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Introduction to designing research

Jan 06, 2016




Introduction to designing research. 報告人:李美儀 學號: 0253210 Date : 2014/03/18. 自我介紹:李美儀. 學歷: 交通 大學 運管所 物流管理碩士班 一年級 淡江大學財務金融學系畢業 臺北商業技術學院五專財政稅務科畢業 經歷: D card 夏季舞會二十四校籌辦團隊主持人 102 年全國大專院校優秀青年淡江大學代表 如來實證社五校大型聯合組聚主持人 救國團第三期探索教育訓練培訓員 淡江大學康樂輔導社現任顧問 (16 th 社長 ) 興趣: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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0253210Date2014/03/181Introduction to designing research

2 D card102(16th)()Bass

3Creswell, J. W., Research design: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, 3rd ed., 2009, Sage Publications.

4 (The Importance of Introduction)(Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed methods Introductions) (A model for an Introduction) (The Research Problem) (Studies Addressing the Problem) (Deficiencies in Past Literature) (Significance of a study for Audiences


45PurposeThe purpose is to establish a framework for the research, so that readers can understand how it is related to other research.()To this complexity is added the need for introductions to carry the weight of encouraging the reader to read farther and to see significance in the study.()To distinguish subtle differences between introductions for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies.()

56The concept is immature due to a conspicuous lack of theory and previous research.()A notion that the available theory may be inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, or biased.()A need exists to explore and describe the phenomena and to develop theory.()The nature of the phenomenon may not be suited to quantitative measures.()

67Researchers sometimes advance a theory to test.()They will incorporate substantial reviews of the literature to identify research questions that need to be answered.()A quantitative introduction may be written from the impersonal point of view and in the past tense, to convey objectivity. ()78()89The deficiencies model of an introduction is a general template for writing a good introduction.()()()


narrative hook()Agnes(Buttenfield1985)(Mcmaster, 1987)


1112PurposeThe purpose of reviewing studies in an introduction is to justify the importance of the study and to create distinctions between past studies and the proposed one. This component might be called setting the research problem within the ongoing dialogue in the literature.()This study is narrow and focused(and studies may not exist on it).If one broadens the review of the literature upward to the base of the inverted triangle, literature can be found, although it may be somewhat removed from the study at hand. (,)

1213()1314 (Cooper, 1965; Alvik, 1968; rosell, 1968; Svancarova & Svancarova, 1967-68; Haavedsrud, 1970)( Ziller, 1990, pp.85-85)

1415(ex: Terenaini(2001)) ex: Terenaini(2001)

