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THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1896. 11 | IPO ii WfiNTS MAY BE LEFT At the following locations for inser- tion In the Dally and Sunday Globe, at the same rates as are charged by the main office. HAMLINE, Hamline Pharmacy Drug Store 750 SNELLINO AVENUE. ** DAYTON'S BLUFF. (Bever Wcstlw Drug Store 679 EAST THIRD STREET. * LOWER TOWN. William K. Ciller Drug Store SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joseph Arcay Drug Store COR. GROVE AND JACKSON STREETS. {«• D, Merrill News Stand i ' 442 BROADWAY. M Kit 111 AM PARK. . A. L Woolsey Drue Store i ST. ANTHONY AND TRIOR AVENUES. P ST. ANTHONY MILL. Emll Pull . Druggist GRAND AY. AND ST. ALBANS. W. A. Frost ft Co Drue Store BELRY AND WESTERN AVENUES. Straight Tiro*... Dm? Store RONDO AND GROTTO STREETS. A. A. Campbell. Drug Store RONDO STREET. A. T. Guernsey Drug storo - 171 DALE STREET. . BrackctCs Pharmacy VTCTOPfA AND SELBY AVENUES. WEST SIDE. Tl« Eclipse Drue Store. S. ROBERT AND FAIRFIELD AVENUE. Ceorse Msril Drue Store S. WABASHA AND FAIRFIELD AVENUE. Concord street Prescription Store. CORNER STATE AND CONCORD. . A T. Hull Drue Store f COR. S. WABASHA AND ISABEL. UPPER TOWN. 8. R. Reeves:...; Drust Stora MOORE BLOCK. SEVEN CORNERS. C. T. HelW Colonnade Drue: Store ST. f"*KTER AND TENTH STREETS. B. J. Witt.- Drug Store » FAST SEVENTH STREET. F. M. Cru.Men Confectioner _ 496 RICE STREET. W. E. Lowe.... Drug Store ROBERT AND TWELFTH STREETS. R. T. Wincott & Co Drue Store CORNER RICE AND TGLEHART. ARLINGTON HILL.-*. C. R. Mnrellus Drue Store COn******"R BEDFORD AND DECATUR. A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store 954 PAYNE AVENUE. V WEST SEVENTH STREET. A & G. A. Schumacher ...Drug Store 4,-)9 WEST SEVENTH STREET. J. J Muller.: .: Drugstore COR. JAMES AND WEST SEVENTH. UNION PARK. C. A. Mnnehow Clears and Tobacco UNIVERSITY AND PRIOR AVENUES. SITUATIONS OFFERED. MALES. i AGENTS— Greatest offer given by any news- paper; fifty cents to agents on each dollar. The Catholic News is indorsed by the Cath- olic bishops, priests and eminent writers as the leading Catholic family weekly; sub- scription price, one year,- by mall, one dol- lar; canvassers are allowed -the. large com- mission of fifty ..cents, on each $1; agents wanted in every Catholic parish in every city and 'town; experience not necessary; write for sample copy. Address The Catho- f lie News. IS Barclay st. New York. AGENTS— My knife and scissors sharpeners are the best selling household specialties you can handle. Send for circulars. P. t Doran. Muskegon Heights, Mich. AGENTS—Gold Glass Signs, Name Plates, ' Numbers. Readable darkest nights. Write V _for samples. Thomas & Co.. Englewood, Ills. AGENTS— Hustlers make $5 dally selling only revolving griddle cake turner. Sample 20c. O. E. Mickel, Manufacturer, Haverhill, Mass. AGENTS— S9O weekly salary to right parties. Little work; a snap for some one; new scheme; failure impossible. Write for special ( proposition. Lock. Box 5308. . Boston. Mass. AGENTS wanted everywhere. Our wonder^ ful novelties pay $4 -dally-sure. No experi- . ence required;'.; Demand never supplied. Catalogue free. Sample 10 cents. Alumin- a urn Novelty Co.. 335 Broadway, New York. ' AGENTS WANTED Fast-selling article"; large margin for agents; apply between 5 t and 7 p. m. D. F. Erskine. 715 Lee ay. AGENTS wanted for the revolving griddle cake, fish and egg turner; sells itself; sam- ple, 20c. O. E. Mickel, Haverhill. Mass. APPRENTICE— Wanted immediately, a smart young girl to learn the millinery trade; must be a neat sewer: one who' speaks French preferred. M 56, Globe. BICYCLE BUILDER Experienced bicycle builder wanted at once. Call at St. Paul Machine Works, 125 West Third st. CANVASSERS— On salary or commission. Standard Watch Co., A. Zucker, General Manager. Clarendon Hotel, Room 4. - DRIVER—Wanted, boy to drive delivery wa- » gon. Call Sunday, 10 a. m., at Wagner- Stewart Express barn, Decatur st FARM HAND—Wanted, man for the season of 1596 to milk, do chores around barn and work in garden; German preferred. Ad- dress Box 241, McCanna, N. D. S— i „_!__ ___ ____^____ i INSURANCE AGENTS— Send your name to us and we will send you something of in- terest to you. Globe Star Novelty Co. St. Paul, Minn. >\u25a0 , ______ MEN everywhere to distribute syrup sam- ples. Light and steady work. Good pay. t Pratt Syrup Company, Camden. N. J. . "RELIABLE. YOUNG MAN of ability wishes position in any business where his services j can be appreciated; well acquainted in city. Please address W. H. X., 1906 Chelton ay. SALESMEN— line novelty; carried ln vest pocket; $2.50 easily made dally; sam- ples sent post paid, 10 cents. Lyon Mfe. Co.. Oak Park, 111. J * SALESMEN make $200 a month . selling our machines for cooling refrigerators. Guar- anteed 75 per cent cheaper than ice. Pro- duces a dry cold that keeps perishable ar- ticles indefinitely. Write for terms. Arctic >i Refrigerating Co.. Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN—We want three traveling sales- men to sell line of pocket cutlery and sil- , . verware; pay 15 per cent commission ._,. straight. A good line and want only flrst- -1 class salesmen, who can pay their own ex- penses for first thirty days until their abil- ity is proven. No others need answer. . Mamllton Mfg. Co., Chicago. SALESMAN—An experienced tea salesman to represent a leading. Importing house. Lib- \u25a0 eral terms will be made with the right man. References required. C 57. Globe. SALESMEN— SS a day; no canvassing; no de- liveries; no collections; samples free; side line or exclusive. Mfrs., 3941 Market st % Philadelphia. : SALESMEN for best selling spring and sum- mer line on the road. Liberal salary; also side-line men. California Cider Co., Chi- cago. ...... .-.._.';' » SALESMEN— Mineralized Rubber Hoso, Belt- | J. Ing, etc., is better and cheaper than vulcan- t_-j& ized. Agencies' granted on uncovered ground. Mineralized Rubber Co., New York.. SALESMAN . , Male or female, wanted; no fake; dead - snap ; good : money; failure . im- possible. Tilten Chemical Co., Stillwater, Minn. ' -..,. ; -./>;.'. .SALESMEN WANTED— sell. our gcods to 8 the wholesale and retail trade. ! Our goods sell on sight. Liberal salary or comm'sslon paid.- Position permanent. - For * particulars address Centennial M&rtt'g Co., Atlanta. G_. Factory, Milwaukee, Wis. AU ™-» .«*"\u25a0- /STENOGRAPHER and expert typewriter de- eires permanent position; ten years' ex- perience in legal work; best of references i furnished; hard worker. Address P. O ''\u25a0'\u25a0 Box 2300, St. Paul. ' THE BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, as- - sets, $650,000;' largest, strongest and best Minnesota life company; offers to bright men deslrablo. exclusive territory, with . every facility for profitable agency. Address / Douglas Putnam, Secretary, St. Paul. .WANTED— Insurance solicitors in every town .. In Minnesota and lowa for the American Mu- tual Accident Association, of Oshkosh. . The five-year dividend policies save from 20 to 40 per cent in cost. The easiest selling insur- .. ance in existence. Write, giving reference, ( . to W. P. Hobart, Secretary, Oshkosh, Wis, j (WANTED— people to learn telegraphy,' "- . . shorthand, bookkeeping, etc.; students can \u0084 --» earn board. ' Globe Business College, Endl- -\u25ba; Dott Building. 1 SITUATIONS OFFERED MALES. WANTED— flrst-class stonecutters in Chi- cago. Wages $4.00 per day, (8) eight hours' work. Make application to The Cut Stone Contractors' Association of Chicago. Care of Chicago P. P.. Chicago, 111. ' WANTED— A gentleman well acquainted In this city to take orders for custom pants; pay salary and commission; our goods and prices defy competition. Address, with reference. The Globe Tailoring Company, 140 Mill at. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Circular distributors everywhere; *•"> per 1,000; inclose 4 cents. Northwestern Distributing Bureau, Chicago. WANTED Workingmen to hear Tom Lucas' lecture on "Socialism and Patriotism." To- day, 3 p. m.. Labor hall. Third and Waba- sha. Free discussion. ' WANTED—Men and women to «11 an article used in every house; big profits. Call Mon- day at 426 Selby* ay. WE WANT SIX GOOD MEN to handle our line of pocket cutlery and scissors as a Bide line; 12 per. cent commission. We want men who know how to sell goods. The Banker Allan Company, 122 Wabash ay.. Chicago, 111. .-\u25a0•\u25a0-''.• $5.*50 PER 1,000 cash for distribute clrcul'rs. ' Enclose 4c. U. S. Dlstrlb. Bu., Chicago. $10.00 A DAY at home selling Lightning -Plat- ers and plating jewelry, watches, tableware, bicycles, etc. Plates finest Jewelry good as new on all kinds of metal with gold, silver, nickel; any one can do it. Outfit and ma- terials complete; all warranted. Address H. F. Delno & Co., X 2, Columbus, O. $25 PER WEEK and expenses to sell cigars; experience unnecessary; special induce- ments. Valley Cigar Company, St Louis, Mo. .__ $60 TO $150 paid salesmen for cigars; ex- perience unnecessary; extra Inducements, to customers. Bishop & Kline, St. Louis, Mo. •• FEMALES. APPRENTICE— Wanted, apprentice girl to learn dressmaking. 493 Marshall ay. COOK can find steady employment at City hotel, Mankato; fair wages. Wanted, good cook and second girl with references. 435 Summit HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework. 412 Dayton. HOUSEWORK— a competent girl for housework. 429 East Fourth st . . HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework. Apply 384 Rondo st. at once. « HOUSEWORK— girl to assist with housework. Call at 790 Dayton ay. ' HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework. Call at office, 533 Wabasha st HOUSEWORK A good girl for general housework; no children. 335 East Tenth st HOUSEWORK— girl to assist In housework, sixteen or seventeen years old; must be able to do washing and ironing. 279 Ea--t Fifteenth st. ' HOUSEWORK— a strong girl to do general housework. Address 1104 East Sev- enth st. ... HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, a good smart woman to keep house for four young gen- tlemen who live in a neatly furnished flat Address V 59, Globe. . NURSE— Competent nurse; two children; not under twenty-five; references required. Ap- ply 807 Falrmount ay. \u25a0 i NURSE GlßL Wanted, competent nurse girl. Apply Monday, March 2. Mrs. Townsend H. Jacobs, 71 Dale st ;-.--.;\u25a0 <m . .• STENOGRAPHER Lady i stenographer de- sires piece work of any kind; call for work; will do work very reasonable. Address 806 j New York Life. STENOGRAPHER— Competent stenographer and typewriter; one familiar with office work. Address, with full particulars, V 57, Globe. ; \u25a0 SCRUB WOMAN—A good scrub woman at Windsor hotel. Call Monday at the laun- dry. , WANTED— girls to learn halrdressing trade; a chance to do housework for room and board; also to learn dress cutting and fitting. Call at 424 Wabasha, Room 12. WHY PAY five cents for an inferior loaf of bread when you can get Allen's for,; the same? Ask your grocer for It. "-'•"- - ANY ONE CAN BORROW MONEY, any amount, on diamonds,' watches, Jewelry, furs, bicycles, typewriter, at . Lytle's 411 Robert, opposite Ryan hotel. Watches and ! diamonds for 3ale at half their value at ' Lytle's. 411 Robert st. -. FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS FOR SALE $500 each; 6 per cent semi-annual Interest; time, 6 months to 5 years; we also pay 6 per cent Interest on sums of $50 and upwards. Call and see us or write. Robert P. Lewis Company,. Sherman block, Waba sha and Sixth sts., St. Paul. HOW TO MAKE MONEY— If you have any idle money and would like to know how to make a good profit on same every month, send for copy of my prospectus on co-opera- tive speculation in Wall st Have never lost a dollar for a client on this plan. Refer- ences furnished with prospectus. E. Morti- mer Pine, Banker and Broker, 39 Broadway, New York. MONEY TO LOAN at 6 per cent without charge for commission on first-class Im- proved city business or residence property. We give the, "on. or before" . privilege. The State Savings Bank, Germania Life Build- ing, Fourth and Minnesota sts. MONEY TO LOAN— On furniture, pianos, etc., to remain with the owner; also on watches, diamonds, seal cloaks, etc.; loans can be repaid by installments, business strictly private. Room 7, First National Bank Building, cor. Fourth and Jackson; Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co. MAKE MONEY In gold stocks 100 shares or more In Mlc-Mac Gold Mining Co. will bring fabulous returns; prospectus free. Kaye Investment Co., P. O. Box 428, Den- ver, Col. SYSTEMATIC Speculation. $1,500 made In 30 days on $100. Now is your chance. Mar- kets very active. Our book on Speculation and dally Market Letter furnished free. Frederick Wiggins & Co., 135 Van Buren \u25a0L, Chicago. SPECULATION— Send your speculative or- ders for grain, provisions and stocks to a reliable house. We solicit orders on mar- gins. Our dally market letter sent free on request; also our book "Profitable Trading." Our facilities are unexcelled. McKenzle, Turner & Co., 418 Western Union Building, Chicago. - $50 TO $500 SHORT TIME LOANS ON PER- sonal property, collateral paper, household ! goods, diamonds, seal garments and all ! goods In storage. Notes discounted. Ohio < Investment Company, seventh floor. Globe : building; mest private offices ln the city. PERSONALS. A RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT— Madame Tel ts worth; prices reduced 60 cents; thirty years' experiences. 13 Eighth street EMMA THORSON, magnetic physician, 522 Seventh st. south, Minneapolis; also in- struction in physical culture. MACK'S HAIR TONIC positively restores hair to Its natural color; scalp treatment i and tonic shampoo, 25 cents ; - also mani- curing. Mrs Hartman, Manager, Office, I j 515 Washburn Building. MRS. DR. WILLIAM, clairvoyant leaving city in a short time: 43 East Eleventh St., i ! Cedar. - \u25a0 MRS. DR. MOSS— you wish to consult a ! clairvoyant, why not see the best? Madame : Moss Is today without doubt tho most : clairvoyant ln the country: her success Is her best advertisement: she can help you, where all others have failed; whatever may be your troubles, suspicions or desires, cal on this gifted lady and she will send you away happier and wiser than ever before; no mystery Is hidden from her; she reads your j entire life like an open book; she warns i ; you of impending disaster; tells you If your | ' friends are true or false-; she guides you I through the vicissitudes of life and shows you the straight road to love, wealth and happiness; she unites the separated * and ! causes happy and speedy marriages with the one towards whom your affections tend; her advice ln business masters and specu- lation Is invaluable; Mrs. Dr. Moss charges for truth not more than others for false- hoods; come and be convinced; fee, 50c and upwards. 513 Wabasha st, opposite capitol. MRS. ALICE Clairvoyant card 1 reader; ladles, 25 cents; gentlemen, 50 cents. 16 West Exchange st. S l* £* L, VI £ VI COMPANY furnishes health book and consultation free to moth- ers and daughters; Vlavl treatments are not new, but been established here some years; best of references and testimonials. 29 Germania Bank. m pro lis. SITUATIONS WANTED. MALE. BOOKKEEPER Competent general office man, single, sober, \u25a0 good references, wants position In city or country. P 58, Globe.' CLERK—Wanted, by a boy of eighteen years, position in a store, or to drive delivery wagon; can give reference from former employers; thoroughly acquainted with the city. Call or address W. D.. 43 East Elev- enth st., corner Cedar. COOK— AII-round meat and pastry cook wants situation, hotel or restaurant, city or coun- try; steady, sober man; good' references. Address Cook, 231 Fifteenth St., St. Paul, Minn. \u25a0 ' COOK— Experienced cook wishes position in hotel or restaurant, city or country. Q. R., 3505 Columbus ay., Minneapolis, Minn. COACHMAN—Competent English coachman wants situation; thoroughly understands care and treatment of horses, carriages and harness; careful driver and obliging; ctty references. Address Charles Pestell, Hampton House. 151 Third st. east. COACHMAN—Wanted, situation as coachman by a young, experienced man ; can furnish best of references. Address Coachman, 427 Selby ay. .' " . EMPLOYMENT— Boy wants work In billiard hall, office, or any kind. 303 West Seventh st. ' * EMPLOYMENT— Situation wanted by young man of twenty-one in some wholesale or commission house; has had experience in that line, and can furnish- good references. Address J. P. M., 239 Carroll St., city. EMPLOYMENT— young man twenty-one years of age would llfce a position of any kind; is well acquainted with city and has best of references. Address E. R., 401 Mar- shall ay. ,:;'•**. ENGINEER— Wanted, situation as engineer or fireman, or any place of trust; best of city references. Address Room 56, 59 East Seventh st. ';,',-. FIREMAN— A good, steady, sober man would like to get work as fireman, watchman or Janitor. Address F. G., 698 Hawthorne st. HOSTLER— man of nineteen will work cheap; not afraid of work; understands care of horses. Address 163 Como ay. OFFICE Situation wanted as an of- flce boy. W. Lucia re, 547 Robert St., city. \u25a0 OFFICE WORK—Wanted, a young man twenty years of age, would like a position in store or office; has had practical ex- perience; can give best of references. Ad- dress L. P. L., 55 Tilton St., city. SALESMAN— Wanted, position by experienced man as salesman or collector; have horse and rig; can give good city references. Ad- dress R. A. F., 711 Oakdale ay., city. WORK FOR BOARD Situation wanted to work for board and room while attending school; young man of good character and habits. Address W. H. F., 647 Endicott Building. WORK FOR BOARD— A poor young man wants a place to work for his board while attending college. Please call or address 647 Endicott building. . FEMALE.;^:;- A YOUNG LADY would like to give music lessons for board while attending college. Please address 647 Endicott building. DRESSMAKER desires a few engagements in families; - flrst-class - work; J skirts a spe- clalty. Address P 59, Globe. " --\u25a0 DRESSMAKING Thoroughly competent dressmaker would like a few more engage- ments in families. 206 Carroll st., Flat 4. DRESSMAKER— by a flrst-class dressmaker, family sewing; good cutter and fitter^ call or address 37 Irvine Park. DRESSMAKER Experienced skirt hand wishes a situation in dressmaking shop. Call or address 127 East Eleventh st., Room 28. HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted -position by an American lady with -child of nine years of age, as housekeeper; thoroughly compe- tent; can give reference. Call or address 43 East Eleventh st * HOUSEKEEPER— by a refined . American lady, position as managing ' housekeeper; best .of references given. Address B 57, Globe. LADIES can be furnished with flrst-class help on short notice and twenty girls can find good places, wages $8 to $30; small families. Call at Mrs. Merryweather's, 543 Wabasha. LAUNDRESS— A flrst-class laundress would like rough-dry washing to do at home; clothes called for and delivered. Address Laundress, 456 East Sixth st. . \u25a0«; - LAUNDRESS— laundress would like work by the day or housecleanlng. Call or address 1098 Gaultler st. NURSE— Experienced in confinement or any kind of sickness; will do light housework If desired; good references. Call or address 127 East Eleventh St., Room 28. NURSE— Position by flrst-class sick nurse- will work cheap. Address 484 East Sixth street. _ : NURSE— Sick nursing wanted by an expe- rienced nurse. Call or address 14 Douglas st. NURSE GIRL—A young girl would like work of any kind ln a candy store or as nurse girl. Address 484 East Sixth st. STENOGRAPHER Wanted, position by a flrst-class lady stenographer who can fur- nish good city references. Anyone who has a permanent position to offer will confer a favor by communicating with me. Address Stenographer, 202 Granite St.. city. STENOGRAPHER— lady stenographer and bookkeeper desires position' at once; willing to work cheap. Address L., No. 223 East University ay. SEAMSTRESS— Wanted, by a widow, plain sewing at home, or out by day. Address 653 Sims st. :yj- L .; SECOND GIRL A competent second girl wishes place in a private family. Address Mary Bolan, General Delivery. SEWING Lady desires to do sewing or light housework for pleasant home. Mrs. E. M." Emmerson, general delivery. WORK FOR BOARD—Wanted, a place in private .family to assist ln light house- work for board and attend school. Please address B. V., 647 Endicott building. WASHING— family washing to take home; will call for and deliver. 711 Ed- mund st. . * .:; WASHING—A colored lady would like to go out washing or take It home; will do all kinds of cleaning; work by week or day. Call 572 Robert st. WASHING ln and go out washing, at 22 Douglass art. yy. j WASHING Wanted, washing, to go out or to take heme. Call 715 Thomas st. \ WASHING to go out washing and scrubbing. 674 Blair st. Mrs. Fehrman. WASHING—Mrs. Heinzel, 690 Blair st., takes home washing; soft water. WASHING— to go out washing, iron- ing and cleaning. Call 641 Charles st. WASHING— A German girl wants to go out washing and Ironing. Address 48 West _ Ninth st. WANTED TO RENT. COTTAGE—Wanted to rent, good-sized com- fortable lake front. White Bear or Bald Eagle cottage. Address X 59, Globe. FARM—Wanted to rent, a large stock, grain or dairy farm, or superintend the same for Interest of owner; ability, reference, made satisfactory. Address P. O. Box 82, Minne- apolis. HOUSE— to rent, a ten or twelve- room house on St. Anthony hill, $800 to $1,200 per annum. State location and price. V 9, Globe. HOUSE— Wanted to rent for tho summer, a good house at White Bear lake. Address, with description and price, R 16, Globe. I ROOMS— to rent, by a gentleman and wife without children, two or three i nice unfurnished rooms for light house- keeping, near No. 9 Fire Engine House. Address G 58. Globe. ! ROOM— furnished room with or with- out board, where there are no other room- ers or small children; widow lady preferred. Address T 60, Globe, WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT? WE TAKE CHARGE OF PROPERTY. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGENCY. GLOBE BUILDING. MEDICAL LADIES: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills {Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c., stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return malL At Druggists. Chi- -1 Chester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. i Will FOR SALE. \u25a0 BICYCLE— For sale, a No. 1 high-grade wheel; detachable tires. Cull at .74 Eleventh st BICYCLE—For sale, a line high-grade $90.00 ladles' bicycle at half-price. Call at 580 St. Peter. --- \u25a0 BICYCLE—For sale, an W?5«f75 wheel used four months, for. sale cheap., Smith & Far- well Co.. Sixth and Mlnriesdta. - * - CANARY BIRDS— For sale, canary birds, ex- tra flne singers. $2.50 and £3; females, 30c, at 828 East Seventh bC._ --" CHICKENS— For sale, Phiirllge Cochin Pul- lets, single and rose comb Brown Leghorns; bargain. Goodrich and! Baldwin, Macalester Park. " I"?*. \u25a0•\u25a0•'•>- ENGLISH SETTER PUBS Two standard bred English setter ptto <*&cap; pedigreed; no better stock In America 1 !* 501 Holly ay. FURNITURE— High grftde\ ""lO rooms, use two months, choicest' Joaatlon ln city, op- posite Windsor; owner -_ left city and re- quested sale; will bear Investigation, or will rent to responsible, tenant. Schram, 322 Manhattan Building.'- * •\u25a0 __ , -. -— , , FURNITURE— A lot of^furMture for /sale cheap; cash or. payments.^Room 10, Globe Building, ---- - - -. FOR SALE—At Lytle's, ; 3 411 Robert st,. diamonds and watches from 35 to 50 per cent less than their real 'value. Forfeited pledges in diamond rings of all sizes, dia- mond eardrops, diamond earscrews, ear knobs, with ruby and turquoise center, dia- mond brooches and lace pins, diamond studs of all sizes, marquis rings, with diamonds and emeralds, diamonds, and turquoise, diamonds and sapphires and opals; gentle- men's rings of all sizes and latest style mountings; ladies' and gentlemen's gold and filled watches, that we guarantee for time and as good as new, that, we sell for half what they can be bought for. at retail. Parties that furnish good references we will sell to on the Installment plan.' j Eighteen karat solid gold wedding rings, 30 per cent dis- count from regular retail prices. $80 bicycle in good order, sell for $35; another bicycle, cost $65, for $15. One Eastman No. 3 kodak In good order, cost $40, sell for $20. Money to loan on all goods of value. Lytle's, 411 Robert St., Room l.opposite the Ryan hotel. FOR SALE—Best maple. $4.75; best yellow birch and oak, $3. 50, at Hanley's, 249 East Eighth st. '•" ''- FOR SALE—Hindoo Hair,' Restorer for sale at 99 West Seventh St., New Home Machine. Office. Miss Shelienberger. I ...-\u25a0\u25a0• ORGAN—For sale, parlor organ; walnut case, five octaves, two swells, $25; payments $2 per month. Address W 60, Globe. PIANOS—The "Matchless" Shaw, Bush & Gerts and Schiller pianos. Special bargains: 1 Steinway upright, $200, 250; 1 Knabe up- right, $225; 1 Decker Bros, upright, $250; 1 Behr Bros, upright, nearly new, cash or $10 per month. S. W. Raudenbush & Co., 14 West Sixth st. PIANO— sale, elegant;, upright; oak case, new; I have no use for it; will sell cheap and on small payments. ' Address L v 57, Globe. - - - . ," ** PIANO—An upright piano' for sale; cash or part payments. Room 10, : Globe Building. SEWING MACHINES : at: manufacturer's prices. Room 10, Globe. Building. WHY PAY five cents for -an : Inferior loaf of bread when you can j;e*; Allen's for the same? Ask your grocery tow It. —-^.rH BUSINESS CHANCES. ANY ONE with $2,000 or more, wishing to engage ln the flour, feed,, grain and hay business, also wood and' coal, will have a good chance now ; has been established for many years. -Address M- 60, Globe. A HALF-INTEREST in very" desirable furni- ture manufacturing business, well estab- lished, In this city, and yielding good profits,, will be sold at a bargain. Apply to 176 West Ninth st., second floor. ~; ; > : A GOOD DRIVING HORSE AND BUGGY for sale cheap. Room 10, $ lobe building. BETTER THAN A GOLD MINE—A patent taken out through our : office will pay you better than a gold mine. If you have an Idea patent It. We are the largest patent solicitors and the largest, parent agency In the world, selling - more , patents than all the rest of the agencies combined. The . services of our experts are at «tm» disposal . free. Write and get crtfr 'Book- on" Patents,' the finest book ever .p-J"bll%e4 for free dis- tribution. Association American Inventors, 1111-1119 Betz Building, Philadelphia. Long Distance Telephone. 4940. "•'\u25a0• *• -'.-*'- - CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE for sale cheap; good location. T 59, Globe. FOR SALE— ; best located restaurant In Minneapolis; will sell for. $300; Investigate; a snap for some one. Call at Court Cafe, 308 Fourth st. south, opposite new court house. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE LARGE profits jon money Invested; no risk.**-. .Call Room 2, ' Richelieu Hotel, corner Seventh and Robert sts. MAKE MONEY IN GOLD " STOCKS— IOO shares or more in the Mic-Mac Gold Mining Company, at 10 cents per share, will bring fabulous returns; prospectus free. Kaye Investment Co., P. O. Box 428, Denver, Col. . \u25a0 . WANTED—A partner with $1,000.00 In a good- paying, legitimate business; no risk. Ad- dress C 59. Globe. rV.-rr^ $19.50 IS THE PROFIT earned this week on $100 placed in our (copyrighted) Investment system, making a total profit of $64.74 in February. It has worked ; this way for 10 months, never earning less than $12 a week. Why should it not pay as well in March? Osborn, Crosby & Co., Kasota building, Min- neapolis. Mention the Globe. $100 INVESTED—If two men with $100 each want to go in with me and open three Cripple Creek gold claims, address L. B. Dodd, 1076 Josephine St.. Denver. Col. HORSES AND CARRIAGES, BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN will open their large sale stables at Minnesota Transfer, Midway, March 10th; 1,000 head of all kinds of horses, and 3,000 sets of harness will be auctioned oft during the opening week. FOR SALE—Ten horses, two teams; weight 2,600 and 2,700 pounds; one double set of work harness; one heavy wagon; cash or time. 211 East Ninth .st. le. ' 'VI M ' FOR SALE Very nice, perfectly gentle, pony to drive or ride. 3 257 Sherman Bt, near Franklin. \u25a0 >i; , ",*'. . FOR SALE— A good work" team for $60.00; well worth $125.00. St. Paul Box Factory, Edgerton and Minneapolis At. GOOD HORSE FOR SALE cheap also a light wagon. At 618 Canada- st - - *-\u25a0-_\u25a0 HACKS— hacks for , sale, . one five-glass and one curtain, at a bargain. . 164 East In- dlana ay. TEAM FOR SALE at 439*-St *Peter st - p*— « YOUNG. GENTLE HORSE, ' weight about 1,000 lbs.,, cash or parti payment; call Sun- day. 897 Woodbrldge st. . WANTED— sets second-hand double work harness and three luinben^wagons, cheap for cash. Address, stating price, Oak, Globe. - l>/7> •"..**,•• "' HORSES AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE —We have just received a' large consignment of farm mares from lowa which must be closed out during the coming week for. what they will bring. We open our Midway Sta- bles March 10, and our stock on hand must be sold before the grand opening. ' Rare chances for bargains. Barrett & Zlmmer- man, 20 Second st. north.-M inneapolis. INSTRUCTION. ELOCUTION, DELSARTE AND DRAMATIC Culture; private and class lessons. Miss Haas; studio, 340 Grove st. MUSIC SCHOOL— violin and mando- lin ; twelve lessons, $5. Room 308, 27 East Seventh. vj-.v;- ... - -• "MOZZARA'S DANCING ACADEMY." West Seventh— class Fridays; "rates cut in two" in all departments; theatrical dancing taught. PROF. J. REMER'S Dancing School, Central Hall, Seventh and Cedar sts.; new class meets Monday and Thursday evenings; of- flce hours from 12 to 6 p. m. - ! ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND Art, 28 East Exchange St., St. Paul—Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin taught. Lesions given •in drawing and painting. Call or send for prospectus- TO EXCHANGE. / NEW GOODS for second'-Wfd. Ryan Fur- niture and Exchange Co., 143 and 144 East 7th. R. N.^ardoza. Prfo>:., r . TO EXCHANGE— "watch for lady's or gent's second-hand ffelcy*«le. Address C 60, Globe. \u25a0 8-jnS WHAT HAVE YOU TOtoEXCHANGE for a new self-heating washing machine? Call _ i 524 Cedar st. - WANTED TO EXCHANOE-S7O mandolin for lady's high-grade bicycle. Address Z 54, Globe. { Mill FOR RENT. J. W. SHEPARD, 94 East Fourth St. _;. . Partial List. HOUSES, STORES. APARTMENTS. ROOMS. offices, heated and not heated, In all parts of the city, from $5.00 upward. $60.00—60 Summit ay., 12 rooms, two baths, steam heat; entirely modern; location very de- sirable. $50.00— ay., near Dale, 10 rooms, de- tached; everything modern; good barn. 137.50—790 Selby ay., detached house, 9 rooms, thoroughly modern; good barn. $30.00— 10-room house on Goodrich ay., bath gas, furnace: good barn. $30.00— Summit, near St. Peter, 10 rooms and bath; furnace; walking distance. $30.00— Ninth, near Wacouta; detached; 10 rooms. $40.00— Dayton, near Kent, 9 rooms, natural wood finish, handsomely decorated; flne loca- tion. $25.00—668 East Fourth st., 9 rooms; every convenience; hardwood finish, new decora- tions. . ... ; $22.50— Sixth st, near Maria, 9 rooms, modern. \ , HEAT INCLUDED. $50.00— Selby ay., within walking distance, modern; contains 9 rooms. HOUSES. J. W. Shepard, tt4 East 4th St. RENTS Houses, Stores.Orflces, Steam. Heated Apartments, Collects Rents, Acts as Owners' Agent. HOUSES. BRING IN YOUR PROPERTY FOR RENT NOW. DO NOT WAIT. WE ARE HAV- ING MANY- INQUIRIES, AND CAN RENT ALMOST ANYTHING DESIRABLE. HOUSES, STORES, FLATS. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGENCY. . HOUSE—For rent, house 379 East Eighth st. eleven room, modern improvements; $25.00 per month. D. Bergman & Co.,- 186 East Third st. HOUSE— East Ninth St.— for rent In- qulre 230 East Ninth st HOUSE— rent, house and stable at 174 Charles st. Apply at 590 Carroll st. HOUSES— six and seven-room houses ln Central Terrace; all modern Im- provements. 82 West Central ay., corner Rice. . HOUSE— 629 Ashland Ay.— Nine-room house, laundry; every convenience; in flne condl- tlon. Apply 627 Ashland. HOUSE— rent, elegant residence, 525 Summit ay. A. H. Rogers, 35 East Fifth street. HOUSE— For rent, seven-room house; all modern Improvements; cheap; also four rooms unfurnished; bath, mantel, grate, cellar, yard; cheap. 653 Canada st. HOUSE— For rent cheap, six-room house; city water and cistern. 55 " Ann st ; one block from Seventh. HOUSE— Tilton St.. 78—A fine eight-room house for rent; will fix It flne; $25 a month. HOUSE— For rent, new, modern stone house, 340 Grove St.; nine rooms; only.responsible parties need apply. g***3 MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY, Davidson Block, corner Fourth and Jackson sts.— Houses, flats, stores and rooms for rent in all parts of the city. Acts as owner's agent, collects rents, pays taxes, '-places In- surance, etc. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGENCY GLOBB BUILDING WE RENT HOUSES, STORES, OFFICES, TAKE CHARGE OP RENTED PROPERTY AND MAKE COL- LECTIONS. RONDO ST., 251— For rent, lower and part upper floor modern house, furnished or un- furnished; references. ' WE HAVE GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT AND WITH ALL CONVENIENCES; ALL LOCATIONS FOR ALL PEOPLE. COME AND SEE US. THE ONLY PLACE TO FIND WHAT YOU WANT. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGENCY. " •.":-.•\u25a0\u25a0'.•• : STORES. ; STORE— For rent, good corner store for any business, with three nice living rooms; good cellar; city water, sewer, yard; your own price. 651 Canada st. \u0084-- -" - ' : FLATS. ~ " FLATS Two twelve-room modern houses con- nected as one. In Lytle's terrace, opposite the capitol; will rent them together or sep- arate; steam heat, hot water, electric bells and all modern improvements; house ele- gantly papered throughout; no one need ap- ' ply except those that can furnish the houses i flrst-class. Inquire 411 Robert st, Room 1, I opposite the Ryan hotel. FLAT— furnished flat for housekeep- ing; new furniture; central; cheap to small family; very cosy home; also others, $15 upwards. Houses, flats, rooms, all prices. Schram's Renting Agency, 320 and 322 Man- hattan Building. FLAT—Choice lower 4-room flat; modern con- veniences; central; good neighborhood. 188*^ Fourteenth, near Jackson. FLATS AND STORE for rent cheap, at the corner of Rice and Wabasha sts. Inquire 'at 474 Rice st. '\u25a0 '.'. . , * FLAT— Small flat for rent. 270 Pleasant ay. HOTELS. -- ~~ ~"~ ABBEY'S EUROPEAN HOTEL, 21 East Fifth st.; furnished rooms for rent; open day and night F. D. Abbey. Proprietor. - ROOMS. FIFTH ST., 39 Opposite Windsor (Changed hands.) Choice furnished rooms, with or without board. CEDAR ST., 486—Elegant suite rooms, ground floor, with board, or suitable for light house- keeping. . . . . . COLLEGE AY., 19— For rent, one comfortable room, with all modern conveniences. COLLEGE AV., 4s—Near St. Peter— For rent, a furnished room for one or two gentlemen. FOURTH ST., 102-106 WEST— front alcove room; closet; grate and steam heat- ed; board If desired. . . . HOUSE FOR RENT— Lower and part of up- per flors modern house, furnished or unfur- nished; references. 25i Rondo st. JACKSON ST., 762—Five rooms on first floor; olty water and blinds. 764 Jackson, 5 rooms . on second floor; city water; near car line. NINTH ST., 850. EAST— Furnished rooms to rent by the day or week, or monthly; $3 up- - RONDO ST., 309 Nicely furnished front room suitable for one or two ladies; rea- sonable terms. ROOM— rent, furnished room, modern conveniences, to gentlemen, by refined pri- vate family on the hill; references; ar- rangements can be made for breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner If desired. P 57, Globe. ST. PETER ST., 646—Neatly furnished single room for rent; modern conveniences; rent very reasonable. SEVENTH ST., 222, EAST—People looking for rooms, furnished or unfurnished, should call; also rooms for housekeeping. SMITH AY., 118— rent, nicely furnished room; private family; gentlemen only; cheap. SELBY AY., 370%— Flat 4—For rent, nicely furnished room; all modern conveniences; private family; steam heat and bath. SMITH AY., 137—Nicely furnished pleasant rooms; all modern conveniences; near ca- ble; terms reasonable. SUMMIT AY., 26— St. Peter Nicely furnished room, with or without board. SUMMIT AY., 61— rent, a desirable front room. TENTH ST.. 192, EAST—For rent, finely fur- nished rooms. ' - UTOPIA, 493 ST. PETER ST.— Front rooms, single and en suite. .:."-. VIRGINIA AY.. 464—For rent, furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; rent reasonable. - WABASHA ST., 756—One or two furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent, cheap. BOARD OFFERED. BOARD—One furnished room, with good board, at 254 West Fifth st. BOARD— warm rooms, with board; all modern conveniences; gents, $4; ladles, $3 ; per week. 9 East Tenth st. BOARD—Room and board; one large, fine room, with board, for two; all modern con- venience; terms reasonable. - Call at 97 Smith ay. . __^ "THE MINER"— in the city will find a \u25a0 pleasant home with steam heat •\u25a0 and . other - modern conveniences. Day boarders can also be accommodated. . 162 College, corner Sixth. .. . DIRECTORY ... C^W^ TT E—sf ¥-•-* PRINCIPAL BUSINESS HOUSES OF ST. PAUL, The following: is published daily for ths benefit of traveling salesmen, strangers and the public generally. It includes all the trades an i professions, and cannot fail to prove of interest to all who inlenl transacting business in St. Paul. . 3 Amusements. Metropolitan, Sixth, near Robert st .... Grand, Sixth and St Peter streets. .-.-": Strata's Tivoli, Bridge Square, Concert even- ings and Sunday matinee. Admission free. Bodega. I*B East Sixth street Olympic. 174-178 East Seventh street. __ Auctioneer**-. Kavanagh & Johnson. 22-24 E. 7th st ..; Bakeries. Thauwald Bros.. 353-355 W. Seventh st Hooks, l '-»— , Rare and Standard. E. W. Porter Company, 100 East Fourth street ... Boots and Shoes. Elmqulst Shoe Store. 229 E. Seventh st > Butter and Esgi, Wisconsin Dairy, 613 St Peter street, TeL 82L Milton Dairy Company, 772 Wabasha st Tel. 281. Cat Rate Tickets. Corbetfs, 169 East Third street Edwards, 173 Third st. 389 Robert st \u2666 - \u25a0 Carpet Cleaning. Schroeder & Dickinson. 16 H. 6th st - Cloak*.'. Ransom & Horton. 99-101 Bast Sixth. Commission Merchants. McGutre & Mulrooney, 280 E. Sixth st R. E. Cobb. .394-298 East Sixth st C. C. Emerson, 251-255 E. Sixth st - Geo. Thuet, 24 West Third st E. McNamee & Co., 249 East Sixth st Schlerman & Co., 818 Robert st De Camp & Beyer, 129 East Third st H. C. Hemenway & Co., corner Third and Minnesota streets. Pore & Rodpath. 70 East Third st Coal and Wood. S. Brand, corner Wabasha and Park avenue. Tel. 1033. O. G Wilson, corner Bth and Broadway. Independent Coal Co.. 156 East 3d st " Confectioners, Wholesale. McFadden-Mullen Co.. 101 East Fifth street. Chinese and Japanese Bazaar. Quong Gin. Lung & Co.. 390 Wabasha st Compounders of Dr. Pasteur's Ca- tarrh Remedy, The Stella Drag Co.. 440 "Wabasha. Drag Stores. ~~ " George J. Mltsch ft Co., corner Seventh and St Peter streets. ... \u0084,.,;,,, , S ' )V : Dye Works. ' ~ ~"~~ New York Steam Dye Works, 16 West Sixth street electricians. John Gorman. 815 Minnesota street Express, Piano Moving-, Packing and Storage. J. B. Desforges, 154 E. 6th. Tel. 550. Express and tttora-ge. Kent's Express and Storage Company, 211 W. Seventh st . Cheapest and best FARM LANDS. FOR RENT : Forty-acre farm, seven-room house, barn and well, 3% miles from cen- ter of city; good meadow and ! about twenty- five acres under*' good state cultivation. 48 Germania "Life 'building." fr* '' MINNESOTA Q PRAIRIE . AND TIMBER Lands— Tf you want to buy or sell prairie or timber lands or improved farms anywhere In the State of Minnesota, if you have large or small tracts to dispose of, write to or call on Theodore F. Koch, 176 East Third St., ground floor, St. Paul, Minn., wholesale dealer and colonizer. Reliable agents wanted everywhere. . VIRGINIA STOCK FARM—I,OB9 acres. Hall- fax county, near two railroads and large river; new residence, many barns, other good outbuildings, water by never failing streams, soft water; good society, churches and schools; adapted to general farming and stock' raising; abundant fruit and grapes; several hundred acres hardwood timber; eminently healthy; price, $8,000; $25 cash, balance long time. For further de- scription address S. G. Stevens, Lynchburg, Va. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SUBURBAN. A BEAUTIFUL HOME on the bank of Lake St. Croix, opposite Hudson, Wis. large house, barn, 20 acres of land; fine scenery, fishing, boating. For particulars address Box 88, Lakeland, Minn. , WANTED .Los Angeles, small ranch In exchange for beautiful home on bank of Lake St. Croix; large . house, barns, twenty acres land, flne scenery, boating and fish- ing, or will sell cheap. Address Box 88, Lake- land. Minn. <**> - WANTED TO BUY. BARBER SHOP— to buy, barber shop in or out of city; no two-chair shop wanted; must be good location. T 56, Globe. LETTER PRESS— Wanted to buy, 2-hand let- ter press that Is in good condition. Ad- dress, stating price, V 58, Globe. SHOWCASES— to buy, counter show- cases, eight or ten feet. Address M 59, Globe. PROFESSIONAL MISS HULL, successor to Mrs. Baldwin, re- moves superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec- tricity; only positive and permanent remedy; references given. . Washburn Block, Fifth st., opposite court house. Room 522. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ATTENTION— Laces, lace curtains and kid gloves cleaned. Mrs. Hayes, 367 Washlng- ton, corner West Fifth. . . . DERMATOLOGY. Dllft MfJCC'C iv"Mi». FLAT, i i.i,- __. rUU nQJOEds shaved nosks-.P^ ProjectlnK Ears, made to harmonize with tho »**» other features. Send stamp for book oua^j?. Beauty. J. 11. Woodbury, 127 W. 42d St.,N.Y. >!"?*> Branch Offices- Boston. Phlla.. Chicago, gt Louis. . DYE WORKS. ' KAHLERT ft MlNTEL—Minnesota Steam Dye Works. 244 East Sevtnth. -..- LOST AND FOUND. MONEY LOST— About $40 lost; Under will | please return same to this office as soon as I possible and receive reward. L 60. Globe. ; DRESSMAKING. "" MME. MARIE FAVRE. French dressmaker, at 34 East Seventh st. Room 308, over Yerxa'B. ' y^nZ-'^h ° Bentl tl>e \u25a0marvelous French I 4 /id Of fjS\ , Re * , 0 *1 r CALTHOS Tree. .in.l 7. (ylnssni legal guarantee that Oalthos will W<&rtr>S & STOP Dlschsrsrs Kmt..lun.. I KTiBE-Sr f CURB "MmatorrheA. Varicocele I \frO \. r \ and RESTORE Let Vleor. \*™JU. . Ji* Vt)t it and pay if satisfied. V "lITT Address, YON MOHL CO., \u25a0 '•••\u25a0>. y£-J ' "*»•• lx».rteia Agent., Cincinnati, Ohio. \u25a0 \u25a0 --—J j - _\u25a0\u25a0«_* WILCOX COMPOUND TFhNSYePELS "\u25a0"Safe and SURE. ' Always reliable. Take no substitute. For sale by all druggist* (J2.00. Send 4a for Woman' Safeguard. WILCOX SPECIFIC ©ft, Ul SOUTH EIGHTH ST.. J lllLAVA.,l'Ss 3 ~y \u25a0 For Fnuers''/. '• ': Cam $2; hearses, $3. Seven Corners! 1 Livery, t teL 339. ' "**ra Furs. Ranjom _ Horton. 99-101 East Sixth. ~~~"* Merrell Ryder, 333 Jackson street. B. Albrecht & Son. 20 East Seventh st. -\u25a0 - * Fnrn.'tnre and Upbolatr . lag-. flchroeder ft Dickinson. 16 East Sixth street. t Flour uud Feed. H. R Shelre, 605 Robert, tel. 53L ~~ ~" ' Tlerney & Co.. 91 East Third st. '\u25a0 * * Green Vegetables. Tubbeslng Bros.. 100 East Third street. I \u25a0--».-. Grocers. John Wagener, corner Twelfth and Robert sts.. and 486-488 E. 7th st. \u25a0 \u25a0 --•,•\u25a0-..\u25a0 ja Guns, Situ tea nnd Sporting Goods. M. F. Kennedy & Bros., Third and Robert. Wm. Burkhard & Sous. 57-59 E. Seventh st ''' ' - 8 Hotels. ' Grand CentriM. cor. 7ih and Wabasha. -I lusuruuce aud Steamship Agents. J. S. Grode & Co.. corner Severn", and St. Peter streets. I -.<-,.._» m »._,*t:a__, uiuiuuuaa, Furs. •\u25a0 Etc. f Lytle'» Loan Office. 411 Robert. Room L * -I : ; L's~ LuuuUrii-s. The Elk. 51 West Third; tel. 263. * Merrill's. 407-409 Rice street, telephone 747. ""— **-** Milk und Cream. H. Stebbins (Como), 367 Dayton ay. All cowl guaranteed free from tuberculosis. T AluMicHl Instruments. A. Peterson. 418 East Seventh street. » , * Muuuiuciurcrs urns JJculurs la i yuam most, Motors and Electrical Ap* ptvi-jitus. John Gorman. 315 Minnesota street. \u25a0-s .News and Stationery, Charles L. Neumann. 224 West Seventh st. "" \u25a0« Plumbing;. Strum and Gas Fitting, A. W. Johnston, 139 West Seven UiTst , " -— .g I'lui 'fin-ft-. Steam uud Hot Water. Heating. McQuillan Bros.. IS3 Western avenue. J ta urn nta. , _'; Ed L. Murphy, cor.'Si.' Peter 1 iihd*l'oth «-»: r> * \u25a0\u25a0'•'•\u25a0 Saf r^z**— _ 3 suuet .litiiu IV or iter a, atovca ... *Tj< Hardware. '~" r - Karst ft Breber. 183 West Third street. * -"al Tin and Sheet Iron Job Work, Schroeder Bros.. 902 Payne avenue. ****< Undertaker*. Theo Bunker, cor. West 7th and 6th streets.- ——. ... "Wholesale Wines and Llqnorn. B. Simon. 297-299 East Seventh street. 3 LUMBER WANTED. .-:,..-.:' -: . m'.IJiJdHIHKT City Clerk "a Office.!' ;\u25a0>. St. Paul, Minn.. Feb. 26, ISOS. - Sealed proposals, marked "Proposals for Lumber," will be received at this office until 5 o'clock p. m., March 3, 1896, for furnishing the City of St. Paul with such lumber as may be required and ordered during the year ending Dec. 31, 1896, and according to speci- fications on file in the office of the City En- gineer. Said proposals will be opened and consid- ered, and contract awarded, at regular meet- ings of the Board of Aldermen and of the Assembly to be held in the Council Cham- ber, In the City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the following dates, to wit: At a meeting of the said Board of Aldermen on the 3d day of March. A. D. 1896, and at a meeting of the Assembly on the sth day of March, A. D. 1896. A certified check In the sum of 10 per cent of the amount of bid must accompany each proposal to ensure the entering Into a prop- er contract. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Common Council. . MATT JENSEN, City Clerk. Feb. 26-Dally-March 3. a BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS WANTED. City Clerk's Office. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 26. 1896. Sealed proposals, marked "Proposals for Bacteriological Apparatus." will be received at this office until 5 o'clock p. m., March 3d, 1896, for furnishing the City of St. Paul with bacteriological apparatus, to be based upon specifications on file In the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul. Said proposals will be opened and consid- ered, and contract awarded, at regular meet- ings of the Board of Aldermen and of the Assembly to be held in the Council Cham- ber, in the City Hall, in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the fol- lowing dates, to wit: At a meeting of the Bald Board of Aldermen on the 3d day of March. A. D. 1896, and at a meeting of the Assembly on the sth day of March, A. D. 1896. ' A certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of the amount of bid must accompany each proposal to ensure the entering Into a prop- er contract. The Common Council reserve* the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Common Council. MATT JENSEN, City Clerk. Feb. 26-Daily-March 3. " . DR. FELLER (80 E. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn. Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic and blood and skin diseases of both sexes, without the use of mercury or hindrance from business. NO CURB,' NO PAY. Private diseases, and all old, lingering cases -where the blood has be- come poisoned, causing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth, pains In tha head and bones, and all diseases of the kidneys and bladder are cured for life. Men of all ages who are suffering from the results of youthful indiscretions or excesses of mature years, producing nervousness, indigestion, constipation, loss of memory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently cured. .;.*.-, Dr. Feller, who has had many, years of experience in this specialty, is a grad- uate from one of the leading medical colleges of the country. He has never failed ln curing any cases that he has undertaken. Cases and correspondence sacredly confidential. Call or write for list of questions. Medicine sent by mail and express everywhere free from risk and exposure. *****3 \u25a0_»^Theae tiny Oapsuies ur- /-~v| E&SJrr-t in JH hour* -i»-it*sn>ur^[,_\| "UMiyIn Copaiba. <I?.;.Ant*LII #I" "*~jgbt-ha and Infections fall. V««^/

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Dec 01, 2021



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At the following locations for inser-tion In the Dally and Sunday Globe,at the same rates as are charged bythe main office.

HAMLINE,Hamline Pharmacy Drug Store


DAYTON'S BLUFF.(Bever Wcstlw Drug Store



William K. Ciller Drug StoreSEVENTH AND SIBLEY.Joseph Arcay Drug Store


M Kit 111 AM PARK.. A. L Woolsey Drue Storei ST. ANTHONY AND TRIOR AVENUES.

P ST. ANTHONY MILL.Emll Pull . Druggist

GRAND AY. AND ST. ALBANS.W. A. Frost ft Co Drue Store

BELRY AND WESTERN AVENUES.Straight Tiro*... Dm? StoreRONDO AND GROTTO STREETS.A. A. Campbell. Drug Store:« RONDO STREET.A. T. Guernsey Drug storo„ - 171 DALE STREET.. BrackctCs Pharmacy


WEST SIDE.Tl« Eclipse Drue Store.


S. WABASHA AND FAIRFIELD AVENUE.Concord street Prescription Store.


UPPER TOWN.8. R. Reeves:...; Drust Stora

MOORE BLOCK. SEVEN CORNERS.C. T. HelW Colonnade Drue: Store

ST. f"*KTER AND TENTH STREETS.B. J. Witt.- Drug Store» FAST SEVENTH STREET.F. M. Cru.Men Confectioner_ 496 RICE STREET.W. E. Lowe.... Drug Store



ARLINGTON HILL.-*.C. R. Mnrellus Drue Store

COn******"R BEDFORD AND DECATUR.A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store


V WEST SEVENTH STREET.A & G. A. Schumacher ...Drug Store

4,-)9 WEST SEVENTH STREET.J. J Muller.: .: Drugstore


UNION PARK.C. A. Mnnehow Clears and Tobacco



iAGENTS— Greatest offer given by any news-

paper; fifty cents to agents on each dollar.The Catholic News is indorsed by the Cath-olic bishops, priests and eminent writersas the leading Catholic family weekly; sub-scription price, one year,- by mall, one dol-lar; canvassers are allowed -the. large com-mission of fifty ..cents, on each $1; agentswanted in every Catholic parish in everycity and 'town; experience not necessary;write for sample copy. Address The Catho-

f lie News. IS Barclay st. New York.

AGENTS— My knife and scissors sharpenersare the best selling household specialtiesyou can handle. Send for circulars. P.

tDoran. Muskegon Heights, Mich.

AGENTS—Gold Glass Signs, Name Plates,

' Numbers. Readable darkest nights. WriteV _for samples. Thomas & Co.. Englewood, Ills.

AGENTS— Hustlers make $5 dally selling onlyrevolving griddle cake turner. Sample 20c.O. E. Mickel, Manufacturer, Haverhill,Mass.

AGENTS—S9O weekly salary to right parties.Little work; a snap for some one; newscheme; failure impossible. Write for special

(proposition. Lock. Box 5308. .Boston. Mass.

AGENTS wanted everywhere. Our wonder^ful novelties pay $4 -dally-sure. No experi-. ence required;'.; Demand never supplied.Catalogue free. Sample 10 cents. Alumin-

a urn Novelty Co.. 335 Broadway, New York.' AGENTS WANTED — Fast-selling article";large margin for agents; apply between 5

tand 7 p. m. D. F. Erskine. 715 Lee ay.

AGENTS wanted for the revolving griddlecake, fish and egg turner; sells itself; sam-

ple, 20c. O. E. Mickel, Haverhill. Mass.

APPRENTICE— Wanted immediately, a smartyoung girl to learn the millinery trade;must be a neat sewer: one who' speaksFrench preferred. M 56, Globe.

BICYCLE BUILDER — Experienced bicyclebuilder wanted at once. Call at St. PaulMachine Works, 125 West Third st.

CANVASSERS— On salary or commission.Standard Watch Co., A. Zucker, GeneralManager. Clarendon Hotel, Room 4.- DRIVER—Wanted, boy to drive delivery wa-

» gon. Call Sunday, 10 a. m., at Wagner-Stewart Express barn, Decatur st

FARM HAND—Wanted, man for the seasonof 1596 to milk, do chores around barn andwork in garden; German preferred. Ad-dress Box 241, McCanna, N. D.S——i — — „_!__ ___


INSURANCE AGENTS— Send your name tous and we will send you something of in-terest to you. Globe Star Novelty Co. St.Paul, Minn.

>\u25a0 ,______

MEN everywhere to distribute syrup sam-ples. Light and steady work. Good pay.

tPratt Syrup Company, Camden. N. J.

. "RELIABLE.YOUNG MAN of ability wishesposition in any business where his servicesj can be appreciated; well acquainted in city.

• Please address W. H. X., 1906 Chelton ay.

SALESMEN— line novelty; carried lnvest pocket; $2.50 easily made dally; sam-ples sent post paid, 10 cents. Lyon Mfe.Co.. Oak Park, 111.

J *SALESMEN make $200 a month . selling our

machines for cooling refrigerators. Guar-anteed 75 per cent cheaper than ice. Pro-duces a dry cold that keeps perishable ar-ticles indefinitely. Write for terms. Arctic>i Refrigerating Co.. Cincinnati. O.

SALESMEN—We want three traveling sales-• men to sell line of pocket cutlery and sil-, . verware; pay 15 per cent commission._,. straight. A good line and want only flrst--1 class salesmen, who can pay their own ex-penses for first thirty days until their abil-ity is proven. No others need answer.. Mamllton Mfg. Co., Chicago.

SALESMAN—An experienced tea salesman torepresent a leading. Importing house. Lib-\u25a0 eral terms will be made with the right man.References required. C 57. Globe.

SALESMEN— SS a day; no canvassing; no de-liveries; no collections; samples free; sideline or exclusive. Mfrs., 3941 Market st

%Philadelphia. :

SALESMEN for best selling spring and sum-mer line on the road. Liberal salary; alsoside-line men. California Cider Co., Chi-cago. ...... .-.._.';'

» SALESMEN— Mineralized Rubber Hoso, Belt-| J. Ing, etc., is better and cheaper than vulcan-t_-j& ized. Agencies' granted on uncovered

ground. Mineralized Rubber Co., New York..

SALESMAN . — , Male or female, wanted; nofake; dead - snap ; good : money; failure .im-possible. Tilten Chemical Co., Stillwater,Minn. ' -..,. ; -./>;.'.

.SALESMEN WANTED— sell. our gcods to

8the wholesale and retail trade. ! Our goodssell on sight. Liberal salary or comm'sslonpaid.- Position permanent. -For * particularsaddress Centennial M&rtt'g Co., Atlanta. G_.Factory, Milwaukee, Wis.

AU™-» .«*"\u25a0-

/STENOGRAPHER and expert typewriter de-eires permanent position; ten years' ex-perience in legal work; best of referencesi furnished; hard worker. Address P. O''\u25a0'\u25a0 Box 2300, St. Paul. '

THE BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, as-- sets, $650,000;' largest, strongest and bestMinnesota life company; offers to brightmen deslrablo. exclusive territory, with. every facility for profitable agency. Address

/ Douglas Putnam, Secretary, St. Paul..WANTED— Insurance solicitors in every town.. In Minnesota and lowa for the American Mu-

tual Accident Association, of Oshkosh. . Thefive-year dividend policies save from 20 to 40per cent in cost. The easiest selling insur-.. ance in existence. Write, giving reference,

( . to W. P. Hobart, Secretary, Oshkosh, Wis, j(WANTED— people to learn telegraphy,'

"-. . shorthand, bookkeeping, etc.; students can\u0084--» earn board. ' Globe Business College, Endl--\u25ba; Dott Building.



WANTED— flrst-class stonecutters in Chi-cago. Wages $4.00 per day, (8) eight hours'work. Make application to The Cut StoneContractors' Association of Chicago. Careof Chicago P. P.. Chicago, 111. 'WANTED—A gentleman well acquainted Inthis city to take orders for custom pants;pay salary and commission; our goods andprices defy competition. Address, withreference. The Globe Tailoring Company,140 Mill at. Rochester. N. Y.

WANTED Circular distributors everywhere;

*•"> per 1,000; inclose 4 cents. NorthwesternDistributing Bureau, Chicago.

WANTED—Workingmen to hear Tom Lucas'lecture on "Socialism and Patriotism." To-day, 3 p. m.. Labor hall. Third and Waba-sha. Free discussion. '

WANTED—Men and women to «11 an articleused in every house; big profits. Call Mon-day at 426 Selby* ay.

WE WANT SIX GOOD MEN to handle ourline of pocket cutlery and scissors as aBide line; 12 per. cent commission. Wewant men who know how to sell goods.The Banker Allan Company, 122 Wabashay.. Chicago, 111. .-\u25a0•\u25a0-''.•

$5.*50 PER 1,000 cash for distribute clrcul'rs. '

Enclose 4c. U. S. Dlstrlb. Bu., Chicago.

$10.00 A DAY at home selling Lightning -Plat-ers and plating jewelry, watches, tableware,bicycles, etc. Plates finest Jewelry good asnew on all kinds of metal with gold, silver,nickel; any one can do it. Outfit and ma-terials complete; all warranted. Address H.F. Delno & Co., X2, Columbus, O.

$25 PER WEEK and expenses to sell cigars;experience unnecessary; special induce-ments. Valley Cigar Company, St Louis,Mo. .__

$60 TO $150 paid salesmen for cigars; ex-perience unnecessary; extra Inducements,to customers. Bishop & Kline, St. Louis,Mo. ••


APPRENTICE— Wanted, apprentice girl tolearn dressmaking. 493 Marshall ay.

COOK can find steady employment at Cityhotel, Mankato; fair wages.

Wanted, good cook and second girlwith references. 435 Summit

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework. 412 Dayton.

HOUSEWORK— a competent girl forhousework. 429 East Fourth st . .

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework. Apply 384 Rondo st. at once. «

HOUSEWORK— girl to assist withhousework. Call at 790 Dayton ay. '

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework. Call at office, 533 Wabasha st

HOUSEWORK — A good girl for generalhousework; no children. 335 East Tenth st

HOUSEWORK— girl to assist Inhousework, sixteen or seventeen years old;must be able to do washing and ironing.279 Ea--t Fifteenth st. '

HOUSEWORK— a strong girl to dogeneral housework. Address 1104 East Sev-enth st. ...

HOUSEKEEPER — Wanted, a good smartwoman to keep house for four young gen-tlemen who live in a neatly furnished flatAddress V 59, Globe. .

NURSE—Competent nurse; two children; notunder twenty-five; references required. Ap-ply 807 Falrmount ay. \u25a0 i

NURSE GlßL Wanted, competent nurse girl.Apply Monday, March 2. Mrs. TownsendH. Jacobs, 71 Dale st ;-.--.;\u25a0<m . .•

STENOGRAPHER — Lady i stenographer de-sires piece work of any kind; call for work;will do work very reasonable. Address 806 jNew York Life.

STENOGRAPHER— Competent stenographerand typewriter; one familiar with officework. Address, with full particulars, V 57,Globe. • ; \u25a0

SCRUB WOMAN—A good scrub woman atWindsor hotel. Call Monday at the laun-dry. ,

WANTED— girls to learn halrdressingtrade; a chance to do housework for roomand board; also to learn dress cuttingand fitting. Call at 424 Wabasha, Room 12.

WHY PAY five cents for an inferior loaf ofbread when you can get Allen's for,; the •same? Ask your grocer for It. "-'•"--ANY ONE CAN BORROW MONEY, anyamount, on diamonds,' watches, Jewelry,furs, bicycles, typewriter, at . Lytle's 411Robert, opposite Ryan hotel. Watches and !

diamonds for 3ale at half their value at '

Lytle's. 411 Robert st. -.

FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS FORSALE—$500 each; 6 per cent semi-annualInterest; time, 6 months to 5 years; we alsopay 6 per cent Interest on sums of $50 andupwards. Call and see us or write. RobertP. Lewis Company,. Sherman block, Wabasha and Sixth sts., St. Paul.

HOW TO MAKE MONEY—If you have anyidle money and would like to know how tomake a good profit on same every month,send for copy of my prospectus on co-opera-tive speculation in Wall st Have never losta dollar for a client on this plan. Refer-ences furnished with prospectus. E. Morti-mer Pine, Banker and Broker, 39 Broadway,New York.

MONEY TO LOAN at 6 per cent withoutcharge for commission on first-class Im-proved city business or residence property.We give the, "on. or before" . privilege. TheState Savings Bank, Germania Life Build-ing, Fourth and Minnesota sts.

MONEY TO LOAN—On furniture, pianos,etc., to remain with the owner; also onwatches, diamonds, seal cloaks, etc.; loanscan be repaid by installments, businessstrictly private. Room 7, First NationalBank Building, cor. Fourth and Jackson;Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.

MAKE MONEY In gold stocks 100 sharesor more In Mlc-Mac Gold Mining Co. willbring fabulous returns; prospectus free.Kaye Investment Co., P. O. Box 428, Den-ver, Col.

SYSTEMATIC Speculation. $1,500 made In 30days on $100. Now is your chance. Mar-kets very active. Our book on Speculationand dally Market Letter furnished free.Frederick Wiggins & Co., 135 Van Buren\u25a0L, Chicago.

SPECULATION—Send your speculative or-ders for grain, provisions and stocks to areliable house. We solicit orders on mar-gins. Our dally market letter sent free onrequest; also our book "Profitable Trading."Our facilities are unexcelled. McKenzle,Turner & Co., 418 Western Union Building,Chicago. -

$50 TO $500 SHORT TIME LOANS ON PER-sonal property, collateral paper, household !

goods, diamonds, seal garments and all !goods In storage. Notes discounted. Ohio <

Investment Company, seventh floor. Globe :building; mest private offices ln the city.


Madame Tel ts worth; prices reduced 60cents; thirty years' experiences. 13 Eighthstreet

EMMA THORSON, magnetic physician, 522Seventh st. south, Minneapolis; also in-struction in physical culture.

MACK'S HAIR TONIC positively restoreshair to Its natural color; scalp treatment iand tonic shampoo, 25 cents ; - also mani-curing. Mrs Hartman, Manager, Office, I

j 515 Washburn Building.

MRS. DR. WILLIAM, clairvoyant leavingcity in a short time: 43 East Eleventh St.,

i ! Cedar. - \u25a0

MRS. DR. MOSS— you wish to consult a !clairvoyant, why not see the best? Madame

: Moss Is today without doubt tho most: clairvoyant ln the country: her success Is her

best advertisement: she can help you, whereall others have failed; whatever may beyour troubles, suspicions or desires, cal onthis gifted lady and she will send you awayhappier and wiser than ever before; nomystery Is hidden from her; she reads your jentire life like an open book; she warns i

; you of impending disaster; tells you If your |' friends are true or false-; she guides you I

through the vicissitudes of life and showsyou the straight road to love, wealth andhappiness; she unites the separated * and !causes happy and speedy marriages with theone towards whom your affections tend;her advice ln business masters and specu-lation Is invaluable; Mrs. Dr. Moss chargesfor truth not more than others for false-hoods; come and be convinced; fee, 50c andupwards. 513 Wabasha st, opposite capitol.

MRS. ALICE Clairvoyant card1 reader; ladles, 25 cents; gentlemen, 50 cents.

16 West Exchange st.

Sl* ,£ £*L, VI£VI COMPANY furnisheshealth book and consultation free to moth-ers and daughters; Vlavl treatments arenot new, but been established here someyears; best of references and testimonials.29 Germania Bank.



BOOKKEEPER — Competent general officeman, single, sober, \u25a0 good references, wantsposition In city or country. P 58, Globe.'

CLERK—Wanted, by a boy of eighteen years,position in a store, or to drive deliverywagon; can give reference from formeremployers; thoroughly acquainted with thecity. Call or address W. D.. 43 East Elev-enth st., corner Cedar.

COOK— AII-round meat and pastry cook wantssituation, hotel or restaurant, city or coun-try; steady, sober man; good' references.Address Cook, 231 Fifteenth St., St. Paul,Minn. \u25a0 '

COOK—Experienced cook wishes position inhotel or restaurant, city or country. Q. R.,3505 Columbus ay., Minneapolis, Minn.

COACHMAN—Competent English coachmanwants situation; thoroughly understandscare and treatment of horses, carriagesand harness; careful driver and obliging;ctty references. Address Charles Pestell,Hampton House. 151 Third st. east.

COACHMAN—Wanted, situation as coachmanby a young, experienced man ; can furnishbest of references. Address Coachman, 427Selby ay. .' " .

EMPLOYMENT—Boy wants work In billiardhall, office, or any kind. 303 West Seventhst. ' *

EMPLOYMENT—Situation wanted by youngman of twenty-one in some wholesale orcommission house; has had experience inthat line, and can furnish- good references.Address J. P. M., 239 Carroll St., city.

EMPLOYMENT— young man twenty-oneyears of age would llfce a position of anykind; is well acquainted with city and hasbest of references. Address E. R., 401 Mar-shall ay. ,:;'•**.

ENGINEER— Wanted, situation as engineeror fireman, or any place of trust; best ofcity references. Address Room 56, 59 EastSeventh st. ';,',-.

FIREMAN—A good, steady, sober man wouldlike to get work as fireman, watchman orJanitor. Address F. G., 698 Hawthorne st.

HOSTLER— man of nineteen will workcheap; not afraid of work; understands careof horses. Address 163 Como ay.

OFFICE Situation wanted as an of-flce boy. W. Lucia re, 547 Robert St., city. \u25a0

OFFICE WORK—Wanted, a young mantwenty years of age, would like a positionin store or office; has had practical ex-perience; can give best of references. Ad-dress L. P. L., 55 Tilton St., city.

SALESMAN—Wanted, position by experiencedman as salesman or collector; have horseand rig; can give good city references. Ad-dress R. A. F., 711 Oakdale ay., city.

WORK FOR BOARD — Situation wanted towork for board and room while attendingschool; young man of good character andhabits. Address W. H. F., 647 EndicottBuilding.

WORK FOR BOARD—A poor young manwants a place to work for his board whileattending college. Please call or address647 Endicott building. .

FEMALE.;^:;-A YOUNG LADY would like to give music

lessons for board while attending college.Please address 647 Endicott building.

DRESSMAKER desires a few engagements infamilies; - flrst-class - work; J skirts a spe-clalty. Address P 59, Globe. " --\u25a0

DRESSMAKING — Thoroughly competentdressmaker would like a few more engage-ments in families. 206 Carroll st., Flat 4.

DRESSMAKER— by a flrst-classdressmaker, family sewing; good cutterand fitter^ call or address 37 Irvine Park.

DRESSMAKER — Experienced skirt handwishes a situation in dressmaking shop.Call or address 127 East Eleventh st.,Room 28.

HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted -position by anAmerican lady with -child of nine years ofage, as housekeeper; thoroughly compe-tent; can give reference. Call or address43 East Eleventh st *

HOUSEKEEPER— by a refined. American lady, position as managing' housekeeper; best .of references given.

Address B 57, Globe.LADIES can be furnished with flrst-class

help on short notice and twenty girls canfind good places, wages $8 to $30; smallfamilies. Call at Mrs. Merryweather's, 543Wabasha.

LAUNDRESS— A flrst-class laundress wouldlike rough-dry washing to do at home;clothes called for and delivered. AddressLaundress, 456 East Sixth st. . \u25a0«;

-LAUNDRESS— laundress wouldlike work by the day or housecleanlng. Callor address 1098 Gaultler st.

NURSE— Experienced in confinement or anykind of sickness; will do light houseworkIf desired; good references. Call or address127 East Eleventh St., Room 28.

NURSE— Position by flrst-class sick nurse-will work cheap. Address 484 East Sixthstreet.


NURSE— Sick nursing wanted by an expe-rienced nurse. Call or address 14 Douglasst.

NURSE GIRL—A young girl would like workof any kind ln a candy store or as nursegirl. Address 484 East Sixth st.

STENOGRAPHER — Wanted, position by aflrst-class lady stenographer who can fur-nish good city references. Anyone who hasa permanent position to offer will confer afavor by communicating with me. AddressStenographer, 202 Granite St.. city.

STENOGRAPHER— lady stenographerand bookkeeper desires position' at once;willing to work cheap. Address L., No.223 East University ay.

SEAMSTRESS— Wanted, by a widow, plainsewing at home, or out by day. Address653 Sims st. :yj-


SECOND GIRL— A competent second girlwishes place in a private family. AddressMary Bolan, General Delivery.

SEWING Lady desires to do sewing or lighthousework for pleasant home. Mrs. E. M."Emmerson, general delivery.

WORK FOR BOARD—Wanted, a place inprivate .family to assist ln light house-work for board and attend school. Pleaseaddress B. V., 647 Endicott building.

WASHING— family washing to takehome; will call for and deliver. 711 Ed-mund st. . * .:;

WASHING—A colored lady would like to goout washing or take It home; will do allkinds of cleaning; work by week or day.Call 572 Robert st.

WASHING ln and go out washing, at22 Douglass art. yy.

j WASHING— Wanted, washing, to go out orto take heme. Call 715 Thomas st.

\ WASHING to go out washing andscrubbing. 674 Blair st. Mrs. Fehrman.

WASHING—Mrs. Heinzel, 690 Blair st., takeshome washing; soft water.

WASHING— to go out washing, iron-ing and cleaning. Call 641 Charles st.WASHING—A German girl wants to go outwashing and Ironing. Address 48 West_ Ninth st.

WANTED TO RENT.COTTAGE—Wanted to rent, good-sized com-

fortable lake front. White Bear or BaldEagle cottage. Address X 59, Globe.

FARM—Wanted to rent, a large stock, grainor dairy farm, or superintend the same forInterest of owner; ability, reference, madesatisfactory. Address P. O. Box 82, Minne-apolis.

HOUSE— to rent, a ten or twelve-room house on St. Anthony hill, $800 to$1,200 per annum. State location and price.V 9, Globe.

HOUSE— Wanted to rent for tho summer, agood house at White Bear lake. Address,with description and price, R 16, Globe.

I ROOMS— to rent, by a gentlemanand wife without children, two or three inice unfurnished rooms for light house-keeping, near No. 9 Fire Engine House.Address G 58. Globe.

! ROOM— furnished room with or with-out board, where there are no other room-ers or small children; widow lady preferred.Address T 60, Globe,


MEDICALLADIES: Chichester's English Pennyroyal

Pills {Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe,reliable; take no other. Send 4c., stamps,for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," inletter by return malL At Druggists. Chi-

-1 Chester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.

iWillFOR SALE. \u25a0

BICYCLE—For sale, a No. 1 high-grade wheel;detachable tires. Cull at .74 Eleventh st

BICYCLE—For sale, a line high-grade $90.00ladles' bicycle at half-price. Call at 580 St.Peter. - - - • \u25a0

BICYCLE—For sale, an W?5«f75 wheel usedfour months, for. sale cheap., Smith & Far-well Co.. Sixth and Mlnriesdta.- * -

CANARY BIRDS— For sale, canary birds, ex-tra flne singers. $2.50 and £3; females, 30c,at 828 East Seventh bC._ --"

CHICKENS— For sale, Phiirllge Cochin Pul-lets, single and rose comb Brown Leghorns;bargain. Goodrich and! Baldwin, MacalesterPark. " I"?*. \u25a0•\u25a0•'•>-

ENGLISH SETTER PUBS — Two standardbred English setter ptto <*&cap; pedigreed;no better stock In America 1!* 501 Holly ay.

FURNITURE—High grftde\ ""lO rooms, usetwo months, choicest' Joaatlon ln city, op-posite Windsor; owner -_ left city and re-quested sale; will bear Investigation, orwill rent to responsible, tenant. Schram,322 Manhattan Building.'- * •\u25a0__—,— -. -— , ,

FURNITURE—A lot of^furMture for /salecheap; cash or. payments.^Room 10, GlobeBuilding, ---- - - -.

FOR SALE—At Lytle's, ;3 411 Robert st,.diamonds and watches from 35 to 50 percent less than their real 'value. Forfeitedpledges in diamond rings of all sizes, dia-mond eardrops, diamond earscrews, earknobs, with ruby and turquoise center, dia-mond brooches and lace pins, diamond studsof all sizes, marquis rings, with diamondsand emeralds, diamonds, and turquoise,diamonds and sapphires and opals; gentle-men's rings of all sizes and latest stylemountings; ladies' and gentlemen's gold andfilled watches, that we guarantee for timeand as good as new, that, we sell for halfwhat they can be bought for. at retail. Partiesthat furnish good references we will sell toon the Installment plan.' j Eighteen karatsolid gold wedding rings, 30 per cent dis-count from regular retail prices. $80 bicyclein good order, sell for $35; another bicycle,cost $65, for $15. One Eastman No. 3 kodakIn good order, cost $40, sell for $20. Moneyto loan on all goods of value. Lytle's, 411Robert St., Room l.opposite the Ryan hotel.

FOR SALE—Best maple. $4.75; best • yellowbirch and oak, $3.50, at Hanley's, 249 EastEighth st. '•" ''-

FOR SALE—Hindoo Hair,' Restorer for saleat 99 West Seventh St., New Home Machine.Office. Miss Shelienberger. I ...-\u25a0\u25a0•

ORGAN—For sale, parlor organ; walnut case,five octaves, two swells, $25; payments $2per month. Address W 60, Globe.

PIANOS—The "Matchless" Shaw, Bush &Gerts and Schiller pianos. Special bargains:1 Steinway upright, $200, 250; 1 Knabe up-right, $225; 1 Decker Bros, upright, $250; 1Behr Bros, upright, nearly new, cash or $10per month. S. W. Raudenbush & Co., 14West Sixth st.

PIANO— sale, elegant;, upright; oak case,new; I have no use for it; will sell cheapand on small payments. 'Address L v 57,Globe. - - - . ," **

PIANO—An upright piano' for sale; cash orpart payments. Room 10, : Globe Building.

SEWING MACHINES : at: manufacturer'sprices. Room 10, Globe. Building.

WHY PAY five cents for -an : Inferior loaf ofbread when you can j;e*; Allen's for thesame? Ask your grocery tow It.—-^.rH

BUSINESS CHANCES.ANY ONE with $2,000 or more, wishing to

engage ln the flour, feed,, grain and haybusiness, also wood and' coal, will have agood chance now ; has been established formany years. -Address M-60, Globe.

A HALF-INTEREST in very" desirable furni-ture manufacturing business, well estab-lished, In this city, and yielding good profits,,will be sold at a bargain. Apply to 176West Ninth st., second floor. ~; ; >:

A GOOD DRIVING HORSE AND BUGGYfor sale cheap. Room 10, $ lobe building.

BETTER THAN A GOLD MINE—A patenttaken out through our : office will pay youbetter than a gold mine. If you have anIdea patent It. We are the largest patentsolicitors and the largest, parent agency Inthe world, selling - more , patents than allthe rest of the agencies combined. The

. services of our experts are at «tm» disposal. free. Write and get crtfr 'Book- on" Patents,'

the finest book ever .p-J"bll%e4 for free dis-tribution. Association American Inventors,1111-1119 Betz Building, Philadelphia. LongDistance Telephone. 4940. "•'\u25a0• *• -'.-*'- -

CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE forsale cheap; good location. T 59, Globe.

FOR SALE— ;best located restaurant InMinneapolis; will sell for. $300; Investigate;a snap for some one. Call at Court Cafe, 308Fourth st. south, opposite new court house.

GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE LARGEprofits jon money Invested; no risk.**-. .CallRoom 2, ' Richelieu Hotel, corner Seventhand Robert sts.

MAKE MONEY IN GOLD " STOCKS— IOOshares or more in the Mic-Mac Gold MiningCompany, at 10 cents per share, will bringfabulous returns; prospectus free. KayeInvestment Co., P. O. Box 428, Denver,Col. . \u25a0 .

WANTED—A partner with $1,000.00 In a good-paying, legitimate business; no risk. Ad-dress C 59. Globe. rV.-rr^

$19.50 IS THE PROFIT earned this week on$100 placed in our (copyrighted) Investmentsystem, making a total profit of $64.74 inFebruary. It has worked ; this way for 10months, never earning less than $12 a week.Why should it not pay as well in March?Osborn, Crosby & Co., Kasota building,Min-neapolis. Mention the Globe.

$100 INVESTED—If two men with $100 eachwant to go in with me and open threeCripple Creek gold claims, address L. B.Dodd, 1076 Josephine St.. Denver. Col.


large sale stables at Minnesota Transfer,Midway, March 10th; 1,000 head of all kindsof horses, and 3,000 sets of harness will beauctioned oft during the opening week.

FOR SALE—Ten horses, two teams; weight2,600 and 2,700 pounds; one double set ofwork harness; one heavy wagon; cash ortime. 211 East Ninth .st. le.

' 'VI M 'FOR SALE — Very nice, perfectly gentle,pony to drive or ride. 3 257 Sherman Bt,near Franklin. \u25a0 >i; , ",*'. .

FOR SALE—A good work" team for $60.00;well worth $125.00. St. Paul Box Factory,Edgerton and Minneapolis At.

GOOD HORSE FOR SALE cheap also alight wagon. At 618 Canada- st - - *-\u25a0-_\u25a0

HACKS— hacks for, sale, . one five-glassand one curtain, at a bargain. . 164 East In-dlana ay.

TEAM FOR SALE at 439*-St *Peter st-— — p*——«

YOUNG. GENTLE HORSE, ' weight about1,000 lbs.,, cash or parti payment; call Sun-day. 897 Woodbrldge st. .

WANTED— sets second-hand double workharness and three luinben^wagons, cheapfor cash. Address, stating price, Oak,Globe. - l>/7> •"..**,•• "'

HORSES AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE—We have just received a' large consignmentof farm mares from lowa which must beclosed out during the coming week for. whatthey will bring. We open our Midway Sta-bles March 10, and our stock on hand mustbe sold before the grand opening. ' Rarechances for bargains. Barrett & Zlmmer-man, 20 Second st. north.-M inneapolis.


Culture; private and class lessons. MissHaas; studio, 340 Grove st.

MUSIC SCHOOL— violin and mando-lin; twelve lessons, $5. Room 308, 27 EastSeventh. vj-.v;- ... - -•

"MOZZARA'S DANCING ACADEMY."West Seventh— class Fridays; "ratescut in two" in all departments; theatricaldancing taught.

PROF. J. REMER'S Dancing School, CentralHall, Seventh and Cedar sts.; new classmeets Monday and Thursday evenings; of-flce hours from 12 to 6 p. m. -

! ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC ANDArt, 28 East Exchange St., St. Paul—Piano,violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin taught.Lesions given •in drawing and painting.Call or send for prospectus-

TO EXCHANGE. /NEW GOODS for second'-Wfd. Ryan Fur-

niture and Exchange Co., 143 and 144 East7th. R. N.^ardoza. Prfo>:., r .

TO EXCHANGE— "watch for lady'sor gent's second-hand ffelcy*«le. Address C60, Globe. \u25a0 • 8-jnS

WHAT HAVE YOU TOtoEXCHANGE for a• new self-heating washing machine? Call_i 524 Cedar st. -

WANTED TO EXCHANOE-S7O mandolin forlady's high-grade bicycle. Address Z 54,Globe. {


J. W. SHEPARD,94 East Fourth St.


offices, heated and not heated, In all parts ofthe city, from $5.00 upward.$60.00—60 Summit ay., 12 rooms, two baths,

steam heat; entirely modern; location very de-sirable.

$50.00— ay., near Dale, 10 rooms, de-tached; everything modern; good barn.

137.50—790 Selby ay., detached house, 9rooms, thoroughly modern; good barn.$30.00— 10-room house on Goodrich ay., bathgas, furnace: good barn.$30.00— Summit, near St. Peter, 10 rooms and

bath; furnace; walking distance.$30.00— Ninth, near Wacouta; detached; 10rooms.$40.00— Dayton, near Kent, 9 rooms, natural

wood finish, handsomely decorated; flne loca-tion.

$25.00—668 East Fourth st., 9 rooms; everyconvenience; hardwood finish, new decora-tions. . ... ;

$22.50— Sixth st, near Maria, 9 rooms,modern. \ ,

HEAT INCLUDED.$50.00— Selby ay., within walking distance,

modern; contains 9 rooms.


J. W. Shepard, tt4 East 4th St.RENTS Houses, Stores.Orflces, Steam.

Heated Apartments, CollectsRents, Acts as Owners' Agent.



HOUSE—For rent, house 379 East Eighth st.eleven room, modern improvements; $25.00per month. D. Bergman & Co.,- 186 EastThird st.

HOUSE— East Ninth St.— for rent In-qulre 230 East Ninth st

HOUSE— rent, house and stable at 174Charles st. Apply at 590 Carroll st.

HOUSES— six and seven-roomhouses ln Central Terrace; all modern Im-provements. 82 West Central ay., cornerRice. .

HOUSE— 629 Ashland Ay.—Nine-room house,laundry; every convenience; in flne condl-tlon. Apply 627 Ashland.

HOUSE— rent, elegant residence, 525Summit ay. A. H. Rogers, 35 East Fifthstreet.

HOUSE—For rent, seven-room house; allmodern Improvements; cheap; also fourrooms unfurnished; bath, mantel, grate,cellar, yard; cheap. 653 Canada st.

HOUSE—For rent cheap, six-room house; citywater and cistern. 55 " Ann st ; one blockfrom Seventh.

HOUSE— Tilton St.. 78—A fine eight-roomhouse for rent; will fix It flne; $25 a month.

HOUSE— For rent, new, modern stone house,340 Grove St.; nine rooms; only.responsibleparties need apply. g***3

MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY, DavidsonBlock, corner Fourth and Jackson sts.—Houses, flats, stores and rooms for rent inall parts of the city. Acts as owner'sagent, collects rents, pays taxes, '-places In-surance, etc.


RONDO ST., 251—For rent, lower and partupper floor modern house, furnished or un-furnished; references. '


" •.":-.•\u25a0\u25a0'.••: STORES. ;

STORE— For rent, good corner store for anybusiness, with three nice living rooms;good cellar; city water, sewer, yard; yourown price. 651 Canada st. \u0084--

-" - ' : FLATS. ~ "

FLATS Two twelve-room modern houses con-nected as one. In Lytle's terrace, oppositethe capitol; will rent them together or sep-arate; steam heat, hot water, electric bellsand all modern improvements; house ele-gantly papered throughout; no one need ap-

' ply except those that can furnish the housesi flrst-class. Inquire 411 Robert st, Room 1,I opposite the Ryan hotel.

FLAT— furnished flat for housekeep-ing; new furniture; central; cheap to smallfamily; very cosy home; also others, $15upwards. Houses, flats, rooms, all prices.Schram's Renting Agency, 320 and 322 Man-hattan Building.

FLAT—Choice lower 4-room flat; modern con-veniences; central; good neighborhood. 188*^Fourteenth, near Jackson. •

FLATS AND STORE for rent cheap, at thecorner of Rice and Wabasha sts. Inquire

'at 474 Rice st. '\u25a0 '.'. . , *

FLAT—Small flat for rent. 270 Pleasant ay.

HOTELS. -- ~~~"~

ABBEY'S EUROPEAN HOTEL, 21 East Fifthst.; furnished rooms for rent; open day andnight F. D. Abbey. Proprietor.- ROOMS.

FIFTH ST., 39 Opposite Windsor(Changed hands.) Choice furnished rooms,

with or without board.CEDAR ST., 486—Elegant suite rooms, ground

floor, with board, or suitable for lighthouse-keeping. . . . . .

COLLEGE AY., 19—For rent, one comfortableroom, with all modern conveniences.

COLLEGE AV.,4s—Near St. Peter— For rent,a furnished room for one or two gentlemen.

FOURTH ST., 102-106 WEST— frontalcove room; closet; grate and steam heat-ed; board If desired. . . .

HOUSE FOR RENT—Lower and part of up-per flors modern house, furnished or unfur-nished; references. 25i Rondo st.

JACKSON ST., 762—Five rooms on first floor;olty water and blinds. 764 Jackson, 5 rooms. on second floor; city water; near car line.

NINTH ST., 850. EAST—Furnished rooms torent by the day or week, or monthly; $3up- -

RONDO ST., 309 — Nicely furnished frontroom suitable for one or two ladies; rea-sonable terms.

ROOM— • rent, furnished room, modernconveniences, to gentlemen, by refined pri-vate family on the hill; references; ar-rangements can be made for breakfast and6 o'clock dinner Ifdesired. P 57, Globe.

ST. PETER ST., 646—Neatly furnished singleroom for rent; modern conveniences; rentvery reasonable.

SEVENTH ST., 222, EAST—People lookingfor rooms, furnished or unfurnished, shouldcall; also rooms for housekeeping.

SMITH AY., 118— rent, nicely furnishedroom; private family; gentlemen only;cheap.

SELBY AY., 370%— Flat 4—For rent, nicelyfurnished room; all modern conveniences;private family; steam heat and bath.

SMITH AY., 137—Nicely furnished pleasantrooms; all modern conveniences; near ca-ble; terms reasonable.

SUMMIT AY., 26— St. Peter Nicelyfurnished room, with or without board.

SUMMIT AY., 61— rent, a desirable frontroom.

TENTH ST.. 192, EAST—For rent, finely fur-nished rooms. • ' -

UTOPIA, 493 ST. PETER ST.— Front rooms,single and en suite. .:."-.

VIRGINIA AY.. 464—For rent, furnished frontroom, suitable for one or two gentlemen;rent reasonable. -

WABASHA ST., 756— One or two furnishedor unfurnished rooms for rent, cheap.

BOARD OFFERED.BOARD—One furnished room, with good

board, at 254 West Fifth st.

BOARD— warm rooms, with board; allmodern conveniences; gents, $4; ladles, $3

; per week. 9 East Tenth st. •

BOARD—Room and board; one large, fineroom, with board, for two; all modern con-venience; terms reasonable. - Call at 97Smith ay. .


"THE MINER"— in the city willfind a \u25a0 pleasant home with steam heat •\u25a0 and. other -modern conveniences. Day boarderscan also be accommodated. . 162 College,corner Sixth.

. . . DIRECTORY ...C^W^ TT E—sf ¥-•-*


The following: is published daily for ths benefit of traveling salesmen,strangers and the public generally. It includes all the trades an i professions,and cannot fail to prove of interest to all who inlenl transacting businessin St. Paul. • . 3

Amusements.Metropolitan, Sixth, near Robert st ....Grand, Sixth and St Peter streets. .-.-":Strata's Tivoli, Bridge Square, Concert even-

ings and Sunday matinee. Admissionfree.

Bodega. I*B East Sixth streetOlympic. 174-178 East Seventh street. __

Auctioneer**-.Kavanagh & Johnson. 22-24 E. 7th st ..;

Bakeries.Thauwald Bros.. 353-355 W. Seventh st

Hooks, l '-»—, Rare and Standard.E. W. Porter Company, 100 East Fourth

street ...Boots and Shoes.

Elmqulst Shoe Store. 229 E. Seventh st >

Butter and Esgi,

Wisconsin Dairy, 613 St Peter street, TeL82L

Milton Dairy Company, 772 Wabasha st Tel.281.

Cat Rate Tickets.

Corbetfs, 169 East Third streetEdwards, 173 Third st. 389 Robert st\u2666 - \u25a0

Carpet Cleaning.

Schroeder & Dickinson. 16 H. 6th st -Cloak*.'.

Ransom & Horton. 99-101 Bast Sixth.

Commission Merchants.McGutre & Mulrooney, 280 E. Sixth stR. E. Cobb. .394-298 East Sixth stC. C. Emerson, 251-255 E. Sixth st -Geo. Thuet, 24 West Third stE. McNamee & Co., 249 East Sixth stSchlerman & Co., 818 Robert stDe Camp & Beyer, 129 East Third stH. C. Hemenway & Co., corner Third and

Minnesota streets.Pore & Rodpath. 70 East Third st

Coal and Wood.S. Brand, corner Wabasha and Park avenue.

Tel. 1033.O. G Wilson, corner Bth and Broadway.Independent Coal Co.. 156 East 3d st "

Confectioners, Wholesale.

McFadden-Mullen Co.. 101 East Fifth street.

Chinese and Japanese Bazaar.Quong Gin. Lung & Co.. 390 Wabasha st

Compounders of Dr. Pasteur's Ca-tarrh Remedy,

The Stella Drag Co.. 440 "Wabasha.Drag Stores.

~~ "

George J. Mltsch ft Co., corner Seventh andSt Peter streets. ... \u0084,.,;,,,

, S

')V: Dye Works. ' ~ ~"~~

New York Steam Dye Works, 16 West Sixthstreet


John Gorman. 815 Minnesota street

Express, Piano Moving-, Packing andStorage.

J. B. Desforges, 154 E. 6th. Tel. 550.

Express and tttora-ge.

Kent's Express and Storage Company, 211 W.Seventh st . Cheapest and best

FARM LANDS.FOR RENT — :Forty-acre farm, seven-room

house, barn and well, 3% miles from cen-ter of city; good meadow and !about twenty-five acres under*' good state cultivation. 48Germania "Life 'building."fr*''MINNESOTA Q PRAIRIE . AND TIMBERLands— Tf you want to buy or sell prairie ortimber lands or improved farms anywhereIn the State of Minnesota, if you have largeor small tracts to dispose of, write to or callon Theodore F. Koch, 176 East Third St.,ground floor, St. Paul, Minn., wholesaledealer and colonizer. Reliable agents wantedeverywhere. .

VIRGINIA STOCK FARM—I,OB9 acres. Hall-fax county, near two railroads and largeriver; new residence, many barns, othergood outbuildings, water by never failingstreams, soft water; good society, churchesand schools; adapted to general farmingand stock' raising; abundant fruit andgrapes; several hundred acres hardwoodtimber; eminently healthy; price, $8,000; $25cash, balance long time. For further de-scription address S. G. Stevens, Lynchburg,Va.


A BEAUTIFUL HOME on the bank of LakeSt. Croix, opposite Hudson, Wis. largehouse, barn, 20 acres of land; fine scenery,fishing, • boating. For particulars addressBox 88, Lakeland, Minn. ,

WANTED .Los Angeles, small ranchIn exchange for beautiful home on bank ofLake St. Croix; large . house, barns, twentyacres land, flne scenery, boating and fish-ing,or will sell cheap. Address Box 88, Lake-land. Minn. <**> -

WANTED TO BUY.BARBER SHOP— to buy, barber shop

in or out of city; no two-chair shop wanted;must be good location. T 56, Globe.

LETTER PRESS— Wanted to buy, 2-hand let-ter press that Is in good condition. Ad-dress, stating price, V 58, Globe. •

SHOWCASES— to buy, counter show-cases, eight or ten feet. Address M 59,Globe.

PROFESSIONALMISS HULL, successor to Mrs. Baldwin, re-

moves superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec-tricity; only positive and permanent remedy;references given. . Washburn Block, Fifthst., opposite court house. Room 522.

ANNOUNCEMENTS.ATTENTION—Laces, lace curtains and kid

gloves cleaned. • Mrs. Hayes, 367 Washlng-ton, corner West Fifth. . . .

DERMATOLOGY.Dllft MfJCC'C iv"Mi». FLAT, i i.i,- __.rUU nQJOEds shaved nosks-.P^ProjectlnK Ears, made to harmonize with tho »**»other features. Send stamp for book oua^j?.Beauty. J. 11. Woodbury, 127 W. 42d St.,N.Y. >!"?*>Branch Offices- Boston. Phlla.. Chicago, gt Louis.

. DYE WORKS. 'KAHLERT ft MlNTEL—Minnesota SteamDye Works. 244 East Sevtnth. -..-

LOST AND FOUND.MONEY LOST— About $40 lost; Under will |

please return same to this office as soon as Ipossible and receive reward. L 60. Globe. ;


MME. MARIE FAVRE. French dressmaker,at 34 East Seventh st. Room 308, overYerxa'B.

' y^nZ-'^h ° Bentl tl>e \u25a0marvelous French I4 /id Of fjS\ ,Re * ,0*1r CALTHOS Tree. .in.l 7.(ylnssni legal guarantee that Oalthos willW<&rtr>S & STOP Dlschsrsrs Kmt..lun.. IKTiBE-Sr f CURB "MmatorrheA. Varicocele I\frO \. r \ and RESTORE Let Vleor.\*™JU. . Ji* Vt)titand pay ifsatisfied.V "lITT Address, YON MOHL CO.,

\u25a0 '•••\u25a0>. y£-J ' "*»•• lx».rteia Agent., Cincinnati, Ohio.\u25a0 \u25a0 --—J j- _\u25a0\u25a0«_* WILCOX COMPOUND

TFhNSYePELS"\u25a0"Safe and SURE. ' Alwaysreliable. Takeno substitute. For sale by alldruggist* (J2.00. Send4a for Woman' Safeguard. WILCOX SPECIFIC©ft,Ul SOUTH EIGHTH ST.. JlllLAVA.,l'Ss

3~y \u25a0 For Fnuers''/. '• ':Cam $2; hearses, $3. Seven Corners! 1

Livery,tteL 339.' "**ra


_Horton. 99-101 East Sixth. ~~~"*

Merrell Ryder, 333 Jackson street.B. Albrecht & Son. 20 East Seventh st.—-\u25a0 - *Fnrn.'tnre and Upbolatr . lag-.

flchroeder ft Dickinson. 16 East Sixth street.t

Flour uud Feed.

H. R Shelre, 605 Robert, tel. 53L ~~~"'Tlerney & Co.. 91 East Third st. '\u25a0 * *

Green Vegetables.

Tubbeslng Bros.. 100 East Third street.I

\u25a0--».-. Grocers.John Wagener, corner Twelfth and Robert

sts.. and 486-488 E. 7th st.\u25a0 \u25a0 --•,•\u25a0-..\u25a0

jaGuns, Situ tea nnd Sporting Goods.

M. F. Kennedy & Bros., Third and Robert.Wm. Burkhard & Sous. 57-59 E. Seventh st

''' ' - 8Hotels. '

Grand CentriM. cor. 7ih and Wabasha.-I

lusuruuce aud Steamship Agents.

J. S. Grode & Co.. corner Severn", and St.Peter streets.

I-.<-,.._» m »._,*t:a__, uiuiuuuaa, Furs.

•\u25a0 Etc. f

Lytle'» Loan Office. 411 Robert. Room L *-I

:;L's~ LuuuUrii-s.

The Elk. 51 West Third; tel. 263. *Merrill's. 407-409 Rice street, telephone 747.

""—**-**Milk und Cream.H. Stebbins (Como), 367 Dayton ay. All cowlguaranteed free from tuberculosis.


AluMicHl Instruments.A. Peterson. 418 East Seventh street. »

— —————, — *Muuuiuciurcrs urns JJculurs la i yuammost, Motors and Electrical Ap*ptvi-jitus.

John Gorman. 315 Minnesota street.\u25a0-s

.News and Stationery,

Charles L. Neumann. 224 West Seventh st. ""\u25a0«

Plumbing;. Strum and Gas Fitting,

A. W. Johnston, 139 West Seven UiTst , "-— — .g

I'lui 'fin-ft-. Steam uud Hot Water.Heating.

McQuillan Bros.. IS3 Western avenue.J

taurnnta. , _';

Ed L. Murphy, cor.'Si.' Peter 1 iihd*l'oth «-»: r>*\u25a0\u25a0'•'•\u25a0 Saf r^z**—_

3suuet .litiiu IVor itera, atovca ... *Tj<

Hardware. '~"r-

Karst ft Breber. 183 West Third street. *-"al

Tin and Sheet Iron Job Work,

Schroeder Bros.. 902 Payne avenue.****<


Theo Bunker, cor. West 7th and 6th streets.-——.... "Wholesale Wines and Llqnorn.

B. Simon. 297-299 East Seventh street.


LUMBER WANTED..-:,..-.:' -: . m'.IJiJdHIHKT

City Clerk "a Office.!' ;\u25a0>.St. Paul, Minn.. Feb. 26, ISOS. -Sealed proposals, marked "Proposals for

Lumber," will be received at this office until5 o'clock p. m., March 3, 1896, for furnishingthe City of St. Paul with such lumber asmay be required and ordered during the yearending Dec. 31, 1896, and according to speci-fications on file in the office of the City En-gineer.

Said proposals will be opened and consid-ered, and contract awarded, at regular meet-ings of the Board of Aldermen and of theAssembly to be held in the Council Cham-ber, In the City Hall, in the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. on thefollowing dates, to wit: At a meeting of thesaid Board of Aldermen on the 3d day ofMarch. A. D. 1896, and at a meeting of theAssembly on the sth day of March, A. D.1896.

A certified check In the sum of 10 per centof the amount of bid must accompany eachproposal to ensure the entering Into a prop-er contract. The Common Council reservesthe right to reject any and all bids.

By order of the Common Council. .MATT JENSEN, City Clerk.

Feb. 26-Dally-March 3.



City Clerk's Office.St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 26. 1896.

Sealed proposals, marked "Proposals forBacteriological Apparatus." will be receivedat this office until 5 o'clock p. m., March 3d,1896, for furnishing the City of St. Paul withbacteriological apparatus, to be based uponspecifications on file In the office of the CityClerk of the City of St. Paul.

Said proposals will be opened and consid-ered, and contract awarded, at regular meet-ings of the Board of Aldermen and of theAssembly to be held in the Council Cham-ber, in the City Hall, in the City of St. Paul.Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the fol-lowing dates, to wit: At a meeting of theBald Board of Aldermen on the 3d day ofMarch. A. D. 1896, and at a meeting of theAssembly on the sth day of March, A. D.1896. 'A certified check in the sum of 10 per centof the amount of bid must accompany eachproposal to ensure the entering Into a prop-er contract. The Common Council reserve*the right to reject any and all bids.

By order of the Common Council.MATT JENSEN, City Clerk.

Feb. 26-Daily-March 3. " .

DR. FELLER(80 E. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn.

Speedily cures all private, nervous,chronic and blood and skin diseases ofboth sexes, without the use of mercuryor hindrance from business. NO CURB,'NO PAY. Private diseases, and all old,lingering cases -where the blood has be-come poisoned, causing ulcers, blotches,sore throat and mouth, pains In thahead and bones, and all diseases of thekidneys and bladder are cured for life.Men of all ages who are suffering fromthe results of youthful indiscretions orexcesses of mature years, producingnervousness, indigestion, constipation,loss of memory, etc., are thoroughly andpermanently cured. .;.*.-,

Dr. Feller, who has had many, yearsof experience in this specialty, is a grad-uate from one of the leading medicalcolleges of the country. He has neverfailed ln curing any cases that he hasundertaken. Cases and correspondencesacredly confidential. Call or write forlist of questions. Medicine sent by mailand express everywhere free from riskand exposure.


\u25a0_»^Theae tiny Oapsuies ur- /-~v|E&SJrr-t in JH hour* -i»-it*sn>ur^[,_\|"UMiyIn Copaiba. <I?.;.Ant*LII#I""*~jgbt-ha and Infections fall. V««^/