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Nama: Amalia Widya LarasatiKelas: 5 IPA 6

The Story of Sangkuriang and Tangkuban Perahu MountainOnce, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Live a happy family. They were a father in form of dog, his name is Tumang, a mother which was called Dayang Sumbi and a son which was called Sangkuriang. One day, Dayang Sumbi ask her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he tought to shot his own dog. Then he took the dog liver and carried home.Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer liver but Tumangs, his own dog. So, she was very angry and hit Sangkuriangs head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast away from their home.Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many place and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, the woman looked at the wound in Sangkuriangs head. It matched to her sons wound who had left several years earlier. Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son.She couldnt marry him but she didnt how to say it. Then, she found a way. Dayang sumbi asked him to make a vast boat in one night. Sangkuriang had to make it in one night. In the night, Sangkuriang called his friends, ghosts and fairies to help him. Dayang Sumbi feared the boat could be finish on time, so she asked some women nearby to help her. The women hit the grains with grain punchers to make noises which disturbed the ghosts and the fairies. The ghosts and the fairies ran away before completing the boat.Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was very angry and kicked the boat upside down, and it turned into a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu. It means the downside boat, which stood in north of Bandung.

Questions:1. Why did Dayang Sumbi ask the women to punch the grain?Dayang Sumbi ask the woman to punch the grain because she was afraid the boat would be completed in one night.2. Why did Sangkuriang kick away the boat upside down ?Sangkuriang kick away the boat upside down because he failed to make the boat.3. Where did the story happened?The story happened in Priangan land in north of Bandung.4. What did Sangkurian do to make a vast boat faster?Sangkuriang called his friends, ghosts and fairies to help him.5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?The main idea of the third paragraph is Dayang Sumbi knowed that she felt in love with her son.

Moral Value:1. The story reveals a social convention as upheld in Sunda that a romantic relationship o mother and son is considered forbidden. Dayang Sumbi knows this and soon after discovering that the man she love is her son, she tries to break their relationship by asking Sangkuriang to do what she thinks as an impossible thing.2. Tell the truth to avoid something unexpected.

V.JUMLAH PEMILIHPemilih adalah seluruh warga yang dinyatakan secara syah menurutperundang-undangan yang berlaku dan terdaftar sebagai penduduk DesaCisaruni yang telah mempunyai hak pilih.Rekapitulasi jumlah pemilih berdasarkan Data Pemilih Sementaraadalah sebagai berikut :NoPemilihLaki-LakiPemilihPerempuanJumlah Pemilih( 2 + 3 )123412.0122.0764.088VI.SUSUNAN AGENDA TAHAPAN PELAKSANAANNoTanggalUraian Kegiatan1.23 Maret 2011Pembentukan Panitia Pilkades dan Pelantikan olehBPD228 Maret 2011Rapat Kerja Panitia pembahasan mengenai Tahapandan Anggaran328 Maret s/d9 April 2011Sosialisasi dan Penyebarluasan Informasi RencanaPilkades41 30 April 2011Penerimaan Bakal Calon54 18 April 2011Pendataan Pemilih619 25 April 2011Pengumuman Daftar Pemilih Sementara71 2 Mei 20111.Penetapan Calon2.Penetapan Daftar Pemilih Tetap3.Penetapan Tata Tertib Pelaksanaan Pemilihan84 Mei 2011Pengundian Nomor Urut Calon Kepala Desa95 8 Mei 2011Penerimaan 3 Orang Saksi109 11 Mei 2011Penerimaan 3 Orang Tim Sukses1115 17 Mei 2011Penyusunan dan Penetapan Daftar Pemilih Tambahan1215 29 Mei 2011Pelaksanaan Kampanye1330 Mei 2011Penyebaran Surat Undangan Pemilih1430 Mei 1 Juni 2011Masa Tenang, Persiapan Surat Suara, Persiapan TPS152 Juni 2011Pelaksanaan Pemilihan163 Juni 2011Penyampaian Berita Acara Pelaksanaan PemungutanSuara176 Juni 2011Pembubaran PanitiaVII.RENCANA ANGGARANPROPOSAL PILKADES CISARUNI 2011/20174

a.Anggaran PendapatanNo.Sumber PendapatanJumlah1231.Bantuan APBD Kab. TasikmalayaRp 1.500.000,002.Iuran Warga ( 1572 KK x Rp. 5.000,- )Rp 7.860.000,003.Bantuan dari DonaturRp 3.840.000,00JumlahRp 13.200.000,00b.Anggaran PengeluaranNoUraianVolSatuanHarga( Rp )Jumlah( Rp )1234561Spanduk2Ls100.000,00200.000,002Alat Tulis Kantor1Ls750.000,00750.000,003Sewa Panggung dan Tenda1Ls1.250.000,001.250.000,004Sewa Sound System1Hr 350.000,00350.000,005Pengadaan Surat Suara4200Lbr700,002.940.000,006Pengadaan Gambar Calon3Lbr20.000,0060.000,007Pembuatan TPS/Bilik Suara5Bh 100.000,00500.000,008Biaya Rapat dan Oprasional1Ls1.000.000,001.000.000,009Insentif Panitia11Org 200.000,002.200.000,0010Konsumsi Hari H1Ls1.750.000,001.750.000,0011Keamanan ( Polri + Trantib )1Ls1.000.000,001.000.000,0012Biaya Tak Terduga1Ls1.200.000,001.200.000,00Jumlah13.200.000,00PROPOSAL PILKADES CISARUNI 2011/20175

VIII.PENUTUPDemikian proposal ini dibuat dengan harapan ada perhatian dankepedulian dari berbagai fihak agar segala rencana yang telah disusun danditetapkan dapat berjalan tepat pada waktunya.Dengan segala kerendahan hati, kami Panitia Pemilihan Kepala DesaCisaruni mengharapkan bantuan yang sebesar-besarnya, baik itu moril maupunmeteriil dari segenap warga agar terwujudnya pelaksanaan pemilihan KepalaDesa sesuai dengan aspirasi dan nurani warga Desa Cisaruni.Cisaruni, 01 April 2011PANITIA PEMILIHAN KEPALA DESA CISARUNIKetua,H. SOLEH JUANDA, S.PdSekretaris,JAJAT SUDRAJATMengetahui,Kepala Desa CisaruniDrs. YEDI MULYADIKetua BPDH. I L I