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Insulation Market Segment Monitoring. Stone Wool, Glass Wool, EPS, XPS January - December 2012 Ukraine

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)

Jan 17, 2017



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Page 1: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring.

Stone Wool, Glass Wool, EPS, XPSJanuary - December 2012


Page 2: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation market structure Jan-Dec 2012, m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Page 3: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation market structure by month 2012, m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Page 4: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Total Internal Market* of Ukraine by type of insulation material,




Jan-Dec 2011 Jan-Dec 2012 Growth,




in p.p.,



ths. m3Share, %


ths. m3Share, %

EPS 2 417,7 34,0% 2 662,7 33,4% 10,1% -0,6%

XPS 377,4 5,3% 419,9 5,3% 11,3% 0,0%

Stone wool 2 066,0 29,0% 2 559,3 32,1% 23,9% 3,1%

Glass wool 2 259,7 31,7% 2 334,2 29,3% 3,3% -2,5%

TOTAL 7 120,7 100% 7 976,0 100% 12,0% -

*market=internal sales including import excluding export

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

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Jan-Dec 2011 Jan-Dec 2012Growth,




in p.p.,


tonsShare, %


tonsShare, %

TechnoNICOL 36 435,9 27,2% 47 455,8 29,7% 30,2% 2,5%

Termolife 16 518,7 12,3% 25 559,4 16,0% 54,7% 3,6%

IZOVAT 20 846,6 15,6% 23 825,2 14,9% 14,3% -0,7%

ROCKWOOL 17 239,3 12,9% 18 413,0 11,5% 6,8% -1,4%

URSA 8 676,4 6,5% 8 917,3 5,6% 2,8% -0,9%


(GW)8 440,5 6,3% 8 653,9 5,4% 2,5% -0,9%

ISOVER 8 220,4 6,1% 7 834,9 4,9% -4,7% -1,2%

DANOVA 4 165,6 3,1% 7 025,1 4,4% 68,6% 1,3%

PAROC 3 005,6 2,2% 3 825,8 2,4% 27,3% 0,1%

Master 3 917,6 2,9% 3 709,5 2,3% -5,3% -0,6%

BELTEP 3 559,1 2,7% 1 751,6 1,1% -50,8% -1,6%


(SW)903,8 0,7% 860,6 0,5% -4,8% -0,1%

Others SW 1 517,5 1,1% 1 462,8 0,9% -3,6% -0,2%

Others GW 542,3 0,4% 752,0 0,5% 38,7% 0,1%

TOTAL 133 989,5 100% 160 046,8 100% 19,4% -

Total SW/GW Internal market* of Ukraine by brand, tonsSource: Agency of Industrial Marketing

*market=internal sales including import excluding export

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

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Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Structure of total SW**/GW Internal market* of Ukraine

Jan-Dec 2012, tons

*market=internal sales including import excluding export

** Without production BTV/BSTV

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Page 7: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Total SW/GW Internal market* of Ukraine by brand, ths.m3

*market=internal sales including import excluding exportSource: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012


Jan-Dec 2011 Jan-Dec 2012Growth,




in p.p.,


ths. m3Share, %


ths. m3Share, %

TechnoNICOL 729,8 16,9% 1 072,4 21,9% 46,9% 5,0%

URSA 776,3 17,9% 799,2 16,3% 2,9% -1,6%


(GW)688,9 15,9% 746,9 15,3% 8,4% -0,7%

ISOVER 752,2 17,4% 722,4 14,8% -4,0% -2,6%

Termolife 312,8 7,2% 415,8 8,5% 32,9% 1,3%

ROCKWOOL 365,5 8,5% 359,8 7,4% -1,6% -1,1%

IZOVAT 346,0 8,0% 357,8 7,3% 3,4% -0,7%

DANOVA 78,8 1,8% 137,6 2,8% 74,5% 1,0%

Master 108,8 2,5% 103,0 2,1% -5,3% -0,4%

PAROC 42,4 1,0% 51,5 1,1% 21,6% 0,1%

BELTEP 39,5 0,9% 24,3 0,5% -38,5% -0,4%


(SW)16,1 0,4% 10,8 0,2% -32,8% -0,2%

Others SW 26,1 0,6% 26,2 0,5% 0,4% -0,1%

Others GW 42,2 1,0% 65,7 1,3% 55,5% 0,4%

TOTAL 4 325,6 100% 4 893,4 100% 13,1% -

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Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Structure of total SW**/GW Internal market* of Ukraine

Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

*market=internal sales including import excluding export

** Without production BTV/BSTV

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Page 9: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 20129

BRAND Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

TechnoNICOL 1 778 1 822 2 376 3 275 4 523 3 664 4 952 6 062 6 101 5 478 4 670 2 755 47 456

Termolife 839 1 082 1 605 1 609 2 544 1 907 2 669 2 763 3 151 2 337 2 830 2 223 25 559

IZOVAT 692 1 157 1 569 1 962 3 093 2 012 2 616 2 186 2 166 2 283 2 032 2 057 23 825

ROCKWOOL 660 832 992 1 531 2 359 1 502 1 858 2 137 2 107 1 945 1 473 1 107 14 413

DANOVA 390 503 617 660 150 220 360 480 560 975 1 130 980 7 025

PAROC 190 173 168 283 425 259 325 343 389 628 387 255 3 826

Master 139 169 221 286 376 286 292 373 443 420 375 330 3 710

BELTEP 68 92 246 161 189 157 127 79 128 249 159 97 1 752


INSULATION (SW)12 22 69 201 36 42 67 44 126 122 81 39 861

Others 74 65 100 115 138 134 228 161 116 118 90 108 1 463

TOTAL 4 842 5 918 7 961 10 084 13 831 10 184 13 509 14 629 15 197 14 554 13 227 9 952 133 889

Dynamics of total SW Internal market* of Ukraine by

brand in 2012, tons

* market=internal sales including import excluding export

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Page 10: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Structure of total SW** Internal market* of Ukraine by

brand in 2012, tons

*market=internal sales including import excluding export

** Without production BTV/BSTV

Page 11: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 201211

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Dynamics of total SW Internal market* of Ukraine by

brand in 2012, ths.m3

BRAND Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

TechnoNICOL 38,7 40,2 53,7 73,9 102,4 84,2 115,0 144,0 140,9 121,2 100,7 57,5 1 072,4

Termolife 13,5 16,4 24,2 25,4 42,2 29,7 43,2 46,3 52,4 40,4 46,1 36,1 415,8

ROCKWOOL 16,9 18,8 21,8 28,5 37,1 30,9 38,8 40,8 36,3 37,5 29,4 23,0 359,8

IZOVAT 10,9 17,4 24,1 29,1 45,5 32,4 39,9 33,2 31,7 33,0 30,1 30,4 357,8

DANOVA 7,7 9,7 12,2 13,0 3,1 4,4 7,2 9,2 10,8 18,8 22,2 19,3 137,6

Master 3,9 4,7 6,1 7,9 10,4 7,9 8,2 10,4 12,3 11,7 10,4 9,2 103,0

PAROC 2,6 3,0 2,3 3,5 5,2 3,4 4,7 4,1 5,1 8,2 5,5 3,8 51,5

BELTEP 1,1 1,1 3,2 2,2 2,5 2,1 1,9 1,5 2,0 3,3 2,2 1,3 24,3




0,2 0,3 0,9 2,5 0,4 0,5 0,8 0,6 1,6 1,5 1,0 0,5 10,8

Others 1,3 1,2 1,8 2,2 2,7 2,5 3,9 3,0 2,1 2,1 1,7 1,9 26,2

TOTAL 96,8 112,8 150,2 188,2 251,6 198,1 263,5 293,2 295,1 277,5 249,3 182,9 2 559,3

* market=internal sales including import excluding export

Page 12: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Structure of total SW** Internal market* of Ukraine by

brand in 2012, ths.m3

*market=internal sales including import excluding export

** Without production BTV/BSTV

Page 13: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Total import, ton

Total import of stone wool (SW) Jan-Dec 2012 – 25 386,4 tons, glasswool (GW) – 26 319,1 tons.

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

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Total import of stone wool (SW) Jan-Dec 2012 – 454,3 ths.m3, glasswool (GW) – 2 348,1 ths.m3.

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Total import, ths.m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

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Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of SW Import by month, 2012 compared to

2011, tons

Page 16: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of SW Import by month, 2012 compared to

2011, ths.m3

Page 17: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Brand Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

ROCKWOOL 663 833 992 1 531 2 359 1 513 1 859 2 137 2 019 1 945 1 473 1 108 18 431

PAROC 190 173 168 283 425 260 325 343 389 628 387 262 3 833

BELTEP 68 92 246 161 189 157 129 79 128 249 159 97 1 753


INSULATION (SW)12 22 69 201 36 42 69 44 126 122 82 39 865

Others 24 15 40 35 38 44 114 51 36 48 25 33 504

TOTAL 957 1 135 1 514 2 212 3 047 2 016 2 496 2 655 2 697 2 992 2 126 1 539 25 386

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of import of SW by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, tons

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

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Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Import structure of SW by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, tons

Page 19: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of SW Import Structure by brand,

Jan-Dec 2012/2011, tons

Page 20: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Brand Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

ROCKWOOL 17,0 18,8 21,8 28,5 37,1 31,0 38,8 40,8 36,4 37,5 29,4 23,0 360,0

PAROC 2,6 3,0 2,3 3,5 5,2 3,4 4,7 4,1 5,1 8,2 5,5 3,9 51,6

BELTEP 1,1 1,1 3,2 2,2 2,5 2,1 1,9 1,5 2,0 3,3 2,2 1,3 24,4




0,2 0,3 0,9 2,5 0,4 0,5 0,9 0,6 1,6 1,5 1,0 0,5 10,9

Others 0,4 0,2 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,7 1,4 0,9 0,6 0,7 0,4 0,4 7,5

TOTAL 21,2 23,4 28,8 37,4 45,7 37,8 47,7 47,9 45,6 51,1 38,6 29,0 454,3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of import of SW by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

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Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Import structure of SW by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

Page 22: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of SW Import Structure by brand,

Jan-Dec 2012/2011, ths.m3

Page 23: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Import SW by country of producer, Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

Page 24: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Brand Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

TechnoNICOL 638 683 960 1 165 1 706 1 460 2 087 2 974 2 355 1 703 1 257 671 17 659

IZOVAT 303 330 511 595 700 922 750 702 461 398 471 418 6 561

Termolife 177 208 291 237 688 376 526 567 633 763 597 332 5 394

DANOVA 14 8 34 24 21 14 24 0 0 0 39 40 218

Minmat Reverberi 2 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34

Master 0 0 0 0 0 0,6 15,2 1,9 0,6 0 3,8 3,6 25,7

ROCKWOOL 3,3 0,5 0 0 0 11 1,4 0 1,8 0 0 0,4 18,1


INSULATION (SW)0 0 0,1 0 0 0 2,2 0 0 0,5 1,3 0 4,1

BELTEP 0 0 0 0 0 1,9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,9

PAROC 0 0 0 0 0 0,4 0 0 0 0 0 6,8 7,2

Others 0 0 0 0 0,9 0 0,5 0 0 0 0 0 1,4

TOTAL 1 137 1 229 1 796 2 021 3 147 2 738 3 408 4 245 3 451 2 864 2 370 1 473 29 924

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Dynamics of export of SW by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, tons

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Page 25: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Export structure of SW by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, tons

Page 26: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Export structure of SW by country of destination, Jan-Dec

2012, tons

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Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Dynamics of GW Import by month, 2012 compared to

2011, tons

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Page 28: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Dynamics of GW Import by month, 2012 compared to

2011, ths.m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

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Dynamics of total GW Market*

(comprises imports only) by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, tons

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Brand Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

URSA 483 696 859 860 617 865 367 624 873 1 013 671 990 8 917


INSULATION (GW)670 828 1 158 834 823 525 986 689 236 392 625 888 8 654

ISOVER 253 401 678 926 513 582 733 752 629 708 1 079 581 7 835

Chinese producers 0 14 13 11 8 30 64 43 18 4 0 7 211

Others 13 11 6 4 16 29 57 62 93 72 110 68 541

TOTAL 1 420 1 950 2 715 2 634 1 976 2 031 2 207 2 169 1 849 2 188 2 485 2 534 26 158

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

* market= including import excluding export

Page 30: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Structure of total GW Market*

(comprises imports only) by brands Jan-Dec 2012, tons

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

* market= including import excluding export

Page 31: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Dynamics of Total GW Market* (comprises imports only)

by brand, Jan-Dec 2012/2011, tons

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

* market= including import excluding export

Page 32: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Dynamics of total GW Market*

(comprises imports only) by brand, Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Brand Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

URSA 45,4 63,4 69,6 73,4 53,4 81,0 34,5 55,8 82,0 90,7 60,9 88,8 799,2




54,4 68,5 91,7 67,9 78,9 50,0 83,4 61,5 20,1 34,1 56,0 80,4 746,9

ISOVER 24,2 35,4 63,1 86,1 46,7 53,8 66,6 68,5 59,1 65,7 99,0 54,2 722,4


producers0,0 1,2 1,1 0,9 0,6 2,5 5,3 3,6 1,5 0,3 0 0,5 17,6

Others 0,9 1,1 0,5 0,3 1,3 2,4 5,2 5,4 8,2 6,8 10,1 5,9 48,1

TOTAL 124,9 169,6 226,4 228,6 180,9 189,7 195,0 194,8 170,8 197,6 226,0 229,9 2 334,2

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

* market= including import excluding export

Page 33: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Structure of total GW Market*

(comprises imports only) by brands Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

* market= including import excluding export

Page 34: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Dynamics of Total GW Market* (comprises imports only)

by brand, Jan-Dec 2012/2011, ths.m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

* market= including import excluding export

Page 35: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)


Source: Agency of Industrial Marketing

Import GW by country of producer, Jan-Dec 2012, ths.m3

Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

Page 36: Insulation Market Segment Monitoring (2012)



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Insulation Market Segment Monitoring, Jan-Dec 2012

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