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doi: 10.2522/ptj.20090 335 Originally published online July 22, 2010 2010; 90:1219-1238. PHYS THER. and Douglas P. Gross Jorge P. Fuentes, Susan Armijo Olivo, David J. Magee Review and Meta-Analysis Management of Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Effectiveness of Interferential Current Therapy in the found online at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be Online-Only Material 19.DC1.html Collections Systematic Reviews/Meta-an alyses Pain Musculoskeletal System/Orthopedic: Other Evidence-Base d Practice Electrotherapy in the following collection(s): This article, along with others on similar topics, appears e-Letters "Responses" in the online version of this article. "Submit a response" in the right-hand menu under or click on here To submit an e-Letter on this article, click E-mail alerts to receive free e-mail alerts here Sign up by guest on April 2, 2013 Downloaded from 

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doi: 10.2522/ptj.20090335Originally published online July 22, 2010

2010; 90:1219-1238.PHYS THER.and Douglas P. GrossJorge P. Fuentes, Susan Armijo Olivo, David J. MageeReview and Meta-AnalysisManagement of Musculoskeletal Pain: A SystematicEffectiveness of Interferential Current Therapy in the online at:The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be

Online-Only Material19.DC1.htmlhttp://ptjourn


Systematic Reviews/Meta-analysesPainMusc uloskeletal System/Orthopedic: OtherEvidence-Based PracticeElectrotherapy

in the following co llection(s):This article, along with others on similar topics, appears


"Responses" in the online version of this article."Submit a response" in the right-hand menu under

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Effectiveness of Interferential CurrentTherapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain: A SystematicReview and Meta-AnalysisJorge P. Fuentes, Susan Armijo Olivo, David J. Magee, Douglas P. Gross

Background. Interferential current (IFC) is a common electrotherapeutic modal-ity used to treat pain. Although IFC is widely used, the available information regarding

its clinical efcacy is debatable.Purpose. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to analyze theavailable information regarding the efcacy of IFC in the management of musculo-skeletal pain.

Data Sources. Randomized controlled trials were obtained through a comput-erized search of bibliographic databases (ie, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE,MEDLINE, PEDro, Scopus, and Web of Science) from 1950 to February 8, 2010.

Data Extraction. Two independent reviewers screened the abstracts found inthe databases. Methodological quality was assessed using a compilation of itemsincluded in different scales related to rehabilitation research. The mean difference, with 95% condence interval, was used to quantify the pooled effect. A chi-squaretest for heterogeneity was performed.

Data Synthesis. A total of 2,235 articles were found. Twenty studies fullled theinclusion criteria. Seven articles assessed the use of IFC on joint pain; 9 articlesevaluated the use of IFC on muscle pain; 3 articles evaluated its use on soft tissueshoulder pain; and 1 article examined its use on postoperative pain. Three of the 20studies were considered to be of high methodological quality, 14 studies wereconsidered to be of moderate methodological quality, and 3 studies were consideredto be of poor methodological quality. Fourteen studies were included in themeta-analysis.

Conclusion. Interferential current as a supplement to another intervention seemsto be more effective for reducing pain than a control treatment at discharge and moreeffective than a placebo treatment at the 3-month follow-up. However, it is unknown whether the analgesic effect of IFC is superior to that of the concomitant interven-tions. Interferential current alone was not signicantly better than placebo or other therapy at discharge or follow-up. Results must be considered with caution due to thelow number of studies that used IFC alone. In addition, the heterogeneity acrossstudies and methodological limitations prevent conclusive statements regarding an-algesic efcacy.

J.P. Fuentes, BPT, MSc, is a PhDstudent in the Faculty of Rehabili-tation Medicine, University of Al-berta, 3–50 Corbett Hall, Ed-

monton, Alberta, Canada T6G2G4, and Department of PhysicalTherapy, Catholic University of Maule, Talca, Chile. Address allcorrespondence to Mr Fuentes at:[email protected].

S. Armijo Olivo, BScPT, MSc, PhD,is afliated with the Faculty of Re-habilitation Medicine, Universityof Alberta.

D.J. Magee, BPT, PhD, is Professor,Department of Physical Therapy,Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine,University of Alberta.

D.P. Gross, PT, PhD, is AssociateProfessor, Department of PhysicalTherapy, Faculty of RehabilitationMedicine, University of Alberta.

[Fuentes JP, Armijo Olivo S, MageeDJ, Gross DP. Effectiveness of in-terferential current therapy in themanagement of musculoskeletalpain: a systematic review andmeta-analysis. Phys Ther . 2010;90:1219–1238.]

© 2010 American Physical Therapy Association

Research Report

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Successful management of mus-culoskeletal pain is a major chal-lenge in clinical practice. One

of the electrotherapeutic techniquesused for managing musculoskeletal

pain is interferential current therapy (IFC). The results of questionnairesurveys in England, 1 Canada, 2 and Australia 3,4 have shown that IFC is widely used by diverse cliniciansthroughout the world.

Interferential current therapy is theapplication of alternating medium-frequency current (4,000 Hz) ampli-tude modulated at low frequency (0–250 Hz). 5–7 A claimed advantageof IFC over low-frequency currents isits capacity to diminish the imped-ance offered by the skin. 6 Another advantage speculated for IFC is itsability to generate an amplitude-modulated frequency (AMF) parame-ter, which is a low-frequency currentgenerated deep within the treatmentarea. 6,8–10 Several theoretical physio-logical mechanisms such as the “gatecontrol” theory, 11 increased circula-tion, descending pain suppression,block of nerve conduction, and pla-

cebo have been proposed in the lit-erature to support the analgesic ef-fects of IFC. 5,8,12

Despite IFC’s widespread use, infor-mation about it is limited. A review of the literature reveals incompleteand controversial documentation re-

garding the scientic support of IFCin the management of musculoskel-etal pain. For example, a systematicreview about the use of electrother-apy for neck disorders 13 excluded

the analysis of IFC. Moreover, much of the IFC information is not writtenin English, 10,14–22 and most articlesappear to be based on case re-ports, 23–25 clinical studies not includ-ing a randomization process, 26,27 let-ters to the editor, 28,29 clinicalnotes, 30 experimental settings, 31–37

descriptive studies, 8,12,38,39 or expe-rience in the eld 40,41 instead of methodologically qualied studies.

Thus, the objective of this systematicreview and meta-analysis was to de-termine the analgesic effectivenessof IFC compared with control, pla-cebo, or other treatment modalitiesfor decreasing pain in patients with painful musculoskeletal conditions.

MethodSearch StrategyRelevant studies of IFC in musculo-skeletal pain management from 1950to February 8, 2010, were obtained

through an extensive computerizedsearch of the following bibliographicdatabases: MEDLINE (1950 through week 4 of 2010), EMBASE (1988through week 5 of 2010), CINAHL(1970 through February 8, 2010),Scopus (1970 through February 8,2010), Cochrane Library (1991 through the rst quarter of 2010), ISI Web of Science (1970 through February 8,2010), and PEDro (Physiotherapy Evi-dence Database) (1970 through Feb-ruary 8, 2010). The key words “in-terferential,” “interferential therapy,”“interferential current,” “musculoskel-etal pain,” “electrotherapy,” “electro-analgesia,” “muscle pain,” “low back pain,” “shoulder pain,” “hip pain,”“knee pain,” “neck pain,” “osteoarthri-tis pain,” and “joint pain” were used inthe search, including combinations of these words. For details regarding thesearch terms and combinations, seeeAppendix 1 (available at ptjournal. The literature search proce-dure was complemented by manually searching the bibliographies of theidentied articles for key authors and journals.

Study Selection andInclusion/Exclusion CriteriaStudies that met the following crite-ria were considered for inclusion: (1)randomized controlled trials (RCTs)from journal publications in the En-glish language (because the clinicalapplication of IFC often is based onits coadjutant effect, studies in which IFC was used as a cointerven-tion also were included); (2) studiesof male and female humans between18 and 80 years of age; (3) studies of subjects clinically diagnosed with apainful musculoskeletal condition,such as muscle (eg, low back pain,neck pain), soft tissue (eg, tendinosis/ tendinitis), or joint (eg, osteoarthri-tis) disorders; (4) regarding the typeof interventions, all randomized com-parisons of isolated or coadjutant IFCapplications versus placebo, control,another physical therapy interven-tion, or another type of intervention;

and (5) studies in which the out-come of interest was pain, as mea-sured by the use of a visual analogscale (VAS) or numeric pain ratingscale (NRS). Exclusion criteria for this study were: (1) studies based onanimal data, (2) studies published inlanguages other than English, and(3) studies including subjects who were healthy in experimental settings.

Data Extraction andQuality AssessmentTwo independent reviewers screenedthe abstracts of the publicationsfound in the databases. The review-ers analyzed all articles initially se-lected by the abstract or title for the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Each criterion was graded on a yes/no basis. In case of discrepanciesbetween reviewers regarding whether a particular article met a criterion,the ratings were compared and the

Available WithThis Article

• eAppendix 1: Search ResultsFrom the Different Databases

• eAppendix 2: Critical AppraisalSheet for Included Studies

• The Bottom Line Podcast

• Audio Abstracts Podcast

This article was published ahead of print on July 22, 2010, at

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criterion forms were discussed untila consensus was reached.

A critical appraisal was conducted todetermine the methodological qual-

ity of the nal selected studies. Weused 7 scales (ie, Delphi List, PEDro,Maastricht, Maastricht-Amsterdam List,Bizzini, van Tulder, and Jadad) com-monly used in the physical therapy eld to evaluate the methodologicalquality of the included studies, com-piled in a set of 39 items. 42 Theseitems were grouped into 5 catego-ries: patient selection, blinding, in-tervention, outcomes, and statistics.Based on a recent systematic re- view, 42 no one scale effectively de-termines the overall methodologicalquality of individual studies. For thisreason, we used all of them in a com-piled fashion.

The articles were evaluated on thebasis of only the information avail-able in the articles using the criticalappraisal sheet ( eAppendix 2 ; avail-able at For each item listed on the critical appraisalsheet, a score of 1 was given when

the item was included in the article,and a score of 0 was given when theitem was not included or the infor-mation provided by the authors wasnot sufcient to make a clear state-ment. In cases where the study didnot consider a particular item, theitem was marked as not applicableon the critical appraisal sheet. Thescoring for each study was calcu-lated by dividing the number of items included by the number of ap-plicable items. Finally, each study was graded as having low, moderate,or high methodological quality basedon how many items from the criticalappraisal were met. The cutoff wasdetermined as follows: 0–0.40 low methodological quality, 0.41–0.70moderate methodological quality,and 0.71–1.00 high methodologicalquality. This criterion was deter-mined a priori to the quality assess-ment. Similar criteria for cutoffs have

been used in correlational studies todetermine reference values for qual-ity of association or agreement. 43,44

The critical appraisal was indepen-

dently completed by the 2 review-ers, and the results were compared. At this stage, the intraclass correla-tion coefcient (ICC) was calculatedusing SPSS version 17 software* inorder to determine the agreementbetween the reviewers for articlegrading. Any discrepancies were set-tled through discussion.

Data Synthesis and AnalysisStudies investigating similar out-comes and interventions and thoseproviding clear quantitative data

were grouped, evaluated for hetero-geneity, and pooled, if possible. When combining outcome data wasnot possible, narrative, descriptive,and qualitative summaries were com-

pleted. In the present study, a meta-analysis was performed to quantify the pooled effect of IFC alone or asan adjunct treatment on pain inten-sity when compared with placebo,control group, or comparison inter- vention. Because the pooled effect was based on the results of the VASor NRS, the mean difference wasused to quantify the pooled effect.RevMan 5.0 software † was used tosummarize the effects (ie, pooledmean differences) and construct the

* SPSS Inc, 233 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL60606.

† Copenhagen, Denmark: The Nordic Coch-rane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration,2008.

The Bottom Line

What do we already know about this topic?

Despite the widespread use of interferential current (IFC), informationabout its clinical effectiveness is limited and controversial. The pain-reducing effect of IFC, when applied alone or as part of a multimodaltreatment plan to treat musculoskeletal pain, has not been determined.

What new information does this study offer?

The application of IFC as part of a multimodal treatment plan appears toproduce a modest pain-relieving effect in a broad spectrum of acute andchronic musculoskeletal conditions when compared with no treatment or placebo. In addition, the potential long-term effects of IFC versus placeboobserved at 3-month follow-up are of interest.

Interferential current alone was not signicantly better than placebo and

other interventions (ie, manual therapy, traction, or massage). However,heterogeneity across the included studies, along with methodologicallimitations identied in these studies, prevents conclusive statementsregarding the analgesic efcacy of IFC.

If you’re a patient, what might these ndings meanfor you?

If you are seeking pain treatment, IFC could be potentially effective inreducing musculoskeletal pain; however, its application should be in-cluded as part of a multimodal treatment plan.

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forest plots for all comparisons. For this analysis, the 95% condence in-terval (CI) was used. A chi-squaretest for heterogeneity was per-formed ( P .10). 45 In the presence of clinical heterogeneity in the study population or intervention, the Der-Simonian and Laird random-effectsmodel of pooling was used based onthe assumption of the presence of interstudy variability to provide amore conservative estimate of thetrue effect. 45,46 If there was relativehomogeneity, a xed-effects model was used to pool data. 45

Results A total of 2,235 articles were foundin the database search. Of these, 154

were selected as potential studies of interest based on abstract review (Fig. 1). After full article review, only 20 studies were deemed to fulll theinitial selection criteria. 47–66 Thekappa agreement between the re- viewers in selecting articles after ap-plying the inclusion and exclusioncriteria was perfect at 1.0.

Seventy-seven studies were rejectedafter applying the inclusion and ex-clusion criteria. The primary reasonsfor exclusion from the study were: (1)the use of subjects who were healthy in an experimental setting 31–37,67– 82 ;(2) descriptive studies in the form of case reports, dissertations, or clinicalnotes, 8,12,23–25,30,38– 41,69,83–96 ; (3) stud-

ies not published in the English lan-guage 10,14–22 ; (4) the absence of painoutcomes 97–105 ; (5) randomized trialnot used 26,27,106–108 ; (6) use of a cur-rent other than IFC 109,110 ; (7) use of

animal data111

; and (8) unavailability of the full text of the article. 112–114 At theend of the critical appraisal stage,there was an agreement of .83between the 2 raters. This ICC valueis considered as “excellent” agree-ment according to the approach de-scribed by McDowell. 115

Characteristics of the Studies All 20 studies reviewed in detail were RCTs that examined thepain-reducing effectiveness of IFC.These studies analyzed the effectsof IFC for several diagnoses consid-ered to be either acute or chronicpainful conditions . Only 6 articles(30%)48,54,56,57,61,63 examined the clin-ical analgesic effectiveness of IFC asa single therapeutic modality. The restof the articles included the applica-tion of IFC as a cointervention along with other therapeutic alternatives such as exercise, 47,49,53,58– 60,62,64–66 short- wave diathermy, 51,59 hot packs, 55,60


myofascial release,55

neuromus-cular electrical stimulation, 52 infraredradiation, 51 and ultrasound. 50,60,62 De-tails of the studies’ characteristics areshown in Table 1.

Methodological Quality of theStudiesThe results of the critical appraisalfor the selected studies are pre-sented in Table 2. Three of the 20studies were considered to be of high methodological quality, 14 stud-ies were considered to be of moder-ate quality, and 3 studies were con-sidered to be of poor quality. Eventhough the quality of most of thestudies was rated as acceptable (17studies were rated as being of mod-erate or high quality), there are somepoints regarding quality that need tobe highlighted. Study aws regardingpatient selection were mainly relatedto description and appropriateness

2,231 articles identified throughdatabase search (CINAHL,Cochrane Library, EMBASE,MEDLINE, PEDro, Scopus,

Web of Science)

2,235 articles screened

154 full-text articlesassessed for eligibility

(57 repeated):97 finally selected

20 studies included in thequalitative synthesis

14 studies included in thequantitative synthesis


4 articles identified through manual search

2,081 articles excluded on thebasis of the title and abstract

77 articles excluded:

23 Not clinical studies24 Descriptive studies10 Not written in English09 No pain outcome included

05 Not a randomized trial03 No full text available02 Did not truly assess IFC01 Animal data

4 Knee osteoarthritis pain5 Low back pain2 Fibromyalgia/myofascial pain1 Jaw pain1 Frozen shoulder pain1 Bicipital tendinitis pain

▼ ▼

Figure 1.Study screening process. IFC interferential current therapy.

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T a

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S t u d y

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S a m p l e

S t u d y A r m s

O u t c o m e s

C o i n t e r v e n t i o n s

F o l l o w - u p

T r e a t m e n t

R e s u l t s

S t r e n g t h s / W e a k n e s s e s

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H e i j d e n e t

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, R O M

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3 . C o n t r o l

S h o u l d e r f u n c t i o n

( C o n s t a n t M u r l e y

A s s e s s m e n t S c o r e ) ,

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E x e r c i s e

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8 0 – 1 2 0 H z , 2 0 m i n

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. 0 0 1 )

N o s i g n i c a n t c h a n g e

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. 0 5 )

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G o o d d e s c r i p t i o n o f

t r e a t m e n t p r o t o c o l s

( C o n t i n u e

d )

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of the randomization procedure andconcealment of allocation, with only 9 and 5 of the studies meeting thesecriteria, respectively. Items relatedto blinding were not achieved by

the majority of the studies. Only 3 of the studies used a double-blindeddesign.

Testing subjects’ adherence to inter- vention or having adequate adher-ence was another issue that was notaccomplished by many studies (only 8 and 6 studies, respectively). Fur-thermore, adverse effects were re-ported in only 3 of the studies, andnone of the studies provided detailsof the follow-up period.

Despite the fact that the adequatehandling of dropouts is consideredan important method used to pre- vent bias in data analysis, only 11 of the analyzed studies included in-formation regarding the rate of withdrawals/dropouts. The outcomemeasures were not described wellin terms of validity, reliability, or responsiveness.

Regarding statistical issues, it was un-certain whether sample size was ad-equate in 15 of the studies. Intention-to-treat analysis was used only in 11of the studies. Finally, it also wasunclear whether extraneous factorssuch as equipment calibration or medications during the study couldaffect the treatment responsivenessfor IFC. For example, only 2 studies(10%) reported that the IFC equip-ment was calibrated during the study procedure.

IFC and Type of PainManagementThe effect of IFC has been studiedpredominantly in patients with chronic painful conditions (16 of 20 trials examined). These condi-tions included knee osteoarthri-tis, 47,49,51,52,54,59 chronic low back pain, 48,63–65 shoulder soft tissuepain, 53,60,62 bromyalgia, 50 chronic

jaw pain, 61 and myofascial syndromepain. 55 In contrast, the analysis of IFC in acute pain included just 4 ar-ticles, 3 of them related to acute low back pain and 1 to postoperative

knee pain.Meta-analysis ResultsFourteen studies were included in themeta-analysis (Fig. 1), 47,49–56,60,61,63–66

with an overall sample size of 1,114patients. Six studies were excludedfor the following reasons: informa-tion regarding data variability (ie,mean and standard deviation) wasnot present, 58,59 the unit of variabil-ity included was different than thestandard deviation (ie, interquartilerange, median), 57,62 the comparisonincluded in the trial was not relevantfor the study’s purpose, 48 and theinterventions included in the trial were too heterogeneous 51 (ie, IFC,infrared radiation, shortwave dia-thermy, and 2 drugs [sodium hyal-uronate and hylan G-F 20]).

The 14 selected studies were chosenbecause they provided complete in-formation on the outcomes evalu-

ated and homogeneity regarding out-come measures. Of these studies, 4studies 54,56,61,63 addressed the anal-gesic effect of IFC alone and 10studies 47,49,50,52,53,55,60,64– 66 evaluatedthe effect of IFC applied as adjunctin a multimodal treatment protocol.In addition, of these 14 studies, 3studies 53,54,66 compared the effective-ness of IFC with a control group,6 studies 47,50,54,61,64,65 investigatedIFC against placebo, and 7 stud-ies49,52,53,55,56,60,63 compared IFC with another intervention such as manualtherapy or exercise.

Comparison 1: IFC Alone VersusPlacebo Group on Pain Intensityat DischargeTwo studies 54,61 were included inthis comparison. One study 54 mea-sured outcomes at discharge after 4 weeks of therapy, and the other study 61 measured outcomes after 1

week of therapy. One trial 54 studiedthe effect of IFC on knee osteoarthri-tis, and the other trial 61 studied theeffect of IFC on temporomandibular joint pain. One study 54 was rated of

moderate methodological quality,and the other study 61 was rated of poor quality. 61 In this comparison,both studies had opposite results re-garding the effectiveness of IFC when compared with a placebogroup (Fig. 2). The pooled mean dif-ference (MD) obtained for this anal- ysis was 1.17 (95% CI 1.70–4.05).These results indicate that IFC alone was not signicantly better than pla-cebo at discharge.

Comparison 2: IFC Alone VersusComparison Group on PainIntensity at DischargeTwo studies 56,63 were included inthis comparison. One study 63 mea-sured outcomes at discharge after 2to 3 weeks of treatment, and theother study 56 measured outcomes af-ter 8 weeks. One trial 56 studied theeffect of IFC on acute low back pain,and the other trial 63 studied the ef-fect of IFC on chronic low back pain.

Both studies were of moderate meth-odological quality. In this compari-son, both studies agreed that IFC wasnot signicantly better than manualtherapy or traction and massage(Fig. 3). The pooled MD obtained for this analysis was 0.16 (95%CI 0.62, 0.31). These results indi-cate that IFC alone was not signi-cantly better than any of the compar-isons at discharge from therapy.

Comparison 3: IFC as aSupplement to AnotherTreatment Versus Control Groupon Pain Intensity at DischargeThree studies 53,54,66 were included inthis comparison. Two studies 53,54

used a 4-week discharge period, andone study 66 used a one-day dischargeperiod. One trial 54 studied the effectof IFC on knee osteoarthritis, an-other trial 53 studied the effect of IFCon frozen shoulder, and the third tri-

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al66 studied the effect of IFC on acutelow back pain. Two studies includedin this comparison were of moderatemethodological quality, 53,54 and onestudy was considered to be of high quality. 66 In this comparison, the 3studies tended to signicantly favor IFC applied as a cointervention when compared with the controlgroup (Fig. 4). The pooled MD ob-tained for this analysis was 2.45 (95%CI 1.69, 3.22). Thus, IFC applied asa cointervention was more than 2points better, as measured with the VAS, in reducing pain intensity when

compared with a control group inthese conditions.

Comparison 4: IFC as aSupplement to AnotherTreatment Versus Placebo onPain Intensity at DischargeFive studies 47,50,54,64,65 were in-cluded in this comparison. Differenttimes of discharge were used in the

studies, ranging from 2 weeks 64,65 to4 weeks. 47,50,54 Mean difference topool the data was used. In addition,95% CI and the random-effectsmodel were chosen. In this compar-ison, 3 studies 47,50,54 of moderatequality tended to signicantly favor IFC as a cointervention when com-pared with placebo. One study 64 of moderate methodological quality tended to signicantly favor the pla-cebo group. One study of moderatequality did not favor either IFC as acointervention or placebo (Fig. 5,upper part). 65 The pooled MD ob-

tained for this analysis was 1.60 (95%CI 0.13, 3.34). This nding indi-cates that although IFC as a cointer- vention was statistically signicantly better than a placebo at decreasingpain intensity at discharge in condi-tions such as osteoarthritis, chroniclow back pain, and bromyalgia,IFC tended to reduce pain in theseconditions when compared with a

placebo condition. In addition, theheterogeneity among studies wasI2 96%, which is considered sub-stantial according to Cochrane groupguidelines. 45 Therefore, these resultsshould be interpreted with caution.

In this comparison, 2 studies 64,65

provided follow-up data (3 months).Thus, an analysis at the 3-month follow-up was performed (Fig. 5,lower part). The pooled MD ob-tained for this analysis was 1.85 (95%CI 1.47, 2.23). The 2 studies signif-icantly favored IFC when compared

with the placebo. This nding indi-cates that IFC as a cointervention was better than a placebo at decreas-ing pain intensity at the 3-month follow-up.

Study or Subgroup

IFC Alone Placebo

WeightMean Difference

IV, Random, 95% CIMean Difference

IV, Random, 95% CIMean SD Total Mean SD Total

Defrin et al, 54 2005 2.1 0.5 12 0.5 0.7 9 51.4% 2.60 (2.06, 3.14)

Taylor et al, 61 1987 1.75 1.96 20 2.08 1.53 20 48.6% 0.33 ( 1.42, 0.76)

Total (95% CI) 32 29 100.0% 1.17 ( 1.70, 4.05)

Heterogeneity: tau 2 4.10, 2 22.33, df 1 ( P .00001), I 2 96%

Test for overall effect: z 0.80 ( P .42)

Figure 2.Forest plot of comparison: interferential current therapy (IFC) alone versus placebo treatment on pain intensity at 1 week and4 weeks (data presented as change scores). IV inverse variance, 95% CI 95% condence interval.

Study or Subgroup

IFC Alone Comparison

WeightMean Difference

IV, Random 95% CIMean Difference

IV, Random, 95% CIMean SD Total Mean SD Total

Hurley et al, 56 2004 2.13 2.49 65 1.99 2.5 63 29.1% 0.14 ( 0.72, 1.00)

Werners et al, 63 1999 0.42 1.35 50 0.7 1.49 51 70.9% 0.28 ( 0.83, 0.27)

Total (95% CI) 115 114 100.0% 0.16 ( 0.62, 0.31)

Heterogeneity: tau 2 0.00, 2 0.64, df 1 ( P .42), I 2 0%

Test for overall effect: z 0.66 ( P .51)

Figure 3.Forest plot of comparison: interferential current therapy (IFC) alone versus comparison treatment on pain intensity at 3 weeksand 8 weeks (data presented as change scores). IV inverse variance, 95% CI 95% condence interval.

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Comparison 5: IFC as aSupplement to AnotherTreatment Versus Comparisonon Pain Intensity at DischargeFive studies 49,52,53,55,60 were in-cluded in this comparison (Fig. 6).Different times of discharge wereused, ranging from 1 day 55 to 4


to 2 months.52

Twostudies 49,52 evaluated the effective-ness of IFC as a cointerventionfor knee osteoarthritis, 2 studies 53,60

evaluated the effectiveness of IFC asa cointervention for shoulder pain,and 1 study 55 evaluated the effective-

ness of IFC as a cointervention for myofascial pain.

One study 55 compared IFC plus hotpacks, active range of motion, andmyofascial release with 5 differenttreatment modalities; thus, differentanalyses were run in order to deter-

Study or Subgroup

IFC Therapy asSupplement Control Group

WeightMean Difference IV,

Random, 95% CI Mean Difference IV, Random, 95% CIMean SD Total Mean SD Total

Cheing et al, 53 2008 3.02 1.94 23 0.08 2.13 24 23.0% 2.94 (1.78, 4.10)

Defrin et al, 54 2005 2.1 0.5 12 0.7 0.7 8 38.9% 2.80 (2.24, 3.36)

Lau et al, 66 2008 2.2 1.65 55 0.4 1.5 55 38.1% 1.80 (1.21, 2.39)

Total (95% CI) 90 87 100.0% 2.45 (1.69, 3.22)

Heterogeneity: tau 2 0.31; 2 6.76, df 2 ( P .03), I 2 70%

Test for overall effect: z 6.28 ( P .00001)

Figure 4.Forest plot of comparison: interferential current therapy (IFC) as a supplemental treatment versus control treatment on painintensity at 1 day and 4 weeks (data presented as change scores). IV inverse variance, 95% CI 95% condence interval.

Study or Subgroup

IFC Therapy asSupplement Placebo

WeightMean Difference

IV, Random, 95% CIMean Difference

IV, Random, 95% CIMean SD Total Mean SD Total

3.1.1 Pain at discharge (1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks)

Zambito et al, 64 2007 1.9 0.78 35 2.6 1 35 21.5% 0.70 ( 1.12, 0.28)

Zambito et al, 65 2006 1.8 1.27 45 1.7 1.65 30 21.0% 0.10 ( 0.60, 0.80)

Adedoyin et al, 47 2002 6.87 1.2 15 4.5 2.79 15 18.6% 2.37 (0.83, 3.91)

Defrin et al, 54 2005 2.1 0.5 12 0.5 0.7 9 21.3% 2.60 (2.06, 3.14)

Almeida et al, 50 2003 4.2 2 9 0 1.82 8 17.6% 4.20 (2.38, 6.02)

Subtotal (95% CI) 116 97 100.0% 1.60 ( 0.13, 3.34)

Heterogeneity: tau 2 3.59, 2 112.03, df 4 ( P .00001), I 2 96%

Test for overall effect: z 1.81 ( P .07)

3.1.2 Pain up to 3-month follow-up

Zambito et al, 64 2007 3.8 1.1 35 2 0.71 35 76.1% 1.80 (1.37, 2.23)

Zambito et al, 65 2006 3.2 1.64 45 1.2 1.7 30 23.9% 2.00 (1.23, 2.77)

Subtotal (95% CI) 80 65 100.0% 1.85 (1.47, 2.23)

Heterogeneity: tau 2 0.00, 2 0.02, df 1 ( P .66), I 2 0%

Test for overall effect: z 9.57 ( P .00001)

Figure 5.Forest plot of comparison: interferential current therapy (IFC) as a supplemental treatment versus placebo treatment on painintensity at 1-week, 2-week, 4-week, and 3-month follow-ups (data presented as change scores). IV inverse variance, 95%CI 95% condence interval.

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mine the effect of IFC as a cointer- vention when compared with all of these modalities (sensitivity analy-sis). We used the MD to pool thedata. In addition, 95% CI and therandom-effects model were chosen.

In this comparison, no clear trendfavoring either IFC as a cointerven-tion or the comparison treatments was observed for any of the analysesperformed (Fig. 6). The pooled MDobtained for the various analyses was0.55 (95% CI 0.33, 1.44). Themean difference indicated that IFC asa cointervention was no better thanother conventional interventionssuch as exercise, transcutaneouselectrical nerve stimulation, or ultra-sound plus hot packs at decreasingpain intensity at discharge.

DiscussionAnalysis of the AnalgesicEffect of IFC AloneThe results of this meta-analysis indi-cate that IFC applied alone as an in-tervention for musculoskeletal painis not signicantly better than pla-cebo or comparison therapy (ie,

manual therapy, traction, massage)at discharge from physical therapy treatment. However, few includedstudies (27%) examined the clinicalanalgesic effectiveness of IFC as asingle therapeutic modality, and

most did not focus on a specic mus-culoskeletal disorder. We also ob-served differences in length of treat-ment (ie, 1, 2, 3, and 8 weeks) andtype of pain (ie, acute or chronic),indicating no consensus on optimaltreatment parameters, which poten-tially contributed to the nonsigni-cance of the results.

Analysis of the Analgesic Effect of IFC as Part of a MultimodalProtocol (Cointerventions) An important factor in this meta-analysis was the inclusion and analy-sis of studies including the applica-tion of IFC as a cointervention in amultimodal treatment protocol. Thisdecision was clinically sound be-cause IFC is used mainly as an ad- junct treatment. The results of thisstudy indicate that IFC as a cointer- vention is signicantly better thancontrol and placebo for reducing

chronic musculoskeletal pain at dis-charge and at 3 months posttreat-ment, respectively. The pooled ef-fect for IFC as a cointervention versus control was 2.45 on the VAS(95% CI 1.69, 3.22). According to

some authors, this change is consid-ered a clinically meaningful effectfor acute painful conditions. 116–119

However, in chronic pain, a morestringent criterion seems to oper-ate because a relative pain reductionof 50% or at least 3 cm on a VAShas been recommended for detect-ing a clinically successful painreduction. 120,121

In addition, when IFC as a cointer- vention was compared with placeboat discharge, there was no statisti-cally signicant difference betweenthe groups. At 3-month follow-up,IFC as a cointervention obtained abetter effect on the VAS, although less pronounced than when com-pared with a control group (pooledeffect 1.85, 95% CI 1.47, 2.23).Thus, it seems that although IFC ap-plied as a cointervention may have amodest analgesic effect, the magni-

Study or Subgroup

IFC as Supplement Comparison

WeightMean Difference IV,

Random, 95% CI Mean Difference IV, Random, 95% CIMean SD Total Mean SD Total

Adedoyin et al, 49

20055.07 1.39 16 4.74 1.14 15 20.1% 0.33 ( 0.56, 1.22)

Burch et al,52

2008 2.79 1.32 53 2.32 1.54 53 23.1% 0.47 ( 0.08, 1.02)Cheing et al, 53

20083.17 1.94 23 3.04 1.97 24 18.0% 0.13 ( 0.99, 1.25)

Hou et al, 55 2002(B1)

3.34 1.14 9 0.77 1.8 21 18.5% 2.57 (1.50, 3.64)

Taskaynatan et al, 60

20070.8 1.49 21 1.4 1.59 26 20.2% 0.60 ( 1.48, 0.28)

Total (95% CI) 122 139 100.0% 0.55 ( 0.33, 1.44)

Heterogeneity: tau 2 0.80, 2 20.86, df 4 ( P .0003), I 2 81%

Test for overall effect: z 1.22 ( P .22)

Figure 6.Forest plot of comparison: interferential current therapy (IFC) as a supplemental treatment versus comparison treatment on painintensity at 1 day, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 2 months (data presented as change scores). IV inverse variance, 95% CI 95%condence interval. B1 hot pack active range of motion.

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tude of the effect is not large enough to be considered clinically relevant when compared with placebo or comparison interventions.

Because this is the rst meta-analysislooking at the analgesic effect of IFC,direct comparisons cannot be made.In a previous study, Johnson andMartinson 122 concluded that transcu-taneous electrical nerve stimulation,used mainly as an isolated inter- vention, provided signicant painrelief when compared with a pla-cebo intervention in a variety of chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Although methodological differencesare present between both meta-analyses, some similarities such asthe nal sample sizes included, thefocus on chronic musculoskeletalconditions, and clinical heterogeneity make the comparison between these2 meta-analyses worth considering.

Some factors regarding IFC treat-ment may have accounted for themodest effect size observed. For ex-ample, although the stimulation of small-diameter bers has been dem-

onstrated to produce a more positiveeffect for chronic pain when com-pared with the stimulation of large-diameter bers (A ),54 the includedstudies, regardless of the type of pain, used stimulation parametersthat were related mainly to the stim-ulation of A bers and the pain gatemechanism. 11,47–50,52,53,56–58,61,62 Al-though the stimulation of large-diameter bers is acknowledged toproduce a fast onset of analgesia, animportant shortcoming is its brief an-algesic effect. 123–125 Thus, it is plau-sible that in chronic pain, which wasthe dominant condition in this re- view, the effectiveness of IFC under these stimulation parameters may have been attenuated, resulting in asmall effect in reported pain reduc-tion. Further research is needed toevaluate the effect of noxious stim-ulation (eg, small-diameter bers)

on IFC effectiveness, especially inchronic pain.

Additionally, IFC has not been ap-plied using a consistent treatment

protocol. For example, similar AMFsettings ( 80 Hz) were consideredfor treating either acute 56,57 or chronic 47,50,53,55,64,65 conditions.Moreover, under the same condition(eg, osteoarthritis), the authors in-consistently applied xed AMF fre-quencies (ie, 80 Hz) 49 or sweep AMFfrequencies (ie, 1–150 Hz, 30– 60Hz, 0–100 Hz). 52,54,59 Although ex-perimental evidence has challengedthe role of AMF as the main analgesiccomponent of IFC, 36,37,85,126 incon-sistency in the use of this parameter in clinical settings warrants consider-ation. Based on the current evi-dence, recommendations for opti-mal dosage when using IFC are notclear. It seems, however, that clinicalevidence supports the fact that AMFshould not be the most importantparameter for clinical decision mak-ing. This fact has been corroboratedby recent experimental evidence as well. 80 Instead, the use of a sensory

level of intensity appears to be a con-sistent factor for the majority of thestudies. Although some variations inthe number of treatments and thetreatment time exist, it seems that 10to 20 minutes of application for 2 to4 weeks with a total of 12 sessions isthe most common treatment proto-col for IFC. 47–51,53,54,59,60,62,64,65

In this systematic review, 16 out of 20 studies evaluated the role of IFCin chronic rather than acute pain.Based on this fact, it seems that IFChas been applied more often in themanagement of chronic painful con-ditions. Interestingly, and apparently in contrast to current clinical prac-tice in which IFC is used mostly for short-term pain relief, this meta-analysis provided information re-garding potential positive long-termbenets from IFC. 64,65

Adverse Effects An important safety feature when ap-plying electrotherapy modalities isthe report of adverse effects. Al-though IFC is considered a safe mo-

dality, its application has been asso-ciated with local adverse effects such as blisters, burns, bruising, and swell-ing. 127,128 Interestingly, only 3 stud-ies 52,56,60 included reports of adverseeffects as a result of IFC treatment.Two studies 56,60 reported no compli-cations, and one study 52 reported thepresence of muscle soreness in onesubject. Reporting adverse effectsmust be mandatory, not only for thesafety of patients, but also for theprofessional integrity of therapists.

Methodological ElementsAffecting Observed EffectEven though the quality of the trialsappraised generally was moderate,there are some methodological bi-ases common to these studies thatcould have had an impact on theresults. Selection bias could have ex-isted, as only 9 trials reported appro-priate randomization and only 5 tri-als reported concealment of

allocation. Another potentially im-portant bias was the lack of blinding,especially of the patients (9 studies)and assessors (11 studies). The out-come measure for this meta-analysis was pain, which is a subjective out-come and dependent on the sub- ject’s report. Trials without appro-priate randomization, concealmentof allocation, and blinding tend toreport an inaccurate treatment effectcompared with trials that includethese features. 129–131

Other potential biases that couldhave affected the observed effects were the lack of an appropriate sam-ple size (only 5 of the trials reportedadequate sample size) and the inap-propriate handling of withdrawalsand dropouts (only 11 trials usedintention-to-treat analysis). Report-ing clinical signicance of resultshas become a relevant issue to dem-

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onstrate the effectiveness of an in-tervention. Clinical signicance pro- vides the clinician with adequateinformation regarding the clinical im-pact of an intervention because it can

identify when a meaningful change isproduced. 132 Despite this message,the report of clinically meaningfulchanges in the present study waslargely neglected, with only 3 studiesincluding this component. 56,57,62

The present study used a compila-tion of items from all of the scalesused in the studies in the physicaltherapy literature. Although some of the scales used in physical therapy (ie, PEDro, Jadad) have been vali-dated in some way, our recent anal- ysis of health scales used to evaluatemethodological quality determinedthat none of these scales are ade-quate for that use alone. 42 Therefore,it was decided that all of these scales would be used to assess methodolog-ical quality, and we used a compila-tion of items to provide a compre-hensive and sensitive evaluation of the quality of individual trials. How-ever, further research investigating

methodological predictors for deter-mining trial quality in physical ther-apy is needed.

Summary of Evidence As an isolated treatment, IFC was notsignicantly better than placebo or other interventions. Conversely, when included in a multimodal treat-ment plan, IFC displayed a pain-relieving effect (VAS reduction of over 2 points) compared with a con-trol condition.

StrengthsThis meta-analysis is the rst system-atic investigation regarding the pain-reducing effectiveness of IFC onmusculoskeletal pain. A comprehen-sive search was made of all the pub-lished research in this area over a wide range of years (1950 –2010). Inaddition, authors were contacted inan attempt to have complete infor-

mation about the selected studies .The 20 RCT articles included in thisreview covered a broad spectrum of acute and chronic musculoskeletalconditions. Interferential current

therapy was analyzed as isolated in-tervention, as well as part of a mul-timodal treatment plan. In addition,the study provided multiple analy-ses, including the comparison be-tween IFC and placebo, the compar-ison between IFC and control, andIFC contrasted to different types of interventions.

LimitationsOutcome level. A main limitationof this meta-analysis is the presenceof clinical heterogeneity in the study population in most of the compari-sons, casting some doubt on the va-lidity of our results.

Study and review level. A poten-tial limitation is the omission of non–English-language publications;however, English is considered theprimary scientic language. It alsohas been reported that language-restricted meta-analyses only mini-

mally overestimate treatment effects( 2% on average) compared with language-inclusive meta-analyses. 114

Therefore, language-restricted meta-analyses do not appear to lead tobiased estimates of intervention ef-fectiveness. 133,134 Applicability of re-sults about the isolated effect of IFCon musculoskeletal pain also is lim-ited, as only 4 studies addressed thisissue . Another important limitationis that this study included only painas an outcome measure. It would beimportant to know whether out-comes such as disability or functioncould have been modied by the ap-plication of IFC.

ConclusionsImplications for PracticeInterferential current therapy in-cluded in a multimodal treatmentplan seems to produce a pain-relieving effect in acute and chronic

musculoskeletal painful conditionscompared with no treatment or pla-cebo. Interferential current therapy combined with other interventions was shown to be more effective than

placebo application at the 3-month follow-up in subjects with chroniclow back pain. However, it is evidentthat under this scenario, the uniqueeffect of IFC is confounded by theimpact of other therapeutic interven-tions. Moreover, it is still unknown whether the analgesic effect of IFC issuperior to that of these concomi-tant interventions.

When IFC is applied alone, its effectdoes not differ from placebo or other interventions (ie, manual therapy,traction, or massage). However, thesmall number of trials evaluating theisolated effect of IFC, heterogeneity across studies, and methodologicallimitations identied in these studiesprevent conclusive statements re-garding its analgesic efcacy.

Implications for ResearchBecause only 4 studies that evaluatedthe isolated effect of IFC were iden-

tied, and these studies had mixedresults, further research examiningthis issue is needed, ideally in homo-geneous clinical samples. Further re-search also is needed to study theeffect of IFC on acute painful condi-tions. Also of interest would be thestudy of the effect of IFC in chronicconditions using a theoretical frame- work for the selection of parametersassociated with suprasegmental anal-gesic mechanisms (ie, noxious stim-ulus) instead of sensory stimulation.

Mr Fuentes, Dr Armijo Olivo, and Dr Grossprovided concept/idea/research design andwriting. Mr Fuentes and Dr Armijo Olivo pro-vided data collection and analysis. Mr Fu-entes provided project management. Dr Ma-gee and Dr Gross provided consultation(including review of manuscript beforesubmission).

This study was supported by the Alberta Pro-vincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and

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Joint Health, an Izaak Walton Killam scholar-ship to Dr Armijo Olivo from the University of

Alberta, the Provost Doctoral Entrance Award to Mr Fuentes from the University of Alberta, the Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch, the government of Chile (MECE-SUP Program), the University Catholic of Maule, Chile, and the Physiotherapy Foun-dation of Canada through an Ann Collins

Whitmore Memorial Award to Dr ArmijoOlivo.

This article was received October 13, 2009,and was accepted May 14, 2010.

DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20090335

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doi: 10.2522/ptj.20090335Originally published online July 22, 2010

2010; 90:1219-1238.PHYS THER.and Douglas P. GrossJorge P. Fuentes, Susan Armijo Olivo, David J. MageeReview and Meta-AnalysisManagement of Musculoskeletal Pain: A SystematicEffectiveness of Interferential Current Therapy in the

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