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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016 Introduction to .NET Core Marco Parenzan Microsoft MVP for Azure @marco_parenzan

Introduction to .NET Core

Jan 13, 2017



Marco Parenzan
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Page 1: Introduction to .NET Core

.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

Introduction to .NET Core

Marco ParenzanMicrosoft MVP for Azure


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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

@marco_parenzan◇ Microsoft MVP 2016 for Azure

◇ Azure Trainer in Cloud Academy, Inc.

◇ Community Lead for 1nn0va

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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

The need of a new frameworkIt was 1996

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Requirements in 1996◇ ...starting after Java◇ JVMJitted Execution Engine

◇ High cost per Mb◇ Raising Internet, not Cloud◇ COM3 and Visual Basic 6 needed a successor◇ Windows Only (no MacOS, no Linux n°1 Cloud OS)

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.NET in 2001◇◇ «Drag&Drop a button...»


Win Form ASP.NETWebForm


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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

The need of a new frameworkIt was 2012

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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

Requirements in 2012

Cloud First


New Architectures

New Languages

Node.js Tooling

New Deployments

Command Line Open Source

Coding Tools

Breaking Changes

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Cloud First◇ Azure and other cloud providers◇ High densityLight, Highly optimized

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Portability◇ Windows and Linux on Cloud◇ Windows and MacOS on desktop◇ iOS and Android on smartphone◇ «........(ARM) (x86)» on Internet of Things

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Open Source◇ Open Source standards◇ Contributions from community◇ GitHub

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Mono◇ Open Source implementation of the standardized Common Language


◇ Anticipated, inspired, what .NET should be (example: C# REPL), multiplatform

◇ Xamarin

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New Architectures◇ Successful ARM for Smartphones and Internet of Things has changed the

scenario◇ ARM is small footprint (memory, CPU power)

■ No more runtime, but native compilation, architecture specific

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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

New languages◇ JavaScript, ECMAScript, Node.js and TypeScript◇ More Python than Java◇ Go◇ R

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Node.js Tooling◇ Node.js◇ NPM◇ JavaScript V8

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New deployments◇ Application Lifecycle Management

■ Source Code Management■ Continuous Integration■ Continuous Delivery■ Testing

◇ Containerization and Docker◇ Microservices

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Command Line◇ Bash and Powershell◇ Azure and AWS◇ Docker

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Coding Tools◇ IDEVisual Studio (Full) for Windows◇ EditorVisual Studio Code for Windows, Linux and MacOS

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Breaking changes◇ Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows Vista, Windows Server

2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 10■

◇ Contrast that with the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 (2002), which is incompatible with Windows 7 (2009)■

◇ No more .NET frameworks major versions after 4.x■ Only in-place replacements

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What is .NET CoreTime for a new .NET

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What is .NETTime do to a recap

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What is .NET?◇ Common Language Runtime (CLR)

■ Services common for all language implementers (Type System, language feaures like inheritance, generics, interfaces, and overloading for object-oriented programming). Async Programming, Threading, Structured Exception Handling, Attributes, Garbage Collection, Delegates)

◇ Intermediate Language (IL)■ The generated code from each language compiler

◇ Common Language Specifications (CLS) ■ The rules to follow to be interoperable among languages

◇ Base Class Library■ A set of types (System.Object, System.Int32, System.String,

System.IO.*, …) common to all .NET◇ Framework

■ The implementation of all of these…

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Portable Class Libraries◇ The environment is a synthetic one that is generated by the intersection of

a set of concrete .NET platforms. This means that exposed APIs and platform assumptions are a subset of what would be available to a platform-specific library.

◇ You choose a platform configuration when you create a portable library. These are the set of platforms that you need to support (for example, .NET Framework 4.5+, Windows Phone 8.0+). The more platforms you opt to support, the fewer APIs and fewer platform assumptions you can make, the lowest common denominator. This characteristic can be confusing at first, since people often think “more is better”, but find that more supported platforms results in fewer available APIs.

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What is .NET Core (2)Again...Time for a new .NET

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What is .NET Core?◇ A new .NET CLR◇ A set of new libraries◇ A set of SDK tools and language compilers◇ The 'dotnet' app host

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What is .NET Core?◇ Objectives

■ Modular and smaller implementation of .NET■ Cross-platform■ App-level isolation■ Built in the open■ Optimized for specific workloads (Cloud)■ Built for the next ten years of software development

◇ .NET Codebase Fork■ No compromises on retrocompatibility■ Versioning and dependencing issues

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.NET Core Application Models◇ Console application◇ Completly rewritten ASP.NET to support Cloud

■ x64 first scenario◇ Universal Windows Platform: Windows Store Apps (cross-device)

More will follow

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Breaking changes◇ No Global Assembly Cache

■ All assemblies are deployed privately

■ An assembly for each namespace (no more mscorelib.dll)

◇ No application models■ WPF■ Winforms■ WebForms

◇ Anything Windows-specific■ registry, ACLs, perf counters,


◇ No AppDomains■ Infrastructure exists but it is

no longer usable in terms of API

■ New AppContext object■ AssemblyLoadContext to

dynamically load assemblies■ Container to isolate code

◇ No Remoting◇ No Binary Serialization◇ No Code Access Security (CAS)

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Should I migrate my project?◇ Cannot:

■ WPF, WinForms, unless UWP■ ASP.NET WebForms

◇ Should (absolutely):■ General purpose libraries

◇ Should (maybe):■ ASP.NET MVC■ Micro-services■ Console apps■ Rewrite■ Talent expertise on Linux

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Base Class Library Core Library Mono Class Library


Windows FormsWPF UWP



Compilers Languages Runtime components



.NET today—app models and libraries

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Compilers Languages Runtime components


PCL reference assemblies

Reference implementati


My code

Implementation 3Implementation

2Implementation 1

.NET today—reusing code

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• Codebase Fork • Need implementations of new capabilities on each

platform• Need to align with different ship cycles (e.g., Windows for

.NET Framework)

• Key API’s are not present on all platforms• Different implementations on each platform• Need to target a small common denominator to reuse

code• Need to master 3 base class libraries

.NET today—challenges



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.NET Standard Library

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.NET STANDARD LIBRARYOne library to rule them all


Windows FormsWPF UWP



Compilers Languages Runtime components



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Compilers Languages Runtime components


My codeFull implementations

Reference implementations

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.NET Standard Library◇ Starting from PCL purposes◇ Common functionalities among choosen platform at compile time◇ Runtime library contracts◇ Set of reference assemblies◇ Binary compatibility◇ NuGet packages idenfified by «moniker» (ex. «netstandard1.6»)

■ don’t need to specify all supported runtimes: net45+wp80+win8+wpa81+dnxcore50

■ Netstandard 1.4: target Fx 4.6, Core 1.0, UWP, Mono■ Netstandard 1.2: target Fx 4.5, Windows Phone 8, etc.

◇ So it can run on any Runtime complaining standard◇

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.NET PlatformsTarget Platform Name Alias Versions.NET Platform Standard netstandard 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6.NET Core netcoreapp 1.0.NET Framework net 4.6.3

4.5Universal Windows Platform uap 10.0Windows win 8.1

8.0Windows Phone wpa 8.1Windows Phone Silverlight wp 8.1

8.0Mono/Xamarin Platforms *Mono *

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.NET Core Runtimes◇ Runtime Adaptation Layer

■ Specific layer to complete platform specific implementation◇ Runtime Identifier RID

■ Identifies Operative System■

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Runtime Identifier RID•Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2


•Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012•win8-x64•win8-x86•win8-arm

•Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2


•Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016•win10-x64•win10-x86•win10-arm•win10-arm64

•Red Hat Enterprise Linux•rhel.7.0-x64•rhel.7.1-x64•rhel.7.2-x64






• OpenSUSE• opensuse.13.2-x64• opensuse.42.1-x64

• Oracle Linux• ol.7-x64• ol.7.0-x64• ol.7.1-x64• ol.7.2-x64

• Currently supported Ubuntu derivatives• linuxmint.17-x64• linuxmint.17.1-x64• linuxmint.17.2-x64• linuxmint.17.3-x64• linuxmint.18-x64



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Compilers Languages Runtime components


My codeFull implementations (.NET Runtime)

Reference implementations (.NET Standard)

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.NET Core Runtime

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WPF Windows Forms

Universal Windows Apps


Next gen JIT (RyuJIT)SIMD

Runtime Components Compilers

Languages innovation.NET Compiler Platform

.NET Core 5 Libraries

.NET Framework 4.6 Libraries

NuGet packagesCommon

.NET Framework 4.6 .NET Core

What’s common, and what’s not?

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.NET Compilers◇ The C# and F# languages (Visual Basic is coming) ◇ C# 6.0 is the same (road to 7.0)◇ Integrated into several text editors and IDEs◇ Roslyn: open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis


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Compilers and runtimes in action◇ JIT: Just-in-Time

Fast compilation during runtime◇ AOT: Ahead of Time

Highly optimized machine code during build


.NET Native


Single binary64 bit native code



.NET assembliesIL code

Roslyn Compiler Platform



Native codeJIT


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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

CoreCLR◇ CoreCLR is the new runtime environment used by ASP.NET and the Console

Application◇ It uses new RyuJIT. Includes basic services and Garbage Collector◇ It's faster and produces optimized code (SIMD, Vectorization, etc.)◇

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CoreRT◇ CoreRT is another used by UWP◇ .NET Native generates all the native code and is free from all addictions◇ UWP uses the CoreCLR during debugging and .NET Native in Release◇ .NET is a Ahead of Time (AOT) compiler◇ Native compilation uses the backend compiler in Visual C++◇◇ Pro

■ Less boot time, less RAM ■ Better performances■ Less battery

◇ Cons:■ Compile Time■ Linq interpreted More will follow

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CoreFX◇ It includes classes for collections, file systems, console, XML, async and

many others◇

■ This repo contains the .NET Core foundational libraries

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Acquisition◇ NET Core is distributed in two main ways, as packages on and as

standalone distributions.◇ You can download .NET Core at ◇ The Microsoft .NET Core SDK distribution includes .NET Core and a set of

tools◇ .NET Core Packages contain the .NET Core runtime and libraries.

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Developer Environments◇ Your choice of tool, on your choice platform

■ Visual Studio on Windows■ Visual Studio Code on Mac, Linux, or Windows■ vi or emacs

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Text before UI◇ Everything from text files

■ Projects■ Configuration■ Preferences and options■ Launch settings

◇ JSON is preferred data format

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dotnet.exe Command Line◇ dotnet new◇ dotnet restore◇ dotnet run◇ dotnet build◇ dotnet build –native◇ dotnet test◇ dotnet pack◇ dotnet deploy

Scaffolds a minimal appRestores packages for the project

Compiles and runs the appCompiles to IL

Compiles to a single executable

Run unit tests

Create nuget packages

Publish packages

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Testing◇ xUnit was first, now NUnit, MsTest◇ Secondary test libraries (mocking, functional testing, etc.) in progress◇ Add following NUGET packages: xunit, dotnet-test-xunit

Run tests:dotnet test

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Application Types

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New project system◇ Independent of Visual Studio◇ JSON files instead of VS artefacts◇ Every file is relevant

■ Unless stated otherwise◇ Specific folder structure◇ Build for multiple target frameworks◇ .xproj for Visual Studio (for now)◇ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages

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NuGet all the things◇ NuGet packages are unit of reference

■ Not assemblies◇ Projects will:

■ build NuGet packages■ reference NuGet packages

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Global.json◇ Defines the SDK-s to be used in solution (projects)◇ SDK is installed in: C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk

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Project.json{ "version": "1.0.0-*", "buildOptions": { "emitEntryPoint": true },

"dependencies": { "Microsoft.NETCore.App": { "version": "1.0.1", "type": "platform" }, "netcorelib": "1.0.0-*" },

"frameworks": { "netcoreapp1.0": { "imports": "dnxcore50" } }}

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Framework Dependent Application◇ Framework Dependent Application

■ Common .NET application type■ It requires preinstalled .NET framework to run■ Small footprint

◇ Runtime in C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk

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Self Contained Applications◇ Precompiled for specific runtime

■ win10-x64■ osx.10.10-x64■ ubuntu.14.04-x64

◇ Includes runtime assemblies as a part of application◇ Does not need preinstalled framework◇ Big footprint.◇ Deployment is two-step process

■ Build Executable shim■ Publish with runtime

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.NET Core Saturday 2016 – 22.10.2016

Self-Contained Applications{ "version": "1.0.0-*", "buildOptions": { "emitEntryPoint": true },

"dependencies": { "Microsoft.NETCore.App": { "version": "1.0.1", // "type": "platform" }, "netcorelib": "1.0.0-*" },

"frameworks": { "netcoreapp1.0": { "imports": "dnxcore50" } },

"runtimes": { "win10-x64": {}, "osx.10.10-x64": {}, "ubuntu.14.04-x64": {}


Remove this to activate build of


Add wanted runtimes. Or you

get an error.

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Step I: Build executable shim

Build application:C:\AppFolder>dotnet build

Native shim code.

You application is still here in DLL

When you run this it is will load framework

assemblies from installation folder. It is still

not self-contained application

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Step II: Build Self-Contained ApplicationBuild application:C:\AppFolder>dotnet build

Build application:C:\AppFolder>dotnet publish –r win10-x64C:\AppFolder>dotnet publish –r win10-x86C:\AppFolder>dotnet publish –r ubuntu.14.04-x64C:\AppFolder>dotnet publish –r ubuntu.14.04-x64

All framework assemblies are deployed

with application.

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Conclusions◇ Coherent with new requirements◇ Learned from the community◇ Open◇◇ Global vision for all .NET ecosystem◇ Support for all runtimes in future (.NET Full, Mono, Xamarin)

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Any questions?You can find me at: [email protected]
