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Inspiring health beyond happiness by vivien goh v1 0

Mar 26, 2016




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I am grateful that GOD gave me the most wonderful parents and I take this

opportunity to express my gratitude and deepest love to my parents, Henry Goh

and Aileen Chow, grateful for your understanding, support and unconditional

love. I love you so much!

Special thanks to Shun Jian and Catherina for being supportive and caring


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Chapter List:

1. Introduction Page 5

2. Healthy Minds Page 7

3. Great Habits for life Page 10

4. Making Right Food Choices Page 14

5. Holistic Remedies Page 17

6. Vitamins and Herbs Page 21

7. Conclusion Page 24

8. Resources page 25

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Hi, my name is Vivien, Founder of Viv Health Happiness

( and Author of Inspiring Health Beyond Happiness.

I would like to THANK YOU for your interest and taking ACTION to

download this eBook. I am glad to announce that you have in your possession

an amazing, wonderful and powerful resources to improve your (or your loved

one) personal health and well-being. Let me share with you my story and how I

chance upon the living lifestyle that my family believe in and have faith in.

When I was 14, my mum was diagnosed with cancer. The experts said

that she was at stage 3 and would have less than 5 years of survival rate. I

remembered clearly…at the hospital with tears in our eyes, she told me about

the operation and the various treatments she had to go through and even the

need to have a wig ready. I didn’t really understand what mum was really going

through; I just felt sad especially when I imagined her losing her hair. Our

family stood close and we were positive she would be able to conquer her


My mum had her ovaries and uterus removed. Also, it was really a

miracle that the doctor actually detected another tumour in her colon and had it

removed altogether. Imagine…if the detection happened only after the

operation, it would have had detrimental impacts on her body, which would

have devastated us. Our family had count our blessings!

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Right now, after 20 over years, I’m proud and happy to announce that my

mum is still enjoying life and kicking. Amazingly awesome isn’t it? Here’s

what she says to me all the time:

‘I didn’t bother about what the doctors said…all I knew is I would be alright

and I will definitely be by your side’.

You will be surprised if you see her, at 72, she is energetic all the time.

Through her road of recovery, our family had a change in lifestyle and attitude

towards life and appreciating every single second we had together. My mum is

a walking monument of survival, I have observed her daily habits and learnt

from her ‘survival techniques’, thus I mimic her way of living. I feel the need

and obligation to spread her words and share our secrets to you.

I believe these valuable and easy to action tips that will surely improve

your life to better health happiness with lots of abundance regardless if you are

a patient or not. Take Action as the quality of your life is in your hands and you

are accountable to your loved ones. Your goal is to understand and apply as

many as possible.

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1. Have Goals. This is incredibly important. If you have a major purpose,

something to look forward to, you will be much fulfilled just doing the

required work to achieve your goal. It is not so much the destination but the

path that is important. From personal experience, I must say that one of the

major things that gave mum the fire to fight was the goals to see her

children grow up. Right now, she says she is setting new goals to travel

around the world, to go South Africa, Egypt and many other places. Trust

me, goals and projects that are meaningful to you will keep you alive. So

start right now and don’t be hold back by fears. What is that one thing that

you have always wanted to do? Just do it!

2. Be Nice. Positive energy is contagious. If you do something nice for

someone today, chances are that before the end of the day that person will

do something nice for someone else. Little things mean a lot, and if you are

doing nice things for people, you will begin to feel better about yourself.

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3. Be Gracious. Gratitude is extremely powerful, and remembering to say

thank you for even the littlest things can be a powerful positive change.

Expressing gratitude is much more pleasant than expressing frustration, and

it will eventually begin to replace the negative habit of complaining that we

all get into some times. Focus on the solution rather at the problem. During

the treatments, my mum never complaint on how difficult and how uneasy

she felt, she was never giving up, she was always thanking us for standing

by her side and even comfort us that everything will be alright.

4. Positive Affirmations Daily. Reciting affirmation helps to raise self-

esteem and confident where the person image positive effect to manifest in

their life. Keep the positive thoughts on a regular basis especially when you

are depressed or you are starting to think negatively about yourself or

something. The words do not have the power but the power lies under a

deeper level of mind to trust it will come

true and to manifest it. If you have read the

book on “Secret”, you should know what I


5. Socialize. Having a social life is good for

your mental health. Join a club, volunteer,

or go out with friends --- these are activities

that promote fun and interaction which are

good for your emotional health. Sharing

time with people that also have goals and

that want to be with you to share the fun of

being alive is very rewarding. People that have your same state of mind and

are motivated by the same activities will add massive value to your life.

You can get and share important information, get emotional support, and

have a sense of belonging which helps in overcoming depression and

anxiety attacks.

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6. An Act of Love. There is no more powerful medicine than love and that

simply giving or receiving affections such as a hug can raise the spirits and

begin to heal the body. If you are suffering from grief of some sort, love

may be all that you need to start healing.

7. Love Yourself. Look at the mirror and take note

on all positive aspects of yourself, whenever

possible, tell your mind that you accept your body

and yourself for who you are, right now.

8. Mindfulness. It is the way to live peacefully and

happily. If you feel bored, or feel as though you

are stretching every minute to its fullest extent in

order to get things done, you are probably a good

candidate for the practice of mindfulness.

Through mindfulness practice, you are going to

get to the root of what is causing you to feel

stressed or bored. Often there is something deeper that is causing you

anxiety, and through this technique you are likely to discover what that

something is. You should learn to let go of pain and not to get away but to

be with them to allow thoughts to flow freely. By trying to suppress

feelings and control thoughts, you are actually doing your body more harm

than good.

9. Dance of Life. Life is ever-changing and ever adapting. Sometimes we all

get bogged down in our day to day and forget to take time out for ourselves.

It is beneficial to take at least some time each day to work on personal

growth and healing. Spending time working on personal growth in some

way will make you more aware of the ups and downs of your life and give

you tools for dealing with whatever comes your way throughout your life.

10. Positive, Positive and Positive. Accept that there is no clear and easy path.

Many people spend so much time looking for the easy route that they forget

to enjoy the joys of the road. Changing your perspective will take time, but

try to begin thinking of obstacles as stepping-stones along the path of your


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11. Eat your Breakfast. Studies shows

that people who take regular breakfast

are happier and perform better at work

than those who come to work skipping

their first meals for the day. By taking a

full breakfast in the morning, you will

not grow hungry by late morning and

fall into the trap of food binging which

is usually a compensation mechanism

for lack of nutrients. It is best to follow

a one-week breakfast plan that contains

a balanced amount of nutrients that

contain a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. .

12. Start Exercising. Regular physical activity helps you to keep control of

your weight that will reduces the risks of heart disease and avoid becoming

obese. My mum always speed walks around the neighbourhood for at least

20 minute daily to keep in shape. Physical activity also reduces the risks of

other health issues such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood

pressure as well as reducing the stress levels. Simple acts of walking are

one of the best ways to include in your daily physical activity routine to

help even reduce the risks of heart diseases.

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13. Drink Water. Water is effective at eliminating toxins from our body,

cleaning out the sinuses, and rinsing away cellular waste. It is also a great

energy booster! Other liquids like tea, coffee, pop drinks etc. do not replace

your water intake. Water also helps reduce body fat and promote lean body

tissues. This is my mum’s most recommended habit that is to everyday,

first thing in the morning, right before the morning coffee, have a glass of

water to flush out yesterday’s toxins.

14. Drink Green Tea. Make it a part of your diet, whether you're trying to lose

weight or not. There are a lot of benefits of taking green tea and if you want

to achieve a much healthier body, start taking it now. Green tea is

renowned for its antioxidant properties that help to prevent cancer.

15. Reduce TV Time. Trust me, television will induce negative feelings in

most viewers as a result of the common place violence and gossip.

Television viewing is not as relaxing as some people claim. Try giving up

your television shows for a week, replacing them with other activities. You

will most likely find that you are better rested, happier and less stressed at

the end of that week.

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16. Clean Bedroom. In today’s busy world, there is a tendency to turn the

bedroom into a home office and multipurpose room. This is not

recommended, as the bedroom should be instilling a sense of relaxation and

restfulness. Get better sleep and do your best to avoid stress and exertion

within an hour of your bedtime. Consider having a cup of chamomile tea

before bed, or using lavender infused oil in order to help induce a sense of

relaxation. Try to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, to maintain

healthy sleep habits.

17. Avoid Clutter. Clutter is an energy buster. If your bedroom is cluttered,

the energy will not flow as freely as it should and your sleep will be

affected in a negative way. Not only that, but clutter is frustrating, because

it often keeps you from finding something that you need in a few seconds.

Take the time to eliminate clutter, organise and tidy up, but start small with

one area at a time. Otherwise, you risk overwhelming yourself with a lot of


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18. Stop Smoking or Never Start. Tobacco

products are one of the most significant risks for

developing cancer or heart complications. No

amount of smoking is safe for the heart. Medical

studies have shown any form of tobacco products

including smokeless tobacco and low tar or low

nicotine cigarettes are also very risky as well as

second hand smoke. Tobacco smoke contains

over four thousand chemicals that are dangerous

and harmful to the heart and body.

19. Take Deep Long Breath. It is a great way to get more oxygen into your

blood and tissues. If you start right now and pay attention to how you are

breathing, it is more than likely that you will find yourself breathing quite

shallowly. This is not a healthy breathing pattern. You can start out by just

inhaling completely and count to ten. Then start to slowly exhaling

completely and count to ten again. If you take one minute to just do this

focused breathing each day, you will find that you feel better during that

minute. It is also a great remedy to relieve for migraine attack.

20. Laugh a lot or Laugh out Loud.

Humour has the power to heal and

renew supporting both physical

and emotional health. Laughter

will trigger the release of

endorphins promote overall sense

of well-being and even reduce

stress, pain or relax your body.

Laughter also boosts immune

system and improves the function

of your blood vessel and protects

your heart.

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21. Improve your Food Choices. Many people who eat unhealthy diets

believe that they are following a sound nutritional plan. However, those

same people often do not include fruits and vegetables with every meal.

Eating healthy is something we all should do and in order to eat healthy,

you must first make the right food choices. If you want your body to

perform at high-efficiency, you must provide it with high-efficiency foods.

This means more whole, raw foods and as few preservatives as possible.

22. Reduce White Food. In general, foods that are white in colour contain

little in terms of health benefits and are in fact better eliminated completely.

This includes white bread, white pastas, potatoes, crackers that are not made

from whole wheat and white rice. You can eliminate these items or replace

with foods that have a higher nutritional value like whole wheat bread and

pasta, sweet potatoes and brown rice.

23. Eat Acidic and Alkaline Food. Consider modifying your diet to include

foods that are acidic and alkaline, because many holistic experts believe that

this is one of the keys to maintaining a healthy body. Foods like meat are

high in acid. Fruits and vegetables tend to contain a high alkaline content.

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24. Avoid Overdo Grains. Consider reducing the amount of grains and other

carbohydrates that you are eating on a daily basis. The typical food

pyramid emphasizes eating a large quantity of starches, however

nutritionists believe that focusing more on fruits and vegetables will keep

you healthier overall.

25. Choose the Right Veggie. Vegetables taken should be varied as you

should eat two and a half cup of them each day. You should eat more dark

vegetables like broccoli and spinach. Carrot and sweet potatoes are good as

well. You should also eat more dry beans such as peas, pinto bean and

kidney beans. Fruit intake are very important, you should take at least two

cups of them each day. Try out eating a variety of fresh, frozen, canned or

dried fruits. You can also drink fruit juices as well however, that will

reduce the intake of fibre.

26. Drink Milk. For adults, 3 cups is the ideal

goal. When choosing milk products or

yogurt, you should go for fat-free or low-fat.

Those of you who don't like milk or can't

have it, should go for lactose free products

or other sources of calcium such as fortified

foods and beverages. Milk is calcium rich

and build strong bones.

27. Meat and Bean. They should be

ideally take five ounces a day and

you should go lean with your protein.

When eating meat, always bake it,

grill it or boil it, avoid frying to

prevent grease from adding to the

equation. You should vary your

protein as well, with more fish, bean,

peas and nuts.

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28. Reduce use of Solid Fats. When cooking your food, you should also limit

solid fats such as butter, margarine, shortening, and lard. These foods may

add flavour to your dishes, although they can also help raise your

cholesterol as well. Therefore, you should try to add these foods and any

foods that happen to contain them. To help keep your saturated fat, trans fat,

and sodium low, you can check the nutrition facts label. This label can be

found on the food package and will tell you all the information you need to

know about the food items.

29. Avoid Foods with Added Supplements. Believe it or not, nutritionists do

not recommend supplements for the sake of adding more nutrients. You

should try to obtain the nutrients you need through the foods that naturally

contain them. And, if you require supplements, you are far better off just

taking supplements. One nutrient that seems to be added to everything

these days is calcium. The amount of calcium being added to products like

orange juice is so minimal that it really will not help you to overcome a


30. Plan your Meals Ahead. Plan your eating ahead of time and make sure

healthy options are available. This is one of the things that nutritionists will

tell you to do when you want to improve your eating habits. For one thing,

you will not be hungry if you are prepared with a meal schedule. Also, you

will not be tempted by sugar and caffeine throughout the day when you

have plenty of healthy alternatives on hand.

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31. Meditation: There is always certain believe that body’s has its own ability

to heal itself; mediation is one of mum’s regular healing practices. It is to

concentrate on some object or thought in order to quiet the mind. There are

many different types and styles of meditation; however the one thing that is

consistent is that not every technique will work for every person. Everyone

can benefit from some type of meditation, take some time to read about

different techniques or talk to a holistic healer for more information about

what might work for you. Getting started is as simple as finding a quiet

space to relax, taking some deep breaths and letting thoughts enter and pass

through your mind without concentrating on any specific thought.

32. Reflexology: Reflexology is a technique of applying pressure to and

stretching the hands and feet in order to send nerve messages to other parts

of the body. Through the careful application of reflexology, practitioners

can affect the health of various organs and parts of the body. Its improved

circulation, increase energy and even balance emotions. Mum visits her

regular foot reflexology at least once a month; you can also try researching

on the available resources in the internet to find out relevant hand and feet

pressure point and DIY.

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33. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is type of alternative medicine that has been

commonly practiced in the eastern part of the world for thousands of years.

The intention is to prevent rather than to cure a specific or general ailment.

Basically, acupuncture is used to stimulate the nerves in the body and as a

result positively affect all of the other bodily systems. It is important to

emphasize that acupuncture is used only on top of existing medical therapy.

Do note that at no time should a patient discontinue medication or ignore

medical instructions in favour of needle puncture.

34. Qi Gong: Is a tradition Chinese culture with a class of physical activity

involves the mind, body or meditative movement. It is easy to learn

repeatable physical movements, which require focus on the breathing and

concentration. If you are plagued by continuous pain and conventional pain

medicines are not working to help eliminate it, consider this special type of

Chinese practice.

35. Tai Chi: It is believed that Tai Chi can increase the flow of energy thus

increasing the strength and promoting the

serenity and harmony in every system of

the body. My mum confirmed that when

she undergoing sessions of Tai Chi it

really works for personal well-being. As

an exercise, Tai Chi can increase the

strength of muscles and enhance the

flexibility and balance of a person. People

who practice Tai Chi is exploiting the

powers of yin and yang therefore the

exercise are designed to especially express

the forces in a harmonious and balanced

form. Not only can Tai Chi relax the mind

and the soul but also prevent the extent of

certain illnesses to spread through the

body. It is a very good way of maintaining health. Tai Chi is not a disease

curing technique but can be complemented as a form of therapy.

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36. Yoga: Practicing yoga may help you to overcome any arising depression

symptoms and get to the root of what is causing the problem in the first

place. Through the practice of yoga, you are attempting to connect to your

spirit and to reconnect your mind and body. With practice, you may begin

to see the symptoms of depression begin to lessen almost immediately.

37. Colour Therapy: Colour is directly associated with body energy and

emotions. Sometimes, you may feel out of balance and not realize that it is

the colours surrounding you that are

impacting your mind-body balance. Try

changing the colours in your wardrobe to

better suit your emotional needs during

any particular time in your life. For

example, if you are stressed, try wearing

light blue. Green is a great colour to add

when you feel like you have recently

made a personal accomplishment, since it

is a colour known for renewing effects.

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38. Reiki Healing: Reiki is a healing art that uses the body’s energy to begin

and further the healing process. It is performed by using one’s hands to

follow a specific pattern of massage, in order to stimulate energy movement

throughout the body. There are many Reiki healers who are specially

trained to perform the healing massage, or you can read about it or take a

class to become a proficient Reiki healer yourself.

39. Aromatherapy: It is a simple way to change

your daily life. Through the use of essential oils,

it is possible to get access to wonderful

therapeutic results. Aromatherapy has been a

popular holistic health topic for thousands of

years, and many people will tell you that the

promised benefits are completely accurate. For

example, consider placing a few drops of

Rosemary oil on a cotton ball and dabbing it on

your forehead during a headache. Or, consider

placing a drop of lavender oil on the light bulbs

in your bedroom for enhanced relaxation during


40. Eliminate any Cause of Health Problem. For

example if you are suffering from indigestion it

makes more sense to eliminate the foods that are

causing the problem than it does to take

medication after the pain starts. Holistic healers

are looking to heal the whole body, and

therefore it is believed that first you stop doing

the things that are harming you, and then you

replace those things with nutrients, etc. that are

better for you. This can apply to the body, the

mind or the soul.

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41. Vitamin B: Add more B to your diet. Foods rich in the B vitamins and B

supplements are thought to be some of the most beneficial to the human

body. B vitamins are excellent for the nervous system, the skin and are

even used to treat respiratory problems including asthma. Foods like brown

rice, baked potatoes and fish contain vitamin B. Try adding more to your

diet today.

42. Vitamin C: Especially prior to sun exposure. Getting sunburn is definitely

unpleasant. By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your

sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defences. If you would

like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.

43. Vitamin D: The best way to get this nutrient is from sunshine. The human

body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed through the skin when exposed

to sunlight. Many people are not getting the sun exposure that they require

because of the risk of skin cancer; however in moderation – about 5 minutes

a day - sunlight is very beneficial.

44. Oranges and Fennel Seed: This mix helps to sooth your stomach with

oranges and fennel seed. Make a mixture of a tablespoon each of orange

peel and fennel seed added to two cups of water. Boil and then steep this

tea. Add honey to sweeten the tea and drink it when you are suffering from

indigestion. The tea should refrigerate for about 48 hours, and will taste

primarily like fennel.

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45. Rosemary Tea: Rosemary is a kitchen herb known for its ability to

stimulate the senses. If you are feeling tired, but have a lot to get

accomplished you might do well to drink some Rosemary Tea. Rosemary

Tea is also an excellent remedy for headaches.

46. Ipecac Syrup: This syrup is useful to stop vomiting. This is one of the

common ingredients in most home first aid kits, and you may not realize

that it is also a homeopathic remedy for vomiting when taken in very tiny

doses. While ipecac will not do much for patients experiencing nausea, it

will work wonders for you if you are experiencing continuous vomiting.

47. Gingko: It is known for its ability to stimulate the mind and to help the

brain to metabolize nutrients correctly. In some cases, the herb has been

noted to reduce the effects of aging and to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s

disease. Gingko leaves are ground into a powder and the extract can be used

in many different forms.

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48. Lavender: If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you already realize that there

is little you seem to be able to do in order to stop the affliction. That is true

with traditional medications. However, using oils of lavender, garlic and

tea-tree in an alcohol solution will help to ward off the problem once and

for all.

49. Ginger: If you experience joint pain or stiffness, you might benefit from

ginger caplets, or simply more ginger in your diet. Ginger is an antioxidant

that is known to assist the body in preserving cartilage. You can find ginger

supplements in any health food store.

50. Coriander Oil: Its oil or extract can be added to mineral oil for massaging

sore joints, or it can be brewed into a tea. Try making a 1 to 5 solution in an

oil of your choice, letting it sit for 24 hours and then applying to sore joints.

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Discovering that you or your loved ones have cancer is utterly terrifying.

However, if you’ve understand the causes and how to reverse it, you will

definitely gain a better chance of beating out cancer. You will be inspired to

stay on the right perspectives, achieve inner peace, gain happiness and

understand every aspect of Healthy Living. You be able to safely improve

your health, and fitness to overcome or avert cancer by utilising the simple

steps. This ebook is intent to improve your overall life and give you tips to

fight off or avert Cancer!

That is why it is very important for you to realise the value of what I am

offering. I am a firm believer of continuous learning and would continue to

tap on information to gain broader knowledge to maximise the effect

towards good Health and Happiness. Remember it your personal

responsibility to improve and promote individual good health.

Yours Truly

Vivien Goh, Founder

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©2013 Vivien Goh, Inspiring Health Beyond Happiness

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The following are some resources that I will leave you to explore, focusing

on giving you more details and information to equip your knowledge e.g

Mediation, Healthy Food, Mental Health etc.

Healthy Minds

Panic Away - End Anxiety & Panic Attacks. Watch a FREE video that

feature a new revolutionary technique that will use natural methods to help

you stop panic attacks and to end general anxiety in minutes:

Mind Reality - Secrets Of The Universe - The single Best Product in the

world of Mind Power, Law Of Attraction and Manifestation! Learn how to

create a Life of Extreme Abundance and Fulfilment Now! It Is The #1 Place

That Integrates All Secrets Of Life.

MindZoom - Discover the Revolutionary Software that will reprogram your

mind and body automatically, placing thousands of Positive Affirmations

directly in your Brain, Fast and Easy.

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©2013 Vivien Goh, Inspiring Health Beyond Happiness

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Secret Behind The Secret - Have you wondered how to bring the Secret

Law of Attraction into your life? Have you wondered how to use "The Law

of Attraction" to shift your levels of awareness to turn your annual income

into your monthly income?

FREE Self Confidence Assessment -This Self-Confidence Assessment will

help you discover exactly what you need to do to significantly increase your

self-confidence: Confidence

FREE Webinar – Join the free Webinar…provides a step-by-step Tapping

process to reach your financial success and eliminating stress, anxiety,

limiting beliefs and anything that holding you back:

Great Habits for life

Green4Tea - If you're trying to get healthy, increase your blood circulation,

get your heart beating properly, enhance your energy, and lose weight like

it's nobody's business, then you must try out:

Old School New Body – 5 Steps to looking 10 years younger, the fastest

way to shape your body – lose weight, tone and firm up and developing age-

defying strength is to use resistance training. Not cardio,…not

running,…and not by starving:

The Definitive Guide To Home Organization For Busy People! - How To

quickly and easily clear clutter and organise your home...for Good! Learn

the exact steps and tricks used by professional organizers to get your Home

Organized & Clutter Free Today:

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©2013 Vivien Goh, Inspiring Health Beyond Happiness

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Page 27

The Permaquit Stop Smoking Method - Revolutionary New System

Discover the reason for your previous failure to quit smoking and Finally

Stop Smoking once and for all.

Making Right Food Choices

Paleo Recipe Book - Brand New Paleo Cookbook contain easy to follow 370

recipes with 18 categories and make your journey to wellness at ease:

The Truth about Fat Burning Foods - 3 simple steps that transform your

kitchen from fat storing foods to fat burning foods in less than 24 hours:

Cancer-free Recipe Guide - This recipe guide provides gentle non-toxic

healing, with sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free recipes to complement

cancer-fighting regimens and for more healthy ways of eating. (Note: this

book is not intended to replace medical advice.)

FREE FoodChoices Software – nutrient analysis software for you to

analyse your diet, plan your meals and explore nutrient content of food.

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©2013 Vivien Goh, Inspiring Health Beyond Happiness

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Holistic Remedies

Usui Reiki Healing Master - Usui Reiki Healing Master system will guide

you step-by-step through the process of learning how to use the Power of

Reiki to Heal Yourself and Others. It's very easy to learn Reiki with the right

technique and anyone can do it with just a little effort:

Shapeshifter Yoga- Learn from Kris Fondran introducing a breakthrough

program that is easy, relaxing and fun way to reshape your body in as little

as one hour a week:

Qigong Power Training System - Secrets Of Chi Manipulation revealed the

insider methods to the world’s most extraordinary Qigong Techniques:

Tai Chi for Life, Health and Fitness - Find out how the ancient and

growing practice of Tai Chi provides you with effective relief for many of

the health and fitness you may have in your life right now.

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©2013 Vivien Goh, Inspiring Health Beyond Happiness

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Benefit of Vitamins and Herbs

Herbs the Natural Alternative - Are you sick and tired of paying out

hundreds of dollars for prescription medicines that only seem to make you

feel worse? Never pay for expensive 'over the counter medicines' again:

Ezjuice Juicing Software Recipes - Amazing new juicing software

instantly cranks out healthy juice recipes from the ingredients you already

have in your kitchen so you can increase energy, add antioxidant and anti-

cancer fighting agents to your diet, and aid in losing weight too:

The Missing Ingredient For Good Health

Why most health foods are a waste of money! And find out the real reason

you can take vitamins, minerals and herbs by the handful and still suffer poor


The Peoples Chemist Secret Health Files

Former pharmaceutical chemist exposes secret health files. Get real natural

cures rather than prescription drugs, resveratrol, synthetic vitamin D, or

whatever else happens to be trendy and pricey.