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International and Global Strategies

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 International and Global Strategies


    International and GlobalInternational and Global


    Chapter 13Chapter 13

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    International vs. GlobalInternational vs. Global

    International carrying out businessInternational carrying out businessacross national bordersacross national borders

    GlobalGlobal Customer needs are similar internationallyCustomer needs are similar internationally

    Compete in globalized industriesCompete in globalized industries

    Locate value-adding activities in places world-Locate value-adding activities in places world-wide where the greatest competitivewide where the greatest competitive

    advantage can be madeadvantage can be made Integrate and coordinate internationalIntegrate and coordinate international

    activities between countriesactivities between countries

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    Porter and MultidomesticityPorter and Multidomesticity

    According to Porter, a company is:According to Porter, a company is: MultidomesticMultidomestic if competition in eachif competition in each

    nation is independentnation is independent GlobalGlobal if the competition is globalif the competition is global

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    Yips FrameworkYips Framework

    The extent and degree of globalizationThe extent and degree of globalizationdepends on 4 driversdepends on 4 drivers Market driversMarket drivers

    Cost driversCost drivers Government driversGovernment drivers Competitive driversCompetitive drivers

    Each driver should be analyzed for theEach driver should be analyzed for the

    industryindustry andand marketmarket under considerationunder consideration Helps determine which features of aHelps determine which features of astrategy are global, and which are locallystrategy are global, and which are locallyadaptedadapted

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    Yips FrameworkYips Framework

    Industry and Market


    Market drivers

    Cost drivers

    Competitive drivers



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    Summary of Globalization DriversSummary of Globalization Drivers

    Market driversMarket drivers

    common customer needscommon customer needs global customersglobal customers

    global distribution channelsglobal distribution channels

    transferable marketingtransferable marketingtechniquestechniques

    a presence in lead countriesa presence in lead countries

    Cost driversCost drivers

    global scale economiesglobal scale economies

    steep experience curvesteep experience curve

    sourcing efficienciessourcing efficiencies

    favorable logisticsfavorable logistics

    differences in country costsdifferences in country costs

    high product developmenthigh product developmentcostscosts

    rapidly changing technologyrapidly changing technology

    Government driversGovernment drivers

    favorable trade policiesfavorable trade policies compatible technicalcompatible technicalstandardsstandards

    common marketingcommon marketingregulationsregulations

    government ownedgovernment owned

    Competitive driversCompetitive drivers

    high exports and importshigh exports and imports competitors from differentcompetitors from differentcontinentscontinents

    interdependence of countriesinterdependence of countries

    competitors globalizedcompetitors globalized

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    Basis of Global Strategies: 2Basis of Global Strategies: 2




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    Porters Global GenericPorters Global Generic


    Global cost leadershipGlobal cost leadership

    Global differentiationGlobal differentiation

    Global segmentationGlobal segmentation

    Protected marketsProtected markets

    National responsivenessNational responsiveness

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    Global Cost LeadershipGlobal Cost Leadership

    Strategy focuses on being the lowestStrategy focuses on being the lowestcost producer of a product globallycost producer of a product globally

    Takes advantage of globalTakes advantage of globaleconomies of scale and high volumeeconomies of scale and high volume

    sales world-widesales world-wide

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    Global DifferentiationGlobal Differentiation

    Create a superior product or changeCreate a superior product or changecustomer perception of the productcustomer perception of the product

    in order to raise price on a globalin order to raise price on a globalscalescale

    Often the basis of this strategy is aOften the basis of this strategy is a

    strong brand namestrong brand name

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    Global SegmentationGlobal Segmentation

    Global version of a focused strategyGlobal version of a focused strategy

    Can be either be global costCan be either be global cost

    leadership or global differentiationleadership or global differentiation

    Targets a single segment on aTargets a single segment on aworldwide basisworldwide basis

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    Protected MarketsProtected Markets

    Focusing on competing in countriesFocusing on competing in countrieswhere that particular governmentwhere that particular government

    protects or favors the businessprotects or favors the business

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    National ResponsivenessNational Responsiveness

    Focuses on adapting strategy to eachFocuses on adapting strategy to eachlocal marketlocal market

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    Porters Global Strategy:Porters Global Strategy:

    Configuration of the ValueConfiguration of the Value

    ChainChain According to Porter,According to Porter, globalglobal

    competitive advantagecompetitive advantage dependsdepends

    on configuring and coordinatingon configuring and coordinatingactivities in a unique way worldwideactivities in a unique way worldwide

    Includes bothIncludes both

    Configuration of value adding activitiesConfiguration of value adding activities Coordination of value adding activitiesCoordination of value adding activities

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    Configuration and CoordinationConfiguration and Coordination

    of Value Adding Activitiesof Value Adding Activities

    High degree ofHigh degree ofdispersal of activitiesdispersal of activities

    High degree ofHigh degree ofcoordination ofcoordination ofactivitiesactivities

    Purest global strategyPurest global strategy

    Country centeredCountry centeredstrategy forstrategy forcompanies withcompanies withseveral nationalseveral nationalsubsidiaries, eachsubsidiaries, each

    operating in only oneoperating in only one

    Strategy based onStrategy based onexporting of productexporting of productwith decentralizedwith decentralizedmarketing in eachmarketing in eachhost countryhost country






    Configuration of Activities

    Geographically dispersed Geographically concentrated

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    Yips Total Global StrategyYips Total Global Strategy

    First Step: Analysis using YipsFirst Step: Analysis using YipsFrameworkFramework

    Then: 3 Stages in developing totalThen: 3 Stages in developing totalglobal strategyglobal strategy

    Developing a core strategyDeveloping a core strategy

    Internationalizing the core strategyInternationalizing the core strategy Globalizing the international strategyGlobalizing the international strategy

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    Developing a Core StrategyDeveloping a Core Strategy

    Based on developing coreBased on developing corecompetences and a generic or hybridcompetences and a generic or hybrid


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    Internationalizing the CoreInternationalizing the Core


    Take the core competences andTake the core competences andgeneric or hybrid strategy globalgeneric or hybrid strategy global

    Coordinate and configure value chainCoordinate and configure value chainin countries where cost andin countries where cost and

    competitive advantages can becompetitive advantages can be


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    Globalizing the InternationalGlobalizing the International


    Based on coordinating andBased on coordinating andintegrating core competences andintegrating core competences and

    generic or hybrid strategy globallygeneric or hybrid strategy globally Decide which parts will beDecide which parts will be

    standardized and which will bestandardized and which will be

    locally adaptedlocally adapted

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    3 Key Decisions in Yips Total3 Key Decisions in Yips Total

    Global StrategyGlobal Strategy

    Where to go firstWhere to go first

    Where to locate value addingWhere to locate value adding

    activitiesactivities Which market developmentWhich market development

    strategies to usestrategies to use

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    Where to go firstWhere to go first

    Decisions are based on:Decisions are based on: Size of marketSize of market

    Economic factorsEconomic factors Cultural factorsCultural factors

    Political factorsPolitical factors

    Technological factorsTechnological factors

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    Where to locate value addingWhere to locate value adding


    Decision based on:Decision based on: Wage and skill levelsWage and skill levels

    Availability of materialsAvailability of materials InfrastructureInfrastructure

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    Market DevelopmentMarket Development

    MethodsMethods InternalInternal

    Direct exportingDirect exporting

    Overseas productionOverseas production

    ExternalExternal International alliances or joint venturesInternational alliances or joint ventures

    International mergers and acquisitionsInternational mergers and acquisitions