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Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for Tensiometers at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site Pam Aishlin 1 , Michael J. Thoma 1,2 , Warren Barrash 1,2 1 Department of Geosciences 2 Center for Geophysical Investigation into the Shallow Subsurface Boise State University, Boise, ID Technical Report BSU CGISS 13-02 August 2013

Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for

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Page 1: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for

Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for Tensiometers

at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site

Pam Aishlin1, Michael J. Thoma

1,2, Warren Barrash


1Department of Geosciences

2Center for Geophysical Investigation into the Shallow Subsurface

Boise State University, Boise, ID

Technical Report BSU CGISS 13-02

August 2013

Page 2: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for



Between 2010 and 2011, six Advanced Tensiometer (AT) soil nests were installed at the

Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site (BHRS) to monitor soil pore water pressure and

temperature in coarse conglomeratic sediments and to aid in estimation of unsaturated hydrologic

properties of these materials. Four nests were installed in the spring of 2010 and two more were

installed the following spring in 2011 using a bore-and-backfill method designed for coarse,

unconsolidated material. Individual AT sensors required calculation of a pressure offset (in

height of water) for both pre- and post-emplacement. Pre-emplacement offsets were determined

through lab tests in water columns, and post-emplacement (in situ) offsets were determined by

analysis of positive-pressure time series data (i.e., when ATs were submerged below the water

table) in comparison to independently measured water level data. Of the 27 individual AT

sensors installed at the BHRS, 18 both (a) were installed at sufficient depth to be below the water

table for at least seasonal periods of time and (b) provided sufficient positive pressure data to

calculate post-emplacement offset values, which ranged from -40 to +5 cm. Additional analysis

of in situ time series data showed that total offset (pre- and post-emplacement) of the sensors

may, in some cases, be correlated with soil pore pressure and may change through the lifetime of

the sensor. Pore pressure data collected from AT sensors were used to capture vadose zone

behavior related to precipitation, infiltration, and evapotranspiration. All AT sensors were

decommissioned in July 2013. Sensor nest installation, calculation of post-emplacement offset,

and sensor performance are discussed in this report.

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ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. ii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................ v

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1

AT Sensor Overview .................................................................................................................................. 3

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................. 3

Installation.................................................................................................................................................. 3

Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................... 8

CALIBRATION ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Pre-emplacement Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 9

Post-emplacement Calibration ................................................................................................................. 12

TX1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

TX5A .................................................................................................................................................... 14

TX5B .................................................................................................................................................... 16

Alternate Post-emplacement Calibration ................................................................................................. 18

TX5A .................................................................................................................................................... 18

TX5B .................................................................................................................................................... 19

Sensor Offset Drift ................................................................................................................................... 20

QUESTIONABLE SENSOR DATA .......................................................................................................... 21

Dry Soil Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 22

Barometric Trends ................................................................................................................................... 23

Complete Sensor Failure .......................................................................................................................... 24

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 25

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 26

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 27

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 28

Datalogger Program ................................................................................................................................. 28

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Figure 1: BHRS field site map of central well field, tensiometer nests, and neutron access tube locations

(locations are based on GPS data and are approximate) ............................................................................... 2

Figure 2: Advanced Tensiometer sensor and porous cup ............................................................................. 2

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of vertically distributed tensiometernest construction (not to scale and

showing an example with two AT sensors). ................................................................................................. 5

Figure 4: Tensiometer nest surface inner enclosure.External cover has been removed to show interior ..... 6

Figure 5: A) Pullout cable attachment to top of AT sensor, B) surface end of pullout cable on installed AT

sensor, C) final product ................................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 6: Example of sensor pressure data versus water level column depth used to estimate pre. This

example is from AT sensor 1009-010 later emplaced as TX1-4 ................................................................ 10

Figure 7: A) Positive pressure data from TX1 AT sensors and X1 water level for the time period used for

calculation of post. Thicker segments of lines in A indicate the time period used for calculation of mean

post. B) Instantaneous difference between sensor water level and X1 water level for the mean-calculation

period .......................................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 8: A) Positive pressure data from TX5A AT sensors and X5 water level for the time period used

for calculation of post. Thicker segments of lines in A indicate the time period used for calculation of

mean post. B) Instantaneous difference between sensor water level and X5 water level for the mean-

calculation period ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Figure 9: A) Positive pressure data from TX5B AT sensors and X5 water level for the time period used

for calculation of post. Thicker section lines in A indicate the time period used for calculation of mean

post. B) Instantaneous difference between sensor water level and X5 water level for the mean-calculation

period .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 10: Observed (dots) and modeled (lines) TX5A sensor pore water pressure (ψ) responses to rain

events. The differences between modeled and observed data, already corrected in this figure, were used

for alternate estimation of post (taken from Thoma et al., 2014) ................................................................ 19

Figure 11: A) TX5A-1 post-emplacement offset (post) as a function of pore water pressure. B) Water

table elevation (zWT) from 2010 through 2011 to illustrate temporal perspective of drift in post ............... 21

Figure 12: Example of sequential drying out of AT sensors in the summer and recovery in the autumn of

shallowest TX5A sensors ............................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 13: A) Example of AT sensor data from TX5 showing atmospheric trend overprinted on pore

water pressure response to rainfall (bars on top axis). TX5A-8 is shown for comparison because it

contains no atmospheric trend and tracks only rain responses ................................................................... 24

Figure 14: Examples of AT sensors that experienced complete failure, shown by high amplitude noise

(TX5A-6 and TX1-9) or unresponsive data (TX1-3) .................................................................................. 25

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Table 1: Final AT sensor depths as depth to center of porous cup in meters below measuring point (m

BMP) and elevation of cup center in meters above mean sea level (m AMSL) for each nest ...................... 7

Table 2: AT final sensor locations, serial numbers, factory-derived voltage to pressure slope and offset

value, and pre derived from lab calibration ................................................................................................ 11

Table 3: TX1 AT sensor mean post and σ determined from submerged sensors using 2010 data (see Figure

7) ................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Table 4: TX5A AT sensor mean post and σ determined from submerged sensors using 2010 data (see

Figure 8) ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

Table 5: TX5B AT sensor mean post and σ determined from submerged sensors using 2010 data (see

Figure 9) ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

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This report is designed as a resource for persons interested in use of Advanced

Tensiometers (AT) and/or vadose zone measurement in coarse, unconsolidated sediments.

Accordingly, we describe tensiometer nest construction and AT sensor calibration, installation,

and maintenance. Methods used to determine tensiometer data offset values and relevant data

analyses, including environmental response and anomalous sensor behavior, are also presented.

In April 2010, four tensiometer nests, as two separate shallow and deep nested pairs,

were installed at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site (BHRS; Barrash et al., 1999) for the

purpose of investigating aquifer-atmosphere interactions and unsaturated hydrologic properties

of coarse conglomeratic material (Figure 1). Two more nests, also as a shallow and deep nested

pair, were installed the following spring in 2011 primarily to support an infiltration test discussed

in Thoma et al. (2014). Tensiometer nests were equipped with Advanced Tensiometer sensors

(Hubbell and Sisson, 1998; Sisson et al., 2002) (Figure 2) that measure soil pore pressure and

temperature at specific depths within, and below, the vadose zone. To isolate specific depths,

backfill material was emplaced with appropriate stratification using a bore-and-backfill method

designed for coarse, unconsolidated material.

From the time of their installation until July 2013, the AT sensors recorded soil water

pore pressure and temperature at 15 min sampling intervals, capturing precipitation and water

table responses in the saturated and unsaturated zones, as well as daily and seasonal temperature

variations (Johnson et al., 2013). In addition to the above, data provided by these AT sensors

were used to estimate unsaturated soil properties from transient data collected during an

infiltration test (Thoma et al., 2014). Prior to field emplacement of the sensors, lab tests were

performed to determine pre-emplacement pressure offsets (pre) for comparison to original, as-

constructed, factory sensor calibration. After emplacement and comparison of AT sensor-

recorded pressure to actual hydrostatic pressure (i.e., depth below water table), it was determined

that post-emplacement offsets (post) were necessary to further calibrate the sensors.

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Figure 1: BHRS field site map of central well field, tensiometer nests, and neutron access

tube locations (locations are based on GPS data and are approximate).

Figure 2: Advanced Tensiometer sensor and porous cup.

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AT Sensor Overview

Each AT sensor contains an internal pressure transducer that records a pressure reading

as a voltage and converts that to an output signal that is read by a conventional data logger (e.g.,

Campbell Scientific loggers). This conversion of pressure to voltage requires calibration in the

form of a linear relationship between actual pressure and output voltage. These calibration values

were initially determined by the manufacturer using linear regression from measured output

voltage versus observed pressure data in a lab setting. This lab calibration was performed by the

manufacturer pre-construction in 2010, and, at the request of the authors, post-construction in

2011 in order to investigate effects of construction – no considerable effects were observed.

Internal temperature components did not require such rigorous calibration and are not discussed

in this report.

The AT sensors were designed to have a full pressure range of ±400 cm water at an

output voltage range of 0 to 2 vdc for 2010-constructed sensors and 0 to 4 vdc for 2011-

constructed sensors, under input voltage of 5 vdc. For installation at the BHRS, the +400 cm

limit suffices given that sensor installation depths are < 300 cm below land surface (bls). The -

400 cm pressure limit, however, is often reached and exceeded under dry summer conditions due

to high rates of evapotranspiration at the land surface. When soil pore water pressure maintains

values < -400 cm, loss of water from the porous cup housing the AT sensor and providing

hydraulic connection to the surrounding formation can occur in the shallowest sensors, and so

the cups must be periodically checked and refilled with water to maintain hydraulic connection.



The six tensiometer nests were installed as three shallow-deep pairs at three locations

north and northwest of the BHRS central well field (Figure 1). Nests contain sensors vertically

distributed between the greatest seasonal depth of the water table (2.0 to 2.5 m below land

surface (BLS)) to just below the land surface (~0.3 m BLS). Deep tensiometer nests included

four individual AT sensors and shallow nests included five. Tensiometer nests were named for

the location of the nearest well (TX1 for nests near well X1, TX5 for those near well X5),

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whether they are shallow or deep nests (e.g., TX1S = shallow nest, TX1D = deep nest), and

installation sequence (where two pairs were near the same well, an “A” or “B” is used after the

well designation, e.g., TX5AS vs TX5BS). Paired nests TX1 (both deep and shallow nests

TX1D and TX1S, respectively) and TX5A nests (deep and shallow) were installed in the early

spring of 2010. TX5B nests were installed in 2011. Individual tensiometer designations indicate

sensor depth position within the nests, with deep nest sensors numbered 1 through 5, 1 being the

deepest, and shallow sensors numbered 6 through 9, 9 being most shallow. For example, TX1D1

is the deepest sensor in paired-nest installation TX1, and TX1S9 is the shallowest.

To isolate specific depths, a bore-and-backfill method designed for coarse,

unconsolidated material was employed with backfill material emplaced with appropriate

stratification (Figure 3). Accordingly, nest emplacement began by driving 25.4 cm (10 in) inside

diameter (ID) steel casing to hold back the surrounding unconsolidated formation while material

was augured from within the casing. For the deep tensiometer nests, casing was driven and

augured to a depth slightly below the maximum depth to water, while casing was driven and

augured to ~1.5 m (5 ft) BLS for shallow nests. In order to secure the above-ground sensor

enclosure while also minimizing obstruction to soil fluxes surrounding the installation, a rigid

plastic plate was placed at the bottom of the hole and attached to nylon web strap that extended

from the base of the hole to the land surface. The enclosure was designed to be secured to the

ground surface with this strap, requiring nominal burial depth of the base of the enclosure. In

this way, the above ground sensor enclosure was secured without altering the adjacent land

surface surrounding the installation area (important for measuring soil fluxes).

Above the rigid plastic base plate, the open hole was filled with alternating layers of

coarse and fine sediment. At targeted AT sensor depths, a mixture of 2/3 (by volume) fine silica

sand (70 grit) and 1/3 silica flour was poured around the AT porous cup and tamped to a

thickness slightly greater than the height of the cup. This mixture was determined via lab tests at

Boise State University to provide a reliable tension interface between the porous cup and the

coarser-grained formation material, thus maintaining hydraulic communication between the AT

sensor and the formation material. These sand/silt layers were alternated with layers of pea

gravel which provided a capillary barrier between vertically adjacent sensors (Figure 3).

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Figure 3: Schematic diagram of vertically distributed tensiometer

nest construction (not to scale and showing an example with two AT sensors).

A 2.54 cm (1 in) ID PVC riser pipe was connected to each emplaced porous ceramic cup

and extended to slightly above the land surface. The inside of the porous cup was beveled to

allow a secure, airtight connection with the AT sensor (see Figure 2), which was equipped with a

compatible beveled rubber stopper. The purpose of the riser pipe was to provide a conduit for the

addition of water to the ceramic cup, as well as protection for and easy removal of the AT

sensors. Once a porous cup and riser pipe were installed and the hole was back-filled to the next

target depth, the drive casing was raised to just below the level of the next cup emplacement

depth. In theory, as the drive casing is raised, the formation collapses back on the fill material to

achieve formation connectivity. This back-fill process was repeated until the shallowest cup was

in place. Mixed sand and gravel were used above the shallowest cup to fill the hole to land

surface. A rigid inner enclosure was placed over the riser tubes (Figure 4) and secured with the

nylon-web security strap. The inner enclosure houses the data logger and battery, while an outer

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enclosure encapsulates the inner enclosure and is secured with a post and padlock through-bar,

providing protection from the elements and vandalism. Both inner and outer enclosures are

constructed with hard HDPE plastic. Final AT sensor depths and elevations (to center of porous

cup) for each nest are presented in Table 1.

Figure 4: Tensiometer nest surface inner enclosure.

External cover has been removed to show interior.

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Table 1: Final AT sensor depths as depth to center of porous cup in meters below

measuring point (m BMP) and elevation of cup center in meters above mean sea level (m

AMSL) for each nest.

TX1D (deep)

TX5AD (deep)

TX5BD (deep)

TX1D MP: 850.39 m AMSL

TX5AD MP: 849.96 m AMSL

TX5BD MP: 850.03 m AMSL


[m BMP]


[m AMSL]


[m BMP]


[m AMSL]


[m BMP]


[m AMSL]

TX1-1 2.48 847.91

TX5A-1 2.18 847.78

TX5B-1 2.07 847.96

TX1-2 2.12 848.27

TX5A-2 1.86 848.10

TX5B-2 1.81 848.22

TX1-3 1.82 848.57

TX5A-3 1.87 848.09

TX5B-3 1.58 848.45

TX1-4 1.6 848.79

TX5A-4 1.69 848.27

TX5B-4 1.2 848.83

TX1S (shallow)

TX5AS (shallow)

TX5BS (shallow)

TX1S MP: 850.29 m AMSL

TX5AS MP: 850.01 m AMSL

TX5BS MP: 850.12 m AMSL


[m BMP]


[m AMSL]


[m BMP]


[m AMSL]


[m BMP]


[m AMSL]

TX1-5 1.38 848.91

TX5A-5 1.38 848.63

TX5B-5 1.29 848.83

TX1-6 1.07 849.22

TX5A-6 1.11 848.90

TX5B-6 1.06 849.06

TX1-7 0.87 849.42

TX5A-7 0.89 849.12

TX5B-7 0.82 849.30

TX1-8 0.64 849.65

TX5A-8 0.64 849.37

TX5B-8 0.54 849.58

TX1-9 0.44 849.85

TX5A-9 0.44 849.57

TX5B-9 0.36 849.76

After installation of the porous cups and riser tubes, AT sensors with appropriate cable

lengths were emplaced down the riser tubes into the porous cups. A 1.27 cm (0.5 in) ID PVC

pipe was lowered, surrounding the AT cables, to apply downward force necessary to ensure

proper seating of the AT sensor into the cup. Approximately 150 ml of distilled and degassed

water was added immediately prior to sensor emplacement to fill the porous cup (minimizing

entrapped air) and ensure that excess water was in the riser tube. Sensor communication cables

were connected to Campbell Scientific CR1000 Data Loggers to record and store measured data

(see Figure 4). Both pressure and temperature data were continuously logged at 15 min intervals

from the time of installation (either 2010 or 2011) until July 2013, excluding periods of logger,

power or sensor failure.

After installation of the 2010 nests, it was discovered that AT sensor removal, either to

replace bad sensors or refill porous cups, was difficult due to the elastic and fragile nature of the

AT sensor communication cables used to pull out the sensors. To address this problem, we

developed an improved method to remove sensors which consisted of steel pullout cables

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connected to the top of the AT sensors (Figure 5). These cables extended to the land surface and

provided a secure and safe method for removing ATs. This system was only applied to sensors

emplaced in 2011 and removable 2010 sensors. This cable is highly recommended for any future

installation or replacement ATs.

Figure 5: A) Pullout cable attachment to top of AT sensor, B) surface

end of pullout cable on installed AT sensor, C) final product.


During the dry summer, shallow AT sensors experienced extreme negative pressures

(high tension). As these conditions persisted, water loss from the porous ceramic cups

sometimes occurred to the point of cup drainage and AT sensor loss of hydraulic connection with

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soil pore water pressure. Consequently, measurements became exclusively barometric or

remained steady near 0 cm. To address cup water loss, AT sensors were pulled from the cup

and water was added to refill the porous cup. Each time an AT sensor was removed and re-

installed, dielectric grease was applied to the rubber stopper to maintain an air-tight connection.

When removing and reinstalling a sensor, care was taken to prevent grease contamination inside

the porous cup, as well as to keep any dust or debris from falling into the cup. Contaminants in

the cup could adversely affect porous cup tension characteristics, hydraulic connection or air-

tight seating of the sensor.

It was also important to ensure that water in the porous cups did not freeze during winter

months. Although the sensors are rated to -55 °C, water in the porous cups could freeze and

cause the cups to crack or, otherwise, produce erroneous data. Since there is no way to replace

porous cups once installed, cracking would result in an unusable measurement depth. The

shallowest AT sensors were therefore removed and cups drained for the winter months. This

practice is recommended for future use of these sensors to avoid damage during potentially

freezing conditions.


AT sensors are delivered from the factory with individual calibration values for

converting raw sensor voltage output to pressure values in cm water head as pressure =

slope*voltage + offset. The data logger program used with these AT sensors applies an average

of factory-derived slope and offset values to all sensors in a nest for ease and consistency in

datalogger programming. In data post-processing, these calibration values are removed, and

individual sensor-specific values are applied. The Campbell Scientific CR1000 program used for

this is provided in the Appendix. The following sections describe methods used to determine

additional individual offset calibration values to address sensor responses to water column and

field tests.

Pre-emplacement Calibration

Assuming perfect voltage to pressure factory calibration of sensors, a linear relationship

of water column height (in cm) above the sensor to resulting pressure values (in cm water head)

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is expected when using sensor-specific factory calibration values. Accordingly, the slope and

offset values for water column height to resultant pressure reading as water head would be slope

equal to one and offset equal to zero. To test the AT sensors against this assumption, AT

sensors delivered to Boise State University were subjected to water column tests where they

were placed under measured heights of water between 0 and 100 cm. Factory-calibrated sensor

output (observed pressure in cm water head) was compared to actual pressure, and linear

regression was applied to determine a slope and offset (pre-emplacement offset: pre) for each

sensor. Results from this calibration produced slope values near 1 but with pre ranging from -11

cm to +30 cm (Figure 6, Table 2). Ideally, pre should equal zero, however manufacturer

calibration of encased pressure transducers occurred pre-fabrication.

Figure 6: Example of sensor pressure data versus water level column depth used to

estimate pre. This example is from AT sensor 1009-010 later emplaced as TX1-4.

y = 1.0096x + 6.266R² = 0.9996








0 20 40 60 80 100 120



re re



, cm



water column, cm


Linear (TX1-4)


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Table 2: AT final sensor locations, serial numbers, factory-derived voltage to pressure

slope and offset value, and pre derived from lab calibration.


Depth Location


Factory-derived Lab-derived

Serial # Scalar Voltage

Offset pre

1 1009-020 0.395 -392 30.11

2 1009-018 0.4 -400 -10.91

3 1009-007 0.398 -402 15.28

4 1009-010 0.402 -404 6.27

5 1009-011 0.399 -398 10.76

6 1009-012 0.398 -398 -9.89

7 1009-013 0.399 -398 5.11

8 1009-014 0.397 -398 4.19

9 1009-015 0.396 -394 14.65


Depth Location


Factory-derived Lab-derived

Serial # Scalar Voltage

Offset pre

1 32411-010 0.2 -400 23.45

2 32411-002 0.2 -400 12.32

3 32411-003 0.2 -400 10.56

4 32411-004 0.2 -400 21.84

5 32411-005 0.2 -400 13.84

6 32411-006 0.2 -400 13.83

7 32411-007 0.2 -400 7.49

8 32411-008 0.2 -400 6.9

9 32411-009 0.2 -400 9.77


Factory-derived Lab-derived

Depth Location

(1=deepest) Serial # Scalar


Offset pre

1009-001 0.398 -398 5.25

1 No Sensor - - -

2 1009-008 0.397 -398 5.69

3 1009-017 0.4 -400 6.84

4 1009-009 0.4 -400 3.90

5 1009-002 0.398 -398 12.75

6 1009-003 0.393 -392 -

7 1009-004 0.398 -398 -

8 1009-005 0.399 -400 6.44

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Post-emplacement Calibration

It was initially thought that pre would be sufficient to explain deviations between in situ

AT measured pressure head versus actual hydrostatic pressure head. In situ pressure head data, to

which sensor-specific factory calibrations and individual pre were applied, were compared to

actual positive pressure measurements (i.e., depth of sensor below the water table) and these

comparisons showed that additional, post-emplacement offset (post) calibration was needed.

Determination of post was achieved by: 1) locating an extended period of time when an

individual AT sensor was below the water table and recording positive pressure; 2) calculating

measured water table elevation based on the sensor’s positive pressure reading and elevation,

(Tables 1-2); 3) comparing sensor-measured water table elevation to water table elevation

measured in an adjacent well (either X1 or X5); and 4) calculating the difference between

sensor- and well-derived water table elevations. Final post was estimated as the mean difference

in water table elevation for the submerged time period (Equation 1). The time periods used and

final post values are discussed in more detail for specific tensiometer nests in the following


𝛿𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 [𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 [𝑚] − (𝐴𝑇 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ[𝑚] + 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔⌈𝑚⌉)] (1)

Equation 1 assumes: 1) the well water level data provide true, absolute water table elevation; 2)

the water table is flat between the tensiometer nest and the well (this is a likely approximation

given the low water table gradient across the site and small distance between wells and

tensiometer nests); 3) positive pressure readings in AT sensors are solely dependent on distance

below the water table (i.e., sensors are properly vented and in hydraulic communication with the

soil); and 4) individual factory calibration values and pre values are incorporated in sensor data

via user datalogger programming.

Where a sensor was located above the maximum seasonal water table elevation, post

could not be calculated using this method since the sensor was not submerged. Therefore,

corrections for AT sensors that have always been above the water table were limited to pre

values or were occasionally determined by less direct methods (discussed in “TX5A Field

Responses”). Field-based post calibration required a period wherein sensors were submerged

beneath the water table. For the 2010-installed nests, this occurred early June 2010, in

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conjunction with high river stage in the adjacent Boise River. In 2011, high river stage and

resulting high water table levels occurred May through June. For each nest, subset periods of

stable high water table levels were applied to determine average post for each submerged sensor.


TX1 AT sensors showed a period of eight days in early June 2010 when the five deepest

sensors, TX1-1 through TX1-5, were continuously below the water table. Pressure data for these

sensors show the expected progression of increasing pressure with depth but the expected 1:1

linear relationship between hydrostatic pressure and depth was not evident in the sensor data,

indicating the need for individual sensor calibration ( post). Although the sensors recorded

positive pressure for a period of days, the early part of this time was associated with a slow

water table rise in response to changes in river stage so only ~3 days of stable water level data

were used in the calculation of post (Figure 7). Determination of post from this time period was

accomplished using Equation 1. Mean post values and standard deviations (σ) for each sensor

subjected to this calibration are reported in Table 3.

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Figure 7: A) Positive pressure data from TX1 AT sensors and X1 water level for the time

period used for calculation of post. Thicker segments of lines in A indicate the time period

used for calculation of mean post. B) Instantaneous difference between sensor water level

and X1 water level for the mean-calculation period.

Table 3: TX1 AT sensor mean post and σ determined from submerged sensors using 2010

data (see Figure 7).

Sensor Mean post [cm] σ [cm]

TX1-1 -35.44 1.41

TX1-2 -11.25 0.43

TX1-3 -6.42 0.33

TX1-4 -9.40 0.34

TX1-5 -8.48 0.40


In early June 2010, AT sensors TX5A-1 and TX5A-3 through TX5A-7 were also

submerged under the high summer water table, and were recording positive pressure (Figure 8).

Sensor TX5A-2 developed continuous problems shortly after installation and the AT was

removed and never replaced. TX5A is located closer to the Boise River than TX1, resulting in

more rapid water table response to river stage, producing ~4 days of stable water table data to be

Page 20: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


used for post calculation. For sensors in TX5A, post values were determined with water level

data taken from well X5. Mean post values were between -6 cm and +6 cm for five of the six

sensors, the exception being TX5A-5 which had a mean post of -18.6 cm (Table 4). Standard

deviations (σ) of post values were < 0.62 cm for all sensors except TX5A-5, which had a

calculated σ of 1.57 cm.

Figure 8: A) Positive pressure data from TX5A AT sensors and X5 water level for the time

period used for calculation of post. Thicker segments of lines in A indicate the time period

used for calculation of mean post. B) Instantaneous difference between sensor water level

and X5 water level for the mean-calculation period.

Page 21: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


Table 4: TX5A AT sensor mean post and σ determined from submerged sensors using 2010

data (see Figure 8).

Sensor Mean post [cm] σ [cm]

TX5A-1 5.71 0.49

TX5A-3 2.59 0.52

TX5A-4 3.64 0.54

TX5A-5 -18.56 1.57

TX5A-6 -3.51 0.62

TX5A-7 -2.07 0.46


Within the high water table period of May through June, 2011, AT sensors TX5B-1

through TX5B-7 were submerged below a quasi-stable water table for 31 days (Figure 9). TX5B-

1, however, experienced issues prior to June 8 so only data from June 8 through July 12 were

used to estimate post for this sensor. TX5B-7 also experienced sensor issues and no reliable data

could be obtained for post estimation. Mean post values for TX5B sensors were consistently

greater in amplitude than TX5A and TX1 sensors, and ranged from -40 cm to -25 cm with σ

values >0.9 cm for all sensors (Table 5).

Page 22: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


Figure 9: A) Positive pressure data from TX5B AT sensors and X5 water level for the time

period used for calculation of post. Thicker section lines in A indicate the time period used

for calculation of mean post. B) Instantaneous difference between sensor water level and X5

water level for the mean-calculation period.

Page 23: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


Table 5: TX5B AT sensor mean post and σ determined from submerged sensors using 2010

data (see Figure 9).

Sensor Mean post [cm] σ [cm]

TX5B-1 -39.94 1.60

TX5B-2 -31.91 1.31

TX5B-3 -27.98 1.30

TX5B-4 -37.35 1.45

TX5B-5 -27.25 1.05

TX5B-6 -26.30 0.93

Alternate Post-emplacement Calibration

In the following sections, we focus on adjacent sites TX5A and TX5B, for which

intensive data analyses were conducted by Thoma et al. (2014) in association with infiltration



Pore water pressure data from four AT sensors in TX5A (TX5A-3, TX5A-4, TX5A-6,

and TX5A-9) were used to estimate unsaturated soil properties based on modeling of their

responses to rain events in December 2010 (Figure 10; Thoma et al., 2014). Due to lack of

submerged conditions, post was not determined using the above method for all of these sensors.

Instead, a mean post was determined for each of these sensors from the mean of the pressure

residuals (i.e., subtracting the mean modeled pore pressure (ψ) during the 10 day response period

from the mean observed pressure during that same period). This allowed for better comparison of

changes in pressure due to percolation of rain, but not absolute pressure values. Mean post values

determined from this method ranged from -12 to +15 cm, which is higher than the range from the

submerged pressure method. Actual mean post values are not presented in this report but can be

found in Thoma et al. (2014). The method is presented here as an example of how observed data

under natural field conditions can be used to determine post for specific situations when AT

sensors are above the water table.

Page 24: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


Figure 10: Observed (dots) and modeled (lines) TX5A sensor pore water pressure (ψ)

responses to rain events. The differences between modeled and observed data, already

corrected in this figure, were used for alternate estimation of post (taken from Thoma et al.,



Pore water pressure data from TX5B sensors were used extensively in a 2011 infiltration

test to monitor water percolation through the vadose zone and to estimate soil hydraulic

properties (Thoma et al., 2014). The sensors used during the test (TX5B-5 through TX5B-9)

were above the water table so post values were determined using an optimization method

(iteratively adjusting mean post to achieve a better fit to the observed data). We refer the reader

to Thoma et al. (2014) for more details. This method provided estimates of post that were

between -10 cm and +10 cm for some of the same sensors listed in Table 5. In the following

section we present data showing the variability in post and we speculate that this variability is the

Page 25: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


reason submerged-pressure post values are different from the optimization-derived values of

Thoma et al. (2014).

Sensor Offset Drift

In this section we discuss trending in post by looking specifically at data from TX5A-1.

TX5A-1 remained submerged from the time of installation (April 2010) through December 2011,

with the exceptions of November 2010 through March 2011 and after mid-October 2011 due to

low water levels in the Boise River. This extensive continuous positive pressure data set

provided an opportunity to address variability in post. Water table elevations were measured in

nearby well X5 using a submerged pressure transducer and were compared to values estimated

from positive-pressure TX5A-1 data. However, instead of determining a single mean post value

as above, we looked at post as a function of pore water pressure (or water table elevation) and

time (Figure 11). Data from post versus actual pore pressure fell into four distinct groups with

different trends corresponding to different time frames: 1) June 2010 through October 2010, post

values were positive and had a positive correlation with pressure (slope = 2.36E-4

cm cm-1

); 2)

from November 2010 through March 2011, TX5A-1 was above the water table and no trend was

observed in post but values ranged between -7 and +5 cm; 3) in late March 2011, X5 water

levels rose rapidly in response to river stage then decreased in June but remained at intermediate

summer levels until mid-October; post values for this time period were negative and negatively

correlated with pore water pressure (slope = -4.06E-4

cm cm-1

); 4) in October 2011, water levels

dropped below those in TX5A-1 and post showed no clear trend with pressure but was

consistently around -4 cm (Figure 12).

Page 26: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


Figure 11: A) TX5A-1 post-emplacement offset (post) as a function of pore water pressure.

B) Water table elevation (zWT) from 2010 through 2011 to illustrate temporal perspective of

drift in post.

The presence of drift or trends and variability in post greatly complicates the

determination and selection of one (or more) offset(s) for long-term applications. It is therefore

recommended that installed AT sensors be periodically assessed for drift in post, with results

used to recalculate and apply post over appropriate time periods of interest (e.g., infiltration test).


Several AT sensors gave questionable readings after installation ranging from erratic data

to complete sensor failure. In this section we discuss three separate issues associated with these

questionable readings: 1) dry soil conditions; 2) barometric trends in the data; 3) complete sensor

failure. As discussed in the Maintenance section, some causes of questionable readings and

failure are preventable, such as those due to freezing. Also under Maintenance, optimal sensor

installation treatment during dry soil periods is discussed. Sensor status was periodically updated

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throughout the 2010-2013 monitoring campaign and reported in sensor metadata and field notes

located in the Boise State University directory:

\\icewater-data\vol1\BHRS\6_FieldNotes and TechReports\Field Notes\Tensiometers

Dry Soil Conditions

Due to a semi-arid climate, the BHRS tensiometer installation site experienced high

summer temperatures and dry soil conditions. Under these conditions many of the shallow

sensors experienced continuously decreasing pressure (increasing tension) until reaching the -

400 cm sensor limit. After reaching this limit, sensors would continue reporting “-400 cm” until

late autumn when soil moisture increased (Figure 12). Sensor response to drying can be

differentiated from sensor failure by the slow decrease in pressure and the vertically-sequenced

response to drying: shallowest sensors dry first, followed by progressively deeper sensors. As

long as the porous cup does not lose water to the degree that hydraulic connection with the

sensor or formation is lost, natural recovery may occur as soil moisture increases in autumn

(Figure 12).

Figure 12: Example of sequential drying out of AT sensors in the summer and recovery in

the autumn of shallowest TX5A sensors.

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Barometric Trends

As discussed under Maintenance regarding adequate porous cup water fill and sensor

seating, AT sensor data may exhibit barometric trends. Because AT sensors are constructed with

atmospheric venting, data are expected to exhibit soil pore water pressure conditions, assuming

hydraulic connection between the sensor and soil matrix. Barometric data trends were, however,

produced by several AT sensors, appearing as atmospheric “noise” overlaid upon reasonable

pore water pressure value trends (Figure 13). In some cases, sensors continued to respond to

precipitation and changes in water table elevation. Under some circumstances it was possible to

remove the atmospheric noise from the sensor data by subtracting out the atmospheric pressure

signal, which was recorded on-site. There were some instances where sensors appeared to be

influenced by the atmospheric signal with the relationship inverted; increasing atmospheric

pressure produced decreases in pore pressure. If the concern is only with long-term trends or

large pressure fluctuations, we suggest simple subtraction of the atmospheric signal from the AT

sensor data. Alternately, a solution may exist in addressing incomplete atmospheric venting of

the pressure transducer or incomplete seal at the rubber stopper around the end of the transducer

(Figure 2). We placed dessicant capsules at the vent tube terminations to prevent water

condensation in the vent tubes. With regard to the former, it is possible that these dessicant caps

were not functioning as intended or reduced atmospheric venting. With regard to the latter,

pulling the transducer, cleaning the stopper, and reapplying grease before resetting may remove

the atmospheric overprinting.

Page 29: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


Figure 13: A) Example of AT sensor data from TX5 showing atmospheric trend

overprinted on pore water pressure response to rainfall (bars on top axis). TX5A-8 is

shown for comparison because it contains no atmospheric trend and tracks only rain


Complete Sensor Failure

Some AT sensors failed during the campaign. In some cases, the failure was linked to a

particular event, such as frozen soil conditions or loss of hydraulic connection, while in other

cases, sensors became unresponsive, without obvious correlation to natural events. Failure of

sensors was identified most often by: 1) consistent, high-amplitude random noise in pressure data

(Figure 14); 2) a flat, unresponsive pressure signal; or 3) poor temperature data in conjunction

with pressure data. Temperature sensors proved to be more robust than pressure sensors, and

often remained working after pressure sensors failed. Some sensors showed signs of failure for

extended periods, then suddenly resumed normal, expected behavior. In some instances, failed

AT sensors were replaced with working sensors. At the time of completion of this report, the

authors cannot offer definitive treatments for all instances of questionable sensor readings. We

do, however, suggest troubleshooting of AT sensors to include: wire connection checks at the

loggers, seating checks of the rubber emplacement seal relative to possible over/under pressure

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in porous cup, porous cup leak tests, porous cup fill tests, and viability checks of desiccant caps

at the top ends of sensor venting tubes.

Figure 14: Examples of AT sensors that experienced complete failure, shown by high

amplitude noise (TX5A-6 and TX1-9) or unresponsive data (TX1-3).


Most of the 27 AT sensors installed in BHRS tensiometer nests produced high quality

data during the three year campaign from 2010-2013 and captured vadose zone moisture

dynamics very well (e.g., Thoma et al., 2014). This was particularly true when the range of

pressure experienced during an event (e.g., natural rain or an infiltration experiment) was much

greater than noise in the data. Sensors that experienced post-installation submersion beneath the

water table were tested for field-based offsets necessary to correct sensor pressure data to

absolute soil pore water pressure values. However, drift in sensor field offset values was

observed. Field offsets were applied in addition to pressure slope and offset values and in

addition to laboratory-determined positive pressure offsets. Lacking in our AT sensor treatments

is a single method for determining field-based pressure offsets for sensors that remain above the

water table. Also lacking is successful implementation of a laboratory method to apply tension

to an AT sensor and assess sensor response to known tension values. Complete post-processing

of measured tensiometer data included: 1) removal of the average factory-derived calibration

applied by the logger software to all sensor data; 2) application of factory-derived sensor specific

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voltage-to-pressure slope and offset; 3) application of laboratory-derived pressure offsets; and 4)

application of field-determined post-installation offsets, if determined for a given sensor.

Analysis of raw and corrected data has shown that several issues may arise with these sensors,

ranging from loss of water in the porous cup caused by natural dry conditions to complete sensor

failure for unknown reasons.


This work was supported in part by the U.S. Army RDECOM ARL Army Research Office under

grant W911NF-09-1-0534. Special thanks to Jerry Noe of Electronic Engineering Innovations,

Joel Hubbell of Idaho National Laboratory, Michael Cardiff and Brady Johnson, and HazTech

Drilling Company. Use of brand names in this report is for descriptive purposes only and is not

an endorsement of any given product.

Page 32: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for



Barrash, W., T. Clemo, and M. Knoll. 1999. Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site (BHRS);

Objectives, design, initial geostatistical results. Proceedings of SAGEEP99, Symposium on

the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. March 14-18,

1999, Oakland, CA, 389-398.

Hubbell, J. M., and J. B. Sisson. 1998. Advanced tensiometer for shallow or deep soil-water

pressure measurements. Soil Science 163, 271-277.

Johnson, B., M. Thoma, and W. Barrash. 2013. Neutron probe installation, calibration, and data

treatment at the BHRS. CGISS Technical Report 13-01, Boise State University, 33p.

Sisson, J., G. Gee, J. Hubbell, W. Bratton, J. Ritter, A. Ward, and T. G. Caldwell. 2002.

Advances in tensiometry for long-term monitoring of soil water pressures. Vadose Zone

Journal 1(2), 310-315.

Thoma, M., W. Barrash, M. Cardiff, J. Bradford, and J. Mead. 2014. Estimation of in situ

unsaturated hydraulic properties of a stony sediment sequence from an infiltration

experiment. Vadose Zone Journal 13(3), doi:10.2136/vzj2013.05.0096.

Page 33: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for



Datalogger Program

Datalogger programs for the Campbell Scientific (CSI) CR1000 datalogger may be created in

CRBasic using CSI LoggerNet software. The program below provides for 5 sensors, scans at 1

minute intervals and outputs data to a data table at 15 min increments. Output data include both

pressure data in cm water head and temperature data in degrees Celsius. Single quote marks

preceding a line of text in the program signifies comments rather than actual program instruction

lines. It is important that the scan interval be set to a factor of the desired data table interval.

The program below includes comments that describe the applied AT wiring scheme. Important

variations in the program include number of AT sensors and the scalar value relative to sensor

calibration in instruction VoltSe for ATp.


'Declare Variables and Units

'Program Notes:

Const AT_Num = 5


Public ATp(AT_Num)

Public ATt(AT_Num)


'Conversion units for water pressure, kPa'1 kilopascal is 0.2952999 inches of mercury or

0.009869233 atmospheres, 1 atmos is 101.325 kPa

'1 kilopascal = 4.014 630 786 7 inch of water [4 °C], 1 kilopascal = 10.197 162 13 centimeter of

water [4 °C]

Units ATp = cm water

Units ATt = celsius

'AT tensiometer-wiring

'red at 5v

'black at ground

'yellow pressure, SE

'green temperature, SE

'Define Data Tables

' Please setup data output to suit individual needs. You may want to save raw data as

' well as calculated values

DataTable (soildata,1,-1)'trigger as needed, record records for all avail memory

'******Currently set at 2 min, set at 15 min when you are done testing.****

DataInterval (0,15,min,5)'(time into, time, units, lapses)

'based on scan interval,can take data at less than one minute intervals

'last parameter, # of lapses to keep track of, needs to be 1 or more.

Sample (AT_Num,ATp(),FP2)

Sample (AT_Num,ATt(),FP2)

Sample (1,Batt_Volt,FP2)


Page 34: Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for · Installation, Maintenance, and Offset Calculation for


' This program MUST be run in sequential mode


'Main Program



'(interval as 10 milliseconds to 30 min, units, buffersize as # of scans

'of a buffer in RAM that holds the raw results of meas, count as# of scans before proceeding

'to NextScan a count of 0 is looping forever or Exit Scan)

'may want minutes scan period to decrease battery draw

'For 4 AT-tensiometer sensor testing use smallest rate of scan as 4 sec,8 sec, 12 sec.

'for 5 sensors 5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec

'Then datainterval can be every minute, w/ use of 4 AT scan at 12 sec, 5 AT scan at 15 sec.




'12 parameters, destination, repetitions, range, dif chan, exchan, measPEx,Ex mV,Re Ex,

RevDiff, steeling time,

'Integ, mult, offset.

'for UMS tesniometers the RevEx and RevDiff must both be false

'the multiplier of -10.6, parameteer 11. corrects sign of output to standard convention

'pressure equals positive number and tension equals negative numbere as standard convention

'however, parameter 11 ERROR STATED: integer evaluation expected



'(destination variable or array if repeated, reps, range, SEch,meas ofs, settling time, integ,mult,


‘The scalar value for 2010 sensors is 0.4016, while for 2011 it is 0.2.


CallTable (soildata)

