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Inspector Joins IC-65 Advances in Data Management Systems 1 Inspector Joins By Shimin Chen, Anastassia Ailamaki, Phillip, and Todd C. Mowry VLDB 2005 Rammohan Narendula

Inspector Joins IC-65 Advances in Data Management Systems 1 Inspector Joins By Shimin Chen, Anastassia Ailamaki, Phillip, and Todd C. Mowry VLDB 2005 Rammohan.

Dec 21, 2015



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Page 1: Inspector Joins IC-65 Advances in Data Management Systems 1 Inspector Joins By Shimin Chen, Anastassia Ailamaki, Phillip, and Todd C. Mowry VLDB 2005 Rammohan.

Inspector Joins IC-65 Advances in Data Management Systems 1

Inspector Joins

By Shimin Chen, Anastassia Ailamaki, Phillip, and Todd C. Mowry

VLDB 2005

Rammohan Narendula

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Query execution isI/O bound- so most of theresearch concentrateson main memory Goal- reduce no. of pagefaults thus reduce no. of disk I/Os

However, hash join is a special class of techniqueswhere hash-join becomesCPU bound given sufficientI/O bandwidth and employingAdvanced I/O techniques (I/O prefetching)Goal- reduce no. of cache misses

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Exploiting Information about Data

• Ability to improve query depends on information quality• General stats on relations are inadequate

– May lead to incorrect decisions for specific queries

– Especially true for join queries

• Previous approaches exploiting dynamic information– Collecting information from previous queries

• Multi-query optimization [Sellis’88]

• Materialized views [Blakeley et al. 86]

• Join indices [Valduriez’87]

– Dynamic re-optimization of query plans [Kabra&DeWitt’98] [Markl et al. 04]

This study exploits the inner structure of hash joins

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Exploiting Multi-Pass Structure of Hash Joins

• Idea: – Examine the actual data in I/O partitioning phase

– Extract useful information to improve join phase

I/O Partitioning Join

Extra information greatly helps phase 2


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Using Extracted Information

• Enable a new join phase algorithm – Reduce the primary performance bottleneck in hash joins

i.e. Poor CPU cache performance– Optimized for multi-processor systems

• Choose the most suitable join phase algorithm for special input cases

I/O Partitioning

decide Cache

PartitioningCache Prefetching

Simple Hash JoinInspection

Join Phase

New AlgorithmExtracted Information

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• Motivation• Previous hash join algorithms• Hash join performance on SMP systems• Inspector join• Experimental results• Conclusions

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Hash Table

• Join Phase: (simple hash join)– Build hash table, then probe hash table

GRACE Hash Join• I/O Partitioning Phase:

– Divide input relations into partitions with a hash function

Build Probe

Build Probe

• Random memory accesses cause poor CPU cache performance

Over 70% execution time

stalled on cache misses!

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Cache Partitioning• Recursively produce cache-sized partitions after I/O partitioning

• Avoid cache misses when joining cache-sized partitions• Overhead of re-partitioning




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Cache Prefetching• Reduce impact of cache misses

– Exploit available memory bandwidth– Overlap cache misses and computations– Insert cache prefetch instructions into code

• Still incurs the same number of cache misses

Hash Table


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• Motivation• Previous hash join algorithms• Hash join performance on SMP systems• Inspector join• Experimental results• Conclusions

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Hash Joins on SMP Systems• Previous studies mainly focus on uni-processors

• Memory bandwidth is precious– It becomes the bottleneck in cache-prefetching techniques

• Each processor joins a pair of partitions in join phase

Main Memory

Shared bus

















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Inspector Joins • Extracted information: summary of matching relationships

– Every K contiguous pages in a build partition forms a sub-partition

– Tells which sub-partition(s) every probe tuple matches

Build Partition

Sub-partition 0

Sub-partition 1

Sub-partition 2

Probe Partition

I/O Partitioning Join

Summary of Matching


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Cache-Stationary Join Phase

• Recall cache partitioning: re-partition cost

I/O Partitioning Join

Build PartitionProbe Partition

Hash TableCPU


• We want to achieve zero copying

Copying cost

Copying cost

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Cache-Stationary Join Phase

• Joins a sub-partition and its matching probe tuples• Sub-partition is small enough to fit in CPU cache• Cache prefetching for the remaining cache misses

• Zero copying for generating recursive cache-sized partitions

I/O Partitioning Join

Build PartitionProbe Partition

Hash TableCPU

CacheSub-partition 0

Sub-partition 1

Sub-partition 2

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Filters in I/O Partitioning

• How to extract the summary efficiently?• Extend filter scheme in commercial hash joins• Conventional single-filter scheme

– Represent all build join keys– Filter out probe tuples having no matches

Build Relation



PartitionsConstruct Test

I/O Partitioning Join

Probe Relation

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Background: Bloom Filter• A bit vector

– A key is hashed d (e.g. d=3) times and represented by d bits

• Construct: for every build join key, set its 3 bits in vector• Test: given a probe join key, check if all its 3 bits are 1

– Discard the tuple if some bits are 0– May have false positives

0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1





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Multi-Filter Scheme• Single filter: a probe tuple entire build relation• Our goal: a probe tuple sub-partitions• Construct a filter for every sub-partition

• Replace a single large filter with multiple small filters

Single Filter

Build Relatio


Partition 0

Partition 1

Partition 2





I/O Partitioning Join

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Testing Multi-FiltersWhen partitioning the probe relation

• Test a probe tuple against all the filters of a partition

• Tells which sub-partition(s) the tuple may have matches

• Store summary of matching relationships in partitions– This information is used to extract probe tuples in the order of partition IDs. A

special array is constructed using count sort technique for this purpose.

Probe Relation

Partition 0

Partition 1

Partition 2



I/O Partitioning Join

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• Extracting probe tuple information for every sub-partition using counting sort

– One array for each sub partition. Size of the array is number of matching probe tuples for that partition.

– The tuples are never visited or copied in the coutning sort.

• Joining pair of build and probe sub-partitions

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Minimizing Cache Misses for Testing Filters

• Single filter scheme: – Compute 3 bit positions– Test 3 bits

• Multi-filter scheme: if there are S sub-partitions in a partition– Compute 3 bit positions– Test the same 3 bits for every filter, altogether 3*S bits

• May cause 3*S cache misses !


Probe Relation

Partition 0

Partition 1

Partition 2




011S filters

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Vertical Filters for Testing

• Bits at the same position are contiguous in memory• 3 cache misses instead of 3*S cache misses!

• Horizontal vertical conversion after partitioning build relation– Very small overhead in practice

Probe Relation

Partition 0

Partition 1

Partition 2




S filters

Contiguous in


I/O Partitioning Join

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• Motivation• Previous hash join algorithms• Hash join performance on SMP systems• Inspector join• Experimental results• Conclusions

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Experimental Setup• Relation schema: 4-byte join attribute + fixed length payload• No selection, no projection• 50MB memory per CPU available for the join phase• Same join algorithm run on every CPU joining different partitions

• Detailed cycle-by-cycle simulations– A shared-bus SMP system with 1.5GHz processors

– Memory hierarchy is based on Itanium 2 processor

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Partition Phase Wall-Clock Time

• I/O partitioning can take advantage of multiple CPUs– Cut input relations into equal-sized chunks – Partition one chunk on every CPU– Concatenate outputs from all CPUs

• Enhanced cache partitioning: cache partitioning + advanced prefetching• Inspection incurs very small overhead

– Ratio of execution time with best algo- 0.88 to 0.94– Mainly computation cost of converting horizontal filters to vertical and testing

GRACECache prefetchingCache partitioningEnhanced cache partitioningInspector join

•500MB joins 2GB•100B tuples, 4B keys•50% probe tuples no matches

•A build matches 2 probe tuples

Number of CPUs used

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Join Phase Aggregate Time

• Inspector join achieves significantly better performancewhen 8 or more CPUs are used

– Because of local optimization + catch prefetching– 1.7-2.1X speedups over cache prefetching

• Memory B/W becomes bottleneck when more no of processors are used– 1.6-2.0X speedups over enhanced cache partitioning

•500MB joins 2GB•100B tuples, 4B keys•50% probe tuples no matches

•A build matches 2 probe tuples

Number of CPUs used

GRACECache prefetchingCache partitioningEnhanced cache partitioningInspector join

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Results on Choosing Suitable Join Phase

• Case #1: a large number of duplicate build join keys– Choose enhanced cache partitioning

– When a probe tuple on average matches 4 or more sub-partitions

• Case #2: nearly sorted input relations– Surprisingly: cache-stationary join is very good

I/O Partitioning

decide Cache

PartitioningCache Prefetching

Simple Hash JoinInspection

Join Phase

Cache StationaryExtracted Info

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Conclusions• Exploit multi-pass structure for higher quality info about data• Achieve significantly better cache performance

– 1.6X speedups over previous cache-friendly algorithms

– When 8 or more CPUs are used

• Choose most suitable algorithms for special input cases• Idea may be applicable to other multi-pass algorithms

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Thank You !

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Previous Algorithms on SMP Systems

• Join phase performance of joining a 500MB and a 2GB relations (details later in the talk)

• Aggregate performance degrades dramatically over 4 CPUs

Reduce data movement (memory to memory, memory to cache)

Wall clock time Aggregate time on all CPUsGRACE

Cache partitioningCache prefetching

Number of CPUs used



Number of CPUs used


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More Details in Paper• Moderate memory space requirement for filters• Summary information representation in intermediate partitions• Preprocessing for cache-stationary join phase• Prefetching for improving efficiency and robustness

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Partition Phase Wall-Clock Time

• I/O partitioning can take advantage of multiple CPUs– Cut input relations into equal-sized chunks

– Partition one chunk on every CPU

– Concatenate outputs from all CPUs

• Inspection incurs very small overhead

•500MB joins 2GB•100B tuples, 4B keys•50% probe tuples no matches

•A build matches 2 probe tuples

Number of CPUs used

GRACECache prefetchingCache partitioningInspector join

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Join Phase Aggregate Time

• Inspector join achieves significantly better performancewhen 8 or more CPUs are used– 1.7-2.1X speedups over cache prefetching

– 1.6-2.0X speedups over enhanced cache partitioning

•500MB joins 2GB•100B tuples, 4B keys•50% probe tuples no matches

•A build matches 2 probe tuples

Number of CPUs used

GRACECache prefetchingCache partitioningInspector join

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CPU-Cache-Friendly Hash Joins• Recent studies focus on CPU cache performance

– I/O partitioning gives good I/O performance– Random memory accesses cause poor CPU cache performance

• Cache Partitioning [Shatdal et al. 94] [Boncz et al.’99] [Manegold et al.’00]– Recursively produce cache-sized partitions from memory-sized

partitions– Avoid cache misses during join phase– Pay re-partitioning cost

• Cache Prefetching [Chen et al. 04]– Exploit memory system parallelism– Use prefetches to overlap multiple cache misses and computations

Hash Table


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Example Special Input Cases• Example case #1: a large number of duplicate build join keys

– Count the average number of sub-partitions a probe tuple matches

– Must check the tuple against all possible sub-partitions

– If too large, cache stationary join works poorly

• Example case #2: nearly sorted input relations– A merge-based join phase might be better?

Build Partition

Probe Partition

Sub-partition 0

Sub-partition 1

Sub-partition 2

A probe tuple

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Varying Number of Duplicates per Build Join Key

• Join phase aggregate performance• Choose enhanced cache part

– When a probe tuple on average matches 4 or more sub-partitions

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Nearly Sorted Cases

• Sort both input relations, then randomly move 0%-5% of tuples• Join phase aggregate performance• Surprisingly: cache-stationary join is very good

– Even better than merge join when over 1% tuples are out-of-order

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Analyzing Nearly Sorted Case• Partitions are also nearly sorted• Probe tuples matching a sub-partition are almost contiguous• Similar memory behavior as merge join• No cost for sorting out-of-order tuples

Build Partition

Probe Partition

Sub-partition 0

Sub-partition 1

Sub-partition 2

A probe tuple

Nearly Sorted Nearly Sorted