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Inscription Autumn 2013

Mar 12, 2016



Fourth edition of IIT Indore's annual college magazine. Published by The Literary Club - IIT Indore.
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Dr. Narendra P. Jain, IFS, has served our country as a former ambassador to UN,

European Union, Nepal, Mexico and Belgium and has also been the Secretary in the Ministry of

External Affairs. Inscription finds itself lucky to have his thoughts and views on the theme

‘Changing Future’.

CHANGING FUTURE When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people;

Those who let it happen,

Those who make it happen,

Those who keep wondering what happened.

Let us be among those who make it happen. In this sense, ‘Changing Future’ is

shaping it and moulding it to make our dreams a reality. Dreams are shaped by our

aspirations and ambitions, strength of will-power and bold determination.

Life is divided into three segments; childhood and teenage years, knowledge

grooming or formative years and the remaining years of your life. Childhood and

adolescence are carefree years of “masti”, fun and alongside inheriting qualities of head and

heart from parents. Life in a hostel during college/university days is an experience in group

existence, team work, and above all, a taste of the competitive world ahead.

Charles Kettering says “My interest is in the future because I am going to spend

the rest of my life there.” Hence, during our formative years, let us start making up our mind

on the choice of a career and the kind of life values we would like to nourish within us. Man

does not and cannot live on bread alone. Material comforts, yes, but alongside let us shape

our life in a direction that satisfies our innermost spark of intuition of being useful to the

society of which we are an integral part.

The definition of the society has a broad horizon in terms of not merely the

society around you but your duty as a citizen of your country as well as a ‘global citizen’ of a

rapidly globalizing interdependent world. And as German poet Goethe has remarked,

“Whatever you can do

Or dream you can

Begin it

Boldness has genius, power and

Magic in it

Begin it now”


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Never for once hesitate to ‘dare’ but within the framework of confidence in

your capabilities. Never look for support. Be self-reliant as much as possible. For changing

the future, the journey up the ladder of life is full of summits. You reach the first summit.

You are happy, but remember it is the bare beginning. To reach the final peak of glory that

uplifts your soul, excel continuously, never give up, and sustain your competitive spirit to

sprint ahead of others.

A poet has said,

“Set your standards high

You deserve the best

Try for what you want

And never settle for less.

Believe in yourself

No matter what you choose

Keeping a winning attitude

And you can never lose.”

I have learnt in the course of my eight decades to count the garden by the

flowers that bloom and not the leaves that fall, to count the days by the golden hours and

not remember the clouds at all and to count my life with smiles and not tears.

Never be complacent – be satisfied with what you have got. If you have the

urge and the confidence, march ahead, explore new horizons and you will find this world

of ours a wonderful place to live, play, grow, enjoy and get wiser day by day. I have always

believed that life is a mystery to be lived and not a problem to be solved. Don’t forget,

“Whatever will be will be

The future is ours

You see, you see”

Don’t waste time in predicting the future or changing it. Better create it.

Dr. Narendra P. Jain

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The Clubs lie at the core of the student culture within every IIT. And the story of IIT Indore is no different. With just five years since its birth, there are more than 8 student clubs, varying from technical to social, actively nurturing the talent among its members. Among this fast catching up club culture, the Literary Club has proudly been a part of the student life at IIT Indore since day one.

INSCRIPTION has been our most renowned and celebrated venture, among all the events and activities, the club carries out throughout the year. By bringing out this piece of Literary Art, in the form of a student magazine, every year, we try to highlight the importance of expression in our day to day life, irrespective of the genre or language. It is important for us, students, to express ourselves in our most impressive form everywhere we go, be it

an interview, a presentation, writing our resumé, appearing for a viva or even leaving a first impression on somebody(!). And INSCRIPTION not only provides a platform to showcase your thoughts but also keeps the creative spirit high!

Personally, I have worked closely on two versions of INSCRIPTION, this being the second one. And with

time, I can definitely see the way in which we are growing in terms of the content, design, innovation

as well as professionalism in our work. The contribution by each and every member of the club is

highly appreciable. Bringing out a magazine every year along with balancing a gruelling B.Tech degree

and all other activities, require serious dedication and commitment. But the freedom and excitement of

starting it from a scratch and the proud feeling after the masterpiece is carved out is worth all the

pains and efforts put in.

Hope you all enjoy reading the magazine as much as we enjoyed creating it!

Vibhor Pandhare,

Club Coordinator,

The Literary Club


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‘Knowing the horoscope’ has always bewitched people who lack patience to wait till tomorrow. Palmistry, Astrology and Numerology have drawn people towards them since a long time. Man, trying to travel

through time, has always tried to escape from the clutches of unpredictability.

Imagine yourself enlightened about your future. It would be like watching a ‘one time watch’ TV series again and this time without the remote. You can crusade against your difficulties but the taste of joy will diminish. ‘I knew this’ is the only answer you will be left with in your life which will turn monotonous then. It is really hard to envisage your friends who plan a surprise party for you, for ‘surprises’ won’t exist in your world then. If you think you will change the future, you are dead wrong, since a calculated future cannot be changed. Had there been a possibility to change it, there would also have been a possibility of us figuring it wrong.

If this holds good then the concept of time travel is a folderol. How is it possible that two individuals travel and arrive at two different future worlds! Things are not that easy because if they were, there should have been ‘locals’ running in the future with six passengers ‘adjusting’ at the seat of three. Maybe probability governs future, maybe future is just a bunch of calculations, but

that’s not a concern. What matters is the present.

Ups and downs are a vital part of life. There exist ‘Ups’ owing to the existence of

‘Downs’ in the same way as the food prepared at home tastes even better after coming to IIT Indore. Filling these gaps with future will only ruin the enthrallment of this beautiful journey. Man survives because of emotions. Knowing the future at the cost of emotions would be like transforming ourselves into machines. Instead, it is better to enjoy the feeling of pleasurable fascinations and excitements mixed with apprehension, tension and anxiety of the moment and live it to the fullest.



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December 28th, 2099 AD

It’s been 40 years since the incident

and memory – I must admit – has been an

unfaithful mistress, perhaps because my

forgetful mind, has nothing more to gift

her. I can only remember working as a

policeman in the government. Some weak

recollections from the past also accompany

me. The government was making a

governed out of – of what was...?

Inter...Web? No! Internet, yes. Our

benevolent government sought to make our

lives easier, simpler and more secure with

it. Hence, the name. I also remember some

‘ c l a s h o f ’ w h a s s i t ? E r m ,

‘civilisations’ (fascinating long word, give

my memory credit!) some war between

men (believe me, there were the same

human beings on both sides!) on some

minor differences in thoughts. Anyway,

maybe it was too difficult for a simpleton

like me to understand. That’s all! All that I

can remember other than that is the

incident and George Orwell’s 1984 (a fine

book I might add). A flash in the sky and

an instinctive urge to run from on

and on from that giant grey mushroom,

seeking to eat my very soul, and the wave of

heat – something that seemed to be God’s

punishment from hell.

But that was not all, for a day later,

a yellowish green fog fell upon us. I tasted

and smelled a sweet poison, beckoning me

to kiss death for once, and end the

suffering life had become.

But, as fate would have it, I survived,

and the children I speak to today react to

me with awe and wonder when I try to

recollect the things, you now read stranger.

December 30th, 2099 AD

Did I tell you about the fate of

science and art? Both merely became –

what was it? – can’t remember! Let’s say a

money making pursuit. The most

advanced devices in the world were

people’s telephone-like devices (what were

they called again?). Art? Well let’s just say

that none of it was being produced...for

there were many who claimed to be

excellent artists, but as you know, being

good at something is an entirely different

business from claiming to be. Oh, yes, man

had not lost his penchant for making more

sophisticated ways to take a life (as I

witnessed firsthand in case of the incident),

and thus the demand for science did not

die out, you see.

Also, I remember the – erm, what? –

intolera – hate people had for each other.

So much so that nations were built on the

basis of skin tone, religion, caste, gender

(incredible!) and even cultural

differences (different clothing, food,


It was as if zoologists had failed to

determine the sub-species of Homo sapiens

sapiens. Let’ just assume that an average

human being makes meaningful relations




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Go figure the number of nations for 8

billion people!

Crime? Well let’s just say it wasn’t a

good time to be a law abiding citizen. There

were strange crime waves everywhere…

trigger-happy psychotics in YSA. Misogynistic

sex offenders in Jindyea. Religious

fundamentalism in Central East. Mining

mafia in Alfrica. State police in North Corea

and Khina. There were other nations and

their problems...but they escape my mind. I

suppose being a policeman aided my memory

in this regard.

Still, crime was the only strife nations

faced for there were no wars at all. Nations

no longer interacted with one another. I

make it seem as if they were on neutral, they hated each other. But a fight

was unjustified when you could just avoid

the unfriendly nation-next-door.

Fascinatingly, there was peace in the

beginning and when nations managed to

control crime, everything seemed to be

transforming into a utopia. And then, entire

nations started disappearing. Nobody knows

why. Was it because some rogue nation

sought to rule everyone? Or were nations’

needs and dependencies trumped by an

arrogance based on the superiority of

their...wha...’civilisation’? I simply don’t

know, but I suspect the latter. Anyways,

tensions and paranoia grew and within

time it was an all-out war. I just think that

we all had a death-wish.

30th November, 3000 AD

Its been nearly a year since old Pa died. He wasn’t my real father but he had taken care of me since I was a little baby...buried under some rock pile when he heard my cry for help. He loved telling that story. I can never remember my real Pa (what I called my father as a girl) but old Pa never made me feel that I needed to...

His fantastic stories always interested me, of buildings nearly a kilo- what had he taught me? – anyways of buildings 900 times taller than me. Of vessels that could float on water and contained 800 homes like mine. Of talking images that moved and changed. Of machin- things that could do stuff for you. Of things that shone at our will to keep darkness away at night (how I hate the darkness!). Of even small animal-like things we made...more than 1000 times smaller than ants!

Forgive my breath—less—ness (I think that is the right word), but as a toddler, I always looked forward to his stories...

But now I wonder...I cannot stop something from popping in my head. We were so intelligent...I wonder what happened that we killed ourselves?

But I realised, old Pa was only telling vivid stories to inspire me and my imagination...maybe so that I could help my people some day. I think he just made up myths to entertain me and my head. The people with me face... (the writing becomes untidy and seems scrawled in a hurry).

Around the 24th century AD,

The man got hold of this book (of course it was a pile of trash for him). He found it interesting. The smell and the touch of the yellowed pages encouraged his curiosity. He felt that the recurrent symbols in the book were interesting and meant something. However, it was nearly dark and he had been digging with his stone-ploughshare (he did not know farming mind you). He decided that he would not need any wood for cooking or burning at the cave tonight. He had been burning these – things—since the last few days. His wife and child would be safe. However, somehow (he did not know why), he did feel like scratching something out onto the cave walls, just for some reason...

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2014-The Election year... The first time I would vote, vote for the nation, its government, its democracy. I have been thinking about it since the time I first accompanied my parents to the polling booth but was not allowed inside. I should feel very excited that the moment has finally arrived but, I don’t know why, it is not so. Caught in despair, as I see the political parties today, I can’t help feeling low.

The alliance which currently runs the government is blackened by corruption. Although its head had done good work as a finance minister, his record is all blemished by his silence upon matters of utmost importance like the missing Coalgate files. Another leader, presented as a youth representative by this alliance, has hardly done anything other than visiting houses of poor in states where opposition holds power.

On the other side, we have a politician, who finds great satisfaction in calling himself a Hindu Nationalist. Having allegedly led the state, he is the CM of, to exponential growth and development, he now has ambitions to echo it on the national front. But the figures served by him and his party are found hard to digest. According to India’s Human Development Report, 2011 the ‘NaMo Model’ nowhere takes into account the tribal population of the state in the statistics marketed. The under-5 mortality rate of the state’s tribals

is 115 per 1000 which is nearly double of the state average of 60. It is interesting that only the latter finds a place in the publicity campaign .

The Supreme Court of India has passed an act making the political parties answerable to RTI, facing huge resistance from the political parties. If parties are as clean as they claim to be, what could have possibly motivated this opposition? Indian parliament is famous for its disputes and interruptions. But the very people who raise these interruptions are the ones who have come together against this act.

Another hot topic discussed these days is the ‘Food Security Bill’. The Centre was too resolute to pass this bill and has finally succeeded as no political party had the audacity to go against this ‘welfare’ bill. On one hand, it is claimed that the number of people below poverty line has reduced to 22% of the population and then a bill which gives free food to 70% of the population is put forward. Also, many of the state governments have their own kinds of ‘Food Security ‘ plans, which are effective but the Centre is adamant at replacing them by this new version. Moreover, will it not be better to spend the enormous amount of money planned to be spent in the execution of this bill in the generation of employment or improving health and education facilities?

Even the regional parties fail to provide any hope. Be it Bengal with censorship on its rise or UP, whose CM speaks of government as a teacher who has full rights to punish its ‘subjects’, democracy seems to be shrinking in effect.

It is my first vote. I want to give it to a suitable candidate but the question that arises is - IS THERE ANY?




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How many ideas have been recorded in the history of the world?.. Millions?? Billions???

Millions of men or women pursued their ideas for solving an issue, and made things easier for us to look at. Few succeeded, few failed and fewer excelled. We call them by several names, An Entrepreneur, A Business Person, A Tycoon, an Industrialist… basically who take capital of their own and use it to beget more capital. Ideas are never small or big, the impact it creates determines the size. Since the beginning of Evolution, thus far, an Entrepreneur’s existence is well noticed.

Thomas Alva Edison, most famed for his invention of the light bulb 125 years ago, but that is not the only attribute to his name. This quintessential inventor was also a brilliant entrepreneur.

Benjamin Franklin, was the first American Entrepreneur, beneath the statesman’s

mantle resided an inventor (the lightning rod, bifocals) and a savvy businessman who knew how to commercialize the fruits of his fertile mind.

He was the first person to label electricity as positive and negative.

Henry Ford, was a revolutionary person who fundamentally changed the human lifestyles by making available a vehicle, The Model T, which has vastly extended people’s movement. Ray Kroc brought out the McDonald Brother’s concept and created the fast food industry that we see now. Steve Jobs & Wozniak, they were the first to democratize computing by creating a machine whose use was Wonderful.

Those were a few examples of famous men who revolutionized the way we look at our lives. Any idea that was once successful will never make us think of going back the way we were without them. They change the way we look at our future, they change the way we live now, they never DIE. And hence I say, “Ideas are Immortal”.



A gardener / rickshaw puller gossiping on a mobile, a domestic maid watching cable / dish T.V. in her shanty, presence of a four wheeler in almost every house, liberal use of laptops/ computers in schools, offices and homes and the list goes on and on…

Few years down the lane, the things which were considered to be luxury items are a mundane affair now.

As I was reflecting about the world twenty years back, a thought crossed my mind about the future world twenty years from now.

Instead of being caught in the traffic jam in the metropolitan cities, how about adding another meridian in the transport system i.e. having a micro light aircraft/ chopper and hopping from one rooftop to another carrying 4-5 people and reaching your desired destination in time and style. Similarly Metro trains will be the routine transport for every town. The hybrid cars are

about to enter our

lives thus saving precious and scarce fossil fuel.

Imagine a world in which a doctor punches signs and symptoms in a computer and out comes the diagnosis and management protocol. Also the standard surgical procedures will be carried out by robots, of course remotely controlled by expert surgeons.

Not forgetting the housewives, all household doors will have infra red sensors with burglar



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It’s year 2180 and capitalists have created a whole new society of genetically engineered humans. Every person stops aging after 25 and is given a digital clock, bearing a year's worth of time, on their forearm. Their clock begins counting down; when it reaches zero, that person "times out" and dies. It has turned time into a universal currency. If you want to live, you have to work and earn time. Or someone may donate it to you. If you don’t get time on time, you will die.

After paying 15 minutes for a gift item, John returns home to wish his mother a happy birthday. His mother has just 24 hours of time on her clock. “Son, we will celebrate many more birthdays together”, said his mother. “But mom”, John replied, “I have to earn time for you.” With a fake smile, he goes to his workplace, a factory, to earn some time. Rising inflation has ensured that people keep getting ‘timed out’. A 2 minute noodle plate now costs 4 minutes and fuel prices keep rising at a rate of a minute every month. But the wages don’t increase in that proportion. On reaching the factory, he sees his young friend’s corpse in front of the money lender’s counter, with the remaining

time of zero minutes on his clock. “Why is no one concerned about his dead body?” asks John. “Funeral has become

expensive, it will be a waste of our time; we also have very little left”, reply factory guards. That evening, the factory decides to postpone the payment of the monthly salary to next day. But John needs time at any cost by tonight, else his mother will die.

His frustration leads him to a river bridge. There he finds a rich person, Will, with his clock showing 106 years. Suddenly a gang of robbers ransack the area and try to loot money from other people. This leads to a brawl in which Will gets badly injured. If he succumbs to injuries, he will leave behind him a hefty amount of time for no use. John comes to his aide. But he is in a dilemma. He can easily take away a part of Will’s time to save his mother and let Will die. But instead, he takes him to a hospital. When Will resuscitates, John asks him what he was doing at that dangerous place with all that time in his hand. Will tells him that he is already 150 years old and no longer wants to live and was there to commit suicide. He passes all his time to John and brings an end to his life. Now John has got what he needed. But it will take one hour for him to reach his mother who has only half an hour left. That means his mother will die even when he has more than 100 years! Just then he gets the idea of contacting the National Time Keeping Commission – an organization that works only for the upper class. They tell him that urgent transmission of time will be charged 100 years. He willingly agrees and saves his mother’s life. Upon meeting her, his mother says, “Son, I want you to settle down and start a family”. John replies, “Mom, who has time for a girlfriend?”

(Based on the movie ‘In Time’)



Similarly the electric appliances will have sensors to detect human presence so as to automatically regulate themselves besides being transmitted wireless. The heavy school bags are already giving way to e-classrooms and e- books in smart schools.

To top it all is the invention of ‘GOOGLE GLASS’. You wear the glasses and just on

the click of a button you come to know every damn thing about your friend or foe whether sitting in a park or chilling out in a party.

Mind you I am not building castles in air. I firmly believe that these things are not only theoretically feasible but have become practically possible! So, what’s next? ;P


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They say that pictures don’t change, but the people in them do and so does fashion. Pick any random childhood photograph of yours and you will know the validity of the analogy. You cannot help but laugh at your dad’s long side buns (Rajesh Khanna inspired), or at your mother’s Sadhana-cut! Not to mention your sister’s fancily embroidered high waist pair of jeans or your (so embarrassing) turtleneck! These styles that seem so shockingly ridiculous today were in vogue in those days and people may have looked up to you for that same fashion sense.

You may boast of your fashion-sense today, but if you sport the same look after a decade or two you would surely be met with a raised eyebrow. Or looking at the trends in fashion, you may be hailed for reviving a fashion! Fashion has a legacy of itself, it may be forever-changing, but the changes themselves are inspired from the previous ones and so on. Like they say, “The only thing consistent is change.” Even then it is ironic that the “same changes” pave their way back time and again. Be it Amitabh’s bellbottoms from the 70s that have resurfaced as Anushka’s plazo or Madhuri’s dungaree that has now re-emerged as Diana Penty’s jumpsuit in “Tum Hi Ho Bandhu” or Kajol’s dishevelled hair in DDLJ which Deepika now flaunts in a sassy avatar, fashion trends have been recursive.

But one thing that stands like a rock amidst these currents of ever shifting fashion trends is the traditional Indian attire. Ingrained with exquisite patterns, laced with culture and adorned with ethnicity, Indian fashion always stands out. One can never grow old saying that a girl looks best in an Indian look even if the attire is not found in the latest issue of a fashion magazine. It is such a cliché that Indians are lured by the western fashion trends, but the fact is that it is a two way channel; Indian ethnic wear has transcended territorial boundaries and is becoming a new fad in the west. Many Hollywood divas have been spotted flashing

svelte Indian sarees and a bindi.

There have been many controversies about fashion, like wearing clothes made from fur, leather, etc. Overdoing fashion has many a time gone horribly wrong and has also led to various awkward wardrobe malfunctions. Being fashionable isn’t bad, everyone tries to make oneself attractive and fashionable. But one must always remember that “True beauty is only skin deep” and no amount of fashion can cover one’s innate being. Fashion is just like gift-wrap, it makes one desirable and presentable, but the value of the gift can never be determined superficially…

“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."

-Audrey Hepburn




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I looked up the sky and there it was! The moon. It wasn’t just the moon which caught my eye, but were the clouds which were moving in a way that the moon was appearing and disappearing at regular intervals. I got my phone out of my pocket and switching the camera in HDR mode, ready to take a video. As I focused it towards the sky, I was not able to see the complete moon on the screen, instead it was blinking on the screen. I stared at the sky, the moon was complete, but in the screen it was blinking in a very cryptic manner apart from disappearance and appearance of moon behind the clouds. I ignored it and started walking again. Later I observed that there were no clouds visible, and as I again focused the camera, I was able to see the blinking again. “That’s weird, maybe I should try Morse-coding it”, I thought and smiled. I didn’t try decoding it, for that for obviously stupid.

Putting back my phone, I started walking and within a moment I realized that I am not able move an inch! I was trying hard to use the muscle but failed to move. I was alone at that moment and I tried to shout if anybody was there, but I couldn’t even say anything! I was able to open and close the mouth, but not able to say anything no matter how hard I tried.

A voice came, “I thought you would decode it.” It was as if I was talking via mind to someone. It was a male robotic voice. “Decode what?” , I asked.

“The Morse-code. I won’t leave you unless you decode it.”

I realized that it was referring to the blinking moon video and asked, “How am I supposed to do it when I am frozen?” As I completed my words, I was able to move my body and I looked for the video. I decoded it and there was a question behind the code-“Want to see the Time Remote?” I nodded as I became curious about it and then I saw a suit which was more like a space suit.

“Why me?”, I asked.

“I know you are the only guy who is stupid enough to think about decoding that blinking pattern, that’s why I chose you. Now suit up!”

I got the suit on my body and then the openings of the suits started closing as if it sensed that someone has worn it. “Close your eyes, count to three and then open.” I did the same. One-two-three. I opened my eyes to realize to that I was able to see the earth and I am standing on another surface, not on the earth. I was able to see a robot which looked like the one in I-Robot movie, and I was feeling lighter in weight.

Guess where you are standing.”, He asked.

“Out of earth in some other surface?”, He gave me a weird look which said “Are you kidding me?” and was murmuring something which I could make out as - ‘Why did I even bring him (me) here?’ I remembered the moon surface which I have seen in photos and figured out that it is the moon.

“OK. We are on the moon.”, I replied instantly. He gave a sigh of relief and said, “Right now we are in 2013. I would like to show you something. Look at the earth closely.”




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I looked to see the earth as I had seen in photos. “Now close your eyes-“, as he said, I continued it, “Count to three and then open.” He again gave me that weird look and I closed my eyes and opened. “Now look at the earth”, he said. I looked at the earth, it looked different! “Whatever you saw earlier was earth of 2013. You were able to see many buildings show a coloured shape on every continent of the earth. What do you see now?”

I looked and realized that the land part looked much greener than the previous picture. “Are we time travelling?” I asked. “Now you are asking the right question.” He said , “It’s the earth 1000 years back. Influence of human race has made the earth look like what you saw earlier, the present earth. Now close your eyes again.”

I closed but tried to see through by opening them a bit. I saw an instrument-like thing protruding from his hands and in excitement I opened my eyes and asked, “Hey, what’s that thing you are using?” He gave me that look again. “I guess that’s the only look you know to show.” I replied. Then he said,” That’s what is helping to travel through time. We can go from one time to other, we can even fast forward or reverse time with it. I am from the future. Every Quasimos is able to do that.”

“Wait, Quasi-what?“

“That’s what we are called in my time. Now let me show you some fast forward views.” He operated on that instrument. All I could see on that instrument was a number which I guessed was the year in which we were.

“Now observe.”

I saw the greenery of the earth vanishing bit by bit, it was happening at a speed that I was able to notice the change.

“And here we are again at 2013. Lets go further.” He said and we were again travelling in time, observing the earth. The greenery further vanished and buildings were appearing. At a point the earth appeared to be full of buildings. Even the water part started appearing as if buildings are being constructed there too. After some time he stopped and said, “Take off your suit.”

“Why? We are on the moon and if I am suitless, I am lifeless.”, I replied.

“We are at a time where humans successfully terraformed the moon’s atmosphere like the earth. You can breathe.”

I took off my suit and yes! I was able to breathe.

Later the Quasi-thing fast forwarded the time and I was able to see the earth surface changing its colour to reddish tint, which was gradually increasing in its shade. “What was that?”, I asked.

“That is the state of earth due to Global Warming coming to a crescendo.” As he further forwarded the time, I was able to see changes in the moon too. The building changes like I saw on the earth, but at a very zoomed way, because I was standing on the moon. “This is my time.”, he said.

Later I saw an armed vehicle looking like a tank which looked like it was going somewhere to attack. “I don’t think that tank is there for you.”, I said.

“Oh no! This is the time when India started testing its weapon facility on the moon. It might attack us. Run!” The Quasi-thing started running. Since I now knew that I am on the moon, I jumped and I was able to take longer and higher jumps across the moonland.

“That tank is approaching us, maybe it mistook us for a target. If it launches anything at us, we are dead.”, said the robot. I was enjoying the run and then I asked, “Hey Quasi..whatever, I have a concern, what’s your name?”

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On 14th September, 2012, around 7:00 pm, La Fresco finally began operations at the basement of the Silver Springs Dining Hall and life at Silver Springs is much easier now.

But inside the cash till of La Fresco are several stories unheard, stories that make La Fresco today what it is today, a “student facility centre” now an integral part of our lives at IITI.

La Fresco idea was not born in a board room, not just because we simply didn’t have one but opening a facility store was not even the first option.

Somewhere in April our first idea was to open a night canteen. Why a night canteen, because, “Rohit Agrawal, Pragalbh Garg and Jwalant Shah ke dimaag mai kuch bada karne ka keeda tha” and night canteen was then just a luxury at IITI that we could just dream of. It was the Silver Springs authorities that were a hindrance to this initiative.

Then came the idea of a stationery shop with photocopy facilities but the model wasn’t self-sufficient. Meanwhile frustration amongst students with complaints of low quality products and overpricing by the 7am to 10pm and “Everfresh Samosa petis” stores of silver springs was on the rise.


He gave that look again while running, but

then he said, “Are you crazy? We are about

to get destroyed and you are asking my

name now? It seems we can’t outrun this

thing and we can neither negotiate with

them. So lets die this way, but let me answer

the question. My name is Paradox, and


This time I was shocked and I gave him ‘that’

look. He understood that he’s acting stupid

by asking my name even though he knows

and then he said,”Ok. I have asked the

wrong question.”

“I appreciate the common sense of the

Quasi-things.” I said. Hearing that, he


As I completed my last word, the tank

launched a rocket on us, I looked at

Paradox, gave him a smiling salute and said,

“Adios Quasimos!” He gave me that look

again as he realized that I was mocking him

by not using Quasimos to address him until

now. Thus closing my eyes I continued

running and the rocket hit us.




I woke up. Hit of a rocket feels real in a

dream too. I found it to be a very awesome

dream experience and looked at the clock.

“7.30! Oh shit! I don’t want to be late this

time!” I jumped out of my bed and started

getting ready for the college…



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It was enough fuel to ignite our minds and the 3 of us high on adrenaline decided, “ab to kuch karna padega”. The monopoly was about to be broken. Its show time now. In a desperate attempt to come up with an initiative which benefits students and generates sufficient revenue to be self-sufficient, La Fresco was conceptualized with a motto: “to serve and not for profit” facility, the reason that the fresh products at La Fresco are prized less than the MRP.

And then began a series of the famous “IITI style meetings” with the Director, the Wardens. Getting the necessary approvals, allocation of hostel space, sanctioning of seed money, purchase orders, a/c settlements was a regular part of our lives.

We attended the Accounts, Purchase and the Admin offices in IET more than the lectures. In case we attended lectures, the time was used to decide the next order to be placed with Amul, Coke or Best Price.

It took us the whole month of August to get the final clearances (quite fast by IITI standards) and another two weeks for setup until 14th September. From the beginning it was never about money. For the 3 of us it was all about doing that “big thing” and be the first ones at it, it was about leaving a permanent footprint at IITI.

The nuances of profit, loss and breaking even, inventory management, negotiation with the dealers and distributors were our lessons. Gaining experience of running the store was the intention and the prize was: “Co-Founder, La Fresco-the IITI student facility centre” on our resume. “Kuch bada karne ka keeda” and the passion to pursue it is enough to initiate a change. To change the future.

Let’s hope we find a new generations of mavericks who will change the future of IITI just to do the next big thing, to do what is needed to be done to bring the unstable system to a new equilibrium as there is always a scope for that, it’s just that you need the right eyes to see the opportunity. Best of luck to the future change makers.

Let the change begin…..

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When I was offered the incredible opportunity to intern at Microsoft IT, I was overwhelmed, ecstatic — and entirely unaware of what was in store for me. The only info I had about what was going to come was from a few internship blogs and seniors.

Going by what people had told me, I had some really great expectations about the campus. But beating all that, my first impression right after I entered the campus was a 'WOW!'- lush green soccer field, a basketball court, a tennis and a volley ball court, all flood lit and amazing gardens- all this around a set of wonderfully constructed buildings.

That was my first day and I was dressed relatively formally, compared to college attire, in plain jeans and a polo tee. When I looked around, other interns were dressed as someone working in a cubicle for eight hours would — some of them even had their ties on! I felt I was a bit too casual, but then came the HR guy who completely redefined the word casual with his out of the bed attire that made me feel completely formal and led the 'tie' guys into a state of coma, who subsequently removed their ties and untucked their shirts to look human in Microsoft.

After a brief intro presentation, we left for lunch accompanied by our buddies (fresh hires at Microsoft). On the way to the cafeteria, I noticed a Barista and Baskin

Robin’s parlor, and I was like OK, that’s good news, and I got happier to see a Subway joint. I almost fainted when I discovered the Papa John’s Pizza. Apart from that, you get everything right from French cuisine to Hyderabadi Dum Biriyani.

After lunch my buddy introduced me to my team and I was given my cubical and laptop. My manager was a really cool dude. The first thing I asked him was about my project and I was expecting a long and informative knowledge transfer session. But to my surprise his reaction was "Kyu bhai, abhi jaan ke kya karega? First go, have fun and when you are tired of having fun, come see me, and then I'll brief you about your work". Needless to say, I didn't see him for the next one week.

My next seven weeks at Microsoft can be briefed in 6 phrases - wonderful work, ultra friendly people, never ending parties, pool, basketball, and lots and lots of fun! One invaluable thing I've learnt in Microsoft is that you should respect your subordinates equally, if not more than your superiors, thanks to my manager's manager who used to take time off his busy schedule to know my progress and to make sure I learnt and gained something from my internship. It’s such inspiring people and one of a kind work culture that makes me miss office every single day and drives me forward with the motive of working hard and partying harder!


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Date: - today

Dear ......,

For some time stop your arguments and just listen to me. I know you might be having some problems, but I don’t care about them, if you want you can have some more, there is no shortage of troubles in life. But who has a perfect life, the only people with no problems are dead, what you should learn is how to sail your boat even in storms, that’s the way to live a better life.

I know you have so many dreams, but something has been stopping you from being who you really are, or where you find yourself in the future, probably that’s why you have started missing your present. Yes, reach for mountaintop, but enjoy the climb as well. Life wasn’t meant to be an ordeal. It was meant to be a celebration. So, have big-time fun as you chase and catch your most cherished dreams. Learn from your childhood, where what mattered the most was your joy and passion, you never thought of results and consequences, you did what you loved the most, start living with the same wild enthusiasm. Be outrageously energetic and madly alive.

I know you are an introvert, who hardly shares what you feel or what you think. I know you have started living with your fear inside, but somewhere sometimes you feel that it hurts you. So why don’t you rise above that fear, your faith is the best remedy for your fear, you know FEAR itself says, Face Everything And Rise. Just face it with faith and courage, you will find yourself at better position every time. The way to rise above that is to open the doors that you have kept shut for yourself for so long, its easy trust me. Take out all the burden that you think it’s there on your shoulders, you will feel more alive.

Learn from your past, whatever happened was to teach you something new, something better. What distinguishes people with an extraordinary character from rest others is how they respond when life sends one of its inevitable curves. The lessons you learnt from your past, always defines your present, the way you live today is the reflection of what you have learnt till now. Stop thinking what others would think about you. Learn to tell yourself Who cares?

People keep on judging others, it’s not in your hand, what they judge is only on the basis of what they know about you, but actually they don’t know the truth, unless they have taken your path. So, it’s their problem to judge you, not yours. What matters is what you think about yourself, where you see yourself and where you want to be. Start believing in yourself, the path you have chosen could be the best one. I know you care about others, but first care for yourself.

Look for other options available to you. Many times you look on the side where your shadow is always there in front of you, at the same time just turn around your shadow will be behind you, and you can look at brighter aspects. Opportunities never die, you had some and you still have many, just learn to grab them.

You know that a smile is the prettiest thing to wear and everyone looks beautiful when they are happy. So, first put on a smile on your face for whatever you are thankful for, learn to make your present better, future will be all yours. Laugh without any hesitation. Learn to let go all negative things from your life, and let all the positive things come in. There are too many things and people who truly make you happy, who make you laugh, be happy with them. Learn to be happy again ever and forever, that’s what life is all about.

Don’t worry, I always care for you and show you the right path, no matters where you are and will always bring the best in you, but what you have to do is just trust me and at least listen my voice faithfully before the voice of others.

Just allow me to flow through you unrestricted and you will see the greatest MAGIC you have ever seen.




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“To her fair works did Nature link

The human soul that through me ran;

And much it grieved my heart to think

What man has made of man.”

When Wordsworth lamented man’s actions some 200 years back in a bittersweet moment, he was certainly inspired by a

melancholy mood resulting from some dark premonitions about the future of humanity.

His foresight was plain enough to visualize that man was behind nature’s undoing, – that man’s unscrupulous intervention in the holy plan of nature, its beauty and harmony was going to wreck the world sooner or later. And lo! the worst has happened. The tragic devastation in Uttarakhand in 2013 has rightly been termed as a ‘man-made catastrophe’ by the environmentalists. Well, nature has unleashed its fury from time to time since the beginning of the universe, but human action rather inaction has played a big role in it of late. “Ecological fragility sets limits.” Today these limits have been violated. Crass consumerism, gross commercialization, mindless and unplanned development, rampant mining, hydro-power projects and a general insensitive attitude towards highly sensitive regions have led to widespread ecological degradation of the hills ;robbing them of their natural strength and resilience. Bountiful mother nature has been crushed under the weight of man’s greed.




Who am I? I thought I knew but now I have no idea. I have no idea, whatsoever as to who I am or what I want to do or what my deepest wishes are... I never do anything for myself. All I do is be considerate for others but the worst part of all of it is they don’t even understand what sacrifices I make for them in my life. Living for others does give me satisfaction and makes me feel that I am in the right place but sometimes it also makes me feel sick and disgusted with myself. Sometimes I doubt whether I am a coward and that is the reason why I am so considerate but I know I am wrong as I have proven myself to be brave. But now the major question that arises within me is that who in this god damned world sets standards for everything. This sucks. You always have to live your life up to someone or something that you may or may not like. The catch is that no one likes this standard

including those who set it, but still over time they have learnt to acknowledge the fact that whether they want it or not that is what they will have to face and so intelligently start accepting it.

I guess I am starting to accept the things that are going on around me and I guess I will eventually get accustomed to it. This process, though is like something that will for sure happen, it depends on when it happens and how mature you are to handle all that is thrown your way and I hope I am ready by now. Let us see what life has in store for me. No one can do anything with what is going on or what is to happen, so let it happen and I will acknowledge both the good and the bad equally. Yep this is me, and I love being myself. I am awesome and so is every one of you, but the thing is whether you wish to accept it or not.

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After the recent mishaps in Delhi and Mumbai, a lot of justified anger was let out by everyone of us. We, at IITI, also had a marathon under the banner of “Respect Women”. And at Silver Springs, we showed our sorrow and condo-lence towards the victim by lighting candles. But we are also responsible for this situation, in a way. We should do our part in the world against all this, just by doing the little things we all are able and obliged to do.

Let us just start with a regular incident in our daily college life. Do you remember call-ing that girl a slut just because you saw her talking to couple of guys? Isn’t it very common for us to judge the character of a girl just by glancing at her and inferring merely from out-er appearance? Honestly, I cannot put the en-tire blame on guys, because sometimes, it is the girl who is at fault. I'll stop rambling and make my point here.

I just want to request guys to look be-yond a girl's physical appearance. It is very true that this nation needs to develop a char-acter. The question is not “Would you allow your daughter to wear miniskirts?” the ques-tion is “would you like to see your 20 year old daughter to go late night parties in miniskirts?” Returning to my point, to put in simple words, it should not be just about the physical beauty, but also about the compatibility.

The day you find your compatible partner, who will be able to undress the layers over your conscious and make love to your thoughts, you will understand what real maturity is.

It is not about spirituality here, it is about changing the way we look at our wom-en. Even at a domestic level, women should avoid the mentality of a low status and have a dignity of labour.

Most importantly, if you’re a woman, take the lead to cultivate these ideas at the foundations. For every great and extra-ordinary change starts with a small step taken by an ordinary individual!




It's high time that man realizes that he is sitting on a virtual time- bomb and nature has set the clock ticking. It is his own doing and only he can set the things right. There is a dire need for sense and sensibility to prevail. There is a need to sensitize the inhabitants of this planet that their next generation will have to pay a heavy price for this indiscriminate exploitation of nature in the name of growth,

progress and development.

Heed the bells of warning. Woods were lovely, dark and deep when Robert Frost saw them and still kept his promise to go miles before sleeping. Woods are still lovely ,dark and deep but they are sending forth wake up calls to man. Take oaths afresh, promises anew to save mother nature, to save mother earth, to save humanity.

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A break is something which we all crave for, and deserve. And once we got a long-awaited break after our end-sems, we decided to make the most of it by planning a trip to Mandu. A biting cold seeped through the window panes, crawled down the walls and made the whole hostel-room icy cold. I was sleeping soundly in the cosy comfort of my thick mink-blanket when the alarm beeped and disturbed the comfort. I would simply have snoozed the alarm had it been another lousy day at the college. But it was a trip that day! I jumped out of my bed and peeped out of the misty window. It was going to be a pleasant and enjoyable day beyond doubt!

We started at around 8 in the morning, and everyone was excited. We set out for the long 3 hours journey, assured that we wouldn’t even realize how time would pass. The roaring sound system in the bus personified our excitement. En route, we briefly stopped for breakfast and also by a lake where everyone was too engrossed in clicking photographs!

We reached Mandu at around 11 am. The first spot on our itinerary was the Roopmati pavilion. Located at the edge of the forts of Mandu, from its hilltop perch, this graceful structure with its two pavilions was a retreat of the queen. Many gateways punctuate the wall encompassing Mandu. The ride to the top of the hills on the ghat road is interesting with beautiful landscapes by the side. With tremendous lurching in the bus, the driver had to take many turns to pass the gateways. It was around afternoon when we visited Neelkanth

temple. The temple is the shrine of Lord Shiva. The enclosure of the shrine has countless trees and a sacred pond which is fed by a nearby stream. The Neelkanth palace has a charming situation, offering a magnificent view of the valley below. There is a fine container at the center of the palace to which water was supplied by a channel built along the column of the apartment near it. It was lunch time and we stopped to have lunch. We scattered to have lunch at various hotels in the vicinity. We resumed our journey and next was the most engrossing part of our visit, Jahaj Mahal.

At Jahaj Mahal, we got a guide appointed by other tourists and were lucky enough to eavesdrop on him. Jahaj Mahal is a magnificent structure, long double-storied pleasure palace built between two lakes. It was said that the unique structure of the palace resembles a ship sailing in a great lake during monsoons. Mughal emperor Jahangir and his wife, Noor Jahan, lived here often and held memorable lantern-lit parties and functions. With its open pavilions, balconies overhanging the water and open terrace, Jahaj Mahal is an imaginative recreation in stone of a royal pleasure craft. It is a major tourist attraction and presents many scenic views and photographic opportunities. An intricate system of multi-layered water filtration, chambers in Jahaj mahal make use of gravity, charcoal, sand to filter water. Sloping roofs, water being collected and channeled from a height, fountains made due to varying thickness of pipes with rooms two stories below earth and cooled through an array of water channels… these are historical wonders. The mystical beauty of the monuments, amidst the sprawling lush green landscape and the purple sunset sky, paints the live picture of the bygone era.


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By then, we all were utterly exhausted we turned back to leave to the hostels, with many dozing in the bus itself. Finally at 9 we were back to our rooms. It had been a really amazing day.

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It is a usual Tuesday night. After a long, exhausting day at college, I sit on the chair in my room, and find the laptop on my table. The day hasn't exactly been productive. Lost in thoughts, I absent mindedly open the one game I rage quit late the other night. As the game loads the recent checkpoint, I hear a boom. In an instant, the room goes pitch black. Relieved to get a good reason to get away from my laptop for some time, I let out a lazy moan. I can't see a thing. The sound still resonating in my head, I get up lazily.

Trying to contemplate upon the highly unlikely event of a blackout at near midnight, I try my best to move around without stumbling into anything. I reach the window and draw back the curtains, only to find the whole vicinity in darkness. I'm new to this, I think. I turn around and decide to get out in the open (partly because I'm hungry and its getting hot in here, and partly because I don't particularly enjoy finding the kid from The Grudge staring at me while letting out a creepy moan).

After a pretty exhausting session of 'running down the stairs hoping not to run into someone scary', I finally make my way out into the open. There are a few people out, walking briskly; most probably believe the lights would turn back on in a few minutes. But something about that large noise has convinced me that the lights won't turn back on any sooner.

Loitering around, in solitude, my eyes make their way towards the night sky. I'm startled by the number of shiny little orbs I see. It has been a long time since I had seen that, I awkwardly think. My mind wanders off into the dazzling, twinkling stars....

The insignificance of our Earth, and of us, in the vastness of space, had always been a source of fascination for me, and now, it's starting to become more pronounced. The distant stars serve as a grim reminder of what our fate has been, and what the future holds for us. What is the Earth after all, if not a tiny, easily forgettable little rock in a pool of nothingness, circling one among the countless billion balls of fire suspended in empty space?

Carl Sagan has said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. I can't agree more. Think of the petty issues we complain about. "No Wi-Fi! Oh, why is God incurring his wrath upon me!", or "My Facebook app has a new update and I can't install it! Why me!", or "Why is she pissed at me? Did I do anything? Should I ask her? Am I getting paranoid about it?" are the typical sentences used by a typical college undergrad. Who am I kidding, though, since even I do that sometimes over trifling things.

Many astronauts say looking at the Earth from space instills a determination to protect it and its beauty mesmerizes every cell in our body. Imagine staring down at the earth from halfway through the moon's orbit.


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The sheer fact that everything I have ever seen, known, experienced and thought of has existed more or less on this shining blue marble, is so enchanting and impressive, it amazes me. The intricacies of nature and the gradual interference of humans seem intertwined in harmony. The concept of Gaia theory proposes the earth to be a living entity by itself , ever changing, allowing its features to co-evolve. Isn't that fitting, even if the idea seems so far-fetched?

It is on this beautiful, lively, blue ball, that every noble, junkie, saint, student, politician, artist, hunter, superstar, hitchhiker, criminal, nerd, sportsman, scientist, layman, king, that ever was, lived out their lives. Every bird, ant, flower, book, kid, beast, gadget, food has existed here.

Every emotion, be it love, hatred, frustration, envy, regret, worry, sarcasm (:P), has been experienced here. This planet is, literally, everything to us. As I watch the stars, I'm utterly bewildered and enraged at mankind, for no person who appreciates the night sky, the little blinking stars amongst colorful, sparkly ones, the faint clusters, the barely visible band of the Milky Way Galaxy, the occasional hazy little clouds, presenting their show on the ever so dark canvas of space would even dare to think of bringing down atrocities and suffering upon humans.

We are a species that has adapted, and survived over thousands of years, treading cautiously over the rope of time. But yet, abstract concepts like power, greed, lust, riches, still beguile us. Do we not understand that we are nothing more than the product of a very improbable cosmic accident? Are we not aware that the simple reason why we haven't yet found an answer to the ever so intriguing question, 'Are we alone?', is because we may never be capable of ever finding it out? Isn't it a bit idiotic of us to tentatively search for extraterrestrial life, when we don't even know what we would do if we really discovered it? Are we not aware of the possibility of ours being the only planet to harbor life? Or that life, or death is nothing to the universe, which is expanding no matter what?

We consider our race to be the superior one. This brings in some responsibilities. The focus of the day should be more upon expanding the possibilities for future settlements, than on finding aliens. For believe it or not, we are an empyrean miracle. We, are the reason for our own suffering, happiness, prosperity, rather, our existence. We must cherish this fragile big world, and get over personal interests, to enrich our understanding of it.

As my mind takes me on a little ride through the scenes and instances of "The Little Prince", by Antoine de-Saint Exupery, and Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, I am overcome with mixed feelings. I look around to find people giving me looks. Dread grips me as I realize, in my dream of a dream, I was actually sitting cross-legged on the road, in wonderment, all this time. Streetlights are on and the stars are almost gone. I get up, and act as if it were common for people to find other dreamy people do that occasionally. Buck up, Amey. I got a game to complete, the mission ain't gonna do itself.


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3-D? Is it like 3-D movies? What is 3-D modelling?

Let's make it clear before starting anything... It is NOT! Yes, 3-D modelling is NOT anything related to the effect seen using special glasses...

Anything 3-D on computer screen is that which can make you feel or let you use the depth of environment. It would be clearer with an example:

All of us have played Mario (1st favourite game of a child) where one can move the character left, right (say, in x direction) and jump (say, in y direction). That is, the movement is restricted in 2 dimensions... So, Mario is a 2-D game.

Some of you would have surely played GTA, Prince of Persia etc or seen animated movies (like Epic or Kung fu Panda) where the character (technically, a 3-D model) can move in 3 dimensions. So, these are 3-D games/movies... From now on, in this article 3-D would refer to modelling.

Well, almost all the 3-D graphics that fascinate you by the virtue of their resemblance to real world objects can be made/manipulated using different software (like Maya). This is called 3-D modelling.

Why Maya?

Although there are many software available online which facilitate 3-D modelling, however, if given the chance to choose

between any arbitrary software and the industry standard, what would you choose? The answer is quite obvious, the industry standard.

Maya is preferred all over the globe for 3-D animation as well as in the gaming industry. It is a huge collection of tools which fulfils all the demands of 3-D modelling. For example, Kung Fu Panda, one of the best animated movies ever made, was made using Maya!

Maya can be downloaded from Autodesk official site. Its 30 days free trial is always available. But, the best part about Maya is you can get a student licence for free! Just go to the learning section of Autodesk and sign-up to get a student ID (no verification by college required!). Then apply to get a student licence key and enjoy Maya uninterrupted! Just one condition: you can't use models for commercial purposes as Maya sticks a small logo of its own on all your models.

Where to start learning?

Although there are many tutorials on the official site, you can also google “Beginners’ tutorials for Maya” and find some great tutorials. Also, you can search it on YouTube and learn via video tutorials which feel even better and friendly.

I learnt Maya... So what next?

Firstly, if you are a programmer and want to make 3-D games then you won't have to depend on others to make 3-D models to use in your games. Secondly, if you like animation then you can make real life animations with much flexibility using Maya. Thirdly, it would add to your resume. You can then also open career options in gaming industry and movie industry.



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How well do you know the smartphone that is in your palm/pocket? Assuming of course, that you are amongst the 2 out of 3 smartphone users who use Android...Find out now...Here we go!

1) Who created ‘Android’?

A) Nick Sears, Shawn Fanning, John Farlane &

Sean Parker

B) Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Neck Sears & Chris White

C) Google Labs

2) How many lines of code does Android have (approximately)?

A)12 million

B) 3 million

C) 10000

3)Who/what inspired Android’s logo?

A) Trashcan, from ‘Astro Boy’

B) R2D2, a character from ‘Star Wars’

C) A character from a game called ‘Gaumet’

4) Which was the first phone to feature Android?

A) HTC Dream

B) Google Nexus One

C) Samsung i7500

5)How many people activate Android everyday (on an average)?

A) 600000

B) 100000

C) 1.5 million

6) Which are the ONLY 2 Android versions not named after a dessert?

A) 1.4 Space and 2.4 Exter

B) 1.0 Astro and 1.1 Bender

C) 1.0 Twister and 1.1 Spark

7) What is the name of the upcoming Android 4.4?

A) Kit-Kat

B) Key Lime Pie

C) Ladoo

So you think you know your Android?


*Answers at the end of Tech-Talk section



Studies reveal that modern technology has made man sluggish. But I support the converse. Laziness is the driving force that has led to many innovations in the past few decades which have redefined luxury. A perfect example for this assertion would be Tony Stark’s virtual personal assistant, Jarvis from the Iron Man movie series! Ever gave a thought on how one could actually implement that?

Recently while going through some project ideas on the internet, I stumbled upon this

intriguing article on how one can control stuff in the real world with the touch of a finger on your Android smartphone! All that you need

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is a phone running Android OS, an Arduino (microcontroller) and

a Bluetooth module. You might ask me that why am I dealing with such complex stuff out here. On the contrary, the purpose of discussing this idea here is its lucidity; due to all the layers of abstraction it has got so that you only have to worry about what function you want to execute. Using this Bluetooth module you will be able to establish a wireless serial link between the phone and the Arduino.

Let’s develop upon this idea step-by-step.

1) The most important element that will execute your required task physically is the Arduino. So, what is an Arduino?? It is basically a microcontroller (in layman terms, a computer) which has to be programmed using software, to command it to do something for you. You can program it to accomplish any task for you, for example, opening your front door with the click of a button from your couch, or tying your shoe laces robotically without you bending down (laziness is indeed the mother of all innovations , or any job you want to carry out which requires your hardware to think for you). All microcontrollers can execute these tasks, so why Arduino? That is because Arduino simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers by abstracting the so called “Rocket Science” electronics involved in it.

2) Now let’s talk about how to handle the software part involved in the process. Depending upon what you want to control

and how you want it to function, you will have to connect it to your Arduino and program it to make it do the task for you. For example, to control a motor you will have to connect it to your Arduino with some cables (Don’t worry about the technical details, internet is always on your doorstep to offer you that!) and write a program on the computer to move it in a particular direction and speed.

3) Another addition to the hardware on the Arduino board is the Bluetooth module

which will help communicate the Arduino microcontroller board with the Android device. As shown in the image below it is an already assembled PCB board which exchanges bytes of data through the Tx and Rx ports on the Arduino and is also powered by the Arduino.

The last part we need to worry about is making an App on the Android device. A very

booming topic of interest nowadays, Android app making, can be even more alluring when you don’t have to care about all that dreadful Java syntax and mind-numbing programming concepts involved! Keeping the same thing in mind, researchers at MIT have developed a software called the “App Inventor” which abstracts all layers of complexity involved and hence simplifies app making by giving you a variety of options and in-built functions. And the best part is that it is open source. So even if you want to add some complex functions to your app which which App Inventor doesn’t support just copy the source code of your app made with App Inventor and develop further upon it. For our project we need to make an App which asks the user to press a button on the phone, and it sends the information about what action to take via Bluetooth on your phone to the Bluetooth module connected to the Arduino board. Developing such an App is really as easy as it sounds with the App Inventor. Further features can also include speech or gesture recognition on the phone which translate into action in the real world. Here are the links to the pages which may help


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Imagine never having your smartphone, tablet or music player run out of power. That's the goal of inductive wireless charging technology. Inductive charging is being embedded into consumer electronics, automobiles, and furniture. The idea is so appealing that many manufacturers have formed alliances to make global wireless charging services ubiquitous.

How does it work?

Inductive or wireless charging uses electromagnetic field to transfer energy between two objects. This is usually done with a charging station. Energy is sent through inductive coupling to an electrical device, which can then use that energy to charge batteries or run the device.

Induction chargers typically use an induction coil to create an alternating electromagnetic field from within a charging base station, and a second induction coil in the portable device takes power from the electromagnetic field and converts it back into electrical current to

charge the battery. The two induction coils in proximity combine to form an electrical transformer .

When the device is placed on the mat (featuring magnetic induction), it receives energy from the mat wirelessly. The mat and device seamlessly interact so that once the device is fully recharged no more electricity

flows between the two.

Popular phones like the iPhone4, 4S and 5 as well as the Samsung Galaxy S III are making use of this technology. The two main camps battling for this technology are Powermat and Qi (pronounced ‘chee’). The aim is to embed this technology into all kinds of surfaces from coffee shop tables, to cars, to fast food counters, sports venues and airports and make power for portable electronic devices available to



you bring this idea into reality.

You may have noticed that in each of my ele-ment descriptions, I have used the word

“Abstraction” which means to hide all the in-tricate details involved inside. This is one of the primary reasons why I chose this project idea over the others. I hope that this article will motivate you to make interesting elec-tronic and robotic projects and inspire you to create something like Jarvis in your own home!!!

Answers for “So you think you know your Android?”

1)b 2)a 3)c 4)a 5)c 6)b 7)a

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Anita Desai, arguably the best of the living Indian authors, is known for her deep understanding of the prevalent society and the thinking patterns of people. She is also known for her thought-provoking conclusions that develop certain connect with the readers. The writer has been short-listed for the Booker Award thrice and once was pitted against her daughter Kiran Desai who went on to win the award. She has been a recipient of many notable honours worldwide including the Padma Shri.

The Artist of Disappearance belongs to one amongst the 16 extraordinary works of fiction by the esteemed author who is an Emeritus Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The book is a trio of linked novellas about the art world, and is also a sequence of underground detonations, culminating in a physical explosion that tears apart a mountain – and at a stroke demolishes the 21st-century's corrupt linkage between art and celebrity. These stories extend Desai’s satirical criticism of the rampant stubbornness and orthodoxy ingrained in the social fabric. She has adapted her style to suit the demands of the modern world and has critiqued the modern ideologies.

The first novella titled ‘The Museum of Final Journeys’ is a plot in the East where an unnamed narrator who aspired to be a writer is forced to become a mere sub divisional

slightest. The arrival of the retainer of the largest estate in the town presents him with an adventurous change. The patriarch shows him the elaborate collection of exquisite artefacts that the son of the family had sent to his mother and asks the narrator to seek a permission from the Government to establish a museum, income from which would help feed the elephant sent by the son. Though being presented with an opportunity to

something path-breaking, the narrator simply turns a deaf ear to it and the story ends abruptly leaving the reader a lot to ponder over. The author has made an excellent use of imagery to describe the serene East-Indian environs and the plethora of oriental artworks. This story clearly underlines the indifference shown by people towards others’ apathy. It also highlights the slothful society that is averse to change.

The pen-ultimate novella, ‘Translator Translated’ is a testimony to Desai being claimed as a ‘writer’s writer’. Prema Joshi is an embittered English teacher and very fond of her native language, Oriya. When she comes across a short story by Suvarna Devi, an unsung Oriya writer, Joshi decides to translate her works in English so as to popularise literature in her mother tongue and break the ice of her career in literature. The response to the book boosts her to translate a newly-written novel by Devi. However when she starts editing, upping the emotions, polishing the literary terms like replacing ‘red’ with ‘crimson’ and ‘anger’ with ‘rage’, Suvarna Devi’s nephew opposes her and nips Joshi’s dream of becoming a writer in the bud. Once again, the unwillingness to accept something new stifles the desire to create, the wish to conjure. The transitions from direct narration to indirect speech are smooth and effective. The emotional turmoil inside a restless mind finds expression in the author’s imagery.

In the title-novella we meet the ‘Artist of Disappearance’, Ravi, a happy-go-lucky man who finds solace in nature. When forced to migrate to Bombay, he craves the hilltops and forests. On return, despite his house getting burnt down in a mishap, he stays in a room of the burnt house and lives in the

The Artist of Disappearance


Page 31: Inscription Autumn 2013

BOOK REVIEW- The Great Gatsby

The book ‘The Great Gatsby’ by Francis Scott Fitzgerald will effortlessly transport you to New York during ‘the roaring twenties’, a period of great prosperity that preceded the Great Depression of 1930s. The novel is nar-rated by Nick Carraway, a recent entrant into the lavish and glamorous lifestyle of Long Is-land (the prime locale of the book). It begins with a slow pace as the reader is introduced to Tom and Daisy Buchanan, a married cou-ple of 4 years in an unhappy marriage. Their troubles are multiplied due to Tom’s blatant adultery and their young daughter. Jordan Baker, Carraway’s love interest is also intro-duced. The second chapter introduces us to another unhappy marriage, that of George and Myrtle Wilson – Tom Buchanan’s mis-tress. The enigmatic Mr. Jay Gatsby – the titu-lar character – himself appears in the third chapter, in his own unique magnanimous style, in one of his own grand parties. The cel-ebration and luxury continue, as the reader is introduced to Gatsby’s prime motive – to win back the affections of Daisy – who he loved before his prosperity and war days. An unex-pected accident takes place near the end trig-gering some very quick events which ulti-mately culminates into the tragic climax of the novel.

The author skilfully uses very few char-acters, showcasing all the relations they share precisely and writing a very credible story. His description about situations and people’s behaviour is razor sharp and he nev-er dwells on any philosophical questions, re-maining true to his aim of writing a believa-ble and realistic story. Unhappy marriages, unfulfilled wishes, lavish parties, Jazz music and a disregard for the law amongst the rich – all the signs of “Jazz Age” – a term coined by Fitzgerald himself – are interesting to read today. The author hints at the shades of or-ganised crime – Mafia – and other large-scale crimes like bootlegging. On the whole, it is an outstanding novel and should be read by all those who want to see the glamour of New York just before the Great Depression.


company of Mother Nature. He has devel-oped a picturesque garden on the hill which shows his love for nature. But when some people, shooting a documentary on illegal encroachments and degradation of nature, desire to meet Ravi, he simply dis-appears into the rural life, not wanting to get noticed. The people shooting the docu-mentary while driving back shoot a mining explosion and rejoice over shooting the perfect ending for the documentary. The author’s innate understanding of the Indian society is quite evident with the usage of hindi-modified words like fill-um’ instead of ‘film’. The story is testimony of the prophe-cy of doom that the modern society seems to be advocating whilst offering no re-sistance whatsoever. It also criticises the media for being excessively commercial and not valuing some noteworthy aspects.

Anita Desai in these three novellas has used her literary skills very sharply while

sketching the mentality of the modern soci-ety. She exhibits her amazing ability to pro-vide a lot of detailing in her plots. She doesn’t miss any of the trivial details too, “in the second novella, Prema suppresses burps after having Fanta with her publish-er.” She doesn’t miss the slightest details while polishing the literature, she doesn’t mention just the word “fire” but she men-tions it as, “cracking fire”. The use of image-ry has been exceptional, so has been the personification of abstract ideas. She also often has used figures of speech like meta-phor in describing analogies like “prison-like school-buildings.” Her vocabulary is al-so very precise and concise. Overall, the book provides an exciting mix of social re-alism, social behaviour, wordplay and liter-ary sense. She surely has written a master-piece considering the practical implications of the facets of the modern society and the behavioural patterns.

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The fall of 2013 announced a plethora of promising games, a new era of consoles, and of course, a whole lot of F-U-N! And Saints Row 4 is definitely amongst the top contenders for the best of 2013.

Starting out as a Sandbox, Saints Row has come a long way from a typical Grand Theft Auto clone to an entirely new genre in itself, defining a new realm of madness and an unmatched over-the-top experience found in no other game till date. From Crack house, to Whitehouse, the protagonist, leader of the Third Street Saints has ascended from just another gang leader to the Commander in Chief, and more importantly, the freaking President of The United States of America! Contended?! Satisfied?!! Wait there’s more! Because fighting rival gangs or even terrorists is too mediocre especially when you have a rocket launcher that snugly fits in your vest. Volition believes that maybe you deserve a slightly sharper sting this time, maybe an alien race led by a British accented alien who is a secret admirer of literature and has a thing or two for theatricality.

The game starts off with an alien invasion at the white house, abducting most of the crew and eventually Zinyak, the leader of the Zin captures the president himself, who is then sent into a ‘fake’ Steelport, cluttered with alien technology, control towers, and a giant mother ship floating over the center of the city. Kinzie Kenzington, an ally returning from the last title and a professional computer hacker, often aids the protagonist by giving something as small as mission Intel, or

something as big as superpowers. That’s right, SUPERPOWERS!! From super-sprinting to telekinesis, Saints Row 4 has it all. Volition has perfectly blended superpowers and its progression system so that the game is both enjoyable, and doesn’t ruin the fun by allowing the player to kill opponents at the blink of an eye.

The storyline is more comical than ever, filled with moments when you will have to pause the game when you can’t stop laughing. It is also absolutely gripping, and is by FAR the BEST amongst any other Saints Row game in the past. About 40% of the entire game is the main storyline accounting to 8-10 hours of gameplay and the remainder of the 60% is split amongst side missions, challenges and collectibles scattered throughout the simulation, adding another 10-12 hours of gameplay. The side quests also fit the game scenario better as it involves taking over weaker areas of the simulation so that Kinzie can hack into certain parts of the simulation to give you an edge over the Zin. Which Saints Row game will be complete without weapons of mass destruction that take down enemies with style and leave you in utter awe when you use them?! Saints Row 4 brings a new arsenal of weapons including a Black hole launcher, a replica of the cricket from MIB, and even a dubstep gun! Cause dubstep kills, and you know it.

The Customization engine still remains one of the best, even amongst the best RPG games to date including modifications of Body style, Hair, even tiny face details like laugh lines. Clothing customization include hundreds of clothing options distributed amongst torso, shoes, legs, eyes, hair, hands and yes tons of new tattoos. Weapon customization is a new feature added in Saints Row, allowing the player to customize the skin, the sound and even the way the weapon fires.




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The levelling up system has returned from Saints Row 3, and newer perks have been added for both the character and for your character’s superpowers. Character upgrades can be purchased via cache, the new currency, and clusters scattered throughout the map help in honing your superpowers, and adding new perks.

Multiplayer content includes co-op mode’s returning from the previous title, cause the only thing better than a psychopath with superpowers menacing aliens is two psychopaths with superpowers menacing aliens! However, Saints Row 4 like its predecessor doesn’t feature competitive game modes like Saints Row 2 boasting leaderboards and multiplayer badges.

Despite all the goodies packed in that Saints Row 4 DVD sitting at your local retailer, there were also a few areas where the game felt lacking like the recycled content from the previous game, the NPCs, Vehicles and the city to some extent (although it doesn’t feel like the same city thanks to the new play-style of the game). Multiplayer content is restricted to two players at an instance, and popular modes like TDM’s are inexistent because of this. Certain areas of the game, like the notoriety system needed better tuning. The Zin foot soldiers are a bit too easy, and often at lower notoriety levels, appear in small numbers. Even in higher notoriety levels, the number of aliens that attack you is relatively small, though powerful, and is significantly easier than Saints Row 3. However combat system in missions and quests has adequate enemies. Another aspect of the game was the radio. Unlike traditional games of similar genre, Saints Row 4 allows you to play the radio via foot, however the existence of such a feature is not advertised at all, and often, the existence of a radio with great tracks goes unnoticed. Also, the introduction of super sprint and super jump makes vehicles almost useless, and hence vehicles and vehicular customization also goes unnoticed. Also some of the side quests have almost unobtainable targets and some activities can be easily completed with gold medals using evident exploits.

Overall, the game is definitely one of the best games 2013 has to offer so far, and deservingly so.

The Good:

Excellent story line filled with wacky surprises and intense drama.

Introduction of superpowers makes a fast, fluid and unrivalled gameplay.

RPG elements of the game make it one of the best in its class.

Amazing soundtrack featuring epic tracks in all genres .

The Bad:

Non-competitive multiplayer capped at 2 players either co-op or player vs player.

Notoriety system spawning fewer enemies, making roam based combat easy.

Some aspects of the game like car customization often go unnoticed because of superpowers.

Some side quests are really frustrating even for the bronze level targets. While others are too easy.


Saints Row 4 is definitely the jewel of the series so far owing to its well written scripts, immersive gameplay way better than most superhero games till date, and mayhem prone environments. Whether you’re into third person games or not, Saints Row 4 is definitely a game you should look into owing to its unique genre filled with over the top goodness.

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Apart from the usual eateries like Pizza Hut, McD, Domino’s, Gurukripa, Shreemaya and Chappan, here are a few striking places that promise to make your visit memorable.

Café Palette- With its iridescent colors and first class ambience, this place is an eye catcher. The cuisine is mostly continental. The price tag can be a consideration since the food isn’t extraordinary, but for a special occasion, it’s a must visit place.

Alaav- The name means fire and the food is hottt! The place is attractive, the taste is brilliant, the variety in starters is astonishing and the main course just as satisfying. Go with their specials and enjoy a reasonably priced veg meal.

Caution- Don’t order desserts!

Mud Oven- This is the place for a connoisseur with its exotic menus and excellent food. The welcoming décor adds to the value. The Italian food is so scrumptious, it deserves a special mention. On the minus side, the service is slow and the food is pricey.

Taste of India- A good place to stop by for a meal en route to the majestic Lal Bagh Palace. The interiors are pleasant, the food is delicious, service is good and the prices won’t pinch your wallet.

Café Terazza- Perched on a building, this terrace top café affords a great view and a

grand décor. The atmosphere is vibrant and the food is tasty, but the menu card is a rude shock and the service is average. Overall, it’s a good place to hang out with friends.

Ginger Ganesh- A refreshing change from pizza, burger and N. Indian main course, this place offers South Indian in exciting fusions with the most un-dosa-like flavors at very reasonable prices. The Chinese is good too. Don’t miss out their favorites. You are guaranteed to tip generously.

FYI, Its Maggi!- Specially addressed to the newbies at IITI, FYI joints are one of the most innovative and peppy places in the city. The menu has never been this funky anywhere! Over time, the prices have been hiked up, but it’s definitely worth trying out.


Each of these restaurants are available on Zomato. If you like them, don’t forget to thank me with a dessert ;) New discoveries are welcome to be shared! Bon appétit.



Page 35: Inscription Autumn 2013


It’s about special things.

It’s about blooming flowers and the clear blue sky.

It’s about the new born baby and it’s first cry.

It’s about your mom and her infinite love and care.

It’s about your dad, growing up without whom, you wouldn’t even dare.

And it’s also about those, whose parents left them soon,

But living life strongly, under the hot sun and under the cold moon.

It’s about those broken pencil tips and those lost erasers,

More than that it’s about your childhood sisters and kindergarten brothers.

It’s about your first bicycle or your first Barbie doll,

Or maybe it’s just about a family trip to a beautiful waterfall.

It’s about your crush which you might confuse with love,

About flying cupids, blowing trumpets, thousand butterflies but one single dove.

It’s about skirts and it’s about ties,

And when the school gets over, it’s all about goodbyes.

It’s also about your whims and fancies, what you want to become,

Then it comes down to your struggles, trying to grab success, before you succumb.

But for some of us, Life is all about love and passion.

More than food, more than sleep, more than the latest fashion.

It’s about those people who know you inside out,

And about those, who, just by a glance, will tell what you are sad about.

It’s about the fragrance of the beautiful girl, sitting next to you.

It’s about the supporting touch of the boy, walking along with you.

It’s about your girlfriend and the darkness of the theatre hall.

It’s about your best friend and the brightness of the sun, the sand and the beach-ball.

It’s about that special hug and your first passionate kiss.

It’s about break-ups and patch-ups and about the people whom you don’t want to miss.

It’s also about friendship and going beyond it.

But more than that it’s about stopping yourself, when you reach the limit.


It’s so about special things.

Special for all. Unique for all. Uniquely identical for all.

But, again it will ‘tomorrow’, and again the sun will shine.

You will get up from your bed and start your work from the previous line.

And when you will reach for the same old bread, the same old butter and the same old


Only then you will realize, that this was just another poem, as is yours, just another life.



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That memory will always be embedded


The torturous shadow on me it did cast,

Forever ruining her trust in humanity;

It’s the worst memory of my past!

What made you do it?

Was it the frustration in your mind?

Or was it just for the male pleasure?

Was it for your sadist approach?

Why did you ruin her past?

The bird caught in the petite cage;

Prisoner held out in the shackles of chains,

Changing the past, present and future of the


What did you gain?

You used that innocent stranger’s body;

Ignoring its soul that resides within,

The conscience you crushed inside;

Yes, it’s an egregious sin…

For she still hears those footsteps coming;

And the horror of that excruciating moment

does grip,

Those shrieking voices she can’t bear;

Her subtle serene soul, definitely, not worth

your lips…

The unheard cries she did cry,

The numb limbs she did move,

The unseen tears she did shed,

That incident created a large groove

For it’s just a victim who can understand;

As I speak, the truth unfurls.

It’s high time you must know –


Disastrous, devastating, the situation still


But now, I have made my choice,


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Oh Captain! My Captain! Come back; the world is bleeding,

The ship has lost all its men and the port obliterated.

Corpses floating in the sea; and the souls all shrieking.

Brothers have killed, brothers have died, innocuous minds not heeded.

Oh Captain! Return my captain! The world can no longer wait,

Rise up my Captain, for you are needed. Haste! Haste!

Show us faith, show us fortitude, show the plebe what peace means.

Demand strife, demand courage, be the shoulder on which the world leans.

Oh Captain! Return my captain! Pull us out of this abyss,

Where darkness is a virtue and innocence amiss.

Oh Captain! My Captain! Come back; the world is bleeding,

Be the messiah, be the saviour, help us start believing.

Oh Captain! My Captain! Come back; the world is still bleeding.

Haste, Haste!

Just leave all the joys and leave all the sorrows Wake up fellas for a bright tomorrow Don't get scared by the darkness around Nothing is impossible once the will power is found! Stack up your courage, all that you need to borrow Wake up fellas for a bright tomorrow Put credence in your conscience to decide the wrong or right, dare not give up without putting up a fight Develop your thoughts as deep as the sea Sharpen them well like the sting of a bee! Ignite your soul like the flames of fire Burn everything to ashes that relates to desire Charge like an elephant even if the path is narrow Wake up fellas for a bright tomorrow Charge up your body, just for the last blow Steady as the rock that even cuts the river flow Boast of your battle scars as a symbol of pride Cause they are a proof that all you could, you tried





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A world, where materialistic instincts rule. Morals are few.

A world, where the past seems almost too good to be true.

Where power and wealth reign supreme. Held above everything else.

Where we are persistently lied to. So that we feel better about ourselves.

Where everyone's ego grows like wild weed. And our helplessness is used to tend it.

Where we make more money than we know what to do of. And we're ordered how to spend it.

Where backstabbing friends would do anything for their narcissistic needs.

Where the very identity of a person, the basis of his existence is his greed.

Where everyone pines for fame. For attention. With not a trace of self-esteem.

Where even hoping for some privacy feels like a distant dream.

But we're tired.

Tired of being used and thrown away. Of being treated like dirt.

Tired of not getting too close to someone because we're afraid of getting hurt.

Tired of being stripped of every important thing that we stand for.

Tired of being cheated on so many times, we don't know whom to believe anymore.

Tired of having someone else to act for us. To speak for us. To even think for us.

Tired of watching our morals melt before our eyes. Turn to dust.

Tired of being stuck into these bonds of cowardice we're tied to.

Tired of being interfered with. Of being patronized. Of being lied to.

We seek to destroy this system. And as we walk through the debris.

Then we shall know the truth. And the truth shall set us free.

So this is for the past. Please let us come back to you.

A lost past. A beautiful past. A past almost too good to be true.






A little higher A little faster A little far A little more This world will never stop. A tip is on every top. The earth is round,

There is no end! You walk and walk Lips sealed in lock.

Then you see, not at the pinnacle, You've just come a full circle.

And again you start a new way. But you can only hope everyday.

Neither depth, nor breadth will satisfy. Sit, breathe and let both sink in.

Not the future of the past Or past of the future,

Today is a new day. Let it remain a new day.

Take out time for what matters, Not just what impresses others.

Else be prepared to walk full circles. Small, big, depends on your wisdom.

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People come & go in our routine Some make it into our world... Some are drug like, be meticulous before getting addicted to them So if someday they leave you just can't live... Strangers are indeed strange... When in high school or junior college How madly with open arms we adore amusing strangers Thinking they would be our bestie forever... But gradually we are stuck by the harsh truth That the people who then welcomed us easily were never really ours! It's just pass by time or our destinies were meant to be crossed. We learn, become tough and mature from these experiences Hence, now strangers trying to break in forcefully in our life scruples us. We try our level best to be tough and not lose ourselves but when someone too adamant enough in an amazing way & unique style of their which just blows us away... We just can't help but give way to that person in our life. Breaks like a dam then emotions and

thoughts which we have being holding!

We stubbornly enjoy the love and care we get from some people for whom we are

dearest but when they go; we realize we have

actually became addicted to their small-small things & care...

Which we first used to find stupid/lame and that is when we become stranger to our

own shadow!

It then seems as Life is indeed a circle which goes in curves

concave & convex but then finally drops us to where it started;

As we are left in solitude & suddenly everyone around seems so stranger again :-(

Afraid of people now whom after knowing,

we start finding strangers... Who takes us as high as cloud nine

Only to then leave us there, without a parachute(headed to a fall) -_-



Here I am with a heart beating fast

Staring at these blank pages

Thinking, wondering, debating just how

To pen what I have felt for ages…

A rush of emotions, so far unknown

And a million thoughts leap to my mind

But my ink and pen, they quiver so

As the perfect words they try to find

My senses wage an internal war

Dancing Under the Cloud of Fearsome Love

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But I had better initiate a try

To make a start, a little beginning

Before my head asks my heart, “But why?”

But a little voice utters a whisper

How can I possibly describe thee?

And capture that enveloping radiance

Of the being who is an angel to me…

With that unique delicate beauty

Your hair is like the twilit sky

Mysterious, exquisitely compelling

A potent sight but always shy…

It shimmers like a curtain of gold

Its dance is both mesmerizing and bold

Your smile has the glow of a thousand suns

Your eyes, the life of a thousand more…

Your silent laugh, it delights me so

Your lovely face half hidden

In your tresses flying high and low

The sight enchants me unbidden

Splendid as God has made you outside

I admire you a whole lot more

For what you have made of your soul

That deep, selfless, thoughtful core…

Your vividly strong personality

That dogged persistence of your mind

The intense alive curiosity

That is a jewel, so rare a find…

Your particular way of facing any situation

With a true brave sparkle in your eye

Handling it all with a soothing calm

And a hidden subterranean fiery fire…

That perpetual, alive, simmering heat

That intense passion of your will

Your simple sweet charming grace

A thousand stories beneath a façade still…

Your voice’s brilliant complex melody

Tells an ancient romantic tale

The feelings the strains invoke in me

Are matchless, as are you, my nightingale

Now I hesitate and pause, yet ache to say

To be with you, to never be apart

To feel for you as I do now, always & forever

Is the dearest darling wish of my heart.


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जब म आया घर स तब स ऐसा लग रहा ह

जस आया ह म रण भमी म लडन

समाज और दश क ललय कछ करन

बदधि साहस और हहममत स काम करन

मन म य विशिास लकर कक लॊटगा म जीतकर

लॊट म जब भी पर मा मझ याद करना

दआ करना त मा म लौट विजय परापत कर

रखना विशिास मा अपन बट पर

होगा लकषय परा तब म लॊटगा तर पास

त रहना मा तयार जब म लॊट घर तो

म जसा भी ह मा रखना मर पर विशिास

और मा मझ याद करना ||

मा को सनदश

"ఓ భగవంతుడ !

నను మనసకంగ బలహనంగ ఉననపపుడు

ఎందుకు ఆ వధంగ ఉనననన తలుసుకగలగ వశలషణ


నను భయపడడ పపుడు

ఆ భయనక గల కరణం తలుసుకగలగ ధరయననవవు.

ఒక ఓటమల కూరుకుపయనపపుడు

గరుంగ ఆ ఓటమన ఒపపుకగలగ సహసమవవు.

గలచనపపుడు ఆ గలుపపన గరుంగ మరనవున

వనమర తనవవు.

ఓ భగవంతుడ !

ఆశలన మదడుల నంపకు.

ఆశలన హృదయంల ఉంచ,అవ నరవర ఆలచనలన

మదడుల నంపప.

ననున నను తలుసుకవడమ నన వజఞనననక మదట పఠం

అనన ఇంగత జఞననననపపటటు కతన నన కవవు.

ననజవతనన పూలపనుు చయకు.ముళళబధ తలసన

తరువత పూలతలుకు మతత దనం మరంత

అరథ మవవతుందననపఠననననకు నరుు.ఓ భగవంతుడ!

నన హృదయం సుచచంగ,నన గమం ఎతుత గ,

నన ఆలచనలు నరుు షు ంగ సగటటటు చయ.

ననుననను ఎంత తందరగ గలసతత ఇతరులన అంత

తందరగ గలవగలను అననచననపఠనననన

బలంలన నను తలుసుకునల చయ.

హయగ నవుటం ఎలగ ననకు నరుు.


భవషతుత ఎల తరచదదుు కవల ననకు నరుు.

గతనన మరువనవుకు.

ఓ భగవంతుడ!

హసనన ఆసుదంచ గుణనన నన నుంచ దూరం చయకు.

అందువల నను ఎంత సరయస గ ఉండలన

పరసథ తలననన ననున నను కలును.

ననకకదు గ అణుకువ నవవు.

అందువల ఎంత పదు గలుపపలననన నను ననునకలును.

పరపూరణ మన వకతునక అవ మూలకరయణలన నను

వశుశసుత నననను.

ఇంత కననన గపు కరణలు నువవు కూడ చపులవనన

ననవదనన నన అహంగ అనుకకు".


పరరథ న

तीकाराम मीणा

రజ‌కుమర‌పశడదు ల

Page 42: Inscription Autumn 2013

Quand il s'agit de parler de l’avenir, rien ne

peut être dit avec certitude. L'avenir est un

élément de temps dont l’arrivée, selon la

croyance conventionnelle est inévitable.

Selon la physique, le temps est la quatrième

dimension qui ne peut être contrôlé et, par

conséquent, l'avenir ne peut être contrôlé

facilement. Comme l'avenir ne peut être

connu, tout le monde survit sur des

prévisions qui sont basées sur des

hypothèses mathématiques. Il y a beaucoup

de questions que quelqu'un puisse poser

sur l'avenir : « Comment est l'avenir va être?

», « Comment pouvons-nous affecter? », «

Quelle est exactement avenir ? ' Et beaucoup

des autres. Ces questions, accompagnées

d’une variété de réponses, dont aucune ne

peut être tout à fait correct. Certaines

personnes disent même que l'humanité

n'existerait pas dans l’avenir pour le

changer. Avant d'essayer de changer l'avenir

on devrait se débarrasser de la perception

de base que la plupart des gens ont de

l'avenir et comprendre ce que signifie

réellement l’avenir.

Pour un profane, le mot «futur» obtiendrait

l'imaginer sur les voitures volantes, voyage

dans le temps et autres gadgets de haute

technologie. Il rend les gens pensent à d'une

époque très en avance qui est faiblement

reliée à la présente. La présente qui est un

élément très courte durée de temps est si

étroitement liée à la présenté que vous

venez de passer dans l'avenir la lecture de la

dernière ligne. La distance entre le présente

et l'avenir est si petit que vous pouvez

atteindre vos mains vers elle, mais rester un

pas derrière lui, peu importe comment vous

essayez. Cet infime distance est quelque

chose qui est responsable de l'avenir étant


" Est-ce que le futur changement ou est-elle

fixe? " Est logique par rapport à la science

question discutable si difficile que même les

plus grands esprits ne peuvent pas

répondre ! Les deux réponses spirales vers

le bas dans une boucle infinie. La prédiction

classique des inscriptions antiques et la

théorie de la relativité d'Albert Einstein est

que l'avenir n'est pas en train de changer,

qu'il va dans un ordre pré-écrit. Comme la

naissance et la mort chaque événement qui

va avoir lieu est déjà là, est écrit. Maintenant

la question est " Quel mortel sait, et a vécu

pour raconter l'ordre pré-écrit ? " Si vous ne

savez pas à propos de l’ordre, alors vous ne

pouvez pas dire qu'il est fixe. En outre, si

vous côté avec la réponse que les

modifications futures de nouveau ne peut

pas être justifiée en demandant: « Que faire

si l'ordre pré écrite déclaré que l'avenir était

destiné à avoir des changements ? " Une

autre question confuse qui est directement

liée à la question en main est, « Avez-vous

été destiné à lire cet article ou avez-vous

décidé? "

La phrase, «Changer l'avenir» commencerait

à perdre sa signification. Comment pouvez-

vous faire un changement, quand vous ne

savez même pas ce que vous êtes censé

changer, quand vous ne pouvez même pas

savoir avec certitude si vous pouvez influer

sur l'avenir ?



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Selon la définition, «futur» ne touche jamais mais maintient une distance très proche de ce qu'on appelle la «présente». Rien ne peut corriger cet écart entre les. Mais que faire si vous physiquement n'avez pas besoin d'influencer l'avenir afin de le changer? Juste comme des ondulations dans l'eau ou radia-tions vous pouvez faire vos actions dans le présente hors d’ondulation ou émettre des effets dans le saut à l' avenir à travers l'es-pace physique. Changer étant un terme relatif n'est pas concerné par l’avenir, il est concerné par la présente et le passé. Vous lancez le

changement de certains «présente», obtenir les résultats dans une autre «présente» et les comparer avec le «passé». Le moment où le futur et le présente changent dans le présente et le passé respec-tivement est le temps que vous possédez. Donc, si vous n'êtes pas sûr que vous pouvez affecter l'avenir, ne vous inquiétez pas, vous n'avez pas besoin de le changer. Vous vivez toujours dans le présent, pas dans l'avenir, ce que vous avez besoin de changer le présent et non l'avenir.

तमस दर हआ तो जाना , ए मा य ज िदगी कहा जाएगी… चनद लमहो स बनी ह, चनद लमहो म लसमट जाएगी… कल क भरोस जजया मन, लगता ह आज ही साथ छत जाएगी… तमस दर हआ तो जाना , ए मा य ज िदगी कहा जाएगी... हमशा सबह स शाम होती ह, और आज ि हो जाएगी… हर पल म तरी याद आती ह ओर आज ि आएगी... तमस दर हआ तो जाना , ए मा य ज िदगी कहा जाएगी... एक बार आशीिााद लमल जाए तरा तो शायद य ज िदगी सिर जाएगी... बहत ददा म रहता ह मगर तमस मरी बान ना कह पाएगी... तमस दर हआ तो जाना , ए मा य ज िदगी कहा जाएगी... बस बिद करता ह मा ललखना अब, म तो रो रहा ह कही त भी रोन लग जाएगी... जजस हदन य खत त अपन हाथो म पाएगी... तमस दर हआ तो जाना , ए मा य ज िदगी कहा जाएगी.

करीब आ रहा ह चनाि का िकत,

हो रहा ह मान मरा सकत |

मान बहलान आ जात ह नता,

कहत ह हम मा, बह, बटी |

चलत ह िो हदमाग की बतती,

दत भी ह ककसी-ककसी को पटटी |

सोचता ह नही सनगा उनकी बात,

कहत ह िो- कस कटगी तमहारी भख पट यह रात |

चाह हो कोई भी पाटी,

चनाि पिा नता उतारता ह जनता की आरती |

ककशन कमार सोनी ए मा य ज िदगी कहा जाएगी… नताजी का च uनाि

आकरा जन

Page 44: Inscription Autumn 2013


भविषयाबददल विचार कलयास आपण आपसकच परौदयोधगक परगतीबददल विचार करतो. उडतया गाडया, चटकीसरशी होणारी काम, हाताचया बोटािर असणार अमाप &ana आणण कलपनपललकडची काम कर शाकणारी यितर हयािचच धचतर आपलया डोळयासमोर तरळत. पण लमतरािनो, भविषय महणज फकत उलहालसत करणार या हया गोषटी नहहत.

मानिजतीचया पररपणा परगतीसाठी वजञानिक परगततबरोबर राषरीय, राजकीय, सामाजजक अशा विविि बाजिनी विकास घडला पाहहज. सिाागीण विकास हा सथयाासाठी अतयित महतिाचा असलयामळ इतर घटकािबददल विचार कारणीय आह. भविषयात सगळयाच गोषटी िगळया असणार आहत. आतता

आपलयाला दनिहदन जीिनाचा अविलभजय घटक आहत अस िाटत. तया कदाधचत अतयित दलमाळ झालया अस शकतात; उदाहरणासति सािगायच तर खतनज तल, कोळसा इ.

सधया लोकशाही जासतीत जासती हठकाणी िापरली जात आह. परतयक तनणाय हा लोकािनी तनिडलल नत घतात, जयामळ जासतीत जासती लोकािची विचारसरणी समजणयास सोप जात अस महणल तरी जात. परित भरषटाचाराचया ककडयन पोखरलल ह नत खरिच तयािची कताहय पार पडतील का हा एक यकषपरशनच महणािा लागल. कदाधचत लोकशाहीिरचा विशिास उदलयामळ राजकीय उलथापालथ होऊन हकमशाही िा राजशाही दखील परबळ होऊ शकत.

सधया ज असिखय सण साजर कल जातात जस की गणशोतसि, हदिाळी, नाताळ, ईद इ. त भविषयात तततकयाच उतसाहान साजर जातील का ककनत साजर कल जातील की नाही काहीच सािगता यत नाही. परिपरा ही वपढीपरमाण जपणयाची गोषट आह ि सधयाचया वपढीन खप कषटान ती हटकिन ठिली पाहहज. सिसकती आपलया जडण-घडणीत मोलाची

भविषयाचा िि अकषय बापट

कहती ह जनता बनगा यह हमारा सारथी,

चाह कफर जनता की आख पाच िरा स तनहारती |

कफर बनता ह िह हमारा परतततनधि,

पस क अलािा ना जान कोई और विधि |

बना ली ह नता न घोटालो को अपनी पहचान,

शायद यही ह उसकी शान |

हो जात ह पाच साल पर,

पर रह जात ह उसक िाद अिर |

होना होगा हम साििान,

कफर बनायग अपना भारत महान |

आ रहा ह अब चनाि का नया दौर,

आशा ह आप दग गौर ||

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भलमका तनभाित ि ततच महतति आपण समजन घण आिशयक आह.

आधथाक दषटया पाहता आधथाक समानता आणली जात का नाही, हाच एक मोठा परशन आपलयासमोर आ िासन उभा आह. गरीब दश आणण शरीमित दश याितील दरी कमी झाली पाहहज. परित ह फकत अितरराजषरय एकजटीन होण शकया आह. यतया काही िराानितर तरी खतनज तलाच साठ असणार दश आधथाक सतता गाजिीणर एिढ नककी. कदाधचत खतनज तल िगर मयाादीत उजाा सतरोतािएिजी सगळीकडच सयाउजाा, ियऊजाा इ. िापरली जाऊ

शकत. अणशकतीचया जोरािर आपण तनजशचतच उजची भक, थोडी का होईना, शमि शकतो.

थोडकयात सािगायच झाल तर आता आपल भवितहय आपलया हातात आह. सारासार वििक िापरन आपण आपल जीिन सखी आणण सथीर ठिायच का िाटटल तस िगन आपलयाच पायािर िोडा पाडन घयायचा?

शिटी आपणच ठरिायच आह कारण,

"तच आहस तझया जीिनाचा लशलपकार!"

भविशय बडा ही रहसयमय होता ह| इसक परतत हमारी जजजञासा पणातः परतयकष ह| भविषय कया होगा, कसा होगा हमार पकष अथिा विपकष म होगा, यह ि सिाल ह जजनक उततर की तलाश हर ककसी को होती ह| ककतना आनिदमय होता यहद हम ककसी झरोख स भविषया म झाक सकत और कफर उसम मनिाधचत फर बदल कर पात| पर अगर यह सिभि होता तो शायद भविशय शबद का अजसतति ही न होता| पर कछ ऐस भािी पररितान भी ह जजनह हम सतनजशचत कर सकत ह| ितामान म कई ऐसी परिवततया ह हम म जजनह हम बदलना चाहत ह या जजनका बदलना हमार जीिन को सकारातमक उजाा परदान करगा|

िस तो हम सबम अपनी कछ हयजकतगत शललया होती ह जजनह हम बदलना चाहत ह| पर मर विचार स एक ची ह जो हम सब म समान ह और िो ह हमारी आितनक जीिन शली| आितनक यग की दौड न हमारी चतना क भािनातमक तति क कषीण कर हदया ह|

वपरयल तरतरिदी पररितान की आस

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हमम स ककतन लोगो को याद ह की उनहोन आणिरी बार कब खल आसमान क नीच बठकर तारो को तनहारत हए चन की रात काटी होगी, या रासत म यही चलत चलत जब अचानक बाररश होन लगी थी तो, पास की पान की दकान पर जा खड होन क बदल, बाह खोलकर िराा का सिागत ककया होगा और उसका आनिद उठाया होगा| या कफर एक हदन अपन मोबाइल फोन को बिद करक, उस भलकर अपन वपरयजनो क साथ िकत हयतीत ककया होगा| पढन पर शायद आपको इन सब बातो का कोई औधचतत ना लग, अनािशयक लग पर यह सब हमार जीिन का िो आिड ह जो तनषकाम पडा ह|

यह ओस की उन बदो की तरह ह जो घास को तरोताजा करती ह| आज क पररिश तथा हमार रहन-सहन की आितनक रौली म हम भल ही अपन उननतत की ओर अगरसर हो, भल ही हमारा भौततक ओतमन हो रहा हो, परित भािनातमक एिि कलातमक पमान पर हमारा पतन ही हो रा ह|

जीिन एक बार ही लमलता ह, पर लमलता परा अपनी ही शतो पर जीन क ललए ही, हम जसा चाह, इसको जी सकत ह, मान कह िो कर सकत ह, पर बहत कम ही लोग होत ह जजनक मन म "काश!...." जस ककसी पिजकत का सथान नही होता| यह जीिन अनमोल ह| अतः इसका उददशय लसफा भौततक सखो का आन लना जसा तचछ नही हो सकता| हदन रात लसफा लसर झका कर , आख मिदकर , दौडत रहकर हम इसकी अिहलना नहीि कर सकत अथिा लसर उठाकर, आख खोलकर हर कषण, हर लमह को अपन अनरप जीना ही उपयकत ह |

अतः कय ना हम सब थोडा थमकर विचार कर कक हम जीिन धचतर को ककन रिगो स भरना ह और बस तयार हो जाए उनह भािी िरो पर तरबखरन क ललए |


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FLUXUS 2013, the third techno-cultural festival of IIT Indore was organized by the students of IIT Indore from 15th-17th March, 2013. Carrying forward the success of the previous edi-tion, FLUXUS 2013 was organized on a much grander scale en-compassing more events and colleges and this time even school students. For three days, FLUXUS ’13 transformed IIT Indore into an inimitable world teeming with boundless merri-ment, skill, talent and thrill as young students plunged their sullen psyche into the oceans of entertainment in IIT Indore's grandeur Techno-Cultural festival, FLUXUS '13.

FLUXUS ’13 witnessed many ‘firsts’ for IIT Indore. For the 1st time FLUXUS saw such a mas-sive scaling up of events and its footprint were left all over India. For the 1st time FLUXUS crossed the boundaries of Madhya Pradesh covering 8 cities of India. For the 1st time FLUX-US set up the stage for 3 different Pro-Shows. For the 1st time FLUXUS saw such aggressive Publicity campaign with hoardings al around Indore. For the 1st time FLUXUS budget crossed double figures in lacs.

And indeed this is just the beginning. FLUXUS’13 has set the perfect stage for a much bigger and exciting FLUXUS’14!!

The Events conducted under FLUXUS’13 were as follows:


The Marathon organised by IIT Indore on 17th February, 2013 as a part of FLUXUS 2013 was an attempt to change the society’s outlook towards atrocities towards women. It’s an appeal to the masses to protect and “Respect Women.”


Workshops at FLUXUS-2013, covering cities of Indore, Bho-pal, Ujjain, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Sagar, Pune and Ghaziabad, the unmatched platform, suited the desires of the students and helped in their pursuit for perfection. From Aero-Modelling to Radio Controlled Racing, from Robotics to Image Pro-cessing, experts from 8 different domains were summoned to quench their undying passion by making sure that they got their hands dirty and had the most enlightening experi-ence of their life with 2000 similar knowledge and fun thirsty friends!


FLUXUS 2013 Pro-shows enlivened the nights!!! The “Interceptors” gave audience a pure rush of adrenaline by the heart stopping bike stunts on 16th March. For the first time FLUXUS wit-nessed 3 Pro-Shows,

varying across 3 different genres; classical in-strumental music by Akhilesh Gundecha and his troop on 15th March, electronic music by Dualist Inquiry on 16th March and soulful Sufi-Bollywood Music by Sona Mohapatra on 17th March.

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The Music Club organized its very own music event, the brand new ‘Crescendo 2.0’ on the 12th of October 2012 from 7pm to 10pm at the PACL Campus. Improvised from the inaugural event, the 2.0 version boasted of a 5-fold line array music system that echoed the music throughout the environs. The event was attended by everyone alike right from the teachers to all the students.

The night began with Dr. N. S. Chaudhary giving welcome address in which he immediately pointed out that the 2.0 version significantly stood out from its prede-cessor and wished the performers of the event. The event commenced with ‘Epsilon Unde-fined’ IIT Indore’s very own band, setting the tone for the evening with a short but nerve racking performance. The event witnessed performances by the two other bands, karaoke performances and rap. The night concluded with a signature performance by ‘Epsilon Unde-fined’ which was the showstopper. The event received apt attention from the media as well.

Technical events:

Having the term ‘Technology’ in the name itself IIT Indore portrayed some of the best technical events for as much as 2000 students all over India at FLUXUS 2013. The students felt the fire consume their soul as they competed against the best teams of the country in extrav-aganza of unique and challenging events ingeniously crafted to fuel the fire of passion, in-quisitiveness and the desire for perfection by some of the smartest young minds of India.

Cultural events:

From a roller- coaster of emotions in the Drama competition to an ideal treasure-hunt spread throughout the city, they got it all here at FLUXUS’13. The days were a ride of fun and unnerving excitement which whirled them through exciting rounds of dance, dram a and action. In a nutshell, the three day extravaganza at FLUXUS show-cased spectacular talent and an exhilarating experience for the pop-

ulace .We had something for everyone – be it a sports lover, a music fanatic, a dance freak, a quiz wizard or simply a fun loving mortal.

Facts and Figures

Date: 15th – 17th March, 2013 Footfall: 9907

Events: 11 Technical , 8 Cultural , 3 Pro- Shows Budget: Rs. 1,520,000

Online impressions: 75,000 (Using Google Webmaster Tools) Cities covered : 8


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Sri Shubhendra Rao’s Sitar “Speaks”

IIT Indore was graced by the presence of Shri Shubhendra Rao, the well–known Sitar maestro. Ranked amongst the key soloists of India he is a musical bridge between the traditional and the mod-ern. Being a disciple of world renowned Pandit Ravi Shankar, Shri Shubhendra has performed at major music festivals in New York, Paris, Sydney, South Africa and the UK is a Youth Icon for Classical Music.

The event conducted jointly by SPIC MACAY (Society for Promotion of Indi-an Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth) and IIT Indore at the IET Campus on the 6th of October 2012 from 6pm to 8pm, tru-ly seized the soul. Accompanied by the Tabla genius Shri Hitendra Dixit, the jugalbandi was very mesmerizing. They also satiated the musical interests of the audiences by performing to their farmaaish. Apart from the students, the heavily successful event was attended by the teachers and it also sparked the interest of the media. We look forward to more such events in the future.

IIT Indore being one of the most prestigious engineering institutes in India, had the rare opportunity of hosting an exclusive program for the Indian Air Force (IAF) to interact with the students about the thrill of joining IAF. It was held on 22nd of September, 2013, at the PACL campus. The Director of IIT Indore, officers from the IAF Headquarters at Delhi, the IAF adventure wing and enthusiastic stu-dents of the institute were present during the program.

Director Pradeep Mathur gave a brief inaugu-ral address and kickstarted the event. Squad-ron Leader Anil Jadhav then elaborated on the rich eighty-one year old history of the IAF. He talked about the different workings of the IAF and shed light upon the qualifications re-quired for getting into the various branches of the IAF. He also emphasized on women empowerment and participation. He told them that they were the first among all three defense services in India to induct women in all its branches.

A short talk was given Wing Commander Katoch on the functioning and recruitment process of the IAF. After answering the que-ries of students regarding the IAF, the ad-vantage of having this as a career prospective was also discussed at length by him. The two adventure activities viz. parasailing and hang

gliding were to be held at the Simrol Campus after the address, but due to unusual weath-

er conditions, they were cancelled.

Overall, the program was a hit among the student who were presented with many IAF goodies, like stickers, posters, t-shirts and notepads.



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Just as Indore occupies a special place in India, being a part of its heart so does IIT Indore in the field of advanced technology. This stands testified by the inauguration of the Radio telescope which would be used by the institute for detecting and studying diffuse emission from the largest structures in the universe. This telescope, which is said to be the third biggest radio telescope in the country, is an outcome of the curiosity of the institute.

The telescope was developed under a NASA project and was inaugurated by the Minister of state for HRD Dr. Shashi Tharoor in the institute’s PACL campus. In the thought provoking and visionary talk given by the vibrant personality, Dr.Tharoor praised the scientific acumen of IIT-I students. His address to the students was a fusion of literature, technology and culture. The minister devoted much time to talk about two concepts, of Indian origin, that have created much buzz worldwide - Indo-vasion and Jugaad. Pointing at the importance of channelizing India’s intellectual energy in the right direction with the right infrastructure, Dr.Tharoor said that if one watches American sitcoms, one will often find Indians acting in them as doctors, engineers, software professionals. According to him, one simply cannot imagine an American university which does not have Indian students in it. On one side it shows the vast reach we have, on the other hand it showcases the issue of brain drain. Having inaugurated the radio telescope, Dr. Tharoor was inquisitive enough to have a look at the institute’s facilities. He interacted with students from various departments. Extending a keen interest in the subjects being taught at the campus, the union minister appreciated and congratulated the heads of various departments on the commendable work being done by them.

In a nut shell, Dr. Tharoor’s visit to IIT Indore was a memorable experience for each and every one of us and I believe he might have triggered many inquisitive minds with his presence.

The Janmashtami celebrations were held at the PACL campus of IIT Indore. Being the first event of the semester, all students came together to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. The fun began with an all-student Dahi Handi competition. The competition was held amongst 4 teams, each comprising of students from their respective years. It started with a whistle and ended with 4 handis breaking one by one and the II Year group winning the trophy. Then grand Handi, which was the highest. Students, irrespective of what year they were in, actively joined in to form a huge human pyramid. Refreshments and snacks brought out the lively side of everyone and amidst splashing buckets of water,

and DJ Moni’s groovy, funky beats, everyone proceeded to watch the much anticipated finale. After a few unsuccessful tries, the students finally managed to break the handi, which unleashed a musical extravaganza, instantly pulling everyone to the dance floor. The event was a power packed success and rightly brought out the best of IIT Indore.


Dahi Handi- The First Union of IIT INDORE

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Disclaimer - Weak hearted, kind hearted, sensitive or dumb people must not continue any further.

Howdy, heartless folks!

I am often confused as to how fools trap rational minds (like some of ours) in a creatively wound web of s#!t. I just landed a 3 lakh job in a famous (not for pay-checks though) MNC and immediately paid a visit to a soothsayer to soothe myself with some entertainingly-absurd humour to celebrate my placement. The eminent Rs.51 “Babaji” in Central Mall (4th floor) took my palm, scrutinized it under a magnifying glass (which was thinner than his spectacles lenses), coughed out all the tobacco that had been keeping his mouth shut all this while, heaved a sigh of achievement and blabbered [translated], “My son, you will get a first salary of more than 20 lakhs and a beautiful girl will ‘come into your life’ at the age of 32…” He was not much wrong, just that the beautiful girl has already ‘come’ and I have to earn 17 lakhs through other means! My future thus ‘changed’ with a measly 51 bucks!

Another example of an attempt to alter the future - The earnest and sincere efforts to demolish a Superhero like Krrish by a highly inventive megalomaniac, Dr. Siddhant Arya (Naseeruddin Shah). How could one even think of demolishing a superhero like Krrish? (1 or 2 or 3 or even Jaadoo for that matter!) He is a superhero who can singly beat the hell out of the Avengers and the Justice League together! He’s a ‘desi’ superhero after all! He, too, has eaten the salt of this very country- Tata Iodised Salt! If I were to rate Krrish as a superhero on a scale of taste of Mess food (-10) to Sayaji Kebabsville Buffet (+10), it would be somewhere around a pani-puri stall standing on a bridge over a stinking and overflowing drain near Rajwada (-9.5) (No offence to Krrrrrrrish fans! And mess fans too!) The future in such cases, of anticipating the future and modifying it, has a very bright beginning- Tragedy.

The plain and straight fact is that our mind is so gripped by expectations from the future that it is becoming impossible to live in the present. In such a scenario that’s widely prevalent, our rational senses tend to make a rare or zero appearance in our behaviour like Mr Narendra Modi acknowledging the non-Hindu sects in his speech, or Mohammed Kaif’s return to the Indian National team(remember him?) or Jackky Bhagnani earning a name in Bollywood or Ram Kapoor following a diet to shed 40 kilograms of his flab or (coming to a serious tone) a modern Indian girl roaming around alone in Delhi/ NCR during evening hours and returning back safe at home that night. If I were to elevate myself to the status of a preacher (one who is evidently interesting and gripping, unlike a monotonous Baba Ramdev teaching his breathing exercises on Sanskaar TV or Asaram Bapu giving a speech to the world during his rallies to respect women), I would like to change just one thing about the present world to shape a brighter future- Human Attitude.

May the trust and confidence you have be more than the water in the Pacific, May the limits you set for yourself in the present be taller than the Burj Khalifa, May the magnitude of your ego be lesser than the size of a bug causing an infection, May the smile you exhibit must be brighter than the eternal sunshine.

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The comparisons are subject to change from individual to individual, but the essence isn’t. These words of mine might be akin to learning MA 104 for 4 hours a week or listening to the news on Doordarshan. Nevertheless, they are more appealing and sensible than Ram Gopal Verma ki Aag or Mr Manmohan Singh’s claims of not being a puppet of the Congress Chief.

Coming back to the topic, I desire one more major change – the one I’d like to see in the fu-ture, is the improvement in the level of written and spoken English India (As a literary club initiative, English deserves a special mention not because of its popular usage, but for its widespread misuse). Excerpts from a modern day chat on WhatsApp/Facebook :

Boy1: Wassup guy? Hws lyf treating u? ;) Boy2: @Boy1- D same old b*****it man! Lyfs seriously f****d up. Ur dp’s kewl dude. Whos dat other chick in the picha bro? :-/ Boy1: Jst saw her ystrday @ d bar crazyhead. So, u still up wid #*^$ or single n ready 2 min-gle? Boy2: lol :-D Nah! Apna Haath Jaggan-Naath. M happy painting d walls of mah room baby! ;) Boy1: Yeah man! True dat :-p can get how ya feel dude! Btw, hwz academics. Nething goin on hey? Boy2: Nopes! Padhai chalti rehti hai bhai. U tension not…m f9 re. Okayee den, catch up wid ya soon. Boy1: Gr8! Tc man…keep rolling!

The level of English (or whatever passes under that name) is falling at a rate higher than the Indian Rupee and the absurdity is rising faster than the prices of petrol and diesel. Sprinkle your indigenous creativity [pun intended] with all the grammatical errors possible to create an environment which can simulate a heart attack in a new born baby or a trick which can drown a ship inside a pond! Senselessness is unfortunately becoming the new ‘kewl’ trend (Which is not at all “cool” in any way) Learn how to roar and make your presence felt effectively, and not merely bark, barking dogs seldom bite but roaring lions always hunt! Realise yourself, change your attitude, else “duniya hamare shareer mein itne ched kar degi ki hamein samajh mein nahi ayega ki saans kahan se le aur……”

Meet you next time with a bigger roar.

Until then, Keep Roaring and Hunting.

Your well-wisher,


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