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1 Interacting Models of Cooperative Gene Regulation Debopriya Das 1 , Nilanjana Banerjee 1,2 and Michael Q. Zhang 1 1 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724. USA. 2 George Mason University, School of Computational Sciences, 10900 University Boulevard, Manassas, VA 20110 Classification: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (Genetics) Manuscript information: 25 text pages, 2 figs and 5 tables Word and character counts: 5839 words and 46779 characters Abbreviations footnote: MARS, Multivariate adaptive regression splines; TF, Transcription factor; KS, Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Correspondence should be addressed to Michael Q. Zhang. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724, USA E-mail: [email protected]

Interacting Models of Cooperative Gene Regulation

Sep 12, 2021



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Page 1: Interacting Models of Cooperative Gene Regulation


Interacting Models of Cooperative Gene Regulation

Debopriya Das1, Nilanjana Banerjee1,2 and Michael Q. Zhang1

1Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724. USA. 2George Mason University, School of Computational Sciences, 10900 University Boulevard, Manassas, VA 20110

Classification: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (Genetics) Manuscript information: 25 text pages, 2 figs and 5 tables Word and character counts: 5839 words and 46779 characters Abbreviations footnote: MARS, Multivariate adaptive regression splines; TF, Transcription factor; KS, Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Correspondence should be addressed to Michael Q. Zhang. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724, USA E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Interacting Models of Cooperative Gene Regulation



Cooperativity between transcription factors is critical to gene regulation. Current computational methods

do not take adequate account of this salient aspect. To address this issue, we present a new computational

method based on MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) to correlate the occurrences of

transcription factor binding motifs in the promoter DNA and their interactions to the logarithm of the

ratio of gene expression levels. This allows us to discover both the individual motifs and synergistic pairs

of motifs that are most likely to be functional, and enumerate their relative contributions at any arbitrary

time point for which mRNA expression data is available. We present results of simulations and focus

specifically on the yeast cell-cycle data. Inclusion of synergistic interactions can increase the prediction

accuracy over linear regression to as much as 1.5-3.5 fold. Significant motifs and combinations of motifs

are appropriately predicted at each stage of the cell cycle. We believe our MARS based approach will

become more significant when applied to higher eukaryotes, especially mammals, where cooperative

control of gene regulation is absolutely essential.

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Regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotes is complex and is inherently combinatorial in nature [1,2].

Transcriptional synergy is a key element of such combinatorial control in gene regulation networks. It

requires cooperative binding of multiple transcription factors (TFs) and is intrinsically non-linear in

nature[2]. Taking adequate account of such synergy in computational models is extremely important to

have an accurate view of the underlying biology.

Conventional computational methods[3] have focused on identifying motifs upstream of the clusters of

co-expressed genes. But, many genes fail to cluster and correspondingly regulatory elements of a large

number of genes are unknown. Recent work[4,5] has attempted to overcome this problem by correlating

the frequency of DNA motifs with the logarithm of expression levels using multivariate linear regression.

Despite the success in identifying many known important motifs, this method does not account for the

synergistic effects and non-linearities present during transcription regulation. When applied to the yeast

cell-cycle data, we found that these methods can explain only 10% of the variations in the data on an

average (noise level accounts for ~50%[4]).

More recently, models have been developed which account for cooperativity between TFs during

transcription regulation[6-10]. However, all of them are limited by one or more of the following factors.

Some of these methods[6-8], like expression coherence (EC) score approach[6,7], require data from

multiple time points, which is not always available. Methods based on regression trees[8], on the other

hand, cannot take proper account of additive effects. In other cases[9,10], we found either the known

pairs of motifs are not correctly predicted or the accuracy of the regression model does not improve

significantly (~5-10%) when interacting pairs are introduced in the model, which is inconsistent with the

biological notion of synergistic gene regulation.

In this paper, we discuss a computational method which overcomes these limitations. It finds potentially

functional cis-regulatory elements given microarray expression data and a set of candidate motifs. Some

of the key features of this method are that it (i) can be applied to expression data from a single time point,

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(ii) can find both individual motifs and cooperative pairs of motifs that are more likely to be functional

under a particular condition, (iii) allows the user to rank the relative strengths of individual motifs and

pairs, and (iv) works with higher precision than the current computational methods.

Our approach is based on the well-known Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)

algorithm[11,12]. MARS builds response function in terms of non-linear component functions and their

products. The component functions used are linear splines, which have the shape of a hockey stick, i.e.

they are zero below (above) a threshold, termed knot, and increase linearly above (below) it (fig. 1). Thus,

MARS uses non-linear functions with minimal number of parameters to model the data. The model

building procedure used by MARS is easiest understood by considering its analogy with stepwise linear

regression used in REDUCE[4]. In the latter, one starts with a model with a constant term. One then finds

the motif which best explains the current variation in the expression data using a linear model. Its

predicted contribution is subtracted from the observed data and this motif is removed from the set of all

motifs. The process is then repeated till a preset significance level is reached. This yields a set of basis

functions, each of which is a line: (1,1kn ,

2kn , K , Lkn ), where jn = count of motif j, and ki’s are a

selection from the original motif indices. In MARS, by contrast, one selects a linear spline at each step

that best explains the data. A second difference is that not only a new linear spline is considered at each

step, but also its product with splines that already exist in the basis set is considered. Thus, the set of basis

functions here looks like: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )K,0,.0,,0,,0,,1 0,0,0,0, 22112211 kkkkkkkk nnnn ξθξθξθξθ −−−− , where θ ’s

are linear splines (eqn.1), ji ,ξ represents the knot j of the motif i.¶ The final prediction is an additive

contribution from each such basis function (eqn. 2). The biggest concern in using this approach would be

overfitting the data. This is simply avoided by finding the model which has the least generalized cross-

validation score (eqn. 3), which seeks a balance between the residual sum of squares and the number of

¶ Here we have shown splines of only one type for simplicity. But the other type, i.e. ( )0,, iji n−ξθ , is also considered in

actual model building.

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parameters introduced in the model. A simple example of the model building procedure used by MARS is

discussed in supplementary note 1.

In applying MARS to the microarray data, we treat the log ratio of gene expression levels, i.e. between a

test sample and a control, as response variables and TF binding motif occurrence scores (viz. occurrence

frequencies, weight matrix scores, etc.) as predictor variables. We first analyze as to what extent MARS

can model expression data by applying it to the simulated data. We then build a program with MARS as

the core regression tool to obtain functional motifs and their cooperative combinations from real gene

expression data. This program is called MARSMotif. The results of application of MARSMotif to the

yeast cell-cycle expression data are discussed next.

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MARS is a multidimensional extension of one-dimensional splines. It is a non-parametric and adaptive

method. It builds the regression model in terms of linear splines and their products. The linear splines

have the form ( )0,1ξθ µ −n and ( )0,2 µξθ n− for the count (or, the weight matrix score) µn of motif µ,


(1) ( ) ,0, xx =θ if 0≥x

,0= otherwise

Here constants 1ξ and 2ξ are called knots. For a given data set, MARS starts from a constant term and

builds the model in a stepwise fashion using forward selection on the above basis functions and their

products till a preset maximum number of terms is reached. The obtained model is a sum of such terms

whose coefficients are estimated by minimizing the residual sum of squares. Thus, the fitted model has

the functional form:

(2) { }( ) ( )∑ ∑ ∏= =





,, 1

)(,0 0,ˆ











µµµµ θββ

where ii nn ξµµ −=ˆ , or, µξ ni − , and 0I is the maximum interactions allowed (denoted by the “int”

parameter in the program). For example, for int=2, only the coefficients { })1(β and { })2(β can be non-

zero and all the higher order terms are exactly zero. β0 is the constant term.

To avoid over fitting, once the maximum number of terms is reached in the model, MARS obtains a

series of models λf of different sizes λ by pruning terms from the model. Optimal value of λ is

obtained by minimizing the generalized cross-validation score GCV(λ) which is the residual sum of

squares times an inverse of a factor that penalizes for model complexity:

(3) ( ) { }( )[ ] ( )[ ]22


/1/log)( NMnfEEGCVN

gggCg λλ µ

λ −−=∑=

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where, ( )λM = effective number of parameters. gE denotes the observed expression level for the gene g ;

{ }µgn denotes the motif counts for gene g ; C, the control set; and, N , the total number of genes. The

GCV score is a generalization of leave-one-out cross-validation for least squares fit to N data points [12].

The effective number of parameters[12] is given by )ˆ()( STraceM =λ , where the matrix S is defined by

the relation ySy p ˆ= (p indicates the predicted value of the response variable y). M(λ) is obtained by

cross-validation. The GCV based optimization restricts the final model to a very small number of terms

(supplementary note 1).

The product terms in a MARS model with int > 1 always involve distinct variables. The self interactions,

i.e. interactions in the same variable (motifs, for our application), are written as a sum of linear splines.

Thus the int=1 model already contains the self interaction terms present in the underlying data.

Importance of predictor variables is evaluated by dropping that particular variable from the final model

and computing the reduction in goodness of fit. The most important variable degrades the model fit the

most and vice versa.

An example of model building procedure in MARS is discussed in supplementary note 1. More details,

including how knots are selected, are available in Refs. 11 and 12 (see also sup. note 2). We used the

MARS program available from Salford Systems[13] (

Percent Reduction in Variance

Percent reduction in variance[4], ∆χ2, is defined as the ratio of the change in variance and the original

variance, converted into a percentage:

(4) ( ) ( ) 1001 222 xyyrrg



−−−=∆ ∑∑χ ,

where ( )gCgg EEy /log= , residual pggg yyr −= (p indicates the predicted value of y), and y and r are

their corresponding means.

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Simulated Data

We considered the following model for expression level for a particular gene g. For foreground genes, the

log of expression level was obtained using:

(5a) ( ) ∑ ∑<

+++=i ji

gjgigijigigCg snnBnAAEE ,*/log 0 ε

and for background genes:

(5b) ( ) ,*/log 0 ggCg sAEE ε+=

where gε is the N(0,1) noise, s is a scale factor for the noise and is 0 or 1, unless otherwise mentioned.

ign is the number of occurrences of the ith motif for the gene g. For foreground genes, each ign was

generated from a uniform distribution, from minimum 0 to maximum 3: we first flipped a random bit to

determine if a particular motif count is 0 or greater than 0. In case the count was determined to be greater

than zero, we used a random number between 1 and 3 to obtain the actual motif count. This way, more

entries are zero which is closer to the reality. For background genes, each ign was taken to be 0. We did

50 runs for each type of parameter settings and the average of ∆χ2 for all these runs is reported in table 1.

For each run, we chose the coefficients { }A and { }B randomly from a uniform distribution between -1 and

1. These were held fixed during any particular run. Linear model fitting was done using a multivariate

linear regression model in R.

Cell Cycle Data

Motifs and Expression Data: We used the following data sets for candidate motifs: (a) Motifs generated

using a Gibbs sampling method (AlignACE) by Pilpel et. al.[6]: we used the counts of motifs (PC) and

Gibbs sampling scores (PW) separately as predictor variables; (b) Counts of motifs discovered using

cross-species conservation (K) by Kellis et. al.[14], (c) A manually curated set (CUR) of motifs

(supplementary table 2) and (d) 5-7mer word count with two different clustering methods: clustering by

Page 9: Interacting Models of Cooperative Gene Regulation


overlap (W57) and clustering using motifs from Ref. 14 as reference templates (K57). We clustered the

words to make sure that the input set of motifs in MARSMotif is non-redundant. In a linear model[4], this

non-redundancy is achieved by carrying out the regression in a stepwise manner. The clustering methods

used are detailed below.

A few comments regarding the motifs and expression data sets are in order. Firstly, while applying

MARSMotif to the data set PW as predictor variables, we used the default cut off scores as reported in

Ref. 6 and if there were multiple occurrences of the same motif on the same promoter DNA, we used the

maximum AlignACE score [6] of all these occurrences as the input predictor variable. Secondly, the two

methods used to cluster 5-7 mer words are as follows: (a) By overlap: All the words were partitioned into

clusters of overlapping words. During clustering, the word with the lowest p-value by Kolmogorov-

Smirnov (KS) test was considered the representative word in a cluster, and for any incoming word, the

overlap with this representative word was checked. Two words were considered overlapping if the shorter

word either was fully contained in the longer word or matched the longer word at its edges for at least 4

nts with no gaps allowed. The top 5 words from each cluster (by KS test p-value) were then checked

separately for reduction in variance, ∆χ2, using linear regression. The word with the maximum ∆χ2 was

selected as the final representative word for that cluster. The representative words from each cluster were

then used in the MARSMotif runs. (b) Using motifs from Kellis et. al.[14]: Here all the 5-7 mer words

were clustered beforehand using the motifs found by cross-species conservation in Ref. 14 as templates.

We required the word to be completely contained in the motif to participate in that cluster. We allowed

the words to participate in multiple clusters. The top 5 words with the lowest KS p-values in each cluster

were checked as above via linear regression. The word with the maximum ∆χ2 was selected as the

representative motif for that cluster and was used in the MARSMotif runs.

Thirdly, the word counts for data sets K, CUR, W57 and K57 were obtained by searching the 600nt DNA

segment upstream of the genes [4]. Both the word and its reverse complement were considered together.

In the curated data set (CUR), we also included the weight matrix for the Mcm1 motif reported in Ref. 4

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(supplementary table 2). MARSMotif is able to analyze hybrid input, i.e. a combination of counts and

weight matrix scores. In motifs derived from Ref. 14, the nucleotides which have weak conservation were

replaced with N’s. Lastly, for all the expression data, we ignored the genes that have missing values. This

represents less than 4% of the total data, and hence, we believe does not have significant impact on our


KS test: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a non-parametric test used to determine if two samples are drawn

from the same distribution. It assigns a p-value based on the maximum distance between the two

respective cumulative distribution functions.

For any given motif, we compared the distributions of expression values for the genes which have the

motif with those of the genes which do not have that motif. For any given pair of motifs, we compared

the expression values of genes which have that pair of the motifs with the expression values of genes

which have one or the other motif (but not both). This comparison allows us to capture the potentially

synergistic pairs.

KS test was implemented using the subroutine given in Ref. 15. This subroutine works only when ne =

n1n2/(n1 + n2) ≥ 4, where n1 and n2 are the number of genes in the two samples. For all other cases, we

used the KS test available in S-PLUS.

MARSMotif runs for individual motifs: Given a set of candidate motifs, we first checked for association of

each motif with expression using the KS test described above. The top 100 motifs by KS p-value were

used in MARS regression. MARS was run iteratively with 40 motifs at a time with int = 1 setting: at most

top 30 motifs were retained from the previous run, where motif ranking is based on the variable

importance reported by MARS. This was augmented with additional motifs to make up the number to a

maximum of 40. The final run produced the list of significant motifs.

MARSMotif runs for interacting motifs: For a given set of motifs, the pairs of motifs were first

constructed from the top 100 motifs mentioned above and sorted using the KS test. Top 200 motif pairs

from the KS test were then used in MARS regression. MARS was run allowing for pairwise (int = 2) and

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third-order (int = 3) interactions separately. For each of these runs, the motifs which were found

significant by MARS were then combined with the set of motifs found significant in the MARS run with

individual motifs (int=1). MARS was then re-run allowing for interactions in this set. The motifs and

motif pairs found important by MARS in this final run were considered as significant.

p-values of motifs and motif pairs and model pruning: p-values of motifs and motif pairs were computed

based on an F-test [12]:

(6) ( ) ( )

( )111





where 1RSS is the residual sum of squares of the final MARS model with 11 +p terms, and 0RSS is the

residual sum of squares of the MARS model without a particular motif (or, motif pair) which has 10 +p

terms in it. N is the number of genes used in the model. The F statistic has a F distribution with

01 pp − numerator degrees of freedom and 11 −− pN denominator degrees of freedom. The

corresponding P-value was calculated in S-PLUS. The P -values are then corrected for multiple testing as

discussed below. Following corrections, if 01.0>P for a motif (or a motif pair), all the basis functions

involving that motif (or motif pair) were removed from the MARS model. This is the final pruned model,

the ∆χ2 corresponding to which is reported here. We invoke this p-value cut-off for easier comparison

with linear methods in Refs. 4 and 5, where a similar cut-off has been used. Overfitting in our technique

is prevented by GCV minimization, as mentioned above.

Corrections for multiple testing: The F test p-values were corrected for multiple testing using the False

Discovery Rate (FDR) method [16]. First, the bare p-values were organized in ascending order:

( ) ( ) ( )MPPP ≤≤≤ K10 , where M denotes the total number of tests. The adjusted p-value was then

calculated according to FDR linear step-up procedure:

(7) ( ) ( )





adji P




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A few comments are in order. Firstly, all the motifs and motif-pairs which did not appear in the final

regression model were assigned a p-value at 1. Secondly, since in S-PLUS, all the p-values less than 1.1e-

16 are reported as zero, we took these zero p-values as 1.0e-16. Lastly, in int>1 runs, since the motifs

belonging to a given pair can individually participate in the final model generated by MARS without their

pairing interaction being significant, we also consider the number of such individual motifs along with

the pairs while counting the number of tests in FDR analysis.

Periodic regulation by SCB and MCM1-SFF: We used the counts of MCM1, MCM1’, SFF and SFF’

motifs together from the data set PC as input predictors for MARS and linear regression models for the

MCM1-SFF pair. MARS was run with int=3 for this case. For SCB element, we used the counts of the

word CRCGAAA and int=1 in MARS. Only cell-cycle regulated genes were used here, like the rest of

yeast cell-cycle analysis.

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We first used simulation data to test the ability of MARS to correlate motif counts to expression data. The

results obtained here generalize to the weight matrix scores. The simulation data consist of a set of

foreground and background genes: the foreground genes have a non-zero number of binding motifs in

their promoter DNA and their log ratio of expression levels are generated using a model with linear and

pairwise terms in motif frequencies along with a noise term (eqn.5). The background genes do not have

any binding motif in their promoters and their expression levels consist of base expression level and noise.

For example, for a cell-cycle experiment, the foreground genes would represent the cell-cycle regulated

genes and the background genes the non-cell-cycle genes.

Table 1 shows the results of the simulation for various parameter settings for linear regression and MARS

runs with maximum allowable interactions (int) as 1 (no interactions between distinct motifs), 2 (pairwise

interactions) and 3 (third order interactions). The int=1 model contains the linear effects as well as any

self interactions of the motifs present in the data (see methods). The int>1 models capture interactions

between distinct motifs. The performance of any particular regression model is evaluated in terms of the

percent reduction in variance [4] in residuals (∆χ2) (eqn. 4). For all parameter settings, we find that

MARS with int=2 consistently outperforms the linear model or MARS with int=1.

Rows 1-4 display the performance of MARS both without and with any noise in the absence of any

background gene, and provide a baseline for comparison for all other settings. Introduction of noise has

marginal effect on the prediction accuracy in this case. We explored the effects of various parameters on

the performance of MARS with int=2. (a) Background genes: Increasing the background genes from 0-

4000, decreases the accuracy of MARS by ~9% (rows 4-8). (b) Mixture of co-regulated subgroups: One

subgroup of genes is regulated by a certain set of motifs, whereas another subgroup is regulated by a

different set of motifs. We call such disjoint motif sets motif clusters. As we increase the number of motif

clusters from 1-4, the accuracy decreases by ~5% (rows 9-12). (c) Strength of the noise: As we increase

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the noise scale factor (in eqn. 5) from 1 to 3.5, MARS accuracy decreases by ~48% (rows 12-17). This

has by far the strongest effect. Putting extra weights on the foreground genes does not help MARS to

recover the actual model (rows 18-21). The accuracy is much higher if there are no background genes

and/or no heterogeneous motif clusters (rows 22-23), even if the noise level is very high. (d) Use of

incorrect predictors: The true predictors of expression levels are binding affinities of various TFs to

DNA motifs and TF concentrations. In the regression approach, motif frequencies and weight matrix

scores are used as surrogates. To explore the effect of using incorrect predictors, we randomly removed

some true motifs from the input to MARS. Increasing the number of true motifs not included in MARS

input from 0-4 decreases the accuracy by ~14% (rows 23-26). Accuracy improves significantly if there is

no noise (row 27).

Apart from the fact that int=2 MARS performs much better than the linear and int=1 MARS, a couple of

aspects are clear from the simulations. Firstly, comparison between int=2 and int=3 MARS runs (last two

columns in Table 1) shows that overfitting by MARS is minimal and happens typically if there is a large

number of motif clusters. For instance, the accuracy sometimes can decrease with int=3 compared to

int=2. Secondly, MARS (int =2) can capture the full underlying model except for the random noise

(supplementary table 1). This is true even when the noise is the strongest.


Following the success of MARS in the simulations, we built the program MARSMotif with MARS as the

core regression tool to analyze real biological data. MARSMotif starts with a large set of candidate motifs

and prioritizes the motifs and motif pairs using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, which is a non-

parametric test. It then runs MARS with int=1, 2 and 3, with this prioritized set of motifs and pairs. Of

these three runs, the one with the maximum ∆χ2 is considered as the representative model. The third-

order interactions in the int=3 model are built from the component pairs obtained from KS test. Since the

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number of candidate motifs and motif pairs can be very large, filtering by a method like KS test is

necessary to make optimal use of MARS (see methods for details; flow chart in supplementary fig. 1).

We ran MARSMotif on yeast cell-cycle data spanning 77 experiments[3,17]. Since the simulations

suggest that a large number of background genes may lead to a lower accuracy of MARS, we applied

MARSMotif only to the expression data of the cell-cycle regulated genes (~800 genes[3]). For candidate

motifs, we used 5-7mer word counts and motifs previously reported in the literature, as obtained by

Gibbs sampling [6] and cross-species conservation [14] on the yeast promoters. A curated set of motifs

(supplementary table 2) and a set obtained by combining 5-7mer word count and cross-species

conservation were also used. The description of the various motif sets and their corresponding notation

are detailed in the methods section.

Table 2 shows the performance of MARSMotif for all these datasets. Like in simulations, the

performance is measured in terms of the percent reduction in variance of residuals (eqn. 4), averaged over

77 experiments (termed average reduction in variance, ∆χ2av). In comparison with linear regression

(REDUCE)[4] where the ∆χ2av is 9.6%, for various datasets, we find the MARSMotif ∆χ2

av varying

between 13.9-32.9%. Thus, the MARSMotif accuracy is approximately 1.5-3.5 times that of REDUCE.

Since word counts were used as predictor variables in REDUCE, we believe the true improvement lies

towards the upper end of this range. Even if we do not consider the int=1 case in our analysis, the ∆χ2av

does not change much in most cases. For most datasets, we find an improvement when interactions

between distinct motifs are included (int>1) over no interactions (int=1) in ~69-88% of the experiments.

The average increase in ∆χ2 in these cases over int=1 case is in the range ~47-96%. This is consistent

with the notion that synergy plays a key role in transcriptional regulation[2]. In the dataset with word

counts (W57), most of the interactions are accounted for by self interactions (due to the clustering of

motifs, see methods), and hence the number of experiments showing improvement with interactions is


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Significant Motifs and Motif pairs

We now turn to the significant motifs and motif combinations predicted by MARSMotif. Let us consider

the 49 min time point of the α-arrest series of experiments which lies in the G2/M phase. Table 3 shows

the MARSMotif predictions using the dataset PC as predictor variables. Mcm1 and Fkh1/2 are two key

regulators in this phase: they cooperatively drive the transcription of the genes in the CLB2 cluster[18].

Ste12 and Swi5 play an important role in early M phase[18]. We find the motifs of all these factors with

high significance. The p-values were calculated using F-test (eqn.6), adjusted for multiple testing (eqn.7).

The interaction between Mcm1 and Fkh1/2 (motif SFF’[6]) is also found to be significant. Previous

regression models[4,9] failed to identify this cooperative interaction. MCB element is typically functional

in the G1/S phase. The fact that we find this element during the G2/M phase might be due to the

secondary processes going on with the cell-cycle where this element is active. MCB-MCM1 and SFF’-

STE12 are among the other significant pairs found in this phase. The MCB-MCM1 pair was found

significant in the EC score approach[6]. The SFF’-STE12 pair has not been characterized experimentally.

However, each TF works via a common partner, MCM1, to influence cell cycle and mating response in

G2/M phase. During pseudohyphal differentiation Ste12 is critical for the cell cycle shift to G2/M[19].

So the discovery of the SFF’-STE12 pair is not unwarranted. The other motifs and motif pairs at this time

point involve one or more of the motifs discovered from the upstream regions of the genes in the MIPS

functional categories[6] (supplementary table 3).

We have found several other motif pairs as significant at different stages of the cell-cycle in α-arrest

experiments (Table 4). Some of these have already been characterized. Examples include Mcm1-Ste12

and Ace2-Swi5 pairs found in M and M/G1 phases respectively. Mcm1 and Ste12 coordinately regulate

the transcription of several genes involved in mating which peak at the G1 phase[20], whereas Ace2-

Swi5 pair regulates the M/G1 transcription of genes in SIC1 cluster[21]. ECB-SFF pair which emerges

significant in the G1/S phase is strongly implicated in several experimental findings[22,23].

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The second class of synergistic pairs discovered by MARSMotif involves regulators which are known to

participate in processes secondary to cell-cycle. Examples are Alpha2-Mcm1, Ace2-Hsf1 and SFF-Swi5

found respectively at the G1, G1 and G1/S phases. Alpha2-Mcm1 pair binds DNA as a heterodimer to

regulate transcription of mating-type specific genes in yeast[24], while Ace2-Hsf1 and SFF-Swi5 have

been implicated previously as active under stress related conditions[7].

The third class of significant pairs contains motif combinations predicted de-novo by MARSMotif.

GCR1-SWI4 and GCR1-ACE2 are two such examples. Recent studies show that Gcr1 plays a critical

role in glucose-dependent stimulation of CLN-dependent processes in the M and G1 phases[25]. Gcr1

involvement in cell-cycle regulation was studied by constructing gcr1∆cln3∆ and gcr1∆cln1∆cln2∆

strains. All gcr1∆ strains have a cell-cycle delay that predominates in G1 or M phase. Given this scenario,

we suggest that Swi4, a G1-specific regulator, and Ace2, an M-specific regulator, partner with Gcr1 in a

phase-specific manner giving rise to the significant motif combinations.

Several pairs of regulators which were predicted as significant in Ref. 7 are also found by our method.

Examples are Ace2-Fkh1/2, Smp1-Rap1, Mbp1-Ste12 and Fkh1/2-Sok2. We have also been able to

verify several pairs found significant in Ref. 6 while using the same data sets, i.e. PC and/or PW: MCB-

SFF’ (G1 phase; PC and PW), MCB-MCM1’ (time point 63; PW) and ECB-SFF (time point 70; PW) are

examples. The advantage of using MARSMotif over these methods is that we are able to assign a well-

defined phase/time points to these pairs where they are active. There are some pairs found in Ref. 6

which we could not validate with our method however. One such example is PAC-mRRPE pair. When

we evaluated the EC score of this pair using only the cell-cycle related genes, we found that the EC score

of this motif pair is much less than that of any one of the motifs taken by itself (supplementary note 2).

Hence, the PAC-mRRPE pair may not be a true cell-cycle regulator. In fact, in a recent study[26], PAC

and mRRPE have been mainly implicated in rRNA transcription and processing.

MARSMotif is able to confirm many of the classical individual motifs[18] for cell-cycle regulation which

have been predicted at correct phases in the previous computational analyses[3,4,9]. For instance, if we

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consider the curated dataset (CUR), we find the motifs for regulators Mbp1 and Swi4 significant in the

G1/S phase (e.g. time points 14 and 21), motifs for Fkh1/2 and Mcm1 significant in G2/M phase (e.g.

time points 35 and 42) and those for Ace2, Ste12 and Swi5 significant in the M/G1 phase (e.g. time point

56). Like other regression approaches[4], we find these motifs significant at some of the other phases as

well. We address this issue of varying phase specificity in the next section. Besides the classical motifs,

we also uncover some of the motifs in this and other data sets as significant which have been

characterized as important in yeast cell-cycle regulation or transcription regulation in general (Table 5).

For example, Rme1 is responsible for activating some of the cyclins in the G1 phase and can act as a

substitute for the factor SBF[27]. We find its binding motif significant at the G1/S time point 21. The

proteins Abf1, Reb1, Adr1 and Rap1 have been associated with chromosomal domain barrier

function[28]. Their corresponding motifs were determined to be functional at multiple time points near

G2 and S/G2 phases. Also the motifs corresponding to Rlm1, Sok2, Hsf1 and Msn1/2 emerge significant

at multiple time points. The results of our MARSMotif analysis for all the experiments and across all the

candidate motif sets are available on our website (

Periodic regulation of cell-cycle

Concentrations of many TFs vary periodically throughout the cell-cycle[18]. Correspondingly, one would

expect that the significance of their binding motifs and combinations thereof will vary periodically. When

an algorithm like MARSMotif or REDUCE[4] is applied to a large collection of candidate motifs, this

periodicity may not be apparent however. Several factors like p-value cut-off, strength of biochemical

signal and ongoing secondary processes are responsible for this (supplementary note 2). To see if

MARSMotif can truly capture the cell-cycle related periodicity, one needs to consider one motif, or motif

pair, at a time.

Fig. 2 shows the percent reduction of variance using MARSMotif and linear models for a single motif

(SCB element) and a motif pair (MCM1-SFF pair). In both cases, MARSMotif can clearly capture the

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periodicity. Since there are two cell-cycles and percent reduction in variance is a positive semi-definite

quantity, the time course has four peaks. Although MARSMotif and linear models are practically

identical for a single motif, MARSMotif model provides a better description for the pair. Obviously,

interactions are important in the latter which a linear model cannot account for (supplementary note 2).

Some more examples are shown in supplementary fig. 2. The exact periodic behavior ultimately depends

on the motif or motif pair under consideration, experimental set up and the quality of motifs being used.


In this paper, we have demonstrated that MARSMotif goes beyond linear regression and can successfully

model the cooperative effects of synergistic motif pairs along with linear and self-interaction effects of

the individual motifs present during transcription regulation. It can achieve much higher quantitative

accuracy than the currently available computational methods. At the same time, it can provide further

insight into the underlying biology. MARSMotif allows an easy feature selection, i.e. by selecting and

prioritizing correct motifs and motif pairs from an input set of motifs. Periodic regulation of cell-cycle

can also be seen clearly in this framework.

As we have shown, the MARSMotif approach to gene regulation can work very well for single time

points. If there are data from multiple time points, one would bypass the step involving the KS test and

construct a prioritized set of motif pairs using a method like EC scores[6,7], for instance, for input to


We have primarily focused here on pairs of interacting motifs because very little is known about higher

order combinations beyond pairing and hence difficult to compare. This method can, however, be easily

extended to obtain higher order combinations.

There are several reasons why a MARS based method like MARSMotif can improve significantly upon

the other existing methods. Firstly, the linear splines used in MARS can capture the switch-like behavior

intrinsic to synergistic control of transcription[2]. Secondly, the basis functions used in MARS, in a sense,

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can faithfully model the energetics of the underlying biochemical process as follows. The transcription

rate can be written as ][][ gDAg EKKdtEd −= , where [Eg] is the mRNA expression level corresponding

to gene g, KA is the activation rate and KD is the mRNA decay rate. Under the steady state approximation,

0][ ≈dtEd g , i.e. ( ) ( ) ( )DAg KKE loglog][log −= . Since KA ∝ pbind, the binding probability of a TF to

the DNA, which has the form of a sigmoidal function†[29], the log of pbind mimics hockey stick functions

used as basis functions in MARS. We think this is one of the key reasons why a MARS based tool can

improve significantly over a similar method that uses linear regression. Thirdly, the true predictors of

expression levels, i.e. activator concentrations and their affinities for binding to DNA, are being

approximately represented by motif occurrences (or scores). Hence, true binding and transcriptional

activation does not possibly happen unless the word count is above a non-zero threshold. Use of linear

splines can rectify such noise present in the predictor variables.

A few other potential applications of this method are quite clear. Firstly, because of its high predictive

accuracy, MARSMotif can be used to judge the quality of a motif dataset. In yeast, counts of individual

words seem to be the best set of predictor variables. However, if we consider the ease of interpretation

along with performance, combination of cross-species conservation and word counts (K57) is the optimal

choice. It is clear from both the simulations and yeast cell-cycle analysis that performance of MARS is

critically dependent on the use of correct predictor variables. Secondly, MARSMotif can also be used

with the CHIP-chip data to discover functional motifs and motif combinations. Finally, we have

established the role of MARSMotif in discovering functional elements rather than as an ab-initio motif

discovery tool. However, with some simple modifications, it can be easily extended to create an ab-initio

motif discovery tool as can be seen from application of MARSMotif using the 5-7mer word counts.

In higher eukaryotes, especially in mammals, transcriptional regulation mechanism is much more

complex [1]. Our analysis suggests that both the degenerate motifs and complex combinatorial

interactions which are strongly characteristic of higher eukaryotes are well handled by MARSMotif.

† Fermi-Dirac distribution, to be more precise.

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Furthermore, MARSMotif can analyze weight matrix scores of motifs equally well as the motif

frequencies (table 2). Using weight matrix scores is necessary in higher eukaryotes. Hence, we think the

impact of this MARS based discovery method will be much greater when applied to cis-regulatory

element discovery in more complex organisms.

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We thank Gengxin Chen for several useful discussions during the course of this work and Pavel Sumazin

for a careful reading of the manuscript. This work is supported by NIH grants GM060513 and HG001696

to MQZ.


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Figure and Table legends.

Figure 1: Basis functions in MARS. Two types of linear splines (eqn. 1) used as basis functions in MARS.

n represents the predictor variable. The points ξ1 and ξ2 are the knots (see text for definition).

Figure 2: Periodic time courses. Percent reduction in variance (%RIV) for (a) SCB element (CRCGAAA)

and (b) MCM1-SFF motif pair (data set PC; see methods) using the MARSMotif and linear models for

the alpha arrest experiments.

Table 1: Summary of simulation results. The results of simulation using MARS on a pairwise interacting

model. Linear refers to multivariate linear regression; int refers to maximum allowed interaction in

MARS. The number of foreground genes is kept at 1000 for all the parameter settings. The parameters

which are changing between successive lines are marked in bold. For the rest, please see text.

Table 2: Summary of MARSMotif results on the yeast cell-cycle data. The results of REDUCE [4] have

been quoted for purposes of comparison with linear regression models. int refers to maximum allowed

interactions in MARS. The numbers in parentheses in column 6 show how many out of 77 experiments

show an improvement. For the two cases marked with an asterisk (*), median has been quoted instead of

the average, because few cases (1 and 8 respectively) had no change in variance, i.e. ∆χ2 = 0, for int=1.

Abbreviations of the data sets are as in the text.

Table 3: Selected significant motif and motif pairs for alpha49 experiment[3]. Motif and motif pairs

(marked with a *) found significant by MARSMotif ( 01.0≤P ) using motif set PC (see text) with int=3.

int=3 is the optimal choice for alpha49 with ∆χ2 = 26.0%.

Table 4: Selected cooperative motif pairs for the alpha arrest experiments. Pairs were found significant at

optimal interaction setting (i.e. one with maximum ∆χ2), except for Gcr1-Swi4 pair which was obtained

for int=3, the ∆χ2 of which differs from the optimal setting (int=2) by only 1%. Phase indicates predicted

phase. Mult = multiple time points. For abbreviations of the data sets, please see text.

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Table 5: Select set of significant motifs for the alpha arrest experiments. Notations are as in table 4.