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S t > J v Jj < 40 L L c I 4 J f t IOvInosv1II6Olltlook CW1NGSVILLK KENTUCKY t THE QUIET HOUR I Thou knowest all our trials Lord Each sin and need and grief And Thou hast romtsed In Thy Word Sometime to tnd relief But Thor hittJKt a task for each Ai eoldlrs In k war Who storm cOmejwint the height to reach Through battles thunderous roar Help ns for we are faint Indeed Increa5eS manna rut our feed And bid our fean to cease From Thy grejt white throre far above Thou dost oi conflict see 0 God of power Thou God of love S Our Friend and Helper be a Let purity and truth be ours While here we dwell below Accept end consecrate our powers Make every virtue grow Lead Thou through each perplexing strife b Be with us all the way Lift up our hearts from death to life 0 Crown Thou each passing day I Oh when our hope la burning lowe f Ita oil Is tvellnlch spent 5 As up the rugged path we go rocky steep ascent the voice resounding clear victorys thrilling rlrg JThe Thy people Thou art near needed aid to bring M Wooon In tnlon Signal 4 > 1 1c 1 I t- o A 3t1 rris o 4 4APtly tile in Tht i4irw I tCetyrtcbt 199 by FTennyson NeelyJ 1 I fr CHAPTER XIV CoNTixvcn 0so time nerd be watted in telling the Ieffect of this u jffnnient to quarten a i Prolific a source of tquabble ns is the i I 1 it ruttora ahore it becomes intcniififil ft afloat and when coupled with it value a o a shaking up and rearrangement of a < seats at table all hope of harmony van ¬ ished on the instant The two brave a a oung army girls still retained their a seats at the captains table but two most etti rouble young women Red f Crott runts were dropped therefrom 1and tranbferred t <t that of the second officer on the port bide much to the t a a comfort of n rather large percentage Vof their sisterhood who Lad regarded C a tbeir previous rlrvntinn with feelinf of not unmixcid gratification Then S- V1 f officers who had been crntnl with the p frrnrraTs t taff hag to vacate in favor of i Mrs Frank and Dr Probor and talent C pBihIyGray wjkose father and the chief C 0 1 were rbnms and the Red a < Cross nurses who bad been at the lint Vofficers table Ycll back to that of the third It was every bit as good as the other but it didnt sound to and they c couldnt see itj and there were faces sour as the product of the iliips balder r when that evening all hands went down to dinner and the silence maintained J 3 or the ominoaty ubducd tone of the talk at the other tobin was in marked contrast with the hilarity that pre ¬ 1Tailed where sat the grayhaired ruddy I old chief and the laughing l coterie that listened to the fun that fell VVfrom the lips of Wltchie Garrison o Armstrong silent and somber at the w 0 captains right ooklng lorwin1frol1 T time to irm saw only one 1 generals table ihnt wa not lighted up f iI with merriment it was the face of tIme boy he envied If rhvy of this kind ever 1 < jl entered into hishtyirtand he wondered I RK he looked t JJillys curly head what could have come ovrr that glad young Vlife to leave so ilcrp a shadow on his handsome face I One night just one week later Arm ¬ strongs ryes were opened More titan t once in the meanwhile he had invited i the JOUD oftlltrupnfilllnlt a IItI Billy oil who three months earlier had been nil a end frankncis protested Va- r ithlreltl nothing on hit irinil Ie had been very ill that was njl As to k Cankers charges they were simply rot He hadnt tliefnintcst Inkling what had 1 < I become of the purloined letters any 4 t more than be hadof the whereabouts I 5at his Delta Sig friend young Morton a V row officially proclaimed a deserter I Hut Armstrong heard snore tales of r VTitchies devotions to him in lila ill ¬ to ness and tlTe sIowmconvnhtscence that 1 i ensued noted hqw the boys eyes fol ¬ lowed her about the deck and how a3sV many a time he would seek her side I r neD when other men were reading walking or chatting with her Arm ¬ k strong looked with wonderment that a was close allied 1o incredulity and pain l ti = Was U possible 4hat this blithe lad who V5 t < had won such a warm interest in the t heart of such a girl as Amy Lawrence Ji c i i Jcould be forgetful of her faithless to- t her and fascinated now by this selfUh p It ttVS VSan1 shallow butterfly It was incred ¬ I ible L Vfluwasit The days had grown hot ¬ Vi ter the nights closer and the air be- tween ¬ p- i fo decks was stifling when the sea S S rolled high and closed the ports Offi ¬ J J 4 cers had taken to snoozing up on deck in steamer chain By an unwritten law the port side of the promenade f deck wai given up to them after 11 at j night but the women folk had the run of the starboard side at any hour when I decksrr a rz two oclock one breathless night to se- etI for himself the condition of things in the hospital under the forecastle The jmain deck was crowded with sleeping i forms of soldiers who found it iropos tf0Ibl to stand heJieat below so on bis 5 t instead continuing along the sfrz gangway he decided to climb the iron ladder from the iaain tothf promenade deck ft would land him at the forward 4 end of the starboard side There he could smoke a cigar in peace and quiet i 1It was high time everybody was asleep p5 VBut as Lie head and eyes reached the L1 level of the deck he became suddenly y4 aware of a couple huddled close to ¬ I s 1 4- 7 gether in the shelter ofa canvas irf Jo screen and under the steps leading aloft to the bridge He knew Grays pleadingt f imperative and listening with obvious 1 VImpatience for almost at the instant j rof his arrival she spoke low yet die ¬ 1 Dcs as I say do as I beg you 5 when we reach Manila and then come c z4nd see hovrI can reward fr J ir cITxv V I Manila atjast Qeeen city of the aJ j jrehlp lago and Manila again be oj I The loveliest of the winter- f I11ollthswBI come The Luneta and the Pasco de gaota Lucia close to the fp1 sparkling waters were gay every even V trt v Ing with the fflusic of the regimental i i a bands and thronged with the carriages 1 of oldtime residents and their new and i not too welcome visitors Spanish otllerj c cway to enjoy the cool breees that oD < swept In from the beautiful bay and take SA is wistful peeps at the dainty toilets of il h 5 S r Lfii i rUJiJIC 1f l I T rrrijiilli gr f4 1 ir 1 > r 4 rrlr 1 > tir4tytttaa 0 1 f 1 i i 1W the American belles now nrriving by every boat from HongKong All the Castiliun iliidnin they might look and possibly foci toward tin Mtldirry of Uncle Sam gave place to liveliest inter cst anil curiosity when the wives anil daughters of his soldiers appeared upon the scene mill there was one ear ¬ riage about which whenever it stopped n little swarm of ollicirs gathered and toward which at any time nil eyes were directed that of tin Vliitc Sisters Within the old wallrd city and in the crowded districts nf Itiniomlo Quiapo and San Miguel north of the Pasig and again in J11lO and Krinita to the south strong MgimentK were Matioiiid in rcadincsi to suppress till lint sign of the outbreak so confidently predicted by the bureau of military intelligence In a great semicircle of over 20 miles girdling the city north cast anil south the outposts nail sentries nf the two divisions kept watchful SVupon time insurgent forces surrounding them AtTuinaldn and his cabinet at Malolos to the north bail nil limit declared war upon the obstinate possessors of the city anil haul utterly forbidden their leaving the lines of Manila anil seeking to penetrate those broader fields and roads and villages without Still hug- ging ¬ to its breast time delusion that a semiMalaysian rUt could be appeased by show of philanthropy the govern ¬ uncut at Washington decreed thai ile spite their throwing up earthworks against mill training guns nn tin American positions till clieiny should be treated as though they never could or would be hostile and the privileges denied by them to American troops wIre by the American troops accorded to thrin Coining and going at will through our lines they studied our force our amis equipment numbers suppli methods and long before the Christmas bolls hail clanged their greeting to that universal feast day and the Imnm of cannon ushered in the new year all ilnubt of the hostile seni meats of the insurgent leaders bail van ¬ ished Already ttierc had been ominous clashes at the front and with every day time demeanor of the Philippine officers anil men became more nail more in ¬ solent and defiant Ceaselcs vigilance ami selfcontroluucrc rn joined upon till soldiers of tin limited States nearly all stalwart volunteers from the far WIt and while officers of the staff and of time halMozen regiments quartered with ¬ in the city were privileged each day to stroll or drive upon till Luneta there were others that never knew an hour away front the line of the outposts mill their supports Such was time ease with Stewart regiment far omit toward tin waterworks at till east Such was tin case with the Primeval Puiles on time other side of the Pasip lining tin banks of the crooked estuary that formed the ltuben we were forbidden to rrosr Such was tin cute wilb Canker and time Irenth ill the dense bamboo thicket to time south and so it happened that at first Armstrong nail Hilly iraysaw nothing of each other nnd hilt little- r time While Sisters probably a for ¬ tunate thing for all Uvcr since that memorable night on the Queen of the Fleet tray had slum ilionsly avoided his whilom friend nUll counselor while tlie latter equally studious avoidance of Mrs Garrison lund hOme observed throughout tin ship The dominion anil power nf that little lady hind been of brief duration us was lo be expected in the ease of n woman who had secured for ber undi ¬ vided use the best the airiest and by far thr largest room on the steamer a cabinc ik luxe indeed that fork weeks voyage on an Atlantic liner would hate cost n imall fort titteuLmile 1V 4 1caw a lie knew Guys voice it occe 1 here for a sea sojourn of more than double the time under tropic skirs and while other and worthier women were sweltering three in a stuffy box below it had cost but n smile The captain bad repented him of his magnanimity before the lights of Honolulu faded out astern Time general began to real ¬ ize that he had been made a eatspaw- of and his amour propre being wound- ed be had essayed for a day or two majestic dignity of mien that became comical when complicated with time qualms of seasickness There was even noticeable aversion on part of some of the officers of the Duties who having made the journey from the hay to Honolulu with the women passengers army wives and Red Cross nurses nat ¬ urally became the recipients of the views entertained by these ladies Quick to see if slow to seem to see Mrs Frank has lost no time in begging one of the young soldier wives to share her big stateroom and broad and comfort ¬ able bedand the lady preferred the heat and discomfort between leeks to separation from her friend Then Mrs Garrison tendered both time run of her cabin during the day and evening cog ¬ gested indeed that on hot nights they come and sleep there one on the bed and one on the couch and they thanked her but never came She coddled the general with cool champagne cupwhen he was in the throes of mal de mrr and held him prisoner with her vivacious chatter when he was wen enough to care to talk hut nfter all her most serious trouble seemed to consist in keeping Hilly Gray at respectful die ¬ tance He sought her side day after day to Armstrongs mild rynnze as has been said and when he could not be with her was moody even fierce and posltlonIlnd shivery dripping sojourn at the San Francisco camp But once fairly settled in Manila the White Sisters seemed to regain all the old ascendency Col Frost hind taken n big cool roomy house surrounded by spacious grounds down in Malale and close lo the plashing waters of the bay Duties kept him early and late at hula office in the walled city but every evening after the drive and din ¬ ncr callers came thronging in and all WUchies witcheries were called into play to charm them into blindness and to cover Kitas fitful and nervous moods now almost painfully apparent Frosts face was at times a thunder- cloud ¬ and army circles within the outer circle of Manila saw plainly that all was not harmony betwixt that veteran flutteringbnbf was gone She looked wan white even haggard She had refused to leave HongKongorcome to Manila until Mar i ri Jf f111h4iy tt101 i T r + it I- A I garets arrival then flow to the shollci of that sisterly wing Frank Garrir on hind been occupying u room under time same roof with his general hut both general and aidedecamp were nov much afield and Frank spent far more days and nights along the line of block ¬ houses t baum be did at home The coin ¬ lug of his wife was unannounced und utterly unlookeil for Did 1 consult my husband she exclaimed in stir ¬ prise su lieu asked time question OIlC clay by the wife of a veteran field officer Merciful heaven Mrs Lenox there was no time for thus except by cable and at four dollars a wonl No H- all iloubt of what Fm mink Garrison will ajor dim exists in my miml I go and do the thing nt once I lieu tilt iloubt is settled If be approve well and good if he doesnt well thru Ive haul my fun anyway limit it made little difference what Frank Garrison might think say or do when Xitas neeil came in question It was for Vila that Margaret Garrison so suddenly quitted till Presidio mill imps ¬ tened to Hawaii It was for her sate to be her counsel anil protection time elder sister bad braved refusal difficul ¬ ties criticism even Armstrongs open suspicion anil dislike to take that long voyage lo a hostile clime That sin braved too her husbands displeasure was not a matter of sufficient weight tt merit consideration She was tinre tc help Xila anil until that hapless child were freeil from a peril that ever threatening seemeil sapping her very life Margaret Garrison meant to stay For tin letter that came by way of Honolulu had told tin elder sister of increasing jealousy and suspicion Oil tin colonels part of his dreadful rag at Yokohama on learning that even there the very hour of their arrival when the consul came aboanl with r batch of letters in his hound be bail Oil for Mrs Frost She lund barely glance at its contents before she was strickei with a lit of trembling tore it in bait a mid tossed till fragments on the swift ebbing tide then rushed to her state ¬ room There she aililcil a postscript to tin long iettcr penned to Margaret on tIme voyage anil tin purser not hei husband saw if safely started on till Gaelic leaving for San Francino via Honolulu that very day That lettei beat time ordinary mail fur the Queen was heading seaward even as tin inc ¬ lit came steaming in the cnruIguumurdet1 harbor anil a little packet was tossed aboard the new troop ship as slim sped away one missive in it telling WiUhii Garrison that the man whose lift lund been wrecked by her sisters enforced desertion was already in Manila await ¬ ing her coming aitch telling her more over that the packet placed in Geu Draylons hands contained only lici earlier letters In his reckless vvjatl l itrobc bail told her that those whicl liounil her to him by the most solcini pledges those that vowed undying Inv and devotion were still in his hand mill that slit should see him anil then when at last slit reached Manila Three mortal weeks had the sister been there together a nil never once it that time diil Xila venture forth except when under tIme escort of her black brow ed husband or time proteelion ol her smiling witching yet vijjilint Mar garet Never once bail I heir house beer approached by anyone who bore rescni bianco to the drcailcil lover AIIaliiii till Callc Real where were tIme quarters nf ninny officers little guards of rrgu tars were stationed for black runiort of Filipino uprising vault with emery few c1aye ami sonic mens hearts were failing them for vfear when ihej thought of the paucity of their niim hers as compared witliftbe thtilll of fanatical natives to whtmumi of human life was of less account t 1111 tIme loss of1 game chicken anil ir whose sign assassination was Ii virtue when it rid oirof II foe Already many officers who had weakly yielded lo the importunity of a ilcvotcil vvift was cursing the folly thar leil luau lo let her join him Thr outbreak was iin minilit Anyone could see the Will was sure to come even those who strove to banish alarm and reassure an anxious nation Anil when the Iall to arm should sound duty honor anil law would demand each soldiers instant answer on the bat te line then vlio was lo Ian for the women The very serv- ants in each household it was known were in most eases regularly enrolled in the insurgent army The crowded districts in the city tile nipa limits sur- rounding time wealthy homes in tin HultllerJie nition both were stored in the great stone churches Knives bolos mind pis- tols were hidden in every house Through the clergy III some instances and foreign residents in others the statement was set afloat that ever American officers residence mis mapped and marked that the Tagals were told ofT by name so many for each house in proportion to the number of Americar inmates and day after day awaiting the signal for their bloody work were native devotees greeted with servile bows and studied the hnbirs of the of uponin Even women anti children were not Ie hllIrillfhl terror For a time in dread of Ibis nev peril Nita Frost almost forgot tin other but not so Margaret Shut scoffed and scouted the rumor of Fii ipino outbreak She laughed at Frost who all too evidently believed in it Bni was in hourly trepidation lie beggce that the guard at bis quarters might b < doubled and was totally unnerved when told it might even have lo be re duced sot so Mrs Frank She mode friends with the stalwart sergeant commanding always hail hot coffee and sandwiches ready for the midnight relief made ita point to learn tin name of each successive noncommis sioneil officer in charge and had a win some smile and word for the sentries ar she passed It wasnt Filipino aggres- sion that she feared The men won- dered why site should so urgently hid them see that no strangers Americans were allowed within the massive gates There were tramps even in Ma nila she said When the sisters drove their natty little Filipino tealn flashed through the lanes and streets at top speed the springy victoria bounding perilotthe and footman if not even to the seats of those trim whitecoated bigbuttoned Spllnlshbrl only at certain designated points and only then when a group of officers stood ready to greet them Not once had they been menaced by anyone nor ap proached by any man even faintly re sembling poor Latrobe and Witchii Garrison was beginning to take heart and look upon that threatening letter as a mad piece of bluff when one day the unexpected happened To Be Continued Unappreciated VocalIst youbad it audeI dont know dear but I be ¬ Here I would give Ita holiday tilt the man came round then 1 would have it tuned Pearsons 1 Jl J tiTifffji < 0 a 4 THE ROUGH PLACES Dr Talmnge Indicates the Best Way of Getting Over Them I omul rroiii n Mrmonililr Inolilrnl In Ihr Saviour Ilfr K lliMTlnn- ClirNt Aol lvvn Smooth Sniling Copyright 1WO I y Ioiils KlopschJ Dr Taimngr who is now In Europe preaching to immense congregations in the great cities semis this sermon in which tue describe the rough places of life mind indicates time best means of getting over them anil shows how ninny people fall to understand their best blessings text Mark iv 1 Anil He arose and relinked the wind and aid unto the sea Peace hr still Here in Capernaum the seashore S iI ¬ lage was till temporary home of that Christ who for till most of his life was homeless On the site of this village now in ruins and all around thin lake what scenes of kindness and power and glory and pathos when our Lord lived here I can understand the feeling of the immortal Scotchman lioliert Me Cheyne when sitting on tin hunks of this lake he wrote It IK not that the wild gazelle Comes down to drink thy Hilo Rut lie tIntS was ntprcwl to save from hell Oft wandered by thy stile Graceful nrnund thce the mountains meet Thou calm reposing am But ah far more time Ixautlful feet Of Jesus walked oer Hire I ean easily understand from time eon tour of the eonntry that hounds this lake that storms were easily tempted to make these waters their playground This lake in Christs time lay in a scene of great luxuriance time sur ¬ rounding hills terraced sloped graved so nuiny hanging gardens of beauty On time shore were eastles armed towers Roman baths every ¬ thing attractive and hluIIIICIIIRI- IIJlrs of vegetation in smaller space than in almost any other space In time world from the palm tree of the forest to t tie trees of rigorous clinmte It seemed as if the Lord had launched one wave of beauty on all the scene and it liming and swung from rock and hill and oleander Roman gentlemen in pleas ¬ ure boats sailing this lake and country ¬ men in fishing smacks coming down to drop their nets pass each other with nod and shout and laughter or swing- ing ¬ idly at their moorings Oh what a beautiful seene It seems as If we shall have n quiet night Not a leaf quivered in the air not a ripple disturbed the face of Gen nesaret limit there seems to be a lit ¬ tie excitement up the beach and we hasten to see what it is mind we find it an embarkation From the western shore a flotilla pushing out not n squadron of deadly armament norclip per with valuable merchandise nor piratic vessels ready to destroy every ¬ thing they could seie limit a flotilla bearing messengers of light antI life and peace Christ is in the stern of the boat His disciples are in the bow and amidships Jesus weary with much speaking to large multitudes is jut into somnolence by the rocking of time waves If there was any motion At all the ship was easily righted if the vind passed from starboard to lar ¬ board or from larboard to starboard the boat would rock and by the gllllIet less of the motion putting the blaster pili9w think no sooner Is Christ prostrate nnil ills head touched the pillow than He is sound asleep The breezes of the lake run their lingers through time locks of the worn sleeper and the boat rises and falls like a sleeping child on the bosom of a sleeping mother Calm night starry night beautiful night Jinn up nil the sails ply mill the oars and let the large boat munch the small boat glide over gentle Gen ncsaret But the sailors say there is going to be a change of weather Mid even the passengers can hear the moan ¬ ing of the storm as it comes on with great stride and all the terrors of hur ¬ ricane and darkness The large boat trembles like a deer at bay among time clangor of the hounds great patches of foam arc flung into the air the sails of the vessel loosen and in the strong wind crack like pistols the smaller boats like petrels poise on the cliffs of the waves and then plunge Over ¬ board go cargo tackling and masts and the drenched disciples rush into the back part of the boat and lay hold of Christ and say unto Him Master caret Thou not that we perish That great personage lifts His head from the pillow of the fishermans coat walks to tile front of the vessel anti looks out into the storm All around Him are the smaller boats driven in the tempest anti through itI comes the cry of drowning men By the flash of the lightning I see the calm brow of Christ as the spray dropped from Ills heard He has one word for the sky and another for the waves Looking upward He cries Place Looking Ubwnward He says Be still ThV waves fall flat on their faces the loam melts the ex ¬ tinguished stars relicbt their torches The tempest falls steadamid Christ stands with His fookm the neck of the storm And while the sailors are btling out the boats and while they are trying to untangle the cordage the disciples stand in amazement now looking into the calm sea then into the calm sky then into time calm Saviours countenance mind they cry out What manner of man is this that even time winds anti the sea obey Him The subject in time first place Im ¬ presses me with the fact that it is very important to have Christ in the ship for nil those boats would have gone to the bottom of Oennesaret if Christ had not been present Oh what a lesson for you anti for me to learn Whatever voyage we under take into whatever enterprise we start let us always have Christ in the ship AH you can do with utmost tension of body mind and soul yon are bound to do hut oh have Christ in every enterprise There are men who ask Gods help at the beginning of great enterprises He has been with them in the past no trouble can overthrow them the storms might come down from the topof Mount Hermon and lash Gen nesaret into foani anti into agony but it could not hurt them But here is another man who starts out in worldly enterprise and he depends upon the uncertainties of this life He has no God to help him After awhile the storm comes tosses off the masts of the ship he puts out his life ¬ boat and the long boat the sheriff and the auctioneer try to help him off they cant help him off he must go down no Christ in the ship Your life will be made up of sunshine and shadows There may be in it arctic blasts or tropical tornadoes I know not what is before you lout I know If you have Christ with you nil shall be well You may seem to get nlong without the religion of Christ while mi- i 1 ri cV VJ f I VVVV I everything goes smoothly but after awhile when sorrow hovers over the soul when the waves of trial dash clear over the hurricane deck and the decks ate eroded with piratical dis ¬ astersohwhat would you do then without Christ in time ship Take loch for your portion God for your guide God for your help then nil is well nil is wen for a time nil shall be well forever Blessed is that man who puts in the Lord his trust He summIt never be confounded limit my subject also impresses me with the fact that when people start to follow Christ they must not expect smooth sailing These disciples got into time small boats and I have no doubt they said What n beautiful day this is How delightful is sailing in this haunt And as for the waves under the keel of the boat why they only make the motion of tour little lioat tin more delightful limit when the winds swept down and the semi was tossed into wrath then they found that following Christ was not smooth sailing So you have found it so I have found it lid yon ever notice the end of the life of tIme apostles of Jesus Christ You would say if ever men ought tii have had n smooth life n smooth de ¬ Pirt mire tIll those men the disciples nf lesus Christ ought to liaise hind such a departure and such a life St lames lost his head St 1hilip was hung to death on a pillar St Mat ¬ thew unit his life dashed out with n halbert St Mark wits dragged to death through the streets St lames the Less was beaten to death with a fullers club St Thomas was struck through with a spear ihmeydid not find following Christ smooth sailing Oh how they were all tossed in the tempest John Hnss in a fire Hugh McKail in the hour of martyrdom the Albigenscs the Waldense the Scotch Covenanters did they find it smooth sailing limit why go into history when we can draw fciini our own memory illustrations of tlmtrnlh- of what I say A young man in a store trying to serve God while his employer scoffs at Christianity the young men in the same store antagonistic to the Chris ¬ tian religion teasing him tormenting him about his religion trying to get him mad They succeed in getting him mad and say Youre a pretty Christian Does that young man find it smooth sailing when he tries to follow Christ Or you remember a Christian girl Her father despises the Christian religion her mother despises the Christian religion her brothers nnd sisters scoff at time Chris- tian ¬ religion shim can unruly find n quiet place in which to say her prayers Did site find it smooth sailing when she tried to follow Jesus Christ Oh no All who would live the life of the Christian religion must suffer persecution If you do not hitch it in one way you will get it in another way But be not disheartened Take courage You are in a glorious com ¬ panionship God will see you through all trials and He will deliver you My subject also impresses me with the fact that good people sometimes get frightened In the tones of these disciples ns they rushed into the back part offhe boat I find they are fright ¬ ened almost to death Theysay Master ellrlst Thou nol that we per- ish ¬ They had no reason to be frightened for Christ was in the boat I suppose if we hind been there we would have been just ns much af ¬ frighted Perhaps more In all ages very good people ret very much af fi lhtrK ItMiT nftcn solo olir day and men say Why look nt the had lectures Look nt the various errors going over the church of God We are going to founder The church is go lug to perish She is going flown tJi how many good people are af ¬ frighted by iniquity in our day and think the cnurch of Jesus Christ is going to be overthrown anti are just as much affrighted ns were the dis ¬ ciples of my text Dont wory dont fret as though iniquity were going to triumph over righteousness A lion goes into n cavern to sleep He lies down with his shaggy mane covering the paws Meanwhile the spiders spin II web across the mouth of the cavern and say We have captured him Gossamei thread after gossamer thread until time whole front of the cavern is covered with the spiders web and the spideYs say The lion is done the lion is fast After awhile the lion has got through sleeping He rouses himself he shakes his mane he walks out into the sunlight lIe does not even know the spiders web is spun anti with his roar he shakes the mountain So men come spinning their sophistries anti skepti ¬ cism about Jesus Christ He seems to be sleeping They say We have captured the Lord He will never come forth again upon the nation Christ is overcome forever His re ¬ ligion will never make any conquest among men Hut mutter awhile the Lion of the tribe of Juilah will rouse Himself anti conic forth to shake mightily the nations Whats a spi ¬ tiers web to the aroused lion Give truth and error a fair grapple and truth will conic oil victor limit there are a great mnnygood peo ¬ pie who get affrighted III other re- spects ¬ They are affrighted about re ¬ vivals They say Oh this is a strong religious gale We are afraid the church of God is going to be upset and there are going to be a great ninny people brought into tIme church that are going to be of no use to it Anti they are affrighted whenever they te- n revival taking hold of the churches As though a ship captain with 5001 bushels of wheat for a cargo should say some day coming lipon deck Throw overboard nil the cargo and the sailors should say Why cal tnin what do you mean Throw over all the cargo Obsays the captain we have a peck of chaff that has got into this 5000 bushels of wheat and the only way to get rid of time chaff is to throw all the wheat ovcrboanlJ sow that is a great deal wiser than the talk of n great many Christians who want to throw overboard all time thousands and tens of thousands of souls who are the subjects of revivals Throw all overboard because they are brought into the kingdom of God through great revivals because there is a peck of chaff a quart of chaff a pint of chaff I say let them stay until the last day The Lord will divide the chaff from the wheatDo not be afraid of a great revival Oh that such gales from Heaven might sweep through all our churches Oh for such daysns 1iicharhIJaxterenw in England and Robert McCheyne saw in Dundee Oh for such dtays as Jona- than ¬ Edwards saw in Northampton I have often heard1 my father tell of the fact that in the early part of the cen- tury ¬ there broke out a revival at Som erville N J and some people were very much agitated about it They said You are golpg to bring too many people into the church at once anti theysent down toNewBrnnswIck to get John Livingston to stop the revival Well there was no better soul in all time world than John Livingston He went dud looked at the revival They a > ftL wanted him to stop it He stooftln tit pulpit on the Lords day and looked over the solemn auditory and he said This brethren is in reality the work of God Beware bow on stop it And he was an old man leaning heavily on his tafTa very old man And he lifted that staff and took hold of the l1Ialllndof that stall andbegan to let it fall slowly through between the fin ¬ Ohitholl falling from life falling away from place anti Heaven falling as certainly as that cane is falling through mj hand falling certainly though per haps falling slowlyl Anti the can kept on falling through John Living ¬ stouts hand The religions emotion ir tIme audience was overpowering ant men saw n type of their doom as tht cane kept falling anil falling until tin knobof thcanr struck Air Living slons hand anti he clasped it stoutlv nail mid But the grace of Iocr can stop you as I stopped that cane and then there was gladness all througl the house at the fact of pardon am peace and salvation Well said the people after the service J gues yam had better send livingson home II is making the revival worse Oh foi gales from Heaven to uss emp nil the con- tinents The danger of the church ol God isnnt in revivals Again my subject impressed ini with the fact that Jesus was God anft moan in the same liming11cr He Is iirthe back part of the boat Oh lion tired lie looks What sad dreams Hi must have Look nt Ilk countenance lie nitis be thinking of till cross to come Look at Him He is a man hone of our bone flesh of our flesh Tired lie falls asleep He is n man But then I find Christ nt the prow nl the boat I hear Him say Peace In still anti I see the storm kneeling at ilk feet and the tempests folding their wings in Ills presence lie Is r God If I have sorrow anti troubh antI want sympathy I go anti knee down nt time back part of time boat and say 0 Christ weary One of Gtn nesaret sympathic with nIl my sor row Man of Nazareth Man of the Cross A Man a Maui But if I want to conquer my spiritual fors P I want to get the victory over sin death anti hell I come to the front o the iHiat and I kneel down anti I sayV 0 Lord Jesus Christ Thou who elitist hush the tempest hush all my grief hush all my temptation hush nil my sinI learn once more from this subjec that Christ can hush a tempest It did seem as if everything must go tt ruin The disciples had given up tin idea of managing the ship time crew were entirely demoralized t Christ rises nnd tlm storm crfllllhe at nit feet Oh yes Christ can hush the tempest You have had trouble Per haps it was the little child taker away from ollthe sweetest child of the household the one who asked thr most curious questions anti stood around you with the greatest fond ness and the spade emit down through your bleeding heart Perhaps it wai an only son nnd your heart has evei since Ierlllikn desolated castle tin owls of the night hooting among nIl fallen arches anti crunbling stair ways Or nil your property swept away you said I had no much bank stock I had ro ninny government se ¬ curities I hind so many houses I had so many fnrron1l gone nil gone Why sir all jthe storms that ever trampled with heir thunders all the shipwrecks hnv not been worse thar this to you Ye t you have not beer completely overthrown Why Chris says I have that little one in my keeping I can care for him as well as you can better than you can 0 be- reaved motherli Hushing the tent ¬ pest When your property went away God said There are treasures in Heaven in intake that never break Jesus hushing the tempestV There is one storm into which we will mull have to run The moment when we let go of this world and try to take hold of the next we will want ill the grace possible Yonder hsee a Christian soul rocking on time surges of death All time powers of darkness seem let out against that soul the swirling wave till thunder of the sky tile shriek of the wind all seem to unite together Rut that soul is not troubled There is no sighing there are no tears plentyof tears in the room at the departure but he weeps no tears calm satisfied and peace ¬ huhmmli is well By time flash of the storm you see the harbor just ahead and you are making for that harbor All shall be welt Jesus being our iiiiot Into the harbor of Heaven now wo glide Were home at last home ut last Softly we drift on the bright sllvry tide Were home at last Olorj to tott all our idinscrs are o> r We stand secure on the stormed chore Glory to God we will shout evermore Were home at last CALLS SCHOOLS TOO SOLEMN Col P W Parker tltres r Illinois ConismiM of Mntlirrn al- I vnntan Col F W Iarkcr criticised time par ¬ ents for demanding monthly report cards train the public schools in his address What Mothers Can Do for Education tieforr time Illinois con gress of mothers at Kvanston the other day Col Parker also advocntel greater freedom for a child in select ¬ ing the studies to be pursued anil criticised the system of useless tire ¬ some work along lutes which have uo interest fur thr child Col 1nrker saiil It is torture anil n crime to make small children sit for a long time per ¬ fectly stilt The schoolroom is too solemn A good laugh is one of the best aids to education Still artier is only desirable in rare moments gooil order always being somewhat noisy Children mire made to report whether they whisper whether they smile anil almost whether they have n happy thought You never know your child until you see it with other children There are infinite possibilities in hu ¬ man development Give time children manual trimming from the kindergar ¬ ten to time college and you will da Gods work You should go into the homes of sonic of the poor neglected rich where the children have no work to do when they come home from school If the womens clubs take up the school question and insist upon having intelligent heads to the schools mind teachers the politician would re ¬ tire from view Hardly Repentant Farmer Hay rake Gosh Heres a letter frum that greengoods feller what sent me home with a satchel full sawdustMrs Dear me Does he re ¬ vent Farmer Hayrake Waal he says here that he thinks one o his diamond studs dropped outer his shirt and inter the sawdust while packing but if Ill return it ter wnnst he wont prosecute and no questions will br asked Judge Time ministers of St Paul have ap proval n project of making billiard YoungMeimsChristian I- iis c THE CRISISAT PEKIN All Communication Cut Off From the Capital of China Ten Thonpan Soldiers and Marine Will Ilr Sent to Pekln lo flack Ill the Demand of the For clan Mlnlntrrn There London June 11Time Daily Mail has time following from Tien Fain ilatcil Friday June 8 The wildest rumors arc current lucre to tIme effect that Pckin is burning but they lack confirmation Trouble has broken out at New Chwang The state of anarchy around Pekin is likely to be imitated in many quarters Asiatic artillery has been ordered front Hong Kong to Flea Tsin The admirals at Taku acting in concert are forcibly reopening the railway from Tien Tsiu to Pekin Gangs of laborers are repairing the damaged line which is guarded by 1300 men composed of detachments from time foreign fleet One hundred Americans under Capt McCalla are among them They have guns and armored trains for use when time line is repaired Ten thousand troops of nil nation ¬ alities n coord in to a dispatch to time Daily Express train Shanghai will lie sent to Pekin to hack np the demands of tIme ministers upon time govern ¬ uncut or if necessary to suppress the I5oxers themselves The American mission buildings at fang Chan 12 miles front Pckin which were abandoned by the mis ¬ sionaries have liecn looted anti burn ¬ ed by the Chinese soldiery who were sent to protect them Within three days 75 native Christians well known men who humid been trained for years by American missionaries have been massacred near Tung lion Many of them were burned alive Shanghai June 7In consequence of the representations of Japan the landing of a large Kussiau force at Taku is alle eil to have been stopped It is believed here that should Ibis ¬ sin persist in sending a preponderat ¬ jog military force to the front a col ¬ lision with Japan will inevitably re ¬ suit Tien Fain June 9It is reported from Chinese official sources that I 000 Boxers snrroundril 1500 Chinese troops between Lofa anti Yang Pasta ThitiEilay anti according to the latest news fighting was still going on Fri ¬ day morning Washington June 9The follow ¬ big cablegram was received at the navy department Friday afternoon Tong Ku June 8 1900 June 3rd landed forces to protect American in ¬ crests with consent China fiftysix Pekin rest Tien Tsin Nations sent force both cities no injury so far British Russian Chinese admirals anti twenty warships here Crops likely to fail causing probably more trouble in the near future Our landing force under McCalla June 3 situation most critical Russian force began lighting landed fifty mon men have requested Helena be sent immediately to protect interests or several vessels like her Consider battalion marines necessary Need gunboat as base iusiile Tune C lien Fain lekin railway cut Will act con ¬ cert naval forces other powers pro ¬ tect interests if necessary Meeting foreign senior naval officers today Present English Trench German Austrian Italian Japanese anti Amer ¬ ican arrange for combined action to protect life antI property if required Nine hundred men ashore 25 war ¬ ships lucre KEMFFF lien Tsin June 8In view of the conclusive confirmation of imperial connivance in time Boxer movement furnished by an mullet published to clay denouncing Gen NiehSiChong for killing some of the rioters the strongest possible action of the vow ¬ ers it is asserted here can alone remedy the situation which has as ¬ sumed time gravest aspect The millet is couched in such terms that it leaves no doubt of th deep sympathy of the throne with time Boxers who are described as good citizens Be- sides denouncing Gen Nieh for kill ¬ big the Boxers time edict orders him to return with his troops to Loopai SO miles from time scene of time this turbances It is claimed lucre that the first step of the powers for the preservation of foreign life and prop ¬ erty ought to be tIme assumption ol control of the railroad to Pekin Washington June 1OAdm Rcmej informs the navy department that the gunboat Nashville With a force ol marines aboard left Cavite for Taku Site is a light draft gunboat of the same type as time Helena anti it is presumed that slue is sent in place of the latter The Monocacy at Shanghai also has been ordered to join Adm KempfT nt Taku Shanghai June 10A dispatch front Flea Tsin dated Friday June 8 says 500 Russian troops are about tc mini there Tlie dispatch adds that Fung Chow has been burned but that the missionaries are safe Dedicated nt Last West Point N Y June 11The dedication of the new Catholic church at West Point over which there line been munch controversy during the past three years took place Sunday The dedicatory sermon was by Rev George Dcsbon Dr Pnnl CHiler Dead SulTcrn N Y June 11Dr Paul Gilder head of a sanitarium at Suit fern anti of time Pasteur institute oi New York city tiled at midnight from the effects of injuries received in a runaway earlier in time evening Ilnnnnet In Havana Havana June lllhe banquet given by the executive committee ol the Spanish casino to the captain and ollicers of the Argentine training ship Presidrnte Sarmiento was a great success causing much enthusiasm- I among the Spaniards National Negro llu liie League Tuskagec Ala June 11After con ¬ suiting with substantial colored men in all parts of the country Hooker T Washington of Tuskagee Ala has decided to assist in the organization of a national Negro business league Worlds Temperance Conicre London June 9The worlds tern peranic congress will open in London next Monday under the presidency ol tIme archbishop of Canterbury who will deliver an address antI who on the following Thursday will entertain the members Ratification Time Extended Washington June 9 Secretary Hay and Lord Pauncefote signed a protocol extending until March 4 next the period of time allowed for hue ratification of tIme reciprocity treaty with Barbadoes c 1 5 b a- t L TOO LITTLE DEBATE Renator Green Opinion if the Serv ¬ Ices Held In an Episcopal Church Senator Beaton of Missouri one of the moit conspicuous figures of the century in either house of congress had a formidable antagonist in Senator James Stephen Green Congressman Hitt the Chicago Chronicle relates this anecaote of the two gladiatorsV Senator Green was not a man splendid genius but of charming manner He boarded at the National hotel where he was popular with men and women The latter found out that the senator was not much of a churchgoer and insisted that he should mend his ways in that regard One Sunday he was lat for dinner The women ackedhimwhy I have been attending divine worship replied tIme senator gravely To what church did you go senator asked a woman I dont know answered the eourty Missourian I walked up the avenue turned up Fourth street and entered a church on the lefthand side Thus was an kpiscoial church How did you like the services asked another woman It appeared to me answered the sea ¬ atom that there was too much reading cf the journal and too little debate Sambo and the Freshman An American writer tells a good story of his college day It relates to a negro sac ¬ dener a fellow with whom the boys ued to have considerable snort Sometimes he would floor them with his repartefe One day in spring Samba had been burning the college green in order to get rid of the old withertd grass Afreshmanramealong and thinking to have some fun shouted Say there Sambo you bJght not to barn v that stuff Why inquired Samba Because replied the freshman itTI make that grass as as > on areV Well mans retorted dat sail 4dat you are London Answers Ion In Water Travel Eiperimentit nroven that vessel fit ted with propellers v5 ± zaitate the sms fin develop a remarkable pruhw It will cause a revolution in water travel Men gradually learn that Natures ways an best One cause of the remarkable success of front time uprinpfact medmcmne made of Natures most strengthening herbs indigestiondyspepsia Too Anxious It was at a wedding and as thesoontobt wedded down the aisle of the little church embarrassment was plainly written on the face of both but when in re ¬ to the question by the minuter il either of them of any reason why they should not lawfully be joined together there came boldly forth from each the answer I do the evident embarrassment on their part was changed to one of real on the part of the clergyman Harpers Monthly Hook Agent with an Inspiration Irate Gentleman angry at being ills turbed Yon book canvassers make me so fl angry with your confounded nerve and im ¬ pudence that I cannot find words to express my indignation a Canvasser jumping with enthusiasm Then sir I am a great help to you I have here the very thing you need a dictionary of the English language containing all the words and slang phrases known and only two and six Take it and yon will never be at a loss to express yourself again Ciga ¬ rette True State of Ills 3Ilnd Time Old Friend Say it looks to me as if you were putting on a lot of extra dignity of Ute Time Recently Enriched Person You are badly mistaken I am now in a position to allow niy inherent and natfve dignity to come to the surfacelndianapohis Press Burnj Do Tour Feet Ache and Shake into your shoes Aliens FootEase a powder for the feet It makes tight or New Shoes Feel Easy Cures Corns ItchingV Swollen Hot Callous Smarting Sweatiir Feet All Druggists and Shoo Stores mlat 25c Sample sent FKEK Ad dress Allen S Olm ted Le Roy Ni J A Baseball Enthusiast Teacher Xow Sammy please tell me what you know about the nine Muses Sammy I never saw em play miss butt willm to bet that the Bluebirds kin beat em out every time Richmond Die ¬ patch To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bream Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money iH fails to cure 25o George says he doesnt know the taste of liquor Pours it down so fast I suppose that his doesnt get a chance Cleveland Plain Dealer Carters Ink Ia Vaetl E cln lvely- by theschcoliof Xew York Boston and man other places ac d they wont use any other Mans liberty ica been threatened in nn merous ways thrcurat history but he has always beer free to a of him ¬ self Chicago Democrat Prof Chas P Curd St Louts Mo writes We unhestitatingly attribute the recovery and continued good health of our little boy to Teethina Teething Powders A lost never finds its way back Ranis HornV Straight Road To Health E It by the way of purifying the blood Germs end impurities in the blood cause disease and sickness Expelling these impurities re ¬ moves the disease Hoods Sanaparilla does this and it does more It makes time blood rich by increasing and vitalizing the red globules and giving it power to transmit to the organs nerves and muscles the nutri meat contained in digested foodV Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy C W Rosenbaeh aist St and lad ¬ n- ana Ire Chicago HI wrote Feb xr I 1888 I hare been troubled with QUINSY SORE THROAT for ten years and I fi- ndPalmers Lotiont- he quickest remedy I erer tried Lotion SoapI Prvrents and assists in curing all r skin diseases At Druggists only f K YLOO1tOUT 1 loryour fAmU1 comfOrt C andjourown ifiRES Rootbeer I sTill contrtbote more to ft tbsa tonoflcendruOfns Cgiilonaforflcenls wn as mid Sr piuia ItT4 a t mba CEABLZS ZBIRZSC- OMsiverPa BEADEUS 05 TIlL PA1EI- L2islRlO TO BUT TTR1M3 nvsmtTlsan IN ITS COLUMNS SUOULD INSIST UPON IUVIGV VflAT mEl ASK 0R ItEFVSINO ALL SUitSTlTUTS Ott lMrrAnIoNS Delicious Dessert C Buenhams Hasty Jellycon makes the finest dessert jellies clear and sparkling and deliciously flavored Prepared in a minute It is only necessary to dissolve in hot water and set away to cool Flavors crange lemon strawberry wild and unflavored cahfstoot for makint wine and coffee jellies Aligrccers S

IOvInosv1II6Olltlook THE · Vlifecould have come ovrr that glad young ... j night but the women folk had

Aug 26, 2018



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Page 1: IOvInosv1II6Olltlook THE · Vlifecould have come ovrr that glad young ... j night but the women folk had




Jj < 40L

L cI4 JftIOvInosv1II6Olltlook



Thou knowest all our trials LordEach sin and need and grief

And Thou hast romtsed In Thy WordSometime to tnd relief

But Thor hittJKt a task for eachAi eoldlrs In k war

Who storm cOmejwint the height to reachThrough battles thunderous roar

Help ns for we are faint IndeedIncrea5eSmanna rut our feedAnd bid our fean to cease

From Thy grejt white throre far aboveThou dost oi conflict see

0 God of power Thou God of loveS Our Friend and Helper be

a Let purity and truth be oursWhile here we dwell below

Accept end consecrate our powersMake every virtue grow

Lead Thou through each perplexing strifeb Be with us all the way

Lift up our hearts from death to life0 Crown Thou each passing day

I Oh when our hope la burning lowef Ita oil Is tvellnlch spent

5 As up the rugged path we gorocky steep ascent

the voice resounding clearvictorys thrilling rlrgJThe Thy people Thou art near

needed aid to bringM Wooon In tnlon Signal


> 1



t- oA 3t1 rris o

4 4APtly tile in Tht i4irwI tCetyrtcbt 199 by FTennyson NeelyJ


I fr CHAPTER XIV CoNTixvcn0so time nerd be watted in telling theIeffect of this u jffnnient to quartena i Prolific a source of tquabble ns is thei I 1 it ruttora ahore it becomes intcniififil

ft afloat and when coupled with it valuea o a shaking up and rearrangement of

a < seats at table all hope of harmony van ¬

ished on the instant The two braveaa oung army girls still retained their

a seats at the captains table but twomost etti rouble young women Red

f Crott runts were dropped therefrom1and tranbferred t <t that of the secondofficer on the port bide much to the

t a a comfort of n rather large percentageVof their sisterhood who Lad regardedC

a tbeir previous rlrvntinn with feelinfof not unmixcid gratification Then

S- V1f officers who had been crntnl with thep

frrnrraTs t taff hag to vacate in favor ofi Mrs Frank and Dr Probor and talent

C pBihIyGray wjkose father and the chiefC 0 1 were rbnms and the Reda < Cross nurses who bad been at the lint

Vofficers table Ycll back to that of thethird It was every bit as good as theother but it didnt sound to and they

c couldnt see itj and there were facessour as the product of the iliips balder

r when that evening all hands went downto dinner and the silence maintained

J 3 or the ominoaty ubducd tone of thetalk at the other tobin was in markedcontrast with the hilarity that pre ¬

1Tailed where sat the grayhaired ruddyI old chief and the laughing

l coterie that listened to the fun that fellVVfrom the lips of Wltchie Garrisono Armstrong silent and somber at the

w 0 captains right ooklng lorwin1frol1T time to irm saw only one

1 generals table ihnt wa not lighted upf iI with merriment it was the face of tIme

boy he envied If rhvy of this kind ever

1 < jl entered into hishtyirtand he wondered

I RK he looked t JJillys curly head whatcould have come ovrr that glad young

Vlife to leave so ilcrp a shadow on hishandsome faceI One night just one week later Arm ¬

strongs ryes were opened More titant once in the meanwhile he had invitedi the JOUD oftlltrupnfilllnlt a IItI Billy

oil who three months earlier had been nila end frankncis protested

Va-r ithlreltl nothing on hit irinil Ie had

been very ill that was njl As tok Cankers charges they were simply rot

He hadnt tliefnintcst Inkling what had


I become of the purloined letters any4 t more than be hadof the whereabouts

I 5at his Delta Sig friend young Mortona V row officially proclaimed a deserter

I Hut Armstrong heard snore tales ofr VTitchies devotions to him in lila ill ¬

to ness and tlTe sIowmconvnhtscence that1 i ensued noted hqw the boys eyes fol ¬

lowed her about the deck and how

a3sV many a time he would seek her sideI r neD when other men were reading

walking or chatting with her Arm ¬

k strong looked with wonderment thata was close allied 1o incredulity and pain

l ti = Was U possible 4hat this blithe lad whoV5 t < had won such a warm interest in thet heart of such a girl as Amy Lawrence

Ji c i i Jcould be forgetful of her faithless to-

t her and fascinated now by this selfUhp It ttVSVSan1 shallow butterfly It was incred ¬

I ibleL Vfluwasit The days had grown hot ¬

Vi ter the nights closer and the air be-


p-i fo decks was stifling when the sea

SS rolled high and closed the ports Offi ¬

J J 4 cers had taken to snoozing up on deckin steamer chain By an unwrittenlaw the port side of the promenade

f deck wai given up to them after 11 atj night but the women folk had the run

of the starboard side at any hour whenIdecksrra rz two oclock one breathless night to se-

etI for himself the condition of things inthe hospital under the forecastle Thejmain deck was crowded with sleeping

i forms of soldiers who found it iropos

tf0Ibl to stand heJieat below so on bis5 t instead continuing along the

sfrz gangway he decided to climb the ironladder from the iaain tothf promenadedeck ft would land him at the forward

4 end of the starboard side There hecould smoke a cigar in peace and quiet

i1It was high time everybody was asleepp5 VBut as Lie head and eyes reached the

L1 level of the deck he became suddenlyy4 aware of a couple huddled close to ¬



7 gether in the shelter ofa canvasirf Jo screen and under the steps leading

aloft to the bridge He knew Grayspleadingtf imperative and listening with obvious1 VImpatience for almost at the instantj rof his arrival she spoke low yet die ¬

1 Dcs as I say do as I beg you5 when we reach Manila and then come

c z4nd see hovrI can rewardfrJ ir cITxv

V I Manila atjast Qeeen city of theaJ j jrehlp lago and Manila again be

oj I The loveliest of the winter-

f I11ollthswBI come The Luneta and thePasco de gaota Lucia close to the

fp1 sparkling waters were gay every evenV trt v Ing with the fflusic of the regimentali i a bands and thronged with the carriages

1 of oldtime residents and their new and

i not too welcome visitors Spanishotllerjc cway to enjoy the cool breees thatoD < swept In from the beautiful bay and takeSA is wistful peeps at the dainty toilets of

il h



r Lfii i rUJiJIC 1flI T rrrijiilli gr f4 1ir 1>r 4 rrlr1 > tir4tytttaa 0

1 f 1



the American belles now nrriving byevery boat from HongKong All theCastiliun iliidnin they might look andpossibly foci toward tin Mtldirry ofUncle Sam gave place to liveliest intercst anil curiosity when the wives anildaughters of his soldiers appearedupon the scene mill there was one ear¬

riage about which whenever it stoppedn little swarm of ollicirs gathered andtoward which at any time nil eyes weredirected that of tin Vliitc SistersWithin the old wallrd city and in thecrowded districts nf Itiniomlo Quiapoand San Miguel north of the Pasig andagain in J11lO and Krinita to the southstrong MgimentK were Matioiiid inrcadincsi to suppress till lint sign ofthe outbreak so confidently predictedby the bureau of military intelligenceIn a great semicircle of over 20 milesgirdling the city north cast anil souththe outposts nail sentries nf the twodivisions kept watchful SVupon time

insurgent forces surrounding themAtTuinaldn and his cabinet at Malolosto the north bail nil limit declared warupon the obstinate possessors of thecity anil haul utterly forbidden theirleaving the lines of Manila anil seekingto penetrate those broader fields androads and villages without Still hug-ging


to its breast time delusion that asemiMalaysian rUt could be appeasedby show of philanthropy the govern ¬

uncut at Washington decreed thai ilespite their throwing up earthworksagainst mill training guns nn tinAmerican positions till clieiny shouldbe treated as though they never couldor would be hostile and the privilegesdenied by them to American troopswIre by the American troops accordedto thrin Coining and going at willthrough our lines they studied ourforce our amis equipment numberssuppli methods and long before the

Christmas bolls hail clanged theirgreeting to that universal feast dayand the Imnm of cannon ushered in thenew year all ilnubt of the hostile senimeats of the insurgent leaders bail van ¬

ished Already ttierc had been ominousclashes at the front and with every daytime demeanor of the Philippine officersanil men became more nail more in ¬

solent and defiant Ceaselcs vigilanceami selfcontroluucrc rn joined upon tillsoldiers of tin limited States nearly allstalwart volunteers from the far WItand while officers of the staff and of time

halMozen regiments quartered with ¬

in the city were privileged each day tostroll or drive upon till Luneta therewere others that never knew an houraway front the line of the outposts milltheir supports Such was time ease withStewart regiment far omit toward tinwaterworks at till east Such was tincase with the Primeval Puiles on time

other side of the Pasip lining tin banksof the crooked estuary that formed theltuben we were forbidden to rrosrSuch was tin cute wilb Canker and time

Irenth ill the dense bamboo thicket totime south and so it happened that atfirst Armstrong nail Hilly iraysawnothing of each other nnd hilt little-

r time While Sisters probably a for ¬

tunate thing for allUvcr since that memorable night on

the Queen of the Fleet tray had slum

ilionsly avoided his whilom friend nUll

counselor while tlie latter equallystudious avoidance of Mrs Garrisonlund hOme observed throughout tinship The dominion anil power nf thatlittle lady hind been of brief durationus was lo be expected in the ease of nwoman who had secured for ber undi ¬

vided use the best the airiest and byfar thr largest room on the steamera cabinc ik luxe indeed that forkweeks voyage on an Atlantic linerwould hate cost n imall fort titteuLmile1V4

1caw a

lie knew Guys voice it occe 1

here for a sea sojourn of more thandouble the time under tropic skirs andwhile other and worthier women weresweltering three in a stuffy box belowit had cost but n smile The captainbad repented him of his magnanimitybefore the lights of Honolulu fadedout astern Time general began to real ¬

ize that he had been made a eatspaw-of and his amour propre being wound-ed be had essayed for a day or twomajestic dignity of mien that becamecomical when complicated with time

qualms of seasickness There was evennoticeable aversion on part of some ofthe officers of the Duties who havingmade the journey from the hay toHonolulu with the women passengersarmy wives and Red Cross nurses nat ¬

urally became the recipients of theviews entertained by these ladiesQuick to see if slow to seem to see MrsFrank has lost no time in begging oneof the young soldier wives to share herbig stateroom and broad and comfort ¬

able bedand the lady preferred theheat and discomfort between leeks toseparation from her friend Then MrsGarrison tendered both time run of hercabin during the day and evening cog ¬

gested indeed that on hot nights theycome and sleep there one on the bedand one on the couch and they thankedher but never came She coddled thegeneral with cool champagne cupwhenhe was in the throes of mal de mrr andheld him prisoner with her vivaciouschatter when he was wen enough tocare to talk hut nfter all her mostserious trouble seemed to consist inkeeping Hilly Gray at respectful die¬

tance He sought her side day afterday to Armstrongs mild rynnze ashas been said and when he could notbe with her was moody even fierce andposltlonIlndshivery dripping sojourn at the SanFrancisco camp

But once fairly settled in Manila theWhite Sisters seemed to regain all theold ascendency Col Frost hind takenn big cool roomy house surroundedby spacious grounds down in Malaleand close lo the plashing waters of thebay Duties kept him early and lateat hula office in the walled city butevery evening after the drive and din ¬

ncr callers came thronging in and allWUchies witcheries were called intoplay to charm them into blindness andto cover Kitas fitful and nervousmoods now almost painfully apparentFrosts face was at times a thunder-cloud


and army circles within the outercircle of Manila saw plainly that allwas not harmony betwixt that veteran

flutteringbnbfwas gone She looked wan white evenhaggard She had refused to leaveHongKongorcome to Manila until Mar


ri Jf f111h4iy tt101 iT

r +




garets arrival then flow to the shollciof that sisterly wing Frank Garrir onhind been occupying u room under time

same roof with his general hut bothgeneral and aidedecamp were novmuch afield and Frank spent far moredays and nights along the line of block ¬

houses t baum be did at home The coin ¬

lug of his wife was unannounced undutterly unlookeil for Did 1 consultmy husband she exclaimed in stir ¬

prise su lieu asked time question OIlC clayby the wife of a veteran field officerMerciful heaven Mrs Lenox there

was no time for thus except by cableand at four dollars a wonl No H-

all iloubt of what Fm mink Garrison willajor dim exists in my miml I go and

do the thing nt once I lieu tilt iloubt issettled If be approve well and goodif he doesnt well thru Ive haul myfun anyway

limit it made little difference whatFrank Garrison might think say or dowhen Xitas neeil came in question Itwas for Vila that Margaret Garrison sosuddenly quitted till Presidio mill imps ¬

tened to Hawaii It was for her sateto be her counsel anil protection time

elder sister bad braved refusal difficul ¬

ties criticism even Armstrongs opensuspicion anil dislike to take that longvoyage lo a hostile clime That sinbraved too her husbands displeasurewas not a matter of sufficient weight ttmerit consideration She was tinre tc

help Xila anil until that hapless childwere freeil from a peril that everthreatening seemeil sapping her verylife Margaret Garrison meant to stay

For tin letter that came by way ofHonolulu had told tin elder sister ofincreasing jealousy and suspicion Oil

tin colonels part of his dreadful ragat Yokohama on learning that eventhere the very hour of their arrivalwhen the consul came aboanl with rbatch of letters in his hound be bail Oil

for Mrs Frost She lund barely glanceat its contents before she was strickeiwith a lit of trembling tore it in baita mid tossed till fragments on the swiftebbing tide then rushed to her state ¬

room There she aililcil a postscript totin long iettcr penned to Margaret ontIme voyage anil tin purser not heihusband saw if safely started on tillGaelic leaving for San Francino viaHonolulu that very day That letteibeat time ordinary mail fur the Queenwas heading seaward even as tin inc ¬

lit came steaming in the cnruIguumurdet1

harbor anil a little packet was tossedaboard the new troop ship as slim spedaway one missive in it telling WiUhiiGarrison that the man whose lift lund

been wrecked by her sisters enforceddesertion was already in Manila await ¬

ing her coming aitch telling her moreover that the packet placed in GeuDraylons hands contained only liciearlier letters In his reckless vvjatll itrobc bail told her that those whiclliounil her to him by the most solcinipledges those that vowed undying Invand devotion were still in his handmill that slit should see him anil thenwhen at last slit reached Manila

Three mortal weeks had the sisterbeen there together a nil never once itthat time diil Xila venture forth exceptwhen under tIme escort of her blackbrow ed husband or time proteelion olher smiling witching yet vijjilint Margaret Never once bail I heir house beerapproached by anyone who bore rescnibianco to the drcailcil lover AIIaliiiitill Callc Real where were tIme quartersnf ninny officers little guards of rrgutars were stationed for black runiortof Filipino uprising vault with emeryfew c1aye ami sonic mens hearts werefailing them for vfear when ihejthought of the paucity of their niimhers as compared witliftbe thtilllof fanatical natives to whtmumi

of human life was of less account t 1111

tIme loss of1 game chicken anil irwhose sign assassination was Ii

virtue when it rid oirof II foe Alreadymany officers who had weakly yieldedlo the importunity of a ilcvotcil vviftwas cursing the folly thar leil luau lo lether join him Thr outbreak was iinminilit Anyone could see the Will wassure to come even those who strove tobanish alarm and reassure an anxiousnation Anil when the Iall to armshould sound duty honor anil lawwould demand each soldiers instantanswer on the bat te line then vlio waslo Ian for the women The very serv-ants in each household it was knownwere in most eases regularly enrolledin the insurgent army The crowdeddistricts in the city tile nipa limits sur-rounding time wealthy homes in tin

HultllerJienition both were stored in the greatstone churches Knives bolos mind pis-tols were hidden in every houseThrough the clergy III some instancesand foreign residents in others thestatement was set afloat that everAmerican officers residence mis mappedand marked that the Tagals were toldofT by name so many for each house inproportion to the number of Americarinmates and day after day awaitingthe signal for their bloody work werenative devotees greeted with servilebows and studied the hnbirs of the ofuponinEven women anti children were not Ie

hllIrillfhlterror For a time in dread of Ibis nevperil Nita Frost almost forgot tinother but not so Margaret Shut

scoffed and scouted the rumor of Fiiipino outbreak She laughed at Frostwho all too evidently believed in it Bniwas in hourly trepidation lie beggcethat the guard at bis quarters might b <

doubled and was totally unnervedwhen told it might even have lo be reduced sot so Mrs Frank She modefriends with the stalwart sergeantcommanding always hail hot coffeeand sandwiches ready for the midnightrelief made ita point to learn tinname of each successive noncommissioneil officer in charge and had a winsome smile and word for the sentries arshe passed It wasnt Filipino aggres-sion that she feared The men won-dered why site should so urgently hidthem see that no strangers Americans

were allowed within the massivegates There were tramps even in Manila she said When the sisters drovetheir natty little Filipino tealn flashedthrough the lanes and streets at topspeed the springy victoria boundingperilottheand footman if not even to the seats ofthose trim whitecoated bigbuttonedSpllnlshbrlonly at certain designated points andonly then when a group of officers stoodready to greet them Not once had theybeen menaced by anyone nor approached by any man even faintly resembling poor Latrobe and WitchiiGarrison was beginning to take heartand look upon that threatening letteras a mad piece of bluff when one daythe unexpected happened

To Be Continued

Unappreciated VocalIstyoubaditaudeI dont know dear but I be ¬

Here I would give Ita holiday tilt theman came round then 1 would haveit tuned Pearsons

1 JlJ tiTifffji <





Dr Talmnge Indicates the Best Wayof Getting Over Them

I omul rroiii n Mrmonililr InolilrnlIn Ihr Saviour Ilfr K lliMTlnn-

ClirNt Aol lvvn SmoothSniling

Copyright 1WO I y Ioiils KlopschJ

Dr Taimngr who is now In Europepreaching to immense congregations inthe great cities semis this sermon inwhich tue describe the rough places oflife mind indicates time best means ofgetting over them anil shows how ninnypeople fall to understand their bestblessings text Mark iv 1 Anil Hearose and relinked the wind and aidunto the sea Peace hr still

Here in Capernaum the seashore S iI ¬

lage was till temporary home of thatChrist who for till most of his life washomeless On the site of this villagenow in ruins and all around thin lakewhat scenes of kindness and power andglory and pathos when our Lord livedhere I can understand the feeling ofthe immortal Scotchman lioliert Me

Cheyne when sitting on tin hunks ofthis lake he wroteIt IK not that the wild gazelle

Comes down to drink thy HiloRut lie tIntS was ntprcwl to save from

hellOft wandered by thy stile

Graceful nrnund thce the mountains meetThou calm reposing am

But ah far more time Ixautlful feetOf Jesus walked oer Hire

I ean easily understand from time eontour of the eonntry that hounds thislake that storms were easily temptedto make these waters their playgroundThis lake in Christs time lay in ascene of great luxuriance time sur ¬

rounding hills terraced slopedgraved so nuiny hanging gardens ofbeauty On time shore were eastlesarmed towers Roman baths every ¬

thing attractive and hluIIIICIIIRI-IIJlrs of vegetation in smaller space

than in almost any other space In time

world from the palm tree of the forestto t tie trees of rigorous clinmte Itseemed as if the Lord had launched onewave of beauty on all the scene and itliming and swung from rock and hill andoleander Roman gentlemen in pleas ¬

ure boats sailing this lake and country ¬

men in fishing smacks coming down todrop their nets pass each other withnod and shout and laughter or swing-ing


idly at their moorings Oh what abeautiful seene

It seems as If we shall have n quietnight Not a leaf quivered in the airnot a ripple disturbed the face of Gennesaret limit there seems to be a lit ¬

tie excitement up the beach and wehasten to see what it is mind we findit an embarkation From the westernshore a flotilla pushing out not n

squadron of deadly armament norclipper with valuable merchandise norpiratic vessels ready to destroy every ¬

thing they could seie limit a flotillabearing messengers of light antI lifeand peace Christ is in the stern ofthe boat His disciples are in the bowand amidships Jesus weary withmuch speaking to large multitudes isjut into somnolence by the rocking oftime waves If there was any motion At

all the ship was easily righted if thevind passed from starboard to lar ¬

board or from larboard to starboardthe boat would rock and by the gllllIetless of the motion putting the blasterpili9wthink no sooner Is Christ prostrate nnilills head touched the pillow than He issound asleep The breezes of the lakerun their lingers through time locks ofthe worn sleeper and the boat risesand falls like a sleeping child on thebosom of a sleeping mother

Calm night starry night beautifulnight Jinn up nil the sails ply mill theoars and let the large boat munch thesmall boat glide over gentle Genncsaret But the sailors say there isgoing to be a change of weather Mideven the passengers can hear the moan ¬

ing of the storm as it comes on withgreat stride and all the terrors of hur ¬

ricane and darkness The large boattrembles like a deer at bay among time

clangor of the hounds great patches offoam arc flung into the air the sails ofthe vessel loosen and in the strongwind crack like pistols the smallerboats like petrels poise on the cliffsof the waves and then plunge Over¬

board go cargo tackling and mastsand the drenched disciples rush into theback part of the boat and lay hold ofChrist and say unto Him Mastercaret Thou not that we perish

That great personage lifts His headfrom the pillow of the fishermanscoat walks to tile front of the vesselanti looks out into the storm Allaround Him are the smaller boatsdriven in the tempest anti through itIcomes the cry of drowning men Bythe flash of the lightning I see thecalm brow of Christ as the spraydropped from Ills heard He has oneword for the sky and another for thewaves Looking upward He criesPlace Looking Ubwnward He

says Be still ThV waves fall flaton their faces the loam melts the ex¬

tinguished stars relicbt their torchesThe tempest falls steadamid Christstands with His fookm the neck ofthe storm And while the sailors arebtling out the boats and while theyare trying to untangle the cordagethe disciples stand in amazement nowlooking into the calm sea then intothe calm sky then into time calmSaviours countenance mind they cryout What manner of man is thisthat even time winds anti the sea obeyHim

The subject in time first place Im ¬

presses me with the fact that it isvery important to have Christ in theship for nil those boats would havegone to the bottom of Oennesaret ifChrist had not been present Ohwhat a lesson for you anti for me tolearn Whatever voyage we undertake into whatever enterprise westart let us always have Christ in theship AH you can do with utmosttension of body mind and soul yonare bound to do hut oh have Christin every enterprise

There are men who ask Gods helpat the beginning of great enterprisesHe has been with them in the pastno trouble can overthrow them thestorms might come down from thetopof Mount Hermon and lash Gennesaret into foani anti into agonybut it could not hurt them But hereis another man who starts out inworldly enterprise and he dependsupon the uncertainties of this lifeHe has no God to help him Afterawhile the storm comes tosses off themasts of the ship he puts out his life ¬

boat and the long boat the sheriffand the auctioneer try to help himoff they cant help him off he mustgo down no Christ in the ship Yourlife will be made up of sunshine andshadows There may be in it arcticblasts or tropical tornadoes I knownot what is before you lout I know Ifyou have Christ with you nil shall bewell You may seem to get nlongwithout the religion of Christ while

mi- i 1 ri cV



everything goes smoothly but afterawhile when sorrow hovers over thesoul when the waves of trial dashclear over the hurricane deck and thedecks ate eroded with piratical dis ¬

astersohwhat would you do thenwithout Christ in time ship Takeloch for your portion God for yourguide God for your help then nil iswell nil is wen for a time nil shallbe well forever Blessed is that manwho puts in the Lord his trust HesummIt never be confounded

limit my subject also impresses mewith the fact that when people startto follow Christ they must not expectsmooth sailing These disciples gotinto time small boats and I have nodoubt they said What n beautifulday this is How delightful is sailingin this haunt And as for the wavesunder the keel of the boat why theyonly make the motion of tour littlelioat tin more delightful limit whenthe winds swept down and the semi

was tossed into wrath then theyfound that following Christ was notsmooth sailing So you have foundit so I have found it

lid yon ever notice the end of thelife of tIme apostles of Jesus ChristYou would say if ever men ought tiihave had n smooth life n smooth de ¬

Pirt mire tIll those men the disciplesnf lesus Christ ought to liaise hind

such a departure and such a life Stlames lost his head St 1hilip washung to death on a pillar St Mat ¬

thew unit his life dashed out with nhalbert St Mark wits dragged todeath through the streets St lamesthe Less was beaten to death with afullers club St Thomas was struckthrough with a spear ihmeydid notfind following Christ smooth sailingOh how they were all tossed in thetempest John Hnss in a fire HughMcKail in the hour of martyrdomthe Albigenscs the Waldense theScotch Covenanters did they find itsmooth sailing limit why go intohistory when we can draw fciini ourown memory illustrations of tlmtrnlh-of what I say

A young man in a store trying toserve God while his employer scoffsat Christianity the young men in thesame store antagonistic to the Chris ¬

tian religion teasing him tormentinghim about his religion trying to gethim mad They succeed in gettinghim mad and say Youre a prettyChristian Does that young manfind it smooth sailing when he triesto follow Christ Or you remembera Christian girl Her father despisesthe Christian religion her motherdespises the Christian religion herbrothers nnd sisters scoff at time Chris-tian


religion shim can unruly find n

quiet place in which to say herprayers Did site find it smooth sailingwhen she tried to follow Jesus ChristOh no All who would live the lifeof the Christian religion must sufferpersecution If you do not hitch it inone way you will get it in anotherway But be not disheartened Takecourage You are in a glorious com ¬

panionship God will see you throughall trials and He will deliver you

My subject also impresses me withthe fact that good people sometimesget frightened In the tones of thesedisciples ns they rushed into the backpart offhe boat I find they are fright ¬

ened almost to death TheysayMaster ellrlst Thou nol that we per-


They had no reason to befrightened for Christ was in the boatI suppose if we hind been there wewould have been just ns much af¬

frighted Perhaps more In all agesvery good people ret very much affi lhtrK ItMiT nftcn solo olir dayand men say Why look nt the hadlectures Look nt the various errorsgoing over the church of God We aregoing to founder The church is golug to perish She is going flowntJi how many good people are af¬

frighted by iniquity in our day andthink the cnurch of Jesus Christ isgoing to be overthrown anti are justas much affrighted ns were the dis ¬

ciples of my text Dont wory dontfret as though iniquity were going totriumph over righteousness A liongoes into n cavern to sleep He liesdown with his shaggy mane coveringthe paws Meanwhile the spiders spinII web across the mouth of the cavernand say We have captured himGossamei thread after gossamerthread until time whole front of thecavern is covered with the spidersweb and the spideYs say The lionis done the lion is fast After awhilethe lion has got through sleepingHe rouses himself he shakes hismane he walks out into the sunlightlIe does not even know the spidersweb is spun anti with his roar heshakes the mountain So men comespinning their sophistries anti skepti ¬

cism about Jesus Christ He seems tobe sleeping They say We havecaptured the Lord He will nevercome forth again upon the nationChrist is overcome forever His re¬

ligion will never make any conquestamong men Hut mutter awhile theLion of the tribe of Juilah will rouseHimself anti conic forth to shakemightily the nations Whats a spi ¬

tiers web to the aroused lion Givetruth and error a fair grapple andtruth will conic oil victor

limit there are a great mnnygood peo ¬

pie who get affrighted III other re-


They are affrighted about re ¬

vivals They say Oh this is a strongreligious gale We are afraid thechurch of God is going to be upset andthere are going to be a great ninnypeople brought into tIme church thatare going to be of no use to it Antithey are affrighted whenever they te-n revival taking hold of the churchesAs though a ship captain with 5001bushels of wheat for a cargo shouldsay some day coming lipon deckThrow overboard nil the cargo and

the sailors should say Why caltnin what do you mean Throw overall the cargo Obsays the captain

we have a peck of chaff that has gotinto this 5000 bushels of wheat andthe only way to get rid of time chaff is tothrow all the wheat ovcrboanlJ sowthat is a great deal wiser than the talkof n great many Christians who wantto throw overboard all time thousandsand tens of thousands of souls who arethe subjects of revivals Throw alloverboard because they are broughtinto the kingdom of God through greatrevivals because there is a peck ofchaff a quart of chaff a pint of chaffI say let them stay until the last dayThe Lord will divide the chaff from thewheatDo not be afraid of a great revivalOh that such gales from Heaven mightsweep through all our churches Ohfor such daysns 1iicharhIJaxterenw inEngland and Robert McCheyne saw inDundee Oh for such dtays as Jona-than


Edwards saw in NorthamptonI have often heard1 my father tell of thefact that in the early part of the cen-


there broke out a revival at Somerville N J and some people werevery much agitated about it Theysaid You are golpg to bring toomany people into the church at onceanti theysent down toNewBrnnswIck toget John Livingston to stop the revivalWell there was no better soul in alltime world than John Livingston Hewent dud looked at the revival They



wanted him to stop it He stooftln titpulpit on the Lords day and lookedover the solemn auditory and he said

This brethren is in reality the workof God Beware bow on stop it Andhe was an old man leaning heavily onhis tafTa very old man And helifted that staff and took hold of thel1Ialllndof that stall andbegan to let

it fall slowly through between the fin ¬

Ohithollfalling from life falling away fromplace anti Heaven falling as certainlyas that cane is falling through mjhand falling certainly though perhaps falling slowlyl Anti the cankept on falling through John Living ¬

stouts hand The religions emotion irtIme audience was overpowering antmen saw n type of their doom as thtcane kept falling anil falling until tinknobof thcanr struck Air Livingslons hand anti he clasped it stoutlvnail mid But the grace of Iocr canstop you as I stopped that cane andthen there was gladness all througlthe house at the fact of pardon ampeace and salvation Well said thepeople after the service J gues yam

had better send livingson home IIis making the revival worse Oh foigales from Heaven to uss emp nil the con-

tinents The danger of the church olGod isnnt in revivals

Again my subject impressed iniwith the fact that Jesus was God anftmoan in the same liming11cr He Isiirthe back part of the boat Oh liontired lie looks What sad dreams Himust have Look nt Ilk countenancelie nitis be thinking of till cross tocome Look at Him He is a manhone of our bone flesh of our fleshTired lie falls asleep He is n manBut then I find Christ nt the prow nlthe boat I hear Him say Peace Instill anti I see the storm kneeling atilk feet and the tempests foldingtheir wings in Ills presence lie Is rGod If I have sorrow anti troubhantI want sympathy I go anti kneedown nt time back part of time boat andsay 0 Christ weary One of Gtnnesaret sympathic with nIl my sorrow Man of Nazareth Man of theCross A Man a Maui But if I

want to conquer my spiritual fors PI want to get the victory over sindeath anti hell I come to the front othe iHiat and I kneel down anti I sayV0 Lord Jesus Christ Thou who elitist

hush the tempest hush all my griefhush all my temptation hush nil my

sinIlearn once more from this subjec

that Christ can hush a tempest Itdid seem as if everything must go ttruin The disciples had given up tinidea of managing the ship time crewwere entirely demoralized t Christrises nnd tlm storm crfllllhe at nitfeet Oh yes Christ can hush thetempest You have had trouble Perhaps it was the little child takeraway from ollthe sweetest child ofthe household the one who asked thrmost curious questions anti stoodaround you with the greatest fondness and the spade emit down throughyour bleeding heart Perhaps it waian only son nnd your heart has eveisince Ierlllikn desolated castle tinowls of the night hooting among nIlfallen arches anti crunbling stairways Or nil your property sweptaway you said I had no much bankstock I had ro ninny government se ¬

curities I hind so many houses I hadso many fnrron1l gone nil goneWhy sir all jthe storms that evertrampled with heir thunders all theshipwrecks hnv not been worse tharthis to you Ye t you have not beercompletely overthrown Why Chrissays I have that little one in mykeeping I can care for him as wellas you can better than you can 0 be-

reaved motherli Hushing the tent ¬

pest When your property went awayGod said There are treasures inHeaven in intake that never breakJesus hushing the tempestV

There is one storm into which wewill mull have to run The momentwhen we let go of this world and tryto take hold of the next we will wantill the grace possible Yonder hseea Christian soul rocking on time surgesof death All time powers of darknessseem let out against that soul theswirling wave till thunder of the skytile shriek of the wind all seem tounite together Rut that soul is nottroubled There is no sighing thereare no tears plentyof tears in theroom at the departure but he weepsno tears calm satisfied and peace ¬

huhmmli is well By time flash of thestorm you see the harbor just aheadand you are making for that harborAll shall be welt Jesus being ouriiiiotInto the harbor of Heaven now wo glide

Were home at last home ut lastSoftly we drift on the bright sllvry tide

Were home at lastOlorj to tott all our idinscrs are o> rWe stand secure on the stormed choreGlory to God we will shout evermore

Were home at last


Col P W Parker tltresr IllinoisConismiM of Mntlirrn al-

I vnntanCol F W Iarkcr criticised time par¬

ents for demanding monthly reportcards train the public schools in hisaddress What Mothers Can Do forEducation tieforr time Illinois congress of mothers at Kvanston theother day Col Parker also advocntelgreater freedom for a child in select ¬

ing the studies to be pursued anilcriticised the system of useless tire¬

some work along lutes which have uointerest fur thr child

Col 1nrker saiilIt is torture anil n crime to make

small children sit for a long time per¬

fectly stilt The schoolroom is toosolemn A good laugh is one of thebest aids to education Still artier isonly desirable in rare moments gooilorder always being somewhat noisyChildren mire made to report whetherthey whisper whether they smile anilalmost whether they have n happythought You never know your childuntil you see it with other childrenThere are infinite possibilities in hu ¬

man development Give time childrenmanual trimming from the kindergar ¬

ten to time college and you will daGods work You should go into thehomes of sonic of the poor neglectedrich where the children have no workto do when they come home fromschool If the womens clubs take upthe school question and insist uponhaving intelligent heads to the schoolsmind teachers the politician would re¬

tire from viewHardly Repentant

Farmer Hay rake Gosh Heres aletter frum that greengoods fellerwhat sent me home with a satchel full

sawdustMrsDear me Does he re ¬

ventFarmer Hayrake Waal he says

here that he thinks one o his diamondstuds dropped outer his shirt and interthe sawdust while packing but if Illreturn it ter wnnst he wont prosecuteand no questions will br asked Judge

Time ministers of St Paul have approval n project of making billiard



iis c


All Communication Cut Off Fromthe Capital of China

Ten Thonpan Soldiers and MarineWill Ilr Sent to Pekln lo flack

Ill the Demand of the Forclan Mlnlntrrn There

London June 11Time Daily Mailhas time following from Tien Fainilatcil Friday June 8 The wildestrumors arc current lucre to tIme effectthat Pckin is burning but they lackconfirmation

Trouble has broken out at NewChwang The state of anarchy aroundPekin is likely to be imitated in manyquarters Asiatic artillery has beenordered front Hong Kong to FleaTsin

The admirals at Taku acting inconcert are forcibly reopening therailway from Tien Tsiu to PekinGangs of laborers are repairing thedamaged line which is guarded by1300 men composed of detachmentsfrom time foreign fleet One hundredAmericans under Capt McCalla areamong them They have guns andarmored trains for use when time lineis repaired

Ten thousand troops of nil nation ¬

alities n coord in to a dispatch to timeDaily Express train Shanghai will liesent to Pekin to hack np the demandsof tIme ministers upon time govern ¬

uncut or if necessary to suppress theI5oxers themselves

The American mission buildings atfang Chan 12 miles front Pckinwhich were abandoned by the mis ¬

sionaries have liecn looted anti burn ¬

ed by the Chinese soldiery who weresent to protect them Within threedays 75 native Christians well knownmen who humid been trained for yearsby American missionaries have beenmassacred near Tung lion Many ofthem were burned alive

Shanghai June 7In consequenceof the representations of Japan thelanding of a large Kussiau force atTaku is alle eil to have been stoppedIt is believed here that should Ibis ¬

sin persist in sending a preponderat ¬

jog military force to the front a col ¬

lision with Japan will inevitably re¬

suitTien Fain June 9It is reported

from Chinese official sources that I

000 Boxers snrroundril 1500 Chinesetroops between Lofa anti Yang PastaThitiEilay anti according to the latestnews fighting was still going on Fri ¬

day morningWashington June 9The follow ¬

big cablegram was received at thenavy department Friday afternoon

Tong Ku June 8 1900 June 3rdlanded forces to protect American in ¬

crests with consent China fiftysixPekin rest Tien Tsin Nations sentforce both cities no injury so farBritish Russian Chinese admiralsanti twenty warships here Cropslikely to fail causing probably moretrouble in the near future Ourlanding force under McCalla June 3

situation most critical Russian forcebegan lighting landed fifty monmen have requested Helena be sentimmediately to protect interests orseveral vessels like her Considerbattalion marines necessary Needgunboat as base iusiile Tune C lienFain lekin railway cut Will act con ¬

cert naval forces other powers pro¬

tect interests if necessary Meetingforeign senior naval officers todayPresent English Trench GermanAustrian Italian Japanese anti Amer ¬

ican arrange for combined action toprotect life antI property if requiredNine hundred men ashore 25 war¬

ships lucre KEMFFFlien Tsin June 8In view of the

conclusive confirmation of imperialconnivance in time Boxer movementfurnished by an mullet published toclay denouncing Gen NiehSiChongfor killing some of the rioters thestrongest possible action of the vow ¬

ers it is asserted here can aloneremedy the situation which has as¬

sumed time gravest aspect The milletis couched in such terms that itleaves no doubt of th deep sympathyof the throne with time Boxers whoare described as good citizens Be-sides denouncing Gen Nieh for kill ¬

big the Boxers time edict orders himto return with his troops to LoopaiSO miles from time scene of time thisturbances It is claimed lucre thatthe first step of the powers for thepreservation of foreign life and prop¬

erty ought to be tIme assumption olcontrol of the railroad to Pekin

Washington June 1OAdm Rcmejinforms the navy department that thegunboat Nashville With a force olmarines aboard left Cavite for TakuSite is a light draft gunboat of thesame type as time Helena anti it is

presumed that slue is sent in placeof the latter The Monocacy atShanghai also has been ordered tojoin Adm KempfT nt Taku

Shanghai June 10A dispatchfront Flea Tsin dated Friday June 8says 500 Russian troops are about tcmini there Tlie dispatch adds thatFung Chow has been burned but thatthe missionaries are safe

Dedicated nt LastWest Point N Y June 11The

dedication of the new Catholic churchat West Point over which there linebeen munch controversy during thepast three years took place SundayThe dedicatory sermon was by RevGeorge Dcsbon

Dr Pnnl CHiler DeadSulTcrn N Y June 11Dr Paul

Gilder head of a sanitarium at Suitfern anti of time Pasteur institute oiNew York city tiled at midnight fromthe effects of injuries received in arunaway earlier in time evening

Ilnnnnet In HavanaHavana June lllhe banquet

given by the executive committee olthe Spanish casino to the captain andollicers of the Argentine training shipPresidrnte Sarmiento was a greatsuccess causing much enthusiasm-

I among the Spaniards

National Negro llu liie LeagueTuskagec Ala June 11After con ¬

suiting with substantial colored menin all parts of the country Hooker TWashington of Tuskagee Ala hasdecided to assist in the organizationof a national Negro business league

Worlds Temperance ConicreLondon June 9The worlds tern

peranic congress will open in Londonnext Monday under the presidency oltIme archbishop of Canterbury whowill deliver an address antI who onthe following Thursday will entertainthe members

Ratification Time ExtendedWashington June 9 Secretary

Hay and Lord Pauncefote signed aprotocol extending until March 4

next the period of time allowed forhue ratification of tIme reciprocity

treaty with Barbadoes


5 b


t L


Renator Green Opinion if the Serv ¬

Ices Held In an EpiscopalChurch

Senator Beaton of Missouri one of themoit conspicuous figures of the century ineither house of congress had a formidableantagonist in Senator James Stephen GreenCongressman Hitt the ChicagoChronicle relates this anecaote of the twogladiatorsVSenator Green was not a mansplendid genius but of charming mannerHe boarded at the National hotel where hewas popular with men and women Thelatter found out that the senator was notmuch of a churchgoer and insisted that heshould mend his ways in that regard OneSunday he was lat for dinner The womenackedhimwhy

I have been attending divine worshipreplied tIme senator gravely

To what church did you go senatorasked a woman

I dont know answered the eourtyMissourian I walked up the avenue turnedup Fourth street and entered a church onthe lefthand side Thus was an kpiscoialchurch

How did you like the services askedanother woman

It appeared to me answered the sea¬

atom that there was too much reading cf thejournal and too little debate

Sambo and the FreshmanAn American writer tells a good story of

his college day It relates to a negro sac ¬

dener a fellow with whom the boysued to have considerable snort Sometimeshe would floor them with his repartefe

One day in spring Samba had been burningthe college green in order to get rid of theold withertd grass Afreshmanramealongand thinking to have some fun shouted

Say there Sambo you bJght not to barn v

that stuffWhy inquired SambaBecause replied the freshman itTI

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It was at a wedding and as thesoontobtwedded down the aisle of thelittle church embarrassment was plainlywritten on the face of both but when in re¬

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