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Introduction to Macro Economics Topic: Enterprise growth and survival in Vietnam-Government role

Jun 04, 2018



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    REPORTIntroduction to Macro Economics

    Enterprise growth and survival in Vietnam-Government roleGroup 9

    1. Ong Minh Quang BABAIU110902. Phm Minh Mn BABAIU110013. Hunh Hu Lc BABAIU110584. Phan Thin Tm BABAIU112965. Lm ThTr My BABAIU112986. Nguyn ng Phng Vy BABAUN110207. Trn Kim Yn BABAIU121568. Nguyn Hng Mai BABAIU121929. Nguyn Vnh Phc BAIU0922410.Nguyn Vng Yn Nhi BABAUH12032

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    I. IntroductionII. Growth & Survival:


    1.Internal2.External3.Governments Policies

    ii. Solutions for new enterprise that developb.Survival

    i. Internal Factors of Bankruptcyii. External Factors of Bankruptcy

    iii. Effects of governments policiesiv. Exist Strategies + Suggestive Strategies

    III. Summary

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    Vietnam is nowadays able to be considered as a huge range

    of enterprises and can attract more investments from other

    countries. In 2015, we welcome a big event that Vietnam

    will join ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), so we may

    have a big chance to develop further especially in our

    economy. To be shaped, our government play a very

    important role in setting a long-term strategy to get a higher

    economic position in ASEAN and also in the world.

    In our report, we make a small analysis about

    opportunities and difficulties we are having help us in the near future. To be clear, our group

    will state some real issues that hinder our economy from expanding and also indicate some

    governments policies attached with these problems. Moreover, we also provide some

    suggestive strategies that can be useful for our government.



    In the recent few decades, the domestic economic is gradually develop. Before 1986, Viet Nam

    has an economy as the economy of the socialist countries. In 1986, Viet Nam set up one new

    innovation policy in the market economy socialist orientation. Although the sector is

    expending, the core economic sector still be under the administration of the government. After

    1986, Viet Nam's economy has experienced tremendous growth and achieved economic

    growth of an average of 9% annually from 93 to 97, especially after the United States removed

    the embargo on trade with the South of Viet Nam in 1994. Some of the best examples for this

    advanced leap is 85% GDP growth in 1997 was fallen to 4% in 1998 because of the impact of the

    event ASEAN Economic Crisis in 1997 and increased to 4.8% in 1999. GDP growth increased

    from 6% to 7% between 2000-2002 whereas the world economy is stagnant.

    To be achieved these accomplishment, we must to mention these following


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    Process and procedure established business has been shorted and madea lot of ventilation compared with the previous year. Thus, it could help

    business reduces time and feel more convenient to make conduct with

    the authorities.

    The presence of variety of investment funds in Viet Nam launched initiallyformed and developed a systematic way.

    The strong development of the commercial banking system in recent yearhas been the growth of Viet Nam's economy.

    Businesses are take advantage of the positive available factors such asthe population, the geographic, and the natural resources

    Factors client is a key factor for the successful business The number ofcustomer buying based on brand attributes and no small proportion is

    sometimes difficult for the marketing of product and distribution


    To be successful, businesses must be not depend on that factor butdepending on the ambition of leader, as well as thought leadership and

    direction of the business and human resources. Due to the leader's

    abilities, they have to take advantage of effort to liberalize the economy

    and implement reforms, build infrastructure to reform the economy.


    a) Inflation

    High or unpredictable inflation rates are regarded as harmful to an overall economy. They

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    add inefficiencies in the market, and make it difficult for companies to budget or plan long-

    term. Uncertainty about the future purchasing power of money discourages investment and


    The inflation rate in Vietnam was recorded at 5.92 percent in October of 2013. From 1996

    until 2013, Vietnam Inflation Rate averaged 7.3 Percent reaching an all time high of 28.2Percent in August of 2008 and a record low of -2.6 Percent in July of 2000. In Vietnam, the

    inflation rate measures a broad rise or fall in prices that consumers pay for a standard basket of


    b) Competiton

    The biggest challenge of the WTO after 6 years is increasing competitive pressures, including

    the domestic market due to it gradually opening the market to foreign companies. Meanwhile,

    the competitiveness of enterprises (companies) Vietnam is not high; competitiveness of goods

    in all three national level commodity, DN poor, higher production costs, low grade comparedwith international standards, service quality is not professional.

    At the same time, due to inter-communion with the international market's fluctuations to

    impact the world in Vietnam faster, stronger.

    Governments Policies

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    Since 01/01/2014, tax income will be reduced by about 22%, instead of the current 25%. And

    since 01/01/2016, the case subject to 22% tax rate specified in this paragraph apply to them the

    rate of 20% and enterprises with total revenue of 20 billion 20 % tax rate


    Exemption or reduction of land use, exemption or reduction of land rent, water rent state,

    Support land and water surface rent of households and individuals, Exemption or reduction of

    land use purpose change the land use


    State policy requires a lot of tax incentives for businesses as applicable tax rate 0% preferential

    imports for some products such as line telephone sets with cordless handsets phone,

    depressing tax preferential import tax rates for many food items such as rainbow trout (trout),

    Atlantic salmon, herring declined from 12% to 10%; butter dropped from 14 to 13%, The beauty

    products such as: Preparations for permanent waving or straightening, hair spray also proposed

    import tax rate from 17% to 15%.

    Many cars of heading 8703 reduced import duty from 74% to 70%, a number of vehicles

    proposed reduction from 62% to 59%.

    Besides, the government should take measures to promote the development of such as:

    First, the time required to set strategic direction for business development which now proposes

    appropriate policy mechanisms to support business development.

    Second, build a system of financial institutions serving the capital needs of businesses, enabling

    companies to access funds at an interest rate low through policy, government decrees. The

    government should accelerate reducing interest rates. If only offer a lower interest rate, the

    solution is not optimal solutions, which have done all 3 things: Frozen reschedule and acquired


    Third, focus on improving the quality of human resources. Resources used to specialization

    towards high quality. In addition to specialized training to improve disciplines, the team leader

    should be trained in management skills, financial management skills main skills of human

    resources management...

    Fourth, the need to take advantage of tax policy priorities are being supported by the State

    additional funding to action.

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    Fifth, the immediate transition forms to the traditional sales channel selling modern, dynamic

    and flexible so that the state exists to solve prolonged storage, freeing funds are stagnant.

    Sixth, in the context of global integration as the current need to raise awareness business

    community about the role and importance of IT applications believe in the business activities.

    This step is necessary to meet the growing demand of information technology applications in

    economic developmentsocial and economic integration of the country internationally.

    Conclusion: The role and position of critical business systems in the economy, should

    implement synchronous measures and policies to encourage enterprises

    Growth- Solutions for new enterprise that develop

    First customer: You will not be able to say is "doing business" when you have nottaken a customer. If initially you do not have customers, you have to put a priority onthis. You expand and "warm" the inherent relationships. Those of you surely know who

    wants you to succeed and who will help you in what is needed for your business or are

    ready to introduce you to potential customers.

    Investment in sales skills: Sales are vital to the business. Often the newlyestablished enterprises often lack the sales experience. Take out a fixed schedule every

    week to study and apply the necessary sales skills fit your business model . You do not

    think that marketing will help you for sales Marketing is a different story than the sales

    story. Marketing helps create customer interest for your business. Once you have an

    interested client, you must use your sales skills to make them buy from you

    Profitable :Revenue is the most important solution to solve fiancial problems but isonly superficial. The ultimate goal you need to achieve is profitable. Without profit, your

    business will fail. You have to understand the value of your business and ensure that you

    focus on making money. For some businesses, their profits from investing in research

    and innovation. Consider financial problems to determine your company's profits come


    Pricing policy:In the first 90 days, you will have to face the fact that you get fromthe market. You have to weigh very carefully about your pricing policies. Do not repeatthe mistakes that companies often make the lowest offer in the hope that the price is

    unbeatable. Your opponent now has established long before you, and they can offer the

    price you can not compete.

    Prepare quarterly goals: Establishing a business is very time-consuming andsometimes make you feel stress. You need to learn at the same time a lot of skill and a

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    lot of systems you have built. You will easily fall into work day after day without results.

    Successful people are often the target set at 90 days (one quarter) with clear timelines.

    This is the difference between success and will not succeed.

    Type of business : "personality" of your business and will be consistent with theneeds and trends of the business. If you understand the nature of your business, youwill know how to do what is best for it.


    Internal Factors of Bankruptcy

    The national reports point to

    internal problems as being major

    reasons for the demise of a

    significant proportion of companies.

    These problems are usually a result

    of mismanagement or taking

    excessive risks, and usually the

    companies concerned either had

    long-standing problems or were not

    prepared for changing market conditions. As a result, when the economic downturn and

    financial crisis hit, bankruptcy was difficult to avoid. The two main internal factors identified

    were excessive debts and a failure to develop an effective strategy for competing in the market.

    - Financing

    Financing is one of the primary challenges that small businesses face. Many business owners

    take out loans to help finance their operations. If a business struggles, his lender may not be

    willing to grant additional funding, which could lead to bankruptcy. Even if an owner can secure

    more financing to keep his company afloat in the short-term, high debt makes it more difficult

    for a company to be profitable because it has to pay interest on the debt.

    Excessive debts were a widespread cause of bankruptcies in nine countries, according to the

    national correspondentsAustria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania,

    Norway, Poland and Romania. Prior to the financial crisis, borrowing was cheap and companies

    could therefore take on significant amounts of debt at little cost; however, it became difficult

    for them to continue servicing the debt when the economic crisis hit and their sales revenue

    declined. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which rely more on borrowing, seem to

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    have been the most vulnerable in this regard.

    Liabilities that exceed their assets. The other definition of insolvency in bankruptcy court is

    having liabilities that exceed one's assets. Even if cash flow is acceptable, legal counsel may

    advise businesses to file bankruptcy if liabilities have risen too high. Companies that filebankruptcy for this reason often hope to reorganize in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy by

    restructuring their debt and discharging as much debt as possible. The success of such

    reorganizations depends partly on the debtor company's behavior, but also depends partly on

    the willingness of creditors to cooperate. Thus, reorganization in bankruptcy court is inherently


    The crisis not only led to the collapse of economically and financially vulnerable companies; it

    also hit competitive, but financially weak, enterprises. In particular, companies that began to

    restructure before the downturn, and had borrowed large amounts of money to do so,

    suddenly found their sales income falling and a reluctance on the part of banks to extend more

    credit. For example, in Norway, Tandberg Dataa global provider of data storagehad been

    experiencing financial problems since 2007 and underwent restructuring in 2008. The company

    failed in its attempts to renegotiate its debt repayment schedule and went bankrupt in April


    In addition, companies which had borrowed in foreign currencies, especially those in the new

    Member States that joined the EU in 2004 and 2007, experienced a large increase in their

    servicing costs as their domestic exchange rate declined markedly.

    - Poor Decision Making

    The pursuit of an uncompetitive market strategyalthough a major internal cause of

    bankruptcies in many countriesis often difficult to distinguish from external factors, which

    frequently aggravate the problem. In markets that

    are highly competitive, slight mismanagement may

    cost a company its position in the market. Moreover,

    companies which have not adopted a competitivestrategy to assure survival as the market contracts

    during the economic downturn may be forced out of

    business as their share of the market declines. For

    instance, there are a number of examples of

    mismanagement in the textiles industry in several

    countriesAustria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania and Sloveniaand a failure

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    to anticipate the consequences of the international Agreement on Textiles and Clothing coming

    to an end in 2005. This World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement had allowed quotas to be

    imposed on imports of textile products from developing countries. The failure to foresee the

    effects of this development was compounded by a lack of action during the subsequent three-

    year period when the EU imposed temporary quotas on imports from China.

    Lack of planning and level-heading thinking can lead to hasty decisions and business failure. For

    example, a business owner might spend time and money developing a product that she

    believes in without surveying customers and studying production costs to gauge whether the

    product could be profitable. Even if the product is useful, it might not be financially viable from

    a business standpoint. Lack of education and experience in finance and management can

    increase the likelihood of poor decisions, but no company is immune to making mistakes.

    - Other Causes

    Bankruptcy can result from a host of other underlying problems that inhibit profitability. Some

    other factors that can contribute to bankruptcy include poor business location, loss of key

    employees, lawsuits raised by competitors and personal issues like illness or divorce.

    Unforeseen disasters and criminal activity like floods, storms, fires, theft and fraud can also

    cause hardships that lead to bankruptcy.

    External Factors of Bankruptcy

    Firstly, CRS: Corporate Social Responsibility.

    CRS is one of other important

    traditional reasons such as

    spending, quality and delivery

    service in business. CRS are

    connected with the enterprise's

    strategies and become an

    imperative condition to the

    enterprise's survival and

    development.CBR mean:

    - sustainning and protecting the

    company's culture

    - protecting the interests of teh employees

    - contending the corruption

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    - Environmental Protection: When a marketing transaction impacts a third party--others

    besides the marketer and purchaser--the effect is called an externality. The third party is

    often the environment. Thus, it is the government's role to regulate industry and thereby

    protect the public from environmental externalities. Whether the government is effective in

    this role is a matter of much discussion. The Gulf oil spill of 2010 has been cited as evidence of

    lax oversight.

    - making good conditions for the employees

    - the good relationships

    - one for all

    Secondly, The government policies on domains

    - possession

    - management

    - distribution- ensure the stable macro economics to develop and grow

    - ensure the increasing of the social welfare for the employees

    - social justice

    - Taxation: Governments at all levels tax businesses, and the resulting revenue is an important

    part of government budgets. Some revenue is taxed at the corporate level, then taxed as

    personal income when distributed as dividends. This is in no way inappropriate, since it

    balances the tax burden between the company and individual and allows the government to tax

    more equitably.

    - Investor Protection: Government mandates that companies make financial information public,

    thereby protecting the rights of investors and facilitating further investment. This is generally

    done through filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Whether federal regulation

    has been adequate is a matter of much debate.

    Effects of governments policies

    Reference Source:

    Document as Solutions for monetary policy and fiscal policy in Vietnam 2013 (Associate

    Professor-Dr. Nguyen Thi Nhung and Master Phan Din Vof University City Bank. HCM)


    Monetary policy still has to "load" heavy-Dr Tran Hoang Ngan - Member of the Economic

    Committee of Congress talk to reporters Banking Times.

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    Overall, the current Vietnams economy has a lot better by adjusting the monetary

    policy. For example, the macroeconomic is stable , inflation is curbed- CPI forecast at 7.5% in

    2012, the exchange rate remained stable, rising foreign exchange reserves, interest rates fell

    from 20 % -25%, the credit structure changes towards increasing credit to agriculture, exports

    of small and medium enterprises, social security and basic social welfare is guaranteed. Thissituation encourages enterprises to remain their preferences in the market to subsidize or earn

    profits after long-hard time

    . However, the monetary policy still has limitations, which adversely affect the business. Firstly,the potential risk of inflation is still high because fiscal longer dominate currency. This means

    the country uses monetary policy to solve many of the problems of fiscal policy, such as:

    support for a series of five priority areas supposed fiscal policies but using the central bank

    money, or advance to the budget disbursement, 30.000 billion mortgage assistance, and solving

    bad debts through VAMC also 100,000 billion "... all through the State Bank of Viet Nam.

    Secondly, the imbalance reflected in the rapid credit growth in previous years, business loans

    are easy to use false investment objectives, managing cash flow is limited to led to a billion

    NPL's commercial banking system is at 10% of total loans about 250.000 billion.

    Next, management policy and banking supervision are not really effective. For example, many

    banks pay the higher frame interest rates prescribed by the State Bank a few percentages

    through conditions such as deposits above 100 million or 500 million VN will be "plus" on the

    interest. Additionally, State Bank does not apply the law of the market economy well with weak

    banks, liquidity, and loans over the rate specified in the itinerary ... during merger,

    consolidation and acquisition of banks. Therefore, the safety of the financial system in Vietnam

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    is threatened. On the other hand, the delay of its monetary policy when applied to bank

    manager VN economy has created disadvantages such as lack of flexibility, asynchronous in

    coordination between ministries, agencies with local central offices for the application and

    enforcement of policies. Moreover, the situation of cross-ownership stake in the banks reduces

    competition in this market and the bank's capital investment can be used to incentive forinvestment in the subsidiary, or as company backyard. For example: Maritime Bank is owned

    by Agribank, while the Maritime Bank and owns MB Mekong Development Bank. More

    complex, Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) is owned Export-Import Bank of Vietnam (Eximbank), but

    also owns Eximbank Bank Saigon - (Sacombank).

    Cross-ownership in MB Bank : Even thought, restructuring is considered as a good solution but

    the fact that the situation becomes more complex cross-ownership after restructuring. Thats

    because the group of shareholders are actually non-financial corporate control of the bank

    before and it continues in control now. Thus, the cross-ownership issue remains unchanged.

    This condition causes unfair competition between companies. Generally, all of these

    disadvantages can cause companies become victims of inflation and changes in macro-

    economic, as well as the weak banking system, and the belief of enterprises also will be


    . One of the complex problems in Governments policy is the corporate income taxes

    are constantly changing. There are about 100 companies fall into arrears with taxes and

    penalties while the policy was implemented tax incentives according to official guidelines of the

    Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Taxation and Tax provinces. The reason why

    hundreds of companies have arrears, penalty amounts large tax above is due to theinconsistency of tax regulations. The policy made the tax reduction, then change to not reduce

    tax, when they require the companies count combined tax but also forced separation another

    time. Some enterprises have to be collected large tax arrears and penalties as SCD (6. 89 billion

    VN-tax and 3.7 billion VN-penalty), BMP (75 billion VN-tax and 45 billion VN-penalty). This

    made it difficult for businesses and affects the rights and legitimate interests of businesses.

    As the tax arrears and penalties make many losses for businesses and shareholders.

    Besides that, Bankruptcy Law in Viet Nam is also not specified. The ability to handle

    insolvent computing companies is very limited is one of the ranking factors held back the

    business environment of Vietnam in the World Bank report (WB) and International Finance

    Corporation (IFC) announced. World Bank and IFC's calculations show that the time to solve a

    business is unable to pay up to 5 years and cost approximately 15% of the property value.

    However, the recovery rate is only 16.2 cents / USD. They fall into the situation that cannot

    produce but cannot stay permanently. It makes the enterprises become loss more and more

    over the years and the fact that they cannot pay their debts or take back money.

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    Exist Strategies + Suggestive Strategies

    1.Equity: the first factorProcesses and procedures required in establishing business have been shortened and made lots

    of ventilation in comparison with the previous years, which helps businesses reduce the time

    and always feel more convenient to make contact with the government authorities.

    The presence of international investment funds in Vietnam and variety of Vietnamese

    investment funds launched initially formed and developed a systematic way, but they are not

    really heavily involved in the process of supporting Vietnamese enterprises.

    The strong development of the commercial banking system in recent years has shown the

    growth of Vietnam's economy as well as the heat of the capital market.

    Although we all know that the early stages of development of businesses is the process

    demanding capital, but accessing to capital from the commercial banking system is still difficult

    for them, especially small business enterprises. Therefore, governments need to take more

    effective measures to help enterprises access the equity in the loanable market because this is

    a critical element for them to survive and contribute to Vietnams economy.

    2.Survival is the only way to growthThere are a lot of business leaders who do have the competition courage and lack of confidence

    because they fear that it is cannot be done or they will face many difficulties in order to

    overcome competitors.

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    Enterprises depend not only completely on equity capital but also the ambitious as well as the

    thinking and direction of managers to the company and human resources in order to reach to


    However, there are many managers who truly desire to develop the company have to face

    difficulties in managing human resources.

    A lot of young people joining small companies only have the aim of gaining experience. These

    people are willing to move to other bigger companies to receive higher benefits although the

    current company also has good benefit and development opportunities. Besides, working for a

    company with famous brand name is always a desire of any people which is a disadvantage of

    small companies.

    This has made a negative impacts on the stable development of human resources in

    Vietnamese companies owing to the fact that these companies often employs a small number

    of employees. Companies have to suffer considerable lost when employees playing key role

    quit suddenly.


    Enterprise growth and survival in developing countries, especially Vietnam has seen a

    significant expansion in recent years. In this report, we have to find precisely reasons and

    determine what government policies influence on them as well as offer some resolutions for

    both enterprises growth and governments support.

    First of all, in fact, new enterprise still have a lot of obstacles which limit their ability to develop

    in this country. Over the few decades, the domestic economy in Vietnam has a noticeable step

    when the world economy reached the deadlock thanks to such reasons we mentioned above.

    Secondly, there are some suggestions for new enterprise or some which in trouble to make

    themselves become better. In addition, the first thing they have to do is concentrate on their

    first customers who will be introduce them to potential client. Sale skills, profit, understand

    nature and consist with the needs and trends of business, prepare for the quarterly goals, or

    notice about pricing policy are some main factors that put a huge impact to help them achieve

    the ultimate goal.

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    Bankruptcy is also a big problem which make threats against any enterprise. It is defined that

    the excessive debts and poor decision making as well as poor business location, lawsuits,

    Overall, adjusting the monetary policy is also a good resolution to current Vietnams economy.

    Yet, it still has its own limitations which influence to enterprises like high inflation, the

    imbalance reflected in the rapid credit growth, management policy and banking supervision arenot really effective, Beside, Bankruptcy law in Vietnam is not specified, therefore, enterprise

    can not control, can not pay debts and take money back.

    The authorities has planned to promulgate to support the enterprise by offering them many

    policies like corporate income tax by reducing from 25% to 22%, privileges on land by

    exempting land use, tax incentives for export and import by setting a lower tax rate for some

    specific products. Besides, the law makers also should take measures to support the

    enterprises development like proposes an appropriate mechanism, build a financial institutions

    system, concentrating on human resources quality, focusing on tax policy priorities, enhance IT

    skills and knowledge in this current global integration. Such resolutions should implement

    synchronous to encourage and support the enterprise due to they also give a hand to the

    development of the country.





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