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5 Are Vitamins really good for you? LOVE YOUR BODY! Bring your work-out indoors DANGER drugs and your body Gum Disease - Know the facts! Beat hangovers for good! I n s id e O u t SUMMER 2013 £2.60 Healthy living, the student way HEALTH FITNESS NUTRITION WEIGHT LOSS INSPIRATIONS GET FIT FOR FREE Mad Diets that actually work! Be stress free! NEW!


Mar 26, 2016



Nicole Jackson

A new health magazine for female students that we created as part of our magazine production module at University! By Nicole Jackson, Abi Harman & Romina Divito
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Page 1: InsideOut


Are Vitamins really good for you?


Bring your work-out indoors

DANGERdrugs and your body

Gum Disease -Know the facts!

Beat hangovers

for good!

InsideOutSUMMER 2013 £2.60 Healthy living, the student way



Mad Dietsthat actually work!

Be stress free!


Page 2: InsideOut
Page 3: InsideOut


Welcome to the very first issue of our brand new student health magazine.

As a team of students ourselves we know how hard it is for us girls to keep in shape. So we have come up with our top fitness tips so you can learn to look after your body on the inside and out! In between all our hard work as students we spend a lot of time working off a hangover. To make sure you make it to those 9am lectures check out our top cures to get rid of that banging headache and sick stomach. Find all our other tips and tricks for a healthy and cheap student lifestyle inside now!







Crazy Diets

Hangover Cures

Working In?

Gum Disease

Drugs & Students


The Juice Diet, Baby Food Diet and more...

After a night out - The Do’s and Dont’s.

The cheapest workouts for the poorest students!

Bleeding gums? Read up on Gingivitus.

What drugs really do to your insides.

The beauty of vitamins revealed.

Welcome to

Inside Out


1 Getting our summer bodies readyFollowing our own tips on working out indoors. If the good wetaher continues we might try the garden!

2 Eating our 5-a-dayFruit, veg and salad wev’e been eating ot all. Another way to get our daily vitamin intake.

3 Brushing our teethAfter reading up on gum disease it changed our habits forever!

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Wonderfully Crazy Diets

The Juice DietCould you handle consuming no solids at all? The juice diet is a detox, which involves only consuming fruit and vegetable juices. Jason Vale reached number one with his book ‘7lbs in 7 days Super Juice Diet’, which shows the diet’s amount of fans!Jennifer Anniston is once again amongst the list of celebrities that have tried this diet, which supposedly still enables the drinker to obtain their necessary nutrition.

Spring has sprung, which means it is time to think about that all important beach body for the summer. Finding the perfect diet is difficult with celebrities constantly telling us about their latest craze. So will it be Jennifer Aniston’s baby food diet or Katie Price’s juice diet?

The Cabbage Soup DietAs strange as it sounds, the inventor of the cabbage soup diet has never revealed their identity, therefore there is no ‘official’ way to do it. Every version is based on eating a lot of cabbage soup, and little of anything else. The diet is organised over seven days, with the addition of a snack on certain days.Cabbage is filled with fat burning properties, enabling you to lose up to 10lb in a week! You have to pay the price though, as no alcohol consumption is allowed whilst on the diet, and other drinks allowed consist of water and occasional unsweetened fruit juices.

By Romina Di Vito

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If you want fast results from a simple diet that doesn’t actually involve cooking, look no further. As you can tell by the name, this diet really is what it says on the tin... Or jar. This popular diet was formulated by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, and has been used by stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Cheryl Cole.There are several ways that this diet can be followed. Some choose to eat one main meal a day and substitute all others, along with snacks, for baby food. This was Jennifer Aniston’s approach and she managed to lose 7lbs in a week!Yet the most popular approach is going cold turkey on meals altogether, and just eating the mushy stuff. The idea is to eat 14 portions of puree a day in order to keep the body’s calorie consumption to the very minimum. Supposedly, the stomach gets used to smaller meals which reduces your calorie intake to a fraction of what it was before, stimulating weight loss.You’re probably thinking that such a diet must be awful for you, but think again. According to health experts, the baby food diet isn’t bad; baby food doesn’t contain additives and is full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. “Food that makes a baby grow is pretty good food,” said Dr. Samuel Klein, Director of the Centre for Human Nutrition at Washington University Medical School.However, this baby food diet comes with rather adult sized prices. Each pot costs around £1, which equals to £14 a DAY. It costs more to eat less apparently…

The Baby Food Diet

The Apple DietWe’ve all heard the expression, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, but what we didn’t know was that it only takes three apples a day to help you lose weight. This is due to an apple’s high fibre and water content.The high water content allows them to be low in calories yet very filling, and as for the fibre, having a high intake of it in our diets results in long term weight loss.

There are two rules to the apple diet…Rule 1: Eat an apple before each one of your three meals.Rule 2: Don’t forget the first rule! It really is as easy as that. Obviously the healthier your meals and snacks are, the easier and quicker it will be for you to lose weight.

Geordie shore’s Charlotte-Letitia swears by her very own diet regime: ‘the tin diet’. She eats only three tins a day of anything a day; as open as

that sounds, that’s all it involves. Three. Tins. Each. Day.

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Did you know?Hangovers usually start a few hours after you have stopped drinking (which is not a reason to continue drinking as alcohol poisoning is

more dangerous than a hangover).


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We’ve all been there after a night out - you finally drop your bag, take your heels off and make your way to bed, knowing that the inevitable hangover is on its way. Yes it’s known that there is no actual cure for a hangover, but there are plenty of remedies that can help you feel better.

Sleep – The best and guaranteed way to fighting a hangover is time. Pull the curtains, shut the door and ignore everything that is going on beyond the four walls of your bedroom. Alternatively, put on a few movies and rest.

Hydrate – Water and fruit juices are your new best friend for the day. Try orange juice, the vitamin C in it will speed up the metabolism of alcohol by the liver. In simple terms, it will help get the alcohol out of your system as fast as possible.

Refreshing shower – Switch between the hot and cold tap to give your body that shock awakening it needs.

Exercise – This doesn’t have to be a hard-core gym workout, try something light like swimming, cycling or a simple stroll with your friends who are surely feeling the same way than you.

Take Ibuprofen – Set your alarm clock for one hour before you need to start your day and take a couple of Ibuprofen in order to give it time for your body to react.

Do’sDrink caffeine – Coffee will not sober you up or ease your hangover, it will only increase dehydration.

Retox – The hair of the dog is a NO GO, leave it there.

Greasy fry up – Sorry, but this only temporarily distracts your stomach and doesn’t provide it with the nutrients its actually craving. Instead replace the English breakfast with eggs. Hard-boiled, scrambled or poached, they help break down acetaldehyde, a toxin associated with alcohol metabolism and hangovers.

Mix your drinks – These spend more time in your digestive system, which is where it is absorbed into your blood stream, making you more drunk.

We all know you can’t cure a hangover and that time is the best remedy. However there are a few tricks of the trade you can use to help perk you up.

Berocca, a small tablet taken in the morning, contains minerals that stop the worst parts of a hangover. It’ll settle your stomach and stop your head

pounding. Drinking milk beforehand is also a good idea, it protects the inside of your stomach, effectively lining it as well as slowing the absorption of

alcohol into your bloodstream.

Hangover Cures


Did you know?In Poland, drinking

pickle juice is a common remedy.


By Romina Di Vito

Page 8: InsideOut


Work - Out In

Best for your...



- Squats

- Side Bridge



- Sit-ups- Lunges

- Push-ups

This mini workout is excellent for toning and sculpting your backside, as well as your thighs, hips, and legs!

This is the trickiest move of the five. Lay on your side at a 45 ° angle and move

yourself up and down, or elevate the outer leg for a further workout method

This traditional move works your triceps/biceps hard, building muscle in your arms with every dip.

This is easier to do with a friend as their strength

keeps your feet firm on the floor, these tone your

abdominals every time you bring your body up to meet

your knees.

Completed by positioning one leg in front of the other with the knee bent

and foot flat whilst the other is behind. Is great for toning your hamstrings,

quads, and gluteus maximus!.

Page 9: InsideOut


A typical excuse for not keeping fit is the cost; the second is not having the time. Being at home

means you can base your workout around yourself, even if you can only spare 10 minutes at a time. In between lessons, half days, and early evenings before dinner are great times for getting active as well as fighting boredom. This is always when the munchies seem to arrive!

How TV Can HelpExercise can also be boring, another excuse not to get into fitness mode. If you are one of these thrill-seeking people then FEAR NOT. One of the more fun options is using a workout DVD, which can involve an enjoyable dance factor and create the impression you’re taking a class rather than exercising alone! For under a tenner you can work out with some of Britain’s fitness freak celebs – Davina McCall has a range, as well as the cast of TOWIE with their infamous “Essexercise” DVD.

Videogames... Useful?Still not interested? How about digging out that old Nintendo Wii you used to play Mario Kart on, there are hundreds of fun workout games available for the console, whether it’s dancing, yoga, or sports that you’re interested in. Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus are excellent for exercise, they come with a balance board, which helps to strengthen

A guide to working out without having to go outGym memberships cost a lot, especially for students who have a list of needs that always come first. But there are many ways you can keep fit and workout for free – all from the warmth of your own home. In

your core. The Wii is perfect for toning those wobbly bits!

Partner UpIf it’s doing it solo you’re concerned about, why not team up with a friend. By jogging with someone who’s in the same boat as you it’ll give you loads of motivation to keep going when you get tired. The only problem is you can’t have a gossip while your running, and you have to leave the comfort of your bedroom for this one. On the other hand, jumping jacks and running on the spot is also great cardio to go along with an at-home fitness routine, as 10 minutes of either can burn up to 100 calories!

So, In Or Out?Working up a sweat inside is ideal for anyone anytime. If its a quick 10 minute session or a full hour long workout you’re after, exercising at home saves time, money and, ironically, energy. It also saves any awkward undressing moments in the changing room, and you can jump straight in the shower after!

Don’t Own Weights?

Don’t Fret!These household objects can work just as well to help you tone those arms:• Kettle• Plastic Bottle (filled)• Soup Cans• Student Books (best to

put them to good use at some point!)

• Bag of Sugar

Consumption Tips

-Instead of skipping breakfast, you’ll burn more calories during the day by eating a healthy one – a banana or bowl of porridge or low fat cereal like Special K is perfect.-Drink as much water as physically possible- as well as doing your body a world of good it’ll fill you up more, meaning less snacking! Aim to drink three litres a day.

-Try to eat before 7pm – your body’s more likely to burn your food the earlier you eat. This is because you’re active for longer before you lay down for the night, so less is just sitting in your belly!

By Nicole Jackson

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Taking care of your teeth may not be at the top of your to do list as a student, but it might be time for a re-think. Gum disease appears without warning, so look after what you have while you can...

... Are You Next?The Silent Killer...

Page 11: InsideOut

... Are You Next?


‘Gum disease affects an

alarming 90% of us.’

snacking, this is not a good sign for the onset of gum disease.

The symptoms often creep up unexpectedly, and reveal themselves at the last minute. Plaque is the main cause of gum disease. This is the film of bacteria that harms your teeth and gums, it often forms in hard to reach spots which makes

it difficult to prevent. You can’t stop plaque forming but you can prevent it. Not only is it dangerous, it can permanently ruin a good set of teeth by turning them a dirty yellow colour.

A third of Britons worry that they’re too busy to maintain good oral health, and taking the steps to fight off gum disease isn’t usually a student’s top priority. Many people don’t realise that bleeding gums are a bad sign and could be connected with the disease. If you see blood in the sink when brushing, seek advice from your

A typical student lifestyle was always going to have consequences for your health. Believe

it or not, your teeth will bare the brunt of those sugary alcoholic drinks and cheap processed food.

Gum disease is an invisible slippery slope, affecting an alarming 90% of us. If serious enough, it can cause you to lose your teeth. After a night out, a high number of students don’t bother brushing their teeth before bed, leaving bacteria to build up in the mouth while they sleep off their hangover. Combined with any social smoking and drunken

If you have noticed the beginning symptoms of gingivitis, take these easy steps to achieve a healthy mouth.

1. Brushing your teeth - it may sound obvious but brushing your teeth twice a day is vital, and gets rid of the majority of bacteria in your mouth. Another tip, as odd as it sounds, is to concentrate on brushing your gums, as this is often a forgotten area.

2. Flossing - This gets rid of all the bacteria in between the teeth. Ideally, floss after every meal, but twice a day is fine. Interdental brushes are another alternative, your gums will bleed to begin with but after two or three days it should stop.

3. Toothpaste - The toothpaste you use makes all the difference. For bleeding gums look at the Corsodyl range, their toothpaste is fantastic. Ignore the unusual colour and odd taste, your gums and teeth will be back to their original health in no time.

4. Dentist - If you are experiencing real problems with your gums its always best to pay your dentist a visit. They may refer you to a dental hygienist who will get rid of plaque themselves for your teeth and gums to return to their natural state. You may also be prescribed antibiotics or a special mouthwash to clear up the last of the bacteria.

dentist immediately. This worrying signal could mean a certain type of gum disease known as gingivitis. This means that your gums have become swollen and inflamed. As well as blood when brushing teeth, there are many other subtle symptoms. Study the colour of your gums for changes and check if they are tender, these symptoms are the very first stages of gingivitis.

So, what happens if you ignore gingivitis? Well it can turn into periodontitis, a condition which affects the tissue that supports the teeth. If not treated, gaps can open up between the teeth and gums causing the teeth to become loose, and eventually fall out. This is due to the decaying of the jaw bone.

There are a number of factors that can cause gum disease. Students are especially susceptible due to their sometimes lack of poor oral hygiene, these bad habits are the main cause of gingivitis. Smoking also greatly increases the chances because it makes repairing the gum tissue harder.

By Abi Harman

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Is your addiction harming you?

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In an international survey conducted by The Guardian, 15% of respondents said

they had taken an unknown white powder in the past 12 months, a third saying it was supplied by someone they didn’t know or trust. Not knowing what’s in a drug you’re consuming is one thing, but not knowing what it is an entirely

different story. A student from Southampton,

who wished to remain anonymous, admitted to buying unknown pills from someone he didn’t know in the smoking area of a local club. As an occasional drug user, he didn’t seem concerned. “I just wanted to have a good time and make my night better. In the morning I was slightly concerned, the side effects of the pills were worse than normal, and I experienced depression which lasted for several days.” Traditionally, people would find drug abuse concerning, however this new group of young people are happy, healthy, educated, and feeling at ease with their recreational drug consumption.

However, many ignore the side effects of drugs. Another student, 20, admits to having regular hallucinations after taking the

drug MDMA. “I was walking home from a night out and the trees were speaking to me, they were calling my name! I was really scared so I ran home instead of walking.”

Substances known as ‘hard drugs’ are becoming more popular in the student community. In the survey by The Guardian, 34% of respondents had taken MDMA in the last month, while 22% had taken the class A cocaine. Drugs such as MDMA can also be known as ‘club drugs’, which is why they are common with students who lead party orientated lifestyles. Worryingly, makers of these stimulants can add anything , so the purity is always to be questioned.

One “hit” can last 3-6 hours, which is when the user experiences an extreme high. A lot of people lose sense of time, while others experience other negative effects. These can include sweating, becoming anxious, agitated and having muscle tension; particularly clenching of teeth. After effects are also counteractive and can cause severe depression, mood swings and memory difficulties. This can last from several days to a week.

So, it’s universally known that drugs have bad side effects, but what do they really do to the inside of our bodies? Dehydration can be a big problem, it may not sound serious but with drugs such as MDMA and cocaine the body cannot regulate its temperature. This can cause dangerous overheating; and even lead to hyperthermia. High doses can also cause seizures and encourage palpitations of the heart.

There are also massive risks to the brain. Researchers have discovered that drugs can affect the neurons, which control the flow of messages travel to our brain.

Worried about someone’s drug


If someone you know is using drugs and you become concerned there a number of people you or them can talk to:

Frank - Frank is a great place to get help, whether it is a friend you need to help or yourself. They have a 24 hour hotline and self help guidelines for addiction to any drug. So give them a call or visit their website

GP - If you think you need help it is a good idea to visit your GP. They will give you all the help you need and remember, anything you tell them is confidential so they will not tell anyone else

Helplines - there are a number of services out there with people that you can talk to for advice. Just visit this BBC website and select the number that best suits your situation.

Whether they’re used for work, rest, or play, illegal drugs can often be seen as part of the student lifestyle. Peer pressure and excessive partying can potentially encourage drug abuse, but do you really know what they do to you, physically and mentally?

15% said they had taken an unknown white powder in the past 12 months.

MDMA use has also been linked to memory loss in regular users. Even though this new generation of drug users are at ease with their usage, their behaviour is reckless, and they don’t need to read this to know that they are highly at risk.

By Abi Harman

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Page 15: InsideOut

V itamin E helps decrease dangerous levels of cholesterol in the heart, cod liver oil is taken to

strengthen the body’s joints and Vitamin C boosts the immune system. These supplements and their advantages are spread over food packaging and adverts throughout Britain. Inside Out’s vitamin of the month goes to one under looked in terms of its assets. Vitamin D offers the human body a range of perks, most famously healthier bones and teeth through increased calcium levels, this also helps to maintain healthy skin and nails. You get most of your daily recommended intake for this glorious vitamin through sunlight; hence it’s other name – “the sunshine vitamin”. Along with providing calcium it also improves the immune system, no need for C when D’s around! It has also been claimed that it can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and has been linked to weight loss. It can even prevent death – well, in elderly women’s case the vitamin can decrease the risk. Vitamin D is present in oily fish like salmon and mackerel, eggs, and cereals, but special daily tablets can be bought too... If improving your body is what you’re into. Of course the basic vitamins are

... A Girl’s New Best Friend What comes to mind when you think of a vitamin- a pointless tablet? A supplement for old people? You may think you’re too young to even consider these little tablets, but they can benefit your health whatever your age.

Vitamins cheap from your local supermarket, but buying more than a few types can add up. The best (and only) alternative is the mighty multi-vitamin, it will save you money as well as any unnecessary hassle searching for specific types. Most students will have had that nag from Mum – “You need to keep your immune system up when you’re at uni, don’t want you getting ill!” The multi-vitamin is the perfect way to do this. Balz Frei, a professor of biochemistry at Oregon State University, believes: “A multi-vitamin on one level is good health

insurance, a guarantee that you’re not missing out on some vitamin or trace mineral that’s important but not always covered in your diet.” Vitamins are supplements but do not count as substitutes for a healthy diet and lifestyle. You still have to eat your 5 a day of fruit and veg if you want to be full of life. They won’t do all of the work but they’ll certainly contribute towards maintaining your health. So get poppin’ those pills because if you look after your body, it’ll sure look after you!

Vitamins You Might Just Want To Try

Stressed? Try a B-Vitamin; they help in maintaining a healthy regulation of the body’s nervous system, reducing symptoms of stress.

Hair That Won’t Grow? Give Biotin a go, studies have shown that the vitamin helps strengthen hair follicles.

Painful PMS? Evening Primrose Oil has been used to cure the pain, as well as the hormonal side, of PMS – and is also available in an easy to take tablet.

By Nicole Jackson

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