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Intro to Open Simulator for Second Lifers Presented at slcc 2010 Paul Emery (Casias Falta) & Stiofain MacTomais (Stiofainx Rau) YOU MUST ADVANCE THE SLIDES MANUALLY IN ORDER TO SEE THE TWO EMBEDED VIDEOS
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  1. 1. Intro to Open Simulator for Second LifersPresented at slcc 2010
    Paul Emery (CasiasFalta)
    StiofainMacTomais (Stiofainx Rau)
  2. 2. Why should Second Lifers be interested in . . .
    Because: Open Sim lets you create a 3d region or a world of regions in which you can do most every thing you can do in Second Life.
    Also, its open source and so btw its free.
    A regionor a grid of regions Remember, a grid of regions in SL is the World grid
    Of course it is ALPHA stage Soft ware. . .But here is how you might want to learn about it.
  3. 3. Four Ways to Use Open Sim Now
    Local Region asHobby region on your home computer. Install on mid-range home cpu. Use for fun. Does not require internet connection to use.
    Local Region as Sandbox for Development on you home computer. Can move objects to Second Life after finished building using Emerald, Imprudence or Meerkat Client.
    An expanded build of something you have in smaller detail in set up a portal from SL to OS. Stiofain will explain later. Oh Yea,GridJumping
    An Under the Radar Build one for exclusive use by an Organization, Group, Business.Situation where only invited persons will have avatars and access.School classes, organization meetings,business training. There are probably 1000 + open sims running under the radar for schools and businesses.There be $$ here.
  4. 4. Three Basic Parts of Open Sim Technology
    Simulation Server Software Runs on PC or MAC does not have to be compiled.
    Client/Viewer Software
    Network Connection Stuff
  5. 5. Simulation Server Software
    DwnLd, install and run OPENSIM.EXE
    Configure your world - Create region(s) and Create avatar(s)
    Open ports to server machine if need access over LAN or Internet
    Set up mySQL database if to be a larger build
    Learn how to use the Console Window
  6. 6. Install and start Open Sim to see the Console Window
    Enter commands into console window
    To create an avatar(s).
    . to create a region(s) using x, y coordinates (Program automatically creates a file for each region.)
    Console stays open as long as your world is running. Do all the admin of world from console. E.g. save oar and load oar to backup and restore a whole region.
  7. 7. File set up for Open sim installation
  8. 8. Some Client/Viewer Options
    Second Life viewer
    Emeraldfor sandbox
    Imprudence for sandbox
    Meerkatif can get it for sandbox
  9. 9. How a Viewer Finds your World (only needed if client is not running on same machine as your server.)
    The remote client needs to know the IP Address and port number of the machine running the server.
    LAN IP Address
    Internet IP Address plus port number
    or if domain is registered DNS -
  10. 10. Re-Cap: 3 Parts of OS Technology
    1. Server Opensim.exe
    2. Client Hippo, Emerald, Imprudence, Meerkat
    3. Connection LAN or Internet ip or DNS
    If you take care of these 3 things, you will have whats called a Stand Alone / Private region or world
    If you want the publicto be able to see your world, you need to be connected to a Grid. So a little on this next.
  11. 11. Connect to a Grid Gridded RegionsBe part of a larger world
    There are a number of grids based on open sim technology that you can be part of. You can place your region(s) on their world map and you can let other avatars come into your world
    We suggest you try OSgrid to start, there are others
  12. 12. Sign up at OSgrid and you get an avatar that is registered and able to travel in the Osgrid world.
    Note: Osgrid is not the same as OSSim. Also, note your avatar for Osgrid will not be the same as your SL Avatar, although you might want to give them the same name
  13. 13. Revised opensim.exe setup to create a gridded region(s) on Osgrid world
    Create an account and get Avatar from OSgrid
    Look at their world map to get unusedx,y coordinates and check to see that the name you want to use for your region is not already used.
    Dwnldand install THEIR version of opensim.exe. When it starts up it will tell Osgrid what your machines ip address is.
    Configure your region(s) on your server with the proper name and x,y coordinates.
  14. 14. File setup for Open Sim
  15. 15. Using an Open Sim Client
  16. 16. Find Your Region in OSgrid
    The Teleport Directly to the region.
  17. 17. One of our Nine Regions
  18. 18. Our Nine Regions on the OSGrid
  19. 19. StiofainMacTomais (Stiofainx Rau) Video 1 Export object as xml file and textures as jpgs on local hard drive then jump to another sim, import object and textures and watch it re-appear.
  20. 20. Stiofain Will take over to
    1. Explain about grid jumping and the concept of using SL as a portal to more complete OS build
    2. Do some resource comparisons between using SL and OS
  21. 21. StiofainMacTomais (Stiofainx Rau) Video 2
  22. 22. Take Home
    Intro to Open Simulator uses for Second Lifers
    Presentation at SLCC 2010Presenters Paul Emery (SL: CasiasFalta), [email protected] (SL: Stiofainx Rau), [email protected] links.How to quickly set up a stand alone world p recommend use the Diva Distribution to get the Imprudence client viewer OSGrid if you want to run regions connected to this large grid list of a bunch of open sim grids and worlds to visit.
    The place you get the official OS software for customizing you installation.
    A chat room where you can ask questions and usually get some help