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Insight Professional Development Programme for English Language Teachers at upper primary and secondary stages. The programme has been organized to orient newly recruited English Language teachers on issues related to teaching learning of English specifically to learners with minimal exposure to the language. The teachers were invited from scheduled caste and tribe dominated residential schools. The attitude building of the teachers for developing bonds with the learners who face many disadvantages is important hence they were familiarized with learner centric approaches of learning languages. Multilingualsm as a strategy is the forceful effective tool for enhancing their language skills. The motivation of the learners are high hence teachers can work with patience and use pedagogies and assessment methods which will facilitate the process of learning. Teachers were apprised of the avenues of thert professional development. Visit to Mauritius-World Hindi Conference-2018 The initiative of holding The World Hindi Conference started in 1975. This has been an endeavour to promote the use of Hindi language as a medium of service and knowledge. Eleventh world Hindi conference had been organized at Mauritius from 18th to 20th August 2018. The event was attended by large number of people who have association with India, Hindi and other Indian languages. Prof. Sandhya singh Head of the Department of Education in Languages NCERT, New Delhi participated in the conference. There were discussions on the use of Hindi in media, films, education and areas of social interactions. There was concern about losing words and scripts of Hindi and Indian languages. It was felt that Hindi should be promoted as a language of business, marketing, insurance and banking and corporate sector. Bhasha Sangam-Symphony of Languages The department contributed in the development of the programme Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. The programme is coordinated by CIET with the objective of promoting multlingual exposure of children. Bhasha Sangam is a symphony of languages of our country. Through this programme school children wre introduced to 22 languages of schedule 8th of the constitution of India. The programme is an expression of our shared dreams, hopes and aspirations for national integration.

Insight• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees • Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees • Dastan ki Tadrees • Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees • Drama ki

Nov 06, 2020



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Page 1: Insight• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees • Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees • Dastan ki Tadrees • Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees • Drama ki

InsightProfessional Development Programme for English Language Teachers at upper primary and secondary stages.The programme has been organized to orient newly recruited English Language teachers on issues related to teaching learning of English specifically to learners with minimal exposure to the language. The teachers were invited from scheduled caste and tribe dominated residential schools. The attitude building of the teachers for developing bonds with the learners who face many disadvantages is important hence they were familiarized with learner centric approaches of learning languages. Multilingualsm as a strategy is the forceful effective tool for enhancing their language skills. The motivation of the learners are high hence teachers can work with patience and use pedagogies and assessment methods which will facilitate the process of learning. Teachers were apprised of the avenues of thert professional development.

Visit to Mauritius-World Hindi Conference-2018The initiative of holding The World Hindi Conference started in 1975. This has been an endeavour to promote the use of Hindi language as a medium of service and knowledge.

Eleventh world Hindi conference had been organized at Mauritius from 18th to 20th August 2018. The event was attended by large number of people who have association with India, Hindi and other Indian languages.

Prof. Sandhya singh Head of the Department of Education in Languages NCERT, New Delhi participated in the conference. There were discussions on the use of Hindi in media, films, education and areas of social interactions. There was concern about losing words and scripts of Hindi and Indian languages. It was felt that Hindi should be promoted as a language of business, marketing, insurance and banking and corporate sector.

Bhasha Sangam-Symphony of LanguagesThe department contributed in the development of the programme Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. The programme is coordinated by CIET with the objective of promoting multlingual exposure of children. Bhasha Sangam is a symphony of languages of our country. Through this programme school children wre introduced to 22 languages of schedule 8th of the constitution of India. The programme is an expression of our shared dreams, hopes and aspirations for national integration.

Page 2: Insight• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees • Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees • Dastan ki Tadrees • Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees • Drama ki

भारतीय भाषाओं की एकात्‍मकता, राष्ट् ीय सम‍ममेलन (6-7 फरवरी 2019)

भाषा शिक्ा विभाग, राष्ट्रीय िैशक्क अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्ण पररषद ्की ओर से ददनाकं 6-7 फरिररी 2019 को बहुभावषक शिक्ण पद्धवि के संदभ्भ में भारिरीय भाषाओ ंकी एकात्मिा

विषय पर दो ददिसरीय राष्ट्रीय सम्लेन का आयोजन दकया गया। सम्लेन का िुभारंभ प्रो. एच. के. सेनापवि, वनदेिक एनसरीईआरटरी ने दकया। सम्लेन में प्रो. टरी.िरी. कट्रीमनरी,

कुलपवि, इंददरा गाधंरी राष्ट्रीय जनजावि विश्वविद्ालय अमरकंटक मुख्य अविथि ि।े प्रो. संध्ा थसहं अध्क् भाषा शिक्ा विभाग एनसरीईआरटरी ने सभरी अभ्ागिो ंका स्ागि भाषण से अशभनंदन दकया, ित्पश्ाि बरीज िक्तव्य के ललए प्रो. हररराम ममश्र, ज.ेएन.य.ू नई ददल्री, ने व्याकरण दि्भन और भारिरीय भाषाओ ंकी एकात्मिा विषयक प्रभाििालरी व्याख्यान प्रस्िु दकया। मुख्य अविथि प्रो. टरी.िरी. कट्रीमनरी ने अपने अशभभाषण के द्ारा भारिरीय भाषाओ ंििा सम्लेन के उदे्शो ंपर प्रकाि डाला। मंच का संचालन प्रो. कीर्ि कपूर, एनसरीईआरटरी, ने दकया

ििा उक्त राष्ट्रीय सम्लेन के ललए आधार पत्र द्ारा पररकल्पना कर काय्भ योजना वनमा्भण करने िाले काय्भक्रम समन्वयक डॉ. प्रमोद कुमार दबु ेने सत्र में आए सभरी विद्ान वििेषजो ंििा प्रविभामगयो ंका धन्यिाद जापन दकया। प्रिम सत्र की संपन्निा के उपरािं दद्िरीय सत्र में मुख्य िक्ता के रूप में प्रो. टरी.िरी. कट्रीमनरी ने भारिरीय भाषाओ ं की एकात्मिा के संदभ्भ में बैंगा जनजािरीय भाषा और जान विषय पर गंभरीर व्याख्यान प्रस्िु दकया ििा बैंगा

जनजािरीय भाषाओ ंके बारे में लोगो ंको विस्ार पूि्भक बिाया। सत्र के इसरी क्रम में डॉ. रिरीदं्र कुमार पाठक, दशक्ण वबहार कें द्ररीय विश्वविद्ालय गया, ने आचाय्भ हजाररी प्रसाद दद्िेदरी की एकात्म भाषा दृवष् पर व्याख्यान ददया। िरीसरे सत्र के मुख्य िक्ता के रूप में के प्रो. मनोज कुमार ममश्र, िोध विभाग, राष्ट्रीय संस्कृ ि संस्ान नई ददल्री ने संस्कृ ि और फारसरी की अिंभा्भवषक पकृष्ठभूमम और दहदंरी उद््भ विषय पर विद्िापूण्भ व्याख्यान ददया ििा संस्कृ ि से संबंध रखने िाले फारसरी ििा जेंद अिेस्ा के िबो ंके बारे में बिाया। प्रिम ददन के चिुि्भ ििा अवंिम सत्र में पररचचा्भ आयोजजि की गई, जजसमें सभरी प्रविभामगयो ंने दटप्पणरी और प्रश्न दकये ििा वििेषजो ंने उनके प्रश्नो ंके संिोष जनक उत्तर ददए।

Page 3: Insight• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees • Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees • Dastan ki Tadrees • Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees • Drama ki

दद्िरीय ददिस के प्रिम सत्र में रुड़की से पधारे अपभं्ि के वििेषज प्रो. योगेंद्र नाि िमा्भ ‘अरुण’ ने विशभन्न भाषाओ ंके विकास में अपभं्ि के योगदान विषयक विद्िा पूण्भ व्याख्यान ददया, काय्भक्रम के अगले सत्र में पधारे जाने माने शिक्ाविद ् प्रो. रमेि प्रसाद पाठक शिक्ा िास्त ्विभाग, श्ररी लाल बहादरु िास्तरी राष्ट्रीय संस्कृ ि विद्ापरीठ नई ददल्री ने शिक्ण की अथधगम प्रदक्रया में बहुभावषकिा विषय पर विस्कृि व्याख्यान ददया ििा कक्ा शिक्ण में बहुभावषक शिक्ण विथध के प्रयोग पर प्रकाि डाला। इसरी क्रम में डॉ. बजरंग वबहाररी वििाररी, देिबंध ुकॉलेज नई ददल्री, ने मध्कालरीन काव्य भाषा और लोक भाषाओ ंके संबंध पर प्रभाििालरी व्याख्यान ददया ििा सत्र के िरीसरे िक्ता के रूप में डॉ. अरुणाभ सौरभ ने भारिरीय भाषाओ ंकी एकात्मिा में मैथिलरी की भूममका और शिक्ण विषय पर सारगर्भि व्याख्यान प्रस्िु दकया। िरीसरे सत्र के प्रिम िक्ता प्रो. देििंकर निरीन, भारिरीय भाषा कें द्र ज.ेएन.य.ू, नई ददललरी ने अनुिाद में अिंभा्भवषकिा और उसके िैशक्क प्रयोग पर पािर प्ाइंट के माध्म से विषय की गंभरीरिा को वबदंिु: प्रस्िु दकया। डॉ. िारदा कुमाररी, प्राचाय्भ डायट आर के पुरम ने दहदंरी की बहुभावषक शिक्ण पद्धवि पर विस्ारपूि्भक व्याख्यान ददया। सत्र के अवंिम िक्ता श्ररी उमेि चिुिवेदरी, िररष्ठ पत्रकार ने दहदंरी के स्ावनक भाषा प्रयोग में लोकभाषाओ ंकी भूममका पर व्याख्यान ददया। वििेषजो ंने प्रविभामगयो ंके प्रश्नो ंके उत्तर व्यिहाररक ििा सैद्धावंिक दोनो ंहरी पक्ो ंपर ददये। अिं में सम्लेन के आयोजक डॉ. प्रमोद कुमार दबु ेने सभरी अभ्ागिो ंका धन्यिाद जापन दकया और सम्लेन के समापन की औपचाररक घोषणा की।

स‍मझ का खमेलभाषा शिक्ा विभाग ने दहदंरी में प्रािममक स्र के विद्ार्ियो ंको ध्ान में रखकर पया्भिरण के प्रवि जागरूकिा बढाने के ललए प्रासंमगक और व्यिहाररक सहायक पठन सामग्री के रुप में समझ का खेल नामक पुस्स्का ियैार की ह।ै पया्भिरण के प्रवि समझ बढाने को ध्ान में रखकर हरी इसमें प्रयकु्त सभरी दक्रयाकलापो ंमें पढने, अभ्ास करने, अनुमान लगाने, योजना बद्ध िररीके से काम करने, आिशकिानुसार खोजबरीन और विचार-विमि्भ करने के मोके

बचचो ंको ममलेगें।पुस्िक में िाममल दकए गए दक्रयाकलाप पया्भिरण के महत्वपूण्भ घटको ंके प्रवि

जागरुकिा बढाने के दृवष्कोण से हरी प्रस्ाविि हैं, मगर सुविधा के ललए कक्ा स्र का उलेे्ख ददया गया ह।ै इससे विद्ार्ियो ंमें िथो ंकी पहचान और अन्य स्ोिो से उपलब्ध जान को अपने ललए उपयोगरी बनाने की प्ररेणा को प्रोत्ाहन ममलेगा। पुस्को ंको पढने की रूचच को बढािा ममलेगा, वििेष आिशकिा समूह िाले बचो ंको भरी यिोदहि अिसर ममलेगें।

Page 4: Insight• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees • Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees • Dastan ki Tadrees • Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees • Drama ki

Online Course for Teachers Teaching Urdu at Secondary Stage

This is an online course intended to apprise the learners about the History of Urdu language and literature and also different genres of Urdu literature and their teaching processes.

The learners are familiarized with the development of Urdu language and literature — historical perspective; Teaching learning of poetry, prose and genres of Urdu literature; pedagogical aspects of teaching learning of Urdu; Learning Outcomes and practices of assessment and; art of poetry and grammar in Urdu.

Teachers teaching Urdu at secondary stage and pre-service (B.Ed. D.El.Ed) teacher trainees and those interested in teaching of Urdu have also joined the Course. Lectures are delivered through videos developed on various themes and aspects of Urdu Language teaching. The course consists on twenty two (22) modules mentioned below:

• Urdu Zuban-o-Adab ka Irteqa• Urdu Zuban ki Nash-o-Numa• Dakhin Mein Sher-o-Adab• Shumali Hind Mein Shairi ka Irteqa• Urdu ke Adbi Dabistan Aur Idare• Urdu Qawaid aur Fan-e-Shairi• Qasida aur Ghazal ki Tadrees• Masnavi aur Marsiye ki Tadrees• Nazm ki Tadrees• Rubai, Qata, Chaharbait, Doha, Baramasa aur Geet ki Tadrees• Urdu ki Digar Sheri Asnaf ki Tadrees• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees• Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees• Dastan ki Tadrees• Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees• Drama ki Tadrees• Safar Namah, Sawaneh aur Khudnavisht ki Tadrees• Tahqeeq, Tanqeed, Tarjuma ki Tadrees• Zubandani Aur Amozashi Sargarmian• Maharaton ki Tadrees• Zuban ki Tadrees ke Andaz-e-Nazar• Tadreesi-wa-ImdadiAshia (web link for video)

Page 5: Insight• Mazmoon, Maqala, Inshaiya aur Tanz-o-Mizah ki Tadrees • Maktoob Nigari, Khaka, Reportaze ki Tadrees • Dastan ki Tadrees • Novel aur Afsane ki Tadrees • Drama ki

The course was launched on 15th October 2018 and will come to end on 24th February 2019. There are 554 participants from all over the world enrolled in the course. Online interactive sessions are held after the delivery of video programmes. Assignments are given at regular intervals and these will be evaluated. On the completion of the course the participants will be awarded certificates. Team of experts comprising academicians from universities, teacher educators and faculty of Department of Education in Languages, NCERT are interacting with the participant.

Status of Urdu Language speaking as per census 2011Urdu has a unique status among major Indian languages in the sense that its speakers are not confined to any particular region. Rather, they are spread across the country.As per Government of India census data of 2011, the total number of Urdu speakers in India were 5,07,72,631 (4.19 per cent to total population)and as per report of 2011.

Among languages that are spoken by over 1 crore people, only Urdu has shown a decline. While the overall population has grown substantially, the number of Urdu speakers has fallen to below 4.2%. Apart from Konkani, Urdu is the only language that has registered a fall in number of speakers.

The fall in the number of Urdu speakers is a reversal of the growth rate that was recorded in earlier census data. The number of Urdu speakers was 2.86 crore in 1971. It increased to over 3.49crore in 1981 and a decade later in 1991, it reached 4.34 crore. The 2001 census recorded 5.15 crore Urdu speakers. But in 2011, the figure dropped to 5.07 crore.

Year of Census

Total Number Urdu speakers

Percentage of total speakers

1971 2,86,20,895 5.221981 3,49,41,435 5.251991 4,34,06,932 5.182001 5,15,36,111 5.012011 5,07,72,631 4.19

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A Glance of Decadal percentage decrease of Urdu speakers:

Year decade

Decadal percentage of Urdu speakers

1971-1981 22.081981-1991 24.231991-2001 18.732001-2011 -1.48

Urdu was the sixth most spoken language according to the 2001 census data, but has fallen to seventh in the 2011 census. It has been overtaken by Gujarati language having 5,54,92,554 speakers in the country.Following is ranking data of Urdu language for decades of 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001& 2011:

Year Percentage to total population


1971 5.22 61981 5.25 51991 5.18 52001 5.01 62011 4.19 7

North India, particularly Uttar Pradesh, has always been considered the bastion of the language. However, the 2011 census data on languages has revealed a decline in the number of people who register Urdu as their mother tongue. In Uttar Pradesh 1.08 crore Urdu speakers were recorded in the state. Bihar has 87.7 lakh and Jharkhand has 19.6 lakh and West Bengal 16.6 lakhUrdu speakers.

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Urdu has been gaining ground in south India. A large number of Urdu speakers were recorded not just in Andhra and Telangana states, but also in Maharashtra and Karnataka.There are 75.4 lakh Urdu speakers in Maharashtra. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana recorded 75 lakh speakers together. In Karnataka, 66.18 lakh recorded Urdu as their mother tongue. These four states put together amount to more than 2.15 crore Urdu speakers. This figure is almost double the number of Urdu speakers in UP.In other north Indian states such as Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, the Urdu speakers are 9.16 lakh and 6.64 lakh respectively. However, States such as Jharkhand (19.6 lakh), West Bengal (16.6 lakh) and Tamil Nadu (12.6 lakh) also have sizeable Urdu speaking population.


Persons Males Females India/ State/Union

Territory5,07,72,631 2,61,80,481 2,45,92,150 INDIA1,08,20,232 56,10,185 52,10,047 Uttar Pradesh 87,70,002 45,39,650 42,30,352 Bihar75,40,324 39,31,539 36,08,785 Maharashtra 75,05,623 37,98,603 37,07,020 Andhra Pradesh

& Telangana66,18,324 33,60,902 32,57,422 Karnataka 19,65,652 10,18,392 9,47,260 Jharkhand 16,63,519 8,81,862 7,81,657 West Bengal 12,64,537 6,30,059 6,34,478 Tamil Nadu 9,16,608 4,71,380 4,45,228 Madhya

Pradesh 8,67,673 4,62,112 4,05,561 Nct Of Delhi* 6,64,915 3,42,301 3,22,614 Rajasthan 6,70,572 3,41,283 3,29,289 Odisha4,79,206 2,50,005 2,29,201 Gujarat4,25,752 2,24,247 2,01,505 Uttarakhand3,74,353 1,97,206 1,77,147 Haryana 79,962 41,608 38,354 Chhattisgarh 41,242 21,239 20,003 Goa 27,387 15,348 12,039 Punjab 19,956 11,137 8,819 Jammu &

Kashmir 13,122 6,608 6,514 Kerala 10,595 6,205 4,390 Chandigarh 8,627 4,124 4,503 Puducherry*

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8,293 4,542 3,751 Assam 5,320 3,200 2,120 Himachal

Pradesh 2,129 1,194 935 Meghalaya 2,001 1,342 659 Sikkim 1,294 829 465 Arunachal

Pradesh 1,277 716 561 Andaman &

Nicobar Islands*1,095 683 412 Nagaland 1,089 658 431 Dadra & Nagar

Haveli* 1,032 681 351 Daman & Diu* 526 354 172 Tripura 247 183 64 Manipur 113 80 33 Mizoram 32 24 8 Lakshadweep*


शब्‍दार्थौ-सहितौ कदाव्‍यम्—भामह