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Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel

Mar 02, 2018



Jenalyn Dequina
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  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel




    Presented by:


    Presented to:

    NORMA L. RAGUINE, DPAProfessor, Urbn ! De"e#o$%ent

    Ramon Magsaysay Technological University

    Iba, Zambales

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    Inte&rted Rur# '(nn)(n& *IR'+ Pro&r% - Introduced as a pilot financing project in1983, IRF uses the )red(t#(ne $$ro)-to financing smallholder agriculture. It is jointlymanaged by the griculture !redit "olicy !ouncil #!"!$ and the %and &an' of the"hilippines and has t(o distinct features)

    (1) a comprehensive credit-line type of financing open to rural banks

    and cooperatives through the Land Banks rediscounting window;


    () an institutional-development component focused on organi!ingand strengthening small farmers groups"

    #he latter component is implemented through $%&s" #he farmers are

    trained in basic enterprise management and bookkeeping skills and'

    more important' value formation' prior to actual availment of bank credit"

    I*+R+ R/R% FI**!I* "R0R #IRF$

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    #he * is sponsored by the LB+' , and .+." t provides financing through rural

    financial institutions to enhance the production income and repayment capacity of

    organi!ed small farmers and fishers" /ligible conduits for this program are ruralfinancial institutions such as rural banks' cooperative rural banks' private

    development banks' and cooperatives while end-borrowers are small farmers and


    +he IRF2s objecties are as follo(s)

    (1) to support multiple and diversified farming systems and integrated farm

    financing to spread risks in lending;

    () to encourage development of viable small home or rural industries linked to

    the main livelihood of the community or farm household; and

    (0) to simplify and systemati!e the lending process between banks and


    I*+R+ R/R% FI**!I* "R0R #IRF$

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    Follo(ing the transfer of superision of IRF from !entral &an' to %and &an' in

    1989, some changes (ere made. Instead of the old strategy of granting special

    time deposits #4+s$ to rural financial institutions #RFIs$, the modified IRF uses

    the %and &an'2s rediscounting (indo( to proide loans. +his means that the rural

    ban's and cooperaties hae to originate promissory notes (hich they then

    rediscount (ith the %and &an'. +he old approach placed 4+s at the disposal of

    the ban's (hich they in turn lent to small borro(ers. nother significantmodification in the IRF is the institution-building component. Farmers are

    organi5ed into groups and cooperaties in order to facilitate credit deliery by the

    %and &an'. 6hile the old IRF lent to indiidual farmer-borro(ers, the modified IRF

    recogni5es the role of *0s in preparing and training farmers in credit

    management and uses group lending as a strategy to delier credit to farmers.

    I*+R+ R/R% FI**!I* "R0R #IRF$

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    recent ealuation done by the !"! #1997$ reealed that the rural

    financial institutions #RFIs$ participating in the IRF increased their clientoutreach as eidenced by a significant gro(th in the number of agricultural

    borro(ers. lso, compared to other lending schemes, IRF lending is more


    summary report of the program as of end 1991 follo(s)- lent a total of " I .8 billion since the ne( program started

    - approed a total of almost " I. billion in credit lines

    - sered 119,:; farmer beneficiaries through 33< RFIs and

    - consistently e=hibited a near 1

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    0ther obseration made are %&"2s loan portfolio targets hae largely

    influenced program performance and led to proision of loans tocooperaties that do not hae ade>uate social and institutional preparation.

    +he institutional-building component has no policy for graduation of

    cooperaties and lac's standardi5ed tool for assessing training needs of

    cooperaties and measuring the impact of cooperatie training. +he

    monitoring system is heaily oriented to(ard outreach and loandisbursements, paying ery little attention to performance indicators of

    potential operational and structural problems.

    I*+R+ R/R% FI**!I* "R0R #IRF$

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    +he oerall program performance sho(s that IRF (as able to reach poorrural households. %oan repayment rate (as high at the start of the program

    but (as not sustained oer time. 0erall saings-to-loans outstanding ratio

    is lo(, reflecting poor deposit mobili5ation efforts among cooperaties. ost

    cooperaties e=hibit either mediocre or lo(-leel financial performance. +he

    cost of implementation has been on the lo( side, not(ithstanding its

    nation(ide coerage. +he sustainability of IRF loan funds cannot be

    determined haing been mi=ed (ith other %&" funds.

    I*+R+ R/R% FI**!I* "R0R #IRF$

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    +he study suggested the follo(ing to improe the program)

    1. Reie( the program objecties7. nsure loan repayment by haing 5ero tolerance for loan


    3. Reise the monitoring system

    :. efine the policy frame(or' for graduation of cooperaties. eelop standard tools for assessing the training needs of


    ;. eelop and promote saings and loan products that are suitable to

    client needs and preferences

    I*+R+ R/R% FI**!I* "R0R #IRF$

  • 7/26/2019 Integrated Rural Financing Program (Irf) - Rhennel


    ?. Reie( current administratie superision by %&"

    8. +ap e=perienced serice proiders in ie( of limited capacity of currentserice proiders, or build the latter2s capacity through an incentie system

    9. !onduct an internal reie( of staff caseloads
