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10/15/2012 1 Introduction to the Introduction to the Sacraments and the Sacraments and the Liturgy: CC110 Liturgy: CC110 Introduction to the Introduction to the Sacraments and the Sacraments and the Liturgy: CC110 Liturgy: CC110 Oct. 17 Oct. 17– Dec. 14, 2012 Dec. 14, 2012 Kino Institute Kino Institute Rev. John Muir, S.T.B., S.T.L. Rev. John Muir, S.T.B., S.T.L. Class Description Building upon an introductory understanding of Catholic doctrine and practice, this class aims to deepen understanding of Church’s catechesis of the liturgy and sacraments, using the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. Targeted toward second year students in the Kino Institutes, the class is intended to encourage reflection on Catholic liturgy with regards to catechesis and mystagogy. Course Objectives Understand the Trinitarian dimensions of Catholic liturgy with respect to the “economy of salvation.” Articulate the role of the sacraments in the context of salvation history with respect to Jesus Christ Express the role of conversion and faith in the individual’s participation in the sacraments Name the role of matter/form, effects, recipient, minister, and institution of the seven sacraments. Describe the implications of the Second Vatican Council on the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.

Introduction to the Sacraments and the Liturgy: 3 Course Materials Catechism of the Catholic Church Peter Kreeft,

Jun 08, 2018



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Page 1: Introduction to the Sacraments and the Liturgy: 3 Course Materials Catechism of the Catholic Church Peter Kreeft,



Introduction to the Introduction to the

Sacraments and the Sacraments and the

Liturgy: CC110Liturgy: CC110

Introduction to the Introduction to the

Sacraments and the Sacraments and the

Liturgy: CC110Liturgy: CC110

Oct. 17Oct. 17–– Dec. 14, 2012Dec. 14, 2012

Kino InstituteKino Institute

Rev. John Muir, S.T.B., S.T.L.Rev. John Muir, S.T.B., S.T.L.

Class Description

� Building upon an introductory understanding of Catholic doctrine and practice, this class

aims to deepen understanding of Church’s catechesis of the liturgy and sacraments,using the Catechism of the Catholic Church

and Sacred Scripture. Targeted toward second year students in the Kino Institutes, the class is intended to encourage reflection

on Catholic liturgy with regards to catechesis and mystagogy.

Course Objectives

� Understand the Trinitarian dimensions of Catholic liturgy with respect to the “economy of salvation.”

� Articulate the role of the sacraments in the context of salvation history with respect to Jesus Christ

� Express the role of conversion and faith in the individual’s participation in the sacraments

� Name the role of matter/form, effects, recipient, minister, and institution of the seven sacraments.

� Describe the implications of the Second Vatican Council on the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.

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Course MaterialsCourse Materials

� Catechism of the Catholic Church

Course MaterialsCourse Materials

� Catechism of the Catholic Church

� Peter Kreeft, Catholic Christianity, Part III, Chapters 1-8

Course MaterialsCourse Materials

� Catechism of the Catholic Church

� Peter Kreeft, Catholic Christianity, Part III, Chapters 1-8

� The General Instruction of the Roman Missal

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Course MaterialsCourse Materials

� Catechism of the Catholic Church

� Peter Kreeft, Catholic Christianity, Part III, Chapters 1-8

� The General Instruction of the Roman Missal

� Additional reading material will be distributed in class.

Class Expectations

� On time class attendance

� In class participation: engaging the material!

� Weekly quizzes

� Weekly writing assignments, as requested

� End of class writing assignment

Class Layout

� 1. The Celebration of the Christian Mystery

� 2. The Sacraments of Initiation

� 3. The Holy Eucharist

� 4. The Sacraments of Healing

� 5. The Sacraments at the Service of Communion:

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Class One

� The Celebration of the Christian Mystery(CCC 1066-1209)


� “The presentation of the theology of the liturgy in the Catechism of the Catholic

Church (CCC 1077-1112) is fundamental.

�Joseph Ratzinger (The Spirit of

the Liturgy, 225):

The Liturgy as a Twofold Mystery

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The Liturgy as a Twofold Mystery (cf. CCC 236)

� Mystery of the Holy Trinity: God in himself

� (Gk theologia)

The Liturgy as a Twofold Mystery

� Mystery of the Holy Trinity:

God in himself (Gk


� Mystery of the Divine

Economy: God’s plan of

salvation (Gk oikonomia)

The Liturgy as a Twofold Mystery

� theologia revealed through


� CCC 236

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Mystery of the Holy Trinity� CCC 234: “The mystery of

the Holy Trinity is the

central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the

mystery of God in himself.

It is therefore the source of

all the other mysteries of

faith, the light that

enlightens them.”

� CCC 1073

Mystery of the Divine Economy

Mystery of the Divine Economy

� The plan of salvation history.

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Mystery of the Divine Economy

� The plan of salvation history.

� How God interacts, namely

creates, redeems & sanctifies

His creation

Relationship between theologia and oikonomia

Relationship between theologia and oikonomia

� The economy of salvation

reveals the invisible mystery of

God, and so…

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Relationship between theologia and oikonomia

� The economy of salvation

reveals the invisible mystery of

God, and so…

� The sacramental economy

reveals the invisible mystery of

God in Christ

Saint Paul and the “Plan of the Mystery”

Saint Paul and the “Plan of the Mystery”

� To unite all things in heaven and

on earth in Christ (Eph 1:9-10)

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Saint Paul and the “Plan of the Mystery”

� To unite all things in heaven and

on earth in Christ (Eph 1:9-10)

� Recapitulation: gathering up all

of history and creation in Christ

(CCC 668)

Saint Paul and the “Plan of the Mystery”

� To unite all things in heaven and

on earth in Christ (Eph 1:9-10)

� Recapitulation: gathering up all

of history and creation in Christ

(CCC 668)

� The “Mystery” hidden for ages in

God (Eph 3:7-13)

The Plan of the Mystery

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The Plan of the Mystery

� Age of the Shadows

The Plan of the Mystery

� Age of the Shadows

� Creation

� Fall

The Plan of the Mystery

� Age of the Shadows

� Creation

� Fall

� The Old Covenant

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The Plan of the Mystery

� Age of the Shadows

� Creation

� Fall

� The Old Covenant

� Age of the Church

The Plan of the Mystery

� Age of the Shadows

� Creation

� Fall

� Old Covenant

� Age of the Church

� Age of the Reality

What is the “Sacramental What is the “Sacramental Economy”?Economy”?

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What is the “Sacramental What is the “Sacramental Economy”?Economy”?

�� CCC 1076CCC 1076

What is the “Sacramental What is the “Sacramental Economy”?Economy”?

�� CCC 1076CCC 1076

�� This refers to how Christ communicates his work of This refers to how Christ communicates his work of salvation during the Age of the Churchsalvation during the Age of the Church

What is the “Sacramental What is the “Sacramental Economy”?Economy”?

�� CCC 1076CCC 1076

�� This refers to how Christ communicates his work of This refers to how Christ communicates his work of salvation during the Age of the Churchsalvation during the Age of the Church

�� Namely, through sacramental signsNamely, through sacramental signs

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“Sacramental Economy” “Sacramental Economy” foreshadowed in Divine Economy foreshadowed in Divine Economy


�� Biblical types of seven sacramentsBiblical types of seven sacraments

�� Genesis (eg., creation= baptism; tree of life=Eucharist; Genesis (eg., creation= baptism; tree of life=Eucharist; Adam/Eve=marriage; penance; priesthood (2:15), etc.)Adam/Eve=marriage; penance; priesthood (2:15), etc.)

�� IsraelIsrael

�� Jesus’ earthly life: anticipated by words/deed (CCC Jesus’ earthly life: anticipated by words/deed (CCC 1085)1085)

�� Rev. and 7 churches (if you want to really go for it...!)Rev. and 7 churches (if you want to really go for it...!)

The Liturgy celebrates “above all” the Paschal Mystery (CCC


The Liturgy celebrates “above all” the Paschal Mystery (CCC


Last Supper

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The Divine Economy and the Paschal Mystery

The Divine Economy and the Paschal Mystery

� The Divine Economy is revealed and accomplished in the Paschal Mystery

CCC 1068: In the liturgy the “work of our redemption is


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CCC 1069: What does the word “liturgy” mean?

Key passage in Second Vatican Council on liturgy

� SC 7 “For it is the liturgy, especially the

divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, that ‘the work of our redemption is accomplished,’

and it is through the liturgy especially that

the faithful are enabled to express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of

Christ and the real nature of the true


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CCC 1069b: “the participation of the people of God in the

‘work of God’” (opus Dei)


CCC 1070: ...Through the liturgy the inner man is rooted and

grounded in the “great love with which the Father loved us” in

His beloved Son.

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Why do we go to Mass?

Why do we go to Mass? � CCC 1070:

� In the liturgy the sanctification of the

man is signified by signs perceptible to

the senses, and is effected in a way which corresponds with each of these


� in the liturgy the whole public worship is

performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the Head and His


� Summary: The Church’s liturgy has two


� Worship of God

� Sanctification of Men

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Who does the liturgy?

� The mystical body of Jesus Christ, head

and members

Who does the liturgy?

� VCII: “From this it follows that every

liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the priest and of His

Body which is the Church, is a sacred

action surpassing all others; no other action of the Church can equal its

efficacy by the same title and to the

same degree.” (SC 7)

Who does the liturgy?

� CCC 1136

� The Whole Christ (totus Christus)

� Head and Members

� Jesus Christ and his Body the Church

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The Call of the Second Vatican Council: liturgical participation

� CCC 1071

CCC 1071: The Call of the Second Vatican Council: liturgical


� Sacrosanctum Concilium, 11: the faithful are urged toward participation that is:

� Fully conscious (scienter)

� Active (actuoso)

� Fruitful (fructuoso)

“actuoso participatio”• first used by Pope Pius X in motu propio “Tra le


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“actuoso participatio”

• Pope Pius XII in 1943 and 1947 wrote that true participation is baptismal union with Christ and His Mystical Body the Church

“actuoso participatio”

• Holy See (1958) wrote:

• participatio must be INTERIOR (union with Christ the High Priest)

• But particiaption becomes FULLER when joined to external actions

• instruction is required

Liturgy and the Church’s activity

� CCC 1073-1074

� Liturgy as “summit” and “source”

� Culmen

� Fons

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Sacrament and Mystery

Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery: the invisible reality

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Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery: the invisible reality

� Sacrament: the visible sign

Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery (mysterion): the invisible reality

� Sacrament (sacramentum): the visible


� CCC 774

Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery (mysterion): the invisible reality

� Sacrament (sacramentum): the visible


� CCC 774

� The “Sacrament,” generally speaking, has

two external components:

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Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery (mysterion): the invisible reality

� Sacrament (sacramentum): the

visible/external sign

� CCC 774

� The “Sacrament,” generally speaking, has

two external components:

� Matter (the physical dimension)

Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery (mysterion): the invisible reality

� Sacrament (sacramentum): the visible


� CCC 774

� The “Sacrament,” generally speaking, has

two external components:

� Matter (the physical dimension)

� Form (the verbal dimension)

Sacrament and Mystery

� Mystery (mysterion): the invisible reality

� Sacrament (sacramentum): the visible sign

� CCC 774

� The “Sacrament,” generally speaking, has two external components:� Matter (the physical dimension)

� Form (the verbal dimension)

� E.g., Baptism= triple immersion (matter) & spoken formula (form)

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“Mystery”: the invisible reality

“Mystery”: the invisible reality

� CCC 1075: Mystagogy leads from the

“sacraments” to the “mysteries”

“Mystery”: the invisible reality

� CCC 1075: Mystagogy leads from the

“sacraments” to the “mysteries”

� This is liturgical catechesis

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“Mystery”: the invisible reality

� CCC 1075: Mystagogy leads from the

“sacraments” to the “mysteries”

� This is liturgical catechesis

� How can we do what p. 1075 is saying? What

does it look like? How have we experienced it?

What is a Sacrament?

What is a Sacrament?

� Classic definition

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What is a Sacrament?

� Classic definition

� “Efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us” (CCC 1131)

What is a Sacrament?

� Classic definition

� “Efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us” (CCC 1131)

� Fuller sense reclaimed

What is a Sacrament?

� Classic definition

� “Efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us” (CCC 1131)

� Fuller sense reclaimed

� Powers that come forth from the body of Christ (CCC 1116)

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6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

Key 6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

How can we learn to think about the liturgy

and the Sacraments with the mind of the Church?

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6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

� 1. Trinitarian

6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

� 1. Trinitarian

� 2. Christological

6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

� 1. Trinitarian

� 2. Christological

� 3. Ecclesiological

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6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

� 1. Trinitarian

� 2. Christological

� 3. Ecclesiological

� 4. Fideological

6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

� 1. Trinitarian

� 2. Christological

� 3. Ecclesiological

� 4. Fideological

� 5. Soteriological

6 Key Dimensions of the Liturgy & Sacraments

� 1. Trinitarian

� 2. Christological

� 3. Ecclesiological

� 4. Fideological

� 5. Soteriological

� 6. Eschatological

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Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� “What was visible in our Savior has

passed over into his mysteries”

Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� “What was visible in our Savior has

passed over into his mysteries”� St. Pope Leo the Great

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Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� “What was visible in our Savior has

passed over into his mysteries”� St. Pope Leo the Great

Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� John 4: If you knew the gift of God!

Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� John 4: If you knew the gift of God!

� John 12: I will draw all men to myself!

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Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� John 4: If you knew the gift of God!

� John 12: I will draw all men to myself!

� Do you know anyone who would benefit

from experiencing the “New Heavens and

the New Earth”?

Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� John 4: If you knew the gift of God!

� John 12: I will draw all men to myself!

� Do you know anyone who would benefit

from experiencing the “New Heavens and

the New Earth”?

Why study the Liturgy and the Sacraments?

� John 4: If you knew the gift of God!

� John 12: I will draw all men to myself!

� Do you know anyone who would benefit

from experiencing the “New Heavens and

the New Earth”?

� But do you know any Catholics who think

Mass is “boring” or “irrelevant”?

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Next class:

� The Sacraments of Initiation

� Review material from class #1

� Be prepared for quiz on class #1—see sheet

� New material: Read CCC 1210 – 1321:

� Supplemental: Kreeft section on Baptism and Confirmation (pg 307-319)