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Jan 12, 2016



Piers Weaver
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INTRODUCTION TO OPERATING SYSTEMwww.ramkumarsjava.comOS CONCEPTSwww.ramkumarsjava.com1.Operating system forms an interface between ?

(A) user and hardware(B) hardware and software/application programs(C) both a and b(D) none

Answer: Cwww.ramkumarsjava.com2.Operations performed by the OS?

(A) memory and process management(B)command interpreter(C)file handling(D)all the above

Answer: Dwww.ramkumarsjava.com3.What is the responsibility of OS for main memory management?

(A)Tracking of used part of memory(B)To load new process(C)allocating and de-allocating memory space(D)all the above

Answer: Dwww.ramkumarsjava.com4.Command interpreter is the program that interprets?

(A)control statements(B)storage allocation(C)disk scheduling(D)none

Answer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com5.what are responsibilities of OS for process management?

(A)process creation and deletion(B)process suspension and resumption(C)process synchronization and communication(D)all the above

Answer: Dwww.ramkumarsjava.com6.New,Ready,Running,Waiting,Exit states comes under which of following operations of OS?

(A)memory management(B)process management(C)file handling(D)command interpreter

Answer: Bwww.ramkumarsjava.com7.Function of Long term scheduler(JOB SCHEDULER)?

(A)takes decision to add to pool of processes to be executed(B)takes decision to which available process will be executed by processor(C)takes decision about pending I/O requests and handling (D)all the aboveAnswer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com8.Which scheduler takes decision of handling I/O requests?

(A)long term scheduler(B)short term scheduler(C)I/O scheduler(D)none

Answer: Cwww.ramkumarsjava.com9.Short term scheduler is also called as ?

(A)JOB scheduler(B)CPU scheduler(C)I/O scheduler(D)none

Answer: Bwww.ramkumarsjava.com10."Once the process has been given,CPU cannot takeaway from that process" this phenomenon occurs in what type of scheduling?

(A)Preemptive scheduling(B)Non-Preemptive scheduling(C)both(D)none of the above

Answer: Bwww.ramkumarsjava.com11.Responsibility of the OS for file management ?

(A)Creation , deletion and manipulation of file directories(B)back up of files (C)both a and b(D)none

Answer: Cwww.ramkumarsjava.com12.DOS is which type of operating system?

(A)single user operating system(B)multi user operating system(C)none

Answer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com13.Unix,linux,windows 2000 are examples of which type of OS?

(A) single user operating system(B)multi user operating system(C)none

Answer: XP OS is product of ?


Answer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com15.Which of following are the advantages of WINDOWS XP PRO?

(A)remote desktop(B)encrypting file system, granular access control(C)multi-processor support(D)all the above

Answer: Dwww.ramkumarsjava.comMAC OPERATING SYSTEMwww.ramkumarsjava.com1.MAC is Designed, developed and marketed by

(a)IBM(b)Apple(c)Microsoft(d)None of the above

Answer: bwww.ramkumarsjava.com2. First introduced on

(a)Jan 24, 1984(b)Jan 24, 1982(c)Jan 24, 1983(d)Jan 24, 1985

Answer: awww.ramkumarsjava.com3. First commercially successful PC to feature a mouse and a GUI rather than a command line interface (TUI).T/F?

Answer: Truewww.ramkumarsjava.com4. In 1998, Apple consolidated its multiple consumer-level desktop models into the all-in-one __________

Answer: IMacwww.ramkumarsjava.com5. Mac is the abbreviated form of __________

Answer: Macintosh

www.ramkumarsjava.com6. Some of the current Mac systems are: MacPro tower graphics workstation, MacBook, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops. T/F?

Answer: Truewww.ramkumarsjava.com7. Mac OS X has a modular architecture built around four major components. Among them is the Darwin core OS. It is an open source _________ based foundation built on proven technologies like FreeBSD, Mach, Apache and gcc

Answer: Unixwww.ramkumarsjava.com8. Mac OS X includes a variety of application frameworks to support developer. These are

(a)Cocoa(b)Carbon(c)All of the above (d)None of the above

Answer: cwww.ramkumarsjava.com9. Mac desktop models:

(a)iMac(b)Mac Mini(c)Mac Pro(d)All of the above(e)None of the above

Answer: dwww.ramkumarsjava.com10. Releases of Mac OS X are named after big cats. T/F?

Answer : True11. Mac OS Core features _________

Grand Central dispatch, OPenCL, 64-bit throughput

www.ramkumarsjava.com12. Basic elements of Mac are-

a)Desktopb)Dockc)finderd)menu bare) all of the above

Answer: ewww.ramkumarsjava.com13. Access software update ,sleep, shut down, system preference can be found in _________ menu?

a)Apple menu()b) status menuc) menu bard) none of these

Answer: awww.ramkumarsjava.com14. __________ is used to search anything(files ,folders , applications) on Mac OS.

a) finder b) spotlightc) searchd) none of these

Answer: bExplanation: spotlight is like search of windows OS.

www.ramkumarsjava.com15. Which element is used for quick access to most frequently used applications ,folders & files in Mac OS devices?

Finderb) Dockc) status menud) spotlightAnswer: bwww.ramkumarsjava.com16. which basic element of Mac is used for organizing all files, folders & applications?

a) desktopb) Dockc) finderd) spotlight

Answer: cwww.ramkumarsjava.com17. _________________ is a software application for iOS & Mac OS X that allows users to create music and podcasts.

Answer: Garage bandwww.ramkumarsjava.com18. Garageband offers the audio resolution of?

a) 16 bit and 32 bitb) 8 bit and 32 bitc) 8 bit and 24 bitd) 16 bit and 24 bitAnswer: dwww.ramkumarsjava.com19. _______ is the office suit of desktop applications for the Mac OS X and iOS.

Answer: iWorkwww.ramkumarsjava.com20. 1st version of iWork was released in which year?

a) 2003b) 2005c) 2007d) 2009

Answer: bwww.ramkumarsjava.com21. ________ is the built-in backup that works with Mac and an external drive or time capsule.

Answer : Time machine

www.ramkumarsjava.com22. It is possible to install Windows on Intel based Mac computer. (TRUE/FALSE)

Answer: : TRUE, using Boot campwww.ramkumarsjava.com23. For transferring the files using airdrop application configuration and wi-fi network is required. (TRUE/FALSE)

Answer: Falsewww.ramkumarsjava.com24. Activity Manager ( Task manager of windows os) is a ______ application included with Mac OS X. ( GUI/TUI)

Answer: GUIwww.ramkumarsjava.com25. iOS is launched in year _______.

Answer: 2007www.ramkumarsjava.com26. Preferences for all applications installed and system software components are stored as _______ files.

Answer: Plist fileswww.ramkumarsjava.com27. How does iMovie import video footage to the Mac?

a)using computers USB portb) using Firewire interface on MiniDV format digital camerac) both a and bd) None of the above

Answer: cwww.ramkumarsjava.comUNIX OPERATING SYSTEMwww.ramkumarsjava.com1.____ acts as host for applications that run on the machine.(A) Operating System(B) Hardware(C) Software(D) None of the aboveAnswer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com2. Which of the following are features of UNIX OS?(A) Multi-user and multitasking(B) Time sharing system(C) Modularity, security , consistent(D) All of the aboveAnswer: Dwww.ramkumarsjava.com3. What is the file structure of UNIX OS?Answer: It has inverted tree like file structure with parent on top.www.ramkumarsjava.com4. State True or False.In UNIX OS user can add or remove part of module as per the need.Answer: Truewww.ramkumarsjava.com5. UNIX OS has ______ architecture.

Answer : Onionwww.ramkumarsjava.com6. Which of the following acts as a interface between system call and physical hardware?(A) Shell(B) Device drivers(C) Kernel(D) OSAnswer: Cwww.ramkumarsjava.com7.Kernel interacts with(A) Software(B) Hardware(C) Applications(D) OSAnswer: Bwww.ramkumarsjava.com8. The system call interface layer converts a process running in(A) user mode to protected Kernel mode(B) protected Kernel mode to user mode(C) Both(D) None of the aboveAnswer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com9. Which of the following functions are performed by Kernel?(A) low level device management(B) memory management(C) processor management(D) All of the aboveAnswer: Dwww.ramkumarsjava.com10. Files supported by UNIX are _____Answer: Ordinary files, Directory files, Special files, Character special files , Block special files.

www.ramkumarsjava.com11.Which is the command interpreter of UNIX?(A) Kernel(B) System call(C) Shell(D) Hardware

Answer: Cwww.ramkumarsjava.com12. A ____ is a set of instructions written to perform a specific task.

(A) program(B) software (C) hardware (D) OS

Answer: Awww.ramkumarsjava.com13. A program in execution is called process. (True/False)Answer: Truewww.ramkumarsjava.com14. Each line that shell reads from standard input is called(A) File(B) Process(C) Pipeline(D) None of the above

Answer: Cwww.ramkumarsjava.com15. UNIX was developed by Linus Torvalds.(True/False)False16. Linux is the freely available multitasking and multi-user OS.(True/False)Truewww.ramkumarsjava.com17. Which one is true about OS?Manages memoryb) Manages processorc) Manages I/O devicesd) All of the aboveAnswer: 18.'motd' file is present in which directory?a)binb)etcc)devd)usrAnswer: bwww.ramkumarsjava.com19.Which directory contains special files used to represent real physical devices such as printer and terminals?a)binb)etcc)devd)usr

Answer: cwww.ramkumarsjava.com20.Full form of bffs?Berkeley Fat File System Berkeley Flat File System Buffer Fat File System Buffer Flat File SystemAnswer: awww.ramkumarsjava.com21.Which UNIX flavour was developed by IBM?BSD Solaris AIX LinuxAnswer: cwww.ramkumarsjava.com22.The originator of IRIX(UNIX Flavour) is____________SUNHP SGIAnswer: dwww.ramkumarsjava.com23. Ubuntu comes under ________ based Linux OSSuSE Debian RedHat CalderaAnswer: bwww.ramkumarsjava.com24. Which UNIX variant was developed in the year 1969 with the feature to play space travel on another smaller machine?UNiplexed information and computing systemUNinterupted information and computing serviceUNiplexed information and computing serviceUNinterupted information and computing systemAnswer: