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Innovating in the Workplace: How to Get (and Stay) Creative

Jan 06, 2021



Sandeep Mathias

Innovation is a real buzzword these days. Everyone knows that innovation is the key to running a successful business, but most people don’t consider themselves particularly innovative. To make matters worse, most jobs do little to encourage innovation. Your company may praise and encourage innovative thinking, but when you do the same things all day, every day, it can be hard to stay in a creative headspace.

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Innovation is the lifeblood of business. You might be able to copy what everyone else is doing and get by for a while, but if you really want to succeed, you have to innovate. Huge businesses have been built off of very small innovations, so your ideas don’t have to be world-changing to be worthwhile. You just have to find ways to combine ideas in new ways. So, whether you’re trying to come up with new marketing strategies or rethink some other aspect of your business, the key is to look for new connections. Don’t worry about reinventing the wheel. Instead, focus on finding ways to improve on what you’ve got or take things in a new or unexpected direction. If you can successfully cultivate this kind of mindset, it’ll become easier and easier over time to come up with new ideas and ways to do things. Your business will stay at the top of its game and you’ll be creating trends…instead of following them.