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Android Development VPorto Around Knowledge 2012 / 2013 1101007 Diogo Merino da Rocha Barroca Pereira

Internship in android development-no appendix

May 13, 2015



Diogo Pereira

My internship final report in android development
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Android  Development  -­‐  VPorto    Around  Knowledge  


2012  /  2013    


1101007  Diogo  Merino  da  Rocha  Barroca  Pereira  

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Android  Development  -­‐  VPorto    Around  Knowledge  


2012  /  2013    


1101007  Diogo  Merino  da  Rocha  Barroca  Pereira  











Bachelors  in  Informatics  Engineering    

July  2013    

ISEP  Coordinator:  Alberto  Sampaio  (PhD)  

External  Supervisor:  Rui  Silva  (M.Sc.)  

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To my parents, Albina Sousa and Abilio Pereira, to my brother,

Gonçalo, and to my girlfriend Joana Lobo, for all the support they

gave me and make me who I am today.

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Acknowledgements During   my   internship,   I   had   the   help   of   many   people,   some   more   directly   than  


First  of  all,  I  want  to  thank  my  supervisor,  Rui  Oliveira,  Android  Developer,  for  all  the  

patience,  time  and  help  he  gave  me.   It  was  the  first   time  I  started  programming   in  

Android  and  without  his  help  I  wouldn’t  be  able  to  reach  the  required  knowledge  to  

successfully  finish  the  internship.  

My  great  thanks  to  my  ISEP  coordinator,  Dr.  Alberto  Sampaio,  for  his  availability  to  

help  and  for  being  one  of  the  most  motivating  teachers.  

I   also   want   to   thank   to   the   company,   Around   Knowledge,   for   giving   me   the  

opportunity   to  work   on   their   installations   and   letting  me   experience   a   great  work  

group  and  environment.    

Another  thanks  to  my  colleague,  Ricardo  Sousa,  which  worked  on  the  same  project  

and  faced  with  me  all  the  challenges  that  a  new  programming  language  can  offer.  

To   my   colleagues   in   ISEP,   Carla   Nunes   and   Rui   Barros,   I   thank   them   for   being  

excellent  co-­‐workers  in  this  journey  through  my  three  years  of  college.  

A  big  thanks  to  my  teacher,  Dr  Paulo  Ferreira,  for  being  a  great  help  on  solving  some  

questions  out  of  the  classes  context.  

All  of  this  would  be  impossible  without  my  family,  brother,  mother  and  father,  being  

a  part  of  my  life  and  teaching  me  how  to  face  the  problems  and  surpass  them.  

For  last,  but  not  least,  I  thank  my  girlfriend  for  being  a  big  help  in  the  making  of  this  

report,  and  for  helping  me  believe  I  could  do  this  internship  with  the  best  results.  


To  all,  my  gratitude.  

Porto,  July  2013  

Diogo Pereira

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Abstract The  VPorto  is  an  application,  designed  by  Control  S  developed  by  Around  Knowledge,  

to  be  used  as  a  Porto  city  guide  with  the  information  of  points  of  interest  and  events.  

This   project   is   about   developing   the   application   VPorto   to   the   Android   Operating  

System  (OS).  

The  features  developed  included:  

• Recommended  and  personal  routes  

• Image-­‐sampling  decoders  

• Innovating  3D  rotation  animations  between  screens  

• Simple  navigation  system  

This   project   was   concluded   with   success,   with   all   the   goals   achieved   and   an  

opportunity  to  stay  in  the  company.  


Key  Words  (Background):   Tourism,  Guide  and  Porto.  

Key  Words  (Technologies):     Java,  Android,  XML  e  JSON  


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Resumo A   VPorto   é   uma   aplicação,   desenhada   pela   Control   S   e   desenvolvida   pela   Around  

Knowledge,   para   ser   usada   como   um   guia   turístico   da   cidade   do   Porto   com  

informações  de  pontos  de  interesse  e  de  eventos.  

Este   projeto   é   sobre   o   desenvolvimento   da   aplicação   VPorto   para   a   plataforma  

móvel,  Android.  

A  mesma  apresenta  as  seguintes  funcionalidade:  

• Rotas  recomendadas  e  pessoais  

• Navegação  simples  e  consistente  

• Rotações  tridimensionais  entre  transições  de  ecrã  

Este  projeto   foi   concluído   com   sucesso   com   todos  os   objectivos   foram  atingidos   e  

com  a  oportunidade  de  ficar  na  empresa  após  a  conclusão  do  estágio.  

Palavras  Chave  (Tema):   Turismo,  Guia  e  Porto.  

Palavras  Chave  (Tecnologias):     Java,  Android,  XML  e  JSON  


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Contents Acknowledgements  .........................................................................................................  vii  

Abstract  ................................................................................................................................  ix  

Resumo  ..................................................................................................................................  x  

Contents  ...............................................................................................................................  xi  

List  of  Figures  ....................................................................................................................  xv  

List  of  Tables  ....................................................................................................................  xix  

Abbreviations  ..................................................................................................................  xxi  

1   Introduction  .................................................................................................................  1  

1.1   Framework  ............................................................................................................  1  

1.2   The  Internship  ......................................................................................................  3  

1.2.1   Motivations  ....................................................................................................................  4  

1.2.2   Follow-­‐up  meetings  ...................................................................................................  4  

1.3   Technology  ............................................................................................................  5  

1.4   The  Company  ........................................................................................................  6  

1.5   Contributions  ........................................................................................................  7  

1.6   Outline  ....................................................................................................................  8  

2   Context  ...........................................................................................................................  9  

2.1   The  Application  Domain  ...................................................................................  9  

2.2   Software  Development  Process  ....................................................................  10  

2.3   Android  Development  Learning  ...................................................................  11  

2.4   Technologies  .......................................................................................................  12  

2.5   Project  Requirements  ......................................................................................  13  

2.5.1   Functional  Requirements  ......................................................................................  13  

2.5.2   Non-­‐functional  Requirements  .............................................................................  13  

2.6   Android  Development  .....................................................................................  14  

3   Development  ..............................................................................................................  17  

3.1   Create  Route  ........................................................................................................  18  

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3.1.1   Create  Route  feature  analysis  ..............................................................................  18  

3.1.2   Create  Route  feature  development  ...................................................................  20  

3.1.3   Create  Route  features  tests  ...................................................................................  22  

3.2   List  Routes  ...........................................................................................................  23  

3.2.1   List  Routes  feature  analysis  ..................................................................................  23  

3.2.2   List  Routes  feature  development  .......................................................................  24  

3.2.3   List  Routes  feature  tests  .........................................................................................  26  

3.3   List  Route  POI  .....................................................................................................  27  

3.3.1   List  Route  POI  feature  analysis  ...........................................................................  27  

3.3.2   List  Route  POI  feature  development  .................................................................  28  

3.3.3   List  Routes  feature  tests  .........................................................................................  29  

3.4   Route  Mapping  ...................................................................................................  29  

3.4.1   Route  Mapping  feature  analysis  .........................................................................  29  

3.4.2   Route  Mapping  feature  development  ...............................................................  30  

3.4.3   Route  Mapping  feature  tests  ................................................................................  33  

3.5   GetLocation  tool  .................................................................................................  33  

3.5.1   GetLocation  tool  analysis  .......................................................................................  33  

3.5.2   GetLocation  tool  development  ............................................................................  34  

3.5.3   GetLocation  tool  tests  ..............................................................................................  36  

3.6   Memory  Management  ......................................................................................  37  

3.6.1   Memory  Management  analysis  ...........................................................................  37  

3.6.2   Memory  Management  development  .................................................................  38  

3.6.3   Memory  Management  tests  ..................................................................................  40  

3.7   Rotation  Effect  and  Navigation  .....................................................................  40  

3.7.1   Rotation  Effect  and  Navigation  analysis  .........................................................  40  

3.7.2   Rotation  Effect  and  Navigation  development  ...............................................  44  

3.7.3   Rotation  Effect  and  Navigation  tests  ................................................................  52  

3.8   Game  ......................................................................................................................  52  

3.8.1   Game  analysis  .............................................................................................................  52  

3.8.2   Game  development  ...................................................................................................  54  

3.8.3   Game  tests  ....................................................................................................................  57  

3.9   Horizontal  Pager  ...............................................................................................  58  

3.9.1   Horizontal  Pager  analysis  ......................................................................................  58  

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3.9.2   Horizontal  Page  development  .............................................................................  59  

3.9.3   Horizontal  Pager  Tests  ...........................................................................................  62  

3.10   Map  Sliding  Drawer  .......................................................................................  62  

3.10.1   Map  Sliding  Drawer  analysis  .............................................................................  62  

3.10.2   Map  Sliding  Drawer  development  ..................................................................  64  

3.10.3   Map  Sliding  Drawer  tests  ....................................................................................  67  

4   Conclusions  .................................................................................................................  69  

4.1   Goals  achieved  ....................................................................................................  69  

4.2   Limitations  and  future  work  .........................................................................  70  

4.3   Final  Balance  .......................................................................................................  71  

References  ..........................................................................................................................  73  

Appendix  A:   Diagrams  ................................................................................................  75  

Appendix  B:   Developed  methods  ............................................................................  77  

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List of Figures Figure  1  -­‐  List  of  the  assigned  development  issues  and  their  properties  in  the  company  

Redmine  dashboard.  .................................................................................................................  6  

Figure  2  -­‐  Around  Knowledge  logo  ............................................................................................  7  

Figure  3  -­‐  Activity  lifecycle  Source: (Google, Activities, 2007)  ................................................  15  

Figure  4  -­‐  Different  UI  behaviours  in  different  devices  Source: (Google, Fragments, 2007)  ...  15  

Figure  5  -­‐  Fragment  lifecycle  Source: (Google, Fragments, 2007)  ..........................................  16  

Figure  6  -­‐  Project  architecture  .................................................................................................  18  

Figure  7  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  with  the  features  related  with  routes  ........................................  19  

Figure  8  -­‐  Illustration  of  the  UI  of  the  feature  create  route  .....................................................  20  

Figure  9  -­‐  Class  diagram  demonstrating  the  structure  of  the  route’s  system  .........................  21  

Figure  10  -­‐  FragCreateRoute  class  diagram  ............................................................................  21  

Figure  11  -­‐  Layout  final  aspect  of  the  List  Routes  feature  .......................................................  23  

Figure  12  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  of  the  List  Routes  feature  .........................................................  23  

Figure  13  -­‐  FragRoutes  class  diagram,  class  used  to  list  personal  routes  ................................  24  

Figure  14  -­‐  Example  of  View  Holder  and  List  View  Adapter  Pattern  application  .....................  25  

Figure  15  -­‐  POI  detail  with  the  option  to  add  the  POI  to  a  route  .............................................  26  

Figure  16  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  depicting  the  List  Route  POI  feature  ........................................  27  

Figure  17  -­‐  Final  aspect  of  the  List  Route  POI  feature  .............................................................  27  

Figure  18  -­‐  FragRoutePois  class  diagram,  class  used  to  list  POI  in  selected  route  ...................  28  

Figure  19  -­‐  Final  aspect  of  the  Route  Mapping  feature  ...........................................................  30  

Figure  20  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  of  the  route  mapping  feature  ..................................................  30  

Figure  21  -­‐  FragRoutesMap  class  diagram  ..............................................................................  31  

Figure  22  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  demonstrating  route  calculation  ............................................  32  

Figure  23  -­‐  Flowchart  describing  the  process  of  getting  the  user  current  location  .................  34  

Figure  24  -­‐  getLocation  method  implementation  ....................................................................  35  

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Figure  25  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  of  the  method  getLocation  .....................................................  36  

Figure  26  -­‐  Image  decoder  .......................................................................................................  38  

Figure  27  -­‐  decodeFile  method  implementation  ......................................................................  39  

Figure  28  -­‐  decodeStream  method  implementation  ................................................................  40  

Figure  29  -­‐  New  Layouts  of  Map,  Suggestions  and  Menu  .......................................................  41  

Figure  30  -­‐  Screen  transition  with  a  cube  rotation  effect  ........................................................  41  

Figure  31  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  with  the  navigation  effects  functionalities  ...............................  43  

Figure  32  -­‐  Flow  chart  with  two  different  possibilities  to  see  a  POI  detail  ..............................  44  

Figure  33  -­‐  Example  of  a  custom  animation  ............................................................................  45  

Figure  34  -­‐  Example  of  an  animation  file  using  objectAnimator  .............................................  45  

Figure  35  -­‐  FragAbout  layout  ...................................................................................................  46  

Figure  36  -­‐  Example  of  methods  called  when  applying  a  rotation  ..........................................  47  

Figure  37  -­‐  Level  difference  inside  the  application  ..................................................................  48  

Figure  38  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  showing  how  to  change  the  animation  ..................................  49  

Figure  39  -­‐  popNoAnimation()  and  popChangeAnimation()  methods  .....................................  49  

Figure  40  -­‐  Demonstration  of  different  levels  with  the  same  fragment  ..................................  50  

Figure  41  -­‐  Fling  initialization  ..................................................................................................  52  

Figure  42  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  illustrating  the  game  functionalities  ........................................  53  

Figure  43  -­‐  Game  final  layout  and  transitions  .........................................................................  54  

Figure  44  -­‐  Game  already  finished  validation  ..........................................................................  55  

Figure  45  –  Diagram  showing  the  game  container  and  its  fragments  ....................................  55  

Figure  46  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  of  changing  game  page  from  one  to  two  ...............................  56  

Figure  47  -­‐  Game  changing  view  flowchart  .............................................................................  57  

Figure  48  -­‐  View  Pager  example  ..............................................................................................  59  

Figure  49  -­‐  Horizontal  pager  utilization  in  the  XML  .................................................................  59  

Figure  50  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  of  adding  an  image  to  the  horizontal  pager  and  page  indicator

 ................................................................................................................................................  61  

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Figure  51  -­‐  Horizontal  pager  listener  implementation  ............................................................  62  

Figure  52  -­‐  Sliding  drawer  ilustration  ......................................................................................  63  

Figure  53  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  illustrating  the  sliding  drawer  options  .....................................  64  

Figure  54  -­‐  TouchDrwaerLinearLayout  main  methods  ............................................................  65  

Figure  55  -­‐  Map  container  and  sliding  drawer  layout  .............................................................  67  

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List of Tables Table  1  -­‐  Main  phases  of  the  internship  ....................................................................................  2  

Table  2  –  Deadlines  for  each  version  of  VPorto  .........................................................................  3  

Table  3  -­‐  Information  on  the  circumstances  and  content  of  the  meeting  with  the  supervisor  at  

AroundKnowledge  .....................................................................................................................  5  

Table  4  -­‐  Features  developed  in  each  version  ..........................................................................  10  

Table  5  -­‐  Values  on  CPU  and  memory  usage  of  the  emulator  .................................................  11  

Table  6  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  Create  Route  feature  ...........................................................  22  

Table  7  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  List  Routes  feature  ..............................................................  26  

Table  8  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  list  route  feature  .................................................................  29  

Table  9  -­‐  Tests  made  to  the  Personal  and  Suggested  Routes  features  ....................................  33  

Table  10  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  GetLocation  tool  ................................................................  37  

Table  11  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  memory  management  methods  ........................................  40  

Table  12  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  animation  and  navigation  .................................................  52  

Table  13  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  game  feature  .....................................................................  57  

Table  14  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  horizontal  pager  feature  ...................................................  62  

Table  15  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  sliding  drawer  feature  .......................................................  67  

Table  16  –  Table  of  accomplishment  .......................................................................................  69  

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API   Application  Programming  Interface    

APP   Application  

CPU   Central  Processing  Unit  

DB   Database  

GPS   Global  Positioning  System  

HTTP   Hypertext  Transfer  Protocol  

ID   Identification  

IDE   Integrated  Development  Environment  

iOS   iPhone  Operating  System  

ISCTE   Instituto  Superior  de  Ciências  do  Trabalho  e  da  Empresa  

ISEP   Instituto  Superior  de  Engenharia  do  Porto  

JSON   JavaScript  Object  Notation  

MIT   Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology    

OS   Operating  System  

PESTI   Projecto  /  Estágio  

PID   Process  Identifier  

POI   Points  Of  Interest  

SDK   Software  Development  Kit  

UML   Unified  Modeling  Language    

UI   User  Interface  

URL   Uniform  Resource  Locator  

XML   Extensible  Markup  Language  

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Diogo Pereira - 1101007 1

1 Introduction This  document  aims  to  present  and  discuss  all   the  work  developed  during  the   four  

months  of  my   internship.  The  current  chapter  starts  by   introducing   this   internship,  

from  its  circumstances  to  its  objectives  and  motivations.  A  detailed  plan  of  the  work  

developed,   along   with   the   required   tools   and   resources,   is   also   described.  

Furthermore,  I  make  some  considerations  about  the  contributions  of  this  internship.  

An  outline  of  this  document  is  presented  at  the  end  of  this  chapter.  

1.1 Framework

This  internship  was  integrated  on  the  Project/Internship  subject  for  the  final  year  of  

my  degree   in   Informatics  Engineering  at   Instituto  Superior  de  Engenharia  do  Porto  

(ISEP).  The  aim  of  this  course  is  to  make  the  student  apply  the  knowledge  acquired  

during  his  degree  on  a  real  work  environment.  An   internship   in  an  actual  company  

allows  students  to  experience  new  work  methodologies  and  face  unseen  challenges.  

I   think   this   integration   within   a   professional   environment   is   very   important   for  

students  and  makes  the  door  to  the  business  world  easier  to  open.  

My  internship  took  place  on  a  company  called  Around  Knowledge  during  a  period  of  

four  months.   This   company   started   its   activity   in   2009   and   it   is   currently   working  

with   another   company,   Control   S,   to   design   the   application   that   I  was   assigned   to  

help  developing:  VPorto (Control S, 2013).   This   application   aims   to  provide   to   the  

user   a   full   guide   of   Porto   city.   It   intends   to   give   information   about   events,   their  

location  and  dates,  along  with  points  of  interest  and  routes  to  visit  requested  places  

using  Global  Positioning  System  (GPS).  

To  better  understand   the  different   stages  of   this  work,  a  plan  containing   the  main  

phases,   tasks,   milestones   and   time-­‐spans   along   the   four   months   of   internship   is  

presented  on  Table  1.  A  complementary  Gantt  diagram  that  guided  me  during  these  

four   months   is   also   available   on   Appendix   A.1.   This   plan   was   established   at   the  

beginning  of  the   internship  and  was  readily  started  as  deadlines  were  strict  and  all  

the  versions  had  to  be  delivered  on  time.  

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Table  1  -­‐  Main  phases  of  the  internship  

Task  Name   Duration   Start   Finish  

PHASE  I  –  Project  Introduction   1  day   25/02/13   25/02/13  

   Company  presentation   1  day   25/02/13   25/02/13  

   Learning  company  working  methods   1  day   25/02/13   25/02/13  

   Task  plan  definition   1  day   25/02/13   25/02/13  

PHASE  II  –  Learning  Android   5  days   25/02/13   01/03/13  

   Gathering  and  analysing  documentation   3  days   25/02/13   27/02/13  

   Activities  and  fragments  comparing   1  day   27/02/13   27/01/13  

   Making  tutorials  from  Google  web  site   2  days   27/02/13   28/02/13  

   Making   proposed   exercises   by   the       external  supervisor  

2  days   28/02/13   01/03/13  

PHASE  III  –  Development   86  days   04/03/13   01/07/13  

Creation  of  a  new  developer  branch  in  GitHub   1  day   04/03/13   03/04/13  

Familiarization  with  existing  code   2  days   04/03/13   05/03/13  

Creation  of  support  documentation   1  day   05/03/13   05/03/13  

Implementation  of  the  routes  feature   12  days   06/03/13   21/03/13  

Getting  the  best  service  location  provider   2  days   21/03/13   22/03/13  

Version  1.0  tests   1  day   25/03/13   25/03/13  

MS  –  Version  1.0  published   -­‐   -­‐   25/03/13  

Bugs  correction  from  previous  version   5  days   25/03/13   29/03/13  

Correction  on  memory  leaks   5  days   01/04/13   05/04/13  

Implementation   of   the   points   of   interest  suggestion  feature  

5  days   08/04/13   12/04/13  

Version  1.1  tests   1  day   15/04/13   15/04/13  

MS  –  Version  1.1  published   -­‐   -­‐   15/04/13  

Bugs  correction  from  previous  version   5  days   15/04/13   19/04/13  

Implementation  of  the  personal  routes  feature   10  days   22/04/13   03/05/13  

Version  1.2  tests   1  day   06/05/13   06/05/13  

MS  –  Version  1.2  published   -­‐   -­‐   06/05/13  

Bugs  correction  from  previous  version   5  days   06/05/13   10/05/13  

Implementation  of  the  friends  and  share  feature   10  days   13/05/13   24/05/13  

Final  adjustments  and  conclusion  of  version  1     5  days   27/05/13   31/05/13  

Version  1.3  tests   1  day   03/06/13   03/06/13  

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MS  –  Version  1.3  published   -­‐   -­‐   03/06/13  

New  layouts  implementation   8  days   03/06/13   12/06/13  

Weather  feature  implementation   6  days   13/06/13   20/06/13  

Game  feature  implementation   6  days   21/06/13   28/06/13  

Version  2.0  tests   1  day   28/06/13   28/06/13  

MS  –  Version  2.0  published   -­‐   -­‐   28/06/13  

PHASE  IV  –  Finalization   19  days   01/07/13   19/07/13  

Review  of  final  report   15  days   01/07/13   15/07/13  

Prepare  presentation   4  days   16/07/13   19/07/13  

MS  -­‐  Final  manuscript  and  presentation   -­‐   -­‐   19/07/13  


1.2 The Internship

The  development  of   the  application   I  worked  on,  VPorto,  was  already   taking  place  

when   I   started  my   internship,   although   it  was   in  an  early   stage  of  development.   It  

was  requested  that  I  should  get  familiarized  with  the  new  development  environment  

and  technology  as  fast  as  possible.  As  I  had  to  meet  the  company  strict  deadlines,  I  

readily  started  working  on  the  project  that  Around  Knowledge  assigned  to  me.  These  

deadlines  can  be  observed  below,  in  the  Table  2.  

Table  2  –  Deadlines  for  each  version  of  VPorto  

Versions  to  be  published   Publish  date  

1.0   25/03/13  

1.1   15/04/13  

1.2   06/05/13  

1.3   03/06/13  

1.4   28/06/13  

2.0   19/07/13  


This   application  was   being   developed   for   both   iPhone  Operating   System   (iOS)   and  

Android   platforms.   I   was   assigned   to   develop   VPorto   for   the   Android   Operating  

System  (OS).  

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From   activities   lifecycles   to   layouts   and   their   properties   or   even  Android   versions,  

there   were   a   lot   of   new   concepts   to   assimilate.   The   application   to   be   developed  

aimed  to  have  different  functionalities  and  to  be  compatible  with  different  Android  

versions,   namely   Android   OS   version   4.0   and   above.   Besides   learning   these   new  

concepts  and  new  work  methodologies,   another  objective  was   to  make  use  of   the  

techniques  that  I  learned  during  my  degree  and  to  know  how  they  can  be  used  in  a  

real-­‐context  and  multidisciplinary  project.  These  techniques   include,  among  others,  

project  planning  and  how  to  find  the  best  approach  to  the  problem.  

This   application   was   designed   so   a   user   could   easily   have   access   to   touristic  

information  around  the  city  of  Porto.  There  were  strict  deadlines  and  features  to  be  

implemented.  For  this  project,  I  was  integrated  in  a  team  of  two  more  elements  so  

we  could  develop  the  application  that  Control  S  designed.    

1.2.1 Motivations

I  have  chosen  to  make  my  internship  in  a  company  developing  an  Android (Google,

Android, 2007)  application  because  I  believe  that  mobile  applications  will  have  a  big  

impact   in   future   technologies.   Furthermore,   since   it   is   based   on   a   language,   Java,  

that  I  am  comfortable  with,  I  knew  I  would  like  to  learn  how  to  program  to  Android.  

Overall,  my  main  objective  was  to  learn  how  to  properly  work  with  the  Android  OS,  

gaining  experience  while  working  in  a  real  enterprise.  

1.2.2 Follow-up meetings

As  I  worked  in  the  same  workspace  as  my  AroundKnowledge  supervisor,  no  weekly  

meetings  were  necessary  and  there  was  a  constant  update  on  the  project  progress.  

Nonetheless,  we  had  some  meetings  to  discuss  major  problems  encountered  during  

the  development.  These  meetings  were  brief  brainstorming  sessions  so  it  would  be  

possible  to  find  the  most  suitable  solution  for  each  problem.  The  circumstances  and  

contents  of  these  meetings  are  described  on  Table  3.  

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Table  3  -­‐  Information  on  the  circumstances  and  content  of  the  meeting  with  the  

supervisor  at  AroundKnowledge  

Date   Participants   Description  

21/03/2013   Rui  Oliveira  

Diogo  Pereira  

§ How  to  get  the  best   last  known  location  from  the  

service  provider  

31/05/2013   Rui  Oliveira  

Diogo  Pereira  

Ricardo  Sousa  

§ Major   changes   from   version   1   to   version   2.  

Changes  on  how  the  code  is  implemented.  

§ Decision  to  stop  using  GitHub.  

03/06/2013   Rui  Oliveira  

Diogo  Pereira  

§ Choosing   the   best   technology   to   implement   the  

rotation  animation.  

§ Finding   pros   and   cons   of   each   animation  


18/06/2013   Rui  Oliveira  

Diogo  Pereira  

§ Solving  problems  with  the  application  navigation.  

§ Finding   the   best   solution   to   navigate   from  

fragment  to  fragment  with  the  proper  rotation.  

During  the  internship,  I  met  with  my  ISEP  coordinator  when  I  had  doubts,  especially  

about   the   required  documentation  or   other   project   related  questions.  All   of   these  

meetings  took  place  in  ISEP.  

1.3 Technology

There  were  several  technologies  and  tools  used  during  this  internship.  Some  of  them  

were  chosen  to  allow  the  best  integration  with  Around  Knowledge  work  guidelines.  

For  developing   the  application,   it  was  necessary   to  use   the   following  programming  


o Java    

o Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  

o JavaScript  Object  Notation  (JSON)  

o Structured  Query  Language  (SQL)  


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The   company   suggested   Eclipse (Foundation, Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation,

2013),  bundled  with  the  Android  software  development  toolkit   (SDK)  plugin,  as  the  

development   environment   I   should   use.   I   also   had   to   include   Facebook   SDK   and  

Google  Play  Services  SDK (Google, Google Play Services, 2013)   tools   to   implement  

some  of  the  required  functionalities.  

Initially,   for   project  management   I   had   to   use   SourceTree,   by   Atlassian   (Atlassian,

2013),   to  work   in   the   company   repository.     There  was   a   develop   branch   from   the  

repository   created   for   me   where   I   could   develop   and   commit   my   work.   The  

repository   was   later   abandoned   due   to   some   associated   problems   that  made   the  

company  stop  using   it  temporarily.  During  all   the  work,   I  chose  to  use  my  personal  

computer  since  it  already  used  Mac  OS  X  and  it  was  required  in  order  to  work  with  


As  a  daily  working  log,  I  used  a  platform  provided  by  the  company  named  Redmine  

(Lang, 2006).  Redmine  is  a  freely  available  web  platform  to  manage  projects.  It  can  

provide  calendars  and  Gantt  charts  to  aid  visual  representation  of  projects  and  their  

deadlines.  On  Figure  1,   it   is  possible   to   see  all   the  application  development   issues,  

their  status  and  the  hours  spent  on  them.  

 Figure  1  -­‐  List  of  the  assigned  development  issues  and  their  properties  in  the  company  

Redmine  dashboard.  

The   schedule   and   Gantt   diagram   used   to   plan   and   organize   the   work   were  made  

using  GanttProject  2.5.3  by  the  GanttProject  Team (Team, 2003).  

1.4 The Company

Around  Knowledge  started  its  activity  in  2009,  initially  integrated  in  INSerralves,  the  

incubator   of   Fundação   Serralves,   one   of   the   most   recognized   and   respected  

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institutions  of  arts  and  culture  in  Portugal  and  across  borders.  Subsequently,  and  due  

to  its  high  expansion  and  growing,  Around  Knowledge  began  to  develop  its  work  in  

other  areas  of  Porto,  moving  to  its  own  office.  

Around  Knowledge  has  won  several  awards  and  recognitions  since  its  formation.  The  

most   notable   prize   was   achieved   with   the   BIPS   project   in   the   ISCTE/MIT   Portugal  

Venture  Competition,  sponsored  by  Instituto  Superior  de  Ciências  do  Trabalho  e  da  

Empresa  (ISCTE)  in  partnership  with  the  Massashusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (MIT)  

Deshpande   Center   for   Innovation,   the   Sloan   Business   School   and   Caixa   Capital.  

Around  Knowledge  also  won  the  GSI  -­‐  Accelerators  Start-­‐up  Challenge  2011,  allowing  

access  to  the  Plug  &  Play  Tech  Center  in  Silicon  Valley,  USA.  

In  2012,  Around  Knowledge  was  finalist  in  the  Creative  Industries  National  Prize  and  

in  2013,  the  most  recent  accomplishment  was  winning  the  Start  Me  Up  contest  with  

a   prize   of   12500$   and   hosted   by   the  Universidade  Nova   of   Lisbon   and   the  United  

States  of  America  embassy.  


Figure  2  -­‐  Around  Knowledge  logo  

1.5 Contributions

VPorto  will  be  offering  a  new  way  to  get  to  know  and  explore  the  city  of  Porto.  With  

its  innovating  system  for  creating  personal  routes  and  by  consulting  the  city  map,  its  

events   and   points   of   interest,   the   users   can   easily   and   quickly   consult   any  

information  that  he  needs.  

One  of  the  features  that   I  have  developed  is  the  option  to  visualize  the  route  from  

the   current   location   of   the   user   (using   the   GPS   or   the   network   provider)   to   the  

desired  POI  or  event.  The  user  can  create  a  list  of  POI  and  events  to  calculate  a  route,  

which  he  will  be  able  to  travel  through.    

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There   is  also  an   image  decoder  developed  that  could  sample  an   image  to  a  certain  

value   reducing   its   dimension   at   the   cost   of   quality   reduction.   This   tool   was   very  

important   to   reduce,   in   more   than   fifty   per   cent,   both   space   and   memory  


In   version   2.0   of   the   application,   animations   for   screen   transitions   had   to   be   fully  

implemented   by   myself,   and   the   result   was   a   smooth   cube   effect   with   a   simple  

navigation  system.  More  tools  were  developed  and  will  be  explained  on  Chapter  3.  

1.6 Outline

After   presenting   the   aim,   context   and   intents   of   the   project   in   this   chapter,   the  

report  continues  with  the  Context  chapter,  presenting  the  problem,  motivation  and  

background   behind   my   internship.   The   information   presented   is   needed   so   that  

project   context   and   design   can   be   fully   understood.   The   subsequent   chapter,  

Development,   is   feature   oriented,   starting   by   describing   the   functional   and   non-­‐

functional   requirements.   All   the   development   procedure   is   explained,   from   the  

requirement   analysis   to   the   implementation.   This   information   is   clarified   using  

resources  as  UML  and  code  extracts.  Consequently,  a  final  balance  of  the  project  can  

be   seen   in   the   chapter   Conclusions,   with   special   focus   on   the   difficulties   and  

challenges  encountered.    At  the  Appendix,  the  first  section  has  two  diagrams,  being  

the   first   a   complete   Gantt   diagram,   and   the   second   a   class   diagram   of   a   feature  

developed.  The  second  section  has  the  source  code  of  a  class  created  and  used.  

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2 Context In   this   chapter,   a   global   appreciation   about   the   context   that   supported   this  

internship   is   presented.   Besides   the   description   of   the   business   field   and   a   brief  

introduction  of  the  application  are  also  made.  

2.1 The Application Domain

The  application  VPorto  is  focused  in  the  tourism  domain.  There  are  many  events  and  

points  of   interest   in  the  city  of  Porto,  and,  without  the  majority  of  this   information  

being   gathered   in   one   place,   it   is   difficult   to   attend   or   be   aware   of   the   events   of  

interest,   specially   to   a   tourist  who  may   find   hard   to   know  when   and  where   these  

events  will  take  place.  

VPorto   is   a   city   guide   created   for   people   who   visit   or   live   in   Porto.   With   the  

information   available   in   Portuguese   and   English,   the   application   has   all   the   data  

needed  to  attend  the  events  and   locate  the  points  of   interest  around  the  city.  The  

uniqueness   of   this   application   is   the   capability   to   create   personal   routes   for   a  

designated  user  account,  so  that  each  user  can  create  an  itinerary  that  will  allow  the  

user  to  navigate  to  the  desired  places.  It  also  gives  the  user  the  option  to  see  a  map  

of  Porto  with  all  the  POI  listed.  

The   application   was   already   being   developed   when   I   first   started   working   on   the  

project.  Its  body  was  already  created  and  its  1.0  version  was  close  to  be  published  on  

the  Android  Market.  However,  there  were  still  features  that  needed  to  be  developed  

and  added.  This  project  was  divided  in  versions,  each  one  with  a  deadline  set  by  the  

partner   company,   Control   S.   The   application   design   was   the   responsibility   of   the  

company  Control  S  and,  consequently,   the   final  product  design  was  defined  before  

the   implementation.  All   the   application   layouts  were  delivered   in   a  document   and  

the   developers   could   not   change   their   final   aspect,   even   if   the   presented   layout  

would  imply  more  memory  consumption.  

For  version  1.0,  I  implemented  the  Recommended  and  Personal  Routes  feature.  For  

the   following   version,   1.1,   I   implemented   a   Java   class   to   find   the   best   service  

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provider.   In   version  1.2,   it  was  necessary   to   fix   the  memory   leaks  occurring   in   the  

application.   In   the   last   update   of   version   1,   version   1.3,   it   was   necessary   to  

implement  an  image  decoder  to  minimize  the  usage  of  the  internal  storage.  Finally,  

in  the  version  2.0,  a  complete  layout  change  was  requested  by  the  client  including  a  

full  redesign  and  animations  between  screens.  It  was  also  added  a  game  feature  to  

collect  data  and  create  a  more  accurate  user  profile.  The  last   implementation  fixed  

some  navigation  problems   since   the  partner   company  desired  a   specific   behaviour  

for  the  navigation  on  the  application  while  performing  some  tasks.  

2.2 Software Development Process

For  this  iterative  and  incremental  project,  the  development  process  used  was  based  

on   the   agile   software   development   framework,   Scrum.   (Schwaber & Sutherland,


The  Scrum  methodology  can  predict  the  common  changes  that  the  client  may  want  

to   introduce   on   advanced   states   of   implementation.   Knowing   that   a   development  

team  works  as  one,  these  obstacles  can  be  more  easily  overcome.  The  methodology  

used   in   the  process  of   software  development   for   this  project  was  based  on  Scrum  

because  there  were  Sprints  that  did  not  have  the  same  temporal  length.  A  Sprint  is  a  

“time-­‐box”   of   one  month   or   less.   For   this   project,   one   Sprint   unit   was   defined   as  

each   one   of   the   versions   to   be   delivered.   Usually,   these   versions,   including  

intermediate  versions,  had  to  be  implemented  in  three  weeks  (fifteen  working  days),  

with   the   exception   of   the   last   versions   (version   1.3   and   2.0)   that   took   four  weeks  

(twenty  working  days).  Before  each  Sprint,  a  quick  overview  of  the  previous  version  

delivered  was  made,  noting  each   correction   that  would  be  necessary  and  deciding  

what  would  be  the  best  approach  to  the  next   implementation.  On  each  version  (or  

Sprint),  the  following  features  were  developed:  

Table  4  -­‐  Features  developed  in  each  version  

Version   Feature  

Version  1  

Version  1.0   Personal  and  Suggested  Routes  

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Version  1.1   Determining  the  Optimal  Location  Provider  

Version  1.2   Memory  Leaks  

Version  1.3   Image  Decoders  

Version  2  

Version  2.0   Navigation  and  Rotation  Animation  

Version  2.0   Game  

Version  2.0   Horizontal  Pager  

Version  2.0   Map  Sliding  Drawer  


2.3 Android Development Learning

During   the   process   of   familiarization   with   the   Android   application   development,  

there   are   some   important   aspects   that   require   special   attention.   These   aspects  

include  application  lifecycles,   layout  behaviours,  unnecessary  memory  consumption  

and,   since  Android   is   in  constant  update,   compatibility  problems  between  versions  

that  may  appear  during  application  development.  

Another   important   aspect   is   the   memory   consumption   of   the   application.   All   the  

Android   devices   have   different   hardware   configurations.   Memory   leaks   can   be  

frequent   if   the   developer   is   not   careful.   Even   the   integrated   Android   device  

simulator  from  the  Android  SDK  uses  excessive  resources.  The  Table  5  demonstrates  

the   resources   consumed   by   the   simulator   without   running   the   application   (in  

standby).  This  table  demonstrates  that  it  is  not  feasible  to  test  the  application  on  the  

simulator  because  of  its  complexity.  

Table  5  -­‐  Values  on  CPU  and  memory  usage  of  the  emulator  

PID   Process  Name   %  CPU   Threads   Real  Memory  

2072   emulator64-­‐x86   70,8   4   414,1  MB  

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Another   relevant   concept   is   related   to   layouts   and   their   properties.   It   is   very  

important   to   know   the   key   attributes   that   make   an   application   suitable   for   the  

different  screen  dimensions  available.  

One  last  aspect  is  the  Android  OS  version  that  we  need  to  target  when  developing.  

Since   Android   OS   is   under   constant   update,   some   tools   may   become   deprecated  

making  impossible  to  a  complex  application,  as  the  one  developed  in  this  project,  to  

be   compatible   with   all   the   Android   versions.   In   this   case,   I   have   developed   for  

Android  OS  version  4.0  and  above.  

The  first  steps  taken  to  learn  the  required  programming  language  consisted  in  doing  

some   tutorials   from   Android   Developers   (Google,   Getting   Started   |   Android  

Developers,  2007)  as  well  as  in  implementing  some  exercises  that  were  proposed  by  

the  external  supervisor.  

2.4 Technologies

During   the   project,   many   different   technologies   were   used.   For   the   Android  

application,   it  was  used  Java  and  XML.  The  technologies  used  were   listed  before   in  

section  1.3  and  will  now  be  detailed.  

The  XML,  which  can  be  found  in  the  resources  folder  of  the  Eclipse  project,  was  used  

to   create   layouts,   animations   and   hold   values   such   as   integers.   By   using   XML,  

development   for   Android   allows   a   clear   distinction   between   interface   and  


For   feature   implementation   it  was   used   Java.   Android   applications   can   be   created  

using  several  languages  but,  for  this  project,  only  Java  was  used.  

At  the  beginning,  before  the  web  service  was  ready  to  be  used,  direct  access  to  the  

database  was  performed  consequently  using  SQL  to  get  the  necessary   information.  

After   the   company   finished   implementing   the   necessary   web   services,   it   was  

necessary   to   use   JSON   with   Hypertext   Transfer   Protocol   (HTTP)   GET   and   POST  

requests  to  get  the  desired  data  from  the  server.    

A  JSON  Array  or  Object  was  used  often  to  transport  data  between  the  server  and  the  

application.  The  JSON  results  were  further  treated  and  used  by  the  application.  

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2.5 Project Requirements

For  a  better  analysis  of  the  requirements  of  the  project,  this  section  was  divided  in  

two  sub-­‐sections  containing  the  functional  and  non-­‐functional  requirements.  

2.5.1 Functional Requirements

After   analysing   what   was   already   developed,   the   company   assigned   me   some  

features  to  implement.  These  features  are  listed  below.  

• Create  Routes  

• List  Routes  

• List  Route  POI  

• Route  Mapping  

• GetLocation  tool  

• Game  

• Rotation  animation  

• Horizontal  Pager  

• Map  Sliding  drawer  

These   nine   features   were   implemented   and   integrated   in   the   VPorto   application  

along  the  different  versions.  The  company  Control  S  defined  these  versions  and   its  

content.   The   features   to   be   implemented   by   me   were   assigned   by   the   external  


2.5.2 Non-functional Requirements

These  requirements  are  needed  to  ensure  a  good  quality  of  software,  improving  the  

application  usability,  performance  and  error  prevention.  

• Bitmap  decoders  

• Memory  consumption  reduction  

• Smooth  rotation  animations  

• Intuitive  navigation  

• Test  possible  crash  and  server  errors  

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2.6 Android Development

In  the  process  of  Android  development,  there  are  two  important  concepts  that  are  

necessary  to  be  aware  of.  These  concepts  are  the  Activity  and  the  Fragment.  

The   Activity   is   the   class   that   will   hold   the   UI.   It   is   possible   to   create   simple  

applications   using   only  Activities.   The  Activity   lifecycle   is   a   set   of  methods   that   an  

Activity   executes   from   its   creation   to   its   destruction.   The   lifecycles   of   Activities  

determine  how  the  application  is  created  and  managed.  By  knowing  these  lifecycles,  

it  is  possible  to  control  the  whole  application  state,  including  when  the  screen  locked  

or  resumed,  when  the  Android  back  key  pressed,  and  even  when  the  application   is  

being   terminated.   The  Activity   lifecycle  diagram   from   the  Android  Developers  web  

site  can  be  seen  in  the  following  Figure  3.  

Another   solution   to   present   the   UI   to   the   user   is   by   using   Fragments.   Fragments  

were  introduced  to  Android  in  Android  3.0  (API  level  11)  with  the  objective  to  make  

the   Android   applications   more   flexible   between   screen   sizes   like   in   handsets   and  


By   simplifying   the  UI  management,  Fragments  allow  the  application  appearance   to  

be  changed  while  in  runtime  and  keep  those  changes  in  a  back  stack.  This  is  one  of  

the  advantages  of  using  Fragments  and  it  is  represented  on  the  Figure  4.  

Another   advantage   of   the   Fragment   utilization   is   the   capability   to   reuse   the   same  

layout   in  different   situations  and  needs.  Since  a  Fragment   is   called  and  added   in  a  

stack,  multiples  Fragments  of   the   same   type  can  be   instantiated  and  used  without  

any  conflicts  between  them.  With  this,  the  code  becomes  reusable.  



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Figure  3  -­‐  Activity  lifecycle  Source: (Google, Activities, 2007)


Figure  4  -­‐  Different  UI  behaviours  in  different  devices  Source: (Google, Fragments,


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Fragments  and  Activities  have  a  similar  lifecycle.  The  Fragment  lifecycle  can  be  seen  

in  Figure  5.  


Figure  5  -­‐  Fragment  lifecycle  Source: (Google, Fragments, 2007)  

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3 Development This  chapter  explains  in  detail  all  the  work  done  during  the  internship.  Each  section  

of  this  chapter  will  describe  the  development  process  of  the  corresponding  feature.  

These  features  of  VPorto  that  were  assigned  to  me  are  listed  below.  

• Create  Route  

• List  Routes  

• List  Route  POI  

• Route  Mapping  

• GetLocation  tool  

• Memory  Management  

• Rotation  Effect  and  Navigation  

• Game  

• Horizontal  Pager  

• Map  Sliding  Drawer  

The   company   was   responsible   for   defining   the   tasks   assigned   to   me.   These   tasks  

were  meant  to  create  the  features  requested  by  the  company  Control  S.  

This  project  was  conducted  in  partnership  with  a  student  from  ISEP.  The  division  of  

our  work  was  made  with  the  objective  of  maximizing  the  productivity.  The  sections  

below  will  only  describe  the  features  implemented  by  the  author  of  this  report.  

The   decisions   about   the   user   interface   (UI)   are   not   from   the   responsibility   of   the  

developers  involved.  Control  S  was  responsible  for  designing  the  final  appearance  of  

the   UI   as   well   as   all   of   its   components   providing   to   Around   Knowledge   a   set   of  

pictures  with  a  depiction  of  the  desired  layout.  

The   Figure   6   portrays   the   project   architecture.   The   figure   defines   the   application  

architecture,   which   was   already   defined   by   the   company   when   I   started   the  

internship.   As   the   figure   depicts,   the   Android   application   communicates   with   the  

database  using  web  services  while  the  administrator  manages  the  database  using  a  

web  site  denominated  Back  Office  that  works  with  MySQL  queries.  

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Figure  6  -­‐  Project  architecture  

3.1 Create Route

3.1.1 Create Route feature analysis

The   first   feature   developed   was   the   option   to   create   personal   routes.   A   user,   if  

logged,  can  create  personal  routes  and  later  add  POI  to  that  same  route.    

The   application   was   designed   so   it   could   have   2   types   of   routes   called   personal  

routes  and  suggested  routes.  A  route   is  a  group  of  POI   that,   if  connected,  create  a  

line  that  could  be  followed  by  the  user.    

The  suggested  routes  are  routes  that  are  already  defined.  In  this  versions  there  are  

two  suggested  routes  available  that  are  the  “24  Hours”  and  the  “Architecture”  route.  

These  two  suggested  routes  were  created  by  the  Control  S  and  are  stored  in  the  DB.  

The  personal  routes  are  routes  created  by  the  user.  Each  time  a  user  visualize  a  POI,  

he  can  add  that  specific  POI  to  a  personal  route  that  he  have  created  previously  or,  

create  a  new  personal  route  and  add  it  to  that  new  route.  



Android Application

Web Services



<website>Back Office

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There   is   an   option   to   visualize   the   personal   and   suggested   routes.   The   difference  

between  the  POI  lists  of  a  suggested  route  and  a  personal  route  is  that  the  personal  

list  would  have  a  delete  button  next   to   the  POI  making  possible   to  remove   it   from  

the  selected  list.  

For  this  feature  it  was  necessary  to  create  lists  to  show  the  POI  associated  with  that  

route  (personal  or  not),  an  option  to  create  personal  routes  and  a  map  visualization  

of  the  route,  see  Figure  7  for  the  use  case  diagram.    


Figure  7  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  with  the  features  related  with  routes  

These   features   needed   four   layouts   for   the   first   versions.   The   company   Control   S  

provided   images   with   the   aspect   of   the   layouts.   In   a   later   version,   the   suggested  

routes  would  have  different  layouts  from  the  personal  routes.  The  final  aspect  of  the  

create  route  layout  would  look  as  presented  in  the  Figure  8.  


















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Figure  8  -­‐  Illustration  of  the  UI  of  the  feature  create  route  

3.1.2 Create Route feature development

To   successfully   implement   the   feature  described  above,   it  was  necessary   to   create  

nine   classes.   The   Figure   9   demonstrates   how   they   are   related  between   them.   The  

main  classes  are  the  ones  that  inherit  the  class  Fragment.  

The  first  step  to  implement  the  features  was  to  create  appropriated  layouts  based  on  

the  images  provided  by  the  company  Control  S.  For  the  FragCreateRoute,  the  layout  

needed  an  edit  text,  a  button  and  an  image  view  with  a  specific  icon.  The  classes  that  

would   be   necessary   to   create   were   called   FragCreateRoute,   AddPoi   and  

ExecuteHttpPostRequest.   These   last   two,   AddPoi   and   ExecuteHttpPostRequest  

would  be  classes  declared  inside  the  main  class  of  this  feature,  the  FragCreateRoute.  

The  AddPoi  would  be  used  in  the  case  that,  if  the  user  was  trying  to  add  a  POI  to  a  

new  route.  This  action  would  require  the  layout  to  create  new  routes  and  after  the  

route  creation  being  completed  by  the  user,   the  POI  would  be  added  to  that  same  


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Figure  9  -­‐  Class  diagram  demonstrating  the  structure  of  the  route’s  system  

The  ExecuteHttpPostRequest  is  used  to  make  a  POST  request,  to  the  web  service,  to  

add  the  new  route  to  the  user  personal   routes   in  the  DB.  The  Figure  10  shows  the  

classes  used  to  implement  this  feature.  








Figure  10  -­‐  FragCreateRoute  class  diagram  

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After   the   layout   implementation,   it  was  necessary   to   implement   the   fragment   that  

would   inflate   the   layout.   First,   it  would   be   necessary   to   get   and  work  with   all   the  

elements   from   the   layout.   This   was   always   done   in   the   override   method   of   the  

Fragment   class,   onCreateView().   After   the   view   creation,   we   would   need   to  

implement  the  item  listeners  in  the  override  method  onResume().  In  here,  we  would  

need   to   check   if   the  create  button  was  pressed  and,   if   it  was,  a  method  would  be  

called  to  create  the  route  in  the  database  (DB).  This  operation  would  be  performed  

using  a  web  service  provided  by  the  company.  

To  use  the  web  service,  we  need  to  create  an  AsyncTask  that  would  work  in  parallel  

with   the   activity.   This   AsyncTask   is   called   ExecuteHttpPostRequest   and   in   the  

doInBackground(…)  method,  a  first  operation  with  a  get  request  to  the  web  service  

would  check   if   the  desired  route  name  already  existed  for  that  specific  user  and,   if  

not,  a  post  request  would  be  done  sending  the  desired  route  name  and  making  the  

web  service  insert  the  desired  route  in  the  DB.  

The  AddPoi  object  is  also  an  AsyncTask  created  to,  when  trying  to  create  a  new  route  

to   add   a   specific   POI,   execute   the   needed  web   service   requests   to   insert   the   POI  

after  the  route  creation.  

3.1.3 Create Route features tests

The  Table  6  demonstrates  the  tests  made  to  the  features  described  above.    

Table  6  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  Create  Route  feature  

Test   Result   Result  After  Correction  

New  route  creation     Success   -­‐  

Prevention  of  existing  name  route  creation   Unsuccessful   Success  

Empty  name  route  creation   Success   -­‐  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

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3.2 List Routes

3.2.1 List Routes feature analysis

As  referred  above,  the  user  can   list   it  personal  routes.  This   information   is  stored   in  

the  DB.   The   final   aspect   designed   for   this   screen   is   as   demonstrated   in   the   figure  



Figure  11  -­‐  Layout  final  aspect  of  the  List  Routes  feature  

A  use   case  diagram  was   also   created   to  demonstrate   this   feature.   This   use   case   is  

displayed  in  Figure  12.  


Figure  12  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  of  the  List  Routes  feature  

List Routes

User List Personal Routes

Add POI to Route

User is logged


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3.2.2 List Routes feature development

To  implement  this  feature  as  analysed  before,  a  FragRoutes  class  was  implemented.  

The  Figure  13  depicts  the  classes  required  to  implement  the  feature  list  the  Routes.  


Figure  13  -­‐  FragRoutes  class  diagram,  class  used  to  list  personal  routes  

The  class  FragRoutes  is  the  main  class  of  this  feature  that  will  create  the  layout  to  be  

presented   to   the   user.   Each   element   of   the   list   is   saved   on   an   ArrayList   called  

allRoutes   as   an   object   of   the   type   BasicRoutes.   To   present   the   list   of   routes,   the  

adapter  and  view  holder  pattern  is  used  in  order  to  display  the  items  as  desired.  

For  the  Android  development,   there  are  many  patterns   involved,  but  the  one  used  

more  frequently  was  the  Holder/Adapter  Pattern (Vogel, 2010)  while  designing  the  

required   lists.  While   implementing   lists,   if   we  want   to   customize   the   list   items   by  

adding  it  an  image  and  text  on  each  item,  we  need  to  use  a  view  holder.  As  shown  on  

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the   Figure   14,   to   apply   a   view  holder   to   each   line   of   the   list,  we   need   to   use   this  

Holder/Adapter  Pattern.  


Figure  14  -­‐  Example  of  View  Holder  and  List  View  Adapter  Pattern  application  

 To  get  the  routes  from  a  specific  user,  the  AsyncTask  called  MyAsyncTask  will  make  

a  web  service  request  to  get  data  from  the  DB  and  treat  it  filling  the  ArrayList  called  

allRoutes.  Each  element  of  this  list  will  have  a  delete  button  displayed  after  the  route  

name.   To  delete   a   route   it   is   necessary   to  make  a  web   service   request   and,   to  do  

that,   an   AsyncTask   is   required.   This   AsyncTask,   as   it   is   possible   to   observe   in   the  

Figure  13,  is  called  DeleteTask.  

To  reuse  the  code,  the  AsyncTask  called  AddPoi  was  created  inside  the  FragRoutes.  

With  this,  is  possible  to  use  the  class  FragRoutes  each  time  a  user  wants  to  add  the  

POI,   from  a  specific  POI  detail,   to  a  personal  route.  The  Figure  15  demonstrates  an  

example  of  a  screen  with  that  option  displayed.  

By  doing  this,  the  user  personal  routes  will  be  displayed,  without  the  delete  button,  

and  when  the  user  select  a  route,  the  FragRoutes  will  be  closed,  returning  to  the  POI  

detail  and  adding  the  POI  to  the  selected  route.  

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Figure  15  -­‐  POI  detail  with  the  option  to  add  the  POI  to  a  route  

3.2.3 List Routes feature tests

The  Table  7  demonstrates  the  tests  made  to  the  list  routes  feature.    

Table  7  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  List  Routes  feature  

Test   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Route  list  visualization   Success   -­‐  

Route   list   visualization   with   no   personal  

routes  created  Unsuccessful   Success  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

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3.3 List Route POI

3.3.1 List Route POI feature analysis

This  feature  was  created  so  a  user  could  see  the  POI  associated  with  a  specific  route  

(personal   or   not).   As   said   before,   if   the   route   is   a   personal   route,   a   delete   button  

would   be   displayed   next   to   the   POI   name.   A   use   case   diagram   of   this   feature   is  

displayed  in  Figure  16.  


Figure  16  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  depicting  the  List  Route  POI  feature  

The  final  aspect  of  the  layout  is  as  displayed  in  the  figure  below.  


Figure  17  -­‐  Final  aspect  of  the  List  Route  POI  feature  

List Route POI

User List POI in Personal


List POI in Suggested

RouteUser is logged


Delete POI from Route


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3.3.2 List Route POI feature development

To  implement  this  feature,  the  class  diagram  presented  in  Figure  18  was  created.    


Figure  18  -­‐  FragRoutePois  class  diagram,  class  used  to  list  POI  in  selected  route  

The   class   FragRoutePois   uses   a   list   similar   to   the   FragRoutes.   The   two   AsyncTasks  

used   in   this   class   were   created   to   retrieve   the   POI   list   from   the   selected   route  

(MyAsyncTask)  and  to  delete  a  POI  (DeleteTask).  As  referred  above,  there  is  a  slight  

difference   between   the   user   POI   list   and   the   recommended   route   POI   list.   An   ID  

containing  the  route  ID  is  sent  from  the  previous  menu  and,  with  this,  it  is  possible  to  

differentiate   the   POI   list   that   is   trying   to   be   listed.   If   the   POI   list   is   from   the  

recommended  routes,  in  the  view  holder  of  the  adapter,  the  delete  icon  will  not  be  

displayed  since  the  regular  user  should  not  be  able  to  delete  POI  from  recommended  

routes.  This  way,  we  can  use  the  same  code  for  the  two  different  features.  

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The  final  feature  of  this  implementation  group  was  the  ability  to  mark  in  the  map  the  

desired  route.    

3.3.3 List Routes feature tests

The  Table  8  demonstrates  the  tests  made  to  the  list  routes  feature.    

Table  8  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  list  route  feature  

Test   Result   Result  After  Correction  

View  of  POI  list  from  recommended  route   Success   -­‐  

View  of  POI  list  from  the  user  routes   Success   -­‐  

POI  insert  in  personal  route   Success   -­‐  

Prevention   of   duplicated   POI   in   personal  

route  Unsuccessful   Success  

POI  removal  from  personal  route   Unsuccessful   Success  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  


3.4 Route Mapping

3.4.1 Route Mapping feature analysis

If  the  user  wants,  he  can  observe  the  route  in  the  map.  This  route  is  designed  using  

blue   lines  by  visiting  the  POI   list  of   that   route.  The  Figure  19  shows  how  the  route  

would  look  like  in  the  map.  

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Figure  19  -­‐  Final  aspect  of  the  Route  Mapping  feature  

A  use  case  diagram   is  also  demonstrated  below,  showing   the  user   interaction  with  

the  route  map  feature.  


Figure  20  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  of  the  route  mapping  feature  

3.4.2 Route Mapping feature development

This   last   routes   related   feature   was   more   complex   and   it   implementation   was  

different   from   the   rest  developed   so   far.   The   class   FragRoutesMap  was   created   to  

support  this  feature  and,  as  it  is  possible  to  observe  in  Figure  21,  the  class  diagram  is  

more  complex  than  the  previous  ones.    

Route Map

User View Personal

Route Map

View Suggested Route Map

User is logged


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Figure  21  -­‐  FragRoutesMap  class  diagram  

This  main  class,  FragRoutesMap,  is  a  class  that  will  display  a  map  with  a  route.  Again,  

there   is   an   AsyncTask   that   would   retrieve   the   information   needed   (POI   list   and  

calculated  route)  from  the  web  service,  MyAsyncTask.  Another  AsyncTask  is  created  

to  add  markers  to  the  map.  These  markers  are  the  POI  from  the  selected  route.  

The  route  was  possible  to  obtain  by  sending  the  route  POI,  in  an  AsyncTask,  to  a  class  

called  that  would  obtain  the  route  polyline.  The  Figure  22  

demonstrates  how  the  route  is  calculated:  

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Figure  22  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  demonstrating  route  calculation  

To   create   a   polyline   containing   the   route   trajectory,   it   is   necessary   to   use   a   web  

service  provided  by  Google.  The  request  follows  the  subsequent  structure:


Where  A  stands  for  the  origin,  B  stands  for  the  destiny  and  C  and  D  stands  for  the  

waypoints.   It   was   possible   to   use   either   city   names   in   the   link   or   coordinates  

separating  the  latitude  and  the  longitude  by  the  use  of  a  coma  (“,”).  

Since  the  company  was  using  a  free  licence  of  the  Google  Application  Programming  

Interface     (API),   there  was   a   limit   of   eight  waypoints   that  we   could   use.   To   avoid  

problems  with  this  limitation,  if  the  route  has  more  than  ten  POI  associated  (origin  +  

waypoints  +  destiny),  a  new  polyline  would  be  calculated  using  the  previous  destiny  

as  a  new  origin  since  the  map  could  handle  multiple  polylines.  

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3.4.3 Route Mapping feature tests

The  Table  9  demonstrates  the  tests  made  to  the  features  described  above.    

Table  9  -­‐  Tests  made  to  the  Personal  and  Suggested  Routes  features  

Test   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Map  visualization  from  suggested  routes   Success   -­‐  

Map  visualization  from  personal  routes   Success   -­‐  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

3.5 GetLocation tool

3.5.1 GetLocation tool analysis

After   implementing   the   routes   features   described   above,   the   company   supervisor  

suggested  the  development  of  a  feature  corresponding  to  a  tool  to  find  what  was  the  

best  location  provider.  This  tool  would  not  be  used  directly  by  the  application  user,  

but  is  used  when  there  is  a  need  to  get  the  user  current  location.  An  example  of  this  

need  is  when  the  application  is  trying  to  get  the  user  current  distance  from  a  specific  


 This   problem  was   simple   to  develop  but   took   some   time  because  of   the  different  

possibilities   studied.   The   best   solution   found   is   by   using   the   GPS   and   network  

location  providers. (Google, LocationProvider, 2007)  

There  are  two  possible  location  providers,  the  GPS  and  the  network.  If  the  user  has  

both  of   the  providers   turned  off,   the  tool  will   try   to  get   the   last  known   location.   If  

one  of  the  providers  is  working,  then  we  should  use  the  location  he  returns.  If  both  

of  them  are  working,  the  GPS  provider  will  be  used  since  it  has  a  lower  margin  error.  

This  system  described  above  is  illustrated  by  the  diagram  at  Figure  23.  

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Figure  23  -­‐  Flowchart  describing  the  process  of  getting  the  user  current  location  

3.5.2 GetLocation tool development

The  GetLocation  tool  would  be  used  to  provide  the  user  current  location.  This  would  

be  necessary  to  do  each  time  a  map  was  opened  or  a  POI   list  was  requested,  since  

the  POI  had  to  display  the  distance  from  the  user  to  the  POI  location.  When  calling  

the   constructor   it   is   necessary   to   send   the   activity   so,   when   calling   the   method  

getLocation(),   it   is   possible   to   get   the   LocationManager   object   and   finally   get   the  

user  location.  The  code  developed  is  displayed  in  Figure  24.  

public  Location  getLocation()  {  try  {  

    location  =  null;       locationManager  =  (LocationManager)  act.getSystemService(  

Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);       //  getting  GPS  status       isGPSEnabled  =  locationManager           .isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);       //  getting  network  status       isNetworkEnabled  =  locationManager  

.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);       if  (!isGPSEnabled  &&  !isNetworkEnabled)  {         Location  lastKnownLocation  =  getMostRecentLocation();         return  lastKnownLocation;       }  else  {  

Both providers offline?

Both providers available?





Get Location fom GPS provider

Get Last Known


Get Location from available


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      this.canGetLocation  =  true;         //  First  get  location  from  GPS  Provider         if  (isGPSEnabled)  {           locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(  


          MIN_DISTANCE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATES,  this);           Log.d("GPS  Enabled",  "GPS  Enabled");           if  (locationManager  !=  null)  {             location  =  locationManager           .getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);           }         }         if  (isNetworkEnabled)  {           if  (location  ==  null)  {             locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(                 LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER,  

MIN_TIME_BW_UPDATES,               MIN_DISTANCE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATES,  this);             Log.d("Network",  "Network");             if  (locationManager  !=  null)  {               location  =  locationManager.  

getLastKnownLocation(  LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER

);             }           }         }       }     }  catch  (Exception  e)  {       e.printStackTrace();     }  return  location;  }  

Figure  24  -­‐  getLocation  method  implementation  

If  one  of  the  providers  is  working,  the  method  also  put  true  in  a  flag  that  later  can  be  

checked   with   the  method   canGetLocation()   if   necessary.   If   the   flags   isGPSEnabled  

and  isNetworkEnabled  are  false  the  method  called,  getMostRecentLocation(),  will  be  

trying  to  get  the  last  known  location  from  the  two  providers  and  return  the  newest.  

A  sequencial  diagram  of  this  method  can  be  consulted  in  the  following  Figure  25.  

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Figure  25  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  of  the  method  getLocation  

3.5.3 GetLocation tool tests

The  Table  10  demonstrates  the  tests  made  to  the  features  described  above.    

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Table  10  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  GetLocation  tool  

Test   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Get  current  location  with  all  providers  active   Success   -­‐  

Get  current  location  with  one  provider  active   Unsuccessful   Success  

Get   current   location   with   all   providers  

deactivated  Success   -­‐  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

3.6 Memory Management

3.6.1 Memory Management analysis

The   following   task   was   performed   because   of   excessive  memory   problems.  While  

testing   the   previous   state   of   the   application,   the   devices   with   less   capacity   were  

starting  to  crash  because  of   the   insufficient  storage  available.  While   loading  all   the  

POI   information   and   photos,   the   saved  memory   could   easily   reach   three   hundred  

megabytes  of  data.  This  storage  requirement  was  not  even  available  on  my  personal  

phone.   Beside   this   problem,   the   allocated  memory   for   the   tasks   processing   keeps  

increasing  while  downloading  the  pictures  from  the  server  and  was  never  freed,  not  

even  when  the  fragment  was  destroyed.  Because  each  device  had  a  different  size  for  

the  available  memory  to  allocate,  the  less  capable  devices  could  crash.  

These   two   problems   led   to   the   following   task,   making   it   necessary   to   solve   the  

memory  allocation  problem  and  internal  memory  required  space.  

To   the  memory  allocation   (memory   leaks)  problem,   I  have   found   that   image  views  

may  not  free  the  memory  they  have  reserved  to  save  the  image  and,  to  solve  this,  a  

tool  called  Garbage  Collector  from  the  Java  was  used  and  it  solved  some  cases  of  the  

memory  not  being  freed.  With  this,  the  amount  of  memory  being  allocated  dropped  

but  not  enough.  The  next   step  was   to  analyse   the  dimension  of   the  pictures  being  

used.  The  amount  of  space  that  each  picture  had  was  too  big  to  be  saved  “raw”.  The  

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solution  we   found  was   to   create  a  decoder   that  would   sample   the   image  only   the  

necessary   that,   with   a   small   quality   lost,   the  memory   could   be   freed  more   easily.  

After   studying   this   option   carefully,   the   solution   implemented   has   the   structure  

represented  in  the  Figure  26:  


Figure  26  -­‐  Image  decoder  

This  decoder  would  receive  2  objects,  a  image  to  be  decoded  and  the  bitmap  options  

to  be  applied.  The  Bitmap  Option  class  work  as  a  bundle  of  properties  that  define  the  

bitmap.  This  object  as  an  example,  defines  the  width,  the  weight  and  the  resolution.  

When  creating  a  Bitmap  from  an  Image  source,  the  bitmap  option  is  created  with  the  

original  values  of  the  image.  By  forcing  a  different  bitmap  option,  the  image  will  be  

transformed  accordingly  with  the  provided  bitmap  option.    

3.6.2 Memory Management development

For  this  problem,  part  of  the  solution  was  to  add  the  System.gc()  in  some  parts  of  the  

code.   This   did   not   solve   the   problem   but   gave   some   free   spaced   and   added   free  

space  to  the  allocated  memory.  A  better  solution  for  the  problem  was  to  develop  the  

following  methods:  

• decodeFile(File  f);  

o This   method   receives   a   bitmap   file   and   decodes   it   sampling   and  

reducing  the  file  size  without  losing  most  of  the  image  quality.  

The  method  was  developed  as  presented  bellow:  

private  Bitmap  decodeFile(File  f){  try  {     //Decode  image  size     BitmapFactory.Options  o  =  new  BitmapFactory.Options();     o.inJustDecodeBounds  =  true;     BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new  FileInputStream(f),null,o);  

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    //Find  the  correct  scale  value.  It  should  be  the  power  of  2.     int  scale=1;     while(  

o.outWidth/scale/2>=REQUIRED_SIZE_highlight1  &&    o.outHeight/scale/2>=REQUIRED_SIZE_highlight1  

)     scale*=2;  

    //Decode  with  inSampleSize     BitmapFactory.Options  o2  =  new  BitmapFactory.Options();     o2.inSampleSize=scale;     return  BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new  FileInputStream(f),  null,  o2);  

  }  catch  (FileNotFoundException  e)  {}     return  null;  }  

Figure  27  -­‐  decodeFile  method  implementation  

• decodeStream(URL  url);  

o This   method   receives   a   URL   containing   a   picture,   it   will   fetch   and  

decode  that  picture,  reducing  the  memory  consumption  and  required  

space  to  save  the  image  in  the  internal  storage.  

private  Bitmap  decodeStream(URL  ulrn)  throws  IOException  {     //Decode  image  size     BitmapFactory.Options  o  =  new  BitmapFactory.Options();     o.inJustDecodeBounds  =  true;     HttpURLConnection  con  =  (HttpURLConnection)ulrn.openConnection();     InputStream  in  =  con.getInputStream();     BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in,null,o);     //The  new  size  we  want  to  scale  to     //Find  the  correct  scale  value.  It  should  be  the  power  of  2.     int  scale=1;     while(  

o.outWidth/scale/2>=REQUIRED_SIZE_highlight1  &&    o.outHeight/scale/2>=REQUIRED_SIZE_highlight1  

)       scale*=2;       //Decode  with  inSampleSize     BitmapFactory.Options  o2  =  new  BitmapFactory.Options();     o2.inSampleSize=scale;     try  {       in.close();     }  catch  (IOException  e)  {       e.printStackTrace();     }     con  =  (HttpURLConnection)ulrn.openConnection();     in  =  con.getInputStream();     Bitmap  bm  =  BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in,  null,  o2);     con.disconnect();  

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  return  bm;  }  

Figure  28  -­‐  decodeStream  method  implementation  

These  2  methods  were  created  to  reduce  the  image  dimensions  by  sampling  it.    

3.6.3 Memory Management tests

The  tests  performed  to  these  tools  had  the  following  result.  

Table  11  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  memory  management  methods  

Test   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Memory   allocated   with   the   “RESTAURANTS”  

gallery  opened  

64  MB  


24  MB  


Total  memory  of  internal  storage  used  by  the  

application  after  visiting  some  galleries  

400  MB  




The   values  of   the  memory  allocation  used  above   in   the   table  were  obtained  using  

the  logcat  window.  The  logcat  is  a  window  from  the  Eclipse  IDE  with  the  Android  SDK  

environment   used   to   view   the   system   debug   output.   One   of   the   outputs   is   the  

amount  of  memory  being  allocated  by  the  application.  (Google, logcat, 2007)  

3.7 Rotation Effect and Navigation

This  feature  and  the  features  detailed  below  this  were  developed  for  the  version  2.0  

of  the  application.  

3.7.1 Rotation Effect and Navigation analysis

This  new  version  will  have  a  complete  redesign  of  the  application  layout.  There  will  

be  the  same  features  from  the  previous  version  and  will  be  added  new  ones.  One  of  

the  major  changes  in  the  application  layout  is  the  navigation  system.  There  will  still  

be   three  buttons  on   the  bottom  that  will   serve  as  navigation.  These   three  buttons  

will  be  used  to  open  the  map,  open  the  suggestions  menu  and  the  last  button  will  be  

to  open  the  main  menu.    

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Figure  29  -­‐  New  Layouts  of  Map,  Suggestions  and  Menu  

Another  major  change  is  the  animation  between  screens.  Control  S  wanted  to  add  an  

effect   like   a   cube   rotation   between   screens.   The   image   below   demonstrates   a  

transition  from  the  suggestions  menu  to  the  POI  detail  and  how  the  animation  will  

look  like.  


Figure  30  -­‐  Screen  transition  with  a  cube  rotation  effect  

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To   implement   this   cube   rotation   effect,   the  ObjectAnimator   class   had   to   be   used.  

There  were   two   possible   technologies   tested   to   implement   this   feature,   the   View  

Animation  and  the  Property  Animation.  The  first  tested  was  the  View  Animation.  

The   View   Animation   is   works   with   the   Tween   animation   and   with   the   Frame  

animation.  These  two  options  have  native  animation  but  are  less  customizable.  They  

are   enough   if   a   simple   animation   is   required,   like   a   fade   in,   a   fade   out,   a   two  

dimensions   rotation  or  a   slide.  To  apply  a   three  dimensional   rotation  effect  with  a  

slide,  it  is  necessary  to  have  more  control  on  the  animation.  

The  Property  Animation  is  a  more  configurable  animation  and  it  can  perform  custom  

operation,  like  the  ones  required.  

Each  animation  that  we  needed  to  implement  had  to  be  applied  to  a  single  screen.  

As   an   example,   to   the   figure   above,   the   suggestions  menu   had   an   animation   that  

made  the  fragment  rotate  from  zero  degrees  to  minus  ninety  (0º  -­‐>  -­‐90º)  around  a  

vertical  line  located  on  the  right  side  of  the  fragment.  The  POI  detail,  the  other  face  

of  the  cube  that  is  appearing,  had  to  make  a  rotation  from  ninety  to  zero  (90º  -­‐>  0º)  

around  a  vertical  line  located  at  the  left  side  of  the  fragment.  This  transition  has  the  

duration  of  three  hundred  milliseconds  (the  animation  length  is  easily  configurable).  

To   implement   this   animation,   as   said   before,   the  ObjectAnimatior   class   had   to   be  

used.   The  use   case  diagram   in   Figure   31   illustrates   the  different   navigation  option  

from  the  suggestion  menu.  This  diagram  is  displayed  below.  

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Figure  31  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  with  the  navigation  effects  functionalities  

The   rotation   effect   was   almost   solved   until   a   problem   appeared.   This  

ObjectAnimatior  class  was  only  available   to  devices  with  the  Android  version  11  or  

superior.  This  would  make  the  application  version  requirement  superior  and  reduce  

the  range  of  compatible  devices.  This  also  would  make  us  change  all  the  structure  of  

the  application.  

The   application   was   created   using   fragments   from   the   class   This   library,,   was   created   so  

old  versions  of  Android  could  handle  fragments.  The  problem  is  that  object  animator  

is   not   compatible   with   this   type   of   fragment,   being   only   compatible   with   But   by   changing   one   fragment   from   the   support.v4   to   the  

one  without  support,  all  the  other  fragments  would  cause  incompatibilities  and  the  

only  solution  was  to  replace  all  the  fragments  from  the  support.v4  to  the  normal  and  

more  updated  fragment  class.  

To   solve   this   problem,   a   custom   layout   had   also   to   be   implemented.   Its  

implementation  will  be  detailed  on  section  3.7.2.  

Navigation System from Suggestion Menu

Open Main Menu

Open Map

Open POI Detail

Open Event Detail



Rotate current view from

Down to Up

Rotate current view from

Up to Down

Rotate current view from

Right to Left





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With   the   View   Pager   problem   solved,   there   was   a   small   detail   that   was   still   not  

solved.   The   navigation   had   to   be   corrected.   For   example,   switching   to   the  

suggestions   menu   from   a   POI   detail   that   was   called   from   the   first   menu,   had   a  

specific   transition,  while   a   transition   to   the   suggestions  menu   from   the   POI   detail  

called  from  the  gallery,  had  a  different  transition.  The  Figure  32  demonstrates  how  a  

POI  detail  can  be  accessed  from  different  places.  


Figure  32  -­‐  Flow  chart  with  two  different  possibilities  to  see  a  POI  detail  

3.7.2 Rotation Effect and Navigation development

To   implement   the   rotation   effect,   it  was   necessary   to   create   XML   files   that  would  

have   the   animation   and   then,   when   making   the   transition   from   one   fragment   to  

another,   add   that   custom   animation.   To   add   an   animation   to   a   transition,   it   is  

necessary  to  use  the  method  FragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations.  The  Figure  

33   demonstrates   how  we   can   apply   a   rotation   on   a   transition   from  a   fragment   to  


FragAbout  about  =  new  FragAbout();  FragmentTransaction  transaction  =  getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();  

POI Detail pressed

Main Menu pressed




Going OutOption

Category Choosen

POI Selection

Show POI Detail



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transaction.setCustomAnimations(     R.animator.card_flip_right_left_in,     R.animator.card_flip_right_left_out,     R.animator.card_flip_left_right_in,     R.animator.card_flip_left_right_out  );  Fragment  currFrag  =  (Fragment)  getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;  if  (currFrag  !=  null)  {     transaction.hide(currFrag);  }  transaction.add(,  about,  "About");  transaction.addToBackStack("About");  transaction.commit();  getFragmentManager().executePendingTransactions();  

Figure  33  -­‐  Example  of  a  custom  animation  

The   setCustomAnimations   can   receive   two   or   four   arguments.   The   two   first,  

determines   the   “enter”   animation   (of   the   FragAbout)   and   the   “exit”   animation   (of  

the   current   fragment).   If   we   add   the   other   two   arguments,   these   represent   the  

“popEnter”  and  “popExit”  animation.  There  two  last  arguments  are  used  to  animate  

when   a   fragment   enters   or   exits   the   fragments   back   stack.   When   a   fragment   is  

terminated  by  the  popBackStack()  method  of  the  FragmentManager,  the  animation  

called   is  the  “popExit”.  When  a  method  is  added  to  the  back  stack,  the  “popEnter”  

animation  is  called.  

The  animations  are  called  using  the  animator  directory  in  the  resources.  These  files  

(for   example   R.animator.card_flip_right_left_in)   have   the   structure   represented   in  

the  Figure  34.  

<set  xmlns:android=""  >          <!-­‐-­‐  Rotate.  -­‐-­‐>          <objectAnimator                  android:duration="@integer/card_flip_time_full"                  android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/accelerate_decelerate"                  android:propertyName="rotateRightLeftIn"                  android:valueFrom="@integer/card_flip_rotation_on"                  android:valueTo="0"                    android:valueType="intType"/>          <!-­‐-­‐  Move  -­‐-­‐>          <objectAnimator  xmlns:android=""            android:interpolator="@android:anim/linear_interpolator"            android:valueFrom="1"            android:valueTo="0"            android:propertyName="xFraction"            android:duration="@integer/card_flip_time_full"  />  </set>  

Figure  34  -­‐  Example  of  an  animation  file  using  objectAnimator  

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As  seen  above,  to  the  objectAnimator  is  possible  to  add  properties.  These  properties  

are  methods   located   in   the   layout   container  of   the   fragment.   In   the  Figure  35,  we  

can  see  the  FragAbout  layout  XML.    

<?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="utf-­‐8"?>  <ak.vporto.classes.NoFlingRotationLayout          xmlns:android=""          android:layout_width="match_parent"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:orientation="vertical"          android:weightSum="14"  >            <ScrollView                  android:layout_width="match_parent"                  android:layout_height="0dp"                  android:layout_weight="11"                  android:orientation="vertical"                  android:scrollbars="none"  >                  (…)          </ScrollView>          <LinearLayout                  android:id="@+id/suporte_about"                  android:layout_width="match_parent"                  android:layout_height="0dp"                  android:layout_margin="3dp"                  android:layout_weight="2"                  android:background="#5d5d5d"                  android:orientation="horizontal"                  android:weightSum="9"  >                  (…)          </LinearLayout>          <include                  android:id="@+id/about_v_layout"                  android:layout_width="match_parent"                  android:layout_height="0dp"                  android:layout_weight="1"                  layout="@layout/v"  />  </ak.vporto.classes.NoFlingRotationLayout>  

Figure  35  -­‐  FragAbout  layout  

After   analysing   the   FragAbout   layout,  we   can   see   that   the   root   element   is   a   class  

called   NoFlingRotationLayout.   The   code   of   this   class   can   be   consulted   in   the  

appendix   B.1.   This   implemented   class   extends   the   Linear   Layout   class   and   it   has  

methods  that  are  called  by  the  properties  rotateRightLeftIn  and  xFraction  used  in  the  

objectAnimator   Figure   34.   The   Figure   36   has   the   methods   called   by   these   two  


                               //Rotate  from  Right  to  Left  turning  visible     public  float  getRotateRightLeftIn(){       return  getRotationY();  

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  }     public  void  setRotateRightLeftIn(int  rotateRightLeftIn){       touch_disabled=true;       setPivotX(0);       setPivotY(getHeight()/2);       setRotationY(rotateRightLeftIn);       if(rotateRightLeftIn==0  ||  rotateRightLeftIn==90  ||  rotateRightLeftIn==-­‐90)         touch_disabled=false;     }                                    public  float  getXFraction()     {       final  int  width  =  getWidth();           if(width  !=  0)  return  getX()  /  getWidth();           else  return  getX();         }       public  void  setXFraction(float  xFraction)  {       final  int  width  =  getWidth();           setX((width  >  0)  ?  (xFraction  *  width)  :  -­‐9999);         }  

Figure  36  -­‐  Example  of  methods  called  when  applying  a  rotation  

After   these   implementations,   the   task   of   implementing   the   cube   rotation   was  

complete  and  now  the  navigation  had  to  be  fixed.  

When   the   application   had   no   animation   between   the   fragments   transitions,   the  

navigation  was  easy  because   it  was  not  necessary  to  control  what  animation  to  do  

when   a   certain   key   is   pressed.   To   better   explain   the   problem,   the   Figure   37   will  

present  a  diagram  demonstrating  the  rotations  required  from  the  POI  Gallery  to  the  

suggestions  menu.  In  the  figure  we  assume  that,  each  time  an  animation  from  up  to  

down  is  made,  a  level  of  the  application  is  increased  and,  each  time  a  animation  from  

down  to  up  is  made,  a  level  is  decreased.  For  example,  assuming  that  the  suggestions  

menu  is  in  level  1,  to  go  from  the  Suggestion  menu  to  the  Main  menu,  an  animation  

from  up  to  down  is  made  changing  the  current  level  to  2.  

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Figure  37  -­‐  Level  difference  inside  the  application  

The  desired  behaviour  was  to  do  a  rotation  from  down  to  up  directly  from  the  About  

to  the  Suggestions  Menu,  although  it  is  not  possible  to  change  the  animation  of  the  

fragments   in   the   stack   (while   doing   the   popBackStack()   to   navigate   to   the  

Suggestions   Menu).   Because   there   was   a   animation   between   the   About   and   the  

Main  Menu  and  between  the  Main  Menu  and  the  Suggestions  Menu,  it  was  possible  

to  watch  the  fragment  rotation  from  left  to  right,  and  the  rotation  from  down  to  up  

at  the  same  time.  

The  solution  to  this  was  found  by  controlling  if  the  user  was  “skipping”  fragment  by  

pressing   the   Suggestions,   the   Menu   or   the   Map   Button.   The   Figure   38   shows   a  

sequence  diagram  of  the  methods  called  when  the  user  press  the  Suggestions  Menu  

button  while  in  the  About  fragment.  

AboutMain Menu


Rotate Left->Right

Rotate Down->Up

Level 2

Level 1

Level 0


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Figure  38  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  showing  how  to  change  the  animation  

The  methods  popNoAnimation()  and  popChangeAnimation()  now  appears  on  almost  

every  class.  And  it  does  as  demonstrated  in  the  Figure  39.    

@Override     public  Animator  onCreateAnimator(int  transit,  boolean  enter,  int  nextAnim)  {       if  (changeAnimationFlag){         changeAnimationFlag=false;         final  Animator  anim  =  AnimatorInflater.                                                                                                     loadAnimator(getActivity(),  R.animator.card_flip_down_up_out);         //anim.setDuration(0);         return  anim;       }       if  (noAnimationFlag)  {         noAnimationFlag=false;         final  Animator  anim  =  AnimatorInflater           .loadAnimator(getActivity(),  R.animator.card_flip_down_up_out);         anim.setDuration(0);         return  anim;       }       else{         return  super.onCreateAnimator(transit,  enter,  nextAnim);       }     }     public  void  popNoAnimation()  {       noAnimationFlag  =  true;     }     public  void  popChangeAnimation()  {       changeAnimationFlag  =  true;     }  

Figure  39  -­‐  popNoAnimation()  and  popChangeAnimation()  methods  

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The   method   onCreateAnimation   is   called   every   time   a   fragment   needs   to   do   an  

animation  and,  by  having  a  flag  changeAnimationFlag  with  true,  when  the  animation  

is   created,   instead   of   doing   the   left   to   right   animation,   the   desired   down   to   up  

animation  is  done.  The  Main  Menu  still  needs  to  call  the  popNoAnimation()  method  

to   set   the  duration  of   the  animation,   to   zero,  making   it   too  quick   to   see.  Now   the  

only  animation  that  are  possible  to  watch  is  the  down  to  up  animations  of  the  About  

and  the  Suggestions.  

While   testing,   the   problem   about   having   the   same   fragment   in   different   levels  

appeared  again.  It  was  necessary  to  check  if,  for  example,  when  the  user  was  in  the  

POI  Detail  and  clicked  in  the  Suggestions  Menu  button  if  he  was  on  the  same  level  as  

the  Suggestions  Menu  or  in  the  level  of  the  Main  Menu.  These  two  situations  can  be  

observed  in  the  Figure  40.  


Figure  40  -­‐  Demonstration  of  different  levels  with  the  same  fragment  

Going OutMain Menu


Rotate Left->Right

Rotate Down->Up

Level 2

Level 1

Level 0


Restaurants POI Detail

Rotate Left->Right Rotate Left->Right

Main Menu


Level 2

Level 1

Level 0


POI Detail

Rotate Left->Right

Situation 1

Situation 2

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To   solve   this,   the   easiest   solution  was   to   check   how  many   fragments  were   in   the  

back  stack  when  the  button  was  pressed.  As  we  can  observe  in  the  Situation  1,  there  

are   five   fragments   opened   (POI   Detail,   Restaurants,   Going   Out,   Main   Menu   and  

Suggestions  Menu)  and  in  the  Situation  2,  there  are  only  two  fragments  opened  (the  

POI  Detail  and  the  Suggestions  Menu).  By  knowing  this,  we  can  control  in  what  point  

of  the  application  we  are  and  what  we  need  to  do  to  create  the  desired  animation.  

For  the  navigation,  fling  detection  was  also  added.  To  detect   if  the  user   is  trying  to  

navigate  by  swiping  the  fragment,  a  gesture  detector  has  to  be  implemented.  To  this,  

it  was  used  the  class  that  would  be  used  as  the  root  element.  One  screen  that  has  

the  fling  detector  implemented  is  the  Suggestions  Menu.  The  Suggestions  Menu  uses  

a   class   called   SimpleSlidingFrameLayout   that   has   the   same   methods   as   the  

NoFlingRotationLayout   but   also   uses   the   override   method  

onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent   ev)   to   call   the   gesture   detector   object   in   case  

this   listener   is   called.   The   gesture   know   what   to   do   because,   when   the  

SimpleSlidingFrameLayout  constructor  is  called,  the  initGesture()  defines  the  gesture  

detector   behavior   when   a   fling   is   detected.   The   Figure   41   shows   how   the   fling   is  


@Override  public  boolean  onFling(MotionEvent  e1,  MotionEvent  e2,  float  velocityX,  float  velocityY)  {     final  int  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE  =  120;     final  int  SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY  =  200;     Fragment  currFrag  =  (Fragment)  fragmentManager.findFragmentById(;     String  classTag  ="";     if  (currFrag  !=  null)  {       classTag  =  currFrag.getTag();       System.out.println("Current:  "+classTag);       if  (e1.getX()  -­‐  e2.getX()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE){         System.out.println("Right  to  Left");       }else  if  (e2.getX()  -­‐  e1.getX()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE){         System.out.println("Left  to  Right");       }else  if  (e1.getY()  -­‐  e2.getY()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE         &&Math.abs(velocityY)>SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY){         System.out.println("Down  to  Up");         if(classTag.equals("Menu")         ||         classTag.equals("Suggestion")){            ((MainFragmentActivity)getContext()).MapClick();         }       }  else  if  (e2.getY()  -­‐  e1.getY()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE           &&Math.abs(velocityY)>SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY)  {         System.out.println("Up  to  Down");         if  (classTag.equals("Suggestion")){            

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               ((MainFragmentActivity)getContext()).MenuClick();         }       }     }     return  super.onFling(e1,  e2,  velocityX,  velocityY);  }  

Figure  41  -­‐  Fling  initialization  

3.7.3 Rotation Effect and Navigation tests

The   tests  made   to   the  navigation  and   the  animations  are   represented   in   the  Table  


Table  12  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  animation  and  navigation  

Table   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Navigation   from   Suggestions   Menu   to   Main  

Menu  Success   -­‐  

Navigation  from  Suggestions  Menu  to  Map   Success   -­‐  

Navigation  from  Restaurants  to  POI  Detail   Success   -­‐  

Navigation   from   Suggestions   Menu   to   POI  

Detail  Unsuccessful   Success  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

3.8 Game

3.8.1 Game analysis

There  was  a  game  that  had  to  be  developed  with  the  objective  of  collecting  the  user  

personal   interests   to  provide  him   the   information   that  he  would  appreciate   in   the  

Suggestions  Menu.  The  game  would  only  run  once  and  if  the  user  had  never  finished  

it.   This   game  had   six   questions   and   the  user   could   choose,   in   each  question,   from  

zero   to   two  options.  After   the   sixth  question,   the  user  would  be   redirected   to   the  

application.  The  Figure  42  depicts  the  use  case  diagram  for  this  feature.  

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Figure  42  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  illustrating  the  game  functionalities  

For   this   game,   the   task   assigned   to   me   was   to   get   the   game   structure   that   was  

already  developed  and  add  some  details.  The  rotation  had  to  be  implemented  in  the  

game  also.  A  class  diagram  of  the  game  can  be  consulted  in  the  appendix  A.2.  Beside  

the  game  being  completely  implemented  the  partner  company  decided  to  delay  the  

game  due   its   complexity  on  building   the  user  profile.  The   final  aspect  of   the  game  

would  be  as  represented  in  Figure  43.  

Game System



Save user option

Next page

Play later

Finish Game

Continue with the




Select option

Deselect option

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Figure  43  -­‐  Game  final  layout  and  transitions  

3.8.2 Game development

To   develop   the   game   and  make   it   ready   to   use,   a   bundle   of   values  with   the   user  

choices  had  to  be  created.  A  solution  to  save  values  assigned  to  a  specific  key  is  by  

using   the  class  SharedPreferences.  The  object  associated  with   the  activity  could  be  

accessed  by  using  the  method  Activity.getSharedPreferences(file,  node).  

After  getting  access  to  the  shared  preferences  when  the  application  was  starting,  we  

needed  to  check   if   the  user  already  completed  the  game.  To  do  this,  we  could  ask  

the   shared   preferences   for   a   value   of   a   certain   key   and,   if   the   key   didn’t   exist,   a  

defined   value   would   be   returned.   The   Figure   44   demonstrates   how   to   do   the  

validation  if  the  user  already  completed  the  game.  

String  f  =  this.getSharedPreferences("USERSDEFAULT",  0).getString("game_finished",  "no");  if(f.equals("yes")){     suggestion  =  new  FragSuggestions();     FragmentTransaction  transaction  =  getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();     transaction.add(,  suggestion,  "Suggestion");     transaction.addToBackStack("Suggestion");     //  Commit  the  transaction     transaction.commit();     getFragmentManager().executePendingTransactions();  }  else  {     //  Create  new  fragment  and  transaction  and  put  above  the  menu  on  the  stack     game  =  new  Game();     FragmentTransaction  transaction  =  getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();     transaction.setCustomAnimations(       0,  R.animator.card_flip_left_right_out,       0,  R.animator.card_flip_right_left_out     );  

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  transaction.add(,  game,  "Game");     transaction.addToBackStack("Game");     //  Commit  the  transaction     transaction.commit();     getFragmentManager().executePendingTransactions();  }  

Figure  44  -­‐  Game  already  finished  validation  

If   the  user,  at   the  application   launch,  previously  did  not   finish  the  game,   the  game  

fragment  would  be  called.  

The  game  fragment  work  as  a  fragment  container  and  the  game  (from  one  to  six)  are  

different   fragments.   The   diagram  at   Figure   45   illustrates   how   the   game   fragments  

are  managed  and  what  actually  changes  on  the  view.  


Figure  45  –  Diagram  showing  the  game  container  and  its  fragments  

To  change  the  game  page  there  are  two  possibilities,  a  button  and  using  finger  slide  

(fling).   To   implements   the   fling,   the   same   technique   was   used   as   in   the   features  

explained  above.  The  button  and  the  fling  would  call  a  method  called  ChangeView()  

but  it  would  be  called  from  different  places.  The  fling  is  implemented  on  the  layout  

of  each  game  fragment  (not  in  the  container)  while  the  button  is  on  the  container.  In  

the   Figure  46,   a   sequence  diagram  will   illustrate   the  procedure   from  changing   the  

game  page  from  1  to  2  when  clicking  on  the  ok  button.

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Figure  46  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  of  changing  game  page  from  one  to  two  

The  other  game  fragments  have  the  same  structure  only  changing  the  content.  

To   explain   the   sequence   diagram   above,   the   checkFinished()   is   a  method   that  will  

check  if  the  user  is  clicking  ok  while  on  the  sixth  page  and,  if  it  is,  the  game  will  finish  

and   this   information   will   be   saved   in   the   shared   preferences   and   this   will   only  

happens   by   using   the   ok   button.   The   finger   slide   movement   does   not   make   this  

check   since   the   game   cannot   be   terminated   using   the   fling   to   avoid   accidental  

irreversible   commands   (remember   that   the   game   won’t   appear   again   if   the   user  

already  finished  it).  

The   ChangeView()   method,   similar   in   the   container   and   in   the  

TouchSlidingFrameLayout  layout  used  in  the  game  fragments.  This  class  if  similar  to  

the  one  used  in  the  rest  of  the  application  so  a  rotation  animation  could  be  applies.  

It   is  necessary   to  use  a  different  one  so  we  could  control  what   the   fling  animation  

would   do   in   the   different   situations.   The   Figure   47   illustrates   the   flowchart   of   the  

method  that  launches  the  next  fragment.  

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Figure  47  -­‐  Game  changing  view  flowchart  

Before   changing   the   view,   the   selected   option   had   to   be   saved   in   the   shared  

preferences.   To   do   this,   and   since   its   possible   to   identify   the   current   fragment,   a  

method   from   the   current   fragment   called   okPressedSaveOptions()   would   be  

executed   saving   in   the   shared   preferences   the   user   options.   If   no   options   were  

selected,  the  values  saved  are  zero  for  the  key  gameX_option1  and  gameX_option2  

where  the  “X”  stands  for  the  game  page  number.  If  only  one  option  is  selected,  the  

key   gameX_option1   in   the   shared   preferences   would   receive   the   square   number  

(from   one   to   nine)   and   the   gameX_option2  would   get   zero.   If   two   options   were  

selected,  both  of  the  options  selected  would  be  saved.  At  the  end  of  the  game,  these  

values  would  be  saved  in  the  DB.  

3.8.3 Game tests

The  tests  made  to  the  game  are  represented  in  the  Table  13.  

Table  13  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  game  feature  

Table   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Get game number

Launch game 2

ChangeView() - Start

Launch game 3

Launch game 6

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Later  button  test   Success   -­‐  

Lock  option  selection  if  two  other  options  are  

selected.  Success   -­‐  

Two   options   selected,   ok   pressed   and   fling  

from   left   to   right   to   view   previous   page   to  

check  is  options  were  saved  

Success   -­‐  

Ok   until   last   page   to   change   the   ok   button  

colour  Success   -­‐  

Options   selected,   later   pressed,   application  

restart  to  check  if  option  were  saved  correctly  Unsuccessful   Success  

Fling  until   last   page   to   change   the  ok  button  

colour  Unsuccessful   -­‐  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

The   last   Unsuccessful   test   did   not   got   corrected,   decision  made   by   the   company,  

because  there  were  more  important  tasks  to  be  made.  

3.9 Horizontal Pager

3.9.1 Horizontal Pager analysis

By  removing  the  support.v4,  some  classes  start  sending  errors  because  of  tools  that  

were  only  compatible  with  the  support.v4.  One  of  these  tools  was  the  View  Pager.  A  

View  Pager  is  a  view  that  supports  multiple  items.  The  Figure  48  demonstrates  View  

Pager   holding   images   on   the   same   element   with   a   pager   (circles)   showing   the  

selected  page.  

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Figure  48  -­‐  View  Pager  example  

As   referred   above,   some   compatibility   errors   appeared   after   the   changes   on   the  

application  fragments  because  of  the  animation  implementation.  After  converting  all  

the   objects   to,   the   object  

called  ViewPager,  used  in  the  class  FragPois  of  the  version  1  to  hold  multiple  images,  

started  to  crash  the  application  because  of  deprecated  items.  To  solve  this,  a  custom  

class   should  be   implemented.  The  solution  used   to   this  problem  was   implemented  

by   a   GitHub   user   called   Yoni   Samlan   (Samlan, 2009).   After   analysing   the   available  

code,  it  was  necessary  to  implement  a  pager  to  display  the  current  page.  

3.9.2 Horizontal Page development

To  use  the  provided  horizontal  pager  in  the  class  FragPois  and  FragEventDetail  it  was  

necessary   to   adapt   the   current   layout   and   replace   the   old   ViewPager   for   the   new  

HorizontalPager   code   as   listed   below   in   the   Figure   49   and   add   a   page   indicator  

showing  the  current  and  available  pages  using  a  linear  layout.  

<ak.vporto.classes.HorizontalPager                    android:id="@+id/horizontal_pager"                    android:layout_width="match_parent"                    android:layout_height="0dp"  >    </ak.vporto.classes.HorizontalPager>  

Figure  49  -­‐  Horizontal  pager  utilization  in  the  XML  

Because  we  had  to  change   in  the   layout,   it  was  necessary  to  change  the  class.  This  

changes  included  the  declaration,  the  AsyncTask  that  would  load  the  images  and  the  

listeners  actions.  

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The   GetData   AsyncTask   that   was   created   to   get   the   POI/Event   detail   called   the  

AsyncTask   referred   above.   This   AsyncTask   is   called   DownloadBitmapTask   and   it   is  

used  to,  after  having  an  ArrayList   filled  n   times   (where  n  stands   for   the  number  of  

images),  download  the   images  associated  with  each  POI   image   link   in  the   list.  Each  

time  an   image   is  downloaded   (and   suffer   the  proper  decode),   it  was  added   to   the  

horizontal   pager   and   then   the   page   indicator  would   receive   an   icon   indicating   the  

new  page  available.  This  constant  update  of  the  pager  makes  possible  to  change  the  

image  between  those  who  were  already  downloaded  while  the  downloading  process  

is  not  finished.  If  no  images  were  available  for  that  POI,  the  category  icon  would  be  

used  as  image.  If  there  were  only  one  image  available,  the  page  indicator  would  not  

be  used.  

The   sequence   diagram   presented   in   the   Figure   50   demonstrates   the   process   of  

adding   an   image   to   a  HorizontalPager   and   adding   a   page   icon   to   the   LinearLayout  

being  used  as  page  indicator.  

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Figure  50  -­‐  Sequence  diagram  of  adding  an  image  to  the  horizontal  pager  and  page  


To  know  when  the  user  changed  the  image  and  the  update  of  the  current  page  was  

needed,  a  listener  was  added  to  the  horizontal  pager.  This  listener  was  implemented  

using  the  code  on  Figure  51.  

@Override  public  View  onCreateView(LayoutInflater  inflater,  ViewGroup  container,  Bundle  savedInstanceState)  {  (…)     hPager.setOnScreenSwitchListener(onScreenSwitchListener);  (…)  }  private   final   HorizontalPager.OnScreenSwitchListener   onScreenSwitchListener   =   new  HorizontalPager.OnScreenSwitchListener()  {     @Override     public  void  onScreenSwitched(final  int  screen)  {       if(alIv!=null){         currentPage=screen;         for(int  i=0;i<alIv.size();i++){           if(i==currentPage)  

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          alIv.get(i).setImageResource(R.drawable.selected_page);           else  alIv.get(i).setImageResource(R.drawable.unselected_page);         }       }     }  };  

Figure  51  -­‐  Horizontal  pager  listener  implementation  

3.9.3 Horizontal Pager Tests

The  tests  made  to  the  horizontal  pager  are  represented  in  the  Table  14.  

Table  14  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  horizontal  pager  feature  

Table   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Visualization   of   a   POI   detail   with   multiple  

images  Success   -­‐  

Visualization  of  a  POI  detail  with  one  image   Unsuccessful   Success  

Visualization  of  a  POI  detail  with  no  image   Unsuccessful   Success  

Change   between   image   after   complete  

download  Success   -­‐  

Change   between   image   while   still  

downloading  Unsuccessful   Success  

The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

3.10 Map Sliding Drawer

3.10.1 Map Sliding Drawer analysis

By  finishing  the  game  implementation  sooner  than  expected,  the  company  assigned  

me  the  task  to  implement  a  sliding  drawer  on  the  map.  The  Figure  52  demonstrates  

how  this  sliding  drawer  looks  closed,  while  opening  and  wide  open.  

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Figure  52  -­‐  Sliding  drawer  ilustration  

To  open  sliding  drawer  it  is  possible  to  drag  the  arrow  shaped  button  and  to  close  a  

horizontal  fling  movement  should  be  done  over  the  opened  bar.  The  three  buttons  

available  should  have  the  following  actions:  

• Change  the  map  view  (between  normal  view  and  satellite  view)  

• In  the  map,  show  VPorto  associated  POI  only  

• In  the  map,  show  OPORTONITY  associated  POI  only  

The   functionalities   of   this   sliding   drawer   can   also   be   observed   in   the   use   case  

diagram  in  the  Figure  53.  

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Figure  53  -­‐  Use  case  diagram  illustrating  the  sliding  drawer  options  

3.10.2 Map Sliding Drawer development

The  button  actions  were  easy   to   implement.  The  challenge   in   this   task   is   to  create  

the  sliding  drawer.  To  do  this,   it  was  used  the  SlidingDrawer  class   from  the  Google  

API (Google, Android Developers SlidingDrawer, 2007).   This   class   worked   as   a  

container  with  two  elements  inside.  One  element  called  handle  and  the  other  called  

content.   These   two   elements   references   would   be   added   on   the   proper  

SlidingDrawer  propriety.  Because  it  was  required  that  the  arrow  would  disappear   if  

the   SlidingDrawer   was   fully   opened,   no   handle   would   be   available   to   close   the  

SlidingDrawer   and   it   was   necessary   to   create   a   class   that   would   be   used   as   a  

container  for  the  three  buttons  and  could  detect  the  fling  motion.  This  class  is  called  

TouchDrawerLinearLayout   and   besides   extending   a   LinearLayout,   it   would  

implement  a  gesture  detector  that,   if  the  fling  from  the  right  to  the  left  was  called,  

would  close   the  SlidingDrawer.  To  have  access   to   the  SlidingDrawer  and   the  arrow  

button  to  unhide  it,  a  method  called  setDrawer(…)  would  be  called  to  instantiate  the  

fields.  These  main  methods  of  this  class  are  illustrated  in  the  Figure  54.  

Map Sliding Drawer



Send POI list

Change map view type

Mark VPorto suggestions


Mark OPORTONITY suggestions



Mark all POI in map


Open/Close Sliding Drawer

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private  GestureDetector  gesture;  private  View  imageButton;  SlidingDrawer  slide;  private  DisplayMetrics  dm;  private  void  initGesture()  {     gesture  =  new  GestureDetector(getContext(),         new  GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener()  {       @Override       public  boolean  onDown(MotionEvent  e)  {         return  true;       }       @Override       public  boolean  onFling(MotionEvent  e1,  MotionEvent  e2,           float  velocityX,  float  velocityY)  {         final  int  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE  =  120;         //  final  int  SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH  =  250;         final  int  SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY  =  200;         if  (e1.getX()  -­‐  e2.getX()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE)  {           System.out.println("Right  to  Left");           android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams  lpImage  =               new  LinearLayout.LayoutParams(               (int)  (dm.widthPixels  *  (1  /  16f)),               (int)  (dm.heightPixels  *  (1  /  8f)));           imageButton.setLayoutParams(lpImage);           slide.animateClose();         }  else  if  (e2.getX()  -­‐  e1.getX()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE)  {           System.out.println("Left  to  Right");         }  else  if  (e1.getY()  -­‐  e2.getY()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE           &&  Math.abs(velocityY)  >  SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY)  {           System.out.println("Down  to  Up");           }  else  if  (e2.getY()  -­‐  e1.getY()  >  SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE           &&  Math.abs(velocityY)  >  SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY)  {             System.out.println("Up  to  Down");           }         return  super.onFling(e1,  e2,  velocityX,  velocityY);       }     });  }  public  void  setDrawer(SlidingDrawer  slide,  ImageButton  imageButton,  DisplayMetrics  dm)  {     this.slide=slide;         this.imageButton=imageButton;;      }  

Figure  54  -­‐  TouchDrawerLinearLayout  main  methods  

But   this   class   have   some   limitations.   One   example   is   the   position   of   the   sliding  

drawer  that,  by  default,  works  vertically  from  up  to  down.  This  option  was  far  from  

acceptable   and   it   was   used   a   property   from   the   component   called  

android:orientation.  By  setting  this  property  to  horizontal  the  sliding  drawer  was  set  

to  the  correct  orientation  but  in  the  wrong  side,  the  hidden  components  were  on  the  

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right   side.   To   correct   this   it  was   necessary   to   rotate   the  whole   sliding   drawer   and  

now,   it   was   presented   correctly.   Again,   by   displaying   the   three   buttons   and   the  

arrow   to   drag,   those   were   presented   upside   down   because   their   container   (the  

SlidingDrawer)  was  rotated  by  180  degrees.  Again,  a  rotation  to  the  elements  had  to  

be   done   to   compensate   the   container   rotation.   The   final   XML   had   the   structure  

illustrated  by  the  Figure  55.  

       <RelativeLayout                  android:layout_width="match_parent"                  android:layout_height="0dp"                  android:layout_weight="13"                  android:gravity="bottom"                  android:orientation="vertical"  >                  <FrameLayout                          android:id="@+id/map_container"                          android:layout_width="match_parent"                          android:layout_height="match_parent"                          android:background="@android:color/black"  >                  </FrameLayout>                  <LinearLayout                          android:id="@+id/drawer_container"                          android:layout_width="fill_parent"                          android:layout_height="20dp"                          android:layout_alignBottom="@+id/map_container"                          android:background="@android:color/transparent"                          android:gravity="bottom"                          android:orientation="vertical"  >                          <SlidingDrawer                                  android:id="@+id/slidingDrawer"                                  android:layout_width="wrap_content"                                  android:layout_height="wrap_content"                                  android:content="@+id/sliding_content"                                  android:handle="@+id/bt_handle"                                  android:orientation="horizontal"                                  android:rotation="180"  >                                  <ImageButton                                          android:id="@+id/bt_handle"                                          android:layout_width="wrap_content"                                          android:layout_height="wrap_content"                                          android:background="@android:color/black"                                          android:contentDescription="@+string/arrow_pull"                                          android:gravity="bottom"                                          android:rotation="180"                                          android:scaleType="centerInside"                                          android:src="@drawable/seta"  />                                  <ak.vporto.classes.TouchDrawerLinearLayout                                          android:id="@+id/sliding_content"                                          android:layout_width="wrap_content"                                          android:layout_height="wrap_content"                                          android:background="@android:color/black"                                          android:gravity="bottom"                                          android:rotation="180"  

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                                       android:weightSum="9"  >                                          <ImageButton                                                  android:id="@+id/map_slide_map"                                                  android:layout_width="0dp"                                                  android:layout_height="match_parent"                                                  android:layout_weight="3"                                                  android:background="@android:color/black"                                                  android:contentDescription="@+string/map_slide"                                                  android:scaleType="centerInside"                                                  android:src="@drawable/mapa"  />                                          <ImageButton                                                  android:id="@+id/map_slide_v"                                                  android:layout_width="0dp"                                                  android:layout_height="match_parent"                                                  android:layout_weight="3"                                                  android:background="@android:color/black"                                                  android:contentDescription="@+string/V"                                                  android:scaleType="centerInside"                                                  android:src="@drawable/v"  />                                          <ImageButton                                                  android:id="@+id/map_slide_oportonity"                                                  android:layout_width="0dp"                                                  android:layout_height="match_parent"                                                  android:layout_weight="3"                                                  android:background="@android:color/black"                                                  android:contentDescription="@+string/oport"                                                  android:scaleType="centerInside"                                                  android:src="@drawable/oportunity"  />                                  </ak.vporto.classes.TouchDrawerLinearLayout>                          </SlidingDrawer>                  </LinearLayout>          </RelativeLayout>  

Figure  55  -­‐  Map  container  and  sliding  drawer  layout  

The  button  implementation,  with  the  exception  of  the  change  map  view  button,  was  

not  my  responsibility  since  the  navigation  bugs  correction  was  my  responsibility.    

3.10.3 Map Sliding Drawer tests

The  tests  made  to  the  implemented  sliding  drawer  are  represented  in  the  Table  15.  

Table  15  -­‐  Tests  performed  to  the  sliding  drawer  feature  

Table   Result   Result  After  Correction  

Sliding  drawer  orientation   Unsuccessful   Successful  

Sliding  drawer  opening  and  closing   Unsuccessful   Success  

Sliding  drawer  buttons  test   Success   -­‐  

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The  table  display  the  test  results  and,  in  case  it  was  unsuccessful,  the  result  after  the  

correction.   If   the   first   result   is   successful,   no   values  were   displayed   in   the   “Result  

After  Correction”  column.  

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4 Conclusions To  conclude  my  report,  I  will  make  a  global  appreciation  on  the  work  developed  and  

its  phases.  This  chapter  reviews  the  goals  achieved  and  the  limitations  of  the  project.  

4.1 Goals achieved

At   the   close  of   the   internship,   all   the   tasks   assigned  were   successfully   terminated.  

Task  achievement  is  summarized  in  Table  16.  

Table  16  –  Table  of  accomplishment  

Functional  requirements   Accomplishment  

Routes  features  implementation   100%  

Game     100%  

Rotation  animation   100%  

Navigation  correction   100%  

Horizontal  Pager   100%  

Sliding  drawer   100%  

Non-­‐functional  requirements   Accomplishment  

Bitmap  decoders   100%  

Memory  consumption  reduction   100%  

Smooth  rotation  animations   100%  

Test  possible  crash  and  server  errors   100%  


The  issue  of  high  memory  consumption  is  considered  concluded.  However,  there  are  

more   features   where   the   solution   found   for   the   POI   galleries,   by   decoding   the  

images   and   using   the   garbage   collector,   could   be   applied.   This   solution   was   not  

implemented   in   all   the   possible   places   because,   if   we   want   to   reduce   memory  

consumption,   the   increase  on   the  number  of  operations  will   affect   the  application  

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performance.  With  this,  it  was  decided  by  the  company  to  apply  the  solution  only  in  

the  POI  galleries.  

The  features  that  presented  the  biggest  challenge  were  the  animations  effects  and  

the  navigation.  Having  to  implement  and  control  the  fragment  behaviour  was  not  an  

easy  task  for  someone  inexperienced  in  this  technology.  

Since   the  big   change   from  version  1   to  version  2  was   the   change   in   layout  design,  

navigation   and   animations,   being   assigned   with   the   task   to   implement   both  

navigation  and  animations  within  a  short   time  was  a  big  responsibility.  These  were  

the  tasks  that  involved  more  research,  tests  and  the  biggest  decisions.  The  solution  

found  made   the   company   change   the   full   structure  of   the   application  by   changing  

the  Fragments  being  used.  The  difference  between  the  previous  Fragment  class  and  

the  new  one  was  precisely  the  navigation  between  Fragments.  

4.2 Limitations and future work

Since   the   beginning   of   the   project,   the   VPorto   had   deadlines   that   needed   to   be  

accomplished.  The  amount  of  work  developed  in  the  first  versions  was  less  than  the  

work   done   in   version   2.0   as   I   was   gradually   getting   used   to   the   programming  

language  and  the  Android  environment.    

For   future  work,   the  application   still   needs   some  corrections  but  new   features  are  

not  being  added  since  this  project  will  be  terminated  in  a  near  time.    

There   are   some   limitations   in   the   navigation   system   and   it   cannot   be   considered  

complete   because   of   the   problems   that   it   brings.   The   navigation   system   is   very  

fragile   and   even   a   simple   change   on   the   application   structure   may   require   a   full  

redefinition  of   the  navigation  methods.   If,   in   the   future,   a  new   fragment   is   added,  

the   navigation  will   have   to   be   carefully   treated   and   to   keep   that   alert,   it  was   not  

considered  complete.  

It   was   a   challenge   to   have   a   company   partner   demanding   to   implement   features  

that,  in  my  opinion,  would  not  make  the  application  user  friendly.  All  the  attempts  of  

explaining  what  problems  could  occur  by  implementing  the  features  as,  the  company  

partner,   wanted   to   were   unsuccessful,   making   the   application   navigation   difficult  

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and  very  slow,  not  bringing  a  good  user  experience.  The  first  critic  on  the  Google  Play  

platform  where   the   application   is   available   for   download   said   that   the   application  

caused   the   user   “motion   sickness”.   Another   critic   said   that   the   application   has   a  

strong  error  proof  but,  in  user  experience,  it  is  very  disappointing.  

Even   so,   after   successfully   implement   all   the   features,   the   Around   Knowledge  

Android   development   team   was   able   to   achieve   all   the   requirements   that   the  

partner  Control  S  had  imposed.  

4.3 Final Balance

This   internship   experience   was   very   gratifying.   It   let   me   know   a   great   team,   not  

referring   just   to   the   Android   developers   but   to   the   whole   company.   Having   the  

experience  of  working   in  a  company  that  has  a  very  strong  union  policy  makes  the  

worker   feel   more   safe,   stable   and   confident.   Since   it   is   a   small   company,   every  

personal   from   the  different  departments   (marketing,  development)  worked  on   the  

same   workspace   and,   because   of   the   low   range   of   ages,   there   were   almost   no  

conflicts  at  all.  Around  Knowledge  is  a  fast  growing  company  and,  even  if  it  is  starting  

to  grow  now,  they  gave  me  a  chance  of  staying  in  the  company  after  the  internship.  

The  software  development  process  was  also  not  as  expected  or  how  it  was  “learned”  

during   the   degree.   In   the   degree,   it   was   required   that   we   made   an   exhaustive  

analysis   of   the   functional   and   non-­‐functional   requirements   and   it   was   imperative  

that   the  documentation  was  done   (mainly)  before  and  during   the   implementation.  

There  was  no  documentation  created  before  the  implementation  because  the  strict  

deadlines   and   because   the   application   architecture   was   dependable   of   a,   very  

frequently,   changing   mind   company,   Control   S.   The   documentation   used   in   this  

project,  was  all  created  to  use  in  this  report.  

With  this  experience,   I  have  also  notice  that  the   iOS  and  Android  development  are  

very  different.  As  an  example,   the   iOS  team   is  composed  by  one  element  only  and  

the  Android  team   is  composed  by  three  elements.  Even  so,   the  Application   for   iOS  

would   frequently   finish   its   tasks   earlier.   The   conclusion   I   retrieved   is   that,   the   iOS  

environment   is  easier  but  more   limited,  while   in  Android,  because  of  the  capability  

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to   control   the  whole   behaviour   of   the   application,   is  more   complex   an  have   a   full  

control  of  the  device  capacities.  

At  the  end,  I  am  satisfied  with  my  performance,  experience  and  the  achieved  results.  

I   have  managed   to   learn   the   language   I  wanted   in  a   short  period  of   time  with   the  

constant  assist  of  the  company  supervisor.  


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