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Integration Deep Dive Between SAP ERP & SuccessFactors EC March 2019 – David Bann & Reginald Makola

Integration Deep Dive Between SAP ERP & SuccessFactors EC

Jan 02, 2022



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Integrat ion Deep Dive Between SAP ERP & SuccessFactors EC

M a r c h 2 0 1 9 – D a v i d B a n n & R e g i n a l d M a k o l a

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A ge n d a

Introduction to Integration

What Does “Seamless Integration” Really Mean?

Defining Integration Scope

HCM Consideration

Data Readiness

Lessons Learnt

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MigrationGet data from source into SF

SF config (field lengths, types, picklists, etc)

Number range considerations

ReplicationThe automation of data transfer between

SF and other HR systems

I n t ro d u c t i o n t o I n t e g ra t i o n

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I n t ro d u c t i o n t o I n t e g ra t i o n

Integration Models

• Core Hybrid (EC required)

• Talent Hybrid (EC not required)

• Side by Side (EC required)

• Full Cloud

Each customer is different. We will focus on core hybrid for this session.

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What Does “Seamless Integration” Really Mean?

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SuccessFactors Employee Central








W h a t Yo u E x p e c t

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SAP Cloud Connector


SAP Cloud Platform Integration

SuccessFactors Employee Central


Query Web Service

Query Response Web Service

Confirmation Web Service

Query Response Web Service







W h a t Yo u G e t

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W h a t S A P O f fe rs

Rapid deployment is enabled by SAP through the following:

• SAP Cloud Platform Integration – Standard iFlows

• Business Integration Builder (ERP) Sample Mappings

Start integration early in the project – don’t leave until last!

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D e f i n i n g I n t e g ra t i o n S c o p e - M i g ra t i o n

Migration – Population Groups

• Active, terminated, pensioners, hourly, salaried, etc.

• At info-type / portlet level (and down to field level)

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D e f i n i n g I n t e g ra t i o n S c o p e - Re p l i c a t i o n

In most cases replication from SuccessFactors EC to SAP ERP is mainly to support payroll. Before mapping commences, business should identify all the relevant data needed for payroll. For example, data regarding emergency contacts is not required for payroll to run, therefore there is no need to replicate this data.

NB try to keep it as clean and simple as possible.

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D e f i n i n g I n t e g ra t i o n S c o p e

Splitting info-types (NO!)

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S A P H C M C o n s i d e ra t i o n s

After mapping you may need to take following into consideration:

• Existing features

• Number ranges

• Field limitations

• User-exits / BAdi’s

• Payroll control records

• Authorizations

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E x i s t i n g Fe a t u re s

Within SAP there are various features which drive or limit how data is created during replication. The features in use could differ from client to client. Some features to taken into consideration:

• NUMKR – Number range assignment when hiring a new employee for Infotype 0000

• ABKRS – Payroll area assignment for Infotype0001

Features are triggered during replication!

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N u m b e r R a n ge s

• When replicating from SF EC to SAP you need to define an external number range which aligns between SF EC and SAP for employees, positions, departments, etc. The next available number should be configured in SF EC for Go Live.

• If your company is a global company and a phased roll out to SF EC is implemented, internal and external number ranges will have to be assigned to accommodate the countries not yet in SF EC as employees, positions and departments will still have to be maintained in SAP.

Feature NUMKR for employee numbers is used to drive this.

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F i e l d L i m i t a t i o n s

During the SF EC workshops the field limitations of SAP and preconfigured values in SAP should not be forgotten. Having visibility of these limitations during workshop discussion and incorporating this into the SF EC design helps with the replication in the following way:

• Where preconfigured values exist in SAP and the picklist code in EC can be the same, no value mapping table is required i.e. one-to-one (low maintenance)

• SAP fields have predefined field lengths for example position title has a limitation of 40 characters (SF can be much longer)

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U s e r - E x i t s / B A d i ’s

• The “old-school” user exits are NOT triggered during replication

• If you want to use user-exits during replication, you must implement the new info-type framework

• Document existing user-exit functionality, and decide which will be required after SF go-live.

• Don’t keep user-exits “because it’s always been there”

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A u t h o r i za t i o n s

When SF EC becomes the master system where employee/foundation data originates from, the SAP authorizations need to be revisited to prevent users from creating/editing the data which should originate in SF EC directly in SAP.

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D a t a Re a d i n e s s

Everyone thinks that their data is “clean” because their payroll runs smoothly. Wrong! Don’t under estimate!• Is your org/enterprise structure clearly defined and

clearly mapped to how SF does things?• Emergency contacts – different people use different

fields to save data• Will you migrate outdated input values? If not, is

your data “clean” of old values?• You don’t know what you don’t know, so start

testing early!

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L e s s o n s L e a r n e d

• Start migration/replication tests early (this helps with data readiness & technical challenges)

• Event and event reasons mapped to SAP actions and action reasons (new reason needed for cut-over)

• Consider payroll control record status

• Don’t assume that SF works like ERP (e.g., org structure, personnel area/subarea, etc.)

• Cost Center naming conventions and assignments

• Think about SF data validation requirements

• ABAP skills required for BAdi development

• Keep an eye on integration patch PA_SE_IN

• Test, test, test!

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S t a r t I n t e g ra t i o n Ea r l y

• For migration, test with a representative population group – 100 to 300 employees covering salaried, hourly, pensioners, disabilities, etc.

• These tests will drive your data readiness• Questions may arise that require business

decisions or business process changes• If migration is looking good, then 90% of the job

is done• Replication can still have unique problems, so

don’t leave this to last

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Eve n t s & Eve n t Re a s o n s

Where data is migrated from SAP HCM to SF EC, you need to create an action and/or action reason to which you can map the employees during the initial replication for Go Live.

In EC they will be loaded with event “New Hire” but create an event reason specifically for these migrated employees to allow you to map them to an org assignment/ data migration type action in SAP as they are not new hires in SAP.

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Pay ro l l C o nt ro l Re c o rd s

• The Payroll Control Record defines the current payroll period and payroll past for retroactive accounting.

• It locks the SAP-HR Master Data against changes during a payroll run, which applies for the payroll past and payroll present. Changes that affect the future are still possible.

• It defines the greatest earliest retroactive accounting period.

• Ensure this has been set to Exit Payroll before Go live replication starts

• Changes made in SF EC should take into account the payroll control record dates.

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D o n ’ t A s s u m e : E .G . Pe rs o n n e l A re a & S u b a re a

Where location maps to Personnel area in SAP and the location was linked to multiple legal entities in SF EC you will have to create a unique personnel area per legal entity in SAP as SAP does not allow multiple legal entities against a personnel area.

In this instance, you will have to create mapping combinations to link the employee to the correct SAP personnel area.


EC location code

EC location text EC Legal Entity SAP PA code SAP PA text SAP Legal Entity

AB01 Johannesburg 1234 AB01 Johannesburg 1234

AB01 Johannesburg 5678 AB02 Johannesburg 5678

AB01 Johannesburg 9876 AB03 Johannesburg 9876

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C o st C e n t e rs

Cost centers generally reside with and originates from the Finance team.

The format for replication from EC back to SAP should be:

• Length must be 14 characters

• Format = 12340003456789

- 1234 = SAP Controlling area

- 0003456789 = SAP Cost center

• Where a cost center is alpha numeric with spaces, the space counts as a character and is not filled with zeros

– 12340050 A1-67

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D a t a Va l i d a t i o n

• Where possible, business rules or some logic in EC should be considered to limit user error

Example: Combination of employee class and employee type in EC is mapped to employee group/subgroup in SAP. Users would normally select an incorrect employee type/class combination

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B u s i n e s s A d d - I n s ( B A d I )

The Business Integration Builder allows for custom extensibility however If you are going to use any BAdI implementation, A recommendation is that you read the payload and then perform your custom enchantments (based on your business requirements or you can also read the data from the infotype data).

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Pa t c h L e ve l s

Quarterly patches are released for integration component PA_SE_IN – keep an eye on these

patches as they often include fixes to integration challenges – there is a lot of work

going on around integration, so take advantage!

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Te st , t e s t , t e s t … …

End-to-end testing is key to the success of any integration implementation. Testing should not stop when you can see the data has been created, you need to transact with the replicated data in the receiving system to ensure all “hidden” data elements has been created.

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David Bann - K5 Business082 460 [email protected]

Reginald Makola – NGA HR079 611 [email protected]

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