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IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    International Pharmaceutical Students FederationActivity Report Form 2013 - 2014

    he !ollo"in# in!o "ill $e included at the top o! article %to allo" easy re!erencin# $y our "e$master "ithin IPSF"e$site&data$ase'(

    )A*%S' A+) I,* F .* A/IISunday, December 1st. 14:00-16:30 /Wednesday,December 4th. 17:00.

    /+R Colomba

    RA+ISI+ ASS/IAI+!"S#- $C%-S%C'!()$* +(*!$.

    R*5A*) IPSF PRF5I"ublc ealth Commtte

    I5* F R*PR.I&AI)S A"areness /ampai#n 2013

    /.AIRP*RS+ F A/II A+) .*R&.IS *-,AI5 A))R*SSoyce Clara amreC2rdenas

    he !ollo"in# in!o is t o $e included any"here "ithin $ody o! your article( he !ollo"in# headin#s aresu##estions o! "hat to include in your article( %Fle6i$le7 please ma8e it interestin# to read "ith photos $ut alsorelevant so others can learn !rom your pro9ect&campai#n and host in their o"n country&city:'

    5/AI+%S' F .* A/II+oulla +each, Carta8ena, Colomba

    +,;*R A+) P* F AR* A)I*+/*9ublc n 8eneral, 9eo9le at the beach. )early00 9eo9le.

    +,;*R F S)*+S A ealth, su99ortn8 and s9onsor to condoms.

    ;A/ *a +oulla ha=e h8h rates o> dseases amon8 these ! / $!DS. #orthose reasons, @e decded to ma?e the cam9a8n there.

    AI,SSho@ 9eo9le the m9ortance o> 9re=entn8 $!DS by usn8 contrace9t=e methods such as

    condoms.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    ,*.)S A+) S*) 5S&,A*RIA5S

    $C%, $!DS and Colomban ed Cross Aembers @ent to *a +oulla +each n Carta8ena todstrbute >lyers made by Colomban ed Cross and 9rnted by $C% about ;ho@ to usecomdons< to 9ublc n 8eneral. We se9arated nto mBed 8rou9s: some @ere @al?n8 alon8 theseashore, and others @ere 0-30 meters a@ay >rom the sea @here the restaurants are, n order toco=er the beach and s9read the n>ormaton to more 9eo9le. $C% Aembers 8a=e somen>ormaton about ho@ to 9re=ent !/$!DS and encoura8e 9eo9le to s9read the @ord. D$D!S8a=e >ree condoms to some s9ec>c 8rou9s o> 9eo9le: seBual @or?ers and *'+ communty. 'heColomban ed Cross s9ent more tme n teachn8 to 9eo9le @ho ddnt ?no@ anythn8 aboutcontrace9t=e methods.

    R*S5S'he cam9a8n @as dynamc. "eo9le @ere ?nd and they 9ad attenton to @hat @e sad. Aost o>them ddnt ma?e uestons, but they @ere ha99y to learn.

    r#anisation o! the activity- this "ill help other /Ps and events or#anisers to understand=$ehind-the-scenes ho" to carry out this #reat pro9ect

    imeline o! or#ani>in# the activity Contactn8 +ol=ar ! "royect CoordnatorColomban ed Cross: a @ee?.

    Printin# out !lyers1E mnutes.

    Sharn8 >lyers at the beach: a99roBmately 3 hours +um$er o! students involved in or#anisin#E[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    Advertisement o! the activity#aceboo?, e-mal. ;ud#et and the !inancial supporters$C% bol=ar treasury, D$D!S and

    Colomban ed Cross donatons

    Any special tips to host it success!ully? none /omments and&or ideas arisin# !rom the activity none Pictures

    +ote Please attach pictures %as separate email attachment' o! your activity to li#hten up your report

    $C% Aembers

    Flyers[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    ;@I55A ;*A/.[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co


  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    S.ARI+ /+),S[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    A55 .* PARI/IPA+S F .*A/II[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    /* RA,BR*C IPSF 5/A5 /R)I+AR %A/*@F' D A5I/IA R,*R;5BAR I. PR*/ /R)I+AR %.* /5,;IA+ R*) /RSS'[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IPSF ARForm. Sectional Bolivar HIV.aids


    Asociacin Colombiana de Estudiantes de Qumica Farmacutica| ACEQF|Website;http://wwwace!"or#co/$ecretara %eneral& 'unta (irecti)a *acional | tel: +,-. 0-1,0--secretariado2ace!"or#co

    Thank you for submitting your article!

    IPSF will upload your article on the IPSF server and keep it for future reference for other memberassociations wishing to host similar campaigns and projects in their countries.

    Please return your completed form to internalipsf.orgto be uploaded[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]