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43 Web viewПеречень оценочных материалови оцениваемых результатов обучения с указанием этапов их

Jan 30, 2021



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1. Перечень оценочных материалови оцениваемых результатов обучения с указанием этапов их формирования в процессе освоения образовательной программы в рамках учебной дисциплины

Оценочные материалы предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений, уровня сформированности элементов компетенций обучающихся, осваивающих программу данной учебной дисциплины.

Оценочные материалы для проведения текущего контроля по дисциплине, в том числе – внутрисеместровой аттестации, представлены в форме заданий для контрольной работы, вопросов для коллоквиума, реферата, для промежуточной аттестации – в форме вопросов и заданий к экзамену.Перечень компетенций и их структура (знать, уметь, владеть) в виде таксономии педагогических целей содержатся в разделе 6 «Планируемые результаты обучения по дисциплине» рабочей программы дисциплины.

Показателями оценивания элементов компетенций являются наиболее значимые знания, умения и владения, которые формирует данная дисциплина.

1. Критерии и шкалы для интегрированной оценки уровня сформированности элементов компетенций










Отсутствие знаний теоретического материала, либо уровень знаний ниже минимальных требований.

Невозможность оценить полноту знаний вследствие отказа от ответа.

Имели место грубые ошибки.

Минимально допустимый уровень знаний.

Допущено много негрубых ошибок.

Уровень знаний в объеме, соответствующем программе подготовки.

Допущено несколько негрубых, несущественных ошибок

Уровень знаний в объеме, соответствующем, либо превышающем программу подготовки.

Без ошибок.

Наличие умений

Отсутствие минимальных умений.

Невозможность оценить наличие умений вследствие отказа от ответа.

При решении стандартных задач не продемонстрированы основные умения.

Имели место грубые ошибки.

Продемонстрированы основные умения.

Решены типовые задачи с негрубыми ошибками.

Выполнены все задания, в полном объеме, но некоторые с недочетами.

Продемонстриро ваны все основные умения. Решены все основные задачи с негрубыми ошибками.

Выполнены все задания, в полном объеме, но некоторые с недочетами.

Продемонстриро ваны все основные умения.

Решены все основные задачи с отдельными несущественным недочетами.

Выполнены все задания в полном объеме.

Решены все основные задачи. Выполнены все задания, в полном объеме без недочетов

Наличие навыков

(владение опытом)

Отсутствие владения материалом.

Невозможность оценить наличие навыков вследствие отказа от ответа

При решении стандартных задач не продемонстрир ованы базовые навыки.

Имели место грубые ошибки.

Имеется минимальный набор навыков для решения стандартных задач с некоторыми недочетами

Продемонстриро ваны базовые навыки при решении стандартных задач с некоторыми недочетами

Продемонстриро ваны базовые навыки при решении стандартных задач без ошибок и недочетов.

Продемонстриро ваны навыки при решении нестандартных задач без ошибок и недочетов.

Продемонстрирован творческий подход к решению нестандартных задач

Паспорт оценочных материалов по дисциплине


Элементы оцениваемых компетенций и дескрипторы (показатели достижения результата) приведены в разделе 6 рабочей программы дисциплины.

Код контролируемой компетенции

Оценочные средства


Коллоквиум, собеседование, презентация


Реферат, презентация, контрольная работа 1.


Собеседование, коллоквиум, круглый стол.


Реферат, презентация,круглый стол.


Реферат,коллоквиум, контрольная работа 2.

2. Типовые оценочные материалы для оценки знаний, умений, владений в ходе текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации, характеризующие уровень сформированности элементов компетенций

3.1. Оценочные материалы для текущего контроля

3.1.1. Комплект заданий для контрольной работы

Раздел 1 Лексикология как лингвистическая дисциплина

Вариант 1

1. Lexicology is a brunch of linguistics which deals with …

a) The various means of expressing grammatical relations between words and with

the patterns after which words are combined into word-groups and sentences

b) the outer sound form of the word

c) Lexical units and the vocabulary of a language

d) the study of the nature, functions and structure of stylistic devices and with the investigation of each style of language

2. What is Special Lexicology?

a) It is the lexicology of any language

b) It is the lexicology of a particular language

3. Synchronic lexicology deals with …

a) the change and development of vocabulary in the course of time

b) vocabulary at a given stage of language development, usually at the present time.

4. The word has …

a) phonological and semantic aspects

b) phonological and syntactic aspects

c) phonological, semantic, syntactic aspects

5. By external structure of the word we mean…

a) its meaning

b) its morphological structure

6. Which branch of lexicology deals with the meaning of words and other linguistic units?

a) Onomasiology

b) Semasiology

c) Lexical Morphology

7. Which of the two main approaches to lexical meaning studies the connection between words and things or concepts they denote?

a) the referential approach

b) the functional approach

8. The content plane of the word includes….

a) lexical meaning

b) lexical and grammatical meaning

9. Lexical meaning is …

a) general, standard

b) individual, unique

10. Two or more words identical in sound-form but different in meaning, distribution and (in many cases) origin are …

a) antonyms

b) homonyms

c) paronyms

Критерии оценки:

Максимальный бал за каждый пункт теста – 2 балла. Безошибочное выполнение пункта – 2 балла. 1-3 ошибки – 1 балл. Более 3 ошибок – 0 баллов.

Шкала оценивания:









Раздел II. Проблема лексического значения.

Вариант 1

1. By their graphic and sound-form there may be …

a) full and partial homonyms

b) grammatical, lexical and lexico-grammatical homonyms

c) perfect homonyms,homophones and homographs

2. Homophones are …

a) identical in spelling but different in sound-form

b) identical in sound-form but different in spelling

3. Different meanings of a polysemantic word develop into …

a) homonymous words

b) in the case of divergent meaning development

c) in the case of convergent sound development

Задание 2. Find pairs of antonyms among the following words:

Malice, deep, ugly, rage, good, shallow, handsome, gentle, autonomous, impetuous, dependent, slow, assurance, uncertainty

Задание 3. Find in the dictionary not less than three different meanings of the following words: Key, spring, turn, right, drop

Задание 4. Look through synonymic dictionaries and prove that the rows of words given below are synonyms.

1. Fear – terror – horror . 2. To cry –to weep – to sob. 3. To walk –to trot – to stroll. 4. To stare – to gaze – to glare

Задание 5. Find in Russian the equivalents for the following metaphors:

Carpet of snow, brazen head, lion share, old salt, monkey business

Вариант 2

1. By their graphic and sound-form there may be …

d) full and partial homonyms

e) grammatical, lexical and lexico-grammatical homonyms

f) perfect homonyms,homophones and homographs

2. Homophones are …

c) identical in spelling but different in sound-form

d) identical in sound-form but different in spelling

3. Different meanings of a polysemantic word develop into …

d) homonymous words

e) in the case of divergent meaning development

f) in the case of convergent sound development

Задание 2.Find pairs of antonyms in the following words :

Wide, poor, educated, kindness, clean, malice, shabby, narrow, delicious, illiterate, disgusting, soft, rich, rigid.

Задание 3. Find in the dictionary not less than three different meanings of the following words: Order, point, flat, left, rise.

Задание 4. Look through synonymic dictionaries and prove that the rows of words given below are synonyms: To shout – to yell – to roar. 2. Angry – furious – enraged. 3. Alone –solitary –lonely. 4. To shudder –to shiver – to tremble.

Задание 5. Find in Russian the equivalents for the following metaphors: Whispering leaves, land of milk and honey, brainwashing, golden rule, golden mine.

Критерии оценки:

Максимальный бал за каждый пункт – 2 балла. Безошибочное выполнение пункта – 2 балла. 1-3 ошибки – 1 балл. Более 3 ошибок – 0 баллов.

Шкала оценивания:









Раздел III. Словообразование.

Вариант 1

1. Word-formation …

a) deals with segmentation of words into morphemes

b) is an autonomous language mechanism which is used to make new words

2. The morphemes which may occur alone and coincide with word-forms or immutable words are …

a) bound morphemes

b) free morphemes

3. Affixation consists in …

a) putting two stems together

b) adding an affix to a stem

4. A non-affixal type of word-building is …

a) Compounding

b) Conversion

5. Derivational stem (base) and derivational affix into which the derived word is segmented are …

a) immediate meaningful constituents

b) ultimate constituents

6. The meaning of a compound is derived from …

a) the structural meaning of its pattern

b) the lexical meanings of its immediate constituents and from the structural meaning of its pattern

c) the lexical meanings of its immediate constituents.

Задание 2.Explain the etymology and productivity of the affixes given below.

-ness, -ous, -ly, -y, -dom, -ish, -tion,-ed, -en, -ess

Задание 3.Deduce the meaning of the following derivatives from the meaning of their constituents.

- reddish, adj.; overwrite, v.; irregular, adj.;illegal, adj.; retype, v.; old-womanish, adj.;

Задание 4.Explain the semantic correlations within the following pairs of words.

Shelter – to shelter, park – to park, groom – to groom, elbow – to elbow, breakfast – to breakfast.

Задание 5.Arrange the compounds into two groups: A. Idiomatic. B. Non – idiomatic.

Критерии оценки:

Максимальный бал за каждый пункт – 2 балла. Безошибочное выполнение пункта – 2 балла. 1-3 ошибки – 1 балл. Более 3 ошибок – 0 баллов.

Шкала оценивания:









3.1.2. Вопросы для коллоквиума

Раздел 1 Лексикология как лингвистическая дисциплина

1. What is the object of lexicology?

2. Give the definition of the “word”.

3. What are the main branches of Lexicology?

4. What does general lexicology study?

5. What does special lexicology study?

6. What does contrastive lexicology study?

Раздел II. Проблема лексического значения

1. What is understood by “semantics”? Explain the term “polysemy”. Illustrate your answer with the examples.

1. What are the two levels of analysis in investigating the semantic structure of a word?

1. What types of semantic components can be distinguished within the meaning of a word?

1. What is one of the most promising methods for investigating the semantic structure of a word? What is understood by collocability (combinability)?

1. What causes the development of new meanings? Give examples.

What is the basis of development or change of meaning? Explain what we mean by the term transference.

1. What types of transference can you name? Give examples.

1. What do the widening and narrowing of the meaning mean?

Раздел III. Словообразование.

1. What are the main ways of enriching the English vocabulary?

2. What are the principle productive ways of word- building in English?

3. What do we mean by derivation?

4. What do we mean by derivation?

5. What is the difference between frequency and productivity of affixes?

Give examples of your own to show that affixes have meanings.

6. What features of Modern English have produced the high productivity of conversion? What categories of parts of speech are especially affected by conversion?

7. What is understood by composition? What do we call words made by this type of word- building?

8. Into what groups and subgroups can compounds be subdivided structurally? Give examples.

9. Which types of composition are productive in Modern English? How can this be demonstrated?

10. What are the criteria for distinguishing between a compound and a word-combination?

11. What are the two processes of making shortenings? Explain the productivity of this way of word-building and stylistic characteristics of shortened words. Give examples.

12. What minor processes of word-building do you know? Describe them and illustrate your answer with examples.

Раздел IV. Фразеология

1. What are the definitions of phraseological unit?

2. Are there differences between idioms and free word-groups?

3. Can you analyze grammatical invariability of phraseological units?

4. What is the difference between proverbs and phraseological units?

5. What linguists (in Russia and abroad) contributed most in English Phraseology?

6. Speak on the semantic classification of the idioms.

7. Describe the structural organization of the English idioms.

Раздел V. Этимология

1. Explain the reasons of immense number of foreign origin words in English.

1. What is the earliest group of English borrowings? Date it.

1. What Celtic borrowings are there in English? Date them.

1. Which words were introduced into English vocabulary during the period of Christianization?

1. What are the characteristic features of Scandinavian borrowings?

1. What are the characteristic features of words borrowed into English during the Renaissance?

1. What suffixes and prefixes can help you to recognize words of Latin and French origin?

1. Why are words borrowed and which conditions stimulate the borrowing process?

1. What stages of assimilation do borrowings go through?

1. In what spheres of communication do international words frequently occur?

1. What do we understand by etymological doublets?

1. What are the characteristic features of translation loans?

Критерии оценки:

“отлично” – студент демонстрирует при наличии четкое понимание методологии и содержания лексикологии английского языка, а также различных подходов и научных взглядов, умение применять теоретические знания на практике;

“хорошо” – студент демонстрирует четкое понимание проблем и содержания теории лексикологии английского языка, но затрудняется проследить ее функционирование на практических примерах;

“удовлетворительно” – студент демонстрирует знание основ теории лексикологии английского языка;

“неудовлетворительно” - студент демонстрирует отсутствие знаний, отражающих основное содержание дисциплины, а также неумение применить и прокомментировать их на конкретных примерах

Шкала оценивания:









3.1.3. Тематика рефератов

1.The word as a unit of language in the works of modern scientists.

2.The concept of the word meaning. Types of Meanings.

3.The problem of classical borrowings in the English language and their classification.

4.French borrowings in English and the problems of lexical assimilation.

5.The process of abbreviation and its features in the English language.

6.Features of abbreviation as a way of word formation in the English language and their functioning.

7.Features of the nomination process in the English language and the use of language education.

8.Conversion as a way of word formation in the English language.

9.Features of word composition as a productive way of word formation in the English language.

10.Synonymy and antonymy in the English language.

Критерии оценки

1.Оценка 5 ставится, если выполнены все требования к написанию и защите реферата: обозначенапроблема и обоснована её актуальность, сделан краткий анализ различных точек зрения нарассматриваемую проблему и логично изложена собственная позиция, сформулированы выводы,тема раскрыта полностью, выдержан объём, соблюдены требования к внешнему оформлению, даныправильные ответы на дополнительные вопросы.

Оценка 4 – основные требования к реферату и его защите выполнены, но при этом допущены

недочёты. В частности, имеются неточности в изложении материала; отсутствует логическая

последовательность в суждениях; не выдержан объём реферата; имеются упущения в оформлении;на дополнительные вопросы при защите даны неполные ответы.

Оценка 3 – имеются существенные отступления от требований к реферированию. В частности: темаосвещена лишь частично; допущены фактические ошибки в содержа-

нии реферата или при ответе на дополнительные вопросы; во время защиты отсутствует вывод.

Оценка 2 – тема реферата не раскрыта, обнаруживается существенное непонимание проблемы.

Оценка 1 – реферат выпускником не представлен.

Шкала оценивания:









3.1.4. Темы презентаций

1. The Main Lexicological Problems

2. Stylistically marked words in each particular situation of communication.

3. Situationsin wich informal words are used.

4. the main kinds of informal words.

5. Types of learned words.

6. The principal characteristics of archaic words.

7. The controversial problems connected with professional terminology.

8. English vocabulary contains an immense number of words of foreign origin.

9. Celtic borrowings are in English.

10. The earliest group of English borrowings.

11. The characteristic features of Scandinavian borrowings

12. The native element of English vocabulary.

13. Semantics of Affixes.

14. Non-Productive Affixes.

15. Some Native Suffixes.

16. Conversion.

17. Semi-Affixes in modern English.

18. Shortening (Contraction) in modern English.

19. Some of the Minor Types of Modern Word-Building. SoundImitation.

20. Polysemy. Semantic Structure of the Word.

21. Meaning and Context.

22. Causes of Development of New Meanings

23. The Process of Development and Change of Meaning.

24. Expressive means of the language.

25. The classification of homonyms suggested by Professor A. I. Smirnitsky.

26. Phraseology: Word-Groups with Transferred Meanings.

Балльное выражение оценки презентации

Критерии оценки компонентов презентации

Баллы (максимальное количество при полной выраженности критерия

Структура презентации


Правильное оформление титульного листа



Наличие понятной навигации



Отмечены информационные ресурсы



Логическая последовательность информации на слайдах


Оформление презентации


Единый стиль оформления



Использование на слайдах разного рода объектов



Текст легко читается, фон сочетается текстом и графическими файлами



Использование анимационных объектов



Правильность изложения текста



Использование объектов, сделанных в других программах


Содержание презентации


Сформулированы проблема и её посылы, раскрыты обстоятельства её проявления, определяющие актуальность рассмотрения вопроса.



Понятны задачи, логика и общий алгоритм рассмотрения раскрываемых вопросов



Достаточная ёмкость, содержательность и убедительность представляемого материала



Не перегруженность представляемого материала второстепенными данными и сведениями



Сделаны ясные для восприятия выводы (заключения)



Представленный материал и выводы соответствуют поставленной цели


Эффект презентации


Гармоничное дополнение устного выступления и общее впечатление от просмотра презентации


Сумма баллов


Шкала оценивания:









3.1.5. Итоговый тест

Вариант 1.

1. Choose the correct item

1. Lexicology is the part of linguistics that studies

a) the grammatical system of a language

b) the vocabulary of a language

c) the phonemic shape of words

d) the history of a language

2. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1.Semasiology is the branch of lexicology that deals with

2.Phraseology studies

3.Etymology investigates

4.Lexicography deals with

a) free word-combinations and phraseological units

b) the study of word meaning

c) the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries

d) The origin and history of a word and its true meaning

3. Choose the correct item

1. Lexicography deals with

a) the word-making process in English

b) the theory and practice of forming dictionaries

c) classification of loan words

d) the etymological background of the English word stock

4. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. By external structure of the word we mean

2. By internal structure of the word we mean

3. semantic studies of the word we mean

4. the word possesses both

a) the word‘s semantic structure. collocations

b) its morphological structure.

c)external unity and semantic unity

d) semantics.collocations

5. Choose the correct item

1. The evolution of vocabulary forms is the object of

a) descriptive lexicology

b) historical lexicology

c) special lexicologycollocations

specialized lexicologycollocations

6. Choose the correct item

1. The main problems in lexicography are connected with

a) selection of words and of head words

b) semantic and functional classification of words

c) principles of definitions

d) polysemy of a word

7. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Lexical system is directly connected with

a) extralinguisticsystems

b) changes in social life

c) the intense development of science and technology

d) Special dictionary

8. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. The referential approach to lexical meaning studies

2. The functional approach to lexical meaning studies

3. The referential model of meaning consists of

4. Semantic investigation deals with

a) the differenc or sameness of meaning.

b) The connection between words and concepts

c) Relationship between lexical units

d) The sound-form, the referent, the concept

9. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Concept is

a) a linguistic category.

b) a unit ofthinking.

c) logical and psychological category,

d) emotionally and stylistically neutral.

10. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1) The word‘s sound form is a fixed sequence of phonemes united by a lexical stress.

2) The word‘s structure is a fixed sequence of morphemes.

3) The word functions as part of the sentence and performs a certain

syntactical function

4) The word functions in different situations and spheres of life

a) Morphology and Word-Formation

b) Stylistics, Socio- and Psycholinguistics.

c) Syntax

d) Phonetics

11. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Denotative meaning is

a) a referential meaning,

b) the basic type of lexical meaning,

c) additional meanings:collocations

e) word‘s reference to the object

12. The following definition «coal, n. a black, hard substance that burns and gives off heat» is an entry from

a) an etymological dictionary

b) an explanatory dictionary

c) a bilingual dictionary

d) a dictionary of borrowings

13. Choose the correct item

1. The root of the word is

a) the basic unit of a language

b) the basic part of a word to which affixes are added

c) a derivational affix

d) grammatical paradigm

14. Fill in the missing word

1. Transfer of the meaning is called …

a) lexico-semantic word-building.

b) extra-longuistic causes.

c) Combinability of the words

d) Different meanings

15. Choose the correct item

1. A paradigm is

a) the system of the lexical meanings of a word

b) the system of the grammatical forms of a word

c) the system of the morphological changes of a word

d) the system of the semantic changes of a word

16. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Lexical and grammatical meanings of the word are interdependent:

a) Lexical meaning affects grammatical meaning:

b) Grammatical meaning affects lexical meaning.

c) Lexical meaning may be grammaticalized,

d) The meaning of a word can also change due to ellipsis:

17. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. Lexical meaning is

2. Grammatical meaning is

3. Lexical meaning affects

4. Grammatical meaning

a) general,standard

b) grammatical meaning

c) individual, unique

d) affects lexical meaning

18. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Metaphor can be based on different types of similarity:

a) similarity of shape

b) similarity of position

c) similarity of function

d) the basis of contiguity

19. Choose the correct item

1. Anallomorphis

a) an affix placed within a word

b) a positional variant of a morpheme

c) an ultimate constituent of a word

d) an association of a given meaning with a given sound

20. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. The material of which an object is made may become the name of the object a glass –стакан

2.similarity of shape: head (of a cabbage)

3. the transfer from a concrete meaning to an abstract one, e.g. journey meantone

day trip, now it means a trip ofany duration

4. case had a general meaning. Now it means a lawsuit, in grammar (a form in the paradigm of a noun).

a) is metaphor

b) is metonymy.

c) is specialization

d) is generalization

21.Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. There are different types of metonymy

a) the material of which an object is made may become the name of the object

b) similarity of function, behaviour

c) names of musical instruments may become names of musicians

d) the name of some person may become a common noun

22. Choose the correct item

1. What is the meaning of the underlined parts of words: monolingual, monosyllable, monologu

b) Many

c) One

d) All

e) Every

23.Fill in the missing word

1. The transfer of the meaning when the speaker uses exaggeration is called ….

a) Degradation

b) Hyperbole

c) Elevation

d) Litotes

24. Choose the correct item

1. inter-, hyper-, pre- are prefixes of.

a) positive meaning

b) Negative meaning

c) Space, degree, time

d) Repetition

25. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. Phraseological units are word-groups…

a) that cannot be made in the process of speech they exist in the language as ready-made units.

b) extra-linguistic and linguistic

c) That express a single notion and are used in a sentence as one part of it.

d) That are called idioms.

26. Choose the correct item

1. Suffix –er is

a) non-productive and active

b) most productive and active

c) active

d) non-productive

27. Fill in the missing word

1. American and British lexicographers call Phraseological units …

a) word-building

b) international words

c) borrowed words

d) idioms

28. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. Phraseological units can be classified according

a) to the ways they are formed

b) to the extra-linguistic and linguistic factors

c) to the type of affixes

d) to the degree of motivation of their meaning

29. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. Pramary phraseological units are

2. Secondary phraseological units are

3. A.V. Koonin classified phraseological units

4. phraseological units can be formed

a) according to the way they are formed

b) formed on the basis of a free word-group

c) formed on the basis of another phraseological unit:

d) by means of alliteration,collocations

30. Fill in the missing word

1. Word-formation is the process of creating …

a) new words

b) lexical homonyms

c) different kinds of dictionaries

d) root-morphemes

31. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1) phraseological units denoting an action are

2) phraseological units denoting a quality are

3) phraseological units denoting an object are

4) phraseological units using prepositins are

a) noun phraseological units

b) adjective phraseological units

c) preposition phraseological units,

d) verb phraseological units

32. According to I.V. Arnold phraseological units can be classified as ….

a) a part of speech

b) two-top units

c) one-top units

d) collocations

33. Choose the correct item

1. Conversion is a word-building process in which words are built

a) by combining parts of two words

b) by means of changing the paradigm of words

c) by adding word-building affixes to stems

d) by joining two or more stems together

34. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. Morphemes

a) Are the smallest indivisible two-facet units composite words are made of

b) form an autonomous subsystem of language units.

c) can occur in speach only as a constituent part of the word

d) are interjection phraseological units

35. Choose the correct item

1. Word composition is a word-building process in which words are built

a) by adding derivational affixes to stems

b) by means of changing the paradig

c) by joining two or more stems

d) by combining affixes of two words

36. Fill in the missing word

1. The clipping is …

a) the result of adding affixes to free stems

b) the result of merging parts of words into one new word

c) the result of reduction of a word to one of its parts

d) the result of subtracting a real or supposed suffix from existing words

37. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. Affixal morphemes carry

2. Functionalaffixes

3. Stylistically markedaffixes are

4. Derivational affixes,

a) build words

b) lexical and grammatical meaning.

c) belong to grammar

d) bookish or scientific

38. Fill in the missing word

1. Sound imitation, reduplication, clipping, abbreviation are …

a) productive ways of word-building

b) principal ways of word-building

c) minor types of word making

d) ways of making up phraselogical units

39. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. Free morphemes

2. Bound morphemes

3. semi-affixes

4. Affixes

a) occur only in combination with other morphemes:

b) may occur alone and coincide with word-forms

c) are always bound.

d) occupy an intermediate position between free and bound:

40. Choose the correct item

1. Shortening is

a) a derived word

b) the smallest meaningful unit

c) Blending

d) a significant subtraction of a word

Ответы. Вариант 1.


































d, 2a, 3b, 4d






1b, 2a,3d, 4c
















a, d






d, 2b, 3a, 4c,
















1b, 2a,3d,4c.



Вариант 2.

1. Choose the correct item

1.The term word denotes

a) the main lexical unit

b) a semantic unit

c) a phonological unit

d) a vocabulary of a language

2. Fill in the missing word

1. ….. lexicology is aimed at establishing language

universals – linguistic phenomena and propeties common to all languages.collocations

a) special

b) general

c) descriptive

d) contrastive

3.Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Lexicology is subdivided into a number of interdependent disciplines:

a) Lexicological Phonetics

b) Set expressions

c) Onimasiology

d)Lexical Morphology

4. Fill in the missing word

1. The ….. is a speech unit used for the purposes of human

communication, materially representing a group of sounds, possessing a meaning,

susceptible to grammatical employment and characterized by formal and semantic


a) lexical stress.

b) language system

c) word

d) sequence of morphemes.

5. Choose the correct item

1. Dictionaries of abbreviations, antonyms, proverbs

a) Glossaries

b) special dictionaries

c) general dictionariescollocations

d) etymological dictionariescollocations

6. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. Glossaries are

2. Dictionaries of American English are

3. Dictionaries of abbreviations are

4. Etymological dictionaries are

a) special dictionaries

b) unilingual books that give definitions of terms

c) dictionaries explaining origin of words

d) special dictionaries

7. Fill in the missing word

1. Morphemes are also ….but they cannot be used independently.

a) the basic units of a language

b) the smallest indivisible two-facet language units

c) collocations

d) abbreviations

8. Choose the correct item

1. Pronouncing dictionaries record only

a) Semantic features of words

b) Neologisms

c) Pronunciation

d) Origin of words

9. Fill in the missing word

1. One ….. may be expressed by several synonymous words:

a) meaning

b) definition

c) set expression

d) concept

10. Choose the correct item

1 The selection of lexical units, arrangement and setting of the entries is one of the main problems in.



c) Phraseology

d) Lexicology

11. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

Denotative meaning is

a)a referential meaning,

b)the basic type of lexical meaning,collocations

c)additional meanings:collocations

d)word‘s reference to the object.collocations

12. The following definition «coal, n. a black, hard substance that burns and gives

off heat» is an entry from

e) an etymological dictionary

f) an explanatory dictionary

g) a bilingual dictionary

h) a dictionary of borrowings

13. Fill in the missing word

1. …. meaning includes various additional meanings: emotional,

evaluative intensifying and expressive.

a) Denotative

b) Concept

c) Connotative

d) Demonstrative

14. Choose the correct item

1. Pronouncing dictionaries record only

a) Semantic features of words

b) Pronunciation

c) Neologisms

d) Origin of word

15. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. Pronominal words are

a) he, she

b) wecollocations

c) here, soncollocations

d) theycollocations

16. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. The meaning of situational words depends on

2. Denotative or referential meaning is

3. Connotative meaning includes

4. The referent of proper names is

a) word‘s reference to the object.

b) on the situation and context: here, son, my, this, now.

c) always an individual object or person

d) emotional,evaluative meaning

17. Choose the correct item

1. Semantically morphemes are classified as

a) freemorphemes

b) rootandaffixationalmorphemes

c) semi-freemorphemes

d) semi-boundmorphemes

18. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. The causes of semantic changes can be

2. Specialization is

3. Generalization is

4. Metaphor is

a) a transfer of the meaning on the basis of comparison

b) extra-linguistic and linguistic

c) gradual process when a word passes from a general sphere to some

special sphere of communication

d) the transfer from a concrete meaning to an abstract one

19. Choose the correct item

1. A paradigmis

a) the system of the lexical meanings of a word

b) the system of the grammatical forms of a word

c) the system of the morphological changes of a word

d) the system of the semantic changes of a word

20. Fill in the missing word

1. The transfer of the meaning based on contiguity is called ….

a) metaphor

b) metonymy

c) ellipses

d) Elevation

21. Choose the correct item

1. The words ‘pacifist, innocence, cordial’ have

a) a freestem

b) a boundstem

c) a semi-boundstem

d) a compoundstem

22. Choose the correct item (more than 2 items are possible)

1. WCs are classified into three WCs

a) Lexical combinability

b) The collocations of correlated words

c) Grammatical combinability

d) Grammatical meaning

23. Choose the correct item

1. Which of the following words have derived stems.

a) story-teller, match-box, bookshop

b) beautiful, girlish, activate

c) ask, sit, look

d) chortle, goody-goody, UNO

24. Fill in the missing word

1. The meaning of -scribe in the words transcribe, subscribe, describe, inscribe is …..

a) Write


c) Say

d) Read

25. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

4) Meaning of word combinations is analyzed into

5) Lexical meaning of the word combinations is

6) Polysemantic words are used in word combinations

7) The word-combination is

a) the largest two-facet lexical unit observed on the syntagmatic level of analysis

b) lexical and grammatical

c) the combined lexical meanings of its component words


in one of their meanings:collocations

26. Choose the correct item

1. A prefix is

a) a derivational morpheme following the stem

b) a derivational morpheme preceding the root

c) a common element of words within a word-family

d) an affix placed within the word

27. Fill in the missing word

1. Secondary way of forming phraseological units is …

a) on the basis of a free word-group

b) by means of rhyming

c) shortening of proverbs or sayings

d) by using a sentence in a different sphere of life

28. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. A suffix is

2. A prefix is

3. Functional affixes

4. Functional affixes can be called

a) convey grammatical meaning

b) Endings

c) a derivational morpheme preceding the root

d)a derivational morpheme following the stem

29. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. V.V. Vinogradov pointed out three types of phraseological units

a) one-top units

b) Fusions

c) Unities

d) collocations

30. Choose the correct item

1. Derivational affixes serve

a) to form different words

b) to build different forms of one and the same word

c) to convey grammatical meaning

d) to form only neologisms

31. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. In I.V. Arnold classification of phraseological units there are sentence equivalents:

a) Proverbs

b) Sayings

c) adjective

d) quotations

32. Fill in the missing word

1. Affixation, word-composition and conversion are …

a) minor types of word-building

b) principal and productive ways of forming new words

c) non-productive ways of word-formation

d) morphosyntactically conditioned combinability of words

33. Choose the correct item

1. Affixation is the formation of words

a) by joining two or more stems

b) by adding derivational affixes to stems

c) by combining parts of two words

d) by reducing a word to one of its parts

34. Match the two halves of these sentences (1-4) with (a-d)

1. noun phraseological units are

2. verb phraseological units are

3. adjective phraseological units

4. adverb phraseological units,

a) loose as a goose,dull as lead;

b) with a bump, in the soup;

c) tobreak the log-jam, to get on somebody‘s coattails

d) bullet train, a latchkey child;

35. Choose the correct item

1.Which word-building ways are similar to compounding

a)sound imitation

b) blending and reduplication

c) Conversion

d)back formation

36. Fill in the missing word

1.Blending is

a)the shortening of two words and then compounding them

b) sound and stress interchange

c) back-formation

d) Affixation

37. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. Which word-building type is similar to conversion

a) blending, telescoping

b) adjectivization, adverbialization

c) sound and stress imitation

d) substantivizati

38. Choose the correct item

1. The basic aim of the derivational analysis of the word structure is

a) to point out the number of morphemes

b) to define the degree of derivation of the primary stem

c) to state the derivational pattern of the given word

d) to state the meaning of the word

39. Fill in the missing word

1. Compound words are …

a) class of lexical elements possessing the same lexico-grammatical meaning

b) nouns denoting some feelings and state

c) words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms

d) derivational morphemes standing before the root

40. Choose the correct item (more than 1 item is possible)

1. Productive affixes

a) are used to build new words

b)take part in deriving new words

c)can be easily found among neologisms

d) do not build new words:

Ответы. Вариант 2.












1b, 2a, 3d, 4c
























b, 2c, 3d, 4a.














1b, 2c, 3d, 4a






d, 2c, 3a, 4d

























Критерии оценки:

Максимальный бал за каждый пункт теста – 1 балла. Безошибочное выполнение пункта – 1 балла.

Шкала оценивания:









3.2.Оценочные материалы для промежуточной аттестации

3.2.1. Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Лексикология»

1. The definition of the subject «lexicology»

1. Productive ways of word building in English.

1. Consider your answers to the following.

1. The main lexicological problems.

1. Morphological structure of the English Words. Semantics of Affixes.

1. Lexicology as related to other linguistic sciences.

1. Synonymy. Classification of synonyms.

1. Structural aspects of the word.

1. Lexicology and its connection with other linguistic disciplines.

1. Polysemy as a linguistic phenomena.

1. Classifacation of conversion (converted units).

1. Types of semantic components within the meaning of a word.

1. Types of compounds.

1. Denotative and connotative meaning of the word.

1. The earliest group of English borrowings.

1. Grammatical and lexical meaning.

1. TheetymologyofEnglishlanguage. Celtic borrowings.

1. Lexical meaning of the word and concept.

1. The ways of semantic changes. Narrowing and generalization.

1. The main lexicological problems.

1. Classification of semantic changes.

1. Meaning - stable and changing. Causes of semantic changes.

1. Classification of Antonyms.

1. Metonymy as a way of semantic changes.

1. Types of semantic components.

1. Divergence of meaning. Meaning and polysemy.

1. The etymology of English language. Scandinavian borrowings.

1. Metaphor as a semantic transference.

1. Secondary ways of Semantic Changes. Elevation, Degradation.

1. Main approaches to lexical meaning.

1. Structural types of words.

1. Principles of morphological derivation.

1. Denotative and connotative components of synonyms.

1. Etymological composition of the English vocabulary.

1. Secondary ways of Semantic Changes. Hyperbole.

1. Methods of vocabulary extension.

1. Secondary ways of Semantic Changes. Litotes, Irony

1. Affixation in English: affixes and prefixes.

1. Semantic structure of the word.

1. Критерии оценки:

Оценка «отлично» ставится, если студент строит ответ логично в соответствии с планом, обнаруживает максимально глубокое знание терминов, понятий и теорий. Развернуто аргументирует выдвигаемые положения, приводит убедительные примеры. Демонстрирует знание специальной терминалогии. Речь в полной мере соответствует лексическо-грамматической и стилистической норме устной коммуникации на иностранном языке.

Оценка «хорошо» ставится, если студент строит свой ответ в соответствии с планом. В ответе представлены различные подходы к проблеме, но их освещение недостаточно полно.  Развернуто аргументирует выдвигаемые положения, приводит убедительные примеры, однако наблюдается некоторая непоследовательность в повествовании. Выводы правильны. Используется профессиональная лексика. Демонстрирует знание специальной терминалогии. Речь соответствует лексическо-грамматической и стилистической норме устной коммуникации на иностранном языке, но допускаются ошибки.

Оценка «удовлетворительно» ставится, если ответ недостаточно логически выстроен, план ответа соблюдается непоследовательно. Студент обнаруживает слабость в развернутом раскрытии основных понятий. Выдвигаемые положения декларируются, но недостаточно аргументируются. Речь не в полной мере соответствует лексическо-грамматической и стилистической норме устной коммуникации на иностранном языке, допускаются отдельные ошибки системного характера.

Оценка «неудовлетворительно» ставится при условии недостаточного раскрытия понятий,  категорий, теорий. Студент проявляет стремление подменить научное обоснование проблем рассуждениями обыденно-повседневного бытового характера. Ответ содержит ряд серьезных неточностей. Выводы поверхностны. Речь не соответствует лексическо-грамматической и стилистической норме устной коммуникации на иностранном языке, допускаются ошибки системного характера.

Шкала оценивания:







