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innovative learning methods

Jan 17, 2017



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Page 1: innovative learning methods


Approaches and Method in TESOL

Lecture : Aprilia Riyana Putri,. M.Pd.










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Innovative Learning

Innovative Learning is collaborative learning in work organizations that

produces new solutions, or systemic transformation in organizational

learning have thus far produced relatively general contectul tools (e.g.

Argyris and Schonn, 1978 :Senge 1990). Produce solutions to the

education and human services sector developed to improve outcomes for

the provider, purchasers, families and consumers of behavior healthcare


A specific, research based, model has become the cutting edge point of


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Summary of Collaborative Learning

A. History of Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning can provide opportunities to lead to successful learning

practices. As the technology for learning, collaborative learning involves the active

participation of students and minimize the differences between individuals.

The idea of collaborative learning stems from a philosophical perspective the

concepts learned. In 1916, John Dewey wrote a book "Democracy and Education"

whose contents that class is a mirror of society and serves as a laboratory for learning

about real life. Dewey thought that primary education (Jacob :1996) are:

1. Students should be active, learning by doing

2. Learning should be based on intrinsic motivation

3. Knowledge is growing, not permanent.

4. Learning activities should be appropriate to the needs and interests of students

5. Education should include learning activities with the principle of mutual

understanding and mutual respect for one another, meaning that democratic

procedures are very important.

6. The learning activities should relate to the real world and aims to develop the


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B. Purpose Of Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning requires a modification of the original learning objectives

than the delivery of information into knowledge construction by individuals through

group learning.

In a collaborative study, there was no difference in the task for each individual,

but the task was jointly owned and jointly diselesikan regardless of student learning

conversation, from the description above, we can know the things that are emphasized

in collaborative learning is how to make students in group learning activities going on

their cooperation, interaction and information exchange.

In addition, it can be concluded that the purpose of collaborative learning are as


1. Maximizing the cooperation process that takes place naturally among the


2. Creating an environment of student-centered learning, contextual,

integrated, and the atmosphere of cooperation.

3. Appreciate the importance of authenticity, contributions, and experiences

of students in relation to learning materials and learning processes.

4. Provide opportunities for students to become active participants in the

learning process.

5. Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

6. Encouraging exploration of subjects that involve a variety of viewpoints.

7. Appreciate the importance of social context for learning.

8. Cultivate a relationship of mutual support and mutual respect among

students, and between students and teachers.

9. Develop a spirit of lifelong learning.

C. Steps of Learning Collaborative

Steps of collaborative learning are :

1. The students make a group to discuss some materials.

2. All students in the group to do some activity such as : read, discuss, and


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3. Collaborative Learning the students in one group study together to identify,

understanding, sharing, analyzing and looking for answers on task or

problem in learning.

4. Another group give some comments, sugestion or critic based on their opinion

about the materials.

5. Teacher give a point to the students based on their participation.

6. Each student in the group of collaborative learning have to collect the result of

discussion in a Report.

D. Types of Collaborative Learning

1. Learning Together (LT)

In this method a class consist of groups of students of diverse abilities. Each

group worked together to complete the task by the teacher. One group

received only one set of sheets and work assignments. Assessment is based on

the group's work.

2. Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT)

After studying with his own group, the members of a group will compete with

the other group members in accordance with the ability level of each. The

assessment is based on the amount of earned value group.

3. Group Investigation (GI)

All members of the group are required to plan an investigation along with the

planning of solving the problems encountered. The group determines what

will be done and who will carry it out below how planning presentation in

front of the class forum. Assessment is based on the process and results of

group work.

4. Academic-Constructive Controversy (AC)

Each member of the group demanded the ability to be in a conflict situation

intellectually developed based on the results of each study, either with

members of a group or with other group members. These learning activities

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and prioritize the achievement of quality development problem solving,

critical thinking, reasoning, interpersonal relationships, psychological health

and harmony. The assessment is based on the ability of each member or group

maintaining his chosen position.

5. Jigsaw Proscedure (JP)

In this form of learning, a member of a group given a different assignment on

a subject. So that each member can understand the whole subject, the test is

given to the material thoroughly. Ratings are based on the average score of the

test group.

6. Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD)

The students in a class is divided into small groups. The members in each

group learn from each other and each other membelajarkan. The focus is a

success it will affect the success of the group and so did the group's success

will affect the success of individual students. Assessment is based on the

achievement of learning outcomes of individual and group.

7. Complex Instruction (CI)

This learning method emphasizes the implementation of a project oriented to

the invention, in particular in the fields of science, mathematics and social

sciences. The focus is to develop the interest of all members of the group on

the subject. This method is generally used in learning bersifatbilingual

(bilingual) and among students are very heterogeneous. Assessment is based

on the process and results of group work

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8. Cooperative Learning stuctures (CLS)

In this study each group formed by members of two students (in pairs). A

student acting as tutor and the other being tutee. Tutor ask questions that must

be answered by the tutee. When jawabantutee right, he gained points or scores

that have been set in advance. In a time interval that is also predetermined,

both students paired it switch roles.

9. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)

As the name implies, this model emphasizes learning reading, writing and

grammar. In this lesson, students assess each reading, writing and grammar,

either in writing or orally in the group.

E. Characteristic of Collaborative Learning

In collaborative learning there are some characteristics, namely:

1. Students learn in a group and have a sense of dependency in the learning

process, completion of group assignments requiring all members to work


2. intensive face- to-face interaction between group members.

3. Each student is responsible for the tasks that have been agreed upon.

4. Students must learn and have interpersonal communication skills.

5. The role of the teacher as a mediator.

6. There are sharing of knowledge and interaction between teachers and

students, or student and student to get conclusion

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Learning Process Using Collaborative Method

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Quantum Learning Method


Quantum Learning is an indication, the strategy and the whole process of learning that

can sharpen the understanding and memory, as well as making learning as a process

that is fun and rewarding. Quantum learning is rooted in the efforts Georgi Lozanov,

Bulgarian national educators. He conducted an experiment called suggestology. The

principle is that suggestions can and do influence the outcome of the learning

situation and every detail of any positive or negative suggestion.

The main figure behind the Quantum Learning is Bobbi DePorter. He was a pioneer,

originator and main developer of Quantum Learning. Since 1982 DePorter ripen and

develop the idea of Quantum Learning at SuperCamp. With the assistance of his

friends, especially Eric Jansen, Greg Simmons, Mike Hernacki, Mark Reardon and

Sarah Singer Nouric, DePorter be programmed and tested the ideas of planned

Quantum Learning to youth in SuperCamp in the early 1980‟s. DePorter explained

that this method is built based on experience and study of 2,500 students and

hundreds of teachers‟ opinion on the synergy SuperCamp. The principles and methods

of Quantum Learning were formed in SuperCamp.

In the early stages of development, Quantum Learning is intended to help improve the

life and career success of young people at home but over time people want to hold

DePorter Quantum Learning programs for parents. This suggests that the philosophy

and methodology of learning of a general nature, not specifically designed for

teaching in schools.

The purpose of quantum learning method:

To create an effective learning environment.

To create a fun learning process.

The brain‟s ability to adjust to what is needed by the brain.

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To help improve the life and career success.

To help speed up the learning

The advantages:

a. Quantum learning stem from cognitive psychology, rather than quantum physics

and the term affliction, although the quantum concept is used.

b. Quantum learning focused on quality and meaningful interaction, not just the

meaning of the transaction.

c. Quantum Learning accelerated learning so much emphasis on a high level of


d.Quantum Learning has a model that combines the learning context and content.

e.Quantum Learning focuses on the formation of academic skills, life skills, and

physical or material accomplishments.

f. Quantum learning place values and beliefs as an important part of the learning


g. Quantum Learning prioritizes diversity and freedom, not uniformity and order.

h. Integrate the totality of quantum learning body and mind in the learning process.

The disadvantages:

Requires real experience

Long enough to motivate the learning

Difficulty of identifying the skills students

Draft framework for learning:

a. Grow: Grow your interest, motivation, empathy, sympathy and self-esteem with

satisfactory “Is my saving grace,” and take advantage of student life.

b. Natural: Presents the general experience that can be understood and understood all

the students.

c. Named: Provide key words, concepts, models, formulas, and an entry strategy.

d. Demonstrate: Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate that they know and

remember each student has different ways of completing the work.

e. Repeat: Show students ways to repeat the material and insists “I know and did

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know it”. As well as provide conclusions.

f. Celebrate: Recognition for completion, participation, and acquisition of skills and



In summary, Quantum Learning is an indication, the strategy and the whole process of

learning that can sharpen the understanding and memory, as well as making learning

as a process that is fun and rewarding. Where this method has five purpose as follows:

To create an effective learning environment, to create a fun learning process, the

brain‟s ability to adjust to what is needed by the brain, to help improve the life and

career success, and to help speed up the learning.

Quantum Learning History

The educational landscape is constantly shifting.

But in the face of evolving technology and new state standards, one thing is

certain—Quantum Learning is The Development That Matters.

Our professional and student development programs are driven by:

Our Passion for Learning

Our passion is contagious. We collaborate with you to accelerate your current

initiatives and create a high-performance culture of student success. When teachers

and students are engaged and excited to be in the classroom, higher-order thinking

and retention come naturally.

Neuroscience Research

The brain has an innate craving to learn. The role of educators is to remove the

obstacles that prevent the brain from learning and give it the support it needs to

perform its job. We help you apply neuroscience to the classroom to do exactly that.

30 Years of Experience

Since 1982, Quantum Learning has impacted more than 100,000 educators and

millions of students around the world. We bring years of experience—and years of

results—to every student and teacher program we lead.


Bobbi DePorter founded SuperCamp in 1982 after studying accelerated learning with

Bulgarian researcher Dr. Georgi Lozanov. Today, more than 70,000 adolescents have

attended SuperCamp. The 7- to 10-day programs enhance academic, leadership,

communication, and relationships skills and inspire students to pursue their goals.


Learning Forum International (LFI) is a 501(c)(3) is the non-profit arm of the

Quantum Learning Network. Founded in 1989, LFI secures funding from individuals,

foundations, and corporations to provide scholarships to SuperCamp and support

Quantum Learning Education‟s partnership with teachers, administrators, parents, and

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As parents and teaches observed the changes in students who had completed

SuperCamp, they started to ask us if we could bring SuperCamp into schools. In 1992,

after translating our methodologies into relevant applications for classrooms, we held

the first school-wide program for 250 students and teachers. Our professional and

supplemental student development programs are now offered worldwide.


In addition to serving as the headquarters of the Quantum Learning Network, the

QLN Conference in Oceanside, California, serves as a venue for special events,

wedding receptions, and meetings. The state-of-the-art, 42,000-square-foot facility

consists of seven separate meeting rooms and a 10,500 square foot exhibit hall.

I think Quatum Learning is quickly (cepat), short (singkat), pervasive (meresap).

So, learning that cant’t beat around (bertele-tele) the bush. But made students

quickly and responsed our learning in the class.

Quantum learning is a newly emerging interdisciplinary research area between

quantum physics and computer science that summarises efforts to combine quantum

mechanics with methods of machine learning.[1][2]

Quantum machine learning models

or algorithms intend to use the advantages of quantum information in order to improve

classical methods of machine learning, for example by developing efficient

implementations of expensive classical algorithms on a quantum computer.[3][4][5]

However, quantum machine learning also includes the vice versa approach, namely

applying classical methods of machine learning to quantum information theory.

Although yet in its infancy, quantum machine learning is met with high expectations of

providing a solution for big data analysis using the „parallel‟ power of quantum


This trend is underlined by recent investments of companies such as

Google and Microsoft into quantum computing hardware and research. However,

quantum machine learning is still in its infancy and requires more theoretical

foundations as well as solid scientific results in order to mature to a full academic



1 Quantum methods for Machine Learning

o 1.1 Quantum Support Vector Machines

o 1.2 Quantum Clustering and k-nearest neighbour methods

o 1.3 Quantum neural networks

2 Machine learning methods for quantum information

3 Corporate investments into quantum machine learning research

4 References

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Quantum methods for Machine Learning

A number of proposals suggest ideas of how to adapt classical methods of machine

learning to quantum information processing.[7]

Quantum Support Vector Machines

A support vector machine can be implemented on a quantum computer using a

combination of known quantum algorithms.[8]

In order to construct the hyperplane

separating the dataset for classification tasks, the linear equation from the dual form or

least squares formulation is solved using a quantum algorithm to solve linear equations [9]

An important trick is thereby a routine to construct a density matrix whose entries

correspond to those of the kernel matrix.

Extracting information from the final state can be done through quantum principal

component analysis.[10]

The classification of a new input is accomplished through a

so-called swap test, in which the overlap between two quantum states is calculated. The

quantum support vector machine can be implemented in time that depends

logarithmically on the dimension of the feature space and the number of training

vectors, while the classical solution requires a polynomial dependence.[11]


experiments on a quantum support vector machine have been realised.[12]

Quantum Clustering and k-nearest neighbour methods

Machine learning algorithms such as k-means clustering or classification with k-nearest

neighbours are based on calculating distances between feature vectors and selecting the

closest one (either to identify the nearest cluster centroid or the nearest neighbours to a

certain feature vector). Implementing such distance-based methods on a quantum

computer means in the first place to find a way of calculating classical distances with

quantum algorithms. A frequent idea is to employ the overlap of two carefully prepared

wavefunctions ⟨ ψ | φ ⟩ {\displaystyle \langle \psi |\varphi \rangle } as a distance

measure between quantum states.

The minimum distance can be found based on an iterative Grover search.[13][14]

Distance-based machine learning algorithms such as unsupervised clustering can also

be implemented through adiabatic quantum computing which improves the classical

computation time of O ( M l o g ( M N ) ) {\displaystyle O(Mlog(MN))} for Lloyd‟s

algorithm to O ( k l o g ( M N ) ) {\displaystyle O(k\;log(MN))} (where M is the number

of N-dimensional data vectors, and k is the given number of clusters).[15]

First experiment on distance-based quantum machine learning algorithms has been

implemented on a photonic quantum computer up to eight dimensions, demonstrating

supervised nearest-neighbor algorithm and unsupervised k-means algorithm.[16]

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Quantum neural networks

Main article: Quantum neural network

Quantum neural networks were initially discussed from a different perspective, namely

the question of whether and how quantum effects could play a role in the brain‟s

biological neural networks.[17]

However, the debate quickly shifted towards a purely

computational focus on quantum versions of artificial neural networks, which play an

important role in machine learning. A number of ideas for quantum neural network

models have been published since.[18][19][20][21][22][23]

An interesting approach for

quantum machine learning is the quantum associative memory model based on

Grover‟s search algorithm.[24]

However, finding a convincing method to train a

quantum neural network is still an open task.[25]

Machine learning methods for quantum information

The term quantum machine learning can also be used for approaches that apply

classical methods of machine learning to problems of quantum information theory. For

example, when experimentalists have to deal with incomplete information on a

quantum system or source, Bayesian methods and concepts of algorithmic learning can

be fruitfully applied. This includes machine learning approaches to quantum state


Hamiltonian learning,[27]

and learning an unknown unitary


Corporate investments into quantum machine learning research

Not only academia but also leading IT companies show interest in the potential of

quantum machine learning for future technological implementations. Google Research

launched its Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab in 2013.[30]

which is run as a joint

initiative together with NASA and the Universities Space Research Association. An

important hardware asset is the controversially debated D-Wave quantum computer.[31]

Also Microsoft seems to become interested in the topic, and Microsoft‟s Head of

Research Peter Lee announced to “dramatically” increase the companies‟ activity in

quantum computing.[32]

Quantum Teaching is one of educational methods that has been implemented lately. It

gives many benefits to teacher as one of the educational subject. On the other hands,

our Minestry of National Education also implemented a new curriculum called

Literacy-Based-Curriculum. This curriculum tries to solve our educational problems.

What will happen if these two methods of teaching are combined to be the ultimate

solution to end our educational problems? The combination clearly provides many

benefits for us

Key Words: quantum teaching, TANDUR, implementation,

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Topik ini terinspirasi oleh sebuah pengalaman mengajar penulis di salah satu SMA

swasta favorit di Surabaya. Setelah sekian lama berinteraksi dengan sistem sekolah dan

kurikulum pengajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah tersebut, penulis menjumpai sebuah

kenyataan menarik ketika penulis mengajar di dalam kelas, bahwa KB (Kurikulum

Berbasis Kompetensi) apabila dipadukan dengan Pengajaran Quantum sistem

TANDUR, dapat membuat proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih menarik dan mampu

memotivasi semangat belajar siswa.

Karena itu, topik ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan: a) Sejauh mana Pengajaran

Quantum sistem TANDUR bermanfaat dalam penerapan Kurukulum Berbasis

Kompetensi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? b) Contoh-contoh pengajaran Quantum sistem

tandur di dalam kelas yang mampu menarik minat siswa untuk lebih giat belajar.

Dalam dua fokus di atas itulah tulisan ini mencoba memberikan ulasan, dengan terlebih

dahulu meninjau beberapa dasar teoritis. Untuk mengulas topik tersebut, penulis

membagi ulasan sebagai berikut: Quantum Teaching, Metode TANDUR, Kurikulum

Berbasis Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris, Pengajaran Quantum sistem TANDUR dan

Penerapannya dalam KBK, Temuan-temuan menarik, dan Penutup.

Quantum Teaching

Quantum Teaching muncul dari sebuah upaya Dr Georgi Lozanov, pendidik asal

Bulgaria, yang bereksperimen dengan suggestology. Prinsipnya, sugesti dapat dan pasti

mempengaruhi hasil belajar. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, Bobbi de Porter (penulis

buku best seller Quantum Learning dan Quantum Teaching), murid Lozanov, dan Mike

Hernacki, mantan guru dan seorang penulis, mengembangkan konsep Lozanov menjadi

Quantum Learning. Metode belajar ini diadopsi dari beberapa teori. Antara lain sugesti,

teori otak kanan dan kiri, teori otak triune, pilihan modalitas (visual, auditorial, dan

kinestetik) dan pendidikan holistik. (Ridho, 2005)

Quantum Teaching dimulai di SuperCamp, sebuah program percepatan Quantum

Learning yang ditawarkan Learning Forum, yaitu sebuah perusahaan pendidikan

internasional yang menekankan perkembangan akademis dan ketrampilan pribadi


Quantum Teaching adalah badan ilmu pengetahuan dan metodologi yang digunakan

dalam rancangan, penyajian, dan fasilitas SuperCamp, berdasarkan teori-teori

pendidikan seperti Accelerated Learning (Lazanov), Multiple Intelligences (Gardner),

Neuro-Linguistics Programming (Grinder dan Bandler), Experimental Learning

(Hahn), Socratic Inquiry, Cooperative Learning (Johnson dan Johnson), dan Elements

of Effective Instruction (Hunter). Quantum Teaching merangkaikan yang paling baik

dari yang terbaik menjadi sebuah paket multisensori, multi kecerdasan, dan kompatibel

dengan otak, yang pada akhirnya akan melejitkan kemampuan guru untuk mengilhami

Page 19: innovative learning methods

dan kemampuan murid untuk berprestasi. (DePorter dkk, 2001)

Quantum Teaching memberikan kritik terhadap cara mengajar yang selama ini

dilakukan secara „turun temurun‟. Persamaan Quantum Teaching ini diibaratkan

mengikuti konsep Fisika Quantum yaitu:

E = mc2

E = energi (antusiasme, efektivitas belajar-mengajar, dan semangat)

m= massa (semua individu yang terlibat, situasi, materi, dan fisik)

c = interaksi (hubungan yang tercipta di kelas) (Ridho, 2005)


Metode TANDUR adalah salah satu metode yang dapat diterapkan dalam Quantum

Teching. Aplikasi dari TANDUR sangat jelas manfaatnya ketika diterapkan dalam

kelas yang memiliki siswa dengan tingkat antusiasme belajar yang rendah. TANDUR

ditujukan untuk meningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar sehingga proses

penyampaian materi dapat berjalan dengan baik. TANDUR merupakan singkatan dari

enam fase pengajaran yang meliputi Tumbuhkan, Alami, Namai, Demonstrasikan,

Ulangi dan Rayakan

T (Tumbuhkan). Tumbuhkan dalam hal ini mengacu pada fase menumbuhkan minat

dengan memuaskan “Apakah Manfaatnya BAgiKu” (AMBAK), dan manfaatnya

dalam kehidupan mereka (DePorter dkk, 2001) dengan proses yang semenarik


Tumbuhkan di sini berperan sangat penting karena pada fase inilah siswa diajak pergi

dari dunianya menuju dunia kita sebagai pengajar, dan kita antarkan dunia kita ke

dalam dunia mereka (DePorter dkk, 2001), tanpa ada rasa keterpaksaan. Kita sebagai

pengajar pada fase ini dituntut untuk bisa menyiapkan sebuah kejadian menarik yang

dapat mengundang minat siswa untuk membuka mata mereka dan menyerahkan

segenap perhatian mereka kepada kita. Seperti contoh yang pernah penulis lakukan di

kelas ketika penulis memulai pelajaran.

Pada saat itu penulis bermaksud menerangkan tentang materi Past Tense. Penulis

datang ke dalam kelas dengan membawa dua kardus besar coklat Wafer TOP dan

meletakkannya di depan kelas. Pertama kali masuk kelas, situasi kelas masih ramai.

Tapi ketika penulis mulai membuka kardus coklat, siswa mulai memberikan respon.

Satu orang bertanya tentang isi kardus tersebut. Beberapa siswa yang lain meminta ijin

agar diperbolehkan memiliki isinya. Tidak masalah mereka memberikan respon yang

berbeda, asalkan respon mereka tertuju pada kita, itu sudah lebih dari dari cukup.

Perhatian inilah yang menjadi target dari fase Tumbuhkan. Ketika perhatian sudah

berhasil direbut, maka itulah letak kemenangan kita. Karena ketika hal ini terjadi,

penyampaian materi akan sangat mudah dilakukan.

A (Alami) dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar langsung kepada siswa.

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Pengalaman belajar ini haruslah dapat mencakup segenap gaya belajar siswa, baik itu

yang memiliki gaya belajar Auditory, Visual ataupun Kinestetik. Ketika siswa diberi

pengalaman belajar secara langsung, mereka akan terus dapat mengingatnya karena

sistem belajar seperti inilah yang dapat masuk ke dalam sistem Long Term Memori

mereka. Ketika penulis menerapkan fase ini ke dalam kelas, respon siswa sangat bagus.

Setelah fase Tumbuhkan berjalan dengan baik, langkah selanjutnya adalah memulai

fase Alami. Penulis melakukannya dengan menceritakan sebuah kisah menarik yang

pernah penulis alami. Saat itu bahasan materi adalah Simple Past, oleh karenanya

penggunaan Past Tense (Verb II) sangatlah dominan. Selama penulis bercerita, verb

past yang penulis gunakan, penulis tuliskan di papan tulis. Selesai bercerita, siswa

diminta memberi komentar terhadap cerita tadi. Tapi yang jelas, bukan pada komentar

ini kita menilai respon siswa, melainkan sejauh mana mereka paham dan tetap menaruh

perhatian pada kita. Setelah respon di berikan, kita beranjak pada catatan kita di papan

tulis. Catatan itulah yang akan mengarahkan jalannya pengajaran selanjutnya.

N (Namai) disini dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan kata kunci, konsep, model, rumus,

dan strategi sebagai penanda (DePorter dkk, 2001). Kadang, ketika siswa hanya

diberikan penjelasan materi secara intengible tanpa dijelaskan dan diterangkan materi

apa yang mereka dapat, mereka menjadi bingung dan merasa tidak belajar. Bagian

inilah yang digunakan untuk menghindari kejadian tersebut. Catatan-catatan tentang

ragam verb dua di papan tulis dapat digunakan untuk melaksanakan fase Namai. Beri

mereka pengertian tentang verb-verb tadi. Beri mereka pengertian tentang

penggunaannya, beri mereka contoh yang banyak tentang aplikasinya, dan beri mereka

rumus agar mereka jelas bahwa saat itu mereka belajar tentang materi Past Tense

D (Demonstrasikan) adalah menyediakan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

menunjukkan bahwa mereka tahu (DePorter dkk, 2001). Hal ini dapat dilakukan

dengan memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan apa yang telah mereka


Fase ini memiliki peranan yang dominan dan penting dalam pembelajaran. Semakin

banyak kita memberikan kesempatan melakukan (demonstrasi) kepada siswa, semakin

paham pula mereka terhadap materi yang kita berikan. Membuat kalimat dengan

menggunakan past tense, atau membuat recount (cerita tentang pengalaman pribadi)

tentang diri mereka dapat dijadikan cara dalam melaksanakan fase ini.

U (Ulangi) dilakukan dengan dengan cara me-review secara umum terhadap proses

belajar di kelas. Tidak ada salahnya mengulang lagi secara umum terhadap apa yang

telah kita terangkan karena, bisa jadi, ada beberapa hal dari materi kita yang tidak atau

masih belum dipahami oleh siswa. Setelah semua siswa mendapatkan giliran untuk

mempraktekkan materi, tiba gilirannya bagi kita untuk menutup pelajaran. Sebelum

menutup pelajaran, yakinkanlah diri kita bahwa semua siswa bisa dan paham terhadap

materi tersebut, yaitu dengan melakukan review materi. Kita bisa melakukannya

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dengan memunculkan pertanyaan seperti ini: “Ok, students, what have we got so far?

atau “What do you get from this lesson? atau “Still remember what have we studied just


R (Rayakan) adalah pengakuan terhadap hasil kerja siswa di kelas dalam hal perolehan

ketrampilan dan ilmu pengetahuan. Rayakan dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk pujian,

memberikan hadiah atau tepuk tangan. Pujian sangat penting keberadaannya dalam

proses belajar mengajar. Dr. Sylvia Rimm menyebutkan bahwa pujian merupakan

komunikator nilai-nilai orang dewasa efektif dan menjadi alat yang amat penting bagi

orang tua (guru) untuk membimbing anak-anak (siswa). Kesenangan orang tua yang

dinyatakan merupakan motivasi awal yang paling kuat (1998:6).

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Cooperative Learning

History of Cooperative learning

Cooperative Learning is a part of more general instructional approach known

as Collaborative Learning. It is “an approach to teaching that makes maximum use of

cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom”

(Richard and Rodgers,2004: 192). Olsen and Kagan (1999:8) define Coop.LL as

“group learning activity organized so that learning is depend on the socially structured

exchange of information between learners in groups and which each learner is held

accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of

others”. In second foreign language teaching, Coop. LL is seen as allied to the

principles of Communication Language Teaching. It has been adopted as way of

promoting communicative interaction in the classroom.

In Coop. LL, group activities are the major mode of learning. Such activities

are used to increase the amount of students‟ participation in the Coop. LL classrooms.

They are carefully planned to maximize students‟ interaction and to facilitate students‟

contribitions to catch others‟ learning. They also provide comfortable environments in

which students can practice giving output and negotiating meaning.

In US, especially in North America, cooperative learning is often associated

with a humanist educator, John Dewey, who has views education based on the

phylosophy that education should be learner centered and learner directed. Learners

can be teachers. This is used as an attempt to help minority students to socially

integrated with higher-achieving majority students to socially academic achievement.

(Olsen and Kagan 1999: 5).

Cooperative Learning is particularly beneficial for any student learning a

second language. Cooperative Learning activities promote peer interaction, which

helps the development of language and the learning of concepts and content. It is

important to assign ELLs to different teams so that they can benefit from English

language role models. ELLs learn to express themselves with greater confidence when

working in small teams. In addition to 'picking up' vocabulary, ELLs benefit from

observing how their peers learn and solve problems. If you decide to assign each

student in a team a role (such as reporter, recorder, time keeper, and materials manager),

you might want to rotate roles each week or by activity. This prevents what typically

happens if students select their own roles - the same students wind up performing the

same tasks. By rotating, students develop the skills they most need to practice.

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The origin of the Cooperative Learning dated back at least 100 years ago, and

even thousands of years ago, but little research was made until the 1960s (Jacobs et al.,

2002:2). Since then, it has awakened much attention and has constantly been a hot topic

in education.From 1960s till today great importance has been attached to the term

Cooperative Learning. For instance, in the mid 1960s Johnson and Johnson

contributed much for cooperative learning in the training of teachers at the University

of Minnesota. Then, it progressed till the early 1970s where researchers like David

DeVries and Keith Edwards at Johns Hopkins University built up

Teams-Games-Tournaments and other researchers like Sholmo and Yael Sharan in

Israel developed the group investigation procedure for the Cooperative Learning


In the late 1970s Robert Slavin extended DeVries and Edwards' work at Johns

Hopkins into Student Teams-Achievement Divisions and modifying computer-assisted

instruction into Team-assisted Instruction. At the same time, Spencer Kagan created the

Co-op co-op procedure. Followed by, in the 1980s Donald Dansereau widened a

number of cooperative scripts, and many other individuals worked out further

cooperative procedures (Johnson, Johnson & Smith, 1991).The Cooperative Learning

has also been found as an effective epitome of communicative language teaching. As

affirmed by Putnam (1995) that "The Cooperative Learning is embraced within a

communicative language teaching framework" He also pointed out that the cooperative

learning activities are often used in communicative language teaching

Cooperative learning has become so common that it is no more considered as a

new idea in education. This can be viewed in the mid of 20th century where

applications of cooperative learning drew its development to sociology and social

psychology specifically to Gordon Allport's Social Contact Theory and Morton

Deutsch's studies of group dynamics. This continues on, as Cooperative Learning is

believed to make educational magic in a uniquely 21st century way. No matter what the

setting is, properly designing and implementing cooperative learning involves five key

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steps. Following these steps is critical to ensuring that the five key elements that

differentiate cooperative learning from simply putting students into groups are met.

(Johnson et al., 2006, 2:30-31.)

1. Pre-Instructional Planning

Prior planning helps to establish the specific cooperative learning technique to

be used and lays the foundation for effective group work. Plan out how groups will

be formed and structure how the members will interact with each other.

2. Introduce the Activity to the Students

Students need to get their "marching orders." Explain the academic task to them

and what the criteria are for success. Then structure the cooperative aspects of their

work with special attention to the components of positive interdependence and

individual accountability. Set up time limits and allow for clarifying questions.

3. Monitor and Intervene

This is where you let the groups run while you circulate through the room to

collect observation data, see whether they understand the assignment, give

immediate feedback and praise for working together. If a group is having problems,

you can intervene to help them get on the right track.

4. Assessment

Some informal assessment is already done while you are monitoring the groups

during the exercise. However, once the group finishes their project, work should be

assessed by both instructor and group.

5. Process

Group processing involves asking the groups to rate their own performance and set

goals for themselves to improve their cooperative work.

This cooperative learning strategy promotes discussion and both individual and

group accountability. This strategy is beneficial for reviewing and integrating

subject matter. Students with special needs often benefit when this strategy is used.

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After direct instruction of the material, the group supports each member and

provides opportunities for practice, rehearsal, and discussion of content material.

Group learning methods encourage students to take greater responsibility for

their own learning and to learn from one another, as well as from the instructor

(Terenzini & Pascarella, 1994).Cooperative learning has been shown to increase

student achievement, race relations, acceptance of special needs students, and

self-esteem (Slavin, 1995).

Some Cooperative Learning strategies

There are some popular strategies that can be used with all students to

learn content (such as science, math, social studies, language arts, and foreign

languages). However, they are particularly beneficial to ELLs for learning

English and content at the same time. Most of these strategies are especially

effective in teams of four:

1. Round Robin

Present a category (such as "Names of Mammals") for discussion. Have

students take turns going around the group and naming items that fit the


2. Roundtable

Present a category (such as words that begin with "b"). Have students

take turns writing one word at a time.

3. Writearound

For creative writing or summarization, give a sentence starter (for

example: If you give an elephant a cookie, he's going to ask for...). Ask all

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students in each team to finish that sentence. Then, they pass their paper

to the right, read the one they received, and add a sentence to that one. After a

few rounds, four great stories or summaries emerge. Give children time to add a

conclusion and/or edit their favorite one to share with the class.

4. Numbered Heads Together

Ask students to number off in their teams from one to four. Announce a

question and a time limit. Students put their heads together to come up with an

answer. Call a number and ask all students with that number to stand and answer

the question. Recognize correct responses and elaborate through rich


5. Team Jigsaw

Assign each student in a team one fourth of a page to read from any text

(for example, a social studies text), or one fourth of a topic to investigate or

memorize. Each student completes his or her assignment and then teaches the

others or helps to put together a team product by contributing a piece of the


6. Tea Party

Students form two concentric circles or two lines facing each other. You ask

a question (on any content) and students discuss the answer with the student

facing them. After one minute, the outside circle or one line moves to the right

so that students have new partners. Then pose a second question for them to

discuss. Continue with five or more questions. For a little variation, students can

write questions on cards to review for a test through this "Tea Party" method.

After each Cooperative Learning activity, you will want to debrief with the

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children by asking questions such as: What did you learn from this activity?

How did you feel working with your teammates? If we do this again, how will

you improve working together?

Other ideas

A simple way to start Cooperative Learning is to begin with pairs

instead of whole teams. Two students can learn to work effectively on activities

such as the following:

1. Assign a math worksheet and ask students to work in pairs.

2. One of the students does the first problem while the second acts as a coach.

3. Then, students switch roles for the second problem.

4. When they finish the second problem, they get together with another pair and

check answers.

5. When both pairs have agreed on the answers, ask them to shake hands and

continue working in pairs on the next two problems

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Understanding Learning Model PAIKEM

The first appearance known as PAKEM originally developed from AJEL

(Active Joyful and Effective Learning) .For the first time in Indonesia, namely in

1999 known as the PEAM (Effective Learning, Active and Fun) .At essentially

theoretical basis used is taking theories about active learning or active learning.

PAIKEM real terms can be known through the Law No. 14 Year 2005 on

Teachers and Lecturers. Derivatives of Teachers and Lecturers Law is Permendiknas

Number 18 Year 2007 on Teachers Certification. In Permendiknas has set

implementation of teacher certification through portfolio assessment with ten

components that aim to measure the four competencies of educators, namely

pedagogical, personality, social and professional. Meanwhile, for

teachers who have not passed required to follow the program of activities for

Education and Training Teacher Professional or known by the acronym PLPG. In the

book PLPG holding signs that dirterbitkan the Ministry of Education in 2007

explained that one of the essential material that must be given in PLPG is PAIKEM

material (Active, Creative, Effective and Fun). By karenannya, since the end of 2007

the term PAIKEM began widely known in Indonesia, and become the main reference

in the implementation of learning.

Understanding PAIKEM, on the language and the term can be briefly described,

it is an acronym for Active Learning, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and fun


The term active, meaning that learning is an active process of constructing

meaning and understanding of information, knowledge and experience knowledge by

learners themselves. Innovative term, intended in the learning process is expected to

new ideas or innovations better positive.

Creative terms have the meaning that learning is a process of developing the

creativity of learners, because basically every individual has an imagination and

curiosity never stops.

The term effective, meaning that any learning model selected must ensure that

the learning objectives will be achieved to the fullest. While the term fun meant that

the learning process should take place in an atmosphere that is fun and memorable.

Characteristics of Learning Model PAIKEM:

1. Centered learning (student-centered);

2. Learning is fun (joyfull learning);

3. Learning oriented to the achievement of certain abilities (competency-based


4. Learning thoroughly (mastery learning);

5. Learning continuously (continuous learning);

6. Studying in accordance with all today's and here's all (contextual learning).

In accordance with the abbreviation PAIKEM, then pembaljaran

student-focused, meaning, activity, experience and independence of students, as well

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as the context of life and this environment has four characteristics, namely:

experience, communication, interaction and reflection.

Experiencing (learning experience), among others:

1. observations

2. experimenting

3. investigation

4. Conducting interviews

5. Students learn a lot by doing

6. Direct experience to enable more senses.

Communication, shape, among others:

1. Express opinions

2. presentation report

3. Displaying work

4. Reveal ideas

Interaction, forms, among others:

- Discussion

- Question and answer

- Throw more questions

- Error correction likely meaning

- Meaning that awakened more stable

- Increase the quality of learning outcomes

Reflection activity that is thought of kembaliapa had done or thought.

- Why is that?

- Does it apply to?

- To repair the idea / meaning

- To not experience an error

- Opportunities birth to new ideas

PAIKEM of characteristics, then the teacher should provide encouragement to

students to use the authority or the right to build ideas. The responsibility of learning,

it is the students themselves, but gave the teacher responsible for the situation which

prompted the initiative, motivation, attention, perception, retention and transoer in

learning, as a form of responsibility of students for lifelong learning.

Some of the principles that must be considered when applying PAIKEM educators are

as follows :

1. Understanding the nature of learners.

2. Getting to know the students individually.

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3. Utilizing the behavior of learners in learning pengorganissasian.

4. Develop the ability to think critically and creatively, and are able to solve the


5. Creating a classroom as a learning environment that is attractive.

6. Using the environment as a learning environment.

7. Provide good feedback to improve teaching.

8. Distinguishing physical inactivity with a mentally active.



>students response to greeting and question that teacher give at the previous meeting.

>students receive information about descriptive text.

Main activity

>students are divided into four group according to the picture that has been

determined at the previous meeting

>students tell the generic structure of the descriptive

>students from the other group note the result of the presentation

Post activity

>students along with the teacher conclude the learning activity that has been done.

>students along with the teacher reflect the activities that has been carried out.

>students response teacher greeting.


>assessment presentation

>assessment team work

>assessment attitude

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Teaching and Learning



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1. Contextual Teaching and Learning

a. History of Contextual Teaching and Learning (From Behaviorism to


Contextual teaching and learning approach was derived from the

theory of behaviorism and then continued with the theory of

constructivism. Theory behaviorism was proposed by E.L Thorndike

who suggested that learning resulted from formed between stimuli and

response through the application of rewards. Then, a new theory was born

that is constructivism in order to response to the behaviorism theory. In

constructivism, students could construct their own knowledge by testing

ideas to a new situation and integrating the new knowledge gained with the

pre-existing intellectual construct.

The theory of behaviorism and constructivism related to the

development of contextual teaching and learning were behaviorism as a

means for measure the students‟ observable behaviors when they took

apart in teaching and learning process while constructivism as a way to

help them connect the content could be used. That is a reason why CTL

has the abbreviation of contextual teaching and learning because it is a

learning activity based on life context.

b. Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual teaching and learning is a conception of teaching and

learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world

situation and can be applied in students‟ live. Contextual teaching and

learning is an approach that focuses on the students‟ center. The purpose

of the approach is to motivate the learners to take charge of their own

learning and to relate between knowledge and it is application to the

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various contexts of their lives. Contextual teaching and learning is a

learning philosophy that emphasizes the students‟ interest and experiences.

c. Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning

There are 3 principles of teaching and learning, they are:

1) Principle of Interdependence

Human being could not establish intimacy with one another. It

means that although the approach consist of authentic learning activity

that is conducted group, there is no one can intimidate the others tp

follow the certain students. It is a sharing and discussing section when

it is conducting in group, so the principle stresses that all of the

learners have the interdependence.

2) Principle of Differentiation

When the students are different in their creativity, they could be

free to explore their individual talents, cultivate their own learning

styles, and progress at their own pace. It means that contextual

teaching and learning approach can be conducted to the students with

different characteristics, talents, and ability. The importance of the

principle is how the contextual teaching learning helps the students to

explore their own talent and can have a big motivation to study based

on their live context.

3) Principle of Self-Regulation

Self-regulation means everything is set up, maintained, and

recognized by yourself. The principle motivates the students to show

all their potentials. Moreover, it also explores them to get the new

talents. The teacher should give them belief by giving responsibility

for taking the decision, behavior, choice, plan, solution etc.

d. Components of Contextual Teaching and Learning

There are 7 components of contextual teaching and learning, they are:

1) Constructivism

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Constructivism is a theory that emphasizes the way how the students

construct their own knowledge.

2) Inquiry

The principle shows how learning is conducted by including the

process of discovery that needs critical thingking.

3) Questioning

The students ask something because they want to know something that

they do not know. They are curious to get the answer of their problem.

4) Learning Community

The purpose of learning community is to have sharing and discussing

section without the intimacy of others. The other purpose is the

students can help the others who need their help in positive way.

5) Modeling

Modeling is derived from the word “model”. Model means example.

The teacher gives example to the students if they find difficulties in

real way.

6) Reflection

Reflection is the ways of thingking about what the students have

learned and thingking about what they have done in the past.

7) Authentic Materials

It is important to have assessment for the teacher in order to check

whether the students have learned the material or not. The assessment

is done in authentic form in order to reduce the students do copy paste

to the other friends‟ work. Assessment is authentic when we direct

examine student performance on worthy intellectual task.

e. Strategy of Contextual Teaching and Learning

There are five strategies of contextual teaching and learning, they are:

1) Relating

It means that the strategy intends the students to have the ability to

relate the prior and new knowledge to get new understanding.

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2) Experiencing

It means the previous strategy involves the role of students to relate the

prior and new knowledge.

3) Applying

It means that the strategy intends the students to use the approach they

are engaged in hands on problem solving activities.

4) Cooperating

It means work together. The students discuss or share with other

friends in group.

5) Transferring

Intends the students to construct the meaning of something by their

own understanding.

f. Benefits of Contextual Teaching and Learning

There are some benefits of contextual teaching and learning.

Contextual teaching and learning motivates the learner to take a charge of

their own learning and to relate between knowledge and it is application to

the various context of their lives. The others benefits are it can produce the

process of learning more meaningful because the students can enjoy their

own learning by doing the practical activity. The last benefit is it can

strengthen students‟ memory and understanding of the concept because the

students are learning through the material that has taken from their

experience and new knowledge. In other words, their relate their prior and

new knowledge to get new understanding. So, they will easily remember,

recall, and comprehending the material.

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Integrated learning is an approach to learning that is deliberately linking some aspects

of subjects both in intra and inter subjects.

With the integration of the students will obtain knowledge and skills as

a whole so that learning becomes meaningful for students. Meaningful

here gives the sense that the integrated learning students will be able to

grasp the concepts they learn through direct experience and real-

linking between concepts within subjects intra and inter subjects.

Some definition of integrated learning raised by some experts

Integrated learning include:

- According to Cohen and Manion (1992) and Brand (1991),

there are three possible variations integrated learning with regard to

education conducted in an atmosphere of progressive education that is

integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum), the integrated (integrated day),

and integrated learning (integrated learning ). Integrated curriculum is

the integration of various materials to organize the activities of subjects

through a cross-cutting themes form a meaningful whole so that

the boundaries betweendifferent fields of study are not tight or virtually non-

existent. Today the integrated form of planning the activities of the

students of the class something on a particular day to study or do various

activities according to their interests. Meanwhile, integrated learning refers

to learning activities that are organized in a more structured

contradictory on certain themes or specific subjects as its center point (center

core / center of interest)

- According to Prabowo (2000: 2), integrated learning is a

process of

learning by involving / link the various fields of study.

And there are two

senses that need to be put forward to eliminate the

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ambiguity of

understanding of integrated learning above, the concept

of integrated learning and integrated science.

According to Prabowo (2000: 2), integrated learning is a

teaching and learning approach that involves several fields of study.

Teaching and learning approaches such steps are expected to provide

a meaningful experience for our students. Meaning meaningful here

because in integrated learning is expected that children will gain an

understanding of the concepts they learn through direct experience and relate

it to other concepts they are already familiar.

An integrated learning approach to teaching and learning

that takes into account and adjust to the developmental level of

students (Developmentally Appropriate Practical). The approach

departs from learning theory that refuses drill-system as the basis for the

formation of knowledge and the intellectual structure of the child

Learning science in an integrated manner must use

relevant and related themes. The material is combined still within the

field of science studies. Characteristics Integrated Learning

As a process, integrated learning has the following


Child-centered learning Integrated learning said to be a child-centered learning

because it is essentially an integrated learning is a learning system which

gives flexibility to the students, either individually or in groups.

Students can actively seek, explore, and find concepts and principles of a

knowledge that must be mastered in accordance with its development.

Emphasizing the establishment of understanding and

meaningfulness. Integrated learning examines the phenomena of

berbagaimacam aspects that form a kind of network among the schemata of the


so it will have an impact on the significance of the material learned. The

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real results obtained from all the concepts acquired and its links with

other concepts are studied and lead to more meaningful learning activities.

This is expected to result in the ability of students to apply their

learning gainson solving real problems in life.

Learning Through Direct Experience

Students will understand the results of their study in

accordance with the facts and events they experienced, not simply information

from the teacher. More teachers act as facilitators and catalysts that lead

toward the goal to be achieved. While the students as actors fact-finding and

information to develop their knowledge.

More attention to the process than the results alone.

In developed integrated learning approach inquri discovery

(guided discovery) involving students actively in the learning process

starting from the planning, implementation, and evaluation process.

Integrated learning implemented with a view desires, interests, and

abilities of students, allowing the students are motivated to learn

continuously. Loaded with linkages Integrated learning focused on the observation

and study of a phenomenon or event of several subjects at once, not from the


fragmented. Allow students to understand the phenomenon of learning

from all sides, which in turn will make students more discerning and wise in

addressing or face events. Measures Implementation of Integrated Learning Model

1. The initial activity / unlocking (opening)

The purpose of the activity opens the lesson is:

First, to attract the attention of students, which can be

done in a manner such as to convince students that the material or a

learning experience that will be useful for him, to do things that are

considered strange for students, do interaksiyang fun.

Second, foster student motivation, which can be done by

means such as establishing an intimate atmosphere so that students feel

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close to, for example, greet and communicate amicably, generate

curiosity, for example, invites students to learn about a case that is being

discussed, linking material or experiential learning what to do with the needs

of students. Third, provide references or signs of learning to be done, to

do with caraseperti proposed objectives to be achieved and tasks

that must be performed in conjunction with achieving goals (Sanjaya, W.,2006: 41).

2. Core activities

Core activities are the main activities in learning. In its

Core activities carried out discussions on the theme and sub-

theme through a variety of learning activities by using multiple methods and

media so that students get a meaningful learning experiences. At the

time of the presentation and discussion of the theme, the presentation

sehendaknya teachers act more as facilitators (Alwasilah: 1988). In

addition, teachers must also be able to act as a model for students a good

learner. This means that teachers actively collaborate in learning activities and

discussions with students in studying the theme or sub-themes being

studied. This is what is mentioned by Nasution (2004: 4) as an activity to

organize and regulate the environment as well as possible and connect

with the child so that the process of learning. Thus in step core activities teachers use

learning strategies

With efforts to create a learning environment in such a way

agarmurid actively study the issues regarding the theme or subtheme.

Learning in this case is done through a variety of activities so that students

experience, work,understood or known by learning through the process

(Wijaya, et al: 1988: 188). For those reasons, during the learning process of

students observing a real object in the form of a real object or the surrounding

environment, report the results of observations, playing games, dialogue,

storytelling, writing, reading reading sources, ask and answer questions,

as well as playing a role. During the learning process the teacher

should always for children to find answers to the problems studied. Bait

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can be provided teachers with challenging questions that

evoke a child to think and find solutions through learning activities.

3. End activities

End activities can be defined as activities undertaken by

teachers to end the lesson with the intention to provide a

comprehensive picture of what the student has learned and associations with

previous experience, knowing the level of student success and the success of

teachers in the implementation of the learning process. How do teachers in

closing the learning is to review and conduct an evaluation at the end

of the lesson. In reviewing the activities can be done by summarizing the

core lesson or summary. Whereas in the evaluation program, the teacher can use

other forms of demonstrating skills, apply new ideas to other situations,

express their own students or do the questions in writing (Hadisubroto

and Herath; 1 998 517).


So what is meant by an integrated learning is an approach to

learning that intentionally hooking some good aspects in intramata

antarmata lesson or a lesson. Here demanded professionalism of teachers in linking

some of the material in a subject, or even of a wide variety of subjects.

Teachers are highly demanded for a broad-minded, so that the linking

between some subjects are not separated, but become a unified whole.

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