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Sport Services Club Information Guide

Introduction - · outcomes in the use and development of its sporting facilities. Council’s sporting facilities are community ... on the Snap Send Solve

Aug 15, 2020



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  • Sport Services Club Information Guide

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 2

    Sutherland Shire Council currently administers over 120 playing fields, 3 athletics tracks, 54 tennis courts and 99 netball courts for use by clubs, residents, schools and community groups.

    Council facilitates and coordinates the management of sports facilities, open spaces, and services to provide people of all ages, interests and abilities with the opportunity to participate in sporting and physical activities. Council’s aim is to encourage user groups to work in partnership with Council to ensure positive outcomes in the use and development of its sporting facilities. Council’s sporting facilities are community facilities and multiple uses of community facilities are encouraged and promoted.

    The objective of the Sports Services Club Information Guide is to provide an overview of the roles and responsibilities of Council, sporting clubs, user groups and associations to enable a better understanding of the processes guiding the use and allocation of facilities, as well as developing sport and recreation opportunities. Council appreciates that the majority of clubs rely on the efforts of their volunteers to manage, coach and officiate their many activities and value the contribution sporting clubs make to the community.

    Participation in sport and active recreation has many benefits to the individuals and the wider community such as:• increased social interaction and support; • positive self-esteem and confidence; • challenge and competition; • achievement and leadership; • improved individual physical and mental health; • skill development; • employment in the industry and associated

    industries; • economic benefits of sport and recreation tourism,

    such as special events; • safer communities through reduced anti-social and

    criminal behaviour; • increased community pride; • improved societal health and wellbeing; and • reduction in healthcare costs.

    Just as community clubs play a major role in achieving these outcomes, Local Government also plays an important role.


  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 3

    Good communication is essential in the efficient running of sporting facilities.

    If you require Council assistance during business hours & after hours. please contact the Sport Services Team

    T 02 9710 0333 E [email protected]

    o Team Leader Sport & Community Services T 02 9710 0469 or [email protected]

    o Sport Services Advisor T 02 9710 0605 or [email protected]

    o Sport Services Officer T 02 9710 0127 or [email protected]

    For information on oval closures due to Wet Weather please phone Council’s Wet Weather Line

    T 02 9710 0105 or check Council’s website

    Maintenance issues (fallen trees, damage to facilities) can be reported on the Snap Send Solve app. The app is free to download on iPhone, iPad and Android devices. It lets anyone easily take a photo of an issue and immediately share it with Council so the issue can be addressed. If your situation needs immediate attention, contact the relevant emergency service provider.

    How does Snap Send Solve work?The app is free to download on iPhone, iPad and Android devices. It lets anyone easily take a photo of an issue or provide general feedback, and immediately share with us so we can address the issue. Once we receive your notification through Snap Send Solve, it will be processed by Council and you’ll get a response as quickly as possible.

    Sport Services will be in contact directly or via newsletter throughout the year with associations and clubs on various matters.

    For more information


  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 4

    Council provides access to active open space for community sport and recreational activities. Public open space is available for all members of the community to use, however, priority access is given to groups who have a hire agreement with Council. Hiring requests that cause damage or impact the community’s ability to use the space for sporting activities will not be accepted.

    Multi-sport usage of sites is becoming more common across Council’s facilities as shared use of sites accommodates the growth in population and sporting participation.

    Active open space can be hired in the following ways:


    the majority of local sporting associations hire space this way to accommodate their competition seasons. Bookings and Allocations of Sporting Fields


    usually one-off bookings for community events or representative/state/national competitions Bookings and Allocations of Sporting Fields

    Sporting Facilities Allocation & Bookings and Allocations of Sporting Fields

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 5

    SEASONAL HIRE ALLOCATIONALLOCATION PROCESS Council allocates sporting fields, courts and cricket nets on a seasonal basis. Allocations are not to be construed as exclusive occupation.

    • Regular user allocations are booked twice a year for the Summer season (2nd Saturday in September through to 2nd Sunday in March) and Winter Season (last Saturday in March through to last Sunday in August – subject to change due to the timing of Easter)

    • Sports Services contacts the sporting associations (in June and November) to submit their seasonal allocation requests on line. The draft allocation document is sent out to associations giving each sport the opportunity to check their allocations. On completion the final document will be sent out.

    • Applications for seasonal ground usage will only be received from sporting associations and not individual clubs. Users should only apply for allocation if the space will be fully utilised - the practice of blanket bookings is not permitted.

    • Hiring requests that impact the space, cause damage or impact the usage for sporting activities will not be accepted.

    • Priority access is given to local sporting users who have hire agreements with Council and have traditionally used the space.

    • To accommodate the growth of local community and sporting participation, Council will assess hire requests against participation data to identify compatible sporting codes and potential shared use models. A participation data template will be sent out users separate to the allocation document.

    • Users may be contacted by Council near the end of season for early access to fields. This may be for essential maintenance or cricket wicket preparation (fields with turf wickets require longer periods of preparation).

    • Users are not entitled to grounds or facilities outside of the allocated days and times. Hire time specified includes set up and pack up time.

    • Associations are responsible when allocating fields and scheduling games to both optimise facility utilisation and to monitor increased usage to minimise damage to playing surfaces

    • Hirers that use playing fields which have been closed will be liable for the cost of repairs and may have to forfeit their hirer status.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 6



    • The Sport Field Allocation Form is available on line to be filled in and submitted - Sport Field Allocation Form

    • The Terms & Conditions – Hire of Sutherland Shire Council’s Sporting Fields, Tracks and Courts is available and must be read and agreed to when applying for allocations Sport Facility Hirers Terms & Conditions

    PUBLIC LIABILITY • Council requires hirers to secure and maintain

    a Public Liability Insurance cover with a maximum value of $20 million, with Council’s interest as a principal specifically noted. Copies of Certificate of Currency must be supplied with Hirer’s Agreement.

    Council has facilities available for casual hire including synthetic fields, courts and athletic tracks.

    • The Sport Field Allocation Form is available on line to be filled in and submitted - Sport Field Allocation Form

    • The Terms & Conditions – Hire of Sutherland Shire Council’s Sporting Fields, Tracks and Courts is available and must be read and agreed to when applying for allocations Sport Facility Hirers Terms & Conditions

    • Council requires hirers to secure and maintain a Public Liability Insurance cover with a maximum value of $20 million, with Council’s interest as a principal specifically noted. Copies of Certificate of Currency must be supplied with Hirer’s Agreement.

    • Users are not entitled to grounds or facilities outside of the allocated days and times. Hire time specified includes set up and pack up time.

    • Hirers that use playing fields which have been closed will be liable for the cost of repairs and may forfeit their hirer status.

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    • Personal Trainers are not allocated space. Personal Trainers must be registered with Council and adhere to Council’s Use of Public Open Space by Fitness Groups and Personal Trainers Policy. Outdoor Personal Fitness and Training

    • Allocated users have right of use over Personal Trainers at all times. If allocated users have issues please notify Council on 02 9710 0333.

    • The condition of the facility may impact it’s availability to be allocated and used

    • Council makes no warranty as to the condition of the facilities. The facilities are hired as they are found by the Hirer.

    • Council may cancel any booking for the purpose of public safety, maintenance, repairs or wet weather

    • Pre-Season Trials, Training & Grading Days - A four week period prior to the start of each season is available for pre-season trials, training and grading. However, the current sport allocated the facility has priority and each site has to be assessed as field renovations and maintenance also take priority. Sporting associations will be given any allocations to pass on to their clubs. Council may limit pre-season training to protect sports ground surfaces for the current season user.

    • Night Games - The playing of night games is subject to policy conditions, an application process, DA conditions and is based on individual site conditions.

    • To book fields for Presentation Days/Events contact Council’s Events and Activations Team Event Applications

    • There are local school playgrounds that are available for use in school holidays. For information contact NSW Government School Infrastructure visit Share Our Space





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    OPERATIONAL PLAN OF MANAGEMENT• It is recommended that each sporting

    group using active open space develop an Operational Plan of Management outlining roles and responsibilities. It provides direction to the club executive and volunteers. Contact your association for a template.







    RISK MANAGEMENT • Awareness of your club’s legal obligations and

    commitment to quality and safety are critical in today’s sporting environment. If you are part of the committee, risk management is one of your key responsibilities. Risk management aims to be pro-active rather than reactive - creating a safer environment and legally safer operational procedures. Sport NSW Risk. For more information:

    • Play by the Rules – Risk management advice for people in sport

    • Club Help – Risk Management • Our Community – Risk Management • Users must undertake appropriate inspection of facilities

    (buildings and grounds) to be used to ensure that they are safe for their intended use.

    Operational matters are generally the responsibility of the user groups and issues should be covered in the Sporting Group’s Operational Plan of Management.

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    AGREEMENTS, LEASES, PERMITS & LICENCES Council has a leasing policy which outlines terms and conditions for community groups and associations to lease community land.

    Leasing of Council Properties

    Where your club uses a Council building, reserve or sport facility, it is often a requirement that a formal agreement be entered into.

    There are a range of agreement types, as follows:

    • Leases – provides the lessee with exclusive use of the property while allowing the lessee to sub lease to other parties with approval of the landlord. The term of a lease agreement can be from 3 or more years.

    • Licences – allows the property to be used at specific times consistent with the licence agreement. More than one licence holder may use a property. The initial term of a licence normally ranges from 1 to 3 years.

    • Permits – normally issued for a single event or for a specific season. Permits normally require annual renewal.

    • Management Agreements or Deeds – tend to be issued to professional management organisations or large sporting clubs for the management of major facilities such as indoor sports centres, swimming pools and commercial function facilities.







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    • If alcohol is to be consumed or sold on Council property, the sporting club is obliged to contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming NSW to obtain a Liquor Licence. Contacting the Office of liquor and Gaming NSW will ensure you are fully informed, prepared and licenced. Clubs can apply on line with Liquor & Gaming NSW

    • Regulations also require that the licensee of licensed premises together with anybody serving liquor, are to hold current Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificates (RSA NSW Certificate). Penalties will apply to any person found to be serving, supplying or selling alcohol without an RSA certificate.

    • The consumption and sale of alcohol at events (other than game days), need to be registered with NSW Police Register my party

    • Council reserves the right to prohibit the sale and consumption of alcohol at any event. Council also reserves the right to impose special conditions.

    • Alcohol is not permitted in Council parks, sports fields or reserves.

    • Sporting groups holding a liquor licence must develop an Alcohol Management Plan. In this document you will need to explain how the proposed licensed area will be physically defined (map of area) and how access will be controlled to prevent liquor being brought into or being taken away from the proposed licensed area, ensure responsible service practices are observed, management of minors and harm minimisation strategies (e.g. availability of free water) are in place.

    • Sporting clubs holding Liquor Licences must join either Sutherland Liquor Accord or Miranda Liquor Accord - Join & Find a Liquor Accord or Sutherland Liquor Accord email [email protected] or Miranda Liquor Accord email [email protected]

    • For member clubs of Football NSW - Information on the Sale and Supply of Alcoholic Beverages is available on Sale & Supply of Alcohol







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    ANTI-SOCIAL INCIDENTS • Phone Police - Any anti-social behaviour that

    you and/or your club witness is to be directly reported to the Police at the time of the incident. Contact the Police Assistance Line (PAL) on 131 444 and your incident will be logged and you will be given an event number. Having an incident logged will ensure that the incident is recorded and noted with the Police.

    • In the event of an emergency risking injury/life phone 000.

    ATTENDANCE BEHAVIOUR• Supervision and control of attendees

    (including players, officials, spectators, visiting teams and children) is a requirement of the Terms & Conditions – Hire of Sutherland Shire Council’s Sporting Fields, Tracks and Courts - Sport Facility Hirers Terms & Conditions

    BANNERS, SIGNAGE & ADVERTISINGThe placement of any advertising (permanent or temporary) banners/signs on Council property or land must have prior approval by Council and approval reference number must be printed on signage. Approval is generally restricted to community/not-for-profit groups

    • Banners must not be displayed until approval from Council has been obtained

    • The banner program is not intended to be used as advertising for products, services or individuals but to promote activities and community events within the Shire.

    • Banners may be confiscated by Council if they do not have Council approval, are displayed beyond removal date, are offensive, are unlawful, are of a commercial nature that provides benefit to a private entity, are damaged or causing a hazard.

    • Land or property owned by other government agencies e.g. RMS requires approval from these agencies.







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    • Any damage to public land or Council property, as the result of the erection of any banner or sign will be repaired at the expense of the organisation displaying the banner or sign. It should also be noted that Council is not liable or responsible for banners or signs which are lost, stolen or damaged.

    • Information on Banners and approval process can be obtained through Council’s Public Domain Assets on 02 9710 0108 or by reading the Community and Sporting Banners Guidelines Community & Sporting Banners Guideline


    • Council must be notified if users allocation is no longer required (e.g. if season finishes early). This will allow allocation to another user or field renovation to occur.

    CONTACTS• Sport Services can be contacted via generic

    email address [email protected] or by phoning Council on 02 9710 0333

    • The allocation document and Hirer’s Agreement require current association and club contact details

    • Clubs are to nominate one member of the committee who can be contacted anytime. Clubs or associations are to notify Council if contact details change

    • Clubs are encouraged to create generic email addresses for committee members to ensure information is received irrespective of changes in committee e.g. [email protected]







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    EMERGENCY PROCEDURES• In the event of an emergency risking injury/life

    phone 000. This includes criminal issues such as anti-social behaviour or malicious damage.

    • A list of emergency service agencies and their contact details are provided on Council’s website - Emergency Response

    • Provisions for the management of Emergency (including evacuation procedures) must be made by the Hirer.

    • Urgent maintenance and other issues that may pose a safety risk should be reported immediately to Council by phoning 02 9710 0333.

    • Users, as part of the hirer’s agreement are responsible for checking the conditions of all facilities and suitability of equipment prior to any use.

    • First Aid/incidents – All clubs should have a documented first/aid incident reporting system to ensure all incidents are recorded and records kept for the designated time.

    • Concussion in Sport Protocols – The Office of Sport has partnered with Sports Medicine Australia to develop a set of concussion protocols. The protocols can be used by all stakeholders involved in sport including players, parents, coaches, officials, teachers, first aid providers, sports trainers and administrators and covers all major areas including; understanding what concussion is and why it is important, recognising a concussion, managing a suspected concussion, managing return to participation after concussion and knowing where to find more information about concussion. For information go to Concussion.







  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 14

    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT• It is important to be aware of the environmental

    impacts of your activities and consider the following:

    • Travel and transport activity-reduce carbon emissions

    • Food and drink consumption-reduce waste and non-recyclable packaging, organic vs processed and locally produced vs transported products.

    • Energy and water consumption-reduce unnecessary and excessive usage

    FAIR PLAY Everyone has the right to take part in sport, free from harassment, abuse and poor behaviour.

    • It is recommended that Club Committees should lead a fair play culture – one that embraces diversity, transparency, sporting spirit, integrity and respect. For more information on the Coloured Vest Program, Disability, Inclusion and diversity, Play by the Rules, Selection, SHOOSH for kids or sport rage, please go to Office of Sport.

    FLOODLIGHTS/POWERAn allocation or booking is required to access the floodlights at sports grounds.

    • Timers - Council sets the Floodlight timers seasonally per the allocation schedule. The timers are also adjusted for daylight savings. Any changes to the timers made by the clubs during the season may incur a fee.

    • Recommended floodlight operation - Floodlights are to be switched on and off manually as relying on the timers alone will mean lights will operate on Public Holidays or when training has been cancelled.

    • Clubs using fields with floodlighting controlled by SMS will be issued with unique PINs. Lights can be activated remotely by sending SMS text messages from mobile phones.• Your PIN is to be kept secure as billing charges will

    be tracked to this PIN.• SMS Command Message Structure –

    • Your Pin Code • Then either 1 = on or 0 = off• Field/court number• End Character

    • Electricity costs – All users are responsible for the payment of electricity costs associated with allocated use. These costs include floodlights, the building (including security lights) and other associated electrical use.

    • Floodlight globes - Council will replace blown globes (where Council approved installations are in place) cross arms and poles. Use send snap solve in the circumstance of blown floodlights or damage to cross arms and poles







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    FOOD• For Canteen Food safety Information for

    sporting clubs please refer to the Office of Sport - Food Safety

    • All temporary food premises (stalls) are to comply with NSW Food Authority ‘Guidelines for Food Businesses at Temporary Events’, The Food Act 2003 and Food Regulation 2015 and the Food Safety Standards. Council’s conditions include: Temporary food stalls for a charity/not for profit organisation do not need to appoint a food safety supervisor but all other food standards must be met.

    GOOD NEIGHBOUR POLICYSporting facilities, grounds and surrounds in the Sutherland Shire are mostly shared with and surrounded by residential properties. These neighbours are an important part of the wider community. Therefore, a good Neighbour Policy ensures that clubs are respectful and maintain a good relationship with residents. Excessive noise, offensive language, bad behaviour or any other activity likely to cause disturbance will not be tolerated.

    • Clubs are to cooperate with both Council and neighbours should issues arise.

    • Common issues of conflict reported to Council include:• Disruptive departures from facilities, excessive

    loud talking, slamming car doors and unsafe driving.

    • Floodlights being left on when grounds are not being used. Manual operation of floodlights is mandatory. Floodlights being used out of allocated hours. Adjusting spill shields will not be tolerated.

    • Parking inappropriately affecting neighbours

    • Kicking balls against neighbours fences, or onto roofs

    • Not bringing in/putting out rubbish bins

    • Sprinklers left on

    • Club members engaging in heated conversations with residents

    • Communication - Clubs should develop relationships and communicate with residents and local community, some suggestions are:• Appoint a Community Liaison Officer to

    develop and maintain good relationships. Circulate the name and contact details of the club’s CLO to adjoining residents, asking them to contact the CLO should they have any concerns or questions.







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    • Circulate your yearly calendar to local residents, so they know when to expect major events. Include Club contact details.

    • Invite local residents to attend your activities, functions, open days, come and try days etc.

    • Noise Management - It is important to monitor the level of noise. Noise levels during late afternoon and night sessions should be kept to a minimum. Please be considerate of neighbours when using the clubrooms and particularly when driving to and from sport facilities. Noise travels and car doors slamming and offensive language is discourteous. Information on Noise Restrictions can be found on Council’s website under noise restrictions.

    • Traffic & Parking - It is important to educate club members and guests to be respectful in the way they park in the neighbourhood and to ensure that no-one drives (or parks) across parks, reserves, playing fields etc. (unless authorised by Council). Clubs should appoint Parking Monitors. Ambulance access gates are to remain free of obstruction at all times

    • Crowd Control - Clubs are to ensure that security and crowd control measures are in place. Supervision and control of attendees (including players, officials, spectators, visiting teams and children) is a requirement of the Hirer’s Agreement.

    GRANTS & FUNDING (NON INFRASTRUCTURE)Clubs are encouraged to apply for grants and funding available through State and Local Government.

    • Sutherland Shire Council offers the following:• The Community Grants and Subsidies

    Program. This is an annual program for local not-for-profit organisations that provide projects for residents of the Sutherland Shire. On line applications are made available once the grant round is open. For more information- Community Grants Program

    • ClubGRANTS Category 1 Funding. This is an annual initiative of the NSW Government and ClubsNSW to provide funding for community development projects and services that have a direct impact on the Sutherland Shire community. For more information- ClubGRANTS

    • Australian Sports Foundation offers information to learn more about supplementing your organisation’s grant revenue with tax deductible fundraising, visit the Australian Sports Foundation website ASF. Also information is available on fundraising - Fundraising for Aussie Sport ASF Org







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    GRANTS & FUNDING (Non Infrastructure)

    • The Sport NSW Sporting Grants Summary continues to grow as a valuable resource as it monitors available grants, returning and new, from around NSW.

    EXAMPLES OF NSW SPORTING GRANTS ARE: • Move it Aus - Participation Grant Program

    The Move It AUS - Participation Grant Program provides support to help organisations get Australians moving and to support the aspiration to make Australia the world’s most active and healthy nation. If successful, applicants will receive grants up to $1 million to implement community-based activities that align to the outcomes of Sport 2030.

    For more information - Move It AUS

    • Local Sporting Champions Provides $500 financial assistance to young sportsmen and women aged 12-18, that can be used towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing, coaching or officiating at state, national or international championships.For more information - Local Sporting Champions

    • Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program Provides NSW sports clubs the opportunity to acquire an automated external defibrillator (AED) package for their club or sports facility at a reduced cost. Up to 50% of the AED package to the maximum amount determine by the zone of the applicant.For more information - Sport NSW Club Grants

    • Hyundai Goals for Grassroots During each round of the Hyundai A-League season, one match is designated as the ‘Goals for Grassroots’ game. In this match, the selected junior club is issued with an array of match day benefits, including match tickets, and receives a guaranteed $1,000 grant plus an additional $1,000 for every goal that the home team scores (up to a maximum of $10,000 per game). For more information - Hyundai Goals for Grassroots







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    GRANTS & FUNDING (Non Infrastructure)

    • Website Build and Match Fund Grant This program is to help charities organisations to establish or redevelop its website, with the aim of boosting digital presence and maximising fundraising efforts. Funding is available for 100% of the strategy, design, build and launch for a new feature-rich website, delivered by – and first $1,000 raised through new website will be matched. For more information - Titan Website Grant

    • Celebration Grants Multicultural NSW provides the Celebration Grants to assist events and festivals that celebrate cultural diversity in NSW - with between $1,000 and $5,000 available for non-profit organisations and local councils for eventsFor more information - Multicultural NSW Grants

    • Play for Purpose Play For Purpose, a not-for-profit raffle supported by Sport Australia and the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) to provide a fundraising platform for grassroots sporting clubs. Play For Purpose is an online raffle for sporting clubs and charities designed to create a highly efficient and cost effective platform to raise funds for their cause. With $500,000 worth of prizes there is a guaranteed minimum of at least 50% of every ticket sold supporting their cause. Play For Purpose aims to conduct around six raffles annually. Visit the Sport Australia Play






    RESOURCESFor a full list - Download the Sport NSW Sporting Grants Summary

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    KEYS & PADLOCKS • Keys and padlocks are to remain the property of

    Council. Council is to have access to all areas of the building, this is to enable Council officers to conduct inspections (including regulatory fire inspections) and resolve maintenance issues. All doors and gates are to have Council padlocks, in the case of internal storage doors the club is to supply Council with keys. Keys must be returned to Council if the hirer is no longer using the facility.

    • Where non approved locks are fitted to a facility, the locks will be removed and replaced by Council at the hirer’s expense.

    • Contact Sport Services 02 9710 0333 regarding any key or padlock issues.

    LOST PROPERTY• Clubs are to advise members of their club’s

    Lost Property process and also advise members that Council does not collect, keep or take any responsibility for Lost Property.


    • Cancer Council NSW has developed a comprehensive sun protection policy for sporting organisations/clubs that can be tailored to your own needs and adopted as your own. This policy is available for download at the Cancer Council NSW Sun Protection website along with resources, information sheets, posters and the UV Alert widget.

    • A sun protection policy is one of the best ways to ensure your organisation is fulfilling its duty of care with regard to sun protection and should include the following key elements: • Outdoor events, games and training are scheduled

    wherever possible outside of peak UV times (10am – 2pm and 11am-3pm daylight saving time).

    • Sun safety is promoted when the UV levels are 3 or above. Check the SunSmart UV Alert .

    • Players, officials and spectators are encouraged to use shade from trees and buildings.

    • The organisation provides shade structures, and individuals are also encouraged to bring their own shade, eg, umbrellas.

    Visit the Cancer Council NSW Sporting Groups Sun Protection resource page for more information







    http://Cancer Council NSW Sun Protection website

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    UTILITY INVOICES• Users are responsible for the payment of electricity

    costs associated with floodlights/buildings and water costs associated with building use. Where users receive utility invoices directly and the allocated area is shared then an agreement on costs between parties, prior to use, is required.

    • Where users are not directly billed, a utilities charge will be invoiced to hirers, to cover the use of utilities.

    VOLUNTEERING IN SPORT• Volunteering in local sport is a great opportunity

    to help others and meet new people, it gives a feeling and sense of community and it provides opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills. For more information on volunteering in sport visit Sport NSW - Volunteers

    WASTE MANAGEMENT• It is the responsibility of each ground user to leave

    the grounds (and surrounding area) in a clean and tidy state, cleaning fees may be charged to the user.

    • Clubs are responsible for placing bins out for bin collection for designated collection days. Bins should be returned to cages/storage points.

    • The following ratio of bins per 100 attendees is recommended:

    • 1 x 240L bin - no food or drinks being offered• 2 x 240L bin - food or drinks being offered

    WET WEATHER• For ground closures dial Council’s wet weather

    line 02 9710 0105 or check Council’s website for information.

    • Council makes the decision to close grounds to ensure the grounds remain in good condition.

    • Weekday ground closures - the decision is made by 9am following the inspection of fields by Council’s technical team.

    • Weekend ground closures - Decisions on cancellation of weekend sport is made by the relevant sporting association. There will be exceptions where council will make the decision for all associations regarding weekend fixtures. Contact your club on weekends or check their website for updates.

    • Hirers that use playing fields which have been closed will be liable for the cost of repairs and may forfeit their hirer status.

    • To assist sporting groups make decisions regarding wet weather closures a Wet weather Ground Inspection Guide is available on Council’s website.







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    MAINTENANCECouncil provides a basic level of service for field maintenance, this includes mowing, fertilising, aeration and turf patching. User groups are responsible for any additional services and support in the maintenance of fields and buildings, for example Council will paint the external areas of buildings but clubs are to organise internal painting. User groups are to organise working bees and grounds managers to assist in maintaining the fields and for services outside of Council’s provision.

    BINS• Clubs are responsible for placing bins out for

    bin collection on designated collection days. Bins should be returned to cages/storage points when empty.

    • The following ratio of bins per 100 attendees is recommended:

    per 100attendees240Lif NO food or drinks served

    • Cleaning of any bins is the responsibility of the user.

    • Contact Council if you require replacements for damaged bins

    • Council fees and charges apply for extra rubbish removal, requests for extra bins and pick-ups.

    240L 240L

    per 100attendees

    if food or drinks are being offered

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    CLEANING• The facility and grounds must be cleaned by

    the users to the satisfaction of Council. Council fees & charges apply for extra cleaning and rubbish removal.

    CLEANUPS/WORKING BEES• Contact Council if you would like to arrange

    a quote for the removal of rubbish following a club clean-up, please contact us on 02 9710 0333 or [email protected]

    CONDITION OF THE GROUNDS• Condition of the grounds – A nominated

    Grounds Manager’s name and contact details must be supplied with hirer’s agreement. Grounds Managers must have a copy of Hirer’s agreement terms and conditions. The Grounds Manager or nominated person will inspect playing surfaces and facilities prior to each use to ensure surfaces and facilities are in safe condition for use. The Grounds Manager or nominated person is to inform Council of any maintenance issues.

    FLOODLIGHTS• Timers - Council sets the Floodlight timers seasonally

    per the allocation schedule. The timers are also adjusted for daylight savings. Any changes to the timers made by the clubs during the season will incur a fee.

    • Recommended floodlight operation - Floodlights are to be switched on and off manually as relying on the timers alone will mean lights will operate on Public Holidays or when training has been cancelled.

    • Clubs using fields with floodlighting controlled by SMS will be issued with unique PINs. Lights can be activated remotely by sending SMS text messages from mobile phones.• Your PIN is to be kept secure as billing charges

    will be tracked to this PIN.• SMS Command Message Structure –

    • Your Pin Code • Then either 1 = on or 0 = off• Field/court number• End Character

    • Electricity costs – All users are responsible for the payment of electricity costs associated with allocated use. These costs include floodlights, the building (including security lights) and other associated electrical use.

    • Floodlight globes - Council will replace blown globes (where Council approved installations are in place) cross arms and poles. Use send snap solve in the circumstance of blown floodlights or damage to cross arms and poles. Council checks in change of season to see that lighting heads are working.

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    • Council has sporting fields that are irrigated and non-irrigated. Irrigation systems are only to be activated or adjusted by Council approved staff. Most irrigated systems are automated and are pre-programed to irrigate during Sydney Water allowed times.

    • Council relies on sport field user groups, volunteers and the community to water non irrigated fields on a regular basis.

    • It is recommended that a watering schedule be included in your Operational Plan of Management

    • Recommended watering times are site specific, phone Sport Services for individual site needs.

    • It is the responsibility of the hirer to adhere to all water restrictions. Sydney Water has water wise rules in place and information regarding water rise rules and water restrictions can be found at Sydney Water Water Wise Rules

    LINE MARKING• Clubs are responsible for line marking fields in

    preparation for competition and it is essential that the only material to be used for line-marking is a water based non-toxic line marking paint.

    • The practice of applying herbicides such as round-up/Basta and other hazardous products is not permitted. The use of these products can create ruts and repeated applications can leave the area vulnerable to weed infestation, can form draining, dust and trip hazards.

    • Where the use of prohibited substances has occurred, the cost to reinstate the sports field will be charged to the club.

    • Council’s “Line Marking of Sports Fields Guide” is available on Council’s website - link

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 24

    MOWING• Weather and allocation permitting, each sports

    field is generally mowed weekly in summer and fortnightly in winter. Turf is mowed to differing heights in summer/winter to accommodate the differing sporting codes.

    • Sporting groups are to notify Council if they have special requests for mowing a minimum of 2 weeks prior to event and Council will endeavour (reliant on resource availability) to accommodate requests.

    MAINTENANCE• By Council - Grounds may be out of action due to

    maintenance and renovation programs• By Club -

    • Any field maintenance that a club wishes to carry out must be approved by Council. Council Officers are available for onsite meetings to assist in ground management. Please phone Sport Services for further information.

    • A guide to ‘making your field better’ with advice on maintaining turf fields by minimising damage, repairing small worn areas and controlling weeds is available on Council’s website.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 25

    SNAP SEND SOLVE• Snap Send Solve app is free to download on

    iPhone, iPad and Android services. It lets anyone easily take a photo of an issue or provide general feedback, and immediately share with Council to address the issue.

    • Snap Send Solve can be used to report problems such as fallen trees, drainage problems, graffiti, illegal dumping, safety issues

    • Once Council receives your notification through Snap Send Solve it will be processed by Council.

    • The Snap Send Solve app is not intended for use in the event of an emergency. If your situation needs immediate attention, contact the relevant emergency service provider. A list of emergency service providers can be found on Council’s website: SSC Emergency Response

    • For further information Snap Send Solve

    TOP SOIL & RETURFING• Council can supply topsoil/turf for repair and

    minor maintenance to support volunteer work by clubs (pending Council approval). Please contact Sport Services as any work by the club should be approved and in conjunction with works carried out by Council.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 26

    Change of SeasonThere is a two week break between the end of one season and the start of another season to allow SSC to repair, renovate the fields and prepare for the new season. Change of season generally occurs Summer to Winter – last 2 weeks in March and Winter to Summer – first 2 weeks in September. Any use of the fields during this time has to be pre-approved by Council. Access to the fields may not be permitted due to heavy machinery carrying out the change-over maintenance. Council may request early access to fields that are not being utilised for finals to commence change of season works.

    FLOODLIGHT TIMERS• Council sets the Floodlight timers seasonally

    per the allocation schedule. The timers are also adjusted for daylight savings. Any changes to the timers outside of the allocation document may incur a fee.


    • Wickets are uncovered/covered or rubber filled/rubber removed in the two week change of season period. Turf wickets require longer preparation time (minimum of 5 weeks).


    • Installation/Removal of rugby league, AFL goalposts and combination posts occurs in the two week change of season period. Football (soccer) posts are generally installed/removed by clubs.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 27

    LINE MARKING• Clubs are responsible for line marking fields in

    preparation for competition and it is essential that the only material to be used for line-marking is a water based non-toxic line marking paint.

    • The practice of applying round-up and other hazardous products is not permitted. The use of these products can create ruts and repeated applications can leave the area vulnerable to weed infestation, can form draining, dust and trip hazards.

    • Where the use of prohibited substances has occurred, the cost to reinstate the sports field will be charged to the club.

    • Council’s “Line Marking of Sports Fields Guide” is available on Council’s website - link


    • Where baseball is on a multi-use field, Council will remove/build diamonds, however clubs are responsible for ensuring that the diamonds, once rebuilt, are fit for purpose.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 28

    Infrastructure development at sporting facilitiesCouncil provides a basic standard of infrastructure at sporting facilities, generally, this can include clubhouses, change rooms, toilets and occasionally canteen and storage. A club or association considering a club funded upgrade or addition to Council’s facilities (including playing fields) must seek Owners Consent approval from Council. To assist clubs in understanding the process information (and application form) is available from the “Application for Infrastructure Development on Council Land”. Once the application form has been filled out this form will be processed through the relevant units in Council for in-principle approval. Council (as land and/or asset owner) must approve any changes to the facility as well as any proposed changes in the use and management of the facility.

    Please note, as outlined in the clubs user agreement, all improvements made on Council land become a Council asset, owned by Council. The ‘unconditional undertaking’ agreement used for minor proposals includes the understanding that ongoing maintenance and repairs of works are the responsibility of the Club.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 29

    The process in applying for infrastructure proposals is divided into two categories – minor proposals and major proposals

    • MINOR PROPOSALS – Shade shelters, fencing, BBQ Areas, Seating, improvements to field, floodlighting or sport specific infrastructure (goals, cricket nets) etc• Application received (including drawings indicating

    the location and design of the works)• Design drawings reviewed by Council stakeholders,

    Assets , Community and Sports , Parks , Property teams

    • Council provides Owners Consent in principle approval (this is not approval for works to proceed as further review is required)

    • Detailed plans and review of environmental factors to be developed and reviewed

    • Agreement between parties reached and unconditional undertaking signed

    • Approval from Council to commence works

    • MAJOR PROPOSALS – Clubhouse, buildings, floodlighting, field upgrades and additions

    • Application received (including survey drawings indicating the location and design of the works)

    • Design drawings reviewed by Council stakeholders, Assets , Community and Sports , Parks , Property teams

    • Council provides Owners Consent in principle approval (This is not approval for works to proceed as further review is required)

    • Business case to be developed and reviewed• Concept plans to be developed and reviewed• Due Diligence feasibility assessment to be

    undertaken• Detailed plans to be developed and reviewed• Agreement between parties reached and

    Memorandum of Understanding signed• Land owners consent provided• DA process to commence




  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 30

    GRANTS (Infrastructure)Council will assist community groups to have a planned, considered approach to infrastructure so that when relevant grants are available the community group is well positioned to succeed. In general, Council assess each project request on its benefits to the association/club and the general community.

    Owners consent is required when a stakeholder / tenant/ sports group requests grant funds/ maintenance / upgrades on land owned by Council or managed by Council on behalf of the Crown. When applying for grants, requests for Owners Consent and in-principal ‘letters of support’ from Council should be made by applying on line Application for Owner’s Consent – Grant Applications

    In general terms, the proposal should include:• Project description and justification• Approximate cost and source of funds• Time period of construction, start to finish• Benefit to association/club and/or community• Support of any multi users of facility

    Clubs are encouraged to apply for infrastructure grants available through State and Local Government.

    • The Sport NSW provides a comprehensive grants summary, including details of infrastructure grants - Sport NSW Grants

    • Club Grants (Category 3) – Is a state-wide fund that offers grants to communities to support the building, renovation and fit out of infrastructure. Funding is available for sport and recreation infrastructure, arts and culture infrastructure and projects that enhance facilities used to shelter communities and provide emergency services Infrastructure Grants

    • Sports Foundation – Fundraising for Aussie Sport


  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 31

    CAPITAL WORKS PROGRAMSCapital works projects are major works on Council owned and managed land. These include optimising the use of existing facilities, developing additional facilities at existing sporting reserves, as well as developing new sports facilities.

    The Sutherland Shire Open Space Strategy contains a comprehensive strategy for the management and development of sport and recreation in the Sutherland Shire. The plan identifies the key sporting infrastructure challenges posed by recreation participation trends and population change in the Sutherland Shire and presents solutions for their challenges within the constraints of the likely available budget.

    Council’s annual capital works program is directly informed by the 10-year Plan. These projects have been based on current sporting needs throughout the community, prioritised using the Facility Development Matrix Score System listed in the plan.

    The Sports Facility Development Plan also includes facility standards which are used by Council when constructing or refurbishing sports facilities to determine the provision and size of each component of a building. Council will only provide areas that benefit the community and clubs will be responsible for the cost of other components (e.g. gymnasiums, BBQs, seating etc.) if they want them included.

    Sporting groups wishing to have projects included in capital works programs should contact their association for their approval and for the association to make representation, on their behalf, to Council.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 32

    EVENTSYou will need an event permit whenever an event or activity involves any of the following:

    • Any activity or event on public land including sporting grounds, parks, reserves, footpaths or roadway that goes beyond regular use or purpose of the above spaces.

    • Road closures or changed traffic and parking conditions.

    • Any event that will impact on the use and enjoyment of an area by others.

    • Amusement rides and temporary infrastructure such as portable toilets, marquees and stages on Council property.

    • Fireworks • The event requires specialist or additional

    services• Crowd management is required• Event poses a possible environment or safety


    Events examples are: • Registration days, presentation days, fundraiser,

    regional, state or national sporting competitions and championships that have amusements, fireworks or entertainment.

    • Event information can be found in the Events Toolkit


    All event applications must be submitted with a completed risk assessment for the event, failure to provide this will result in non-approval.

  • Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 33


    ☑Bookings and Usage of Sporting Facilities Bookings & Allocations of Sporting Fields

    ☑ Sport Field Allocation Form

    ☑ Sport Facility Hirers Terms & Conditions

    ☑ SSC Schedule of Fees & Charges

    ☑ Events Toolkit

    ☑ Event Applications

    ☑ Club Information Guide Field Care

    ☑ Club Information Guide Line marking

    ☑ Club Information Guide Turf Type

    ☑ Wet weather Guide

    ☑ Noise Restrictions

    ☑ Outdoor Personal Trainer Info

    ☑ Banner Policy


    Sutherland Shire Council | Sport Services Club Information Guide | 34


    ☑ Office of Sport

    ☑ Office of Sport - Sport NSW Resource Library

    ☑ NSW Food Authority

    ☑ Liquor and Gaming NSW

    ☑ Sydney Water

    ☑ Play by the Rules

    ☑ Club Help

    ☑ Sun Protection for sporting organisations/clubs

    Sports Associations

    ☑ AFL NSW

    ☑ Archery NSW

    ☑ Athletics NSW

    ☑ Little Athletics NSW

    ☑ NSW Baseball

    ☑ Basketball NSW

    ☑ Cricket NSW

    ☑ NSW Cycling

    ☑ Football (soccer)

    ☑ Sutherland Shire Football Association

    ☑ Gridiron NSW

    ☑ Hockey NSW

    ☑ Sydney South Hockey Association

    ☑ NSW Netball

    ☑ Sutherland Shire Netball Association

    ☑ Oztag

    ☑ Sutherland Shire Oztag

    ☑ NSW Rugby League

    ☑Cronulla-Sutherland District Junior Rugby League - CSDJRL

    ☑ Rugby Union - NSW Waratahs

    ☑ NSW Softball

    ☑ Tennis NSW

    ☑ NSW Touch Football


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