t5, 6 5f1.60ll.6.t:5, Greally, Grealy, Greely.

.6 5f1e.6.c.6.m, Greaghan, Grea­han, Grehan, Gregan, Grey­han, Grayhan, Greaham, Gre­ham, Graham, Graeme, Grame, Greame, Greames, Grimes.

6 5f1e.6."0.6., O'Gready, Gready, Graddy; O'Grady, Grady.

6 5ret-6m, Grimes, Graeme, Graham.

0, Greaven, Grevin ; Greaves, etc.

6 5t1t-<l"O-<l, Grady. 0 5f1t.6.tlutf, Grealish ; Greally,

Grealy, Greely ; Griffin. 6 5f\, Greenan, Grennan,

Grannon. 6 5f1tbin, Gribbin, Gribben,

Gribbon. 0 5r•otin, 6 5r1r1n, Griffin. 6 5rfoot.6., Griffey, Griffy, , Greehy ; Griffith, Griffiths ;

Griffin. 6 5rioc.6, Greehy. 6, Greaven, Grevin,

Griffin ; Griffith, Griffiths ; Greaves, Grieves.

6 5f', 6, Croo-gan, Grogan, Groggan.

6 5U.6tf1e, Goorey, Gorey. 0 5U-<11f1tm, Gorham. 6 5u.6ll-<1C'C.6., Goolden, Golden,

Goulding, etc. 0 5u1hfn, Gobin, Gubbins. 6 5utm-6e, Guinee, Guinea,

Guiney. 6, Gossan, Gosson, Gas-

son, Gaussen. 6 h-<iD.6f1'C-<lt:S, Haverty. 0 h-<i"6t.6t5, Addley, Addly. 0 h-<i"6m.6tlt, O'Hamill, Hamill,

Hamell, Hammill, Hammell. 6 h-0."6n.6.1"6, 6 h-O.-Gn-6.15, Hiney,

Hyney. 6 h-<, O'Hagan, Hagan,

Haggan, etc.

Page 114: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0 h~5.61f1'C, Heggert. 0 h~5.6f1'C-61;S, Agarty, Hagarty,

Hagerty, Hegarty, Hegerty, Heggerty, etc.

0 h.0..5.6f1'C-61;S. Hearty ; ·Hegarty. 0 h.&;Sm-61l t, O'Hamill, Hamill,

Barnell, Hammill, Hammell. 0 h.O..H~1f1, O'Hehir, O'Haire,

O'Hare, Hegher, Hehir, Aher, Hair, Hare, Herr.

0 h.O..t'Oelt, 0 h.0.1'0t'6e, Haidee, Haidy.

0 h.0.1'01n, Radian, Haden, Hay-din, Hayden, etc.

0 h.0.1'01t, Haidee, Haidy. 0 h.0.1'6ne, Hiney, Hyney. 0 h.0.1t oe-6l1'C-61;S, Halverty, Hal­

ferty, Hilferty. 0 h.0.1tce, Hally, Halley. 0 h.0..1t;Se-6n..\m, O'Hallinan,

Hallinan, Hallanan, Halnan. 0 h~1l;Se-6f-6, Hallissy, Hallis­

sey, Hallessy. 0 h.0.1tln, Hallin, Hallion, Allin,

Allen. 0 h.0.1tte, Hally. 0 h.0.1lle-6c..\1n, Hallaghan, Hal­

lihane, Hallahan, Hallihan. 0 hA1tle-65..\1n, Halligan, Hilli­

gan. 0 h .0.11 Un, Hallin, Hallion,

Allin, Allen. 0 h.0.1lm1c, Halvey, (?) Hanwick. 6 h.0.1lpin, 6 h.0..1lpene, Halpin,

Halpeny, Halfpenny. 6 h.O.ahe1f151n, 6 h.0..111l1f151n,

Mergin, Bergin, Bergen, Ber­gan, Berrigan, etc.

0 h.0.1noe1t, 6 h.0..1nl:>1t, Hanvy, Hanvey, Hanify, Hanafy, Hannify, Hanway, etc.

6 h.0.1note..\1n, 6 h.0..1notin, Hanefan, Hanifan, Hanafin, Hanifin, etc.

0 h.0..1nc1n, Hanneen, Hannin, Hannen ; Hannan, Hannon.

0 h.0.1nre1t, 6h.<\1nf1'6,6h.O..lnf1t Hanify,Hanafy, Hannify, etc.


0 h.0..1nre.6.1n, 6 h.O..tnrtn, 0 h.0.1mre..\1n, h.0..1n1rtn, Bane­fan, Hanifan, Hanafin, Hani­fin, etc.

6 hA\lnle, 0 h.<\1nte, 0­ll;Se, 6 h~1nt1;Se, Hanley, Handly, Hanly, Henly.

6 h.0..1nm1re, 6 h.O..lnrrure-6c, 0 h.0.1nmne-6c, Hanberry, Han­bery, Hanbury ; Ansberry, Ansboro'.

0 h-<.\1nn1n, Hannin, Hanneen, Hannen ; Hannan, Hannon.

0 h.0..1nte, Hanify, etc. ,6 h.O..lf1e-6C'C-61;S, Harrity ; Harty;

Harrington. 0 h.<\1f15e-6'0.6.1n, Hargaden, Har­

gadon ; Hardiman ; Harman, Harmon.

6 h.0..1f11he-6'6.61S, 0 h.6.11-t1h1'6e, Harvey, Hervey.

0 h.&1rne, Harney, Hartney. 6 h.0..111'C, O'Hart, O'Harte,

Hart, Harte. 0 h'0-6, Harnedy, !-!art-

nett, Harnett. 6 h.<\1f1'C11l, Hartry, Hartery. 0 h.<\lfe-6'6.6, Hassey, Hassett. 6 h.0..1tC111, O'Hehir, O'Haire,

O'Hare, Hegher, Hehir, Hair, Hare, Herr.

0 h.O..lte-6f-6, O'Hahasy, Ha­hasy, Hahessy, Ahessy.

0 h.<\ll-6c..\1n, Hallaghan, Halla-han, Hallihan.

0 h.O..ll-65.6.1n, Halligan. 6 hA-\ll-61'6e, Halley, Hally. 6 h.O..ll-6th-61n, Hallan, Allan,

Allen. (> h.O..tl1nur6.1n, O'Halloran,

O'Hallaran, O'Halleran, O'Halleron, Halloran, Hol­loran, etc.

(> h.O..lp-6n, Halpin, Halpeny, Halfpenny.

0\m, Haveron, Haveren, Havern, Havron, Haffron, Heffron, etc.

Page 115: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

. 103

(> '11.t..m.6.1ttdn, Hamilton. J• (> h-<-'.n.6.1te, Hanify,. Hannify,

etc. 'J>

(> h-.6.n c.6.11H::e, Canty. 0 h-<-'.nsttum, Anglim. (> h-<-'.nstu111n, Anglin, Anglim. (> h-<-'.nlt1.o.1n, O'Hanlon, Han..:

Ion, Hanlan, etc. 0 h.<\nn.6.c.6.1n, Hanihan, Han­

nahan; Hannan. (> h-<-'.nn., Hannigan, Hani-

gan. . * (> 11-<-\nn.o.n), Hanna. (> h-<-'.nn.6.1n, Hannan, Hannon,

Hanan, Hanon, etc. (> h.<\nntu.t..1n, O'Hanlon, Han­

lon, Handlon, Hanlan, etc. 0 h.<\nnrt.6.C.6.1n, O'Hourihane,

Hourihane, Hourahan, Houri­han, Hourican, etc.

(> h.O.nnp., Hourigan. (> h.<\nntt.6.1C, Hanrick, Hand­

rick, etc. 0 h.<\nntt.&ln, Haran, Haren,

Horan. 0 h-<-'.nr.6.c.6.1n, O'Hanrahan,

Hanrahan, Handrahan. 6, Hanratty. 0 h-<-'.np.6."6.6.1n, O'Hanrahan,

O'Hourihanc, Hanrahan, I-Iourihane, Hourigan, Hor­rigan, Haran, Horan, Horgan, etc.

0 h-<.-\o-6.6., O'Hca, Hay, Hayes, Hews, Hughes, etc.

0 h-<-'.o-6o.s.6.1n, O'Hegan, Regan, Reagan, Hagan, Hogan, Egan Eagan, Eakin, Eakins,Hegans, Hagans, Higans, Huggins, &c.

0 h.O.o1lc.6.1n, Rylan, Hyland, etc. ··

0 h-<-'.o1ttc.6.c.6.1n, Hellican, Hele-han, Helihan ; O'Higgins, Higgins; Hedigan.

0 h-<-'.ot.6.1n, Heelan, Helen, Hil­lane, Hillan, Holian, Hey­land, Hiland, Rylan, Hyland, Holland. Vlhelan, etc ..

6 h.&on.t..c.6.1n, , Heanaghanf Henaghan, Heneghan, Hene­han, Henihan, Henekan: Heenan, etc.

0 h.<\onsuir, Ennes, Ennis, etc! (> h-<-'.onsuf-6., Hennessy, Hensy,

Hinsy, Henchy, Hinchy. . .r 6 h-<-'.or-c-6.15, Hearty. ; 0 h-<-'.r.6.s.6.m, Horagan, Horgan,

etc. 6 h-<-'.r-6.11-c, Harold, Harrold. 0 h..&tt5.6."0.6.1n, Hargaden, Har­, gadon; Hardiman; Harman,

Harmon. 0 h..&tts.&m, Hargan, Horgan,

Organ. 0 h..O.pp.6.c.6.1n, Horahan, Harran,

Haran, Horan, etc. 0 h.o.rp.6.c-c.6.m, Harroughton, • Haroughton ; Harrington;

Errington, Irrington. 6 h..o.rr., Harrigan, Berri-

gan, Horrigan, Horrogan, Horagan, Horgan, etc.

6 h-<ir-c-6., 6 h-<ir-c-6.1;5, Harty. 0 h..O.p-c., O'Hartigan,

Hartigan, Hartican. 0 h..O.l'-c.&m, Hartan, Harten,

Hartin, Harton, Horton. 0 h..&r-c5.6.1tc, Hartley. 0 h..&t.6.11'ne, Harney, Hartney: 6 h.O..t.6.p'C.6.1:t), Harty. 0 he.6.c.6.c, Haugh, Hawe, Hawes 0 he.6.c .. \-6.6., 6 he.6.c.6.1-6, Haghey

Haughey, Haffy, Hahee, Hawey, Hoey.

0 he.6.c.6.1-61n, Haughean,Haugh­ian ; Hawkins.

0 he.6.c.6.1n, Baughan, Haghan, Haghen ; Hawkins ; Haugh­ton.

6 he.6.c-6uo.6.1n, Aghoon ; White-steed.

0 h e .. ,cr.&ll,, Haughran, Haran. 6 he.6.ct.6.1p, Hoctor, Hocter. 6 he.6.ct15e.6.t1n.6., 6 he.6.ct15e,rn.

Ahearn, Aherin, Aherne. Ahern, Hearne, Hearn. etc,

Page 116: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0, Heduvan,. Hedi­van.

0 h e..1ur~. O'Hara, O'Harra, Hara.

0 h~.6.'0f10m.6.m, Hederman,. Hedderman.

0 h~.6.f.6., Heaphy, Heify, etc. 0 he.6.Sf1.6., O'Hara, O'Harra,

Hara .. () he.6.;Sr.6.m, O'Haran, Haran,

Haren, Harran, Harren, etc .. 0 he.6.t.6."6.6.t;S, 6 he.6.t.6.t-6e, 0

he.6.tut;Ste, 6 h~.6.tut;Ste, Healy, Really, Hely, Hayles.

() h~.6.m.6.c.6.m, Hevaghan. 0 h~.6.m.6.t;S, Heavy, Heavey,

Hevey, Havy, Havey, Hea-phy, etc.

(), Evans, etc. 0;S, Heaphy, Heify,

etc. 0 h~.6.n.6.c.6.m, Heanaghan,

Henaghan, Heneghan, Hene­han, Henihan, Henekan, Heenan; Bird.

0 h~.6.n.6.-6.6., Heanue, Heaney, Heany.

0 h~.6.n.6.s.6.m, Hennigan, Hene­kan; Bird.

0 h~.6.n.6.t;S, Heaney, Heany. 0, Henan, Heenan,

Hennan, Heanen, etc. 0 b~.6.nn.6., Heany, Heaney,

Heeny, Heney, etc. ; Bird. 0 he.6.nnf1.6.1C, 6 he.6.nf1.6.1C, Hen-

rick, Hanrick, Hendrick, Handrick, etc.

0 he.6.r.6m, O'Harran, O'Haran, O'Hern, Haran, Harran, Reran, Herran, Heron, Her­ron, Hearn, Herne.

0 he.6.f1.6.1f1tn, 6, Her­rerin, Herreran.

() heAf1C.6.U.6., 6 he.6.f1C.6.t-6, Haraghy, Hiraghy, Harrihy, Harkey, Horohoe, Horahoe, Harroe, Hurroe ; Hore, Hoare; Harris; Harrison.


0 he.6.rc.6.m, Harkan, Harkin, . Harkins, etc. 0 he.6.f1C.6.1f1, Harragher, Harra-

her. . 0 h e.6.f', Harrell, Harrel,

Herald, etc. 0 he.6.f'S.6.tte, Harrily, Harley,

Herley, Herly. 0 he.6.rn.6m, Hernon, Harnon,

Hartnane, Hertnan, Hertnon; Heffernan.

0 hetctt;Setrn, Ahearn, Aherin, Aherne, Ahern, Hearne, Hearn, etc.

0 h~tue-6.-6.6., Haidy, Haidee. (> he1", Hedegan, Hedi­

gan, Haddigan. 0 hetue.6.m, 6 h~1ue.6m, Heden,

Headen, Haden, Hayden, Haydon, etc.

0 h~t'Ot-6, Haidy, Haidee. 0 hetu1n, 6 h~tu1n,. Heden,

Headen, Radian, Haydin, Hayden, Haydon, etc.

0 hetum, O'Heyne, Heines, Hynes, Hindes, etc.

0 h~1-61n, Haines, I-Iaynes, Hynes.

0 het-otf'rce6tt, O'Driscoll, Driscoll, etc.

0 he1une.61n, Hinan, Hynan. 0 hetum;S, Hiney, Hyney. 0 h~tsce.6.f'"C.6.t;S, 6 h~15e.6.f'"C.0.15,

O'Hegarty, Hegarty, Hegerty, Hagarty, Higerty, etc. ; Ha­verty.

0 hetsnt;S, 6 h~tsnt'S, Hegney, Heagney, Haigney.

(> hett;Se.6.r.6tn, Ellison. 0 hettt-6e, 6 hettt;Se, Healy,

Hely, etc. 0 h~tme.6.c.6m, Hevaghan. 0 heuht;S, Hevey, Heavy,

Heavey, etc. 0· h~tm1n, Evins, Evens,

Evans. 0 h~tmr1n, Heverine, Heveran,

Heveron, Hefferin, etc.

Page 117: Irish names and surnames - Highlander

0, Heanaghan, Henaghan, Henehan, Heni­han, Henekan ; Heenan ; Bird.

() h(!tne.<\u.o., Heanue, Heaney, Heany.

0 h~mt;S, Heany, Heaney, Heeny, etc ; Bird.

0 h~m1n, Heanen, etc. 0 h~mne, Heany, Heaney,

Heeny, Heney, etc. ; Bird. 0 h ~lf', O'Hare, Hare, Haire. 0 h etrc, Erke, Herrick, Her­

ricks, Harricks. 0 heqw.o.th6tn, Ervine, Erwin,

Irvine, Irwin. 0 hetrle.o.n~1l1, 0 hetrltn, Heslin 0 hcoc.o.c, Hough. 0 hCoc.o.u.o., Howe, Howes, etc. 0 heoc.<\s.&m, Houghegan;

Hogan. 0 heoc.o.n), Houghy, Hughey,

Howie, Howey, Howay, Hoey, Huey, Hoye, Hoy, etc.

0 heou.o.r.<\, 6 heouur.o., Hosey, Hosie; Hussey; Oswell, Os­wald.

0 heo;, Bowen, Hone, Hoyne, Owen, Owens, Hay­nes, Hains ; Hynes.

0 l1eo;S.o.n.&m, Honan. 0 heo;S.o.r.o., Hosey; Hussey. 0 he6lutr, 6 he6tur.<\, Olus. o h1.o.rrl.<\i:.<\, 6 h16.rl.o.ti:e, 6

h 1-<.\pt.o.i::-<.\, O'Herlihy, Herlihy, Herley; Hurley.

0, Hearnon, Hernon. 0 h 1.o.pf6.C, Eyres, Ayres. 0 hlce.o.u.o., 6 hlct-De, O'Hickey,

Hickey, Rickie. 0 h1re.o.}m.&tn, Hiffernan, Hef­

fernan, Heffernan, Hefferan, etc.· .

0 h1nne.o.c-c,.o.t;S,· Hingerty., Hin­nerty, Hennerty, Hannerty, etc.

0 h1.nnet1'5e, Henery, Henry, Hendry.


0 h1nnre.o.c-c-<.\t;S, Hanratty. 6 h1nnre.&tn, Henrion. 6 h1nre.o.c-c.o.t;S, Hanratty. 0 h1nre, Hinchy, Hinchey. 6 h1ol.&tn, Hillane, Hillan, Hy­

land, Holland, Whelan. 6 h1olr.o.c.&tn, Eagleton, Eggle­

ton. 0 h 1, () h 1 OriM11l, O'Hure,

Reever, Rever, Hoare, Howard, Ivors, Ivers, Eivers.

6 h1omn.o., Ellmore. 0 h 1, Harrington. 6, Nooney. 0 h1ont1Mtne.&tn, Nunan, Noo­

nan. 6 h1otln.o.b::.o.t;S, Hinnerty, Hen-

nerty, Hannerty, Hanaty. 6 h1onn;Sl>.tl, Hannell. 6 h1onn;S6.tlo, Hennelly. 0 h1onnr.o.", 6 h1onnp.&tn, 6

h1onp.&tn, Henrion. 6 h1opu.o.t"6, Heary, Heery. 6 hll', O'Hear, O'Hare, O'Haire,

Hear, Heare, Hare, Hair, Haire.

6 h1p;Stl, Hirill, Hirl. 6 h1t1;Stle, Hirrely, Birley, Her­

ley. 6 h1i::ce.o.ll.o.t;S, 6 h1i:cttte, 6

h1i::tlle, O'Hihilly, Hilly, Hillee.

0 h Oup.o., O'Hara. 6 hOUf\.6.5-&tn, Hourigan. 6 houl'.&tn, Horan. 6, O'Hagan, Hogan. 0 h, Bogart. 6 h O;, Howard. 6 h 0S-<.\l'L:6.t;S, Hogarty, Ha-

gerty ; Hegarty. 0 h 05.o.l'L:l>.t;S, Haverty ; He-

garty. 0 hOf)l.o.u.o., .Holey. 6 h, HQran. 0 llotbtdn,Hopkin,Hopkins,ctc. 6 hOtC1p, O'Hehir, 0' Hare,

Hegher, Hehir, Baier, Herr~ etc.

Page 118: Irish names and surnames - Highlander


0 h01te.6.1n, 0 h01te.6.1n, O'Lyons, Holian, Hyland, Whelan, etc.

6 hOtre.o.ct:.o.1;5, Hearaghty, Heraghty, Heraty ; Harty ; Erraught, Erought; Geragh­ty; Harrington.

() h01rce, Hiskey; Waters, Watters.

() h01rdn, Heskin, Hoskins; Waters, Watters.

6 h01re.6.1n, Hishon. 6 h01rfn, Russian, Hessian,

Hession, Hishon. () h01rdn, Riston, Hestin,

Hestion, Hasting, Hestings, Hastings.

6 h 01ft:1l', Hester. 6 hot.&m, Holland, Hyland,

Whelan. o hOncon, Unehan, Ouniban;

Donegan. 6 h 6r.o., O'Hara. 6 horc.6.1n, Horkan, Barkan,

Harkin, Harkin, Harkins, Arkins.

0 hOrr.o.15, Horsey; Hurst. (> hor.6.1n, Hassan, Hasson,

Hassin. (> hU.o.uA, Huddy. 0 hu.o.u.o.ti;, O'Huadhaigh. 6 hU.o.1nn)e, 0 hU.o.1tne, 6

hU.o.1tn1;S, Rooney; Green. (> hU.o.1tnfn, Houneen, Huneen,

Honeen, Oonin; Green, Greene. () hU.o.t.6.1n, Holland. () hU.o.ttAc.&tn., O'Houlihan,

Houlihan, ·Hoolihan, 1-Iolo­han ; \Vholihane, Wholihan ; Holland ; N alan, etc.

(>;S, Howley. 6, Hanahan. (> hu.o.ri;111f, Horish. 0 hU.o.ru1rce, Hourisky, Horis­

ky ; Waters, Watters ; Cold­well, Caldwell, etc.

(> hUb.6.1n, Ruban, 'Hooban, Hoban.

0 hUu.o.1f5, Huddy. 0 husr61n, Horan. 0 hU1u, O'Hood, Hood. 0 hUn'>1r, Hare, Hoar, Hoare. 0 hUt'6r1n, Hearon, Heron,

Hearn, Herne, Heveran, Heveron,Hefferan,Heffron,etc.

0 hU1te.6.1n, Whelan. 0 hurmott:.o.t;S, Hamilton. 0 hU15e, 0 hutsin, 6 hUtstnn,

O'Higgin, O'Higgins. Hig­gins, Higgens.

0 hUtf1tt1tte, O'Hurley, Hurley. 0 hUtrce, Hiskey ; Waters,

Watters. 0 hU1rdn, Heskin, Hoskins ;

Waters, Watters. 0, Hishon. 0 hUtr1n, Russian, Hessian,

Hession, Hishon. 0 hUtt:ACAtn, Hultaghan, Hul-

tahan, Haltigan ; Nolan. 0 h Upu{\1t, Harrington. 0 hUpn.6.tuc, Hurney. 0 hurtutte, O'Hurley, Hurley. Otte.o.o..\p-o, Otle.6.0.6p'O, Elfred,

Elwood, Ellwood. Otltoe-61"'· Oliver. 0 t.o.or-6.'6.6., Lowroo, Lowery,

Lowry, La very. 0 t.o.or.o.u.o. b.&n, Baun-Lavery. 0 t.o.or.o.-66 ntt.o.-6, Roe-Lavery. 6 t.o.op-6.'6-" c:re.6.n, Trin-Lavery

Tryn-Lavery, Trim-Lavery; Armstrong.

0 t..-\Op.6.n), Lowry, Lowery Lavery.

0 t.o.c.&tn, Lahan ; Duck. 0, Lachlin, Laghlin,

Laghlen, Laughlin. 0 t..:\c-cn-6., Loughney. 0, Laughnan, Lough­

nane, Loughnan ; Loughrane, Loughran ; Lawton ; Laugh­Ian, Loughlin, O'Loughlin; MacLaughlin ; Loftus.

0 t.o.ct:f1.&1n, O'Loughran, Lough­rane, Loughran, etc.

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6 t6.1ue.6.1n, Ladden. 0 L.\1-6e.<.\n.6.1n, 6 L\1-6f;e.6.t1.6.1n,

6 t.6.1-6;, Lynan, Ly­nam, Lynham, Lyneham, Lineham, etc.

6 t.<.\l'On), Luddy. 6 l.6.1-61f;, O'Lee: Lee. 6 l.6.1-61n, v. 6 l.<.\1f;1n. 6 t.6.1une.6.1n, 6 t.6.1f;e.6.n.6.1n,

Lynan, Lynam, Lynham, Lyneham, Lineham, etc.

6 t.6.1;51n, O'Leyne, O'Lane, O'Lyons, Layne, Leyne, Lyne, Lane, Leane, Lean, Leen, Lyons, etc.

6 t.6.1i_;ne.6.1n, Lynan, Lynam, Lynham, Lyneham.

6 t6.1Sn1i;, Leeney, Lyons. 6 L\11i11n, Lavin, Laven, Lavan;

Hand. 6 t.o.1nn, Laing, Layng, Lang. 6 t4'.1i::ue6.rt:6.1S, O'Lafferty,

O'Laverty, Lafferty, Laverty, Laherty.

6 l6.1i::<~.o.r6., 6 t6.1i::;Sc6.f.6., Lacy, Lacey, Leacy ; De Lacy.

6 l6.1b1i1, Lahive, Lahift, La­hiffe, Laffey, Laffy, Lahy, Lahey, etc.

6 t4'-li::11h1n, Lavin. 6 t~1i::in, (?) Laheen. 6 L<'\tb11e, Laffy, Laffey. 6 L\1l1.6.1n, Lavan. 6 t.o.ocu.o., Leahy, Leehy, etc. 6 t-<.\ocl'"· Leahy, Leahey. 6 t"-'o-66~, 6 t6.o~6s, Leeogue,

Leogue, League, Luoguc, Loogue, Logue ; Leech ; Molloy, :Mulloy.

6 t.o.of;A.\l)le, O'Leary, Leary, etc. 6 t-<.\o1"61i:;, O'Lec, Lee. 6 l6.o1;S1t"t, Lyle. 6 L6.0ltW6.C.\1 n, Lenihan. 6 L-<.\onn)6., Leamy. 6 l-6.p...\1n, Lnpin, Lappin, La­

phin ; De Lapp, Delap. ot.&ru, Ellard. 6 t.6.i::.6.1f;, Lahy, Lahey; Leahy;

Laffy; Laffey, etc.;Guttery,etc. 6 te.<.\n.6.c.\1n, Lenaghan, Leneg-

han, Lenahan, Lenehan, Lenihan, Lennihan, etc.

6, Lenden, Linden, Lindin, Lindon.

6 te.6.nn.6.1n, Linnane, Lannan, Lannen, Lannon, Lennon ; Leonard, etc.

6 te.6.t'St1f.<.\, Larrissy, Laracy. 6 tc.&rn6.c, Larney. 0 lc.6.i::.6.1n, Laban, Laine, Lane. 6 lc-6.i::loo61p, O'Lalor, Lalor,

Lawlor, Lawler. 6 le1-61n, 6 le1f;tn, O'Leyne,

O'Lane, O'Lyons, Leyne, Lyne, Lane, Lyons, etc.

6 tctmc, Leamv. 6 tcoc...\1n, Loghan, Loughan ;

Duck. 6 tco;s.&1n, Logan, Lagan. 6 l16.U.o.ln, 6 t1"-'S.o.1n, Lean,

Leane, Leen, Lane, etc. 6 l1-6.Up.&ln, Leyden, etc. 6 l1.6i::.\m, O'Lehane, Lyhane,

Leehane, Lehane, Levhane, Lihane, Lyhan, L-eehan, Leeane; Lyons, etc.

6 t1uc.o.u6., Liddy, Leddy. 6 tn:":>1n, 6 t1f;1n, Lean, Leane,

Leen, Lane, etc. 6 t10u.\1n Liddane, Leddan,

Lydden, Lyden, Lydon, Ley­den, etc.

6 Uon6.c...\1n, Lenaghan, Lena­han, Lenihan, Lennihan.

6 t10n.6.1n, Lenane, Lannan, Lannen; Leonard.

6 t1onu.6.1n, Lindon, Linden, etc.

6 l10nn.\m, Linnane, Linane, Lennon; Leonard.

*6 t1re.6.1n, Leeson. 6 l6c.&1n, Loghan, Loughan,

Lohan ; Chaft. 6 tocl.\Jn, 0' Lough 1 an ,

O'Loughlin, Loughlan; Lough­lin ; Loftus.

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6 toct.o.1nn, 0' Lough 1 an, O'Loughlin, O'Loghlen, Logh­lin, Loughlan, Loughlen, Loughlin, Laughlin, etc.

6 tocp.&1n, O'Loughran, Lough­rane, Loughran.

6 tou.&1n, Ludden, Ladden, Leddan, Leyden, etc.

6 t6;s.&n1, Logan. 6 to1ue.&1n, Ludden, Liddane,

Leddan, Lydden, Lyden, Ly­don, Leyden, etc.

6 to1un), Luddy. 6 t01n:src.o.c.&1n, Lynchahaun,

Lynchahan, Lynchehan; Lynch.

6 t01n5r1;S, Linchey, Linchy, Lynchy, Lynch, Lindsy ; Lindsay.

6 t01nn, O'Lynn, Lynn, Linn, Lind ; Lindsay.

6 to1nrctf:;, Linskey, Lynskey. 6 to1115ne.&1n, Lerkinan, Lear-

hinan, Lerhinan, Largan ; Lardner.

6 tom.&1n, Loman, Lomand, Lomond, Lemon, Lemmon.

6 tom.o.rn.o., 6 tom.o.rn.o.1f:;, O'Lomasney, Lemosney.

6 ton.o.5.&1n, Lanigan, Lannigan, etc.

6 ton.&111, Lenane, Lanon, Lan­nan, Lannon. Lannen, Lan­nin, Lennon; Leonard.

6 ton:s.o.c.&1n, Lonican, Luni­can, etc.

6 ton;s.o.1t;, Long. 6 ton:s6.1n, Lonf)an, Langan,

Langin ; Long. 6 ton:s.o.r::;.&111, 6 tonn.o.p:s.&n1,

6 tonnr.o.s.&n1, Lonnergan, Lonergan, Londregan, Lon­drigan, Landregan, Lan­drigan, Lorrigan, etc.

6 topc.&1n, Lorkan, Lor~in, Larkin, Larken, Larkins, etc.

6 t6ttu.&m, 'Lordan. 6 topsn.&n1, Largan ; Lardner.

6 totc.&1n, Loghan, Loughan, Lohan, etc.

6 tt1.o.c.o.111, 6, Loughry, Loughrey, Lockery; Rush.

6 tt1.o.1n, O'Loan, O'Lone, Loane ; Lamb, Lambe.

6 tu.o.n.o.1;S, O'Looney, Looney, Loony, Lowney.

6 tu.o.n.6.1n, Lambe. 6 tt1.o.r.o.1;S, Lucey, Lucy. 6 tub.o.1;S, Luby, Looby. 6 tuc.o.1pe.&1n, 6 tucp.&1n,

O'Loughran, Lougheran, Laugheran, Lochrane, Lough­rane, Loughran, Loughren, O'Loran, Loran.

6 tu1ue.&1n, Liddane, Ludden, Leddan,Lydden,Lydon,Ley­den, etc.

6 tunnbr1c, Limerick. 6 tu1ne.o.c.&1n, Lenihan. 6 tu1ne.o.:s.&1n, Lenagan, Lene­

gan, Lenigan, Lanigan, Lyne­gan, etc.

6 tu1n;se.o.c.&1n, Lunican, Loni­can, Linighan, Linahan, Line­han, Lenihan, etc.

6 tu1n:se.&1n, Lingane, Linnane, Linane, Lenane, Lynane ; Leonard.

6 tu1n1~, O'Looney, Lunney, Lonney, Looney, Loony.

Luny, Loney,

6 tu1n1n, Lunneen, Lineen, Lin­neen, Linnen, Lennon ; Leon­ard ; Linnegar, Lynegar.

6 111.o.c.&tn, Macken, Mackin. 6 1Ylo.c.&tn, Maghan, Maughan,

Mahon, Mann; Vaughan. 6 ll).o.c.o.r.o. .. Macassy, Mackessy,

l\1acKessy, MacAssie, Maxey. 6 111.o.c-6.o., Mackey. 6 111.o.cdre, Wolfe. 6 n1.o.u.o.:s.6.1n, Madigan, Maddi­

gan. 6 111.o.u.o.1-6, 1\iaddy. 6 111.o.u.o.1u1n, 6 111.o.u.6.1n, O'Mad-

den, Madden... ·· ' .

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(> m.<.\1dn, Mackin, Macken. 6 m.6.1-o1n, O'Madden, Madden. 6 m.61tte, O'Malley, O'Meally,

O'Mealy, Malley, Meally, Mealley, Melly, Melia, etc.

6 m.6.1nc1n, l\1anihin, l\1anihan, Manahan, Mannix.

0 m.6.1ne, Many ; Meany. 0 n1.6.1nn1n, Mannin, Mannion,

Manion, Manning, :Mangin ; Mangan.

0 m.61rdn, Martin. 0 m.6.n.6.c.61n, :Monaghan, l\lona­

han, Manahan, etc. ; Monk, Monks.

(> mMl<.\C-6.11', Monaher. 0 m.6.n.6.5.&1n,Monegan ; Mangan. (> lYI.6.n.o.nn.61n, Marrinan, Mur-

nane, etc. (> m.6.n.6.r.61n,Mannering,Manron. 6, l\1onaghan, Mona­

han, Manahan, l\1anghan; Mangan.

0 m.6.nn-c.61n, l\1ontane, Mon­tang, Montangue, Mountain, Menton, Mintin.

0 m.6.n6s, Manogue ; Mannix. 0 m<.\olt .o..o-6.6., 6 m.6.olt .0.01-6,

Millea, Mullee, Miley, Melay ; Malley; Mulloy, Molloy.

() n1.6.oltue.o.nn.6.c-c.6., Mulvaner-ty ; Blessing.

6 m<.\Olt lJe.6.n01n, Mulvennon. 0 m.o.o1t 1Je.6.p.6.1;S, 1\!Iulberry. 0 n1.6.01l t>re.o.n<.\lnn, 6 m<.\oll

t>re.6.n.6.1nn, O'Mulrennin, Mulrenan, Mulrenin, 1\Iulren­nan, l\Iulrennin, l\1ulreany, Renan,

0 m<.\olt t>re<.\nnu.&nl, Mul-brandon.

C n1.6.o1t l>r1;Sue, Mulbreedy, Mulbride, Mullbride, Mill­bride, Mulready, Murready ; Reid.

() m.6.o1t ce,re, Mulkerry, Mul­cair, Mulhare, Wilhere, Wil­hair.

6 n1.o.o1t C1.o.p..&1n, Mulkieran Mulkearn, l\1ulkern, Mul­kerrin, Mulheeran, Mulheran, Mu lherrin, l\fulherron, Mul­hern, lVlulkearns, Mulkerns, etc.

6 lYI.o.o1t -oeq\s. l\1 ulderg, l\Iul­derrig ; Reid ; Reddington ; Ruthledge.

(> tYI.6.olle.6.c.6in, l\1elican, Milli­can, l\Iilliken, Millikin ; Mul­ligan ; Diamond, Diamon.

6, MacLaugh-lin, MacLaughlin, etc. ; O'Loughlan, O'Loughlin, etc.

(> tl1.6.01le.6.5.61n, l\1illigan, l\Iilli­gen, l\1illican, Melican ; Mul­ligan.

6 t11.6.o1te...\1n, l\loylan, 1\Iillane, l\Iillan, l\Iiland, l\Ioylin, 1\'Iul­len, etc.

(> n1.6.o1le.6.n.6.1;S, 1\Iullany, l\1ul­laney.

(> n1.6.o1t e.o.rc-6., .:\felarkey, Mul­larkey, l\1alarky.

6 ffi.6.0lt e<.\rn-6., MacLarney. C ffi.6.o1le1-o1;S, Mulleady, Mel-

ledy, Meleady, lVIeledy, l\Telody, ?vialady.

6 rno.01 t E'11111n, l\1ullavin, Mal­lavin, :!VI' Lavin.

0 m.o.o1t Co1n, O'l\1alone, 1\falone.

6 n1.6.01l F1tln, l\Iullin, 1\Inllins. 6 11'1 .<.\0ll $cq11C, 0 t11.<.\01l $1t'1C,

l\Iullerick, Millerick. (> m.(\Olt1n, Moylan, Mulleen,

Mullin. Millen, Millin, etc. 6 m .6.01 t 1 Of-6., l\11ellowes. (> tYI<.\Ollme-6.-6.6., Mulvagh, Mul­

vey. 6 111<.\0ll ri1e.6.n.o., Mulvany, Mul­

vanny, l\1ulvenna, Mulvenny, l.Ylelvenny.

0 ffi.<.\Ollm1.6.U.6.1;S, l\llulvey. 0 m<.\olt ti11Cll, 6 tYI.o.o1l ti11cft,

Mulvihill, Melville, Mitchell, Michael, etc.

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0 t11.6.o11th1n, Mullveen, Mul-veen, Mulvin, Molvin, Melvin.

6 m.6.o11 f..>e-6."0.6.111, Mullpeters. 6 t11.6.o11re.6.n.6., Mulreany. 6 m.6.o11111.;S, Mulreavy, Mil­

reavy. 6 111.6.011 R1.6.S.6.1n, 6 m-4.\011

tl1.6.1n, Mulryan, Mulroyan, Mulrine, Mulrain, O'Ryan, Ryan.

6 m.6.o11 Se.6.c1.6.1nn, MacLaugh-lin, MacLaughlin, etc; O'Loughlan, O'Loughlin.

6 111.6.011r-ce1;5e, Mustay, M'Stay, MacStay.

6 111.6.011 S1on65, Mulshinogue. 6 m.6.o1.6.c.<\1n, Molchan, Mallag­

han ; Mulligan. 6 t11.6.o1.6.5.<\1n, . Mullagan, Mulli­

gan, Mulgan ; Molyneux; Bald­win, etc.

6 111.6.o1.<\1n, O'Mullane, Mullane, Mulhane, l\1elane, Millane, Millan, lVfullan, Mullen, Mullon Mollan, Moylan, Mullins, etc . .

6, Mullanphy, Melanphy.

6 m.6.o1.6.1t, 6 m.6.o1.6.1tce, 6 m.6.o1.6.1t;Se1n, Mullahy ; Mul­loy, l\tlolloy.

6, Mullally, Mul­laly, Mulally, Lally.

6 111-601.6-n}~-61-6: Mullanphy, Melanphy.

6 t11-6o1 .6-n 1i1U-61-6, Molyneux. 6 111-6o1 .6-o-6-6, O'Mealue ;

O'Malley,; Mallew, Melay, Millea, Miley, Mullee ; Mulloy, Molloy ; Malley.

6 t11.6.o1 .6-o-665, Loague, Logue; Mulloy, Molloy.

6 111-6o1 .<.\01-6, Mullee ; Mulloy. 6 t11-6o1-6t.6.l1"C-61;S, Mulhartagh. 6 m.6.o1o.<\1n, Mulvane. 6 m.6.o1o1o;S.6.1n, l\iullowne,

Malone. 6 t11-6o1c.6.1f11, Mulcashel ;

Mountcashel ; Cashel.

0 m.6.o1c-61l-6nn, Mulhallen, Mulhollan, Mulholn, Mulhol­land, Maholland, Holland, &c.

6 m.6.o1c-6om, Mulkeen, Mul­queen, Mulquin.

6 m.(\o1 C-6o1ne, Mulqueeny, Mulqueen.

6 m.6.o1 C-6i:.6.15, Mulcahy. 6 m.6.o1 C-6i:-611, Mulhall. 6 m.6.o1ct.6.o1n, Mulkeen, Mu­

cleen. 6 m.6.o1 C.6.-c.<\1n, Mulhatton. 6 m.6.o1c1u1ce, Muckley; Mul­

cahy ; Stone. 6 m-6o1 6o1m, 6 m.(\o1 6o1u1m,

Malcolm, Mulholm, Mulhol­lum, Maholrn, Mahollum.

6 m.6.o1com-6-6, Mulumy, Me­lumby.

6 m.6.o1 6on-6111e, Mulconry, Conry ; Conroy.

6 m.6.o1c-r.6.o1oe, Mulcreevy, Mulgrievy, lVfulgrave, Mul­grew, Mulgroo, Rice.

6 m-6o1c1161n, Mulchrone, Mul­crone, Mulcroan, lVIulcroon.

6 t11-6o1 61161ne, Mulcrowney. 6 m.6.o1 uomn-61;5, Muldowney,

Muldooney, Downey, Daw­ney.

6 111-6o1 -6othn.6.15, Malowny, Molowny, l\iullowney, Mol­lony, Moloney, Molony, etc.

(> t11.6.o1 "001".6.1-6, Muldarry, Mul­derry, Meelderry.

(> m.6.o1 UU10, Maliffe. (> 111-6o1 u{nn, Muldoon, Muldon,

Meldon. 6 111-6o1r.<\o-611 Mulfaal, Mac

Faal, MacFall, MacPaul, Paul, etc.

6 ffi.6.o1}'.<\o.6.11, Mulavil, Ivt:ula­vill ; Melville; Lawell, Lavelle.

6 m.6.o1 t-4.\c-cn-6., Mulloughney, Mologhney, Mollowney, Mol­lony, Moloney.

6 ffi.6.ot t-, l\iullally, Mul­laly, Mulally, Lally.

Page 123: Irish names and surnames - Highlander


6 m~ot t~t~v-c~15, Mulhartagh. 6 rn~ot rosm~111, 6 m~ot to5-

m~111, Milford ; Palmer. 6 m~ot;S~o1te, Mulgeehy ; Mac

Gee, Magee; Wynne. 6 m~ot;Su~t~. Mulooly, Mul­

hooly. 6 m~otm~sn~. Mulvany, Mul­

venny. 6 m~ot rh~o-66s, Mullavogue ;

Mulloy, Molloy. 6 m~ot rh.&v-c~m. Martin.

(> tn.&r-c~m. Martin, Marten. 0 m~ts~mn~. O'Mahony~

Mahony, Mahon, Maughan ; MacMahon.

6 me~c~ll', O'Meagher, Meag­her, Magher, Maher.

6 me~ur~. O'Meara, O'Mara, Meara, Mara.

(> me~tt~15, Melly ; Malley. 6 me~tt.&1n, O'Mellon, Mellan,

Mellon, Mallan. Mallen; Mul­len, etc.

6 me.&r~. O'Meara, O'Mara. Meara, Mara.

o m~otmoc6111, 6 n1~ot1hoc-61v;Se, 6 m~olth01ce1115e, Early, Earley, Eardley. 6 me~11~-6~15, 6 tne~r~1-6e,

6 m~otm6n~. Mulmona; Moss. 6 tn~otmu~1-6, Milmo, Milmoe. 6 m~otmu~1-6, O'Molloy, Mol-

loy, Mulloy, Meloy, etc. 6 m~ot 1i1u1ve. Mullery, Mulry;

Miles, Myles. 6 m~ot p.&uv~15, O'Mulpat­

rick, (?) Fitzpatrick. (> n1~otvu~1-6, Mulroe, Mulroy,

Mulry, Mulrow, Melroy, Mil­roy ; Munroe, Monroe.

(> m~oll\U~1n, Mulroon, 1\'Iel­dron.

6 tYl~ot1'u~n~1-6, Mulrooney, l\1ulrony, Murroney, Moroo­ney, Moroney, etc.

6 m~ot-cu1te, Tully ; Flood. (> n1~on~15, Meany, Meeny,

Mooney, Moany, Money, etc. (> tn~on.&1n, Moonan, Moynan,

1\ionan. o m~on;S~1te, Munnelly, Mon­

nelly, Monley, Manley. 6 m~ot~5.&1n, Meehegan, Me­

hegan, Mehigan. 6 m~ot.&1n, Meehan. 6 m~rc~c.&1n, Markahan, Mar­

kan ; Markham, Marcum, &c ; Ryder.

o m~rc~15, Markey ; Ryder, o m~r~nt1Am. 6 n1~rn.&1n,

Marrinan,. Marinane, Marnane, Marnan, Mornan; Warren.

Mariga, Maree, Marry, Merry.

(> n1e~r.&m, Meran, Mearn. Marren, Marron.

(> me.6.p-6~. Mariga, Maree, Marry, l\ierry.

6 me~rt~15, Marley. (> 111e1u1r, Myres, Myers, Mey-

ers, etc. (> 111e1r5in, Mergin, Merrigan. 6 n1e1rte~c.&1n, Merlehan. (> n1e1rnin, Mernin. (> n1elfC1tt, Meskell, Miskell,

Mescall, Mescel ; Maxwell. (> ffi1~-6~c.&1n, O'Meehan,

O'Meehon, Meeghan, Meig­han, Meghan, Myhane, My­han, Mehan, Meehan, etc.

(> tn1~u~s.&m, Meegan. (> ffi1~-6~15, Mee, Mea, May. 6 m1~n.&1n, Meenan. 6 1111cdpe, \Volfe. 6 tn1-611'· Meere, Miers, Mears.

Meares, Myers, etc. 6 1111on~c.&1n, Minahane, Mina­

han ; Moynihan ; 1\ionahan, etc.

(> n11r. Meere, Miers, Mears. Meares, Myers, etc.

(> m1r1n, Mireen. 6 m1tl-6in, 6 1111tln, O'Meehin,

Meehin, Meehen, Meehan. () moc~1-6e1n, MacKean.

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6 111oc.\111, :Moghan. Mohan, lVIonghan, Moohan, Moan, :Moen, Mowen, Mahon, Moon, 1\Taughan, Voghane, Vaugh­an.

·6 n1oc61p, 6 n1oc61p;Se, Early, Earley, Eardley.

6 n1occ6., l\1oughty. 6 n1o5tt.6.1n, O'Moran, Moran. 6 tY161pin, Moreen, Morin,

Moren; Moran. 6 tnori:Toe, l\Iahedy, l\1ahady. 6 1'Ylon;s.t..o.-&1n, Mongavan, Mun­

gavan, Mungavin. 6 n1on5.0.1S, Mongey, l\1ungay,

Ivlungey. 6 111on.s.&111, 1\!Iongan, Mangan,

:Mangin, Mongon ; Mannion ; l\Ianning, etc.

(> rn6p.&1n, O'lVIoran, lVIoran. 6 rn 6p-60-, 0'1\iore, O'Moore,

Morey, :\lore, Moore. 6 nloppu--.\11.6.1'6, M1u:roney,

rdorooney, Moroney. 6 n1oi::.t..111, Moher; l\Ioorc. 6 n1 otlt>., 6 111 oi:l.t..l 5, l\'Iohilly,

Moakley. 6 rn tl...>.U--.\1~, l\Ioody. 6 l1lt1.t..11.&1n, r.roonan. 6 1ih1~p61n, O'Moran, Moran. 6 1l1tnf:;e, Moy. 6 1lh11"t11'· l\1oher. 6 111tn1i111e.t..cA1n, Mynahan,

Minahan, l\1oynihan, 1\tloyna­han, Moynan, etc. ; lVIuns­ter.

6 t11t111hm;S, Moyney, Mooney. 6 n1tnne.t..c.&1n, Menahan, Mene­

han, l\1:eenehtln, Monahan, &c; Thornton.

6 111tnne6;s, l\1anogue, Minogue, l\1innock, Mannix.

6 111t11n;se.A1n, Mingane, l\1een­han, r-.1eenin; Mangan.

6 111ulpce.6.t''C6.1f;, Moriarty, Mur­tagh, l\1urtaugh.

6 mtllpe.t..-6.t..1;5, 6 111tl1p1-6e, l\hury, Murray, Murrihy.

6 nhllpc...>..s.&ln, Murrigan, Mur­ricanc, l\1errigan, Maragan ; Morgan.

6 muqtc ... \1n, Murranc, Murran, Murrin, Iv[urren, Morrin ; Moran.

6 111ul'(t~E':.6.f.6., Morissy, Morris­sey, Morrissy ; Morris ; 1\'lor­rison, etc.

6 11lulp:=_;e.t..r.&m, Morrison, Briceson, Bryson ; Price.

6 111uq\~1f, Morris, Morice, etc. 6 111 tlq~in, Murrin, Murren, Mor­

rin ; lH oran. 6 111t11p1f:;te, Murrihy, Murry,

Murrav. 6 mu1p1;e.t..c.&1n, Murnaghan. 6 111u1pi::u1lc, Murhilla, l\1ur­

ley ; Hurley. 6 111t1pC.t..U.6., O'l\1uracha, O'Mur­

phy,Murchoe,Murphy,l\1orphy 6 1' upc..&1n, l\1orahan, .rviorohan,

lVfurchan, l\iorkan, ~1orkin, Murkin ; lVIorgan ; Morran, Morrin, Moran.

6 fi1upf:;.t..1l, Morell. 6 rnup5,u1le, Morrolly, Marrilly,

Morley, Marley. 6 111upn..&1n, IVIurnane, Murnain,

Murnan, lVlornan ; Warren. 6 111ul'i::t11le, Murhilla, Murley,

Morrolly, l\1orley ; Hurley. 6 11.6.t..n, N awn. 6 11.t..o1-6e.0.11..&1n, Nynane, Nee-

nan, N eenin ; Nunan, Noonan. 6 11Ap.t..D.6.1~, Nary, Neary, Nery. 6 11.6i::.6.n, Nawn. 6 ne.t..c-c.t..1n, O'Naughton, Nagh­

ten, Naghton, Naughtan, Naughten, Naughton, Nocton, Natton, etc. ; Norton.

6 1161-6e, v. 6 111..1-6. 6 11e1E;1ll, O'Nial, Nehill, Ni­

hill, Nyhill. 6 11e1ll, O'Neill, O'Neal, Neill,

Neale, etc. 6 11eot.t..ll.t..15, Nohally, Nohilly,


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6 t11.o.-6, O'Knee, Nee, Knee; Needham ; Neville.

6 t11ou6s, Newcombe. 6 111.0.ll.o.s.&1n, Nelligan. 6 n1.._\ll.&1n, Nilan, Nelan,

Neilan, Nealon, N eylan, Neylon, Nilon, Niland, Nei­land, Neyland, Neelan, Nee­land, Neelands, etc.

6 t11.0.i:.&1n, Neehan, Nyhane. 6 nu.o.u.o.n, Noone; Noonan;

Lambe. 6 t1.o.uu.o.-c, Noud, Nowd,Knowd. 6 nu.o.ll.o.c.&m, Nolan. 6 t1t1.0.ll.&1n, O'Nowlan, O'Nolan.

Nowlan, N alan, Noland, &c. 6 nu.o.n.&1n, Noonane, Noonan,

Nunan, Newnan; Noone. 6 nu-c.&1n, Newton. 6 p.&n>1n, Payton. 0 pe"'-c.&1n, 6 pw-c.&1t1, 0

pn:::e.&m, Peton, Paton, Patten, Patton, Payton, Peyton.

6 ppe1i:, O'Pray, Pray, Prey. 6 ppfor.&1n, Price. 6 ppo1nn-c1f)e, Prunty, Brunty. 6 n.._,, O'Rafferty, Raf-

ferty, Raverty, Ravery. 6 R.o.;S.o.1ll, 6 R.&;S6.1ll, O'Rahill,

Rahill, Reihill, Ryle, Ryall, Rail, Rail, Riall, Real, Reel, etc.

6 R.o.t;.o.1ll15, 6 R.o.;S.o.ll . .o.1;S, O'Reilly, O'Reiley, O'Rielly, O'Realley, Reilly, Rielly, Really, Realy, Reely, Riley, etc.

6 R.&;S.o.ll.o.1;S, Reilly, Rawley, Rally ; Raleigh, Rawleigh.

6 R.o.1;S1ll, 6 R.&1i;1ll, Reighill, Reihill, Rail, Rails, etc.

0 R.o.151ll, Reclde. 6 R.o.1;S1ll1;S, O'Reilly, Reilly,

Reily, etc. 6 R.o.151ll1:5, Rigley. 6 R.o.1;Sne, 6 R.&1;Sne, Ryney,

Reyney, Reany, Rainey, Raney, etc.

6 R.o.1sne, Rigney. 6 R.o.1i:oe.o.11t.o., Ravery. 6 R.o.1i:uco.1tt:.o.1;S, O'Raffer·ty,

Rafferty, Raverty, Ravery. 6 R.o.1i:1le, O'Rahilly, Rahilly ;

O'Reilly, Reilly. * 6 R.o.1i:ne, Raheny, Ranny. 6 R.o.o;S.o.1ll, Real, Reel, Riall,

etc. 6 R.o.o;S.o.lL.\15, 0' Rea 11 e y,

Really,Realy,Reely,Reilly,etc. 6 Re.o.o.o.c.&1n, Roughan, Rohan,

Rowan, etc. 6 Re.o.c.o.1p, Raher. 6 Re.o.c-c.o.o.o.1r, 6 Re.o.c-c.o.o.o.1r,

Rafter, Wrafter, Raftiss. 6 ne.o.c-c.o.or.o., Raftery. 6 ne.o.c-c.o.s.&1n, Rag h t i g an,

Ractigan, Ratican, Ratigan, Rattigan, Rhategan, Rhati­gan, etc.

6 Re.o.c-c.o.1re, Raftery. 6 Re.o.c-cn1n, Raghneen, Roch­

neen, Roughneen ; Rochford. 6 ne.o.u.o., Ready, Readdy,

Reidy. 6 Re.o.s.&1n, O'Regan, Regan. 6 Re.o.nn.o.c.&1n, O'R en aha n,

Ranaghan, Reneghan, Reni­han, Rinaghan. Rinahan, Rinihan, Ranahan, H.enahan, Renehan, Ronaghan ; Ferns, Ferrons, etc.

6 Re1-6pf, Rodgers, Rogers. 6 Re1;S1ll, O'Reilly, Reilly,

Ryle, etc. 6 Re151n, O'Regan, Regan. 6 R1.o.o.o.1;S, Reavey, R a v y,

Reigh, Rea, Ray. 6 R1.o.uo., Reidy, Ready, Readdy. 0 R1.o.5.&1n, O'Regan, Regan. 6 R1.0.1n, O'Ryan, Ryan. 6 Rfthe.o.u.o., Reeves. 6 R1nn, Rinn, Rynn, Ring,

Reen, \Vrynn, Wren, \Vrenn. 6 R1o;, 6 nforu.&1n,

O'Riordan, Riordan, Reardan, Reardon, etc.

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6 nooAc.Atn, Roughan, Roohan, Ruhan, Rohan, Rowan.

0 RoUAflt:AtS, Roarty. 6 nouAcAtn, Rodaughan, Rudi­

han, Rudican, Redahan, Redehan ; Redington, Red­dington.

6 nouAt5, Roddy, R u d d y , Reddy, etc.

() nou.Atn, Rodan, Roden, Rodin, Rodden, Rudden, Ruddon, Reddan, Reddin.

6 Ro5All.6.t5, Rowley, Rawley; Raleigh.

() Rot-oeAcAtn, Redahan, Rede-han ; Redington, etc.

() R01Ut5, Reddy. 6 RotteAcAtn, Relehan, Relihan 6 Rottte.Atn, Roland, Rowland;

Rowley. () n6nAtt1, Ronane, Ronayne,

Ronan. 6 nornA, Rossney. 6 nott.Atn, Roland, Rowland;

Rowley. 6 RuA-6AcAtn Roughan, Roo­

han, Rohan, Rowan ; Rogan. () RUAUASAtn, Rogan. 6 RuA-6Atn, Ruane, Rouane,

Roane, Ruan, Roan, Roon, Rowan, Rewan, Royan; Ryan.

(> nu.o.-6f1A1C, Roragh, Rorke, Rourke, etc.

6 RuAt-6, Rowe, Roe ; Ormond. () RUAt-61n, Rouine, Rowen,

Royan ; Ruane ; O'Ryan, Ryan.

() RuAt-6f11, Rory ; Rogers, Rodgers.

6 RUAlfiC, O'Rourke, O'Roarke, O'Rorke, Rourke, Roarke, Rorke, etc.

() RuAnA-6A, 6 HuAnAt-6, Roo­noo, Rowney, Rooney, Roney, etc.

6 RuAnAt-61n, Runian, · Ruineen, Rooneen ; Rooney.

() RuAnA-6Atn, () RuAnAtn, Roy­nane, Roonane, R o o n a n , Ronane, Ronan.

6 nu-65urA, (?) Roughasy. 6 Rutb1n, Ribbon. 6 Rutr, Rush. () SA'DAtn, Savin ; Savage. () SAlhfiAt-6, Summers, Som­

mers, Somers. 0 SA0f\A1Ue, 6 SAOfl'tAtS, 0

s~otrAt-6e, Seerey, Seery ; Freeman; Earner.

6rbur, Osborne. 6 ScAt~tse, Scally, Skally,

Skelly. () Sc.o.nnAtt, O'Scannell, Scan­

nell. 6 ScAnntAtn, Scanlan, Scanlon,

Scandlon, etc. () ScAt;SAtt, Scahill, Skahill,

Schaill. 6 sceAcAtn, Skehan, Skeahan,

Skeane. 6 sceAttAtn, Scallan, Scullane,

Scullion. () Sctns1n, Skinnion ; Delahide,

Delahoyde. 6 Sc01l'eAu, Scurry. o ScolAtue, 6 ScotAt5e, Scully. 6 scott.Atn, Scullane, Scullion,

Skoolin ; Scally, Skally ; Scully.

() SCU1f1e, 6 SCU1f11U, 6 SCUflfi.O., Scurry.

() SeACTIAlf, S h aU g h n e S S ,

Shaughnessy, etc. 6 SeACTIAfAt;S, O'Shaughnessy,

O'Shoughnessy, O'Shannessy, O'Shanesy, Shaughnessy, -. Shannessy, etc.

6 SeA-6Ac..1tn, O'Sheahan, Shea­han, Shahan, Shean, Shane, etc.

() SeASUA, O'Shea, O'Shee, Shea, Shee.

6 SeAt DAt5, Shalvey, Shallow, Shalloe, Shally, Shelloe, Shel­lew,Shelly, Shealy, Sheily, etc.

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6 se.M1.o.c.6.1n, S h an a g h an , Shanahan, Shanihan, Shanan, Shannon, etc.

* 0 Se.o.n.o.c.0.1f\, Shanagher. 0 se.o.n.o.15, Shannagh, Shanny. 0 se.o.n.6.1n, O'Shannon, Shanan,

Shanon, Shannon. 6, Shanahan, etc. 6, Sharvin, Sherwin. 6 se.o.rc.o.15, Sharkey. 6 se.o.rc61u, Sharket, Sharkett. 6 Se.o.t'f\.0.1;5, Sharry, Sherry. 6 se.o.rn.Am, Shasnan ; Sexton. 6 se.a.r-c.o., Cheasty. 6 Se1ole.6.111, 6 Se1oHn, Shev­

lin, Shovlin, Shovelin. 0 Se1;Sm, Shine. 6 Se1re.o.u.6.1n, Sheridan, Sher­

ridan, etc. 6 Se1te.o.c.6.1n, Hyde. 6 SM'(M1l, o S1.o.;S.o.1l, O'Shiel,

Shiel, Sheil, Shiels, Sheils, Shields, Sheilds, Shiells, Shiles, Sheals, etc.

6 S1ole.6.1n, 6 S10lMm, Shevlin, etc.

6 s1ue.a.c.6.1n, O'Sheehan, Shee­han, Sheahan, etc.

6 S1nu1le, Singleton. 0 S10Cft1.o.'6.o., 6 Swcr.o.u.a.,

Shughrue, Shegrue, Sugrue, Segrue, Sugrew.

6 s1ou.o., Sheedy ; Silk. 6 s1ou.o.c.6.m, 0 ' S h e e h an ,

O'Sheahan, Sheehan, Shea­han, Sheean, Sheen, Shean, etc.

6 s1o:Sr.o.u.a., o s1osr.a.1u, Seer­ey, Seery.

6 S10n.a.c.6.1n, Shinnahan ; Fox. 0 S10n.o.15, Shinny, Shunny,

Shinnick, Shinwick ; Fox, &c. 6 S10n.6.1n, Shinnan, Sheenan,

Synan. 6 S1onuu1le, Singleton. 6 swnn.a-15, Shunny, Shinagh,

Shinnick, Shinnock, Shin­wick; Fox.

6 swr.o.u.6.1n, Shirdan, Shurdan, Sheridan, etc.

6 sfor.6.1n, Sheeran. 6 swrn.6.1n, Sexton. 6 S1or-c.o., Cheasty. 6 sfotc.6.1n, v. 6 s1ou.a.c.6.1n. 6 Slf\1Ue.6.1n, Sheridan, Sherri­

dan, etc. 6 s1r1n, Sherin, Sheeren, Shir-

ran, Sheeran. 6 s1t15, Sheehy. 6 st.o.-c.o.rr.o., 6 st.o.-cr.o., Slattery. 6 ste1ofn, Slevin, Sleavin,

Sleevin, Slevan, Slavin, (?) Slamon.

6 stu.o.t;.o.u.a-15, 6 Slu.o.t;.o.roe, Slowey, Sloey, Sloy; Molloy, Mulloy.

6 stu.o.t;.o.u.6.1n, 6 Slu.o.;S.a.1u1n, 6 Slu.o.;S.6.1n, 6 Slu.o.1;Sfn, Sloane, Sloan, Slown, Slone, Sloyan, Sloyne.

6 sme.o.l.6.1n, 6 smol.6.1n, Smal­len, Smollan, Smallen, Smul­len.

6 Sn1.o.u.o.15, Snee. 6 socl.o.c.6.m, Soghlahan. 6 socl.o.15, Soughly, Suckley. 6 som.o.c.6.1n, O'Summahan,

O'Summachan, Somahan, Sumahean, etc. ; Sommers, Summers, Somers ; Summerly; Somerville, Summerville, &c.

6 sov.a.c.6.1n, Soraghan, Sorog­han, Sorahan, Soran.

6 Spe.o.l.6.1n, Spellane, Spillane, Spollane, Spollan, Spalane, Splaine, Smallen, Smollan, Smullen ; Spelman, Spellman, etc.

6 spe.o.l:Sur.o., 6 Sp1t;Se.o.r.o., Spelessy, Spellissy, Spillessy, Spilacy.

6 spwl.6.1n, 6 spol.6.1n, Spil­lane, Spollane, Spollan, etc.

6 sr.o.1te.6.m, Strachan, Strag­han, Strahan, Strain, etc.

* 6 Sf\1.0.n.6.1n, Sreenan.

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-6 St'ttrte.6.m, 6 St1t1t.&1n, Shry­hane, Sruffaun, Strohane, Strachan, Straghan, Strahan, Strain; Bywater; Ryan.

6 St:e.6.r.6.1n, Stephens. 6 St:61l'1n, Storan. 6 SU.6.1t'"O, 6 SU.6.1t't:, Sword,

Seward, Swords. 6 SUlone, O'Sevnagh, Sweeny,

etc. 6 Su1le.6.o.6.1n, O'Sullivan, Sulli­

van, Sullevan, etc. 6 su1le.6.c.6.1n, Sullahan, Sulle­

han; Sullivan. 6 Su1t15, Sewell, Suel, etc. -6 Su1tle., O'Sullivan, Sul­

livan; Sullevan, etc. 6 "C.o.u:s.6.1n, Tagan, Teigan,

Teegan, Tegan. 6 "C.o.1ct1;S, Tally, Tully, Tilly. 6 "C.o.1-65, Teige, Teigue, Tague,

Teague, Tigue, Tighe, Tyghe, Tye, Tee.

6 "C.o.1tt:1;S, Talty, Taulty. 6 "C.6.1tt1;S, Tally, Tully, Tilly. 6 "C.6.tC.o.1t', Toler. 6'.6.1n, Tolleran. 6 <:.o.n.o.1-6in, Tannian, Tannion. 6 "C.6.t'6.1n, Toran, Torran, Thorn,

Tarrant, Torrans, Torrance, Torrens, Torrins, Torrance, Torrence; Thornton.

6 "C.6.111J.6., 6 "C.O.l'lJ-6.1-6, 6 "C.6.11--p.6.1;S, Tarpey, Torpy.

6 "C.o.11rn.6.m, Tarsnane. 6 <:e.6.c.6.1n, Teaghan, Teahan,

Teehan, Tehane, Tehan. 6 "Ce.o.ns.6.n.6., Tangney, Tagney. 6 "Cenh1n, Tyne, Tynne. 6 "Cenhne.6.1n, Tynan, Tinan,

Tynnan, Tivnane, Tivnan, Tevnane, Tevnan, (?) Tivane, Tee van.

6 "Cenhn1n, Tinin, Tinan, Tynan 6 "Ce1te.6.c.6.1n, Teaghan, Teahan,

etc. 6 "C1;Se.6.t't1.6.1;S, O'Tierney, Tier­

ney, Terney ; Tiernan ; Lord.

6 "C1;, Tiernan, Ternan ; Tierney.

0 "C10b11.6.1-oe, Tubridy, Tubrit. 6 "C10111.6.1n, Timmin, Timmins,

Timmons, Tymmons, Tym­mins.

6 "C10m.6.n.6.1;S, Timony, Tyro­many.

6 "Cnui:.6.1l, 6 "Cnuc;S-6.11, Newell, Newill, N ewells, Knowels, Knowles.

6 "Co;S-6.6., Towey, Tufty. 6 "Co11nh1, Timmin, Timmins,

Timmons, etc. 6 "Cot.6.1n, Tolin. 6 "Com.<\111, Toman, Tumman,

Tummon, etc. 6 "C6m.6.1l', Thomas. 6 ';S, Tomilty, Tumel-

ty, Tumilty, Tumblety, etc. 6 "Cothn-6.11', Toner. 6 "Comnr-6., Tonra, Tonry. 6 "Cothl1.6.1t', Toner, Tonra, Tonry. 6 "Conn.i.\1;5, Tunny. 6 "Cor.6.1n, Toran, Torran,

Thoran, Thorn, . Tarrant, Torrans, Torrens, Torrins, Torrence ; Thornton.

6 "Corm<\-6.6., 6 "COf\111.6.1;5, Tor-mey, Tarmey.

6 "C611tl.6., Torney, Turney. 6 "C6f\pA, 6 "C6f\p.6.1;S, Torpy. 6 -cr.o.15t15, Trahey, Trehy,

Troy. 6 "Ct'e.i.\O.i.\111, Trevor, Trower,

Trevors ; Travors, Travers. 6 -cre.6.ri1.6.1n, Troy. 6 L11e.6.f.6.1;S, Trassy, Tressy,

Tracy, Tracey, Treacy. 6 "Ct'eo-o-6.111, Trodden, Troddyn. 6 -cro15t15, Trehy; Troy ;

Foote. 6 "Cu.o.1t, Toy, Toye. 6, Toulhan. 6 "Cu-6.111.6., O'Twomey, O'Too­

mey, Twomey, Toon1ey, Twoomey, Tuomy, Twomey.

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6 'Cu.6.m.&m, Too~an, Tumman, Tummon, Toman, (?) Tum­pane, (?) Toompane.

6 'Cu.6.l'U1f, 6 'Cu.6.ttU1fC, Turish, Toorish, Tourisk; (?) Tidins; Waters, Watters.

6 'Cu.6."t.6.1S, Twohy, Twoohy, Tuohy, Touhy, Toohy, Tuhy, Tooey, Towey.

6 'Cu.6."t.6.15, Tuohig, Twohig, Touhig, Towhig, Toohig, &c.

6 'CU.6.t:.6.1;5, Tutty. 6 'Cu.6."t.6.1l, O'Toole, Toughill,

Tuohill, Twohill, Toohill, Tohall, Tohill, Towell, Toole, Toal, Toale, etc.

6 'Cu.6.t:.6.1l, Tuthill, Tothill, Tu ttell, Tuttle, etc.

6 'Cu.6.i:.6.l.6.1n, Toulhan, Toolan, Toland, Tolan, Tolin, Toolis, Thulis.

6 'Cu.6.tC.6.1l1, Tougher, Taugher, Tog her, Tooher, Toher, Tooker, Tucker.

6 'CU.6.'tS.6.1l, V. 6 'CU.6.'t.6.1l. 6 'Cu.6.t;S.6.1le, (?) Tooley. 6 'Cu1le, Tully ; Flood. 6 'Cu1ml1n, Timlin, Timblin. 6 'CUJne, O'Thina, Tunny, Tun­

ney; Flood.

p.&utt-6.15, Patrick. p.6.;5.6.n, Paine, Payne, Payne,

Pyne, etc. 1J.6.;5.6n, Fyans, Foynes. p.6.1u1n, Padin, Paden, Padden,

Pattin, Patten, Patton, etc. p.6.1Uf, Palles, Pallas. p.6.1nin, Panneen, Fannin, Fan-

ning, etc. p.&q1c61p, Parker. p.&mo.p, Palmer. p.6.o l, Powell. P.6.op, Poer, Power. . p.&pc.6.p, Parker. p.&p11.6.1l, Parnell. tJ.6.t:l1 n, Paton, Patton, Patten.

pe.6.c6c, pe.6.c6s, Peacock, Pea-cocke.

pe.6.sum, Pegum. pe.&1ttne1t, Parnell., Parill, Parle. pe.6.tt61u, Parrott, Perrott. pe1du, pe1du, Petit, Petite,.

Pettitt, Petty ; Little. tJ1.6.11.6.f, Pierce, Pierse, Pearse,

etc. tJ1.6.tt61u, Perrott. p1c, Pike, Pyke. p1lm, Pillin, Pillon. p10b.6.111e,, p10b.6.ttt:,

Piper, Pyper, Pipper, Pepper, Peppard.

p10c61u, p1o561u, Pickett, Pigott, Piggott.

p10mbtt6c, Pembroke., Pindar, Pinder, ~en­

der, etc. p10nu.6.tt5.&r. p1onu.6.ttstt.&r,.

Pendergast, Pindergast, Pren­dergast, etc.

p1ott61u, Perrott. 1J10-c\m, Fitton, Fetton. ple.6.monn, pte1me.6.nn, Fle-

mon, Fleming, etc. plo1nsce1U, p t u 1 n c e 1 \)I

pl t11 nsce1u, Plunket, Plun­kett.

1J61l, Powell, Powel. p61te1u, Paulett, Powlett, Pol-

lett. p61Un, Polin, Pollen, Poland. p61ttt:61p, Porter. poqt-c1n5e1t, Portabello. pot.&pu, Pollard. pol6c, Pollock, Pollick, etc. ponnr, Pointz, Punch. pop-cu1t, Purtell, Purtill, Purtle. p6pt:\tp, Porter. pot:.6.p, Potter. ppo.1;Se.6.r, Price. ppe.6.r-cun, Preston. pp1ou.6.1l, Pryall, Priall, Friel,

Pryle. : . . Ptttonnr.6., Ptt10nnr.6.c, French.

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13111 orcun, Preston. Pr1r, Pryse, Price, etc. Pttomno1ot, Prendeville, Prin-

deville, etc. ; Bransfield. Ptt6H1fe1f, Francey, Francis. Pf't11fe1t, Purcell. Pruc, Prout, Proud. pu-o.6.f'l.6.1S, Powderly. pumre, Punch. pulrfell, Purcell, Purcill, Pur­


H.&-6ut o, Rafe, Ralph. tl.6.S.6.'"0, tl.6.i:;.6.t:, Raggett. 1l.6.S.6.1t::, Wright. tl.6.;Sn.6.ll, Randall, Randell,

Reynalds, Reynolds, Renolds, Ranolds, Rannals, etc.

tl.6.St1.6.f''"O, Raynard, Reynard, Renard, Rynard, etc.

tl.6.:Sn61-o, Reynolds, etc. n.6.1le15, Rawleigh, Raleigh,

Rawley, etc. ll.6.1ndn, Rankin, Renkin, Ren­

ken. tl.6.1rcr1c, Restrick. n.6.t.6.1;S, Raleigh, Rawleigh,

Rawley., Ramsay, Ramsey. R.6.n-o.6.l, Randell, Randall. 1le.6.monn, Raymond, Redmond,

etc. He1-o, Read, Reade, Reede,

Reid, etc. H1.6.0.6.C, Reagh, Reigh, Rea. 1l1.6.p, Rafe, Ralph. H1'"0C.6.l, Riddell, Riddle. H10b.6.r-o, Robert, Roberts. 1l10C.6.f''"O, tl10c.6.11-o, Rickard. H.1o-o.6.l, Ruddell, Ruddle. ·tt1r, Rice, Royce. n.oburcun, n.oburun, Robert­

son, Robinson. nout~nn, Rowland. no-6monn, Rodmont, Rod-

mund ; Redmon, Redmont. no-6uto, Rolfe, Rolph. · 1totoe.6.l, Reville.

fto1be.6.f''O, Robert, Roberts. tl61rce.6.c, Rostig, Roche,

Roache. nor, Rose. tlOf.6.C, Ross. tlof.6.1t::C.6.f', Rossiter, etc. tloft::.6.t'U, Rochford. norcun, Rochford. tlu.6.-6, Rowe, Roe. tlucrcon, Ruckston, Ruxton. tlt11fetl, Russell. tlurtte1r, tlultltf, Rutledge,

Ruthledge, Routhledge, etc. tluc, Ruth, Routh, Roth,Rothe.

S.6.o.6.1rce, Savage. S.6.D.6.01f, s.6.o~o1f, Savage. S.6.S.6.f, Size, Seix, Sex. S.6.tlC.6.fC.6.f', St. Ledger, Ledger,

Lister, Lyster, etc. S.6.1t15 e11,, S.6.1l1ne1r, S.6.1l1nse1p,

Sallinger, Sellinger, St. Leger, Ledger, etc.

S.6.1nretl, Sarsfield., Sergeant, Sargeant,

Sargent, etc.'retl, Sarseil, SarsReld. s.6.1retl, Sausheil, Sarsfield. s~t, Sall, Saul. S.6.mrun, Samson, Sampson. s~n-o.6.ttt, S.6.n-o~.r. Sanders,

Saunders. S.6.n-o.6.t, Sandall, Sandell. S.6.ob~t. Sewell, Suel, etc. S.6.0CMp-o, Seaward, Seward. S.6.0S.6.}1, Sayer, Sear, Sayers,

Sears. S.6.0m.6.t', Semore, Seymore, Se­

mour, Seymour, etc. S.6.orh.6.t', Seaver. Sc.<\mcun, sce.6.1m1dn, Scama­

ton, Scampton. Sce.6.t'.6.C, Skerrett. sce1me.6.lcun, Skivington, Skef­

fington, Skiffington, etc. Sct-o15, Skiddy. Sctllln;s, Sc1l ltnn, Skilling,


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sc1ne1p, Skinner. Sc1re1'0, Skerrett. Scorut, Scuffil, Scholefield, &c. scot~r'O, Scolard, Scollard. scopt6s, Scurlock, Shirlock,

Shearlock, Sherlock. Scot:, Scott. S'Oon'Oun,S'Oonn'Oun,Sdundon. se~c, Jack, Jacke; Jackman. se~-o~c. se~s~c. Shaw. se~rr~1"6, Jaffrey, Jeffrey, etc. se~mb~r. se~mb~l'f· se~m-

bp~c. Chambers, Chamber­lain.

se~mr6s, Shamrock ; Ham-rogue.

se~mur, James. se~rt6s, Shearlock, Sherlock. se~t'ltlf, Charles. se~rm~n. Sharman, Sherman,

Shearman. se~rt:~ln, Shorten. se~pt:~t. Shortall. Se1mdn, Jenkin, Jenkins, Jin-

kins, etc. seos, seos~c. Joy, Joyce. sco5.6.f, Joyce. se615, Shoye, J oie, Joy, Joyce. scotse~c. seo1se~c. Joy, ] oyce. se6trre, George. sc6nr, Jones. Seopt:uf, Shortis, Short!ce. se6r~c. Joyce. St~cur, Jacques. Sll)c ... \l'· Chivers, Chevers, Chee­

vers. S15in, Siggin, Siggins. Stmtdn, Simkin, Smipkin, Sim-

kins, Simpkins. Stncletr, Sinclair, etc. Stmdn, Shinkwin. S10mc6c, Swmc6s, Simcox. Stonn~c. Shinnagh, Shinnocl{,

etc. ; Fox, Foxe. S10n6ro, Sinott, Synott, Sin­

nott, Synnott. swnutr, Shinnor, Shinnors;

Sinnott, Synnott, etc.

Slfe~t. Chisel, Chissell, Chis-holm.

Slt:t'tC, Santry. sn11ne1r, Joyner. S1u1t:, Chute. Sn.lp'O~n. Stut1t:~n, J urdan, J or­

dan, etc. st6cum, slocum, Slocum, Slo-

combe. Sme~pt:, Smart, Smartt. Smt'OIC, Smithwick. Smi'OIS, Smi'Ot5e, Smiddy ;

Smithwick. smirt:, smirt:e.o.c, Smeeth ;

Smiddy; Smithwick. So1n1u1p, Shinnor, Shinnors ;

Sinnott, Synnott, etc. Soll't:elt, Shorthall, Shortall,

Shortell, Shortie, Surtill. sp~1ne.6.c, Spain. spetplns, Spearing, Spearin. Spp.o.t:, Spratt. St:-6-C, Stack. St:~ropt:, Stafford. St:~nc~v'O,'O, Stancard,

Stanford., Starkic, Starkey. St:fotn, Steven, Steen, Steene,

Stevens, Stephens. sdol'l~p'O,, St:luo.o.rt:,

Steward, Stewart, Stuart. St:6c, Stokes, Stoakes. St:61bin, Stubbin, Stubbins. St:on-oun, St:onn'Otm, St:ttn-o{nl,

Staunton, Stundon, Sdundon. St:u-o~t't:, Studdert. St:p~mre, L'Estrange, Strange. St:p~ott:, St:p~ott:f, Stritch. sqwns, St:l'onns, Strong,

Strange, Strange. su~n. Swaine, Swayne, Swan,

etc. Su.o.t:m..:\n, Sweetman. Sutl1n5etp, Sellinger, St. Ledger,

etc. Sutnse.6.n, Singen, Singin, St.

John. su1pe1t, Suppell, Supple.

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su1r-ce, Suche, Zouche. su1-creq,, Switzer. Su"C.6-f\, Soutar, Souter, Sutter,

Sutor, etc.

t:.6.t11t{nr, Taylour, Taylor, etc. t:-6.1.6-n-c, Tallant, Tallent. "C-6.1b6ro, Talbot. t:-6.1 un, Tallon. "C.6-nnc.6.pu, Tankard, Tancard. "C.6-ntnr, Tanner. "C.6-otl1n;s, Teeling. "C-6.1'.6-TI'C, Tarrant. -c.6.t, Taff, Taaffe. t:tnc1elf\, Tinckler, Tinkler. "Clf\1.6.1, Tyrrell. "Cltl, Tew. "C1t11'C, Tuite. t:6c, Toke, Tooke, Tuke. t:61bin, Tobyn, Tobin. t:61mtdn, Tomkin, Tomkins. t:otm1n, Timmin, Timmins,

Timmons, etc. t:Olf\1'6, Terry. t:6m, Thorn. t:om.6.r, Thomas. "COf\.6-TI"C-6., Tarrant ; Thornton. t:orb6tu, Turbett, Turbit. t:orn61r, Turnour, Turnor, Tur-

ner. t:ornut1, Thornhill. t:orr-c.6-n, Tristan, Tristram. t:p.6.fDe.6-f\f, Travers, Travors,

Trevors. t:re.6-n1.6.rrMc, Armstrong. t:re.6-nn-c, t:re.6-n-c, Trant. t:pe6, Troy. "Cl\1.6-1, Tyrrell. -crtnnre, t:rtnre; Trench.

t:rtu, Trew. t:rtum.6-n, Trueman. t:utn1et5, Townley. t:Ulf\1'6, Terry. t:un'0.6f\, Thunder. t:un1utu, Townley. t:Uf\.6-0ln, Torran, Torrans, Tor­

rens ; Torry, Terry, etc.

U-6. and its compounds, v. 6.

U.6-C.6-n, Vaughan. U-6.'0.6-, Wade, Waide. u,(\u16c, U.6u16;s, Woodlock. (1;s.6.n, Ougan, Oogan, Ogan,

Wogan, Vogan. U-6.1'0111, Wadden, vVadding. U.6-tf1e15, \Vesley, Wellesley. U.6-ti:ne, Green. U-6.1 ur.6.n, Waldron. U.6-f'OUn, U.6-r-cun, Weston. U1cr-cetu, Wixted. Ut'6e.6-f, Wise, Wyse. Ut11f, Willis, Wills. Ut1e.o.m6tu, Ut1mt-c, Wilmot,

Wilmott, Willmit, etc. Utn;st1, Winkle, Windle, Wing-

field. umsret1, Wingfield. Utnnre.o.uun, Nugent. umre.o.nn, Vincent. Ulfetr, Ussher, Usher. u1r, Wolfe, Woulfe. U1-c.o.c, Ultagh ; Dunleavy, Dun­

levy. Ut-c.6-c.6.n, Dunleavy, Dunlevy. Un}~f\.6.1'6, Humfrey, Umphrey,

Humphries,· etc. up-cun, Upton.

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