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1 Strive to Achieve Term 3 Week 8 4 th September, 2017 Value of the Week Innovation. We initiate & continue to improve as individuals, teams & the school. Can you find a better, smarter or more creative way? School Calendar September 18 PRIDE Assembly 21 Year 12 Graduation Assembly October 27 Day for Daniel 30-31 Year 9 Camp - Sydney November 1 Year 9 Camp - Sydney 14 Year 12 Formal 17-18 Bulahdelah Show Meetings are held at BCS every second Wednesday of the month 4:00pm 13 th September 8 Meade Street, Bulahdelah 2423 P 02 4997 4329 F 02 4997 4512 [email protected]

Innovation. - · 8 Meade Street, Bulahdelah 2423 P 02 4997 4329 F 02 4997 4512 [email protected] . 2 ... Darcy researched doctrines

Sep 13, 2019



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Strive to Achieve Term 3 Week 8

4th September, 2017

Value of the Week

Innovation. We initiate & continue to improve as individuals, teams & the school. Can you find a better, smarter or more creative way?

School Calendar


18 PRIDE Assembly

21 Year 12 Graduation Assembly


27 Day for Daniel

30-31 Year 9 Camp - Sydney


1 Year 9 Camp - Sydney

14 Year 12 Formal

17-18 Bulahdelah Show

Meetings are held at BCS

every second Wednesday

of the month 4:00pm

13th September

8 Meade Street, Bulahdelah 2423

P 02 4997 4329 F 02 4997 4512

[email protected]

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This last week has seen a number of unexpected changes in the

school leadership team. Mr Hudson has been seconded to Newcastle Office

to work on a new and exciting project. As a result I have stepped up to the role of Relieving Principal and we currently have an Expression of Interest open for the Relieving Deputy Principal position. This will then possibly create a Relieving Head Teacher Position to be filled in the coming weeks. Despite the changes, it will be business as usual with quality teaching and learning throughout the school.

We are currently reviewing and renewing our School Plan, as the current three year plan comes to an end. Staff, students, parents and community members are welcome to make contributions throughout next term to benchmark where we are currently at, our three year goals and what strategies we can put in place to achieve those goals. Our goals are to be

linked to the DoE School Excellence Framework and the Minister's goals in both literacy and numeracy. I will report more on our strategic goals for 2018-2020 as they develop.

This week will see the introduction of the Learning Management and Business Reform (LMBR) package into our school. We have been fortunate to have had our school selected as a training centre, for the last term, as schools in the district prepare for this new DoE software. The greatest and most immediate impact will be in our Front Office and I thank our SASS (School Administrative Support Staff) staff for their professionalism, hard work and patience as they have undertaken the training in preparation for the changeover. This week marks SAS Staff Recognition Week where we take the time to say thank you. The recognition of our great SASS team is not just at this time, as they always provide exceptional support for our staff and students throughout the year. Deb Gilbert

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Pushing Limits As a country girl from a property near Bulahdelah, Gabrielle Keaton has a good sense of direction. In her first year after graduating from the University of New

England with a degree in Zoology, she’s

realised the possible rewards from exploring an

opportunity to enter a new model contest based on an array of skills and talents beyond the catwalk. Keaton is one of 10 finalists in the Miss Multiverse Australia contest, which is being filmed for broadcast as a reality TV show. It’s considered a blend of Australia’s Next Top model, Survivor and The Apprentice.

After graduating from Bulahdelah Central, Keaton enrolled at the University of New England. She has plans for post-graduate study in Zoology.

I took this year off,” she says. “I went straight into study from school. I decided to take this year off and see what direction I want to go”.

She was encouraged to enter the Miss Multiverse state final, which included an IQ test and a team 10-pin bowling event with other competitors, and was surprised to reach the national finals.

The Australian winner gains entry to international finals, held over two weeks in a South American city. There is no cash prize, but for Keaton, the experience at this level is already worth it.

Keaton surmises the on-the-job learning could provide an opportunity in media.

“I actually never really thought about it until recently,” she says. “I wanted to research. I began thinking it would be cool to get into documentaries. This would be nice for a foundation. Hopefully, once I do post grad, I would enjoy getting into media.”

Keaton has had a life-long appreciation of animals, particularly reptiles, with fond memories of picking up snakes along the country roads near her home with her brother Bradley and letting them loose safely in the bush. Jim Kellar - The Herald

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NAPLAN Online Federal, state and territory

Education Ministers have agreed that NAPLAN (National Assessment

Program – Literacy and Numeracy) will move online from 2017, over a three year period. This means moving NAPLAN from the current paper-based tests to computer-based assessments. At Bulahdelah Central School, NAPLAN Online School Readiness Tests (SRT's) are being conducted during Week 7 of Term 3. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be undertaking the SRT's to trial school readiness for the full and formal implementation of NAPLAN Online in 2018. Students completed NAPLAN Online School Readiness Tests last Friday. There were a few minor issues, which were resolved, but overall students seemed to engage with the online test materials positively and the school has established procedures which will support NAPLAN going online in 2018. I would like to thank Mr Pye and Ms Jego for their assistance with the administration and delivery of the NAPLAN Online School Readiness Tests. Results from the SRT's will not be formally recorded and reported against as is the case for NAPLAN examinations normally. The SRT's are simply a trial process to assist schools with preparation for the formal NAPLAN assessment in 2018. For more information about NAPLAN Online please visit Parent Cybersafety Presentation Our local School Liaison Police Officer, Mr Steve Jeffery, will be visiting our school once again on Tuesday, 19th September. Senior Constable Jeffery will be talking with Year 12 and Year 10 students ahead of the conclusion of their senior studies about the importance of safe celebrations. Information notes will be provided for parents/carers closer to the date. Also on that day, in the Library at 4:30pm, an information

session will be provided for parents/carers on cybersafety and issues related to teenagers and the internet. There will perhaps also be opportunities to discuss other issues relevant to young people. Afternoon tea will be provided. Legacy Australia Once again, students will be helping to support Legacy Australia. Legacy is a charity providing services to Australian families suffering after the injury or death of a spouse or parent, during or after their defence force service. Legacy currently care for around 65,000 widows and 1,800 children and disabled dependants throughout Australia. Students assisted with the sales of Legacy merchandise last Friday. This is a great partnership between the school and our local community and I would like to acknowledge and thank Irene Worth and Peter Millen for their dedication and assistance with this activity. Our students look forward to helping out with this important event each year and it is a wonderful experience for them to have. Warren Jones

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Cyberbullying Prevention

At a glance Talk to your child about cyberbullying before it

happens. Be aware of what your child is doing online. Locate the computer in a shared or visible

place in the home. Watch for changes in mood and behaviour in

your child. Report abuse to the relevant authorities. All schools have anti-bullying policies – ask

about yours. The statistics around cyberbullying are sketchy, mainly because it often goes unreported. What we do know is that the likelihood of children being bullied online or over the phone increases as they get older and use technology more frequently. We also know that parents typically monitor their younger children's online activities more than they do tweens and teenagers. Unfortunately the age when kids are most likely to be cyberbullied coincides with when we're least likely, as parents, to know about it. Having published these and other interesting findings in a 2009 research report, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has created tips for parents to help keep their kids safe online and to give some direction for those who think their child may already be experiencing online bullying.

Say NO to cyberbullying – tips for parents 1. Talk to your child about cyberbullying before it

happens. Work out strategies to address cyberbullying that both of you are comfortable with so your child knows what to expect if they do report their concerns to you.

2. Establish one or two other trusted adults your child is comfortable in approaching about their concerns.

3. Be aware of what your child is doing online and explore it with them.

4. Keep the lines of communication open so your child will be comfortable about talking to you if something is worrying them. Guide their online activities and help them learn to communicate appropriately with friends and family.

5. Try to locate the computer in a shared or visible place in the home.

6. Discuss the kinds of sites that are OK to explore and those that are not and have clear rules about online activities.

7. Help your child to block anyone who sends offensive content. Most social networking services allow users to block and report someone who is behaving badly.

What to do if you think your child is being cyberbullied 1. Discuss any changes in mood or behaviour

with them. If you are concerned, help your child to stay connected to friends and family they trust.

2. Notify the police immediately if you have serious concerns for your child's safety.

3. Work with your child to save some evidence of cyberbullying behaviour – it may need to be followed up by the child's school, Internet Service Provider (ISP), mobile phone carrier or the police.

4. If you need to involve your child's school, ask them to thoroughly explain their processes so that you can work toward achieving a positive outcome. (NSW public schools have anti-bullying policies which you can ask to see, or can often find on their websites.)

5. Cyberbullying won't stop if it's ignored – you can help by listening to your child and working with them to take control of the situation.

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Jessica Chalker: Jessica chose her family as her theme and she used photographs from her family albums as the source of her imagery. Her five paintings

depicted her parents on their wedding day, individual portraits of

herself and her sisters as toddlers and a very

recent family reunion photograph. Jessica is a very skilled painter and she is also very mathematically minded. She used grids to draw up her images and then meticulously painted her images. Jessica used symbolic imagery techniques to link the members of her family to give deeper conceptual strength and meaning to her beautiful artworks.

Taylor Garemyn: Taylor’s striking set of five portraits combines the unusual techniques of painting and embroidery. Each emotive image depicts a female using a

needle and thread to alter and

enhance her appearance. Taylor strictly limited her colour scheme to fluorescent pink and black which reflects her love of Post-Impressionism lighting effects. These paintings are beautifully executed and provide insight into Taylor’s interest with body image and cultural diversity.

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Darcy Harris: Darcy’s interest in world politics, media and literature are displayed in his outstanding artwork. His depiction of world leaders’ as a puppet and as

caricatures is combined with sculptural and text elements in a TV arena

setting. Darcy linked his caricature and puppet scene with strands of text and quotes applied as collage onto the TV set and in various images on his drawings. Darcy researched doctrines and used 420 significant words to add layers of meaning and symbolism into his thought provoking artwork.

Bonnie Webb-Hay: Bonnie’s collection of work called, ‘Ancestory-Eternity’ consists of six artworks using different art-making techniques to tell the story of

Bonnie’s life journey so far. The Sepia toned etching of her grandmother

is printed on an antique embroidered crocheted

doily; her mother is represented by an orchid and her father by a web. Bonnie’s drawing of herself, is a multi-media layered drawing depicting her spirituality and physical features. Bonnie also added photographs of her friends, boyfriend and her dog to complete her journey so far. Sue Cross - Art Teacher

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Matthew Barry

Motor Bike Table Stand

Cooper Bramston

4 Seater Dining Table

Matthew’s motorbike table stand is made from

recycled hardwood. This table has been designed

from timber from an old farm shed and

repurposed into this table. The table legs have

been turned on the lathe and each drawer has

push-to-open function, requiring no handles. The

table has a Mirotone wax finish.

Cooper’s table top and chairs is made from

recycled hardwood with Sika flex black beading.

The table legs are made out of recycled Oregon

sleepers. The table and chairs were then finished

with a clear varnish.

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Shae Finch

7 Drawer White Beech Dresser

Jayden Helm

Entertainment Unit

Phillip Johnston

Outdoor Lounge

Shae’s dresser has intricate symmetrical inlay which

matches the symmetrical design of the mirror. Each

drawer has soft closing drawer runners to ensure

smooth operation. The dresser was sprayed with a

clear varnish, then finished in Bees wax.

Jayden’s low-line entertainment unit was built from Sydney Blue

Gum timber. Project includes Dovetail Key joints, made from

Tasmanian Oak, on all edges of the cabinet as a decorative

feature. The unit was finished with Mirotone wax.

Phillip constructed a mixed Hardwood timber

outdoor lounge with an adjustable 5 point back

rest. Spray finished with clear varnish.

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Jessica Lyall

Outdoor Bar

Mitchell Pinch

Chest of Drawers

Jessica’s outdoor bar is made from recycled fence

paling, Merbau decking with an offcut hardwood

flooring bench top. Her bar is on wheels, for easy

mobility, a shelf, wine glass rack and space for an

esky. Project was finished with Mirotone wax.

Mitchell constructed a Radiata Pine chest of

drawers with resin filled inlay consisting of

coloured pebbles. Chest of drawers consists of 5

large drawers, 2 medium and 2 small drawers at

the top. All drawers have soft closing drawer

runners to ensure smooth operation. Spray

finished with clear varnish.

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Tia King-Stow

Indoor Storage Seat

Nelson Wrigley

Entertainment Unit

Tia’s indoor storage seat is built from Macleay

Valley Cedar and New Guinea Rosewood. Seat

consists of under seat storage with hidden

compartment as well as a drawer that has a

push-to-open function, requiring no handle.

Project was finished with Mirotone wax.

Nelson’s low-line entertainment unit is built

from Tasmanian Oak. It consists of 3 push-to-

open drawers, requiring no handles and was

spray finished with clear varnish.

Brent Smith - Technological & Applied Studies


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Last week was a terrific week of busy learning and celebration for

Primary students. Our current Year 3 and Year 5 students undertook a

NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) School Readiness Test last week online. It was a prepared format comprising of; numeracy, reading and conventions of language questions. For Year 5 students a writing component was included. This test was not an assessment of student ability and it will not be marked. The School Readiness Test was designed to allow schools and students to freely navigate through the online test environment and to explore the format and presentation of questions. The test will provide an indication of any changes that need to be made before NAPLAN moves online in 2018. In this format, students may, if identified, have access to extra time, colour contrast modification, assistive technology (hardware/software), rest breaks, oral/sign support, scribe for writing or a NAPLAN support person. Overall feedback from students was that they found the online format user-friendly and easy to work through. Year 5 students were, last week, provided with information regarding the 2018 Primary Captains and Vice-Captains. Year 5 students are eligible to complete an application form for these leadership positions which will be due in by Friday, 27th October, 2017. Endorsement of eligible students will be then selected in Week 4 of Term 4 (Tuesday, 31st October). Eligible students will then be invited to deliver a speech at the Week 5 Primary assembly (Monday, 6th November). The next day, Tuesday, 7th November, K-6 students will vote for their nominated student leaders for 2018. At our end-of-year Presentation Day Awards assembly (Wednesday, 13th December) the announcement of two Primary Captains and two Primary Vice-Captains will be made. Good luck to all eligible Year 5 students.

Notes for interest in a ‘Learn to Swim’ program are being given to students between Years 2 and 6 this week. We will be running this program at our local pool over a two week period at the end of October. Our Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day was celebrated last Friday with a special assembly followed by a morning tea for visitors. Following recess, teachers and students welcomed our visitors into classrooms. All students I spoke with enjoyed the opportunity to share their learning and classroom with their Grandparents’ and family members. Mrs Will and I were very proud of senior Primary students’ who supported this special event in leadership roles. Thank you to Liz Smith and her Year 12 Hospitality students who catered for this wonderful occasion. Also, a big thank you to Mrs Cunningham, President of the P&C, for supporting us on the day. Rod Pye

Orientation Days for 2018

Thursdays, 9:30am to 10:30am

12th October

19th October

26th October

2nd November

9th November

You need to bring fruit and water for

‘Crunch & Sip’ time and a hat.

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YEAR 5/6 CAREERS EXCURSION: On Wednesday, Week 6, Mrs McDonald's Year 5/6 went on a Careers excursion to CSU (Charles Sturt University), UNSW Sydney and TAFE at Port Macquarie. The aim of the visit was to expose younger students to different career opportunities open to them in the future and to take a look at university campuses and their facilities. Students participated in hands on activities at CSU including Police fitness testing, Paramedic simulation training followed by a campus tour and scavenger hunt.

At UNSW Sydney shared Medicine facility with TAFE, students saw their check cells under the microscope, the digital human body (that they were able to dissect), Physiotherapy training rooms, Science labs and Dental Assistant training rooms. Hopefully we have some future Police, Paramedics, Doctors, Physiotherapists and Dental Assistants in Year 5/6! Linda Drenkhahn - Careers


Bulahdelah Cricket Club

Expressions of Interest for

U12’s Junior Cricket Travelling Team

Manning District Comp

Enquiries: Erin Matheson

0428 457 367

[email protected]


Thursday, 7th September

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“A good teacher is a doctor who heals ignorance and

an artist who inspires creativity.”

P&C Meetings: Wednesday, 13th September Next Newsletter for Term 4: 18th September

End of Term 3: 22nd September

Year 12 Graduation Assembly Thursday, 21st September