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 inverse Oct 2011 | issue #07

InVerse Sept-Oct 2011

Jul 09, 2015



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Oct 2011 | issue #07


D's NOTE EHello there. Were back again, after our disappearing act this August. During the time you were scouring the NTU newsstands in our absence for something good enough to fill your insatiable need to read, we have been busily recruiting young underlings to churn out even more awesome and thoughtprovoking articles, solely to increase your viewing pleasure. Weve brought back some of the old favourites too, like the Fashion sections Spotted in NTU, and Aunt Agony is back to take your inane questions. Im sure this issue will allow you to realise just how much you have really missed us, but dont worry, were back for good. Happy reading. Love, Geraldine




ContentsFood &TravelLunch+Dinner under $4.50 in NTU Popsicle reviews P2 P12

Features Fashion Music

Stereotypes: How to deal, what to do, where to look


Fashion tips; whats hot and whats not in NTU


Move along, MTV Music Awards, heres our own




How to make your own film



Aunts Agony

Short, simple advice to your everyday problems better than any of that crap you find in Teenage magazine




October 2011 | issue #07

Food/TravelEditors Note WThe Cheap Challenge: What Challenge?? Jacqueline

Stall A) Lunch: Canteen B Yong Tau Foo

ith the opening of H&M and Singapore International Film Festival, its inevitable that our finances are stretched a little too thin this month and probably also the next. So this issue, a challenge was posed to three of our writers- to have two meals in school totalling below $4.50. So read on to learn our pennypinching ways and still be able to afford a run of the mill H&M dress and up your cultural capital at the same time. Weve also included a Popsicle special that will hopefully spell the demise of the fro-yo wave and the sickeningly humid weather. Winifred

usually picks a bowlful of vegetables and tofu, with bee hoon and plain broth and ends up paying a negligible $1.90 for a full, healthy lunch. Stall B) Dinner: Canteen B Nasi Padang

The Cheap Challenge: Possible Plus Change to Spare? David


This stall is a lifesaver for struggling students who wish for a healthy and wholesome solution to their starving wallets. With a variety of ingredients to choose from a non-fried piece starting at just $0.30 it is no wonder a gigantic snake of a queue forms at this stall every lunch-break. Pick a few choice vegetables (I recommend the bundle of cai xin), a few meats (perhaps the everyday sausage, luncheon meat or fatty pork) and maybe even some tofu, an egg, wanton, tau pok and you are good to go! Next, choose your preferred noodles or rice: bee hoon, kway teow or yellow noodles. Lastly, choose your form of broth. The plain broth is absolutely free, but if you fancy spicing it up the pork rib (bak kut teh), tom yam and laksa broths are just an additional $0.50 each. On a particularly chilly day, I decided to go with the thick, oily goodness of a laksa broth, with cai xin, a sausage, a carrot, 2 slices of tau pok and a prawn wanton all for just $2.50. My fellow thrifty friend

ondays are always plagued with retrospective vibes. You get up early in the morning, and the accumulated fatigue over the past weekend, of late parties and/ or term papers (likely the former for the majority), tears at your loins like a frenzied beast. Of course, you make it to school, as you do every Monday, with a resolution to prevent all following Mondays from experiencing the same nausea and hangovers. Not to mention the guilt of over-expenditure. You finish 5 straight hours of lectures (or at least the hand behind this pen did), and simply desire some semblance of normalcy from a crazy weekend something non-extravagant, conventional and most importantly, cheap. Good taste would be a plus. Enter Food Connections Steamed Chicken Rice, a $2.20 serving of Spartan goodness. The chicken was austere and nothing to rave about. It was not too oily or dry and slightly bland, but it well suited my Monday disposition. The rice on the other hand was a fragrant affair, unlike the clumpy sort were accustomed to in local coffee-shops. Canteen 2s waff les for dinner, on the other hand, made a delightful experience. The first thing that caught my attention was the absence of the synthetic pandan taste, synonymous with usual waff les and pandan cakes. This waff le actually delivered. Freshly made on the spot, the kaya waff le had just the right amount of crispiness to it. Im quite a stickler as to how my kaya is spread over my waff les, so the fact that the spread was evenly done was a huge plus. On the overall, the waff le had neither any overpowering sensations nor blandness, and I bet my bottom dollar that the students in Hall 2 are glad that they stay right beside these. Plain waff les go at a dollar each and f lavoured ones go at $1.50.

They say breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper. This saying does not ring true in the NTU context, where a full dinner is available at less than $2. The Nasi Padang stall offers a dazzling array of ingredients to choose from from traditional Indonesian foods like rendang to the sumptuous everyday fried chicken. They have a wide selection of staples too rice, noodles; even readymade meals like mee goreng, mee rebus, mee soto. If you are one who likes heavy foods but lacks the luxury of money, this stall should appeal to you. I picked fried spiced bee hoon with acar, sambal tofu and long beans. This meal only cost me $1.80. Verdict: In total, my 2 meals were a mere $4.30. Economical!

The Cheap Challenge: Near Impossible


? Nafeesa

ts not yet the middle of semester, but we poor students are already drowning in our readings and reports. I am, personally, f loundering in thousands of lines of unintelligible Middle English poetry. To relieve our aff liction, we can repress our worries with alcohol, smoky smelly clubs or food. Dreaded long days in school with equally long breaks can only bring about the munchies. Have a ton of spare change ready for your new best friend: the vending machine for snacks. For the sake of this article, however, I am required to shove the Oreos and chips aside for two big meals instead. Canteen B is nearest to my favourite spot for slaving away to schoolwork. With a budget of only $4.50 for two meals, I sniffed around for the best (and cheapest) deals. For lunch, I picked the Indian stalls white rice with beef in thick spicy curry, as well as potato masala and beansprouts as the obligatory veggie side

dish. The beef was exceedingly tender, but the potato masala was a guilty carb addition to the heap of rice already piled on my plate. The dish was a total of $2.50. At 7 pm, I could hardly imagine what to have for dinner. With the constraint of the $2 budget that remained, I sadly turned away from the Western stalls spaghetti and resignedly queued at the Malay food stall. I confess I failed to keep to the budget. My simple (and delicious) meal of fried maggi, fried chicken and hotdogs in sambal totaled $2.30. I was sadly $0.30 over the budget. My daily bubble tea was even cruelly sacrificed for this article. Verdict: The challenge was interesting but a girl like me needs her fussy drinks and little snacks. You dont need much convincing - its near impossible to have two full meals with a budget of $4.50.

Verdict: Keeping my budget under $4.50 is actually possible. Eating cheap and good is no better end to the day and start to the week.

October 2011 | issue #07

atures FeAEds Notere blondes really dumb? I wouldnt know. I have yet to meet enough authentic blondes to be able to prove or rebuke that. But one things for sure - many people think so, and weve read, watched or heard enough dumb blonde jokes to compile an anthology. Having spent a total of 16 months in my freshman and sophomore years with a head full of blonde hair, I should know the stereotype of blondes at least of bleached blonde Asians in Singapore. Lets see. The things Ive heard people label me, based purely on the fair hair I had sported, include Ah Beng, attention seeking and confident, amongst many others. How true these comments are, I will leave my friends to judge. But my point here is that every other aspect of my person values, achievements, personality was completely disregarded. I had become my hair, and my hair alone. Thats where my biggest gripe with stereotypes lies. Stereotypes are essentially a predictive generalization or popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. But while stereotypes are usually founded in truth, they do not necessarily reflect actual similarities among people grouped within the same category. Are all Singaporeans kiasu? Perhaps most are, but definitely not all. Are all homosexuals immoral, all Christians anti-gay? Hardly the truth, really. There are churches in Singapore that embrace non-heterosexual people, while religious, and even devout homosexuals, are not uncommon. Stereotypes become a problem when they prevent us from seeing the differences between people they reduce diverse and unique individualities into a generic trait, whether it is positive or derogatory, accurate or otherwise. Earlier this month I found myself seated behind a row of well-dressed, made-up girls in lecture. Despite the rapt attention I paid my Professor, I could not help but overhear the conversation under my nose. The girls spotted a rather voluptuous girl some rows ahead and in three sentences, deduced that she has never had a romantic partner in her life. Absurd, isnt it? So bigger-sized people dont have the right to love now? In the microcosm that is NTU, we encounter, interact and even perpetuate stereotypes on a daily basis. While most stereotypical comments said in passing for shits and giggles remain harmless and non-offensive, we should also understand that the truly ugly head of stereotypes can easily be reared when prejudice develops and consequently lead to more severe problems. To be a part of society, the navigation of stereotypes is necessary, and to this end, a better understanding of the latter may help. This month, our team shares our humble opinions on stereotypes and topics related, ranging from the veracity of stereotypes to the overtly-exaggerated models we have all come across in school (an article I hope makes you laugh). I hope you enjoy reading us! Warmest, F? Kenneth

i paiNT Umistaking flip-flops and a shirt proclaiming Finisher of 42.195 km as fashion statements when my classmate from Engineering sashayed into class. It is suffice to say that he made all of us look like vagrants. Similarly, some of my Chinese friends are among the most courteous and friendly people I know. My good friend from Business, though undeniably intelligent, is also extremely personable. There is none of that cutthroat and aloof demeanour that some people have come to associate with Business students. My point is this - stereotypes are as stifling as Singapores political climate. They give a biased and unjust representation of a population, a community and by relation, an individual. Human personality is too diverse and dynamic to be nicely shelved into a pigeonhole. The fact is, all of us have a little of the Engineering student, a smattering of the Arts student, a modicum of the Science student etc. in us. Together, you form a unique individual. So, rather than paint an all-encompassing caricature of everyone in NTU (which might in turn, lead to a few angry riots outside my hall), I find it more worthwhile to battle another prevalent stereotype - Singaporean males are short, chauvinistic and ungentlemanly. For starters, if I may unabashedly say so, I do not fit the above clich, thank you very much.

Undeterred by a mere five weeks into my first semester in NTU, I boldly present a caricature of NTU students


am a Humanities and Social Sciences student. I have limp hair that is slightly reminiscent of a wet mop, enough acne scars to shame Mark Lee into oblivion, and am guilty of wearing mismatched clothes on more than one occasion. Also, I am painfully shy. There. I have broken almost every unspoken rule that HSS students have to abide by. Disappointed as I am that I will never get immortalized by N.T.U.Style, I also recognize, however, that these stereotypes that HSS males are metrosexual, fashion-forward and expressively outspoken are mere labels. Just like how NTU engineering students are woefully sloppy dressers, or how PRC students are loud and brash, or how NBS students are the brightest bunch in the school. (The current economic crisis can be succinctly summarized as being precipitated by a few stupid business minds.) You get my drift. Truth is, stereotypes are often constructed because humans have an obsessive need for neat categorization. We love the simplicity of seeing everything as either black or white but in doing so, we are committing a grave injustice to the individuality of human personality. Often, these stereotypes are perpetuated by a few individuals. They fit their respective labels to a T but are hardly an accurate representation of the population at large. The other day in French class, I was quietly contemplating the phenomenon of males

? Brenda

Stereotypes. A stereotype is a stereotype is a stereotype. Not.


t is an undeniable fact that stereotypes are a prevalent part of life and society. To prove this point, even the word stereotype is stereotypical; often perceived to be tagged with a negative connotation. This, however, is inaccurate because a stereotype can be also positive, as it can be negative. For both the purpose of this article and claritys sake, let us focus on a specific context we are familiar with the stereotypes of students from the various faculties based on their dress sense and sartorial choices. With a sweeping glance at the outfits of the student demography, it is often too easy to mentally categorize students based on their style (or lack of ). For example, if you see a student in an over-worn tee and a pair of bermudas with slippers, which faculty will you automatically associate him with? How about a formal shirt-and-pants attire held together with a tie and completed with leather shoes? What do you make of a bunch of girls clothed in an array of bright garments with stilettoes, wedges and studded boots? Pre-conceived notions of the various faculties tells us that on one end of the spectrum, the humanities, art and social sciences students have a more f lamboyant style opting for a fashionable and sometimes too-dressy look. On the other end, we associate science and engineering students with a simpler style, who prefer a practical, and sometimes overly-practical look. But let us push this paradigm a step further and look at it through different eyes. Why do we have stereotypes of how students in different faculties dress? Do we make it up, or are we inf luenced by a small group of students in the respective faculties who indeed dress as our stereotypes indicate, but whom cannot be said to be a representative of their entire faculty? Or are these stereotypesOctober 2011 | issue #07

largely true? Does the nature of their discipline inf luence the way they dress? For all the right reasons, it can be assumed that it is necessary for business students to dress formally, for presentations or simply because of a culture (or requirement) to look presentable. After all, these are the people whom upon graduation will enter an industry that expects its professionals to be dressed formally for work. Engineering and Science students, however, have to sometimes spend prolonged periods of time in laboratories, making it perfectly sensible for them to dress simply and comfortably underneath their lab coats. Further, as most arts courses emphasize creativity and the ability to express ideas, it is naturally ref lected in the dressing style of such students, justifying the trendy clothes and vibrant colours. In its defence, stereotypes are not all just derogatory and negative. Should one take the time to delve into its depths, many stereotypes in fact entail positive aspects and can be logically explained. In the words of Aristotle, [it] is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. In this day and age when we are exposed to and bombarded by so many established typecasts, it is only too easy and convenient to succumb to and embrace them. However, despite the multitude of stereotypes strewn in our faces, let us not be overwhelmed by this onslaught. Let us not blindly subscribe to such generalizations but i nstead adopt an objective mindset to view people, and to genuinely understand

Caricature? Emmanuel

Pure humour, or an important tool for social integration and addressing social problems?


icture this: Young Asian girl, old Caucasian man, in varying forms of PDA (or Public Display of Affection). SNAP! Youve got a Sarong Party Girl (or SPG) and her yellow-fevered partner. Very often, these stereotypes turn into caricatures, just like SPG icon Babarella (insert surname of current ang moh boyfriend), from the Channel 5 satirirical series, The Noose. We recognise traits such as her fake American-accented English, her penchant for Caucasian men or her love for branded goods. As it is, satires rely on our knowledge of these stereotypical traits for them to be understood and appreciated. Besides the SPG, other caricatures on the Noose include Leticia (the Filipino maid), Lulu (the Mainland Chinese hostess) and Mrs Nancy Goh (the kiasu Singaporean Aunty). Caricatures in satires are often a function of social critique; they allow people to perceive other people through humour and comedy. The mechanism of humour enables the removal of a serious socio-political context, while bringing awareness to social issues such as maid abuse or competition from foreign workers. In one episode, Leticia speaks about her friend, Imelda, who is also a maid. In the interview, Leticia describes the hellish and exaggerated working conditions that Imelda experiences, from which she is saved by a very good company, called the

SPCA (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). While we may break out in laughter and for days watch the video on loop, the hyperbolic depiction of an abused maid and her tyrant of an employer highlights a specific social problem the need for more foreign workers rights one that otherwise might become mere tabloid fodder for The New Paper. Therein lies the practicality of satire in Singapore using caricatures and the humour that they evoke, satires remind us that society needs to confront such issues, and that laughter can indeed be the best medicine. Furthermore, caricatures help bring about a common inside joke for a society. The issues they touch on can include trivial matters such as the lousy state of Singapores football or fake American/British accents used by newscasters. They allow a society, which recognises these unique quirks, to integrate and bond through such inside jokes caricatures that only the particular society can understand. While we may not be inspired to pitch up posters and march through the streets, the manner of which these issues are brought up serve to remind and perhaps enlighten society that, as modern or progressive we may be, society is never, and will never be, perfect. The role of caricatures (and the use of humour) remains a social construct to ensure that we remember this, as a society.

and know them on an individual level. And for the record, I do not have to become a teacher just because Im an English major.

FeaturesKnow Anyone Like Them?? Jiayi

THE WILD CHILDDescription: Discretion is out of the question. You commonly find photographs of them plastered all over every social medium, swallowing liquids which you may have or have not encountered in your life, partying it up like it is 2012. News of their exploits spread faster than Hurricane Katrina, and are sometimes too bizarre to believe. While this stereotype traditionally belongs to the lasses, there are, in fact, a huge population of males who subscribe to the religion of decadence, living it up like a king with many concubines, or in more plausible terms, a drug lord with questionable women aplenty. How to spot: Limp haired and groggy eyed, sometimes without the support of a bra, though on good days, a drawn up face reminiscent of frosting on cupcakes. They mostly prefer to keep within the periphery of testosterone-charged males. Also, they are mysteriously predisposed to unfathomable squeals of delight and fits of highschool-esque giggling. The men on the other hand, exude testosterone and are mostly found in the company of above mentioned females in their dormitories, doors locked, leaving us all to wonder, Why? This species is also particularly prone to huge mutated insect bites. Redeeming qualities You can live your life capriciously and dangerously through them. Also, they provide good live entertainment in hard times of academia.

THE NERDDescription: Single-mindedly accomplished in academic pursuit and may be ostentatiously clever, but often seen as the grime on the boot-heel of social life. Wilfully ignored by one and all out of universal distaste, save for the crucial periods of examinations and project submissions. You can hear the class rise in silent snickers and snorts whenever they engage in constructive discussion. In short, f launting their massive abyss of intellect, but usually giving an abstract answer for a simple, straightforward question. Subgroups of this stereotype live their lives in anonymity. People spend years in college with them, in a cohort of 30, without learning their names or remembering their faces. They live as invisible beings who at best, are known only by the title of Deans Lister. How to spot: Nerds are unique in their adamant rejection of the social norm of trends; their preferred choice of ratty tees and jeans remain their sole and premium attire. If you do not fall in this category yourself, you will have a natural repellence to such people. Remember to avoid quiet places conducive for studying, laboratories of any sort, and run when you hear chanting. Redeeming qualities These intensely intellectual individuals may be your sole salvation in completing your college education. Tread cautiously; offend them at your own risk.

THE JOCKDescription: This stereotype adheres perfectly to the concept of inverse proportion. Brawn (and hence that legendary sex god packs) comes at the heavy price of brainpower. In the place of the badge of intellect are medals and trophies for their numerous sporting conquests. Girls sigh and gasp, dissolving in hordes upon the sight of heaving, sweaty, virile masculinity. Alas. Beauty will forever be without brains. How to spot: Most likely to be at the gym, or often sighted running along the roads. Topless. Sit at any busstop on campus after school hours. You dont even have to open your eyes. You know they are there when your heart starts pounding at two hundred beats a minute and you feel like you are on the verge of a heart seizure. Tips: Purse your lips, which have been tightly shut for fear that your heart leaps out. Just try not to faint as they breeze past. Redeeming qualities There are legends, and there are Legends. The Jock will set your adrenaline pumping and suddenly, you are alive again. Staring at a beautifully-sculpted body is The Universal Cure. Unproductive day in class? Mourning the demise of your GPA? Caught a cold? You dont need a miracle. Just sit at the bus stop in front of the Innovation Centre at 6pm.

THE EYE CANDYDescription: You cant not judge a book by its leatherbound and diamondencrusted cover. Right at the top of the social hierarchy, The Eye Candy is inexplicably easy on the eye, and emanates a steady, dispassionate calmness. Their faces? The very moulds plastic surgeons use for less-fortunate individuals. Imminently stylish and extraordinarily cool, they are the very stuff that fantasies are made of. You swoon at the very sight of them, grow nervous in conversation, dream of them many nights after and want them in your life in plausibly intimate and carnal fashion. How to spot: With this bunch, you dont even have to try spotting. The minute theyre within a 20-metre radius, the air becomes electrically charged with excitement. Conversations drop to hushed whispers in the canteen, and you can triangulate from the gazes around you to one focal point: all eyes will be on The Eye Candy. Simply blinding, they appear like an apparition. No, you are not in heaven. Redeeming qualities A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Nuff said.

THE MEAN GIRL/GUYDescription: Mean. Through and through. People of this stereotype leave their mothers wombs with a swivel for a neck. They possess stunning dexterity in swivelling their heads (and eyes) around to observe their surroundings. Marked by deliberateness in demeanour, people of this stereotype take grave pains to maintain an air of mystique and faux-superiority in their delusional parallel universe of social hierarchy. The social food chain, as they call it, finds them right on top. Unfortunately, theyre the only participants of that world. They reek of antagonism but are essentially harmless. They are, as the saying goes, all bark and nothing much else really. How to spot: Never seen alone, these people shrivel up when they are without their f lock. The f lock also changes quickly, for these people cant seem to keep the few friends they have. Also, look out for tell-tale signs like shifty all-encompassing Eyes. Remember, nothing eludes. If you sniff hard enough, you may also smell something the black heart within. Redeeming qualities In the company of such people, you become by comparison as benevolent as a cherubim. You can justifiably bask in moral superiority and no one can fault you.

THE ATTENTION SEEKERDescription: This species is exceptional as individuals of this stereotype can never coexist with others. They are walking universes the (very egocentric) world revolves around them, them, them, them, them and them alone. Be it in action, speech or thought, one can never transgress the topic of this sovereign. They have an amazing ability to turn any conversation, and I do mean any conversation, into a discourse on themselves. So heavily deluded, a 10-tonne meteor can hardly penetrate their egos. Aff licted with a high propensity for drama, they will jump on their chair shrieking in horror until all eyes are on them, when they spot a butterf ly f luttering 5 metres away. Yes, a butterf ly. Or an ant. How to spot: A horn will be duly sounded to announce their arrival. You will hear them before they come. Just a warning, it may get intense. Remember your ear plugs. When you see a person screaming OH MY GODDDD! when they see a friend, followed by air-kisses and/or excited jumping, you know youre looking at an AA. Redeeming qualities On days when youre in tutorial but have your assignments incomplete, these people come in useful. While most people have an opinion, Attention Seekers have five. Theyll be so eager to speak in class (though usually not answering the Professors question), youll never be exposed for not doing your tutorial.

Popular culture and Hollywood, among other factors, have made these stereotypes all too familiar to us. Try matching the photos to the stereotype (if you dont score full marks you deserve a smack on the head).

Credits: Xinem, Aug 22 2009, Flickr commonsThe Mean Girl

Credits: Alex Guerrero, Jun 9 2007, Flickr commonsThe Jock

Credits: Katieblench, Mar 14 2011, Flickr commonsThe Wild Child

Credits: Hector Alejandro, Feb 25 2010, Flickr commonsThe Attention Seeker

Credits: Rodrigo Sa, Jun 10 2011, Flickr commonsThe Nerd

Credits: D avid_shankbone, Jun 9 2011, Fotopedia commonsThe EyecandyOctober 2011 | issue #07

? Victoria

Kate Middleton: Royally boring?over dresses, it would seem that she is almost afraid to show too much of her personality in her clothing choices. Talk about bland and bordering on the dowdy! We reckon she might have taken too much inspiration from Queen Es wardrobe. Until she finds a way to take a rewarding fashion risk without compromising her dignity as the Duchess of Cambridge, it remains to be seen if Kate can continue to be, in the long run, the royal fashion icon that she is made out to be.

? Seri R.S

Easy Beauty Tricks

Credits: Charles McCain, May 27 2011, Flickr commons

Credits: Audrey Pilato, May 1 2011, Flickr commons


ate Middleton might be everyones favourite royal high-street fashion representative, but does she have what it takes to be a true blue fashion icon? While her charming smile and glossy brunette hair are the envy of many, the question of whether she can ascend to style royalty with her recent fashion choices still remains to be seen. Though the Duchess has been famed for her high street style, which has inspired a great number of followers (the 95 Whistles blouse she wore for her engagement shoot was instantly sold out and renamed The Kate), her recent style picks have reflected a certain reserve. This might edge her out of the running as the fashion icon that countless fashion magazines have made her out to be.

Credits: David Shankbone, May 2009, Flickr commons

Credits: Niquinho, 16 Jun 2008, Flickr commons

Nobody does the smoldering, smoky eye look better than the very sexy Kim Kardashian. To emulate her sensuous peepers, stay away from blue hues which can make you look like you have under-eye circles, says Giorgio Armani makeup artist Andr Drykin. Instead, go for black, gray, and brown or if you want color, dark green shadows and liners. Then, follow these steps: 1. Apply a cream concealer over your eyelid to create a smooth base for your eyeshadow. 2. Use a pencil liner (black or gray looks best) to trace your top lash-line from the inner corner to the outer. Then, use the same pencil to dot between your lower lashes. Smudge both lash-lines with a cotton swab or an eyeliner brush. 3. Sweep the eyeshadow (brown, gray and dark green all work with black or gray liner) over your lid and into your crease, blending the color up and outward, says New York City makeup artist Morgen Schick DeMann. Marie Claire recommends: Morgen Stained Glass Eye Wash in Spruce; Shiseido The Makeup Eye Shadow Brush; Cover Girl Perfect Blend Pencil in Basic Black; Origins Full Story Lush-Lash Mascara in Black. TIP: To prevent color from fading and give your lids a more shimmery finish, pat a cream shadow over the concealer on your lid first, wait five minutes, then top with a matching powder shadow.

Credits: Audrey Pilato, Aug 20 2011, Flickr commons

Yes, her royal blue Issa engagement dress was a stroke of genius not to mention the gorgeous blue Zara dress she donned for her first postwedding appearance but one cannot help but note the increasingly conservative fashion choices she has made since getting engaged. Considering how Kate Middleton first caught Prince Williams eye in 2002 during a charity fashion show in a bold, transparent dress, which had led to Prince William exclaiming wow, shes hot!, it is evident that she has grown a penchant for a more sophisticated, chic and feminine image that more appropriately befits a Duchess. Yet, one cannot help but wonder if the Duchess is truly having fun with her present fashion choices which so far reflect a lack of the adventure and ingenuity that she had premarriage. For Middleton at this moment, style seems to be all about coverage. From the long-sleeved outfits, high-necked blouses, modest trench coats, conservative suits, to the blazers draped

Credits: UK_repsome, Nov 16 2010, Flickr commons

Credits: Charles McCain, Apr 27 2011, Flickr common

4. Dust a lighter, neutral colour (such as ivory) over just your brow bone. 5. Finish with two coats of black mascara.

Credits: Charles LeBlanc, Feb 16 2011, Flickr commons

October 2011 | issue #07

? Jolene

Spotted HitsLeft: Nafeesa Saini, HSS Year 2 Where? I generally get my clothes from Topshop, ASOS, New Look, Forever 21 and blogshops. My accessories are usually from vintage shops, Sungei Roads Thieves Market, and the Salvation Army. Right: Kelly Koo, HSS Year 3 Where? My denim shirt is from Club Monaco, skirt from h&m, socks from Muji and penny loafers from Topshop. I generally shop overseas and online, and sometimes at Topshop/Zara. Inspiration? Im a spontaneous dresser. People like Chlo Sevigny and Kate Bosworth inspire me.

MissesL: Oh my what BIG f lowers he has. This guy certainly does not shy away from his feminine beach bunny side. But hey, he certainly caught the eye of the lady nearby. R: It really is a warm, glowing tan...that the garish electric blue FBTs and jarringly contrasting green Tshirt cannot fail to draw attention to. How, otherwise, could a tan be more visibly demonstrated?

Inspiration? My inspiration comes from street-style pictures, style icons like Sarah Jessica Parker and fashion bloggers. Most importantly, I dresses according to my mood.

TREND? Jiaru

Lets talk about shoes


here are many things we can never get enough of and shoes are one of them, always having a special place in our hearts. Oddly enough, finding the perfect pair for the right occasion can be challenging. Granted, sky-high heels can make a girl look sexy, but tottering around the school in 4-inch stilettos? Ugh, no (think blisters, sore feet and people staring at you). If you love your feet too much to torture them, we might have just the solution for you. As Marilyn Monroe once said, Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. For those of you who usually head to school in slippers, listen up. You may think that slippers are comfortable, but they also convey sloppiness and make a bad first impression. This season, we are fortunate to welcome some very comfortable trends that will have you toss that pair of unsightly slippers to a dusty corner. Since the recent spring season, flatforms FLATFORMS

are all the rage, and it is little wonder why. Imagine flat shoes like pumps or sandalsnow add platform soles andVoila! Flatforms are a god-sent. Not only do they boost us with the extra inches in height, but they also promise our soles a wonderful experience. We can all say goodbye to tormented and sore feet! An added plus: Flatforms are casual enough for school but can still bring us to glamorous after-school parties in sheer comfort. If you are looking for something even more casual, we suggest creepers. Creepers are shoes with very thick soles, popularised by the British Teddy Boy subculture. These shoes have been (pardon the pun) creeping in and out of fashion ever since, and we sure are glad to see them make a comeback. Not only are they very wearable, creepers also make a great fashion statement. Wooden, clog-like wedges are also a good WOODEN WEDGES

substitute for stilettos. Wedges are generally more comfortable, and if you have to squeeze on trains during peak hours, we strongly recommend a good and steady pair of shoes to fight the crowd. Wooden platforms are great for our eternal summer and wedges just never go out of style! Another safe and consistent trend would be that of thick heels (in fact it should be a staple in your shoe rack!). Shoes with chunky heels allow for greater balance and also bring about a slimmer silhouette for your legs. For beginners who are not confident of wearing thin heels, chunky heels are a good start. Of course, there are still days when you wake up frantic and late, and shoes become the least of your worries. But even at these moments, when you cant spend too much time looking for shoes to match your clothes, remember at least that your good old pumps are always versatile and trendy, so dont go near that dusty corner where your slippers lie CREEPERS

Credits: UggBoy