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wAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS WAKE FOREST COLLEGE WAKE N. C. VoLtTi\rE 3 SEPTEMBER, 1930 PRESIDENT THURMAN D. KITCHIN, '05 "To improve our ph,ysical equipment, to maintain our standards of scholarship, to the positive Christian atmosphere of our classrooms and 0111· cawpus - the.H' are objectives which not only iwvite but denl(lnd the acti·ot>. constructi·oe coopnation oj' e7.Jr ' r,l/ alumnus and eN > r,y other J'rienrl of the college." N tri\ IR E R l

IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I

Aug 29, 2018



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Page 1: IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I


VoLtTi\rE 3 SEPTEMBER, 1930


"To improve our ph,ysical equipment, to maintain our standards of scholarship, to j'o.~ler the positive Christian atmosphere of our classrooms and 0111· cawpus- the.H' are objectives which not only iwvite but denl(lnd the acti·ot>. constructi·oe coopnation oj'

e7.Jr' r,l/ alumnus and eN>r,y other J'rienrl of the college."

N tri\IR E R l

Page 2: IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I

2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I<:;W"

Jo iah William Bailey Deli\ ers Opening Addre

Plead · That \Yake Fore l hall ontinuc a: a Chri ·tiall Collcg ·

( (.' rom a n acldn•..,.., ln thl' ... tudtnt.., upon the formal optning of tht· pn t'llt ..,t..,•>~mt of' \\'<1k1· l 'or1 -,t C'nlkgl' . .llnn· I ,' , I H:W. hy Jn-.,iah \\' . Baik.' .)

\\ n k t• Foi'L"•t College i-.. men -..tudenh nnd ~ · nntradL' "· and teacher-.: book-.: ideal-. and idea-.. It-., hal1ilal ion i-.. IH'rc and l'\l'l'." " here in the l1nhitahlv globe. It i-.. pn t that 1 pn• en t and pn• L'lll that i-.. future. Tltt• fntltl'r -..ene herL· todn \': t011lOJ'J'O\\ Wl'

-..t•nc \\ilh them. ll i not j•t ·; l :t ll"t]W!'

!'olll'gt·. It-. I radit ion-. d i -..l in gut-. h tl . It i-.. tIt c

c·n ·alio11 of tltr l'e o·l' 1H'I'H -

'"' I ion-. of nohl1· men and \\ ' 01lll'll, llll' child of their dl'\'ot ion, ll11 t ' \. prl'-..-..ion of I lt l' ir a ... ptratinn-.. and :-- a c n fi ce-...

It i-.. a Chri-..tian Coi ­IPgt•. You may L'"eapc

111\ll'h thaI 1-.. lterl'. You mn.' l'-..eapL' tiPid an d forl'-..l. eou1rndc-.. and tendwr:--: ) o u m a y l'"t·npe hook-. l' \l' ll. But ) uu n1u-..t not t ' cape .J l ' "\1" lll•r e. I pre-.ent I lim in no tiH·olngicnl c'OIH'l'l'tion. not in tl'rm-.. n •ltgiou-... F ind Him 'ou r-..elf a11d that will

of thi-.. College. Ile i-.. tiH· gn•nl ll'at'her. Ill' i-.. Light. lie i-. the intnp rder of life nnd IIH· author of de .... tinY. ~ll) "hat they may of lli1t1,

Ile i .... the -..ou n ·e of lttt man progre-.-..; IIi-. i-.. IIH• one cll'a r 'oiee in a world of c·ompn . :-lOll;

Ill· i-.. thl' lllll' "olll'l' ... lll'p ­lt('l'd of till' ~ottl. [ ht•g yutt, dt : nult•:-l'll(ll'rlt•:--u-...

.\nd I nwy add that \\'ake Fon·-..1 i-.. a Hnp­ti ... t Coll<•gt• dedic:tl<·d to th e Bapti~l idea, in di' iduali-..nt, the pri<·-..1 hood of e \ t•ry pcr-..on . \\\• o·i \t' \Oil ht' l'l' \Oil I' ,., . . pla<'c in thl' -..un and be ·' ond t h L' -.. 11 n . \\' t •

rt•t·ognil.e your ft·<·edotn in the nohle-..t of tiH· lihertie.... in the fn•c· dom of th e .... oul. Your i-., your-. and Gocl' ..... nn cl none other 111/l y eli n·d it. \Ye IH'g. you rca I 1/L' \our rl'l igion

iw -.utliciL•nt: and, tf 'ou "l' l k Jlim. \'<HI -.hall find flint. nud: finding Him, \llll "ill h:t\l ' the ideal-. Jo...,l \It \Yt LLI.-\\1 H .HLEY, JL\ .. ' !J:!

and ·'our life 111 'our o\\ 11 <.'\.Jl<•riL'll<'t'; and, \\ hdher yon con fonn I o our \ ' l l' \\ 01· not, \\ <' -,tand in 1't•\< · r •Jl<:l' hc­foJ· ·You . \\'c olh·r .\Oil

fn·<'ly all \\(• have·: \\< '

impo .. c· nothing.

Retiring and Incoming Presidents

Ask A tive .

ooperatlon 'I ht• pnnkg-1 ot n 'JHh·ring -.onll' l'n·in• to our

!.!'l'llnd old cnlkgL. '\'en in a mall way. ha . d 11'­

i n g t ht• .H' H r I h t H ' het•n p n ... id< 11 t of t hL . \ ... o­l' inti 111. Jdfurdl•d llll' ahidin!.!' ..,,th-.f tdion. T he t ' tllldL' llll' t•nilpt•rntinn nf th .\ lumni in eYL'l'."

duty a .... ignt•d thLtn ha impr -.-.ul lll<.' . and to th1111 111\' "huh•- lwnrtt•d thank-. ·nt• L'.'i:tendecl. )ur intL'I'l' tul nnd capable· IL· tdu· or thi-.. year.

1 Ion . E .. T. Britt. t f Lumh •rtun . "ill of cour -. p rind liH\11\' ll\'t.lllll' ... through which ench on of

u-. c·:u1 I'<'IHll·r a lnllch ll<'<·clt·d c•rvi<'t' I o 011 r ,\ltnll .\I nter. I \\ill llll'ntion h' o of thc•IJI. \Yc· 11111 I make the ~\l umni Lo valty Fu nd a uc·c·c· . 1\fh•r 111\lelt thought awl tudy. I a111 c·on' int·l·cl t hH I ul tltj .... tin II' tit ·n· i 110 othPr piH<'<' along t lw

g-n•at dwnn!'l of Bapti t \\ork or I'J'\'1<'1' 111

IIIII' ht tl• wit i<'h lll'l'd to Ill' , t n·ngtlwlJc·d

.... o llllll'h a ... doc• till' phy icnl r·quiptrH•Jtl of

\Y akt• Fort ... t ( 'oil·"• '. if •Jill' dc·uolllinatiou i l11 <'HlT\' 1111 111 a •rr •td WH , . throu,rh utur • \'I'll I' • ,.... . ,.... . " 'akL h11· ' t \\ill nnt eontinu · to attrac·t thP Ul<bt cnpahl and fn1·- l' ing .'·ouu,g llll'll a

tllllt nt ... uul·-. thl' huildin2'' nud ••<JUipm ·n

Page 3: IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I


there arc at least fair] v modern a for con­\'eniencc and efficiency, a;1d will compare favor ­ably with other schools of :similar size or rank. Through it wonderful tradition, to a grent ex­tent, the college ha been able to carry on of late, but on uch can go only o fnr. it there-


fore behoove. each one of us to do his very best for our Alma 1\-Iater now while the same .effort will count for mo t.

Secono, we as Alumni must do our duty to awaken Baptists with whom we come in con.tact to a realization of the importance of 'Vake Fore ·t College to the ucce .. ful carrying on of Bapti t work inN orth Carolina, and her impera­tive needs just now. ' iVithout the most thoroughly trained leaders which the highest school of learning can turn out the work of our great denomination is bound to suffer. Bap­ti.-ts in every community should be informed as to the very ~nadequatc or antiquated equipment 'Yake Fore t has . This can most effectively be clone by each alum~us doing hi s duty t~ arouse deeper intere t among the Baptists in his community in the urgent need. of the college. Obviou ly thi pha e of our problem cannot be broadly publi hed without reflecting to some degree to the hurt of our cau. e temporarily.

Therefore we alumni more than any other g r oup can and must, if this need is to be met, do our duty in the effort to inform those who should be informed and a rou se th em to t l1 e urgent needs of our most worthy common cau..,e. I have the confidence that we ~hall soon "ee a day of g reatly n.,,·akened interest in our Alma ~later.

EGUEHT L. D ,\\'J ·, '0-1.

E. J. BRITT, '00

Ha\'ing been elected Pre ident of the Alumni A:s~;ocia.tion at the recent commencement, I de­sire to extend my thanks and appreciation to each and every member of the association, and to pledge my loyal support to the best interest of the a. sociation and welfare of the college during the ensuing year.

It will be my earnrst encleasor to nss ist the other alumni and the authorities in charge at the college to effect a more Yita l rclation sl1ip between the college and th e alumni. If you arr a loyal alumnus of the college, please be on the lookout for worthy young men, who arc pre­pared for college, and direct them towards 'V ake Forest. Give your influence and support to your Alma lVIater.

Respectfully, E. J. BRITT.

Page 4: IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I


A Request for Constructive Loyalty


Among the object~ of our .Alumni A:-.:-.ocia tion are the prcser\'ation and quickening on the pad of the alumni and othen :-iUch an intcre:-.t in \\'ake Forc:-.t a:- will L'ncourage the attendance of :-itudent. , the improYemcnt of quipmcn t and the enlargement of income by gifts and beque:-!, and the purity and efficiency of c·o1npditi\'e ath­letics.

\Yitlwut growing critical, may I cxpre~s the opinion, that "c need to quicken on the part of \Yakc Forest men a grcatct· intcrc:-.t in \\'akc Forest. Our men arc Joyal, but they need to <h.'mmu;trate it more. Tl~c~· are intcr~·:-.tcd, but it is not an aeti\'e interest; they are willing, but they are not sufficiently organized and mobilized. If we arc to ClH'Olll'age students to attend \\'r~kc Fore:-.t, we mu:-.t makt· prm·ision for them. I do not co\'et for \\'ake Forest large wealth, nor do I de:-.irc a large uniYersity here. Either of these would defeat the high purpo:-.e of our in­:-.titution. But my heart's desire for \\' ake Forest is a limited enrollment with equipment a:- fine and as modern as the best, with such able Christian men as we have al\\'ays had, yet, may I say, adequately paid, to keep before the students the high sen:-.e of their duty, first to God and then to men, thu . fulfillin ~· the high purpose of our founde1·:-. in pro\'iding here. not only education, hut C'h ristian education.

If this ideal is accomplished, it will be realized by a united brotherhood, who believe in \Yakc Fo1·est College, who love \Vake Forest College, who believe in Christian education, who lcwe 1~s

principles and to that extent tha.t they arc willing to make personal sacrificC's to k ep them secure. Strong in the faith that our men so believe, I ask what may we do to bring about lhi-; ideal.

The first and most important matter before us is the collection of the . '250,000.00 that we arc under obligation to raise. \Vake Forest alumni and interested friends 1·ca.lizing the pressing needs at V\Take Fore. t sought permis­sion to give some relief to the idol of thei1· hearts. The convention gladdened b,v the evi­dence of this interest, moved by the earnestness of this appeal, granted with its richest bene­diction the request. And, gentlemen, for us to fail in thi . undertaking, in the presence of this admi. :ion, under such conditions, to say the lea. t, would be very embarrassing if not most humihating. Nothing should detour us from thi . pressing objective until we reach its happy and successful completion.

Following this objective, however, and at. uch

time as wisdom shall direct , I would like to see establishccl at \\rake Forclit College a Loyaltv Fund, to whieh every \\rake Forest man ,~· oul~l be asked to contril)l;te annually, in addition to his contributions to the den.omination, :-.uch amounts as he felt able to giYe. These line:-. come to n1e here:

''I am only one, But I an1 one I cannot do everything But I can do something \Yha t I can do I ought to do .And what I ouglll to do By the Grace of God, I will do."

E\'('l'\' \\'ake Forc1->t man can do -.omcthino· . ~·

l>e that something Slllall, and cn•n· \Ynke Forest man that ean clo ometl1ing, ou~ht to do and if we "·ill rc:-.olw' in our heart . t~> -.ay In· the Grace of God, we will, a new da v ''ill ~law~1 in the I ifc of \Yakc Forest College. ·

I quote you the reeord of other in:-.titution s: ('orncll-~umber of years operated. :20; con

tJ·ibutors, (),000; amount contributed, . '-1-10,-000.00.

Yale ~umber of years opent~cd, :38; eon lributors, 9,:300; amount contributed, . '16-1,-000.()0.

Columbia ~umber of year:- operated, H; contributor:-, -1,;300; amount eontributed, . 'Hl.-000.00.

Colgate ~umber of years operated, ;3; contributors, 7:32; amoun't contributed, , '1:2,­H74<.00. Knox-Nt~~uber of years operated, 1 ; con ­

tributors, 1,:371; amount contributed, . '10,-0!5().00.

'Yeslcvan l Tni1·crsitv ~umber of years op­erated, l; contributo-rs, 1,1H!5; ~U11ount eon­tributcd, $10,:M~l.OO.

\Yc have approximately :3,!500 alumni, and from them we should be re~·eiving as an eYidcnce of their loyalty and interest at least. ':2!5,000.00 annually, one-half to be devoted to th e physical welfare of the students and one-half to be used under direction of the faculty or trustees as is desired. vVc give to fratcrna:l orders, and these a1·e good. \Ve give to civic clubs, and these arc worthy, we contribute to many kindred organi­zation in our respective ('Ommunities, but ar<' they more important than \Yakc l<'ore:-.t Col ­lege? I do not believe that we think so. If we will conceal the interest of self, and work with a common intere. t tow·ards a common end, though our contributions be small, there will grow here many finished tasks that generations to follow will rise to blc s. I can conceive of no finer way to demonstrate our loyalty and mani-

Page 5: IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I


fe t our intere~t than by gwmg each year to our Alma Mater as we giYe to the other in­ter t of our heart..

La tly, and I tru~t tlutt in this I may not be mi undersi ood or thought critical of any policy of the past, howeYcr, to make the large~t ~lH'ce. with n loyalty fund, to better supply the need at \Yak~ .Forest, we neecl to bdter or­ganize the \Yak Forc~t men. To accompli~h this I fun ot' the opinion that w will need an able and aggre siYe Secretary, largely . pending his time in the field, working with the \Yakc Fore. t groups OYer the hte, carrying the Col ­I ge to them and bringing them to the College, ;.,ecuring from them the amounts they arc willing to O'i\'l' each year to \Vakc Fore~t and with the n..,,.,jshllH't' of tlw officer~ of the hrnnch as~ociation~. colll' ting the~<.· amount~ before leaving the group. " Tc hav in the pa~t held meeting of our alumni and heanl from a r ·prc­sentatiYe of the College a me .. age that thrilled and cheered u~ anew with a . pirit of \Yakc Fore ... t. In our high enthu~ia1'>m ''e lift our


vo1ccs in clo ' ing to sing, "Hail, Hail to thee, \Yake Forest" and return to our desk ' , with the faint hope that . ome unknown oul will re­member us in his will, or that the Pre:oident and faculty will be able to do the impossible, suvply our needs on the strength of the report that comes from our good" ill dinners and song se!'Y­ice, that the \Yak For~st men arc ~till loyal. \Yc need more than renewed loyalty, prai"'e a nd singing hearts. 'V e need buildings, cquipmen t and funds to operate them. If :ouch a Secretary cannot ~ccure from the great group of \Y ake Fore::-.t men a~ much a~ .t':25,000 .00 to $!30,-000.00 annually, we n cd n reYiYal of the spirit known as \Y;lk~ Fore~t "'pirit. That -.,pirit that ha~ made us, kept u~ an d hrough t us \\here "e ar<'. But, you ;.,ay. the $~.'5,000.00 01 ::30,000.00 that we \\ ould giYe would make no appreciable dift'erctH'e ht're and a lready we ctre contributing through lhe denomination. \Ve haH· ~">llfficient

c•Yidence I llll t 11onc of u~ endangc·r our nH·onH·

( ('ontinued on page si,1·)


Page 6: IR R l - WakeSpace Scholarship · 2 WAKE FORE T COLLE(;E AIX.:\L ·1 , ·I


Wake Fore t College Alumni News P1thlislwd monthly during thc- ulleg1• year '" " 'nhe

Fort• l ( >lll'J!t' at "'nk<' Fon'st. • •• C. · · AppliC'. lion Jll'tHling for t'ntrv al the Po t Offict> at

\\'nkc Fort· t. . •. ( .. a econd ~Ia s matter.

\\' .\ KE FOH E~T CO LLE(;t-: . \ PO\YERFl iL .FOHCE

.J. \Y. L\ ·c 11, 'HH

. Brollu·r~. in till grent outl.' ing t'ountry I find J1'\l' JH'r:-.on .... ' ' lw kno11 t•\.adl \ 11 here \\'ake Fol't" .. t i:-., but I lllL'd 11 1th lllHll\ ~~ ho know" here ltl'l' ... on an·. The ('ollvgL' .i kno\\ n h\' her fruit-.. ~Ill' It"" ··..,pht·n ... of inHUL'Il<'L: • in.eH·n fi"ld of l~lldl'alor. an d l11r far-tlung hnttll' lim::-. a I'P hol<hllg· t hPir o\\·11. I \ oi('l' their u· reetino"' '"' and gr:tld'td :dl'l'l'l ion for .\111 111 :\lat~r . H7.r lap h not IJII1 ·d \\!Ill gold. SoJIH' of her u·a nnt 111 ... an· I hn·:ullmrl' with titlll' and I oil an/! an· not in tlw fa hion of lht• da.\. IlL·r hand-, are -,till ltanl front tlt1' poll'rl.\ of kan .'ear..,, but thn :tl'l' opt•n nnd oubtrdehed in d ~·nHH'l'Hh<' ho~ pilality lo ril'lt and poor ,dikt·. Sht i not un duly proud of hL•r \\ealth\ :-.on , nor i ..,he <1 hatm•d of lwr poor hill. Sltl ..,fill li1 e.., in tl1e old hollll'•:td n·mote from the t'entn•.., of co n gl' ted population-, and an·umulated \\ enlth. '· I ~·r lwu l' :-.h1111l hy the road. and :-.he i tht• lt'H'llll of llt<lll I l et .childn·n are her je" el ... . I II H I hot~:-.Hnd plan•-, 111 the ltotneland nnd hL· yond tlu· 1':1" I he.\ ri l' up ;~nd call her hit•-, . L'd. '~'h«'y do not fl':u· for h<'r and ..,!Je nel'd not ft·Hr I or IIH'Itl. TIH rich col il'g-t \\ill g-d ricllt•r, and llu -,tul,t• lll..,tJtutiol~:-. "ill g-nl\1 trongL·r: hut \\ tkt• l·on I 1 hudt dtt·p a~ lht heart can ]1l\l' ·tnd ltigh :1:-. I ltP :-.nul t"all pr·t 1 . \ oi('itw thv p:t ... ion:t h· f1•l'ling of her lo1 ;tl :-.on-.. an71 dl' ­' ol 1 d fri1 '111k I tling I o tlH· \\<;rid I he ('ltnllt·ng1·:

\\ I' .,Jut! I lil'l': 111 ... h·tll ri t : \\ l' :-.hall ('Ollltll:tlld.

F<,OTB.-\LI. PHOSPECTS (;r:lllu:dl \Ltnag;t·r Bo\ lan and Concla·-,

:\Iilll·r. ll :t.\t .... Em111er on . an d ( 'tin have 11

:-.quad of Hhnut fnrt.' ',u· ... ity llll'll :llt~ l a fn·--h ­lllllll "ljlllld of 'l'\'t:nty-thrl't' hard nt work el't•n · da.\. Till· :lhunni luntld e~pt•d 110 ntit·aciL'" b.v ' tr ... ily or fn· hntL'll , Inti tl11•rt• i ... a ...... urnnee tlt :;t \\' tkt• Fon• ... t \1 ill !J:t\ t' k:un ... that 11 ill tio·IJt to l.t 1:. 1 i 11 1'\' n· gu !Ill'. !"o

TilE FOOTJL\ Ll. ~CII E Dl . I.E I 'nrulin:t hrq u•l II i II t'J•I•·udll'r ~; I; 11 ilf nnl \\" nkt· I ••n· t (), ·tulwr ~

I 'nh. nt Bull imnrl' \\'ake F11r•· t ( tl'tolwr Ill

I . ult· B 11lt·i::h I It• , •l~t·r l1i

\ lt•rt•t• r \\'nl.:e l· ort• t I I •lt•bn :!.i

I ••mpt.• l Ill\. Philncl.·lphi.l . .,, c·Jullt·r I .

l' r• h~ lt·ri.lll l ·,,J. \ lw1 illt• . m t'In lwr .

I >ukt• l IIi\ t'r it~ \\"nl..t· l'urt> . U\ t•mht•r :.!:! .

1 ] \ Ill Ill In rl• •I h• .

'' ··mher ~7 .

.\ HE<Jl - E~T FOH ('()'.;STR l ' CTl\'E LOY .\L'l Y

(Conti nut d from pagt· fi<'t) ore bdt· with our g-ift to Chri .... tinn edul'ntion. It i-. true aJ.,o that .... uch an HIIHHlllt IHllll<l hl· inn<kquah• to -,uppl.' our nt·t·<b. but \\ lwlll' ' l ' l'

\Yah· Furc .... t men hel'otltl' :-.ufficienth inlen·-,ll·d in " Takt• Fon• ... t Collt·o·t· to o· i~t· nnnu:dh of lht·i r

• • ~ -., a

t·arnmg., to -,upply tt nt•t·d .... \\l' are on tiH· road to a brighter future for our .\hnn :\l:dt•r. \\'t• mu t realize that the future of \Ya\..c Fon·..,f j..,

in our hand . \YL· mu-,t become o i11tenwlv in tere-,ted in her future. thnt \\L' are 11illin· ... to I">

mnh.c per .... onnl -..neritin•-, that it lllll.' lw k1·pt ecun·. \\'e nn1 . t dt·dil'nte nnd n ·plt-dgt· our

-, eh l'" to :-.tnnd a I the po t, ... trol\U' in t'' l'l'\ 1 it· ,..., . lue, t rut> to<'' t·r.' contiden<'t'. n ·:-. pon ... i' t· I o 1·1 1'1".\ d,.~~~:~nd.

TilE LOY .\I.TY Bl ' ILDl'\G Fl '\D

A lu 11111 i It 11 \l' ., u h-. c r i I H'd I i he I' a! h to I Ia· I o \ alty Building Fund for the en•di~lll of a U11~1 na iu111 and a Studvn t ... ' .\di1 i tie:-. Bu ,\n effort i:-. being llladt· to ..,t•e 1'\l' l'\ \\' nk1· Fon· .... t alumnu:-., and I hL· campaign i-. making -,ati..,fadory progn•.,.., undt·r pre:-.l'nt condition-,. To dale about .·1.')0,000 .00 h<h been ulN'I'iht·d hy approximate!.' 'iOO alumni. The e\..}ll'l'" ioth of l<l\ n ltY from lnuHired-, of alumni 1ri11' n-,-.ur -. . /'"\

:ulct· of tht· hight•. t typt·.

,\ ~PLE DID OPE'd'\(y De:-. pill' the unu:-.unl l't'OliOJilic dl'IJI"t•-,-,ion ft ·ll

throughout tlw :-.tal1•. tlu· collq~t· .,l . .,.,io11 OJH'lll'd Septt·nl ll<'r 1 !) \1 tilt a f n· ... ltJIHlll ela:-.., of al)(IIJI hll·tdy mon· tha11 h1 in· a ... lnrgl· a-, that of !11. I ·' 1 ·nr, and the pro 111 i 1 • of a tot a I n· g i t rat i o 11 of about "l'\l'll llllndn·d for the :-.e., ... ion. si, hull ­dn·cl and forty hnd n·gi:-.h·rl'cl thi~ nwrni11g. Sc•ph·Jnlll'r 1 !). The admini ... t ration i to bt· ("on­grn tula h·cl. and tIll' a lum11 i ar · I o lw t ltHII kt·d t'or tlwir tllllt:-.u:tl int,•tl ... t nnd ,·t.;ip ·l·a ti•lt: .

)d.l'.\1 I ELECTIO < >FJ '!<' l~ ll., ) ' (I)( 19:w ·:n

l'n· ... idl•ttt. E. .J. Brill. ·oo. Lutub1rton, :-\ . ( '. \ 'tel' l'n·:-.idt·td. :\!ar hall I f. .lotll'..,, '1 :;, l•:liiH

lll'th City • • ·. ( '. ()l":ltnr. In i11!4 E . ( 'arl,·l". '] ~. \\'itt..,fuu-Sai, •JJI ,

;\. {'. . . \ll em:dt•. Fn·d li1·lllt .... ''2'2. Charlot ll·, ~ . ( .

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