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Oracle® Analytics Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server 5.5.0 F27232-03 March 2020

Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server · This document describes how to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server. • Audience • Documentation Accessibility •

Jun 03, 2020



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Page 1: Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server · This document describes how to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server. • Audience • Documentation Accessibility •

Oracle® AnalyticsInstalling and Configuring Oracle AnalyticsServer

5.5.0F27232-03March 2020

Page 2: Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server · This document describes how to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server. • Audience • Documentation Accessibility •

Oracle Analytics Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server, 5.5.0


Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Vanaja Guruprasad

Contributing Authors: Christine Jacobs, Hemala Vivek

Contributors: Oracle Analytics Server development, product management, and quality assurance teams

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Page 3: Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server · This document describes how to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server. • Audience • Documentation Accessibility •



Audience vi

Documentation Accessibility vi

Conventions vi

1 About the Oracle Analytics Server Installation

Introduction to Installing a Production Environment 1-1

Using the Standard Installation Topology as a Starting Point 1-1

About the Oracle Analytics Server Standard Installation Topology 1-2

About Elements in the Standard Installation Topology Illustration 1-2

About the Oracle Analytics Server Installation Topology for EnterpriseDeployment 1-3

2 Preparing to Install and Configure Oracle Analytics Server

Roadmap for Installing and Configuring a Standard Installation Topology 2-1

Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment 2-3

Verify Certification, System, and Interoperability Requirements 2-4

Selecting an Installation User 2-4

About User Permissions 2-5

About Non-Default User Permissions on Linux or UNIX Operating Systems 2-7

About the Directories for Installation and Configuration 2-7

About the Recommended Directory Structure 2-7

About the Oracle Home Directory 2-8

About the Domain Home Directory 2-9

About the Application Home Directory 2-10

Installing Multiple Products in the Same Domain 2-10

Preparing for Shared Storage 2-11

About JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation 2-11

About Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation 2-12

Obtaining the Product Distribution 2-12

About Product Distributions 2-12


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Verifying Whether EndPoint URLs are Resolving to a Fully Qualified Domain Name 2-13

3 Installing the Oracle Analytics Server Software

Verifying the Installation Checklist 3-1

Starting the Installation Program 3-3

Navigating the Installation Screens 3-3

Verifying the Installation 3-4

Reviewing the Installation Log Files 3-4

Checking the Directory Structure 3-4

Viewing the Contents of the Oracle Home 3-5

Installing Libraries Required for Machine Learning in Oracle Analytics Server 3-5

4 Configuring Oracle Analytics Server

About the Configuration Assistant 4-1

Configuration Assistant Prerequisites 4-1

Creating the Database Schemas 4-2

Installing and Configuring a Certified Database 4-2

Starting the Repository Creation Utility 4-2

Navigating the Repository Creation Utility Screens to Create Schemas 4-3

Introducing the RCU 4-3

Selecting a Method of Schema Creation 4-3

Providing Database Connection Details 4-4

Specifying Schema Passwords 4-4

Completing Schema Creation 4-4

Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domain with the Configuration Assistant 4-5

5 Next Steps After Configuring the Domain

Performing Basic Administrative Tasks 5-1

Performing Additional Domain Configuration Tasks 5-2

Preparing Your Environment for High Availability 5-3

Configuring Oracle Analytics Server With Fusion Middleware Products in the SameInstallation 5-4

6 Uninstalling or Reinstalling Oracle Analytics Server

Removing Your Database Schemas 6-1

Uninstalling the Software 6-2

Starting the Uninstall Wizard 6-2

Selecting the Product to Uninstall 6-2


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Navigating the Uninstall Wizard Screens 6-2

Removing the Oracle Home Directory Manually 6-3

Removing the Domain and Application Data 6-3

Reinstalling the Software 6-4

A Troubleshooting the Installation of Oracle Analytics Server

Starting the Oracle Analytics Server Instance A-1

Installing Oracle Analytics Server with Oracle Database Release A-1

B Updating the JDK After Installing and Configuring an Oracle FusionMiddleware Product

About Updating the JDK Location After Installing an Oracle Fusion MiddlewareProduct B-1

Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Oracle Home B-2

Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Domain Home B-3


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This document describes how to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server.

• Audience

• Documentation Accessibility

• Conventions

AudienceThis guide is intended for system administrators or application developers who areinstalling and configuring Oracle Analytics Server. It is assumed that readers arefamiliar with web technologies and have a general understanding of Linux or UNIXplatform.

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit you are hearing impaired.

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



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Videos and Images

Your company can use skins and styles to customize the look of the application,dashboards, reports, and other objects. It is possible that the videos and imagesincluded in the product documentation look different than the skins and styles yourcompany uses.

Even if your skins and styles are different than those shown in the videos and images,the product behavior and techniques shown and demonstrated are the same.



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1About the Oracle Analytics ServerInstallation

The standard installation for Oracle Analytics Server described in this guide createsthe standard topology, which represents a sample starting topology for this product.This guide explains how to install Oracle Analytics Server on your local system usingyour on-premises hardware.

• Introduction to Installing a Production EnvironmentThis guide describes how to use Oracle Analytics Server distribution to install andconfigure a standard installation topology as a starting point for a productionenvironment.

• Using the Standard Installation Topology as a Starting PointThe standard installation topology is a flexible topology that you can use as astarting point in production environments.

Introduction to Installing a Production EnvironmentThis guide describes how to use Oracle Analytics Server distribution to install andconfigure a standard installation topology as a starting point for a productionenvironment.

To install Oracle Analytics Server in a production environment, Oracle recommendsthat you download, install, and configure Oracle Analytics Server on a single host, byfollowing the instructions given in this guide.

Using the Standard Installation Topology as a Starting PointThe standard installation topology is a flexible topology that you can use as a startingpoint in production environments.

The information in this guide helps you to create a standard installation topology forOracle Analytics Server. If required, you can later extend the standard installationtopology to create a secure and highly available production environment, see NextSteps After Configuring the Domain.

The standard installation topology represents a sample topology for this product. It isnot the only topology that this product supports. See About the Standard InstallationTopology in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

• About the Oracle Analytics Server Standard Installation TopologyThis topology represents a standard WebLogic Server domain that contains anAdministration Server and a cluster that contains a Managed Server.

• About Elements in the Standard Installation Topology IllustrationThe standard installation topology typically includes common elements.


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• About the Oracle Analytics Server Installation Topology for Enterprise DeploymentThis topology represents an enterprise configuration that contains anAdministration Server configured in a separate domain than the Managed Server.The Administration Server has a per domain Node Manager and each host in theManaged Server domain has a per domain Node Manager.

About the Oracle Analytics Server Standard Installation TopologyThis topology represents a standard WebLogic Server domain that contains anAdministration Server and a cluster that contains a Managed Server.

The following figure shows the standard installation topology for Oracle AnalyticsServer.

Figure 1-1 Oracle Analytics Server Standard Installation Topology

About Elements in the Standard Installation Topology IllustrationThe standard installation topology typically includes common elements.

Chapter 1Using the Standard Installation Topology as a Starting Point


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The following table describes all elements of the topology illustration:

Table 1-1 Description of Elements in Standard Installation Topologies

Element Description and Links to Related Documentation

APPHOST A standard term used in Oracle documentation to referto the machine that hosts the application tier.

DBHOST A standard term used in Oracle documentation to referto the machine that hosts the database.

WebLogic Domain A logically related group of Java components (in thiscase, the Administration Server, Managed Servers, andother related software components).See What Is an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain? inUnderstanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Administration Server Central control entity of a WebLogic domain. It maintainsconfiguration objects for that domain and distributesconfiguration changes to Managed Servers.See What Is the Administration Server? inUnderstanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Enterprise Manager The Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion MiddlewareControl is a primary tool used to manage a domain.See Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion MiddlewareControl in Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Cluster A collection of multiple WebLogic Server instancesrunning simultaneously and working together.See Overview of Managed Servers and ManagedServer Clusters in Understanding Oracle FusionMiddleware.

Machine A logical representation of the computer that hosts oneor more WebLogic Server instances (servers). Machinesare also the logical glue between the Managed Serversand the Node Manager. In order to start or stop theManaged Servers using the Node Manager, associatethe Managed Servers with a machine.

Managed Server A host for your applications, application components,web services, and their associated resources.See Overview of Managed Servers and ManagedServer Clusters in Understanding Oracle FusionMiddleware.

Infrastructure A collection of services that include the following:• Metadata repository (MDS) contains the metadata

for Oracle Fusion Middleware components, such asthe Oracle Application Developer Framework. See What Is the Metadata Repository? in UnderstandingOracle Fusion Middleware.

• Oracle Application Developer Framework (OracleADF).

• Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM).

About the Oracle Analytics Server Installation Topology for EnterpriseDeployment

This topology represents an enterprise configuration that contains an AdministrationServer configured in a separate domain than the Managed Server. The Administration

Chapter 1Using the Standard Installation Topology as a Starting Point


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Server has a per domain Node Manager and each host in the Managed Server domainhas a per domain Node Manager.

The following figure shows the Oracle Analytics Server topology for EnterpriseDeployment.

Figure 1-2 Oracle Analytics Server Installation Topology for EnterpriseDeployment

Chapter 1Using the Standard Installation Topology as a Starting Point


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2Preparing to Install and Configure OracleAnalytics Server

To prepare for your Oracle Analytics Server installation, verify that your system meetsthe basic requirements, then obtain the correct installation software.

• Roadmap for Installing and Configuring a Standard Installation TopologyThis roadmap provides the steps required to install and configure a standardOracle Analytics Server installation topology.

• Roadmap for Verifying Your System EnvironmentBefore you begin the installation and configuration process, you must verify yoursystem environment.

• Obtaining the Product DistributionYou can obtain the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and Oracle AnalyticsServer distribution on the Download page for Oracle Analytics Server.

• About Product DistributionsYou create the initial Oracle Analytics Server domain using the Oracle FusionMiddleware Infrastructure distribution, which contains both Oracle WebLogicServer software and Oracle Java Required Files (JRF) software.

• Verifying Whether EndPoint URLs are Resolving to a Fully Qualified DomainNameBefore you install Oracle Analytics Server, you must make sure that the EndPointURLs resolves to a FQDN or you use the Frontend Load Balancer for server-sideconfiguration.

Roadmap for Installing and Configuring a StandardInstallation Topology

This roadmap provides the steps required to install and configure a standard OracleAnalytics Server installation topology.

The standard installation roadmap provides the high-level steps required for installinga standard installation topology.

Table 2-1 Standard Installation Roadmap

Task Description Documentation

Verify your systemenvironment.

Before you begin the installation,verify that the minimum systemand network requirements are met.

See Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment.


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Table 2-1 (Cont.) Standard Installation Roadmap

Task Description Documentation

Check for anymandatory patchesthat are requiredbefore theinstallation.

Review the Oracle FusionMiddleware Infrastructure releasenotes to see if there are anymandatory patches required for thesoftware products that you areinstalling.

See Install and Configure in Release Notes for OracleFusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Obtain theappropriatedistributions.

Oracle Analytics Server requiresan existing Oracle FusionMiddleware Infrastructureinstallation and must be installed inthe same Oracle home directory asOracle Fusion MiddlewareInfrastructure. Therefore, you mustobtain the following distributions:fmw_12., (UNIX)oa_platform-

See Obtaining the Product Distribution and AboutProduct Distributions.

Determine yourinstallationdirectories.

Verify that the installer can accessor create the required installerdirectories. Also, verify that thedirectories exist on systems thatmeet the minimum requirements.

See What Are the Key Oracle Fusion MiddlewareDirectories? in Understanding Oracle FusionMiddleware.

Install prerequisitesoftware.

See Installing the Infrastructure Software in Installingand Configuring the Oracle Fusion MiddlewareInfrastructure.

Install the software. Run the Oracle Universal Installerto install Oracle Analytics Server.

Installing the software transfers thesoftware to your system andcreates the Oracle home directory.

See Installing the Oracle Analytics Server Software.

Install librariesrequired formachine learning inOracle AnalyticsServer

Oracle Analytics Server includesPython. You can use Python forexecuting ready-to-use machinelearning algorithms.

See Installing Libraries Required for Machine Learningin Oracle Analytics Server.

Select a databaseprofile and reviewany required customvariables.

Before you install the requiredschemas in the database, reviewthe information about any customvariables you need to set for theOracle Analytics Server schemas.

See About Database Requirements for an OracleFusion Middleware Installation.

Create theschemas.

Run the Repository Creation Utilityto create the schemas required forconfiguration.

See Creating the Database Schemas.

Create a WebLogicdomain.

Use the Configuration Wizard/Assistant to create and configurethe WebLogic domain.

See Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domainwith the Configuration Assistant to create the standardtopology for Oracle Analytics Server.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Installing and Configuring a Standard Installation Topology


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Table 2-1 (Cont.) Standard Installation Roadmap

Task Description Documentation

Administer andprepare yourdomain for highavailability.

Discover additional tools andresources to administer yourdomain and configure your domainto be highly available.

See Next Steps After Configuring the Domain.

Roadmap for Verifying Your System EnvironmentBefore you begin the installation and configuration process, you must verify yoursystem environment.

The roadmap for verifying your system environment identifies important tasks andchecks to perform to ensure that your environment is prepared to install and configureOracle Analytics Server.

Table 2-2 Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment

Task Description Documentation

Verify certification and systemrequirements.

Verify that your operating system iscertified and configured forinstallation and configuration.

See Verify Certification, System, andInteroperability Requirements.

Identify a proper installation user. Verify that the installation user hasthe required permissions to installand configure the software.

See Selecting an Installation User.

Select the installation andconfiguration directories on yoursystem.

Verify that you can create thenecessary directories to install andconfigure the software, according tothe recommended directorystructure.

See About the Directories forInstallation and Configuration.

Install a certified JDK. The installation program for thedistribution requires a certified JDKpresent on your system.

See About JDK Requirements for anOracle Fusion MiddlewareInstallation.

Install and configure a database formid-tier schemas.

To configure your WebLogic domain,you must have access to a certifieddatabase that is configured for theschemas required by OracleAnalytics Server.

See About Database Requirementsfor an Oracle Fusion MiddlewareInstallation.

• Verify Certification, System, and Interoperability RequirementsOracle recommends that you use the certification information to verify that yourenvironment meets the requirements for installation.

• Selecting an Installation UserThe user who installs and configures your system must have the requiredpermissions and privileges.

• About the Directories for Installation and ConfigurationDuring the installation and domain configuration process, you must plan onproviding the locations for these directories: Oracle home, Domain home, and theApplication home.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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• About JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware InstallationMost Fusion Middleware products are in .jar file format. These distributions donot include a JDK. To run a .jar distribution installer, you must have a certifiedJDK installed on your system.

• About Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware InstallationMany Oracle Fusion Middleware products require database schemas prior toconfiguration. If you do not already have a database where you can install theseschemas, you must install and configure a certified database.

Verify Certification, System, and Interoperability RequirementsOracle recommends that you use the certification information to verify that yourenvironment meets the requirements for installation.

To verify certification, system, and interoperability requirements:

1. Verify that your environment meets certification requirements.

Make sure that you install your product on a supported hardware and softwareconfiguration. See the certification details for your release in CertificationInformation in Administering Oracle Analytics Server.

Oracle has tested and verified the performance of your product on all certifiedsystems and environments. Whenever new certifications are released, thecertification information is updated in the Administering Oracle Analytics Serverdocument. New certifications can be released at any time.

2. Use the Administering Oracle Analytics Server document to verify certification.

Oracle recommends that you use Certification Information in Administering OracleAnalytics Server to verify that the certification requirements are met. For example,if the certification information indicates that your product is certified for installationon 64-Bit Oracle Linux 6.5, use the Administering Oracle Analytics Serverdocument to verify that your system meets the required minimum specifications.These include data types, data sources, browsers, clients, Identity Servers andaccess, interoperability, systems, and Web Servers.

3. Verify interoperability among multiple products.

To learn how to install and run multiple Fusion Middleware products from the samerelease or mixed releases with each other, see Oracle Fusion MiddlewareInteroperability and Compatibility in Oracle Fusion Middleware UnderstandingInteroperability and Compatibility.

Selecting an Installation UserThe user who installs and configures your system must have the required permissionsand privileges.

• About User PermissionsThe user who installs Oracle Analytics Server owns the files and has certainpermissions on the files.

• About Non-Default User Permissions on Linux or UNIX Operating SystemsChanging the default permission setting reduces the security of the installation andyour system. Oracle does not recommend that you change the default permissionsettings.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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About User PermissionsThe user who installs Oracle Analytics Server owns the files and has certainpermissions on the files.

• Read and write permissions on all non-executable files (forexample, .jar, .properties, or .xml). All other users in the same group as the fileowner have read permissions only.

• Read, write, and execute permissions on all executable files (forexample, .exe, .sh, or .cmd). All other users in the same group as the file ownerhave read and execute permissions only.

This means that someone other than the person who installs the software can use theinstalled binaries in the Oracle home directory to configure a domain or set of FusionMiddleware products.

During configuration, the files generated by the configuration process are owned bythe user who ran the Configuration Wizard. This user has the same permissions asdescribed above for the installation user. However, security-sensitive files are notcreated with group permissions. Only the user that created the domain has read andwrite permissions and can administer the domain.

Consider the following examples:

• Example 1: A Single User Installs the Software and Configures the Domain

This example explains the file permissions where the same user installs thesoftware and configures the domain.

To ensure proper permissions and privileges for all files, Oracle recommends thatthe same owner perform both tasks: install the Oracle Fusion Middleware productand configure the WebLogic Server domain by using the Configuration Wizard.

Figure 2-1 Directory Structure When you manage a product installation aSingle User Installs the Software and Configures the Domain

The Oracle home is created by User1 during product

installation. User1 has read/write/execute permissions

on all executable files, and read/write permissions on all

other files. All other users in User1’s group have

read/execute permissions on all executable files, and

read permissions on all other files.


Oracle Home


Application Home (applications)



Domain Home(domains)

configThe Domain home and Application home are created by

User1 during product installation. User1 has

read/write/execute permissions on all executable files,

and read/write permissions on all other files. All other

users in User1’s group have read/execute permissions

on all executable files, and read permissions on all

other files.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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If the user who creates the domain is different than the user who installed thesoftware, then both users must have the same privileges, as shown in the nextexample.

• Example 2: The Oracle Home Directory and Domain are Created by DifferentUsers

This example explains the file permissions where one user creates the Oraclehome and another user configures the domain.

Figure 2-2 Directory Structure when Different Users Install the Softwareand Configure the Domain

The Oracle home is created by User1 during product

installation. User1 has read/write/execute permissions on

all executable files, and read/write permissions on all

other files. All other users in User1’s group have

read/execute permissions on all executable files, and read

permissions on all other files.


Oracle Home


Application Home (applications)



Domain Home(domains)

configThe Domain home and Application home are created by

User2 during product installation. User2 has

read/write/execute permissions on all executable files,

and read/write permissions on all other files. All other

users in User2’s group (including User1) have

read/execute permissions on all executable files, and read

permissions on all other files.


Certain domain files do not have group permissions. For example,cwallet.sso.

Consider the following points before you run the installer:

• On Linux or UNIX operating systems, Oracle recommends that you set umask to027 on your system before you install the software. This ensures that the filepermissions are set properly during installation. Use the following command:

umask 027

You must enter this command in the same terminal window from which you plan torun the product installer.

• On Linux or UNIX operating systems, do not run the installation program as a rootuser. If you run the installer as a root user, the startup validation may fail and youcannot continue the installation.

• When you manage a product installation (for example, applying patches), use thesame user ID that you used to install the product.

When you manage a domain (for example, starting managed Servers), use thesame user ID that you used to create the domain.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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About Non-Default User Permissions on Linux or UNIX Operating SystemsChanging the default permission setting reduces the security of the installation andyour system. Oracle does not recommend that you change the default permissionsettings.

If other users require access to a particular file or executable, use the Linux or UNIXsudo command or other similar commands to change the file permissions.

Refer to your Linux or UNIX operating system Administrator's Guide or contact youroperating system vendor, if you need further assistance.

About the Directories for Installation and ConfigurationDuring the installation and domain configuration process, you must plan on providingthe locations for these directories: Oracle home, Domain home, and the Applicationhome.

• About the Recommended Directory StructureOracle recommends specific locations for the Oracle Home, Domain Home, andApplication Home.

• About the Oracle Home DirectoryWhen you install any Oracle Fusion Middleware product, you must use an Oraclehome directory.

• About the Domain Home DirectoryThe Domain home is the directory where domains that you configure are created.

• About the Application Home DirectoryThe Application home is the directory where applications for domains youconfigure are created.

• Installing Multiple Products in the Same DomainThere are two methods to install and configure multiple products in one domain.This is also known as extending a domain.

• Preparing for Shared StorageOracle Fusion Middleware allows you to configure multiple WebLogic Serverdomains from a single Oracle home. This allows you to install the Oracle home ina single location on a shared volume and reuse the Oracle home for multiple hostinstallations.

About the Recommended Directory StructureOracle recommends specific locations for the Oracle Home, Domain Home, andApplication Home.

Oracle recommends a directory structure similar to the one shown in Figure 2-3.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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Figure 2-3 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

This area contains binary

files laid down by the

product installer. Runtime

processes will not write to

this area.


Oracle Home


Application Home




Domain Home


configThis area contains

configuration and

application data created

by user.

A base location (Oracle base) should be established on your system (for example, /home/oracle). From this base location, create two separate branches, namely, theproduct directory and the config directory. The product directory should contain theproduct binary files and all the Oracle home directories. The config directory shouldcontain your domain and application data.

Oracle recommends that you do not keep your configuration data in the Oracle homedirectory; if you upgrade your product to another major release, you are required tocreate a new Oracle home for binaries. You must also make sure that yourconfiguration data exists in a location where the binaries in the Oracle home haveaccess.

The /home/oracle/product (for the Oracle home) and /home/oracle/config (for theapplication and configuration data) directories are used in the examples throughout thedocumentation; be sure to replace these directories with the actual directories on yoursystem.

About the Oracle Home DirectoryWhen you install any Oracle Fusion Middleware product, you must use an Oraclehome directory.

This directory is a repository for common files that are used by multiple FusionMiddleware products installed on the same machine. These files ensure that FusionMiddleware operates correctly on your system. They facilitate checking of cross-product dependencies during installation. For this reason, you can consider the Oraclehome directory a central support directory for all Oracle Fusion Middleware productsinstalled on your system.

Fusion Middleware documentation refers to the Oracle home directory asORACLE_HOME.

Oracle Home Considerations

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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Keep the following in mind when you create the Oracle home directory and install theOracle Fusion Middleware products:

• Do not include spaces in the name of your Oracle home directory; the installerdisplays an error message if your Oracle home directory path contains spaces.

• You can install only one instance of each Oracle Fusion Middleware product in asingle Oracle home directory. If you need to maintain separate versions of aproduct on the same machine, each version must be in its own Oracle homedirectory.

Although you can have several different products in a single Oracle home, onlyone version of each product can be in the Oracle home.

Multiple Home Directories

Although in most situations, a single Oracle home directory is sufficient, it is possibleto create more than one Oracle home directory. For example, you need to maintainmultiple Oracle home directories in the following situations:

• You prefer to maintain separate development and production environments, with aseparate product stack for each. With two directories, you can update yourdevelopment environment without modifying the production environment until youare ready to do so.

• You want to maintain two different versions of a Fusion Middleware product at thesame time. For example, you want to install a new version of a product whilekeeping your existing version intact. In this case, you must install each productversion in its own Oracle home directory.

• You need to install multiple products that are not compatible with each other. See Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( Interoperability and Compatibility inUnderstanding Interoperability and Compatibility .


If you create more than one Oracle home directory, you must provide non-overlapping port ranges during the configuration phase for each product.

About the Domain Home DirectoryThe Domain home is the directory where domains that you configure are created.

The default Domain home location is ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name. However, Oracle strongly recommends that you do not use this defaultlocation. Put your Domain home outside of the Oracle home directory, for example,in /home/oracle/config/domains. The config directory should contain domainand application data. Oracle recommends a separate domain directory so that newinstalls, patches, and other operations update the ORACLE_HOME only, not thedomain configuration.

See About the Recommended Directory Structure for more on the recommendeddirectory structure and locating your Domain home.

Fusion Middleware documentation refers to the Domain home directory asDOMAIN_HOME and includes all folders up to and including the domain name. Forexample, if you name your domain exampledomain and locate your domain data in

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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the /home/oracle/config/domains directory, the documentation would useDOMAIN_HOME to refer to /home/oracle/config/domains/exampledomain.

About the Application Home DirectoryThe Application home is the directory where applications for domains you configureare created.

The default Application home location is ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/applications/domain_name. However, Oracle strongly recommends that you locate your Applicationhome outside of the Oracle home directory; if you upgrade your product to anothermajor release, you must create a new Oracle home for binaries.

See About the Recommended Directory Structure for more on the recommendeddirectory structure and locating your Application home.

Fusion Middleware documentation refers to the Application home directory asAPPLICATION_HOME and includes all folders up to and including the domain name. Forexample, if you name your domain exampledomain and you locate your applicationdata in the /home/oracle/config/applications directory, the documentation usesAPPLICATION_HOME to refer to /home/oracle/config/applications/exampledomain.

Installing Multiple Products in the Same DomainThere are two methods to install and configure multiple products in one domain. Thisis also known as extending a domain.

• Method 1.

Install and configure Product A, including creating the schemas and starting allservers in the domain to verify a successful domain configuration.

This is the method used in all installation guides in the Fusion Middleware library.You can repeat this process for as many products as necessary. It allows you tovalidate one product at a time and add more products incrementally.

To install Product B in the same domain as Product A:

1. Stop all servers to prevent any updates to the domain while you add the newproduct.

See Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware in Administering OracleFusion Middleware.

2. Follow the instructions in the installation guide for Product B, including creatingthe necessary schemas.

3. Run the Configuration Wizard to configure the domain.

During configuration, the Configuration Wizard automatically detects thecomponents that have been installed and offers you the option to extend theexisting Product A domain to include Product B.

• Method 2.

Install all of the required products, then create the schemas for all of the products.After you create the schemas, configure the domain by using the necessaryproduct templates, then start all the servers.

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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This method of creating a multi-product domain may be slightly faster than Method1; however, the installation guides in the Fusion Middleware library do not providespecific instructions for this method of domain creation.

See Also:

• To update WebLogic domains, see Updating WebLogic Domains inCreating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

• For important information regarding the ability of Oracle FusionMiddleware products to function with previous versions of other OracleFusion Middleware, Oracle, or third-party products, see Oracle FusionMiddleware 12c ( Interoperability and Compatibility inUnderstanding Interoperability and Compatibility.

Preparing for Shared StorageOracle Fusion Middleware allows you to configure multiple WebLogic Server domainsfrom a single Oracle home. This allows you to install the Oracle home in a singlelocation on a shared volume and reuse the Oracle home for multiple host installations.

If you plan to use shared storage in your environment, see Using Shared Storage inHigh Availability Guide for more information.

About JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware InstallationMost Fusion Middleware products are in .jar file format. These distributions do notinclude a JDK. To run a .jar distribution installer, you must have a certified JDKinstalled on your system.

Make sure that the JDK is installed outside of the Oracle home. If you install the JDKunder the Oracle home, you may encounter problems when you try to perform tasks inthe future. Oracle Universal Installer validates that the Oracle home directory is empty;the install does not progress until you specify an empty directory. Oracle recommendsthat you locate your JDK installation in the /home/oracle/products/jdk directory.

Platform-specific distributions have a .bin (for Linux or UNIX operating systems)or .exe (for Windows operating systems) installer; in these cases, a platform-specificJDK is in the distribution and you do not need to install a JDK separately. However,you may need to upgrade this JDK to a more recent version, depending on the JDKversions that are certified.

Always verify the required JDK version by reviewing the certification information on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page. For 12c(, the certified JDK is 1.8.0_221 and later.

To download the required JDK, navigate to the following URL and download the JavaSE JDK:

Chapter 2Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment


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About Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion MiddlewareInstallation

Many Oracle Fusion Middleware products require database schemas prior toconfiguration. If you do not already have a database where you can install theseschemas, you must install and configure a certified database.


Multi-tenancy feature is supported, that is, Pluggable Database (PDB) andContainer Database (CDB) are supported.

To find a certified database for your operating system, see the certification details foryour release in Certification Information in Administering Oracle Analytics Server.

To make sure that your database is properly configured for schema creation, see Certification - Supported Data Sources in Administering Oracle Analytics Server.

After your database is properly configured, you use the Repository Creation Utility(RCU) to create product schemas in your database. This tool is available in the Oraclehome for your Oracle Fusion Middleware product. See About the Repository CreationUtility in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Obtaining the Product DistributionYou can obtain the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and Oracle AnalyticsServer distribution on the Download page for Oracle Analytics Server.

To prepare to install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and Oracle AnalyticsServer:

1. Enter java -version on the command line to verify that a certified JDK is installedon your system. For 12c (, the certified JDK is 1.8.0_221 and later.

See About JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation.

2. Follow steps 1 to 4 in the Download page for Oracle Analytics Server.


In case you want to download Oracle Analytics Client Tools, see Download, Install, and Start Oracle Analytics Server Client Tools.

About Product DistributionsYou create the initial Oracle Analytics Server domain using the Oracle FusionMiddleware Infrastructure distribution, which contains both Oracle WebLogic Serversoftware and Oracle Java Required Files (JRF) software.

Oracle JRF software consists of:

Chapter 2Obtaining the Product Distribution


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• Oracle Web Services Manager

• Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF)

• Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

• Repository Creation Utility (RCU)

• Other libraries and technologies required to support Oracle Fusion Middlewareproducts


• Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure. For more information aboutinstalling Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure, see Installing the InfrastructureSoftware in the Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion MiddlewareInfrastructure.

Verifying Whether EndPoint URLs are Resolving to a FullyQualified Domain Name

Before you install Oracle Analytics Server, you must make sure that the EndPointURLs resolves to a FQDN or you use the Frontend Load Balancer for server-sideconfiguration.

You must configure the front-end host with a FQDN.

Chapter 2Verifying Whether EndPoint URLs are Resolving to a Fully Qualified Domain Name


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3Installing the Oracle Analytics ServerSoftware

Follow the steps in this section to install the Oracle Analytics Server software.Before beginning the installation, ensure that you have verified the prerequisites andcompleted all steps covered in Preparing to Install and Configure Oracle AnalyticsServer.

• Verifying the Installation ChecklistThe installation process requires specific information.

• Starting the Installation ProgramYou can start the program as the first step in the installation process.

• Navigating the Installation ScreensThe installer shows a series of screens where you verify or enter information.

• Verifying the InstallationAfter you complete the installation, verify whether it was successful by completinga series of tasks.

• Installing Libraries Required for Machine Learning in Oracle Analytics Server

Verifying the Installation ChecklistThe installation process requires specific information.

The Table 3-1 checklist contains information that you must know before, or decideduring, Oracle Analytics Server installation.

Table 3-1 Installation Checklist

Information Example Value Description

JAVA_HOME /home/Oracle/Java/jdk1.8.0_221

Environment variable thatpoints to the Java JDK homedirectory.

Database host examplehost.exampledomain

Name and domain of the hostwhere the database isrunning.

Database port 1521 Port number that the databaselistens on. The default Oracledatabase listen port is 1521.

Database service name orcl.exampledomain Oracle databases require aunique service name. Thedefault service name is orcl.

DBA username SYS Name of user with databaseadministration privileges. Thedefault DBA user on Oracledatabases is SYS.


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Table 3-1 (Cont.) Installation Checklist

Information Example Value Description

DBA password myDBApw957 Password of the user withdatabase administrationprivileges.

ORACLE_HOME /home/Oracle/product/ORACLE_HOME

Directory in which you willinstall your software.

This directory will includeOracle Fusion MiddlewareInfrastructure and OracleAnalytics Server, as needed.

WebLogic Server hostname examplehost.exampledomain

Host name for OracleWebLogic Server and OracleAnalytics Server consoles.

Console port 9500 Port for Oracle WebLogicServer and Oracle AnalyticsServer consoles.

DOMAIN_HOME /home/Oracle/config/domains/bi_domain

Location in which your domaindata is stored.

APPLICATION_HOME /home/Oracle/config/applications/bi_domain

Location in which yourapplication data is stored.

Administrator user name foryour WebLogic domain

weblogic Name of the user with OracleWebLogic Serveradministration privileges. Thedefault administrator user isweblogic.

Administrator user password myADMpw902 Password of the user withOracle WebLogic Serveradministration privileges.

RCU ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin

Path to the RepositoryCreation Utility (RCU).

RCU schema prefix BI Prefix for names of databaseschemas used by OracleAnalytics Server.

RCU schema password myRCUpw674 Password for the databaseschemas used by OracleAnalytics Server.

Configuration Wizard ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

Path to the ConfigurationWizard for domain creationand configuration.

Configuration Assistant ORACLE_HOME/bi/bin Path to the ConfigurationAssistant for domain creationand configuration. Oraclerecommends that you use theConfiguration Assistant toconfigure your OracleAnalytics Server domain.

Chapter 3Verifying the Installation Checklist


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Starting the Installation ProgramYou can start the program as the first step in the installation process.

To start the installation program:

1. Sign in to the host system.

2. Go to the directory where you have extracted the contents of product distributionarchive file.

3. Enter the following command:

(Linux or UNIX) JDK_HOME/bin/java -jar Oracle_Analytics_Server_5.5.0.jar


Make sure to check and grant execute permission on the executable fileOracle_Analytics_Server_5.5.0.jar before running this command.

When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation.

Navigating the Installation ScreensThe installer shows a series of screens where you verify or enter information.

The following table lists the order in which installer screens appear. If you needadditional help with an installation screen, click Help.

Table 3-2 Oracle Analytics Server Install Screens

Screen Description


On Linux or UNIX operating systems, this screen opens if this is the first timeyou are installing any Oracle product on this host. Specify the location whereyou want to create your central inventory. Make sure that the operating systemgroup name selected on this screen has write permissions to the centralinventory location.

See About the Oracle Central Inventory in Installing Software with the OracleUniversal Installer.

This screen does not appear on Windows operating systems.

Welcome Review the information to make sure that you have met all the prerequisites,then click Next.

Auto Updates Select to skip automatic updates, select patches, or search for the latestsoftware updates, including important security updates, through your My OracleSupport account.


Specify your Oracle home directory location.

You can click View to verify and ensure that you are installing Oracle AnalyticsServer in the correct Oracle home.


Use this screen to select the type of installation and consequently, the productsand feature sets you want to install. For this topology, select Oracle Analytics.

Chapter 3Starting the Installation Program


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Table 3-2 (Cont.) Oracle Analytics Server Install Screens

Screen Description


This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum necessaryrequirements.

To view the list of tasks that gets verified, select View Successful Tasks. Toview log details, select View Log. If any prerequisite check fails, then an errormessage appears at the bottom of the screen. Fix the error and click Rerun totry again. To ignore the error or the warning message and continue with theinstallation, click Skip (not recommended).


This screen shows the installation progress.

When the progress bar reaches 100% complete, click Finish to dismiss theinstaller, or click Next to see a summary.


This screen displays the Installation Location and the Feature Sets that areinstalled. Review this information and click Finish to close the installer.

Verifying the InstallationAfter you complete the installation, verify whether it was successful by completing aseries of tasks.

• Reviewing the Installation Log FilesReview the contents of the installation log files to make sure that the installer didnot encounter any problems.

• Checking the Directory StructureThe contents of your installation vary based on the options that you selectedduring the installation.

• Viewing the Contents of the Oracle HomeYou can view the contents of the Oracle home directory by using theviewInventory script.

Reviewing the Installation Log FilesReview the contents of the installation log files to make sure that the installer did notencounter any problems.

By default, the installer writes logs files to the Oracle_Inventory_Location/logsdirectory on Linux or UNIX operating systems.

For a description of the log files and where to find them, see Installation Log Files inInstalling Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

Checking the Directory StructureThe contents of your installation vary based on the options that you selected duringthe installation.

To see the directory structure:

1. Change to the ORACLE_HOME directory where you installed Oracle AnalyticsServer.

Chapter 3Verifying the Installation


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2. Enter the following command:

ls --format=single-column

The directory structure on your system should match the structure shown in thefollowing example:



Viewing the Contents of the Oracle HomeYou can view the contents of the Oracle home directory by using the viewInventoryscript.

See Viewing the Contents of an Oracle Home in Installing Software with the OracleUniversal Installer.

Installing Libraries Required for Machine Learning in OracleAnalytics Server

To use automated machine learning features in Oracle Analytics Server, you mustinstall additional libraries if they are not already installed on the operating system.


You must have system administrator privileges to install the libraries.

Execute the following command to install the required libraries on the operatingsystem:

sudo yum install -y libgfortran

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You can install the libgfortran libraries before or after you install OracleAnalytics Server.

Chapter 3Installing Libraries Required for Machine Learning in Oracle Analytics Server


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4Configuring Oracle Analytics Server

This topic walks you through a step-by-step process to configure Oracle AnalyticsServer standard topology using the Configuration Assistant.

• About the Configuration AssistantThe Configuration Assistant is a multi-functional utility that helps you to createdatabase schemas, specify a port range, create system components, and start theapplication servers in addition to configuring the standard topology. Oraclestrongly recommends that you to use the Configuration Assistant to configure theOracle Analytics Server domain.

• Configuration Assistant PrerequisitesYou must ensure that you meet the criteria listed in this topic for a smooth, error-free domain configuration by using the Configuration Assistant.

• Creating the Database SchemasBefore you can configure an Oracle Analytics Server domain, you must installrequired schemas on a certified database for use with this release of OracleFusion Middleware.

• Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domain with the Configuration AssistantThe Configuration Assistant is a .sh (UNIX) file. Start the Configuration Assistantby starting the config executable from the bi/bin directory inside the Oraclehome. Follow the procedure in this topic to complete the configuration step-by-step.

About the Configuration AssistantThe Configuration Assistant is a multi-functional utility that helps you to createdatabase schemas, specify a port range, create system components, and start theapplication servers in addition to configuring the standard topology. Oracle stronglyrecommends that you to use the Configuration Assistant to configure the OracleAnalytics Server domain.

Oracle recommends that you create the Domain home and Application homedirectories under /home/oracle/config. But if you use the Configuration Assistantto configure the domain, the Application home is created under /home/oracle/product directory. To achieve the recommended directory structure, configure thedomain using the Configuration Wizard.

Configuration Assistant PrerequisitesYou must ensure that you meet the criteria listed in this topic for a smooth, error-freedomain configuration by using the Configuration Assistant.

To verify whether the required conditions are met, see that:

• You have correctly installed the Oracle Analytics Server binary files.

• You have the latest supported JDK installed on your system.


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• You have access to any one of the certified databases. For more information, see Certification - Supported Data Sources in Administering Oracle Analytics Server.

• (Optional) You have connection details of existing RCU schema prefix (STB) andyou have already created BIPLATFORM, IAU, OPSS, MDS, STB, and WLSschemas in a single session.


You can, alternatively, generate a schema prefix (STB) and create theBIPLATFORM, IAU, OPSS, MDS, STB, and WLS schemas while yourun the Configuration Assistant, provided you have the DBA credentials.

The database schemas are required to store internal housekeepinginformation. These schemas are different from any data sources whichyou plan to analyze by using Oracle Analytics Server .

Creating the Database SchemasBefore you can configure an Oracle Analytics Server domain, you must install requiredschemas on a certified database for use with this release of Oracle FusionMiddleware.

• Installing and Configuring a Certified DatabaseBefore you create the database schemas, you must install and configure acertified database, and verify that the database is up and running.

• Starting the Repository Creation UtilityStart the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) after you verify that a certified JDK isinstalled on your system.

• Navigating the Repository Creation Utility Screens to Create SchemasEnter required information in the RCU screens to create the database schemas.

Installing and Configuring a Certified DatabaseBefore you create the database schemas, you must install and configure a certifieddatabase, and verify that the database is up and running.

See About Database Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Certification - Supported Data Sources.

Starting the Repository Creation UtilityStart the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) after you verify that a certified JDK isinstalled on your system.

To start the RCU:

1. Verify that a certified JDK already exists on your system by running java -version from the command line.

See About JDK Requirements for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation.

Chapter 4Creating the Database Schemas


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2. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the location of thecertified JDK.

For example (Linux or UNIX): setenv JAVA_HOME /home/Oracle/Java/jdk1.8.0_221

3. Change to the following directory (Linux or UNIX):


4. Enter the following command (Linux or UNIX):


Navigating the Repository Creation Utility Screens to Create SchemasEnter required information in the RCU screens to create the database schemas.

• Introducing the RCUThe Welcome screen is the first screen that appears when you start the RCU.

• Selecting a Method of Schema CreationUse the Create Repository screen to select a method to create and loadcomponent schemas into the database.

• Providing Database Connection DetailsOn the Database Connection Details screen, provide the database connectiondetails for the RCU to connect to your database.

• Specifying Schema PasswordsOn the Schema Passwords screen, specify how you want to set the schemapasswords on your database, then enter and confirm your passwords.

• Completing Schema CreationNavigate through the remaining RCU screens to complete schema creation.

Introducing the RCUThe Welcome screen is the first screen that appears when you start the RCU.

Click Next.

Selecting a Method of Schema CreationUse the Create Repository screen to select a method to create and load componentschemas into the database.

On the Create Repository screen:

• If you have the necessary permissions and privileges to perform DBA activities onyour database, select System Load and Product Load. This procedure assumesthat you have SYSDBA privileges.

• If you do not have the necessary permissions or privileges to perform DBAactivities in the database, you must select Prepare Scripts for System Load onthis screen. This option generates a SQL script that you can give to your databaseadministrator. See About System Load and Product Load in Creating Schemaswith the Repository Creation Utility.

• If the DBA has already run the SQL script for System Load, select PerformProduct Load.

Chapter 4Creating the Database Schemas


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Providing Database Connection DetailsOn the Database Connection Details screen, provide the database connection detailsfor the RCU to connect to your database.

If you are unsure of the service name for your database, you can obtain it from theSERVICE_NAMES parameter in the initialization parameter file of the database. If theinitialization parameter file does not contain the SERVICE_NAMES parameter, then theservice name is the same as the global database name, which is specified in theDB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN parameters.

To provide the database connection details:

1. On the Database Connection Details screen, provide the database connectiondetails.

For example:

Database Type: Oracle DatabaseConnection String Format: Connection Parameters or ConnectionString

Connection String:

Host Name: examplehost.exampledomain.comPort: 1521Service Name: Orcl.exampledomain.comUser Name: sysPassword: ******Role: SYSDBA

2. Click Next to proceed, then click OK in the dialog window that confirms asuccessful database connection.

Specifying Schema PasswordsOn the Schema Passwords screen, specify how you want to set the schemapasswords on your database, then enter and confirm your passwords.

You must make a note of the passwords you set on this screen; you will need themlater on during the domain creation process.

Click Next.

Completing Schema CreationNavigate through the remaining RCU screens to complete schema creation.

On the Map Tablespaces screen, the Encrypt Tablespace check box appears only ifyou enabled Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in the database (Oracle or OracleEBR) when you start the RCU.

To complete schema creation:

1. On the Map Tablespaces screen, select Encrypt Tablespace if you want toencrypt all new tablespaces that the RCU creates.

2. In the Completion Summary screen, click Close to dismiss the RCU.

Chapter 4Creating the Database Schemas


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Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domain with theConfiguration Assistant

The Configuration Assistant is a .sh (UNIX) file. Start the Configuration Assistant bystarting the config executable from the bi/bin directory inside the Oracle home.Follow the procedure in this topic to complete the configuration step-by-step.

If you are extending the WebLogic domain with Oracle Analytics Server by using theConfiguration Assistant, make sure that the Administration Server for the domain isnamed AdminServer. Other names for the Administration Server are not supported.

To configure the Oracle Analytics Server standard topology:

1. Change to the following directory (Linux or UNIX):


2. Start the Configuration Assistant by entering the following command (Linux orUNIX):


3. Select the components to install and click Next.

To ensure that a consistent set of suites are deployed, the Configuration Assistantautomatically adjusts your selection.

• Oracle Analytics Enterprise Edition: Includes components such as datavisualization, analyses, dashboards and agents, and installs Oracle AnalyticsServer without Publisher.

• Oracle Analytics Publisher: Includes Publisher for pixel-perfect reports.You can use this option to install standalone Publisher.

Select the Oracle Analytics Enterprise Edition and Oracle Analytics Publishercomponents to install Oracle Analytics Server with Publisher.

4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with noerrors, click Next.

If any of the prerequisite checks fail, then a short error message appears at thebottom of the screen. Fix the error and click Rerun to try again. To ignore the erroror warning messages and continue with the installation, click Skip, although thisapproach is not recommended.


The configuration might not function normally if you continue withoutresolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during theprerequisite checks.

5. On the Define New Domain screen, specify the following, and click Next:

Chapter 4Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domain with the Configuration Assistant


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Table 4-1 Field-name descriptions for the Define New Domain screen

Field Description

Domains Directory Specify the path where you want to set up the domaindirectory.

Domain Name Specify the name of the domain.

Username Specify a username for the System Administrator.


This user is created in the embedded LDAPand is granted WebLogic Administratorpermissions.

Password Specify a password for the System Administrator.

Confirm Password Confirm the password by reentering it.

6. On the Database Details screen, either create a new schema or use an existingschema by clicking the appropriate option.

If you select to create a new schema, the Configuration Assistant creates aschema for you. Specify the following and click Next.

Table 4-2 Field-name descriptions for the Database Schema screen

Field Description

Schema prefix Specify a unique schema prefix.

Schema password Specify a password for your schema.

Confirm password Confirm the password by reentering it.

Database type Select the database that you are using from the list ofvalues.For the list of databases supported by Oracle AnalyticsServer for the release, see Certification - SupportedData Sources in Administering Oracle Analytics Server.

Username Enter the privileged username to create the schema.

Password Enter the password for the above username.

Simple connect string The connect string that you specify varies depending onthe type of database you are using.

For the list of databases supported by Oracle AnalyticsServer for the release, see Certification - SupportedData Sources in Administering Oracle Analytics Server.

If you select to use an existing schema, you must create STB, BIPLATFORM, IAU,MDS, OPSS, and WLS schemas using the RCU. Specify the following and clickNext.

Chapter 4Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domain with the Configuration Assistant


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If you are using Oracle Database version or higher, you mustcreate a pluggable database within a container database to createrepository schemas. You cannot create schemas within a containerdatabase without using a pluggable database.

7. On the Port Management screen, specify the port range and click Next.


The default, allocated port range is from 9500 to 9999, both inclusive.You can keep the default values or specify different values within thisrange.

8. On the Initial Application screen, select one of the following options, and clickNext:

• Your own existing BI Application from export bundle (.jar).


This option is applicable if you are migrating from Oracle BI 11g toOracle Analytics Server.

See Upgrading Oracle Analytics Server from 12c (Out-of-PlaceMigration) in Migrating and Upgrading Oracle Analytics Server.

• Clean Slate (no predefined application).

9. On the Summary screen, verify the values that you specified on each screen.

Click Save to generate a response file used for silent installation (optional).

Click Configure.

The configuration process starts and the Configuration Progress screen isdisplayed.

10. After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next to go to theConfiguration Complete screen.

11. On the Configuration Complete screen, review the configuration summary.

Click Save to save the information displayed on this screen in a file.

Click Finish to close the Configuration Assistant.

The Oracle Analytics Server Application opens in the browser. Use the logincredentials that you specified while configuring to sign in to the Home page ofOracle Analytics Server.

You have configured the standard Oracle Analytics Server topology. The ConfigurationAssistant automatically starts the newly configured Oracle Analytics Server instanceafter successful completion. However, if you want to restart a domain that has beenshut down manually, start servers and processes.

Chapter 4Configuring the Oracle Analytics Server Domain with the Configuration Assistant


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5Next Steps After Configuring the Domain

After you configure a product domain, there are additional tasks that you may want toperform.

• Performing Basic Administrative TasksReview the administrative tasks you will likely want to perform on a new domain.

• Performing Additional Domain Configuration TasksYou can add a Web Tier component to your Oracle Analytics Server domain, suchas Oracle HTTP Server.

• Preparing Your Environment for High AvailabilityScaling out for high availability requires additional steps.

• Configuring Oracle Analytics Server With Fusion Middleware Products in theSame InstallationIf you have installed Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Data Integrator or OracleAccess Management with Oracle Analytics Server , follow this procedure toconfigure Oracle Analytics Server for users to explore analytics data visually.

Performing Basic Administrative TasksReview the administrative tasks you will likely want to perform on a new domain.

Table 5-1 Basic Administration Tasks for a New Domain

Task Description More Information

Getting familiar with FusionMiddleware administration tools

Get familiar with various tools thatyou can use to manage yourenvironment.

See Overview of Oracle FusionMiddleware Administration Tools inAdministering Oracle FusionMiddleware.

Starting and stopping products andservers

Learn how to start and stop OracleFusion Middleware, including theAdministration Server, ManagedServers, and components.

See Starting and Stopping OracleFusion Middleware in AdministeringOracle Fusion Middleware.

Configuring Secure Sockets Layer(SSL)

Learn how to set up securecommunications between OracleFusion Middleware componentsusing SSL.

See Configuring SSL in OracleFusion Middleware in AdministeringOracle Fusion Middleware.

Monitoring Oracle FusionMiddleware

Learn how to keep track of the statusof Oracle Fusion Middlewarecomponents.

See Monitoring Oracle FusionMiddleware in Administering OracleFusion Middleware.

Understanding Backup andRecovery Procedures

Learn the recommended backup andrecovery procedures for OracleFusion Middleware.

See Introduction to Backup andRecovery in Administering OracleFusion Middleware.


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Table 5-1 (Cont.) Basic Administration Tasks for a New Domain

Task Description More Information

Configuring a system for deploymentafter installation

Configuring metadata and content,general preferences, and defaultsystem settings.

See Configuring Oracle AnalyticsServer System Settings inAdministering Oracle AnalyticsServer .

Configuring security Securing access to the OracleAnalytics Server system, metadata,and data, configuring SecureSockets Layer (SSL) and SingleSign-On (SSO), and integration withidentity management systems.

See Configuring SSL in OracleAnalytics Server in ManagingSecurity for Oracle Analytics Server

Scaling out and configuring for highavailability

Configuring the Oracle AnalyticsServer system for linear scale-out(increasing capacity with morecomponents on a machine) andidentifying and removing singlepoints of failure (adding moremachines).

See Deploying Oracle AnalyticsServer for High Availability inAdministering Oracle AnalyticsServer.

Managing performance andavailability

Monitoring service levels and tuningperformance.

See Managing Performance Tuningand Query Caching in AdministeringOracle Analytics Server.

Managing and resolving issues Diagnosing errors and establishingresolutions.

See Diagnosing and ResolvingIssues in Oracle Analytics Server inAdministering Oracle AnalyticsServer.

Moving a system from test toproduction

Managing the steps for moving froma test to a production environment.

See Maintaining the OraclePresentation Catalog inAdministering Oracle AnalyticsServer.

Performing Additional Domain Configuration TasksYou can add a Web Tier component to your Oracle Analytics Server domain, such asOracle HTTP Server.

Table 5-2 lists additional tasks you could perform on your new domain.

Table 5-2 Additional Domain Configuration Tasks

Task Description More Information

Adding a Web Tier front end to yourdomain

Oracle Web Tier hosts Web pages(static and dynamic), providessecurity and high performance alongwith built-in clustering, loadbalancing, and failover features. Inparticular, the Web Tier containsOracle HTTP Server.

To install and configure Oracle HTTPServer in the WebLogic Serverdomain, see Installing the OracleHTTP Server Software in OracleFusion Middleware Installing andConfiguring Oracle HTTP Server.

Also, see Installing Multiple Productsin the Same Domain in Planning anInstallation of Oracle FusionMiddleware for important information.

Chapter 5Performing Additional Domain Configuration Tasks


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Preparing Your Environment for High AvailabilityScaling out for high availability requires additional steps.

Table 5-3 provides a list of tasks to perform if you want to scale out your standardinstallation environment for high availability.

Table 5-3 Tasks Required to Prepare Your Environment for High Availability

Task Description More Information

Scaling out to multiple hostcomputers

To enable high availability, it is important toprovide failover capabilities to another hostcomputer. That way, if one computer goesdown, your environment can continue toserve the consumers of your deployedapplications.

See Scaling Out a Topology(Machine Scale Out) in HighAvailability Guide.

Configuring high availabilityfor your Web Tiercomponents.

If you have added a Web tier front-end, thenyou must configure the Web Tier for highavailability, as well as the WebLogic Serversoftware.

See Configuring High Availability forWeb Tier Components in HTTPServer Administration Guide.

Setting up a front-end loadbalancer

You can use a load balancer to distributerequests across servers more evenly.

See Server Load Balancing in aHigh Availability Environment inHigh Availability Guide.

Configuring Node Manager Node Manager enables you to start, shutdown, and restart the Administration Serverand Managed Server instances from aremote location. This document assumesyou have configured a per-domain NodeManager. Review the Node Managerdocumentation, for information on advancedNode Manager configuration options andfeatures.

See Advanced Node ManagerConfiguration in Administering NodeManager for Oracle WebLogicServer.

Configuring high availabilityfor Oracle Analytics Servercomponents

To configure Oracle Analytics Server for highavailability, ensure that the system has nosingle points of failure by scaling out theOracle Analytics Server, PresentationServices, and the JavaHost so that you haveat least two of each component types,distributed across at least two computers.

See Scaling and Deploying for HighAvailability and Performance inAdministering Oracle AnalyticsServer.

Managing performance tuningand query caching

For database queries to return quickly, theunderlying databases must be configured,tuned, and indexed correctly. OracleAnalytics Server can store query results forreuse by subsequent queries. Query cachingcan dramatically improve the performance ofthe system for users, particularly forcommonly used dashboards. However, itdoes not improve performance for most ad-hoc analysis.

See Managing Performance Tuningand Query Caching in AdministeringOracle Analytics Server.

Chapter 5Preparing Your Environment for High Availability


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Configuring Oracle Analytics Server With Fusion MiddlewareProducts in the Same Installation

If you have installed Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Data Integrator or Oracle AccessManagement with Oracle Analytics Server , follow this procedure to configure OracleAnalytics Server for users to explore analytics data visually.

Complete the following settings:

1. Change to the following directory:


2. Locate the following file and open it for editing:


3. Go to the IfModule weblogic_module section and verify whether the followinglines are present:

WLProxySSLPassThrough On


If these lines are not present, append them to the IfModule weblogic_modulesection. Save and close the file.

4. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server instance.

5. Sign in to the WebLogic Console.

6. Click Lock & Edit in the Change Center menu.

7. In the Domain Structure pane, select your domain name.

8. Click the Configuration tab and then the Web Applications sub-tab.

9. Select the WebLogic Plugin Enabled option and then click Save.

10. Click Activate Changes in the Change Center menu.

11. Restart the Administration Server and any other managed server in the domain.

Chapter 5Configuring Oracle Analytics Server With Fusion Middleware Products in the Same Installation


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6Uninstalling or Reinstalling OracleAnalytics Server

Follow the instructions in this section to uninstall or reinstall Oracle Analytics Server.

Oracle recommends that you always use the instructions in this section to remove thesoftware. If you try to remove the software manually, you may encounter problemswhen you try to reinstall the software again at a later time. Following the procedures inthis section ensures that the software is properly removed.

• Removing Your Database SchemasBefore you remove the Oracle home, Oracle recommends that you run theRepository Creation Utility (RCU) to remove database schemas associated withthis domain.

• Uninstalling the SoftwareFollow the instructions in this section to start the Uninstall Wizard and remove thesoftware.

• Removing the Oracle Home Directory ManuallyAfter you uninstall the software, you must manually remove your Oracle homedirectory and any existing subdirectories that the Uninstall Wizard did not remove.

• Removing the Domain and Application DataAfter you uninstall the software, you must remove the domain and applicationdata.

• Reinstalling the SoftwareYou can reinstall your software into the same Oracle home as a previousinstallation only if you uninstalled the software by following the instructions in thissection, including manually removing the Oracle home directory.

Removing Your Database SchemasBefore you remove the Oracle home, Oracle recommends that you run the RepositoryCreation Utility (RCU) to remove database schemas associated with this domain.

Each domain has its own set of schemas, uniquely identified by a custom prefix. Formore information about custom prefixes, see About Custom Prefixes in CreatingSchemas with the Repository Creation Utility. This set of schemas cannot be sharedwith any other domain. For more information about creating schemas with the RCU,see Planning Your Schema Creation in Creating Schemas with the RepositoryCreation Utility.

If there are multiple sets of schemas on your database, be sure to identify the schemaprefix associated with the domain that you are removing.

For schema removal steps, see Dropping Schemas in Creating Schemas with theRepository Creation Utility.


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Uninstalling the SoftwareFollow the instructions in this section to start the Uninstall Wizard and remove thesoftware.

If you want to uninstall the product in a silent (command-line) mode, see Running theOracle Universal Installer for Silent Uninstallation in Installing Software with the OracleUniversal Installer.

• Starting the Uninstall Wizard

• Selecting the Product to Uninstall

• Navigating the Uninstall Wizard Screens

Starting the Uninstall WizardTo start the Uninstall Wizard:

1. Change to the following directory:

(Linux or UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin

2. Enter the following command:

(Linux or UNIX) ./

Selecting the Product to UninstallBecause multiple products exist in the Oracle home, ensure that you are uninstallingthe correct product.

After you run the Uninstall Wizard, the Distribution to Uninstall screen opens. From thedropdown menu, select Oracle Analytics Server and click Uninstall. The uninstallationprogram shows the screens listed in Navigating the Uninstall Wizard Screens.


You can uninstall Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure after you uninstallOracle Analytics Server software by running the Uninstall Wizard again.Before doing so, make sure that there are no other products using theInfrastructure; those products will no longer function once the Infrastructureis removed. You will not encounter the Distribution to Uninstall screen if noother software depends on Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure. See Uninstalling Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure in Installing andConfiguring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Navigating the Uninstall Wizard ScreensThe Uninstall Wizard shows a series of screens to confirm the removal of the software.

Table 6-1 describes the screens in the Uninstall Wizard. For information, click Help onthe screen.

Chapter 6Uninstalling the Software


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Table 6-1 Uninstall Wizard Screens and Descriptions

Screen Description

Welcome Introduces you to the product Uninstall Wizard.

Uninstall Summary Shows the Oracle home directory and its contents that are uninstalled. Verify that this is thecorrect directory.

If you want to save these options to a response file, click Save Response File and enterthe response file location and name. You can use the response file later to uninstall theproduct in silent (command-line) mode. See Running the Oracle Universal Installer forSilent Uninstall in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

Click Deinstall, to begin removing the software.

Uninstall Progress Shows the uninstallation progress.

Uninstall Complete Appears when the uninstallation is complete. Review the information on this screen, thenclick Finish to close the Uninstall Wizard.

Removing the Oracle Home Directory ManuallyAfter you uninstall the software, you must manually remove your Oracle homedirectory and any existing subdirectories that the Uninstall Wizard did not remove.

For example, if your Oracle home directory is /home/Oracle/product/ORACLE_HOME on Linux or UNIX operating systems, enter the following commands:

cd /home/Oracle/product rm -rf ORACLE_HOME

Removing the Domain and Application DataAfter you uninstall the software, you must remove the domain and application data.

To remove the domain and application data:

1. Manually remove your Domain home directory. For example:

On Linux or UNIX operating systems, if your Domain home directory is /home/Oracle/config/domains/bi_domain, enter the following command:

cd /home/Oracle/config/domains

rm -rf bi_domain

2. Manually remove your Application home directory. For example:

On Linux or UNIX operating systems, if your Application home directory is /home/Oracle/config/applications/bi_domain, enter the following commands:

cd /home/Oracle/config/applications

rm -rf bi_domain

3. Back up the domain_registry.xml file in your Oracle home, then edit the file andremove the line associated with the domain that you are removing. For example,to remove the bi_domain, find the following line and remove it:

<domain location="/home/Oracle/config/domains/bi_domain"/>

Chapter 6Removing the Oracle Home Directory Manually


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Save and exit the file when you are finished.

Reinstalling the SoftwareYou can reinstall your software into the same Oracle home as a previous installationonly if you uninstalled the software by following the instructions in this section,including manually removing the Oracle home directory.

When you reinstall, you can then specify the same Oracle home as your previousinstallation.

Consider the following cases where the Oracle home is not empty:

• Installing in an existing Oracle home that contains the same feature sets.

The installer warns you that the Oracle home that you specified during installationalready contains the same software you are trying to install.

• Installing in an existing, non-empty Oracle home.

For example, suppose you chose to create your Domain home or Applicationhome somewhere inside your existing Oracle home. This data is not removedwhen you uninstall a product, so if you try to reinstall into the same Oracle home,the installer does not allow it. Your options are:

– Uninstall your software from the Oracle home (as this section describes) andthen remove the Oracle home directory. After you uninstall the software andremove the Oracle home directory, you can reinstall and reuse the sameOracle home location. Any domain or application data that was in the Oraclehome must be re-created.

– Select a different Oracle home directory.

Chapter 6Reinstalling the Software


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ATroubleshooting the Installation of OracleAnalytics Server

This section contains the following topics:

• Starting the Oracle Analytics Server InstanceVerifying the configuration involves starting the servers (Admin Servers andManaged Servers) and the newly configured Oracle Analytics Server instance.

• Installing Oracle Analytics Server with Oracle Database Release you are installing Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Database Release12., you might see a "BI Startup failure" error message on the ConfigurationProgress screen.

Starting the Oracle Analytics Server InstanceVerifying the configuration involves starting the servers (Admin Servers and ManagedServers) and the newly configured Oracle Analytics Server instance.

To start the Oracle Analytics Server instance including the components such as theNode Manager, Admin Servers, and the Managed Servers:

1. Change directory to the following:

On Linux or UNIX operating systems:


2. To start the servers, enter the following command:

On Linux or UNIX operating systems:


When prompted to enter the password, specify the Node Managerpassword that you entered while configuring the Oracle Analytics Serverdomain.

Installing Oracle Analytics Server with Oracle DatabaseRelease

If you are installing Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Database Release,you might see a "BI Startup failure" error message on the Configuration Progressscreen.

To work around this issue:


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1. Stop the database listener by entering the following command:

lsnrctl stop

2. Open the sqlnet.ora file in an editor.

By default, this file is located in the NEW_ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. You might also find the file in the directory that is specified by theTNS_ADMIN environment variable.

3. Add the following line in the sqlnet.ora file:


4. Save your changes and close the file.

5. Start the database listener by entering the following command:

lsnrctl start

6. Try to install Oracle BI 12c ( again.

Appendix AInstalling Oracle Analytics Server with Oracle Database Release


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BUpdating the JDK After Installing andConfiguring an Oracle Fusion MiddlewareProduct

Consider that you have a JDK version jdk1.8.0_191 installed on your machine. Whenyou install and configure an Oracle Fusion Middleware product, the utilities, such asConfiguration Wizard (|exe), OPatch, or RCU point to a default JDK, forexample, jdk1.8.0_191. After some time, Oracle releases a new version of the JDK,say jdk1.8.0_221 that carries security enhancements and bug fixes. From 12c( onwards, you can upgrade the existing JDK to a newer version, and canhave the complete product stack point to the newer version of the JDK.

You can maintain multiple versions of JDK and switch to the required version on needbasis.

• About Updating the JDK Location After Installing an Oracle Fusion MiddlewareProductThe binaries and other metadata and utility scripts in the Oracle home and Domainhome, such as RCU or Configuration Wizard, use a JDK version that was usedwhile installing the software and continue to refer to the same version of the JDK.The JDK path is stored in a variable called JAVA_HOME which is centrally locatedin file inside the ORACLE_HOME/oui directory.

About Updating the JDK Location After Installing an OracleFusion Middleware Product

The binaries and other metadata and utility scripts in the Oracle home and Domainhome, such as RCU or Configuration Wizard, use a JDK version that was used whileinstalling the software and continue to refer to the same version of the JDK. The JDKpath is stored in a variable called JAVA_HOME which is centrally locatedin file inside the ORACLE_HOME/oui directory.

The utility scripts such as|cmd,, or opatch reside in theORACLE_HOME, and when you invoke them, they refer to the JAVA_HOME variablelocated in file. To point these scripts and utilities to the newerversion of JDK, you must update the value of the JAVA_HOME variable inthe file by following the directions listed in Updating the JDKLocation in an Existing Oracle Home .

To make the scripts and files in your Domain home directory point to the newer versionof the JDK, you can follow one of the following approaches:

• Specify the path to the newer JDK on the Domain Mode and JDK screen whilerunning the Configuration Wizard.

For example, consider that you installed Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructurewith the JDK version 8u191. So, while configuring the WebLogic domain with theConfiguration Assistant, you can select the path to the newer JDK on the Domain


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Mode and JDK screen of the Configuration Wizard. Example: /scratch/jdk/jdk1.8.0_221.

• Manually locate the files that have references to the JDK using grep command forLinux or UNIX operating systems and update each reference.

See Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Oracle Home .


If you install the newer version of the JDK in the same location as theexisting JDK by overwriting the files, then you don’t need to take any action.

• Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Oracle HomeThe|cmd script displays the value of a variable, such asJAVA_HOME, from the file. The|cmd scriptis used to set the value of variables, such as OLD_JAVA_HOME or JAVA_HOMEthat contain the locations of old and new JDKs in the file.

• Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Domain HomeYou must search the references to the current JDK, for example 1.8.0_191manually, and replace those instances with the location of the new JDK.

Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Oracle HomeThe|cmd script displays the value of a variable, such asJAVA_HOME, from the file. The|cmd script isused to set the value of variables, such as OLD_JAVA_HOME or JAVA_HOME thatcontain the locations of old and new JDKs in the file.

The|cmd and|cmd scripts are located in the followinglocation:

(Linux or UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin

Where, ORACLE_HOME is the directory that contains the products using the currentversion of the JDK, such as 1.8.0_191.

To update the JDK location in the file:

1. Use the|cmd script to display the path of the current JDK from theJAVA_HOME variable. For example:

(Linux or UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/ JAVA_HOME


Where JAVA_HOME is the variable in the file that containsthe location of the JDK.

2. Back up the path of the current JDK to another variable such asOLD_JAVA_HOME in the file by entering the followingcommands:

(Linux or UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/ -nameOLD_JAVA_HOME -value specify_the_path_of_current_JDK

Appendix BAbout Updating the JDK Location After Installing an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product


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This command creates a new variable called OLD_JAVA_HOME inthe file, with a value that you have specified.

3. Set the new location of the JDK in the JAVA_HOME variable ofthe file, by entering the following commands:

(Linux or UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/ -nameJAVA_HOME -value specify_the_location_of_new_JDK

After you run this command, the JAVA_HOME variable inthe file now contains the path to the new JDK, such asjdk1.8.0_221.

Updating the JDK Location in an Existing Domain HomeYou must search the references to the current JDK, for example 1.8.0_191 manually,and replace those instances with the location of the new JDK.

In Linux or UNIX, you can use the grep to search for the jdk-related references.

You’ll likely be required to update the location of JDK in the following three files:

(Linux or UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin/

(Linux or UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/nodemanager/

(Linux or UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin/


• If you change the value of JAVA_HOME for the Node Manager in|cmd file, then the components that you started usingthe Node Manager automatically use the new JAVA_HOME that youspecify in the|cmd file.

• Observe caution while updating the|cmd file. Anyincorrect updates might reverse the manual operations (such as scale-out, upgrade, or extending the domain) that were performed on thedomain.

Appendix BAbout Updating the JDK Location After Installing an Oracle Fusion Middleware Product
