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Insider Attacker Detection Presented by Fang Liu [email protected]

Insider Attacker Detection

Feb 24, 2016



Irving Mtz

Insider Attacker Detection. Presented by Fang Liu [email protected]. Outline. Introduction Detection of Faulty Sensors Detection of Routing Misbehaviors A General Solution – Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. Secure the Sensor Networks. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Insider Attacker Detection

Insider Attacker Detection

Presented by Fang Liu

[email protected]

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Outline Introduction Detection of Faulty Sensors Detection of Routing Misbehaviors A General Solution

– Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Secure the Sensor Networks Protecting confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the

communications and computations Sensor networks are vulnerable to security attacks due to

the broadcast nature of transmission Jamming, eavesdropping, etc.

Sensor nodes can be physically captured or destroyed All information will be released if not tamper-resistant.

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Compromised Sensors Sensors are vulnerable.

Subject to physical attacks Not tamper-resistant

Compromised nodes can launch insider attacks. False information

False readings, Data alteration, etc Routing misbehaviors

Message negligence, selective forwarding, jamming, etc.

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Challenges in Detecting Insider Attackers Compromised nodes know all the information!

Cannot be detected with classical cryptographic security mechanisms Authentication, Integrity protection, etc

Difficult to study the normal/abnormal node activities Dynamic attacks

No centralized server to perform analysis and correlation

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Existent Solutions

Detection of False Information Detection of Routing Misbehaviors Our Work –

A General Solution to Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Detection of False Information Detecting and tolerating false information inserted by

Faulty sensors Compromised sensors

Methods: Centralized solution: The base station collects the data and

checks the correctness [Shen ICC’01, Koushanfar et al. Sensors’03]

Secure data aggregation [Cao et al Mobihoc’06] Fault-tolerant event detection: Disambiguate events from noise-

related error, faulty sensors 0/1 predicate Comparison with neighborhood activities [Cheng et al. Infocom’05]

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Detection of Routing Misbehaviors Routing misbehaviors:

Selective forwarding, packet dropping, etc.

One contemporary solution: Forward packets only through nodes that share a priori

trust relationship. But, It requires key distribution. Trusted nodes may be still overloaded, broken or

compromised Untrusted nodes may be well behaved.

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Detection of Routing Misbehaviors

Method: Detect with the help of base station

“Location-centric Isolation of Misbehavior and Trust Routing in Energy-constrained Sensor Networks”

Detect by monitoring the neighborhood “Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”

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Location-centric Isolation of Misbehavior and Trust Routing in Energy-constrained Sensor Networks Misbehavior model

Dropping of queries and data packets

Assume the availability of location information and the ability to perform geographic routing

Main procedure Base stations send marked packets to probe sensors, and

rely on the responses to identify and isolate insecure location Sensors route packets to trusted neighbors

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TRANS Components


Periodic beaconing

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Trust Routing Protocol Send packets only toward trusted neighbors Trust table based security mechanism

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TRANS Scenario

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TRANS Scenario

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Isolating Insecure Location(1/2) Finding Malicious Node

(Probing) E-TTL

Send probe packet with increasing hop-count

Binary Send probe packet in a

binary search fashion One-Shot

Send probe packet along the path and each node replies its location

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Isolating Insecure Location(2/2) Isolating Method

Sink finds misbehaving node and generate Black List

Black List Geocast Broadcast black list Remove isolated node from neighbor list Broadcasting overhead

Embedded Black List Embedded black list in packet header Detour point using geographic routing

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Summary: Location-centric Isolation of Misbehavior and Trust Routing in Energy-constrained Sensor Networks

Routing misbehaviors detection and isolation Centralized detection Isolating Misbehavior node using black list

Trust routing protocol design Trust evaluation may be not working for insider

attackers Based on authentication

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Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Ad hoc networks maximize total network throughput by using all available nodes for routing and forwarding.

A node may misbehave by agreeing to forward the packet and then failing to do so because it is Overloaded, Selfish, Malicious or Broken

Few misbehaving nodes can have a severe impact

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Proposed Solutions Install extra facilities in the network to detect and

mitigate routing misbehavior. Make only minimal changes to the underlying

routing algorithm.

Two extensions to DSR - “Watchdog” and “Pathrater” Watchdog identifies misbehaving nodes by overhearing

transmissions Pathrater avoids routing packets through these nodes

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Some assumptions are Links between the nodes are bi-directional Nodes are in promiscuous mode operation Malicious node does not work in groups



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Watchdog The watchdog is implemented by maintaining a buffer of recently Each overheard packet is matched with the packet in the buffer In case of a match, the packet in the buffer in removed By overhearing, tampering of payload or header can also be

detected If the packet, however, has remained in the buffer for longer than a

certain timeout The watchdog increases the failure tally for the node responsible for

forwarding on the packet If the tally exceeds the threshold value, it determines that the node is


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Watchdog (Contd) Advantages

It can detect misbehavior at the forwarding level

Disadvantages are Might not detect packet drops due to collisions

Ambiguous collisions Receiver collisions Limited transmission power Others

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Ambiguous Collisions


SPacket # 1

Packet # 1






Packet # 1

The ambiguous problem prevents node A from overhearing transmission from B

A cannot overhead B

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Limited transmission Power


SPacket # 1

Packet # 1





Packet # 1

Misbehaving node can control its transmission power to circumvent the watchdog

A cannot overhead B

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False Misbehavior


SPacket # 1

Packet # 1




GFailure Tally ++;If (Failure Tally > Threshold) notify source;

A reports that B is not forwarding packets when in fact it is.

When nodes falsely report other nodes as misbehaving

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SPacket # 1

Packet # 1





A forwards to B, but doesn’t report when B drops the packet.

Multiple nodes in collusion can mount a more sophisticated attack

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Partial Dropping


Packet # 1Packet # 1




Packet # 2

Failure Tally ++;If (Failure Tally > Threshold) notify source;

B drops packets at a lower rate than the misbehavior detection threshold.

A node can circumvent the watchdog by dropping packets at a lower rate than the watchdog’s configured minimum misbehavior threshold

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Pathrater Each nodes maintain a rating for every other node

it knows about in the network A path metric is the Average of the Node ratings

along the path. The metric gives a comparison of the overall

reliability of different paths If there are multiple paths to the same destination,

the path with the highest metric is chosen

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Summary: Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Enable nodes to avoid malicious nodes (overloaded, malicious, selfish, broken) in their routes Watchdog – identifies misbehavior nodes by listening to the next

node’s transmission Pathrater – helps routing protocols avoid these nodes

Allows nodes to use better paths and thus to increase their throughput

The watchdog determines a malicious through threshold comparison. How the threshold value is calculated ? - it is one of the important

factor in detecting malicious nodes

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A Framework for Identifying Compromised Nodes in Sensor Networks

Identifying compromised nodes? Use the alert information!

But, compromised nodes may … Raise false alerts Form a local majority and collude Behave arbitrarily

An application-independent framework to identify compromised node based on alert reasoning

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Assumptions Application-specific detection mechanisms

Beacon probing, watchdog …

Static sensor networks Fixed observability relationship

Message confidentiality and integrity Secure comm. with base stations

Trustable base stations Centralized

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An Example

The base station should: Have the monitoring relationship Consider the possibility of false alerts Probe beacon nodes regularly

The sensor network The observability graphBeacon


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The Framework Sensor behavior model:

Reliability rm: the percentage of normal activities conducted by an

uncompromised node.

Observer model: Observability rate rb: s1 may not observe each activity of s2

Positive accuracy rp: s1 may not detect the abnormal activity of s2

Negative accuracy rn: s1 raise alert against s2, but s2 is normal.

Security estimation K The max # of compromised nodes that the network can work

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Identification of compromised nodes Step 1: Label abnormal/normal alerts

Observe the alert pattern Get the expected #Alerts raised by s1 against s2

Compare with the actual #Alerts > expected#: abnormal; o.w. normal

Observability rate

Positive accuracyNegative accuracyReliability

fj(x): the distribution fo #events that can be sensed by j

Pb(alert: i against j)

Rij(t): expected # of alerts raised by i against j, when i, j are uncompromised

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Identification of compromised nodes Step 2: Derive suspicious node pairs

Labelled observability graph G’(V,Ea+En) Node si and sj are a suspicious pair if:

(si,sj) or (sj,si) is in Ea, or s’ exists

(si,s’) in Ea & (sj,s’) in En, or, (si,s’) in En & (sj,s’) in Ea.



At least one of the suspicious pair is compromised!

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Identification of compromised nodes Step 3: Find the compromised nodes

Definition: valid assignment

To identify the common nodes in all possible assignments: CompromisedCore

The largest number of truly compromised nodes, no false alarms

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Alert reasoning algorithm Lemma 3.1: Given an inferred graph I(V;E), let VI be

a minimum vertex cover of I. Then the number of compromised nodes is no less than |VI|.

Theorem 3.1 Given an inferred graph I and a security estimation K, for any node s in I, s in CompromisedCore(I;K) if and only if |Ns|+CI’s > K. NP-complete Min vertex cover

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Alert reasoning algorithm Corollary 3.1: Given an inferred graph I and a

security estimation K, for any node s in I, if |Ns|+MI’s > K, then s in CompromisedCore(I;K). Maximal matching: MG ≤ CG ≤ 2MG

|Ns|+CI’s > |Ns|+MI’s > K Polynomial

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Simulation General+mm:

The general AppCompromisedCore algorithm + maximum matching

EigenRep PeerTrust

Reputation-based trust functions for P2P Majority Voting

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Impact of the concentration of compromised nodes

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Summary: A Framework for Identifying Compromised Nodes in Sensor Networks

Detection algorithm with maximum accuracy without false alarms

Effective with local majority

However, A priori knowledge about:

sensor behavior model observer model: the accuracy of the alert

Observability rate, positive accuracy, negative accuracy, etc. Centralized: the base station does the detection!

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The Common Methodology

Suspicious Behavior Detection

Information Collection

Diagnosis and notification of the detection result

Watchdog-based,0/1 predicate

Reputation evaluation, threshold comparison, etc.

Requires application-specific knowledge!


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Our Work – A General Solution to Insider Attacker Detection Insider attackers

Compromised nodes under the control of the adversary Data alteration, Message negligence, Selective forwarding,


Challenges: The insider attacker knows all the secret information! The detection scheme must be efficient, flexible, and


Cannot use cryptography-based techniques Localized statistical analysis?

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The Basic Idea Observation: Similar networking behaviors in close


Detection of insider attackers with a light, flexible and localized algorithm? Measure the networking behaviors of neighboring

nodes E.g. packet dropping rate, packet sending rate, forwarding

delay time, etc. Detect if any abnormal activities exist Exploiting the spatial correlation among neighboring sensors!

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The Basic Algorithm Information Collection

Node x gets f (xi) for each neighbor xi in N(x)

Outlier Detection Assume f (xi) ~ Nq(μ,Σ), then the Mahalanobis squared

distance d2(xi) = (f (xi) -μ)TΣ-1(f (xi) -μ) ~ χ2q. Thus,

Prob(d2(xi)> χ2q(α)) = α.

xi could be an outlier if d2(xi) is sufficiently large.

Majority Vote

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Two Extensions Estimate (µ,Σ) from the data set {f(xi)} with the

existence of outliers? If f(xi) ~ Nq(μ,Σ), d2(xi) = (f(xi) -μ)TΣ-1(f(xi) -μ) ~ χ2


(µ,Σ) is about the population of normal sensors Cannot use sample mean, sample covariance-

covariance to estimate (µ,Σ)

Robust statistics: Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Ketterring (OGK)

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Two Extensions For a sparse network, information is collected from

multi-hop neighborhood, which may be inserted with false data.

Trust-based false information filtering




B: (21,42,39)

B: (18,31,37)

B: (20,30,39)

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Trust-based false information filtering




C: (19,32,40)D: (22,11,42)E: (21,29,38)F: (19,31,39)

C: (0.83,0.63,0.15)D: (1.17,1.49,1.31)E: (0.50,0.33,1.02)F: (0.83,0.53,0.44)

C: 0.83D: 1.49E: 1.02F: 0.83

C: 1D: 0.56E: 0.81F: 1

max min/xstandardize

Sensor (A) should select a reliable relay node (D or F?) based on its own observation.

A’s monitoring results Trust value


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Performance Evaluation (1/3)

Evaluation metrics Detection accuracy:

False alarm:

Simulation settings Sparse or Dense networks Compromised relay nodes:

D: Identified outliersO: Real outliers

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Performance Evaluation (2/3) Dense networks

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Performance Evaluation (3/3) Sparse networks

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Conclusion Achieves high detection accuracy, with low

false alarm rate Works well with 25% misbehaving sensors Requires no a priori knowledge about

network activities Relies on localized information exchange
