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Into The Wild: Embracing the Anarchy Helen Keegan Twitter: @heloukee UCISA Support Services Conference 2012 Crewe Hall, 10-12 July 2012

Into the Wild: Embracing the Anarchy

Nov 11, 2014



Plenary presentation for UCISA Support Services Conference, July 2012
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Page 1: Into the Wild: Embracing the Anarchy

Into  The  Wild:    Embracing  the  Anarchy Helen Keegan Twitter: @heloukee

               UCISA  Support  Services  Conference  2012  

Crewe Hall, 10-12 July 2012

Page 2: Into the Wild: Embracing the Anarchy

         Into  The  Wild  

Social  Technologies  in  the  curriculum  at  UoS  Emerging  pedagogies  -­‐>  some  examples:  

Bring  Your  Own  Device  Moving  beyond  the  walled  garden  

Openness  (plaLorms,  pracNces)  Flexibility  and  designing  for  change  

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Context: Open, Social, Mobile

Blurring boundaries – work/play, online/offline

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Developing  digital  idenNty/online  


Starting point

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Digital Identity, ownership, autonomy

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Ex-­‐student  mentoring  current  students  

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Ex-­‐student  blog  transiNon  to  professional  

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Learning  (and  creaNvity)  becomes  


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

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BYOD: students as producers

Transmedia: Mobile film project across multiple platforms

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InternaNonal  CollaboraNons

#ELVSS12  (Entertainment  Lab  for  the  Very  Small  Screen)  UK,  NZ,  DE  -­‐  Range  of  disciplines  (related  to  digital  media)  

Mobile  filmmaking  collaboraNons  on  the  topic  of  sustainability  MulNple  plaLorms,  combined  learner-­‐tutor  CoP  

Flexibility and designing for change

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InternaNonal  CollaboraNons

#iCollab12  •  UK,  NZ,  FR,  DE  

•  Learning  about  social  technologies  from  a  range  of  disciplinary  perspecNves  (Web,  PR,  Architecture,  Ed.  Sciences)  

•  Students  become  Social  Media  reporters:  “My  City,  My  Industry”  

•  Learn  about  plaLorms  from  one  another,  and  support  one  another  

Flexibility, openness and designing for change

Graphic  by  Thom  Cochrane  

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Don’t  get  hung  up  on  perfecNon  –  enjoy  creaNng!

BYOD: Bring Your Own Device

VIDEO  -­‐  hbp://  

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#mscsm social media tips - #iCollab11

A quick (and rough) video, took 15 minutes to create

VIDEO  -­‐  hbp://­‐xNhit1EQ  

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Serendipity and opportunity

Learner agency

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Openness,  Serendipity  and  Opportunity  

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The Power of the Hashtag

#psvtam  #mscsm  

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@solobasssteve  at  #ir12  (@nancybaym  talk)  

Modelling network and media literacies

@nancybaym feat. @solobasssteve at #ir12, 12 Oct 2011

Using  Instagram  and  Twiber  to    connect  ‘live’  with  #psvtam  and  #mscsm  students  from  AoIR  Internet  Research  conference    DemonstraNng  network  connecNons;  modeling  behaviours  

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@bill_world  @courosa  on  instagram  @heloukee  webstagram  hbp://    Video  from  #occupySeable  hbp://    

#occupy movement, 15 Oct 2011

Connecting with my PLN, posting to twitter

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 Twiber  feed  @replies  showing  hashtags  used  by:    #occupymovement  #occupyToronto  #occupySeable  #Seable  #solidarity  

Connecting through twitter and instagram

PLN and Seattle locals, 15 Oct 2011

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Negotiated curriculum, 19 Oct 2011

Driven by learner interests

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Serendipity, opportunity

20 Oct 2011

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@cogdog skyping into class from U.S.

Telling us about his Storybox project - 21 Oct 2011

Storybox    hbp://  


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#mscsm watching on the small screen

Fascinated - 21 Oct 2011

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Thanks @cogdog!

Reactions from students on Twitter - 21 Oct 2011

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Opening  up  the  processes  of  

knowledge  creaNon  

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Crowdsourcing lecture notes - #iCollab11

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Collaborative bibliography

A useful exercise in information literacy

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Opening up the classroom

UG/PG: ex/current students: on/off campus

Undergraduate  student  abending    Postgraduate  class  à        Ex-­‐student  abending    Postgraduate  class  à        Mobile  learning:  learners    are  mobile        


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(Yet more) Mobile Creativity

“Travelling  on  trains  gives  me  Nme  to  shape  ideas”  

@ugfl  –  2nd  Year  student  

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Great Expectations?

Open, Social, Mobile, Networked, Responsive, Flexible

Tools/platforms come and go We don’t have to be experts! Honest, open dialogue is key Learners support learners (resident experts?) Recognition of learner roles (badges?) TIME TO THINK ABOUT NEW MODELS FOR SUPPORT?

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Embracing ���the Anarchy…

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Alternate  Reality  Games  

“an  interacNve  narraNve  that  uses  the  real  world  as  a  plaLorm  and  uses  transmedia  to  deliver  a  story  that  takes  place  in  real  Nme  and  evolves  according  to  parNcipants'  responses.  Players  interact  directly  with  characters  in  the  game,  solve  plot-­‐based  challenges  and  puzzles,  and  collaborate  as  a  community  to  analyze  the  story  and  coordinate  acNviNes  -­‐  the  internet  is  the  central  binding  medium.”  


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Curiosity,  Mystery,  Intrigue  –  and  Assessment  

Photo  by  Violscaper  -­‐  hbp://    Quote  –  hbp://­‐gandhi.jpg  



“I’m  paying  X  amount  per  year”  “I  just  want  a  first”  

“What  do  I  need  to  do  to  get  a  first?”  

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BSc  Professional  Sound  and  Video  Technology  Advanced  MulNmedia  module    

•  Digital  idenNty  •  Remix  culture  

•  Copyright,  licensing,  ethics  •  ParNcipatory  media  producNon  

•  Mobile  phone  filmmaking  

•  Transmedia  storytelling  •  CriNcal  media  literacies  

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Hugh  Garry  

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The  Game  Week   TOPIC  

Week  1   Digital  IdenNty/Online  Presence  

Week  2   Remix  Culture/ParNcipatory  Culture  

Week  3   Copyright,  licensing,  ethics  

Week  4   Networks  and  Openness  

Week  5   Huey  –  Guest  Lecture  

Week  6   Transmedia/digital  storytelling  

Week  7   Pocket  Cinema  

Week  8   Mobile  Film  Project  

Week  9   Mobile  Film  Project  

Week  10   Mobile  Film  Project  

Week  11   THE  REVEAL  (BBC  Big  Screen)  

Week  12   BBC  Big  Screen  (2nd  showing)  

How  to  get  from                    HERE  

                                             To  HERE?  

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VIDEO:  Down  the  Rabbit-­‐hole  hbp://    

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Email  (fire  fighNng)  

Hi  all,    Thanks  to  you  lot  and  your  detecNve  work  (and  gezng  me  his  email  address  ;)  I’ve  just  made  contact  with  the  mysterious  Rufi  Franzen.    Firstly,  you’ll  be  relieved  to  know  that  you  have  nothing  to  worry  about  in  terms  of  data  security  –  there  have  been  no  breaches  of  security.  I  can’t  say  any  more  at  the  moment  as  I’ve  been  sworn  to  secrecy,  so  I  need  you  to  trust  me  on  this.    What  I  do  know  is  that  this  is  going  somewhere  good  –  amazing  in  fact.  I  don’t  know  much  more  at  this  stage,  and  I’m  not  sure  I’m  going  to  be  told.  Anyway,  let’s  chat  about  it  tomorrow  –  remember  the  feedback  session  3-­‐5  in  3.34!    See  you  tomorrow.  This  is  crazy  –  but  ace.  Helen    

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Learners  driving  the  curriculum  

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“I  feel  inspired  by  this”  

“The  numbers  beneath  his  Steve  Jobs  vid  come  back  as  crackthecode”  

“We  could  make  a  class  crowd-­‐sourced  film”  

“I’ll  open  a  Google  Doc  and  get  everybody  to  pitch  in  their  ideas”  

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Solving  puzzles,  cracking  codes  

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WHEN  ✔  

WHY  ✖    

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On  the  eve  of  the  reveal…  

•  Live  Q+A  

“Best  TV  programme  I’ve  watched  in  ages!”  (James)  

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Charles  Leadbeater  

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VIDEO:  91211  -­‐  hbp://  

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The  Reveal:  ReacNons  

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“You  now  have  me  pouring  over  all  the  blogs.  The  subtlety  and  deliciousness  of  this  game  and  how  you  all  dealt  with  each  issue  on  a  day  to  day  basis  is  staggering…  it  is  good  to  know  that  I  played  a  part  in  possibly  the  greatest  thing  I  have  ever  been  exposed  to…”  

“I  will    always  remember  Rufi,  and  the  way  it  has  forced  me  to  think  about  certain  things.    I’d  love  this  way  of  teaching  to  become  a  permanent  fixture  in  our  educaNon  system  (I’ve  just  wriben  1200  words  on  a  Friday  night  for  God’s  sake,  and  

it’s  not  even  for  an  assignment!)”  

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So  was  it  worth  the  RISK?  

“This  was  a  fantasNc  learning  experience;  The  intrigue,  the  teamwork,  the  puzzle  solving;  Everyone  who  has  taken  part  in  the  process  has  brought  their  own  theories  and  ideas,  everyone  has  helped  solve  a  lible  bit  of  the  puzzle.”  

“this  is  something  I’ll  never  forget”  

“I  wanna  do  it  again!”  

 “Just  so  pleased  to  have  been  involved  in  this  ARG,  Rufi  will  live  forever!”  

 “Today  I  realized  just  how  amazing  the  small  things  in  life  can  be.  Yes,  this  is  a  massive  cliché  but,  yes,  it  

is  true!”  “It  was  incredible,  we  all  watched  in  the  rain  as  passers  by  watched  the  work  we  had  created,  

broadcast  on  a  huge  screen  in  one  of  the  most  famous  

ciNes  in  the  world.  

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Thank you

Helen  Keegan  [email protected]  

@heloukee  (Twiber)  (blog)